kozuwestley · 2 years
Westley Allan Dodd “I finally said, "The winner has to pull his pants down." 僕はついに(最終的に)、"優勝者はパンツを下ろさなければならない "と言ったんだ。”
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Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993) ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド (1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)
61) WHEN: May, 1986 WHERE: Tri-Cities (Kennewick, Richland, W. Richland, Benton City) AGE: 24 VICTIMS: Five boys, 7-11 years old. I had been doing pretty good until I moved to Lewiston — molesting constantly — probably never went more than three or four months without a victim — (in the winter when I couldn't find victims) but N— and then M— had seen me through two winters and I managed to find victims in the winter while in the Navy. I always found a child or already had one available to me when I really "needed" to molest. Then when I got to Lewiston, I was lucky to find H— and V— who had kept me happy for another year. I last molested H— in March of 1984. The next child I was able to molest came along in August of 1985. That was a seventeen-month dry spell in which 1 tried unsuccessfully to find a new victim, hopefully one I could molest repeatedly, but a "one-time stand" would also do. Then I moved to Kennewick. By the spring of 1986, I'd had no new victims since O— nine months earlier. That was too long — I was NOT going to go another 17 month dry spell! I had had it TOO easy, TOO long. The last few years I had been able to repeatedly molest the same kids, and even in the Navy I didn't have to look very hard to find PLENTY of "one-time victims." But now I was going to have to go back to the old time-consuming searches for victims that I had used between my M— and my Navy days. I lived in Kennewick — so, I would commit no crimes there. I began driving to the river park in Richland and the school at Benton City where I'd been successful years earlier. I also kept an eye on the river at W. Richland where I had gone rafting with the one boy and another three had caught me skinny dipping. I watched places where 1 had found kids before. Then things started happening fast.
61) 時期:1986年5月 場所:トライシティー(ケネウィック、リッチランド、W.リッチランド、ベントンシティ)年齢:24歳  被害者: 7歳から11歳の5人の少年。
僕はルイストンに移るまでかなりうまくいっていた。絶えず痴漢行為をしていて、おそらく3、4カ月以上被害者がいないことはなかった(被害者を見つけられなかった冬に)。しかしN-とM-が僕を2回冬を乗り切らせてくれて、僕は海軍にいる間は冬でも何とか被害者を見つけることができたんだ。僕はいつも、本当に痴漢する「必要がある」ときには、子供を見つけるか、すでに子供を用意していたんだ。そしてルイストンに着いたとき、僕は幸運にもH-とV-を見つけ、もう一年僕を満足させてくれた。僕が最後にHに痴漢したのは1984年の3月だった。僕が次に痴漢できたのは、1985年の8月だった。僕は17ヶ月間、新しい被害者を見つけようとしたが失敗した。できれば何度も痴漢できるような、しかし "一度きりの我慢 "でもできるような被害者を。 (新しい犠牲者を見つけようとしてもうまくいかなかった。できれば何度も痴漢ができるような、しかし「一度だけの関係」でもいいような、そんな犠牲者を。) それから僕はケネウィックに引っ越した。1986年の春になると、僕は9ヶ月前にO-にして以来、新しい犠牲者が出なかった。僕はもう17ヵ月も空白の時間を過ごすつもりはなかったんだ。僕はあまりにも長い間、楽をしてきた。ここ数年、僕は同じ子供たちに繰り返し性的虐待を加えることができたし、海軍でも「一度だけの被害者」を探すのにそれほど苦労はしなかったんだ。でもこれからは、M-から海軍時代にかけて使っていた、時間のかかる昔の被害者探しに戻らなければならない。僕はケネウィックに住んでいるから、そこで犯罪を犯すことはないだろう。僕はリッチランドのリバーパークや、何年か前に成功したベントンシティの学校へ車で行くようになった。僕と一緒にラフティングをした男の子や、スキニー・ディッピングをしているところを他の3人に見られた西リッチランドの川にも目を配った。僕は、以前1、子供を見つけたことのある場所を観察した。すると、事態は急展開を見せ始めた。
61 A) In May of 1986,1 was in the park along the river in Richland. In the past I had found three groups of three boys. Now, once again, I found a group of three boys, nine to ten year olds. With only one victim in the last two years, two months (0— nine months earlier), I was in DESPERATE NEED of "young cock." I HAD to have it! When I came across these three boys and saw they were all good looking boys, I decided NOT to use my old approach of, "I want one of you to pull your pants down." I also knew I wasn't going to just suck one penis for a couple seconds then let them all go. NO — I WAS going to suck every one of those dicks for at least five minutes each. I quickly devised a plan, then approached the boys, said 'Hi' and asked if they'd like to play a game. They did. I explained it would be a game to see who was the most daring and trusting (if you will remember, I used a "trust game" on V— the first time I molested him. I hoped to have same luck now). 61 A) 1986年5月、1、リッチランドの川沿いの公園で。僕は過去に3人の少年からなるグループを3つ見つけたことがある。今度もまた、僕は9歳から10歳の少年3人のグループを見つけた。この2年間で被害者は1人、2ヶ月(0-9ヶ月前)、僕は "若いcock "を切望していた。僕はそれを手に入れなければならなかった!(どうしても欲しかったんだ!)この3人の少年を見たとき、みんな容姿端麗だったので、僕は「誰か一人のパンツを下ろしてくれ」という今までのやり方は使わないと決めたんだ。また、1本のペニスを数秒間しゃぶった後、全部を解放するつもりはないとも思っていた。僕は一人一人のディックに最低でも5分はしゃぶりつくつもりだった。僕はすぐに計画を立て、男の子たちに近づき、'Hi'と言い、ゲームをしないかと訊ねた。彼らはやった。僕は、誰が一番大胆で信頼できるかを競うゲームだと説明した(憶えているかな、僕が初めてVに痴漢行為をしたとき、「信頼ゲーム」を使ったんだ。僕は二人を背中合わせに並べた。)
I lined them up with their backs to me saying that whoever let me go the farthest was the winner. I didn't tell them what the 'farthest' meant. From behind, I pulled up the first boy's shirt and he started to pull away. I said "Just trust me. I won't do anything you won't like." He let me pull up his shirt. I pulled it up just enough so it was out of the way of the waist of his pants. He wiggled a little as I reached around from behind and put my right hand on his stomach. I asked if he trusted me — he said yes. I slipped the fingertips of my hand under the waist of his pants and he pulled away. I said, "Just trust me and nothing will happen. You tell me when to stop and I'll stop. Whoever lets me go the farthest without stopping me is the winner." He turned his back and backed up to me again. I asked if I could use my left hand to pull his pants and underwear open just enough to get my other hand in —- he said I could. I reached into his pants with my left thumb and pulled out on the waistband of his underwear and pants, then started pushing my right hand down, settling my hand on his stomach then sliding it down his body as I stood behind, hoping peek in and see his genitals. He stopped me by the time my little finger reached the top of the band on his underwear — just the tips of my longer fingers were under but not past that waistband. The other two boys now knew what to expect and they held their shirts up out of my way. They both stopped me at about the same place the first boy did. I told them it was a "tie" — they were all willing to try again — each wanted to proved he was the bravest and most daring and TRUSTING (Great — maybe they'd each let me do everything 1 wanted to prove they were brave and daring!). The second time around I managed to look over their shoulders and get a quick glimpse of genitals on two of them, but still none let me get hand closer than an inch or so to his genitals. I told them it was another tie, and, "We'll have to try it again — come on, guys, who's the bravest?!" "We'll HAVE to try again," may have been a poor choice of words. One of them was getting suspicious and wanted to know what the winner got. He wouldn't accept "the winner proves he's the most daring and trusting," as an answer. I finally said, "The winner has to pull his pants down." 
They all took off running. (I had hoped they would each let me cup their genitals inside their pants, then I'd unsnap the pants of each boy, then unzip each boy's pants, pull back the flaps of each boy's pants hoping the SCORE would remain TIED and each one would let me do the next step. The pants would come down on each boy, the underwear and finally my open mouth would go slowly toward each boy's penis and if they were still playing the game, it would now be who would let me suck him the longest while all three stood there with pants down and who would pull his pants up first. But, THEY RAN!) I did not GET any young cock that day! I didn't get to suck, I didn't get to touch, all I got was a brief glimpse of two boys' genitals as I peeked over their shoulders and into their pants. It had been a good plan when you consider I only thought of it in the few seconds between finding the boy's and greeting them! If it had been only one boy and he had agreed to play my game to see how daring, brave and trusting he was, if he stopped me before my hand reached his genitals, I'd stop, ask "Do you want me to pull my hand out now?," and, regardless of his answer, since he is alone in an isolated area, I'd shove my hand down and cup his genitals before he knew what happened. Then, depending on whether or not he yelled or fought, keeping my right hand on his genitals, I would use my left hand to pull his pants down, then I'd turn him around and suck his penis. Whether or not he was submissive to having his dick sucked would determine if I tried to make him masturbate or suck me, or if I'd crotch-fuck him (if I was SURE no one else was in the area!). So, the day after those three ran from me, I went out looking for a boy by himself — I'd trick him with the game to get my arms around him from behind, then whether he wanted to "play" the rest of the "game" or not, if he didn't yell I would force him just as I did the little boy in incident #47 a few years earlier. (Even though 1 was considering force, I never once considered PHYSICALLY hurting a child).
僕は彼らを背中合わせに並べ、「僕を一番遠くまで行かせた人が勝ちだ」と言った。僕は「一番遠く」が何を意味するのかは教えなかった。僕は後ろから一人目の男の子のシャツを引っ張り上げると、彼は離れようとした。僕は「僕を信じろ。僕を信頼して、君が嫌がるようなことはしないよ」と言った。彼は僕にシャツを上げさせてくれた。僕は彼のパンツのウエストにかからない程度にシャツを上げた。僕が後ろから手を回し、右手を彼のお腹に当てると、彼は少し体をくねらせた。僕は彼が僕を信頼しているかどうか訊ねると、彼はイエスと答えた。僕は手の指先を彼のパンツのウエストの下に滑り込ませると、彼は手を離した。僕は言った。 「ただ僕を信じてくれれば、何も起こらない。僕を止めずに一番遠くまで行かせた人が勝者だよ。 」 彼は背中を向けて、再び僕に近寄ってきた。僕は左手で彼のパンツと下着を、もう片方の手が入るくらいに開いていいかと訊ねたところ、彼は「いいよ」と答えた。僕は左手の親指で彼のズボンに手を入れ、下着とパンツのウエストバンドを引っ張り出し、右手を押し下げ始めた、僕の手は彼のお腹に落ち着き、彼の体を滑らせた。 僕の小指が彼の下着のバンドの上部に到達した時点で、彼は僕を止めた - 僕の長い指の先端は、ちょうどそのウエストバンドの下にあったが、それを越えてはいなかった。他の二人の少年も何が起こるかわかっていて、僕の邪魔にならないようにシャツをたくし上げた。 二人とも、最初の男の子がしたのとほぼ同じ場所で僕を止めた。僕は「引き分け」だと告げた。彼らは皆、もう一度挑戦することを望んでいた。それぞれが、自分が最も勇敢で大胆で信頼していることを証明したかったんだ(素晴らしい。たぶん彼らは、自分が勇敢で大胆であることを証明するために、1、望むことを全て僕にやらせてくれるかもしれない!)。2回目に僕は彼らの肩越しになんとか2人の性器をちらっと見ることができたが、それでも誰も僕が彼の性器に1インチほども手を近づけることを許さなかった。 「また引き分けだよ」、「もう一回やり直さなければならない(やらなくちゃならない)、さあみんな、誰が一番勇敢なのか?!」
"もう一度やり直さなければならない "というのは、言葉の選択がまずかったかもしれない。一人が不審に思い、勝者が何を手に入れられるのか知りたがった。彼は、「優勝者は、自分が最も大胆で信頼できることを証明する」という答えを受け入れようとはしなかった。 (彼は「勝者が最も大胆で信頼できることを証明する」という答えを受け入れることはなかった。) 僕はついに(最終的に)、"優勝者はパンツを下ろさなければならない "と言ったんだ。
彼らは皆、走り出した。(僕は、彼らが僕に���ンツの中の性器を触らせてくれることを期待していた。そして、それぞれの男の子のパンツのスナップを外し、それぞれの男の子のパンツのフラップを戻して、スコアが同点のまま、それぞれが僕に次のステップをやらせてくれることを期待していた。 もし彼らがまだゲームをしていたら、3人がパンツを下ろして立っている間、誰が一番長く僕にしゃぶらせてくれるか、誰が先に彼のパンツを上げるかを競うことになるんだ。しかし、彼らは走った!)   僕はその日、若いcockを手に入れることはできなかった。僕が得たのは、二人の男の子の肩越しにパンツを覗き込みながら、二人の男の子の性器をちょっと見ただけだった。僕がそれを思いついたのは、男の子を見つけてから挨拶するまでの数秒間だけだったと考えると、それは良い作戦だったんだ! もしそれが一人の男の子だけで、彼がどれだけ大胆で勇敢で信頼できるかを見るために僕のゲームに同意したなら、もし僕の手が彼の性器に届く前に彼が止めたら、僕は止まって「今手を引いて欲しい?」と訊ね、彼の答えに関わらず、彼は孤立した場所に一人でいるので、僕は手を押し下げて彼が何が起こったか分からないうちに彼の性器を杯(優勝杯)にするだろう(手に入れるだろう)。
そして、彼が叫んだり抵抗したりするかどうかによって、右手で彼の性器に触れたまま、左手で彼のズボンを引き下ろし、それから彼の向きを変えてペニスをしゃぶるんだ。彼がディックを吸われることに従順かどうかで、僕が彼にマスターベイションやsuck(しゃぶる)をさせようとするか、股間ファックをするか(その場に誰もいないことを確認した場合!)が決まるんだ。 だから、その3人が僕から逃げた翌日、僕は一人で男の子を探しに出かけた。僕は後ろから腕を回すゲームで彼をだまし、彼が残りの「ゲーム」をしたいかどうかに関わらず、彼が叫ばないなら、数年前の事件#47の少年にしたように、彼を強引に誘うことにしたんだ。(1、力ずくだったとしても、僕は一度も子供を物理的に傷つけようと考えたことはない)。
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kozuwestley · 2 years
Westley Allan Dodd "She took me into the hallway, pulled her pants down, pulled my shorts down and I lost my virginity right there in the hallway while standing up. 彼女は僕を廊下に連れて行き、彼女のパンツを下げて僕のショーツを下ろし、僕は廊下で立ち尽くしたままvirginity(童貞)を失った。"
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Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993) ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド(1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)
Wesが初めてU-(4歳の男の子)に痴漢したのは1986年5月31日か6月1日 1986年8月1日に同僚(8歳の娘SPの母親)と同居して、2ヶ月間だけその団地に住んでいた (7月3日に25歳になる)6月と7月にその団地に住んでいた 同居してからも週に2、3回訪れ、Uに5ヶ月間に渡って痴漢行為を行った 6月1日から10月末までの5ヶ月間で、おそらく最低でもUに100回以上は痴漢している 同僚と同居していた期間(1986年8月1日から10月30日まで) 1986年10月31日、警察の尋問を免れる為、シアトルに引っ越した Wes first molested U- (a 4 year old boy) on May 31 or June 1, 1986. On August 1, 1986, he moved in with a co-worker (mother of 8 year old daughter SP) and lived in the complex for only 2 months (I turned 25 on July 3) lived in that apartment complex in June and July After living with her, he visited her 2 or 3 times a week and molested u for 5 months Probably molested U at least 100 times in the five months between June 1 and the end of October Lived with co-worker for a period of time (August 1 to October 30, 1986)

While baby-sitting U— and his 18 month old baby brother, I—, I sucked the baby's penis for a while, then for only my second time ever with a child, I simulated intercourse with the baby, ejaculating into his diaper which I had left under him (it was a clean diaper, no urine or feces). I then took the diaper with my semen out to the dumpster rather than having it in the diaper bucket in the apartment). A couple hours after sucking and "crotch-fucking" I— I helped U— suck his baby brother's penis a couple seconds. I wrote all this previously but just wanted to get into this paper that it was June and July of 1986 when I—, V, and the seven year old boy each became a "one time" victim," in addition to U—'s repeated encounters with me.
TOTALS: By the last of October, 1986, I had 157 to 167 victims. Had now been caught TWELVE times, reported to police EIGHT times, saw police only SEVEN times and arrested only SIX times. In six arrests, I confessed to THIRTEEN KNOWN CRIMES, was prosecuted for only three of those crimes and convicted on just two of them. I had been in counseling four times. Caught 12 times but went to jail only twice. HELL, NO! I AM NOT GOING TO STOP MOLESTING! This time the police did not even question me! It was VERY clear to me that I could get away with ANYTHING. Police did not care that a repeat offender had committed three more crimes against one boy! BUT, I was not going to stick around town, just to make sure. I moved to Seattle on October 31, 1986.
合計:1986年10月末までに、僕の被害者は157人から167人になった。この間、僕は21回捕まり、8回警察に通報され、7回警察に会い、6回逮捕されただけだった。僕は6回の逮捕で13の既知の犯罪を自白したが、そのうち3つの犯罪で起訴され、2つの犯罪で有罪判決を受けただけであった。僕は4回カウンセリングを受けた。12回捕まったが、刑務所に入ったのは2回だけだ。絶対に、いやだ! 僕は痴漢をやめないぞ! (僕は痴漢をやめるつもりはない! )今回、警察は僕に尋問すらしなかった。僕には、どんなことでもやり過ごせるということがよくわかった。警察は、常習犯が一人の少年に対してさらに3件の犯罪を犯していることを気にも留めなかったんだ!でも、念のため、僕はこの街に留まるつもりはなかった。僕は1986年10月31日、シアトルに引っ越した。
In the meantime, I am still molesting U—. I probably molested him AT LEAST 100 times in the five months from June 1st to last of October. But he only reported three incidents to his mom — the three times when I made him do something he didn't want to do or at a time he did not want to do it. Three times 1 was caught and admitted to his mom that I did what he said. She never called the police, but the 3rd time I admitted to molesting him, she called my roommate, to warn her, in case I tried to do anything to DB— or SP—. She called the police to report that I had molested U—. As I have written before, at this point, I had two convictions on my record but the Kennewick Police did NOT even question me when I was reported for molesting U— three times! その間も僕はU-に痴漢している。僕は6月1日から10月末までの5ヶ月間で、おそらく最低でも100回以上は痴漢している。でも、彼がお母さんに報告したのは3回だけで、その3回は僕がU君の嫌がることをさせたり、U君が嫌がる時間帯にさせたりしたときだ。(でも、彼はお母さんに3つの出来事しか報告していない。僕が、彼がやりたくないことをやらせた、あるいはやりたくない時間にやらせた3回だ。) 僕は3回捕まって、彼のお母さんに僕がやったことを認めた。彼女は警察を呼ばなかったが、僕が痴漢を認めた3回目には、僕がDB-やSP-に何かしようとしたときのために、ルームメイトに電話して警告してくれた。彼女は、僕がUに痴漢したと警察に通報した。前にも書いたが、この時点で僕は2つの前科があったのだが、Kennewick警察は僕がU-に3回痴漢したと通報されても、尋問(取り調べ)すらしなかったんだ!

The second things I should mention is U—'s Mom. She had seen me several times wearing a pair of dark blue gym shorts — though tight at the waist, had very large legs (I could fit both legs into one leg hole in the shorts). I wore my dark blue underwear with them to help "hide things." L— was pretty open about sexuality and had found out I was a virgin — a fact SHE seemed to LIKE quite well. (She had been married twice and now living with a third guy, who worked out of town and was home only on weekends. She had fooled around on husband #1 and married the guy she fooled around with. The guy she now lived with was the reason for her second divorce — it appeared I could be the 4th in line!). One day she called and asked me to come to dinner. She told me to wear my blue shorts, but NO underwear. I did as she asked. After we ate, 1— was put down for a nap and U— went outside. I was helping L— with dishes when U— came back and went to his room — he yelled for me — she said to go see what he was up to. He just wanted to show me he had cleaned his room earlier. I could hear her in the kitchen still, so I asked him if he wanted to "do that thing on the bed" — he laid down and I sucked his penis (twirling it around the tip of my tongue) until he stopped me. He went back outside and I went to help his mom finish the dishes. Then we sat at the table playing backgammon. I then learned ONE of the reasons I was supposed to wear those shorts and NO underwear — when it was my turn to move, she would be peeking under the table. I spread my legs and made sure she could see in the legs of my shorts. I had no idea what this was leading to, but I was pretty excited just having a woman see my genitals for the first time ever! After a few games of backgammon, we went to the living room to watch TV — her on the couch, me on a chair — U— still outside playing and I— was asleep. L— had a quilt pulled over her (there was a chill in the air when I'd come to her place about three, so I would say this occurred in mid-late Sept. of 1986) She said, "Come here." 1 said, "Why?" She said to come sit by her and keep her warm. She pulled the quilt over both of us. I quickly found out that was so U— wouldn't see anything if he came in unexpectedly and I found out the other reason for my "dress code."
