alusa12 · 10 months
Revolutionizing Flexibility: The Art and Science of Fascial Stretch Therapy
In the ever-evolving landscape of holistic wellness, Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) emerges as a groundbreaking approach to unlocking the body's movement potential. This dynamic and innovative form of assisted stretching transcends traditional methods, focusing on the body's intricate fascial system to enhance flexibility, improve mobility, and optimize overall physical performance. Join us on a journey into the world of Fascial Stretch Therapy, exploring its principles, techniques, and the transformative impact it holds for individuals seeking to maximize their movement potential.  Understanding the Fascial System:
At the core of Fascial Stretch Therapy is a profound understanding of the fascial system—a complex network of connective tissues that weave through the entire body, enveloping muscles, bones, and organs. Fascia plays a crucial role in providing structural support, transmitting force, and facilitating movement. Over time, due to factors such as stress, injury, or sedentary lifestyles, fascial tissues can become tight, restricting movement and contributing to discomfort or pain.  하남출장안마
Principles of Fascial Stretch Therapy:
Fascial Stretch Therapy is grounded in principles that distinguish it from conventional stretching methods. Here are key principles that underpin the practice:
Multi-Planar Stretching: FST employs movements that target multiple planes of motion simultaneously. Unlike linear stretching, which focuses on one direction, FST recognizes the multidimensional nature of the fascial system, promoting flexibility and mobility in various planes.
Joint Mobilization: FST incorporates gentle joint mobilization techniques, enhancing the range of motion around specific joints. This not only improves flexibility but also contributes to joint health and function. 하남출장마사지
Active Engagement: Clients actively participate in the stretching process by providing feedback and engaging specific muscles during stretches. This collaborative approach creates a more personalized and effective session.
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF): FST incorporates elements of PNF, a technique that involves alternating between contraction and relaxation of targeted muscles. This neuromuscular approach helps reset the body's proprioceptors, improving overall flexibility.
Breathwork Integration: Conscious breathing is integral to FST. Coordinated breathwork enhances relaxation, reduces tension, and facilitates a deeper stretch. The emphasis on breath contributes to the mind-body connection during the stretching process.
The FST Experience:
A typical Fascial Stretch Therapy session involves a series of targeted stretches, often performed on a specialized treatment table. Here's what individuals can expect during an FST session:
Assessment and Client Dialogue: The session begins with an assessment to identify specific areas of tightness or restriction. A dialogue between the practitioner and client helps tailor the session to individual needs and goals.
Comfortable Positioning: Clients are positioned comfortably on the treatment table, and the practitioner employs straps or belts to stabilize the client's body during stretches. This allows for a controlled and effective stretching experience.
Guided Stretches: The practitioner guides the client through a series of stretches, employing the principles of FST. The stretches are dynamic, flowing, and target the fascial lines associated with the areas of concern.
Active Engagement: Clients actively engage specific muscles as directed by the practitioner. This active involvement enhances the effectiveness of the stretches and encourages neuromuscular re-education.
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totall21 · 11 months
Lomi Lomi Massage: Hawaiian Healing Tradition
In the world of massage therapy, Lomi Lomi stands as a unique and spiritually enriched practice, deeply rooted in the traditions of Hawaii. Often referred to as the "Loving Hands" massage, Lomi Lomi is a transformative and holistic approach to well-being that combines the power of touch with the wisdom of Hawaiian culture. In this article, we will explore the world of Lomi Lomi massage, its origins, techniques, and the profound impact it can have on your health and sense of harmony. 하남출장안마
The Roots of Lomi Lomi Massage
Lomi Lomi massage finds its roots in the ancient healing practices of Hawaii and is deeply intertwined with the spiritual and cultural traditions of the islands. The word "Lomi" in Hawaiian means "to knead" or "to rub," and it signifies the hands-on approach that is central to this massage. Historically, Lomi Lomi was performed by kahunas, the traditional Hawaiian healers, and was often associated with sacred rituals and rites of passage.
