#🌟 sparkle anon
alastor-roleplay · 2 months
*I look at him, drenched*
Hello.. I'm sorry.. I'm lost, I don't know where I am.. who are you..?
*I panic and try to speak slowly*
*I back away from him, finding him very interesting*
"Oh, my dear."
He chuckles, doing a 360 with his neck, essentially stretching it.
"Have you not heard? I am Alastor, the Radio Demon!"
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arxiearts · 16 days
polysho affection headcanons 🌟🎈🤖🍬
anon on twitter asked me about how wxs shows affection and i ended up rambling so i figured i might as well share it on tumblr as well!!!
tsukasa shows his affection through acts of service. he shows it in kind gestures from setting up alarms at midnight (because his ass is definetly in bed by 10pm sharp) to message nene and remind her to go to bed, looking over emu and buying her sweets she mentioned liking in the passing one singular time (he might have fucked up memory but he always makes sure to remember what his loved ones like, another headcanon is that he writes it all in a journal so he doesn't forget) to sneaking veggies in rui's lunches and bringing an extra water bottle because of course that purple cat was too deep into inventing to remember to drink...to sum it up tsukasa loves to scold rui and emu and banter with nene but every single action he does is full of love and care. he shows love when one of them merely coughs and suddenly practice is canceled, theyre all at his house, wrapped in soft blankets as he brews them tea with honey. tsukasa is a tsundere in a way because he will scold emu for visiting kamikou when she is not allowed to but hide her so she can stay and have lunch with the rest of wxs regardless. he will curse rui for giving him trouble and causing mischief (because he *is* on the disciplinary comittee after all) but will still let him go unpunished and smile fondly knowing rui is having fun in a school enviroment.
emu shows love and affection louder and with way more physical contact. she holds nene's hand during walks, swinging it back and forth (which makes nene's hand feel sore but she loves emu too much to say anything), she climbs onto rui like a koala because he is just so big and tall, he is more than happy to carry her on his shoulders so she can feel tall, she tackles tsukasa and jumps into his arms as he yells out "WAIT EMU DONT JUMP!!!!!" but catches her regardless (because he has not once let her fall). she shows her love with cute and silly nicknames, imaginary words and by bragging to everybody she encounters. miya girls must be so tired hearing about her wives for the 10th time that week but the way her eyes sparkle when she brings them up makes it just so obviously that she loves them to hell and back.
nene shows her affection way more quietly. she teases tsukasa and calls him an idiot but makes sure to stay after practice to praise him for good work as she hands him a drink. she might tease him but her love is so obvious in the way she cuddles into his side late at night during a sleepover, console in her hands as he works on a new script. they dont have to exchange any words in between them to know how much they love each other (besides, tsukasa tells her he loves her so openly and the bright pink flush on her cheeks is enough indicator she feels the same.) with rui it's a similar scenario. theyve known each other so long that theyve become a constant in each others lives, so much so that nene can be fully comfortable in rui's pressence at any given moment. i think nene is very embarassed to show affection through stuff like kisses and hugs but when she does the other three make sure to give the same energy back (and more! just where do they get so much energy...) emu is probably the one nene feels the least embarassed about showing physical affection to, maybe because of how often emu is initiating it but nene doesnt mind. how could she when emu's hands always felt so warm in her own?
rui is full of love that he shows through rather unusual but genuine ways. he sends wxs gc a picture of four bugs with a caption "us <3" and a bunch of other shit that gets him an earful from nene and tsukasa and a ton of praise from emu. rui shows his love through making inventions that will help his troupemates, using all of his knowledge to be useful to the ones he loves dearly. it's worth losing sleep over if it means seeing emu's eyes sparkle with excitement as she presses all the colourful buttons he added *just for her*...ah but tsukasa will scold him right? well, he supposes he doesn't mind being scolded a little...he knows very well its coming from the place of good intention. rui shows his love through sticking up for his loved ones when they're facing an obstacle and turning from a sneaky cat to a testy and defensive dog.
to finish this off—wonderlands x showtimes loves each other a lot and i might just be slightly autistic.
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2aceofspades · 9 months
Happy New Years Ace!
Here's to more silly goon adventures and kindness in the coming year!
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
Morse anon!!!
Happy New Year!
