#🕷 Mind's never quiet
moonslittlestar · 6 months
Hi friends, A lot has happened in the last 24 hours. And I just want you to know that this is a SAFE space. You are loved, your identity, your sexuality, everything that makes you YOU. You are loved and you are welcome here and you have a safe space here. ❤ I am Trans / Agender and Queer... I wouldn't call myself a Dammon stan but I did love his character a lot... and I'm so fucking hurt and disappointed with Frazer. I will not be posting any Dammon content for a while, for now, I cannot separate the character from the actor... fuck Frazer and fuck his views.
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Part two was so good I’m invested I need to know how it ends please make part three to running when you have the time!
Sincerely 🕷anon
You bet part 1 , 2
Channeling my inner demons for this one
Red text is alastors pov/dialogue
Slanted red is when he is mentioned or refered to
Tw: yandere themes, possessive behavior, slight PTSD, reader got issues, so does alastor really
Running Pt 3
A week had passed since your leg had been chopped off
It was weird, getting up every morning only to fall in your face immediately
You were right about your father leaving his shadow on you
You swear every time you fell each morning, it would laugh at you
This morning was no different
You woke up, sat up, went to stand on the side of your bed, and promptly fell flat on your face
The shadow in the corner made a strange hissing sound
Which you had now come to identify as laughter
Grumbling, you flipped off the shadow as you, shakily, got to your feet
Well, foot
You figured that the only good thing to come out of all of this, was that your remaining leg would be super beefy from carrying all your wait
You hopped over to the bathroom connected to your room, and did your business
When you reentered your room, you noticed alastor sitting on a lavish armchair in the corner by your bed, sipping a dark red liquid (blood, most likely) and reading a book
You had half a mind to just close the door and hide in the bathroom
You did that the first morning after your leg was sawed off, he didn't take to kindly to being ignored so rudely
Instead, you let out a grumpy sigh, and hobbled over to the edge of your bed, waiting for him to notice you
Or to decide to grant you the honor of his attention
He did this every morning
Let you fall in your face, use the bathroom, then appear out of fucking nowhere and wait for you in your room
After that he either got your wheelchair and took you to the kitchen, it would just let you stew in your anger for ten or so more minutes while he read
Both options were a little awkward for you
Seemed like this morning, he found himself content with simply letting you be while he read
You were not in the mood to just sit here
The fucking prick
Instead of putting up with his bullshit, you decided to rush things along
So, you loudly cleared your throat to get his attention
Apparently, he wasn't in the mood for your attitude
Out of nowhere there was a loud static pop, which, admittedly made you jump a little
You could feel your large furry ears go stiff at the obvious warning
Your spine went ridged, and suddenly, memories of the last time he was displeased with you came rushing back
The blood soaked table
The horrific voodoo symbols that surrounded you, preventing you from moving
And the dark..
You wanted to run
To leave, and never have to set eyes on the monster behind you ever again
But it was running that got you into this shit
You'll never be able to run again
He had done something to your leg, weird voodoo symbols engraved in the skin that prevented it from regenerating
You'd never walk again
You were dependent on him, much as you hated to admit it
A creak in the furniture from behind you told you that he was getting up
You flinched, involuntarily, when you felt him lay a clawed hand on your shoulder
"Well my dear, Id say that's enough dilly dalling for today! Why don't we get some breakfast hm?"
You couldn't respond, at least not verbally, so you opted to nod instead
The hand on your shoulder gave you a warning squeeze
Right, you forgot, he hated it when you didn't use your words
You mumbled
It was the best you could do
You used to be so defiant, so fiery
Not that it wasn't a nice change of pace for him, but he did miss your spunky additude and witty remarks
But ever since he had cut off your left leg, you were so quiet and meek
A part of him hated how he had to resort to such drastic measures, while another part was pleased that you were finally in your place
He knew you probably hated him for doing this, but he had no choice
At least, it seemed like that to him
You needed to learn that fighting back and running would only get you in more trouble
A shame though, how it took him needing to physically, mentally, and permanently damage you to get you to listen
He doesn't regret it though, this way, you'll always need him
Weeks went by, then months
The cycle never ends
Except for the falling on your face part, you've broken the habit of getting up then falling down immediately
A relief for you, a disappointment for the shadow that was always watching you
Life (or death) had become boring and mundane
There wasn't much you could do now without assistance
Alastor refused to give you a prosthetic, and your wheelchair only came into use when he wasn't around
And he wasn't around as often anymore
Apparently he had found a new source of entertainment
Which involved a strange hotel ran by a demon determined to rehabilitate sinners
So now, you spent most your days alone in the cabin/mansion/house
You had become a master of hobbling around on one leg
Unfortunately, the house was not "baby" proof, and you found yourself with an assortment of bruises at the end of every day
And thus a new cycle began, every day you'd wake up, your father sitting in the corner of your room, then take you to the kitchen for breakfast before leaving you on your own
It was kind of nice, having your own space again
Yet it was still so incredibly boring
Luckily for you, your father soon decided to introduce you to the demons of the hotel we often went to (you later found out it was called the Happy Hotel)
The only demons you knew there were Husk and Nifty, though you immediately hit it off with a spider demon (PLATONIC)
You started going daily with Alastor to the Happy Hotel
He even got you a prosthetic limb for your visits
(The moment you tried to escape though, it would morph into a ball and chains and trap you)
Even if you weren't exactly free, you weren't alone anymore
And for that, you were grateful
If only you could shake off the feeling of dread, like all these good things would soon come to an end
And done, once more ot 4 is a possibility
Not anytime soon tho cus j have a few asks I need to work on/finish
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angstasff · 5 months
Remember Me Pt.1
🕸an: I'm backk, and what if I told you this came to be when speaking to a Peter Parker Ai Bot... anyways! Part 2 is in the works already, and tbh I don't know how many parts this may be. also gif creds to @mercurysstars
🕸Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
🕸Genre: ANGST, fluff (later)
🕸CW: parent death, no way home ending, kinda not exactlycanon I think
🕸Word Count: 2K
🕸Summary: After Dr. Strange did his memory erasing," the estranged daughter of Tony Stark, discovers she's the only one who remembers Peter Parker. In an attempt to restore their friend's memory of Peter, Peter and Y/n grow closer, but how long can her memory of him really last?
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In the heart of New York City, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, there was a small diner tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. It was a place where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of sizzling bacon, and where the clatter of dishes and the hum of conversation filled the air.
It was here, in this unassuming diner, that y/n had started working as a waitress, weaving her way through the crowded tables every weekend. She had started working there part-time, while in high school, to help pay for her hopeful future at MIT, taking orders and serving up plates of comfort food to the weary souls who found solace in the diner's welcoming embrace.
It was minutes before she could clock out, and y/n had been wiping down the counter, lost in her own thoughts when the door swung open and a familiar figure stepped inside.
Tony Stark, billionaire playboy and renowned inventor, sauntered into the diner with all the confidence and composure of a man who owned the world. He was clad in a sleek suit that cost more than most people's monthly rent, his dark hair tousled and his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Y/n was confused and nervous. She had seen Tony Stark in the headlines countless times, his face plastered across magazine covers and news articles, but she had never imagined she would encounter him in person, let alone in a place like this.
Tony approached the counter with purposeful strides, his gaze fixed on y/n with a piercing intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. "You must be Y/n," he said, his voice smooth and commanding. "I've heard good things about you."
Y/n blinked in surprise, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. 
"I, uh, yes, that's me," y/n stammered, her cheeks flushing with heat. "What can I get for you, Mr. Stark?"
Tony flashed her a curt smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Just Tony is fine," he said, leaning against the counter with casual ease. "I'm here on business, actually. I've been keeping an eye on you, y/n. You're smart, you're capable, and you've got a gift that most people can only dream of."
Y/n's brow furrowed in confusion, her mind racing to catch up with the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Tony's smile faded, replaced by a steely resolve that sent a shiver down y/n's spine. "I want to offer you a job," he said, his voice low and intense. "A job at Stark Industries, working alongside some of the brightest minds in the world. You'll have access to resources and opportunities that most people can only dream of."
Y/n's eyes widened in disbelief, her heart pounding in her chest. A job at Stark Industries? It was an offer she couldn't refuse, a chance to escape the drudgery of her mundane existence and step into a world of limitless possibilities. But what about MIT?
But as she stared into Tony's piercing gaze, a nagging thought tugged at the edges of her consciousness—a question she had been too afraid to ask, too afraid to confront.
"I have been saving up for months to be able to get into MIT, Why me, Why now?" she whispered, her voice barely above a breath.
Tony's expression softened, a hint of sadness flickering behind his eyes. "Because you're special, Y/n," he said simply. "More special than you realize."
And with those words hanging in the air between them, Tony reached into his pocket and pulled out a small envelope, sealed with the emblem of Stark Industries. He placed it gently in y/n's outstretched hand, his touch lingering for a moment longer than necessary.
"Think about it, Y/n," he said, his voice soft but firm. "And when you're ready, give me a call. I'll be waiting."
And with that, Tony Stark turned and strode out of the diner, leaving y/n standing there in stunned silence, clutching the envelope in her trembling hands.
When she got home later that night, when y/n was alone in her apartment, she mustered the courage to open the envelope and read the letter inside. And as she poured over the words on the page, her heart pounding with excitement and trepidation, she realized the truth that had been staring her in the face all along.
Tony Stark was her father.
The revelation hit her like a thunderbolt, shaking her to her core as she struggled to come to terms with the enormity of it all. Her born from accidental pregnancy? She had always wondered who her father was but could have never imagined she was the daughter of the legendary Tony Stark.
But as she stared down at the letter in her hands, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. The strange sensations that had plagued her for years, the memories that seemed to linger just beyond the edges of her consciousness—they all made sense now.
Y/n Stark stood before the towering window of her penthouse apartment, the panoramic view of New York City sprawled out before her like a glittering tapestry. The fading rays of the setting sun bathed the skyline in a warm, golden light, casting long shadows across the urban landscape. From her vantage point high above the bustling streets, y/n could see the city pulsating with life, the steady flow of traffic like blood coursing through the veins of a living organism. It has been two years since Tony died, and she is still left with so many questions about herself unanswered. 
Before Tony had died, he confessed to her, her real lineage. Her mother was not her mother. Her mother is dead and died when she was little. Tony revealed who your mother was. It was all too much. Of course, y/n believed him so he showed her. An image of her mother, and in an instant memories resurfaced.
In the faded image, y/n saw herself as a young child, cradled in the arms of a woman whose face was obscured by the passage of time. But it wasn't the identity of the woman that caught y/n's attention—it was the glint of recognition in her own eyes, a spark of familiarity that sent a shiver down her spine.
She remembered a time when she had been just a young girl, no older than five or six, playing alone in the sprawling gardens of the Stark mansion. The sun had been shining, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow across the lush greenery, and y/n had been lost in a world of her own imagination.
But then, out of the corner of her eye, she had seen something—a flash of movement, a figure lurking in the shadows. Intrigued, she had followed the mysterious presence, her curiosity leading her deeper into the labyrinthine maze of hedges and shrubbery.
And that's when she had found her—her mother, standing amidst a grove of ancient trees, her hands outstretched toward the heavens as if invoking some unseen power. Y/n had watched in awe as her mother's form seemed to blur and shimmer as if she were weaving a spell of magic that transcended the boundaries of reality itself.
At that moment, y/n had felt a surge of energy course through her veins, a tingling sensation that left her feeling both exhilarated and afraid. It was as if her very essence had been infused with the power of the universe, awakening something dormant and long-forgotten within her soul.
And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the moment had passed. Her mother had turned to face her, her eyes shining with a mixture of love and sorrow, before fading away like a wisp of smoke on the wind.
But the memory had lingered, etched into the fabric of y/n's consciousness like a scar on her soul.
