#结巾(Jié jīn) & 将巾(Jiāng jīn)
bx0032 · 7 years
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【双语阅读】The 'silver surfers' riding high on Instagram fame 原创 2017-03-10 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语
The 'silver surfers' riding high on Instagram fame 银发夫妇打扮神搭配成网红(组图) yín fā fū fù dǎ bàn shén dā pèi chéng wǎng hóng (zǔ tú )
在日本有一对白发苍苍的老夫妇,非常爱穿“情侣装”,更难得的是他们将“情侣装”穿出了好品味,穿出了新高度。难怪两人注册账号才三个月,就迅速晋升为社交网红。 zài rì běn yǒu yī duì bái fā cāng cāng de lǎo fū fù ,fēi cháng ài chuān “qíng lǚ zhuāng ”,gèng nán dé de shì tā men jiāng “qíng lǚ zhuāng ”chuān chū le hǎo pǐn wèi ,chuān chū le xīn gāo dù 。nán guài liǎng rén zhù cè zhàng hào cái sān gè yuè ,jiù xùn sù jìn shēng wéi shè jiāo wǎng hóng 。
Bon and Pon in matching checks
Move over Kim Kardashian, there is a new social media star in town - or two, to be precise. 金•卡戴珊靠边站,现在社交媒体的新星另有其人,准确地说,是两个人。 jīn •kǎ dài shān kào biān zhàn ,xiàn zài shè jiāo méi tǐ de xīn xīng lìng yǒu qí rén ,zhǔn què dì shuō ,shì liǎng gè rén 。
Their names rhyme, their clothes match - Japanese couple Bon and Pon are putting a smile on the social media world with their perfectly co-ordinated chic outfits and silver hair. 他们的名字很配,他们的衣服很配,这对名叫伯恩和珀恩的银发日本夫妇用神搭配的时髦着装打动了社交媒体的广大用户。 tā men de míng zì hěn pèi ,tā men de yī fú hěn pèi ,zhè duì míng jiào bó ēn hé pò ēn de yín fā rì běn fū fù yòng shén dā pèi de shí máo zhe zhuāng dǎ dòng le shè jiāo méi tǐ de guǎng dà yòng hù 。
In an Instagram account that screams #lifegoals, the couple, 60 and 61, post demure photos of their everyday life in amazing matching outfits. 这对现年分别为60岁和61岁的夫妇用自己的Instagram账户,在#人生目标的话题标签下上传了他们每日身着神搭配服装的照片。照片中两人都神色端庄。 zhè duì xiàn nián fèn bié wéi 60suì hé 61suì de fū fù yòng zì jǐ de Instagramzhàng hù ,zài #rén shēng mù biāo de huà tí biāo qiān xià shàng chuán le tā men měi rì shēn zhe shén dā pèi fú zhuāng de zhào piàn 。zhào piàn zhōng liǎng rén dōu shén sè duān zhuāng 。
Bon and Pon, married for 37 years, created their account just three months ago, but they are already Instagram celebrities - @bonpon511 has an enviable 89,000 followers (and counting). 伯恩和珀恩已经结婚37年,他俩三个月前才在Instagram上注册了自己的账号,但现在却已经成为了该社交网站的名人——他们的账号bonpon511现已拥有8.9万名粉丝,令人称羡,而且还在不断增加。 bó ēn hé pò ēn yǐ jīng jié hūn 37nián ,tā liǎng sān gè yuè qián cái zài Instagramshàng zhù cè le zì jǐ de zhàng hào ,dàn xiàn zài què yǐ jīng chéng wéi le gāi shè jiāo wǎng zhàn de míng rén ——tā men de zhàng hào bonpon511xiàn yǐ yōng yǒu 8.9wàn míng fěn sī ,lìng rén chēng xiàn ,ér qiě hái zài bú duàn zēng jiā 。
Not many couples could get away with matching tartan, but Bon and Pon can. 没有几对夫妇能够双双把格子花呢衣服穿得好看,但是伯恩和珀恩可以。 méi yǒu jǐ duì fū fù néng gòu shuāng shuāng bǎ gé zǐ huā ne yī fú chuān dé hǎo kàn ,dàn shì bó ēn hé pò ēn kě yǐ 。
It's not only their devotion to co-ordination that makes them so appealing. 他们吸人眼球,不只是因为他们执着于让彼此的服装相配。 tā men xī rén yǎn qiú ,bú zhī shì yīn wéi tā men zhí zhe yú ràng bǐ cǐ de fú zhuāng xiàng pèi 。
They also have impeccable taste - wearing minimalist colours, tailored cuts and smart shoes. 他们还拥有无可挑剔的品味——极简主义的色彩运用、合体的剪裁和优雅的鞋子。 tā men hái yōng yǒu wú kě tiāo tī de pǐn wèi ——jí jiǎn zhǔ yì de sè cǎi yùn yòng 、hé tǐ de jiǎn cái hé yōu yǎ de xié zǐ 。
They post with hashtags #whitehair, #silverhair and #over60 - reminding us all that fashion has no age limit. 他们上传照片时还用了#白发、#银发和#年过60等几个话题标签,提醒我们大家,时尚不受年龄限制。 tā men shàng chuán zhào piàn shí hái yòng le #bái fā 、#yín fā hé #niánguò 60děng jǐ gè huà tí biāo qiān ,tí xǐng wǒ men dà jiā ,shí shàng bú shòu nián líng xiàn zhì 。
But why do they co-ordinate their look? "It's fun to wear matching clothes," says Bon. 那么,为什么他们要打扮得如此同步呢?伯恩说:“穿相配的衣服是件有趣的事情。” nà me ,wéi shí me tā men yào dǎ bàn dé rú cǐ tóng bù ne ?bó ēn shuō :“chuān xiàng pèi de yī fú shì jiàn yǒu qù de shì qíng 。”
Bon and Pon showing devotion to minimalism
Bon told the BBC they particularly liked to match outfits on holiday. 伯恩告诉BBC说,他们在过节时特别喜欢穿相配的衣服。 bó ēn gào sù BBCshuō ,tā men zài guò jiē shí tè bié xǐ huān chuān xiàng pèi de yī fú 。
Bon and Pon in festive outfits
Even their children are in on it. Here they are in a gift from their daughter - matching scarves. 连他们的孩子也加入进来���这张照片中他们戴着女儿买的礼物——相配的围巾。 lián tā men de hái zǐ yě jiā rù jìn lái 。zhè zhāng zhào piàn zhōng tā men dài zhe nǚ ér mǎi de lǐ wù ——xiàng pèi de wéi jīn 。
Bon and Pon wearing matching scarves - a gift from their daughter
Sometimes they wear the same outfit twice - so there is hope for the rest of us. 有时候他们会把同一套服装穿两次——所以我们大家还是有机会挑战一下的。 yǒu shí hòu tā men huì bǎ tóng yī tào fú zhuāng chuān liǎng cì ——suǒ yǐ wǒ men dà jiā hái shì yǒu jī huì tiāo zhàn yī xià de 。
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