#���Mom. Dad. I frew up����”
dootznbootz · 8 months
Menelaus rambles a lot about not only Helen, but also Hermione. About how she used to say Olive like "Olifs". How she lost her first tooth running too fast and running into a low branch while out with Helen. How he'd sometimes wake up to Hermione leaning over him and poking his face to say, "Dad, can we go see the horses?" even though it was barely daylight. How she was much nicer waking Helen and how he thinks Hermione did that on purpose because she found "dad's face funny". How her favorite color was every color.
And Odysseus listens.
And he thinks about how his son only had a few teeth coming in when he left, teething on everything. How he could only say one syllable with his babbles. How his son needed balance to stand but Odysseus was so proud that Telemachus was very good at rolling over. How his son loved pulling at his and Penelope's hair.
How his son would be talking, walking, maybe even lost his first tooth by now. And he doesn't even know if he'll ever know his son's favorite color.
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"I frew up" /blurb/
AN: i seen a tiktok where a 26 yr old man wanted to go tell his mom after he threw up and got inspired to do this in a fan fiction. except make the son a daughter and the mom, harry. hope you enjoy and make sure to leave your feedback!!!
This story contains: throw up, fatherly comfort, fluff, mentions of pregnancy
{ dadrry - husbandrry - soft!harry - au!harry - Josie age 20 }
word count- 1,369
Josie wakes up to a tummy ache and after getting sick, decides to wake her dad up because she seeks his comfort in her time of illness.
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Josie, your twenty-year-old daughter, is back home from college for a few days, and you and Harry are thoroughly enjoying this time with her. As your first child, she will always be your baby. Although her college commitments mean she is not home as frequently, your house is far from quiet. You and Harry have three other children who are still in school: Lily, who is thirteen, Jax, who is nine, and Sarah, your youngest at six years old.
Although Josie is an adult capable of taking care of herself, it doesn't imply that she doesn't want to seek comfort from her father when she unexpectedly falls ill during the night. Since childhood, her father has been her go-to person for comfort, whether she had a scraped knee or a stomachache. While Josie has a deep affection for her mother, Y/n often becomes anxious in matters concerning her children's health. In contrast, Harry has consistently maintained a calm demeanor.
After puking in the hall bathroom, Josie quietly leaves so her younger siblings don't awake and heads toward her parents' room. She refrains from knocking, certain that they are both asleep. If she had heard any movement from inside, she would have knocked, because she wishes to avoid accidently walking in on her parents having sex. That thought alone makes her feel nauseous once again.
As Josie carefully enters the darkened bedroom, she makes her way towards Harry's side of the bed. The faint illumination from the streetlights outside prevent the room from being entirely dark. When she arrives at the bed, she notices her father sleeping on his side, facing away from the middle, with her mother cuddled against his back. Josie thinks it's lovely that her parents continue to share such affection while they sleep.
She's hesitant to disturb her father, yet her need for his comfort is undeniable at this moment. Her stomach still feels uncomfortable, and she's unsure whether it's due to something she ate or a stomach bug. Josie gently taps his shoulder, which is protruding from the covers, in an effort to wake him. Years of experience as a parent have made Harry quick to awaken at the slightest touch from one of his children, or his wife for that matter.
With a sudden gasp, Harry awakens to see his daughter Josie positioned next to the bed. Now that she's older, it's been a considerable amount of time since she's awakened either of her parents in such a way. As a result, her unexpected appearance causes him to worry that something significant might be wrong. "Hm, Josie sweetheart, what's the matter?" he asks gently, mindful of not waking his wife who lies behind him.
Matching his quiet tone, Josie answers in a childlike voice, "I frew up."
Harry sits upright on the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes to regain clarity of vision, and rises to guide his daughter out of their bedroom. Once they're in the hallway, he slowly murmurs, "Awe, poor baby. Is your stomach still botherin' you? Do you feel like you might be sick again?"
All she can do is nod as Harry leads her back into the bathroom, ensuring the door closes behind them. Once inside, Josie is struck by a new wave of nausea. Her face becomes clammy with a cold sweat, and her mouth fills with saliva. As she kneels in front of the toilet, Harry's quick to grab a washcloth, running it under cold water. Just as she begins dry heaving, her father kneels beside her, placing the cold cloth on the back of her neck.
