#🌻 no i did not forget
citruscloudsandmoon · 2 years
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Thank you so much for tagging me @litterateur97 😁❤️ This was fun 😁🤩
Three Ships?
Lxmisa from death note. Have been shipping them since 2016 😍. All it took was this below scene 🤭. So even if they don't make sense, I will make them make sense to you 😘
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Kaihil from Beyblade. I shipped them when I didn't know the meaning of shipping 😅 Beyblade V-force was streaming on toonami those days. Back then, I liked seeing Hiromi with both Kai and Tyson 😂. Then years passed. In my gap year, I re-watched both Digimon and Beyblade. And my love for kaihil reignited all over again. It only grew stronger when I was browsing ffn and deviant art all night 😍
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Ulquihime from bleach. Funny story about them; I wouldn't have shipped them if it weren't for coming across gorgeous art of them by rboz. Wanting to know more about them, I started watching and reading bleach. So imagine my shock and misery when I came to know what happens in the end 😭🥲 but oh well, such is life and Kubo 😒. Still got the wonderful fandom where I can muse about them 😍❤️
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2. First ship?
Kaihil was going to be here but I wouldn't count that because the grip they still have on me is insane 😭😍 So I am going to chose Kaede and Dylan from Mirmo anime
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I would watch the show after coming back from school 🥹 the Hindi dub made it all more funnier. I was so happy when Kaede and Dylan got together 😭😍
3. Last song?
Dil Kay Isharay (DKI) by Taha G. It's an Urdu song and Taha G is so talented 💛🌻
4. Last movie?
White Chicks 🌚 this movie never gets old 😂
5. Currently reading?
Atomic habits by James Clear 🥲. I am right now trying to fix my routine and failing quite miserably in it. So while the boat is sinking, I am reading the said self help book to see if it would make any difference. So far it has kept me engaged 👀.
6. Currently watching?
Emily in Paris (S2). You have every right to judge me 🥲 but I just wanted to see what the hype was all about. And even though the show is patsy and Emily is starting to infuriate me (like girl you like Gabriel!!! Why the hell are you insistent in getting him back with his ex?! 😭), I can see why people like it. It's overall light-hearted and funny at some scenes.
Other than that, I am binge watching on friends sitcom along with my sister. Also I am watching the local urdu TV drama as well ' Mujhay pyaar hua tha'.
7. Currently consuming?
Roasted cashews 🤤
8. Currently craving?
Chicken Alfredo pasta 😭
9. Tagging now; @jkrobertson @kaflowypiec @neomoreheroes @green-mint @ishkajules @shewhodancedinthemoonlight, @professorchameleon @squicky-fannish-discourse @smoochme @wolborgie and anyone else who wants to do it 😁
Have fun 🌻
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lesbianlenas · 8 months
i like to give my friends fun little emojis next to their names in my contacts and i was looking for one to give to one of my new friends & i realized there was a wheat emoji & i was like omgggg. anyway when i get a gf i WILL be giving her the wheat emoji 🌾 look how great it is….
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metamorphesque · 4 months
my translations of Armenian Poetry 🌻
Vahan Teryan
"I love your guilty dusky eyes...", Vahan Teryan
"Two Phantoms", Vahan Teryan
"I shall come to you ...", Vahan Teryan
"To forget, to forget ...", Vahan Teryan
"Sweeter Than Living", Vahan Teryan
"In the empty words", Vahan Teryan
"From the fields of Shirak", Vahan Teryan
"My greetings, torment ...", Vahan Teryan
"My Peaceful Evening", Vahan Teryan
"Place Your Stamp ...", Vahan Teryan
"To forget, to forget ...", Vahan Teryan
Paruyr Sevak
"Unexpected Storm", Paruyr Sevak
"One of Us", Paruyr Sevak
"Close your eyes", Paruyr Sevak
"I love to love...", Paruyr Sevak
"To Go Mad", Paruyr Sevak
"Your Name", Paruyr Sevak
"You don't love anew ...", Paruyr Sevak
"People are not alike...", Paruyr Sevak
"To Live...", Paruyr Sevak
"Love", Paruyr Sevak
Hovhannes Tumanyan
"In slumber's grasp...", Hovhannes Tumanyan
Eghishe Charenc
"Sister, it might be ...", Eghishe Charenc
"All of these flames ...", Eghishe Charenc
Hovhannes Grigoryan
"Songs of Farewell", Hovhannes Grigoryan
"Armenia", Hovhannes Grigoryan
"I'm no longer looking for you", Hovhannes Grigoryan
"An evening with aged maidens", Hovhannes Grigoryan
"Perhaps, it's spring ...", Hovhannes Grigoryan
"Don't you ever die", Hovhannes Grigoryan
"A letter that will never reach you", Hovhannes Grigoryan
"To sit like this...", Hovhannes Grigoryan
"On a New Line", Hovhannes Grigoryan
"Last Word", Hovhannes Grigoryan
Henrik Edoyan
"I did not do what was written ...", Henrik Edoyan
"I remember many of them...", Henrik Edoyan
"A biography that might as well have been mine", Henrik Edoyan
Slavik Chiloyan
"IT'S A MOVIE, IT'LL PASS", Slavik Chiloyan
"RONDO", Slavik Chiloyan
"There is one creator and one creation. Everything else is a testament to that", Slavik Chiloyan
Husik Ara
"Love", Husik Ara
"You are not here", Husik Ara
"You are the light of the world", Husik Ara
"I love you", Husik Ara
"and Love said...", Husik Ara
Razmik Davoyan
"I shut my eyes ...", Razmik Davoyan
"My Eyes", Razmik Davoyan
Vardan Hakobyan
"Love One Another", Vardan Hakobyan
Mher Arshakyan
"Impossible", Mher Arshakyan
(updated on 22/7/2024)
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lovverletters · 8 months
Been waiting for this lol
*Ahem* I introduced Yan husband! Finally, after years of waiting and stalking and murdering (if that's cool), he finally has you! He worships you every day and reminds you how lucky he is, and he tells everyone how he's so lucky and how you're perfect!
Yandere! Husband
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A/N : Thanks for requesting! Hope you like it, 🌻 anon!
T/W : soft yandere, stalking, implied murder, non consentual photographing, stealing items, this is late asf
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"Honey, do you remember how we met?"
[Name] asked their husband of 6 years as they flip through their old journal, reliving their countless embarrassing, bitter and sweet memories of their youth.
They had been sifting through the storage closet earlier when they stumbled upon a box containing their old belongings dating back from when they were still studying in high school until they got married to their husband, Derek.
"Of course I do, it's the day I met the love of my life" He says with a smile on his face.
"Psh.. you're so cheesy Derry" [Name] swatted their husband's shoulder playfully, flustered at his words.
"What? I'm being honest. Every moment spent with you is unforgettable" A dark glint was present in his eyes as he uttered his reply.
How could he ever forget the day he met his beloved [Name]?
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Derek had been in his senior year of high school by the time he met [Name].
They had only recently moved to his hometown and enroll to the high school. He could still recall their timid expression as they asked him for directions, at that moment Derek brushed off the encounter as a one time thing.
He was graduating and they were a junior, he'll probably won't see them again.
Until Derek started to bump into [Name] more frequently albeit it being only a coincidence. [Name] would notice his presence and greeted him with a small wave everytime they pass by each other in the hallway or waiting in line during lunch.
Eventually, he finally spoke to them one day. It felt odd for him to be around them yet never uttering a single word.
It was the best decision he ever made.
"Uhㅡhey" Derek cursed himself inwardly for choking on his words.
[Name]'s eyes widened, spooked to hear him talk to them. They mustered up a crooked smile after recollecting themself to reply to him.
"Derek, hi. Sorry, I was on my phone that I didn't notice you behind me"
From then, something shifted in him. Their conversation faded into a white noise in his ears as his thoughts became fixated in [Name]'s voice.
He had heard them speak before but it felt different when they're talking to him. Their voice engraving itself into his brain like an earworm.
It doesn't stop there, their interaction expanded as their friendship blooms. [Name] would seek him out on subjects they were struggling on despite having other student who would eagerly help themㅡ his heart swells with pride knowing that it's him whom they're relying on.
Derek would also began inviting them to his football practice as an excuse to invite them for an ice cream laterㅡ and to also flex his athleticism in hopes of receiving praises from them.
He's not stupid, he knows that he likes themㅡ loves them. Maybe he had been a fool for underestimating his feelings for them.
It had been an unfortunate timing that he had never been able to confess to [Name] as his graduation passes and he was wrapped up with preparing for his higher education.
Those times away and distance from [Name] were hellish. Derek felt his sanity wanning with each day passes and his thoughts were constantly thinking of [Name].
What are they doing, Where they're at, Who they're withㅡ They don't have a partner don't they? They didn't replace me did they?? I'll kill that bastard who took my placㅡ
He finally cracked after stalking through their social media page and seeing the other student having grown close to them within months of his absence.
Derek decided that he's had enough sitting around in the sidelines with an aching heart. He'll make his move and insured that [Name] will be his.
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"I then drove back to back from my university to yours for years until I finally had enough and decided to ask you to move in with me" He traced the picture they took on their first day moving into his house.
[Name] snorted and pinched their husband's cheek, laughing as they teased him.
"Silly, you, I can't believe you rent out an apartment just because you can't be away from me anymore"
Derek huffed and flipped to the next page, tracing [Name]'s photo as he always does everytime he sees it.
"I love you too much, it hurt's to not be around your presence. I feel like I was going to die with each hour passes without you"
"Mmh sure, how come you never died after leaving me everytime you have to go back?" [Name] attempt at poking at their husband again.
Only to receive an unexpected answer.
"I never left" Derek uttered. No elaboration whatsoever.
Silence follows after as the cogs in [Name]'s brain turn to process what their sweet stupid dork husband just said.
Derek closed the journal shut and stood up, planting a kiss on their temple.
"I'm going to prepare dinner now. You better come and eat when I call you before continuing your clean up! No buts and ifs, okay love?" He gave them another kiss before disappearing into the kitchen.
Come to think of it, Derek had re-entered their life at a time where their newfound friend tragically passed in a mysterious incident. [Name] had been devastated and clung to Derek for comfort before it eventually delved into them being in a relationship with the man.
