#💥 ad’s answers
full-swing-kiss · 5 months
hey, bitches and bros and nonbinary hoes!
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Name: Zayna/Adhya
Pronouns: she/her
SK8 the Infinity
My Chemical Romance
Fall Out Boy
Dead Boy Detectives
Twenty One Pilots
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“ 💥 ad’s answers” = answers to my asks
socials are located on my strawpage!!
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ramenwithbroccoli · 2 months
sending professional messages is so soul draining. wdym i can't put " :3 " or " :] " at the end of the sentence to signal i'm not mad. not even " ^^ "? what a scary world
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thicctails · 26 days
curious about Bill's relationships with the twins in gbc
Bill is the twins' very reluctant, pissy, shithead older brother. At first, his ass is NOT conversing with them, because he's butthurt and jealous that he has to share his parents now that he knows they're alive, and he certainly doesn't consider them family (more like bothersome strays his parents picked up), but he's also smart enough to not hurt/torment them.
Eventually, though, Dipper and Mabel start to claw back his walls and nestle their way into his heart-equivalent organ, like the preteen parasites they are.
Individual twin stuff below!
Dipper: 🌲❔⭐
He likes picking on Dipper more, because the kid is easy to rile up, what with his anxiety and embarassing crush on Wendy. Bill looks at Dipper and sees a smaller, sweatier Sixer, complete with his own (and in Bill's opinion, better) abnormality.
However, where Ford was selfish and willing to give Bill everything and anything for answers, soaking up praise like a sponge, Dipper is far less susceptible to Bill's bullshit, and will actually give him sass. Bill gave Stan a nightmare once early on, and Dipper got so mad that he pulled out Bill's full, legal name and cursed him out in Euclydiean. He's seen Scalene's drawings of Bill as a baby in his comically large shoes, and thus is not at all afraid of him.
Bill, a creature that lives in the NIGHTMARE REALM, is wholly unused to this. It's weird and different, but it's not... Bad. As they get closer, Bill finds that Dipper is more than just the awkward potential puppet that he initially thought he was. He's got a good moral compass, yes, but it wavers now and then, and Pinetree is more than willing to do mean, vindictive things with Bill if someone crosses his family.
While Mabel got her Unicorn adventure with Bill as her first big bonding moment, Dipper's comes when he gets knocked unconscious during his encounter with Gideon's robot. Bill appears to Dipper and offers to wake him up and help him save Mabel, if Dipper is willing to let him possess his body. Now, Bill knows he's desperate, and could have easily added the condition that he gets to keep Dipper's body, or simply just not held up his end of the deal, but he doesn't. When Dipper awakes, he's bruised and sore, and his knuckles are covered in drying blood, but he is himself, and Mabel is safe, grinning at him as she grapples them down to the ground.
After that, Bill starts to casually hang around a lot more, usually by possessing Gompers or one of Mabel's stuffed animals. When Dipper starts to dress up again, Bill makes him a set of star earrings. Now, they are made out of teeth, but it's dragon teeth this time!
Mabel: 🌠💓💥
Bill bonds with Mabel much faster, because it's easier for him to relate to her! Mabel is flashy, chaotic, and unapologetic, and Bill loves that! Usually, humans are very predictable and have boring Dreamscapes, but not Mabel. She changes gears faster than a Mantis shrimp punches, and her antics are way more amusing than anything Ford did.
He 100% enables her crazy plans. She wants to set off fireworks for Waddle and Gompers' wedding? Stan keeps the good stuff under his bed. She's making Dipper a special jug of Mabel Juice? Here kid, have some Smile Dip Ultra! (See you in the astral plane, Pinetree!) Cops are trying to send you to Washington for uncovering a government secret? RUN THEM OVER WITH A CAR!
...okay she doesn't listen on that last one, but you get the idea.
His absolute favorite moment with her was watching her punch Celestabellebethabelle's snout until it looked like a gnome threw up on it. He, at that time, was busy suffocating a Satyr with his plushie Unicorn form, but he was sure to give her plenty of praise.
He was surprised at the warm, fuzzy feeling that bloomed when she grinned at him, rainbow blood splattered on her cheek. Hmm. Had he eaten something recently and not chewed it enough? Maybe he was getting sick or something equally stupid. Surely he was not experiencing... Emotions. Ew.
Mabel bedazzles his bowtie for him. She is the only being aside from his parents who have touched his accessories and lived.
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workersolidarity · 3 months
[ 📹 Scenes of massive destruction and rescue efforts following an Israeli airstrike that targeted a residential home in the Al-Hasayna neighborhood, west of the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, resulting in more than a dozen casualties, including women and children. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 258th day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 4 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 35 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 130 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands, of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or who's bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.
"We are in a bad situation and are not ready for a real war," the CEO for Israel's government-owned Noga electric company, Shaul Goldstein said at the National Security Research Institute conference, held in Sderot in the occupied territories.
According to reporting in the Hebrew media, Goldstein was asked whether he could guarantee that their would be electricity in the Israeli entity in a future war with Hezbollah, responding that "the answer is no, but we will rely on Israeli resourcefulness. Israel is an energy island and we have to provide for ourselves - this is also our advantage, we are trained to work on the island."
"When I took office and began to investigate what the real threat is to the electricity sector, I asked - let's say a missile hits the electricity sector and there is a power outage for an hour, three hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours and so on. What happens in such a situation to Israel?" Goldstein said, throwing back his own question, answering that "The bottom line is that after 72 hours - It is impossible to live in Israel."
"People don't understand how much our lives here depend on electricity," Goldstein continued, "I have 15 inspectors across the country, if there's a power outage then after 5 hours I don't have a phone to call him. Let's say he receives a carrier pigeon after 12 hours - the same inspector arrives at a gas station but there's no gas, Not a single gas station is working, at each station there is a queue of at least 30 km, if not more."
"All our infrastructure - the optical fibers, the ports - we are in a bad state. We are not ready for a real war. We live in a fantasy world in my eyes. The good thing is that we have invested a lot in protection, a joint team with the electric company as well."
