mensgohan · 4 months
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fwoopersongs · 2 years
青玉案·元夕- Green Jadeite Platter · Fifteenth Day of New Year
by 辛弃疾 (Xin Qiji, 1140 to 1207)
东风夜放花千树, dōngfēng yè fàng huā qiān shù, In the East wind, night sets blossoms on a thousand trees,
更吹落、星如雨。 gèng chuī luò, xīng rú yǔ and blown down, stars fall like rain.
宝马雕车香满路。 bǎo mǎ diāo chē xiāng mǎn lù Fine horses, exquisite carriages, fragrance suffuses the road in their wake.
凤箫声动,玉壶光转, fèng xiāo shēng dòng, yù hú guāng zhuǎn The phoenix-flute’s moving melody, the jade-pot’s arcing light;
一夜鱼龙舞。 yī yè yú lóng wǔ lanterns of fish and dragons dance through the night.
蛾儿雪柳黄金缕, É er xuě liǔ huáng jīn lǚ Little moths, snow willow and tassels of gold,
笑语盈盈暗香去。 xiàoyǔ yíng yíng àn xiāng qù. laughter, chatter, bright and clear, indistinct scents fading as they go.  
众里寻他千百度, zhòng lǐ xún tā qiān bǎi dù, In the crowd, a hundred, a thousand times, I searched;
蓦然回首, mò rán huí shǒu, suddenly turning round -
那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 nà rén què zài, dēng huǒ lán shān chù but there - that person stands where the lights are dimming.
// First, a note: Super glad @liberty-or-death​ also feel in love with this poem (translated here) which has inspired so many others out there, be it songwriters, authors or poets with its romantic atmosphere <3 Open invitation to share your take on this one too! There are so many ways to interpret it.
Aaaaaaaand we’re at the last day of Chinese New Year! \o/ 
08-Feb-23 Edit: I spent so much time looking things up for ‘one last word’ that it is no longer the last day of new year LOL. OOPS. So typical... xD
This time with a poem also about this time of the year with some lovely and vivid descriptions of how it was celebrated. I actually translated it in 2021 for a poetry sharing group read, and shelved it afterwards because I wasn't quite into it enough to write the usual comments. This time, I found the energy, because GUESS WHAT? Xin Qiji and Lu You (dude from the last poem about the first day of spring and the new year, my fellow cat lover) knew each other!
I was racking my brains trying to remember why Xin Qiji was such a familiar name when I came across it on Lu You’s baidu page LOL. 
It’s not relevant to the poem, but do allow me to sidetrack a little on this.
Xin Qiji and Lu You were contemporaries of what we now call Southern Song. Xin Qiji was the younger between them by fifteen years; Lu You lived from 1125 to 1210, while Xin Qiji was born in 1140 and passed in 1207.
Xin Qiji was born in a territory that had been overtaken by Jin, his grandfather was unable to follow the Song in its retreat - for family reasons - and ended up working in the Jin court. [There’s background that I’m not including in here because it was shocking to read it again. You can google Jiankang Incident if you're curious, but I wouldn’t recommend it!]
As his father died early, Xin Qiji was raised by his grandfather whose influence had him growing up to be a patriotic and upright man, eager to restore the central plains and avenge the suffering of his people and country.
At the age of twenty one, he joined the insurrection against the Jin. There, he proved himself a skilled leader, earning a place in the Song Court with military merits. With the Emperor’s interest in restoring lost land, Xin Qiji and those of the faction which supported war against the Jin were given what they wanted at last and even won a series of victories. Unfortunately this was stopped in its tracks by a defeat due to infighting amongst the leaders of that campaign.
