murderedbyhomework · 4 months
So Li Xiangyi, and therefore Li Lianhua, canonically loves candy right, and not just any type of candy, it's those really cheap commonplace kind of candy, like the modern Chinese equivalent would be white rabbit candy. Has anyone considered if the reason why he likes candy so much is because as a kid on the streets, he probably never got to buy or eat candy like most other kids his age, until he got adopted? Okay, now imagine kid/teen Shan Gudao stealing candy from a store because he saw Li Xiangyi staring at the candy, and that being lxy's first conscious memory of getting to eat candy, and that type of candy always reminding him of his shixiong.
Fun bonus:
The taste of sugar removes any taste of blood from your mouth decently well especially if its the really strong sweetness from cheap candy (personal experience, I get nosebleeds), so it's perfectly plausible that Li Lianhua would just eat the type of candy he liked after bicha poison flareups and imagine that his shixiong was by his side and comforting him like when they were kids.
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