#💎👻Graveyard Stones👻💎
libertys-lovers · 2 years
Guess who came back with another weird Pokémon?
That’s right, Libs.
So lately she’s been making visits to the Paldea Region; I don’t really know anything about this place, so I don’t know what’s up with it. But she came back home earlier today, really excited, and she showed us something she caught from there. She’s currently calling it “Bandit”. The thing is… she just brought back a tumbleweed?
I’ve been staring at this thing as it sits in its new bed, and it’s just a tumbleweed. I’m… incredibly confused. Eh, if it makes her happy, I guess.
🪨Grunt Henry🪨
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
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Looks like the Rock-Type grunt from GO Rocket has officially made it onto the Romantic F/O list!! I’ve decided to dub him as “Hornfels” Henry, so if I mention a Henry, that’s him 😎👍
I’ll probably go off about the personality I’ve summoned for him sometime, but for now… just look at him ☺️
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
Phew! Liberty and I just got back from a walk with our Pokemon. It was actually pretty nice; she decided to show me a bit around the Unova region tonight. I think the place we went was somewhere called “Castelia City”? I guess that was one of her favorite places to visit when she first got to Unova, so she got super excited to visit it again. And ya know, for being a Pokémon our ghost-type specialist calls “one of the most vengeful Pokémon ever”, her Banette’s a pretty good babysitter. She kept going after my Larvitar every time she ran too far off, and she even let her hold her hand. Wish she was that nice to me.
But MAN, I don’t know how Liberty does it; it was freezing out there tonight! That girl acts like temperature doesn’t even exist! I wouldn’t be surprised if she had an ice Pokémon hidden around here somewhere.
Ugh, I have to admit though… Liberty was really cute talking about her memories in that place. She just went on and on about how she loved that place since she was little, like even before she showed up in our dimension or whatever! And her face got so red from the cold… even her nose got all rosy…
awe man, don’t tell her i said all of that though- she’ll never get over it-
🪨Grunt Henry🪨
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
I, being a master negotiator, have convinced Henry to answer one more set of the Pokémon-Type questions with me! I thought it’d be cute if we answered the questions that matched the types we specialize in! So, we’ve got Psychic and Ghost (representing me), and Rock (representing him)!!
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🔮Psychic Type🔮 ~ What’s our favorite thing to daydream about with each other?:
This… this is gonna sound really goofy… but I enjoy daydreaming about the days when we started putting our “rivalry” aside and just started hanging out when we were supposed to be fighting. All the excuses we’d try to make when someone caught us relaxing, man. “Oh! Oh, well I actually captured her for Team GO Rocket” or “Haha, well I’m taking him to the police”; and right after we get them to leave, we’d just sit down and collectively sigh in relief. That sorta thing lives in my head rent free.
Okay… so for me…. I just really like imagining me.. protecting you. Just the idea of keeping you safe just… makes me really happy. It could be us doing Pokémon battles together, or me just… holding you. I’ve also thought about you as a Team GO Rocket grunt one too many times. I meant it… when I said you’d make a great GO Rocket leader; that wasn’t just me flirting with you or anything, I swear! But- I… guess it would be nice to work with you… and you’d look really pretty in the uniform-
Oh! Well-! I’ll keep that in mind… 👉👈👉👈
👻Ghost Type👻 ~ If we were forced to investigate a haunted house, how would it go?:
Oh geeze Liberty, you wouldn’t even need to be forced to do that. That’s just an average Pokémon hunting trip for you.
No, but like, this isn’t just catching Pokémon… this is full on, actual DEAD people ghost-hunting. Man, I’m getting hyper just thinking about it. That’d be SO fun!! I can bring all my equipmeeeent, and we could get needlessly but comically freaked out over every little thiiiiiiiiing, and we can help them settle their deeeeeebts.
Heh, I don’t think I’d be that scared though.
Oh? Whatever ya say, man~ Maybe we can turn that into a bet of some kind. Who can get through longer without screaming?
Oh what the heck; if you ever convince me to do that sorta thing with you, then you’re on!
