dkniade · 8 months
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翻译…虽然阿贝多的声音我能想象出来,可是二号道林的台词翻译的还是有些难度。(随便一提,如果二号的(文件纹理 / texture file)名字「Dorian」的确暗示的是《The Picture of Dorian Gray》(道林·格雷的画像)的话,「Dorian」应该是「道林」…吧。)
I tried to translate this comic of mine into Chinese haha (ft. my Eula armour design)
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streamandriver · 5 years
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有美人兮, 见之不忘。一日不见兮,思之如狂。
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lyricshot-net · 7 years
EXO – 為心導航 (Universe) (Chinese Ver.) Lyrics
我倔强不挽留 你泪也没有流 我把你笑容剥夺 灼伤温暖都是火 我固执过了头 没照顾你感受 颠覆了平静生活 却没换来好结果 置身于皑皑白雪中 错觉有一丝的暖风 如你对我脸孔 呼一口气的捉弄 如今我失去你影踪 黑夜我要与谁相拥 方向只能遵从 依然散着光的梦 Ill search the universe 非要找寻回你不可 季节重复轮回 不放弃也不反悔 回忆被尘封了 像个宇宙的流浪者 某天忘了我是谁 仍记得你的美 你是幸福理由 有你就无所求 此刻你何处停泊 我已变得不是我 我存在这小星球 随宇宙毁灭飘游 不留任何线索 就像我从没来过 I’ll search the universe 非要找寻回你不可 季节重复轮回 不放弃也不反悔 回忆被尘封了 像个宇宙的流浪者 某天忘了我是谁 仍记得你的美 往事谁能阻挠 眼泪尽管难熬 能将心洗净收好 Woo baby 等你重返我怀抱 伤 不要紧 就算痛醒…
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dkniade · 1 year
Headcanon: Dorian needs glasses but due to his history of abuse from Rhinedottir he’s afraid to even ask for help. Extra hurt/comfort Albedo dialogue at the end.
Warning: Undertones of human experimentation. In chibi/cartoony artstyle, Dorian shows trauma symptoms of anxiety (visual) and dissociation (dialogue, hints of objectification). Bit of body horror and implied internalized ableism (?) from Dorian.
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start ID. a comic. Panel 1: Albedo's Dragonspine camp. Some equipments behind him. Albedo is holding up a test tube and writing notes at a table. Panel 2: Same setting. Dorian enters looking serious. Albedo notices him. Dorian says: Surely you know how to construct glasses, Kreideprinz? Panel 3: Close-up of Albedo. He says: …I have experience in fixing Sucrose’s glasses and am familiar with optics, yes. Panel 4: Close-up of Dorian with arms crossed and looking away, frustrated and visibly panicking. His neck is veiny and a black star mark is visible. Dorian stutters: Excellent. I hypothesize I may require such an— The subject may require such an aid for its—MY—vision. Argh… end ID.
Albedo: Dorian. There’s no need to be ashamed in asking for help. Everyone has different bodies and different needs. You would like me to construct a pair of glasses for you, correct? I’d be glad to do so. Also… your safety is my priority. No need to be ashamed.
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Handwriting in corners reads: Dorian asks Albedo to make glasses and displays trauma symptoms when asking for help to the point where his birthmark reappears subconsciously. Canonically, Albedo theorized that Dorian “erased” his star mark out of subconscious desire to be perfect (Version 2.3 event, Act 3, scene 1)
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start ID. screenshot of Albedo: "But Subject Two wanted to become a perfected human. So, he erased the mark on both his and Subject Three’s necks, for these marks were symbols of imperfection." Traveler: "He purposefully erased it?" Albedo: "In my view, it was probably a subconscious act. An instinct." end ID.
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dkniade · 11 months
I’ve realized, Genshin is less of a game or story to me and more of a storytelling exercise and a linguistic plaything with literary allusions on the side
I think figuring out poetic devices and literary allusions in titles is one of the most fun things to do
A plaything…
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dkniade · 10 months
Contrast and Unity in the White/Black Imagery of Genshin Impact Quest Titles
Dragonspine 1.2 & 2.3 Events, Fontaine Act I
Game: Genshin Impact
Developer: HoYoverse
Fan Localization: Dusk
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An aside from when I tried to explain the meaning of Kreideprinz’s Chinese term—
In Chinese, 白垩 is used to refer to Albedo with varying meanings but in the English version the term is even less consistent: 
Concealed Talon item description 白垩层 (baie ceng) = “Cretaceous Layer” (of soil) localized as “Cretaceous”
Albedo’s Story Quest Chapter title 白垩之章 (baie zhi zhang) = “Cretaceous Chapter” localized as “Princeps Cretaceous Chapter”
Albedo’s second Ascension voiceline, 白垩 (baie) = “chalk”/“Cretaceous”, localized as “albedo”, the second stage of the alchemical magnum opus
(even though in the context of alchemy, the albedo (Latin: “whitening”) stage should be 白化 (baihua, whitening) in Chinese because the albedo stage does not refer to chalk/limestone)
Albedo’s title 白垩之子 (baie zhi zi) = possibly varies slightly depending on context that it appears in, localized as “Kreideprinz”
Xingqiu’s “About Albedo” voiceline, 白垩老师 (baie laoshi) = (teacher) “Mr. Cretaceous” (Latin) or “Mr. Chalk” (English) or “Mr. Kreide” (German) localized as “Mr. Kreideprinz”
Version 1.2’s name 白垩与黑龙 (baie yu heilong) = “The White Chalk and the Black Dragon” or “Cretaceous and the Black Dragon”
or one can localize it in German like how they did the 4.0 Chapter IV Act I “Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur” (French: “Prelude of Whiteness and Blackness” or ”Prelude of Innocence and Darkness”)
though, officially, Version 1.2’s name 白垩与黑龙 is localized as “The Chalk Prince and the Dragon”
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Speaking of black and white in titles, another aside—
Don’t you know that HoYoverse loves juxtaposing white/black or light/shadow in its quest titles
1.2 Dragonspine event
Chinese: 白垩与黑龙 (Baie yu Heilong) = “The White Chalk and the Black Dragon” 
Official English: “The Chalk Prince and the Dragon”
2.3 Dragonspine event
Chinese: 皑尘与雪影 (Aichen yu Xueying) = “White Dust and Snowy Shadows” 
Official English: “Shadows Amidst Snowstorms”
皑 from 白雪皑皑 (baixue aiai) usually refers the whiteness of snow specifically, so 皑尘 as “(snowy) white dust” is just their over-the-top way to say “snow”.