Goldstein went on to say that "If Nasrallah [of Hezbollah] wants to take down Israel's electricity grid, he only has to pick up the phone to the person in charge of Beirut's electricity system, which looks exactly like Israel's. He doesn't even need a UAV filming, he calls a second-year electrical engineer and asks him where the most critical points are in Israel. Everything is on the internet, I'm not saying it here but anyone who goes on the internet discovers it."
"The recognition of our situation has not penetrated. If the war is postponed for a year, five years, a decade - our situation will be better," Goldstein added.
In response to Goldstein's statements, the CEO of the electric company Meir Spiegler stated that "Shaul Goldstein's statement regarding the lack of resilience of the electric network is irresponsible, disconnected from reality and creates panic among the public."
Similarly, the Occupation's Energy Ministry also responded, issuing a statement stating that "the Ministry wishes to clarify that the energy economy in Israel is robust and ready to deal with all possible scenarios."
The Ministry continued by saying that "since the beginning of the war, the Ministry has worked tirelessly to ensure the supply of energy to all citizens of the country, while carefully preparing for extreme scenarios and possible disruptions in supply. These efforts are carried out in close cooperation with the security authorities, with the aim of managing electricity demand, energy surplus and fuel stocks."
"The energy sector is organized according to the national reference scenario established by the National Emergency Authority (Rachel). There are several scenarios and the Alta scenario, where over 60% of households may be left without electricity for up to 72 hours, is an extreme scenario and the probability of this is low. However, the ministry is constantly working to reduce the likelihood of the scenario materializing and to prepare for an exit as quickly as possible from the Alta situation, should it indeed materialize," the Energy Ministry said.
"All the relevant bodies, including the Noga company and the electric company, are acting in accordance with the emergency scenario of Rahel and the professional guidelines of the ministry. The Ministry of Energy calls on the citizens of Israel to prepare in accordance with the directives of the Home Front Command, including equipping themselves with batteries, water and portable chargers, in order to ensure maximum preparedness in emergency situations," the Energy Ministry concluded.
In other news today, Thursday, June 20th, an American official, speaking with the Wall Street Journal, told the newspaper that the number of Israeli hostages still alive in the Gaza Strip is considerably less than the official estimates given in "Israel".
According to the official, whose conclusion is based upon Israeli intelligence, suggests the number of hostages still held alive in Gaza now numbers about 50, out of an original approximation of 120 hostages, suggesting that as many as 70 of the hostages have already died.
This number contradicts the data officially published by the Zionist entity, which suggests that just 43 abductees have been killed while in captivity.
So far, the bodies of 19 hostages have been returned to "Israel" in special operations, including 8 over the last three months.
In the meantime, in other news, two US officials spoke with Reuters today, telling the news organization that the floating dock built by the Americans is expected to resume operations to unload Humanitarian aid for starving and desperate Palestinians on Thursday.
The two officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the pier had been reconstructed on Wednesday after being temporarily dismantled last Friday due to poor sea conditions.
Humanitarian aid began arriving through the US-built pier on May 17th, while the United Nations said it had transported 137 truckloads of aid to its warehouses in Gaza, equivalent to about 900 tons of aid.
The Americans have also previously received criticism for supposedly allowing the Israeli occupation army to use the pier during its recent rescue operation to recover four Israeli hostages being held in Gaza, an operation in which the occupation army hid its soldiers using humanitarian aid trucks and which led to the deaths of 274 Palestinians and wounded another 698.
In further news, on Wednesday, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) said that the Zionist entity has now destroyed 67% of the civilian infrastructure of the Gaza Strip since the start of the Occupation's war of genocide, including roads, bridges, public facilities, parks, sewage systems and water wells.
The organization also noted that the Israeli occupation has completely destroyed all water wells and sewage pumps, and that the process of pumping sewage has been halted entirely for 8 months as a result of the Occupation's destruction of Gaza's infrastructure and the depletion of fuel, causing large areas of the Palestinian enclave to become flooded with sewage.
Further, the Palestinian refugee organization also mentioned that all areas of Gaza are without water following the Israeli occupation's destruction of 90% of the enclave's water wells by bombing, shelling and a lack of fuel.
Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation continues its random bombing and shelling of Gaza, leaving dozens of casualties across multiple sectors of the Strip.
According to local reporting, medical sources in Gaza told Palestinian media outlets that two female civilians were killed, and 12 others wounded, after Zionist warplanes bombed a house belonging to the Jadallah family, in the Al-Hasayna neighborhood of the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip.
Occupation artillery shelling also targeted neighborhoods east of the Bureij Camp, along with the Al-Maghazi Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, while also targeting central and western neighborhoods of the city of Rafah and east of Khan Yunis, in the south of Gaza.
Speaking with the local media, Mayor of Rafah, Ahmed Al-Sufi, said the Israeli occupation's destruction of the Rafah border crossing aimed to make the Gaza Strip unfit for life, further pointing out that the occupation forces continue to destroy entire residential squares in the Saudi neighborhood, and that the occupation has also destroyed more than 70% of Rafah's infrastructure.
The Zionist army also bombed a gathering of merchants and aid protection committees on Salah al-Din Street, east of the city of Rafah, killing at least 11 Palestinians and wounding up to 30 others, some of whom remain in critical condition.
Further Occupation artillery shelling targeted the vicinity of the Al-Alam roundabout, west of Rafah, killing two Palestinians and bringing the total number of Palestinians killed in the city today to 23.
The Israeli occupation forces are also continuing to advance with reinforcements towards the west of Rafah, while destroying entire residential blocks nearly constantly.
North of Gaza, the occupation army bombed a gathering of civilians in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, killing one Palestinian and wounding at least five others.
Zionist fighter jets also bombed residential buildings on Kashko Street in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of three civilians from the Aslim family.
Occupation warplanes also bombed in the vicinity of Jabal al-Rayes, east of the Al-Tuffah neighborhood, east of Gaza City, while two civilians were killed when an Israeli drone fired a missile at them.
According to medical sources with Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital said they'd received the bodies of two martyrs after being targeted by a missile from an Israeli drone on Al-Sikka Street, in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood of Gaza City.
