#📨 @purplecherryuwu
ninblahgo · 2 years
If you're still doing the relationship bing thing, can I request Karlof x Bolobo?
Very sorry for the incredibly late reply... I saw it earlier but I was feeling extremely unmotivated to do anything
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Lemme explain some of these <_<
My feelings are so mixed they're a smoothie: Can't decide whether I like them more as friends or lovers- and I haven't thought of this ship hard enough to decide anyway o-o
It's more funny than romantic tbh (/pos): Idk I'm imagining chaotic hilarious wholesomeness
They,,, kimss,,holde handss,,,,: I didn't colour in the 'kimss' part because I find it more difficult to imagine them kissing than holding hands... might be biased since I still look away from kiss scenes, it's stuck with me since childhood so now I feel awkward watching them lmao. At least I find reading them a bit bearable
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((Did you mean 'other than'? Not sure but Imma assume you did- ^^))
[Karlof] *nods* Usually when they are not needed (Like when Karlof doesn't need to fight or bring weapons for defense)
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ninblahgo · 2 years
Hey so curious question, what do you think the EMS reaction to being injured would be?
Hmm.. I'm going to imagine their reactions to accidentally breaking their own leg. (Maybe they tripped or smth)
I'm also going to assume you mean all the other EMs that were at the Tournament of Elements?
Imma ALSOO include the Ninja just because.
Probably slipped or failed some epIC NINJA MOVes
Tries to deal with it himself
Actually makes a temporary cast (abandoned child stufdg)
Looks for Zane
Limping obviously
She'd just immediately have help by her side. ... probably Kai and/or Jay
But if not, she is a strong woman and shall try to deal with it herself until she can get proper help
Is that how it goes?
I don't understand society
"oW OW Ow ow ow‐"
Very displeased with himself
Hopping around on his good leg while trying to find Zane
More annoyed than anything
*Aggressive limping*
Eventual unending boredom (bc he can't go on missions like that)
Bored bored bored
Either repairs himself or someone else repairs him
I don't think he feels pain? Not sure though, maybe he feels a tiny pinch of It?
Will say "Ow!" Whenever he feels pain
Slowly limping his way around
*sighs loudly in annoyance once his leg is in a cast*
Obviously will have to stay away from danger for a while, so boredom. Very very boredom (it doesn't make sense, I know, I did that on purpose :)))
I can't imagine her breaking her leg-
She'd probably be reasonable and somehow succeed in not making it worse before she can get any proper help
Also she's the fricking Master of Amber
Just uses Gravis's Elemental Power to get around until she's completely healed
Though she'd probably be told a lot not to use the powers and rest or smth
*Holds his breath*
Y'know, when u hold ur breath and wait for the pain to go away? Just me? No? Yes?
"How on Earth did I get myself into this situation."
Would just sit there thinking about what to do before either calling or messaging Neuro
📩 'Hi, my leg hurts a lot'
📩 'I think it's broken'
📩 'What do I do??'
"Oh great."
Very much deals with it herself
As in gets herself to a hospital or something
'Frick the pain'
Probably made it worse
Silently in pain
📩 'Heyy'
📩 'I think my leg is broken'
📩 'Im stranded'
📩 'Cant stand'
📩 'Cant walk'
"Well this is a huge inconvenience."
Uses his Elemental Power to get around
Very irritated with the situation
'Stupid itchy cast'
Griffin Turner:
Would probably become really upset when he realises he won't be able to run for a while
... or walk without crutches
Probably gonna try to use his Elemental Power while on crutches and break his other leg lmao
"Ouch– shoot– FSM—"
Doesn't move
Either calls for help or waits for it
Waits for it as in waits for someone to notice
Another choice is to try and send a message telepathically
I doubt he'd ever break his leg
Bc 1. He can turn into metal
And 2. It's Karlof
But if he did ever break his leg
Then maybe he'll try making some kind of temporary.. thing to keep the broken bones straight
Only temporarily
50% chance he'll succeed
Depends if he takes off his giant metal glove thingys
Instantly calls for help
Poor guy can't really see either sooo..
📱 "Hello, I think I broke my leg– p l e a s e h e l p."
📱 "I can't even see it."
"Ow! Dangit!"
Already floats everywhere
Floated to the hospital like "Hello I require assistance." (I'm not very funny but the line was too boring without the last bit)
Still floats everywhere
Very frustrated
Probably failed a trick or something?
Impatient at first but eventually just accepts it annoyedly
Bad mood
Like‐ everyday
Wraps his leg in vines
Homemade cast 👍
Okay but he might get a proper cast at some point
Summons vines to help him get around
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