jiunmaylin-blog · 3 months
四時令神系列之 冬之神 塗司冬/禺疆/玄冥以及玄天上帝
太極生兩儀,兩儀生四象,四象分別代表春夏秋冬四季以及東南西北四個方位,四個方位又分為七個星宿,所以總共有二十八星宿。 北方就是北宮玄武七星宿。北方屬水,冬季,四象中的老陰,陰便是極、太的意思。 這七星宿內就包含北斗七星,隨著星宿的人格化,象徵北方之神的玄天上帝除了一開始就有的龜蛇,也演變成手持七星劍能斬妖除魔的武神。
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《四時令神系列之 冬之神 塗司冬/禺疆/玄冥以及玄天上帝》 ................ 說到禺疆這位冬之神、北極之神、北海之神、水神就必定得提到玄龜,也就是玄武、玄冥。
宋代學者洪興祖對《楚辭・遠遊》的注釋提到:『玄武謂龜蛇,位在北方故曰 玄,身有鱗甲故曰武』。 .... 玄天上帝象徵的是中國二十八星宿中的北宮玄武。北方在五行中屬水,代表色是黑色,所以他也叫做水黑帝,是統領北方的水神。 ... 太極生兩儀,兩儀生四象,四象分別代表春夏秋冬四季以及東南西北四個方位,四個方位又分為七個星宿,所以總共有二十八星宿。
這七星宿內就包含北斗七星,隨著星宿的人格化,象徵北方之神的玄天上帝除了一開始就有的龜蛇,也演變成手持七星劍能斬妖除魔的武神。 .... 閱讀完整故事請點擊以下網址: https://tombrobber2021.com/ .... 《歡迎點讚、訂閱、分享 網站:https://tombrobber2021.com/ FB: tombrobber2021 IG:tombrobber2021 希望神獸人間 奇幻盜墓小說系列故事能讓您在紛擾繁忙的日常之外忘憂的進入一個奇幻、神秘且美好的世界... 》 #奇幻盜墓小說 #盜墓探險小說 #盜墓小說 #探險小說 #靈異小說 #奇幻小說 #玄幻小說 #奇幻文學 #網路小說 #神獸小說 #鬼怪小說 #尋寶小說 #鬥法小說 #恐怖小說 #恐怖靈異小說 #神獸 #鬥法 #盜墓 #靈異 #神怪 #白澤 #奇幻 #玄幻 #山海經 #塗司冬 #玄冥 #玄武 #禺疆 #禺強 #北海之神 #玄天上帝
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changchaokan · 11 months
──────────原文────────── 式既在位,見郡國多不便縣官作鹽鐵,鐵器苦惡,賈貴,或彊令民賣買之。而船有算,商者少,物貴,乃因孔僅言船算事。上由是不悅卜式。 漢連兵三歲,誅羌,滅南越,番禺以西至蜀南者置初郡十七,且以其故俗治,毋賦稅。南陽、漢中以往郡,各以地比給初郡吏卒奉食幣物,傳車馬被具。而初郡時時小反,殺吏,漢發南方吏卒往誅之,閒歲萬餘人,費皆仰給大農。大農以均輸調鹽鐵助賦,故能贍之。然兵所過縣,為以訾給毋乏而已,不敢言擅賦法矣。 ──────────翻譯────────── 卜式勝任了「御史大夫」這個重要的職位後,看到許多郡國大多覺得鹽鐵官營帶來了不便,如鐵器品質粗陋,價錢昂貴,有的地方還強迫百姓購買官府製作的鐵器。而且由於船要繳算賦,讓以船運貨的商人減少,造成物價昂貴,於是卜式便通過擔任「鹽鐵丞」的孔僅上奏反映船隻徵收算賦帶來的問題。皇上從此對不欣賞卜式了。…
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kidemyhongkong · 1 year
【小學排名2023】 全港唯一按升BAND 1中學比率比較的排行榜
這個組別的小學設有直屬或連繫中學, 而這20間學校也有超過50%的同學仔可以升直屬或連繫中學。Kidemy 根據他們直屬或連繫中學的公開試成績作比較而得出的全港Top 20小學排名。
小學排名 小學 校網 直屬/中學 全年學費 1-4 拔萃女小學 私立 拔萃女書院 HKD 70,000 1-4 聖保羅男女中學附屬小學 直資小學 聖保羅男女中學 HKD 64,300 1-4 聖保祿學校(小學部) 私立 聖保祿學校 HKD 55,000 1-4 聖保羅書院小學 直資 聖保羅書院 HKD 30,000 5 拔萃男書院附屬小學 直資 拔萃男書院 HKD 46,210 6 協恩中學附屬小學 34校網 協恩中學 堂費 $3,000 7 德望小學暨幼稚園(小學部) 私立 德望學校 HKD 44,500 8 喇沙小學 41校網 喇沙書院 堂費HKD 4200 9 聖若瑟小學 12校網 聖若瑟書院 免學費 10 港大同學會小學 直資 港大同學會書院 HKD 32,790 11 瑪利曼小學 12校網 瑪利曼中學 免學費 12 聖士提反女子中學附屬小學 11校網 聖士提反女子中學 堂費 $1,600 13 英華小學 直資 英華書院 HKD 18,000 14 聖保祿天主教小學 12校網 聖保祿中學 免學費 15 番禺會所華仁小學 14校網 香港華仁書院 免學費 16 嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校 31校網 嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院 免學費 17 天神嘉諾撒學校 35校網 嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院 免學費 18 民生書院小學 私立 民生書院 HKD 55,000 19 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 直資 優才(楊殷有娣)書院 HKD 34,100-HKD 38,280 20 培僑書院 直資 培僑書院 HKD 25,890 這個組別的小學學生升讀Band 1比率均超過50%。Kidemy 根據他們升讀Band 1中學比率作比較而得出的全港Top 20小學排名。
小學排名 小學 校網 全年學費 1 九龍塘宣道小學 私立 HKD 59,450 2 聖方濟各英文小學 私立 HKD 52,800 3 九龍塘學校(小學部) 私立 HKD 61,000 4 保良局陳守仁小學 直資 HKD 19,800 5 蘇浙小學 私立 HKD 46,500 6 浸信會沙田圍呂明才小學 91校網 免學費 7 浸信會呂明才小學 91校網 免學費 8 聖公會仁立小學 65校網 免學費 9 聖公會聖彼得小學 11校網 免學費 10 救恩學校(小學部) 私立 HKD 62,900 11-20 油蔴地天主教小學(海泓道) 31校網 免學費 11-20 大角嘴天主教小學(海帆道) 32校網 免學費 11-20 油蔴地天主教小學 31校網 免學費 11-20 中華基督教會基灣小學(愛蝶灣) 16校網 免學費 11-20 九龍禮賢學校 私立 HKD 52,800 11-20 軒尼詩道官立小學(灣仔) 12校網 免學費 11-20 軒尼詩道官立小學(銅鑼灣) 12校網 免學費 11-20 荔枝角天主教小學 40校網 免學費 11-20 中華基督教會協和小學(長沙灣) 40校網 免學費 11-20 聖公會德田李兆強小學 48校網 免學費
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fuyonggu · 5 years
Chen Lin’s Proclamation to Wu (Long Version, Scholarly Commentary)
This is a proclamation which appears in the Wenxuan or Selections of Refined Literature, a collection of outstanding poetry and prose from the sixth century. Among the entries in the Proclamations chapter of that text are three Three Kingdoms-related proclamations, two by Chen Lin and one by Zhong Hui. The first Chen Lin entry is his famous denunciation of Cao Cao on behalf of Yuan Shao. This is the other, an attempt to overawe Sun Quan’s subjects and encourage them to defect to Cao Cao.
This proclamation appears to have been written at the beginning of 217, shortly before the second Ruxukou campaign, especially since it mentions events up until that time and mentions Xiahou Yuan as still being alive. Curiously, Chen Lin seems to have ghostwritten the proclamation on behalf of Xun Yu, who would have died five years earlier. Either that detail is mistaken or I am.
This post includes the original text and additional scholarly commentary. There is a duplicate post which just contains the actual translation.
Proclamation to the Generals, Officers, and Subordinates of Wu
By Chen Kongzhang (Chen Lin)
On the first day of the year, the Prefect of the Masters of Writing, Xun Yu, distributed this proclamation to the various generals, officers, and subordinates of the Southland and to Sun Quan's friends and relatives, both near and far:
(The Records of the Three Kingdoms states that Xun Yu, styled Wenruo, was a native of Yingchuan commandary. Cao Cao promoted him to be a Palace Attendant of the Han dynasty, as well as acting Prefect of the Masters of Writing.)
"It has been said, 'Happiness and misery have no gate by which they must enter, but each man calls the one or the other for himself'. For the man who 'sees his opportunity and acts', rather than remain amidst adversity and peril, has the wisdom of a great sage; he who, faced with danger and pressed by circumstances, heeds the new situation only in the end, deserves the concern of the knowledgeable; and he who only plunges deeper into the muck and mire, never turning aside from doom, merits the annihilation of the foolish. Thus does the refined and superior gentleman consider danger even while at peace, and contemplates future regrets even when they seem remote, while the inferior man is caught unawares by misfortune and laments his loss, and in the end meets with death and destruction. Is there not a great divide between them?
(The first quote is from Min Zima, as mentioned in the Zuo Commentary to the Spring and Autumn Annals (Xiang 23.10).
The Book of Changes states, "The superior fellow sees his opportunity and acts, and does not wait until his ruin."
The Book of Han states, "Jiang Tong adapted according to the situation." The Book of Changes states, "Is it not only the superior gentlemen who does not lose his way even when pressed by adversity?" Wang Bi remarked, "One who is exhausted will turn."
Ban Gu's commentary in the Book of Han states, "The refined fellow stands head and shoulders above the rest; Prince Xian of Hejian was close to being such a fellow." And the Book of Fengshan states, "During prosperity, one must consider decline; at peace, one must contemplate danger.")