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(It's sparkling cider I assure you as I am not a fan of alcohol bleh-)
Cheers to that for sure yes!! I am wishing you all the best in this new year 🙌✨ Thank you for being so lovely and sticking with me in these trenches, my dear morse anon. I appreciate you lots 🌟
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Hello there! How are you doing? Can I request Caitlyn, Vi and Jinx sneaking reader’s out from home in the middle of the night? Secret dates 😃❤️
DUDE THIS IS SO ASDGFVGGGG ❤️‍🔥 I love this so much. I am thriving, anon. Also, I’m unsure about my skill in writing for Caitlyn so 😬 I’ll try my best. Thank you for requesting! ENJOY~
Secret, Late Night Date 🌟
VI 💘
It wasn’t unusual for Vi to come banging on your window at late hours of the night. You jump at the loud thud on the glass, sitting up in bed. “Vi?” You blink several times to clear the sleepiness from your eyes only to see a blurry, pink haired figure in your window. Groggily, you stand and stumble to the window, pushing it open. “What do you think you’re doing?” With a hand on your hip, you frown at the pink haired girl in front of you. She just smiles up at you, an excited sparkle in her pale blue eyes. “I’m taking you out.” Your brow raises as you cross your arms now. “Ugh, Vi, last time we did this, you had us chased by enforcers. Is tonight gonna be one of those nights?” You are whisper shouting now, watching her roll her eyes at you. “I don’t know, maybe.” You groan softly as you back away from the window to give her room to enter. “Well get in here then. I have to change.”
You didn’t plan on hanging with her tonight so you were a little disheveled right now. Your hair was a mess, the bags under your eyes were very prominent and you were in baggy pajamas. Vi plops down on your bed and watches you change into your regular day clothes, not in a weird creepy way but with a look of admiration on her usually stern face. “Stop staring.” You give her a playful glare as she looks away quickly, a slight smile still on her lips. She continues to steal glances as you finish getting dressed. You definitely notice this but you act like you don’t.
“Cool. Let’s go.” She heads back for the window, jumping out first then offering you a hand as you climb out after her. You take her hand and step out. Once you’re steady on your feet, she pulls you close and tosses her arm over your shoulder then leads the way. “Where are we going?” She gets a smug look on her face and ignores you as you continue walking. “And why did you have to come kidnap me at like 1 in the morning?” Now she’s chuckling as she gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze. “This is a time sensitive date, hun. It had to be now.” You sigh and cross your arms, trying to fight back a smile. You love that she called this a date. “This better be worth it.”
After a long walk, you round the corner of a tall building in the middle of the city. This particular building was TALL, at least 20 stories. Now comes the hard part…well for you at least. Vi begins climbing the fire escape ladder to the rooftop and you follow, much slower than her. You’re equally exhausted and excited at this point. “Hurry up! It’s starting!” She shouts down at you as you huff. “How are you so wide awake right now?” You snap at her as you nearly reach the top. Once she’s there, she turns and watches you with an excited grin. You’ve never seen her smile so much. Once your calves are burning and you’re finally on your last few rungs of the ladder, you look up to see Violet’s silhouette with a flashing sky behind her.
You reach the top of the building, unable to look away from the sky as you grab her hand tightly. It was like a moving painting. She brought you up here to watch the meteor shower that was happening tonight and from this high up it was absolutely beautiful, bright flashes of yellow and white streaking across the navy blue sky. “Holy shit! Oh my god, this is amazing!” She gazes up with you for a moment before walking over and taking a seat on the very edge of the building. You finally tear your eyes away from the sky and glance over at her, gasping softly. “You better be careful.” She just laughs before waving you over. “Get over here.” You hesitantly shuffle over and sit down beside her very slow and careful.
You’re side by side, your arms touching ever so slightly as you both stare up at the twinkling sky. There’s a nice silence that falls between you for a while until Vi finally speaks up. “So…? It was worth it right?” She mumbles softly, now staring at you with hopeful eyes. “Totally worth it.” You lean over into her more, unable to control your blushing face as she wraps a strong arm around your waist and pulls you against her even closer. “I knew you’d love it.” She can’t help but continue to stare…at you, not the sky. She could give a shit about some meteors. Tonight the plan was for you to stare up at the sky and for her to stare at you. She wants to take a mental picture of this moment with you, with your eyes wide and excited, with your lips slightly parted and turned up into a smile, the way your hands are in your lap and you’re fingers are all clasped together. There’s a special spot in Vi’s heart for you and every time you guys have a really sweet, soft moment like this, the spot grows bigger and bigger. Eventually, probably very soon, her whole entire heart will belong to you 💗
“Wake up!” You sit up abruptly in your bed, gasping in shock. “Huh?! What?!” Your adorably chaotic, blue haired girlfriend is kneeling next to you in your blankets, a smirk on her lips. “Hi.” She whispers sweetly now, batting her eyelashes at you. “Let’s go do something stupid.” She leans down to press a fast kiss to your forehead before she jumps back off the bed. She’s yanking you out of bed, giggling excitedly. “Get dressed! Wear something warm, it’s chilly out tonight.” Just as you’re finally getting your footing, you rub your eyes and yawn. “Where are…we going?” She grabs your hand and squeezes it excitedly. “It’s a surprise!” You sigh as you close your eyes tightly. “Okay but if Silco finds out, he’s gonna kill ME for letting this happen.” “Just hurry up and get dressed!” “Okay okay! Geez.”