Everything was perfect. Too perfect if they had to be honest. It's almost as if he had planned it.
They shook off the thoughts and continued sorting through the old boxes when one of the contents surprised them.
It was the items they thought they had lost or threw away. But how could Derek have it when they had lost it before they begun dating. The polaroids were also odd as Derek weren't around during their senior year when it was takenㅡ if the dates marked was correct.
"Honey! Dinner's ready"
They'll ask him about it later.
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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lilacqiqis · 8 months
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naruto, kakashi, obito(non massacre), hinata, itachi(non massacre), sasuke, sai
Scenario: getting casually called darling by their crush
A/N: pls send in Naruto reqs I'm starving to write stuff, also finally decided to give characters specific emojis LMAO last post i made i randomly gave them emojis 😭 Writing this at 3 AM sorry if it's ass -mod Lilac
TW: none, GN!reader
more under the cut
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🌱 Naruto isn't used to romantic affection from people, let alone his crush, so his reaction when you call him "darling" is a huge gaping mouth and stuttering as he tries to process what you said
🌱 "W-wait!! Whuh?! Huhhh?!! Whaddja call me?!"
🌱 Whether it's a joke or not he has a dorky smile after as he laughs, the pet name making him feel warm inside. He probably will try and call you a pet name back afterwards, hoping you'll like it just as much as he did.
🌱 Goes to brag to all his friends the next day. "Hey hey! Guess what?! S/O called me DARLING!!" Nobody really cares too much honestly, they think he's overreacting or even lying.
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🌾 A stoic man he is, that Kakashi. Not much can get him flustered, besides reading Icha Icha of course.
🌾 He usually can keep his feelings hidden away from his crush, treating you like any of his other friends, but when you call him darling? Lucky that he's wearing a mask because you'd be able to see the huge blush forming on his face.
🌾 He'd try not to react too much, his eye slightly widening and body tensing up when the word hits him. It felt so... Natural? The pet name came off your tongue so nicely that Kakashi can't help but want to hear it more.
🌾 Wouldn't comment on it, but may bring it up in the future to tease you. Perhaps to get back at them he'll also call you a romantic pet name... Nah, he's too nervous to do that, if he was that bold he'd go and just confess already!
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🌺 Like Naruto, Obito is flabbergasted. He's liked you for gods who knows how long and you can just casually call him that while he becomes a mess just hugging you?
🌺 His head whips towards you so quickly as he stares at you with wide eyes. How is he supposed to react to this?! Does this mean you like him...? Did you even mean this romantically in the first place? Do you call other people that too?!
🌺 His mind is running and he just kinda... Stares at you in awe. Don't let him down by telling him it was just a joke when he questions you later, he'll be devastated.
🌺 Obito will try and be confident, calling you an affectionate pet name as well but all that comes out is stuttering.
🌺 "Heheh... I think so too, s... S-sweet... Sw-sweethEART OKIMGOINGTOGONOWBYES/O"
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🌻 Goes absolutely red. Hinata already gets embarrassed by little gestures so something like getting called darling is sure to make her pass out!
🌻 Did you really mean that? She hopes so! That small name made her day, and she won't ever forget about it<3
🌻 Of course, she's still too shy to admit her feelings to you. If that was your way of confessing you'd be dumb to not see that she obviously likes you too... You'd probably be dumb to not notice her behavior before, after all Hinata isn't very good at hiding her feelings towards you.
🌻 She wouldn't realize it's a confession of your attraction if that was your motive, so please be more blunt with her.
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🌙 If you think he wouldn't remember, he will. Itachi is a romantic individual, though not as much before a relationship. He takes note of everything S/O says, and will try to hint towards his feelings through small actions and words.
🌙 Absolutely loves it. Itachi will think about the pet name, wondering if you'd mind if he called you that as well. Maybe you'd get embarrassed that you're getting a taste of your own medicine? It's not the humiliation part Itachi would enjoy, but he'd love to see your flustered face.
🌙 Doesn't make a huge fuss when you call him darling, probably doesn't even say anything about it, but has a small smile while thinking about it.
🌙 Will begin to also call you pet names!! It depends on how close you are, but if you two are good friends he'll return your affection. You two probably end up having a lot of romantic tension while everybody suffers watching wondering if one of you two will finally confess or not...
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🪻 Sasuke loves hates it. Do NOT call him that cheesy warm and gooey shit, he will scoff at you then turn his head away. jk he just has an ego to protect
🪻 Hates how it makes him feel. That disgusting ticklish feeling he gets in his stomach and the heat in his face makes him feel weak and vulnerable, so stop that. This is just as bad as a genjutsu and he doesn't like it one bit!
🪻 In reality though, Sasuke adores being called darling. He's just... Really bad at dealing with affection you know? He doesn't know how to react and the feeling of love is so foreign to him, so his only way of reacting is acting like he hates it in hopes of ridding his feelings. (Spoiler alert:it doesn't help one bit.)
🪻 You can catch him with a soft blush and tiny smirk on his face if you can catch a glance before he turns his head. Quit being such a loser and just accept it, Sasuke!
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🪶 This was mentioned in his book, so Sai should act accordingly, right? He'll begin to also call you pet names, and he probably already did before you due to the fact he read a book saying he should...
🪶 Doesn't quite understand the meaning behind the sweet names but he's trying his best
🪶 It makes him happy though, being able to connect with you... Someone he enjoys being around so much, someone who he feels he has a "special" bond with.
🪶It creeps into your twos friendship, and before you know it you two are acting like a married couple with all your affectionate behavior.
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jackhues · 5 months
in which y/n hamilton is trying to fight the menace allegations (japan24)
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liked by pierregasly, kikacgomes, charles_leclerc & others
y/nhamilton: last week at a glance
pinned y/nhamilton: guys nico is fine, he told me himself. -> user: but did he lie to you? -> y/nhamilton: he wouldn't dare
user: omgg the cherry blossoms are so pretty
user: who'd you go bumper cars with? -> y/nhamilton: mick, george, logan, and oscar!
carlossainz55: 🌻🌻 -> y/nhamilton: 🌼🌼
maxverstappen1: no podium pics? this is the second time. i'd like to file a complaint -> y/nhamilton: hello mr. verstappen. to file a complaint, we have a procedure. step one: create a written statement declaring sir lewis hamilton as the 2021 world champion and forsake that title. we will be in contact with you after completion of that step -> user: oh my god girl, get over it. max won fair and square -> maxverstappen1: get off of her page. you're not going to get involved in something that is clearly a joke, something that's been going on for years, and that we're both okay with. -> y/nhamilton: go off mad max
charles_leclerc: hey i was dotd! why am i not up there? -> y/nhamilton: sharl, do you see a single face up there? this is a faceless post -> charlec_leclerc: i'd like to file a complaint -> y/nhamilton: your complaint is noted, balled up, and thrown into the trash -> charles_leclerc: @/lewishamilton your little menace is bullying me again -> lewishamilton: i warned all of you. no one listened to me -> pierregasly: seb said you were exaggerating -> sebastianvettel: is it bad that i wanted my pseudo child to make friends? -> y/nhamilton: why are you all talking about me like i'm some menace who's sole purpose is to wreak havoc? -> charles_leclerc: you are -> pierregasly: you are -> alex_albon: you are -> oscarpiastri: you are -> y/nhamilton: you're all pricks. this is why logan and max are my favs -> logansargeant: thanks broski -> landonorris: HEY! I'M NOT BULLYING YOU -> y/nhamilton: you're also not giving my bracelet back -> landonorris: ... fair
user: love when there's driver lore in the comments
user: oh what i'd give to be y/n hamilton
olliebearman: side eying the mercedes gear slide -> y/nhamilton: my dad still drives for them!! -> olliebearman: mhm okay... -> kimi.antonelli: you should be side eyeing the ferrari car slide -> y/nhamilton: CARLOS PHOTOBOMBED ME! NOT MY FAULT
TAGLIST: @67-angelofthelordme-67 , @somepeoplemaybe , @nothaqks , @theforevermorereject , @thatonesblog , @deviltsunoda , @xoscar03 , @mess-is-my-aesthetic , @d3kstar , @bwormie , @ietts , @sapphiccloud , @helaenatargaryensfavoritebug , @urfavsgf , @raevyng , @khaylin27 , @champomiel , @nikfigueiredo , @danabom1633 , @sugarvibez , @topgunmav1df1 , @alliwantisadonut , @screamforstark , @lifewasawillow7 , @woozarts , @e-nonsense , @bruhhhhhhhhehhhhhhh , @stinkyjax , @certifiedlesbianbaddie , @ecsta-ccy <3
send a message/comment/ask to be added to the taglist!
NOTE: sorry for the long wait, i've got exams going on right now :( don't forget to like + reblog <3
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otomiyaa · 3 months
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Wriothesley x Ticklish Reader
Romantic + 32. “It’s been a while since you laughed.” Requested by @giggly-songbird for my 1K Followers Event 🌻
I was in the mood for some domestic wrio^^
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It was a honor and a privilege, for you as the one and only romantic partner of Wriothesley, Duke of the Fortress of Meropide, Lord Incognito of the murky depths, to know what he was like behind his professional facade and calm, intellectual conversations over a cup of quality tea.
He was really just a big child actually, but he would only show this side to you, and only you. In the best and worst ways possible.
"Wriohahaha! S-stohohop! I'm trying to-gahahah!"
You couldn't even make him a proper meal without suddenly having his fingers on your waist as he tickled you like a small child begging for attention.
"It's been a while since you laughed," he said, creeping his fingers under your shirt and brushing at your sensitive sides with cute and gentle playfulness.
"I lahahaughed this morning! Wri-ahhah hohohold on!" You were sure he didn't forget about wrecking you early in the morning while you were trying to brush your teeth, making you choke on your toothpaste. Such a tease.
"Sorry, what was that?" He didn't even argue; he pretended he didn't hear it! Wah!
"You-aaahhahahck!" You quickly turned off the stove and sank through your knees, curling up as he chased after you and now that you were no longer occupied with making dinner, tickled your sides and stomach mercilessly.
"I like the smell of that. What are you making?" Wriothesley asked casually while he made you squirm and cackle on the floor. He was unbelievable!
