roundtripjp · 1 year
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tagchan · 2 years
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「今日の白鳥と岩手山」2023年3月5日 盛岡 天気予報:晴れ 最高気温:7℃ 最低気温:-6℃ 今朝は放射冷却全開で冷え込みました。 しかし、そのおかげで空が澄み渡り、 パーフェクト岩手山。 さらに白鳥たちも明治橋から近いとこにいてくれて いい写真が撮れました。 最近、関東以南からのゲストさんと話してると 「まだ雪があるんですね」 「夜は寒いですね」 という声を聞きます。 3月でも今までの積雪の解け残りがありますし、 夜間はまだまだ寒いです。 季節が違うと思って寒い時用の服も持ってきた方がいいですよ。 今日は日曜恒例「ととと的語る部」開催。 あたたかくなってきたので、今日のシェアご飯はひさびさにたこ焼きをしようと思います。 参加希望の方はお昼までに連絡を。 それでは、よい一日を! #白鳥と岩手山 #今日の白鳥 #今日の岩手山 #明治橋 とととから徒歩5分 #My岩手山 #mymtiwate #岩手山 #mtiwate #毎日岩手山 #iiiwate #2023年の岩手山 #ととと #ととと盛岡 街歩きの楽しい町、盛岡 #岩手 #iwate #盛岡 #morioka #もりおか #鉈屋町 natayacho 町家の残る町並み 味わってほしい朝の鉈屋町・大慈寺界隈や神子田朝市 #盛岡ゲストハウス #岩手ゲストハウス #岩手においでよ ------------------------------------------------------- ととと -盛岡の泊まれるたまり場- 住所:岩手県盛岡市鉈屋町1-2 [宿泊] チェックイン 17:00-20:30頃到着まで ※泊まったのことのある方は21時到着まで 宿泊料金 1名1泊3,850円(税込)~ [たまり場利用] たまり場営業時間 17:00-23:30 ※最終入館 初めての方は21時まで 利用料 1時間まで:600円 / 1時間以上:1,000円 ※学生料金あり とととのたまり場(リビング&キッチン)は泊まらなくても利用できます。 宿泊ゲストの皆さんとの交流をぜひお楽しみください。 飲食物持込自由。キッチンで自炊可能。 ※来館前にあらかじめ連絡をください。10分前でもかまいません。 ※宿泊がない場合は休館の場合もあります。 ※現在、夜以外の時間のたまり場営業を検討中。曜日、時間帯などご希望があれば教えてください。 ※営業時間内の見学無料。お気軽にお越しください。 ------------------------------------------------------- (北上川明治橋付近) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpYtklHBm1e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lilliput-army · 7 months
・手塚治虫 「ちょっと上手すぎるよね」「彼は僕の後継者」 ・荒木飛呂彦 「鳥山先生の絵は、漫画家からするとちょっとした発明のようなもの」 ・井上雄彦 「鳥山先生の絵は漫画家��らすると魅力的すぎるんですよね。マネしたくなる気持ちもわかります」 ・冨樫義博 「嫉妬するほど上手い」 ・いしかわじゅん 「漫画としての絵という意味で言えば、鳥山以上に上手い漫画家はいない」 ・夏目房ノ介 「漫画界には大友・鳥山以前と大友・鳥山以後が存在する」 ・尾田栄一郎 「神様。ディズニーより上手い」 ・ジョージ・ルーカス 「彼のイラストを見た時は驚いたよ。素晴らしい。本当に日本人が描いた絵なのかと思った」 ・ジェームズ・キャメロン 「鳥山明のファンなんだ。彼の絵を見るとワクワクするんだ」 ・シド・ミード 「鳥山のセンスは素晴らしい。世界中探してもこれだけのデフォルメセンスを持つイラストレーターはいない」 ・トッド・マクファーレン 「鳥山の何が一番凄いのかと言えば、あの色彩センスと画材選択の素晴らしさだ」 ・ エミネム 「ドラゴンボールの作者に俺のアルバムジャケットを手がけてほしい」 ・アンソニー・キーディス(レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズの VO) 「日本に言った時に欲しかったドラゴンボールの画集を買ったんだ。満員電車にも乗りたかった」 ・鳥嶋和彦(元ジャンプ編集長) 「彼の絵に関して「基本的な絵の勉強を漫画ではなく、デザイン画などから学んでいるため、バランス感覚が優れている」 「トーンを使わないので、白と黒のバランスを取るのが非常に上手い」 「背景などを描かなくても画面が持つだけの構成力とデッサン力を持っている」
【特集】 死去の鳥山明さん 「アラレちゃん」「孫悟空」「スライム」数々の名キャラ生み出し… [朝一から閉店までφ★] [chaika]
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koch-snowflake-blog · 8 months
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白濱 美兎(しらはま みう、2006年10月15日 - )は、日本の女優、グラビアアイドル。フィット所属。
生年月日 2006年10月15日
現年齢 17歳
出身地 鳥取県
血液型 O型
身長 / 体重 163 cm / ― kg
スリーサイズ 93 - 63 - 91 cm
デビュー 2023年
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hiromusicarts-blog · 9 months