You’re quick to throw on your clothes as Jinx watches you, bouncing up and down on her toes excitedly. As soon as you’re done, she links her arm with your and pulls you along to the window. “Ssshhh.” She whispers as she climbs out first and you follow after her. As soon as your feet hit the solid ground, her hand is in yours, your fingers laced together and she’s skipping with you following behind her. She’s humming and constantly glancing back at you with so much happiness plastered across her face. You can’t help but smile back at her, blushing at the amount of attention she’s showing you right now. You’d think you’d be used to it by now, but the butterflies and rapid heart rate will never not happen when you’re with her. She just makes you really nervous but in a good way.
“Come on, sleepy head. You’re falling behind.” She slips behind you and grabs your waist so quickly it makes your head spin. She’s basically pushing you now, snickering with anticipation as you continue on your way. “This way!” She shouts as she steers you to the right, making you laugh at the grip she has on your waist. Your laugh makes her laugh more, and when you glance back at her with a squinty-eyed grin you can see her cheeks are turning red.
She’s brought you to a piece of open land on the very edge of the city. It’s dirt all around you and the smog has lessened and it smells cleaner. “I’ve never been over here before.” You look over to see her standing by a big box, a devious look on her face. “Uhm…what’s that?” She opens it and pulls out her latest creation. “I…made…FIREWORKS!!!” “Oh my god, we are definitely getting arrested tonight.” “Noooo we aren’t. Shut up and come help me set these up.” You’re REALLY nervous now but you help her anyways.
As she nitpicks the way you’re doing stuff and where you’re putting things, you can’t help but laugh at her. She’s just so loud and blunt and outspoken. You like that about her though. You know exactly how she’s feeling at any given moment, you can read her like a book. “Okay okay! Go stand back there.” You’re all giddy and excited as you run away from her. “Keep going!” And you do. “Keep going!” And you do. “Okay stop!” And you do.
You turn and put your hands on your hips, watching her as she watches you. “Ready?” Your cheeks are staring to hurt from smiling as you nod your head in response to her. She lights the wicks of the fireworks and runs over to meet you. She stands behind you and wraps her arms around you tightly, resting her chin on your shoulder. “3…2…1…boom.” She whispers in your ear just before a loud bang echos all around you. You flinch a bit at the sound and she hugs you a little tighter. As loud as it was, it was a truly spectacular sight.
As the loud popping continues, you soon feel Jinx’s cold hands cover your ears, shielding them from the noise. You can feel her kiss the back of your head softly as you stare up at the sky full of bright, glowing colors. It takes you a second but you start to notice the fireworks are all the same two colors over and over again. They were your favorite colors. “Hey, those are my favorite colors.” “What?!” She shouts over the continuing noise. You shake your head at her and just sigh happily. She listened to you. As much as she loves to talk and get distracted, she actually listens to you and remembers little things about you like your favorite colors. She knows you so well.
As the fireworks die out and the noise becomes silence, Jinx pulls her hands from your ears and rests them on your shoulders. “What’d ya think?” You turn to face her and your hands fall into hers, your eyes droopy now. “I loved it. It was so pretty. I haven’t seen fireworks since I was a kid.” Her face is so soft and innocent and kind right now as she’s looking at you from behind some of her blue hair. “Yeah?” “Yeah.” She just stands there, gazing into your eyes as she fidgets with your hands. “You remembered my favorite colors.” Softly you pull a hand from hers and push her hair out of her face, wanting to see her pretty blue eyes. “Yep.” She smiles proudly. “How did you make those?” And now she’s looking away, trying to shake her hair back in front of her face. “Eh…don’t worry about it! And don’t tell Silco! Or Sevika!!!” If you had a nickel for every time she said ‘Don’t tell Silco’, you’d have enough money to get both of you out of the undercity. A laugh bursts from your mouth and travels through the cool nighttime air. It takes you a second to respond.
