roundtripjp · 1 year
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fresa-lu · 1 year
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最近不鬧劇荒!這部台劇值得推薦給每一個人! 國際橋牌社外傳「和平歸來」在第一、二季後,迎來新片外傳~ 這部國際橋牌社外傳「和平歸來」一共7集,每集約60分鐘. 整部劇情以2003年SARS爆發,和平醫院封院為題材改編. 述說院內有病患感染SARS之後,政治角力及醫院無助相互拉扯. 最終,因為政治利益及人性黑暗,造成不可挽救的深刻傷痕! 但慘痛經驗必須被反思檢討,而不是遺忘! 透過劇情內容張力十足,帶領觀眾瞬間進入劇情. 深刻感受醫護人員面對SARS辛勞及付出!感動畫面令人鼻息!
輸入專屬優惠碼 《Fresa》可享讀者購片95折優惠!
國際橋牌社外傳「和平歸來」預告片:國際橋牌社 IslandNation
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《國際橋牌社》系列的外傳,由林世章執導. 柯宇綸、鍾瑤、陳以文、王彩樺、張詩盈領銜主演! 以及張詩盈、黃柏文、范宸菲、唐豐、黃新皓、藍丞晞、 郭耀仁、陳妍安、撒基努、方聖傑、官家宇、馬力歐等演員.
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這部國際橋牌社外傳「和平歸來」以當年SARS爆發,和平醫院封院為題材背景. 真的令人相當震撼,是台灣人非常有感的重大醫療事件,透過劇組二年多的收集資料. 並且將當年有些未報導資料,透過戲劇方式呈現在這部台劇,讓人了解當年封院始末. 整部劇情內容相當完整,張力十足,尤其演員都是實力派,更是詮釋相當精彩~ 透過戲劇也更了解醫療人員的深深付出,救助病人的全心盡力,真的令人動容!
對於有感的劇中羅士凱(柯宇綸飾)與陳郁美(鍾瑤飾演)即將成為準夫妻,拍婚紗的喜悅. 卻在後來這場風暴中,深刻感受到無助,也讓觀眾想要好好珍惜當下身邊的人! 而原本一起競爭副院長的職缺,卻因為人脈背景不足,而被他人搶走~也深深呼應真實生活. 雖然說是虛構劇情,但是融入許多真實人生碰到事件,也讓大家看得更有感受.
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這部劇情不僅深入走訪當年的報導資料,也把一些真實故事加入故事中. 這幾位對應真實人物,也把當年事件拼奏起來~ 像是由王彩樺所飾演的林淑芳,就是一名真正存在的人物. 它的原型是SARS事件殉職的護理長陳靜秋. 對於病患真的是真心對待,站到最前線與護理師們一起作戰. 病人沒有了護理師們,真的該怎麼辦?演出畫面實在是感動極了. 也是讓許多人在看劇時,默默想起,被感動的鼻涕眼淚的! 可以真正感受到劇組的用心程度.
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看過劇後,深深感慨為了利益,而忽略了多人生活權利,也是後來醫院的導火線! 整部劇情編排順暢,不拖泥帶水,各個角色清楚明瞭,讓人快速進入劇情內容. 政治利益與白色巨塔的鬥爭中,緊張彭湃的情緒持續升溫. 但內容中也不完全這麼犀利惡鬥,還是加入一些詼諧人物,和緩了整部氣息~ 讓整部戲劇有生氣、痛苦、哭泣與歡笑! 是一部非常值得觀看的台灣戲劇.
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醫護們聲聲力竭的說著,我們也要活下去. 當年我還是國中,住在南部,對於SARS風暴,就屬這幕在新聞中最印象深刻! 許多人在窗戶上畫圖寫字,就是想傳達自己狀態給親友. 過了二十年,這部國際橋牌社外傳「和平歸來」正好可以讓我好好認識當年這場傷痛. 也讓未曾經歷過的人們,不是忘了這段傷痕,而是記取錯誤向前而行.
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劇情帶到台商隱匿旅遊史,引發院內感染,造成封院. 這也想起新冠肺炎期間,許多患者也是隱匿蹤跡. 讓病毒不知不覺拓展出去~造成周邊人心惶惶,讓我們感受好深. 在封院下,以為政府會有一番作為,沒想到卻是中央與地方的政治角力. 讓一群醫護束手無措,長達14天的封院,醫療短缺資源不足~ 導致許多醫護人員及病人,慢慢感染、生病、重症. 生存下來的也留下無可抹滅的傷痛記憶.
