ututumyou · 1 year
我が家の家紋 世界の殿方達に捧ぐ!
Genden-TukuRich®️の世界へようこそ!VOL.248 家紋! これがあるのは日本だけであろうか? すごく気になって調べてみた。 我が家の家紋は丸に三つ銀杏であった。 上記の家紋 起源は、一億五千年前に遡る。長寿の木で樹齢が一千年を超えるものは多くある様だ! 生きた化石とも言われている。 銀杏は水分を多く含むため火災にも強く火に焼かれても簡単には枯死しない。 火災の後には一番に新芽が出るほど生命力が強いとも言われている。 寺や神社にも防火林として植樹されていた。 長寿と生命力の強さ!! 意味合いで家紋して用いられる様だ! 葉の形が鴨の水掻きに似ている。鴨脚樹(イチョウ) 種を撒いても孫の代まで実らない 公孫樹(イチョウ) 異朝と言う響から他国の賓客を迎え入れる喜びを瑞祥(めでたい印)として表した! 黒の部分を中心に見ると銀杏の葉の形が浮かび上が…
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55madworks · 1 year
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tokyonow · 1 year
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(キャスト・スタッフ総勢16名のコメント到着!! ドラマ『あいつが上手で下手が僕で シーズン2』豪華なメインビジュアル解禁! - Tokyo Nowから)
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ilucky986 · 8 months
#祥龍獻瑞 #吉龍舞春 #欣欣向龍 #龍鳳呈祥 #喜迎福龍 #龍年吉祥話 ILucky986愛幸運紫微
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kc-dolly · 11 months
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55madworks · 2 years
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この週のダンスレッスン後メシは中野島の台湾料理店 祥瑞。
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nakajimaster123 · 2 years
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⁡ 過去のpicです👀📷✨⁡ ⁡ 年賀状で孫(外孫)ができた事を報告したら⁡ ⁡ 旧友が #山形県酒田市 #東北銘醸 の⁡ ⁡ #限定品 #純米大吟醸 #祥瑞 #初孫 ⁡ ⁡ を一升瓶3本も贈ってくれました🍶⁡ ⁡ ちょうど孫が来たので記念撮��📷⁡ ⁡ ⁡ 流石にこだわって作った酒らしく、⁡ ⁡ 香りよく、コクもあり、⁡ ⁡ 飲みやすく、パンチもある、旨い酒です😋⁡ ⁡ そして、一升瓶を何日もかかって飲むと、⁡ ⁡ だんだん味が変わってきて、⁡ ⁡ まろやかになってきました。⁡ ⁡ ⁡ 旨い酒を沢山ありがとうございました🙇⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ #贈り物 #プレゼント⁡ #酒 #日本酒 #晩酌 ⁡ #バーバー #ヘアサロン⁡ #理容 #美容 #床屋 #石岡⁡ #ダブルライセンス #ナカジマ⁡ #スキンフェード #フェード⁡ #濡れパン #お顔そりエステ⁡ #スペインカール #ボルサリーノ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4_ShwP6nt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xinguozhi · 2 years
伍依    …
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enarin · 2 years
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夕飯は、中華料理『祥瑞』でした♪ ・ニラレバ炒め定食:ニラレバ炒め、台湾ラーメン、ライス、鶏のから揚げ、サラダ、漬物、杏仁豆腐。で、1080円(税込) ・ピータン ・焼き餃子 ・ニンニク炒飯 合計2340円 しっかり頂きました♪ #夕飯 #中華料理 #祥瑞 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkTDxEhP7dg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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foodcreation101 · 8 months
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祥龍獻瑞 萬事如意 🐲
🀅 German Cookies
🀅 Durian Tarts
🀅 Sesame Floss Cookies
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Peng Doesn't Like Farts
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Fans of Lego Monkie Kid, as many of you may already know, Peng is based on an ancient monster king appearing in chapters 74 to 77 of  Journey to the West (Xiyouji, 西遊記, 1592). In the end of his arc, he is trapped above the Buddha's throne and submits to Buddhism. But you may not know that this very same character appears in a later novel, The Complete Vernacular Biography of Yue Fei (Shuo Yue quanzhuan, 說岳全傳, 1684 CE; a.k.a. The Story of Yue Fei). Peng is exiled from paradise for ... and I'm not joking ... killing a stellar spirit for farting during the Buddha's sermon.