Hours were spent conducting experiments and research, exploring the limits of y/n's abilities, and pushing the boundaries of what was possible. But as the days turned into weeks, and Tony became increasingly preoccupied with other matters, their investigations were pushed to the side, left unfinished and unresolved.
And now, with Tony Stark gone and y/n left to grapple with the truth on her own, she was faced with more questions than answers. What was the true extent of her powers? How had she come to possess them in the first place? And what did it all mean for her future?
The truth is that it didn’t matter. Tony was gone, and she now was accepted into MIT, she had other things to worry about now. Well, at least that's what she thought until the “shift happened”.
It was morning, a week into winter break when she felt it—a strange, disorienting sensation that washed over her like a sudden gust of wind. It was as if the very air around her had shifted, leaving her feeling unmoored and adrift in a sea of uncertainty.
At first, y/n had dismissed it as nothing more than a trick of the mind, a fleeting moment of vertigo brought on by exhaustion or stress. But as days went by she knew something was terribly wrong. 
It all started when she turned on the TV and the channel "The Daily Fix" hosted by the nosy and annoying J. Jonah Jameson was on. Y/n didn’t care for the usual news but kept it on as she made her morning coffee. She was mid-coffee pour when she heard Jameson criticizing Spider-Man once again, claiming he was a coward for hiding his identity. But that didn’t make sense because he was just the one outing Peter Parker as Spider-Man, so how could his identity be hidden? It didn’t make sense, but honestly, she was too happy about her acceptance to look into it. In fact, that reminded her that she meant to gush to MJ about it.
Y/n called MJ, and they expressed their secret excitement for MIT.
"Ugh, the fall is going to be so fun, MJ. I literally can’t wait. Did you ever find out if Ned and Peter got in?"
"Oh yeah, Ned got in, but uh, who’s Peter?"
"Ha ha, very funny, MJ. Did you guys get in a fight or something?"
"No, what, Y/n?"
"Peter. Peter Parker. The nerdy guy you are like totally in love with…"
"Y/n, I don’t know what you are talking about, but I have to go. I’ll see you later. Be safe!"
"Uh, okay, bye, see you later."
Why is MJ acting like she doesn't know Peter? Y/n dialed Ned's number, her mind racing with questions and confusion. As the phone rang, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of her consciousness.
"Hey, Y/n, what's up?" Ned's voice crackled over the line, filled with warmth and familiarity.
"Ned, it's me," Y/n began, her words tumbling out in a rush. "I just talked to MJ, and she acted like she didn't know who Peter was. She said she doesn't remember him at all. Do you know what's going on?"
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line.
Y/n felt her heart drop.
“Ned, is this some kind of prank that you two are pulling on me? Cause it’s not funny, everything has been all weird lately and-”
“Y/n, I have no reason to prank you, I have no idea who Peter is.”
“Oh- Okay pretend I never asked, also congrats on MIT, I have to go but ill see you soon.”
“Okay see ya, I hope things get better!”
As y/n hung up the phone, her mind raced with a whirlwind of questions and confusion. Why did MJ and Ned act like they didn't know Peter? And what was going on with the strange shift she had felt in the air lately? The pieces of the puzzle refused to fit together, leaving her feeling more lost and bewildered than before. But amidst the chaos of her thoughts, one thing remained clear—she needed answers. And the only person who could provide them was Peter Parker himself.
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─🕷────────────── Don't Lie To Me (Peter Parker x Reader -Angst-) ─🕷──────────────
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You know Peter is cheating on you, and you want the truth.
I had no specific Peter Parker in mind when I wrote this, but enjoy. Language, cheating, angst, implied sex ahead.
770 Words
Peter had been increasingly coming home later than usual. You were sick of him hiding his phone all the time whenever it rang. You hated to be suspicious of him like this but you had a gut feeling something was wrong.
That gut feeling was confirmed when you saw the text light up his phone when you both were in bed one night. He was asleep and went to bed clutching his phone in his hand. It slipped out to lay flat on the mattress beside him. You didn't want to accidentally wake him, so you got out the bed and tiptoed around to his side. Hesitantly picking up the glowing device, you read the message:
New Message From Felicia
Hey Spider...When can I see you again? Last night was too fun ;)
You felt your heart sink.
You started to breathe rapidly, trying to focus on something else before you had a panic attack.
You brushed yourself off for a couple of days thinking maybe it was a coworker. Maybe it was taken out of context. Your Peter could never betray you like that.
But when his phone rang with her name once again, he tried to hide it, and you had enough.
"I got promoted today" He said glancing at you and then digging into his pasta.
You stayed silent as you shook your head and raised your eyebrows. You held the metal fork, gripping it hard, wanting nothing more than to stab him with it.
He continued cautiously, it didn't take his spidey sense to notice your grip on the fork: "I think it'll be good for the both of us, and in a couple months I can probably become assistant manager of the company. What do you think?"
He waited for your answer, and when he received none he frowned.
"Baby, you're being so quiet, what's-"
"Yeah, Peter, I'm sorry for being quiet, and all, while you want to celebrate, but you know what I think? I think fucking other people while you know how much I love you is fucking cruel. Who the fuck is Felicia?" You exhaled through your nostrils, eyebrows furrowed as you let your hidden rage out.
You could see his face go pale, confirming you discovered something he always meant to keep a secret.
"She's...she's just...she's just a-" he stuttered not helping his case whatsoever.
"Peter. Don't you lie to me." your voice stern.
"She an old friend, we've been catching up and there's nothing going on between us." You could tell he was lying.
"Then let me see your phone, Peter."
"What? No, (y/-)"
"Let me see your Goddamn phone!" you yelled. You hated to yell but you were at a breaking point. You tried to stay strong, tears attempting to form in your eyes.
He reluctantly put in his password, and handed it to you while sighing deeply. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes.
That was really all you could say. Because the second you clicked on her contact the evidence spoke for itself. Dates they had planned, nudes sent, sexts exchanged. It was worse than you ever envisioned it would be.
You nodded your head accepting that this was reality as you prodded your tongue in your mouth before asking:
"What, so you were going to..just keep me around in case that didn't work out?" You folded your arms.
"It's not...it just kind of happened." he answered struggling to explain himself. What can he say? He was caught.
"But you still kept it going?" you threw your hand up and then back into your arm fold.
"I'm sorry." he says his voice starting to croak.
Your face was full of sadness, but you knew what you had to do. That trust was something that could never be replaced. And it's gone now.
"Sorry won't bring me back" you stated sadly.
You called a friend and asked if you could stay the night, telling them about the situation. You pulled your suitcase from the closet and stuffed as many of your clothes and items in there as possible.
You'd have to collect the rest of your stuff eventually. But tonight you just wanted to be away from Peter.
"Have fun with that" you said pointing to his phone as you left the house, pulling your suitcase behind you.
You got in your car and turned the key to the ignition to drive. Your tears finally flowed as you let yourself cry. You blinked rapidly and hot tears came rolling down, its warmth feeling oddly comforting in this cold time.
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Thank You, Doctor (Miguel O’Hara - Part 4/4)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Epilogue
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: violence (like icky ewy game of thrones violence at the end there), language, general unaddressed trauma idk
If Sam noticed you were quiet the next morning, he didn't mention it. He simply ate the waffle you brought him, occasionally flicking his eyes over to you. After a while, the silence had apparently grated him enough to move him to conversation.
“You never told me how you landed here,” he said around a bite of waffle, drawing your eyes towards him.
You sat down on the end of a bed, watching him eat. “I was never supposed to be born.”
“What does that mean?”
“My father was what they call a jumper, and he knocked up my mom in a universe other than his own, leaving my DNA split between two different universes.”
He took another bite, considering you. “I don’t see how that’s your fault.”
You shrugged. “It’s not, but my universe was collapsing because of me, so…”
“So you came here,” he finished.
“Came is a nice word for it.”
“You were taken like me,” he said, and you stood from the bed.
“We don’t need to talk about this,” you said, beginning to prep your station.
Sam stood, dropping his empty food container in the trash can right beside you. “Do you ever think they’re lying to us?” he asked, his voice dipped into a whisper.
You went still. “I—I don’t know. I saw my universe glitching. I could feel it collapsing.”
“And have you seen it since then?”
After no response, Sam quietly slipped out, leaving you to your work. His words kept turning over and over in your mind, and every spider that came through that day was met with a distant-eyed, little-spoken Y/n, a sight none of them had encountered before.
Were you mad at Miguel? Yes, because he’d spoken thoughtlessly, perhaps unveiling some unconscious belief he still needed to unravel on his own. But to think the man that had done something so soft as carrying you to your room and bookmarking your book after you’d fallen asleep was in charge of some multiversal fascist regime, using a fabricated conception of the universe to blind people to his own abuse of power was—
No. That wasn’t right.
“Can we talk?”
You didn’t turn around at the voice that sounded behind you. The med bay was empty save for you, but it still felt wrong having this conversation in public.
“About what?” you asked, still facing the counter, not turning to face Miguel.
“About what you said last night,” he said, before tacking on, “And what I said.”
“What is there to talk about?”
“You don’t owe me anything, Y/n,” he started and you could feel him stepping closer. “I’ve never believed that you have, and—I’m sorry if I made you feel that way. Neither of you are prisoners, except maybe of your own circumstances. While you are here, you can do as you please.”
You still didn’t turn.
“We begin clearing out the lower-threat anomalies at the end of the week. Sending them back to their own universes,” he said. “You know you aren’t low threat, but I’ll give you the option to go.”
“I believe you’ll choose right in the end,” he said. “But you’re right. It’s your universe, not mine. I shouldn’t have robbed you of your right to choose.”
You slowly turned around, finding him once again standing in a t-shirt and sweatpants instead of his suit. He didn’t look like he’d slept a wink.
“You’re telling me—I can leave?”
He nodded. “Staying is also an option. But it’s up to you.”
“And what about the inevitable collapse of my universe?”
He looked down at the ground, bringing his hands to his hips. “You’ll have time once you return. Time to see for yourself. Decide for yourself.”
“And if I leave and decide to come back?”
“You will still have a place here,” he said, and without a response from you, he nodded once and turned to leave.
“Miguel,” you said, taking a few steps towards him. He paused, looking at you over his shoulder. “Thank you.”
He looked you over once before nodding again, stepping out of the med bay and leaving you to quell the two worlds now colliding within you. You looked around at the space around you—too big. It seemed to swallow you whole. Was this just another trick?
It was two days later—the end of the week approaching—when Lyla appeared before him at his station with a wide smile.
“Guess what?” she asked.
He shook his head. “Don’t remember programming any guessing games.”
“You’ll want to play this one,” she said.
He rolled his eyes. “What is it?”
“I’ve found the Jumper,” she said, and Miguel only blinked at her.
“You found his trace?”
Lyla shook her head. “I found him. He’s been in the same universe for the last two weeks.”
Miguel glanced towards the door, imagining the stretch of the med bay just beyond and the woman currently pacing its floor. He looked back at Lyla with a nod. “Full alert,” he said. “I want every spider on base in the Jumper’s universe pronto.”
Sam stepped into the med bay long before his shift, ten minutes or so after the entire base had been cleared out—save for a few spiders to guard the prisoners, far off from the med bay. 
Miguel had come to say goodbye before he left, and you could tell simply by the rigid tilt of his back and the apologetic look in his eyes that he was going after your father.
“I thought you could use some company,” said Sam, sitting on one of the beds at your station. “Seeing as this is likely the calm before the storm.”
You nodded, not turning to face him fully. You couldn’t—not when you’d been given the option to leave, and he hadn’t. Or maybe he had, and he was withholding it from you for the same reason. 
“Have you always worn that?’ he asked, nodding his head towards your wrist. You looked down at your wristband, furrowing your brows as you met his eyes.
“Since I got here, yes,” you said. “You felt how painful it is to glitch.”