"Shh, everything's alright. Daddy's gonna take care of you." Harry doesn't think about the fact that his daughter, now twenty, woke him from his sleep to tell him she'd threw up. His thoughts are solely on the fact that, regardless of her age, she will always be his little girl. She will always seek comfort in him. Even if she were to wake him when she's forty, he'd be there for her, just as he was when she was a small child.
After experiencing her second bout of vomiting tonight, Josie's stomach has calmed enough for her to sit up and take a moment to breathe. Harry reaches over to flush the toilet and stays close to her, until she tells him otherwise. Turning her head to her right, Josie catches sight of her father, who is looking at her with a mixture of genuine concern and love.
"Thank you, dad. I didn't want to wake you up but I needed your comfort. Sorry, I'm probably too old to have woke you because I got sick."
Shaking his head in disagreeance, Harry replies, "Never too old, darlin'. Even when you're old and grey, I'll be right beside you whenever you fall ill, as long as m' still here. I do have a question though."
"Do you have any idea why you're unwell tonight? Is it somethin' you ate, or is there a chance that, you know, you could be pregnant?" Harry's cautious not to jump to conclusions, but he acknowledges that his daughter is at an age where pregnancy is a possibility if she so desires. Given her college status, he suspects that if she took after him and her mother during their time at university, she may not be entirely innocent.
Gasping in shock, Josie swiftly clarifies, "No Dad, I am not pregnant. It's likely just a stomach bug or something of that nature." She's not mad at her father for asking such a question. Even though she prefers not to discuss her experiences with her parents, she acknowledges that she's no longer a virgin. But, she has always been smart enough to ensure that her partner uses protection. Though she envisions having children in the future, she's not ready for that commitment at the age of twenty while pursuing her studies in college.
"Alright, alright. Not accusin' you of being pregnant. But if you were, just know it would be okay and your mum and I would be very happy for you."
"Thank you, but again, I'm not pregnant." his daughter repeats. "Can you help me back to bed? I think I feel better now."
"Of course." Harry helps her to her feet from the hard bathroom floor, placing the damp cloth in the dirty basket, and escorts her back to the room she's staying in. Josie settles back into the bed and Harry hurries off to retrieve some tablets that might soothe her upset stomach.
He comes back shortly, assisting her in sitting up to take the medication with a glass of water. After ensuring she's comfortable, he leans down to kiss her forehead and mutters softly, "If you need anythin', whether from me or your mother, please wake us up. No matter how old you become, you will always be our baby."
Nodding, Josie whispers, "Love you, dad."
"Love you too, Josie."
Leaving his daughters room, Harry returns down the hallway to the bedroom he shares with his wife. He's convinced that he's managed to leave without her waking, but as he reenters the bed, Y/n is quick to ask, "Where'd you go? Missed you."
He maneuvers closer to Y/n's body and explains, "Josie woke me up to tell me she'd thrown up. I accompanied her to the bathroom and she got sick again. I think she's fine now. Gave her some medicine. It's likely just a stomach bug. Hope the rest of our kids don't catch it."
Y/n softly expresses, "Awwwe, her waking you up to inform you she puked reminds me of when she was five. I long for the days when she was just a little girl. She's grown up so much now."
As Harry leans in to embrace his wife more closely, he remarks, "I know, was surprised she still sought out her daddy's comfort when she felt sick. It makes me feel quite emotional just thinkin' 'bout it. However, we are fortunate to have Sarah. She's still at an age where she relies on us for many aspects of her life. I hope she remains a child for as long as possible. I'll miss feelin' needed."
Y/n smiles in response to her husband's sincere words and allows the comfortable silence to help lull her back to sleep, along with her husbands embrace. Then not before long, sleep also begins to take over Harry once more.
(if you want to be apart of my new tag list, let me know right here !! )
tag list: @swiftmendeshoran // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @hsonlyangelxo // @lunabai // @ppleasingg // @gem1712
My Masterlist Masterpost
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theclod3215 · 1 year
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My piece for the Malevolent Big Bang 2023! ( @malevolentbigbang )
Image ID in alt and under the cut (with some extra silly doodles!!)
It was an absolute honour to work with everyone on @organchordsandlightning ‘s fic!! It’s such an amazing story, I couldn’t recommend it more!! (I might have cried a bit)
You can read it here!