After that, the faction which supported peace via appeasement gained the emperor’s favour and Xin Qiji’s alignment with the side for war meant his proposals to this end went ignored. However, the court was impressed by his capability and frequently promoted him. This did not satisfy Xin Qiji though, and his identity as a returner from the Jins was a barrier to further advancement in his career. Anyway, he was eventually fired for ‘extravagant spending and wanton killing and other crimes’ when his work in the areas he oversaw began to encroach on the interests of the nobles and the wealthy people there. By this time, at the age of 40, he had realised his forthright nature was not earning him any points in politics and had made preparations to go into seclusion. He settled in Shangrao, northeast of Jiangxi province.
Between 1188 and 1203, he returned to take on some positions, got censured again, had more adventures and enjoyed the retirement life some more (especially in 1196! we might touch on this time in the future).
In 1203, he was brought on board again into politics as one of the people who believed war was the path to take. At the age of sixty four, Xin Qiji was made governor of two prefectures, Shaoxing 绍兴府 and Zhedong 浙东, simultaneously. It was during this time that he met Lu You, who had retired to his hometown of Shanyin. (Shanyin 山阴 and Huiji 会稽 Counties fell under the governance of Shaoxing Prefecture).
Shaoxing Prefecture 绍兴府, underlined in red.
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Shanyin 山阴, underlined in red.
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And just something that makes me smile from google maps: A Shanyin 山阴 road in modern day Shaoxing 绍兴!
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And of course these two patriotic people would hit it off. Their acquaintance can be verified via Lu You’s poem 《草堂》 and his commentary. When Xin Qiji was summoned back to court in 1204 for an audience with the emperor, Lu You sent him off with a poem 《送辛幼安殿撰造朝》that was full of praise and encouragement. 
Xin Qiji was made governor of Zhenjiang fu, a small official’s position elevated with the bestowment of a gold belt, but it was just behind the frontlines of the Jin-Song fighting at Yangzhou. That’s probably the closest he ever got to the action (and he knew it too). 
Unlike the one with Lu You where he so conveniently stated the year for us, it’s not possible to tell when Xin Qiji wrote this poem. Only that it describes a 元夕 (yuán xī), as they call fifteenth day of the first month. The name of lantern festival lit. 灯节 (dēng jié) only became popular from Qing Dynasty onwards.
But no matter the exact time this was written, I think it’s interesting to keep Xin Qiji’s life and his character in mind as we read his work!
Format and Title
This is a Song Dynasty lyric to the tune of 《青玉案》, or Green Jadeite Platter, with the 元夕 there telling us the time of year.
I’m reading the first line as 东风 / 夜放 / 花千树 [the East Wind blows] [in the night, placed] [flowers in a thousand trees] where 放 (fàng) is interpreted as ‘set (down)’ or ‘placed’ rather than ‘blossoms’. Reading as the latter, you can also understand it as ‘the wind from the East blows, and in the night a thousand trees blossom’. It’s not literally the East wind or the night that causes actual flowers to blossom. The East wind serves as a time marker and setting; in Spring which the new year begins in during Xin Qiji’s time, the wind from the east is relatively warm and melts the frost of Winter. As a traditional part of the Lantern Festival, Lanterns are hung in the trees. That’s why you can see them ‘blooming’ in the night. There, they are like glowing flowers. It may not even be trees! Maybe there are so many of them hanging that it feels like a forest. This is a visual description, all the more vivid for its metaphors.
 The next line 星如雨, could be drizzling raindrops refracting light or sparks of fireworks from the sky. Fireworks were fully developed in the Song Dynasty, and there are even records of them being used in the time of Emperor Huizong of Song (1110) and Emperor Xiaozong of Song (1183), so either reading makes sense!
Why is there 香满路 fragrance permeating the street? Because carriages were perfumed with incense - not just carriages of course, but also the people sitting in them because the incense culture was just such a part of everyday life. They used these devices called Scent Balls 香球 to scent their clothing, their carriage or even a room. Only nobles or the wealthy could afford to use these at the time.
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The ‘phoenix flute’ 凤箫, referred to the panpipe, and was a prettier name for it - like comparing its melody to the trill of a phoenix. This is not necessarily saying that there is only the music from panpipes there that night, but could also be a fancy way of saying good music!