もうひとつは、U-のお母さんのことだ。彼女は僕が紺色の体操用短パン(ダークブルーのジム用ショーツ)を履いているのを何度か見たことがある。ウエストはきついが、足はとても太い(短パンの一つの脚穴に両足を入れることができる)。僕は紺色の下着をつけて、一緒に"隠し事 "をしていた。L-は性に対してかなりオープンで、僕がvirgin(童貞)であることも知っていた-その事実を彼女はとても気に入っているようだった。(彼女は2度の結婚を経験し、現在は3人目の男と暮らしているが、その男は郊外で働いており、週末だけ家にいる状態だった。彼女は1番目の夫と浮気して、その浮気相手と結婚した。今一緒に住んでいる男は、彼女の2度目の離婚の原因であり、僕は4番目の男になる可能性があるようだった!)。ある日、彼女から電話があり、僕に夕食に来るようにと言われた。僕は下着をつけずに、青いパンツを履いてくるように言われた。僕は彼女の言うとおりにした。食事が終わると、Uは寝かしつけられ、彼は外に出た。僕はLの皿洗いを手伝っていたんだけど、Uが戻ってきて、自分の部屋に行って、僕を叫んで、彼女が「何してるのか見てきて」って言ったんだ。彼はただ、さっき部屋を掃除したことを僕に見せたかっただけなんだ。台所の彼女の声がまだ聞こえていたので、「ベッドの上でアレをしたいか」と訊ねると、彼は横になり、僕は彼が止めるまでペニスをしゃぶった(舌先��ペニスを絡めながら)(舌の先でペニスをくるくる回しながら)。 彼は外に戻り、僕は彼のお母さんが皿洗いを終えるのを手伝いに行った。それから僕たちはテーブルに座ってバックギャモンをした。 その後、僕はそのショーツを履いて下着を着ないことになっていた理由の一つを知った。僕の番が回ってきたとき、彼女はテーブルの下を覗き込んでいたんだ。僕は脚を広げて、彼女が僕のショーツの脚の中を覗き込めるようにした。僕は、これが何につながるのか分からなかったが、女性に初めて自分の性器を見られるというだけで、かなり興奮したものだ! バックギャモンを数回やった後、僕たちはリビングルームでテレビを見た。彼女はソファで、僕は椅子で、Uはまだ外で遊んでいて、僕は眠っていた。Lは掛け布団を掛けていた(僕が3時頃彼女の家に来たときは肌寒かったから、1986年の9月中旬から下旬にかけてのことだと思う)。彼女が「こっちへおいで」と言ったんだ。"どうして?"彼女はそばに座って温めるようにと言った。彼女は僕たち二人に掛け布団を引っ張った。僕はすぐに、それがU-が突然入ってきても何も見えないようにするためだとわかったし、僕の「ドレスコード」のもう一つの理由を知った。)
Her hand slid up my leg and into the leg of my shorts, and for the first time ever, a woman touched my genitals. As soon as I became erect (about ten seconds) she held my penis in her hand rubbing the head of it with her fingertip. It felt great, but after about one minute I told her to stop. WHY? I was about to have an "accident" in my shorts! She said to just concentrate on TV "that's what her boyfriend does." A couple more minutes, I thought I was going to lose it, then she stopped. She went to get a drink out of the fridge and I followed her. Then U— came in. I sat back in the chair and L— on the couch. By now, I had lost my erection. Then U— sat on my lap. He was wearing his cotton shorts I liked so well (they were very short and hugged his crotch — 99% of the inside of his thighs were bare and in back, the bottom of his butt cheeks showed — very short shorts!) and I was in shorts — his bare legs and thighs against mine — soft and warm — my erection came back. I didn't want her to see and think I had a "hard on" for U—, so I made him get down. (It WAS hard for U— but I did not want HER thinking that!) He went back outside. She said, "still got a problem?" I said, "Yeah." She said, "Me, too, what should we do about it?" "Ohhhh, I don't knowww." She said, "... there'd be no point in arrest ..." meaning no reason to pull out or use birth control (her tubes were tied). She locked the door so U— would have to knock to get in — so he wouldn't catch us and tell her boyfriend what he saw! She took me into the hallway, pulled her pants down, pulled my shorts down and I lost my virginity right there in the hallway while standing up. She had three orgasms before I was finally able to ejaculate. I couldn't decide whether to concentrate on her or fantasize about U— (which is why it probably took me so long to climax.) I was 25, she was 29. I was to stay and watch the late movie with her. After U— had gone to bed and was asleep, she took a shower. While she was in the shower I went to his room and slid my hand under his blankets and set it on his genitals over his underwear, then played with his penis through his underwear to see if that contact woke him up made him stir. (He was on his back). I pulled back his blankets. I had felt his penis grow when I played with it with my hand under the blanket, but when I pulled the blanket back, I got an unexpected surprise. I had seen him with erections before, but not like this! When he was on his back and had an erection (or even when he was standing), his penis was up against his groin. But now, his penis was standing straight up perpendicular to his body, even against the pressure of his underwear! It was like a finger poking the inside of his underwear, pushing the tight underwear two inches away from his body! Through his underwear I pushed his penis down against his scrotum. It popped back up against the pressure of his underwear. He woke up and said, "Don't, Wes." I pushed his penis down against his groin and again it popped up against his underwear. He said, "Don't, Wes," again. I said, "Can I put my mouth on it?" I wanted to look at it, touch it, suck it, play with it. .. every erection I had ever seen, either on myself or a boy, while laying down was up against the groin. I had seen partially erect penises perpendicular to the body standing up but even fully erect would be against the groin while standing. U—'s erection was very strong, it was the largest I had ever seen on his penis and defied explanation. But he wouldn't let me pull his underwear down, "I'm tired, Wes, tomorrow, OK?" I left him alone. I was on cloud nine! Earlier I had had U— (sucked his penis), then I'd had his mother (intercourse), then I had given U— his strongest and largest erection ever — I could "have my cake and eat it, too." Mother and CHILD both!! BUT, L- told me to go out and get some "experience," then come back and she'd teach me the "right way to do it." The experience I thought I had a great plan for is the third thing I need to report about during the time I lived with my co-worker. 彼女の手は僕の脚を伝ってショーツの脚の中に滑り込み、初めて女性に僕の性器を触られた。僕が勃起するとすぐに(10秒くらい)彼女は僕のペニスを手に持ち、指先でペニスの頭を擦ってきた。気持ちよかったが、1分ほどで「やめてくれ」と言った。なぜ?僕はショーツの中で "アクシデント "を起こすところだったんだ!彼女はテレビに集中するようにと言った、「それが彼女のボーイフレンドがすることなのよ」。さらに2分後、僕はもうダメかと思ったら、彼女は止めた。 彼女は冷蔵庫から飲み物を取ろうとしたので、僕もついて行った。するとU-が入ってきた。僕は椅子に座り直し、L-はソファに座った。その頃には、僕は勃起を失っていた。そしてU-は僕の膝の上に座った。彼は僕がとても気に入っていたコットンショーツを履いていて(とても短くて股間を包み込んでいた-太ももの内側の99%がむき出しになっていて、後ろはお尻のほっぺたが見えていた-とても短いショーツ!)、僕はショーツ姿になった-彼のむき出しの足と太ももが僕の足に当たって、柔らかくて温かい-僕の勃起は復活した。僕は彼女に見られて、僕がU-のために「硬くなった」と思われるのが嫌で、彼を降ろさせた。(U-には辛かったけど、彼女にそう思われたくなかった!)彼は外に戻った。 彼女は言った、「まだ問題があるの?」僕は「うん」と答えた。彼女は言った、「私もよ、どうしたらいい?」僕 ""Ohhhh, I don't knowww." (ああぁぁ、どうしよぉぅぅ)" 彼女は言った、「...逮捕しても意味がない...」つまり、抜いたり避妊したりする理由がない(彼女の卵管は結ばれていた)んだ。彼女はドアをロックして、U-がノックしないと入れないようにした。僕たちを捕まえて彼女のボーイフレンドに話したりしないように!彼女は僕を廊下に連れて行き、彼女のパンツを下げて、僕のショーツを下ろし、僕は廊下で立ち尽くしたままvirginity(童貞)を失った。僕がようやく射精できるまでに、彼女は3回オーガズムを経験した。 (彼女は3回オーガズムを感じてから、僕はようやく射精することができた。) 僕は彼女に集中するのか、それともU-を妄想するのか決められなかった(だから絶頂に達するまで時間がかかったのだろう)。僕は25歳で、彼女は29歳だった。僕は彼女と一緒に残って遅い映画を見ることになった。U-がベッドに入り、寝た後、彼女はシャワーを浴びた。彼女がシャワーを浴びている間、僕は彼の部屋に行き、毛布の下から手を滑らせて下着の上から彼の性器に当て、下着の上からペニスを弄って、その接触で彼が目を覚ますかどうか確かめた。 彼は仰向けになっていたんだ)。僕は彼の毛布を引き戻した。毛布の下から手で弄ったとき、僕は彼のペニスが大きくなるのを感じていたが、毛布を戻したとき、僕は思いがけない驚きがあった。僕は彼が勃起しているのを見たことがあったが、このようなことはなかったんだ!仰向けになって勃起しているとき(立っているときも)、彼のペニスは股間に突き当たっていた。 しかし、今は、下着の圧力にも負けず、ペニスは体に対して垂直にまっすぐ立っているのだ!まるで、指で突っつくような感じだ。それはまるで下着の内側を指で突いたような感じで、きつい下着を体から2インチほど離して押しているんだ! 僕は下着越しに彼のペニスを陰嚢に押し付けた。下着の圧力に負けて、ペニスは飛び出した。彼は目を覚まし、"やめろ、ウェス "と言った。僕は彼のペニスを股間に押しつけると、再び彼のペニスが下着に当たって飛び出した。彼はまた "やめろ、ウェス "と言った。僕は言った "口をつけてもいい?" 僕は見て 触って しゃぶって 弄りたかったんだ。 僕が今まで見た中で、自分でも男の子でも、寝そべっている時の勃起はすべて股間に対して起きていた。僕は、部分的に勃起したペニスが立っているときに体に対して垂直になるのを見たことがあるが、完全に勃起していても、立っているときには股間に当たるのだ。U-の勃起力はとても強く、僕が今まで見たペニスの中で一番大きく、説明のしようがないものだった。しかし、彼は僕に下着を下ろさせてくれませんでした。"もう疲れたよ、ウェス、明日でいいよ"。僕は彼を置き去りにした。僕は雲の上の存在だったんだ! (僕は雲の上にいるような気分だった!)僕は先にU-を持ち(彼のペニスをしゃぶった)、次に彼の母親を持ち(性交した)、そしてU-にこれまでで最も強く、大きな勃起をさせたんだ。母も子も!!(Mother and CHILD both!! )でも、Lは僕に、外に出て「経験」を積んでから戻って来なさい、そうすれば「正しいやり方」を教えてあげるから、と言った。 僕が素晴らしい計画を立てたつもりの経験は、共働きで暮らしていた間の3つ目の報告しなければならないことだ。 There was a beautiful girl who had just started working in my store. She was about a year younger than me. She was talking about flying back to Florida to bring her four year old son out as soon as she found someone that could baby-sit while she worked. I knew L— baby-sat quite often, so I talked to her. L— agreed to talk to her. AQ— bought a ticket to go get her kid. L— said they talked about me. L— told me I should ask AQ— out, that she was interested in me. I thought that would be great! I was sure that I could still get into L—'s "pants," KNEW I would continue molesting U—, now 1 might be able to date and even move in with AQ— (she was looking for a roommate), I'd have AQ— at home — would molest her four year old son, if possible, and L— and U— would be my "other woman" and "other boy"!!! I liked the sound of that! Before any of this could actually happen, I moved to Seattle in case the police changed their minds and wanted to question me about U—!
僕の店に、入社したての美しい女の子がいた。彼女は僕より一回りほど年下だった。彼女は、仕事中にベビーシッターをしてくれる人を見つけたら、すぐにでもフロリダに飛んで行って4歳の息子を連れて帰ろうと話していた。僕はL-がよくベビーシッターをしているのを知っていたので、彼女に話をした。L-は彼女と話すことに同意した。AQ-は彼女の子供を迎えに行くためにチケットを購入した。L-が言うには、彼女たちは僕のことを話したらしい。L-は僕にAQ-を誘うべきだと言った、彼女は僕に興味があるのだと。僕は、それは凄いことだと思った!僕はL-の「パンツ」に入り込むことができると確信していたし、U-に痴漢行為を続けることもわかっていた、そして今ならAQ-とデートしたり同棲したりできるかもしれない(彼女はルームメイトを探していた)、AQ-を家に連れてきて、できれば彼女の4歳になる息子に痴漢して、L-とU-が僕の「別の女」「別の男の子」になるんだ!!!僕はその響きが好きだったんだ! このようなことが実際に起こる前に、僕はシアトルに移り住み、警察の気が変わってU-の尋問をされるのに備えた!

Amazon | When Monster Comes Out of the Closet (English Edition) [Kindle edition] by Rose, Lori Steinhorst and John R, Rose, John | True Acco
Amazon.com: When Monster Comes Out of the Closet eBook : Rose, Lori Steinhorst and John R, Rose, John: Kindle Store
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kozuwestley · 2 years
Westley Allan Dodd "her EYES . ..It was very strange — it's the only time I ever got that feeling 彼女のEYES...とても不思議だった。僕がこのような感覚を覚えたのはこの時だけだ。"
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Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993) ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド (1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)
60) WHEN: Probably January, 1985 WHERE: Lewiston AGE: 23 VICTIMS: None I've got to backtrack — this should have been between incidents #57 and 58. Shortly after my release from jail, but while still working at the specialty restaurant, I had a date. I don't remember her name, so to simplify things I will call her T—. During the time I was molesting H—, I lived with H— and his mother for a while. She was about 12 to 13 years older than me and had a lot of younger friends. Among these friends of hers were T— and her boyfriend — both my age. T— became pregnant and the boyfriend 'disappeared'. H—'s mother and I were talking about it and she told me that T— had commented on my nice face and "cute butt."
60) 時期: おそらく1985年1月 場所:ルイストン  年齢:23歳 被害者:なし
57と58の間に起こるはずの事件だ。出所して間もなく、まだ専門店で働いていた僕にはデートがあった。彼女の名前は憶えていないので、簡略化してTと呼ぶことにする。Hに痴漢している間、僕はHとその母親としばらく同居していた。彼女は僕より12〜13歳ほど年上で、年下の友人がたくさんいた。その中に、僕と同い年のTとその彼氏がいた。Tは妊娠して、そのボーイフレンドは「消えた」。H-のお母さんとその話をしていたら、T-が僕のことを "顔がいい(素敵な顔)""お尻がかわいい(キュートなお尻) "と言っていたそうだ。
To set up the picture, I should now say that the County Jail and Sheriff's Dept. were BOTH on the 3rd floor of the courthouse. As a trustee, I was always emptying garbage, etc. This gave me a lot of contact not only with the only jailer on duty (small jail — one jailer at all times) but with the Sheriff's Dept. dispatchers as well. The dispatchers had to double their duties and assist in booking people into the jail. I was on a first name basis and got along real well with all the dispatchers. 今だから言うが、裁判所の3階には拘置所と保安官事務所があった。僕は管財人として、いつもゴミを捨てに行くなどしていた。そのため、当直の看守だけでなく、保安官事務所のディスパッチャー(発送係、急送者、列車・バス・トラックなどの発車係)とも多く接することになった(小さな刑務所のため、看守は常に1人)。ディスパッチャーの仕事は2倍で、刑務所に人を入れるのを手伝わなければならなかった。僕はファーストネームで呼ばれ、すべてのディスパッチャと仲良くなった。
When I got out of jail, I remembered what H—'s mother had told me — it was obvious to her that T— really liked me. I gave T— a call and asked her out to a movie. She said yes. In the back of my mind was the fact that T— now had a baby BOY. It occurred to me that I might get to molest the boy someday, but that's not my main reason for asking T— out. According to H—'s mother, T— liked my body (said I had a nice body, face, butt — everything). I hoped to get to know T— well enough to be able to have sex with her (she was beautiful!). 僕は刑務所から出たとき、Hの母親が言っていたことを思い出した。僕はT-に電話をかけて、映画に誘った。彼女はイエスと言った。僕の頭の片隅には、T-に男の子が生まれたという事実があった。僕はその男の子にいつか手を出すかもしれないと思ったが、T-を誘った最大の理由はそれではない。Hの母によると、Tは僕の体が好きだったらしい(体、顔、お尻、全部がいいと言っていた)。僕は、Tとセックスできるくらいに仲良くなりたいと思った(彼女は綺麗だった!)。
I went to pick T— up — her mom was baby-sitting the baby. HER MOM was one of the Sheriff dispatchers! While that was a bit of a SHOCK to me, it caused no problems — she, of course, knew why I had been in jail, but she was very friendly, telling us to have a good time, etc. BUT, 1 had no idea what to say, how to act, etc. We watched a movie and I took her home. We didn't talk much. In addition to not knowing what to talk about or how to act, 1 was afraid she'd think I thought she was "easy" because she had had a baby and obviously had "done it" with at least one other guy. All in all it was a miserable evening and I never saw her again. 僕はT-を迎えに行った。彼女の母親が赤ん坊を預かっていた。彼女の母親は、保安官の派遣社員の一人だったのだ! 僕にとってはちょっとした衝撃だったけれど、何の問題も起こらなかった。もちろん、彼女は僕が刑務所にいた理由を知っていたけれど、とてもフレンドリーで、僕たちに楽しんでね、などと言ってくれた。でも、1、何を言っていいのか、どう行動すればいいのか、まったくわからなかった。僕たちは映画を観て、彼女を家に連れて行った。僕たちはあまり話をしなかった。僕には何を話したらいいのか、どう振る舞ったらいいのかわからないことに加え、1、子供がいて、明らかに他の男と少なくとも1回は「やった」経験があるので、(僕は、彼女が子供を産んで、少なくとも一人の男と「それをやった」ことがあるから、)彼女は僕のことを"easy"(容易い男)だと思うんじゃないかと恐れたんだ。結局、僕には惨め(悲惨)な夜となり、彼女とは二度と会うことはなかった。
62) WHEN: June 1st to Oct. 27th, 1986 WHERE: Kennewick AGE: 24-25 VICTIMS: Five boys — one girl, ages 18 mos. to 11 years
62) 時期: 1986年6月1日〜10月27日 場所: ケネウィック 年齢:24-25歳 被害者:5人の男の子と1人の女の子(18ヶ月から11歳)
As I said, I moved in with my co-worker on August 1st of 1986 (I was now 25). I continued molesting U—, but now I had access to other kids. She had a 13 year old, DB— and a seven or eight year old daughter, SP—. 話は変わるが、僕は1986年の8月1日に同僚と同居することになった(当時25歳)。僕はUへの虐待を続けたが、今度は他の子供と接触するようになった。彼女には13歳のDB-と7、8歳の娘、SP-がいた。
She had a boyfriend with a 13 and 11 year old sons. (She and I were strictly roommates — friends who worked for the same company but usually in different stores — we had separate bedrooms.) On Labor Day weekend, I took DB— and the other two boys camping, there was some sex talk mostly about masturbation with the two older boys thinking they knew all about it. I explained masturbation to them and the 11 year old who wanted to know also, I later in the night tried to molest the eleven year old as he slept. 彼女には13歳と11歳の息子を持つボーイフレンドがいた。(僕と彼女はルームメイトで、同じ会社で働く友人だが、普段は別の店舗で働いていて、寝室も別々だった)。労働者の日の週末に、僕はDBと他の二人の男の子をキャンプに連れて行ったんだけど、そのときセックスの話があった。 そのとき、主にマスターベーションに関するセックスの話があり、上の二人の男の子はすべて知っていると考えていた。 僕は2人と、知りたがっていた11歳の子にマスターベイションについて説明し、夜になって11歳の子が寝ている間に痴漢しようとした。
Here is an incident which I think I have not mentioned before involving her daughter, SP—. After moving into the house with my co-worker, she was working swing shift and I had the night off. Normally, DB— would stay home with the 7-8 year old daughter, but since I was there to keep an eye on her (no, I don't mind!!! I'll watch her and feed her!), DB— was being allowed to spend the night with a friend. I was HOME ALONE with SP—. The kids were not allowed in the Jacuzzi, nor even around it, unless she or I were there to watch them. SP— was asking to use the Jacuzzi (she had been in a one-piece bathing suit all day, playing in the sprinklers). It was about 7 p.m. and she was still wearing it. I told her to wait, I would change and join her. I put on a pair of tight fitting men's Bikini type swim trunks I had. We got into the Jacuzzi. The hot bubbling water ALWAYS gave me an instant erection. SP— was opposite me. At one point, she stood up in the center of the Jacuzzi facing me and I suddenly got an idea and moved up to the edge of the seat. I pulled her toward me and she moved right along with me. 1 pulled her up against my body. I had my legs spread apart so my erect penis, inside my shorts, was pressed against her vaginal area. I held her there several seconds studying her face and body for a reaction. I knew she was aware of what was pressing against her "private parts." She appeared mildly uncomfortable, but did not pull away, say anything and there was no sign of fright. Because of her reaction or lack of it and from what I'd observed in the week or two I had lived with her, I knew I could do oral sex on her and "crotch-fuck" her without being reported. But her EYES . .. Her personality and reactions said she would not try to stop me and would not report me if I did it, but.. . those eyes were saying "please don't"! It was very strange — it's the only time I ever got that feeling — a feeling that I could do it without being reported, but at the same time a feeling that I should NOT do it anyway. I did not try to molest her — I did have fantasies about her though. Her one piece bathing suit was tight on her — showing the crack of her ass and the outline of her vagina. When alone in the house, I'd go into her room completely naked. I'd get a pair of her dirty panties off the floor of her closet, smell them, rub them on my stomach and groin while masturbating to thoughts of when I had held her against me and thoughts of her in that tight bathing suit. (She is a victim because of that contact in the Jacuzzi.) ここで、彼女の娘であるSP-にまつわる、僕が今まで言わなかったと思われる事件を紹介する。僕の同僚と同居した後、彼女はスイングシフト勤務で、僕はその夜が休みだった。いつもなら、DB-は7-8歳の娘と一緒に家にいるのだが、僕が目を離さないので(いや、僕はかまわないよ!!!僕が彼女をちゃんと見守って、食事もさせるから!)(いや、僕は気にしない!!!! 僕、見ててあげるし、ご飯もあげるから!)、DB-は友達と一晩過ごさせてもらっていたんだ。(友人と夜を過ごすことを許されていた。)
僕はSPと二人きりで家にいた。僕か彼女が見ていない限り、子供たちはジャグジーに入ることも、ジャグジーの周りにいることも許されていなかった。SP-はジャグジーを使いたいと言っていた(彼女は一日中ワンピースの水着で、スプリンクラーで遊んでいたんだ)。午後7時頃だったが、彼女はまだそれを着たままだった。僕は彼女に待ってて、着替えて一緒に入るからと言った。僕は持っていた男性用のぴったりしたビキニタイプの水着を履いた。僕たちはジャグジーに入った。熱い泡立つお湯に浸かると、僕はいつもすぐに勃起してしまう。SP-は僕の向かいにいた。ある時、彼女はジャグジーの真ん中に立って僕と向かい合った。僕は突然思いついて、シートの端に移動した。僕は彼女を僕の方に引き寄せると、彼女も一緒に移動してきた。1、彼女を僕の体に引き寄せた。僕は両足を広げて、ショーツの中にある勃起したペニスを彼女の膣のあたりに押し付けた。僕は彼女を数秒間そのままにして、彼女の顔や体の反応を観察した。僕は、彼女が自分の "プライベートな部分 "に押しつけられていることを意識していることを知った。彼女は軽く不快そうだった(少し気まずそうに見えた)が、引き離すことも、何かを言うこともなく、怯えた様子もなかった。僕は、彼女の反応やその(反応の)欠如、そして彼女と一緒に暮らした1、2週間で観察したことから、通報されることなく彼女にオーラルセックスをしたり、「股間ファック」したりすることができると知っていた。しかし、彼女のEYES...彼女の性格や反応は、僕がそれをやっても止めようとはしないし、通報もしないと言っていたのに、、、その目は「やめてちょうだい」と言っていたんだ! とても不思議だった。僕がこのような感覚を覚えたのはこの時だけだ。通報されずにできるかもしれないという感覚と同時に、とにかくやってはいけないという感覚だ。僕は彼女を痴漢しようとはしなかった。でも、彼女に幻想を抱いていた。彼女のワンピース水着はタイトで、お尻の割れ目とヴァギナの輪郭が見えている。 僕は家に一人でいるとき、全裸で彼女の部屋に行った。僕は、彼女のクローゼットの床から汚れたパンティーを取り出し、その匂いを嗅ぎ、お腹や股間に擦りつけながら、僕が彼女を抱きしめた時のことや、あのタイトな水着を着た彼女のことを想いながら、マスターベイションをしたものだった。(彼女はジャグジーでのあの接触のせいで被害者だ)。
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kozuwestley · 2 years
Westley Allan Dodd "In the summer of 1985, at age 23, I had gone over a year without molesting, I was going crazy. 1985年の夏、23歳の僕は1年以上痴漢をせずに過ごし、気が狂いそうだった。"
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Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993) ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド (1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)
I found work and became friends with a single mother and her 9 yr. old son, H—. At first I wanted to molest H—, but never had him alone long enough, then I grew to really care about him, and didn't want to do anything that might destroy our friendship, and I didn't think he'd be another M—. Then his mother asked me to watch H— at their house for a weekend. 僕は仕事を見つけ、シングルマザーとその9歳の息子、H-と友達になった。僕は最初、Hを痴漢したいと思ったけど、なかなか長く彼を一人にすることができなかった。でも、だんだん彼のことが気になってきて、友情を壊すようなことはしたくないし、彼がまたMになるとも思えなかった。そんな時、彼の母親が週末に家でH-を見ていてほしいと頼んできたんだ。 On Saturday morning H— took a bath, but forgot to take a towel out of the hall closet first. He yelled and asked me to bring him one. I asked if I should leave it by the door or bring it in — he said bring it in. I set the towel on the toilet seat (looking at him in the tub the whole time.) and turned to leave. (I didn't want him to think I was trying to see too much — if I left he wouldn't think anything was wrong). He asked me to stay and keep him company, so I sat and talked while watching him. I said "You don't mind if I see you in the tub?" No — He had been taught not to be ashamed of his body. Well, if he didn't care if I SAW him, maybe I'd molest him after all. But he made me leave before he got out of the tub. I said, "Why? I saw it when you were in the tub, why not while you're drying off?" He made me leave. 土曜日の朝、H-は風呂に入ったが、最初に廊下のクローゼットからタオルを取り出すのを忘れた。 彼は大声で叫んで、僕に持ってきてほしいと言った。僕はドアの脇に置いておくべきか、それとも中に入れるべきかと訊ねると、彼は中に入れるように言った。僕はタオルを便座の上に置き(浴槽の中の彼をずっと見ていた)、帰ろうとした。(僕はトイレの便座にタオルを置き(浴槽の中の彼をずっと見ていた)、立ち去ろうとした(僕があまり見ようとしていると思われたくなかった。彼は僕に「一緒にいてくれ」と言ったので、僕は座って彼を見ながら話をした。僕は "風呂に入っているところを見てもいいのか?"と言った。No —彼は自分の体を恥じてはいけないと教えられていたんだ。まあ、見られてもいいんだったら、やっぱり僕は痴漢しちゃうかもね。でも、彼は風呂から出る前に僕を帰らせた。僕は、"なんで?" "君が風呂に入ってる時見たよ、なんで拭いている時に見ちゃいけないの?"って言ったんだ。彼は僕を追い出した。
I decided I'd molest him that night after he went to sleep, and during the day I formulated a plan. On evenings when I visited, and before H— went to bed, he liked to sit next to me on the couch while I read comic books to him (he was 9 — I was 21, the time is March, 1983). When he was told to get ready for bed, he'd strip to his underwear and run around the house. So he was usually wearing just his underwear, leaning against me while I read. When it was time for bed he argued, he wanted to read the new comic book I'd bought that day. I made a deal with him. If he'd go ahead and get ready for bed, and give me a back rub, I'd let him stay up a while, it was already midnight. He ran to his room and came out in his underwear, carrying the book and sat on the couch. I took my shirt off and said, "Back rub first." He gave me the rub. I said it was hot, and asked if he cared if I took my pants off. I'd be in my underwear, just like him. He didn't mind. He sat up against me while I started reading. I asked if he'd like to sit on my lap, he did. At 1 a.m., I said it was bedtime. He wasn't tired. I told him to lay on the floor and I gave him a back rub, letting just my fingertips slide under the waistband of his shorts.
