#🌑 eclipse’s ramblings
jazessimpcave · 6 months
🖤Eclipse Viewing with Mr. Villain 🖤
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🌑🌕 When you alert him about it, he's unphased because he pretty much sees these things multiple times on his planet, but he agrees to see it with you because he finds it adorable that you're excited
🌑🌕 He buys snacks for the occasion, a mixture of your faves and a couple of panda themed ones for himself
🌑🌕 He wants you to have the best view, so he researches the most secluded, perfect spot (he even researched during work too)
🌑🌕 The day comes and he takes you to the spot, only to find it's cloudy. He's not too happy about Earth's unpredictable weather
🌑🌕 After nearly destroying the cliff you're both on, the clouds part and it's half way to totality! You'll be able to see it after all
🌑🌕 10 minutes until totality, and he's handing you various snack and drink items when you need it
🌑🌕 2 minutes before, he pulls you closer to him because the temperature has dropped a little. It's not you that's cold, he's cold.
🌑🌕 A few seconds before totality, you start to ramble about how pretty it is (with protective glasses provided for the both of you) when the sun is completely covered and the sky is dark....
🌑🌕 Mr.V decides to turn your attention to him, and kiss you. Just a small peck that leaves you with surprise. "Humans are so enamored by the smallest of things..."
🌑🌕 He promises you that there will be more ecplises he can show you before the next one on Earth and they're far more beautiful from his experience.
🌑🌕 After the sky is back to normal, you both return home and take a nap on the couch for the day. He got a bit cold because of the lack of sunlight, so he just wants your warmth on him for now.
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Eclipse, please?
I started this during the last eclipse of course. Thank you for the ask 🌑💜
Alien Billy crash lands in Steve's pool when he's but a tween. After nearly giving Steve a heart attack he decides to stay.
Steve smacks into the side of the house and there's only one thing to do now make a run for the door. Steve pushes to his feet and puts his back to the creature as he makes the few steps to the sliding glass door. He gets it open but something slimy catches his ankle and yanks him back hard. Steve hits the ground the wind knocked out of him, dazed and confused as the creature moves closer, body changing. 
He is blurry eyed, staring open mouths as the once gelatinous form, takes structure. It mimics his own, or close to it, shifting into a teenage boy. Well almost he is still blue, skin a darker opac shade, hair and teeth lighter, eyes almost glowing as he stares down at Steve with a cock of his head.  
"Am I dead? Are you going to kill me? Doesn't matter if you don't my dad will." Steve rambles brain finally catching on to the fact that his father will be none too pleased to return to a half empty pool. It is going to be worse than the time he and Tommy used some condoms they found as water balloons and clogged the filter.
"No..." The monster... alien right? It came from above, from the sky that makes it an alien, doesn’t sound so sure about that.
"What do you want then?" Steve has seen a few alien movies, his parents aren't around to tell him what he can and cannot watch after all. He knows they don't come down for anything good.
"Want?" It is s suddenly going gooey again. Steve’s eyes widen, nowhere to go as it turns back into a gelatinous mass once more oozing over him, covering him from his toes to his head. That goo goes everywhere, seeping through his clothes, into his mouth before he can scream, his nose. The world goes blurry as it rolls over his eyes, protecting him from seeing the eclipse fully on again even as it makes his vision spot from a lack of air flow.
Steve is dying, he cannot breathe, he cannot escape, no amount of pushing does anything but shift the gooey body around a little. Steve’s last thought before his vision goes all black is that he hopes Mrs. Henderson isn't to upset about the apples still in the fridge. He would have eaten them if only he had the time.
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leorawright · 1 year
Hello hello I’m here to check up on you! Eclipse Anon is working a triple today and I’m already tired and got 3 hours left so I figured this was a good opportunity to remind you not to overwork yourself! I’m lucky that I got an hour break today.
Also I understand the anger and disappointment toward the devs of Overwatch I was also very much looking forward to pve, I’m curious as to what they are gonna do in place of it, considering pve was the entire point of OW2 there’s no way they are just gonna keep putting hero’s in and no big game mode or else that game is done for.
Anyways I’ve been chatty today I hope you have a wonderful day/night and rest of your week!
-Eclipse Anon 🌑-
I'm sorry your busy and tired that's one of the worst combinations. I've been pretty chill with work lately so I haven't been burnt out thankfully.
As for PvE I'm pretty sure they said they're going to add a single story mission per season which is a little frustrating but I'm still trying to just enjoy the game. What I wish they would do is new events instead of just reusing all the past events. I was so exicted for the Valentine's event because it was new and I feel like they should do more of that to keep the game interesting.
Sorry for rambling as well I hope you're able to relax a little next week and I hope you're able to sleep well💛
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maiteo · 2 years
stand up. salute….it’s Tata day🫡🤍🖤♏️
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amor da minha vida💘 @fedechiesa
im giggling and ive barely even started yet🤭 alas… another example of how im permanently indebted to chiesa fc…. wishing you the happiest of birthdays my love🌹🧸🪩 you’re truly one of my favorite people ever. thee funniest, kindest, MOST STUNNING scorpio icon omfg and so creative too every pic/vid you grace us with truly sends me
okay not to be corny or start rambling or w/e but to have your 25th bday near the blood moon AND lunar eclipse (plus we won’t see another one until 2025👁️) is SO symbolic and iconic for you like it’s just perfect to me🤭 its a spicy, supercharged moon with massive transformative energy and it could make you feel awakened or activated like you’re at a clean slate, entering a new timeline. anything that no longer serves you will find its way out, stability is on its way, start visualizing the things you want for yourself and remember things are happening for you, in your highest and greatest good, not to you🖤✨🌑
once again, happy birthday meu amor!!!🥳🧁🎊you deserve absolutely EVERYTHING and more. sending positive energy, kithes, hugs and ALL my love. I hope london treats you beautifully meu anjo, i love you deep❤️
p.s ofc I saw this video & was like…me serenading you when im back on them ny streets hehe
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