Meanwhile, in another attack, a Zionist reconnaissance drone fired a missile towards a gathering of civilians in the city of Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, killing one Palestinian and wounding a number of others.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing war of extermination in the Gaza Strip, the infinitely rising death toll now exceeds 37'431 Palestinians killed, including over 15'000 children and upwards of 10'000 women, while another 85'653 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
June 20th, 2024
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vnmof · 1 month
Heya vnmof!!
I just wanna ask how ya blend your art so beautifully and realistically- because damn, I cannot make my art look as pretty as yours😭
Especially, how you you blend the hair in the fanart ya made for me- I wanna know how ya did that-
No pressure ofc!! Take your time answering this ask!!
Also, have a fanart because I never seem to make one for you🥲 (I'LL GET THERE I PROMISE, JUST GIVE ME MORE TIME-)
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wazzap misty 😁!!! i appreciate your words allat ( RAAAAAAAAA💖💖💥💥‼‼ )
ill show you how i render my pieces step by step !! here's one of my examples of my rendered art
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the first example was my first attempt at rendering btw, but anyways
1: the first thing i do when i make a new drawing is by drawing the sketch, and then color it with your base colors
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2: i add another layer and set it to multiply, for my shadows ( i also add a little sun doodle to know where and how my light source will go w the shadows )
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and then erase the shadows, try imagining how your light will shine on your character
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3: i uhm went overboard w this one but, all you gotta do is paint over your merged sketch and layer, layering your strokes n stuff, blending colors together like adding overlay and making your colors pop... uhh
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(ITS COMPLICATED ON HOW TO EXPLAIN HOW I RENDER HELP 😭IM TRYING MY BEST ) but this is a simple way i guess?? V 1: choose any color and make a random hair strand
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2: choose a darker color of your base color and make the base of your hair strand a gradient of the dark color you chose ( dont forget abt your shadow
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3: add smaller strands of hair, layering it with another strand and more... ( idk how to explain it) 4: add overlay and play around w any vibrant color to make it pop 😎
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thas pretty much all... 😭i hope you understand what im tryna explain misty, ALSO RAGHH THANKS FOR YOUR FANART AGAIN FNHDGSDHSGH💖💖💖
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Pookie, what do you think of ptn characters being self aware au?? I need another platonic for that😍😍😍
Pookie 😿 The way that I wanted to answer this right away, but I ended up thinking about it for half a day, since today I had to finish counting tears in a plastic bottle (life update, today was my GRD and they had me recite 50 STEPS 😀 Changing patient gown and iv infusion + insertion 😢 But I SLAYED because I got perfect and one mistake in the other 😎) - Idk about ya'll but... You probably found out about the game based on the ad that had MISS 🤭 MAAM 🥰 Zoya... You guys don't understand the GRIP 😩 it had on me when I saw the ad for the first time... So, after watching THE ad that saved LIVES 🤩 including mine ofc 😊 You downloaded the app, despite having ZERO experience playing a tower defense game... 😶 That was me, highkey projecting rn... 😔😔😔 - So after days of getting used to the game, you started watching the interrogation since you were quite curious about the sinners backstory... 🤔🤔🤔 After finishing part of Hella's interrogation, you started to notice weird things happening in the game.
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- If you put Zoya as your display character, she starts getting too real about asking you how your day was. And telling you stuff like; You better level me first 😤😤😤 because I'm the only who can protect you bbgirl... 🐺 Girl... This wasn't here before 🤨 so you definitely looked it up, but to no avail... So you probably felt special... 😍😍😍 Like, for me??? 🥺 Oh my gah 😱 I'm never letting you go POOKIE 🤭 Though you got jumpscared by the way Zoya suddenly responded with, That's right... I'm your pookie now... 😈 Making you press the home button on your phone due to how much you are FOLDING rn... 😳😳😳 Zoya canonically RIZZING you up pookie... *Sighs in not being able to relate because I'm not You pookie... 😞* But lmao imagine saying words like, Pookie 😍, Rizz 😏, and Bbgirl 🐺 to THE Zoya, like this is sending me rn... The way that I giggled a lil bit too hard writing this, feeling a lil EMBARAZZED picturing how Zoya would probably react to this... She's probably amused at you fangirling about her character, gives me FANSERVICE queen vibes like??? 😳 She knows how to play her role TOO well... 🥵
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If you decide to put Adela as your display chara... (Though, what you know about my POOKIE Adela??? 🤨 Maam, I probably need to see that I.D for verification that you are INDEED another Pookie of Adela's... 🧐🧐🧐 /j I SEE 👀 you that one Adela pookie in my comments rn... So, this one's for you 🥰 and a lil bit of a spoiler pooks, if you see this rn... I'm writing another installment to our fav hair stylist soon...) - Adela would DEFINITELY give you good advice about hair... Me thinks my girl Adela knows FASHION 💃 Because, you cannot convince ME that this girl doesn't know how to dress up, like??? Her default outfit? SLAYED THE BOOTS DOWN 👢💥 So, rest assured you guys chose the right girl to display because this girl DON'T play around with both SERVING looks and SLAYING in one setting like girl... Me thinks if you like asmr, and had it on playing in the background and she hears and sees how it relaxes you... She probably would replicate it, like girlie had a secret career brewing and thought that we didn't notice??? 😯 Pookie, at this point, if you want to sleep or just relax... Hop on the game rn... Adela's doing 💈✂ barber shop 💇‍♀️ asmr... 😴😴😴 Adela havers be having a good night sleep, being blessed every night with her calming atmosphere... (Average Adela fan spotted, I will YAP when I hear her name...) Her voice lines would make you feel that you guys were besties from the start, or it's either like she's your mom friend and you guys get to hanggg around when she's not too busy SERVING the customers 💅
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Not the soul siren 😭 but if you guys put her as your display character and you eat in front of her during a break... Sis will ROAST you like she's a copy of Gordon Ramsay, but more CUNTIER 💋 Girl acts like you are one of her 5 star chef and DEMANDS that you eat something else... 🙄 Babes really think you're rich 💳✨ and have MONEYYY to eat ✨exquisite✨ food... Only the best food for her caretaker. Girl really said that like you was her maid or something like??? WHAT? 😭😭😭 Lowkey judges you like you're BROKE or smth, same thing applies if you're actually not broke or like... College student tingssss, which makes it even WORSE because sister manages to convince you to buy her skins every time or pull copies of her... Pookie, I think she's a secret marketing agent of AISNO... 🤨 Girl WILL be obsessed with you the moment you max her, forfeit all moral possessions for her, and HER exclusively... 🤐🤐🤐 Sis does not leave you alone even after all that... She's hard to please 😞, in short but she warms up to you when you show significant improvement in your life... It's giving... Strict asian parents vibes 😶 Though, for realsys she isn't mean but like she's hard to predict pookie... I think she's kinda more on the practical side of things... When I mean practical, like your cooking skills... Critiques you as if you're in culinary school... 😃 Tough love for you pookie 💔 But dw, she'll change... When you manage to impress her with your cooking skills, of course 😇 Extra An: Pooks, if ya'll want more... 🤭 Comment which characters you want to see in this series or request other stuff that you want to see... The more KRAZY 🤪 it is, the more likely I am able to EAT 🍴 it up (Though, your pooks wouldn't be active much/still brewing some ideas 🧍‍♀️) TOODLES!
