#White Memories
taxi-davis · 2 years
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redux-pain · 3 years
chapter 07: South End
[NOTE: LOL this is The Scene.... there’s no easy indication on the map that you’ll meet anyone here, but in fact, if you miss this scene at this exact moment in time, you can’t fight Sakai’s Silent and you can’t get the good ending! To know there’s anything here, you have to use Natsuki’s Viewing after going to the Police Station before this. And Mako doesn’t say anything about going here when you talk to her there!
Oh, and you still have to do something else later on to get the good ending.
Anyway, her Sigma sequences need some info from the BBS to really make sense: the movie in question was originally called “Conductance” and is about a man who commits a murder (or murders) because he thinks he’s being inspired by the spirits of the stars. This scene adds the info that the main character is a Christian monk/friar, and describes the spirit possessing him with the word for the Holy Ghost.]
映画館の前では 安藤マコが支配人らしき 女性と話していた。
In front of the movie theater Mako Ando is talking with the manager.
/Andou Mako was in front of the movie theater, talking with an official-looking woman./
本来、映画は純粋な芸術であって、 作品には罪はないものです。
It was a difficult time.
Movies are really pure art, not intended to offend.
[SAKAI:] That was a truly awful time.
Films are pure art. You can’t blame a work of fiction.
なのに、いろいろと悪い噂が立って、 結局は上映を止めざるを得なかった。
私は犯人を憎むと同時に、作品を 侮辱する人々に怒りを覚えました。
But vicious rumors can kill any good film’s screening
Some take the bad guy too much to heart.
[SAKAI:] And yet with all those vicious rumors, there was no choice but to stop screening the movie.
I hated the criminal, and at the same time I was angry at people who would insult a work of art.
私は犯人が捜査のかく乱のために、 映画を利用したものだと思ってました。
I’m the same way.
Bad guys are just there to move the story along
[MAKO:] I agree with you, Sakai-san.
I think the criminal used the movie to disrupt the search.
だからそれに踊らされないように、 私たちは努めていたんです。
The story shouldn’t be  taken so literally.
[MAKO:] We were trying to avoid getting manipulated by that.
[SAKAI:] I see...
あなたは、面白おかしく報道する マスコミに食ってかかってたものね。
犯人は映画とは無縁の男で、 ただ思いつきで利用しただけだった。
You have an interesting take on things.
We both accept that the
guy was just a tool for  the film.
[SAKAI:] So you were resisting all that ridiculous coverage in the media.
And in the end, it turned out that we were right.
The culprit had nothing to do with the movie. He just took advantage of it.
What else could he be?
I suppose. Actually...
I’m kind of interested now.
[SAKAI:] Isn’t that right?
[MAKO:] About that...
There’s something that has me curious.
以前見せていただいた映画の資料を、 もう一度見せていただけませんか?
いいわよ、資料とフィルムは、 私のオフィスにあるはず。
マネージャーに事情を話せば、 見せてくれるわ。
Would you mind showing the film again?
Sure, I have the film and  materials back at my office
I can talk the manager  into showing it again.
[MAKO:] You already showed me some documentation about the movie. Would you let me see it again?
[SAKAI:] Certainly. The documentation and the film are both in my office.
Explain what’s going on to the office manager and you’ll be allowed to see them.
安藤マコは一礼して 建物の中に消えていった。
Mako bows and disappears inside the building.
Come to see a movie?
/Andou Mako bowed goodbye and disappeared inside the building./
[SAKAI:] Oh, are you here to see a movie?
今週上映しているのは、 稲穂の村と言って古い日本映画よ。
社会風刺を扱った白黒映画だけど、 そんなのに興味をお持ちなのかしら?
This week’s movie is an old Japanese film.
It’s a black & white social satire. Interested?
Or can I help you somehow?
[SAKAI:] This week we’re screening an old Japanese called “The Village of Inaho”.
It’s a black and white social satire. Are you still interested?
Or is there something I can help with?
{TALK 1:
あなたは、白黒映画というものを 見たことはありますか?
色が無いからこそ伝えるのに 苦労する部分があるんです。
そんなところを気にして 見て頂けら良いと思いますよ。
Have you ever seen a black & white movie before?
With no color, it’s hard to express things well.
Remember that when you watch one, OK?
[SAKAI:] Have you ever seen a black and white movie before?
The fact that they couldn’t use color means they had to work especially hard to convey things.
Keep that in mind when you’re watching one.
{TALK 2:
どうされました? 私に用ではないのですか?
What’s wrong? Don’t you want to ask me something?
Please come again.
[SAKAI:] Is something wrong? Isn’t there anything I can help with?
Please visit us again.
{INFO 2: Connection to Suicides:
そんなこと私に聞いてどうする おつもり?
刑事ごっこなら悪いけど、 他をあたってね。
The game center & suicides?
Why are you asking me about this?
If you’re playing detective please ask someone else.
[SAKAI:] The connection between the arcade and the suicides?
Why are you asking me about this?
If you’re playing detective, then I’m sorry, but you’ll have to ask someone else.
{INFO 2 again:
困った子ね…… もしかしてあなた、先週封切した、
「ディティクティブ・ロジック」の 主役を真似されてるのかしら?
気持ちは分かりますけど、 場所を選びなさい。
What a kid... Are you maybe trying to imitate the main
character in last week’s movie, ”Detective Logic”?
I understand, but please consider where you are.
[SAKAI:] What a child... Are you trying to imitate the main character from that movie...
