#【❂】тʜᴇʀᴇ ɪѕ ɴᴏ ɢᴏᴅ  ❛hush
misfortuning · 4 years
"but i don't want to go into too much detail" i said about the au, proceeding to get into way too much detail in the au....... and then proceeding to make (minor) edits to isayah's actual backstory based on things in the au
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misfortuning · 4 years
finally got my grUBBY MITTS on a functioning laptop so here’s a bunch of stuff i’ve been too lazy to post about:
1. i’ve been wanting to write and not much else, so i’m active again but selectively. also only on mobile (might change one day but for now). fortunately now there won’t be any icons for me to procrastinate with! unfortunately, i can’t do any formatting either and i’m taking it harder than i thought i would :( i also can’t trim threads how i like, boo
3. i’m probably gonna throw some more characters on here even as i continue to shake them up, which is to say the ‘co’ page is no longer accurate, i don’t have the time or energy to update it so i’m just gonna delete it and make new posts for them individually
4. speaking of time and energy i’ve got really bad timing with this but what’s new? if i am reaching out to write with you, i want to write with you. i might not respond quickly to messages, i probably won’t talk about much besides the plot, and thread response time will vary a lot, but please i really want our characters to interact please. i know for a fact that i am not alone in my dwindling reserves of time and energy, nor my undying desire to write something, anything, please-brain-why-won’t-you-cooperate, so know that there is no pressure from me to be or do anything more than you can manage at a time. take care of yourself.
alright i just edited some of the pages so they’ll stop haunting my brain while i don’t have a computer, so it looks messier and more slapdash but really i’m more focused than ever
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misfortuning · 5 years
kaerux replied to your post: kaerux replied to your post: ...
they pass each other in the street, the end.
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misfortuning · 5 years
kaerux replied to your post: kaerux replied to your post: ...
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misfortuning · 5 years
kaerux replied to your post: ◑ What is a side to your muse you want to show...
lucy wont ever ask but maybe ara would :thinking:
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my man,
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misfortuning · 5 years
◑ What is a side to your muse you want to show off, but haven’t had the chance to yet?
his lovey dovey side it is gross and disgusting and only Layla and Lucy have really gotten to witness it thus far on tumblr and we always regret it :T dmbmowietya but no really, I’d love to have someone slowly warm their way into his heart and find out what it’s like to actually be someone that Isayah loves :) and of course then witness all the horrific things Isayah will do to protect the people that he loves :)))) it’ll be great, c’mon
another side that I think only two characters in his history have ever gotten to see is his end of the rope, traumatized, helpless side. it’s very difficult to get Isayah to open up in any way, but he’s definitely been caught in volatile moods, benevolent moods, reminiscent-somewhat-sappy moods, and curiosity does get the best of him sometimes. what he doesn’t do is ever, EVER talk about what’s happened to him. I want that. I want someone to catch him in a truly weak moment and catch a glimpse of what’s been done to him. I want him to be crumbling and weak and confess to someone what he’s done. I want someone to see into a part of his soul and I want them both to suffer the repercussions. I want
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misfortuning · 5 years
❀ What is a muse you want to play but haven’t? Why haven’t you played them yet?
LUCA. I WANNA WRITE MY BEAUTIFUL GORL. really I haven’t gotten to play her because the multimuse was still a pretty new thing before I went mia, and I haven’t advertised her as hard as I could. I just...I dunno, I get a little worried that people will only see her as her actions? I get a little paranoid when I remember all the posts I’ve seen about how tumblr treats female muses :| and I worry especially for Luca because she is damaged, she’s desperate for male approval because that’s what society ingrained into her, she falls in love easily, she’s anxious and depressed and tries too hard to put up a badass front so nobody will see how vulnerable she is but it falls apart so fast, and she makes mistakes. forget tumblr, I’ve seen how people treat girls like her in my own experiences on other platforms. I’ve seen how people treat girls like her in real life. I love her a lot, so yeah, I’m overprotective of her. but I also really want her to flourish and make friends, so yeah I should also probably back off a little
second to Luca, Sunny. I’ve gotten to play Sunny here and there, but I!! want!! more!! Sunshine!!!! I do understand that a child may not be the top of the list as far as desired interactions go, but Sunny’s got a great range! she’s sweet, she’s funny, she’s tragic, we can do lighthearted or serious and even dark, we can do mystery and supernatural or vanilla and found family and it’s also a great way to meet the rest of the squad! blease? ;u;
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misfortuning · 5 years
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I miss writing. I’mma get back on that.