"Now Sun Quan is a mere whelp, and 'unable to distinguish beans from wheat'; he has not worth enough to 'douse the axe' of authority, nor reputation enough to impress anyone. He is a mere hatchling, still growing his adult feathers. Yet he would seek to wander about and do as he pleases, like a dog who barks at his master; he claims that his boats and ships will let him oppose the imperial majesty, and his rivers and lacks shall save him from august punishment. But he does not recognize that Heaven casts its net wide, and he shall be caught in it; he is nothing but a fish in the pot, who will cook when its time has come.
"Has he his rivers to protect him? Yet by the waters of Lake Dongting there remains not a trace of the three ancient states of Miao. Ziyang (Gongsun Shu) had the Jing Gate to guard him, yet he was defeated; Chaoxian (northern Korea) had their ramparts, but they availed them not; Nanyue had their banners, yet they too perished.
“In ancient times, the King of Wu, Fuchai, inherited the legacy of his father Helü and the trained army provided by Shen Xu (Wu Zixu), and he stood astride the region of Kuaiji. Certainly he could have been called a mighty king. Yet when he sought to prove whose was the premier state and struggled with Jin for supremacy, his capital city was sacked by Goujian of Yue and his soldiers were put to flight at Huangchi, and in the end his state was toppled and destroyed and his corpse fell into the hands of the Yue army.
“During the Han dynasty, there was the Prince of Wu, Liu Bi, who was proud, arrogant, and overbearing. Out of his ferocity and cunning, he sought to start disorder, for he believed that he had a strong army and a rich territory, and that he was powerful enough to bully the capital. But when the Grand Commandant (Zhou Yafu) led his army down to Xingyang, the armies of the seven states cracked like tiles and melted like ice, and before Liu Bi could even say a word of condemnation, his throat had already been cut by the blade of Dantu.
“What to make of the fate of such men? Merely this: that the might of Heaven cannot be opposed, and those who rebel against its will are great criminals indeed.
(Regarding the phrase "unable to distinguish beans from wheat", the Zuo Commentary to the Spring and Autumn Annals mentions that a certain brother of Zhouzi of Jin "was devoid of intelligence, so that he could not distinguish beans from wheat".
Regarding "douse his axe", in the pronunciation commentary to the Book of Han, Fu Qian notes, "The Book of Changes states that 'he mourned his axe'." But I (the commentator) have not heard of this. Zhang Yan remarked, "The axe in this case is the military battle-axe, with which one brings order to the realm." Ying Shao remarked, "The character 齊 in this case means 'beneficial'." Yi Xi's Zhilin states, "齊 here means 'corresponding'. A commander who is about to go out invariably enters the temple and received the battle-axe, thus this term."
The Erya dictionary states, "Among birds, those who are able to feed themselves upon being born are called 雛 'chicks', while those who wait to be fed are called 鷇 'hatchlings'." Guo Pu remarked, "Baby birds wait for their mothers to feed them." Zheng Xuan's commentary to the Book of Documents states, "Adult feathers are those feathers that have grown long and large."
Chen Lin uses the term 陸梁 "wander about"; this appears in a verse in the Rhapsody on the Western Capital: "strange beasts wander about".
In the Strategies of the Warring States, Diao Bo says to Tian Dan, "The reason that Robber Zhi's dog barked at Yao was because Yao was not the dog's master."
Regarding the Miao states, the Book of Documents states, "The Emperor said, 'Alas! O Yu, there is only the lord of Miao who refuses obedience; do you go and correct him.' For thirty days, the people of Miao continued rebellious against the commands. But the Emperor set about diffusing on a grand scale the virtuous influences of peace, and in seventy days, the lord of Miao came and made his submission." Kong Anguo remarked, "These were the three Miao states; to their left was Lake Dongting, and to their right was Lake Pengli (Lake Poyang)."
Fan Ye's Book of Later Han states, "Gongsun Shu, styled Ziyang, declared himself King of Shu. He sent Ren Man to occupy the Jing Gate. But Emperor Guangwu sent his Grand General Who Conquers The South, Cen Peng, to attack the Jing Gate, and Ren Man was greatly defeated."
Regarding Chaoxian, the Records of the Grand Historian states, "Emperor Wu of Han appointed She He as Commandant of Liaodong, but Chaoxian surprise attacked and killed She He. Emperor Wu then sent his General of the Left, Xun Zhi, to attack Chaoxian. The people of Chaoxian killed their king Ugeo and came to surrender, and Chaoxian was thus organized into four commandaries."
And regarding Nanyue, it states, "Lü Jia of Nanyue rebelled against the Han dynasty. Emperor Wu appointed his Commandant of Titles, Yang Pu, as General of Tower Ships, and Yang Pu sailed down to Hengpu and then rendezvoused at Panyu. Nanyue was pacified, and organized into nine commandaries." It also states, "The King of Dongyue (or Minyue), Yushan, rebelled. Emperor Wu sent his General Who Crests The Yangzi, Han Yue, out to Gouzhang. Dongyue's Marquis of Jiancheng killed Yushan and led his forces to surrender."
The Records of the Grand Historian mentions that when King Helü of Wu passed away, his Crown Prince, Fuchai, succeeded him. And the Yan general Yue Yi mentioned in a letter to King Hui of Yan that "Wu Zixu gained the ear of Helü, and thus the King of Wu was able to launch a distant campaign and capture the Chu capital at Ying." Wei Zhao's commentary on the Discourses of the States states, "Shen Xu was the son of the great Chu minister Wu She, named Wu Zixu; his given name was Yuan. When Wu Yuan fled Chu and sought refuge in Wu, Wu granted him a fief, thus he also became known as Shen Xu." The Records further states, "When King Fuchai of Wu campaigned against Yue and defeated them, King Goujian of Yue led five thousand armored soldiers to perch at Kuaiji."
The commentary to the Mao edition of the Book of Poetry states, "To oppose is to contend." Zheng Xuan's commentary to the Rites of Zhou states, "To claim supremacy is to oppose. By thus opposing, one sought to see whose side was strongest." In the Records of the Grand Historian, Lu Jia states, "This pathetic little region of Yue dares to contend with the Son of Heaven as an enemy."
The Records also states, "King Fuchai of Wu went north to the conference of feudal lords at Huangchi, where he sought to claim status as Hegemon of the Middle Kingdom. He contended with Duke Ding of Jin for supremacy, but Duke Ding proved the victor. Wu thus led its troops home again." It further states, "When Wu encountered the people of Jin above Huangchi, the two sides fought for dominance; the people of Jin attacked the Wu soldiers, and greatly defeated their army. When the King of Yue (Goujian) learned of this, he led a surprise attack against Wu. Upon hearing this, the King of Wu (Fuchai) left Jin and returned to attack Yue. But he was unsuccessful; the city gates could not hold, and the Yue army besieged the palace and killed Fuchai."
The Book of Han states, "The Prince of Wu, Liu Bi, was the son of Emperor Gaozu's (Liu Bang's) elder brother Liu Zhong, and he was appointed as the Prince of Wu. In the fifth year of Emperor Jing's reign (154 BC), Liu Bi rose up with troops at Guangling."
The Zuo Commentary states, "When Zitaishu of Zheng passed away, Zhao Jianzi of Jin said, 'At the meeting of Huangfu, he told me, "Do not begin disorder, do not trust in riches".'"
The Book of Han states, "When word reached the capital of the Rebellion of the Seven States, Emperor Jing sent the Marquis Xiao, Zhou Yafu, to attack the Prince of Chu, and Zhou Yafu defeated him." The Seven States were the Prince of Wu, Liu Bi, the Prince of Chu, Liu Wu, the Prince of Zhao, Liu Sui, the Prince of Jiaoxi, Liu Ang, the Prince of Jinan, Liu Piguang, the Prince of Zichuan, Liu Xian, and the Prince of Jiaodong, Liu Qu.
The Book of Han further states, "When the Prince of Wu was defeated, he fled through the night with a thousand strong fellows and crossed the Huai River to flee to Dantu, where he sought refuge in Dongyue. But Han sent envoys to persuade Dongyue, who surrendered the Prince of Wu to them. When the Prince of Wu was about to come out and rebuke the troops, an agent was sent to kill him with a short spear." Elsewhere in the Book of Han, Jia Yi mentions in a petition that "He was just about to open his mouth when his neck was suddenly pierced.")
"Nor can Sun Quan be secure in the power of his army. After all, it has been nearly thirty years by now since Dong Zhuo first began the turmoil. And during that time, great heroes and talents roamed the length and breadth of the land, territorial as bears and implacable as tigers. The most powerful among them were those like the two Yuans (Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu), and the strongest were those like Lü Bu; for more than ten years, they stood astride several provinces, and they wielded power and commanded respect. Even beyond them, there were many remarkable heroes with passion and zeal, gazing like owls and glancing like wolves, and in this struggle for heroic supremacy there were too many people to count. Yet in the end, every one of them fell under the axe and parted with their heads; the clouds dispersed and the plains were scorched, and not a man remained among them.
"More recently, there were the generals of Guanzhong (Ma Chao and his allies), who banded together to rebel and cause chaos. They blocked the two Huas (Huayin and Huayang), occupied the Yellow and Wei Rivers, led the Qiang and other tribes to charge forward, and pushed their vanguard towards the east. They possessed towering zeal and lofty ambitions, and it seemed as though no one could stand against them. Yet the Prime Minister (Cao Cao) took up the military battle-axe and spread the word, and, sure as wind and blazing as fire, he 'led the way in front' and routed the foe before a roll of the drums. The result was 'a heap of corpses by the thousands and tens of thousands, of flowing blood and discarded shields'. These are things which all the realm well knows.