“Have you? Glitched, I mean,” he asked.
You shook your head, turning back towards your station.
“Odd,” he said. “Considering you are supposedly an anomaly. Figures you would have spent your whole life glitching in and out in your own universe.”
“It wasn’t really mine,” you said, turning to face him. “Do you have a point?”
He did, and it was the pointed end of a scalpel coming down on your wrist, severing your wristband and letting it fall to the floor.
“What are you doing? Are you insane?” 
You lunged for the scalpel, but he dodged your reach, stepping away and leaving a chasm of space between you as you—didn’t glitch. You felt no different at all. 
“And if I do it—” he started, before slicing off his own wristband. You called out, taking a step closer as he began to glitch in and out.
“You’re different, Y/n,” he said, as his body became shapeless, jumping between forms. “Someone like you shouldn’t exist.”
“Someone like me?” you asked, voice on the verge of breaking. “Please, Sam, just—let’s find another wristband, we can—”
“Someone who is made up of more universes than one,” he continued, his voice distorted and strange. “Someone who can exist in any of them.” And then for a heart stopping moment, he coalesced back into his own shape, long enough to offer a sickly-sharp smile. “You’re welcome, kid.”
It was quiet. Too quiet. Usually, if Miguel caught the tail end of one of the Jumper’s escapades, the dimension was in chaos as he liked it. But this was a simple, peaceful universe, with nothing more than a light flickering on and off in the Jumper’s window.
“You’re sure he’s here?” he asked as he swung up onto the building, landing outside the window. 
“I’ve never felt a trace so strong,” said Lyla, and he glanced inside, seeing nothing more than a messy apartment. A few other spiders had jumped with him, even more coming up through the stairwell, even more keeping watch around the building to make sure everything went smoothly.
Miguel shook his head. “Something’s not right,” he said, before slowly easing open the window and slipping inside. 
He smelled it first. As did the rest of the spiders trailing in behind him, covering their noses at the stench of decay. 
“God, who died?” snapped one of them, and Miguel began combing through the apartment, stepping into the kitchen and pausing his step.
“The Jumper,” he said, finding the man’s body laid out on the floor. 
“Was he killed?” asked one of the spider’s, and Lyla appeared above the body, shaking her head.
“This can’t be right,” she said. “I felt his trace for certain. And there’s no sign of death.” She flickered out and appeared again on the other side of the body, scanning it. “It’s like he was never even alive.”
“Boss!” came the voice of a spider still in the living room and Miguel stepped away, finding a book in the spider’s hand. He grabbed it, scanning the cover. The Gentleman’s Guide to Astral Projection. He looked up at the spider, and she gestured to a stack of books on the table. He stepped closer, thumbing through the titles.
How the Demons Do It: A How-To Guide to Possession
The Multiverse Within Each of Us
The Mutable Physics of Personhood
Unhappy With Your Own Body? Steal Someone Else’s!
“O’Hara!” came a voice from another room, and he left the books, stepping into what must have been the Jumper’s bedroom. The walls were lined with photos and madly-scrawled notes—so many that Miguels’ eyes could barely catch on one.
“Look at this,” said the spider, and he came up to the far wall, following the spider’s gaze to a picture and a various set of IDs. He blinked. Blinked again. They were for one Dr. Sam Eddard. “I think the Jumper found himself a new ride.”
“No,” he said, “That’s not—”
“—the worst part,” finished the spider, gesturing to the entire right wall. The wall Miguel had somehow not even noticed. Hundreds of pictures. 
Of you. 
Just you. 
And a note in the middle he ripped down—the key to multiversal travel? no singular universe’s DNA; can exist in any (and destroy any?).
“I don’t think Sam Eddard is his final destination,” said the spider, and Miguel’s heart went still in his chest.
“This was a trap,” he breathed, taking in all of the spiders currently combing through the apartment. All of the spiders. Away from base. It was a split second before the note was fluttering out his hand and he was stepping—no, running—through a portal.
You don’t think you’d ever run so fast in your life. Sam—your father—whoever he was, was nothing more than a blocky, multicolor glitch of a person as he tailed you, but somehow that made him faster.
“This is your destiny, Y/n,” he called after you. “You can’t run from it.”
“Watch me,” you said, skirting to a stop inside Miguel’s control room. You looked around for something—anything—to use as a weapon as Sam stepped through, finally settling back into his own shape.
“I’m the reason you exist,” he said. “You owe me this.”
“I don’t think you understand the concept of fatherhood,” you answered, trying and failing to yank a metal bar off a piece of shelving, feeling him drawing closer.
“Do you know how long I had to wait?” he asked. “Wait until you’d grown, wait until I’d figured out this body jumping bullshit.”
“Terribly sorry for the inconvenience,” you said, finally managing to rip a slender iron pipe free, leveling it out before you as a warning.
“And then when I finally find my way back to your mother’s universe,” he shook his head, laughing. “You’re gone. Snatched up by a horde of spiders.”
“Lucky me,” you said, before swinging the pipe out, narrowly missing his head. 
“Are you really happy here?” he asked, dodging another blow. “Think of it as me taking your life off your hands.”
“Oh, well when you put it like that.” And then you lunged, iron pipe suspended between your hands as you crashed down on top of him. His head ricocheted from the pipe to the floor to the pipe again, and he kicked out beneath you, sending you tumbling.
When you regained your senses, he had jumped on top of you, pinning you to the ground.
“You’re not getting anything for father’s day,” you said, kicking out your feet enough to leave him unstable for a moment, but not enough to get him off you.
And then he started chanting. 
“Is that fucking Latin?” you asked, squirming beneath him. 
He continued, eyes distant, not focused on anything at all. As he chanted, the edges of his form glitching in and out, there was a moment where you blinked and found yourself staring down at your own body, falling limper and limper beneath Sam’s hold.
You couldn’t say anything. You couldn’t call out and beg your body to keep fighting. You could only watch.
You saw the flash of orange light cast sinister angles around the room before you saw the portal, and by the time Miguel had stepped through, you were back in your body with a sharp gasp. 
He’d ripped Sam off of you in the matter of a second, tossing him across the floor like a rag-doll. He spared you one glance—chest heaving, teeth bared—before he launched himself off his haunches and directly on top of Sam.
“Yep, I see the half spider part now,” you said, kicking your feet against the floor to get as far from the fight as you could. You braced yourself against the nearest wall, watching as Sam clawed back at Miguel, something so desperately futile in the way he fought, his face already wrenched with defeat.
But he was holding Miguel off. He wouldn’t keep him at bay for long, but perhaps, just as long as he needed. Because, with Miguel on top of him, he started chanting again.
“No,” you said, crawling closer. “Shut him up. He’s trying to—”
But Miguel couldn’t hear you, he was too invested in landing blow after blow, ignoring the Latin curses whispered in between each one. You looked around, reaching for the iron pipe still rolling on the floor beside you.
It was another adrenaline moment, one you’d never be able to describe in detail. You thought you could remember shouting a warning. You could vaguely see Miguel ducking out of the way. But the image of driving an iron pipe down into your father’s skull was one you’d never forget.
It stopped the chanting.
You and Miguel barely had a chance to glance at each other before portals started opening up all around you, the flickering orange light making it seem like the room was slowly burning. In a lot of ways, it was.
“Follow the light,” said Miguel, waving a flashlight in your eyes.
“I don’t have a concussion,” you said. “You have bruised knuckles and possibly a broken rib, but I am absolutely fine.”
He clicked off the light, simply staring at you, the both of you sat on your own bed in your own room. He’d wanted to take you to the med bay, but you quietly admitted you couldn’t stand being around all the spiders who’d just witnessed the aftermath of you killing your father. Or, at least, the body your father was in.
Miguel shook his head. “I can’t believe I didn’t know. I can’t believe I played right into his hands.”
“He had a long time to plan this,” you said.
“And I’ve had a long time to catch him.” He stood up from his spot beside you, running a hand through his hair. “He would have stolen your body and disappeared without a trace.”
“Is it true?” you asked. “About me being immune to all the glitching?”
He shrugged. “I’m ashamed to say I didn’t even think about you when we picked you up,” he said. “All I knew was that your universe was collapsing, and you were at the center of it. If I stopped to think, I would have realized the lack of glitching was strange. But I didn’t.”
“So, I was right,” you said.
He pulled back the curtain on your window, looking down at the view below. “I was so caught up in my mission to save the multiverse, that I forgot it was made up of people.” He looked back at you, stiff shoulders falling at the sight of your soft, kind eyes watching him. “I’m sorry.”
“I know,” you said, before looking down at your lap. “Is your offer still on the table?”
He blinked at you for a moment. “What?”
“To go home,” you said, lifting your eyes to his. He could’ve broken down right there, but his swallowed whatever words threatened to come out and simply nodded.
You smiled before looking back down at your lap. “I’d like to go home, Miguel.”
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earfqwake · 2 years
𝓉𝑜𝓍𝒾𝒸 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 <𝟥
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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 6: 𝔰𝔩𝔶 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔢 𝔞 𝔣𝔬𝔵
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adult trio x reader series warning 🕷 for daddy kink, nsfw mentions, yandere tones
What a chaotic yet calm rest of the morning with Illumi. After your little bathroom escapades, you shared a shower full of caring touches. While I was unsure of what I was doing he guided me gently. He washed my hair and he even let me wash his, which i did enjoy very much.
His hair is so soft and long, feeling him relax in my touch was satisfying. Drying eachother off, exchanging soft touches as we dressed ourselves. I wore a black silk slip dress with lace trimming, a sheer white long sleeve shirt underneath, and knee high white socks with white lace trimming. No bra on , but matching black silk underwear that felt smooth to the touch. Illumi had on a fitted black tee shirt , and some straight leg black pants, fitting his figure perfectly I can’t say enough about how handsome this man is.
Both letting our guard down with eachother slowly but surely. We ordered in for breakfast, not wanting to cook yet also not wanting to leave the comfort of the bed. Truthfully a quiet and blissful morning, I soon found my self lulling to sleep in his arms yet again.
When I awoke again I was alone , I couldn’t have been out for more than an hour or two. The sun shined warmly onto my face through open door of the balcony a couple feet to the left of the bed. My eyes flutter open to see both Chrollo and Illumi sat on the shared love seat embracing eachother. Cuddled in Chrollos lap was Illumi, he was stroking his hair and speaking to him in a gentle tone that I couldn’t quite make out. Whatever he told him had the man red in the face before they both brought their attention to your moving figure in bed.
Sharing a sweet kiss before Illumi instantly makes his way to you, Chrollo following suit with a charming smile on his face. The mattress dips as Illumi sits next to you, Chrollo still standing next to him. His hair wasn’t slicked back today it was down and framing his face very well. A white cloth wrapped around his forehead and he too was in a fitted black shirt except it has long sleeves and he had gray pants on, complimenting the color of his very own eyes. “My love, how are you feeling today? Did you sleep well?” Inquired Chrollo as you crawl into Illumis outstretched arms. And he instantly makes a mental note to himself that you two have grown closer given some alone time. Very well.
His voice is smooth like butter, deep and refined. Such a composed man, can never tell what he’s thinking. But I have questions! I need to know more about these people, I want to trust them but lord knows I’m playing with fire. If Illumi’s an assassin he has to be tied up in some equally fucked up shit, and I want to know.
“Yes thank you, Daddy helped me get ready today Im very thankful.” I sweetly reply , pressing a soft pec on Illumis cheek before turning to meet Chrollos eyes. Contently he smiles back, his mind at ease seeing his lovers get along well. “He also told me you were out meeting associates this morning. Who are they?” Batting my lashes at him, though my tone was nothing short of sassy. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he was amused more than bothered by me asking so abruptly. Hesitantly I continued looking down at my lap “Me and Daddy talked and I want to trust you, all of you, so please tell me the truth.” Holding on to Illumis hand to emphasize my point, he only looks between the two of us but still squeezes my hand softly in support.