僕はその夜、彼が寝た後に痴漢をしようと決め、日中、計画を立てた。僕が遊びに来た夜、Hが寝る前に、僕の隣に座ってソファでマンガを読んであげるのが好きだった(H9歳-僕21歳、時は1983年3月)。寝る準備をしなさい」と言われると、下着一枚になって家の中を走り回る。だから、彼はたいてい下着一枚で、僕が本を読んでいる間、僕に寄りかかっていた。寝る時間になると、彼は僕がその日に買った新しい漫画を読みたいと言い出した。僕は彼と取引をした。もし彼が先に寝る準備をして、僕の背中をさすってくれるなら、もう真夜中なのに、しばらく起きていてもいいことにした。彼は部屋に駆け込み、下着姿で本を持って出てきて、ソファに座った。僕はシャツを脱いで、"まず背中をさすって "って言ったんだ。彼は僕を揉んでくれた。僕は暑いと言いながら、パンツを脱いでもいいかと訊いた。僕だけ下着姿になったよ。 彼は気にしなかった。僕が本を読み始めると、彼は僕に体を寄せてきた。僕は膝の上に座りたいかどうか訊ねると、彼はそうした。夜中の1時、僕は寝る時間だと言った。彼は疲れていなかった。僕は床に横たわるように言って、彼の背中をさすってやった。僕の指先が彼のパンツのウエストバンドの下を通るように。(僕は彼の背中をさすって、指先だけを彼のショーツのウエストバンドの下に滑らせた。)(彼の背中を揉み、指先だけをパンツのウエストバンドの下に滑り込ませた。)
I said, "OK, bedtime." He still wasn't tired. I'd ask if he'd go to bed if I gave him a super-duper rubdown. He asked what that was. (I had turned the heat up in the house knowing H— would sleep on top of his covers.) I told him I'd rub his back and legs and arms — everything not covered by his underwear, and that I'd put him to sleep that way. He liked that idea. He let me carry him to his room. He was up very late — we'd had a busy day. I knew he'd quickly fall into a deep sleep.
I rubbed his back, arms and legs. I asked and he said I could rub his butt over his underwear. I put him on his back and did his chest and stomach, arms & legs, then back on his back. He started to relax. I started spending more time on his butt and legs. Going up his legs, I slid a hand under the leg of his underwear and asked if it was OK to "rub it that way." He said it was 'OK,' but not in the front. He let me pull his underwear down to his knees so I could do a better job on the big muscles in his legs, back and, of course, his butt. I was just taking him one step at a time.
When he had relaxed again (he tensed up when I started rubbing his bare butt), I said "OK, you're almost done, let's turn you over. Let me do it, don't use your muscles, just relax. Want your underwear up before I turn you over?" He said 'yeah' and let me pull them up for him. I turned him over and positioned his arms and legs. I rubbed his chest and stomach, his thighs, then his groin area over his underwear. He didn't say anything. 1 spent sometime on his waist, thighs, and legs. He fell asleep and I left the room to calm down.
I had conditioned his body, and had him exhausted after a long day. He never stirred as I pulled his underwear off and molested him in his sleep, sucking on his penis for several minutes. I left the room to calm down again (my heart was racing), took my underwear off, and went back in. I set H—'s hand on my penis and wrapped his fingers around it, and did oral on him again. I left and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up an hour later and went back to H—'s room. He had turned on to his stomach. I was afraid to turn him over, so I spread his legs and reached under his body, pulling his genitals back between his legs. I did oral on him that way. (I didn't know it until several months later, but H— had waken up at this point to discover my mouth on his penis). At that time, he stirred, so I stopped and covered him up. I did not put his underwear back on him. He didn't say anything in the morning when I woke him up, but he wouldn't get out of bed until I left the room. He acted as though nothing had happened.
A week later, H— helped me move into an apartment in Clarkston, Washington. It was a different state, but still only a 15 minute drive to his house (I had been staying with my dad.). He spent the night with me. That night I pulled his underwear to his knees as he lay next to me in my bed, and molested him. I did oral for several minutes, then set his hand on my penis while I held his. I pulled his underwear back up. Again, I found out months later he had woken up. Even though he knew what I was doing, he still liked to spend almost every weekend with me. That was fine with his mother, she worked weekends, and liked to go out in the evenings.I probably molested H— in his sleep on about 15 different nights in a 6 or 7 month period. One evening he went jogging with me. I told him to take a hot bath so his muscles wouldn't get stiff. I was now 22 and he was 10. He let me help him out of the tub and put a towel around him and carry him into the living room, where I had set out some cushions to lay him on, so I could give him a super duper body rub. He let me pull off the towel to rub his butt. I let him hold the towel over himself when I rolled him over, but he later let me "get it out of the way." He let me rub his groin, but not his genitals. That was the closest I came to molesting him while he was wide awake.
一週間後、H-は僕がワシントン州のクラークストンにあるアパートに引っ越すのを手伝ってくれた。州は違えど、彼の家までは車で15分ほどの距離だった(僕は父の家に滞在していた)。彼は僕と一夜を共にした。その夜、僕はベッドで隣に寝ている彼の下着を膝まで引っ張って、彼に痴漢をした。僕は数分間口づけをし、彼の手を僕のペニスにあてがい、彼のペニスを握った。僕は彼の下着を上に戻した。また、数ヵ月後、僕は彼が目を覚ましていたことを知った。僕が何をしているかを知っても、彼はほとんど毎週末、僕と一緒に過ごすのが好きだった。彼の母親は週末も働いていて、夕方から出かけるのが好きだったからだ。僕はおそらく6、7ヶ月の間に15回ほど、Hが寝ている間に痴漢をした。ある晩、彼は僕と一緒にジョギングをした。僕は彼に「筋肉が硬くならないようにお風呂に入ろうね」と言った。僕は22歳、彼は10歳。僕は彼をお風呂から上げると、タオルを巻いてリビングルームに運び、そこにクッションを置いて彼を寝かせ、僕が彼の体を揉んであげることにした。彼は僕にタオルを脱がせてお尻を揉ませた。僕は彼を寝返らせるとき、タオルを自分の上に持たせたが、後で彼は "邪魔だ "と言って僕に持たせた。
(そこで僕は彼を寝かせるクッションを用意していたので、僕は彼に超豪華な体をこすりつけることができた。 彼は僕にお尻をこするためにタオルを脱がせてくれた。 寝返りを打つときにタオルを自分で握らせてあげたのだが、後で「どかして」くれと言ってくれた。)
H— asked if his friend V— could stay with us the next day. He was 10. The next afternoon, we went swimming, we'd pick up V— at 5 p.m. H— and I went back to my place to change. We took off our wet clothes and changed in front of each other. H— was comfortable with that. Before he got his pants on I suggested a game to see how strong he was and how much he trusted me. I put the palm of my hand on his underwear, over his genitals, and lightly pressed in, pressing harder and harder. He said it didn't hurt. Then I put my hand in the front of his underwear and slowly moved it down. He could tell me to stop, but if he trusted me he wouldn't say anything. I moved my hand down against his groin, then lifted it and went over his genitals without touching them, then pulled my hand out. I asked if he thought I was going to touch it. He said he knew I wouldn't. He agreed to help me do the strength and trust games with V— later that night.
僕は彼の股間に手をやり、それから手を持ち上げて、触らずに彼の性器の上を通り、そして手を抜いた。僕は彼が僕がそれを触ると思ったのかと訊ねた。彼は、僕が触らないとわかっていると言った。彼はその夜、僕がV-と強さと信頼のゲーム(the strength and trust)をするのを手伝ってくれることになった。
Now I had two 10 yr. olds in my apartment. H— and V—. When it got late and I suggested bed, there was, of course, argument. The boys wanted to stay up. (So did I!) I said they could stay up and suggested a wrestling match, in our underwear, we were all guys, besides, underwear was like shorts anyway. I knew H~- would agree and when V— saw H— and I stripping down to our underwear, he did too. We wrestled for a while, then I told V— about the strength/trust game I played with H— and he watched while I did it to H—. Again, I did not touch H—'s genitals.
今、僕の古いアパートには2人の10歳の子供がいる。H-とV-だ。夜が更けて、僕がベッドに行こうと提案したとき、もちろん議論があった。 少年たちは起きていたかったんだ。(僕もそうだった!) 僕は彼らが起きてレスリングの試合を提案してもいいと言った。下着姿の僕たちはみんな男だった。それに、下着はとにかく半ズボンのようだったんだ。僕はHが同意することを知っていた。そして、V-がHを見たとき、僕が下着まで剥がしたが、彼も同意した。 僕たちはしばらく格闘した後、V-に僕がH-とやった強さと信頼に関するゲームのことを話し、僕がH-にそれをやる間、V-は見ていた。繰り返すが、僕はH-の性器には触れていない。 V— lay down and I did the strength test on him. For some reason, I wasn't worried about what either boy would say or do when I made the next move. On the trust test, instead of pulling my hand out of V—'s underwear, I grabbed his penis and masturbated him for a couple seconds, then set my palm on his genitals and said "How about that?" His answer was a little surprising, "So?" I said, "Come here" and took him into my bedroom. I told H— he could come in if he wanted, but he decided to watch T. V.
V-が横になり、僕は彼に強さのテストをした。なぜか僕は、僕が次の行動を起こしたときに、どちらの男の子が何を言うか、何をするかという心配はしていなかった。信頼度テストでは、V-の下着から手を抜く代わりに、僕は彼のペニスを掴んで数秒間マスターベイションをし、手のひらを彼の性器に当てて ""How about that?"(これはどうかな?)"と言ったんだ。彼の答えは少し意外なものだった。""So?"(それで?(だから?)"。僕は ""Come here" (おいで。) "と言って、彼を僕の寝室に連れて行った。僕はH-に「入ってきてもいいよ」と言ったが、彼はテレビを見ることに決めた。
I had V— take his underwear off and lay on the bed while I took my underwear off. I masturbated him and did oral on him. I had him masturbate me for a minute. Then I suggested we masturbate at the same time. Then I had an idea. I would masturbate him at the same time he did me. He said, "Yeah, you do it better, anyway." He was being very cooperative, but he wasn't exactly thrilled. Then I had a thought I had never had before. H— had tried to butt-fuck me that one time, but I'd never tried to do it to a boy. When I asked V—, "Can I butt fuck you?," he said, "Why not? My brother always does." So — that explained the way he was acting. He didn't like it, but being molested and raped was a fact of life for him.
僕はVに下着を脱がせ、ベッドに寝かせ、その間に僕の下着も脱いだ。僕は彼をマスターベイションし、彼にオーラルした。僕は彼に1分間、僕をマスターベイションしてもらった。そこで僕は思いついた。僕は、彼が僕にするのと同時に彼をマスターベイションするんだ。彼は"どうだ?"と言うと "君の方が上手だ "と言うんだ。彼はとても協力的だったけれど、興奮はしていなかった。その時、僕は今までなかった考えを持った。H-はあの時、僕に尻フェラをしようとしたけれど、僕は男の子にしようとしたことがなかったんだ。
Vに「僕、お尻ファックしてもいい?」と訊くと、「いいんじゃない?兄がいつもやってくれるから」と言った。それで彼の態度がわかった。彼は嫌がってたけど、痴漢やレイプは彼にとって日常茶飯事だったんだ。 I walked through the living room to the bathroom for a roll of toilet paper. H—, seeing me nude, asked what we were doing. I said, "Come see." He declined. I positioned V— and pushed my penis into his butt. He let out a little grunt. I asked if it hurt. He said, "A little bit." I asked if wanted me to pull it out. He said, "It's OK." But I pulled it out anyway — I didn't want to hurt him. He seemed relieved. I cleaned up and had him masturbate until I was near climax, then I finished while he watched. He said he'd seen his brother do it.
僕はトイレットペーパーを取りにリビングからバスルームに向かった。僕の裸を見て、Hが「何してるの?」と訊ねた。僕は "見に来て "と言った。彼は断った。僕はVの体勢を整え、ペニスを彼の尻に押し込んだ。彼は小さな呻き声を上げた。僕は痛いかと訊いた。彼は "少し "と言った。僕は "抜いて欲しいか "と訊いた。彼は "It's OK."(大丈夫 )"と言った。でもとにかくそれを抜いたんだ、僕は彼を傷つけたくなかったから。彼は安心したようだった。僕は後片付けをし、彼にマスターベイションをさせ、僕が絶頂に近づくと、彼が見ている前で僕は果てた。彼は、自分の兄がやっているのを見たことがあると言っていた。
(クライマックスに近づくまで彼に自慰をさせ、彼が見ている間に僕は終わった。 彼は兄がそれをするのを見たと言った。) That night, after the boys fell asleep, I had what I thought was a real treat. As they slept, both in bed with me, one on each side, I pulled their underwear down, and molested both at the same time, doing oral on one while fondling the other, then switching. If one got restless, I'd molest just the other. I decided to see how long I could suck on a boy's penis without stopping. For over an hour I would hold one boy's penis in my mouth for 5 minutes, then switch to the other. Then I just lay there, one boy's hand on my penis, the other boy's hand on my testicles, while I fondled them both at the same time. I thought I was in heaven. When I was done, I pulled their underwear back up.
On another night when I had both boys, I woke V— up and made him masturbate me to climax. On one night, V— was staying at H—'s house and I was baby-sitting him there. V— slept on the couch. I was unable to molest H— that night, so I went after V—. He had his jeans on, was on his back but was leaning up against the arm rest. I unsnapped his pants, and happily noted he had no underwear on. I pulled his pants down enough to do oral on him, then had a new idea. I was going to put my penis between his legs and rub it — a "new way of masturbation." (I was going to simulate intercourse). I pulled down the front of my pants and lay down on top of him, but was unable to get my penis into his crotch because of the angle he was at. I gave up, not knowing when H—'s mom would come home.
またある夜、僕が二人の男の子を抱えたとき、V-を起こし、僕をクライマックスまでマスタベーションさせた。ある夜、V-がH-の家に泊まり、僕はそこでV-をベビーシッターとして預かっていた。Vはソファで寝ていた。僕はその夜、Hを痴漢することができなかったので、Vを追いかけた(襲った、狙った、攻めた)。彼はジーンズを履いていて、仰向けになっていたが、肘掛けに寄りかかっていた。僕は彼のズボンのスナップを外し、嬉々として彼が下着を着けていないことに気づいた。僕は彼のズボンを下ろして口づけをし、それから新しいアイデアを思いついた。僕は彼の股間にペニスを入れて、それを擦るつもりだった。"新しいマスタベイトの方法 "だ。(僕は性交をシミュレートするつもりだった)。僕はパンツの前を下げて彼の隣に横たわったが、彼の角度のせいでペニスを彼の股間に入れることができない。僕は、H-の母親がいつ帰ってくるか分からないので、あきらめた。 In all, I molested H— about 15 times, and attempted to molest him in his sleep at least 20 times, but he woke up. I remember just the 3 contacts with V—, but there could have been 2 or 3 others when I molested him in his sleep as I did H—. When H�� finally reported me, he only mentioned that first night at his house and the first night at my apartment, one in each state. He never mentioned the body rubs I gave him while he was nude or that he had watched me masturbate 4 or 5 times. 僕は全部で15回ほどH-に痴漢をし、20回以上寝ながら痴漢をしようとしたが、H-は起きてしまった。僕が覚えているのはVとの3回だけだが、Hと同じように寝ながら痴漢をしたのは、他に2~3回あったかもしれない。H-が最終的に僕を報告したとき、彼は彼の家での最初の夜と僕のアパートでの最初の夜、それぞれの状態で1回ずつしか言及しなかった。彼は、彼が裸のときに僕が体を揉んだことや、僕がマスタベイトするのを4、5回見たことについては、まったく触れなかった。 Now, I had to go back to Benton County, my year of probation was over and it was time for a review hearing. I had failed to continue counseling, so 1 did another 21 days in jail. H—'s mom found out about my past, and I couldn't see H— anymore. H— started having problems and was taken to a counselor where he finally said what 1 had done to him, once in Idaho, and once in Washington. (He never told police he knew what I had done to V—, either). I confessed to police in both states, Washington was going to let Idaho have me first, since that's where the boy lived. In August, 1988, just after my 23rd birthday, I was sentenced to 10 years in an Idaho prison. As I write this, 1 should be in an Idaho prison, 8 years into my sentence, and looking forward to being extradited to Washington to face charges for molesting H— here. さあ、僕はベントン郡に戻らねばならない。1年間の保護観察期間が終わり、再審査の時期が来たのだ。僕はカウンセリングを受けなかったから、また21日間刑務所に入れられた。H-のお母さんに僕の過去がバレて、H-にはもう会えなくなった。H-は問題を抱え始め、カウンセラーのところに連れて行かれ、最終的に僕が彼に何をしたか、アイダホで一度、ワシントンで一度、1、自分にしたことをついに口にした。(彼は僕がVに何をしたかを知っていることを警察にも言わなかった)。僕は両州の警察に自白したが、ワシントンは少年が住んでいるアイダホに僕を先に行かせるつもりだったんだ。
BUT, the Idaho judge said 10 years, but he was commuting the sentence to ONE year in the county jail, because I had already entered counseling (he didn't know I was under court order from Benton County to get that counseling). They thought I was doing well, and I was released from jail after just 4 months. Yes — RELEASED. I had outstanding charges over in Washington, but the prosecutor screwed up. There was no request for extradition (the jail in Idaho, and the jail in Washington were only 3 or 4 miles apart.), and there was no arrest warrant. There were charges against me, but apparently the prosecutor lost my file. To this day, there are still outstanding charges against me from molesting H— in 1984 — charges that would have sent me to prison for AT LEAST 10 years. (If that prosecutor hadn't lost my file, I'd have been in prison when 3 little boys were killed.)
しかし、アイダホの判事は10年と言ったが、僕はすでにカウンセリングを受けていたので、郡刑務所で1年の減刑とした(彼は僕がカウンセリングを受けるようベントン郡から裁判所命令を受けていることを知らなかった)。僕はよくやっている(うまく行っている)と評価され、わずか4カ月で刑務所から釈放された。Yes — RELEASED.(そう、リリースされたんだ。)僕にはワシントンでの未解決容疑があったのだが、検察官がしくじったんだ。アイダホの刑務所とワシントンの刑務所は3、4マイルしか離れていない)送還の要請もなく、逮捕状もなかった。僕に対する告訴はあったが、どうやら検察官が僕のファイルを紛失してしまったらしい。1984年にH-に性的虐待を加えた僕には、最低でも10年は刑務所に入ることになるであろう罪状が、今日に至るまで残っている。(もし検察官が僕のファイルを紛失していなかったら、3人の少年が殺されたとき、僕は刑務所にいたはずだ。) I had one year of probation in Idaho. I found an apartment in Lewiston, and was under order to have no contact with children. I looked for boys anyway, but couldn't find any. In the summer of 1985, at age 23, I had gone over a year without molesting, I was going crazy.