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pudknocker · 6 months
「ユーチューバーは面白い?」に大悟が神回答「さすが」「これが言えるのがプロ」「説得力ある」とネット感嘆 - スポーツ報知
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codenamesazanka · 2 months
TV Interview with Horikoshi Kouhei, 7/19/2024
Summarized Thread by shibuyasmash on twitter; (incomplete!) Japanese is from subtitled screenshots I found online
Horikoshi draws in a room alone, and there is another bigger room where his assistants work
The reporter guesses that maybe Horikoshi sometimes spends 24 hours straight working at his desk, he corrects her that sometimes it’s 36 hours
The desk he uses was brought from his parent’s house, he’s been using it since he was a kid
Reporter: Your 10 year manga is ending soon.
Horikoshi: It’s surprisingly sad. For example, sometimes I’ll think about how I’ll only be drawing a character for another 10 panels or so. But at the same time I feel like I’m finally reaching the goal.
Horikoshi: I don’t draw with the intention of conveying a message because of current social situations or the real world. I draw with a sense of responsibility towards the world of MHA, I’m always thinking about how I can make the manga interesting.
こういうメッセージを込めてやろうと 描いたことはない
常に面白いって 言ってもらえることだけを考えている』
Reporter: What does “interesting” mean to you?
Horikoshi: Looking back, I wasn't into manga for the cool special moves or cool characters. ONE PIECE made me cry.
I think my heart shaking & being emotionally moved makes something interesting to me. Crying becomes an experience, and I want my readers to have that experience.
Reporter: Has your impression of what a hero is changed?
Horikoshi: It’s changed quite a bit. At chapter 1, I thought heroes were someone beyond reach, but even if you don’t do something that amazing if you try to do good then you’re already a hero.
There was a time I felt like I couldn’t draw anymore and my editor just kept telling me it’d be okay, really positive. That really saved me.
『僕は「もう描けねえ」って なっちゃった時に
編集担当さんが「大丈夫っすよ」って 明るいテンションでずっと言ってくれた
People like Toriyama-sensei (Dragon Ball), Oda-sensei (One Piece) were the people I admired when I started drawing manga, but the person who saved me was my editor who was right beside me. So I thought to me, he was a hero.
『鳥山明先生(DRAGON BALL)尾田栄一郎先生(ONE PIECE) そういう方に憧れで漫画を描いていたけれど
Reporter: Everyone can be someone’s hero.
Horikoshi: The person who reaches out to you and pats your shoulder and tells you it’ll be okay becomes the person who saves your life. So I think My Hero Academia might end somewhere like that.