[ID: Digital art of Arthur Lester sitting cross-legged holding a golden haired baby, presumably Emily McFarland, swaddled in a golden blanket. Arthur, or rather John, is gazing down at her lovingly, tears running down his face. He is sitting against a stone bricked wall, with dark vines crawling towards him and blood splatters behind and on him and Emily. /End ID]
Unofficial doodles I made to try to come up with ideas! (Also cuz I went a little insane over the fic for a bit)
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[Image ID: Screenshot of a Procreate canvas tinted a light cream. Several monochrome (excluding a blush applied to each figure) digital sketches of John Doe and Arthur Lester cover the canvas. John is portrayed as a large (in musculature) man with dark prominent eyebrows, a curved nose, a stubbly goatee (only on the chin) and yellow eyes with slight wrinkles underneath. He has dark hair styled similar to the ‘Façon’ hairstyle, though more messy and swooping/fluffy. He is also lightly shaded in.
Arthur is portrayed as a slight man with very messy hair reminiscent of the cut of the ‘contour’ hairstyle (but with no gel and grown out slightly). He has a moustache and prominent eye bags as well as many [canon] scars. His scars include: a nick on his right eyebrow close to his eye, a long thin scar along his neck, a large, messy, scraping scar on his right jaw and cheek, his wooden right pinky (sometimes not depicted on accident), and various other bodily scars. From left to right the sketches are as follows:
The top left sketch is of Arthur, in a plain white button down, seemingly laughing affectionately and looking downwards.
The next sketch is of John, in a button down, tie, vest and slacks, as he looks down at a bundle in his arms (the baby, or, Emily McFarland) with an anxious expression with wide eyes. The caption reads: “You are” [crossed out] “He’s a Dad!! (Boogie Woogie Woogie!!”
The next drawing is a design sketch of John, in the same clothes as before. He is looking to the right with a serious expression, eyebrows drawn together. The caption to the right of John says: “John’s Human Body.” The notes read as such: “In Arthur’s POVs, Just a silhouette w/ eyes”[pointing to the sketch].
The next is a series of four(4) drawings. The first being a darkened silly here of a figure (John) in a doorway, holding the door open with the caption “ominous.” The second is another sketch of John, still in the doorway, but now visible and this time in a tank top and sleep shorts, with messy hair, more stubble and an exhausted expression. There is a speech bubble reading, “Can I come in?” attached to him. A caption is to the right, also attached to the next drawing, and says, “same energy as:” the next sketch is in a simpler chibi-like style compared to the last, though it reflects the same moment from a different angle, with John saying a bit more pitifully, “Mom, I frew up.” The last sketch in the series is of Arthur, in the simpler style, looking as if he just woke up, with an exhausted and exasperated expression, squinting forward, as he hunches over and balls his hands into the blankets. The caption with an arrow pointing to him says, “Thought he was done w/ midnight invasions after Faroe”
In the upper middle left, there is one drawing of John, in button down and vest, anxiously clutching his chest/shirt, with wide eyes and a frightened nervous expression. The caption with an arrow pointing to him reads, “Look what you’ve done,,, you’ve given him anxiety”
The lower middle left contains another series of three (3) drawings, in the simpler style, starting with one of John. He is wearing a dark suit with a light button up and trench coat. He is looking at someone slightly off camera with a pleading look not unlike “puppy dog eyes” and is saying, “Could I take a cab?” The next drawing in the series is of Arthur, wearing a suit, tie and button down, with a confused look on his face, the caption reading, “*processing *” The next drawing is the continuation of the last, but Arthur is angry and flushing, his hands in the air as he shouts, “I’M NOT A CAB, JOHN”
The next sketch is of Arthur, in the last outfit, with his right hand on his hip and his left doing ‘jazz hands’. He is grinning smugly , his eyebrows raised high above his dark sunglasses. The caption around him reads, “Best Detective in ✨Arkham✨”
The very last sketch on the canvas, in the bottom left corner is of a cop (no discernible features except a hat, button down, and mouth) talking to Arthur, who looks resigned but pained. The cop says, “Man, this guy has shit luck” /end ID]
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bonnvivre · 9 months
A Funny Thing- Ch 22 word dump
shortening the title cus it’s a pain to write over and over, full title in the tags, link to chapter below cut (as if ppl other than the author themselves will look at this but hey)