The massage has evolved over time, and its modern form incorporates elements from various Hawaiian traditions and other healing practices. Today, Lomi Lomi massage is recognized for its capacity to promote physical,, and spiritual well-being. 하남출장마사지
Understanding the Principles of Lomi Lomi Massage
Lomi Lomi massage is built on several key principles, which provide the foundation for its practice:
Huna Philosophy: Lomi Lomi is deeply influenced by the Huna philosophy, a traditional Hawaiian belief system that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things. Huna recognizes the importance of harmony, balance, and energy flow in maintaining well-being.
Sacred Healing: Lomi Lomi is considered a sacred and spiritual practice, and many practitioners incorporate Hawaiian chants, prayers, and rituals into their sessions.
Flow and Connection: The massage techniques in Lomi Lomi focus on creating a continuous flow of strokes, symbolizing the unceasing flow of life energy. Practitioners believe that touch establishes a connection between the giver, receiver, and the universe.
Body as Temple: Lomi Lomi views the body as a temple of the soul, and the massage is intended to honor and care for this sacred vessel.
Energetic Healing: Lomi Lomi recognizes that physical discomfort often stems from emotional and spiritual imbalances, and the massage aims to address these aspects as well.
Key Techniques in Lomi Lomi Massage
Lomi Lomi massage involves a series of techniques designed to provide relaxation, promote harmony, and release tension. Here are some primary techniques used:
Long Strokes: Lomi Lomi is characterized by long, flowing strokes that cover the entire length of the body. These strokes are reminiscent of waves moving over the recipient.
Circular Motions: The therapist often uses circular motions with their hands, forearms, and elbows, providing a continuous, rhythmic sensation.
Stretching: Lomi Lomi incorporates gentle stretching movements to improve flexibility and range of motion.
Joint Mobilization: The massage may include gentle joint mobilization to relieve tension and enhance relaxation.
Energy Work: Lomi Lomi practitioners often incorporate energy work to balance the body's energy and promote overall well-being.
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nicemassage · 1 year
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51anma · 1 year
제목: 감각적인 연결: 커플을 위한 파트너 마사지 예술
사랑하는 사람과 함께하는 순간은 특별하고 소중한 시간입니다. 이런 순간을 더욱 의미있게 만들어줄 수 있는 방법 중 하나가 바로 파트너 마사지입니다. 커플이 함께하는 파트너 마사지는 몸과 마음의 감각적인 연결을 통해 관계를 깊게 더욱 높여주는 예술입니다. 이 글에서는 파트너 마사지의 개념과 커플들에게 어떻게 특별한 순간을 만들어주는지를 자세히 알아보겠습니다.
파트너 마사지 소개
파트너 마사지는 커플들이 서로에게 마사지를 주고 받는 과정을 의미합니다. 이를 통해 서로의 신체와 감정적인 연결을 강화하고 신뢰를 높일 수 있습니다. 하남출장안마
커플 관계의 강화
감정적 연결: 파트너 마사지는 서로에 대한 감정적인 연결을 더욱 깊게 만들어 줍니다.
신뢰 구축: 서로의 마사지를 받으며 신뢰를 구축하고 서로를 더욱 잘 이해하게 됩니다.
감각적인 체험과 편안함
신체 감각 활성화: 마사지는 피부와 근육을 자극하여 신체의 감각을 활성화시킵니다. 하남출장마사지
긴장 완화: 마사지를 통해 긴장이 풀리며 편안함을 느낄 수 있습니다.
서로를 위한 시간과 관심 표현
사랑의 언어: 파트너 마사지는 사랑과 관심을 표현하는 또 하나의 방법입니다.
특별한 순간: 커플들은 서로를 위한 특별한 시간을 마사지를 통해 만들 수 있습니다.
파트너 마사지의 접근 방식
상호 협력: 마사지를 주고 받는 과정에서 상호 협력과 소통이 중요합니다. 
상호 존중: 상대방의 편안함과 경계를 존중하는 것이 필요합니다.
전문가의 조언과 도움
전문 마사지사의 조언을 듣거나 마사지 세션을 받으면 더욱 효과적인 파트너 마사지를 할 수 있습니다.