"Stohohop i-if you wahahant to f-find out- wahahah!" It was kind of Wriothesley's thing; to tickle you at inconvenient times. He was the type who would surprise you under the shower, not by simply offering to wash your back and showering with you, no, to tickle you mercilessly.
He would pull the same prank when you were doing the dishes, or simply cleaning up or doing the laundry, causing you to drop everything again, or when you were brushing your teeth, like this morning.
Oh big child Wriothesley, would he ever change? Funny thing, you didn't want him to. Even when it was sometimes kind of challenging to deal with.
"I really like your laugh. Did I ever tell you?" he said fondly, pinning you down with only little effort and tickling your tummy like it was nothing. You flailed your arms and laughed hysterically.
"Ohohonly eheheveryday! Heheheh!"
"Now you're exaggerating."
Wriothesley tickled you until you were out of breath and until he was satisfied. He then sat on the floor with you in his arms, in a warm and comfy embrace.
"Don't you want me to finish dinner?" you asked breathlessly. Wriothesley hummed.
"I do. But let's stay like this for a little longer."
You couldn't help but smile and nuzzled his neck. "You're so silly," you whispered fondly, and the two of you then shared a sweet, tender and loving kiss.
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seatnights · 8 months
Who are some of your favorite fan fiction writers?
i spent hours to collect usernames of authors i enjoyed reading from, and i’m sure i missed some, but i tried.
are u ready for this?
authors you SHOULD support:
oneforthemunny / icallhimjoey / jamdoughnutmagician / rosebudsgarden / willowsgri / joequinnisgod / eddiemunsons80sbaby / chrrymunson / eddiemunsonswhxre / lonelysatellites / loveshotzz / usedtobecooler / carolmunson / upsidedownwithsteve / sherifftillman / spicysix / emsgoodthinkin / retrobutterflies / tiannasfanfic / athena-writes-i-guess / shesinchargeareyoukidding / cooliestghouliest / singularattitudeofasafetypin / babybluebex / quinnyfairy / moonchildquinn / i-me-mine / luveline / myosotisa / silent-stories / blueywrites / steviesbicrisis / munson-blurbs / ficsbypix / lovejosephquinn / eddieschains / prettyboyeddiemunson / eddieandbird /pleasantlycrazyworld / corroded-hellfire / trashmouth-richie / justmeinadaze / mopeymopeymouse / munsonslilbunnie / keeponquinning / gatorstillman / allthingsjoeq / jadeylovesmarvelxo / mysticmunson / sugarsblurbs / taintedcigs / gag-me-munson / gravedigginbbydoll / ratskcoreddie / andvys / manicpixiedreamcurl / thruheavenandhighwater / joejoequinnquinn / munsonsreputation / upsidedownmvnson / hellfiresmaster / elightysixbaby / eddiessluttywaist / littledemondani / choke-me-eddie / eddiemunsonsmum / eddiemunsonfuxks / pinkrelish / hllfireclb / indulgence-be-thy-name / wheels-of-despair / hellfiremunsonn / filthyjoetini / ghost-proofbaby / havecourage-darling / forever-rogue / queenimmadolla / josephfakingquinn / roanniom / bimbobaggins69 / songforeddiemunson / munsons-hellfire / honey-flustered / eddie-van-munson / storiesbyrhi / lovebugism / neonghostlights / harrywavycurly / chestylarouxx / courtingchaos / galaxy-siren / harringtons-cupid / hard-candy-writing / wroteclassicaly / raccoonboywrites / dr-aculaaa / palomahasenteredthechat / palomahasenteredthechat / forevermoreharrington / corrodedcorpses / strangerquinns / sunnythevampireslayer / lesservillain / stevenose / eddiesxangel / stveharringtn / spookysteddie / keeksandgigz / darlingsfandom / her-power / idkidknemore / francisquinn / inkluvs / ashwhowrites / hellfire--cult / succubusmunson / v8mpstamp / stevieswhore / munsons-maiden / rustboxstarr / corrodedseraphine / reidsbtch / lexlec / katiemcrae / the-unforgivenn / keerysfolklore / appocalipse / familyvideowithsteve / tiannamortis / joekeeryswife / bettyfrommars / cinemamunson / munson-mjstan / teddyeyeseddie / lofaewrites / mediocredreams / leasstories
here we have 137 authors, i didn’t tag anyone cuz i would probably have disturbed half of the fandom, sorry if it’s more difficult this way, but i hope i could help you a bit.
obviously, there’s no order of preference of any kind, and i tried to put as many authors as i could but i know i’ve missed someone. if i did, i’m deeply sorry, it wasn’t on purpose and i have nothing against you! if you wish you can message me or slide in my ask and ill add you immediately!
now, i’m a bit tired after all of this, and my hand hurts but:
they put their works for free!!! everyone can enjoy media and content for free thanks to them! and it cost you nothing to reblog and share their work.
thank you for every creators / writers/ artist out there to make every single works of yours and sharing them with the world. all of you deserve so much, and thanks to you for so many people the day gets better, it’s like having a sweet little treat, like taking care of yourself, like finding a place where you are understood. so, thank you infinitely. keep it up cause you’re doing amazing!
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silverware-drawer · 1 year
🟥 felppps-6391 🔁 cellbo
🔎 cellbo Seguir
why is my castle full of smoke
🟥 felppps-6391
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🟥 felppps-6391
4 notas
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🪑 what-the-muffin 🔁 kocwillrock
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
guys whart happens if you set cocaine on fire you have one minute adn then im trying it
0_0 . . .whart
💣 endcrystalenjoyer Seguir
🪺 philza Seguir
🔰 etoyless Seguir
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
#heeheeheeheehee #prank tag
26 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 its-nice-to-miku
🐦 its-nice-to-miku Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
403 notas
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🪷 quackitieeee 🔁 elmar1an4
🌻 elmar1an4 Seguir
es lunes 😏 alguien quiere ser mi novio 😜
🦠 backflipo-numero-uno Seguir
🌻 elmar1an4 Seguir
yes ok I am waiting in the bedroom
🦠 backflipo-numero-uno Seguir
okay give me a couple of minutes
🪷 quackitieeee
what the fuck is wrong with you guys
5 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 cellbo
🔪 cell-bites
você vai se arrepender disso nunca esquecerei o quão saborosa sua perna era
Umm. . . .what the fuck ??
why the hell are people in the notes acting like this is real lmfao did you idiots forget that people LIE on the INTERNET
okay, but has nobody noticed how this lines up perfectly with that insane alcatraz breakout that was in the news last month, only this was posted first??
i'm dying y'all are so fucking dumb LMFAO
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
899.113 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 its-nice-to-miku
🪺 philza Seguir
Get you a man with two hundred and twenty seven alt accounts that are all in constant danger of being banned for hacking
💣 tnt-cannoff-1748 Seguir
God damn, hit on by Philza Minecraft himself, never thought I'd see the day 😳
🪺 philza Seguir
Lmao nah mate but I am hitting your gym. Give me ten minutes
💣 big-daddy-bigger-breakfast Seguir
Hell yeah
589 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 4ever-420
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🐥 baghz-quacks Seguir
I don't know what youre talking about forever, it was a verified presidential post ?
🪺 philza Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
nem fodendo 👀
3,066 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 missa-not-missing
👑 chay-chay-chefs-blade Seguir
extra pics of the cake process because lulah told me to post them o7
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
🪺 philza Seguir
Missa :D you finally back in wifi range?
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
Thirty minutes!!
🪺 philza Seguir
. . .you good mate? It's been hours
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
699 notas
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🚇 tubbohell 🔁 philza
🔰 etoyless Seguir
L+ratio well played gf
🪑 what-the-muffin
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
🚇 tubbohell
am I missing something since when does etoiles have a girlfriend???
342 notas
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🪑 what-the-muffin 🔁 what-the-muffin
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
🪑 what-the-muffin
hey foolish what does étoiles use when it rains
🪑 what-the-muffin
. . .a cucumbrella 0_0
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🕓 4ever-420 ☑️🇧🇷 Seguir
Hi bad :D
🪑 what-the-muffin
Hi forever :D
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
666 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 ⚠️ pactriggerwarning
🦄 ayyyyypierre Seguir
If you want free GEGGS come to the GEGG factory under the statue of GEGG
🎼 wilbur-soot-official ☑️
i fucking hate gegg
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🔎 cellbo Seguir
this is the only thing he's ever posted?!??!??????
⚽ doctor-ovo Seguir
🪪 elquackity ☑️
🧪 aquimicaehloka Seguir
what the hell
624 notes · View notes
wheatnoodle · 1 year
i love you, evangeline
og post | p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 | p5
“so,” dustin says around a mouthful of french toast that has him spewing crumbs everywhere, “can i ask about…y’know…you becoming…you?”
“yeah, sure. ask away. we didn’t do secrets before this,” evie freezes briefly as she grabs a napkin to give him. her face cringes slightly. “sorry about that, by the way.”
dustin flaps the napkin to wave her worry off. “dude, you could literally get killed if you tell the wrong person.”
“way to remind us,” robin rolls her eyes over her coffee mug.
“anyways!” evie cuts in with a clap of her hands. “your questions?”
“oh! right. i wrote them down,” dustin says and pulls out his phone to open his notes.
“he wrote them down,” robin repeats sarcastically under her breath, earning a snort from evie and a glare from dustin that has her raising her hands in surrender.
dustin takes a sip of his orange juice and clears his throat. “okay. did you know before you left hawkins? how did you figure it out?”
“yeah, i knew before i left. i think right around when the whole…vecna thing happened was when i really understood what was up,” evie nods thoughtfully, “like, i always felt…different? or just lost, i guess. and then with starting to find words to put to my feelings, like transgender and dysphoria, it started to feel like maybe i wasn’t so weird. robin and i went shopping and tried on like skirts and stuff and that was wild. and then i started thinking about all the girls i had dated and what that meant, and honestly, i think i wanted to be them rather than be with them.”
“so if you didn’t want to be with them, are you gay? or…i guess straight? like you like dudes?” dustin asks, his brows drawn as he listens.
“y’know, i haven’t really thought too much about it but…yeah,” she shrugs. “i guess i’d say i’m straight since i like men.”