“Snowy Dust and Snowy Shadows” sounds too humorous though.
I’VE BEEN WANTING TO SAY THIS FOR A LONG TIME NOW: of course symbolism-wise it’s likely that “white dust” refers to Albedo, “snow” refers to the Cryo Whooperflower Albedo, and “shadow” refers to Primordial Albedo, with Durin encompassing all three as the shadow dragon that lies dead—like dust—in the snowy mountain.
HoYoverse being HoYoverse has found a way to say white and black without even using the hanzi for white (白) and black (黑) back in 2.3.
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4.0 Fontaine Act I
Chinese: 白露与黑潮的序诗 (Bailu yu Heichao de Xushi) = Prelude of White Dew and Black Tides
Official English: “Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur” 
with French terms translated: “Prelude of Whiteness and Blackness” or “Prelude of Innocence and Darkness”
Given the information in 4.0, I would assume that “white dew” refers to Furina and “black tides” refers to Neuvillette seeing how Furina’s always at the front of key visuals and Neuvillette’s always looming ominously over the background, but you can also think of it as innocence vs guilt, I suppose.
POETIC ALLUSION UPDATE: 白露 alludes to the Chinese poem “蒹葭”(Jianjia) = “Reed”
from the ancient collection of poems, 诗经 (Shijing)
The poem is basically the narrator talking about not being able to reach their lover, who’s on the other side of the water (lake?)
The act’s Chinese title is already over-the-top—since most people would look at it and think “ah white and black and something about water, got it”—so localization’s aim is to match the fancy feel and not the accuracy ‘cause honestly if you localize all that into French it’d be too long. This makes sense…
Though, the implication that French holds such a high prestige that its mere presence is enough to balance out some loss of meaning from the Chinese title is… strange, now that I think of it.
白露与黑潮的序诗 (Prelude of White Dew and Black Tides) in French would be “Prélude de la rosée blanche et des marées noires”… I think. (Please correct me if I’m wrong.)
This time HoYoverse found another way to say white and black while using the hanzi characters AND STILL BE EXTRA BECAUSE THEY ALLUDED TO A CHINESE POEM OF COURSE THEY DID. ARCHONS, man…
New drinking game: take a shot whenever black/white or dark/light is juxtaposed in a Genshin title/name of any language, take another shot if they don’t actually use the word/character for black/white in the target language, take another if they alluded to a Chinese poem or literature in the original LOL
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dkniade · 1 year
Translation: Diluc Fan Art Titles
Game: Genshin Impact
Original Developer: HoYoverse
Fan Art and Translation: Dusk
Warning: (in visuals and writing) — implied trauma, (in writing) — brief mention of violence & poison
Note: Names follow the visuals’ order.
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Chinese Titles
Morning Embers
Dawn Snowscape
Against Dark Visions: Snowstorm Nocturne
Translation Notes
早晨明火 alludes to Diluc’s default outfit 夜行暗火 (Darknight Blaze)
晨曦雪影 references 晨曦酒庄 (Dawn Winery) and version 2.3 皑尘与雪影 (Shadows Amidst Snowstorms)
残像暗战:暴雪夜曲 references version 2.8’s event 残像暗战 (Hidden Strife)
Above points use the official in-game translations
残像暗战:暴雪夜曲 also references my personal project 暴雪夜曲 (Snowstorm Nocturne)
残像暗战 can be translated in multiple ways in the context of the game event alone, including:
“Hidden War Against Afterimages”
“Lone Fight Against Trauma”
“Hidden Battle Against Shadows”
This time, in the context of the fan art, I’ve decided to translate it to
“Against Dark Visions”
“残像暗战”… What a great title for the Diluc event. This time, someone other than him is fighting “against dark visions”.
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