#💚 — in character. ( makino )
missmungoe · 2 years
Hello miss mungoe!! 💚♥️
How are you?
How are you dealing with the heat?
I hope where you live it's at least a bit bearable because here in France it's going not very well for us lmao 😵🔥
I have a question if you don't mind, about the fics(? or oneshots?) you wrote on ao3, about Shanks and Makino; are they in any specific order?
I saw that some are sequels to others but is there any actual order or we can just read them individually?
Sorry I got a bit confused cuz i usually don't read fics there and so it's the "first times" using that site lmao.
I hope the question doesn't bother you💚♥️
Have a wonderful day/night/evening!! 🌼🌺💐🌻💮🌹🌷🌸
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omg look at them 😔🥺
Hi!! I’m doing well! (and this isn’t a bother at all!) And oof, I’m sorry to hear about the heat! I have the opposite problem - in my part of Norway, it’s been averaging a chilly 13 degrees and raining for the past few weeks, but I think I prefer the cold to the heat (at least if it’s cold, you can put on more layers, but you can’t really strip down past your skin). I hope the heatwave subsides soon<3
And I hope it’s okay that I post this answer! I’ve had this question from others, so I thought someone else might find it useful!
On AO3 you have the option to post fics as part of a series. My main series for Shanks x Makino is Shanties for the Weary Voyager (‘Shanties’ for short), and most of my stories about them are part of this series, barring a few exceptions (and the only reason they are exceptions is because they’re written in a different style; otherwise, they would all be in it). Shanties is (as of writing this) 26 stories, some complete and some in-progress, and they’re listed in the order I’d personally recommend reading them, starting with Heed the Siren’s Call and ending with Heart and Anchor. But this order is just a suggestion, and you can read them in any order you like, although whichever approach you take, I always recommend starting with Siren’s Call, as every single one of my stories about Shanks and Makino has this as their baseline - meaning they’re all either AUs of that story, sequels to that story, or companion pieces of that story.
So that’s my recommended starting point, but where you go from there is up to you! There’s a little something for every taste in my archive - one-shots and longfics of 100K+ words, AUs and canon compliant fics, angst and fluff and smut - so it really comes down to what you enjoy reading. Some stories branch off from others, like Heart and Anchor from Mnemosyne, while some are clear sequels, like Sea Songs and On the Water, and all my one-shots are usually set during or after Siren’s Call or Sea Songs, so I recommend reading those in order. If a story is a sequel or a companion fic, it will say so in the author’s note at the beginning. Shanties is a tiny multiverse at this point, but I’ve tried to make it as easy to traverse as I can :)
One thing you might notice if you read more than one fic in this series is that they reference each other, and that there are a lot of recurring elements - like my original character Suzume, and Makino’s sword Siren, hence my recommended reading order, as Suze’s role in Mnemosyne makes more sense if you’ve read Charybdis first, and Sailor’s Folly includes Siren’s origins. But if you start with Siren’s Call you should be set whichever path you take; I’m just delighted if someone wants to read more than one of my stories<3
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