Comment by Kozue (Translator)
I guess "he" is the "H" that caused him to have trauma (problems) afterwards.
''He was seeking male companionship and I did that to him. I was thinking of writing him a letter, but I'm not sure what I'd say. I think that bothers me more than the others I molested,'' Dodd said. ''I really liked him.''
He looked out the window and saw the victim and his mother coming out of the Lewiston Police station. The boy looked up to the third floor of the courthouse, where the jail is located.
''He stopped and looked right at me,'' Dodd said. ''It got to be too much. Why did he stop and look at me? I began thinking of suicide.''
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kozuwestley · 2 years
Westley Allan Dodd "So — he was still my friend! だから — 彼はまだ僕の友だちだったんだ!"
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Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993) ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド (1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)
50) WHEN: June 6, 1982 WHERE: Richland - while on Liberty AGE: 20 VICTIM: Six year old male I learned on May 17th that the Seattle charges had been dropped — I had to celebrate. I found a boy in Richland that I would "celebrate" with — I tried to get him to pull his pants down and was ready to put my hand up the leg of his shorts against his will when his aunt started calling him. I ran off. Unknown to me at the time, police were called. Records show that an arrest warrant was issued TWO MONTHS LATER on August 11, 1982. The details of this attempted crime are in my previous history (This brings me to 135-145 victims.)
50)時期:1982年6月6日、場所:リッチランド - リバティにいたとき 年齢:20歳  被害者:6歳の大将
NOTE: I spent July of 1982 at Music Camp but had no opportunity to molest anyone. I was picked up by shore patrol at the camp and taken to the brig for unauthorized absence. I was discharged from the Navy in early December, 1982. I was 21 years old, had as many as 145 victims and intended to continue molesting. My chief warned me not to go to Richland because they had a warrant for my arrest. I went to Benton City, knowing that if I didn't get stopped for traffic, the police WOULD NOT know I was back in the area. 注:僕は1982年の7月を音楽キャンプで過ごしたが、痴漢する機会はなかった。僕はキャンプで陸上警備隊に捕まり、無断欠勤で営倉に入れられた。僕は1982年12月初旬に海軍から除隊した。僕は21歳で、145人もの被害者がいて、痴漢を続けるつもりだった。僕の上司がリッチランドに行くなと警告したんだ。逮捕状が出ているからね。僕はベントン市へ行った。交通違反で止められなければ、僕がこの地域に戻ってきたことを警察は知らないだろうと思ったからだ。
51) WHEN: Early December, 1982 WHERE: W. Richland, Benton City AGE: 21 VICTIMS: No victims Right after my discharge, I got a job working as a dishwasher in a Richland restaurant. Getting off about 1 a.m. one night, I spotted two hitchhikers as I was passing through W. Richland on my way to Benton City where I lived. I picked them up — two girls, one about 8-9 and the other about 13. They were going to Seattle. I dropped them off on the highway at the turnoff into Benton City and went home. Figuring the girls were runaways, I changed clothes, filled up my gas tank and a thermos of coffee and was back to where I'd left them only twenty to twenty-five minutes earlier. It was not likely they'd get another ride on that highway at that time of night — no traffic. I was going to pick them up and take them to Seattle, invite them to stay with me in a motel outside of Seattle, then take them to where they claimed an aunt lived. But, I drove as far as the next town and could not find them. I was hoping I could make some-thing happen, maybe as a way of them thanking me for the ride on a cold night.
51) 時期:1982年12月初旬、場所:ベントンシティのW.リッチランド 年齢: 21歳 被害者:なし
僕は(海軍の)除隊後すぐに、リッチランドのレストランで皿洗いの仕事に就いた。ある夜、午前1時頃、僕が住んでいるベントン市に向かう途中、W.リッチランドを通りかかったとき、2人のヒッチハイカーを発見した。僕は二人の女の子を乗せた。一人は8〜9歳、もう一人は13歳くらいだった。彼女たちはシアトルに行くところだった。僕は彼女たちを高速道路のベントンシティへの分岐点で降ろし、家に帰った。僕は彼女たちを家出人だと思い、服を着替え、ガソリンタンクとコーヒーの魔法瓶を満タンにし、ほんの20分から25分前に彼らを置き去りにした場所に戻った。その時間帯は交通量も少なく、もう他の車が彼女たちを乗せることはできないだろう。僕は彼女たちを拾ってシアトルまで連れて行き、シアトル郊外のモーテルに僕と一緒に泊まってもらい、それから彼女たちの言う叔母の住む場所まで連れて行く予定だった。しかし、僕は隣町まで行ったが、彼女たちを見つけることはできなかった。 たぶん、寒い夜に車に乗せてくれてありがとうという彼らのお礼の方法として、僕は何かが起こる(実現する)ことを望んでいたんだ。
52) WHEN: Early-Mid December, 1982 WHERE: Benton City AGE: 21 VICTIM: M—, Not a new victim — new crime on a repeat victim. Refer to recap notes of Incident *30.1 had stopped molesting M— only because he and N— moved out of state with their mother, i pretty much forgot about him, not expecting to see him again. One day while driving through Benton City, I saw him walking down the street. I stopped and talked to him, he had moved back to his dad's in Benton City, his mom was still out of state. My mom and step-dad were out of town for the weekend, so I had the house all to myself. Would M— like to come out for the night, watch TV, play some games . .. ? Sure, his dad was gone also, just him and his older brother home alone. M— got in the car, I took him to his house to pick up the things he needed and we went out to my place. I intended to play the same games we'd played almost five years earlier. I normally would not go near a boy thirteen years old, but I had learned from H— (incident #40) that some kids that age didn't yet have pubic hair. In addition, I had done quite a bit with M— before, so I was quite comfortable with him regardless of his age. He was a pretty good-looking kid — a bit small for his age. It didn't occur to me that M— would no longer want to do what he did with me when he was only eight — five years earlier.
52) 時期:1982年12月初旬〜中旬 場所:ベントンシティ ベントン・シティ 年齢:21歳 被害者:男性 新しい被害者ではなく、繰り返し被害に遭っている被害者に対する新しい犯罪。
事件記録*30.1を参照。僕は、M-がN-と一緒に母親と一緒に州外に引っ越したので、M-への性的虐待を止め、彼のことはほとんど忘れており、再び会うこともないと思っていた。ある日、Benton Cityを車で走っていると、彼が通りを歩いているのを見かけた。僕は立ち止まって彼に話しかけた。彼はベントンシティの父親の家に戻っていて、母親はまだ州外にいた。僕の母親と義理の父親は週末に出かけていて、家を僕一人で独占していた。テレビを見たり、ゲームをしたり......一晩中、Mと一緒に過ごすのはどうだろう?? 案の定、父親が不在で、彼と彼のお兄ちゃんと二人きりで家にいた。僕はMを車に乗せ、彼の家に連れて行き、必要なものを取ってから、僕の家に行った。僕は、5年近く前に遊んだのと同じゲームをするつもりだった。僕は普通なら13歳の男の子には近づかないのだが、H-(事件その40)から、そのくらいの年齢でまだ陰毛が生えていない子もいることを学んでいた。それに、僕はM-と結構やったことがあったので、年齢に関係なく、結構気楽に接することができた。彼は、年齢の割に少し小柄で、なかなか格好いい子(かなり美形な子)だった。M-がまだ8歳だった頃、つまり5年前に僕としたことを、もうしたくなくなるとは思いもよらなかった。
We started to play poker. After a few hands, I suggested putting away the chips and playing strip poker. I was not interested. I reminded him of all the things we used to do. He said I was too much better at poker than him. I said we'd just draw cards — low card had to remove a piece of clothing. He finally, reluctantly agreed to play — when I said I would strip completely but he only had to strip to his underwear. The loser had to run around the house — he in his underwear and me nude — there was snow on the ground so shoes could be worn to protect the feet. We each lost a couple of games. (We lived out of town — the house in the middle of eight acres of land — nearest neighbor about a mile away — we could run around the house without being seen by anyone else.) 僕たちはポーカーを始めた。数ハンドを出した後、僕はチップをしまってストリップ・ポーカーをしようと提案した。僕は興味がなかった。僕は彼に、昔やったことをすべて思い出させた。彼は僕の方がポーカーが上手いと言った。僕は、ただカードを引くだけでいいんだと言った。僕は全裸になるけど、彼は下着姿になればいいと言うと、彼はやっと、しぶしぶながらプレイすることに同意した。( 彼は、僕のほうがポーカーがうますぎる、と言った。僕は、カードを引いて、低いカードを抜いた方が服を一枚脱がなければならないと言った。)負けた人は家の周囲を走り回らなければならなかった。彼は下着姿、僕は裸で、地面には雪が積もっていたので、足を守るために靴を履くことができた。僕たちはそれぞれ何度かゲームに負けた。(僕たちは郊外に住んでいて、8エーカーの土地の真ん中に家があり、一番近い隣人は1マイルほど離れていたので、誰にも見られることなく家の中を走り回ることができた)。
I finally complained that it wasn't fair that I had to strip and he could have his underwear on — he said I could have mine on too. Again, he finally, reluctantly did what I wanted — he ran around the house naked, while I watched, but he kept his back to me whenever possible — like when dressing or undressing. He did not want to do this and was hiding his genitals as much as possible. Next time he lost, he complained that it was too cold outside without his underwear. I gave him an option — outside or ten pushups. He chose pushups, pulling his underwear off and getting down on the floor, keeping his back to me the whole time. I got down on the floor and peeked under him watching his genitals while he did the pushups. 僕はついに、僕は裸にならなきゃいけないのに、彼は下着をつけたままなのは不公平だと文句を言った--彼は僕のも下着つけていいと言った。僕が見ている間、彼は裸で家の周辺を走り回ったが、服を着るときや脱ぐときなど、できる限り僕に背中を向けていた。彼はこれを嫌がって、できるだけ自分の性器を隠していた。次に負けたとき、彼は「下着をつけないと外が寒い」と文句を言った。僕は彼に、外でやるか、腕立て伏せを10回やるかの選択肢を与えた。彼は腕立て伏せを選び、下着を脱いで床に伏せ、その間ずっと僕に背を向けていた。僕は床に伏せて、彼が腕立て伏せをしている間、彼の下を覗いて彼の性器を見ていた。
At one point while playing cards, I asked if he wanted to see me put the inside of an ink pen into my dick. He said no. He definitely would not watch that. When I had lost a few hands and was down to my underwear, I went to "use the bathroom." I already had an erection, so I just pushed an ink canister all the way into my penis then pulled my underwear back up. I lost the next hand and stood to pull off my underwear. I told M— to watch — he said he was not going to watch me put a pen in. I said, "It's already inside — I did it in the bathroom — just watch." I made him watch as I pulled back the skin around the opening so the pen would start "oozing out." When enough of the pen had come out on it's own, I asked R— if he wanted to pull it out — NO! But he did give in enough to watch me pull it out. NO — he didn't want to try it himself and he didn't want to put it back into me, either. ある時、トランプをしている時、僕は彼がインクペンの内側を僕のディックに入れるのを見たいかどうか訊ねた。彼は「ノー」と言った。彼は絶対にそれを見ようとはしなかった。僕が少ないハンドを失い、下着姿になったとき、"トイレを借りる "をした。僕はすでに勃起していたので、インク缶をペニスの奥まで押し込んでから下着を戻した。僕は次のハンドを失い、下着を脱ぐために立ち上がった。僕はM-に見ててくれと言った-彼は僕がペンを入れるのを見るつもりはないと言った。僕は、"もう中に入ってるんだよ、トイレでやったんだ、見ててよ "と言った。僕はペンが "にじみ出る "ように、開口部の周りの皮膚を後ろに引っ張りながら、彼に観察させた。ペンが十分出てきたところで、僕はRに、ペンを引き抜きたいかどうか訊ねた - ノー! でも、僕がペンを抜くのを見る分には屈服してくれた。彼は自分では試したくなかったし、僕の中に戻すのも嫌がっていた。
At bedtime, we used the bunk beds in my room. I let him use the top bunk. I had a hidden reason for that. We both stripped to our underwear and I watched M— climb into the top bunk. I don't recall the exact conversation, but 1 must have asked him if he had ever masturbated. I didn't know if he had discovered masturbation or not, or if he was capable of ejaculating, so I asked him about it — because I suggested a masturbation contest. First one to ejaculate was the winner. He didn't want to, so once again 1 talked him into doing what I wanted. He gave in by sighing and saying, "give me a Kleenex." We stripped. He sat cross-legged on the upper bunk. I stood beside the bunk and we started masturbating (I already had an erection, so 1 let him make himself "hard" before we started). After a brief period of time, he said he couldn't do it with me watching because I made him nervous. I told him to keep going. He finally said, "I can't do it." Surprisingly, I couldn't either, so we gave up. (I had expected to easily win the contest. I thought masturbating while watching him masturbate would excite me and speed my climax, but it didn't happen). I told M—, "I know a way I can get you to cum, want me to do it?" He declined my offer. I was going to do oral sex on him. I didn't force him. I was GOING to do it to him while he slept, anyway. 就寝時、僕たちは僕の部屋にある二段ベッドを使った。僕は彼に上の段を使わせた。それには、ある理由が隠されていた。僕たちは下着姿になり、僕はMが上段に乗り込むのを見届けた。正確な会話は憶えていないが、僕は彼にマスターベイションをしたことがあるかと訊いたはずだ。僕は、彼がマスターベイションを知ったのか知らないのか、射精できるのか知らなくて、それを訊いた--というのは、僕がマスターベイションコンテストを提案したからだ。先に射精した者が勝者だ。彼は嫌がったので、またしても僕の思い通りになるように説得した。彼はため息をつきながら、"クリネックス(ティッシュ)をくれ "と言って降参した。僕たちは服を脱いだ。彼は上の寝台にあぐらをかいて座った。僕は寝台の横に立ち、マスターベイションを始めた(僕はすでに勃起していたので、始める前に彼に自分自身を「硬く」してもらった。)。しばらくして、彼は僕が見ていると緊張するからできないと言った。僕は彼に続けるようにと言った。彼はついに "僕には無理だ "と言った。意外と僕にもできなかったので、あきらめた。(僕は簡単に勝てると思っていた。彼のオナニーを見ながらマスターベイションをすれば、僕が興奮して絶頂が早まると思ったのだが、そうはならなかった)。僕はMに、"君をイカせる方法があるんだけど、やってみるか?"と言った。彼は僕の申し出を断った。僕は彼にオーラルセックスをしようと思っていた。僕は彼に無理強いしなかった。いずれにせよ、彼が寝ている間にやってしまおうと思っていたんだ。
"We" went to sleep, only I stayed awake! He was on the top bunk because it was level with the center of my abdomen. I could stand on the floor and be comfortable while my head and arms went under M—'s sheet and blankets. I held a small penlight flashlight in my mouth so I could see him. I slid under the covers. I didn't want to pull the covers off him for fear that it would wake him. This way, there would be no movement of the blankets, changing the weight on his body and exposing him to the cool air. Also by leaving the blankets over him, it kept the light out of his eyes. It was a dark room — room light would shine in his eyes — flashlight under the blankets wouldn't. With the light in my mouth I very carefully and slowly tried to pull down the front of his underwear, then decided that for the least amount of movement it would be best to simply open the fly of his underwear. All the rubbing gave him an erection fairly quickly, making it even harder to pull his penis out. By the time his penis was out of the fly, he was fully erect. I looked at him closely and noticed for the first time that he had a very short growth of pubic hair on his groin (what I could see through his fly), but not enough that I would get hair in my mouth. I remember thinking that he had the biggest (longest) dick I'd ever seen, he'd be the oldest I'd ever sucked, and "Oh god, he's got a good one!," and "this is going to be great!." I suddenly wished I'd brought a cup into the room — so I could spit in it if M— ejaculated while I was sucking on his penis — well, I'd have to hold it in my mouth until I could get to the bathroom. Then, just as my open mouth moved down towards his wonderful penis, he moved suddenly, I pulled back and as I pulled out from under his blankets he was already putting his penis back inside his underwear. I made two more unsuccessful attempts that night, never getting even as far as I did the first time. I could have made him submit to oral sex, but I just couldn't MAKE him go that far with me. I know he'd have never reported it — I had reminded him that he had LIKED all the things we'd done five years earlier and that he himself had made the first move by trying to pull MY pants down. That whole night I was blackmailing him with his own memories of what we'd done years earlier. I could have forced oral sex on him without fear of being reported and I knew it, but I didn't do it. "僕ら "は寝たが 僕だけが起きたままだった!彼は上の段にいた僕の腹の中心と同じ高さだったからだ。僕は床に立ち、頭と腕はMのシーツと毛布の下に潜り込み、快適に過ごすことができた。僕はペンライトのような小さな懐中電灯を咥えて、彼の姿が見えるようにした。僕は布団の中に潜り込んだ。僕は、彼が起きるのを恐れて、布団を引っ張りたくなかった。そうすれば、毛布が動いて、彼の体にかかる重さが変わり、冷たい空気にさらされることもないだろう。また、毛布をかけたままにしておくことで、目に光が入らないようにすることもできる。暗い部屋なので、部屋の明かりが目に入るが、毛布の中の懐中電灯なら入らない。僕はライトを口に含みながら、慎重にゆっくりと彼の下着の前を引き下ろそうとした。(そして、最小限の動きで済むように、単に下着のフライ(前立て)を開けるのが一番だと思った。)擦るだけで彼はかなり早く勃起し、ペニスを引き抜くのがさらに困難になった。 ペニスがフライから出てきた頃には、彼は完全に勃起していた。 僕は彼をよく見て、初めて彼の股間(フライから見えた部分)にとても短い陰毛が生えていることに気づいたが、僕の口に毛が入るほどではなかった。僕は、彼が今まで見た中で一番大きな(長い)ディックを持っていて、今までしゃぶった中で一番年上だろうと思い、"ああ、神様、彼はいいものを持っている!"、"これはすごいことになりそうだ!"と思ったのを憶えている。僕はふと、部屋にコップを持ってくればよかったな~、そうすれば僕がペニスをしゃぶっている時にMが射精してもコップに唾を吐けるしな~、まあトイレに行くまで口に含んでおくしかないか~と思った。そして、僕の開いた口が彼の素晴らしいペニスに向かった瞬間、彼が急に動いたので、僕は引き下がり、毛布の下から引き抜くと、彼はすでにペニスを下着の中に戻していた。僕はその夜、あと二回ほど試みたが、一回目のときほどには到達させることができなかった。僕は彼にオーラルセックスをさせることはできたのだが、どうしても彼にそこまでさせることはできなかった。僕は、彼が5年前に僕たちがしたすべてのことを気に入っていたこと、そして僕のパンツを下ろそうとして先手を打ったのは彼自身だったことを思い出した。その夜僕は、数年前に僕らがやったことの記憶で彼を脅かしていたんだ。僕は通報される心配もなく、彼にオーラルセックスを強要することもできたし、それをわかっていたのに、それをしなかった。
I took M— home the next morning and he was talking about us getting together again sometime, but NO strip poker. So — he was still my friend! I intended to USE him again sometime, but about two months later I moved out of the area and never saw him again. 翌朝、M-を家に送ると、彼はまたいつか一緒にやろうと言っていたが、ストリップポーカーはやらない。だから — 彼はまだ僕の友だちだったんだ!僕はまたいつか彼を利用するつもりだったが、約2ヶ月後、僕はその地域から引っ越し、それ以来彼に会うことはなかった。
0 notes
kozuwestley · 2 years
Westley Allan Dodd "Polish people in line — nude — waiting for a shower that was actually a gas chamber — nude bodies of men, women, and kids being dumped in mass graves — I liked it all. At age 12, an interest in nudity and death. ポーランド人が裸で列に並び、ガス室と化したシャワーを待つ姿、集団墓地に捨てられる男、女、子供の裸体......僕はすべてが好きだった。12歳にして、ヌードと死への興味を抱く"
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I have dared to exclude the important passages (because they are too long quotations), so please refer to his diary together.
From Molesting to Sex Slaves and Cannibalism: The following is the complete sexual history of Westley Allan Dodd. This history begins in 1970 — I was barely 4 years old. Today's date: 4-16-92 My age: 30. My reasons for writing this history are to provide a complete, chronological account, not only of my known sex crimes, but also of all crimes previously unreported. I am including all information about my childhood that may or may not have been a contributing factor to my crimes. I am also including all relationships with women sexual or not.
以下は、ウェストリー・アラン・ドッドの完全な性的歴史である。この歴史は1970年に始まり、僕はやっと4歳になったばかりだった。 今日の日付:4-16-92 僕の年齢:30歳。
僕がこの歴史を書いた理由は、僕の既知の性犯罪だけでなく、これまで報告されていないすべての犯罪を、年代順に完全に説明するためである。僕の子供時代について、僕の犯罪の一因となった可能性のある、あるいはそうでない情報もすべて含めている。僕は、性的であろうとなかろうと、女性との関係もすべて含めている。 I have spent the last twenty months making notes every time I recalled another incident or crime. With these notes, the above mentioned records and my memory, I now write my complete sexual history, in chronological order. I include details of crimes, how I approached victims (and where), ages, my thoughts and feelings, victims' reactions, what I looked for and wanted, etc. It is my hope that police and mental health professionals can learn more about how a 13 year old boy who exposes himself can become a 28 year old child-killer. Please don't allow other children to "follow in my footsteps".
Sincerely, Westley A. Dodd
敬具 ウェストリー・A・ドッド 1) WHEN: Sometime during my sister's infancy. Probably summer of 1965. WHERE: Kennewick (home). I was born July 3, 1961. My sister was born May 29, 1965. I can remember Mom breast feeding my sister, this must have been around the time of or shortly after my 4th birthday. Don't remember thoughts or feelings.