"Later, when the grand army had come to the banks of the Yangzi but had not yet crossed, Han Yue (Han Sui) and Ma Chao scampered off and fled back to Liangzhou, where they once again sought to caw and bark. The traitor and bandit Song Jian, who had declared himself King of the Source of the Yellow River, formed common cause with their evil; they helped each other as the lips support the teeth. It was the same way with the General Who Guards The South, Zhang Lu, who was confident in his defenses and so refused to respect royal authority. These enemies were all deserving of our royal punishment. Thus the Prime Minister merely reviewed the troops and made a demonstration at the Yangzi, then once again put the royal armies in order and charged to the west on campaign, to inflict the punishment of the realm against these foes.
"What were the results? No sooner had mere subordinate generals crossed the Long Mountains when Song Jian and Han Sui parted with their heads, and their heads and banners were sent ten thousand li to us. The moment that our army entered San Pass, the various Di tribes came to submit to us, and their kings, nobles, chiefs, and leaders all fled in the face of our advance. When we advanced to Hanzhong, Yangping Gate fell before us; Zhang Lu's army of a hundred thousand men was no more than fallen earth or rotting fish. Zhang Lu himself scurried away, fleeing into Bazhong, but then cherishing the kindness that he had been shown and repenting of his transgressions, he brought his whole family and returned to surrender. The King of the the tribes of Ba, Pu Hu, and the Marquis of the Cong tribes, Du Huo, each led their forces to come and submit, presenting up Ba commandary, and these leaders were employed in office. Thus with one blow of the horns and one roll of the drums, these two corners of the realm were all pacified; we reaped the full bounty of the western sea without even a clash of the vanguards.
"Such things as these only come about through the might and wisdom of Heaven above and the martial prowess of the very spirits of state; they are not something that the power of a mere mortal can accomplish.
(The "two Yuans" were Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu.
The Biography of Lü Bu in the Records of the Three Kingdoms states, "Lü Bu was skilled at archery and riding, and his strength surpassed that of others. People called him the Flying General."
The phrase "gazing like owls and glancing like wolves" comes from the Huainanzi. And the Discourses on Salt and Iron has a similar phrase: "There were be no cause for concern of 'the skittishness of a deer or the glancing of a wolf'."
The Book of Documents has the phrase, "like a fire that scorches the plains". And the Mao edition of the Book of Poetry has the verse, "Of the remnant of Zhou, among the black-haired people, there will not be half a man left".
The Records of the Three Kingdoms describes the uprising of the Guanzhong generals: "When Zhang Lu occupied Hanzhong, Cao Cao sent Zhong Yao to campaign against him. But at that time, the generals of Guanzhong suspected that Zhong Yao really intended to launch a surprise attack against Ma Chao. So Ma Chao banded together with Yang Qiu, Li Zhan, Yi Cheng, and others and rebelled. Cao Cao sent Cao Ren to campaign against them. Ma Chao and the others camped at Tong Gate. Cao Cao ordered his generals, 'The soldiers of Guanxi have keen zeal; keep fast to your defenses, and do not fight them.'"
The Records continues, "Cao Cao came west to campaign against Ma Chao. Cao Cao was going to cross the Yellow River north of Tong Gate, but before, Ma Chao's fleet arrived and brought on a fierce battle. Ding Fei advised him, 'Scatter your horses to entice the rebels.' So Cao Cao scattered his horses, and the rebels scrambled to take them, thus allowing Cao Cao to get across the river, then follow it to the south. The rebels pursued him and opposed him at Weikou, so Cao Cao divided his troops and arranged a camp at Weinan. The rebels attacked the camp during the night, but troops lying in ambush attacked and routed them. Cao Cao then advanced and crossed the Wei River as well. Ma Chao and the others repeatedly sought battle; Cao Cao kept putting them off, but eventually agreed, and on the arranged date the two sides met in battle. Cao Cao initially sent some light troops forward to skirmish with the enemy, but after the battle had dragged on for some time, he had his cavalry attack from the flanks, greatly routing the rebels. He took the heads of Yi Cheng, Li Kan, and others.
In the Book of Han, the edict of Empress Yuan has the phrase "zealous as though no one can stand before them". The Mao edition of the Book of Poetry has the verse, "The martial king displayed his banner, and with reverence grasped his axe. It was like a blazing fire, which no one can repress." And again, "Ten large war chariots led the way in front.”
In the Strategies of the Warring States, the King of Qin says to Tang Ju, "The anger of the Son of Heaven leads to a heap of corpses by the hundreds and tens of thousands, and flowing blood for a thousand li." Jia Yi's essay The Faults of Qin has a similar phrase: "a heap of corpses by the hundreds and tens of thousands, of flowing blood and discarded shields".
The Records of the Three Kingdoms states, "After Cao Cao beheaded Yi Cheng, Han Sui and Ma Chao fled to Liangzhou." The Dianlue states, "Han Sui, styled Wenyue, occupied Liangzhou and raised troops in rebellion for thirty years. He died in the twentieth year of Jian'an (215)."
The Records continue, "Earlier, Song Jian of Longxi had declared himself King of the Source of the Yellow River Who Pacifies the Han Dynasty, and he had gathered an army at Fuhan. Xiahou Yuan campaigned against him; he sacked Fuhan and took Song Jian's head."
The Records continue, "Zhang Lu, styled Gongqi, occupied Hanzhong. He instructed the people in mystic arts, calling himself Instructor and Master. He stood tall over the regions of Ba and Han for nearly thirty years. Since in the final years of the Han dynasty the court was not strong enough to campaign against him, they appeased Zhang Lu by appointing him as General of the Household Gentlemen Who Guards The People. But after Han had been settled, Cao Cao campaigned against him." The Rites of Zhou states, "Whomever relies upon their defenses and refuses to submit, attack them."
The Records continue, "In the seventeenth year of Jian'an (212), Cao Cao campaigned against Sun Quan. He attacked and routed Sun Quan's camps north of the Yangzi, then led his army back again." Chen Lin alludes to an account from the Records of the Grand Historian: "King Wu of Zhou reviewed his troops at Meng Crossing. The nobles all told him, 'Now is the time to campaign against King Zhou of Shang.' But King Wu told them, 'The moment is not right.' And he led his army back again."
The Records continue, "In the twentieth year of Jian'an (215), Cao Cao campaigned west against Zhang Lu."
The Records continue, "Han Sui was at Xianqin. Xiahou Yuan wished to launch a surprise attack and capture him, so Han Sui fled. Later, Xiahou Yuan greatly routed Han Sui's army and captured his banners and flags." This led to the deaths of Song Jian and Han Sui, as mentioned above.
The Records continue, "When Cao Cao campaigned against Zhang Lu, he marched from Chencang, came out through San Pass, and advanced to Hechi. The King of the Di, Dou Mao, was confident of his defenses and would not submit. Cao Cao attacked and slaughtered him."
The Records continue, "During the campaign against Zhang Lu, Cao Cao came to Yangping. Zhang Lu sent his younger brother Zhang Wei to occupy Yangping Gate. Cao Cao then sent Gao Zuo and others to slip through the terrain and launch a surprise night attack, and they greatly routed Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei fled through the night. Zhang Lu fled to hide in the Ba region, while sending envoys to smooth relations. He then brought his whole family out to surrender."
The simile of fallen earth has already been mentioned above. Regarding rotting fish, the Gongyang Commentary to the Spring and Autumn Annals states, "In what way did he say that Liang would fall? From self-destruction. What would that be like? Like a fish which rots before it dies." He Xiu remarked, "Fish rot from the inside out."
The Zuo Commentary states, "To demonstrate his loyalty, the new officer wrote his name on a plaque and presented a sacrifice."
The Records continue, "In the twentieth year of Jian'an (215), the King of the seven tribes of the Ba region, Pu Hu, and the Marquis of the Cong people, Du Huo, led the tribes of Ba and the Cong people to come and submit to Cao Cao. Cao Cao thus split Ba commandary in half; he appointed Pu Hu as Administrator of Badong, and Du Huo as Administrator of Baxi." Sun Sheng remarked, "Pu Hu's surname 朴 is pronounced 'fu', and Du Huo's given name 濩 is pronounced 'hu'."
In the Strategies of the Warring States, Sima Cuo states, "If you now campaign against Shu, you will reap all the bounty of the western sea, which the feudal lords have no greed for."
In the Book of Han, the Prince of Huainan, Liu An, has a petition which includes the phrases, "trouble not a single soldier, nor set a single spear", and "seek not a single clash of weapons".)
"And how generous and benevolent the court is; most impartial, fully civil and fully trustworthy, and greatly willing to grant titles as a display to all the realm. Having submitted to the dynasty, Zhang Lu, Pu Hu, and Du Huo were all granted fiefs of ten thousand households, Zhang Lu's five sons were all granted fiefs of a thousand households, and more than a thousand of the relatives and subordinates of Pu Hu and Du Huo were granted titles from minor marquises and generals on down. Thus were the people able to enjoy tranquility, and the Four Professions returned to their livelihoods. But as for those who rebelled, Song Jian and Han Yue (Han Sui) and their ilk were all 'buried under a mound', while Ma Chao's wife and children were beheaded at Jincheng and his parents and infants were executed in the Xu marketplace. These were not merely the whims of the state to inflict misfortune here and bestow blessings there; they were the just fruits of the submissive and the traitorous.
"Before it snatches its prey, a raptor will often first ascend in order to muster its full power. Likewise, before King Wu of Zhou's ultimate victory at Muye, he first withdrew from Meng Crossing. So too have we been clearing the brambles and cutting away the thorns, restoring peace among the tribes and the Xia (ethnic Han), such that now all the territory for ten thousand li around has become respectful and submissive, and there is no military trouble to be found.