Giving me a closed eye smile he nods curtly. “Oh but of course sweetheart, anything for you. I want you to trust us much as we want to trust that you’ll be our good girl. And while I agree with your sentiment , honesty is needed on both sides in order for trust to be built. So let me ask you something Y/n.” Tossing my phone on the bed in front of me, the screen lights up.
67 missed calls
120 messages
And all from one contact.
“Who’s Jay, Y/n?” His nonchalant tone changing instantly to one of pure seriousness. Chills raking through my spine as I feel Illumi tense under me. Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm.
Jay was one of my old managers back at the restaurant, he’s truthfully my only friend. He stood up for me countless times to my piece of shit of a boss. Forever am I thankful for him, he was my knight in shining armor before anyone else. Now it sounds like I’m in love with him but we were definitely just friends, friends who flirted here and there , but certainly just friends. So what we made out in the work office once or twice. So what if we stayed up late binge watching movies together.
He was all I had , and at the moment I’m more relieved he wasn’t on shift during the massacre at the restaurant. But a new fear crept in me that they would harm him, he’s done nothing wrong. The only thing he’s guilty of is being associated with a nobody like me, I’ll be damned if they take his life away for something as useless as that.
Stay calm. Breathe. Can’t play coy, but you can be as sly as a fox.
“Papa he’s my friend, the only friend I have. He’s probably just concerned after the news of what happened got out.” Teary eyes burry into Illumis shirt, gripping the soft black fabric gently. “Daddy you won’t hurt him right? He’s done nothing wrong, I won’t ever talk to him again.” Tears running down my face as I sob dramatically into his shirt. I wish I could say these weren’t actual tears of fear. I’m scared for Jay but if the only way to keep him safe is for him to mourn me and think I’m gone then so be it.
“There, there, princess anything for you.” He says again, crooning at me as he rushes to my side to rub my back. Quickly tossing my phone in the air behind him before Illumi darts a sharp pin through it completely shattering the screen before it goes crashing down to the floor. Jumping up in Illumis arms in shock but Chrollo consoles me just as quick as he broke my phone.“We’ll get you a new phone today, new number as well, though I never want to hear another word about Jay again. Or else we will deal with him personally, don’t defy me either Y/n.” He spat his name like it was filth on his tongue , yet I nodded relaxing my head against Illumi. My heart however was going 100 miles per hour.
That was too close, I’ll be sure to never speak his name again, I want to ensure he’s safe from them for as long as I can. And if and when I escape, I need to be sure he’ll be okay. Just more fruit for thought , I don’t want anymore guilt weighing on my heart I would never forgive myself if he was harmed. “My pretty girl, shouldn’t cry over anyone but us, your daddy’s do tend to get so jealous. Will you cry for me like this?” Leaning over my shoulder, Chrollo presses teasing kisses on my neck.
“I know she would, I had her crying on my cock earlier today. That’s why she’s such a sleepy baby today.” Teases Illumi but he said it with such pride while twirling my hair around his finger. His eyes rake over my sniffling body as he drags his once comforting hand on my back very close to the swell of my ass, still rubbing relaxing circles. “That’s why your so calm today? I would have my way with you right now, but we’ve got so much to do today angel.”
Humming in agreement Illumi gets up from bed, but not before carrying me in his arms bridal style. “First, to your apartment before we go buy you anything else.” Replies Chrollo as he pinches your cheek, heading out the door with Illumi following suit. And he carried me all the way out the condo, down the elevator, into the parking garage, and even buckled me into my seat. Without breaking a sweat, okay then.
This is a very very nice BMW X6, all black inside and out. Shutting the door, Illumi then makes his way to get in the passenger seat while Chrollo slides in the driver side. Turning the key in the ignition while Illumi fumbles around with the gps for no more than 20 seconds. Starting route to 631 court bank goldsboro, YN.
Funny thing is I never gave them my fucking address.
Playing with the hem of my dress I lean back into the leather seats, I’m quiet the whole ride there, it took about half an hour to get there. Listening to them talk amongst themselves but it all became a blur as shame washed over me. I lived in a shitty one bedroom loft in the bustling city, which is more than others could afford, but still. These men look to finely tailored to step foot on the streets I live on.
Dont get me wrong I love my apartment with my whole life ! I worked hard to move out of my parents house, pay my own bills, and my college tuition. So it was my pride and joy, the only guest I ever had over was Jay and that was after months of contemplation. The car comes to a smooth stop on the side of the street next to my apartment complex. Trash littered the sidewalk, homeless people sleeping in the alleyway not too far from the entrance. As they move to unbuckle their seatbelts I throw my hand up in distress, “Wait ! It’s fine I don’t have much inside I need to get, I’ll be in and out.” I’m practically pleading to go in alone.
Illumi sighs pinching the bridge of his nose but Chrollo rests a reassuring hand ontop of his before turning to me. “Illumi will stay here but I’m coming in with you.” Oh for the love of god, I just give a small nod and unbuckle my very own seatbelt. He comes over to my side of the car again, not wanting me to walk on the concrete side walk in just my socks and I tell him where my apartment is, luckily it’s just on the first floor so truthfully getting things would be a quick in and out trip.
He reassures me about not having my key , and begins to swiftly pick my lock and under a minute we are inside. Meow! My fur baby ! Milo my baby cat ! They don’t need to know he was a gift from Jay, it’ll be our little secret. Quickly shrugging my way out his arms I kneel down on the carpet floor to pet and cuddle the little kitten. He’s about 4 months old but hasn’t grown much in size yet, he was the runt of the litter I suppose. Me and Jay found him on the way back to my apartment one night , cold and shivering all alone from the rain. Milo stole my heart ever since that day.
Turning my head back to glance at Chrollo before picking up the tiny gray kitten and walking over to him.“Oh Papa I can take my cat with me can’t I? I can’t leave Milo here all alone.” A pleased smile graces his face, I can only help but assume he loves me calling him that and me depending on him. So I’ll use it skillfully to get my kitty to come home with me! Softly scratching the cats head, Milo purs and rubs against Chrollos hand. “Hisoka isn’t too fond of pets, but I’m sure you could change his mind.”
“Did you want to grab anything else sweetheart, after today we won’t be coming back here.” And to that I frown, but nod and move towards my bed room. I didn’t own many clothes but I still wanted to take them with me, a few pairs of shoes too. I slipped on my doc marten quad platforms so I’m no longer just walking around in socks and throw all my clothes, shoes, underwear, belts, purses, jewlery all in one large bin. Sighing as I press the lid closed on the bin with my head down . “I-I’m sorry it’s not much, didn’t want you all to have to see this but I worked very hard for everything I have.”
“And I admire you for that. You have no reason to be ashamed, trust me I understand.” He spoke to me in earnest , his voice clouded in an emotion I couldn’t quite explain. “Those associates of mine I met with today .. They are family to me, we’ve been through thick and thin together. Growing up in meteor city all we knew was hardship so trust me Y/n I understand, but you have us now. Things may never go back to the way they use to be but that’s not completely bad, now is it?”
My heart skipped a beat at his reassurance, “May I meet them some day, your friends?”I question craning my neck to look at his looming figure. Beckoning me to stand in front of him before he placed a kiss on my forehead. “All in due time, in fact on the 11th we will all gather together.” Pulling me in and leaning down to kiss me, before Milo jump on his leg before hopping away. Shaking his head as I giggle at Milo being silly, he reaches down to pick up the bin. “I’ll carry this for you while you carry Milo, then we’ll get you a new phone like I promised. Feel free to get anything else you might want for while we’re out. If you don’t get it now we’ll certainly get it for you later.”
And with that, we set off for the car , with little Milo in my arms. My mind wanders to all the new information I’ve gotten today. As generous as they might be, they don’t seem too keen on the idea of me leaving ever. Slowly but surely I’ll find a way, I’ll craft a plan. Giving one last reminiscent look at my apartment before never looking back.
Illumis eyes instantly lock on the gray kitten in your arms before staring at you. You extend the tiny ball of fluff out to him, giving in he holds the purring cat in his own hands. “Hisokas not going to like this.” He muttered but his eyes were in awe at the cuteness it made my heart melt. The trunk closes and Chrollo gets in the driver seat again. “He’ll have to get use to it, Milo is staying with us now.” Illumi gives him a small smile, totally in love with the baby cat. And with that we pull off into the towns shopping center.
-K unedited
next chapter>>
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legendarywolf2022 · 2 years
Chapter 7: The Bad Guys Meets the Panda Squad, Part 3
(While they were heading their hideout, they needed to get to know with the girls. That is until the news came along…)
⏰ 9th of July 2022, 01:00pm ⏰
🌎 The Bad Guys’ Hideout, Los Angeles 🌎
Everyone were all quiet throughout the car travelling, feeling like they wanted to let their minds to be well fly by to the place where they could be alone and not knowing how to embrace their new experience…
Wolf - I am a wolf… It’s in my nature to be kind, gentle and loving no matter what. But know this… When it comes to matters of protecting my friends, my family and my heart… Don’t trifle with me for I'm also the most powerful and relentless creature, you will ever know…
Snake - Truth is as straight as an arrow while a lie swivels like a snake, but there’s both reasons we have lies and truths in our world because we need to protect each other as we knew it would hurt out of love.
Tarantula - Everyone expect someone to kill me because I’m a spider that everyone feared of. But one was willing to save me when I’m alone. They seemed to understand that the world can have kind people than just cruel ones.
Shark - I’m not a demon underwater, I just had a gentle heart when I’m not really using my teeth to scared everyone around me or the smell of blood to caused me insane. I wouldn’t dare to hurt anyone because they didn’t do anything to harm me or everyone who are dangerous creatures.
Piranha - I knew we were having problems when you never give everyone a chance just because we’re far different from you. I wish you all just not to be so judgmental, señor and señorita.
Catalina (wolf) - I can easily get sick of the people around me to be assuming that I’m okay because… I won’t say I’m not… being a wolf is not a crime when you believe they are dangerous without even giving a chance of knowing… I’d give anything to show you that they have changed…
Meilin Lee (red panda) - Someone once said that there is darkness to the animal when they can’t control themselves from strong emotions that we have when we can’t take it anymore. But we have to stay strong and be together as long as we stick together for facing the world.
Miriam (raccoon) - Being betrayed by the person you held so dear is hard to build the trust again until you realise what was the reason because we both wanted something different that would end up letting them down at the same time.
Priya (bat) - We both got a different story from both day and night when we thought it was the same page as the author except it would be. But we can easily rewrite the story by changing up from a fake theory to true story.
Abby (cat) - We all have one life each but we do wish that we would have 9 lives like any cats would have, but at the same time it would impossible. All we got is one life which it would make them special and have a great time by having an adventure.
Until Mr Wolf broke the silence once they arrived outside of the Bad Guys’ hide-out. "Thank you.”
Catalina smiled. “Hey, don't let that gorilla police-woman get to you. She is nothing but a big jerk."
That made Wolf chuckle a bit, knowing full well whose the gorilla she referred to. “Yeah, well… she’s sometimes our jerk because she is so stubborn with that hot temper of hers.”
“But with determination of believing she’s right all the time.” Catalina said which her four friends nodded in agreement.
“Why did you defend me?” Wolf asked. “I mean, you don't know me. And, yet, you know my criminal backround. So… why?”
Catalina looked thoughtfully, looking at Meilin who nodded to ‘go ahead’ before looking at him and replied. “A real villain wouldn't care of who is gonna get hurt or feel guilty. But you do care, I can see that. After all, you wouldn't follow us to make sure we're okay.”
Wolf was loss of words by her response, but then he just smiled before goes on one knee to actually pulled her in for a hugged, she smiled back and hugged him back. Then there was that strange smell again that caught up in his nose, he tried to ignore it while embracing this little girl that was in his arms.