일상에서의 파트너 마사지 적용
집에서도 간단한 마사지 기술을 활용하여 일상에서 특별한 순간을 만들 수 있습니다.
서로를 더 잘 알아가는 여정
파트너 마사지를 통해 커플들은 서로를 더 깊게 이해하고 더 감각적으로 연결할 수 있는 여정을 함께 합니다.
파트너 마사지는 커플들에게 감각적인 연결과 특별한 순간을 만들어주는 예술입니다. 사랑하는 사람과 함께하는 마사지를 통해 서로의 관계를 더욱 강화하고 행복한 순간을 누려보세요.
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dodomassage · 1 year
하남출장안마 쥬얼리출장마사지
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하남출장안마 - 쥬얼리출장마사지로 코감기 완화 아로마 마사지의 향기
하남출장안마는 편안하고 힐링이 필요한 순간에 최적의 선택입니다. 특히 쥬얼리출장마사지는 여러분의 피로를 풀어주고 편안함을 안겨드릴 것입니다. 오랜 경험과 전문 기술을 바탕으로 하남출장안마는 고객님들의 요구에 최적화된 서비스를 제공합니다.
코감기로 고생하고 있는 분들을 위한 아로마 마사지는 특히 도움이 됩니다. 하남출장안마에서 제공하는 아로마테라피 마사지는 향기로운 에센셜 오일을 사용하여 신체와 마음을 치유하는 효과를 가져다줍니다. 이 향기로운 마사지는 코감기 증상 완화에 탁월한 선택입니다.
아로마테라피 마사지의 효과 중 하나는 코와 부비동의 통제를 돕는 것입니다. 코감기로 인해 차단된 부비동을 활성화시키고 코의 통로를 개방하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 특히 페퍼민트, 유칼립투스, 티트리 등의 오일은 기침, 가래, 코막힘 등을 완화시켜주는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.
뿐만 아니라, 아로마 마사��는 스트레스 해소에도 효과적입니다. 스트레스는 면역 체계를 약화시키고 코감기와 같은 호흡기 질환을 악화시킬 수 있습니다. 하남출장안마의 아로마 마사지는 향기로 인해 긴장이 완화되고 마음이 편안해지는 효과를 가져다줍니다. 이로써 면역 체계를 강화하고 호흡기 건강을 지키는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.
하남출장안마의 쥬얼리출장마사지는 한국 관리사로 운영되어 내상 걱정을 없애기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 편안한 분위기에서 받는 마사지는 마음과 신체의 힐링을 도와줄 것입니다. 하남출장안마는 하남출장, 하남출장안마, 하남출장마사지와 같은 키워드로 검색하시면 우리의 전문 마사지 서비스를 만나보실 수 있습니다. 피로와 스트레스로 고생하고 계신 분들을 위한 쥬얼리출장마사지로 힐링의 순간을 경험해보세요.
쥬얼리출장마사지는 양질의 서비스와 편안한 분위기를 제공하여 고객님들에게 최상의 마사지 경험을 선사합니다. 특히 하남출장안마에서는 편안한 환경에서 마사지를 받으실 수 있도록 배려하고 있습니다. 공간 내부는 조명과 음악, 향기로 가득 차 있어 마사지 중 편안함을 최대한 느낄 수 있습니다.
쥬얼리출장마사지는 각 고객님들의 상태에 맞는 개별 맞춤 서비스를 제공합니다. 신체의 어느 부분이 불편한지, 어떤 부분에 스트레스가 쌓였는지를 정확히 파악하여 그에 맞는 마사지를 시책합니다. 이로써 고객님들은 개개인의 Bedside care를 받을 수 있으며, 쥬얼리출장마사지의 전문 마사지사들의 손길 아래에서 몸과 마음의 평화를 찾아갈 수 있습니다.
또한, 하남출장안마의 쥬얼리출장마사지는 편리한 시스템을 갖추고 있어 고객님들의 편의를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 100% 후불제로 서비스를 제공하므로 마사지 이후에 결제에 대한 걱정 없이 편안하게 휴식할 수 있습니다. 이로써 언제나 편안한 상태로 마사지를 받을 수 있어 쥬얼리출장마사지의 인기를 높이고 있습니다.