Bet!!! But, I don’t think any of this technically answered the question though. I think it’d go well, honestly! Ghosts are just literally real in the Pokeverse, so we’d definitely be successful! I won’t lie, I’d probably get scared too, and I definitely wouldn’t help because I make jokes when I’m scared. I know Henry’s pretty intimidated by Annabelle (my Banette), but I think he’d do pretty good, until he saw something at least! You’d be such a brave little man for me, Henry~ …and i broke him again-
🗿Rock Type🗿 ~ What rock reminds us of each other?:
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Apparently these lil lads are Rainbow Jasper! I thought the colors fit ya pretty well, Hen! Some people also believe that they can soothe whoever owns them, which like… I’m just saying, you make me feel pretty comfy too~
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Well, the rock I picked for you was Sugilite. I know purple’s your favorite color, and it has a spacey-psychic kinda feel to it, so I figured you’d like it. If… if we have to apply deeper meanings to these though… Sugilite’s a pretty rare rock, and…. well… I guess you’re a rare kinda girl to have…
🌂Your Host, Liberty~ | 🪨Grunt Henry🪨
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
Oooh, ask game time? Don't mind if i do☆
Fancy dinner for Kara, Dr. Stein and Henry, if you please☆♡☆
Alright, we’re looking for some dessert recommendations today~ I gotcha!
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(Image Source - Allrecipes)
For Karamatsu, I always associate anything blueberry and lemon with him, as the flavor combination has become a bit of a self-ship flavor for me (does that make sense? Idk! But that’s what it is!). I usually think of blueberry-lemon cakes or parfaits with him!
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(Image Source - Insider)
For Stein… hmmmmm- You know what? You know the Grey Stuff from Beauty and the Beast? They actually make that irl at the Disney parks. I’ve never had it in my entire life, but that for some reason was my first thought when thinking about him. There’s DEFINITELY desserts that fit him better, like I think those “worms in the dirt” styled desserts or in-general Halloween sweets would suit him. But like, the fact that this was my first thought for him is so weird and funny to me that I refuse to swap it out.
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(Image Source - Charm City Cakes)
And Henry!! Well, my immediate thought was rock candy, but idk if that properly counts as a dessert more than a snack. So, my next thought was one of those geode cakes! It’s not exactly a creative choice, but that doesn’t make it any less fitting.
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
OOOOOHHHH I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE THEM 😈🙏. But man, hitting me with the No U’s I see!!! Yes… yes I like this game very much-
So I technically do have AUs for them, but I don’t really flesh them out that much. They’re usually just fun concepts I like to space out about from time to time!
I used to have this Sleeping Beauty AU with Journals and Sniper that I absolutely ADORED back in the day! Basically, as revenge for us not inviting him to the Halloween party, Merasmus trapped us in lil fake worlds based on our costumes; Snipes and I got stuck in Corporate-Rat’s Sleeping Beauty, as you could imagine. Nowadays, I’ve become more fond of a Beauty and the Beast styled AU for them. I just... his owl head man... that’d be so damn fun-
Let’s see… I’ve had a few thoughts about Faux Berry Cookie being in the Cookies of Darkness, but I don’t even know what her role would be lmao. OOH!! I love the idea of Daydream being part of the League of Villains- That’s more of a self-insert AU than a specifically self-ship AU, but there is some good self-ship plot with Hawks hidden in there~ There’s been slight ideas for Hex Maniac Liberty becoming a GO Rocket leader, or for Libby SOMEHOW getting wrapped up in Gary & Monarch’s “Blue Morpho” affair.
I also have, like, a TON of AU ideas shelved for Karamatsu and Freedom, and all of them exist because of the Hesokuri Wars sets. I used to have one with a friend for the Alice in Wonderland set; Karamatsu was still the White Rabbit and Freedom was one of the singing roses! I wanna bring that one back, but with Freedom having one of the book characters assigned to her. Ugh, and we had a Mafia AU for them ABWKANWKE (Freedom was a jazz singer at a bar lmaaaaooo). I’ve had an Angel AU for Kara, a Grim Reaper AU, a Vampire AU (he was a traditional vampire and she was, like, a dream vampire?? It was pretty sick actually-), and I was in the development of a Greek Mythos AU a while back… but I ended up dropping it. If it counts as an AU too, I’ve fleshed out her role for the Calming Detective skits; she would’ve been his gold-digger wife RIP
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
🎞Classic🎞, 🎶Overture🎶, 🌘3 O’Clock Things🌒, 💥Bang!💥 for whoever it is that you're feeling atm, please! 🧡 (@self-shipping-hell)
Why hello Self-Shipping-Hell!!! Thanks a bunch for sending an ask!! I believe I shall dedicate these to my latest flame, Mr. Henry~
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🎞Classic🎞 ~ What classic shipping tropes describe us?: Most definitely Enemies-to-Lovers, with a dash of Tsundere x Deredere!