“So…” Tarantula said. “Should we introduced ourselves again? ‘Cause, um… I think we had a rough start at first meeting.”
Catalina smiled after she pulled away from Wolf, “Of course. I’m Catalina McSchnitz, some sort of a leader for the Panda Squad, but you can also call me Cat. This is my best friend and second commander Meilin Lee, but we call her Mei, she had red panda powers that is amazing.”
“I think everyone might know that by now,” Meilin said as she rolled her eyes and smiled.
“How come you don’t have no clothes on when you turned into a panda?” Piranha asked out of curiosity.
“Piranha!” Snake said.
“What?” Piranha asked.
“That’s a good question,” Meilin said. “Which I have no idea either.”
Catalina chuckled. “This is Miriam Mendelsohn, she’s very loyal to us and would make sure that everything is spot on. This Priya Mangal, very chilled and finds something that is interesting to which is complicated like…”
“Everything that are goth, but I keep my favourite colour of gold and yellow in.” Priya explained.
“Yeah, that.” Catalina said, “and then… there’s Abigail Park, but we call her Abby.”
“Hi!” Abby waved at the Bad Guys.
“Hi,” Shark waved her back.
“She’s a fun-loving and chaotic girl you have ever met, she is a fighter and knows how to shows everyone who’s tough.” Catalina said.
“If someone messed with my girls, I’ll easily knock them out.” Abby said.
“Join the club, chica.” Piranha said.
“Well, you girls probably know about us.” Wolf said, “But I think you should know a bit about us. Mr Wolf, the leader of the Bad Guys who will become the leader of the Good Guys. The former villain of every story. My best bud, Mr Snake who’s the best safe-cracking machine and the kind of guy who’d tell you the glass is half empty, then steal it from you.”
“Whoa… You can crack any safe you could think of?” Priya asked.
Snake chuckled, “Yup.”
Wolf smiled, “This is Miss Tarantula. She’s our in-house hacker, our pocket search engine and our traveling tech wizard. We call her Webs.”
“You can hacked any technology for fun and for a reason?” Miriam asked, “That’s very cool. I bet you can’t hacked Donald Trump or Boris Johnson’s computer.”
“Hmmm,” Tarantula thought about it.
“Don’t you even think about it,” Snake glared at the spider.
“I might add note on that,” Tarantula winked at Miriam who winked her back.
“This is Mr Shark,” Wolf said. “The master of disguise. His greatest trick, stealing the Mona Lisa disguised as the Mona Lisa.”
“Whoa!” Miriam, Priya and Abby said.
“Bet you can’t disguise yourself as the Queen of London to steal the Crown Jewels!” Abby said.
“What?” Shark asked, “Now that would be impossible to do that because I would never do such a thing only because she’s old, wise and sweet.”
“What?” Snake asked, “You’re being too soft for the royal family in London?”
Shark glared at Snake but didn’t say anything.
“And rounding out the crew is Mr Piranha,” Wolf said.
“Hola señorita,” Piranha said in his Spanish accent.
“Yo,” Priya said as both she and Piranha handshake.
“Now, just to let you girls know…” Wolf replied as he was going to explain to them about his friend’s craziness. “…that he’s a loose cannon with a short fuse, willing to scrap with anyone or anything.”
“So, he’s brave?” Miriam asked.
“He’s fearless?!” Abby asked, excited.
“He’s crazy,” Priya said calmly.
“Correct!” Wolf and Piranha said to Priya who smiled.
Once they were inside, the girls couldn’t believe their eyes; This was the perfect home for the Bad Guys ever. Everything seemed to a good taste of the room as well as big couches, instruments, anything!
“I’ll take those bags to a spare room that you girls have a share.” Shark said as he and Piranha lend a hand to carry the bags to a spare that they had.
Catalina saw the window were her friends went over to admired the view. “How long have you been here?” She asked Wolf.
Wolf looked at her before replying, “Well… as long as I can remember.”
“You mean you live here as a kid?” Catalina asked.
“Something like that,” Wolf said.
Snake looked those two and smiled, he was a bit glad that Wolf was smiling all thanks to this little girl who seemed to care about them. He reached into the freezer to grab a cherry flavoured Push Pop. But before he could even open the thing, Abby popped up behind him and her eyes started to sparkles.
“I didn’t know you actually got Push Pop ice lollies,” Abby asked. “My tummy is rumbling like a washing machine now.”
“Oh, yeah?” Snake asked, “You want some?” He was looking so mischievous as he was holding a Push Pop in front of Abby.
“Snake,” Wolf said as he knew he wasn’t going to give a Push Pop to Abby.
“Don’t you dare,” Shark warned him.
“What?” Snake asked as if he doesn’t know what they were talking about. “I just want to kindly share some of Push Pop.” He held out a Push Pop, little waving it in front of Abby’s nose. “Here, take it.”
Abby smiled, “Thanks, sir.”
But before Abby could get a Push Pop from him, Snake tossed it into his own mouth and swallowed it whole, making Abby watch it devastating. Laughing, he teased. “Hah, sucker!”
“Snake!” Wolf snapped, he wasn’t happy with Snake being harsh on Abby.
“Seriously?!” Tarantula asked.
“Come on, hombre!” Piranha said, “She's just niñita.”
Snake looked at his face while Catalina was looking at Abby and nodded her head to ‘kick his butt’ which Abby smirked at that. “You know me long enough when it comes to Push Pops.”
Shark wished he could eat him now like he did last year. “Dude that was low, even for you.”
“Relax, Big Tuna.” Snake rolled his eyes, “It’s not like…” the. He trailed off because he noticed Abby’s face was mischievous fuming. “Uh… why is her face red?”
Everyone looked at Abby’s face turning red. “Uh, oh.” Meilin said as she and her friends were backing away as they knew the sign.
“Pusi pab-e daehae naj-eun geos-e daehae olhda,” Abby said in Korean.
“You took something that triggered her,” Miriam said to Snake while smiling.
“Dangsin-eun na-ege daleun pusi pab-eul eodneun geos-i johseubnida,” Abby still talking Korean which the Bad Guys doesn’t understand.
“You shouldn’t done that,” Priya said while reading her book that she still continued since the hotel in New York.
“animyeon dowajuseyo, jeoneun gong-gyeogjeog-il geos-ibnida!” Abby snapped.
“What?” Snake asked, feeling a bit lost.
“Now, you’re in for it.” Catalina said while pulling Wolf back just in time when Abby launch at Snake, attacking him to the ground.
“Puswipab-eul jwo, i gyohwalhan dali eobsneun domabaem-a,” Abby shouting at the Snake.
The Bad Guys looked shocked while the Panda Squad looked pleased.
“Wow,” Tarantula mumbled.
“Yep, never get between Abby and Push Pops.” Miriam said while smirking.
Piranha and Shark looked at each other. “Heh, just like you, amigo.” Piranha said, causing Shark smiled.
“Heh, you don’t say.” Shark said.
“Guys,” Snake yelled as he tried to get away from Abby. “Don’t you just stand there, help me!”
“Sorry, buddy,” Wolf said while smirking. “You’re on your own.”
Catalina noticed the fridge was covered with all the photos of the Bad Guys having a great time from the olden days to the brand new days, she walked up to the fridge to get a better close and smiled. Everything seemed to reminded of her when she had a great time with her friends. Everything seemed to be funny at the same time.
Few of them seemed to be her favourites: Shark lifted the couch while the others were sitting, Shark gave them a bear hug, the Bad Guys showing off the diamonds and the bag of money, they were enjoying ice cream, Piranha tried to blow the candle of his birthday cake, the Bad Guys trying to hold the portraits, they were wearing crowns, Wolf and Snake showing off who would blow the largest bubblegum, the Bad Guys on the beach, and they were celebrating Snake’s birthday.
She then goes to the couch while her friends were cheering for Abby who still wrestling Snake as the Bad Guys watched on, she turned the TV on and saw the news reporter Tiffany Fluffit talking about the car chase that happened today. “I, Tiffany Fluffit, giving you a breaking news on Channel Six Action News!” She said as the title of the news said; BREAKING NEWS! THE BAD GUYS AND THEIR CRAZY CAR CHASE… SO FAR!! “And let’s just say that… OMG! This is wild, literally. We just witnessed a car chase between the Bad Guys and what looks like as five teenage girls. Some eyewitness say they saw... a giant red panda. And more of them say they saw two cars jumping over police barricade... and landing on bunch of beds on highway?! Dave, is this some prank? Wait, it actually happened for real? Huh. Like I said, literally wild. The Bad Guys were caught on camera as they were chasing the sport car that got five teenagers girls inside, most of everyone were shock while the rest were like how is it impossible for one of them can drive...”
“Everyone,” she called out as she was trying to cut through the sounds of the Push Pop battle happening behind her. “Hold your horses! We’re on TV.” Everyone stopped fighting as Shark was holding Abby into the air and Wolf helping Snake up before everyone was heading to the couches to see what the news was reporting about them after today’s car chasing.
“Ow,” Snake mumbled as he was trying to stretch out before taking his seat next to Priya and Miriam so he would stay away from Abby who sit next to Shark.
Tarantula chuckled, “Serves you right for pulling prank like that.”
The reporter, Tiffany, continued. “Apparently those teen girls are under tempoary custody of Bad Guys. I wonder where their parents are? Hmm, who know. Anyhoo, the Chief of Police. Luggins, just got scolded by one of them, who was also defending Mr. Wolf? Wow, talk about a burn. This is definitely gonna be a story of the year!”
“Wow, who is she?” Miriam asked, “I love her feistiness she’s putting in.”
“She’s a news reporter Tiffany Fluffit,” Shark explained. “She’s proved to be the best with her attitudes towards everyone around the world!”
“She’s fighting the power like me!” Abby said, making everyone expect Snake laughed at that part.
Tiffany still continued talking. “Here to address this unexpected car chase is the police officer, Susanna Barlow, just to explain why they haven’t arrested the Bad Guys.”
On the television screen, Officer Susanna stepped up to the microphone. As a gaggle of reporters fired questions at the police officer, she held her hand up calmly and said, “Okay. Everyone, please. Let me speak, let me speak. Once we caught the Bad Guys and five girls where Professor Marmalade used to live, seemed like the little girl who was behind Mr Wolf’s legs had spoken up and claiming that they didn’t stole the meteorite last year as she pointed out that we did nothing but doing Marmalade’s theory.”
The Bad Guys and the Panda Squad stared at the screen in shock as the police officer continued, “The little girl seemed to defend Mr Wolf and proved that we weren’t doing the job properly as they were innocent by still staying at the gala were the meteorite was taken by. We should have investigate that scene, but instead… We arrested them for no reason. So, we let them go after the little girl had finished her words to our chief and I do hope that she and the other girls will be looking after by the Bad Guys themselves.”
Tiffany stepped up into the spot where Susanna was standing. “Sorry to interrupt your words to others, But there are some unanswered questions.”
Susanna smiled, “And what would it be, Miss Fluffit?”
“Where is the giant red panda people mentioning?” Tiffany asked.
“Uh oh…” Meilin said as she knew she was was about to be busted real soon.
“Where those beds came from?” Tiffany asked.
“Wait, what beds?” Piranha asked.
“What will happen with those girls under Bad Guys’ care?” Tiffany asked.
“Great,” Tarantula crossed her arms. “We’re fostering those girls until… what?”
“Does Governor Foxington knows about this?” Tiffany asked.
“No,” Snake said. “But I know she’ll soon finds out after watching this.”
“And most importantly: What's the deal with that red-haired girl and Mr. Wolf?” Tiffany asked.
“We don’t know all the questions yet,” Susanna said. “But what I do know that we’ll soon find out.”
“Okay,” Tiffany said. “Stay tuned for more on Channel from your best reporter Tiffany Fluffit. See you next time.”