very much a word dump i have no idea what’s going on below this cut it’s 4am im tired
i read every single chapter out loud to myself- i like to pretend i’m an english teacher reading the assigned story of the quarter to their students and then i give an oscar worthy performance with the dialogue
yeah dr sato as you should lmao honestly i’d dedicate my entire work hours to these two mfs
“After all, she has a feeling their story is still far from over. Who knows what else may be lurking beneath the surface.” girl this is 16 yrs of LORE of course it’s not over 😭 they got BAGGAGE
4 yrs old, born 2007, we’re at 2011 now, gojo is around 22 yrs old (note for me)
“Yuuji doesn’t have a last name.” A
oh my gkd giggling sukuna having beef w the cheater, got into indoor cycling just to best her love that for him 
also love chismosa ‘kuna, telling gojo abt the tea, kettle and all, even giving him a real time show 
“In a feat of superhuman strength-“ LMAO
god im cryimg are those full coherent sentences ??? OJ GODKM GONSN FCRUY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YUUJIIIIIIIIIII a hundred billions hours oh ur so silly
teehee their son, our son, such subtle changes in the writing but it says so much 🥹
god im sorry i just bursted out laughing while i was reading i couldnt help but think of the memes WHAHSDJ dad i frew up 
damn he didn’t return the handshake that’s actually so crazy
i initially thought it was mainly about sukuna’s “tattoos” that the first two schools were wary about, but i forget that, to others, they’re a queer family and definitely back then, it still wasn’t socially accepted. not sure why it didn’t cross my mind, especially with a conservative country like japan, but i’m glad there’s some light to it as a part of the challenges they go through while navigating their relationship and their lives.
oooooooh the romance is really slow cooking goodness my favorite om nom nomnomnom
ohhhhhh my heart….what are you doing to me, weiserr……wholesome cute family moment…….my cause of death indeed
after chapter thoughts:
imagine if they came across toji dropping off megumi at school or smth (yknow if mamaguro is still alive and their lives are good), i cant even imagine the animosity gojo and sukuna would have towards him
“heyyyy guys sorry i tried to kill you and your son back then crazy times huh”
his new friend is junpei bet (watch me be wrong)
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loakstahni · 8 months
You'know whats bad about not living with your parents anymore?
You can't go into your mom and dads room at an ungodly hour and be like "mum, daddy i frew up.." And then they make you feel better.
Nope- i gotta sit on my bathroom floor, my cat sitting in the door way after i threw up- and no body coming to make you feel better. (i might just go back home lol😂😂)
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kuwajima · 9 months
Zenitsu is def an “mom,mom,mom, dad.. I frew up” kid
The wonderful @zoombiezoom has a piece called Gramps I threw up and everyone should go look at it
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aggsh-shs · 4 months
throwback to when i was watching stargate universe and got to the episode where TJ lost her baby and then at like 10pm (after i said i was going to sleep) i wandered into my dads room like a 4 yo about to tell his mom “i frew up” and cried to him about it.
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eatnightmares · 2 months
1.5 faulkner has dad issues and turns a guy into a crab about it and carpenter hayward best friendship begins yay :) (glad this one is a lowkey one to ease me back in after the finale...)
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nvm i got emotional over how stupid he is (affectionate. agonized)
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600 mental illnesses in one go he's going for the record right out the gate
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You Can't Say That Right Now
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something about the only person of the faith they actually find being an artist living by himself... "degenerate" stuff... :(
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Man. Man. Man.
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WHOA HE'S BISEXUAL I DIDN'T KNOW THAT (of course that line isn't in the actual audio 😔)
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...ok hayward fake divorce jokes over i'm insane again. it's like you're tangled up in barbed wire s3 carpnfaulk isms. no escape is truly clean but at least once you've fled you don't have to look at the mess. walk on until you're lost to me. i keep on watching him, that tiny sodden shape, even as he's lost to me. if we get far enough there'll be a time when i get to watch them walk away. Whatever.
love the padlock bridge story i think of it every time i see one... "it was just feeding as it pleased. love eats us all." LOVE EATS US ALL!!!