經由戲劇或許不是那麼全面的詮釋各方意見. 不論是個人、政府、醫護,不同角度不同想法. 但人總是自私,若你是醫護家屬你會如何選擇?
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整部戲劇看下來,看到政治黑暗勢力,各方為了利益暗流湧動. 按照一定程序通報的醫護人員,就只是最單純的救人,最單純的使命. 卻因為捲入一場政治,以為能夠獲得政府幫助,卻是無能為力. 這部戲劇虛實交錯,鬥爭畫面澎湃激昂,許多政治人物呼應原型也真的很有勇氣. 看得讓人熱血亢奮,又有著感動流淚的場景,好值得觀看.
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傷痛已過,但痕跡還是存在,用戲劇呈現當年過往~ 或是內容不是那麼全面,真實事件為題材,虛構劇情. 不該被遺忘的錯誤,從中學習深深反思~ 所以遇到新冠肺炎的爆發事件,才會處理有所流暢吧!
輸入專屬優惠碼 《Fresa》可享讀者購片95折優惠!
【國際橋牌社】 > 粉絲團:國際橋牌社 Island Nation > 官方網站:國際橋牌社
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thesnapshotcafe · 2 years
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Pre-Wedding Photography and Videography Journey with Hong Kong Couple in Windsor Town and Mayfield Lavender Farm, Southwest England
We have provided pre-wedding photography, videography and bridal hair makeup service for a friendly Sweden born Hong Kong bride-to-be and Sweden born Mainland Chinese groom-to-be in one of the hottest days in the UK.
Our journey has started with this couple for long time ago before Covid 19 pandemic actually . The lovely bride-to-be had contacted with us nearly 4 years ago for getting married in Gothenburg, Sweden. The wedding was cancelled because of covid pandemic. Earlier this year, the couple reached out to us for their wedding this year Summer again.
On the prewedding shoot day, we have started our job very early in the morning at 4:30 to help the bride-to-be for her hair styling and makeup. It is because we want to avoid the extreme heat. That day, the temperature reached 40°. We started feeling the heat after the shoot in Windsor Town, Southwest England and took some photos and film video clips around the castle and some beautiful spots in the town.
After that, we travelled to Mayfield Lavender Farm, Banstead in Surrey. The couple said they love the colour of Lavender. The couple has changed their outfit and we touched up the bride-to-be's makeup. The Lavender Farm photo and video shoot looked more fun than the romantic Windsor town's one. Lavender field in Surrey is one of the most popular spots for couples who love countryside. It located between Croydon and Sutton in Greater London. Because of its popularity, the farm has to set up photography permit for protecting the farm.
Lastly, we went to Isabella plantation in Richmond Park, also had a look at The Thames by a terrace garden nearby. The couple has changed into two other outfit here. We were actually a bit tired because of the hot weather but we done our shoots like how we imagined. One of the reasons is the couple was easy to work with. They took instructions quite well. The result looked very good with some refreshing photos and video film around the park. The couple said they particularly love the drone shots.
We are now going to take their wedding photo and video also provide bridal hair and makeup service in River Restaurant On The Pier and Quality Hotel 11 & Eriksbergshallen in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Look forward to serving them with our best work and wish them happy married life.
Feel free to take a look at their photos and video on our website, Facebook & Vimeo pages.
Thank you
實際上,早在 Covid 19 大流行之前,我們與這對新人的旅程已開始了。準新娘約在 4 年前就與我們聯繫有關在瑞典哥德堡的婚禮。由於新冠疫情,他們��取消婚禮。今年春天,這對新人再次聯繫我們他們今年夏天的婚禮。
在婚紗拍攝當天,我們從凌晨 4 點 30 分開始工作,幫助準新娘弄髮型和化妝。這是因為我們要避免極端高溫。那天,氣溫達到了40°。在英格蘭東南部的溫莎鎮拍攝後,我們開始感受到熱力。幸好能在城堡周圍和鎮上的一些美麗景點拍攝了一些照片和錄影片段。
我們現在準備前往瑞典哥德堡的 River Restaurant On The Pier 和 Quality Hotel 11 & Eriksbergshallen 拍攝他們的婚禮照片和錄影,並提供新娘髮型和化妝服務。
隨意在我們的網站、Facebook 和 Vimeo 頁面上查看他們的照片和錄影。
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