#【 &claudia. 】 ¦   bí fainiciúil den snag breac; na fiacla a bhíonn ag bite; an crúba é sin greim.
wolfofwinchester · 3 years
What’s your opinion on Cordelia, Claudia? :3c
send my muse anons about their relationships. / concerning @saphireign
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"The bravery on you, little one." A palliate smile smoothed across her lips, although the bite of arsenic lining the mulberry rim almost glowed at the corners. A subtle ignition that lit tension at the base of the spine and spread to the ribs to the perceived. Claudia could always speak easily of Cordelia, she did so very often! But she was something of a censor to energies in conversation, and the eldest's sisterly instincts naturally crept in when feeling a suspicious tide. "A person might come to think you're doing a little bit of digging for personal gain, asking questions like that. Mind yourself. ♪"
Ah, but she is compelled to play along. That's something she can do without a hitch.
"I've got nothing to hide; Cordelia is the most wonderful person you will ever come to meet!" Velvet palms flew to the ceiling, swung out to her sides! "Of course, people are bound to believe I'm biased - she is my literal other half, after all. We're two sides of the same bloody coin, kicking and rumbling about even before birth." And in her personal opinion, she thinks Cordelia might carry a little resentment because she was the one shot into the world first, but that's an amusing thought that stays locked in Claudia's head. For the most part. It might have slipped out in a drunken babble between the tipsy twins once or twice during a good-willed sisterly discourse. “But I tell you in honesty that it’s the truth. My sister is the center of my universe and I love her dearly, even if taking a joke isn’t her forte.” There are times where it even ends with a concerning cacophony of noises that lead the stressed Earl to believe that at least one of them is about to meet her demise by the other’s paws.
Fingers curl like spider legs, providing a rest for a chilly cheek. It was no overdramatic jest, that; ever since she was young, Claudia’s life revolved around family, and she was a twin! Everything that she did, she did with Cordelia at her side. Every step of the way since they were born, that’s exactly how it has been. They were even serrated from the humble but enriched they were born into, ripped from loving embraces to an empty chamber of a cold, cold manor. Together, they were changed. Cordelia’s become more steely, and in turn, Claudia’s teeth became more sharper. Ó Faoláins were survivors, and they found that out such a harsh way. Neither properly bent in ways their father had wished, neither set in ways that were deemed appropriate. They learned the elegance of course, but it was only an aesthetic that wrapped around what indomitable girls they were, and what women they became.
They were beasts wrapped in lovely shades of blue and green, and together, they had left scars in society that serve as lasting reminders of what they are: sisters, who are not made from the same material as e’ery other blue-blooded dandy and frill who have come to flock them. No amount of indoctrination ever changed that.
However, life was certainly not any easier - especially since they were both bastards, and for that, Claudia was relieved she inherited the role of successor. It wasn’t for fortune, it wasn’t for accolades, and it certainly wasn’t for the fact well-bred men lined their doorway with proposals (gods, no). It was for the fact that Cordelia, as what they so callously call “the spare”, would not be forged to the same expectations as is tradition for the Head. No children were to be expected from her, no husband was a necessity - and certainly, no “familial” enforcement to bend the knee to the tyrant Victoria. These were a crown of thorns that Claudia would wear, while Cordelia would be able to maintain some semblance of tampered freedom. The Countess would do everything in her power to see to her favorite magpie retaining some power of flight.
If those things weren’t enough, it was the rot in her gut that really cemented determination to keep clutch on the title. Some may think it paranoia, but Claudia knew visions when her cruel Divine blessed them; an ascendance of Cordelia would mean dark tidings. As cold as Cordelia is now, becoming successor would make her a full blown winter. It would empower that sense of isolation, and bring about values that their true family never preached. That alone was enough.
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“And while I think she could always do with a better sense of humor,” a cheeky grin, knowing daggers could very well be leered in her direction. “I can’t deny she’s much more coordinated than I am. I really do envy that; it’s almost as if her mind is more well-put together than mine is! And how can that be when we’re twins!” How alike they appeared, how eerily similar -- and yet the way their minds worked, they were frequently night and day in terms of personality. Cordelia was more clean, more organized, proficient.. Claudia, on the other hand, was something of an eccentric’s mess who was the one of the two to know the method of her own madness (the other of course, and unsurprisingly, being Cordelia). Not that anyone else could tell in this newfound life, minus a frustratingly perceptive Undertaker. “But I suppose that’s one reason we balance ourselves out so well - we’re a very grand balancing act, you know.”
It was hard to differentiate the usage of “I” and “we” when it came to them. As different as they could be, and certainly were, there was no doubt in the mind that they were truly the same. They walk in different bodies, they take different forms of transportation, and they surround themselves with different aesthetics -- but their hearts beat as one. When one breaks a bone, the other is going to suffer a dull ache. When one falls, the other is going to feel the cold. So Claudia finds it difficult to ever speak of herself without speaking of Cordelia as well, and finds it difficult to speak of Cordelia without including herself.
The Goddesses took a star and broke it in half, and while it learned to walk on its own, it was still connected.