“cool,” he nods with a smile. “damn, so even as a girl, you and robin still won’t date.”
“oh dude, i was struggling helping her out with everything after her boob job. i swear, i was no better than a man,” robin says across the table.
“she wore an ace bandage as a blind fold,” evie laughs, tossing her head back. dustin giggles as he watches robin pick up the newspaper to smack evie with, her cheeks bright red.
“is it only robin and now me who knows?” he continues along with his questioning.
“you two and my dad’s secretary since he didn’t feel like answering the phone. she congratulated me, by the way,” evie smirks at the end. just picturing her dad’s face if he were to hear the news. the rage, the steam coming from his ears. screams that could be heard blocks away as he throws another lamp. and his loyal secretary of 8 years has already congratulated his daughter and told her how happy she is for her. robin high fives her every time she gets to mention it.
“damn! i cant imagine how much that took for you to cal him. nice work,” dustin smiles proudly. “would you ever want to tell more people from hawkins?”
she’s silent for a minute. it’s something she didn’t think she’d ever consider doing. and yet, she can’t outright say no.
“i think so. someday. i hope.”
“i could…ease them into the idea so it’s less of a shock? just like…gauge where everyone’s head is at in regards to transgender individuals, give you two updates, see where to go from there?” dustin suggests with a shrug. robin’s brows raise under bangs. now that’s an idea she hasn’t had yet.
“that sounds…good,” evie nods confidently after a second, a new smile blooming on her face. robin cheers from her seat and throws her arms in the air. “just be subtle! don’t walk in all ‘hey guys, how do you feel about hypermasculine jocks from small towns turning into women who wanna be barbie?’.”
“oh no, you stole my plan word for word,” dustin rolls his eyes. “no shit i’ll be subtle. it’s a shame a side effect of estrogen isn’t intelligence.”
“don’t forget i’m hosting you,” evie warns with a pointed finger.
“yes, mom,” he sighs heavily, “okay, you can stop me if this is too far. you said you got your boobs done, did you get…like…the surgery? like the surgery?”
“not too far, honestly. yeah, i got it about…a year ago, actually! ahh happy birthday to me!” evie claps excitedly.
“does it work?”
“i just don’t get why he hasn’t said anything. he said he would update us what she’s like, i mean c’mon, he’s the first one invited over! the first one allowed over! he promised to text when he got there, what if something happened? did everyone die? him and robin are silent! nobody answers their texts!”
“eddie! will you please just stop? dustin is fine and i am sure he isn’t wooing your fairy princess, love of your life, big stupid crush, ms evangeline,” gareth groans. he’s laying upside down on the couch in his and eddie’s apartment, curls dangling to the ground. it’s been forever of listening to eddie gush about robin’s roommate and now it’s just even worse with dustin staying with them. the least eddie could do is stop pacing in front of him, he’s making him motion sick watching his legs go back and forth.
finally, eddie flips down next to him with a heavy sigh. he takes a long swig of his beer, effectively draining half of it down his throat, before just staring at the ceiling.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry. you’re right. everything’s fine. plus, it’d be pretty fucked of him to go flirt with her when i called dibs.”
“you can’t dibs a woman-“
“yeah, yeah, shut up.” eddie lightly kicks at gareth’s shoulder. he sighs again, his finger fiddling with the wrapper on his beer bottle. “…do you think he’s mentioned me?”
“that’s it, i need a knife.”
taggie waggies:
@lololol-1234 @xo-r4e @paintsplatteredandimperfect @homohomohoe @charlies-candid-corner @tartarusfairy @howincrediblysapphicofyou @steddie-as-they-go @bestwifehaver @sexymothmanincarnate @zoeweee @romanticdestruction @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @breadboi66 @shadowofaliar @mollymawkwrites @lofaewrites @estrellami-1 @ronance-is-my-wife @afewproblems @heartsong18 @discount-izukumidoriya @mightbeasleep @bookbinderbitch @justforthedead89 @onehandedbitch @anxiouseds @sunfloweringstories @cyranyx @thegingerrapunzel @hequet @herebedragons404 @magpiemuseum @scheodingers-muppet @the-ghost-in-your-curtains @background-noise-headache @steddieloverrr @punctualhowell @musical-theatre-gay @its-a-me-a-morgan @chronically-stupid-human @stevesbipanic @says-swag-unironically
677 notes · View notes
luneariaa · 8 months
just smth about you working at a cafe,, and higu pays you a visit. plot is almost going nowhere hshshs,, and yes this is as fluffy as it can get lmao.
. dividers by @/cafekitsune !! 🌻
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The sounds of the bells ringing from atop of the entrance door caught your attention, which is a signal that someone has walked into the cafe that you’re currently working at. The cafe itself was actually being run by one of your friends, which she had offered you a place to work there back then. 
Upon noticing the familiar face of your beloved, a happy smile immediately made its way to your face; hands automatically starting to brew some fresh hot coffee for him as usual. Higuruma didn’t need to tell you anything– you always knew his favourite drink whatsoever. 
Heck, even making some of his favourite sandwiches out of love for him. The dark-haired attorney always appreciates your efforts in ways that you possibly imagined.
By the time he’s about to make some order by the counter, you have already placed the coffee in front of him– which always, and always managed to catch him by surprise, before thanking you for your sweet and thoughtful gesture.
Higuruma sips on his coffee slowly after finding a rather reserved seat just nearby where you are; trying to savour the taste of it, yet his eyes couldn’t resist from glancing at your form occasionally. You were always so hardworking to him, and it’s one of your main traits that he finds captivating. 
“What’s with the stare?” You let a small chuckle out of you, now noticing how he begins to not shy away his constant gaze at you. He returns the same chuckle, propping one hand atop of the counter and rests his head there.
“What, I can’t appreciate looking at you and admiring your beauty?” Higuruma replies in a slightly lower tone, yet with a hint of teasing, as if to make sure you’re the only one who heard it closely.
“That’s kinda sappy,” you laughed humorously, yet also finding it actually sweet. “I appreciate that.”
His breath begins to hitch in his throat when you decide to do a bit of a bold move– gradually and slightly leaning your face closer to his, but still leaving some space for him to breathe.
“Could say the same to you, Mr. Lawyer.” 
His reaction actually satisfies you once you retreat from your initial stance; getting him all flustered that he had to loosen his tie a bit, and the clearing of his throat. Luckily, by some miracle, no one saw it.
But your co-worker friend has sent you a cheeky grin from afar, letting you have your moment alone with him, even though your shift is almost over. She’s the sweetest.
“Not so sappy when it’s just the truth.”
“But still..” You both shared a heartwarming laugh with one another. At least, you’re here to make him try to forget about his stresses from earlier cases.
“I’m not gonna take back what I’ve been saying though,” Higuruma grins lovingly at you. “I think your hard work alone would put even my skills to shame.”
“Nah, don’t sell yourself short!”
“Did anything happen today?” You finally changed the topic with another, wanting to know about your beloved instead as you gazed at him intently. All the while placing your hand atop of his as a sign of unspoken comfort.
“Got a quite difficult case today actually,” he shrugs and slouches over slightly; grasping back onto your hand with an equal affection underlying within it. 
“It’s just the usual client stuff, don’t worry. I’m handling it alright so far, but enough about me. How are things going here? How are you doing?”
A quiet exhale came from you by his answer. Even when his day isn’t really going well, he always has you in his mind instead– a trait that you find endearing, but it didn’t manage to stop the feeling of concern from resurfacing for his well-being.
“Everything’s going well here, don’t worry about me.”
“I’m so sorry that you had a rough day,” you gave your beloved a sympathetic smile. “Is there anything I can do about it?”
“Well–” His thumb brushes along your knuckles ever so tenderly, as if he’s afraid of possibly hurting you in the process. “--your presence alone is already enough for me, I promise you.”
“Just a little tired, that is. But it’ll pass soon; I’ve worked through tougher cases before.”
Knowing all too well that any attempt to shot back his statement will be futile, you eventually sighed in agreement. “Just don’t be too harsh on yourself.”
He merely nodded, not wanting to worry you any further, and lifts one of your hands up to his lips– pressing a soft kiss on it, which is enough to make you a bit of a flustered mess from his actions alone. You’re highly aware that it might be hard for him to try and do so; knowing how much of a passionate man he can be, especially anything about justice. 
“Are you able to wait for a bit more? My shift will end soon.” You tell while your eyes checked on the clock that’s hanging on the wall. “Or if you have to go back to work– I’m alright with it.”
The dark-haired attorney only gave a slight, comforting shake of his head. “Well, I do have to get some stuff back in the office.”
“I don’t think anyone’s around there at this time, so we can go there together. It won’t take long.”
“Then, we can grab some dinner outside tonight. How’s that sound?”
And who could’ve refuse such offer? It sounds amazing already for the both of you.
“That’s a deal then!”
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© 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜.
184 notes · View notes
jgrills · 10 months
!?(・_・,? ♡
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tw: fluff, rooftop date ^^, and exhausted reader.
the reader can also see his border!
but otherwise, no warnings really.
sorry for not writing lately!! I haven't had a bunch of motivation.
make sure to take a break, eat some food, plenty of rest, don't forget to drink water!!
Take care of yourself!!
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It had been a long week for you, your professors seemed to want to drown you in assignments and homework. You haven't had a blink of sleep since.. Monday.
You were at your desk, the sight of ruined markers, cluttered papers, and sticky notes ruining your mood even more, full of all sorts of marked papers, good, bad, and neutral. The calming music your friends recommend only aggravates you more, your computer screen illuminating your figure. You groan, rubbing your eyes, refusing to acknowledge the 16 pages left of the assignment.
You don't even remember the last time you saw Hobie, you've been so busy drowning in assignments, that you miss several calls from Hobie, or your friends.
You close your computer, put the papers in a messy stack, put the markers somewhere random, and flop on the bed, you can't even sleep.
You start to drift off, getting under the covers and putting your head on the pillow, closing your eyes.
knock knock
"Are you serious.." You groan, slinging the covers off of you, and walking to the door. You open the door, looking around.
You don't see anybody.
"Hello?" You rub your eyes, then look down, you see a cd with a note on it.