"And now (~217) we have brought forth this heavenly army against you, one million strong, bolstered with the support of the Chanyu of the Xiongnu, Huwanchu (Huchuquan), the various tribes of the six commandaries, the Wuhuan, the Dingling, and the Chuge, and the Qiang and Bo tribes of Huangzhong. Like the rolling of thunder and the unfurling of a mat, we have swept south from Shouchun. At the same time, the General Who Conquers The West, Xiahou Yuan, and others are leading forth fifty thousand elite armored soldiers. The Di and Qiang tribes of Wudu and the zealous troops of the Ba and Han regions are marching south to the Wen River and the Yangzi to swiftly occupy the regions of Tang and Shu. The armies of Jiangxia and Xiangyang are also on the move, crossing the Xiang and Yuan Rivers and approaching Yuzhang. Lastly, our great fleet of tower ships is skirting the coast of the sea and heading straight for the regions of Wu and Kuaiji. All along this front of ten thousand li, we march as one, advancing along five routes against us. Sun Quan's fate is now at hand.
(The Textual Analysis of the Spring and Autumn Annals states, "The essences of the Red Emperor were magnanimity, benevolence, and great capacity." The Book of Rites states, "Heaven overspreads all without partiality; Earth sustains and contains all without partiality." The Mao edition of the Book of Poetry has the verse, "With great qualities truly civil and martial, brilliantly he affects his meritorious ancestors."
The Records of the Three Kingdoms states, "The followers of Pu Hu and Du Huo were all appointed as minor marquises." It further states, "Zhang Lu and his five sons were all appointed as minor marquises."
The Book of Han states, "When Gaozu (Liu Bang) entered Guanzhong, the officials and the people all enjoyed their past tranquility again." The Guanzi states, "The Four Professions are the foundation of the state: they are the scholar-officials, the farmers, the artisans, and the merchants."
In the Zuo Commentary, the Viscount of Chu says, "In ancient times, when the intelligent kings punished disrespectful and disobedient states, they took the greatest criminals among them, and buried them under a mound as the greatest punishment."
The Records continue, "Zhao Qu of Nan'an commandary campaigned against Ma Chao, and beheaded his wife and children." The Book of Han lists a Jincheng commandary.
Fan Ye's Book of Later Han states, "In the first year of Jian'an (196), the capital was moved to Xu."
In the Book of Han, Juan Xun says, "Nothing can be more perverse than treason."
Beginning with the description of the raptor, Chen Lin is now describing the coming campaign against Wu. The Book of Documents states, "King Wu of Zhou did battle with King Zhou of Shang at Muye." It also states, "Not until the eleventh year did King Wu campaign against Yin (Shang)." Kong Anguo remarked, "The lords all agreed, and King Wu withdrew from Meng Crossing as a sign of weakness."
"Clearing the brambles" meant eliminating the various bandits and rebels, and "cutting away the thorns" mean nipping future threats in the bud and guarding against them.
The Records continue, "In the twenty-first year of Jian'an (216), Cao Cao prepared his troops, then led a campaign against Sun Quan."
The Records continue, "In the twenty-first year of Jian'an (216), the Chanyu of the Xiongnu, Huquchuan, led his famous nobles to come to court, and was treated as an honored guest." The Book of Han states, "The various Qiang tribes are said to have crossed over to the north of the Huang River." So the Qiang must have dwelled on either side of the river. The Dingling and Chuge people were mentioned above.
According to the Book of Han, the city of Shouchun was in Jiujiang commandary.
According to the Records of the Three Kingdoms, "Xiahou Yuan, styled Miaocai, was the younger kinsman of Xiahou Dun, and was appointed as General Who Conquers The West."
The Records continue, "In the twenty-first year of Jian'an (216), Xiahou Yuan was left to guard Hanzhong."
The Book of Han states, "When the state of Dongyue (Minyue) rebelled, Emperor Wu of Han sent the General Who Crosses The Seas, Han Yue, and the General of Tower Ships, Yang Pu, to lead the army into Yue."
These were the five lines of advance: first, the main army gathered at Shouchun and then marching south; second, the fifty thousand armored troops under Xiahou Yuan; third, the tribes moving down from Wudu to Tang and Shu; fourth, the armies of Jiangxia and Xiangyang marching to Yuzhang; and fifth, the tower ships sailing to Kuaiji.")
"Now the Prime Minister, as the agent of the state's authority, is acting to remove threats to the people, and there can be no salvation for the abhorrent chief criminals; they shall surely part with their heads. But 'the branches attached and the leaves that follow' may yet be spared; though the leaders are doomed, their followers need not be condemned. The imperial edict does not decree that such people must die. On the contrary, every time that the Prime Minister has vanquished a powerful foe, he has never failed to first offer opportunities for surrender and only afterwards execute those who would not submit. He has recruited generals and obtained talents, and all such people found their full use in his service. And in all instances, there have been meritorious ministers who have 'stood on tiptoes and craned their necks', who have heeded the situation and responded to circumstances.
“For example, when Yuan Shu treasonously claimed imperial title and the court executed him and his generals, the Administrator of Lujiang, Liu Xun, offered up his commandary to the court and return to the fold of the state. When Lü Bu caused turmoil and the Prime Minister led the army to Xiapi, Zhang Liao and Hou Cheng led their troops out to surrender. When the Prime Minister returned to campaign against Sui Gu, Xue Hong and Jiu Shang opened the gates of his city and submitted. During the battle of Guandu, Zhang He and Gao Huan (Gao Lan) changed sides and performed great deeds. Later, during the campaign against Yuan Shang, the General-Commandant, Ma Yan, the former Inspector of Yuzhou, Yin Kui, and the Colonel of Archers Who Shoot At A Sound, Guo Zhao, came and surrendered during the fighting. When the Prime Minister surrounded Ye, the general Su You turned against Yuan Shang and supported the Prime Minister from the inside, and Shen Pei's nephew opened the gates of the city and let the army in. After Yuan Tan was executed, the great general of Youzhou, Jiao Chu, attacked Yuan Xi and drove him out, then heeded the situation and came to submit.
"There were hundreds of such people, all loyal, strong, stalwart, and zealous, all intelligent, all benevolent. They all joined with the Prime Minister to advise him and help develop his plans, to break and charge on campaigns against his foes, to root out his enemies and pull up their banners, and to restore peace and tranquility within the Four Seas. They did not take such actions lightly! It was truly an instance of 'Heaven displaying its heart', of them 'thinking deeply and considering the long-term'.
"Consider well the crossing-point between good and evil; understand the division between possible and impossible. Let the brave not die a pointless death; let the dutiful not maintain a meager charge. Bow to the reality of circumstances, for there is only one road by which you may preserve yourself. And if you do so, then you may establish a mountain of achievements and enjoy an incalculable salary. Those who in the morning were hated criminals may become the highest of generals by evening. This is what is meant by 'recognizing the situation in the midst of difficulties and exchanging bad fortune for good'.
"There are those who will say I am only enticing you with honeyed words and trying to win you over with trifling kindness. But such people are merely stuck in the mud; they are already lost, yet they do not realize it. How many people shall continue to go along with the flow and be snuffed out in the flames with all the others? Would it not be tragic to throw away a chance for good fortune?
"A few years ago, when the army was at Hanzhong, the eastern flank of the state was far away from the west, and the garrison remaining at Hefei was not even five thousand strong, while Sun Quan personally led tens of thousands of soldiers against it. Yet he was routed and driven off in defeat. Now he thinks to stand against the rolling thunder. He has little hope.
(In the Book of Documents, King Cheng of Zhou says, "Such great criminals are greatly abhorred."
Chen Lin quotes from Yang Xiong's Rhapsody of Heling, which has the verse, "The branches attach and the leaves follow; what has been raised shall be joined by a shadow."
In the Records of the Grand Historian, Zhao Liang states to Shang Yang, "Sir, they are waiting on tiptoes to see your demise." In the Zuo Commentary, Mushu says to the Marquis of Jin, "They are craning their necks and looking to the west, saying that it is so!" The Book of Documents has the phrase, "Mere shadows and echoes." Kong Anguo remarked, "This means like a shadow which follows a thing, or an echo which follows a sound."
The Records of the Three Kingdoms states, "In the fourth year of Jian'an (199), Yuan Shu was defeated at Qin. He passed away from illness. The Administrator of Lujiang, Liu Xun, led his troops to surrender, and he was appointed as a minor marquis."
The Records continue, "Zhang Liao, styled Wenyuan, was a native of Yanmen commandary. He was an officer under Lü Bu. When Cao Cao routed Lü Bu at Xiapi, Zhang Liao led his troops to surrender. He was appointed as a General of the Household Gentlemen and a Marquis Within The Passes."
The Records continue, "Sui Gu served under Yuan Shao, and was camped at Shequan. Cao Cao advanced to the Yellow River, and sent Shi Huan and Cao Ren to cross the river and attack Sui Gu. Sui Gu had Zhang Yang's former Chief Clerk, Xue Hong, and the Administrator of Henei, Jiu Shang, remain behind the guard his camp while he himself led troops to meet Yuan Shao and ask him for aid. But he encountered Shi Huan and Cao Ren, became locked in battle, and was greatly routed; they took Sui Gu's head. Cao Cao then crossed the river and besieged Shequan. Xue Hong and Jiu Shang led their forces to surrender, and were appointed as minor marquises." Jiu Shang's surname 樛 is pronounced "liu".
The Records continue, "When Cao Cao attacked Chunyu Qiong (at Wuchao), he left Cao Hong to guard his camp. Yuan Shao sent Zhang He and Gao Lan to attack Cao Hong. But when Zhang He and the others heard that Chunyu Qiong had been routed, they came and surrendered." The Records states that this officer's name was Gao Lan, while this proclamation writes his name as Gao Huan; he must've had two different given names.
The Records continue, "When Cao Cao surrounded Yuan Shang, since Yuan Shang's camp was not yet finished, he was afraid. He sent the former Inspector of Yuzhou, Yin Kui, and Chen Lin to beg to be allowed to surrender, but Cao Cao refused, and only tightened his siege even more. Yuan Shang then broke out during the night and held out in the mountains. Cao Cao pursued and attacked Yuan Shang; his generals, Ma Yan and others, surrendered during the fighting, and Yuan Shang's forces greatly collapsed."