A slow tapping of the Countess’s foot eases to a stop. “I do know for a complete fact that Delia is the strongest I’ve ever come to know, and I’ve met many people since our lives began, and I remember many of them. She is the hard spine of a book, and I’m the leather.”
She is the one whose story will continue to forge onward. Her own ending will be of her own making, let it be happy, sad, unsatisfactory, or completed with nothing more to say. Whatever it is, she will have her own ending. Claudia’s already foreseen her own fairy tale come to its end, and she knows Cordelia’s will be a thicker book, as it is meant to be.
“When I say I love my sister, I mean it with every ounce of my heart, and I am not riddled with paranoia or concern about others knowing that, thinking it is a weakness. No. I love her, and let that be perceived as a threat to everyone."
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wolfofwinchester · 3 years
you believe me, don’t you? / Cordelia? Seeing things That Aren't There? It's More Likely Than You Think.
haunting of hill house sentence meme, episode 4 - 6
Had Constance lost any further shades of melanin, she might have just been eligible for membership with the Spooks and Kooks Association club. Luckily, blood still whizzed through her veins and kept her plenty visible - although with that came the swift and painfully obvious...
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"Now for what re-" .. guilt. Ah. A shake of the noggin, and!
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"Now for what reason would I possibly doubt you? You know me better than that, Dia." Nailed it. Abandoning the fuss over their pets, Constance switches gears to fuss plenty over Claudia, fixing her hair with a frown. "You're not hurt, are you?"
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wolfofwinchester · 3 years
‘  love  speaks  in  flowers.  truth  requires  thorns.  ’ / Vampire twins u vu
sentence prompts ; the language of thorns
“Feels a bit unfair to truth though, don’t it?” Constance responded, sweeping the silver brush through Claudia’s hair. There was no reflection in their vanity, not anymore, but perhaps her twin could feel the thoughtful scrunch on the youngest's face. “Oh it hurts certainly, but there’s truths that aren’t seeking to hurt you too, Dia. I think truth can be more like.. the holdin' of a hand. Someone can hold you very tight and ruthless, seeking to pop your bones and twist your arm right outta its socket - or, someone can hold you gentle, givin’ a squeeze, knowin’ what they’re sayin’ ain’t pleasant.”
Constance was always honest with Claudia, and she knew not everything she said was particularly pleasant. Still, it never meant she was out to prick her - just lay the cards out, good and in view. No obfuscation, not with them. Not from Constance. Truth in both its pure and hideous nature. "Is that how it feels when I tell them?" There is a twinge of concern to her voice - only a little. "That I'm sparrin' you with thorns?"
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wolfofwinchester · 3 years
constance: [bites claudia]
claudia: every day you get a little closer to death's door, dear sister.
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wolfofwinchester · 3 years
“What a nightmare.” Please let the day be over with.
silent hill starters!
There was a snorted giggle from the twin, muffled by the biting of her lower lip. Oh, the frustrations for this entire event was very, very mutual - it was solid, and though she could snicker about it, there was that sharp tinge to Constance's eyes that was unmistakable to how genuinely.. exhausted, she had become with the entire dinner party just below, buzzing with conversations, drunk nobles and assorted discourse concerning property wars. Both twins, it would appear, were reaching their peak.
"Hoho, I'm starting to think you're not having any fun, Dia. Come, come - it can't get any worse now, can it?"
"Mes rossignols bleus* !" Cries a voice from just behind, announcing himself much more swiftly than the butler can introduce. "Quel événement ! What an event! I feel slighted - why was I not invited?"
And that surface amusement drained instantly, replaced by a veeeery deeply curved frown and a tight closing of the eyes. "Oh, for fu-"
* My blue nightingales !
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wolfofwinchester · 3 years
claudia, on the phone: Oh good, my sister found the chainsaw.
constance: [ distant wild cackling and chainsaw revving ]
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wolfofwinchester · 3 years
claudia: I found these beautiful shiny rocks and interesting bits of jewelry.
constance: and I have caught ya one live fish with my own teeth!
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wolfofwinchester · 3 years
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Dancin’ hand-in-hand into sweet Oblivion, hootin’ and hollerin’ all the way!!! 
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wolfofwinchester · 4 years
ticlaudia: the elegant and mischievous 🗡 Magpie 🗡. redclaudia: the flashy ✨✨ PEACOCK ✨✨
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wolfofwinchester · 3 years
❝Because family is forever.❞
wandavision quotes!
A flash of a grin through the stream of crimson, and a knock of one twin's fist to the other's. Red wasn't either of their color, but blood didn't clash too much, now did it? Ever since Claudia's ascension to Countess, it seems they'd been shedding a little more of it together. Well, her spare wouldn't have it any other way - if one bled, the other did, too. 
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"You're damned right it is." Constance chuckled before fussing over Claudia, taking a handkerchief out to clean the scuff from her cheeks. "But I'd still prefer ya not jumpin' off a cliff because I did; there’s no need for the both of us to wind up with sprained ankles!”