"Hi! I know you've been stressed with exam prep, but please go to the roof!!" -Miles Morales
"P.S: It's worth it!"
You go back in your room, getting a comfortable outfit on, lacing up your shoes, and putting your room key in your pant pocket.
"Okay, let's go" You close the door, not forgetting to grab your bag, setting an OUT note by your door, locking it, and walking to the elevator.
The emptiness of the hallway eaves you with a sort of calming sensation, the closed doors, the many numbers, and the floor seems paranormal. You thought the elevator was more closer to your room, you look down at your phone.
1 message from 🌻
🌻: Did you get the note? (˘ŏ_ŏ)
[ ]: Yeah, I'm coming.
🌻: Okay, enjoy! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
You close the message, and put on some music, pressing the RF button, and watching as the doors closed. You feel the elevator rise, looking out of the windows and seeing all the bright lights, the moving cars, and the traffic lights turning different colors.
This was way more interesting than your apartment room view.
The elevator dings, the doors opening, you check your phone again.
[ ]: Miles are you sure? There's no one up here"
🌻: Look to your left.
You look towards your left, seeing Hobie taking off his mask, holding two lunchboxes, sitting by the edge of the roof, his border full of !?'s and a light pink color.
[ ] Thank you!
🌻: Your welcome! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
You put your phone away, walking towards him "Hey Hobie" you say, going over and sitting down beside him. "What's up? I got Miles' note to come up here."
Hobie waves you off playfully, "Hey, I wanted you to come up because I knew you needed a load off your shoulders" He hands you a lunchbox, with a fork on top.
"Thank you" You cheered, opening the latch of the light brown box, unrevealing the small white bow, revealing a small cake with your favorite fruits, colors, and designs on it, the small confetti wrap cradling the cake is adorned with several designs of hand-drawn hearts on it, the cake fits perfectly on the confection, and the size of the box, showing how much thought was put into this gift.
You look to the top of the inside of the box, the top reveals a red heart-folded piece of paper with tape on it, you take the clear tape off slowly, not wanting to mess up anything. Unfolding it, it reveals a note from Hobie:
"Love you" it's written in many different writing materials, mixed with Hobie's messy yet perfect writing.
"You're so sweet, did you get one for yourself?" You tease, putting the lunchbox in your lap.
"Of course, I can't have you eating mine" He teases back, nudging you while picking up his fork, taking a bite of his cake, some icing smearing by his mouth.
"Whatever" You roll your eyes, eating some of yours, the sweetness of the pastry hitting your taste buds, and you hum in satisfaction, chewing the treat and looking down at the city.
You see Hobie's fork approaching your cake, you try to swat his hand away, but it's too late, he's already eating your pastry.
"Hobie!" You exclaim, reaching your fork to his pastry, but you're interrupted when he shoves a fork full of his pastry in your mouth, then tak it back out after you eat it.
You cover your mouth, not knowing how to react after tasting his pastries' flavor, it was a mix of his and your favorite flavors.
"Wow, that's good" you mutter, still embracing the flavors of the pastry.
"I know right? Yours is good also" He says, taking a few more bites from your cake.
After this moment, the brown lunchboxes sit nearby, the confetti wrapping swaying softly in the breeze. You and Hobie both relax, stealing kisses, hugging, making jokes, and just taking comfort in each other's presence.
"I know I don't say it enough, but I'm proud of you, even with all this exam prep you're doing, you never gave up, and I love you," He says, his head in your lap as you run your hands on his wicks.
"Fuck" You check your phone, going to the assignment page, a late notice greeting you as soon as you open the app.
"What happened?"
"My work was due at 11:59..." You groan, tilting your head back, closing your eyes.
"Still love you"
"You're not making this any better."
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and many thanks to @adorefavv for the lunchbox cake idea + more details !!
-have a fluffy blanket and a warm drink.
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154 notes · View notes
magnusbae · 8 months
If you're interested, here's a prompt from the ones who just shared:
"Then why did you do it?" "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!"
No rush hehe I hope you get rest and have fun writing this!
Now, see, I could have taken this as an open prompt and went with something else, but I know you like dreamling and so I was good.
Thanks for the prompt dear! 💖 Also special thanks goes to @cuubism for actually going through it 🌻🌻🌻 any mistakes are me ignoring her wisdom or straight up forgetting to edit it. one of the two.
Dreamling - some flavor of hurt/comfort(?) 'you dare?' kind of situation going on there, 1,394w
“I cannot fathom why—” 
Dream halts mid-sentence, his outrage rendering him speechless for a precious moment in which Hob tries, fruitlessly, to come up with a way to placate him, to explain in a way that will somehow pass as acceptable to Dream. The betrayal is tangible in the air, so charged that Hob’s hair actually stands on end as if from static. It feels like standing at your front door, still safe but seeing the hurricane on the horizon, knowing that this false safety can and will change in moments. Hob cannot think of a single thing. 
“You.” Dream grits his teeth so tightly that they scrape loudly, the sound of it making Hob’s own teeth ache uncomfortably. “Know.” Dream says each word as if it takes a great burden to even use human speech and not simply burn a hole in Hob’s mind. Given Dream’s past record, which Hob had recently learnt of, perhaps it does. “You know I do not ask.”
“I know.” Hob winces.
There’s no denying that he knew. Knew full well that asking Dream’s sibling for help was a guaranteed way to not only outrage him, but also land Hob a very creative punishment and the end of their long friendship.
He knew that, and did it anyway. 
Would again, if he had to.
He will not apologize for that.
Dream seems to come to the same conclusion, cheeks reddening in a surprising display of humanity, of lack of control over his appearance. The darkness that creeps into his eyes is distinctly not human. Hob shudders but fixes his eyes on Dream’s, refusing to avert his eyes like a reprimanded youth. He did what he did, and he’s not sorry.
''Then.” To Hob’s surprise, Dream seems to level himself, to school the darkness out of his eyes and ask with a calm that is somehow more unnerving than his rage. “Why did you do it?" There is a finality to this question, like a judge asking for one last confession to tip the scale one way or another. There will be judgment at the end of it, Hob knows. 
“Because…” he sucks in a breath, there’s a ball of nerves in his stomach and frustration, surprising him with its intensity, it feels almost like anger.
Why is he here, searching for excuses for something he believes in wholeheartedly? He doesn’t want to learn firsthand of Dream’s notorious pettiness but he’s not here to play these sort of games. 
The outraged huff is stuck in his throat— he didn’t even realize he had raised his voice this much, not until the ring of it strains his ears. He is practically shouting. And he doesn’t care. 
There’s anger in it, frustration, a measure of desperation.
“I bloody love you more than I fear you, that’s why.” His own cheeks burn, itch, tingle with the indignation of it all. “Because I’m a besotted fool who would make a pact with the devil if I had to, if it meant helping you.” He gestures curtly at Dream, then spreads his arm in an exaggerated motion of question. “Why else? Seriously, why else?!” He stops at that, breathing harshly. This is not how he had imagined, not even close. Fuck it. And fuck Lucifer, too. And Dream’s all too pleased sibling, on top.
Through his outburst Hob had stopped paying attention to Dream’s face, only his eyes, latching onto them as if they were his anchor in this universe, the only constant thing, in life, in this.
When he finally looks, really looks, he realizes with a start that Dream’s cheeks are no longer red with anger, that his eyebrows are not as tightly knitted, that his pale lips form a small and lax ‘o’. 
His friend looks taken aback, pacified and…surprised.
Like he couldn’t fathom this being the reason for Hob’s supposed betrayal of trust. Like this was the last rationale he had expected to hear, like he, an Endless being of incomprehensible wisdom, is unable to conceive this simple truth. Like he’s at a loss now.
Like he’s a bloody idiot. Hob shakes his head in amazement, his own anger evaporating as quickly as it came. Yet again he wonders how it is possible to be all knowing and yet so blind, so oblivious to such a simple truth, one Hob didn’t even try too hard to hide, really.
“I know you didn’t want me to,” he softens his voice, speaking more quietly “but I really didn’t have a choice. If I could do this on my own, you know I would have, I’d do worse for you.” He smiles at Dream, he doesn’t even try to sound self-deprecating, it’s the honest truth. He would.
His hand drops by his side and he awaits then, for his judgment.
“You love, me?”
Hob doesn't know how to respond to such a simple question other than–
“I do.”
There’s nothing else to add to that, he said it all, he did it all, even Dream must understand this is no passing fancy. One does not risk their immortal soul for something insignificant. Especially not Hob. One does it when it means everything. And in this case, it did. Dream did. 
Dream seems to again, come to the same conclusion. 
He wilts, shoulders sagging. He looks both much older and much younger at the same time, like this knowledge has stricken him, hurt him.
“You shouldn’t” is all he says. 
“But I do.” Hob answers in return. 
“I see that.” Dream’s voice is a whisper carried by the breeze, gentle, endless, aching. He looks torn in that moment, the judge whose scales no longer measure in any understandable manner. He casts his gaze down. 
“Just let me,” Hob says. He did not come here demanding boons, nor love, only to help Dream. “Forgive my impudent human inclinations to save what I love, and let us continue as we were. Friends. “
“Friends…” Dream repeats after him, as if in disbelief.
Dream opens his mouth to say more—to accept or refuse, Hob doesn’t know—but in that exact moment Matthew half-crashes, half-lands on Dream’s shoulder, a flutter of black feathers and barely muffled curses.
“Boss! Oh for fuck’s sake— I mean cracker’s sake— I mean what the hell— I mean you’re fine—you’re actually okay, I was sure that this time you’re like legit—” he notices Hob then, and cawing loudly he curses again “You actually did it you son of a bitch— you really did!” His wings open excitedly, brushing against Dream’s face, covering it up.
“Uh-” Matthew folds his wings immediately. 
Hob looks at Dream then, the moment is decidedly broken but he has to know if he’d see him again, he can’t just go on not knowing, it’ll drive him insane. “Dream—” he starts, but Dream speaks over him.
“We will discuss this—” Dream’s lips tighten, eyes flicking to Matthew and then back at Hob. “At a later time.” He concludes rather curtly, seemingly deciding that addressing exactly what they will be discussing is not something he wants his Raven to be privy to.