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cheaptaxidermy · 6 months
JRWI SWAP AU Designs, Doodles and HCs (AU by @lui-gen )
Captain Gill
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With how much OG Chip’s design changes over the course of Riptide I thought it would be cool to do a more mid-campaign design of Gill. The scribbles on his arm are supposed to be lightning tattoos that would parallel chips water ones, they seem like a cool way that gill could show his oath to the open sea, inspired by Finn. Unsure if he would have a prosthetic pinkie but i added it for now until the details of what happens at each island is figured out. I hc that the ship they were on before the albatross would go from the Big Chipper to like Destiny’s Tide or smth like that.
Chip, Jay and Pretzel :D
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the designs are so fun argh also i can totally imagine Jay’s armour getting more like mechanical if that aspect of her is still there
Caspian aka Captain Trench
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I’m not the best at designing but wanted to have fun drawing a sinister little Caspian. Notable things are the feathers that Price had in his design is flowing water, which is actually also his water whip that he can magically summon the handle for. Also had him and Gill have matching scars across the nose because its fun 💥
Captain Ruben of the Navy
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Kept his missing eye and thought the backstory behind it could change so that he lost it in some sort of fight, so the navy replaced it with a magical one and now he uses it as the main weapon in combat (it shoots beams n shit). Initially just drew him in a looser brain but maybe a bun would be more fitting since its more practical. (Far left image is him as a kid)
Origins headcanons
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So obviously, in this swapped au Gill and Chip/Bellamy would meet first. Here, Bellamy works as a bartender and is curious about this trion that claims to have been on the same crew as Arlin, but not enough to answer honestly to any of Gill’s questions. So Gill tries to prove his worth by making Bellamy a drink that he hasn’t had before: a squirty! Thats what I thought of last night at least there could def be a cooler things for them to do,,
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Jay having been brought up very isolated on Fetherbrook, she is not used to seeing people like Gill, so upon her first instinct she assumes he’s some sort of monster and shoots at him (to Chip’s amusement.)
I will surely draw more of this AU as it gets fleshed out but these are all my insane ramblings as of right now
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beartitled · 5 months
Can you do some more comics with Francis mosses
I can, but the problem is
That I’m pretty much out of ideas and I’m progressively getting tired of tnmn fandom
Ppl who look at my tags probably noticed that 😓
More of my thoughts under read more for curious ppl
(short answer maybe I will do more, but I desperately need a break from tnmn)
! Just a general warning: this came out kinda long + sort of venty
Originally I planned to do 1 comic drop and move on, but got stuck bc ppl liked tnmn comics and kept asking for more (and still do-)
Generally I don’t mind doing more if the ideas are there, but I want to address this: I’m tired
I know blowing up is usually a good thing and I appreciate people enjoying my stuff
But it’s exhausting to see that tnmn is the only type of content which is relevant, to the point that my own projects or stuff I enjoy are just kinda.. ignored
It’s fair – again my blog is heavily fandom based
(+Tsp were and still is kinda the focus)
But with tnmn fandom it’s a bit… different
Maybe I’m biased and it’s just my negative experience with tiktok comments
Remember this art?
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cleaning up transphobic comments was.. um tough
Again, I get that you can’t be in that neat bubble completely sheltered from negativity
Humans are just assholes by nature really/j
So I was expecting the backlash, but not that much
I think maybe tsp fandom spoiled me a bit (in a good way), bc I got a feeling that everyone in tsp was positive of any lgbt+ headcanons and just generally more supportive
(don’t get me wrong, there ARE problems in tsp community too, taking narrators design controversy into account as one of the examples)
Obviously every fandom always has it’s own issues, show me at least one fandom that didn’t have some sort of meaningless controversy or some sort of problematic people in it
It happens
But it leaves a bad taste in your mouth sometimes
And for me personally it only added to not so pleasant experience
The thing I also noticed, when I interacted with other fandoms
Ppl wrote positive stuff first and foremost, not really asking for anything
Here it’s just “hey more. I want more. Do more. Do this character. Do this. Do more.”
The only reason I kept doing more, because likes, reblogs, views – these comics get a ton of attention
there is a audience to please alright
But this thing comes with a pressure tho
and it shows
so let me illustrate
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This bookcase
Is my shame
Because I was so rushing, I just copied and colour corrected this bookcase from my diploma comic and pasted it here in hopes for the best
Usually it’s normal to take materials used in other projects
the not so normal part is
to leave it like that because your stress reducing tea doesn’t work and you don’t really have time to redraw it
my m en ta l s t a t e i s f i n e ah ah h ah ah
Ok but jokes aside: it’s really tempting, to just abandon everything and produce content like some sort of content farm
But I don’t want to, I’m forcing myself and it makes my art worse
Yes it’s subtle, new people won’t even see this
But I’m not improving
And I don’t enjoy just anxiously popping out comics because everyone keeps asking
I can give it my all to something when I’m passionate, but just “hey I’m getting attention” is not the best motivator
Attention like that does get to my head, I know that I will probably give in again and do more, bc I will compare my posts engagement
But what’s the point of recognition, when you feel.. so numb about it…
Sorry for a mountain of text and thank you for ppl who actually took their time to read it
It’s been building up for a while and I feel like people need to know the reason why I’m not so enthusiastic about making “more”
I’m not necessarily completely abandoning this fandom
I still plan to do ask/suggestions event for STP (I’m just making sure I can dedicate my time to it, that’s why it’s taking so long) and I can add tnmn to the mix
Like STP+tnmn kind of deal
But for now – I need a break
At least for a little bit
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deoreoo · 1 month
Can I have something fluff with Rocket pretty please?