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wolfofwinchester · 4 years
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【 &claudia. 】 ¦   bí fainiciúil den snag breac; na fiacla a bhíonn ag bite; an crúba é sin greim.
be wary of the magpie; the teeth that bite; the claws that grip.
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wolfofwinchester · 2 years
❛ Never. I would never forget you. ❜
☁️ 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 ☁️
"Are you certain about that?" A playful squint of the eye from Constance, followed by a very heavy lean of her entire weight on the older twin. "I am not so certain, Dia - I don't think I have driven you mad enough to leave a lasting impression. ♪"
Really though, even with her jest, Constance found herself smiling much wider, more warmer. Claudia's words had found home. There was a handful of things her sister feared; hunger, inability, betrayal of a loved one ( something she never feared with her twin, mind ).. and of course, being forgotten. It disturbed her to a deep degree, and it's such a strange fear, but it has been with her for a very long time.
The comfort meant quite a deal. Perhaps the Countess had sensed this despair weaving and brewing in Constance today, and knew it was steadily growing. The gift of the twin thing.
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A soft chuckle, and a nudge. "The sentiment is mutual. I would never allow it." She shook her head, nose scrunched. “Never. Not while I’m still breathing and infectious.”
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wolfofwinchester · 3 years
✶✶ / And of course a couple for the sisters uwu
Send ✶ and I’ll write a headcanon about our muses
1. Constance has small, individual handcrafted altars ( mortality cabinets ) dedicated to family in her room, hidden in the compartments in the wall, and Claudia has one of these compartments. There's a varnished birch block propped there in the center with her image burned into the wood, surrounded with blue candles and imagery pertaining to Brigid. It's dedicated purely to Claudia's health and safety, and a place where Constance offers tributes of dried blue morning glory twinned with myrtle ( symbolizing familial love, good luck and prosper ) and shiny, pretty rocks and other dazzling little trinkets.
2. There was a time when they were younger that Constance convinced Claudia to run away with her! They packed light and hit the road with Gelert at their side, starting first by slipping into the forest so no one would spot them escaping through the front. It was the forest they mainly explored, along with abandoned cottages and sheds tucked away in the trees and hidden under ivy and overgrown grass. It was a touch frightening, but it was also incredibly exciting, which pretty much overpowered that scared feeling.
Constance brought a book filled with information about the sort of wild berries and plants are safe for ingestion and which is dangerous, which led to them having some time foraging. It felt like they were in a storybook, what with them picking berries and mushrooms in their baskets and gathering somewhere at night to cook and eat what they found with a little fire made of leaves and twigs. They even went fishing once with humble fishing rods Constance fashioned up made of sticks and string ( with hooks she'd stolen from home ) and while they didn't catch a lot ( mostly very little fish they threw back and a frog ), Claudia did manage to catch them a good-sized salmon which put up a fight and nearly knocked her into the water until her twin locked on and helped out. Gelert was honestly their best bet for meat. They had a few unnerving run-ins with the wildlife, but again, Gelert to the rescue who kept them safe, along with the girls themselves armed with branches, a hatchet and sharp silverware.
They were missing for almost two weeks before the gardener and a maid found them sleeping in an abandoned cottage next to a smoldering fireplace. The trouble they got into was very severe, but it's still a damn good memory in their minds they recall and smile about. It was one of the times they felt completely free.
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wolfofwinchester · 4 years
tag dump; bonds.
【 clan ó faoláin. 】 ¦   Is é an baile an áit a bhfuil mo chroí.
【 phantomhives. 】 ¦   mo ghrá fite; mo rogha féin.
【 &gelert. 】 ¦   dearest companion; isteach sa duibheagán agus ar ais.
【 &the hounds. 】 ¦   seven hounds to call; seacht gcineál oíche.
【 &tanaka. 】 ¦   the most faithful shadow; go dtí an deireadh.
【 &victoria. 】 ¦   no bent knee ; is é an bás an t-aon eachtra atá fágtha againn. / death is the only adventure (google says “episode” and that works too) we have left.
【 &hawthorn. 】 ¦   father is a formality ; is tú an créatúr díspeagúil. / you are the contemptible creature.
【 &florence. 】 ¦   the wicked stepmother ; beathaíonn tú mé cosúil le beithíoch. / you feed on me like a beast.
( special bond tags )
【 &ciel. 】 ¦   marthanóirí; history has its eyes on us.
【 &sebastian. 】 ¦   i’d like him better if he’d lose at cards.
【 &ciel&sebastian. 】 ¦   you & me & the devil makes three.
【 &callows. 】 ¦   ar ndóigh tá siad glas. / @silvcrreaper
【 &ship. 】 ¦   ní féidir le haon uaigh mo chorp a choinneáil síos; fillfidh mé dó. 
【 &betrayal. 】 ¦   aoibh gháire an diabhail; fuar agus go hálainn cruálach. @frostweaved
【 &claudia. 】 ¦   bí fainiciúil den snag breac; na fiacla a bhíonn ag bite; an crúba é sin greim. / @saphireign
( categorical )
【 bonds. 】 ¦   oh what a tangled web we weave.
【 shipping. 】 ¦   true love’s kiss will break any curse.
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