support · 11 years
Everything okay?
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National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or dial 988 or (en Español)
The Trevor Project (LGBT crisis intervention) or dial 1-866-488-7386
Trans Lifeline or dial 1-877-565-8860 (en Español)
The National Domestic Violence Hotline or 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Rape Abuse & Incest National Network or 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
S.A.F.E. Alternatives for Stopping Self Abuse or 1–800-DONT-CUT (366–8288)
National Eating Disorders Association
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nummm · 2 years
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happy halloween
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lightersun · 1 year
#八一九 #政变 #流血 #自杀 #契卡
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ahoi-1214 · 2 years
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fuckyeahmeikokaji · 5 months
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Meiko Kaji (梶芽衣子) and Tatsuya Fuji (藤竜也) in Blood For Blood (流血の抗争), 1971, directed by Yasuharu Hasebe (長谷部安春).
Scanned by me.
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shirozen · 8 months
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Overflowing enthusiasm inside out
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aishasauce · 2 years
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sekainofantasy90 · 2 years
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戦いのロマンス - The Romance in Battle
剣八 八千流 • 卯ノ花 烈 VS 更木 剣八 Kenpachi Yachiru • Unohana Retsu vs Zaraki Kenpachi
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x4ver1a · 1 year
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funkylily · 2 years
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以驚慄奇幻重新想像九十年代的香港 - 《Blood Runs East 血河東流》
《Blood Runs East 血河東流》是居港美國作家 S.H. Stratman 的處女作,是一部將故事設定在九十年代香港的新黑色驚慄奇幻小說,一個十分特別的閱讀體驗。
「This was 1992, an era before the internet, before smartphones. People had to live in the moment. As it sat, my moments were less than cinematic. So, I sought change.」
「A bit about the architecture: the city fits together like half-finished jigsaw puzzle turned on its head. The buildings, sun-blasted on one side and mildew-stained on the other, jut themselves up out of the concrete earth in different shapes and sizes like a set of broken teeth. There is something kinetic, something alive about these great, stable giants.」
初來報到的Jonah 被香港的異國風情、城市面貌和繁華擠迫所震撼。但對於Jonah 之後在香港所面對的事件,這些「震撼」彷彿微不足道。
報館的同事成為了Jonah在這陌生城市的伙伴。Kimberly是Hong Kong Harbour Daily 的高級編輯,基本上是報館的營運者;Victor是個身材魁梧,生性不羈的中年男士,報紙的大部分報導都靠他撐起;趙先生則是這份報紙的老闆,而這報館,則只是他眾多生意的一部份;而Jonah,則成為了這份報紙的第一位外國記者。
Jonah 和Vic成為新拍檔後,便遇到一連串血腥可怕的謀殺案。二人不斷追尋線索,不知不覺陷入更令人意想不到的險境。
「What's the good of a soul that's locked in a casket under the earth?」
「Is this why you came all this way? From Ohio to Hong Kong?" To turn coward at a time of danger and discovery?」
《血河東流》被定義為一部新黑色驚慄小說。但閱讀下去,發現這也是一個Coming-of-age 小說,透過描寫一位住在美國鄉郊的青年為了見識世界,隻身來到一個亞洲城市生活,並無意中捲入一件超自然事件,表現出一個年輕人進入成人世界後面對每個抉擇時的內心掙扎、內疚、猶豫,還有越戰越勇的個人成長。
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ashitakaxsan · 2 years
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It was certain that the Gokou would deploy their agents to regain this Curse Tool,the “Box of transformation”.Now with the whole Fight nanoka chan is in feral mode ,and she gives the chills.
However about how much are Maonoka sufficient when they’re up against these two Tough agents?Renji of the Intence hatred and Firebugs user,Sagusa User of the Water.
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fuckyeahmeikokaji · 11 months
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Meiko Kaji (梶芽衣子) and Tatsuya Fuji (藤竜也) in Blood For Blood (流血の抗争), 1971, directed by Yasuharu Hasebe (長谷部安春).
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sekainofantasy90 · 2 years
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剣八 八千流 • 卯ノ花 烈 VS 更木 剣八 - Kenpachi Yachiru • Unohana Retsu vs Zaraki Kenpachi 🔥❤️
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fuckyeahmeikokaji · 2 years
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Meiko Kaji (梶芽衣子) and Jo Shishido (宍戸錠) in Blood For Blood (流血の抗争), 1971, directed by Yasuharu Hasebe (長谷部安春).
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