The Records continue, "When Yuan Shang attacked Yuan Tan, he left Su You to guard Ye. Cao Cao advanced his army to the Huan River, and Su You surrendered." The Records record Su You's given name as 由, while this proclamation has it as 游; both are pronounced "you".
The Records continue, "When Yuan Shang fled to Zhongshan, Cao Cao captured all his supplies, his seals and ribbons, and his tallys and axes of authority. He sent defectors from Yuan Shang's army to display these things to their families, and the city's defenses thus collapsed. Shen Pei's nephew Shen Rong opened the eastern gate of the city during the night and let in Cao Cao's soldiers. Shen Pei fought back, but was defeated; he was captured alive, then beheaded."
The Records continue, "In the tenth year of Jian'an (205), Yuan Xi's great general Jiao Chu rebelled against him. Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang fled to the Wuhuan of the three commandaries, while Jiao Chu and others led their counties to come and surrender to Cao Cao."
The Rhapsody on the Western Capital has the verse, "Heaven displays its heart". In the Proclamation to Ba and Shu, Sima Xiangru says, "Think deeply and consider the long-term, for the state has pressing difficulties."
The Response to the Difficulties of the Guests states, "Everything they wished, they were sure to obtain; their achievements were like mountains". Jia Kui's notes on the Discourses of the States states, "訾 'calculable' means measurable."
In the Garden of Discussion, Confucius states, "The wise man exchanges misfortune for blessings, repays anger with virtue."
The Mao edition of the Book of Poetry has the verse, "He trusts the rogues that lie and sneak". The Analects states, "They enjoy indulging in trifling kindnesses."
The Records of the Three Kingdoms states, "Cao Cao sent Zhang Liao, Yue Jin, and others to lead more than seven thousand soldiers to camp at Hefei. While Cao Cao was campaigning against Zhang Lu, Sun Quan suddenly led an army of a hundred thousand to besiege Hefei. During the night, Zhang Liao sought to recruit soldiers who would dare to follow him, and obtained eight hundred such men. The next day, they fought a great battle; at dawn, Zhang Liao put on his armor, grasped his halberd, and plunged forward into the enemy formation. He killed a thousand people and took the heads of two generals. Sun Quan stood atop a high tomb, wielding a long halberd to defend himself. Zhang Liao shouted at him, but Sun Quan did not dare to move. Sun Quan kept Hefei under siege for more than ten days, but he could not take the city, so he withdrew.")
"One must gain the assistance of Heaven through submission to its will, and the help of the people through the building of trust; to act properly is called righteousness, and to show kinship is called benevolence. Yet though Sheng Xiaozhang (Sheng Xian) was a superior fellow, Sun Quan still executed him, and though Sun Fu was his own brother, Sun Quan still killed him. No one is worse than him in being a robber against righteousness and a ruffian against benevolence. Thus the gods and the spirits judge him as guilty, and the people are united in hatred of him.
"Those who would associate with such a criminal are themselves considered wicked bandits. That is why when, in ancient times, Yi Zhi (Yi Yin) abandoned Xia, he did no injury to virtue, but when Fei Lian died for the sake of King Zhou of Shang, he was not considered a worthy man. Why? Because there are times when it is proper to remain, but also times when it is proper to leave.
(The Book of Changes states, "One whom Heaven would assist must be obedient; one whom the people would help must be trustworthy."
The Records of the Three Kingdoms states, "Sun Quan killed the Administrator of Shu commandary, Sheng Xian." The Records of Canons of Kuaiji adds, "Sheng Xian's style name was Xiaozhang."
The Dianlue states, "Sun Fu was afraid that Sun Quan would not be able to defend the Southland. So when Sun Quan went out on an eastern patrol, Sun Fu sent an agent to bring a letter calling Cao Cao. But the agent informed Sun Quan of the plot instead. When Sun Quan returned, he pretended that he did not know of the plot, and together with Zhang Zhao he went to see Sun Fu. Sun Quan said to Sun Fu, 'Brother, are you unsatisfied? Why are you calling someone else?' Sun Fu said he was not. Sun Quan then flung the letter down so that he and Zhang Zhao could look at it. Sun Fu, ashamed, said nothing further. Sun Quan executed Sun Fu's close associates, and he exiled Sun Fu to eastern Wu."
The Mengzi states, "The King of Qi said, 'May a minister then put his sovereign to death?' Mencius said, 'He who outrages the benevolence proper to his nature, is called a robber; he who outrages righteousness, is called a ruffian. The robber and ruffian we call a mere fellow. I have heard that the fellow Zhou (King Zhou of Shang) was executed, but I have not heard of a putting a sovereign to death, in his case.'
The Book of Documents states, "Yi Yin left Hao and went to Xia, but after being disgusted by Xia, he returned to Hao again." The Art of War states, "Of old, the rise of the Yin dynasty was due to Yi Zhi who had served under the Xia." Cao Cao's commentary on that passage adds, "Yi Zhi was Yi Yin."
The Mengzi states, "King Wu of Zhou destroyed King Zhou of Shang. He drove Fei Lian to a corner by the sea, and slew him."
"Now the Prime Minister deeply cherishes the longstanding legacies and virtues of the old Southland clans, which have been known for many generations. It was not so long ago that the brilliance of Wei Shuying rose above the highest mountains and his reputation spread all throughout the seas, that the moral principles and indulgent love of learning of Yu Wenxiu were widely regarded, and that the peerless talents and cultivated virtue of Zhou Taiming were known by all. Thus their descendants should 'long enjoy much happiness', and their sons and grandsons should be protected and preserved. Yet Zhou Sheng and all his clan, though innocent, have been executed; the lineage has been scattered and lost, falling into oblivion among the trees and grass. Is that not regrettable? And we have heard that Wei Zhourong and Yu Zhongxiang (Yu Fan) have inherited the legacies of their ancestors, so that 'what the father planned, the son must build', 'the wood chopped by the father must be carried by the son'. So too should the old gentry clans of the Wu region, the Gu, the Lu, and all the rest that have enjoyed high status for generations, repay the virtues of the Han dynasty and glorify the good names of their ancestors.
"Indeed, all the generals and officers of Sun Quan, all his marital relations, are fine treasures and useful tools of our state. Yet they are all pressing one another forward, like rain tumbling from the heavens; they are like an axe-blade without a handle, and how can that be used? They are falling into ruin together. Is that not lamentable?
(The Book of Documents has the phrases "long enjoy much happiness" and "maintain and regulate the royal House".
According to the Records of the Three Kingdoms, Yu Fan's style name was Zhongxiang.
The Book of Documents states, "When a deceased father, wishing to build a house, had laid out the plan, if his son be unwilling to raise up the hall, how much less will he be willing to complete the roof!" In the Zuo Commentary, the Zheng minister Zichan says, "People have the saying: 'The father split the firewood, and the son was not able to carry it.'"
The Book of Documents states, "When the ruler finds value only in that which is worthy, his own people near at hand will be in a state of repose." The Ode on the Sage Ruler Obtaining Worthy Subjects states, "Worthy people are the useful tools of the state. When one employs the worthy, they will hurry to come to you and achievements will become widespread; when one utilizes the useful, then with little effort one may tend well to the people."
Lu Jia's New Tales has the saying, "If an axe-blade has no handle, how can it be used?")
"Among birds, the phoenix builds its nest high up on a lofty ridge, thus displaying the virtues of a worthy sage. But wrens and shrikes build their nests on reeds and twigs, and when the reeds snap the chicks are destroyed; this displays the delusions of the lowly and foolish. And currently, the Southland itself is no different from such a reed or twig, with many worthy people perched upon it. Truly, they are in great danger.
"The court is generous and magnanimous, tolerant and forgiving, and most sympathetic to the lives of the people. They seek the execution of one man alone, but have no suspicion towards anyone else. Thus they present uncommon rewards, in the expectation of uncommon achievements. Is there not some domineering fellow, some man of passion and drive, who will seize this moment to wrest control of their fate? If so, be diligent! For whosoever can arrange a grand undertaking and perform the greatest of achievements will earn great glory and riches; that would lead to the greatest fortune. Or if you cannot bring yourselves to do that, it would still be sufficient for you to analyze well the situation you face and consider how to exchange death for life.
(The Mao edition of the Book of Poetry has the verse, "The male and female phoenix give out their notes, on that lofty ridge. The dryandras grow, on those eastern slopes."
The Han edition of the Book of Poetry has the verse, "O owl, O owl! You have taken my young ones; do not also destroy my nest."
Owl, wren, and shrike are the names of birds. Among such birds, there are those that tenderly care for their chicks, and those who soon have cause to mourn them. For the loving ones find a sturdy place to set their nests or burrows, while the mourning ones do not think to place their nests upon a large branch of some great tree, but only set it upon the reeds, and when a wind comes, the reeds snap and the nest falls. Thus any chicks are killed and any eggs are broken; this is the source of their grief.
The Forest of Characters states, "Shrikes and wrens are the same as owls. Above, they carve nests; below, they dig out burrows." The Guangya states, "Wrens and shrikes are industrious birds." The Xunzi states, "There is a bird in the south called the Meng Wren. When it builds its nest, it wraps it in hair and ties it to reeds. But when the reeds snap, the eggs are broken. It is not that the nest was not durable; the problem was that the ties were too weak." The Shuowen dictionary states, "A reed is a large bulrush."
Sima Xiangru's Refuting the Elders of Shu states, "When there are uncommon events, then there shall be uncommon achievements."
Chen Lin was saying those who could not carry out the greatest plan (of achieving "the greatest thing", perhaps by killing Sun Quan).