Wolf then turned off the TV, everyone were all silent after watching the News.
“So…” Miriam broken the silent, “What should we eat? Because I’m a bit hungry.”
Just then, they heard a ding from the elevator. It was a bit surprised that someone would come to their hideout.
“I wonder who that could be,” Meilin said before heading the elevator.
“Let me handle this,” Wolf placed his hand on Meilin’s shoulder.
He head to the elevator and when its opened, it was revealed to be a crossed-arm disappointing Diane, wearing her governor suit while holding a newspaper in her hand.
“WOLF!!!” She shouted, she was this close to be so done with the Bad Guys big time.
(This is actually based Friend’s ideas for this that I finds it very well done, I wish that person would be an author than just artist, don’t ya agreed.
Oh, and that part where Abby attack Mr Snake was actually based on Pumbaa attack the hyenas when they called him ‘Pig’ instead of ‘Mr Pig’. That part always get me XD!”)
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awlumii · 2 years
rain check.
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# — pairing: (spidey!)kazuha x gn!reader
# — characters: gender neutral reader, kazuha
# — warnings: n/a
# — summary: "i'm late, i'm late! for a very important date! no time to say 'hello, goodbye,' i'm late, i'm late, i'm late!" — white rabbit, alice in wonderland
# — tags: spidey!kazuha au, fluff, brief angst, making up, getting together, there's kisses involved, reader's also a simp (lol)
# — notes: [stands awkwardly in the corner] heyy... i tried my hand at the au again... as always, reblogs and reactions are greatly appreciated, and i really hope you enjoy this!
wanna join the tag list?
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✧ — 🍁 + 🕷 — ✧
the meeting time was 7:30 pm originally.
7:45 pm. the waitstaff asked you if you wanted to order anything. you politely declined and informed them that you'd order when your date arrived.
8:15 pm. you texted kazuha and got no response. you eventually grew impatient and reluctantly ordered food for yourself. your face burned at the looks of pity you received from the employees.
8:45 pm. you still didn't get a response from kazuha. you tried not to text him too frequently in fear of sounding clingy or belligerent, but after an hour or so of radio silence, you couldn't help but triple (or even quadruple) text him.
9:00 pm. you check your phone. still no response from kazuha.
9:15 pm. you figured that dessert wouldn't hurt, but it was hard to stomach what with the waitstaff watching you from afar. if you strained your ears, you could hear them whispering something about a customer being stood up and having to eat alone.
9:30 pm. you didn't eat the dessert.
9:45 pm. you asked for the check. they refused to give you one. they gave you their pity instead.
10:00 pm. you left.
10:05 pm. five minutes after you started walking home, there was a blinding flash of lightning. that was the only warning you received before the skies opened up.
the frigid rain seeps through your clothes and chills you to the bone. surprisingly, it's not as unpleasant as it sounds; you were starting to feel a little numb, anyway. quiet splashes echo from the sidewalk as you drag yourself home. people pass you by one after the other, each with umbrellas, but you pay them no mind. you continue on your way.
maybe you're being dramatic, but you feel like shit right now.
when kazuha first suggested going to such a nice restaurant, you were a little hesitant to agree. never mind your preferences — kazuha isn't one for lavish affairs. he's told you as much before. even if the place wasn't super pricey, the ambience seemed to be a bit too much for his tastes. it took some coaxing on his part — he said he wanted to ask you something important, which only served to make your stomach twist into knots — but in the end, he finally got you to say yes. (truthfully, you folded as soon as he took your hands in his — you really need to learn to say no to him.)
it wasn't until you were getting ready to leave that you realized that this was going to be your tenth date with kazuha. is that why he was so insistent on going somewhere nice? you thought it adorable that he seemed to be keeping track of the number of dates the two of you have been on. it made you excited to see him — so excited in fact, that you showed up fifteen minutes early.
and yet in spite of this whole thing being his idea, kazuha never showed up, leaving you to make a fool of yourself in one of the nicest restaurants in the city.
"knew i should've stayed home," you grumble as you trudge through the downpour. you're totally lying to yourself; you had no intention of saying no to him. kazuha could suggest anything and you know you'd agree at the drop of a hat. but as they say, hindsight is 20/20; you should have dug your heels in and said no and suggested something else — maybe something that didn't involve you looking like a fucking moron at a restaurant.
your vision blurs suddenly, forcing you to come to a halt. you think it's because of the torrential rain, but the heat radiating off of your cheeks tells you otherwise. you wipe your eyes free of water — a futile effort — and chuckle humorlessly to yourself. why are you doing this? it's not like anybody's going to notice, right? you sniffle; that can easily be because you're cold and wet.
you sob. you tell yourself it's just a cough.
stop being so dramatic. keep walking.
the second you turn onto a narrow street, you hear a familiar thwip-! coming from overhead. you barely have time to acknowledge that spider-man is swinging around before he's landing right in front of you, blocking your path. you brush rainwater (and tears) out of your eyes to see him better. "you're, uh, kinda in my way, spider-man," you call out over the downpour. "could you move so i can go home?"
"what're you doing out here without an umbrella?" spider-man asks. he doesn't move like you asked; he just steps closer. and if you strain your ears a little, you think he sounds really worried. maybe you're just hearing things. "you're drenched! you're going to get sick at this rate."
for some reason, his concern makes you want to laugh. you crack a smile, though there's very little joy to be found in it. "i'm just taking a nightly stroll." you lie. "and don't worry, i won't get sick. i'm the nurse here, remember? now could you move, please?"
you step around him and start to walk past, but he grabs your arm, stopping you. why is he being like this? what is it with the men in your life tonight? "i... can't be too sure that you'll go straight home." he lets you go and holds out his hands for you to take. "at the very least, allow me to take you."
you make a face. "shouldn't you be saving someone somewhere?"
"i'm offering to take you somewhere, aren't i?" he asks. it sounds more like a retort to you. "and aren't you someone?"
"uh-huh. and what are you saving me from, exactly?"
"if we move fast enough, probably a really bad head cold." spider-man shakes his hand, silently urging you to take it. "come on. i can't have my doctor getting sick, can i?"
you sigh. you don't have it in you to turn down his offer. you never do, now that you're thinking about it. you should really do some self-evaluation. besides, the rain is fucking freezing — it felt nice a few minutes ago, but you can feel yourself starting to shiver and shake. that cold may just catch you regardless of how quickly you get home. "fine," you say and take his hand.
spider-man pulls you in by your hand and wraps an arm around your waist. instinctively, you cling to him as tightly as you can. he's as warm as ever, you note, even in the freezing rain. at this distance, you hear him chuckle: "at least you know to hold on tight." you get no other warning before he's zipping through the air with you in tow. you shriek at the sudden movement, but spider-man only laughs. "you're alright," he reassures you over the wind.
in no time at all, you're being rested on your balcony. you slide open the door and stumble into your apartment on wobbly knees, ignoring spider-man's amused laughter. "you're like a baby deer every time," he giggles. "are you not used to it yet?"
"stop making it sound like i'm the weird one here." you grumble as you lower yourself into a chair. your body feels too stiff and heavy to move. you're still drenched, but all you can do right now is shiver in your seat. meanwhile, spider-man isn't making any moves to leave. he's just watching you — or at least, you think he is. "what're you s-standing there for?" you stutter. you're cold. "what's the matter?"
spider-man puts his hand on the back of his neck and rubs it awkwardly. are you missing something right now? why is he suddenly acting like this? "are you... going to tell me why you were walking in the rain?" he holds the back of his neck, his eyes seemingly still on you. "i refuse to believe that you were taking a 'nightly stroll'." he uses air quotes to repeat your earlier words.
you laugh shakily. "are you interrogating me, spider-man?"
for once, he doesn't laugh with you. "i... just want to know. i'll leave you alone as soon as you tell me; you need to go and warm up."
you open your mouth to explain, but as you look back on the whole incident, you once again feel embarrassment take you by the shoulders. why were you really walking home in the rain? you could've ducked into a store and called a cab or taken public transportation -- what possessed you to do something so childish? your skin, though clammy, heats up as you avert your eyes.
you press your palm against your lips, muffling your voice. "i was, uh... stood up."
"...really now?"
you grimace and nod. "it was, um... supposed to be our tenth date, actually." you recall the blush that coated kazuha's cheeks when he asked you out the other day, and you start to feel the beginnings of a smile on your face. he's so cute — you'd give anything to see him right now.
because as upset as you may have been earlier, you realize that deep down, you just really want to be with kazuha. you're pissed that he still hasn't contacted you yet, but you have faith that he will; this kind of discourtesy isn't like him.
spider-man doesn't know that, though. he makes a noise of disapproval. "pardon my harsh language, songbird," he comments, "but he sounds like an asshole."
you gasp, scandalized. you've never heard him swear before. it sounds so wrong coming from him — was he really that upset about you being stood up? why did that thought make your heart skip a beat? "don't say something like that!" you open your mouth to continue chastising him, but instead you sneeze, hard. you groan and rise to your feet. if you don't move now, you really will catch that cold. "say something bad about my boyfriend again, and i'll fight your face off." you call over your shoulder as you head to your bathroom.
"your boyfriend?" spider-man's words give you pause. you whirl around to glare at him, ready to retort and defend yourself, but he puts his hands up in mock surrender. "you said it, not me. but i must say," he lays his hand over his chest, "i'm wounded, songbird. and here i thought i stood a chance."
you freeze. he thought what?! your mind starts to race immediately, but you reel yourself in quickly. your feelings for spider-man are supposed to be a thing of the past. they were childish and impractical — kazuha is the better choice in every way possible. remember that, you tell yourself.
you flip him off with a sigh. "get out, webhead. i'm going to warm up."
spider-man shrugs, the perfect picture of nonchalance. if only he knew the things he did to your head. "alright, alright." he heads back to your balcony. "take care of yourself, okay?" he calls out to you.
"whatever!" you call back.
with a laugh, he leaps off of your balcony and swings into the stormy night, leaving you dripping in your hallway. you shake your head and start towards your bathroom.
once you've taken a hot shower and put on some warm, dry clothes, you drop yourself onto your couch and turn your tv on. you're not really watching anything, but the background noise is nice. you lay yourself down and roll onto your back.
so the date was a bust. you sigh heavily. that restaurant was so, so nice, too. the atmosphere was perfect — you're pretty sure that if kazuha had asked you to be his partner there, you might have cried. that, or you would have passed out; either one seems likely. you pause for a second. is that what he was going to ask you? oh, you definitely would've cried.
are you really upset about being stood up? you gave it some thought while you were in the shower and decided that no, you're not all that upset. at least, not with kazuha. embarrassed, yes — you can never show your face at that restaurant again — but not upset. kazuha's track record speaks for itself; you can always re-schedule the date.
again, you sigh. you're much too nice to him. simp.
you're about to change the channel on the tv when you hear a frantic knocking on your front door. you jump, startled by the sudden noise. hesitant, you make your way to the door. "uh, who is it?" you call out.
the voice from behind the door makes your stomach flip. "it's kazuha. can i see you? please?"
kazuha? he came here?
you look through your peephole and sure enough, kazuha is standing in front of your door looking very winded, very distressed, and very drenched. without thinking twice, you fling your door open and tug him inside. "what were you thinking, coming here in this weather without an umbrella?!" you hiss at him as you take in his rain soaked state. under any other circumstances, you'd be gentler with him — normally you would never be so snappy with him — but all that's on your mind as you dart over to your linen closet is how sick he's going to be because of this.
kazuha's eyes widen at your tone. "i had to come and see you," he tries to explain. "i--"
you don't let him finish. you drop a soft towel over his head and start rubbing him dry, ignoring the startled noise he makes. "you're still catching your breath, too. christ, did you run here or something?"
you move the towel so that you can see kazuha's face. he looks so apologetic and honestly, really cute with his face peeking out from under the towel. "if i said yes, would you be upset with me?"