“Right…” Hob murmurs, not speaking further of the topic either. It’s one thing to break Dream’s boundaries over life and death, another entirely over his own impatience and need to know. Dream wanting to see him again at all is already a damn good sign, and Hob will take it, gladly.
“I’ll see you later then, Dream” He uses the name even while not being sure he is still permitted to, that he did not lose the privilege. Dream tilts his head but doesn’t object, instead he nods once and disappears in a swirl of golden sand.
“Show off…” Hob murmurs into the empty air, shaking his head in disbelief. There’s a good feeling in his gut, he should probably be worried but he has a feeling that things will work out, that it all will be just fine. He can’t explain it, but he has learnt to trust his gut over the years. After all, it once led him to believe that he would never die.
It was right then, and it’ll be right now too. He and Dream will figure it out and will be better for it. Just like the other time, just like always. 
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scarletwinterxx · 1 year
loving you is easy - mark lee imagine
hiiiii, 127 cb i have been summoned😅 for the past few weeks i've been inactive on all socmeds, sorry for the very few and slow posts. anyways, let's talk Fact Check haha what's your fave track? i think mine's Parade. the vocals in that one is soooo good.
So yeah i hope you like this one, i'll be back when I can💛🌻
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"It's one plane ride away, I'll be there in 3 months"
"That's 3 months too long" he grumbles, still pouting as he zips the last of his luggage. Mark hated being away for you, too many days and nights your time zone's don't line up. By the time it's morning for you, he'll be saying goodnight.
But now, things are about to change. This will be the last time you're saying goodbye to him for a long time but he doesn't know that. For now it's your little secret.
"It'll fly by fast, just like every other time. Now come here and give me cuddles, stop pouting like a kid" you tease him, opening your arms to welcome him.
Feeling his arms go around you, you further confirmed a fact you've known for years. The two of you can be continents away from each other, but your heart will always stay with one another. Mark really has become your home and in his arms are where you feel the safest and most loved.
"If you're sad then it's gonna make me sad, I don't want the last night to be all tears" you tell him, feeling his embrace tighten against you. He kisses the top of your head a few times before letting you go.
"You're right, sorry. No more sulking, it's just 3 months then you'll come to me" he smiles at you, the cute little dimple you love so much appearing on his cheek. You stand on your tiptoe to kiss it, savoring the warmth of him against your lips.
And you were right, the 3 months did fly by fast. Mainly because you were busy packing your apartment to move to another continent. You didn't keep much apart from your stuff and some of Mark's. It's kind of hard to travel with everything so you got rid of what you can.
The only person who knew you were coming was Johnny, who is currently waiting for you at the airport. Easily spotting the 6 foot Chicago guy from a distance.
"There she is! About time you got here, I don't think I can take another day of Mark whining about how much he misses you" he jokes, giving you a quick hug and taking your stuff to carry it himself.
"He doesn't know I'm coming, I'm suppose to fly out this weekend" you tell him while following behind
"Oh believe me I know, he won't let us forget"
You chuckle at his story, just thinking about surprising Mark makes you grin.
He dropped you off at Mark's apartment, you're familiar with the place since you've stayed here every time you fly over. What he doesn't know is you're here to stay with him for good.
It did took a lot of courage to make this decision but you didn't doubt it for a second. You know there's no other place you'd rather call home than where he is.
For a couple of hours you rested, cleaned the few dishes on the sink and picked up the towel he threw on the floor. A habit you knew he had, you've had that talk with him more than a few times and he always promises he won't do it again. You let him off the hook, for now.
You were in the bedroom when you hear someone by the door. Mark entered his place, tired from the whole day of work to notice the other pair of shoes by the door.
He threw his bag by the couch, along with his coat. He then walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, resting against the counter while he drinks and take a moment to look around.
This time he notices the dishes he was suppose to do this morning was gone. He brushed it off thinking he must've just forgotten he already did it. He then walked to the bedroom, the first thing he noticed was the towel that he definitely threw by the bed this morning. He remembers it because he's been thinking about it all day and how you'll be mad if you found out he threw it on the floor yet again.
He looks around, checking to see anything missing or different just in case someone broke in. But who would clean up if they're here to steal, he thoughts.
Mark then walks towards the bathroom to check, nothing there too so he walks back the bedroom. Just when he was about to go outside, you jumped out of your hiding spot to surprise him
"WHAT THE F- OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" you didn't even get the chance to walk towards him because he's already running to you. Picking you up in an embrace.
"Is this for real or am I dreaming?" you hear him mumble
You giggle, patting him on the back so he could put you down. "This is real silly. I'm really here" you tell him.
He grabs you by the face and kisses you. As his lips lands on yours, he knew this was really real. You're actually here with him.
You can feel him smile against your lips, tilting your head to the side to kiss him deeper. Too many days wish he was with you, now he's here and you're not going to let go that easily.
He walks backwards until the back of his legs hit the bed. Landing on it gently with you still in his arms. You straddle his legs while the two of you get lost in each others kisses.
"Okay okay wait a sec" you giggle, pushing your lover away gently. Mark follows your lips though, kissing you a few more times before he lets you go but not too far.
"When did you get here?" he asks you
"Today, Johnny picked me up at the airport so I could surprise you" you tell him, your hands intertwine around his shoulders.
"I could've come and pick you up" he pouts.
Oh your sweet sweet boy.
You smile at him, rubbing your nose against his. Feeling like you're on cloud nine now that you're back together.
"Then it wouldn't be a surprise" you tell him, speaking of surprise you can't wait to see his reaction once you tell him your news.
"How long are you staying? I can take a few days off so we can go out" he tells you excitedly.
For you he would do just about anything. He can put his world on pause, stop everything for you.
"About that..."
"What? You can't stay that long?" he asks, already feeling sad but he tries not to let you see it.
"Actually, I'm not gonna go back" you tell him, not sure how to break the news to him either
"Surprise number 2 I guess, I wanted to tell you for months now but I waited until everything is settled. So yeah. I'm here to stay, that is if you're looking for a roommate?" you ask
Mark didn't say anything for a couple of seconds, your words still processing in his mind.
"You mean you're staying here, with me ? Here? and you're not going to fly back? You're staying with me?"
You can't help but laugh lightly at him, pulling him closer once again to kiss him
"I'm gonna stay right here" you whisper, looking straight into his eyes.
"But what about your work? your friends? I can't ask you to leave your life there"
"Baby you're not asking me, I want to. I have friends here too, I can call my friends there and we can visit them. Plus you're my bestfriend. As for work, it just so happened they were looking for someone to relocate here to Korea. It was like fate wanted me to be here"
"Are you sure? I don't want you to give up everything, I don't mind the flights-"
"You do, I do. We both do. We just never said it outloud because we didn't want to be sad, but all I can think of when you're not around is how much I want to be with you. To be honest it's harder for me to be there than moving here where I know I could be with you"
He looks at you, trying to find the words to say
"Are you really really sure?" he asks again
"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't. So you're stuck with me, for good" you tease a smile out of him
"It's hard for me too. It's the hardest when I'm so tired and I come back here and all I can think of is how much I want to come home to you. Every flight away from you was never easy"
"I know"
"So I guess this is your anniversary present?" he jokingly asks, you get off of his lap to stand up.
"It'll be hard to top this one" you joke
"I can just ask you to marry me" he says ever so casually, not missing how your cheeks reddened. You hit him lightly making your boyfriend laugh
"Hey, that's not fair"
"You're the one who's stuck me, you know I'm never letting you go now?"
"Good, cause I'm not going anywhere. Here's to 7 more years"
He smile at you before standing up to hug you again,
As you stare at each other eyes you can't help but feel this warm sensation in your chest. You really are home.
"I read somewhere that our cells change every 7 years or so" you mumble, he hums waiting for you to continue
"It's been 7 years since we first met, and until now I still feel the same way about you. I want every cell in my body to know what it feels like to love you, I want it to never forget how warm and lovely it feels it be in love with you. 7 years from now, 14 years and until the last cycle of this life, I want all of me to love all of you"
He stares at you, soaking each word coming out of your lips like a spell enchanting him. Making him fall even deeper in love with you.
"You know they say love isn't easy, but loving you is easy. It's like it's the only thing my heart and soul was made for. Every thought in my head, awake or even in my dreams, is always you" he tells you.
You can feel the tears starting to build up from too much happiness you're feeling right now.
"Wanna hear something crazy?" you mumble
"Do tell" he chuckles
"If you ask me to marry you right now, I'd say yes"
He smiles at you before closing the distance once again, like he just sealed a promise. Speaking a silent vow to make that come true, maybe tonight or tomorrow or 7 days/months from now. All he knows is he will live this life with you.
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spideyanakin · 1 year
Cedric Diggory x reader
Based on Heather by Conan Gray
Synopsis - ‘As she walks by, what a sight for sore eyes, she’s got you mesmerized.’ Cedric is oblivious to your feelings, so you end up watching as he dates a girl that isn't you. Will the two of you get a happy ending?
Masterlist 🧚🏻‍♀️
Cedric Diggory Masterlist 🌻
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I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater
It was a cold day - a third of December to be exact. It was late in the afternoon and quidditch practice had just ended. You were drenched in sweat, your bright red Gryffindor quidditch jersey barely shielding you from the cold now that your body was cooling down from the exercise.
You fished in your bag but loudly cursed when you realized you had forgotten to pack your sweater and jacket. Fred had asked you to do something for him right before practice, making you almost late and also making you forget half of the things you wanted to pack on one of the Burgundy common room chairs.
A shiver slipped passed your lips, eyes darting up to the gloomy pathway leading up back to the castle. A thin strip of paved stone slithering up through the grass, the polished stones shining as rain poured down its hill.
You swallowed, wondering how you were going to make it back to the castle without freezing to death. You watched as the one and only Harry Potter got out of the changing room--all cozily wrapped up in warm layers of clothes, a big Gryffindor scarf wrapped around his neck, and a knitted sweater poking from under his blue raincoat
You really wished that could be you right now.
Keep reading
That was until your savior's voice broke you out of your spiraling thoughts like he always did.
