akujikioh · 8 months
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あけましておめでとうございます! もう2月、手遅れや!
Happy New Year! It's already February, too late!
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starry-oasis · 1 year
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Adeleine & Ribbon || Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
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p-9119 · 2 years
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the1weird1pencil · 2 years
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If Adeline was a yume nikki protagonist
(I wanted to try something different this time)
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lemonadesour33 · 2 years
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touch-me-a · 3 years
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miisukedonn · 4 years
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※イラストや画像の無断使用、転載、二次加工などは止めてください。 Don’t use and reprint any of my illustrations and pictures without my permission.
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indigo372 · 5 years
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mono-hrk · 4 years
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mimikiri1 · 4 years
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mis0white · 6 years
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yozlog · 6 years
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kaialone · 5 years
Kirby 64 Translation: The Dark Trio's Names
During the intro of Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, the fairy Ribbon ends up being chased by three enemies, which later end up possessing Kirby's future party members.
But did you know that these three fellas actually have names?
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Specifically, the one who possesses Waddle Dee is called Dark Rimuru, the one who possesses Adeleine is called Dark Rimura, and the one who possesses King Dedede is called Dark Rimuro.
Some of you might have heard these names before, as they do occasionally come up in fan conversations, but I personally have always seen people assume that these names were created by the Japanese fandom.
But, looking deeper into it, it turns out they are not fan-made, they are really mentioned in a Japanese guidebook for the game!
If you want to know the details, head under the cut for more!
So, when I say "a" guidebook for the game, I do mean "a" guidebook, as multiple ones have been published for Kirby 64. I know that at least 6 exist.
(And just so you know, this pretty much seems to be the standard for games in Japan, too.)
The guidebook I'm talking about in this particular instance is called "任天堂公式ガイドブック 星のカービィ64", which basically translates to "Nintendo Official Guidebook: Kirby of the Stars 64".
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Just to give you a quick overview, this book is a part of the 任天堂公式ガイドブック (Nintendo Official Guidebook) series, which as it name implies is a series of guidebooks for Nintendo games.
These are published and edited by Shogakukan Inc., specifically their "Wonder Life Special" label, but are also supervised by Nintendo, and in this particular book's case, HAL Laboratory as well.
So, on page 124 of this Kirby 64 guide, they start a little list of all the cutscenes in the game, including info of when they occur and brief descriptions of their content:
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And the names of this dark trio appear in the descriptions for the respective cutscenes where they possess Kirby's friends.
Here's my translations of the relevant text:
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光るクリスタルを見つけたワドルディ。 それをひろったそのとき、ダーク・リムルに体をのっとられてしまいました。
Waddle Dee found a sparkling crystal. Just as he picked it up, his body was taken over by Dark Rimuru.
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アドレーヌは、みずうみのそばでクリスタルをひろいます。 そのとき、絵からダーク・リムラがあらわれたのです……。
Near the lake, Adeleine picks up a crystal. Just then, Dark Rimura emerges from the canvas...
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お城の屋上でクリスタルを見つけたデデデ大王。 しかし、そこにあらわれたダーク・リムロに体をのっとられて……。
King Dedede the Great found a crystal on the roof of his castle. But then Dark Rimuro appeared and took over his body...
And that’s that, that's the source for their names.
In case you're curious, this is the only instance where this book mentions their individual names, and there isn't really any additional information on them aside from that.
For the most part, this guide is gameplay-focused, so when it goes over any of their battles, it's just like "here you gotta do this to win", and similar stuff, rather than going into character details.
Also, just in case it's not clear: "the dark trio" is just something I personally call them for short, they aren't called that anywhere officially.
At this point some of you might wonder if we can "trust" this information, so here's my thoughts on that:
This guide is technically still third-party, yes, but Nintendo and HAL did supervise it, too.
Nintendo doesn't let them call these books "Nintendo Official Guidebook" for nothing, after all.
And when it comes to Kirby, there's a few other cases where spin-off material mentioned bits of trivia that were later confirmed to be "official", too.
In any case, I also see little reason for this guidebook to go through the effort of making up these three names without Nintendo's or HAL's in-put, especially since they could've easily just called them "black clouds" or the like.
So, while there is a small chance these names were just made up by the staff of this guidebook, it seems a lot more likely they were indeed a small bit of official trivia information that HAL and/or Nintendo provided themselves.
So, with all that out of the way, the only thing left for me to talk about is the meaning of these three names.
The "Dark" part seems pretty obvious, it's just the English word.
It's likely related to "Dark Matter", but note that in Japanese it's never made clear wether the villainous faction in Kirby 64 is really related to Dark Matter or not.
I'm sad to say though that I don't really have any idea what "Rimuru", "Rimura", and "Rimuro" are derived from. Depending on what their intended meaning is, their romanizations might vary, too.
The most I can say is that these parts of the names are obviously meant to be similar to each other.
If anyone has an idea of what Rimuru/Rimura/Rimuro could mean, feel free to tell me!
Last thing I want to note is that with their names, there's always a so-called interpunct after the "Dark" part:
ダーク・リムル ダーク・リムラ ダーク・リムロ
In contrast, there's no interpunct in the Japanese spelling of "Dark Matter":
In Japanese, an interpunct like this is typically used to make spaces more clear in names, titles or phrases, most commonly foreign ones that needed to be transcribed. Which is why you usually just drop it in translation.
In some cases people like to adapt it as a hyphen, but it depends on the context.
But just like with a hyphen in English, people aren't always consistent about using an interpunct, so it's probably not that important here either.
I just wanted to mention it in case anyone wondered what that dot was.
And there you go, that's the very obscure names of these very minor characters.
As always, I hope you found this interesting and/or helpful.
Thank you for reading!
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nijiirofolio · 8 years
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去年の3月に頒布されました「星のカービィアンソロジー企画2015」に参加した際の漫画4Pとカラーイラスト1Pです。 64メンバーはいいぞ。
同人誌を委託・DL販売中です。詳細はC90の特設をどうぞ。 http://rainbowc.biz/event/c90/
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tomiiymomoko · 6 years
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mono-hrk · 5 years
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