Chapter one of Yue Fei's biography reads:
Let’s talk about the Buddha Tathagata at the Great Thunderclap Monastery in the Western Paradise. One day, he sat on a nine-level lotus throne, and the Four Great Bodhisattvas, the Eight Great Vajra Warriors, the five hundred Arhats, the three thousand Heavenly Kings, nuns and monks, male and female attendants, all of the heavenly sages who protect the Dharma, gathered to listen to his lecture on the Lotus Sutra. His words were like flowers and precious jewels raining from the heavens. But, at that time, a star-spirit, the Maiden Earth Bat, who had been listening to the lecture from beneath the lotus throne, couldn’t bear it any longer and unexpectedly let out a stinky fart. The Buddha was a great, merciful lord, so he didn’t mind even the slightest bit. But don’t sympathize with the Dharma protector above his head, the “Great Peng, the Golden-Winged King of Illumination,” whose eyes shone with golden light and whose back was a scene of auspiciousness. He became angry when he saw the nasty, filthy Maiden Earth Bat, and so he unfurled both his wings and dropped down to kill the spirit by pecking her on the head. The light-point of her soul shot out of the Great Thunderclap Monastery and went to the Lands of the East (China) in the world below to find a mother and reincarnate. She was reborn as a daughter of the Wang clan. She would later marry the Song Prime minister Qin Hui (1091-1155) and come to cruelly kill the righteous (i.e. Yue Fei) as a means to get revenge against today’s enemy. We will talk about this later. Let’s return to the Buddha, who saw what happened with his all-seeing eyes and exclaimed, “Good! Good! It turns out that this is an episode of karma (cause and effect).” Then he called the Great Peng bird to come closer and shouted, “You evil creature! You already took refuge in my teachings. How can you not follow the five precepts by daring to commit such a horrible crime? I don’t need you here; you will descend to the mortal world to pay off your (karmic) debt and wait until you have fulfilled your work. Once that is completed, only then will I allow you to return to the mountain to achieve the right fruit (Buddhist merit).” The Great Peng complied with the decree, flying out of the Great Thunderclap Monastery directly to the Lands of the East to be reincarnated. We will stop here (translation by me). 且說西方極樂世界大雷音寺我佛如來,一日端坐九品蓮臺,旁列著四大菩薩、八大金剛、五百羅漢、三千偈諦、比丘尼、比丘僧、優婆夷、優婆塞,共諸天護法聖眾,齊聽講說妙法真經。正說得天花亂墜、寶雨繽紛之際,不期有一位星官,乃是女土蝠,偶在蓮臺之下聽講,一時忍不住,撒出一個臭屁來。我佛原是個大慈大悲之主,毫不在意。不道惱了佛頂上頭一位護法神祗,名為大鵬金翅明王,眼射金光,背呈祥瑞,見那女土蝠污穢不潔,不覺大怒,展開雙翅落下來,望著女土蝠頭上,這一嘴就啄死了。那女土蝠一點靈光射出雷音寺,徑往東土認母投胎,在下界王門為女,後來嫁與秦檜為妻,殘害忠良,以報今日之讎。此是後話,按下不提。 且說佛爺將慧眼一觀,口稱:「善哉,善哉!原來有此一段因果。」即喚大鵬鳥近前,喝道:「你這孽畜!既歸我教,怎不皈依五戒,輒敢如此行兇?我這裡用你不著,今將你降落紅塵,償還冤債,直待功成行滿,方許你歸山,再成正果。」大鵬鳥遵了法旨,飛出雷音寺,徑來東土投胎不表。
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chinesehanfu · 2 years
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[Hanfu・漢服]Chinese Tang Dynasty Traditional Clothing Hanfu Photoshoots【凤仪纱】
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meichenxi · 3 months
Vocab from first ep of 大明王朝1566:
(aka my new salt tax and budget heavy politics imperial drama!)