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some small part of yourself that betrays you...
hayward being sooooo bitchy to them but not actually doing anything cause he has no evidence. bad at his job king!
contender for funniest episode ending of the series. carp and faulk are both so stupid and also bad at their jobs but faulkner is so much more pathetic about it "🥺sister carpenter i frew up 🥺"
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bees-in-disguise · 2 years
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Mom, dad… I frew up
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3456boidone · 1 year
yo thats so cool! i love how amazingly you captured the tone and tragedy of an actual greek/roman myth with their story, its awesome! and i love how you were able to work the sun and moon symbolism thats so prevalent in their culture into their designs. plus their relationship seems so bittersweet, its heartbreaking but in such a beautiful way. and i cant help but wonder artemis’s relationship towards bunnie when she first meets her, considering her feelings towards technology and bunnies half roboticized state.
I finally got to this🎉
I fucking love Bunny, she was one of my favorites as a kid, and probably still is now, behind Antoine. So I thought over this question over and over, so the answer could be perfect.
I think they would have an interesting relationship. First I would like to say Bunny is somewhere is an adult, and Artemis is close to Sonic's age, just being a little bit older than him. (ALSO I just found out sonic is infact 16, and 20 like originally though when I was like 6 and I'm every confused and frustrated.) There's no romantic feelings at all between the two, and more like an enemies to kinda family.
In the relationship Artemis goes through different opinions (stages) about Bunny, which also changes their relationship as well.
When they first meet Artemis Hates Bunny, and avoids her like the plague, and tries to convince others that they should stay away from too. Her excuse being "since she's half robot, she might turn against us" which of course doesn't work. And if they're in a group together, but the group had to split up, Artemis would demand to go Bunny, to make sure that "she doesn't turn on them"
Second one, would be after Artemis learns about how Bunny got robotized, and that her mother has been. Artemis starts using her as the reason on why the need to stop Robotnik(which everyone is already is trying to do) Inviting her into more things, stops trying to make everyone against her, but still keeping her arms length.
The third, is where Artemis wants to make amends with Bunny, and then she slowly starts seeing her like a mother(and a lot like her mother) Artemis then starts to think she's cool and follows her around like toddler. Also this probably were Artemis finally learns how to use technology, and it looks like that scene in Michael and the Machines where the dad using the computer.
Basically from :"Don't look at me! Don't even come near me!" To "Mom, I frew up..."
Also a thing I made a while ago, it's not good but at least it's something.
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Mom, dad? I frew up for the first time this year :(
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anonygowose · 4 months
coughed so hard i vomited ☹
really had a "mom dad i frew up" moment today
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asymm3 · 6 months
i’m like the kid from the “mom i frew up” memes but instead of throwing up i’m infodumping about radiological disasters
and it’s my dad
this is made even funnier by the fact that i’ve mostly lost my voice bc i am sick so about half the words are actually audible
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frostbite-the-bat · 8 months
are you kidding me it's just me and dad at home again where the fuck is mom at i'm not talking to dad bro
anyways as I was writing my dream down, the dog began Frewing Up on a blanket I laid down for him to sleep on so I had to yeet the whole thing to get washed and I figured I'd tell mom the dog is feeling sick but I guess she isn't here and I'm not telling dad because he yells at the dog for things he cant control
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sandsunseagrapes · 10 months
i am 25, living at home w my parents and sister, working in a job i love where i make less than an insulting wage, and my tummy didn’t feel good yesterday so my mom made me ginger tea in the evening and then rice at midnight when i told her i frewed everything up🧍‍♂️
this isn’t where I thought I’d be at 25, but to be fair, I also didn’t think I’d live this long. still struggling to figure out what to do bc I never rly planned to be here, esp in the aftermath of losing one of my sisters.
in one month it will be two years and I want Julia to know I’m okay and we’re all taking care of each other. our little sister picks me up from work when I ask her to. I buy her the chocolate raspberries we both love and I don’t even eat them. our dad sends us pictures of our pets when we’re traveling, and someone is always picking someone else up from the airport. the new dog makes us all so happy, and we couldn’t stop talking about how gorgeous the peonies I bought from the grocery store were for a week straight.
this is the same house and it’s not (and it is) (of course it’s not). we’re all together (no we’re not we’re missing one person) and it’s okay (it’s hard). it’s okay. every day that passes we all get one day closer to seeing her again and that’s a good thing. I have to believe it is
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mentoslol · 10 months
just had a “mom i frew up” moment as a whole adult in my parents driveway and my 6 year old sister had to go get my mom and dad while i just stood there like 🧍
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