양질의 마사지는 몸과 마음의 휴식을 가져다주며 스트레스 해소와 신체 건강 유지에 큰 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 하남출장마사지의 쥬얼리출장마사지는 편안한 환경과 전문 기술로 고객님들을 맞이하며, 양질의 마사지 서비스로 여러분의 편안함과 행복을 도와드립니다. 양주출장, 양주출장안마, 양주출장마사지와 관련하여 쥬얼리출장마사지를 찾아보세요. 저희의 전문 마사지로 힐링과 편안함을 느껴보십시오.
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seolem258 · 1 year
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totall21 · 11 months
The Healing Touch of Canine Massage
In the world of pet care and animal wellness, the benefits of massage are not limited to humans. Our furry companions, particularly dogs, can also experience the healing touch of massage therapy. Canine massage is a growing field that focuses on the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of our canine friends. In this article, we will explore the world of canine massage, its numerous benefits, and how it can contribute to the overall health and happiness of your beloved four-legged family member. 하남출장안마
Understanding Canine Massage
Canine massage is a therapeutic practice designed to address a range of physical and emotional issues in dogs. It involves the manipulation of muscles and soft tissues to alleviate pain, tension, and discomfort. Just like in human massage, there are various techniques and approaches tailored to the specific needs of the dog.
The practice of canine massage is based on a few core principles:
Holistic Well-Being: Canine massage recognizes the interconnectedness of physical and emotional health in dogs, aiming to address both aspects.
Pain Relief: One of the primary goals of canine massage is to alleviate pain caused by various issues, including injuries, arthritis, or musculoskeletal problems. 하남출장마사지
Stress Reduction: Dogs, like humans, can experience stress and anxiety. Canine massage can help reduce these issues, promoting relaxation and emotional well-being.
Enhanced Circulation: Massage stimulates blood flow, which can promote healing and aid in the recovery of injured or sore muscles.
Emotional Connection: Canine massage fosters a deeper bond between the dog and their human caregiver, as it involves trust and positive touch.
The Benefits of Canine Massage
Canine massage offers a wide range of benefits for our furry friends. Some of the key advantages include:
Pain Management: Canine massage is effective at managing and alleviating pain associated with injuries, arthritis, or other musculoskeletal issues.
Stress Reduction: Massage helps reduce stress and anxiety in dogs, which is particularly beneficial for those with fear or anxiety-related behavior problems.
Improved Mobility: For dogs with mobility issues, such as those with joint problems or elderly dogs, massage can improve their range of motion and overall mobility.
Enhanced Circulation: Massage stimulates blood flow, which can speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation.
Muscle Health: Regular massage can help maintain the health of a dog's muscles, preventing injuries and promoting well-being.
Emotional Well-Being: The positive touch and connection during massage can have a soothing and calming effect on dogs, improving their emotional health.
Bonding: Canine massage is an opportunity for bonding between the dog and their human caregiver, fostering trust and a deeper connection.
Different Canine Massage Techniques
There are several different canine massage techniques, each tailored to address specific needs or issues in dogs:
Swedish Massage: This technique involves long, gliding strokes and kneading, which can relax the dog and promote overall well-being.
Deep Tissue Massage: Deep tissue massage focuses on the deeper layers of muscle and is particularly effective at addressing chronic pain or tightness.
Trigger Point Therapy: This technique targets specific trigger points in the muscles to alleviate pain and tension.
Acupressure: Acupressure is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and focuses on specific points on the body to address energy imbalances.
Sports Massage: Similar to what athletes receive, sports massage helps active dogs recover from strenuous activities and prevent injuries.
Stretching and Range of Motion: This technique involves gentle stretching to improve a dog's range of motion and flexibility.
Hydrotherapy Massage: Involves massage in water, which is beneficial for dogs with joint issues or those recovering from surgery.