1) 時期: 僕の妹がまだ幼い頃。おそらく1965年の夏。場所: ケネウィック(自宅)。
6)WHEN: Between Spring of 1969 and Spring of 1971. WHERE: Basement in Yakima home. AGE: 8 or 9. I can't say whether this happened before or after incident #2, only that it occurred sometime during the two-year period our family lived in Yakima. A room in the basement had been made a kid's playroom. One day, five or six of us, including a girl cousin, (probably my age or a year or two younger) were in the playroom. All I remember is thinking she was VERY pretty and I'd like to see her with no clothes on. I had NEVER before considered ANY girl as being pretty, nor had I ever wanted to see one naked like I did her. Both were new to me. Looking back, she is the ONLY one I'd ever thought that way about until I was in my twenties! In high school, I remember a cousin who was in the same class as me saying he'd like to play strip poker with our mutual cousin!I guess I always had a crush on her, so did the rest of my male cousins my age! Nothing ever happened, just thought I should write down what was very unusual thoughts for me at that age (wanted to see her naked, but I was still afraid of "GIRL GERMS"!) Don't know what I'd have done if I DID see her naked! 6)時期 1969年春から1971年春にかけて。場所:ヤキマの自宅の地下室
自宅 年齢 :8歳か9歳。僕は、この事件が2番目の事件の前か後かはわからないが、僕たち家族がヤキマに住んでいた2年間のうちのいつかの出来事であることは確かだ。地下室の一室が子供の遊び場になっていた。ある日、いとこの女の子を含む5、6人で。
(僕と同い年か、それより1、2歳年下の)5、6人でそのプレイルームにいた。僕が憶えているのは、彼女がとても可愛くて、服を着ていないところが見てみたい、と思ったことだけだ。僕はそれまで、どんな女の子でも可愛いと思ったことはなかったし、彼女のような裸を見たいと思ったこともなかった。どちらも初めての経験だった。今思えば、僕が20代になるまで、そんな風に思っていたのは彼女だけだったんだ!高校の時、同じクラスの従兄弟が「共通の従兄弟とストリップポーカーをしたい!」と言っていたのを憶えている。僕はずっと彼女に片想いしていたようで、他の同い年の男の従兄弟もそうだった! 何も起こらなかったけど、その年の僕にとってとても変わった考え(彼女の裸を見たかったけど、まだ "GIRL GERMS "が怖かった!)を書き留めておこうと思ったんだ!
7) WHEN: Fall, 1971. WHERE: Neighbor's garage, Umatilla AGE: 10 VICTIM(S): None Y—, at age 6, was one of two girls next door to us. Somehow, Y— and 1, along with my sister (also age 6), ended up in Y—'s garage. Y— pulled her pants down so I could see "it." My sister also looked. Then I pulled my pants down. My sister looked. Y— wouldn't look, saying she'd "seen it before." Since Y— had obviously done this with other boys (she'd seen "it" before), she may have initiated it. Or, with my previous thoughts of wanting to see my cousin naked, it could have been me that suggested it. At any rate, we were all willing participants (sister looked at us both, but did not pull her pants down). I was disappointed that Y— wouldn't look at me. I now wonder if this is one of the subconscious reasons I later preferred boys. I had been "rejected" at age 10 by a girl! (There are reasons I AM AWARE OF as to why I preferred boys, but this MIGHT have been a hidden contributing factor.) (Y— was younger than me. Her sister was MY age, but I never did it with the sister.)
7) 時期:1971年の秋。場所:ウマティラ、隣人のガレージ
年齢:10歳 被害者:なし
Y-は6歳で、隣の家の2人の女の子のうちの1人だった。僕と妹(6歳)はどういうわけか、Y-の家のガレージに入ることになった。Y-はパンツを下ろして、僕に "それ "が見えるようにした。僕と妹も見た。それから僕もパンツを下ろした。僕のを妹は見た。Y-は「前に見たことがある」と言って見ようとしない。Y-は明らかに他の男の子と同じことをしていたので(彼女は "それ "を見たことがある)、彼女がそれを始めたのかもしれない。あるいは、従兄弟の裸を見たいと以前から思っていた僕のほうから言い出したのかもしれない。いずれにせよ、僕たちは全員喜んで参加した(妹は僕たち二人を見たが、パンツを下ろさなかった)。僕は、Y-が僕を見てくれなくてがっかりした。これが、僕が後に男の子を好むようになった潜在的な理由の一つではないかと、今となっては思っている。僕は10歳のときに女の子に「拒絶」されたんだ!(僕が自覚している理由がある。(僕は10歳のときに女の子に「フラれた」んだ!(僕が男の子を好きになった理由には自覚しているものがあるが、このことが隠れた要因だったかもしれない)。(Y-は年下だった。彼女の姉は僕と同い年だったが、その姉とはしなかった)
9) WHEN: 1972-73 school year. WHERE: Home in Richland. AGE: 11. VICTIM(S) No victims. Found a picture of a nude beach (?) in a nature magazine. Wished the photographer was closer to the beach and wished he had focused better. I remember "sneaking a peek" at that photo several times. It was very, uh, intriguing — It was captivating. For the first time, I was AWARE of an unusual interest. I did not think it was normal for me to be so interested in a photo of nude men and women. I remember feeling disappointed and searching the house one day when I couldn't find that magazine, but then I just forgot about it.
9) 時期:1972-73年の学校年度。場所:リッチランドの自宅 年齢:11. 被害者なし。
ネイチャーマガジンでヌード・ビーチ(?)の写真を見つけた。写真家がもっとビーチに近ければよかったし、もっとうまくピントを合わせればよかったと思う。僕はその写真を何度か「こっそり見た」のを憶えている。とても、あの、興味をそそられる写真だった(うーん、そそられる - 魅惑的だった。)。僕は初めて、普通ではない興味に気がついた。僕が裸の男女の写真に興味を持つなんて、普通じゃないと思ったんだ。ある日、その雑誌が見つからず、がっかりして家中を探したことを憶えている。でも、その後は忘れてしまった。 NOTES: Again, incident *9 MAY have been normal curiosity for an 11 year old, but I KNEW it was not normal for me to be so interested in that photo. My interest in it MUST be hidden! I maintain that I was never sexually abused and I do not believe anything from my childhood CAUSED my crimes, which started just two years after incident *9. However, it seems that I had a CONTINUING INTEREST in the nudity of others and in MY own body from the age of nine on . .. (see incidents *3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9). 注)。繰り返しになるが、事件*9は11歳の子供にとっては普通の好奇心だったかもしれないが、僕がその写真に興味を持つのは普通ではないことは分かっていた。僕がその写真に興味を持ったことは隠さなければならない。僕は性的虐待を受けたことはないし、事件(※9)のわずか2年後に始まった僕の犯罪は、幼少期の何かが原因だとは思っていない。しかし、僕は9歳の頃から他人の裸体や僕自身の裸体に興味を持ち続けていたようだ・・・(事件※3、5、6、7、8、9を参照)。
10) WHEN: 1973-74 School year WHERE: Chief Joseph Jr. High, Richland. AGE 12. VICTIM: In a way, me. 10) 時期:1973-74年度 場所 :リッチランドにあるチーフ・ジョセフ・ジュニア・ハイ。年齢12歳。被害者:ある意味、僕。
New this year, showers in RE. class. I didn't like taking showers where everyone could see me. 1 didn't understand the locker room talk, what the guys said about their girlfriends or certain "kinds" of girls, nor did I understand their sex-related jokes. One day while waiting for an open shower, a guy said I could share his, everyone laughed, I didn't understand why. Also, I was NOT athletic, couldn't do a pull-up, no good at ANY kind of sport or RE. activity. That set me apart from most of the other guys. I was different. Not like them. この年から、シャワーを浴びるのが体育の授業になった。僕はみんなに見られる場所でシャワーを浴びるのが嫌だった。僕は、ロッカールームでの会話、男たちが自分のガールフレンドやある種の女の子について話すこと、セックスにまつわるジョークが理解できなかった。ある日、シャワーを待っているときに、ある男が僕にもシャワーを浴びさせてくれと言った。また、僕は運動神経がなく、懸垂もできないし、スポーツやその他の活動も苦手だった。それが、他の多くの人たちとは違うところだった。僕は違うんだ。他の人たちとは違う。 This same year (still age 12), the girls started teasing me. They knew I was embarrassed easily, they'd say "you're so clean cut and handsome" in voices imitating a passionate kind of conversation. I didn't know what it meant, it was embarrassing, a very unpleasant situation. They also knew I got D's in Health Class. One day after some whispering, a girl told me my epidermis was showing. I got to the bathroom as soon as I could to check and make sure my pants was zipped up! 同じ年(まだ12歳)、女の子たちは僕をからかい始めた。僕がすぐ恥ずかしがることを知っていた彼女たちは、「あんたって、きれいな顔して(clean cutで)、ハンサムね」と、熱弁をふるうような(いかにも情熱的な)声で言うんだ。僕はその意味がわからなくて、恥ずかしくて、とても嫌な状況だった。僕が保健の授業でD'(赤点)をとっていることも知っていた。ある日、何やらひそひそ話をしていた女の子が、僕に「表皮が出てるよ」と言った。僕はすぐにトイレに行き、ズボンのチャックが閉まっているかどうか確認した! 11) WHEN: 1973-74 School year. WHERE: Home in Richland. AGE 12. VICTIM: Me (Victim of cruel sex-related teasing). One day after school, I was watching TV. — Gilligan's Island, Brady Bunch or a similar sit-com. Then, just for a second, there were pictures of someone's chest being painted. I thought that was pretty weird. I didn't know for sure what I had seen but before I could take a second look the regular TV show was back on. The next day, my only friend (he was my age) in the world, from my 7th grade homeroom class, was at my house. Dad was reading the newspaper — a headline story said that the day before, a TV studio operator was watching an X-rated (or pornographic — I don't remember what the paper said it was) movie on studio equipment. He hit a wrong switch and accidentally aired a second or two of the porn movie, showing a woman's chest being painted with body paints. Dad asked if I or my friend had seen it. I said I had but had thought it was a man. Dad seemed to take great pleasure, in front of my friend, teasing me about not knowing the difference between a man and a woman. I DID know the difference, but at age 12, I didn't know such movies existed and certainly wouldn't expect to see partially nude women (she had her pants on) during the Brady Bunch! She was flat on a table — whatever she had for breasts must have been pulled flat. In the brief second I saw it (as I was changing channels), it just didn't occur to me it could have been a woman. Dad really gave me a bad time in front of my friend.
11) 時期: 1973-74年の学校年度 場所:リッチランドの自宅。12歳。被害者:僕(残酷な性的からかいの被害者)。
ある日の放課後、僕はギリガン君(Gilligan's Island)やゆかいなブレディー家(The Brady Bunch)などのテレビを見ていた。すると、ほんの一瞬、誰かの胸がペイントされている絵が出てきたんだ。僕はそれがとても奇妙に思えた。僕は何を見たのかよくわからなかったが、もう一度見ているうちに、普通のテレビ番組が再開された。翌日、7年生の担任クラスから、世界でたった一人の僕(同い年)である中学一年生の友達が僕の家に来てくれた。親父が新聞を読んでいて、その見出しによると、前日、テレビスタジオのオペレーターがスタジオの機材でX-Rated(またはポルノ-新聞には何と書いてあったか憶えていない)の映画を見ていたそうだ。彼はスイッチを押し間違えて、女性の胸にボディーペイントをするポルノ映画を1、2秒誤って放映してしまったんだ。父は僕か僕の友達がそれを見たかどうか訊ねた。僕は「見たけど、男だと思ってた」と答えた。父は友人の前で、僕が男と女の区別がつかないことをからかって、とても楽しそうだった。僕はその違いを知っていたが、12歳の僕はそんな映画があることを知らなかったし、『ブレイディ・バンチ』の中で部分的に裸の女性(彼女はパンツをはいていた)を見ることになるとは思ってもいなかった。彼女はテーブルの上に平らになっていて、胸は平らになっていたに違いない。僕はチャンネルを変えながら一瞬見ただけで、それが女性だとは思いもよらなかった。親父は友人の前で僕にひどいことをした(酷い時間を与えた)。 12) WHEN 1973-74 School year. WHERE: Friend's house in Richland AGE: 12 VICTIM(S): None I was spending the night at my friend's house (same friend as mentioned in #11). He came out of the bathroom saying "whatever you do, don't go in there, there's a big one"! Of course, I was then obligated to go see how big his turd was — if he didn't want me to see it, why did he tell me about it and why didn't he flush!? No big deal — boys will be boys, I just flushed it for him. But, conversation about the size of the turd may have been a contributing factor to something I started doing to myself a few years later.
12) 時期: 1973-74年度。場所: リッチランドにある友人の家 年齢 12歳 被害者:なし
僕は友達の家で一晩過ごしていた(11で述べたのと同じ友達)。彼はトイレから出てきて、「何をするにしても、そこには入るな、大きいのがいるぞ」と言った。もちろん、僕は彼のウンコ(turd)の大きさを見に行く義務があった。もし彼が僕に見せたくないのなら、なぜ僕にそのことを話し、なぜ流さなかったんだ!?大したことではない。男の子は男の子らしく、僕はただ彼のためにウンコを流しただけだ。でも、ウンコの大きさについての会話は、数年後に僕が自分自身にし始めたことの一因だったかもしれない。 13) WHEN: 72-73 & 73-74 School year (6th & 7th grade) WHERE: School AGE: 11-12. I remember taking a special interest in film clips I saw in history classes and going to the library to check out to view on special machines in the school library. The film clips I was interested in were the ones about Nazi concentration camps. I was looking for ANY¬THING with nudity — those film clips showed men, women and children nude — before and after death. As long as 1 saw nude people, it didn't matter if they were alive or not. Polish people in line — nude — waiting for a shower that was actually a gas chamber — nude bodies of men, women, and kids being dumped in mass graves — I liked it all. At age 12, an interest in nudity and death.
13) 時期:72〜73年と73〜74年(小学6年と中学1年)。学校の年齢。11-12.
This is the end of my childhood memories regarding anything of a sexual nature. No, when I was 11, Dad worked as a janitor. One night while working with him, I was emptying what I thought was garbage buckets attached to the wall of each stall in the women's bathroom. Dad said it was for tampons and asked if I knew what they were. I said 1 thought that's what women wiped with. He explained to me (I think) but 1 wasn't comfortable with it and ignored him (I always ignored Dad when he talked about anything). 1 think that is the only "man to man" talk Dad ever had. Sex was certainly never discussed. これで僕の性的なことに関する子供の頃の記憶は終わりだ。いや、僕が11歳のとき、親父は掃除夫として働いていた。ある夜、父と一緒に働いていた僕は、女子トイレの個室の壁に取り付けられたゴミバケツと思われるものを空にしていた。父はタンポン用だと言い、僕にそれが何なのか知っているかと訊ねた。僕は、女性が拭くものだと思っていた、と答えた。彼は僕に説明した(と思う)けど、僕はそれに納得がいかず、彼を無視した(僕はいつも、父が何か話すと無視していた)。1、それが父さんがした唯一の「男と男の」会話だと思う。セックスの話は一度もなかった。 15) WHEN: Summer, 1975 WHERE: Home, Richland AGE 13-14 VICTIM(S): None Being afraid to do anything else for fear of being caught (it would be embarrassing and I might be grounded or something!), I spent my time alone. I began experimenting with different ways to masturbate and masturbated at least once a day. I became very interested in my own body. I would use different colored felt markers and shoe polish to draw designs on my groin, buttocks and genitals genitals (every part of me which was covered by underwear). I had a leather watch-band from which I could remove the watch, leaving the band as a type of bracelet. I would put the band around my genitals, squeezing my testicles through and attach a cord to where the watch should have been. 1 would then attach weights to the cord to see how much weight I could support hanging from my genitals. I had become very interested in my own body, especially my genitals. I called these "lonely activities."
15) 時期: 1975年夏、場所 自宅、リッチランド 年齢:13-14 被害者:なし
バレるのを恐れて他のことをするのが怖かったので(僕だって恥ずかしいし、外出禁止になるかもしれない!)、僕は一人で過ごしていた。僕は、いろいろなマスターベイションの方法を試し、一日に一度はマスターベイションをするようになった。僕は自分の体にとても興味を持つようになった。僕は色とりどりのフェルトマーカーと靴墨を使って、股間やお尻、性器(下着で覆われている部分全て)にデザインを描いていたんだ。僕は革の時計バンドを持っていて、そこから時計を外し、バンドをブレスレットのようにすることができた。僕はバンドを性器に巻きつけ、睾丸を通し、腕時計があったはずの場所に紐をつけた。僕は、その紐に重りをつけて、僕の性器にどれだけの重さがかかるか試してみた。僕は自分の体、特に自分の性器にとても興味を持つようになっていた。僕はこれを "孤独な活動 "と呼んでいた。 17) WHEN: Fall, 1975 WHERE: Home in Richland AGE: 14 VICTIM: Sister, age 10 I had spent half a day trying to get my sister to play a guessing game with me. After assuring her I would not make her touch my genitals, she relented. With her eyes closed and hands behind her back, I pulled my penis out through my fly and put it in her hand. She pulled her hand away and refused to play the game anymore. (If I remember correctly, I had a partial erection when 1 tricked my sister into touching me).
17) 時期: 1975年秋、場所:リッチランドの自宅 リッチランドの自宅 年齢:14歳  被害者:妹(10歳
僕は半日かけて、妹に推理ゲームをさせようとしていた。僕は妹に僕の性器は絶対に触らせないと約束し、妹はその気になった。僕は、妹が目を閉じて両手を後ろに回した状態で、僕のペニスをズボンから出して妹の手に握らせた。彼女は手を離し、もうゲームをするのを拒否した。(僕の記憶が正しければ、1が妹を騙して僕に触らせたとき、僕は部分的に勃起していた)。 One night after I thought everyone was asleep, I went into my sister's room. I was wearing only my underwear. Making sure she was asleep, I pulled my underwear down and set her hand on my penis. It felt warm and soft. I had an erection and my heart was pounding. 1 was excited and nervous at the same time. I had never planned or considered this before. R— and S— had pulled their pants down willingly (though S— was reluctant), but I was going to pull my sister's underpants down as she slept since I knew I'd never get them down any other way. With her hand still on my penis, I pulled back her sheets and blankets. As I started to pull down her panties, she woke up and pulled her hand away from me. She asked what I was doing as I pulled up my underwear and went back to my room. Mom was awake and asked my sister what was going on. She said 1 was in her room. Mom asked what I was doing. I said, "She was making noises so I was checking on her." Nothing else was ever said about it. ある夜、みんなが寝たと思った後、僕は妹の部屋に入った。僕は下着一枚だった。僕は妹が寝ているのを確認すると、下着を下ろし、妹の手を僕のペニスにあてがった。暖かくて柔らかい感触がした。僕は勃起し、心臓がドキドキしていた。1、興奮し、同時に緊張していた。僕は今までこんなことを計画したことも考えたこともなかった。R-とS-は進んでパンツを下ろしていたが(S-は嫌がっていたが)、僕は妹が寝ている間にパンツを下ろそうと思っていた。妹の手は僕のペニスに触れたまま、僕は妹のシーツと毛布を引き戻した。僕が妹のパンティーを下ろし始めると、妹は目を覚まし、僕から手を離した。僕が下着を引き上げて自分の部屋に戻ると、彼女は僕が何をしているのか訊ねた。母が起きていて、妹にどうしたのか訊いた。妹は1が自分の部屋にいると言った。母は僕が何をしていたのか訊ねた。僕は「妹がうるさかったから様子を見に来た」と答えた。それ以来、何も言われなくなった。 One day I walked into my sister's room wearing nothing but my athletic supporter. I told her "this is what we wear in RE." She wondered if the girls wore them too. I said, "No, just the guys," then turned and walked out. She gasped when she saw my bare butt. ある日、僕は妹の部屋に、運動用のサポーター以外何もつけずに入った。僕は「これ、体育の授業で着るんだよ」と言った。妹は「女の子も履くのかな」と思っていた。僕は「違うよ、男だけだよ」と言い、振り返って出て行った。彼女は僕の裸のお尻を見て息を呑んだ。
She never reported any of this, but after my arrest for murder, she apparently told Dad that I once tried to get a cousin to pull her pants down. 彼女はこのことを一切報告しなかったが、僕が殺人罪で逮捕された後、彼女は僕がいとこのパンツを下げさせようとしたことがあると父に話したらしい。 18) WHEN: Thanksgiving weekend, 1975 WHERE: Home in Richland AGE: 14 VICTIM: Cousin, age 7-8. Other kids must have been outside playing. J— and I were upstairs alone in my bedroom. 1 don't remember, but must have been wanting to get J—'s pants down, but was afraid to make a move not knowing how he'd react. I knew he often left the bathroom door open when he went to urinate. 1 may have been waiting, hoping to see him through the open door. It just happened that I had to go at about the same time J— did. When J— said he had to go pee, I said "me, too" and followed him into the bathroom. Standing together in front of the toilet, I pulled my penis out through my fly making sure he had an unobstructed view. I was expecting him to pull his penis out through his fly, but apparently he hadn't learned to do it that way yet. I was very happy when he pulled down the front of his pants and underwear. I could see everything instead of just the end of his penis. I said something like "hey, you want to try something first?" I don't recall the rest of the conversation, but J— was willing to try what I suggested.
18) 時期:1975年の感謝祭の週末、場所:リッチランドの自宅 年齢:14歳 被害者:いとこ(7-8歳)。
他の子供たちは外で遊んでいたのだろう。僕とJ-は2階の寝室で一人でいた。1は憶えていないが、J-のズボンを下ろしたいと思っていたに違いないが、彼がどう反応するか分からないので、動くのが怖かった。僕は、彼がトイレに行くとき、よくドアを開けたままにしているのを知っていた。1は、開けっ放しのドアから彼が見えるんじゃないかと待っていたのかもしれない。たまたま僕が用を足したのと、J-が用を足したのがほぼ同じタイミングだった。Jが「おしっこ」と言ったので、僕は「僕も」と言ってJの後を追ってトイレに入った。トイレの前に二人で立ち、僕は彼に見えないようにパンツからペニスを出した。僕はてっきり、彼がパンツからペニスを出すと思っていたのだが、どうやら彼はまだその方法を覚えていないようだった。僕は、彼がズボンと下着の前を下ろしたとき、とても嬉しかった。僕は彼のペニスの先だけでなく、全部を見ることができたんだ。僕は "おい、まず何かやってみるか(ちょっと試してみる)?"みたいなことを言った。そのあとの会話は憶えていないが、僕が提案したことをJ-は喜んで試してくれた。All I remember is a funny feeling inside my stomach. 
I wanted plenty of physical contact, but it had to be sexual. J— and I both pulled our pants all the way down and our shirts up to our armpits (I didn't want to completely undress in case we had to dress fast if we heard someone coming up the stairs). I laid on the floor on my back and had J— lay crosswise on top of me — his genitals against my stomach. I don't recall but I probably let my hands rest on his back and butt in the few seconds he laid on me. I do remember how warm and soft his body felt, it felt good.僕が憶えているのは、お腹の中が変な感じだったということだけだ。
僕は身体的な接触をたくさんしたかったが、それは性的なものでなければならなかった。僕とJ-は二人ともズボンを全部下ろし、シャツは脇の下まで上げた(誰かが階段を上がってくる音がしたら、すぐに服を着なければならないので、完全に服を脱ぎたくなかったのだ)。僕は床に仰向けに寝て、J-は僕の上にあぐらをかいて、彼の性器を僕のお腹に当てた。僕は憶えていないけれど、彼が僕の上に乗っている数秒の間に、彼の背中とお尻に手を置いたかもしれない。僕は、彼の体が暖かくて柔らかくて、気持ちよかったのを憶えている。29) WHEN: School year, 1977 WHERE: Richland AGE: 16 
VICTIM): NoneAbout the same time as my auditorium "activities," it was time for the girls to ask the guys out for dinner and dance. The school's ugliest, fattest dog asked me — and 1 went. We ate, danced one slow dance, never talked, and the evening ended. It was a first date for both of us and neither of us knew what to say, and weren't comfortable doing what everyone else seemed to be doing, (kissing and even some pretty heavy petting). It was one of the worst evenings of my life!29) 時期 1977年、学校での出来事。場所:リッチランド 年齢: 16歳 被害者): なし僕の講堂での「活動」とほぼ同時期に、女の子たちが男たちをディナーやダンスに誘う時期がやってきた。学校で一番醜く、一番太った犬が僕を誘い、1、行った。食事をして、スローダンスを一曲踊って、何も話さず、その夜は終わった。僕たち二人にとって初めてのデートで、二人とも何を話していいかわからず、みんながしているようなこと(キスや、かなり激しいペッティング)も気が進まなかった。僕の人生の中で最悪の夜の一つだった!
