#ꜱᴇᴇ?! ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ'ꜱ qᴜᴇᴜᴇ! --- que
warncdandwiles · 10 months
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the fact that the tree isn't even real
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warncdandwiles · 4 months
@scavenger-mat liked for a starter!
"Ah, ah, ah!"
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Ineffably polite yet stern. When the young rat had reached out to lift a trinket; some human-thing that could be made into a weapon or some other gadget, a thin, but strong paw had zipped out of the dark and snagged his wrist. And thus Manny slipped out of the junk-pile, lithe as a snake.
"This particularly heap is spoken for, my lad. But you don't seem to be from around here."
He releases him; if it had been someone in the know, he wouldn't have let them keep the limb.
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warncdandwiles · 4 months
cont. (x) @pcisondapple
"You could afford to yell at me a little," The Mouse Queen drawls, making a show of rolling her eyes. "A few more pleasantries and you'd be thanking be for the curse." That's not supposed to come until after the fact, and in hindsight, never to be spoken. This is a lesson, but a begrudging one.
Mouserinks knows she's being contrary; here she has a willing pupil, but chafes at it.
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"The tail's always in the way," she agrees with a sigh, "Mind and not lose it, girl. Been making friends have we? Enemies too, with luck."
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warncdandwiles · 4 months
Sierra is yeeted at Rinkus @handfulofmuses
A close-called. Maybe too close. Fast-biters are usually the smarter predators around here; but they'd tried their luck on a pair of flyers that had rested near the canyon base for water. The river had been loud and fast-moving, and faintly familiar; Rinkus had been distracted and hadn't heard the beast until it landed between him and Sierra, snapping and snarling.
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A few ledges up, and he could still hear the sharp-tooth hissing its displeasure at losing a kill. And Rinkus was realizing the pain in his side was not a stitch caused by the quick take-off.
A wing lifted, he stared at the (thankfully) shallow claw-mark with mild horror, then met Seirra's eye.
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warncdandwiles · 9 months
"Soooo you're this...leader we've been hearing about. " He punctuates his opener with a laugh; disarming, beak low.
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Its best to send the least formidable one to do the scouting. Or maybe that's the wrong idea. Rinkus certainly believes it now. Well, he's here now, and he he's ready to pick apart what he sees. He's not looking for a fight; that's why he landed some ways away before approaching on foot. He'd been here, him and his cohorts, for a while yet.
Enough to justify they welcome the new pterosaurs, yes?
Such praise thrown your way!"
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warncdandwiles · 8 months
// for ur trademark! You have a really good way of adding the muses' voice/perspective into your writing (even when they're not speaking) and it's sooooo good!! I see it w/ all your other blogs as well! But I feel it's great for villain muses, because it helps see things through their pov without toning down or justifying their nastiness and it's great!
// I am beyond flattered! I've been worried about making these guys too nice lately; been trying to up their menace a lot. Villains are hard to do, so I'm blown away by the attention this blog is getting!
As for the inner monologues, I always try to add a more 'novel' like flow. I love dialogue but sometimes seeing inner reactions is fun, too. It can help imply body language, I think, without making the post too long.
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warncdandwiles · 5 months
🕯️Sierra for Rinkus!
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Why is he still around? I've been with him longer than I've tagged along with anybody else. Everyone else was either too opinionated, too sentimental, too this or that.
How come I'd be really surprised if he betrayed me? Why am I so sure he won't? There's honesty in dishonesty. He gets it, you see. Survival. What it takes out here to live and to stay above the bottom of the food chain.
Thought he was a brute and he is, but there's a brain in there. Every shark has its pilot fish.
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warncdandwiles · 3 months
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His hands are together, maybe he takes too long to blink, maybe the pause goes on a bit longer than it should, but then he's laughing mildly, and the confusion is textbook genuine. Never-mind the slow, creeping suspicion clawing at his insides. Why say that? Why to him? What possibly could've...
He doesn't fidget, doesn't tug at his collar, instead he clears his throat, and his voice comes out more snooty, and assured.
"I wouldn't say that around older game characters, if I were you...you could land yourself in a bit of trouble."
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warncdandwiles · 5 months
(XR @ XL from the emperor new groove meme)
“Huh? What? I didn’t do anything. I didn’t .. Somebody’s throwin’ stuff. “ And it’s tooootally not him throwing something at his brother, nuh-huh. Totally is.
he may be a few volts short of a light bulb, but he knows within the depths of his metaphorical heart where that empty can came from. There's a greasy smear on his head-dome, too.
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Brow furrowed, and mismatched eyes gleaming with that ole murderous intent, he begins stomping over. Slowly. Clunk-hiss, clunk-hiss.
It's only when he bridges two thirds of the way near that he lets the grin split his face,
"I can think of a few things I'm gonna start throwin'."
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warncdandwiles · 5 months
do you mind if I read into Arktos from the show and Arktos from the movie a little more? In a context I completely made up by comparing them narratively? Movie!Arktos doesn't use ice breath. He uses his hands to conduct his powers. Hands are associated with creation, sure, but the show!Arktos breathes ice much like a counterpart to dragons breathing fire. And breathing is so much more...alive. Movie!Arktos simulates breath but since show!Arktos is far more mortal, and can be destroyed and replaced, he feels more...living?
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warncdandwiles · 7 months
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lums, pieces of the heart of the world. precious and irreplaceable.
he eats one
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warncdandwiles · 8 months
So you want to inflict some painful revenge on XR and eat him alive. As a Space Ranger, he probably has a lot of enemies.What if someone gets to end him before you? Would that be frustrating since that's your little tin of snack chips? He was yours first and you came before any other villain.
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Play into his ego, why don't you.
"Trust me. I've taken care of it."
With one exception --- XL. Villains have a certain etiquette. No, he'd never bow to the old honour among thieves nonsense, but certain villains had...archnemisis. His...brother got first pick.
And Nos-4-A2 hardly wanted XR was his archnemisis, officially.
"He's more of a...designated victim. Most villains of note know not to mess with my scores. But if some lackey or even a mishap robs me of the kill, well, I'll be irritated. I'd simply need to take them instead."
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warncdandwiles · 8 months
what's it like to be overshadowed by your sibling, xl? you can never be what he is.
"I was here first. I was the original. Sure, I'll never be a do-gooding, kiss-up pipsqueak chasing after love he ain't ever gonna get. And you?"
The gun-arm totes, his face splits in a feral grin,
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"Are about ta be nothing."
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warncdandwiles · 11 months
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it's a rasp, gurgling, hardly understandable as speech. one paw on his chest, the other on the blade. whatever managed to hurt him this badly could be near or far, he hardly seems to care. through his grubby, clawed paw, the blood is already seeping through, leaving a messy, dotted trail behind him.
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