Canine Massage and Rehabilitation
Canine massage is often used as a complementary therapy alongside rehabilitation. Dogs recovering from surgery or injury can benefit greatly from massage, as it helps reduce pain, improve circulation, and aid in the healing process. Canine massage therapists often work closely with veterinarians to create tailored treatment plans that address specific issues and contribute to the dog's overall recovery.
Is Canine Massage Right for Your Dog?
Determining whether canine massage is suitable for your dog depends on their individual needs and circumstances. Consider the following factors when deciding if canine massage is right for your furry companion:
Physical Issues: If your dog has mobility problems, chronic pain, or musculoskeletal issues, canine massage can be highly beneficial.
Emotional Health: For dogs experiencing stress, anxiety, or behavioral problems, massage can provide a calming and soothing experience.
Aging Dogs: As dogs age, they may develop joint problems or experience a decrease in mobility. Massage can enhance their quality of life.
Recovery and Rehabilitation: If your dog is recovering from surgery or injury, massage can support their healing process and improve their rehabilitation.
Bonding: Canine massage offers an opportunity for bonding between you and your dog, strengthening your relationship.
Canine massage is a holistic and therapeutic practice that contributes to the overall health and happiness of our furry companions. Whether your dog is in need of pain relief, stress reduction, improved mobility, or simply a little extra love and attention, canine massage offers a versatile and effective solution. It is a reminder of the deep connection we share with our pets and the importance of tending to their physical and emotional well-being. Canine massage is a testament to the power of touch and the positive impact it can have on our beloved four-legged family members.
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◆최고의 파트너가 찾아가는 지역내 1등 출장방문◆
부담없는 비용으로 빠르게 이용가능한 남성전용 홈케어 서비스!!
예약시 30~40분내에 도착하오니 장소정하시고 전화주세요♥
A코스/B코스/C코스 (다양한코스 선택가능) 8시이후 상담가능합니다^^
후회없는 선택으로 화끈한 Bam되셔요~
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anma-coco-blog1 · 4 years
코코 출장 출장안마 출장마사지 가격 후기 정보 견적 이벤트 주소 위치 서비스 코스 최신정보 알아보자 추천 신규오픈 알아보기 방문 사이트 홈페이지 주대 예약 문의 전화번호
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trip-coco · 4 years
코코 출장 출장안마 출장마사지 가격 후기 정보 견적 이벤트 주소 위치 서비스 코스 최신정보 알아보자 추천 신규오픈 알아보기 방문 사이트 홈페이지 주대 예약 문의 전화번호
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totall21 · 11 months
Hara Massage: Balancing the Abdominal Centre
In the realm of holistic wellness and bodywork, Hara Massage stands out as a unique and powerful practice that focuses on the abdominal centre. Rooted in traditional Eastern medicine and philosophy, Hara Massage seeks to balance not only the physical aspects of the abdominal region but also the emotional and energetic dimensions of the individual. In this article, we will explore the world of Hara Massage, its history, techniques, and the profound impact it can have on your well-being by harmonising the body, mind, and spirit.
Understanding the Hara
The term "Hara" originates from Japanese and Chinese cultures and is often referred to as the body's centre of gravity or the abdominal region, specifically the area a few inches below the navel. In Eastern traditions, the Hara is considered the seat of one's life force, energy, and emotional core. It is believed to be the source of inner strength and balance, making it a vital component of overall well-being, 하남출장안마
The Historical Roots of Hara Massage
Hara Massage has its roots in ancient Eastern practices, particularly in Japanese and Chinese cultures. It draws from traditional medicine systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Japanese acupuncture, where the Hara is recognized as a central focus of healing and balance.
In both Japan and China, the Hara has been revered as the physical and energetic centre of the body for centuries. Practitioners of these ancient traditions have long recognized that imbalances or blockages in the Hara can manifest as physical ailments, emotional distress, and disruptions in the flow of vital energy, or "Qi."
Hara Massage emerged as a way to address and correct imbalances within the abdominal centre. It is a practice that combines physical massage techniques with energy work, and it has been employed as a therapeutic approach for various conditions, ranging from digestive issues to emotional stress.
