ka-fee · 1 year
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Rapha found Leo awake at dawn.
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saturnzskyzz · 3 months
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Me when you me when you me when you me when you 💓💝💖💗💕💘💞
That gif is so wholesome, AAAHHH 😭🙏🙏 💙💙💙💙
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rosekatara · 5 months
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My 2k12-Leo plushie💙
That's the post^v^
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
I don't know if I can forgive april for what she did to donnie. and I KNOW that's not fair of me. she wasn't in control, and donnie was okay in the end, but... she tore my little brother apart. he just wanted to help her and she DISINTEGRATED him. it makes me sick just thinking about it, how scared he must have been... I don't have many memories of his death but the ones I do have hurt so, so bad. I just wish I could have done something, anything to save him from that. - leo (tmnt 2012) #🐢💙
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inkcat1987 · 2 months
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Sassy cross doodle
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blueboyinthestars · 2 months
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It’s not the best I’m having a bad art day sorry😅
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tmntvenisxleo · 6 months
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darkcrowprincess · 9 months
Tmnt Leo headcanons:
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Has anxiety, trauma and depression. Wants to protect his family. It's his main reason for everything. But feels like he needs his family more than they need him. Constantly needs to be in control. Can't let his guard down for one second. Needs to be the best leader, best big brother, best eldest son. Is constantly caring the weight of everything on his shoulders. If he were to say his dreams are? He wants a family of his own. More so than being loved, he wants to have a baby. But with being a mutant he feels like that dream is out of reach. He would make a really good parent. Sword fighting and training on the outside seems to be all he is but it's not. He's a big nerd. Lord of the rings, star trek, Japanese fighting movies, and ghibli are his favorite. Loves traditional Japanese culture and aesthic. If he could, he'd leave the city and live in the country side. Sometimes his brothers drive him crazy and he wishes they would just listen to him no question asked. Just follow orders. But they're his brothers. He wouldn't want them any other way. Emotionally he's the closest to Mikey. But he loves all his brothers. Sometimes he wishes he could let his anger out like Raph, but his anger is probably more dangerous. Secretly doesn't want to be leader. But accepts it anyway. Is aware he's a big stick in the mud, but someone needs to be the responsible one. Constantly wishes it doesn't have to be him. Can use katanas and bow and arrows. Has accepted he's a mutant. Most distrustful of humans. But has a big sense of justice. Is amazing at strategy, but improvising is not his strong suit. Most likely to go evil if something were to happen to his brothers. Gets along better with women than males(other than his brothers). Loves cats, tea, oranges. And pizza of course. Can cook but not as good as Mikey. Mostly simple things. Can sing, next to Mikey has the best voice. Loves languages. Would rather be outside with nature more than anything. Is a dork when it comes to flirting, but gets more confident the more he knows you and the older he gets. Is a control freak, over protective, and can be a little boring at times. But you can count on Leo no matter what. Acts like he wouldn't kill someone, but could very easily could. Brave lion boy with ice cold anger who would destroy himself for his family and love ones.
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someone save me from myself. have some holiday leosagi this is the most ur gonna get relating to Christmas bc I am in fact Jewish. leosagi has stolen me. and i have put to much effert in. also donni and blythe cameo~
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gxrlcinema · 2 years
for dreidel drabbles can you write something about bucky celebrating hanukah with non-jewish!reader for the first time
the first night of hannukah
Pairing: Jewish!Bucky x Gentile!Reader
A/n: I did my best on this, but I've never been new to Hannukah, so it was sort of a hard perspective to adopt. Also, a lot of the Hannukkah traditions mentioned here are specific to Ashkenazi Jews, so it's not a complete representation of all Hannukkah celebrations.
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“What do you mean you haven’t done Hannukah since 1944?” you ask your boyfriend, your incredulous eyebrows lifted high on your face. 
You and Bucky were sitting on the couch in his apartment - the one you’d convinced him to purchase so he would actually have furniture - cuddled up and ready to watch a movie.
“Exactly what I said,” Bucky says in an even tone. “It was hard to celebrate during the war and HYDRA weren’t exactly uh-” he pauses, keeping his tone too even, “fans of the Jewish holidays.”
You wince. Of course they weren’t. But-
“But you’ve been back for years,” you say quietly to your hands. You know Bucky smiles at you in that way he does that looks like he’s swallowing glass. 
“The first year I didn’t remember I was Jewish until Hannukkah had already gone. Then I was in cryo in Wakanda, then I was dust…” his smile’s tinged with sadness, “I guess I’ve just had no one to celebrate with since then.”
You frown, then lean further into his side, as though pressing yourself all the way against him can chase all the sadness away. 
“Would you want to celebrate Hannukkah this year?” you ask.
Bucky scoffs. “Baby, what do you know about Hannukkah?”
“Enough!” you defend. Then you think. “Okay, well, nothing. But I could learn. We could get that candleholder thing-”
“A menorah?”
“-and I’ll make Jewish foods and research other Hannukkah things and it’ll be like, the perfect Hannukkah Bucky please?”