"what the-- yes!" you head back over to your linen closet and grab a bigger towel before marching into your room to rifle through your stuff. you can't believe he risked a catching a cold like this! and for what? just to see you? you stop for a moment and recognize just how romantic his gesture is supposed to be. his sprinting all the way to your apartment (and judging by the way his chest was heaving, up the stairs, too) in the freezing rain makes your heart stutter — to think he would go this far just to see you... you shake your head. you can be flattered after he's dry. you hear a quiet sneeze from outside your room and quickly head back out to see kazuha rubbing at his nose.
you shove the clothes you found into his arms along with the towel. "go and take a shower and put these on." you shake your head when he starts to talk back. "nope, i don't want to hear it. when you're done, leave your clothes in the sink and i'll wash and dry them."
"this is--"
"kazuha." your tone is flat and leaves no room for argument. you raise a brow at him and he stares at you for just a second longer before doing as you said. once the bathroom door is closed, you drop yourself back on your couch and bury your face in your hands.
you thought that you weren't upset, but now that he's actually here, you're not quite sure what it is you're feeling. are you pissed because he risked his health to see you? or do you want to punch him for standing you up tonight? well, you think to yourself, he wouldn't have run in the rain if he didn't feel bad about the whole date situation. you look at the bathroom door with a tiny smile. he can be such a charmer when he wants to be — an impulsive one, but a charmer nonetheless. you decide that you're definitely just upset at him for being so stupid.
time passes and eventually kazuha emerges from your bathroom in the large hoodie and sweatpants you forced upon him. he looks adorable in your clothes. you tell him to make himself comfortable before tossing his clothes in the laundry. when you come back, you seat yourself beside him. he seems to be making himself small — either that or he's just drowning in the clothes you gave him. "am i allowed to speak now?" he asks quietly.
you snort. "yes, kazuha, you can speak now."
"i'm really sorry." kazuha's eyes are on you, and you can see the remorse swimming in them. he looks like he's gauging your reaction for permission to continue. when you say nothing, he goes on: "i swear to you, i was on my way there when something suddenly came up," he continues. "it was urgent and demanded all of my attention. i must have gotten so absorbed that i'd forgotten to contact you. by the time everything had finished, it was incredibly late and i figured that you must've gone home, so i..." he trails off.
you tilt your head. "so you ran here?"
kazuha nods. "i... didn't realize doing so would upset you so much. so please, allow me to apologize for that as well. i know my excuse may sound generic and unsatisfying, but you have to believe me when i say that i'm telling the truth.
well, there it is. there's your apology. you press your lips together to fight off a smile. "i believe you just fine," you say. "and i forgive you."
he blinks in disbelief. "are... you sure? aren't you upset with me?"
"do you want me to be?"
"you should be." kazuha winces. this is seriously eating at him; his brows are drawn and his jaw is clenched, showing in no uncertain terms that at least one of you is upset. upset may not even be the right word. he's starting to look pained, if not anything else. why is he being like this? for the second time tonight, you feel like you're missing something here.
you reach over and gently tap your fingers against his own in a silent request to take his hand. he visibly stalls before tentatively wrapping his pinky around yours. "i really do forgive you, you know." you murmur. "life happens, and sometimes plans don't work out. that's just the way things are."
kazuha sighs, unconvinced by your kindness. "the whole date was my idea." he takes his hand away from yours. "at the very least, i should have contacted you." he looks away from you. "and i know that... that this won't be the last time something like this happens. i don't want to keep disappointing you like this."
there's a hidden weight to his words that you pick up on. it's apparent that he's not telling you something, but it's not like you can just pry it out of him. he's barely listening to you as it is. you find yourself stuck between being flattered that he cares so much and worried that he'll truly never forgive himself for this. what can you do to convince him that you're not mad?
kazuha's shoulders tense and you can see color faintly rising to his cheeks. "and i was going to ask you..." he pauses for a second to look at you. "...something important, but i'm worried that i shouldn't. that i don't deserve to."
...you knew it. you fucking knew it! you see the way he's looking at you — he was totally going to ask you to be his partner. the problem now though, is that he's probably not going to. he's kicking himself while he's down, ruining your relationship before you even had a chance to form one.
it's not hard to see things his way. he's worried that he can't guarantee that he'll be able to confidently make time for you without interruption. it's a legitimate concern — who doesn't worry about this kind of thing? what he needs to hear now is not that everything's okay, but rather that it will be; that you're content with any mistakes he may make; that you're more than willing to take him as he is, urgent issues and all.
again, you knock your fingers on his. this time, you hook two of your fingers on his. "ask me." you tell him.
kazuha frowns slightly. "i don't..."
"do you still want to ask?"
"of course." he pauses to squints at you. "you already know what it is i'm going to ask you, don't you?"
you bite back a grin. "maybe i do, maybe i don't. ask me anyways."
a smile ghosts across his face as his cheeks redden just a little bit more. "i was going to ask if you wanted to... make our relationship official." he looks down at your joined fingers before looking back at you. "and it would mean the world to me if you said—"
kazuha takes your hand fully. "i had a feeling you would say that." it's evident in the way he visibly softens and in the way he sighs that he's pleased with your answer (although 'pleased' is far too light a word to describe the pure, raw happiness that overtook his face). maybe you're going crazy, but you think that something akin to love flashes in his eyes. it overwhelms you. he takes your hand fully in his and you feel your own face start to warm just from looking at him.
"i was always going to say yes," you say when you manage to find your voice. "i want to be with you, kazuha."
his expression dims. did you say something wrong? "i want to be with you too," he says as he brings your hand up to cup his face. "but as i said, i may be a disappointment to you. i don't want to hurt you in any way, even if it's by accident."
you brush your thumb over his skin. it's warm to the touch. "you won't hurt me," you say softly. "and a little disappointment won't be the end of the world."
kazuha regards you closely. he looks like he's trying to be at peace with your hand on his face, but the draw in his brows gives away his internal conflict. for a second, you wonder if you're coming off too strong. you like kazuha a lot (it's probably too soon to say the big L word, but it surely doesn't scare you), but you're always afraid that you're either giving too much of yourself, or not enough. your insistence on dating him may be more repulsive than attractive.
"i like you," he suddenly murmurs, "so much."
your chest feels tight and you feel breathless. why did he suddenly say that? "i like you, too," you reply.
kazuha leans in and presses his forehead against yours. you hold your breath as his eyes slip shut. he seems so at peace at this distance, unlike you, who's trying to swallow back your heart that suddenly leaped into your throat. "i'd like to be yours," he says in the space between. "if you'll have me, that is."
you feel so dizzy, so drunk on your giddy emotions. this isn't how you saw tonight playing out at all, but you're not going to complain. "of course," you breathe your response. your voice trembles just a little, giving away your nervousness. "you're all i want."
at that, kazuha kisses you. it's slow and sweet, and also — if memory serves you right — the fifth time he's kissed you. if life were a cartoon, you would probably flushed bright red, lovestruck and dumb; a fool for the man before you. it takes you a second to kiss him back — he pulls away for just a moment but you capture his lips again and drink in the content sigh he rewards you with. this is different from the kisses you've shared before. the others were reserved and almost timid, hesitant kisses shared at the beginning of a new relationship. this kiss becomes intoxicating and gratifying — one you find yourself quickly getting addicted to.
believe it or not though, it's you who pulls away first, your heart stuttering in your chest. you don't go very far, but you turn your head away to try and retain some of your sanity. it's obvious that what you said had quite the effect on kazuha; his fingers come to your jaw and move you gently so that you're facing him again, but he doesn't close the gap. there's another silence before he kisses you once, then twice, before he pulls away and sighs. "if there's anything that i can do to make up for tonight," he says, "tell me. i'll do anything."
there's only one thing you can think of saying. "stay with me tonight." the words come out easily — maybe a little too easily. you fluster and your face heats up considerably as you start to ramble. "i-i mean, um... it's gonna be pouring all night and you clearly don't have an umbrella so i mean, i think you should stay. if you want to, then of course you can stay, but you can say no — i just don't want you to catch a cold, y'know..."
kazuha says nothing; he watches you with thinly veiled amusement in his eyes. "would me staying the night make you happy?"
you groan quietly. "stop enjoying this. you know the answer already."
"i do, i do. you're just really cute when you're embarrassed."
"you know what? forget it. i'm gonna go check on your clothes." you stand abruptly to escape your discomfort, but kazuha takes your hand in his, stopping you with a laugh.
"i'm sorry, dove, i'm sorry." he chuckles as he speaks. he stands and pulls you in by your waist. "i'll stay the night. does that sound good?"
you rest your hands on his shoulders poised to push him away, but think against it. your heart is hammering in your chest. it's hard to be mad at him when he's smiling like that, even if it's at your expense. asking him to stay was a spur of the moment decision, but when you look at him like this, up close, you know that you would've had a hard time letting him go. so... "yeah," you mutter. "sounds good. now will you please let me go and check on your clothes?"
he hums and leans in. his voice is barely above a murmur when he speaks. "one more thing." and for (what you think is) the eighth time since you've started seeing each other, kazuha kisses you, sending pleasure rocketing through your system. it drags on despite you trying to pull away, what with kazuha chasing after your lips with a mischievous smile the entire time.
eventually, you get fed up and hold his face. "knock it off, you." you say once you successfully pull away. "i have things to do."
kazuha, who looks far brighter than he was earlier, lets you go and raises his hands in mock surrender. "alright, alright. go on. i'll be here; i promise."
you open your mouth to say something snide, but quickly shut it. you're floored by just how happy he makes you, even if he can be annoying from time to time. perhaps it's because you're technically in the honeymoon phase, but you know for a fact that his smile is one you'd do anything to protect. becoming his partner is a decision you know you'll never, ever regret, and you're sure of that.
you turn on your heel and start towards the laundry room. "don't miss me too much!" you call over your shoulder. kazuha's quiet laughter follows you out of the room, warming your heart.
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✦ [screaming and crying]
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theprettyarachnid · 2 years
what your favourite jjk man says about you
a/n: do not take these seriously
also i’m so fuckinn tired i literally have not slept for two days
warnings: none(?)
characters: itadori, megumi, inumaki, gojo, suguru, nanami, mahito
🕷 you root for the hero most of the time
🕷 very protective of the people around you
🕷 you have golden retriever energy or husky energy
🕷 you’re a little chaotic is what i’m trying to say
🕷 you give off gamer boy vibes who has a bisexual, goth girlfriend
🕷 i can see you guys not really enjoying sports but only because you’re not a fan of organized things
🕷 you also have a lot of clutter in your room but it’s neat at the same time
🕷 emo
🕷 you mind your own fucking business
🕷 you would survive in a horror movie, like you would be the final girl/boy/person
🕷 you guys are actually really sweet even though you have a resting bitch face
🕷 like even when you guys laugh or smile, it’s somehow still there
🕷 i can see you guys liking the ‘childhood friends to lovers’ trope or ‘only one bed’ trope
🕷 you should probably lowkey go to therapy
🕷 y’all are literally the love of my life
🕷 you guys are pretty unproblematic and are overall just super super sweet
🕷 you’re either very quiet or do not stop talking
🕷 you probably have a collection of stuffed animals or you sleep with like 10 pillows
🕷 i can see you guys having cold hands
🕷 you’re very loyal and will cut a bitch for your friends
🕷 you are the reason mom friends exist
🕷 you’re on like 5 different antidepressants and yet you are still the horniest motherfucker I have ever met
🕷 you live for chaos, like anytime there’s drama you’re right there with a bag of popcorn
🕷 speaking of drama, you always know people’s business even when they haven’t told you
🕷 you guys wear socks with sandals purposely because you know it looks awful
🕷 you are the enabler of the friend group and you’re probably a little spontaneous
🕷 either that or the complete opposite
🕷 you are horrifically touch starved
🕷 you have anxiety, like a lot of it
🕷 you either love dogs or you’re terrified of them
🕷 you guys love changing up your hair frequently
🕷 might have a stick and poke or two
🕷 i love you guys and you’re really hot <3
🕷 cue daddy issues by the neighbourhood
🕷 you’re the mom friend and you have an awful caffeine addiction
🕷 you have never liked a single person in your age range
🕷 you act like you have your life together but in reality you’re on the verge of a mental breakdown
🕷 you probably have some kind of mental illness like ocd or depression
🕷 i can see you guys having a really nice room, like a few plants, some really cool paintings and posters and you probably have a wall dedicated to your loved ones such as pictures or drawings they’ve given you
🕷 even the pieces of papers that have a poorly drawn penis
🕷 you are a whole menace to society
🕷 like you were the kid who bit people during recess
🕷 you chew on your straws and pencils
🕷 your lips are really chapped
🕷 like for the love of god you can get lip balm for 2 dollars at a fucking cvs or walgreens
🕷 you made mud pies as a kid <3
🕷 but you might’ve tried it once out of curiosity
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vikkirosko · 2 years
Can you write something about Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Valentino and Blitzø (separately) with an O/S who is very talkative and when they get tired of hearing him they kiss him turning into a nervous red mess?