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Rocket x Reader fluff!
Mhmhmhm i went crazy on this one can you tell?
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Under the vast canopy of night you and Rocket found yourselves on a gentle hill away from the city’s bustling place, The grass beneath was soft and the sky above was a tapestry of shimmering stars. Rocket was always eager for exploration laid back with a sigh of contentment eyes fixed on the celestial display
"Look at that constellation," You pointed out, tracing the outline of Orion with a finger Rocket’s eyes sparkled with interest as he tried to connect the dots.
"I’ve read about that one" Rocket said, his voice filled with excitement "It’s amazing how ancient stories link to these stars"
Rocket propped himself up on one elbow, his face illuminated by the soft glow of starlight.
“Do you think there’s more out there, beyond what we can see?”
You smiled, imagining the endless possibilities
“Absolutely. The universe is so vast, and we’ve only just begun to explore it each star and planet has its own story, waiting to be discovered.”
Rocket's eyes widened with wonder the bright lights from the sky illuminating on his eyes “It’s incredible to think that somewhere out there, someone might be looking up at the same stars and wondering about us”
The thought lingered in the air as we both gazed up in contemplative silence a gentle breeze rustled the grass around us, adding to the serenity of the moment
Rocket suddenly sat up, a playful grin spreading across his face.
“Hey, let’s make a wish on a shooting star! Maybe it’ll come true.”
We watched eagerly as a streak of light crossed the sky. Rocket closed his eyes and whispered his wish while you made your own silent hopes. As the shooting star faded we both felt a warm sense of connection to the cosmos.
As the last traces of the shooting star vanished, Rocket settled back down beside you, his gaze returning to the stars. “So, what’s your favorite constellation?”
thinking for a moment before answering.
“I’ve always been fascinated by the Big Dipper. It’s not just a constellation but part of a larger group called Ursa Major. It’s been used for navigation for centuries.”
Rocket’s eyes lit up with curiosity. “That’s so cool! I’ve heard about how it’s used to find the North Star. What about other constellations?”
“Well,” you start off thinking-
“there’s Cassiopeia, which looks like a ‘W’ in the sky. It’s named after a queen in Greek mythology who was known for her beauty.”
Rocket tilted his head, considering this. “Mythology is so interesting. I’ve read that the stars in Cassiopeia are actually different distances from us, but they just look like they’re in a line because of our perspective.”
“Exactly,” you say with a grin your eyes seemingly twinkling with excitement as you continue speaking
“The stars in any constellation aren’t necessarily related to each other They’re just grouped together from our viewpoint.”
Rocket pointed to a cluster of stars. “What about that one? It looks like a triangle or maybe a dorito..."
“That’s the Summer Triangle, It’s made up of three bright stars from three different constellations- Vega in Lyra, Deneb in Cygnus, and Altair in Aquila. Together, they make a distinctive shape that’s easy to spot.”
Rocket traced the triangle with his finger, visibly impressed.
“I love how each constellation has its own story and significance. It’s like the night sky is a huge, cosmic tapestry, and every star is a thread in it.”
Then he turned to you with a huge goofy grin
"But you seem to be a nerd when it comes to the stars"
"I'll take it as a compliment thank you!" You snort as you playfully smack his arm making him retaliate and slap you back earning fits of laughter under the starry sky
As we both continued to converse about the constellations, Rocket's gaze became wistful. He looked up at the stars with a thoughtful expression, lost in his own imagination.
“You know” Rocket began slowly “sometimes I wish I could be a star in another timeline. Imagine being part of that endless dance of light shining brightly for centuries, and seeing the universe change over time.”
You glance at Rocket intrigued and amused by his thought. “That sounds interesting i wonder what would it be like?”
Rocket’s eyes sparkled as he spoke. “I’d love to be a star, witnessing the birth of new celestial bodies, watching planets form and maybe even seeing distant civilizations look up and wonder about me. It would be like being part of something so grand and timeless”
You smiled, touched by Rocket’s poetic vision. “It’s amazing to think about how every star has its own journey. Even though we’re just observers, we’re connected to that grand narrative in our own way.”
Rocket nodded, his gaze fixed on the distant stars. “Yeah.... It makes me feel like even if I’m not a star, I’m still part of the same vast universe It’s comforting to think that our dreams and wishes are intertwined with the cosmos.”
As the chill of the night settled around us, Rocket shifted closer, wrapping hiself with his arms we sat side by side, the gentle rustle of the grass the only sound besides our quiet breathing.
Rocket’s voice softened to a contented murmur. “Even if we’re not stars, moments like these make me feel like we’re part of something just as magical.”
Iooking over and saw Rocket’s eyes reflecting the starry sky.
“Absolutely. It’s moments like these that make the universe feel a little smaller and a lot more beautiful.”
We both sighed in unison, feeling a deep sense of peace the stars above seemed to twinkle a bit more brightly as if sharing in our quiet joy as the night wore on we drifted into a comfortable silence wrapped in the softness of the moment and the shared warmth of friendship.
