#🐥 ᵗʰᵉ ᵗʳᵃˢʰ ʰᵉᵃᵖ || Mun
thepunnybones · 2 years
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Finally got some decent pics of myself that aren’t like a year old, still waiting for my hair to grow out a little because it’s shorter than I like but just gotta be patient about that. Recently also decided I’m gonna live my edgy aesthetic I’ve always wanted since I was young, think I pull it off p well.
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Don’t look nice enough for new selfies today so have these again, including the closet cosplay I did for the trash boi. For those that are new here, hello! I am Mags, 24 year old agender pagan trashbag (they/them pronouns!), I’m super friendly and smol, let me be your friend. 
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reclaimedasset-a · 7 years
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Spent the first half of today practicing cosplays (Darkiplier and Marshall Lee), gonna be going to the all-you-can-eat chinese food place later (my favourite). So far it’s been a great birthday, thank you all for your birthday wishes so far and I hope you’re all having a wonderful day!
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thepunnyybones · 7 years
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Since it’s Munday I thought I’d also share the sans cosplays I’ve done so far. Still want to do swap, dream and ink, plus also I want to paps and swap paps but I’ve gotta wait until I get some money for that ahhHHH. Also sorry they’re all musically screenshots, I always forget to take selfies while in cosplay so I have to take screenshots of my vids. 
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storyspinningspidcr · 7 years
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It’s not munday but fuck it, realized I’d not shared all my Sherlock related art on one post yet (these were all done for memes a while ago but they got me drawing again and I’m super happy), so here these are. I’m really proud of them honestly. Also I post my art on my Insta if anyone wants to check it out. 
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wetheremnants · 8 years
12, 18, 25
Dark Munday Questions | Accepting
12) Do you have a go-to angst partner?
Not specifically angst but me and @captivatinginnocence​ often chatter about plots and sometimes they end up being pretty angsty. 
18) What’s your favorite negative quality about your character?
Jim: He’s aware of his existence as the villain of the story and enjoys every moment of that role.
Bill: His chaotic nature is a lot of fun to play because I can keep him unpredictable and interesting. 
John: More often than not he can be a complete asshole and it’s hilarious seeing how people sometimes react to that.
Rocket: I adore how grumpy he can get about things, especially since most of the time it’s for no reason. 
25) For disturbed characters, does your muse have any redeeming qualities? 
Jim: His charisma makes him frustratingly likable despite being a complete asshole.
Bill: His sense of humor, sometimes his responses to things are so unexpected and it makes me happy.
John: Despite being a real git, John does have a good heart, he cares about people and tries to do what is right.
Rocket: Underneath the gruff exterior, Rocket just wants people to care about him and he wants to care about others, he’s just scared of losing them again. 
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thepunnybones · 2 years
munday ask !! ♒ thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in ? :>
the salty af munday meme || Accepting
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The Undertale fandom has legitimately been the best fandom I’ve ever roleplayed in.  Back in the heyday of the fandom it was such an exciting, welcoming group of tons of universes, creativity, god it was just amazing and though it’s smaller now it hasn’t lost that spark. People are so friendly, creative and talented that it blows me away.  Undertale has legitimately been the LEAST toxic rpc I’ve ever been a part of on tumblr and being back here brings me so much joy. I’m so glad I decided to revive my boy and come back.
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I might have bought something while out shopping today, some could say I have too much Kylo merch..
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reclaimedasset-a · 7 years
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Morning vs before bed.  Eyyy it’s munday and I’m finally back, so have these pics of my garbage-y self! I’ve managed 5 replies so far across my blogs and I’m still going. Kinda avoiding the longer ones for a moment because I’ve gotta get back into the swing of things but I’m glad to be back. -- For those who might have followed me in the interim while I was away, hello! I’m mags, agender dweeb, I have too many hobbies, they/them pronouns pls and thank. 
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storyspinningspidcr · 7 years
post TEN characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back, then tag ten people to do the same.  ( If you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can. )
Jim Moriarty Bucky Barnes (@reclaimedasset) Rocket Raccoon (@augmcnt) Blue Diamond (@grievingmatriarch) John Constantine (@pcttydabblcr) Bill Cipher (@therulerofweird)
Sherlock Holmes (multiple times, oldest is an AU Winglock @thewinglocked-blog) Richard Brook (@thebunnymoriarty) Ciel Phantomhive (deleted) Sans the skeleton (@comiicsaans) Kylo Ren (@unstablesaber) Will Graham (deleted) Lady Deadpool (deleted) and probably tons more I don’t remember right now.
Sherlock Holmes Sans the skeleton Ciel Phantomhive Richard Brook Darkiplier Antisepticeye Mae Borowski 
TAGGED BY:  @mollv
TAGGING:  EVERYONE. You reading this, consider this me tagging you. 
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thepunnybones · 2 years
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One of my favourite Undertale things I own are these tarot card prints, these were bought for me as a gift since everyone who knew me knew to get me Undertale stuff that particular birthday and christmas, I just looked it up and apparently they’re from fangamer so not official I don’t think?? But still cool! They’re so pretty and some of them, like Flowey’s, break my heart a little - cause look at lil Asriel up there. aH.
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thepunnybones · 2 years
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Some munday pics, all the pics of me are from like,,, last year or early jan because when I had shit going down I cut my hair SHORT short and I don’t like how I look lmfao. Waiting for it to grow out. Also included a lil pic of my setup c: 
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thepunnybones · 2 years
☀ ☢ ✖
the salty af munday meme || Accepting
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
I think either inconsistent tagging or reblogging asks, just because of how messy they are. With inconsistent tagging, I tend to find peoples nsfw tag and block it when I follow, however some people will use variations of their nsfw tag like ‘lemon’ instead of ‘lemons’ or smth like that and it means I get unexpected (and unwanted) smutty stuff on my dash. Really it’s only irritating if it’s imagery because I’m not always in the headspace to be seeing people just all over eachother. Bleh.
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Not sure if it’s as prevalent as it was back in the day, since I’m only freshly back to tumblr rpc at all, but blogs that just have zero accessability. Font at like 6pt, colours meshing together. It’s less of an issue now given that many people have those google docs for their accounts that have their info but if I’m having to fight god to read your rules then I may not wanna follow.
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
It’s changed so many times. Back in YE OLDE tumblr days like ten years ago, people would just use fullsize gifs to accompany their threads, default themes were commonplace and god knows no one tagged anything - even when rping topics that tbh nowadays people wouldn’t touch (thank god, I hated seeing that stuff on my dash). X-kit wasn’t even a thing back then I don’t think??? so even if people did tag stuff, good luck it making any difference. Eugh. It was the wild west and I was one very very scared cowboy. Nowadays people are nicer, more organized, I don’t have to deal with seeing really really bad topics being written on my dash as if they’re just a plotline rather than what people actually deal with. It’s just. So much more respectful, less gross and just better full stop. I feel far more comfortable and at home now.
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thepunnybones · 2 years
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If any of y’all are looking for background music for writing, I have a chillstep/predominantly-wordless vibe playlist I’m slowly putting together cause I can’t focus on writing if there are lots of lyrics. Here y’all go.
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thepunnybones · 2 years
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I was curious how long I’ve been on this hellsite and,,,,
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,,, at least 10 years, probably a good few more than that. Deadlyhoops was my Alex Summers blog, definitely not the first blog I created but the only one from back then I can remember my username of. Fuck I’m old.
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