🎶Overture🎶 ~ What are some of my favorite memories involving him?: Awe MAN, well I remember a time when I saw him at a distant Pokestop, and I wanted to surprise him. I figured I could do a light-hearted jumpscare by sneaking up behind him and doing a lil “boo!”. However, right as I was about to do it, Annabelle (my Banette) decided to pop out of her ball and jumpscare him instead, which ended up jumpscaring the BOTH of us. Obviously it freaked us out in the moment but LORD it was funny- Other favorite memories include going clothing shopping with him so he could have clothes outside of his uniform, reuniting him with the Lileep I rescued, and literally every time he gets flustered from kissing me-
(Outside of S/I Lore, literally my fave memories are just whenever I encounter him in battle, because it’s ALWAYS a pleasant surprise! He always seems to show up whenever I’m talking about him too lmao, which just adds to it)
🌘3 O’Clock Things🌒 ~ If I’m up late, how does he try to get me to go to bed?: He starts off by reminding me of the things I need to do tomorrow, and how I need proper sleep to do them. If I’m too stubborn to listen to that, he pulls out the BIG GUNS. He’ll start admitting that my presence in bed helps him sleep. He just says it so sheepishly every time, so it works on me, EVERY time.
💥Bang!💥 ~ What’s my favorite mundane thing to do with him?: Going on walks, ABSOLUTELY! We take all our Pokémon (or at least a good portion) with us, and it’s just really fun! I love seeing the lil guys run around and play with each other, and I also really enjoy holding Henry’s hand, of course! Bonus points if it’s a walk during fall or winter, so we can stay close together for “warmth”.
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
Snapped some photos of my pretty lil’ man tonight!
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I accidentally stumbled on him staked-out at a PokeStop during one of my walks, so we had one of our lil battles… and I may or may not’ve absolutely demolished him-
But it’s okay! I got him ice cream to make up for it ☺️😌😏 He ended up ditching his post and joining me for a bit too. And the scenery behind him was just so lovely… I HAD to take some photos of him! I’m just glad he let me~
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
Oh… oh boy.
I guess Libs found a Mimikyu on her routine stroll. The lil’ guy had its neck broken, or at least its costume’s neck was all busted. The weather was apparently real bad out there too; super windy. She didn’t wanna leave the thing out there all by itself, especially since the wind kept almost blowing its costume everywhere.
…So now we have a Mimikyu in the house. Oh Liberty… she’s always had a soft spot for the ignored ghost types. She’s also been talking about how she’s considering collecting fairy types lately, so this thing’s a perfect steal for her, really. I… I can’t help but be happy for her. We’re not sure if we’re keeping it yet, but Liberty and a few of the others already got really attached to it. Karamatsu keeps trying to make it wear his sunglasses, and Licorice is already talking about making it new costumes. I think even the Banette’s already adopted it as her… I don’t know. Kid? Little sibling?
Ugh, look, the whole situation is…. very cute; I’ll admit that. I’m just also hoping that we don’t all die-
🪨Grunt Henry🪨
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
fire, dark and fairy type for henry? :]
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HAHAAAAAAA Y E S !! I’ve been watching him post about me on here, so SURELY he wouldn’t mind talking about me with me, right~?!
🔥Fire Type🔥 ~ What’s something we do that makes the other flustered?:
Ya know, I can’t help but notice that you get reeeeaaaalllllly happy whenever I laugh, Henry. I think holding your hand does something to ya too, right? See, he can’t help but look away or pull his hat a lil’ over his face when I do. He’s just the cutest lil man 🥺🥺
Yeah, well… I’m just not used to it yet-
Ugh… well anyways, you wanna know what I do that flusters Liberty? Hmm, I guess my smile always gets her. I think it’s when I smirk specifically. I sometimes smirk without realizing it, but I will realize it when I see her blushing and looking away from me. She also gets really happy when she sees me with my Pokémon.
Correction: I get happy when I see you playing and spoiling your Pokémon! You baby that Larvitar so much, it’s so cute 🥺
🌘Dark Type🌒 ~ What do you do on a late night through the town?:
Honestly, we’ll probably just be walking our Pokémon. My lil guys (or, most of them) just LOVE nighttime walks, and Henry always joins me for them! Maybe we’ll stop in for dinner, though that can be hard when you have a whole army of pocket monsters with ya, lol.
It’s actually really convenient, since GO Rocket activity starts shutting down at around 10 PM. But you didn’t hear that from me.