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misfortuning · 5 years
✼ When it comes to worldbuilding, what are some ideas you’d like to explore in rp?
ummmmmm. I mean if anyone wanted to somehow end up in Sunny’s (and Isayah’s wolf’s) native world, that could be pretty neat! I’m also super down to worldbuild an apocalypse ;) honestly this is more relevant to the sisters’ blog, I’ve got a super expansive kingdom au and an spg au and I think a couple more that I’d love to just...explore the world. multiple worlds gdhsgkl 
BUT I haven’t gotten their blog back up and running yet, and don’t forsee it happening any time soon unfortunately, so they will have to wait :(
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misfortuning · 5 years
✸ Tell us about any NPCs on your blog. Who are they to your muse? What do they contribute to your blog?
alright so technically none of them are NPCs cause all of them are playable, but the one I’m least likely to write is actually Athene. she’s just,,,,,too powerful ahshwiognsd. it’s more like she’s so focused on her own goals that she kinda doesn’t have a life outside of that? forget what I want, I doubt she’d be interested in having threads focused on her. ofc I’m more than happy to throw her into other peoples’ threads :3c she does love being the powerful and mysterious benefactor (or vaguely ominous and shady something or other, depending)
on that note, she kinda is Isayah’s powerful and mysterious and vaguely ominous and shady benefactor? I mean Zoe’s the one who found him first and brought him to her attention but she’s been giving him big ol eyes emoji the entire time and it wigs him out honestly dhhbklbmdsf. she seems determined to help him and his friends with whatever they may need but Isayah is ferociously determined to never end up in debt to her and he’s rarely willing to pay her price, so. he’s basically done his best to remain as distant from her as possible while still working for her and keep his friends the hell off her radar, or at least stop her from finding out too much about them
for the blog as a whole...I mean Isayah’s the heart, he’s the one who really ties it all together, but Athene is the one who wants it all tied together. she’s got such a hunger for knowledge and wants to put her fingers in all the pies and hold all the strings, she’s just. she’s like the puppet master in the background hdhsklgh she’s the nameless faceless overlord, she does her damndest to see all and know all
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misfortuning · 5 years
❝ ❞ Is it easy for you to write dialog for your muse? Do their speech patterns come naturally to you while writing?
YES. if I can’t hear the character talking, feel their thoughts flowing, I can’t write them. there’s actually a lot of subtlety in speech that’s lost in written text, most notably in Isayah but also Malachi, which can be a little frustrating at times but I’m (mostly) over it by now. it helps that Isayah doesn’t talk a whole lot hAHAHA but speaking of Malachi though, he’s actually a tricky one sometimes! I absolutely hear him loud and clear when he’s comfortable and getting up to shenanigans with friends or putting other people at ease, but when he’s uncomfortable and feeling threatened and on the defensive? it suddenly gets a whole lot harder. he’s actually extremely suspicious by nurture and so became a superb social chameleon, having spent a good portion of his life learning to read people and situations and adapt on the fly so that he’ll always fit in and be welcome. basically, he’s fantastic under pressure. me? awful. I can’t handle even just being introduced to new people, I become a turtle. so it’s difficult for me to imagine that kind of stress and not automatically freeze up, since my natural reaction is just louder than Malachi’s. it helps not having to do instant replies but tbh I prolly just haven’t spent enough time putting him in stressful situations :T I baby him a lot cause I feel bad about his backstory. yeah that’s right I said it, I baby one (1) man cause I feel bad about his backstory and none of my other tragic children get the kid gloves
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misfortuning · 5 years
✎ When choosing a name for your muse, did you pick something special or meaningful in some way?