With the cosmos as our backdrop and the promise of more adventures to come feeling myself close my eyes feeling truly content and connected under the infinite sky
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full-swing-kiss · 15 days
🇵🇸 ‼️Hello, please share widely, Mohamed, family and children. I hope you are well. My name is Mohamed Atallah. I urgently need surgery on my left hand and to rebuild my home and my older sister Eman's home. I live with my parents, six sisters, a little girl named Malak and a little boy named Amir in northern Gaza. I created this link to fund a bone graft on my left hand that was hit by an explosive bullet, to rebuild our destroyed home and evacuate my family from Gaza to a safe place. And donate any amount for a safe life.. I would appreciate your help ❤️ Can you help in any way you can? Click on all the buttons on my wall, I beg you to visit my page, view it and donate via the link in my bio 💔 Donate and share widely 🆘🆘 Every euro makes a difference 🙏 I urge you to donate. Even the smallest amount can make a big difference. He doesn't just need to be evacuated with his family, he is in dire need of surgery! The IDF shot him in the arm with an explosive bullet. This is not normal. It's explosive. So he needs treatment immediately! Otherwise, he will get an infection and possibly amputate. We don't want that to happen, do we? So contribute! Make sure to retweet and share his story if you can't. Help my family. War is devastating. There is nothing left to live for. No schools, no universities, no home, no dreams. All dreams are shattered. I hope you can help before it's too late. @90-ghost has reviewed Mohammad's ID documents and messaged him too. Please share and contribute if you can. Feel free to repost on other platforms as well.🍉
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mdzs-fanon-exposed · 9 months
Introductory post: Please read! :)
hi everyone! welcome to my very own MDZS-specific iteration of the unparalleled @svsss-fanon-exposed and @tgcf-fanon-exposed. this blog is designed to find the differences between canon and fanon in the Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation fandom.
this blog is ENGLISH NOVEL CANON ONLY. although i may occasionally cite the drama or the donghua as the potential source for any misconceptions, the canons of these adaptations differ too much from the novel canon for my purposes (plus i haven't finished either one. whoops).
how this whole thing works:
send me an ask! is this thing you thought was canon actually fanon? is that fanon idea supported in the books? where? why? how?
i'll answer the ask with a rating, using SVFE's helpful rating system (explained below), and then go into detail. generally a post will include textual evidence supporting my rating, and possibly an analysis of what this means/where an idea came from.
i'll do my best not to introduce my own personal opinions or biases into the posts. if you have any textual evidence that you think disproves or otherwise contradicts one of my posts, i'm always happy to be corrected! HOWEVER. please do not argue with me or anyone else unnecessarily; this blog is not supposed to be a site for or source of discourse. i will block anyone who is repeatedly coming at me with bad faith. i'm doing this project for fun, and i want to keep it that way for everyone :)
posts will probably be sporadic so i don't burn myself out and lose interest. however, i want to try and answer as many questions as i can! submissions will open and close based on demand so i can stay on top of things.
some important things to keep in mind:
i'm not here to dunk on anyone's headcanons, and i am fully supportive of everyone's creative choices in the fandom!! (in fact i have many headcanons myself.) DO NOT harass anyone for their interpretations of the series. my purpose here is just to clarify whether certain ideas are textually supported, NOT to give an opinion on them.
i'm doing this blog for fun, so i'll be treating it as a casual project. i will only be using the official english translation of the novels, with the supplementary exception of the exiled rebels fanlation. i don't speak any chinese, so i will not be using the untranslated raws or any non-english fandom sources in my posts. although i'll be doing research as needed, i also will not be evaluating any headcanons purely based on chinese cultural norms, due to my unfamiliarity with them. if you are more familiar with any of these sources and have more information to add to a post, please let me know!
another thing to keep in mind: the official translation of the novels is not considered fully accurate to the original chinese. i am not immune to making mistakes, either. please take my posts with a grain of salt.
BECAUSE this is a casual project from someone whose only credentials are being completely obsessed with mo dao zu shi and knowing how to write an essay, anyone is welcome to make a blog that does this but. better. let me know if you start one and i'll point people your way lol.
finally: i will NOT be entertaining any character bashing in or on my blog. again, this is not a personal opinion-based blog, i'm looking at textual support, so honestly i don't think this disclaimer is necessary. but. just in case.
💥💥the rating system:💥💥
CANON: what it says on the tin! this fact is supported by the text. if you're trying to be as canon-compliant as possible, this rating is for you.
RUMOR: this fact is an in-text rumor. although this idea is mentioned in the novel, it's still not explicitly confirmed as canon. the characters themselves don't know if it's true or not!
FANON – SUPPORTED: not directly stated in canon, but it's a very likely interpretation, taking into account factors like cultural norms and occam's razor! this rating might be retroactively added to a post previously rated FANON – NEUTRAL, based on crowdsourced information about the raws or chinese culture.
FANON – NEUTRAL: it's not canon, but it's not NOT canon. the text neither confirms nor denies this interpretation, so it's up to you whether you want to consider it true to canon or not. the world is your oyster.
FANON – UNSUPPORTED: not directly stated in canon, but it's a very unlikely interpretation, taking into account factors like cultural norms and occam's razor. this rating might be retroactively added to a post previously rated FANON – NEUTRAL, based on crowdsourced information about the raws or chinese culture.
FANON – CONFLICTING: this idea directly contradicts something stated in the text. if you want to stay as canon-compliant as possible, this rating is not for you.
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workersolidarity · 6 months
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[ 📹 On the morning of the third day of Eid al-Fitr, during the call for morning prayers, the Israeli occupation army shelled the minaret of the Al-Qassam Mosque, sending a message to Palestinians that nothing will remain sacred under the watch of the Zionist entity. 📸 Photos from the dozens of civilian martyred after an Israeli airstrike targeted the Tabatibi family home in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in the central Gaza Strip on Friday.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🕌 💥 🚨
On the 189th day of "Israel's" special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed of total of 8 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 89 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 120 others have been wounded over the previous 24-hours.
The Ministry of Health of Gaza added that, while a number of Palestinians were taken to local hospitals, the bodies of many victims remain trapped under the rubble or scattered in the roads, with local paramedic and civil defense crews unable to reach the sites of bombings due to the continued strikes of the Israeli occupation army.
In an interview with Hebrew newspaper Maariv, former Israeli Minister of Justice, Haim Ramon, said that the war in Gaza has ended in a "strategic defeat."
The statement was made in response to a question about whether the war in Gaza has been concluded, Ramon answered by saying, “Unfortunately, yes. Unfortunately, there is a tactical victory, but there is also a strategic defeat. We did not achieve any of the goals set by the government."