“It’ll be our little secret.”
You’re tossing and turning in your sheets, unable to fall asleep. You’ve been stressed and restless lately, there was a lot going on in your life. As you stare up at your ceiling with heavy eyes, you hear a soft tap on your window. Then another one. And another one. You stand and make your way to the source of the sound, looking down to your front lawn to see Caitlyn throwing pebbles at your window. So cliche. A smile forms on your face as you slide your window open. “What are you doing here this late? Does your mother know where you are?” Your voice is soft as you tease her, careful not to wake anyone else in your house. She has a shy smile on her face as she gazes up at you. “I haven’t seen you all week! Come on. I have something to show you.” Sure, it was the middle of the night but how could you reject her, down there looking so happy to see you. “I’ll be right out!” You reply after a moment then retreat into your room to change out of your pajamas.
Once you’re changed and fully awake, you tip toe out your front door, careful to close it softly. You turn and run to Caitlyn, both of you smiling like crazy. Your bodies collide and you throw your arms around her, feeling her do the same. You hold each other for a while, just laughing softly and swaying back and forth. Finally, you pull away. “So…where are we going this late?” She gives you a cheeky grin and a wink. “You’ll see, darling.” Her hand slips into yours as she leads the way.
You were walking for a while, making small talk and catching each other up after being apart for a a while. She is so easy to talk to. Sometimes she interrupts you, but it’s only because she’s eager to share her thoughts with you before she forgets them. She often forgets what she was gonna say when she’s with you. Your eyes are just so easy to get lost in.
“Wait, is this your house?” She nods and continues walking, an excited look on her face. She opens the gate out front, letting you in before she closes it behind you. “What if your parents wake up?” She shushes you as she begins climbing the vine-wrapped lattice on the side of her house. You watch her for a moment before following along. Once on her roof, she holds your hand for support as you carefully walk along the shingles. Finally, she sits on a flat stretch of the roof and pulls you down next to her. “Now lay back and look up.” She lays back first and you second.
As your gaze meets the midnight sky, you’re greeted by an insanely large and bright full moon. It’s bright white and casts a pale shimmering light over the two of you. The view from her roof was perfect. “Whoa! This view is…just wow.” She hums in agreement, her hand still in yours. She really loves holding your hand. “It is quite lovely tonight, isn’t it?” Caitlyn looks over at you for a moment, her smile growing before she looks back to the sky. “You come out here a lot, don’t you?” A soft chuckle leaves her lips. “I do. I was out here earlier tonight and the moon was just so gorgeous it made me think of you. It’s so stunning it’d be selfish of me not to share it with you.”
Now you’re looking over at her, mouth open to respond but nothing would come out. She’s staring at you and you’re staring at her, both of you holding your breath. “That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” Your soft voice makes her shiver a bit. You don’t give her the chance to respond. Within seconds your turning onto your side and pushing your lips against hers. A surprised moan rubbles in her throat as her hand moves up your arm. She rolls onto her side as her hand grips your shoulder, pulling you closer for just a second. Soon, your lips part and you can barely see her bashful smile in the moonlight.
“I’m glad you agreed to come out with me tonight.” “Yeah…me too.”
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fayeraa · 7 months
hi!! if you’re comfortable doing so, would it be okay if you write about nanami with a reader who has morning anxiety? she feels her chest tighten and doesn’t feel like getting up to start the day 😿
NOTE : my first resquest !!🌟🌟 thanks for asking anon ! maybe not proofread! (pls correct me i you notice one.single.mistake 😞)
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Prompt: reader + morning anxiety
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⊹ ࣪ ˖- fluff/comfort | ft.Nanami KENTO.
⊹ ࣪ ˖- headcanon + drabble | wc. 0,500k≈
⊹ ࣪ ˖ -gn/fem!reader
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i think Nanami KENTO would be really understanding with it and would do his best to comfort you.
Gently caressing your head, he would ask you in a soft and loving tone what’s going on and how he could help you with it.
He wouldn’t force you to get up, just tell you to rest a bit and that’s it’s okay to feel that way sometimes, as long as you make your best to heal.
Prob the type to prepare your comfort food with a cup of tea.
Would have you on his lap, with a hot blanket, rocking you slowly to relax you.