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papatomom · 2 months
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天気は曇天で傘の心配はなかったが、蒸し暑さには参った。帰りに郡上市美並町にある「日本まん真ん中温泉 子宝の湯」で、汗を流し、郡上八幡で遅めの昼食をいただき、帰路に就いた。
小坂酒造場(「百春」蔵元、Kosaka Shuzojo、HYAKUSYUN Sake Brewery、1772年創業、起(むく)り屋根(なだらかな凸状になっている)と卯建(うだつ、家同士の境目に分厚い土壁を入れて、その上に瓦の屋根飾りをつけ、防火壁としたもの)が美しい建築物で有名)
瀧神社(御祭神 水園象女之尊、瀬織津比咩尊、八百万神)
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jyajiko · 7 months
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【じゃじこ・ネームド】その71<089/100> 富山娘その1 克己菖蒲(かつみあやめ)。 「あ、おかえりぃ。」 妹は母似。 ------------------------------ ちょうど描いていたこのイラストの中の漫画がドラゴンボールだったのも何かの縁なのかもしれない… 改めて自分の絵人生に多大な影響を与えて下さった偉大な漫画家鳥山明先生のご冥福をお祈りいたします。 ------------------------------ メロンブックス様にて専売予約受付も開始し9/3より新たに3種の電子書籍も解禁いたします。是非よろしくお願いします! <メロンブックス様白狼専用ページリンク> https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/circle/index.php?circle_id=21598
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yoshichans-world · 2 months
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kisscara · 2 years
O5. madam faruzan who? [fanboy!scaramouche x drummer!reader] ⎯⎯ heartbeat rhythm series
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you nervously fidget with your drumsticks, a coy smile on your lips as scaramouche talks to kaeya. yanfei taps your shoulder and whispers, "whenever you're ready." you rapidly nod and attempt to ease your nerves by relaxing your tense shoulders. but what if you're never ready?
you've performed in front of countless people, why can't you do the same for one guy? well, technically a group of three but you don't mind what kaeya and yanfei think. just him and him alone. you turn to yanfei, "um-" you recoil when the mic by your mouth suddenly makes a deafening squeal.
scaramouche pinches his temple, "kaeya, did you or did you not test the equipment?" kaeya puts his hands up in defense, "hey, i thought that was yanfei's job." scaramouche argues as kaeya makes his way up the stage, "her job is to set it up and yours is to test it! immature dickhead..."
kaeya sighs while wiping a hand over his face, "he can be such a pain in the ass, how could you even play along with this, (name)?" you look up at him and frown. does everyone really see scaramouche in this bad light? maybe they just need to get to know him more to take a liking to him.
kaeya gives the mic a few taps and speaks into it. "this good enough for you, mister moody?" kaeya chuckles when scaramouche gives him a deathly glare. "alright, you should be all good to go. oh and," kaeya looks at you while heading back down the steps. "try not to screw up, scaramouche can get real mad at that."
you felt yourself shatter like a clay statue hitting the floor. "oh, shut it, kaeya!" yanfei growls, knitting her brows together in frustration. she shakes her head, "don't listen to him, (name)... (name)?" your hands are shaking, causing your drumsticks to waver.
"i'm going to die today-"
"no, you won't," yanfei rolls her eyes at your dramatic act and firmly says, "you got this." you take a deep breath in and another one out. "yeah, i do. i'm ready now." you adjust your posture and sit more upright on your drum throne. scaramouche's eyes carefully scan you.
his lips form an anxious squiggle, 'they look so cool... i've always watched them on my phone or from afar but this is the real deal.' scaramouche places a hand on his chest, hoping to calm his rapid heartbeat.
as the song starts through the speakers, you begin the intro's drum riff only to be stopped by scaramouche's voice. yanfei stops the music and you tighten your grip. did you mess up already?
"is it possible if," he looks away, covering the pink tint on his face. "you could cover the vocals too?"
you gasp and beam, "yeah! i mean, yes, i could totally do that!" scaramouche clears his throat and nods, "my apologies for interrupting. you can play now." yanfei gives you a playful smirk and you smile back at her.
the music starts up again and you start drumming without a disruption unlike before. you never sang while performing, except for little background lines yun jin made you and the other members do as she led the performance per usual. but singing and drumming at the same time made you feel content.
だって本当は crazy, 白鳥たちはそう
it's like your voice was made for this specific song. everything was going well and fitting into place. scaramouche couldn't take his eyes off of you the entire time. he swore he couldn't even blink, feeling as if he would miss something groundbreaking should he look away.
kaeya examines scaramouche's dazed state. "he's out of it," he mutters in amusement. yanfei proudly hugs her tablet to her torso, smiling as you finally gather the courage you desperately needed for this moment.