Your name, so perfectly coming out of his lips, making butterflies flutter deep in the pit of your stomach. You tried to calm them down, try to make your heart beat calm before lifting your gaze to his. Eyes clashing with his grey ones. Like always, you felt the shivers tumble down your spine.
"Let me guess," he had a slight smile to his tone, the corner of his lips fighting to not form a teasing smirk, "you forgot your sweater?" The corner of his lips couldn't hold out the smirk any longer as your face fell in defeat.
"I think so," your eyes went back to the small window by the door, the pouring rain was threatening to turn to snow later in the evening. You bit your lip at the thought of walking through this storm in an already drenched quidditch jersey.
"What am I going to do with you?" He smiled, a bright smile that made you weak in the knees.
"I don't know Ced," you shrugged, brushing of the way his eyes never left you.
"Here," he didn't think twice before handing you his. "I know it's not Gryffindor but I'm sure it will at least keep you warm until you get back inside," all your thoughts froze in place, and for a second it felt as though it was only you and him in the small space between the changing rooms.
He was towering over you, arm reached towards you and his yellow sweater balled up in his hand. "Plus, it's too small for me now," he added, "It would look better on you, anyways," you had to look away to compose yourself from his words, an anxious breath leaving your lips.
Only if he knew how much you liked him.
You stared at the ball of yellow before gazing up to him, trying to make a decision. You were about to speak, maybe even accept his offer but you had to watch as his gaze flickered from you to someone passing behind. You painfully watched as his eyes softened and almost sparkled under the light.
Your shoulders slumped, bracing yourself for the worst of impacts; you already knew what you were going to see if you followed his eye line.
It was already as if he had taken your heart out of your chest and ripped it apart before your eyes.
You felt your head turn by itself, your heart dropping to your stomach when your suspicions were true. She walked there, right behind you in all her glory, Heather.
She flashed a bright smile towards Cedric, blatantly ignoring you before walking out the door, and into the raining lands of Hogwarts.
You watched the door for a good few seconds, the silence feeling heavy in your chest.
Heather was a Hufflepuff chaser, always first in class and always having something bright and positive to say.
What a sight for sore eyes, brighter than the blue sky
Of course, she had to be prettier than you. Long brown hair braided for Quidditch, and crystal blue eyes that seemed to glisten in the sun. You would have sworn on your life she was part Veela if you hadn't already been familiar with her parents.
She's got you mesmerized, while I die
"No it's alright, I'll be fine," you muttered, "but thanks, I appreciate it." You brought him back to reality. His grey eyes leveled back to you as you pushed his hand back towards him. "I'll freeze my way back to Hogwarts," you half-joked, standing up before he could even argue.
So, you walked back up to the castle, heart broken into a thousand pieces and shoulders shaking from the cold.
Every day you had to be reminded that he loved someone else.
It all started last June, right before the summer holiday. Professor Trelawny paired them up in divination and ever since he only had eyes for her.
She seemed so perfect; a good sense of humor like you, mixed with the brains and the looks. She was even on the quidditch team, again like you...
But he only saw you as a friend. His childhood best friend who was placed in a different house than him. His childhood best friend who got into way too much trouble with the Weasley twins. His childhood best friend who was doomed to watch him love someone else from the other corner of the room.
But your misery couldn't end there. Because you knew Cedric and you knew that even if he was a Hufflepuff, bravery was his most prominent trait. You knew that it wouldn't be long until he asked her out: he had already been debating the idea since September.
And every single second of it felt like a knife to your heart.
And, by the next week of December, you had to watch as they walked into the great hall--hand in hand.
Watch as she stands with you, holding your hand
Of course, she would have said yes. It was Cedric Diggory--the heart throb. Everyone liked him, everyone dreamed of him. He was kind, and brave and everything someone could ask for in a relationship. All of his golden traits mixed into one beautiful being.
Somehow you thought that being his childhood friend would have made you higher up the list. That he would notice your lingering eyes and the way you reacted when he was close.
But you like her better, wish I were Heather
She was wearing his Hufflepuff sweater, the one he had offered you a week earlier. Now you sort of wished you had accepted it, not even that--that he would have given you the sweater as a token of his love, not as only helping a friend.
You gave her your sweater
Of course, Cedric spotted you by the Weasley twins, and of course, he wanted to introduce you.
Oblivious to how he painfully twisted the knife inside the wound, he sat in front of you by George, and Heather gracefully took a seat at his side, delicately hooking her arm around his torso.
put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder
The lunch went on, and with every second you felt another piece of yourself crumble away. So much that by the end your mind had fully gone blank. Desperately trying to tune out the way he was holding her, stealing glances with her and everything you wished could happen with you.
She's got you mesmerized while I die
The worst part is that it was so painfully obvious to everyone else. Fred and George played eye tennis, reading each other's minds in an attempt to find ways to help you.
Fred who sat by your side ended up placing a hand on your knee in an attempt to comfort you. It somehow made you feel better, but you knew nothing could fix the Cedric-shaped hole in your heart apart from the man himself.
And after a painful half an hour, you decided you had enough, instead of holding in the pain, and pretending like everything was alright, you finally excused yourself, pretending you had finished your lunch early and mumbling something about extra homework to be done before class.
Your feet flew up to a little hidden corner of Hogwarts that to your knowledge only you and Cedric knew. It had become your hiding place, but he never seemed to come anymore. It was just you in this lonely corner of the world these past few months.
So you let the tears fall. Hot drops stained your cheeks and this time you couldn't do anything about it. It wasn't a random joke from the twins that could fix it. It wasn't his smile or something he would say that could cheer you up. It wasn't anything he could give you, because his heart was already taken. His heart had been partly given to someone else and in your lonely corner of the world, you wished you could have a piece. You wished that Heather hadn't taken all the pieces for herself.
Maybe it was selfish. But also how could you hate her? She had always been kind to you and even today she hadn't shown an ounce of jealousy towards your friendship.
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel
No one was to blame.
You had to live with your misery.
December turned into April and the pain in your chest had become nothing but a numb feeling.
The tears were frequent though. And it would always be the red-haired twins that would try to glue the pieces of your heart back with jokes. Bring the pieces back with soft laughter and dumb pranks, but it was never enough.
You hated the way this made you drift away from him.
His presence seemed to get further as she stole him piece by piece. She made him drift away from you like a deadly river that was so beautiful you wouldn't guess that stepping in it would drag you miles away, making you drown in the process.
Was that what she was doing? Making him drown in her presence as the tied of her river dragged him further and further from you?
"Hey Y/n/n," George broke your thoughts, snapping his fingers in front of your eyes.
"S- sorry-" you blinked again, your eyes falling to the work on your lap.
"I asked you what you knew about Disneyland," he pointed to the paper; Muggle studies.
"I've been there once," you replied, your tone slightly off as the thoughts of Cedric tried to grab your train of thoughts again.
"And?" George paused and watched you swallow as you blankly stared at a spot on the carpet. "Y/n/n," he sighed and shuffled closer to you--placing a hand on your shoulder to catch your attention again. "Cedric's a dumb dumb," he whispered. "He's dumb to have chosen her instead of you, and dumb to have abandoned you after they started dating."
You took a long breath in and out, looking back down to the homework on your lap.
George looked at the clock and clicked his tongue "Let's go to quidditch practice, it will cheer you up," he grinned and stood up, making you follow him.
Rain was pouring down the freshly cut lawn of the quidditch pitch, reminding you a bit of that December evening.
You leaned a bit against George as you walked, your eyes drifting to the opposite side of the pitch, wondering the house you were playing against today.
Of course, practice had to be against Hufflepuff...
To your surprise, Heather wasn't glued to Cedric as they walked out--and both of their gazes seemed to be lost elsewhere.
Did they fight?
Something in the back of your mind was asking. Cedric looked pretty mad, and it didn't take long for you to get confirmation when you watched him guide his team. Although he wasn't being mean, his tone was harsher and his patience short--making every yellow-wearing player feel uneasy.
From the other side of the pitch, Heather was pointing a deadly glance at you. The rain was already bringing you shivers, but her stare was even worst and it made you wonder what in the world happened.
You hadn't done anything. Hell, you hadn't even talked to Cedric in weeks.
You hadn't even noticed George had left your side and paired up with his twin again, excitedly whispering to each other.
"What's going on?" You questioned, their grins only expanding as they caught your eyes.
"I've got something to tell you," he sang along his words, bouncing on his feet.
"What's up?" You smiled with them, their grins contagious and spreading faster than any other disease.
"There's a rumor."
"A very interesting rumor," George chimed.
"Cedric and Heather had a fight."
"A fight?" They got your attention. "About what?"
"2 rumors: That she cheated on him with Jamie Lammerson,"
"they've been awfully close lately," George added.
"Second rumor is that she did it because he's been acting more distant lately," Fred continued.
"That's he's been acting distracted," George finished.
"Distracted? By what?"
The twins looked at each other like they knew the biggest part of the puzzle which you were apparently clueless off.
"Me?" You shook your head. "Impossible," you laughed, a bittersweet laugh that felt sour on your tongue.
"Not as impossible as you think," they said in unison before making their way further the quidditch pitch, leaving you stranded with your own thoughts.
This time you hadn't made the mistake of forgetting your sweater, and Cedric noticed.
He noticed?
"I'm glad you brought your sweater today," he smirked. A smirk you hadn't been on the receiving side of in weeks.
What the heck was he doing talking to you? Shouldn't he be with Heather, laughing about a dumb joke she made?
You blinked, "y-yeah."
Him, on the other hand, he had completely forgotten his. He was soaked with rain, wet hair that fell to his forehead making water drops drip onto his shoulders.
"But you forgot yours," you noticed.
"I did," he scrunched up his face and twisted a part of his shirt to drench the water in a poor attempt to dry it.
Somehow it wasn't awkward. Even if he had spent weeks without talking to you, your friendship didn't seem to have taken any impact.
Your smile lingered and you noticed that his stare did too.
Were the twins right?
Right until Heather stepped out of the changing room. Her wet hair tied in a bun, she was all wrapped in dry clothes, fixing something about her bracelet by the changing room entrance.
Cedric noticed her, and suddenly, the glim in his eyes died down, making you frown.
He cleared his throat--giving you a stiff nod before following her out and back up to the castle. You heard his words echo from a distance--something about needing to talk about their fight.