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Morning, 6:34 am :
it was morning, and as usual, you would feel yourself shiver and trembling, not wanting to start the day. You closed your eyes, trying to loosen up a bit. It was draining, but what ? Work, people, or just the feeling of having to get up to start a tiring and endless day that will start all over again, and again, and aga-
You were drowning in your countless thoughts, echoing over and over, when nothing but your pounding heartbeat and jerky breathing were recognizable to you.
-Y/N? Do you hear me?
A voice that seemed to be sent from the heavens, like a release you couldn’t retort reached your ears.
Tears filling your eyes to the brim, so much that it became hard to even blink them, were looking for the voice but to no avail.
A few footsteps ahead, he approached, nearly tip-toing, before sitting gently on the corner of the bed, forming a gap in the sheets.
-Y/N, he repeated, what’s going on? he delicately caressed your arm to give it a soft squeeze, hoping to lift you out of your trance. It started to worry him a bit, he didn’t know if you were still sleeping, doing a nightmare or else just kind of “absentminded”?
As rough and large palms nuzzled your skin, you hummed, letting out mumblings as if you tried to say something but it wouldn’t escape your throat.
In a painful sight, mustering all the efforts you have made, you raised your head at the voice, to catch a glimpse at your husband.
You felt so, so reassured suddenly like he lifted a weight off your shoulders that you bore for a long time. You couldn’t have hoped for more at that moment, because he’d swipe off all your worries by just being here.
He was looking at you with enamored eyes and a comforting smile that was enough to lighten the atmosphere, which was suddenly more bearable and pleasant.
And you smiled. He brought his hand to your forehead to caress it faintly, an act full of his adoration for you. Cautiously putting his arms below your legs and back to pull you onto his lap, Nanami started spreading kisses all over your face while stoking your hair, treating you like a treasure, his treasure.
-So, Love, what’s happening? Is there’s something bothering you? Tell me.
You lowered you gaze at him, wearing a tormented face., Yes, what was wrong? It was too tedious to explain with words, so you just whispered:
-I don’t feel like…getting up, start the day, and... go to work today.
It seemed shameful for you, since Nanami was doing his best to take care of everything, was an exemplary worker, and was always there for you. And a random morning, just because you felt miserable, you would cancel your day’s plans? Sight.
-It’s ok to feel that way, Dear. It’s normal if you feel down sometimes, you can’t be perfect every single day. As long as you make your best to heal. I will help you going through this, so that you’re not alone, mh?
Your eyes sparkled at his words, flashing a smile of relief. If it was ok, then why feel bad?
-Alright Love, I’m going to the kitchen, just going to prepare you some food and tea, you’ll already feel better this way.
He puts the blanket over you and left the room. You closed your eyes and settled back into bed.
Bad things doesn’t last, right ?
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i don’t really like it :o (may add changes), there are some inconsistencies and it’s a bit rushed but i will improve >:) (i hope💀)
tag : @tachiharazsstuff
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official-soulriders · 2 months
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Pinned Post ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
woa how'd you do the sparkle thing??
It's easy, there's a website you can copy and paste them
Okay are the sparkles necessary-
I think they're fun, I don't see why not?
Guys, focus-
Oh, right. Halo, you wanna kick off introductions? This was your idea.
hi everyone, my name's Halo :) um, I'm from Jorvik! I live in Valedale and this is my horse, Buddy!
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um, my pronouns are they/them
That all you wanna put?
Alright, guess I'm up next. I'll try to keep introductions short too; my name's Alex, tech expert and lover of fun and chaos! And this bozo is my best bud, Tin-Can!
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Hi everyone! I'm Lisa Peterson, up and coming music artist from Texas, but I live in Jorvik with my dad. This here is my horse and the namesake of my family ranch, Starshine!
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Hi, I'm Linda! If you go to Jorvik High you might know me as the editor in chief of the JHS Gazette. This here is my horse and Jorvik's biggest glutton, Meteor:
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My name's Anne Von Blyssen. If you're any amount of involved in Jorvik's dressage scene, you probably know who me and Concorde are already. I'd like to decline any questions about my disappearance a couple months ago, thanks.
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Basically we're uh- I guess you could call us a riding club? We're dedicated to helping people around Jorvik! Kinda like charity work, I guess. But we also do fun, casual riding stuff too. When we aren't fighting off dark forces-
This blog was mostly an idea for Halo to make more friends, so they're probably the one you'll see on here the most- but you'll also hear from the four of us too, occasionally! We each have our own individual tags, too:
#🪐 speaks = Halo's tag
#⚡ speaks = Alex's tag
#🌟 speaks = Lisa's tag
#🌙 speaks = Linda's tag
#☀️ speaks = Anne's tag
(( OOC under cut ))
(( roleplay blog for the soul riders (including my OC) from SSO! i'm normal about them. my typical sso posting blog is @starbornsoulrider so go there if u wanna know more abt Halo! ))
-light NSFW jokes are fine but nothing explicit.