1. 同舟共济 - tong2 zhou1 gong4 ji4- to cross a river in the same boat / to pull together in times of trouble - 天大之事,咱们可得同舟共济
2. 议事 – yi4 shi4 – to discuss official business - 议事的时辰快到了
3. 户部 – hu4 bu4 - the Ministry of Revenue, 六部之一。 finally gonna actually learn them after years of them floating around vaguely in my NiF-brain,一共包括:
吏部 Li4 bu4 – Ministry of Personnel
户部 – hu4 bu4 – Ministry of Revenue
礼部 – Li3 bu4 – Ministry of Rites
兵部 – bing1 bu4 – Ministry of War
刑部 – xing2 bu4 – Ministry of Justine
工部 – gong1 bu4 – Ministry of Works
4. 拟 – ni3 - to draw up, devise, draft - 拟定 (to draw up),拟议 (proposal),拟作 (imitative work done in the style of a certain author,拟声 (onomatopoeia)
5. 仰赖 – yang3lai4 – to rely on (literary) - 仰赖皇上如天之德
6. 凑巧 – cou4 qiao3 – luckily, as chance would have it -凑巧 , 去年腊月又没下雪,有些人就借着这些诽谤朝廷
7. 腊月 – la4 yue4 – one of the many (many. Ye gods there are Many) names for the last month of the lunar calendar / 岁末十二月的别称
8. 祈 – qi2 – to pray for
9. 祥瑞 – xiang2 rui4 – a good omen - 虽然降了祥瑞,可是皇上他的心情也不准好到哪去
10. 亏空 – kui1kong1 – deficit (budget)-亏空上的事,能过去我们就尽量过去
11. 开支 – kai1zhi1 (expenditure) - 内阁把去年的各项开支按各部和两京一十三省的实际用度报上来
12. 宗 – zong1 – here, a measure word for sums of money - 今年有哪几宗大的开支,各部提出来,户部综算一下
14. 实心 – shi1 xin1 – sincere, honest -和大家实心用事
15. 用事 – yong4 shi4 – (literary) to act, to be in power
16. 斋戒 – zhai1 jie4 – to abstain for meat and wine when offering sacrifices to the gods/ancestors -皇上就一个人在这里斋戒敬天
Individual difficult/unfamiliar characters:
1) 济 – ji4 – to aid, assist, cross a river
2) 议 – yi4 – 议论 (comment/remark),议会 (parliament),议题 (subject under discussion),议事日程 (agenda, order of the day)
3) 吏 – li4 – government official, petty clerk – NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH 史 shi3 – history/annals
4) 拟 – ni3 - to draw up, device, draft
5) 仰 – yang3 – to rely on > 仰头 (raise one’s head),仰面 (to face upward),仰天 (to look up to heaven)
6) 赖 – lai4 – to rely, depend / to blame someone wrongly – 赖以 (to depend on)
7) 凑 – cou4 – to gather together, take advantage of a chance situation, move closer – 凑近 (to get closer),凑足 (to scrape together enough people, money etc)
8) 祈 – qi2 – to pray for – 祈福 (to pray for good fortune),祈年 (to pray for a good harvest),祈雨 (to pray for rain)
9)斋 – zhai1 – a vegetarian diet for religious purposes, to adopt said diet / to give alms to a monk – 斋月(Ramadan), 斋堂 (dining hall in a Buddhist temple), 斋期 (days/period of fasting)
as ever, any corrections or pointing out of typos welcome!
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jievan · 3 months
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金描幻獸 - 孵化系列作六幅 . EUDEMONS.  The Birth of Auspice
‧ 玹鯉 The Carp | 2016   象徵著新生與逍遙自在。
‧ 羽蛇 The Feathered Serpent | 2016   象徵著再生與豐饒的祝福。
‧ 鳳凰 The Phoenix | 2018   象徵著重生與太平天和。
‧ 華蝶 The Butterfly | 2019   象徵著轉生與昇華的精神。
‧ 靈魟 The Stingray | 2020   象徵著變生與智慧的引導。
‧ 神龍 The Dragon | 2023   象徵尊貴威嚴的化現與光明開泰的祥瑞氣象。
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
What are Bailong Ma's siblings called in JTTW?
We have Bailong's brother's name in the book Ao Muang. He was the one to come help with the Tuolong Black River God who was Bailong and Muang's cousin, son of the dragon that was beheaded at the start of the novel and going through his 'rebel' phase for not having a father figure is his life despite being taken under the wing of
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We sadly do not know Bailong's second brother's name. Which is a shame as Bailong also doesn't get an official name either. Personal headcanon that the Second Prince is named Ao Xue, which is another name that Bailong's was given in the series Westward, while the Third Prince gets the name Ao Lie.
He also has a sister as well! Ao Cinxin though I'm sure if she is older or younger as they never give an age.
So it goes
Ao Run - Dad
Ao Cinxin - First Princess
Ao Muang - First Prince
Nameless (Ao Xue) - Second Prince
Bailong (Ao Lie) - Third Prince
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55madworks · 2 years
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中野島の台湾料理屋 祥瑞へ。
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