It made you frown even more.
But you couldn't dwell on that too long, you were on broom cleaning duty.
The rain had made your job easier. It had partially removed all the dirt from the collections of nimbus and cheap school brooms. You didn't mind the work and the thundering rain made relaxing music as you meticulously scrubbed every last one of them.
You dusted your hands and admired the clean brooms aligned on the floor of the big shed, awaiting polish and all the other products to make them stay pretty and shiny.
You opened the closet and frowned when you saw that the polish was empty, realizing you would have to go to the other side of the field to the second storage unit; the one with old broken brooms and extra products.
You grabbed your raincoat, securing the hood before darting across the pitch and slipping in between the tall bleachers, walking along the field downhill towards the crooked storage shed, half hidden in between the overgrown trees and bushes.
"Wait- we have to stop-" You heard mumbling from the inside, freezing as you realized people were in there. Great. You had forgotten this was a famous make-out spot.
"What do you mean stop? Is this about Cedric? Aren't you two practically broken up?" You gulped as you heard the name, your heartbeat quickening.
Maybe you heard the name wrong, or it was another Cedric?
But the female voice that spoke again felt way too familiar.
"Well, I think we sort of made up?" You balled up your fist. So it was true, Heather was cheating on Cedric--with who you expected to be nonother than Jamie.
Cedric wore his heart on his sleeve while she was doing all this behind his back...
"You made up!?" Jamie's voice became a bit angrier. "Heather, I thought you were ending this? I thought you said he became interested in what's her name again?"
Was he talking about you? You munched at your lip in anxiety as the conversation went on.
The rain was still harshly falling against your raincoat, but you were frozen in place. It felt impossible to move with what you were overhearing.
"Yeah, Y/n. She's one of the Gryffindor chasers. The one who broke your nose last game, remember?"
"Oh, her. Aren't they like best friends of something?"
"Kind of..." She mumbled--she seemed angry.
Jamie laughed at her reaction. "She's definitely a threat. I thought they were together before the two of you were a thing."
What you didn't see was Heather shooting daggers at him with her stare.
"Will you shut up?" She sounded mean, nothing like the facade she wore every day.
"Why? You dragged me here remember?" Jamie bickered back and you could sense tension in their words, this felt like your cue to leave.
The brooms would be fine without polish.
You turned back, making your way back up the small field leading up to the pitch. Walking through the bleachers again and back inside the shed.
What the fuck?
The next day, that overheard conversation was eating you whole.
You were walking in the middle of the hallway as you headed to your next class, Fred and George on either side of you like usual. You were drifting off into thoughts again, running images of how you were going to tell Cedric, or how you were going to attempt to make this situation stop.
He was your best friend, and he didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve her.
"Hey!" A voice came from behind you, making you jump as you felt two hands on your shoulders. You all turned around to meet a bright-eyed Cedric.
He looked all happy and giddy and it made you raise an eyebrow.
"Can I steal Y/n for a second?" He looked at each of the twins.
"Ask her," they both pointed to you.
"Yeah," You nodded, not being able to help the small smile that bloomed on your lips at the sight of him. "What's up?"
"I wanted to talk to you." He looked behind your shoulder to make sure the twins had continued their way and weren't eavesdropping like they famously did. "Somewhere quieter," he smiled and you almost thought he was blushing.
You followed him down to your secret place. Your hidden corner of the world where you had spent the last few months coming alone.
It felt weird seeing him there again, especially with you.
"I wanted to apologize." He awkwardly stood in front of you, scanning your features for a reaction.
"Apologize?" Your scrunched your eyebrows. "For what?"
"For how distant I've been lately..." He went back and forth on his heels and looked down to the floor. "For the way I've been ignoring you-"
"Cedric, it's ok."
"No, it's not. It's not because you didn't deserve this. I've been an awful friend lately and it's been because of-" He didn't want to stay it. He didn't want to voice the name of the person whom he knew had caused you and him all this pain.
He might have been oblivious for a long time, but now he knew.
And he wasn't going to take this opportunity for granted.
"Because of her"
"You can't blame her, it's normal, she's your girlfriend-"
"Was," he corrected you. "She was"
You blinked, your breath catching in the back of your throat as the words registered.
"We broke up," you looked to the side as you tried to process the information.
Was that why he was acting all happy when he asked you to follow him here in the first place?
"But I thought?"
He shook his head.
"I told her it was over yesterday. We got into another fight because she complained about the fact that I was talking to you after practice," he took a step closer to you, "but she also made me realize that it wasn't her I liked," he looked down to his feet, and you could feel your heart leaping in your chest.
"I've heard things... about um- the way you might feel too. But- if it's not true, I'm not going to ask you to feel the same-" He sighed through his nose and suddenly your whole world lit up again. "But I want you to know."
"I'minlovewithyou" you muttered, barely audible.
He heard it. His whole being lighting on fire as the words climbed up to his mind.
But he wanted to hear you say it again.
"What did you say?" He muttered, reaching to cup your cheek as he took a step closer to you, chests touching.
"I'm in love with you," you said again, loud and clear for him to hear.
Cedric didn't think twice before leaning down, breath mingling together as he whispered.
"I'm in love with you too," he smile before closing the gap between your lips faster than you could say Quidditch.
You thought you were going to explode, your body as his hand found itself on your waist.
You were kissing Cedric.
You were kissing your childhood best friend.
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otomiyaa · 4 months
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Sugawara x Ticklish Reader
Romantic + 06. "Could you... do that to me?" Requested by @carrie-tate for my 1K Followers Event 🌻
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Dating Sugawara was quite something. You only met him after he graduated from Karasuno High School, but from regular reunions and hangouts with his friends from his volleyball days, you knew he was the friendly senpai back then.
"Sehehenpai noooo! Gaaaahh!" You watched how the lively Hinata Shouyou ran around the park, chased by Suga who eventually caught him around his middle. Pulling him down in the grass, he then started to tickle Hinata mercilessly.
"Woah...." you mumbled, watching them. You weren't together that long yet and there were many things to discover. Still, seeing him behave like a tickle monster was something you never could've imagined. To you, he was more the gentle massage-type of guy.
"Yeah, haha," Daichi laughed, shaking his head.
"Hasn't changed at all," Asahi said.
"What, you think that graduating would stop me from doing this?" Suga with excellent hearing called out despite Hinata's hysterical cackles.
"SPAHAHARE MEEEE!" He was so dramatic, but you couldn't blame him. Your eyes were glued to Suga's fingers. The way they made an entire musical out of tiny Hinata with just little effort was just magical.
Only when Hinata could barely breathe or speak, Suga returned to your side and let you snuggle against him while you enjoyed the picnic.
Meanwhile, you couldn't stop thinking....
"Are you okay? You've been a little absent."
Oh. Before you knew it, it was already a few hours since the hangout ended, and you were at your place with Suga next to you on the couch.
True, you couldn't stop thinking about playful Suga. With you he was still very gentle and caring. You felt like you were ready for the more playful kind of relationship, but how to say it without making a fool of yourself?
"U-uh, well... I was thinking... T-this afternoon," you started, and you struggled to find the right words.
"Oh no, were you too bored? Or were my friends rude to you? I'm so sorry! I should've been more careful," Suga immediately apologized.
You quickly shook your head. "No, not at all! Just... T-the thing you did uh... To Hinata..." You fiddled with your fingers, and somehow from the look on his face, you had an idea that Suga was starting to understand you already. You were that nervous and flustered after all.
"What about it...?" Suga asked when you paused for too long. You shut your eyes and covered them with your hands too, hiding yourself completely.
"C-could eh... Could you... do that to me?" you said in a soft voice.
"....." The silence really made you want to explode!!!
"I m-m-mean n-never mind, forget what I said!" you squeaked, but suddenly you felt two hands on your sides and you tensed up instantly.
"You mean, this?" Suga carefully brushed his fingers against your sides, and you felt a giggle almost make its escape. When you only trembled slightly but didn't protest, he started to tickle you more, his fingers wiggling gently against your sides.
With your hands still covering your eyes, you felt how you started to giggle and you fell against him.
"Did you want that? If I misunderstand, please tell me," Suga said and he kissed your head. Meanwhile his fingers were now tickling you with a little more pressure, dancing playfully up and down your sides and scribbling all over your stomach.
At last you dared to move your hands down, or well, were actually forced to because you were that ticklish.
"Hehehe! Yehehes!" you laughed, squirming against him. Suga chuckled.
"Yes, you want it? Or Yes, I misunderstand?" Probably from your body language and reactions he already figured out the answer, but he still needed to tease you by making you say it.
You shook your head and continued laughing.
"No? What is it now?" Suga asked in fake confusion. You gasped when he pulled you on his lap. He playfully tickled your tummy, causing you to squirm and dance on top of him.
"Eeeehehhee! Wahah- It tihihickles!" you laughed, arching your back and almost sliding off him.
"It tickles? Really?" He grabbed you under your arms to pull you back, and immediately found out how ticklish your armpits were.
"AAHahack! Wahahhah!" Your laughter was now louder than before, especially when he finally positioned you back on the couch and climbed on top of you. In that position, he tested the sensitivity of your armpits some more.
"Hehehehe! Ahahah!" You sensed that he was still holding back compared to how he would tickle Hinata or his other friends, but still, you were happy you could be playful like this together and enjoyed the way he dared to tease you.
Eventually he stopped and held you in his arms while you caught your breath.
"I'm glad you asked," he said, and you rested comfortably against him.
"Hmm?" You glanced curiously at him, and saw the bright smile on his face.
"I've been wanting to tickle you like this, but just wasn't sure whether I could."
Ah, he was so kind. Today during the hangout with his friends, you learned he could be very energetic and playful with the guys, but with you he was just being extra careful.
"No need to hold yourself back with me," you told him with a smile.
His gentle smile turned into a smirk, and you gulped. "Really? Well thank you for letting me know~!" And before you could say another thing, he was tickling you again. Still the way more gentle version, but definitely a little more merciless than just now.
"Wahahahait- I wahahasn't- nahahaha!"
You had barely recovered from the first tickle attack and were now laughing more and louder as you suffered from his second attack. Hehe, that was definitely already more like it!!
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