-mun is an adult
-you probably know me from pkmn irl, so i just wanna say that even if you're a pkmn rp blog/any other kind of non sso rp blog you can still feel free to interact! i mean i might block for certain fandoms but i don't feel like listing them here
-magic anons are on, but depending on how I'm feeling i might delay answering them
-for ask games i kindly ask you to specify who you're sending an ask to! unless i specifically say im only doing an ask game for a certain character. otherwise i'll just pick one randomly
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2ndsk8terboy · 10 months
Since Scott Pilgrim is popular right now I figured I'd get involved with the fandom, I heard that Tumblr was big on fandoms soooo... I'm here now.
Ask me whatever you want, just make sure you're not a dick about it.
Whatever tho.
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Asks are open! No racism, homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, etc, will be accepted on this blog. I've got a shipping bit going here with Graveslee and Toddlee, don't like don't look. Simping is allowed but keep it mature, not explicit.
I welcome other scott pilgrim rp blogs to interact, message me if you want to plan an interaction.
About the mod:
He/him, transmasc, joined the Scott Pilgrim fandom as of early December 2023
Follow me on my main: @thefaearealwaysamongyou
- Paparazzi anon 📸
- Bunny anon 🐇
- Lantern anon 🏮
- Turtle anon 🐢
- Cat anon 🐈
- Dog anon 🐩
- Sparkles anon ✨️ (he/they)
- The Press anon 🎙(he/him)
- Loveletter anon 💌
- Fangirl anon 💕
~ Impostor anon
- Sandwich anon 🥪 (she/her)
- Press' boss 🎥
- Love anon 💒
- Explosion anon 💥 (it/its)
- Shark anon 🦈
- Star anon 🌟 (he/they/it)
- Plush anon 🧸 (they/them)
- Subspace anon 🌈👁 (all pronouns)
- Silly anon 🪱 (they/he)
- Flan anon 🍮
- Andras 🖤🩷 (he/him)
- Werms anon 🧠🪱 (she/her)
- Myth anon (they/them)
- 🍿 Popcorn anon (any pronouns except she/her)
- Tattletail anon (any pronouns)
- Random anon ⭐️✨️ (he/him)
(Saw a couple of other blogs do that so I added it, any themed anons are welcome to interact and I'll add you to the list! I've started asking for pronouns to put here so if you read this you're welcome to put that in the ask!)
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deepautumncolors · 2 months
You've been sent some ✨️sparkles✨️ because someone thinks you deserve to have some sparkle in your life. Send this to 10 other people that you think deserves some sparkle in their lives
(I wanted to send this as anon 😅)
Aww thank you, Chiara! ✨🌟 I guess I turned off my anons, but it’s even better knowing this message is from you! I think you deserve lots of sparkle in your life too, so I’m sending it right back! 💫⭐️ Ciao bella! 💖
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dreamaboutwhathappens · 2 months
You've been sent some ✨️sparkles✨️ because someone thinks you deserve to have some sparkle in your life. Send this to 10 other people that you think deserves some sparkle in their lives
never forget the essence of your sparkle!!!! thank you friendship bracelets anon :)
another for you:
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Hello again, the 'Ryder's Parents' theory anon back again (need to come back w a better name fr) and that whole thing w 'why do the dogs talk?' got me thinking of my own theory. Now i gotta preface this by saying i'm only just getting into the show like, seriously? I watched some episodes w my baby brother and got hooked, haven't really watched the movie yet but i know abt the 'one of kitties start talking thanks to the comet' thing, so that's what i'm mostly basing this theory off of
So like... the thing giving superpowers and the ability to talk is a meteor, right? Right. My crazy theory here is that its not the first time a meteor like that hit the earth. A similar one hit the planet during the dinosaur extinction thing (to my knowledge it wasn't a single huge one, there were a few more) and ended up affecting the area around it, giving the life forms around it (in this case, the precursors of dogs) the ability to be able to speak. So!! Humans don't care bc from their perspective, dogs have been able to talk since always. Humans and dog probably have an even closer relationship in the paw patrol universe compared to our reality, since they probably evolved really close together and all!! As for how do some cats (like Wild and his crew) talk naturally... idk honestly. Maybe there was another, much smaller meteor they just happened to near of? Idk i'm just building this
Btw, i found it really found you just went like 'cats probably could talk but they just choose not to' bc i'm. P sure that was the same thing the Cat from Coraline says when asked abt why he talks in the Other World. He kind of implies he COULD talk in the normal world, he just doesn't wanna :P peak cattitude fr
I think i'm gonna start signing my asks? I like stars and sparkles so... -💖🌟✨️💫 <- this'll do
YEAH THAT'S INDEED PEAK CATTITUDE LMAOOO I LOVE THAT CAT IN THE CORALINE MOVIE and if you have cats or knows someone who does, you'll notice they don't meow to interact between themselves, save when they're babies or to show aggressiveness. They keep mostly to body/smell language. And meows to humans! Because humans are idiots who are never getting over the need to vocalize for communication XD
IRL cats can literally talk (their own language) but they're beyond that- they dumb their communication down into sounds just because we are not at their level and they still want us to give them their grub. It's free food, why wouldn't they want it??