Your boyfriend’s expression is incredulous, but he smiles and shakes his head. 
“Alright, baby. We’ll do Hannukkah.”
“Yes!” you pump your fist. 
“Uh, Bucky?”
“When’s Hannukkah?”
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When Bucky walks into your apartment on the first night of Hannukah, menorah in hand, it’s clear that maybe he should’ve checked in on you a little more beforehand. Your apartment is spotless. The console table that’s normally in your entryway has been moved in front of the windows on the other side of the room, where a box of candles and a lighter are already set out. The dining table between the door and the windows is set with your nice plates and silverware. On it sits a brisket, what Bucky thinks is probably sweet kugel, and a bottle of Manischewitz. The whole house smells like fried onion, a familiar scent Bucky knows will linger until New Year’s, which means you also made latkes. His suspicion is confirmed when you come running out of the kitchen, a plate of the potato pancakes in your hands. 
“You’re here!” you shout, gently placing the plate of latkes on the table before running to Bucky and throwing your arms around him. “Chag Hannukah sameach!”
Your Hebrew is slow, awkward, and horribly mispronounced, but Bucky simply smiles and kisses you on the cheek. You pull away, grinning. 
“I figured we could light the candles first and then dinner? I moved the console table so that you could have the menorah in the window. Oh, and I’m so sorry, I didn’t know that kosher food needed to be made in a kosher kitchen, so the food isn’t really kosher. I thought a rabbi just blessed it or something, but it’s actually really complicated. You can’t have cheeseburgers?”
Bucky’s eyes go wide as you continue to talk at him a mile a minute. 
“Oh! I have sufganiyot in the oven for after dinner, and I bought gelt and even a couple dreidels if you want to play. I tried to find a Hannukkah movie on streaming but there are like, zero Hannukkah movies in existence and-”
“Baby,” Bucky cuts you off. “It’s okay. It’s more than okay, actually. This is amazing.”
His eyes are wide, an indication that he’s more than a little overwhelmed. Your smile deflates. 
“I went overboard, didn’t I?”
“Definitely,” Bucky agrees easily. “You know Hannukah’s a minor holiday, right?”
You pout, cheeks going hot. “Yeah, actually. It came up in my research.”
Bucky laughs, full and bright. You put your face in your hands, feeling like an idiot. 
“I just wanted to make it a perfect Hannukah for you!”
“It is!” Bucky says through a laugh. 
He pulls your hands from your face, brow furrowing as he takes in your hurt expression. 
“Baby, it’s beyond perfect. I didn’t even think I was celebrating this year and you…” he looks around the room, “put every household in Jerusalem to shame.”
You groan, leaning your face into his chest to hide your renewed embarrassment. Bucky holds you there, leaning down to kiss your temple. 
“It’s perfect,” he whispers. “It’s more than anyone’s ever done for me, more than I could ever dream of. Thank you.”
When you look up, you find Bucky’s steel blue eyes shiny with tears. “Thank you,” he says again. 
“You’re welcome,” you mumble, your embarrassment dimmed considerably by how touched your boyfriend looks. “Do you want to light the candles now?”
“Yeah,” he releases you from his hold. “You didn’t learn the blessings, did you?”
Your cheeks go hot again. “I mean, I might’ve listened to a couple recordings so I’d pronounce them right…”
Bucky shakes his head. “Oy gevult, showed up by a goy on Hannukah. My ma’s probably rolling in her grave.”
You gasp and turn to him, worried you’d somehow ruined the evening, but Bucky’s got a Chesire cat grin spreading across his face. That alone makes all the effort and embarrassment worth it.
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Shoutout to @firefly-graphics for the hannukah dividers!
If you liked this please reblog and/or leave a comment letting me know what spoke to you!
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k0nv4l10 · 2 years
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This guy is smoking weed 🍃🍃🍃
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saturnzskyzz · 3 months
💞🫶🏾☺️🎶 When you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, then send this ask to 10 people🎶 ☺️🫶🏾💞
1. Rock star by Lisa (flowing in my VEINS!!)
2. Lollipop by lil Wayne (IT'S SO ADDICTING)
3. Slave to the Rythem by MJ (AAAAHH🫶💕💕💕💕💕)
4. No more Dream by BTS (I'm a sucker for this one 😭)
5. PA PA YA bye Babymetal ft. F. Hero
It was so hard choosing OH MY GOODNESS 😭😭
A lot of songs are addictive to listen to on repeat, but those ar my top five 🖐
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yautja-lover · 1 year
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
(skateboards into this blog) what's up everybody I miss my brothers so bad (tries to do a kickflip and falls down) - leo tmnt 2012 #🐢💙
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inkcat1987 · 2 months
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@wolfbeestudio :P
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blueboyinthestars · 2 months
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Ok‼️‼️do you have reference sheets
Not currently, I'm making one in an like an hour though, because I need to animate me?
I'll post and tag you when they are done, I just need to finish the first two requirements of the mb before my parental unit will let me draw.
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