34) WHEN: July, 1979 WHERE: Camp AGE: 18 VICTIMS: None The boys at Camp (Music Camp) are not the only thing I should report. This is also the first time I ever kissed a girl. One of the girls on the resident camp staff was about my age. She had grown up in (?), don't remember the name of the town, but it is near Bremerton. Her dad was in the Navy. Obviously, this girl had been with other guys — now, at camp, she was after me! Resident staff, those who work at the camp year around such as kitchen help, nurse, janitorial, etc., were not supposed to "mingle" with the staff of various camps — in my case, a cabin counselor and music staff. But, I found myself holding her hand after campfire one night as we were ushering all the kids back to the cabins. In the woods, she started kissing me.I knew she wanted more than that — she had keys to a building we could use. But, I'd never before even TOUCHED a girl — a kiss was new and uncomfortable — NO WAY I could do even more! I broke off the kiss and avoided her the rest of the summer. I think I was just too afraid — too unsure of myself — didn't know how to act, what to say, or even how to have sex, which is what she wanted. She was experienced — I certainly couldn't tell her I didn't know how to do it!!!!
34) 時期: 1979年7月 場所:キャンプ 年齢 18歳 被害者:なし
僕が報告すべきことは、キャンプ(音楽キャンプ)の男の子たちだけではない。僕は初めて女の子とキスをしたんだ。キャンプ常駐スタッフの女の子の中に僕と同い年の子がいた。彼女は(?)、町の名前は忘れたが、ブレマートンの近くで育っていた。彼女の父親は海軍にいた。明らかに、この女の子は他の男と付き合っていたのだが、キャンプで、彼女は僕を狙っていたんだ。 (明らかに、この女の子は他の男たちと一緒だった-今、キャンプで、彼女は僕を追いかけている!)
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kozuwestley · 2 years
Westley Allan Dodd "All I thought about was that if one boy was so willing to be molested, there must be others.僕が考えたのは、一人の少年がこれほど喜んで痴漢に遭うのなら(性的ないたずらを厭わないのなら)、他にもいるに違いない、ということだけだった。"
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Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993) ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド (1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)
I said, "Hi," and asked if he'd like to make some money. (Calendar wise, it's April of 1981 — 1 was 20, and it was a warm spring day.) "Money?" I said, "Yeah — I'll give you some money if you go down the street and do something for me." He agreed, but then his 3 yr. old brother came up to us. We tried to get him to go home, but I wanted to get away from there before someone saw us, so I let him come. I took the boys down behind the dentist office (which was closed for the day). I told the 4 yr. old I'd give him money if he pulled his pants down. He was very willing. I couldn't believe I kept finding so many willing kids. I was really a lucky guy. He pulled his pants down and sat in the sand and started to pull his pants all the way off. (I had always had them pull the pants down, but not all the way off, so they could dress fast if someone came). I hadn't seen a boy totally nude since M—. I said, "No, just pull them down some." He made a funny face like I wasn't making sense, so I said, "Well, if we're going to take them off, let's do it right." Staring at his genitals I pulled off his shoes and socks, then his pants and underwear were pulled off, then his shirt. I was a bit nervous, this was the first time I had a boy totally nude outside, but I didn't expect anyone to be around. I asked, "Can I touch the thing you pee out of?" He said, "Yes," and lay back in the sand. I started to masturbate him. 僕は"Hi," と言って、彼に「お金を稼ぎたくないか」と訊いた。(暦の上では1981年の4月、1、20歳、暖かい春の日だった)「お金?」僕は言った。"そうだ-通りに行って僕のために何かしてくれたら、いくらかのお金をあげるよ"。彼は承諾してくれたが、その時、3歳の弟が僕たちのところにやってきた。僕たちは彼を家に帰らせようとしたが、誰かに見られる前にその場から逃げたかったので、彼を来させた。僕は少年たちを歯科医院の裏手(その日は閉まっていた)に連れて行った。僕は4歳の子に、パンツを下ろしたらお金をあげるよと言った。彼はとても喜んでいた。僕は、こんなにも喜んでくれる子供たちを見つけ続けることができるなんて信じられなかった。僕は本当にラッキーな男だった。彼はパンツを下ろし、砂の上に座ると、パンツを全部脱がせ始めた。(僕はいつもパンツを下ろさせることはあっても、全部は脱がせないようにしていたんだ、誰かが来てもすぐに服を着られるようにね)。僕は全裸の男の子を見るのはM以来だった。僕は、"No, ちょっとだけ下ろして "と言った。彼は意味不明な顔をしていたので、僕は「どうせ脱ぐなら、ちゃんと脱ごうよ(まあどうせ脱ぐなら、ちゃんとやろうね)」と言った。僕は彼の性器を見つめながら、靴と靴下を脱がせ、パンツと下着を脱がせ、そしてシャツを脱がせた。僕は少し緊張していた。男の子を外で全裸にするのは初めてだったが、周りに誰もいないことを想定していた。僕は、"おしっこを出すところを触ってもいい?"と訊いた。彼は"Yes,"と言って、砂の上に横になった。僕は彼をマスターベイションし始めた。(僕は彼に自慰行為を始めた。)
Now, normally a boy would just quietly let me do what I wanted. It was just something they put up with. A few thought it was OK, others got real quiet, but they answered yes to my questions about touching or putting my mouth on it. NEVER had ANY boy said what this boy said next. This 4 yr. old boy TOLD me "Put your mouth on it." I couldn't believe it! I sucked until he was erect, and he wanted to know why it didn't "feel like when A— does it?" So that was it — he had been molested before. He let me do oral on him about one minute, and 1 stopped. His little brother was getting restless. I dressed the boy and he agreed to wait while 1 took his brother back up the hill. 通常、男の子は黙って僕の好きなようにさせてくれるものだ。それは彼らがただ我慢しているだけだったんだ。何人かは大丈夫だと思い、他の人は本当に静かにしていたが、僕が触ったり口をつけたりすることに「yes」と答えた。この子が次に言ったようなことを言った子は一人もいなかった。この4歳の男の子は僕に「口をつけてごらん(口を付けてよ)」と言ったんだ。僕は信じられなかった。僕は彼が勃起するまでしゃぶり、彼はなぜ「A-がやったときのように感じないのか」と知りたがった。そうだったんだ、彼は痴漢にあったことがあったんだ。彼は僕に1分ほど口づけをさせ、1、やめた。彼の弟は落ち着きをなくしていた。僕は弟に服を着せ、弟は1、丘に戻るまで待つことにした。(僕がその少年に服を着せたら、彼は弟を丘に連れて帰る間待つことに同意した。)
When I returned, I again undressed the boy and did oral on him. He then watched as I pulled my pants down and put a pen into my penis. He said I could try it on him. I knew it wouldn't fit in him since it wouldn't go into the 9 yr. old, but it was an excuse to suck his penis some more "to make it big." There was one more thing I wanted the boy to do, but I had him away from home nearly a half hour, so I'd have to be ready to move fast. I put his shirt back on and put his pants back on, pulling them part way up. He lay in the sand while I fondled his genitals and asked if he would put his mouth on my "pee-pee." I said I'd give him "two whole dollars if you put your mouth on it for two minutes." I sucked on his penis for 2 minutes to show him how long it was. He agreed. With his pants around his knees he sat up, legs straight in front of him. I strad¬dled his legs, down on my knees, facing him. I was going to reach down and play with his genitals while he sucked on my penis. I was more excited than I had ever been. It was the first time a boy was going to suck on my penis. Just as I started to unzip my pants, a man yelled the boy's name, the boy yelled, "Dad." I jumped up, helped the boy get his pants up, handed him his shoes, and he started in the direction we heard his dad. I ran the other direction — I was not caught. 僕が戻ると、僕はまたその子の服を脱がせ、口づけをした。彼は僕がパンツを下ろしてペニスにペンを入れるのを見ていた。彼は僕がそれを使ってみてもいいと言った。9歳の子には入らないので、僕には入らないことは分かっていたが、"大きくするために "彼のペニスをもっとしゃぶる口実ができた。もう一つ、この子にやってもらいたいことがあったのだが、30分近く家を空けているので、早く準備しないといけない。僕は彼のシャツを着せ、パンツをはかせ、上半身裸にした。僕は彼の性器を撫でながら砂浜に寝そべり、「僕の "おしっこ "に口をつけてくれないかな」と頼んだ。僕は「2分間口をつけたら丸々2ドル」と言った。僕は彼のペニスに2分間しゃぶりつき、その長さを見せた。彼は同意した。パンツは膝のあたりで、彼は足を前に伸ばして座った。僕は彼の脚にまたがり、膝を下ろして彼と向かい合った。僕は、彼が僕のペニスにしゃぶりつきながら、手を伸ばして彼の性器を弄るつもりだった。僕は、今までで一番興奮していた。男の子が僕のペニスにしゃぶりつくのは初めてだったんだ。僕がパンツのチャックを開けようとした時、男が男の子の名前を叫んだ。男の子は "Dad.(パパ) "と叫んだ。僕は飛び上がり、少年がパンツを上げるのを手伝い、靴を渡すと、少年はお父さんの声が聞こえた方向へ走り出した。僕は別の方向に走った--捕まることはなかった。
I forgot the fact that the boy had been molested before, and that it was probably just a game to him. All I thought about was that if one boy was so willing to be molested, there must be others. I started looking for kids more often, hoping to find another like that boy. 僕は、その子が以前にも痴漢に遭っていたことや、その子にとってはただの遊びだっただろうということを忘れていた。僕が考えたのは、一人の少年がこれほど喜んで痴漢に遭うのなら(性的ないたずらを厭わないのなら)、他にもいるに違いない、ということだけだった。僕は、あの子のような子がいればいいなと思い、頻繁に子供を探すようになった。
Another thing also happened that day. Basically, I was always looking for the oldest boys I could find, yet be sure they had no pubic hair. But I also wanted a boy that could get an erection and I had guessed he'd have to be at least nine, the age I can remember having an erection. But, I had learned, from molesting M— when he was eight, that younger kids could also get erections. Also, I wanted something in my mouth, and I thought younger kids' genitals would be just too small. My "target age" was 7-10 years old. BUT — this 4 year old was so willing, he did get an erection, and it did satisfy me. After molesting that 4 yr. old behind the dentist office I concluded: 1)Younger kids were more cooperative than older kids. 2)Younger kids were just as satisfying. 3)I was more determined than ever to find boys to molest. Perhaps I could find one to have repeated contacts with. 4)And now, I had more boys to choose from — 4 to 10 yr olds — nearly twice the "selection" I had allowed myself before. その日はもうひとつ、こんなこともあった。僕は基本的に、陰毛の生えていない年長の男の子を探すようにしていた。でも、勃起できる男の子が欲しかったから、僕が勃起したことを記憶している年齢である9歳以上でなければならないと思っていた。でも、僕はMが8歳の時に痴漢をして、もっと若い子も勃起することを知ったんだ。それに、僕は口の中に何かが欲しかったし、若い子の性器は小さすぎると思った。僕の「対象年齢」は7~10歳だった。でも、この4歳の子はとても喜んでくれて、勃起してくれたし、僕も満足できたんだ。歯科医院の裏でその4歳児に痴漢をした後、僕はこう結論づけた。 1)年少の子供は年長の子供より協力的である。 2)若い子も同じように満足できる。 3)僕は今まで以上に男の子を見つけようと思った。もしかしたら、僕と何度も接触できる子がいるかもしれない。 4)そして、僕は4歳から10歳まで、それまでの倍近い男の子を選べるようになった。
Kozue(翻訳者のコメント): 「しゃぶることによって勃起するちいさくて温かいもの」 それをWesはしゃぶって勃起させることが大好きだった。 ”母親の乳首”は、母乳を出す為に、しゃぶられることによって勃起するものである。 それは”ちいさいもの”だし、”温かいもの”だし、毛も生えていない。
Kozue (Translator's comment): A tiny, warm thing that makes you cum from sucking it." Wes loved to suck on them to get an erection. A "mother's nipple" is something that becomes erect when sucked in order to produce breast milk. It was "tiny" and "warm" and hairless.
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kozuwestley · 2 years
Westley Allan Dodd "I wanted to touch and be touched.(僕は触れたかったし、触れられたかった。)"
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Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993) ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド (1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)
After a few months of this, seeing and being seen was not enough. I wanted to touch and be touched. I told M— this was getting boring and suggested a new game which sounded great to him. We both stripped, and one would be blindfolded. The other would tape a coin to his body, anywhere, and the blindfolded person would have to find the coin using his hands. He would rub the others nude body, EVERY PART of it, until finding the coin. We would switch positions and do it again.
数カ月もすると、見たり見られたりするだけでは物足りなくなった。僕は触れたかったし、触れられたかった。僕はMに、そろそろ飽きてきたと言い、新しい遊びを提案した。二人とも裸になり、一人は目隠しをする。もう一人は自分の体のどこかにコインを貼り、目隠しをされた人は手を使ってコインを探さなければならない。コインを見つけるまで、相手の裸体をくまなくさするんだ。そして、体勢を入れ替えて、また同じことをする。 This new game always gave me an erection, and I began developing a real sexual attraction toward M—. We both liked being nude and being touched, as well as touching the other. One night, 1 decided I would try something else with M— the next day. He would be leaving the state with his dad in a few days and school would also be starting again. It might be my last chance with M—.
I was to baby-sit M— from 11 a.m. until at least midnight that next day. 1 would have plenty of time to take M— beyond the point of just touching. (Again, I was 17, M— 9). When I arrived, M—'s 8 year old friend, O—, was there. I was told I could send 0— home if I wanted. I wanted to be alone with M—, not knowing how 0— would react to our "games," but I had a better idea now. M— would be leaving, if I was able to become 0—'s friend, maybe he could take M—'s place. I would use M— to help me approach O— about the idea of me seeing him nude. M— was comfortable with what we were doing (I carefully questioned him, making sure he knew he didn't have to do those things). To him it was just fun games. I figured if O— knew
僕はその翌日、午前11時から少なくとも真夜中まで、Mをベビーシッターすることになった。1 M-にただ触れるだけでなく、その先に連れて行く時間が十分にある。(僕は17歳、M-は9歳だった)。僕が到着すると、M-の8歳の友達、O-がいた。僕は、何ならO-を家に送っても良いと言った。僕はM-と二人きりになりたかったんだ。僕らの「ゲーム」にO-がどう反応するかわからないからだ。でも、今ならわかる。M-は帰ってしまう。僕がO-の友達になれれば、O-がM-の代わりになってくれるかもしれない。僕はM-を利用して、O-に僕がヌードを見ることを持ちかける。M-は僕たちがやっていることに納得していた(僕は慎重に彼を問い詰め、そういうことをする必要がないことを確認した)。彼にとっては、それは楽しい遊びに過ぎなかった。僕は、もしOが知っていたらと考えた。
M— & I had seen each other nude, he'd both be more likely to join in and less likely to report it if he objected to it. M— did these things, believing it was just a game 1 played with him, he did not know that for me it had sexual overtones — I had groomed him. He was comfortable with spin-the-bottle and 1 carefully took him to where he was comfortable with touching me and being touched by me. I was ready to go on to oral sex on him, which I wanted to do that day, then I would go on to the point where he was comfortable with masturbating me, kissing, mutual masturbation, then hopefully, he would be ready to do oral on me (but intercourse never entered my mind). But, now I knew M— would be leaving. Later that night, I'd still attempt oral on M—, but during the day, I'd use him to introduce our games to O—. Then, if I could become friends with 0— and manage to be alone with him once in a while, I could groom him and take him to the point I had hoped to take M—.
So, after some phone calls to OK it with parents, I took the two boys fishing, to a nice isolated part of the river, no one else was around. When we got out of town, I took my shirt off and put it in the back seat of the car, saying it was too hot out (about 90 degrees). When we got to a dirt road, I stopped and got out. Neither boy knew I had gym shorts on under my jeans. M— asked what I was doing when I unsnapped my pants. Watching 0— for a reaction, 1 said "taking my pants off." Seeing my shorts, they laughed and M— said he thought 1 was going to go streaking. I was in just my gym shorts now and no underwear (to make it easier to get dressed in a hurry if need be). Starting down the dirt road, the boys wished they, too, had thought to wear shorts. Leave it to me to solve that problem. "Why don't you guys just strip to your underwear? It'll be a while before we get there (the river), and no one is around, they couldn't see you in the car, anyway, and we all know what underwear looks like." I knew I could count on M—, he started tossing his clothes in the back seat, stripping to his underwear. 0— followed M—'s lead but left his pants on.
それで、親に何度か電話してOKをもらった後、僕は二人の少年を釣りに連れて行った。川の中の、誰もいない、いい場所にね。街を出たとき、僕はシャツを脱いで、車の後部座席に置いた。未舗装の道路に出たとき、僕は車を止めて降りた。僕はジーンズの下にジム用の短パンを履いていたことを、どちらの子も知らなかった。M-は僕がズボンのスナップを外すと、何をしているのか訊ねた。O-が反応するのを見ながら、1  "パンツを脱ぐ "と言った。短パンを見て、2人は笑い、M-はストリーキングに行くのかと思ったと言った。僕は下着をつけず、短パン一丁になった(急いで着替えられるように)。未舗装の道路を下り始めたとき、少年たちは自分たちもショートパンツを着ることを考えていたらよかったのにと思った。その問題を解決するのは僕に任せてほしい。「下着を脱げばいいじゃないか。川に着くまでしばらくかかるし、誰もいないし、車の中では見えないし、下着がどんなものかみんな知ってるよ。」僕はM-を頼りにしていた、彼は後部座席に服を放り投げて下着姿になり始めた。O-はM-のリードに従ったが、ズボンは履いたままだった。 So, 0— was not comfortable with being seen by others in his under-wear or did he not wish to be IN THE CAR in his underwear — would he do it in M—'s bedroom later? We turned onto a smaller dirt road. It was time to find out how O— felt about nudity. So, I said "Hey, M—, I dare you to ride on the hood with no clothes on!" He was willing to give it a try — Great! I stopped, M— took off his underwear and got on the hood. He rode that way for 3 or 4 minutes. 0— thought it was pretty funny, so I asked if he wanted to try. He agreed to try it if I went first. I showed M— how to drive the car in first gear, stripped and got on the hood. As M— drove, both boys were laughing. 1 pressed my genitals against the windshield to make sure they both (especially 0—) got a good "view." Unfortunately, I blocked M—'s view and he drove off the road. 0— would have got on the hood next, and I'm sure both would have been willing to go skinny dipping, (all the while O— becoming comfortable with him and me being together and nude), but by the time I got the car back on the road and a flat tire changed, it was time to go home.
つまり、O-は下着姿を他人に見られるのが嫌だったのか、それとも下着姿で車の中にいるのが嫌だったのか — 彼は後でM-の寝室でや��てくれるかな?僕たちは小さな未舗装の道路に入った。O-が裸体についてどう感じているかを知るときが来たんだ。そこで僕は、「ねえ、M-、あえて裸でボンネットに乗ってみてよ!」と言った。 彼はやってみようと思ったんだ。僕は立ち止まり、Mは下着を脱いで���ンネットに乗り込んだ。彼は3、4分そのまま乗っていた。O—かなり面白いと思ったので、彼にやってみるかどうか訊ねた。 僕が先にやったら、やってみようって言ってくれたんだ。僕はMにファーストギアで車を運転し、裸になってフードに乗る方法を見せた。M-が運転すると、二人の少年は笑っていた。1 僕の性器をフロントガラスに押し付けて、二人(特にO-)が良い "眺め(景色) "を得られるようにした。残念なことに、僕はM-の視界を遮り、M-は道路を外れてしまった。次にO-がボンネットに乗って、二人ともスキニーディッピング(全裸水泳)に行くはずだった。(その間、O-は彼と僕が一緒に裸でいることに慣れてきた)しかし、僕が車を道路に戻し、パンクしたタイヤを交換した時には、家に帰る時間になっていた。
When we got home, M— asked if they could play outside for a while. I pulled him aside and asked "why don't we teach 0— to play spin-the-bottle and coin search (blindfolded person finding coin on other's nude body)." M— said maybe later. He finally came in, saying O— had to go home. I didn't even get a chance to find out where he lived, so there went my idea of grooming him as M—'s "replacement." But I did still have M— for a few more hours. After dinner we went to his room and started our usual games of truth or dare, spin-the-bottle and finally coin search. We played for about 2 1/2 hours, took a break, and played another half hour before I made my move.
家に着くと、M—はしばらく外で遊んでもいいかどうか訊ねた。 僕は彼を引き止めて、"O-にスピン・ザ・ボトルとコインサーチ(目隠しをした人が相手の裸体からコインを探す遊び)を教えてあげたらどう?"と頼んだ。
M-が「たぶん、後でね」と言うと、O-が「もう帰る」と言いながら、やっと入ってきた。僕は彼の住所を確認することもできず、彼をM-の "代わり "にする計画は失敗に終わった。しかし、僕にはまだ数時間、M-がいた。夕食後、僕たちは彼の部屋に行き、いつものように真実か挑戦か、瓶を回すゲーム、そして最後にコイン探しのゲームを開始した。僕たちは2時間半ほどプレイして休憩をとり、さらに30分ほどプレイしてから、僕は行動に出た。
Neither of us had ever touched the other without a blindfold. 1 had touched M—, and had seen him, but never both at the same time, and he had never touched me while looking. Also, neither of us spent more time touching each other's genitals than necessary to find out if the coin was there. When we started after our break, I spent most of my turns being blindfolded rubbing M—'s butt, crotch, groin and genitals. He didn't say anything about the extra touching and he giggled when my hands would pass over the coin but I would keep searching his body saying I couldn't find it. So, I knew the extra touching didn't bother him. A half hour of the "extra touching" went by — he didn't mind it, but still wouldn't do more with me, quickly searching my body and genitals until he found the coin.