本能に従順忠実 翻弄も重々承知 前途洋々だし⋯ だからたまに休憩しちゃうんです
sweat covers your forehead in a glistening sweat as you have the chance to rest your voice, since this part of the song is just silence filled with the instruments. your eyes avert towards the clear blue sky and then scaramouche. the two of you lock gazes.
like you do with your usual crowd when performing, you give him your signature wink along with a grin out of habit. oh, dear... he nearly passed out on the spot. with the final crash of your cymbals and banging of your drums, you finish off without a single flaw in your performance.
you're reminded of the first time you performed like this, in front of a small audience of three. those three being ayaka, her big brother who was always like your own, ayato, and their mother. they always supported your passion for drums and ayato was the one who gifted you your drum set.
you'd never forget him. he's living the high life in university at the moment, bound to graduate with a doctorate degree... more on him later. your current situation at hand is much more important!
a deafening silence is booming through the outdoors, accompanied by the peaceful songs the birds share along with the calm gusts of wind. you slowly pant, chest bobbing up and down as you exhale, "how was it?" yanfei and kaeya look over to scaramouche.
scaramouche lifts his head, his indigo hair framing his beautiful features. the way he looks at you with such confidence, a striking and powerful glare; it's no wonder you have no idea how much he so admires you. he opens his mouth and three words fall from his lips.
"it wasn't bad."
those words alone were enough to make your heart jump all over the place, your cheeks to heaten and your eyes to brighten. you exclaim, "really!?" from the surge of excitement, you instantly stand up, causing your snare drum to fall over. you quickly prop it back up and rush down the stage.
'oh, they're approaching me, they're approaching, they're approaching-' scaramouche's mind is in a jumble as you hold both of his hands in yours. his head explodes. not literally, i sure hope not. but explode... like the way a train releases puffs of smoke and steam from their cylinders going, 'choo, choo!'
yeah, that perfectly describes how he feels as you sweetly say, "i look forward to working with you on the school festival, president!"
yanfei and kaeya stifle their laughs. they saw scaramouche's, 'it wasn't bad,' as a complete disappointment for you, but you, you saw all of the good in it. that's all you needed to confirm that scaramouche indeed, has his unseen sweet side. yanfei sighs, "i'm glad it all worked out."
kaeya smugly adds, "i think president has a lil' crush, don't you think?" the two are lucky their conversation is out of scaramouche's earshot. yanfei pauses and watches as scaramouche stammers out words to you with a red complexion. you, being as dense as you are, mistaken it for him being startled by your sudden arrival.
yanfei squints her eyes and her jaw nearly drops in realization. only a fool wouldn't notice the obvious admiration you and scaramouche mutually hold for each other. how come she didn't see it before? the obvious mood change of scaramouche's and his somewhat kinder demeanor surely have a part in this.
"what? scaramouche, like me?" you ask, a brow raised as you look at yanfei. she nods, completely serious. you sputter and resort to laughing. "yeah, you almost got me there, 'fei! but i believe with a little more time and effort," you ball your fists up in determination, "i'll be his and he'll be mine in no time!"
you and the rest of the student council are at a family restaurant, under kaeya's suggestion after all the hard work they did and surprisingly, scaramouche agreed. yanfei waves her finger and closes her eyes, "no, no, (name), listen closely. i think he likes you-"
her eyelids lift as she sees scaramouche boasting about how hard it is to keep everyone in line as a president and you repeatedly comment him on his dedication to his role. yanfei deadpans, "such lovesick idiots..."
your phone vibrates in your pocket and you take it out, however you froze up the second you saw the text.