In the Book of Han, Zou Yang's petition states, "In ancient times, when Ji Zhong of the state of Zheng allowed the people of Song to make the late duke's son Tu the new ruler, it was not because of Tu's righteousness. Rather, as the Spring and Autumn Annals tell us, it was in order to save himself and exchange death for life.")
"Even a tiger will gnaw off its own paw if it is bound by a rope, and even a strong fellow will chop off his own wrist if there is a viper on his hand. Why? Because of the danger posed to the whole body. They see the preservation of their whole body as more important than the loss of the limb. Will you then take delight in your misfortune and think you are at peace, continue your wandering and forget to turn back, be blind to the praises of the Daya poem and ignore the ways in which the past worthies exchanged sides, and turn away from a sure means of safety and prefer to remain on the snapping branch? Shall you live your life only one day to the next, until in the end you are lost? For when our great soldiers are flung against you, then the jade will be smashed along with the stone, and even if you sought to save yourself then, it would be too late.
"Thus I have sent forth these offers to recruit you, to offer titles and rewards and this opportunity to reform yourselves. When you receive this proclamation, carefully consider what I have said to you.
"This decree has the force of an imperial edict."
(In the Strategies of the Warring States, Wei Kui says to Lord Jianxin, "If a person binds a tiger with a rope, the tiger will become so enraged that it will even gnaw its paw off to escape. Of course, it is not that the tiger does not love its paw, but when the paw is bound, it is willing to lose a few inches of flesh in order to get away. Now as for our state, though it is more than a few inches of flesh, yet the King also considers you more than a mere bound paw. I implore you to consider this at once." Yan Shujian remarked, "A rope is a tool for binding beasts."
The Book of Han states, "When Xiang Liang of the state of Chu sent envoys asking the soldiers of Qi to attack Zhao's city of Zhanghan, Tian Rong objected, 'It was because Chu killed Tian Jia that Zhao killed Tian Jiao and Tian Jian, then sent out troops. If Chu had not killed Tian Jia, then Zhao would not have killed Tian Jiao or Tian Jian.' But the King of Qi told him, 'If a viper stings one in the hand, one must cut it off, and it is the same way with the foot. Why? Because of the threat to the body. Now those gentlemen were not even as close to Chu and Zhao as hands and feet, so why would they not have killed them?'"
The Book of Rites states, "'The evil consequent on being all astray on the subject of returning' is because the course pursued is contrary to the proper course for a ruler."
The Daya poem in the Mao edition of the Book of Poetry has the verse, "Intelligent is he and wise, protecting his own person."
The Book of Documents states, "When the fire blazes over the ridge of Kun, gems and stones are burned together."
In the Records of the Grand Historian, Wei Ping says to the King of Song, "Even if you later regret it, it will be too late then.")
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historysandwich · 2 years
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【常威近代史】(七百二拾三回) 民國超級悍匪劉桂堂 1936年6月15號,北平警察局偵破一個由日本人朝鮮人組成嘅暗殺機關,6月18號,北平故宮博物院第二次被盜,我已經講過好多次,故宮之內有大把值錢嘢,真係撻得一件半件,都成世無憂。清帝國1911年倒臺之後,咁多年以嚟,北平政權多次易手,有好多時候都係處於立立亂嘅狀態,究竟紫禁城有幾多奇珍異寶畀人撻咗?其實真係冇人統計過,亦都冇人知。俾你見到都有幾單,唔畀人知嘅我諗係數以百倍千倍計,呢個世界嘅嘢,邊度有錢就邊度有賊。 6月20號,軍閥韓復榘(1890-1938)買通徐一龍等刺殺劉桂堂(1892-1943),劉桂堂原本係流竄華北七省嘅悍匪,早年做過木工、搬運工,出身貧農低下階層。劉桂堂十幾歲便開始土匪生涯,響起事嘅8個土匪頭目中排行第七,因此有個朵叫「劉黑七」,到處打家劫舍,燒殺搶掠。最經典一役係1927年2月,血洗南孝義村,殺死平民386人,財產搶掠一空,房屋付之一炬。3月,竄入萊蕪縣,僅在紅山寨就殺害1300人。1927年��,匪幫發展到萬餘人,所到之處燒殺搶掠、姦淫婦女,其殺人手段之殘忍,駭人聽聞。僅蒙山前百餘里內,就有20多萬間房屋被燒,12000萬餘人被殺,簡直係痴銀線,亦係做賊嘅最高境界。1928年春天,劉桂堂匪幫被國民黨改編,轉行行老正,之後部隊開往河南。1930年爆發蔣馮閻戰爭,又投靠山西王閻錫山,任第二十六軍軍長。1931年改投東北軍任第六混成旅旅長,駐守河北大名,被國民黨軍劉峙(1892-1971)等部擊潰,竄回山東繼續做土匪。 1931年2月,山東省政府將其改編為山東警備軍,韓復榘自任總指揮,他任副總指揮,下轄4個旅約5000餘人。因不服調遣,繼續燒殺搶掠,韓復榘停止軍需供應。後復因其公開反韓,韓復榘下令殺掉佢響濟南聯絡處全部人員,劉桂堂被迫經河北流竄至熱河一帶。此處不留人,自有留人處,1933年春投靠日軍,彈出彈入任偽滿州國第二路軍總指揮,配合日軍侵佔沽源等地。1938年,與日軍又鬧翻,又以抗日名義進入魯中山區。 翌年,被國民黨魯蘇戰區總司令部任命為新編三十六師師長,1940年冬天,縱火焚燒費南縣60多個村莊,僅在大井一村就活埋共產黨員和被認為有共產黨嫌疑嘅200人。1943年又公開投日,被任命為偽和平救國軍第十軍三師師長。1943年11月,八路軍大將羅榮桓(1902-1963)決定發起圍殲劉桂堂作戰,一代巨匪終於被八路軍戰士擊斃。延安新華廣播電台連續3日、每3小時一次播發《山東我軍擊斃慣匪劉黑七》新聞,《解放日報》以劉黑七被擊斃發表題為《山東軍民反掃蕩勝利》社論。 6月22號,綏遠唯一旗幟鮮明地開展新詩歌運動嘅詩刋《塞北詩草》創刊。之前塞原社同人編輯出版嘅《塞原》文藝刋物,1934年,佢哋受到左翼作家作品同新詩歌運動嘅影響,《塞原》22期刊出新詩歌專號,佢哋認為喺內憂外患重重壓迫下嘅中國,詩歌具有強而有力地傳達人民心聲嘅功能,《塞北詩草》出版後,受到詩歌愛好者大力支持。文學研究者韓燕如(1919-2003)就係其中一位支持者,佢收集嘅民歌被編輯成專輯出版,《塞北詩草》一共出版咗七期。 6月23號,南天王陳濟堂(1890-1954)就任抗日救國軍集團總司令,同一日,廣西軍閥,白先勇老豆白崇禧(1893-1966)嚴禁廣西壯丁出省,應該隨時預備全省總動員,總動員反蔣(抗日)。6月25號,中華民國同拉脫維亞響倫敦簽訂友好條約。6月26號,日軍響北平豐臺一帶建設兵營同埋碉堡,開始向中國駐軍挑釁,試下水溫先。 今個月,左翼作家夏衍(1900-1995)嘅報告文章《包身工》響《光明》雜誌上發表,該文章大膽披露咗鮮為人知嘅上海日資紗廠工人嘅悲慘境況。作者著力描寫一個女工嘅遭遇,佢因為過度營養不良而瘦弱得別人稱呼為「蘆柴棒」,同一群失去人身自由嘅女工們響日本資本家嘅剝削下過著非人生活,響20世紀做「十五六世紀封建制度下的奴隸」。 今個月,抗日聯軍1、2軍奉命組成抗聯第1路軍,由楊靖宇(1905-1940)任總司令兼政委;魯迅(1881-1936)、巴金(1904-2005)、曹禺(1910-1996)等63個文學家發表《中國文藝工作者宣言》;著名地質學家李四光(1889-1971)調查發現黃山冰磧層為第四紀形成,佢今約5萬餘年;6月,國民政府與德國政府簽訂借款協定,由德國供給1億元軍需品(哇!),當時嘅德國政府就係希特拉納粹政權,1936年正正就係柏林奧運會舉行嘅年份,當時納粹黨勢頭崛起,整個歐洲亦進入風起雲湧嘅戰爭狀態前夜;今個月,瑞鎔船廠與英資耶松船廠合併成為上海最大嘅英聯船塢有限公司,日本亦喺廣州沙面成立特務機關。 1936年6月於焉結束。 #常威💀 #蔣介石平反系列  #佛經抄寫員 #中日戰爭 #民國歷史 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci1mnfLPWkU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hkjrt1717 · 2 years