🧚Fairy Type🧚 ~ What’s a moment with each other that we find magical?:
I can’t believe I’m admitting this… but I remember seeing Liberty on a picnic with her Pokémon once. I was just heading to another PokeStop to camp out at, and I saw her in the distance. A lot of her ghost Pokémon were just hanging out with her, but the baby Pokémon were chasing each other and playing. One of them lightly tripped, and Liberty went to check on them while trying to contain her laughter. I… had to walk in a different route when I saw that. I just didn’t want to interrupt.
Oh, well would you look at that. Now she’s blushing.
Well YEAH!!! You’re just gonna tell me you ascended in the cutest way ever and NOT expect me to be honored?!?! Try again, pretty boy! 🥺🥺
Man, now what’s my choice gonna be? OOH! Okay, so I remember the first time you actually fought for me instead of against me! You saw GO Rocket’s ghost dude genuinely trying to steal my Pokémon, and you came in and fought him yourself! I think you said something about my Pokémon “not being the kind Giovanni wanted at the time”, or something. But anyways, that was AMAZING! Like wow!! A chance to see how smart you are in battle WITHOUT worrying about if my Pokémon were gonna faint or not?! What a blessing! And you like, glanced back at me during that, and I swear that lives in my head rent free~
Which, actually… I’m pretty sure I thanked you for that already, but still… thank you again, dear. I really do appreciate it~
Well… it’s not like I was lying. It was just… a very convenient truth. But it’s nothing… really.
🌂Your Host, Liberty! | 🪨Grunt Henry🪨
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
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⬆️[SPEECH 100]⬆️
Idk, that opening line just SENT ME- Again, I know these lines are randomized, so technically any of the grunts could’ve said it, but like?!? Henry somehow always gets the low-key clever lines assigned to him whenever I see him, so him getting the outright goofy lines for once is funny as hell to me. Idk, just don’t mind me I guess; I’ma just treasure these shots of Henry being a clown, thanks~ 🥰
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
4, 12, 14, 16, and 18 if you're up for that many jskdkek
I'd say Gary for most of these buuuuuuut if you'd rather answer with someone else (or swip and swapp) absolutely feel free to dude
PAYASO!!! Thanks for sending an ask, mate! Unfortunately I can’t post an actual video since the site hasn’t let me upload one in practically a week, BUT allow me to still answer these! (PS: I accept your Garyfication challenge 😈😈😈😈)
4. So you want me to pick one of my favorite canon moments with Gary~ Hmm, a bit of a tough question; I could have like 50 different answers for this one! I guess my default answer is his lil suit-up sequence after Monarch declares he’s getting back into the supervillain game. It’s just a fun lil scene, and I’m a real sucker for how the music's put together in it lmao. ALSO, it lets us take a look into his room, so I get to study what he’s a fan of hehe.
12. My problems with the fanon version of Gary... I don’t think I have any! Nope, fanon Gary’s very solid! The ships he brings are very cute too.
14. Alright, so we’re shouting out my F/O crushes... well shout-out to Sheila for single-handedly getting me into Venture Bros in the first place! She’s a real doll; not only is she absolutely gorgeous, but she’s a GENIUS girlboss and I love seeing her kick ass. Whether or not she becomes a romantic F/O of mine, I can still say that The Monarch is one lucky man. There’s also Phone Guy, who’s a real caring employer trapped in a cruel business lmao. A pure optimist straight to the end, not to mention he has GREAT taste in animatronics too. And last (but certainly not least), we have my GO Rocket grunts, who I am currently dubbing as The Henries. Both the Rock-Type and Water/Magikarp-Type Grunts are getting my affections rn, like they are just DOMINATING my braincell rn. I’ll talk about my characterizations of them in a separate post, but they’re both just silly lil dudes and I love them a lot! I haven’t encountered my magikarp Henry in-game yet, but rock Henry visits me all the damn time in that game lmao. I’m hoping I can meet magikarp Henry soon though, so I can keep fleshing him out.
16. What aesthetics I relate to Gary... hmm... Well, Noir is a DEFINITE answer; his Kano outfit will always be one of my favorite looks on him, sorry not sorry. There’s also Cottagecore, partially because he has the butterfly aesthetic and partially because he just reminds me of a bear. And, of course, there’s Nerdcore, but specifically Disneybounding (I think that counts). Idk, I just like imagining us dressing up as Peggy and Steve-
18. Talk about anything relating to this man... ANYTHING you say~ Okay... This is a simple one, BUT, the creators of the show were talking about how Gary would be a cuddler in bed, and that thought just lives in my head rent free. That’s the DREAM man; to be able to cuddle with this man... and tuck his loose hair behind his ear... and to give him a big kiss on the cheek... mmmm, yes, quite splendid indeed.
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