As for the meteor theory? YOU'RE SO RIGHT IT COULD'VE HAPPENED TOO!!! And makes a lot of sense!!
And ayyyyy, welcome to the world of Paw Patrol!! XD I'm new here myself too! I only started watching it back in January. I had friends from my local furry group recommending this show to me for years now and Idk why I didn't watch it before. I guess my brain is just that stubborn. It knew I'd get hooked and couldn't afford being hooked into both Transformers and Paw Patrol at the same time. Now that I've slowed down on Transformers, it finally decided to let me get into another show and Paw Patrol was the chosen one to be watched XD
Will you remember all the emojis every time? Though that's a very smart idea and I like it!! I think I'm gonna refer to you as my Sparkly Anon in this case!
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 2 years
Whatre ur favourite songs from mlp? (any gen)
very tough question! I would say the whole soundtrack of friendship is magic specifically in swedish but that's a pretty boring awnser so I'll try my best here! 🤔🎵 there are many many songs that hold very strong meaning & significance to me and that I love but I'll try to just mention a few
first of apples to the core! 🍎💛
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"vi reser och hör vår historia tala. vi har så starka band. vår sång den hörs genom berg och dalar över vårt stora land!" - 🍎
"ni är mer skoj än min älsklings färg eller ballonger som flyger över drickan där! känslan jag får är så vattentät när vi firar vägen fram!"- 🎈
I love how the whole apple family's voices but especially pinkie (voiced by Annelie Heed & Amanda Renberg) and applejack (voiced by Emma Levin) blend together and it's so well translated! credit to Anna Engh who translated this show because she did an excellent job (this show is literally my favourite dub of anything ever 💗)
a little fun fact or theory of mine is that part of pinkie's verse is sung by Amanda Renberg (pinkie's swedish voice actor who normaly does all of the speaking and singing with few exceptions) and Annelie Heed (does many voices on the show and sings as pinkie pie a few times) at the same time, and now whether that's true or not it sounds absolutely beautiful 😌💗🎈🧡🍎
secondly the cafeteria song/helping twilight win the crown! 👑💜
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"hör, hör, lyssna noga! vi har nånting att säga. kanske verkar vi va, så väldigt olika. men kom titta lite närmre så ser du snart att jag är som du och du är som jag!" - 🍎🦋🌈🎈💎
something I adore about this song is the message, ofcourse! 🤣 it gives me hope in a way, all of the first movie songs are very special to me but the cafeteria song is my favourite of them. and I think Rainbow Dash (voiced by Jill Wrethagen) really shines on this track! 🌈💙
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all of the legend of everfree songs have to get a mention!
