yue-chan077 · 1 year
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( #Fragari_Art )
ウィルメッシュ ♥✧⁠*⁠。
I love his design so much ! ~⁠♡
Willmesh knight for Wish me Mel has dropped-- literally yesterday--- (chokes blood)
Anyway-- I find their designs absolutely intriguing (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)✨
so I decided to get my hands on drawing them and rushes this in the moment I saw him !
Tried my new art style in training for him 👀✨
I feel charmed seeing him nyaha 🤸✨ I await to see the rest of the knights go ! 🤭✨ If ever you want me to draw another knight, tell me who you have in mind ! Now I'm curious hehe 🧐✨
#YueArt #wishmemell #fragaria #fragariawillmesh
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kotake-8 · 2 months
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tdcoral · 1 month
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lanshappycorner · 1 year
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"………….(1) ...To be able to properly convey things to others...it probably isn't so easy, I think."
ウィルメッシュ / Willmesh
CV: 千葉 翔也 / Shōya Chiba
Illustrator: えびら / Ebila
A Reclusive Messenger
An elusive and mysterious Fragaria—one of which Wish Me Mell managed to get to open up to her. He is rather reserved and doesn't speak much. He has the ability to discern the true nature of things (2), however due to his personality, he has a hard time conveying what he wants to say. As he is Cielomort's childhood friend, they are able to understand and let down their guards around one another.
1. Although it's written as "........." at the beginning, he kinda makes a "hmmm" noise
2. The word used can be interpreted as "essence" but it can also mean "true nature". Contextually I think true nature makes more sense but we'll have to see
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coffeelomort · 5 months
Fragaria Memories Collab Cafe menu translation
I'm sure a translation is already out there, but I'll throw my hat in the ring for the fun of it. At the moment I've only translated the titles, but I'll probably come back and translate all the descriptions. I'm no professional by any means (a lot of my translations are purely vibe-based) and I'll leave notes for things that are weird.
As always, feel free to let me know if anything's off with the translations! My ask box is open (and I believe you can comment anonymously if you'd like).
(Also pleasantly surprised that the menu is pretty broad compared to a lot of collab cafes I've seen. I think the speculation was that we'd get a main meal per Bouquet and then some random sides or drinks.)
Rimicha's love limit salmon ♡ burger plate (リミチャの限界ラブ・サーモン♡バーガープレート)
Kurode's hidden hard working and inferior omelette katsu curry with crispy rakkyo (クロードの隠れた努力と劣等のオムカツカレーwithパリパリらっきょう)*
Myunna's flour-filled lemon cream pasta ~with deep fried prawn~ (ミュンナの粉いっぱいレモンクリームパスタ〜エビフライもいっしょ〜)
Badobarm's longed for chirashi sushi. "I'll eat it for sure one day!" (バドバルマのいつか絶対食べてやるぜ!憧れのちらし寿司)
Hangyon's everyday would be boring without any surprises~ chilled Chinese Noodles?! (ハンギョンの日々サプライズがないとつまらないですよね〜冷やし中華!?)
Hallritt's apple pie-like eton mess present (ハルリットのアップルパイのようなマンリーメスの贈り物)*
Merold's Lord's resounding sweet tune-like strawberry ice cream tart (メロルドの主への甘い音色響かせる いちごアイスタルト)*
Cielomort's cafe croissaint roll that floats in the blue sky (シエロモートの青空に浮かぶカフェクロワッサンロール)
Louterstella's star-shaped hotcakes that Kura likes (ルタールステラのクラも好きなお星様形ホットケーキ)
Pikero's experiment? A chou donut that I've stuffed with matcha whipped cream made from your trivial and pointless logic (ピケロの実験?君の軽くて空虚なロジックに俺が抹茶ホイップを詰めてあげようかシュードーナツ)*
Puruth's wanting to drink pudding pudding-style milkshake (プルースのプリンと飲みたいプリン風ミルクセーキ)
Romarriche's rosehip tea which conveys heartfelt warmth and consideration (ロマリシュの温かい思いやりが心に伝わるローズヒップティー)
Sanah's full bloom nahaha~♪-like colourful frozen drink (サナーの満開なはは〜♪なカラフルフローズンドリンク)
Willmesh's gathered thoughts fluffy pastel soda (ウィルメッシュの想いしたためる ふんわりパステルソーダ)*
Klarkstella's dreams of stars and clouds' white water* (クラークステラの夢見るお星様と雲のホワイトウォーター)
Chaco's chocolate banana milk that he found on a detour (チャコの寄り道で見つけた とっておきのチョコバナナミルク)
Arupek's fired up kabosu lemon squash (アルペックの気合い入れのかぼすレモンスカッシュ)
Tuxam's Awesome! Cream soda that has the grace valued by gentlemen (タッサムのAwesome!紳士たるもの品格が大切なクリームソーダ)
Drinks with a Fragaria Bouquet cookie (フラガリアブーケクッキー付きドリンク)
I'm sure people know about rakkyo, but for the sake of it I'll just note that this is what it is. It's a side dish often paired with Japanese curry.
So this by far gave me the most trouble, mostly because I had no idea what マンリーメス is and any articles on it were from 2017 about a cafe in Japan claiming that they're popular in Australia. (They weren't, from what I can tell.) A theory posed to me is that a cafe somewhere in Australia (likely Manly, Sydney) had an eton mess on their menu called a "Manly Mess".
Noting here that I... really have no idea what Merold's dish's title actually is. This is my best guess considering the kanji and the vibes I get from it.
Whatever's going on with Pikero's dish, I had a hard time translating it. There's nothing really implying that the matcha whipped cream is made from 'your logic' nor is that really the vibe I get, but I'm not quite sure how else to translate it.
Just wanted to note here that "white water" probably means it's a yoghurt-based drink, according to one of my sources.
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kotake-8 · 5 months
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tdcoral · 1 month
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tdcoral · 8 months
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