“Detective Logic”, that came out last week?
I understand how you feel, but there’s a time and a place.
INFO 2 again}
Hmm, I don’t know.
I’m no good with computers.
I’m sorry.
[SAKAI:] Hmm, I don’t know.
I’m not much good with computers.
I’m sorry.
{INFO 3 again:
確か…… 掲示板、という意味だったかしら。
それ以上はよく分からないの、 私より、もっと若い方に聞いてはどう?
BBS? That’s like a message board, right?
I don’t know, maybe you should ask someone younger?
[SAKAI:] A BBS... That’s a “bulletin board", if I’m not mistaken.
I don’t know much more than that. Why don’t you try asking someone younger? 
INFO 3 again}
{INFO 4: Special Place
Looking for your friend?
I see, all I can say is...
[SAKAI:] You’re looking for a friend of yours?
I see... Well, all I can say is...
人によって思い出の地と言うのは、 いろいろ有ると思うけど、
歴史のあるところか、景色のいい 場所がそれにあたる場合が多いわね。
ごめんなさいね、私にわかるのは それぐらいなの。
Everyone has their own special places, but a lot
places are historical or have nice views.
I’m sorry, that’s all I know about that.
[SAKAI:] When it comes to people’s special places, there are many different kinds....
...but many of them are places with history behind them or places with nice views.
I’m sorry, but that’s all I know.
{INFO 4 again:
お友達の家族や親しい友人に 聞かれてはどうかしら?
How about asking a family member or friend?
[SAKAI:] Why don’t you ask a family member of your friend, or someone who’s known them for a long time?
{INFO 5: Stupid Lover
What is that?
[SAKAI:] And what might that be?
[INFO 1:
なぜあなたがそんなことを 聞くのかしら?
目の前の女性から、 激しい恐怖の思念を アツキは感じとった。
Why do you ask me such questions?
That’s already over!
Atsuki senses a Shinen of intense fear from the woman in front of him.
[SAKAI:] Why would you ask me about that?
That’s all over now!
/Atsuki sensed a Thought of intense fear from the woman in front of him./
符号 Sign The Signs
心の底に隠していた記憶が 突如よみがえり、不安の念が 波紋となって広がっている。
Deeply hidden memories are remembered and a sense of un- certainty widens.
A memory from the bottom of her heart begins to stir, and uncertainty spreads in ripples.
A film is an attack
How stupid
Film is my life
Why would they attack the film?
Such nonsense
Film is my life
Last year’s incident
The serial murders
The monk’s actions
What happened last year
The serial murders
How the friar acted
Holy Spirit guidance
Same unsocial actions
I knew it
He was involved
Guidance of the Holy Ghost
The same anti-social behavior
I knew it
There’s a connection between the two
尋ねた男 Visitor Man With A Question
安藤マコの質問によって 呼び起こされた古い記憶。
An old memory recalled due to Mako Ando’s question.
An old memory recalled by Andou Mako’s question.
The man at the movie
I didn’t say anything
He came often
The man who came to watch the movie
I didn’t say anything
He came so many times
Unrelated to movies
Didn’t tell the cops
It had nothing to do with the movie
So I didn’t tell the police
The man asked me
Is there an OST
He asked me
“Is the soundtrack out?”
If he’s the killer
He’s listening to it
If he’s the killer
He must be listening to the music
[The Signs + Man With A Question =  He’ll Come Again]
予期する出来事に不安を 覚え、わきあがった恐れと 決意の思念。
A resolved and nervous Shinen from remembering the uncertainty of anticipated acts.
A Thought of anxiety over something she expects to happen, plus resolve and seething anger.
[Description for ”He’ll Come Again” doesn’t appear in-game but is right after the other two in the script file]
I know
He’ll come again
Four days from now
Same kind of film
I know
If he’s the killer, he’ll come again
The film four days from now
It’s the same kind of movie
Can only see it here
I remember his face
I’ll get him
He’ll taint the films
It can only be seen here
I remember his face
I’ll catch him
I can’t let him defile the movies
でもわかってちょうだい、 映画には何の罪も無いのよ。
Sorry I raised my voice.
But please understand. A movie is innocent.
[SAKAI:] I’m sorry for raising my voice.
But please understand, you can’t blame the movie.
犯人が映画のワンシーンの言葉を 引用したというだけで、
素晴らしい作品が、 みんなの非難にさらされたの。
That incident, last year...
The killer used a line from a scene in a movie,
and everyone denounced such a wonderful film.
[SAKAI:] When [those murders] were happening last year...
just because the killer quoted a single scene from the movie....
and everyone attacked and criticized a wonderful piece of art.
もう二度とあんなことは、 あってはならないわ。
酒井支配人は、 寂しげな表情を浮かべ 建物の中に戻っていった。
That sort of thing should never happen again.
Ms. Sakai’s expression turns lonely, and she goes back inside the building.
[SAKAI:] That can’t happen again.
Ms. Sakai went back into the building with a lonely look on her face.
{IF you keep pressing with the same INFO item, it alternates between:
何度も同じ事をおっしゃるけど、 ちゃんと聞いているの?
I keep saying the same thing, are you listening?
[SAKAI:] You keep saying the same thing. Are you listening to me?
ごめんなさい、次の上映準備があるから そろそろ戻りたいの…。 
Sorry, I have to go prepare for the next movie...
[SAKAI:] Sorry, but I need to leave soon to set up for the next movie...
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