The phoenix flute 凤箫 panpipe (though that’s a dragon xD).
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Jade-pot (玉壶), could be referring to the moon for obvious reasons…
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It could also be another lantern! 
And so I read 光转 as the movement of its light over people and things. It it’s the moon, maybe even the passage of time throughout the night… which then leads me to the last sentence of this half of the lyric. 
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Imagery & Time
It’s a very festive image. You can almost see the parade of the dragon and its fish under the light of the lanterns, and the crowd following along to see! This is a traditional part of Chinese New Year even now and I am delighted to know it was that way in the past as well.
Sights, Sounds, Smells
Now for the little moths, snow willow and tassels of gold. These are all seasonal accessories. To be exact, they refer to women’s hairpins. Where can these possibly be on the night of a New Year’s afterparty? On ladies’ heads of course! 
This is a very cool post on clothing and traditions in the Lantern Festival. The title specifies the scope to be Ming and Qing, but there also also mentions of things that stretch further back. For example, ladies wearing 闹蛾 (playful moth) which is in the poem, is mentioned near the bottom of the post.
Here is a snip from 《簪花仕女图》Court Ladies Adorning Their Hair with Flowers, supposedly by Zhou Fang of Tang Dynasty.
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Laughter 笑 (xiào) and conversation 语 (yǔ) are heard. The word 盈盈 (yíng yíng) or clear/beautiful describes these voices, and the faint, indistinct fragrance (as mentioned before, wearing scent balls was a popular practice, like perfume these days) that came with them gradually fade as they walk further away. 
Space is limited in lyric and poetry, so a poet must be very sharp and apt in his choice of words, and wow has he done a good job! The first part of this lyric painted the backdrop of a festive night filled with luxury and beautiful things. Though metaphors, dare I say, to the point of exaggeration have made this picture vibrant and charming. What a lovely place to be! 
The third sentence  蛾儿雪柳黄金缕 |Little moths, snow willow and tassels of gold, 笑语盈盈暗香去 | laughter, chatter, bright and clear, indistinct scents fading as they go. brings all the senses together, while drawing attention to ‘people’. The previous descriptions were all very indirect; lanterns they’ve put up, fireworks set off and observed, vehicles, music created under the light of the moon or lamps, and the dances. This feels like a zoom-in and building up of the already established lively atmosphere, the chattering young lady/ladies walking past brings a touch of life. 
But just as quickly as they entered, they fade into the distance. And here is where there is a sudden change in tone. If this were a song, I’d call it the beat drop. We thought he’d been admiring and enjoying the night. Perhaps he is… but there was another important purpose to all this keen observation - a search for that one person in the crowd. Doesn’t this revelation cause an interesting shift in your perception of all that came before this? It did for me!
He’s looked and looked and looked to no avail. And maybe his sixth sense tingled, maybe it was happy coincidence, but after so much seeking, it turns out this person wasn’t with the crowd and the lanterns. They’d been behind him all along, and unlike the rest - standing where the lights were dim, in a quiet (perhaps run-down) corner. 
Since the ‘beat drop’, there has been a relaxation of the pace. The poet lifted his foot from the accelerator for sensory input and extravagant descriptions, so it feels like I’m inhabiting this little moment, this island of peace, relief and touched delight. That feeling of simplicity and that someone I’d been longing to see without much hope, is There, reciprocates and had (maybe) been waiting for me too.
It was a beautiful night, but now it is a beautiful night.
I have such fondness for a passionate and sharply competent Xin Qiji with soft feelings for this world. His enjoyment of joyous celebration - and hey it may be a little opulent xD but these are his people and them being able to make music and dance through the night is something worth fighting for. 
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kaipanzero · 2 years
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Comrades Almost a Love Story
甜蜜蜜 (1996)
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march-brown · 2 years
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paparun0714 · 2 years
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