#๐Ÿ’Ž B-Rabbit's Treasured Homeland (Oz Main Verse)
universestreasures ยท 1 year
@chapeliier (Continued From Here)
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An audible gasp escapes the exhausted noble's lips. Of course, he wasn't going to get off the hook that easily...Honestly, at this point, he'll probably get a break once he passes out plain on the grounds of the training area. Though, considering his heart was beating so fast and he could barely catch his breath, his freedom might come sooner rather than later. Gosh, Gil is going to yell at him when he figures out his master's been getting sword training from the Mad Hatte, something he too thinks will happen rather quickly considering his condition.
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"B-Barely broken a s-sweat?! I'm...I'm sweating to death over here, Break! If I do anymore, my arms and legs will fall off!"
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universestreasures ยท 2 years
@ravenretainerโ€‹ย Sent: An Alice In Wonderland (1951) Sentence Meme (Accepting!) ย 
โ€œDrat that girl! Where could she have put them?โ€ [@ Oz, perhaps Alice misplaced his precious hat? lol]
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This was such an Alice thing to do, Oz thought. The girl was a bundle of chaos ever since they met, and her disdain for his servant had become obvious over time. So, of course, she would go out of her way to mess with him. While the blonde himself did enjoy pranking on Gil from time to time, it was all in good fun. Whenever she did it, it was almost always with malicious intent. Todayโ€™s prank of hiding Gilโ€™s cigarettes was no exception.ย 
Honestly, Oz wishes everyone could just get along and stop the stupid infighting, but he knows that wish will probably never be granted with stubborn people like Gilbert and Alice. Thatโ€™s just how things were. He would still hope for the better obviously. Though, he wouldnโ€™t hold his breath on it. Oz had always been quick to accept the reality of how things are in most circumstances, even if they were not desirable. It was something he developed to deal with the hatred his father had for him that just never seemed to go away.
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โ€œHey, maybe this is a good thing in disguise, Gil! I mean you have been wanting to quit, right?โ€ Oz speaks, having just looked in one of the drawers in Gilbertโ€™s room. He had his own feelings about cigarettes after having learned of the consequences of using them from his servant. However, he understands quitting such a thing is card. Oz will support and help Gilbert no matter what, whether itโ€™s helping him quit or helping him in search of the toxic drugs.ย 
Most importantly, the boy will never reject him. Gilbert was his prized servant, and he promised as his master to take care of him. That vow was still in place even after all these years, and even after so much between them had changed.
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universestreasures ยท 2 years
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Alyss/The Will Of The Abyss from Pandora Hearts has been added as a primary muse! Canon compliment with headcanon expansion!
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universestreasures ยท 2 years
@hollowedhatterโ€‹ Sent:ย 
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Out of nowhere... Break appears! He waves at Oz, a wide smile splitting his face nearly in two. He produces a tin of sweets ย out of nowhere and shakes it in his direction before suddenly tipping the entire tin into his own gaping maw, wrappers and all. Doing so seemingly for no reason at all other than to just do it. And without sharing a single candy at that! But that was just like him to do, wasn't it? With his mouth full, he calls out over to the young Vessalius. โEvening, Oz-kun. Know where one can find Raven?โž [[hollowedhatter @ Oz :] don't worry, it's just ur local public menace saying hi hellow :] for now :]
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Oz had been enjoying some time to himself, deciding to use the rare quiet evening to catch up on reading the Holy Knight series he loved so much. With being gone in the Abyss for ten years, he had missed out on so much content! He, as a mega fan of the series, just had to catch up! Hey, maybe he can even discuss it with Elliot the next time he will inevitable run into him. Oz knew sharing passions you had in common was a great way to becoming better friends, after all.
However, his quiet evening is interrupted then by Breakโ€™s sudden appearance, shocking the boy enough to cause an audible gasp and the book to drop from his hands. It was a mild annoyance that is quickly hidden by a smile as Oz picks the book up, waving back to the retainer of Sharon Rainsworth. Oz had become used to the otherโ€™s shenanigans by this point, and thus knew how to thankfully handle them. Like always, he quickly adapted.ย 
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โ€œGood evening, Break! I wasnโ€™t expecting you to visit, tonight.โ€ Breakโ€™s visits usually meant trouble was not too far behind, but Oz is optimistic he is just here for a casual chat with his servant.ย โ€œAs for Gil, I think heโ€™s retired for the evening already. Did you need something from him?โ€
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universestreasures ยท 2 years
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Oz Vessalius from Pandora Hearts has been added as a Secondary Muse! Canon complement with headcanon expansion!
TW For Suicidal Thoughts with this muse as itโ€™s a very central part of Ozโ€™s chr that will be explored upon.
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