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"kom var legend du är ämnad för!" 🌅🌟🍎🎈🌈🦋💎
all of the songs in pinkie pride too (sorry I can't find any good quality individual audio uploads of those but I might upload them myself some time (remind me if I forget :) I have however added them to this pinkie pie playlist video I made a while ago so if you want to, the timestamps are listed in the description and pinned comment 🍰🎉
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"I hela mitt liv har jag siktat på, att måla världen mindre grå. jag hade nog fel ändå, i framtiden får jag partyn avstå" - 🎈
pinkie's lament and the episode in general hit very close to home for me 😔🥺🎈
and if you know me then you know that I love season 4 and rainbow power so this one gotta go here as well! 🌈
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"och när vi är tillsammans tar vi upp ljuset innuti, finns det inga hinder kvar, inget vi ej klarar av" - 🌟🌈🎈🍎🦋💎
lastly I just want to give some credit to the mane six's swedish voice actors because they rarely get any and they deserve so much more! 😌💖
Twilight Sparkle: Lina Hedlund 🌟💜
Rainbow Dash: Jill Wrethagen (Annelie Heed in some songs) 🌈💙
Rarity: My Bodell 💎🤍
Fluttershy: Lizette Pålsson 🦋💛
Pinkie Pie: Amanda Renberg (Annelie Heed in some songs)🎈💖
Applejack: Emma Levin Sundberg 🍎🧡
and thank you so much for asking anon! 🎵 honestly, I could add to this forever! 💖
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castielsparkle · 1 year
deeply in love with you you seem so silly. i would interact with you but i am too shy and do not know if you are alright with that so i suppose this is me asking if that is alright
AHH HI!!!! thank u so much omg i am honored 😭 ilyt anon!!! :3 i do try my best to keep rather silly!!💙🫶🌟 and YES pls interact w me hii!!! i lovelovelove to message and make besties (<- twilight sparkle princess of friendship mlp kin ehehehe!!) pls shoot me a msg anytime!!!<3 if we r mutuals i can give my discord and . if my dms arent open for some reason lmk ahdjgka also feel free to send asks i can answer privately if u specify!!!<3 i do wanna warn u i am. So so very bad at responding in normal timeframes 🫠 notoriously kinda suck at that so its not personal ehehe but!! i am trying to get better and i cant think of what would be more helpful than having more friends to msg!! :}
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acidiccitrine · 1 month
🌟Just a quick note to let you know that you’re doing better than you think. Life can be tough, and it’s easy to overlook your own strength, but you’ve made it this far, and that’s no small thing. You bring something unique to the world just by being here. Even on the hard days, remember that your presence has an impact. Take a moment to appreciate how far you've come, and know that you matter, more than you realize. You’re not alone in this, and things will get better. Keep going, one step at a time🌟
Thanks, I guess?? I'm sure random positive affirmation could be nice to someone who cared, but, as an orange of unequivocally radical coolness, I only find this confusing. Sparkle on, anon.
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annabtg · 3 months
Thank you anon!! Rainbows and sparkles to you right back!! 💖💖🌈🌟✨
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echoesofadream · 2 years
Ugh last anon is everything I despise about fandom culture (they exhibit Twitter behavior) anyway I love hearing your thoughts and criticism about stuff op 👏🏻 also YES HEARTBEAT ! such an underrated song ! Its a beautiful song <3 Whats your favorite subunit in the uh "game album??" Personally it goes All Night > Brand New Day > Dream glow (I think they sing too high and with too much power for me to appreciate 😔)
ikr. they were projecting that toxicccc culture on me but i was never apart of it in the first place… i left twitter for a reason. And omg thank u lovely lovely anon💓💓💓💓✨✨✨💫💫💫💫
IK heartbeat is my fav, like they made that for a GAME??!! Also since i am a certified Toxic Delulu Shipper Anti Hater TM, i love taekook harmonizing in the beginning💞 i want their subunit so bad they gotta stop teasing
I can tell you have taste by that order of songs. I dont really have taste myself. I just go by mood. So i think im gonna have to say a brand new day, as a fellow swede i must support queen zara larsson. plus vhope my beloved vhope.
I like dream glow personally but i understand why you’d think that. To me it sounds like sparkles and glitter✨✨💖💖 and speaking of jimins voice, his and also seokjins go sooooo well for that song! Like seriously. Its like seokjins silver voice and jungkooks golden voice and jimins diamond voice go like🌟🌟🌟💎💎💎💎💎❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥and charli x did a good job fitting into that aswell.
I think all day comes last to me, partly because i am not in love with juice wrlds music and voice. I need to give it a relisten though to speak more truley about my opinions on it. but i dont really love it as i can remember rn, at least not like the chorus. I wanna listen to namgis raps in it cause i cant remember lol
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pepprs · 1 year
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ok im kinda cheating bc there are TWO dear anon asks in this post that arent making the grand finale bc im putting them here instead bc theyre all abt the songs i posted in january lol...... BUT ANYWAYS THANK U BOTH SO MUCH IM SO GLAD U LIKED THEM!!!!!! IM HOLDING THESE ASKS SO CLOSE TO MY HEART WAUGHHHHHHHHHH 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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