二人とも目隠しなしで相手に触ったことはなかった。1 M-に触れたり、M-を見たりしたことはあったが、両方同時に触れたことはなく、M-も僕を見ながら触れたことはない。また、二人ともコインがあるかどうかを調べるために、必要以上にお互いの性器を触ることはなかった。休憩を終えてスタートすると、僕は目隠しをされたまま、M-のお尻や股、股間、性器などを擦ることにほとんどの時間を費やした。彼は余計なことを何も言わず、僕の手がコインの上を通るとクスクス笑っていたが、僕は「見つからない」と言いながら彼の体を探し続けた。だから、僕は彼が余計に触られることを気にしていないことを知った。30分ほど「余分に触る」ことが続いたが、彼はそれを気にせず、それでも僕とそれ以上のことをしようとせず、コインを見つけるまで僕の体や性器を素早く探した。
I started masturbating him a few seconds each time. He still seemed comfortable and still kept taking his turns to be searched. Then, on one turn, I masturbated him long enough to give him an erection, felt it for a few seconds, then set my hand on his chest and took off my blindfold — the first time I saw M— with an erection. I said — "I just can't find it" (the coin) 1 asked if I could find it without my blindfold — he said sure. So, I knelt down over his legs, put both hands on his chest, "searched his upper body, slowly moving my hands down. M— was a little quieter than usual at that point.
I started masturbating him again, he had lost his erection and I wanted him to have it for my next move. I would have carried this out for several days — extra touching, then finally masturbation, then on to oral sex, but I was out of time. I think M— began to realize this was not just a game to play, that I was doing it for some other reason. When he was erect, I intended to just start doing oral on him without warning, but when 1 bent down and opened my mouth, I could sense he was becoming a little nervous, but not scared. To help him relax, 1 said, "Dare me to suck on it? I've done it to other kids, they all like it." He said, "Go for it." I asked, "How long?" He said, "One minute." By letting him set the time and giving him my watch to time it, I was letting him think HE had control of the situation. I did oral sex on him and stopped when he said time was up. He made comments about my wet mouth and wondered what it tasted like, but he got dressed and did not want to play anymore that night. I never saw M— again before he moved. It was now late August, 1978 and I was entering my senior year at high school.
僕は再び彼のマスターベイションを始めた。彼は勃起力を失っていたので、次の行動に備えて彼に勃起力を持たせておきたかったのだ。僕は数日かけて、余計に触り、最後にマスターベイション、そしてオーラルセックスと、これを実行するつもりだったが、もう時間がなかった。僕は、これが単なる遊びではなく、何か別の理由があってやっているのだと、Mが気付き始めたのだと思う。彼が勃起したところで、僕は何の前触れもなくオーラルを始めるつもりだったが、1 屈んで口を開いたとき、彼が少し緊張してきたのが分かった。彼をリラックスさせるために、1 「あえて僕にしゃぶってみて?僕は他の子にもやったことあるけど、みんな好きだよ "と。彼は「やってみて」と言った。僕は "どのくらい?"と訊くと- "1分 "と答えた。 彼に時間を決めさせ、僕の時計を渡すことで、僕は彼が状況をコントロールしていると思わせることができた。僕は彼にオーラルセックスをし、彼がタイムアップと言ったので止めた。彼は僕の濡れた口についてコメントし、どんな味がするのかと不思議に思ったが、彼は服を着て、その夜はもう遊びたがらなかった。僕は、Mに二度と会うことはなかった。彼が引っ越すまで。1978年8月下旬、僕は高校3年生になった。
All that year in school, I worked evenings and weekends. When I had time I would go looking for kids to expose myself to, but it wasn't the same, and it was too cold to ask them to pull their pants down or they were unwilling when I did say, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours first" I always made it their choice and never pressed them, at that point I was willing to take NO for an answer. その年、僕はずっと夜と週末に働いていた。時間があるときは、自分をさらけ出すために子供たちを探しに行ったが、同じようにはいかず、ズボンを下ろすように頼むには寒すぎたり、「先に僕のを見せてくれたら見せるよ」と言っても嫌がったりして、僕はいつも彼らの選択に任せ、決して迫らなかった、その時点では、答えはノーでもいいと思っていたんだ。
ball fields, etc. The park at the river was my favorite place, there was a large area (about three acres) full of tall shrubs — out of view of the park trails where a lot of boys and a few girls liked to build forts. On any given day, within 2 or 3 hours, you could find at least one boy, or small groups of boys all 6 to 10 yrs. old, and no adults around. The park was only a block away from a large housing area, so the kids would ride their bikes or walk, no parents. To me, at the time, it was heaven. After molesting N— 10 to 12 times, and molesting M— 2 or 3 times a week for 4 months, I was "hooked." I had an "urge" and the only way to satisfy it was to find another boy. Yes, boy — I think it was about now I started preferring boys over girls. N— had told, and it was girls that reported me before. The boys never reported it, seemed more cooperative and I could do more with boys than with girls. And besides, there were more boys than girls in the park alone.
球技場など 川のほとりの公園は僕のお気に入りの場所だった。公園の小道から見えないところに、背の高い低木でいっぱいの広い場所(3エーカーほど)があり、多くの少年と数人の少女が砦を作るのが好きだったんだ。どんな日でも、2、3時間もすれば、少なくとも1人の男の子か、6歳から10歳くらいの男の子たちの小さなグループがいて、周りに大人はいなかったものだ。公園は大きな住宅地から1ブロックしか離れていなかったので、子供たちは自転車か徒歩で移動し、親はいなかった。当時の僕には天国だった。Nに10~12回、Mに週2~3回の痴漢行為を4カ月ほど続けた後、僕は "ハマった "んだ。僕には "衝動 "があって、それを満たすには他の男の子を探すしかなかったんだ。そう、男の子。僕が女の子より男の子を好むようになったのは、この頃だったと思う。N-から聞いたんだけど、前に僕を報告したのは女の子だったんだ。男の子は報告しないし、協力的な感じだし、僕は女の子より男の子の方ができることが多かった。それに、この公園だけでも女の子より男の子の方が多かったんだ。
I'll stop here so this will fit in the envelope. I'm still writing and you'll get the rest in a couple of days. It will start with the first time I made a child I didn't know pull his pants down. 封筒に収まるように、ここまでにする。僕はまだ書いているから、続きは2、3日中に届くだろう。僕は初めて知らない子供にパンツを下ろさせたことから始まるだろう。
If you have any questions about what I've already written, ask as soon as possible — time is VERY short. The State Supreme Court will be hearing my case on January 14, and are expected to set my execution date at that time. In the meantime, I hope you have a happy holiday season. Sincerely Westley A. Dodd
もし僕がすでに書いたことについて何か質問があれば、できるだけ早く訊いてほしい--時間がとても短いんだ。1月14日に州の最高裁判所が僕の裁判を審理し、その時に僕の執行日が決定されると思われます。それまでの間に、僕はあなたが幸せなホリデーシーズンを過ごすことを願っている。 敬具 ウェストレイ・A・ドッド
Here's more of my crimes, how I got access to the children, etc. One day I rode my bike down to the park, determined to molest a boy. I finally found one about 7-8 years old, picking up his fishing gear. He was a little heavy for his size and age, but not fat. I preferred smaller kids, maybe those small for their age, but this boy was alone in an isolated area and 1 hadn't seen any other kids. I talked to him a little about fishing, asked him his name and gave him a fake name. I asked if he wanted to see something really neat that I had found. He said sure, and followed me down a trail into a heavily wooded brushy area.
I WAS going to molest this boy, the first time I would molest a boy outside and the first to be molested that I didn't already know. When we were out of sight of other trails, I stopped and said, "I think it was about here." He asked if it was a snake (ah — so boys would follow me into the woods to see a snake, I'd have to remember that for future use). I said, "No, before I show you what it is, take your shirt off." He seemed puzzled and asked "Why?" and I said, "Just do it, you'll see in a minute." He was nervous, but took his shirt off saying, "I don't have a very good tan." (I guess he was trying to find some reason for my request). I reached out and he handed me his shirt. (The less clothes he had on, the more exciting it was. He'd just pull his pants down, not take them off to make it easier to get dressed fast if I heard someone coming).
僕はこの男の子に痴漢するつもりだった。外で男の子に痴漢するのは初めてだし、まだ知らない男の子に痴漢されるのも初めて���った。他の登山道が見えなくなった時、僕は立ち止まって、"この辺りだったと思う "と言った。彼は蛇かと尋ねた(ああ-男の子は蛇を見るために僕の後を追って森に入るのか、今後のために覚えておかなければならない)。僕は「違うよ、あれを見せる前にシャツを脱いで」と言った。彼は戸惑った様子で "なぜ?"と訊ねたので、僕は "とにかくやってごらん、すぐにわかるから "と言った。彼は緊張しながらも、"僕はあまり日焼けしていないんだ "と言ってシャツを脱いだ。(僕から手を伸ばすと、彼は自分のシャツを渡してくれた。) 僕は手を伸ばし、彼はシャツを手渡した。僕は誰かが来る音が聞こえたら、早く着替えられるようにと、パンツを脱がさずに下げただけだった)。
I told him, "Okay, now I want you to pull your pants down." I was talking in a slow, calm voice, reassuring him as much as possible under the circumstances. He asked "Why?" and I said, "Because I want you to. Don't worry, I promise I won't hurt you, I just want to look at it." He said, "Oh, 1 don't know how I'm going to get out of this one." I said, "You're not. Just do it and I'll let you go." Then I saw 3 older kids coming down the trail and told the boy, "OK, you can go. Just don't tell anyone you saw me."
僕は彼に、"よし、次はパンツを下ろしてほしい "と言った。僕はゆっくりと落ち着いた声で、この状況下でできる限り彼を安心させるように話した。彼は「どうして?」と訊くので、僕は「僕がそうして欲しいからだよ」と答えた。心配しないで、僕は君を傷つけないと約束するよ、ただ見たいだけなんだ" と言った。彼は "ああ、僕はどうしたらいいのかわからないよ "と言った。僕は言ったんだ "そんなことない。やってくれたら解放してあげるよ "と。すると、3人の年上の子供たちが小道を降りてくるのが見えたので、僕はその子に言った。「いいよ、行っていいよ。でも、僕を見たことは誰にも言わないでね」。
Ten minutes later, I was angry with myself for letting him go. I could have just taken him to another part of the park. I had come so close and had become aroused while talking to him, oh, how I missed M—! I rode my bike to the other end of the park, another secluded area about three miles away.
I saw a boy about 6-7 years old pushing his bike toward a trail that led up over the levee and into town. This one would not get away so easily. I stopped him, and with a more commanding voice than I used earlier I told him to put his bike down. He started to push it again and I grabbed his arm and said, "Put it down." I used no "small talk" first with this boy. He let the bike fall down and I told him to pull his pants down (get it done — don't waste time with the shirt). He stood and stared at me then started to pick up his bike. I said, "You're not leaving until you do it." He just stood there, hands at his sides — he was scared.
僕は、6〜7歳くらいの男の子が自転車を押して、堤防を越えて町へ続く小道へ向かっているのを見た。こいつはそう簡単には逃げないだろう。僕は彼を止め、さっきよりもっと威勢のいい声で、自転車を置くように言った。彼はまた自転車を押し始めたので、僕は彼の腕を掴んで "それを置け "と言った。僕はこの少年に、まず「世間話」をしなかった。彼は自転車を降ろし、僕はパンツを降ろすように言った(さっさと降ろすんだ、シャツのことで時間を無駄にするなよ)。(早くやれよ~シャツで時間を潰すなよ)。彼は立って僕を見つめ、それから自転車を拾い始めた。僕は「それをやるまで帰さないぞ」と言った。彼はただ両手を横に広げて、そこに立っていた--彼は怖かったんだ。
I started to unsnap his pants and he moved his hands to stop me, but I moved his hands back to his sides saying, "Huh-uh, you won't do it, so I will." He said, "OK," and slowly pulled down the front of his pants. I said, "Down a little more" and I pulled them to his knees. I put a hand on his genitals and he shivered (not because it was cold). I said, "I promise you I won't hurt you," and put my mouth on his penis. I held his penis in my mouth for 5 or 6 seconds, then pulled his pants back up, told him, "OK — don't tell anyone you saw me, you can go." I left the park right away, in case he DID tell someone what happened.
僕は彼のズボンのスナップを外し始め、彼は手を動かして止めようとしたが、僕は彼の手を脇に戻し、「フンフン、君がやらないんだから、僕がやるんだ」と言った。彼は "OK "と言って、ゆっくりとズボンの前を下ろした。僕は「もう少し下げて」と言いながら、彼の膝まで下ろした。僕は彼の性器に手を当てると、彼は震えた(寒かったからではない)。僕は「約束するよ、君を傷つけない」と言い、彼のペニスに口をつけた。僕は彼のペニスを5、6秒咥えたまま、彼のズボンを上げ、"OK-僕を見たことは内緒だよ、行っていいよ "と言った。僕はすぐに公園を後にした。万が一、彼が誰かに事情を話してしまったらと思ったからだ。
As time went on, it got easier to approach the boys and I was never again so forceful as with that last little boy. I would wait until a boy playing alone was in an isolated area, approach and greet him, talk a little, then say, "What would you do if I told you to pull down your pants?" If they said 'no' I'd let them go. I knew that within 3 or 4 days, I'd find one that wouldn't resist — it would be soon enough and I didn't want to force them like that one boy. When one did pull his pants down, I'd ask, "Can I touch it? I won't hurt you." They usually said 'yea', either because they were interested (some giggled about it) or because their pants were down, it didn't matter anymore. (One boy, when asked to pull his pants down hesitated, I nodded and he did it. Then when I asked to touch it he sighed and said, "Might as well, now.") After a couple of seconds touching, "Can I put my mouth on it?" Any child that had let me go that far always said 'yes' to the mouth. A few stopped me after just looking, which was fine.
時間が経つにつれて、僕は男の子に近づくのが簡単になり、あの時のように強引なことはしなくなった。僕は、一人で遊んでいる男の子が隔離された場所に来るまで待ち、近づいて挨拶をして、少し話をしてから、"パンツを下げろと言ったらどうする?"と言うんだ。もし彼らが "ノー "と言ったら、僕は彼らを解放してあげるんだ。僕は3、4日もすれば、抵抗しない子が見つかると思っていた。すぐに見つかるだろうし、あの子のように無理強いしたくはなかったんだ。一人がパンツを下ろしたら、僕は「触ってもいい?僕なら大丈夫だよ。」と言うと彼らはたいてい「うん」と答えた。興味があるか(中にはくすくす笑う子もいた)、パンツを下ろしたからもうどうでもよくなったか、どちらかだった。(ある男の子は、パンツを下ろすように言われたとき、ためらったが、僕はうなずき、彼はそれをやった。それから僕が「触って」と言うと、彼はため息をついて「しょうがないな、もう」と言った。) 2、3秒触ってから、"僕、口つけていい?"と。僕をそこまでさせた子は、必ず口を「yes」と言った。何人かは見ただけで僕を止めたが、それはそれでよかった。
If I pushed it they may report me, but if I gave them enough control to stop me when they wanted, they'd be less likely to report it, and I could always find another who was more cooperative .. . (WHICH IS WHY ALL CHILDREN SHOULD BE TAUGHT TO NOT COOPERATE).
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kozuwestley · 2 years
Westley Allan Dodd "For the first time, murder entered my head. (初めて僕の頭に、殺人がよぎった。)"
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Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993) ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド (1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)
I had let Q— pin me on my back, he was sitting on my upper legs, his genitals resting on top of mine. We were both looking down. I had a full erection and noticed Q— also was partially erect. (I'm not saying he was sexually aroused, as I was, but all the brushing and rubbing while wrestling must have stimulated him enough to cause an erection). Then Q— said, "Look at mine compared to yours." Ah — great! He showed interest! I reached up to touch his genitals, but he stopped me. Then he shocked the hell out of me.
僕はQに仰向けにさせられ、彼は僕の両足の上に座り、彼の性器が僕の上に乗っていた。僕たち二人は下を向いていた。僕は完全に勃起しており,Q-も部分的に勃起していることに気づいた。(僕と同じように彼が性的興奮状態にあったとは言わないが,レスリング中のブラッシングと摩擦は,彼に勃起を引き起こすのに十分な刺激を与えたに違いない)。するとQが、"きみのと比べてみてよ "って言うんだ。ああ、すごい! 彼は興味を示したんだ! 僕は彼の性器に触れようと手を伸ばしたが、彼に止められた。すると彼は、僕に衝撃を与えた。 I don't know where a 10 year old had picked this up, and for him to want to try must have just been that childhood curiosity kicking in, and I had never considered doing anything like it before but Q— said, "Can I butt fuck you?" I couldn't believe it! I didn't know what to do. When I came to my senses I said yes, (far be it from me to turn down ANY kind of sexual contact with a child — if he wants to experiment — let him!) I rolled over and spread my buttocks for him, but he was unable to penetrate and gave up. I said I knew "another way to do it" but he said, that's OK (meaning no) when I offered to do oral on him. I then offered to help him (by masturbating him) get a better erection so he could try again but he declined and wanted to put his trunks back on. We finished the day like everything was normal.
10歳の子供がどこで覚えたのかわからないけど、やってみたいと思ったのは、子供の頃の好奇心が働いただけなんだろうね。(子どもの頃の好奇心だったに違いない。)僕はそれまでそんなこと考えたこともなかったのに、Q-は「お尻を犯していい?(きみのお尻をファックしてもいい?」と言い出したんだ。僕には信じられなかった。僕はどうしたらいいのかわからなかった。僕は正気に戻ると、「はい」と答えた(子供とのどんな性的接触も断れない僕としては、彼が実験したいのならさせてあげよう!)。僕は寝返りを打ち、お尻を広げて彼に見せたが、彼は挿入することができず、あきらめた。僕は「それを行う別の方法」を知っていると言ったが、僕が彼に口でしてあげるよと言うと、彼は「"that's OK" いいよ(ダメという意味)」と言った。僕は、彼がもう一度できるように、(彼をマスターベイションで)勃起させるのを手伝うと言ったのだが、彼はそれを断り、トランクスを履き直したいと言い出した。僕たちは、何もかもが通常通りであるかのように、その日を終えた。(僕たちは何事もなかったかのように1日を終えた。)
Looking back, Q— was comfortable with our "innocent games" — it was all fun — and it was just a child's curiosity wanting to experiment (I'm told by psychologists that many boys will experiment in this way, but usually with someone their own age), but when Q— realized I was wanting something out of this contact he became very uncomfortable. A few days later, I was watching the young male cousin who was the first boy I ever molested, and W— & Q— came over. I tried to talk the 3 boys into playing spin-the-bottle, but they didn't want to. I never tried again. At the end of summer in 1981, at age 20, I joined the Navy, volunteered, and was accepted for submarine training and duty.
今思えば、Q-は僕たちの「無邪気な遊び」-それはすべて楽しかった-に満足していたし、それはただ実験したいという子供の好奇心だった(心理学者によれば、多くの男の子がこのような実験をするそうだが、たいてい同年代の人とするそうだ)、しかし僕がこの接触から何かを求めていることに気づくとQ-はとても不愉快になったんだ。数日後、僕が初めて痴漢した少年である若い男(the young male *)のいとこを見ていると、W-とQ-がやってきた。僕は3人の少年を説得して、瓶を回す遊びをさせようとしたが、彼らは嫌がった。僕は二度とやらなかった。1981年の夏の終わり、20歳の僕は海軍に志願して入隊し、潜水艦の訓練と任務に就くことになった。
Kozue(翻訳者)のコメント:*彼の見つめていた"the young male"とは、彼が14歳の時(1975年11月)に初めて痴漢した8歳の従弟のことか。そうすると彼はWesが痴漢したときと同じ年頃、14歳くらいということになる。彼はどんな想いでその従弟の少年を見つめていたのだろう。
Almost forgot. While waiting to be tested, examined, probed and everything else an enlistment requires, I had a month to kill before reporting for active duty. Driving by a small park one day I saw what I thought were two boys, about 9-10 years old. I would soon be in the Navy and knew it would be quite some time before I could molest again. I stopped, but I couldn't do anything there, too many houses in sight, so I went on to the park where I had molested before.
忘れるところだった。入隊に必要な試験、検査、調査などを待つ間、僕は1ヵ月間、現役で出撃する前に時間をつぶすことができた。 ある日、小さな公園を車で通りかかると、僕は9歳から10歳くらいの男の子2人と思われる人たちを見かけた。僕はもうすぐ海軍に入るし、また痴漢をするのはかなり先になるだろうと思っていた。僕は立ち止まったが、そこは家がたくさんあって何もできず、前に痴漢した公園まで行った。
I became a quick friend of a 10 yr. old who was swimming alone in the river. I wanted to get him to a more isolated area so I could get him completely nude. I wanted to do with him what I had done with M— (all the games), and most recently with Q— I asked him if he wanted to go with me to a better place to swim. To my delight, he said he would, if we could go to his aunt's house to get his inner tube. Getting in my car didn't bother him at all. I had told him my name was Mark and I was a lifeguard.
I was very excited, I had an erection, and I was nervous — for two reasons. This may be my last chance to molest before the Navy and maybe my last chance for 4 years, so I intended to get this boy naked whether he agreed or not. I hoped he would be as willing as M— or Q— had been, since they were all about the same age, but even if he was like some of the kids in the park, he'd do it anyway. I was going to forcibly remove his trunks if necessary, which is why I wanted to get him to the most isolated area I knew of. I didn't want to hurt him, and planned to take him back to the park where I had found him when I was done — by the time he got home, I'd be long gone and if he reported me, they'd never find me in the Navy! (or so I thought). The other reason I was nervous was going to his aunt's house to get his inner tube — what if someone saw the boy in my car? We got away without being seen.
僕はとても興奮し、勃起し、そして緊張していた--二つの理由からだ。これは海軍に入る前の最後の痴漢のチャンスかもしれないし、もしかしたら4年間の最後のチャンスかもしれない、だから僕は、彼が同意しようとしまいと、この少年を裸にするつもりだった。僕は彼がMやQのように喜んでくれることを願っていた、彼らは皆ほぼ同じ年齢だったから、しかし彼が公園の何人かの子供のようであったとしても、彼はいずれにせよやるだろう。僕は必要なら彼のトランクスを無理やり脱がすつもりだったし、だからこそ彼を僕の知る限り最も隔離された場所に連れて行きたかったんだ。僕は彼を傷つけたくなかったし、終わったら彼を発見した公園に連れ帰るつもりだった。彼が家に帰る頃には、僕はとっくにいなくなっているし、もし彼が通報したら、海軍では見つかることはないだろう!(と僕はそう思った)。僕が緊張していたもう一つの理由は、彼の叔母さんの家にインナーチューブを取りに行くことだった - もし誰かが僕の車に乗った少年を見たら?僕たちは見つからずに済んだ。
I learned he was visiting from another state and would be leaving the next day. Great! Less chance of him being around to identify me! We must have drove further than he expected, he got quiet. When I asked him, he said he was just thinking — his mom had warned him about weird men who took kids and killed them. I questioned him — did I look like a killer? Did he know any strangers named Mark who worked as a lifeguard? I had him laughing. But now I wasn't sure I could carry out my plans. I WASN'T going to hurt him, and I WAS going to take him back to within 6 blocks of his aunt's house, but could I still force him to take his clothes off if he didn't do it when I asked? We had some fun, I asked if he cared if I went skinny dipping. He wasn't too sure about it. 1 dared him to do it with me. He didn't want to and I didn't force him. I took him home about an hour later when he was tired of swimming. 1 had taken him about 10 miles away, without his parents permission, but the word "kidnap" never entered my mind.