I’mma do the squad cause oh boy it’s fun
well I always love to tell the story of Isayah’s name cause I just find it hilarious, but I definitely had his character concept before I decided to call him Isaiah. as I remember I just liked the sound of it at the time! anyway later on down the line I had a Jeremiah and with the platform I was using to rp it displayed the character’s name before the writing, and for some reason it just bugged me to have two -iah’s going?? so bam. Isayah. hilarious
another name story close to my heart is Sunny :’) her first appearance as a character was named Sunsoo and people called her Suni, but prolly what most of them didn’t know was that it’s pronounced Soon-soo and Soo-ni. however a different character affectionately called her Sunshine and it caught on in the squad, was shortened to Sunny, and then it stuck through I think 3 or 4 bodies? all of which had different names, and none of them were as perfect. Sunshine is just her name ♡
Bis is,,,,,,,,alright. okay. I’ve exposed Isayah’s embarrassing roots as a nonsensical emo werewolf. I can expose Bis’s embarrassing nonsensical angel roots. BIS MYA, a name-ified version of,,,,,815 Million Years Ago. I. listen. no. I was 12 and creative. now I’m 23 and creative. 815mya is in no way relevant now, but he’s always been Bis and he’s gonna stay Bis. there. also Benjamin Van Der Venn: I was obsessed with the name Benjamin for years. like I think probably a good...five years. that was The Name. I’ve got two other playable Benjamins (crazy Ben and Benji) and then another Benjamin who was in a story I was trying to write but that’s an entirely different thing hdhsklgh oh and Van Der Venn cause that’s the surname of one of Athene’s aliases and she just. gave it to him for funsies
Noël’s a member of the Winter Court, and that’s all I have to say for myself :T
Lucasta I actually took my time with!! again I had her character before I chose a name, and I knew I wanted an L name and for a good while there it was between Lucasta, Lana, and Laurel, but I ended up going with Lucasta cause the meaning is cheesy and perfect and also I love the poems and if y’all think I’m not gonna find a million ways to tie those in with her character boy are you in for a surprise,
MALACHI. one day I suddenly adored the name Malachi. I had to have a character named Malachi. Malachi had to be relevant to my major players in some way, cause Malachi was gonna be a major player. what if.....Isayah had a surprise half brother named Malachi. BOOM.
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misfortuning · 5 years
❉ What is a dream AU for you? If you haven’t done it yet, why not?
HMMMM. dream au is just...such a strong concept, y’know? like I have a lot of aus I’d be interested to explore, of course or I wouldn’t have made them, but Dream...can’t say I’ve got one that urgent yet.
as far as the current verses he’s got, though, I’d LOVE to do something with him as a black dog whether it’s your muse being in danger from something, maybe a death curse? and Isayah ends up appointing himself as their guardian, or if your muse encounters / hears of the black dog and what’s to get to the bottom of the mystery of who he was in life, why he’s still hanging around...yeah actually that’d be pretty bomb, I’mma go with black dog au. I haven't gotten around to doing it yet cause a) I'm terrible at advertising and b) I keep sporadically vanishing from existence so maybe if I can get that under control I can actually do something in my life,
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misfortuning · 6 years
I’m ready to die, folks
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which is to say,
this blog is officially becoming a multi-muse for Isayah and co. which not only includes the squad but also his employer and other miscellaneous characters connected to his story.
it’ll still be Isayah-centric, but the other kids are now available to play with!! some of them might even get icons (but not Isayah. never Isayah)
and oh boy, get ready for the tags :^))))
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misfortuning · 6 years
Things I like to know about rp partners!!
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i like to be called: tbh i really don’t have a preference fjdlkghs hush/Hash is my latest mun handle but i use a different one on my personal blog, and originally i went by birdy and i’ve been thinkin about changing it again so,,, call me whatever u like, basically
my favourite colour is: purple and orange!! and blue. and pink djsklghs
gender: female
one thing you should know about me: i spontaneously vanish off the face of the earth without warning, but i’ll always come back! also i never drop the thread, it’s STILL in my drafts,
one thing you should know about my muse: he’s really,,,,,,,,,not a good guy. hdfksl i like to shit post and joke around a lot and really none of it should be taken seriously bc he will kill me and u and then himself GHASDOPGHS. basically what u see is not what u get and i am sorry
first language: english
second language: maybe one day,
age range:   under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 |  30+ |  70+
am i okay with nsfw?: yes | no (unless u talkin violence in which case SIGN ME TF UP,) | sometimes
my favourite/most common thing to rp is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | other (getting to know u,,,,,,,getting to know all about u,,,,,,,,,)
oc friendly?: YES!!!! | no | depends
rp blog:  does | doesn’t contain ooc posts
tagged by: @xjelani
tagging: @fxlsemoon, @ivakir, @desertfragments, @frailock, @isoscelesnightmare, i am a coward too afraid to actually tag anyone else but if u see this i’m tagging u,
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misfortuning · 6 years
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