“The ground maneuver (attack) started in the wrong way, and only moved heavily to the north of Gaza Strip," Ramon said, adding that, “We transferred a million and a half refugees to the south, and now we will not go to Rafah (south) because there are a million and a half. It is not an American problem, it is our problem in how we deal with them.”
Ramon went on to emphasize that “Six months ago we went to this war and there was one thing, which was the collapse of Hamas militarily. They (the army) dealt it severe blows, but it is still standing on its feet.”
“The goal was to eliminate civilian Hamas, which controls humanitarian aid,” considering that “it is impossible for Hamas to collapse without temporary civilian rule.”
“We were also unable to bring down civilian Hamas. We said that there would be military pressure, and the pressure would lead to the release of the hostages, and this did not happen either, and the goals of the war were not achieved after six months, and at this time, we are in great trouble.”
Meanwhile, on the third day of Eid al-Fitr, the endless slaughter of innocent Palestinian families continued overnight on Thursday, and again after dawn on Friday, with renewed Israeli strikes on various sectors of the Gaza Strip.
On Thursday, at least one civilian was killed, and several others wounded, after a Zionist airstrike targeted multiple sites north of the Al-Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip. Casualties were transported to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.
Local sources said the strike occured when Israeli occupation warplanes bombed a school sheltering displaced Palestinian families, which killed a civilian and wounded a number of others, while occupation aircraft conducted several air raids in other areas of the Camp, while also shelling various neighborhoods with artillery and completely destroying several buildings.
And on Friday morning, in the latest horrific, Zionist criminal atrocity, Israeli occupation fighter jets launched a strike on the residential home of the Tabatibi family, in the Sidra area of the al-Daraj neighborhood, in the central Gaza Strip, resulting in the martyrdom of more than 25 Palestinian civilians, 29 by some accounts, and wounding dozens of others.
Zionist quadcopter drones also fired missiles or dropped ordinance on at least three Palestinian residences in the Al-Zaytoun, Al-Shujaiya and Al-Rimal neighborhoods of Gaza City, resulting in a number of casualties among civilians.
Elsewhere, local civil defense crews say they recovered the decomposing corpses of at least 13 martyrs from the Al-Balad and Al-Amal neighborhoods of the Khan Yunis governate, in the southern Gaza Strip, after the IOF withdrew from the area in recent days.
Meanwhile, in another atrocity, several casualties were transported to Al-Awdah Hospital in the Al-Nuseirat Camp after an Israeli quadcopter drone opened fire on civilians, while an occupation airstrike targeting a residential home in the Jabalia Refugee Camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, killed a Palestinian police officer along with his son, with occupation artillery forces also targeting police officers involved in the coordination of aid in Gaza.
Further, a Palestinian journalist, Ahmed Al-Lawh, was moderately wounded in Israeli artillery shelling that targeted a group of reporters north of the Nuseirat Camp.
Intense clashes continue to take place between forces with the Palestinian Resistance and the Israeli occupation army in the Al-Mughraqa area, as well as to the north of the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip.
At the same time, Israeli occupation forces fired smoke bombs towards the Malaysian school, north of the Nuseirat Camp, while heavy Israeli shelling continues to target in the vicinity of the refugee camp.
As a result of "Israel's" ongoing special genocide operation, the death toll in the Gaza Strip has risen once again, now exceeding 33'634 Palestinians killed, including over 14'500 children and 9'500 women, while another 76'214 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression against Gaza, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
April 12th, 2024
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This is the most random idea
I just randomly saw this one video on how penguins find the perfect rock and give it to another penguin and if they accept BAM RELATIONSHIP
And it's so CUTE ✨
(Just imagine Hanayama as a penguin waddling 👊💥👊💥🩷👊🫂✨)
I like to think if the reader as a cute little Adélie penguin and Hanayama is an emperor penguin harpy
He constantly harassed you with various peoples ever since you defended him when you were chicks (adelies are known to be fiesty). He’s been following you around ever since and he won’t take no as an answer
This made me think of this specific video:
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velvetwyrme · 7 months
So Flipping Fate is my favorite Underfell Papyrus fic but what is your favorite UF! Papyrus fic?
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AH 🥺❣️❣️ First off, thank you so much!! I'm glad you're enjoying Flipping Fate! :D!!!
Secondly, there's no need to apologize- my fav/s are definitely in the list you mentioned, but I'm more than happy to answer again here :]!! My favorite UF!Papyrus fic has GOTTA BE Thunderstruck. Absoluuuutely killer characterisation and development, delicious interactions and writing... I love it dearly 💖
Other notable fics (probably also in the list lololol) include; A Smile from the East and Roadside Attraction. ASftE made me fall in love with UF!Pap back in the old days of fandom, and Roadside Attraction made me adore him once again when I returned.
And since you asked so nicely, here are some more (sfw) UF!Pap/Reader recs that. also may or may not be in the list idk I didn't actually go back and check lol
Becoming Edge is a fic all about finding yourself and your identity through fashion and was instrumental in me doing the same. Really sweet!!! Pastel goth Edge... my beloved.
And speaking of pastel goth- My Soulmate is a Pastel Goth (And Other Concerns) is a enemies-to-friends-to-lovers fic with the added elements of Soulmates ✨! Love me some tempestuous soulmate fic. (Note: this fic also features Fem!Frisk as Sans' soulmate in the bg, so if you're not a fan, that's something to note ^^! Fr//ans isn't quite my thing, but tbh I'm really interested in seeing how things turn out for them here!)
Between a Rope and a Wrench, or; this skeleton is buying a lot of really weird, suspicious stuff but you will help him get it because it's your job and later because you're his friend. (Also, you choose his friendship over the possibility that you may become an accomplice in murder.)
Sound of Blooming... MAFIAFELL 💥💥!!!! It's been a bit since I read it but it's in ny bookmarks so... :3c!
A Home for Mending Souls is actually a UF!Bros/Reader, but it still counts. It's really good!! Healing from trauma! Soft moments! Slowly opening up to one another!
Till it Brews Over is a coffee shop AU where you purposefully misspell the name of your asshole regular, who just happens to be one edgy skeleton.
