#𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓢𝓲𝓭𝓮: 𝓑𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓪
yumenosekai · 4 years
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“It...wasn't on purpose. Killing you will be the first step to make it right.“
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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“It's not a matter of being ready or not. It's just important that I can kill you.” I’m ready to let go, and my grip tightens on my axe. 
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓡eturning to the Nexus, I found that the fifth pedestal indeed now had an item on it...? But, why a gun of all things? It’s not like I’ll be able to take it along, so it must just be a metaphor. All of my adrenaline was seeping out of me as my hand hovered over the artifact. I steeled myself, and reached my hand out and I was taken somewhere else. 
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓦ith haste i made my way back to the church, Diego’s dreams in tow. As much as I want to hold onto them, the second I saw that damn demon pillar and threw the jar up to her. With a thanks and a few words of warning I took off back to the Nexus, it was almost over. I could get rid of the person keeping Diego and myself trapped. 
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓘 can’t help but laugh, I should’ve known that would be his request. Usually I would throw a tantrum over it, but it seems like our goals are now similar. Of course I have to agree, there’s no other option here, not one that anyone but myself can make. “You know I'd hate to lose you, but I'm between a rock and a hard place here. I'll do it so hand over the dream jar.”
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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...𝓢o he’s in a bad mood, that’s fine. I wrap my arm around his and lean against him, he doesn’t mind and doesn’t bother pushing me away. “No, no, I do need something from you. Could you give me your dream jar? I'll take care of it, I promise, I'll do anything for it in return.”
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓣aking big steps around the grave he’s digging, I spin around him. Hearing him say my name was so thrilling, just like every other word he said. Wait, what did he say just then? I totally forgot, oh well. “Still busy as always, huh, Diego? How long has it been since you got stuck here?” 
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓕ollowing the repetitive and slow sound until I can see him in the distance. I knew it, I knew he’d be here. There’s no way he’d dug enough yet, and I hoped he would be in a better mood. I pick up my pace and make my way to the boy who buries dreams. 
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓘t “hurt” terribly, the brain conjures up what it must feel like to die by impact and my body screams at me but it matters to me not. My hands reach out for the jar once I fall into the floor of the Nexus. The first thing I realize is that I’m standing in an open grave, no casket, just a grave. Stepping out of it I can hear the sound of a shovel hitting dirt. I’m so close. 
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓘 find Lydia after some time and place the eyes in her hands, before she can say a word or even breathe I take a step back into one of the holes and start to fall. I’ll die, eventually, and I’ll return in the Nexus. No point sticking around to speak to the girl, I did what you wanted so don’t complain.
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yumenosekai · 4 years
It'd be a good idea to return Lydia's eyes as soon as possible, don't you think?
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𝓐pparently I do. What is this torture I’m putting myself through? Do you enjoy this, forcing me to do the things I clearly don’t want to? I wish I could take these fucking eyes and grind them under my foot but God knows that’s far too easy, isn’t it? With a click of my tongue I snatched up the bow and am back to that stupid plane with all of the holes... I start to look for Lydia.  
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓓o I go to the last floor, or do I give Lydia her eyes back first? I still have to get something from that last world, but it might be better to just knock out the annoying things first?
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓢he can take it for all I care, this is a dream and her stupid fucking city will be destroyed the second I open my eyes. She doesn’t even realize what I can do. So, I let her have the gift and took a pair of eyes. I expected to find a city of people and bustling city once I opened the door, but all was as quiet as it was before. I know, now, that ‘sight’ is subjective. I should head back to the Nexus. 
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓘 thank God this will be over soon.  "Yes, take it. Why do you want it, though?"
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓗ow unsightly. My hands are shaking and my observant nature is melting into something less coherent. Shut up, I want to say but no words come out of my mouth. My hand tightens on Mimi as I stare the radio girl down. “I need some eyes. For a little girl.”
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yumenosekai · 4 years
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𝓣he person motions for me to come over. I don’t. I stand in the doorway and stare at all of the room. The walls are covered with papers tacked to the walls and wires hanging from the tacks. What ever space isn’t taken up by some kind of paper or picture is filled with chemistry sets of some kind. Things in beakers and jars quaking and trying to escape, strange black ooze and thick strange green liquid drips from bottles. The strangest thing of all was that she had a full sized fridge right next to a mini one... “No one is listening to you, are they?”
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