僕は、彼が他の州から訪れていて、次の日に出発することを知った。良かった!彼が近くにいて、僕を特定する可能性は低くなった。思ったより遠くまで行ったようで、彼は黙り込んでしまった。僕が訊くと、彼はちょっと考え事をしていたんだと言った。僕は彼を問い詰めた--僕が殺人犯に見えるのか?ライフガードとして働いているマークという名の他人を知っているのか?僕は彼を笑わせた。でも今、僕は自分の計画を実行できるかどうか自信がなかった。僕は彼を傷つけるつもりはなかったし、彼の叔母さんの家から6ブロック以内の場所に連れて行くつもりだったが、もし彼が僕が頼んだときに服を脱がなかったら、無理やり脱がせることができるだろうか?僕たちは楽しんだ。僕はスキニー・ディッピングをしてもいいかと訊ねた。彼はあまり乗り気ではなかった。1 僕と一緒にやろうと啖呵を切った(威勢よくまくしたてた)。彼は嫌がったので僕は無理強いしなかった。僕は1時間後、泳ぎ疲れた彼を家に連れて帰った。1、両親の許可なく彼を10マイルほど離れたところに連れて行ったのだが、「誘拐」という言葉は僕の頭にはなかったんだ。 I was becoming desperate — only a couple weeks, then the Navy. The next day, I was headed back to the park, maybe the same boy would be there again, or I'd find another, and this time, I'd carry out my plans no matter what. But 1 didn't get there. Going past that same residential park I again saw what I thought were the same two boys I passed up yesterday because of the nearby houses. I would get them in my car somehow, take them out to that same isolated area, make one or maybe both undress, do what I wanted, make them do it to me and maybe to each other. Again, the idea of kidnapping never entered my mind, but that's what it was.
僕は自暴自棄になっていた - あと2週間で、海軍だ 。次の日、僕は公園に戻った。同じ少年がまた来るかもしれないし、別の少年を見つけるかもしれない、そして今度は何があっても計画を実行しようと思った。しかし、1、そこまでたどり着けなかった。その同じ住宅地の公園を通り過ぎると、近くに民家があるので昨日見送った男の子2人と思われる姿がまた見えた。僕はどうにかして彼らを車に乗せ、同じように人里離れた場所に連れ出し、片方、あるいは両方の服を脱がせ、僕の望むようにさせ、僕に、あるいはお互いにさせるつもりだった。誘拐という発想はなかった、でも、そういうことだったんだ。 I parked and thought while I watched them. I realized they were girls, not boys. That was OK — they were older and BIGGER than Q— was, so maybe 1 could have intercourse with one. I realized that was rape. If I did that, they may report me. For the first time, murder entered my head. But I knew I couldn't do something like that. Maybe I could just leave them to die? No — I'd set them on the road and tell them where to find a phone — 3 miles away. Ah — I'd worry about that when the time came — maybe one of the would want to try sex on her own and I wouldn't have to worry about it.
I asked the girls if they saw some kids who had thrown rocks at my car. They said they had (even though it didn't happen). "Did you see where they went?" "Yeah, they live down there." (They pointed) "Would you come with me and show me where?" "Well, would one of you come?" These girls, aged 7 and 11, had been warned about "strangers." They had been playing along and wouldn't get in the car. They remembered my license plate number. I confessed to police that I wanted to take them out to an isolated spot and molest them. My record showed only exposure incidents, never charged with a crime. They charged me with attempted indecent liberties,but since nothing happened — I just talked to the girls and it was unlikely the girls would testify, the charges were dropped.
僕は彼女たちに、僕の車に石を投げた子供たちを見なかったか、と訊いた。彼女たちは(そんなことはなかったのに)見たと言っていた。「彼らがどこに行ったか見た?"うん、彼らはあそこに住んでるよ。" (彼女たちは指をさした) "僕と一緒に来て、場所を教えてくれない?" "じゃあ、誰か一人来てくれる?" この7歳と11歳の女の子たちは、「知らない人」について警告を受けていた。彼女たちはふざけていて、車に乗ろうとしなかった。彼女たちは僕のナンバープレートの番号を覚えていた。僕は警察に「二人を人里離れた場所に連れて行って、痴漢したい」と告白した。僕の記録には露出事件しかなく、罪に問われたことはなかった。僕は公然わいせつ未遂で起訴されたけど、何も起こらなかったし、僕はただ女の子と話しただけだし、女の子が証言する可能性も低かったから、起訴は見送られた。
If 1 hadn't joined the Navy then, I may have been killing within a year. I would have found another boy who would willingly "go swimming" with me, would have forced him to strip, and kill him to keep him quiet. I knew no one had seen that last boy with me. I could have killed him, weighted his body with rocks, and dumped him in 5 feet of water where boats and fishermen never went. He would have simply disappeared. But — the Navy stopped me. I never had more than that passing thought of leaving the girls to die and didn't think I could do even that.
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kozuwestley · 2 years
Westley Allan Dodd ‟them touching me. 彼らは僕に触れている。”
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Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993) ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド (1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)
Problem was, having been reported for seven incidents, I was afraid to approach anymore children I didn't know. Besides, none of the ones I had already approached would pull their pants down. I had just turned 16. Then, late that summer (August), after having gone 5 months without committing some kinds of sex offense (a long time for me), I was asked to baby-sit the neighbor's kids. I was 16 yrs. old. There were two boys, ages 4 years and 1 1/2 and a 3 yr. old girl. I immediately accepted the job knowing this was my chance to try out all my new knowledge — not just on one child, but on two — a girl and a boy. I would molest the older two, but not the baby. I made a list of what I wanted to do to each of them. Attempting intercourse with either one never entered my mind. I would masturbate the boy, lick his butt and genitals, and do oral sex on the boy. The girl I would just lick with my tongue, kiss her breasts. I would kiss both on the mouth. I would have each child do as many of those things to me as they wanted. And this wouldn't be like it was with that last cousin (shirts off and pants down) — we'd take our shirts off, take off shoes and socks and take the pants ALL THE WAY OFF That was exciting for me to just think about it. For a week I masturbated while visualizing helping them undress and then molesting them.
This underwear (I was glad he wasn't wearing anything else.) He stirred, so I left the room. I tried again 5 minutes later and again he stirred, rolling onto his stomach. 1 pulled my pants down and set the boy's hand on my penis while I tried to decide what to do. That contact felt great — his hand was nice and warm. This is what it was I had been looking for for so long. I looked over at the baby. He was on his back. He was pretty small (1 1/2 years), but he would be better than no boy at all. I let the 4 year old have his hand back and pulled up my pants. 1 tried to pull the baby's diaper down but it was too tight. I couldn't even slide my hand in the front. I didn't take the diaper off because I didn't know how to put it back on and was afraid his parents would suspect something if I didn't get it on right. I left the room and returned to attempt it with the 4 year old again about a 1/2 hour later, hoping he'd be in a deeper sleep, but again he stirred. I gave up. I went into the hall and stopped outside the 3 year old girl's room. I was determined not to fail with her. I was very excited, and not being able to molest the boy was frustrating. I took off my shoes so that my footsteps wouldn't wake the girl. I took off my jeans so the legs wouldn't make noise when they brushed together. I wanted NO sound to wake the girl. I went into the room and was very happy to see she had kicked off all her covers. She was on her back, and wearing one of her father's T-shirts, which came down to her knees. Watching her face, I sat on the edge of the bed, she did not stir. I bent over and kissed her, no movement. Then I started pulling her T-shirt up very slowly, watching her face. She never stirred. I pulled the shirt up to her chest and was very happily surprised to see she wore no panties. I had succeeded! My mouth got dry and my heart was racing. She was not TOTALLY nude, but I could see her stomach and EVERYTHING below. I left the room to calm down, then took off my shirt, socks and underwear and went back in. I set her hand on my penis, and felt her "privates." I kissed her stomach and vagina, then pulled her shirt down, left, and got dressed. The next day I was mad at myself for not spending more time with the girl and not doing everything I had on my list. I don't know why I didn't do more. I never got another opportunity to baby-sit those kids. The only reason I did that night was because their regular sitter was out of town.
僕は4歳の子供のベッドの布団を戻し、この下着(何も着ていなくてよかった)をゆっくりと下ろし始めた。僕は5分後にもう一度やってみたが、彼はまたもや腹ばいになってかき混ぜた。僕はどうしようか迷っているうちに、ズボンを下ろし、男の子の手を僕のペニスにあてがった。その接触はとても気持ちよく、彼の手は温かくてよかった。僕が長い間探し求めていたのはこれだったんだ。僕は赤ん坊に目をやった。彼は仰向けになっていた。1歳半とかなり小さいが、男の子がいないよりはましだろう。僕は4歳の子に手を戻させ、ズボンを上げた。赤ちゃんのオムツを下ろそうとしたが、きつくて無理だった。僕は手を前に滑らせることもできなかった。僕は、オムツの履かせ方がわからないし、うまく履かせないと親に疑われると思って、オムツをはずさなかった。僕は部屋を出て、30分後くらいにまた4歳児に試してみた。もっと深い眠りに入っているだろうと思ったが、またしてもかき乱された。僕はあきらめた。僕は廊下に出て、3歳の女の子の部屋の前で立ち止まった。僕は、この子で失敗するわけにはいかないと思った。僕はとても興奮していたし、その子を痴漢できないことがもどかしく思えた。僕は足音で女の子を起こさないように靴を脱いだ。僕はジーンズを脱いで、脚が擦れて音がしないようにした。僕は、女の子を起こさないように、音を立てないようにしたかった。僕は部屋に入り、彼女が布団を全部蹴飛ばしているのを見て、とても嬉しくなった。仰向けになって、膝まであるお父さんのTシャツを着ている。僕はベッドの縁に腰掛けて、彼女の顔色をうかがったが、彼女は動かなかった。僕はかがんで彼女にキスをした。僕は彼女のTシャツをゆっくりと上げ、彼女の顔を見た。彼女は決して動かなかった。僕はシャツを胸まで上げ、彼女がパンティーを着けていないのを見て、とても嬉しくなった。僕は成功したんだ!僕は口が渇き、心臓が高鳴った。僕は、彼女が全裸でないにもかかわらず、お腹から下をすべて見ることができた。僕は落ち着くために部屋を出て、シャツと靴下と下着を脱いで、また部屋に戻った。僕は彼女の手を僕のペニスに置き、彼女の "陰部 "を触った。僕は彼女のお腹とアソコにキスをし、シャツを下ろして出て行き、服を着た。次の日、僕はその女の子ともっと一緒に時間を過ごさず、リストにあることをすべて行わなかった自分に腹を立てた。僕はなぜもっとやらなかったんだろう。(なぜもっとやらなかったのか、自分でもわからない。)僕はもう二度とあの子たちの子守をする機会はなかった。あの夜、僕がベビーシッターをしたのは、いつものシッターが留守だったためだ。
I still wanted to molest, but was still afraid to approach kids I didn't know, for fear of being reported. My dad started dating. In December of 1977, four months since I last molested, I met the lady's 4 year old daughter. That night, I "KEPT N- OUT OF TROUBLE" while her mom and my dad were in the bedroom wrapping X-mas presents. N— was on my lap watching TV. We were covered with a blanket. I had my arms around her holding her. When I slipped a hand under her shirt and rested it on her stomach, she didn't say anything. I asked if my hand was OK there, she said "Yeah," like, I was crazy for asking! I worked my hand under the waist band of her pants and asked "OK there?" Yes, again. Under the waist of her panties? Fine. Could I move my hand down? Yeah, It's OK if I touch you there? Yes. This little girl would let me touch her there — GREAT!
僕はまだ痴漢をしたかったが、通報されるのを恐れて、知らない子供たちに近づくのはまだ怖かった。父が交際を始めた 1977年12月、最後に痴漢をしてから4カ月後、僕はその女性の4歳の娘に会った。その夜、僕は彼女の母親と僕の父親が寝室でXマス・プレゼントを包んでいる間、「Nをトラブルから守る」ことにした。Nは僕の膝の上に乗ってテレビを観ていた。僕たちは毛布で覆われていた。僕は彼女の腕に手を回し、抱きしめていた。僕がシャツの下から手を入れて、彼女のお腹に当てたとき、彼女は何も言わなかった。僕は「大丈夫?」と訊くと、彼女は「うん」と答えた。( 僕の手がそこでいいかどうか尋ねると、彼女は"Yeah,"と言った。まるで僕が尋ねたことがおかしいみたいにね。)僕は彼女のズボンのウエストバンドに手を入れ、"ここもいい?"と訊いた。「うん、もっと」パンティの下は?いいよ。手を下に動かしてもいい?僕に触れられてもいいの?(そこも触ってもいいの?)Yesこの小さな女の子は僕にあそこを触らせてくれたんだ— GREAT!(この小さな女の子は、僕にそこに触れさせてくれた—素晴らしい!) You asked who the children were I had repeated access to, this was one of them. That night she sat on my lap for about twenty minutes while I rubbed her groin and vagina with my fingertips. At one point, I tried to penetrate her with a finger but she said 'ouch' as soon as I tried, so I stopped short of actual penetration. I didn't want to hurt her. I molested her in this manner 3 or 4 times, never actually pulling her pants down. 僕が何度もアクセス(接近)した子どもは誰かというと、この子もその一人だった。その夜、彼女は僕の膝の上に20分ほど座り、僕は指先で彼女の股間とヴァギナを擦った。ある時、僕は彼女を指で突こうとしたが、彼女はすぐに「痛い」と言ったので、実際に突くのは止めた。 僕は彼女を傷つけたくなかったんだ。僕は3、4回、こうして彼女に痴漢行為をしたが、実際に彼女のパンツを下ろすことはなかった。
One afternoon I was asked to baby-sit N— (not her real name). She was upstairs in her room and I was doing homework. I would molest her when I was done with Geometry. I went upstairs, passed N—'s room as she was coming out. She asked what I was doing and I said I had to use the bathroom. She said she did too. Thinking fast, I knew how to approach her about pulling her pants down for me, since she'd never pulled them down before (I always put my hand down her pants but was afraid to ask her to pull them down). (I have always kept myself ready for ANY kid of opportunity when I was around children, and once in a while a child would surprise me). I told N— to go first, I could wait. She went in and shut the door. After a few seconds, I told her "I gotta go bad, can I come in so I'll be ready when you're done?" She said yes. I went in and looked at her and covered my eyes with my hands, saying "Oops, I'm not supposed to see that!" (Later, when I was going to put my hand in her pants as I'd done before, I would ask if I could pull her pants down, since I'd "accidentally" seen her already anyway). But when I said, "I'm not supposed to see that," she said, "Why?" I asked if it was OK for me to "look at it" and she said yeah (her favorite word). She stood and I said, can I touch it before you pull your pants up?" She let me and after a few seconds, she said, "I thought you had to go." I said, "Oh yeah!" I only had to urinate, but since N— was watching me while she pulled her pants up, I pulled my pants down and sat on the toilet, pants at my ankles and spreading my legs so she'd get a "good view." It was the first time she had seen me and the first time I had actually seen her. When 1 had finished, I stayed on the toilet and asked if she wanted to touch mine since I touched hers all the time. I was already partially erect, so I took her hand in mine and moved it up and down, telling her it feels good when someone rubs it like that. I stopped her after about 15 seconds and asked if she wanted to see a trick. Her rubbing me had given me the strongest erection I'd ever had. (Remember, I was 16 and she was 4). It was another first, instead of my cousin holding tight and pulling or the hand of a sleeping child on my penis, I had a girl masturbating me. She asked what kind of trick. I said. "Now that it's big like this I can make white stuff come out." Yet another first, a child watched me masturbate. Having her watch, 1 had a very strong climax. Yes, this was the life, it sure was fun, it felt great, and N— would do anything I asked. I was a lucky guy.
ある日の午後、僕はN(本名ではない)��子守を頼まれた。彼女は2階の自分の部屋で、僕は宿題をしていた。僕は幾何学が終わったら、彼女に痴漢をするつもりだった。僕は2階に上がり、Nの部屋から出てくるところを通り過ぎた。彼女は僕が何をしているのか訊ねたので、トイレに行きたいと言った。彼女は自分もそうだと言った。僕は、彼女がパンツを下ろしてくれたことがなかったので、どうすれば僕にパンツを下ろしてくれるようにアプローチできるかを考えた(僕はいつも彼女のパンツの下に手を入れていたが、下ろしてもらうのは怖かったんだ)。(僕はいつも子供と一緒にいるときは、どんな子供でもチャンスがあるように自分を整えてきたし、たまには子供が僕を驚かせることもあった)。僕はNに先に行くように言い、僕は待つことにした。彼女は中に入り、ドアを閉めた。数秒後、僕は彼女に、"悪いけど、終わったら準備するから入っていい?"と言った。彼女は「yes」と言った。僕は中に入って彼女を見ると、"おっと、見ちゃダメだ!"と彼女は僕の両手で僕の目を覆った。(後日、僕は以前のように彼女のパンツに手を入れようとした時、どうせもう「うっかり」見てしまったのだからと、彼女のパンツを下ろしてもいいかと訊いたりした)。でも、僕が "見ちゃいけない "と言うと、彼女は "どうして?"と言うんだ。では僕は "見ても "いいのかと訊ねると、彼女は "yeah "と言った(彼女の好きな言葉だ)。彼女は立ち上がり、僕は言った、「君が君のパンツを上げる前に触ってもいい?」数秒後、彼女は言った。 "もう行かなくちゃ" 僕は言った "Oh yeah!" 僕は尿意を催しただけだったが、Nがパンツを上げる間、僕を見ていたので、パンツを下ろしてトイレに座り、パンツを足首に下げ、彼女に「よく見える」ように脚を広げた。彼女が僕を見たのも、僕が彼女を見たのも、実はこれが初めてだった。それが終わり、僕は便器に座ったまま、僕はずっと彼女の足を触っていたから、「君も触ってみるかい?」と訊ねた。僕はすでに部分的に勃起していたので、彼女の手を握って僕のなかに入れて上下に動かしながら、「こうやって擦られると気持ちいいんだよ。」と伝えた。僕は15秒くらいで彼女を止めて、トリックを見たいかどうか訊いた。彼女にこすられたことで、僕は今までで一番強く勃起していた。(僕は16歳、彼女は4歳だったことを思い出してほしい)。従兄弟が強く握って引っ張ったり、寝ている子供の手が僕のペニスに触れたりするのではなく、僕は女の子にオナニーしてもらうという、これまた初めての体験だった。彼女はどんなトリックをするのか訊ねた。僕は言った。"こうやって大きくなったから、白いものを出すことができるんだよ "と。もうひとつは、僕がオナニーしているところを子供が見ていたことだ。見られているうちに、1,強烈な絶頂を迎えたんだ。(非常に強烈なクライマックスを迎えた。)そうだ、これが人生だ!確かに楽しいし、気持ちいいし、Nは僕の言うことを何でも聴いてくれる。僕は幸運な男(lucky guy)だった。
On another occasion we played "doctor." N— played dead while I pulled her shirt up and her pants down to "operate" on her. Being careful not to hurt her, I tried to penetrate her with a small metal object (about 1/2 inch diameter), but as with my finger, I stopped short of actual penetration. I knew she was just too small to penetrate with ANYTHING.
またある時は、"お医者さん "ごっこをした。僕はNが死んだふりをしている間に、彼女のシャツを上げ、パンツを下ろして「手術」した。僕は彼女を傷つけないように注意しながら、小さな金属製の物体(直径1/2インチ(約1.27cm)ほど)で彼女を突こうとしたが、指のときと同様、実際に突くには至らなかった。僕は、彼女が小さすぎて、どんなものでも貫入(挿入)させることができないと思っていた。
On another night, while baby-sitting, N— was taking a bath when her mom and my dad left. AH I can remember of that evening is, when I took N— out of the tub, I too was nude. I had probably asked her if she wanted to try something else, she was always agreeable, I felt lucky to have a girl like her. I was on my knees, she was standing with her back to me. I put my penis between her legs, held it with one hand and balanced her with the other, and stood up, picking her up with my penis. That night, N— told her mom "I know a secret. Wes picked me up with his big P.P." Later at home, Dad screamed and yelled about me trying to destroy his relationship, then he took me to see a private psychologist that he was seeing. The police were never contacted, the counselor and 1 never really discussed why I was there, I quit counseling after 2 or 3 months, and still wanted to molest children. Dad and his girlfriend stayed together, (I guess they thought I was "cured"), and I did have other opportunities to molest N-- , but I couldn't trust her to keep quiet any longer, so I didn't try. [It might help persons who teach children about these dangers to know this, the ONLY time N— told her mom was when I put my penis between her legs. That, I thought, was the most serious thing I'd done to her, so I told her it was a secret, and not to tell anyone. That was the ONLY thing she DID tell.]
別の夜、ベビーシッターをしていたとき、Nが風呂に入っていると、彼女の母親と僕の父親が帰って来た。その晩のことで憶えているのは、僕がNを風呂から出したとき、僕も裸だったということだ。僕はたぶん、彼女に他のことをやってみたいかどうか訊ねたんだと思う。彼女はいつも快く応じてくれて、僕は彼女のような女の子を持つことができたことを幸運に思っていた。僕は膝をつき、彼女は僕に背を向けて立っていた。僕はペニスを彼女の股間に入れ、片手でそれを持ち、もう片方の手でバランスを取りながら、ペニスで彼女を抱き上げるようにして立ち上がった。その夜、Nは母親に言った。「あたし、秘密知ってるんだ。ウェスが大きなP.P.であたしを抱き上げたんだよ "と。その後、家で父は、僕が彼の関係を壊そうとしていると叫んで怒鳴り、彼が通っている民間の心理学者に僕を会わせた。警察には連絡せず、カウンセラーと僕はなぜそのカウンセリングを受けるのか、全く話し合わず、僕は2、3ヶ月でカウンセリングを辞め、まだ子供に痴漢したいと思っていた。父とその彼女は一緒にいて(僕は治ったと思っていたのだろう)、僕はNに痴漢する機会もあったが、これ以上彼女(N)が黙っているとは思えなかったから、やらなかった。[僕がNの足の間にペニスを入れたときだけ、Nがお母さんに言ったんだ。僕は、僕が彼女にしたことの中で一番重大なことだと思ったから、それは秘密で、誰にも言わないようにと言った。それが唯一、彼女が話したことだった]。
When Monster Comes Out of the Closet (English Edition)
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