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GOOD MAN增大膠囊 東革阿里咖啡 一炮到天亮
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keenywong · 2 years
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作者: 法廣 據《中國疾病預防控制中心周報》報道:廣州市近日發現奧密克戎(Omicron)“BA.2.12.1”亞型病毒株的感染病例,這是中國大陸首次發現這種傳播力更強的變異毒株。廣州多區開始封控,啟動全員核酸篩查。這種病毒比 BA.2 傳染性高 30%。 《中國疾控預防控制中心周報》(China CDC Weekley)5月16日通報,4月23日,一名來自非洲肯尼亞的中國男子從廣州市白雲國際機場入境,在隔離期間檢測為陽性。網傳圖片��示,廣州多個街道或社區開展大規模核酸檢測,市民大排長龍。 4月30日確認該男子感染的是奧密克戎(Omicron)亞型毒株“BA.2.12.1”,他曾接種新冠疫苗,目前已轉入廣州市第八醫院治療。這是中國首例確診感染該變異毒株的病例。 廣州市多地已開始封控,自5月15日起,廣州多區開展全員核酸檢測,包括荔灣區、越秀區、白雲區、增城區、番禺區、花都區、海珠區、天河區、黃埔區等。 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdrp1KkvZis/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hryrfhgfh · 3 years
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李家超最後總結到,有了中央的強力支持,香港在檢測、隔離和治療方面的能力肯定大大提升,足以讓特區政府執行更有力和更全面的管控疫情方案,能做到“早發現、早隔離、早治療”,有能力打贏新冠病毒奧密克戎變異株的傳播速度,扭轉病例的上升形勢,把趨勢逆轉向下,最後達致清零。香港現時唯一的敵人是病毒,只要我們團結一致,不分化,不內耗,有國家作後盾,我們定必能打贏疫戰。日本藤素 日本騰素 日本藤素正品 春藥 壯陽藥 必利勁 威爾剛 紅金偉哥 持久液 日本藤素藥妝店 日本藤素效果 日本藤素官網 進口日本藤素    
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fsjgfsj · 3 years
1000多公里的海岸線是它蜿蜒的臂膀,擁攬起黃海與渤海彼此交融的蒼茫。 它與遼東半島隔海相望,宛如一把堅定的鎖鑰,扼守著京津地區的海上門戶。
海岱齊魯鐘神秀,這是自然與歷史賦予山東的底蘊。 它東臨大海、中懷山嶽,既有重商文化,亦有古國文明。 如果我們以這樣的視角審視煙台,會發現這座城市的地理文化同樣多元:黃海、渤海皆在其側,"膠東屋脊"亦在其內,地處濱海的地理優勢帶來了通商之利,而萊夷古國的文明之光可上溯3000年前。ssp g4負評 ssp g4 ssp g4評價 ssp g4有效嗎 ssp g4沒效 sspg4轉轉脂ptt
未至煙台時,我一直在暢想,渴望在蒼茫的大海上,望見一座仙台,那是神話裡的海上瀛洲,一個煙霞繚繞的地方。 然而,當我踏上煙台大地時,感受到的卻是這片土地的敦厚與剛毅。 那是歷經了滄海桑田積澱下的品格,是枕山負海的廣闊胸襟。
當時間還停留在《山海經》中的上古蒼冥時,名為"鞠陵於天""東極""離瞀"的3座山峦隱約勾勒出膠東半島的形狀。 一位人面鳥身的東海之神——黃帝之子禺猇,成了東方部落的首領,煙台的歷史就這樣悄然地被編織進古老神話里,成為萊夷諸部最早的棲息地。 為了生存,先民們與大海開始了博弈,白石村遺址出土的魚骨器物,是6000年來族群繁衍的證明。
當周武王在牧野吹響討伐商紂的號角時,中原屹立起一個偉大的王朝。 可早已習慣了自由奔放的萊國百姓並不在乎周天子分封天下的統治,他們用生猛的原始力量,一度將大名鼎鼎的太公薑子牙拒之門外,與之爭搶齊國的都城營丘(今山東淄博東北)。ssp g4負評 ssp g4 ssp g4評價 ssp g4有效嗎 ssp g4沒效 sspg4轉轉脂ptt
當然,天下終究要由分裂走向統一。 伴隨中央王朝統治的不斷加強,古老的萊國漸漸消失在歷史中,取而代之的是秦朝的膠東郡、漢代的膠東國。
但是,萊地的兒女們從未離開這山海相依的故土,他們用勤勞和智慧繼續耕耘。 他們看慣了戰國七雄爭霸天下的煙雲,也曾眼見徐福率3000名童男童女從蓬萊入海。
漢朝以後很長一段時間,煙台似乎被遺忘了。 世人的目光或是聚焦於三國兩晉南北朝的紛亂,或是沉迷於皇皇大唐的盛世昌明,幾乎很少有人在意,登萊古郡是中原王朝揚帆入海、聯通各國的門戶,是海陸交通的樞紐,是北方最大的造船中心。 停泊在海灣里的航船,演繹著"日出千桿旗,日落萬盞燈"的輝煌,煙台成為古代海上絲綢之路的起點之一。
我們若將山東視作一隻展翅的雄鷹,煙台無疑就是那銳利的鷹眼:它的心臟連綴著中原腹地,目光投向大海。 它既有海上煙波的柔情,也有山川烽煙的壯烈。
由於海上絲綢之路的繁榮,煙台成了倭寇、海盜垂涎的"美味",頻繁地被侵擾促使其轉變為一座海防城市。 大明王朝在這裡設置了奇山守禦所,狼煙烽火自海岸沖霄而起,煙台城的雛形也開始漸漸清晰���ssp g4負評 ssp g4 ssp g4評價 ssp g4有效嗎 ssp g4沒效 sspg4轉轉脂ptt
到了晚清,閉關鎖國的朝廷被迫將煙台寫入通商口岸的名單。 作為山東最早、也是中國北方最早的通商口岸之一,煙台在歷史的十字路口上,被迫捲入了全球化進程。 煙台,成為中國近代工業的發祥地之一。 它守望著東方悠久的仙山傳說、儒家文化,也接納了西方先進的工業技術、科學文明,重塑起這座城的現代面貌。
煙台,是一部山與海鑄就的傳奇,亦是一幅歷史與人文交織的畫卷。 一代文豪蘇轼登臨蓬萊,發出了"蕩搖浮世生萬象,豈有貝闕藏珠宮"的驚歎;千古才女李清照在馳向萊州途中,吟念起"好把音書憑過雁,東萊不似蓬萊遠"的傷懷。 煙台的情韻,已然將古典詩詞的豪放與婉約相容並蓄。
昆嵛山煙霞洞里走出的長春真人丘處機,一言止殺,阻擋了成吉思汗的彎弓大刀。 煙臺山上,大明王朝抵禦倭寇的烽火,成就了無數英豪的赫赫威名。 "甲骨文之父"王懿榮在晚清亂世之際,轟動了中外學術界,把漢字歷史推到殷商時代。 張弼士創建的張裕釀酒公司,則昭示著民族工業的崛起。 更不用說星火燎原的紅色膠東,還有地雷戰的英雄故事、楊子榮的剿匪傳奇。
東海如碧環,西北卷登萊。 剛柔並濟的煙台,像極了孕育它的山與海。 剛烈時,風捲浪潮、山林呼嘯;溫柔時,波濤瀲灩、和風細軟。 它經歷過戰爭的摧折,蒙受過外敵的侵辱,卻始終沒有屈服。 它總能用寬廣樂觀的胸懷去創造新世界,用天地之美孕育萬物,用經略之美彙聚人才。
如今的煙台,是一座生生不息的活力之城。 這裡的藍天白雲、青山綠水繪就了一幅避暑旅遊、休閒城市的生態畫卷,那是煙台自然美好的天性。 幾千年鬥轉星移,煙台從荒蠻海岸蛻變為環渤海經濟圈的重要節點城市、"一帶一路"倡議重點建設的港口城市。 它發力於高端海洋產業,升級為製造業強市。 它憑藉港口的先天優勢,拓展著海洋物流運輸業。ssp g4負評 ssp g4 ssp g4評價 ssp g4有效嗎 ssp g4沒效 sspg4轉轉脂ptt
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jiunmaylin-blog · 4 months
第六部 曹家寶藏 楚王墓玲瓏塔 54 鎮墓獸・十二月月神塗司冬
………奇幻盜墓探險小說之第六部 54
《第六部 曹家寶藏 楚王墓玲瓏塔54 鎮墓獸・十二月月神塗司冬》 ....................................... 翻滾在地的殘剩燈火映照上披掛四處的大巫髮絲,髮絲此刻被暈染上淡淡橘色。祂的身體歪斜著,蒼白臉面上是一雙毫無生氣的圓睜大眼。原本充滿魔幻力量的血紅色瞳仁已經黯淡無光,看來有如沉積於河道底的髒汙腐物。
白澤白看向破裂的地生胎石,一股帶著潮濕氣味的冷風自地底往上吹進他們所在的地面。他握緊 環環放進他手中的柔軟手掌,她同樣注視著地生胎石,輕聲說道:『還有些煞氣未散。』
... 閱讀完整故事請點擊以下網址: https://tombrobber2021.com 《歡迎點讚、訂閱、分享 網站:https://tombrobber2021.com/ FB: tombrobber2021 IG:tombrobber2021 希望神獸人間 奇幻盜墓小說系列故事能讓您在紛擾繁忙的日常之外忘憂的進入一個奇幻、神秘且美好的世界... 》 #奇幻盜墓小說 #盜墓探險小說 #盜墓小說 #探險小說 #靈異小說 #奇幻小說 #玄幻小說 #奇幻文學 #網路小說 #神獸小說 #鬼怪小說 #尋寶小說 #鬥法小說 #恐怖小說 #恐怖靈異小說 #神獸 #鬥法 #盜墓 #靈異 #神怪 #白澤 #奇幻 #玄幻 #鎮墓獸 #塗司冬 #禺強 #十二月神
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captainjajajthings · 3 years
原創2021-09-15 17:41·王彪律師
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historysandwich · 2 years
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#常威💀 #蔣介石平反系列  #佛經抄寫員 #中日戰爭 #民國歷史