Also for additional fics that star UF!Pap that I enjoy/have enjoyed:
While I was looking for one of these fics it led me to realise that I STILL haven't read Fight Me! (by MsMk- not be confused with Fight Me! by Little_old_lady, which uses the same premise and is also really good, but it features FS!Sans instead of UF!Pap) Anyway, this is truly a travesty because they're a fantastic writer and I can only assume it got lost in my various open tabs >>"!! [Addition while drafting: I LOVE IT he's so sulky... I'm staring warily at the chapter count though. So much time for things to Go Wrong]
I actually really like UF!Pap in Bitty Hunt- his characterization is very much... reminiscent of that era of fic, but all the scenes with him in it are ones that have been seared into my brain !!
Another new-ish fic that I'm enjoying UF!Pap in is Honey Lemon Tea, which the summary succinctly describes it as "Papyrus finds his Grillby's... in the form of a very plain coffee shop.", and which I will less-succinctly describe it as "Anti-harem with a delightfully mysterious barista, with the obligatory awful gf"
Edit: I cannot figure out why for the life of me but the formatting looks REALLY weird on my end, but in the editor it's fine?? So if it looks weird/out of order to you please excuse this post, it seems to be some Tumblr Fuckery
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symptomsofdeceit · 5 months
ahEM- hello again :3 no need to apologise ❤️ I was thinking that tumblr just decided to eat my ask on dinner 🍽️ glad that it's not!!! I actually planning to plunge myself in your inbox and live here rent free now tehee :3 so I think I need some nickname so you could recognise me... may I be a yapping shrimp anon 🦐 ??? shrimps are silly AND I talk a lot, professional yapper at your service. also I made an OC for your game that is a funny cherry shrimp guy. would shrimp be an option for MC associated animal???? it's a shame that you can't send pictures as anon, I would love to show the dude to you. I think I got a bit of courage after all the time that have passed and your answer boosting it a lot!!!! be careful, I might send silly ask at any moment now 😈😈😈 I FINALLY DECIDED ON WHO IS MY FAVORITE. it's Nalis!! he's officially promoted to my babygirl now ✨✨✨ sorry Thaumo, you lost this battle. but I still love you pathetic little guy ❤️
HOPE YOU HAVE A NICE MORNING/DAY/NIGHT IDK WHAT TIME IS IT IN YOUR COUNTRY RIGHT NOW!!! thank you so much for answering :"3 ❤️✨ you're my favourite developer!! ALSO I WITNESSED THIS WHOLE MADNESS WITH TAMPON JOKES AND I LAUGHED SO HARD AT IT. Thaumo have no shame it's crazy 😭😭😭
That makes me so so happy to hear 😭💕💕 thank you!!!! Your first ask was so sweet it had me screaming & kicking my feet too 🤝🤝🤝🤝
I’m very happy to have you here as another rent-free & cherished resident of the inbox 🫶 & of course, yapping shrimp anon it is!
Someone else asked for a shrimp too so I’m adding one!! I haven’t decided what type of shrimp yet though, I’m still deciding on specific types for shrimp & shark.
I wonder if there’s a way for me to change the settings so people using anon can send images? I’ll look into it!! Seeing people’s different MCs makes me so happy, I’d love to see your shrimp MC. I’m also so happy to hear that you’ve gained some courage!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )💕💕 I’ll look forward to hearing some silly asks from you in the future
Thank you for this ask as well, and I hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night too!! (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)💕✨ Being anyone’s favorite developer is wild to me and not something I ever expected, but it truly means a lot to me 😭💕💕
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girlwonder-writes · 3 months
??? For Could It Be You?
Buck was well aware that Tommy was previously a part of the 118 and had an intrinsic tie to his work family, but watching the older man interact with Hen, Chimney, and even Bobby, it became clear to him where the connections were. But even the way he interacted with Christopher and Eddie, complete strangers to him, seemed to suggest confidence and charisma. And Buck could not take his eyes off of the man. As he travelled towards a conversation between Bobby, Hen and Eddie, he eased his way into the conversation.
“I still can’t believe that actually happened,” Buck commented casually, “And Maurice had blades tied to him?”
“Yes, he was armed and dangerous!” Tommy interjected in mock terror. With a chuckle, he added, “Honestly, at that point, I was just glad that things were changing. You were instrumental in that, Bobby.”
“If you guys hadn’t gotten Gerrard out, I wouldn’t have had the chance to work at the 118,” Bobby commented, “It was just a shame about the timing of it all.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow at that comment. “What do you mean, Cap?”
“Harbor Station finally had an opening at Air Ops for a pilot. It was the opportunity Tommy had been waiting for. And when Captain Chambers gave me a call about it, I knew it was the right opportunity for him, even if we were losing a great firefighter...and you were the one who replaced him.” Bobby looked to Buck as he said the last part.
💥💥💥 For Crash
It was hard to get answers from the hospital, but once it was worked out that Tommy was the emergency contact they needed to contact, it made things slightly easier. He was told the doctor would update him as soon as she could. But the fact that before he could get any answers, the first thing he heard was the sound of a familiar voice, angry, frustrated, agitated. Before anyone could stop him, Tommy followed the sound of the voice to a trauma bay, where a doctor was tending to Eddie.
“Hey,” he greeted his friend gently, “Let them take care of you, Ed.”
Eddie was not in good shape, the bruising from a seatbelt, signs of bruising near his ribs visible on his exposed chest, while a doctor was trying to tend to him.
“Tommy...” There was pain and exhaustion in Eddie’s voice as he tried to speak, having finally exhausted himself from all the agitated yelling earlier.
“They won’t tell me anything about Evan yet, they told me to wait for the doctor,” Tommy explained quietly.
“I just...” Eddie let out a groan, before closing his eyes. “I wish the world would stop spinning.”
A female voice behind Tommy declared, “You have a concussion, Eddie. You need to stay put.”
Both Tommy and Eddie looked to Olivia as she continued talking.
“Those are some nasty bruises,” she commented quietly, then she turned to Tommy and added, “There’s a doctor out there looking for Evan’s Emergency Contact. You better go see what that’s about.”
Tommy gave Olivia a quick nod before telling Eddie, “Please just cooperate with the doctor. I’ll be back once I know more about Evan’s situation.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep him company for a bit,” Olivia assured both men.
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