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tags: @mariusvonhangme @scaramoo @mikismusings @rizakari @akagism2 @sakiimeo @ohmyfinggod @aethersluvrr @scarafrisbee @kaoyamamegami @liliumaraneae @dreamsofminnie @starfart19 @kunisbeloved @luhvashh @makiswrld @kyouzki @mimissubway @loucaroarz @theblueblub @angelunatic @shinjuuz @thenightsflower @coquettemaiden @thefandomcrow @cotton-eee @lovely028 @hrtswinter @duckyyyx @kissingkzuha @dazaisboner @adeptusx @tomotofu @yukiipc @loverhole @star583 @soobasaur @aeongiies @dr8amy @scaraapologist @raideneiari @rvoulte @aaeng121 @pyrrhicgaze @tjjjrsj @enviouspeanut @d4y-dr3am3r @aromaticism @undecidingfate @kur44pika
taglist is now closed as i've reached the max tags in a single post. (50/50 tags occupied + officially removed users whose names aren't linked)
what happens when you, a talented and well-known drummer across the web, grow an intense crush for the student council president, who's also your number one fan? from annoying sisters to nosy bandmates, the next event that happens is always more chaotic than the last!
© kisscara
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tagchan · 2 years
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「今日の白鳥と岩手山」2023年2月25日 盛岡 天気予報:くもり 最高気温:3℃ 最低気温:-3℃ 昨晩少し雪が降り、景色が薄っすらと白くなりました。 明治橋には白鳥が今日もいなくて 既に旅立ってしまったのかなーと思いながらとととに戻ると 頭上に白鳥の鳴き声。 見上げると夥しい数の白鳥の群れ。 これはきっと高松の池から飛んできたのでしょう。 また次の冬に元気に帰ってきてほしいものです。 さて、今日はほぼ満室ですが、 女性相部屋1名のみ空きがあります。 当日予約、お待ちしています。 それでは、よい一日を! #今日の白鳥 #今日の岩手山 #明治橋 とととから徒歩5分 #My岩手山 #mymtiwate #岩手山 #mtiwate #毎日岩手山 #iiiwate #2023年の岩手山 #ととと #ととと盛岡 街歩きの楽しい町、盛岡 #岩手 #iwate #盛岡 #morioka #もりおか #鉈屋町 natayacho 町家の残る町並み 味わってほしい朝の鉈屋町・大慈寺界隈や神子田朝市 #盛岡ゲストハウス #岩手ゲストハウス #岩手においでよ ------------------------------------------------------- ととと -盛岡の泊まれるたまり場- 住所:岩手県盛岡市鉈屋町1-2 [宿泊] チェックイン 17:00-20:30頃到着まで ※泊まったのことのある方は21時到着まで 宿泊料金 1名1泊3,850円(税込)~ [たまり場利用] たまり場営業時間 17:00-23:30 ※最終入館 初めての方は21時まで 利用料 1時間まで:600円 / 1時間以上:1,000円 ※学生料金あり とととのたまり場(リビング&キッチン)は泊まらなくても利用できます。 宿泊ゲストの皆さんとの交流をぜひお楽しみください。 飲食物持込自由。キッチンで自炊可能。 ※来館前にあらかじめ連絡をください。10分前でもかまいません。 ※宿泊がない場合は休館の場合もあります。 ※現在、夜以外の時間のたまり場営業を検討中。曜日、時間帯などご希望があれば教えてください。 ※営業時間内の見学無料。お気軽にお越しください。 ------------------------------------------------------- (北上川明治橋付近) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpEQxbCBdev/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nmtn-kobi · 11 months
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months
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白濱 美兎(しらはま みう、2006年10月5日 - )は、日本のグラビアアイドル。リップ所属。
生年月日 2006年10月5日
現年齢 17歳
出身地 鳥取県
血液型 O型
身長 / 体重 163 cm / ― kg
スリーサイズ 93 - 63 - 91 cm
胸について「コンプレックスですと言ったほうがいいのかな? と思って、そういってた時期があります」大きくても小さくて困ることはなく「言われてみれば小学生のころから肩が凝っていた」。
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brownie-pics · 1 year
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'23.4.11 興福寺、春日大社参道にて
・・今シーズンの初藤です。最盛期が過ぎた桜写真のストックも、質はともかく量だけは沢山あるのですが、先日 @todayintokyo さんが去年の初藤を撮った投稿を再リブログしてくれまして、「また待ってます😉💜」なんてメッセージも付けてくれたこともあったんで、行ってきましたw・・という訳で、お蔵の桜はいったんすっ飛ばして速報です😉。
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moment-japan · 3 months
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