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style-yesnews · 6 years
【Never say never】夢繼續追 我想踢英超 --張瞻
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場上位置轉型 夢想踢英超
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  我很喜歡利物浦,很想成為職業足球員,以前發夢都踢英超,但我不想止於發夢啊,Never say never(永不說不),起碼要嘗試過,這次不行總有下次機會的。每個人都失敗過,每個人都曾經犯過錯,沒有人是完美的,你下次改善到就可以了。」
獲英超球會車路士認可 培訓小小「藍戰士」          
車路士小球員暑期班 對象: 3 – 6歲 地點: D‧PARK愉景新城L1, 1033號舖 上課日期及時間:
課程 7月 8月 時間 A2 班 (逢星期三、六) 25, 28 1, 4 12:00 – 13:00 B2班 (逢星期四、日) 26, 29 2, 5
$,1200 / 4堂 (每堂1小時)
l  首次加入之學員將免費獲得車路士足球學校(香港)獨有運動套裝 (乙套)  (包括:球衣、運動褲和足球襪)
l  完成8堂後可獲得足球學校頒發證書
親子資訊由熱新聞提供 原文連結: 【Never say never】夢繼續追 我想踢英超 --張瞻 更多相關內容
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親子頭條 每季我們都會找來專業醫療顧問,解答兒童及家長的健康問題,並與多間社區組織緊密聯繫,為家長們帶來全方位的育兒支援。
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瓜類較易熟,可先將粥煮熟後再把切成小塊的瓜加入,視個人口感滾沸拌勻後適當加調味品即可。比如加入少量薑絲,有助增味暖胃。日本藤素評價 日本藤素吃法 japan tengsu副作用 日本藤素官網 必利勁屈臣氏 日本騰素有效嗎 藤素是什麼 西班牙金蒼蠅迷情液效果 德國必邦評價 德國必邦有效嗎 日本藤素男性速效保健品 日本藤素藥局有賣嗎 japan tengsu評價 女生吃春藥 德國必邦效果 美國黑金評價 德國必邦副作用 屈臣氏 美國卡宴 卡宴催情
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bptengsu · 5 years
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記者了解到,在澳門回歸前幾年,經濟情況令人堪憂。1999年失業率甚至高達6.5%,居民收入減少,1999年就業人口月工作收入甚至低於1996年。但是,澳門回歸之後,情況就發生了天翻地覆的變化。賀一誠介紹,澳門的經濟總量從原來1999年的518億澳門元增長到2018年的4400億澳門元。澳門月工資中位數從1999年約9 30 0澳門元到如今到2萬澳門元。特別在民生領域,如今澳門政府投入非常大。其中,免費醫療、教育等方面就佔政府財政預算約30 %。
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澳門特別行政區第五任行政長官賀一誠看《小康》雜誌攝影/記者余弘陽日本藤素 日本騰素 印度必利勁 萬力可 日本藤素真假 日本藤素官網 藤素藥局 威而鋼 壯陽藥 春藥 持久液
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chicagochinesenews · 7 years
(本報訊)華星秋月,落葉向寒,在這秋冬交換的季節,東方藝術團經過數月的精心打造,豐富多彩的歌舞節目即將出爐了!優美的歌曲在唱, 輕盈的舞蹈在跳, 經典的話劇片段在排, 精彩的戲曲在練。 12月2日的晚上,他們將為芝加哥觀眾獻上一台新穎的演出——《金秋皓月》綜藝晚會。…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
東方藝術團是美國中西部地區最大的華人表演藝術團體,擁有合唱團、舞蹈團、話劇團、戲曲團、攝影協會五個分團。東方藝術團吸引和聚集了一批居住在大芝加哥地區的專業藝術家和業餘藝術愛好者,各分團常年推出高品質的藝術活動。藝術團多年來吸引了很多熱愛藝術、志同道合的朋友,隊伍不斷壯大。經過十年的發展,已經成為一支具有有效而嚴密領導機、演藝水準高超的表演團體。 十二年來,東方從無到有,辛勤耕耘,舉辦了一百多場文藝演出,累計觀眾達五萬多人,成為大芝加哥地區華人文藝生活的“金字招牌”。
優秀歌手加盟 星光燦爛
著名青年女高音歌唱家劉麗琳將加盟《金秋皓月》綜藝晚會演出。 劉麗琳畢業于廣州星海音樂學院聲樂系和義大利帕爾瑪音樂學院聲樂表演(歌劇演唱)專業,碩士研究生學歷,曾在深圳音樂廳,香港大會堂,義大利等地成功舉辦個人獨唱音樂會,榮獲第七屆義大利佩薩羅國際聲樂比賽第二名;義大利特雷維索國際聲樂比賽第一名等國際聲樂比賽大獎,回國後從事聲樂教學和聲樂研究工作,現為深圳大學聲樂教師。
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國際知名的男中音歌唱家José Rubio也將加盟演出. 曾經獲得國際著名紐約大都會歌劇院全美賽區的兩次冠軍的Jose畢業於辛辛那提音樂學院獲得藝術文憑和碩士學位,並擁有華盛頓大學的學士學位。Jose在紐約卡內基音樂廳音樂會首演得到了極大的讚譽。Opera Insider 的評論“…音樂會是無與倫比的”。將其表演描述為“…激情歌唱和表演相融合的一小時,讓人覺得可以一直持續下去毫不乏味”。
東方舞蹈團 —素鶴朱紗抒新意   曼態妙姿舞不同
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為迎接藝術團《金秋皓月》這一年度盛會,東方舞蹈團新排練了群舞《阿裡郎》、《紅珊瑚》、《滿園芬芳》及三人舞《卡門》。其中舞蹈《阿裡郎》,音樂取自朝鮮族最具代表性的民歌,情緒略帶憂傷,表達了一位朝鮮族姑娘,對夫君的思念和對愛情渴望的心情。隨著旋律和節奏的重複與再現,舞蹈動作由靜而動,由輕柔舒緩而激情奔放, 表現出朝鮮族民族女性端莊、文雅、細膩又富有激情的魅力。
舞蹈《紅珊瑚》,音樂取自同名經典歌劇主旋律《珊瑚頌》,群舞採用山東膠州秧歌舞蹈語彙,以婉轉迂回柔韌舒展的肢體語言,描繪出絢麗婀娜的珊瑚奮力汲取陽光、頑強無畏求生,猶如“一束紅花照碧海”的美麗動人情景, 舞蹈表達了對美麗與頑強的生命的禮贊。   比才歌劇Carmen 《卡門》塑造了一個相貌美麗而性格倔強的吉卜賽姑娘-卡門。東方舞蹈團將《金秋皓月》舞臺上通過舞蹈的形式來體現一個豪爽、奔放而富有神秘魅力的吉普賽女郎,表達卡門這一位寧可付出生命的代價,也不願讓愛情自由受到約束的經典人物。
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東方合唱團將在《金秋晧月》上推出一組有著濃郁民族風情的《草原牧歌》聯唱 。團員們將用歌聲帶你回家鄉,帶你去草原,帶你去看鴻雁南飛,去看風吹秋草,去看快樂卓瑪們的自由歡歌,去看英武巴特爾們的那達慕,最後還將帶你去人間天堂–香格里拉。整個節目將由爺孫倆游大草原為主線,把四首草原牧歌像珍珠一樣串起來,通過爺孫倆漫遊草原的對話,我們跟隨他們一起去領略那片思念的故土,和那些勤勞的牧民,還有他們自由自在的生活。讓我們一起去感受草原的遼闊和壯美,感受那方水土的純淨和聖潔,感受那裡人民的純樸和善良吧,願我們相約在《金秋晧月》,不醉不歸。
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在剛剛落幕的《穿越之門》話劇演出中進行了一次成功穿越的東方話劇團將在《金秋皓月》晚會上再次穿越! 話劇團將為晚會獻上題為《穿越時空的愛戀》的經典話劇片斷組合。組合由巴金的《家》、曹禺的《原野》和經典愛情故事《簡愛》三個片斷組成。三個片斷貫穿了“愛戀”的主題,又風格各異,各具特色,相輔相成。而為我們演繹這些片斷的演員們也都是話劇團的實力派演員,相信他們的表演一定會讓觀眾大飽眼福。
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綜藝戲曲團的《春天的芭蕾》《在茉莉花盛開的地方》將由來自中國著名的女高音歌唱家劉麗玲擔任領唱, 京歌《蝶戀》的精彩表演將會在深秋的色彩錦上添花。
東方的綜藝晚會、舞蹈專場、聲樂專場、話劇專場等活動,都已經成為芝加哥響亮的文化活動品牌。2016年3月東方藝術團推出的《新春溢彩》大型綜藝晚會精彩紛呈,在社區被盛讚為綜藝巨作,並受到中央電視臺《華人世界》節目的採訪和報導,在過去的12個月裡,東方藝術團舉辦了一些列具有影響力的活動: 東方話劇團在2016年11月成功上演了三場爆滿的《守歲》話劇, 2017年9月東方話劇團又隆重推出新時代多元喜劇《穿越之門》,2016年8月東方藝術團舉辦了《鴻雁行歌》聲樂舞蹈專場,同年東方藝術團的中國元素在芝加哥感恩節遊行上大放異彩,驚豔芝城!2017年9月17日,東方藝術團在芝加哥地標千禧公園主辦了載入美國華人史冊的超大規模《文化中國 友誼地久天長》中美音樂會,聯合美中地區30多個中美團體1000多演員與上萬名觀眾唱響中美友誼的讚歌,影響深遠!東方藝術團期待著在12月2日不負眾望,再一次帶給社區一場視聽盛宴!
演出時間:12月2日7:00 PM
演出地點﹕PfeifferHall, North Central College , 310 East Benton Ave,Naperville, IL 60540。
票價: $50 (VIP), $20, $15
購票請聯繫: 陳露秋 (630) 915-0513  黃海燕 (847) 777-9222    滕秋紅 (630) 272-2588
陳紅    (630) 461-1688   李青    (630) 247-8144  劉冰    (312) 363-8106 王晶    (630) 2996684
熊英    (630) 915-6484    張燕    (630) 618-1987
東方藝術團《金秋皓月》大型綜藝晚會12月2日隆重登場 (本報訊)華星秋月,落葉向寒,在這秋冬交換的季節,東方藝術團經過數月的精心打造,豐富多彩的歌舞節目即將出爐了!優美的歌曲在唱, 輕盈的舞蹈在跳, 經典的話劇片段在排, 精彩的戲曲在練。 12月2日的晚上,他們將為芝加哥觀眾獻上一台新穎的演出——《金秋皓月》綜藝晚會。................................................................................................................................................................
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