IX. Write a sonnet, rejected in favor of the chōka and accompanying hanka.
The weather knows not and cares not for me sitting out here on the bench enjoying the spring sunshine an errant cloud comes, wholly covering the sun, and I, bare-legged, am sent scuttling inside.  But I must persist— before long it will be too warm to sit out with the birdsong and spring flowers; the sandstone-burnished Rocky Mountains grow warmer day by day and I, too must adapt to the change, lizard-shy, hiding, my scales from the bright, shining  sun curled here, reading,
writing, and still wondering how I might yet float away.
the shining sun burns, yet a cloud comes to hide it, soon enough, summer, 
but now is the time for spring wondering and wandering.
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unseencolours · 5 days
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開播9周年了, 想他,念他。 (一直有專屬bgm,每次虐哭完才開工)(笑)
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maggiecheungs · 10 months
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the photos of chen kun and ni ni behind the scenes of the rise of phoenixes are so precious to me <3
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againstmenomore · 3 months
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coltm45a1usmc · 3 months
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seiyuu-gallery · 4 months
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crazyfox-archives · 2 years
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A pamphlet from Hana no Iwaya Jinja Shrine (花窟神社) in Kumano City, Mie Prefecture, referenced in the “Chronicles of Japan” (日本書紀) (compiled in 720) as the burial tomb of the progenitor goddess Izanami no Mikoto (伊邪那美命) after her demise giving birth to the fire deity, with the pamphlet featuring a shot of the front entrance of the shrine along with a waka poem by Motoori Norinaga (本居宣長) (1730-1801) which can be translated as:
Down in Kii Province, A sacred rope drawn across The flowery cave For long ages without end, A small town divine wonder
Acquired at the shrine April 2, 1995
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nakamorijuan · 2 years
長山洋子 - 反逆のヒーロー Yoko Nagayama - Hangyaku No HERO
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rioron-h · 7 months
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Touken Ranbu Warriors
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2nd Anniversary
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[撮影]Switch TVモード
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blue-item · 4 months
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全国着物でお出かけ特集 2022秋◇ゲスト一覧
全国着物でお出かけ特集 2022秋 第1回 芸術の秋 ~カコとミライを繋ぐ文化編~
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ゲスト◇北海道「きもの処 円山 彩蔵」小佐川美和さん ゲスト◇山形県「布施弥七京染店」布施将英さん ゲスト◇東京都「日本橋きものパスポート」上達功さん、田中源一郎さん ゲスト◇東京都「銀座 いち利」みたざき要子さん ゲスト◇奈良県「縁心屋 えにしや」小浜恭子さん ゲスト◇京都府「きものと 編集部」長瀬美由紀さん
全国着物でお出かけ特集 2022秋 第2回 実���豊かな秋 ~街さんぽ編~
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ゲスト◇石川県「着物レンタル 椿」仁野翔子さん ゲスト◇大阪府「着楽楽 kimono教室 あべの校」近藤智さん ゲスト◇沖縄県「きもの着付け教室 音和 kimono & culture」梅田夕香さん ゲスト◇沖縄県「十文字屋呉服店」中西久治さん
全国着物でお出かけ特集 2022秋 第3回 城と紅葉を巡る ~歴史の道編~
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ゲスト◇福島県「きもの伝承・雑貨商きずな」三澤美保さん ゲスト◇長野県「きものニスト工房」清水寛美さん ゲスト◇長野県「粋 kumihimo & kimono」山岸由香里さん ゲスト◇長野県「ハクビ京都きもの学院 長野校」原紅美子さん  ゲスト◇福井県「福井県庁 広報広聴課」大北利之さん
全国着物でお出かけ特集 2022秋 第4回 着物で世界へ ~海外編~
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ゲスト◇オーストラリア「kimono Stylist」Sala Okabeさん ゲスト◇タイ「サイアム和装」来住ゆかさん ゲスト◇アメリカ「Traditions by Takako」エルティング孝子さん ゲスト◇アメリカ「New York Kimono Academy」 里内正恵さん
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1000saiaruji · 2 years
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刀剣乱舞 - 二十四花季
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unseencolours · 1 year
續畫 ‧ 蘇哥哥
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應該有變好一點點, 累了,就這樣吧。
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99-tamaoka · 1 year
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againstmenomore · 3 months
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mogu359 · 7 months
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へし切長谷部と歌仙兼定 まとめ2
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kdram-chjh · 7 months
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Cdrama: The Rise of Phoenixes (2018)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama "The Rise of Phoenixes"
=ENG SUB= 天盛長歌 The Rise of Phoenixes 01 陳坤 倪妮 CROTON MEGAHIT Official
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSSbRPVPp8w
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