The Principles of Hara Massage
Hara Massage is based on several key principles:
Balancing Energy: At the core of Hara Massage is the principle of balancing the body's vital energy, known as "Qi" in Chinese traditions and "Ki" in Japanese traditions. By harmonising the flow of Qi or Ki in the Hara, the entire body can experience greater balance and vitality.
Emotional Release: The Hara is recognized as the emotional centre of the body. Hara Massage aims to release emotional tension and promote emotional well-being by addressing physical and energetic blockages in this area.하남출장마사지
Digestive Health: A healthy Hara is closely associated with good digestion. Hara Massage can alleviate digestive discomfort and promote efficient digestion.
Connection to the Core: Practitioners of Hara Massage often emphasise the importance of connecting with one's core, both physically and energetically. This connection fosters a sense of inner strength and stability.
The Techniques of Hara Massage
Hara Massage techniques vary, but they commonly involve gentle, circular, and rhythmic movements applied to the abdominal region. Here are some key techniques:
Clockwise Circular Strokes: Similar to abdominal massage techniques in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hara Massage often employs clockwise circular strokes to follow the natural movement of the intestines. These strokes are intended to stimulate digestion and promote a sense of well-being.
Pressure Points: Skilled practitioners may use acupressure points located on the abdomen to address specific issues. These points can be effective in alleviating discomfort and restoring balance.
Breathing Techniques: Hara Massage is often integrated with breathwork to enhance the relaxation and connection between the mind and body.
Energy Work: Energy work is a significant component of Hara Massage. Practitioners focus on balancing the flow of Qi or Ki in the Hara to alleviate blockages and support overall well-being.
The Benefits of Hara Massage
Hara Massage offers a range of physical, emotional, and energetic benefits:
Improved Digestion: By promoting efficient digestion and alleviating abdominal discomfort, Hara Massage can contribute to overall digestive wellness.
Stress Reduction: The practice can help release emotional tension stored in the Hara, leading to reduced stress levels and increased emotional well-being.
Balanced Energy Flow: By addressing imbalances in the abdominal centre, Hara Massage can restore the harmonious flow of vital energy, supporting physical and emotional balance.
Emotional Release: The release of emotional tension in the Hara can provide relief from emotional distress and promote a sense of inner peace.
Increased Awareness: Hara Massage encourages individuals to become more aware of their core and emotional centre, fostering a deeper connection with themselves.
Improved Posture: The practice can lead to improved posture and body awareness, as it targets the physical and energetic centre of the body.
Is Hara Massage Right for You?
Hara Massage can be a valuable addition to your wellness routine if you resonate with its principles and are seeking holistic balance. Consider the following factors when deciding if Hara Massage is right for you:
Alignment with Eastern Philosophy: If you appreciate and align with the principles of Eastern medicine and philosophy, Hara Massage may resonate with your beliefs.
Emotional Well-Being: If you are seeking a practice that addresses emotional well-being and the release of emotional tension, Hara Massage offers these benefits.
Digestive Health: If you experience digestive discomfort or are interested in promoting efficient digestion, Hara Massage can be a valuable approach.
Mind-Body Connection: If you are interested in practices that enhance the mind-body connection and foster awareness of your core, Hara Massage aligns with these goals.
Hara Massage is a powerful and holistic practice that delves into the core of one's well-being, both physically and energetically. It seeks to restore balance and harmony in the abdominal centre, offering benefits that extend to digestion, emotional release, and overall vitality. Rooted in ancient Eastern traditions, Hara Massage serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit and the significance of nurturing the body's core. It provides an opportunity to balance the energies within and harmonise the inner self, ultimately leading to a state of greater well-being and emotional equilibrium.
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하남출장샵 -##20대이쁜언니 <<홈SOD 27점넷트>>카톡;w d s 77>> 하남출장안마 ン 하남모텔출장 ン 하남전국구출장업소 ン 하남노콘가능 ン 하남출장미녀추천
하남출장샵 -##20대이쁜언니 <<홈SOD 27점넷트>>카톡;w d s 77>> 하남출장안마 ン 하남모텔출장 ン 하남전국구출장업소 ン 하남노콘가능 ン 하남출장미녀추천
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