Headcanons Talkativeness
🕷Angel Dust x Reader 💖
Angel was hardly quiet. He liked to chat, so he didn't mind that you talk a lot, but sometimes you talked too much even in his opinion and it started to annoy him a little. At such moments he was thinking about how to make you at least for a few minutes silent
After some thought, he came up with a plan that seemed to him ingenious. He pulled you to him, whispered into your lips that your chatty mouth needed to be occupied with something more interesting and kissed you. You didn't pull away, but you didn't respond to the kiss either. You stood frozen. When Angel pulled away from your lips, he saw how much you blushed and couldn't even utter a word
He thought your reaction was very cute. He's never seen you so embarrassed before. You hesitantly opened your mouth, as if about to say something, but closed it, as if for the first time in your life you had nothing to say. Angel was very glad that he decided to silence you in this way
Every time Angel started to get annoyed that you talked a lot, he kissed you, which caused your great embarrassment. You knew perfectly well that he was doing it on purpose, but you couldn't do anything. You were powerless before his kisses
🃏 Husk x Reader 🥃
Husk didn't like noise. He preferred to be in the bar in silence, but you were often with him. You were always talking. Sometimes it seemed that you were talking to yourself, because he didn't always listen to what you were saying. However, there were times when your chatter started to annoy him a lot and he started thinking about how to silence you
He didn't want to yell at you, because it could offend you, so he was looking for alternatives. However, when you started talking a lot again, he couldn't restrain himself and to silence you, he kissed you. He didn't expect it to have the desired effect, but it worked
When he pulled away, you blushed deeply and pressed your palms to your cheeks. You tried to say something, but you just couldn't find the words. You were very confused and didn't know what to do. Husk was quite happy with this arrangement, because while you were so embarrassed, he could enjoy the peace and quiet, although he was not sure how long you would be silent
He started using this technique sometimes to keep you quiet for a little while. He was pleased to see you embarrassed, but he would never admit it, justifying his actions with a desire for silence. He liked the fact that he made you blush on your cheeks even though he was quite rude to others and sometimes to you
💞 Valentino x Reader 🚬
Valentino spent a lot of time with you. You were one of Hell's most famous couples. Valentino loved you, but there was something that sometimes annoyed him. You were very talkative. On normal days, he didn't pay attention to it, but sometimes he had moments when your chatter started to annoy him. However, he knew exactly how to make you stop talking
Every time he got annoyed that you were very talkative, he kissed you. He knew that despite your relationship, every time he kissed you, you started blushing and clinging to him in embarrassment. He was touched by your reaction and he hugged you tighter, smiling at you
He did this every time you talked a lot, regardless of where you were and who saw you. He did not hide your relationship and he liked to see how others reacted to your kisses. It didn't bother you that other people saw your kisses, but the kisses themselves confused you
You knew perfectly well that he was kissing you on purpose and used it. You liked kissing him and, realizing that if you chatted a lot he would kiss you again, you talked even more. Valentino also understood this, but he didn't mind kissing you anytime and anywhere, because kissing was part of your relationship
🐍Sir Pentious x Reader 🎩
Pentious often heard you talking. You talked to him and his henchmen. You always had something to talk about and you liked to chat with others. However, sometimes there were moments when Pentious felt annoyed because of this. That's why he tried to think of a way to make you at least a little silent
He thought about it a lot, but couldn't think of a suitable way. Quite often he would say his ideas out loud when you weren't around. His henchmen perfectly heard what he was saying and tried to give him advice. He tried not to listen to them, but when one of his henchmen offered to kiss you, he decided to try this option
He took a long time to find the right moment to put his plan into practice. He hoped that the plan would work, because otherwise he would have to come up with another option. However, to his delight, the kiss worked. After the kiss, you really fell silent, not knowing what to do with yourself from embarrassment. He was satisfied with this result
He began to kiss you often. He liked the fact that you stopped talking and also liked to kiss you. Your talkativeness was an excuse for him to kiss you again and again, but you didn't mind, even though after each kiss you were very embarrassed
😈 Blitzø x Reader 🐴
Blitzø was very chatty. Everyone who talked to him for at least five minutes knew this. However, despite his talkativeness, he couldn't compare to you when you started talking. He got annoyed when you talked too much, but there was a way that helped him make you stop talking for a while
Every time you started talking too much, he kissed you. He didn't care where exactly you were or who was looking at you. He could kiss you even in the middle of an office meeting, completely unashamed that his subordinates and his adopted daughter were looking at you. After each kiss, you were very confused and stopped talking
Sometimes he kissed you even when you were silent. He justified it by interrupting your chatter beforehand, but in fact he liked to kiss you. He found a huge number of reasons to kiss. He liked to look at how embarrassed you were after your kiss as if it was your first kiss
You knew perfectly well that he was doing it on purpose, but you weren't angry, even though he interrupted you every time you spoke. His way seemed nice to you, though a little intrusive. You didn't mind blushing a little
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runawayengineer · 3 years
𝐀𝐥𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝗺𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 🕷
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Pairings: Rui!Reader x Heartslabyul (minus Cater)
Warning: gn!reader, mentions of Blood. Minor Violence. Mentions of 1 or 2 characters overblotting. Cursing. (FAVORITISM towards Deuce)
Genre: fluff. (Very slight angst)
Synopsis: Headcanons for Heartslabyul boys running into a venomous little Creature, the last thing they wanted was to be stuck in this Pretty person's web of love.
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RIDDLE who first genuinely noticed you during the grim incident when you had first arrived. He and azul Offering to chase after The Little Gremlin, however it ended as quickly as it started, Watching in awe as you seized ahold of the small and anarchic entity with your Thin and Lean Threads, and with a Yank of your Wrist, almost similar to a Fishing hook, Grim Came Reeling back at a astonishing speed, and just like that he was Restained in your iron grip. The Dormleader Standing there in shock, Didn't the mirror just say this student had no magic abilities?? Preposterous! Whatever you had just done was amazing!
RIDDLE who is Fascinated with your Spider like abilities, And is never not Amazed or shocked when he Finds you in higher up areas, His Shock forming into slight anger when he Tells you about a rule your breaking and you simply ignore him or Reply with "I'll do whatever i please, Rosehearts." Before he can even retort, You remind him that those rules of his only apply near or in his dorm, and you are in fact NOT apart of his dorm. He realized your right and Storms off beyond enraged, So don't be surprised if you see ace collared again, and tells you that he hasn't did anything wrong, only collared because he was the first person RIDDLE saw when he had returned.
RIDDLE who is quickly put in his Place when he decided to overblot over the fact he felt Like he was Underpowered and how he believed he was right, most people would've tried to calm him down, but not you, Without a second thought, You confirmed to him that yes, he was in fact weak. Weaker than most of the beings from where you came from, And it showed with how easily you wrapped Managed to Wrap your durable and Strong Threads around his Blotting Form. You and Him stood close, Face to Face. You watched Riddle's Face contort Viciously clearly hurt by how weak he felt right now. How pitiful he felt, along with the Invisible Scars that stretched along his Mental mind, those scars his mother gave him. "Your very powerless." You started off, Your tone was Dreary and your words we're cruel. "And yet you still managed to pull me in." ...Huh?
Lastly, RIDDLE who Manages to Regain control of himself, Crying out all of the things he wants to do, with both you and The dorm of Heartslabyul. Quickly being silenced when you step up to his sobbing form, only releasing little sniffles as he waits for you to speak. Taken by surprise and shaken up when you Grab his Face by the Chin, the pads of your Fingers digging into the fat of his cheeks. Before he can ask for forgiveness, You speak, first. "Don't ever let me catch you in that form again, Boy." You Warned. "Stay just as you are from here on out, i prefer you like this." Your words we're Straightforward, And although to the naked eye of Heartslabyul it sounded as if you were threatening him, Somewhere deep in the pit of Rosehearts Tummy, he felt a Tingle of Gratitude for your words. It sounded almost as if you we're complimenting him, Something he didn't get much of as a child. His face Reddened at you innuendo of admiration for him, He simply wipes The Residue of Tears from his already Glassy eyes. "Okay..." He Sniffles almost quiet enough for only the closer people to hear, which is only you and Trey.
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TREY who Admires how strong you are with those Threads that you cast. Always paying close attention, in awe, whenever you decided to use them, although he's not very fond of getting his hat torn into shreds, which has caused him to stay a small distance away whenever he sees you getting ready to fight. If your defending yourself, he'll sit back and let you handle it. But if he sees your about to literally Dice someone into Flesh cubes, he's quick to Jump in, Trying to persuade you into calming down, while In the back of his mind, he's praying to the seven that you care for him enough to NOT Cut him up and Move on to whoever was bothering you. Which you don't because deep inside, your genuinely infatuated with him.
TREY, that's confused on why you stare at him for long periods of time. Although he has faith that you don't hurt people who don't bother you, he's still a bit nervous to be around you, especially when you Stare at him with Wide eyes, and without blinking as well, please give this man a break. He's nervous, so on instinct he Gives a nervous smile and waves, what if your judging him, or plotting something, all these things go through his head. Meanwhile the only thing that's going through yours is how annoying that damn hat is. Why is he wearing it like that? Your just about ready to send that hat Fluttering to the ground in the form of flower petals. "Take it off or wear it right." "Huh...?" "you heard me."
TREY who Decides to visit you one morning, after realizing you both had the same 1st period class. Knocking on the door once, twice, thrice. He feels a Cold sinking feeling when you don't respond to his advances to get into ramshackle, or respond at all actually. He opens the door Silently, He peeks in, and sees nothing in the living room. His next option is look for you up the stairs, You can imagine his Horrified Reaction when he sees a Unknown, Unconscious Student Hanging from the hallway ceiling, He's a pretty smart guy, so it doesn't take long for him to realize that that student is most likely stuck up there for your dinner later, He's definitely gonna have to talk to Crowley about this.
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Ace That's Absolutely Terrified of you, When he Sees That Pretty snow white Hair, and Those Long slender fingers, He's scared for his life when he sees you and your Weasel chasing after him after he attempts to Shirk his Cleaning duties for Damaging the Queen of hearts Statue. He expects to get away, however he forgets just how powerful you are. "Ace!" You let a Bloodcurdling Yell of his name, and right before he can Get to deuce, He's being Trapped by Your spider threads, Fearing Building up as His hands are bonded by your threads that Attach itself to the wall, Almost similar to Chains, they don't budge. When you manage to Catch him, It isn't very pretty.
Ace that is incredibly Shocked at the way you manage to take down that Horrifyingly large ink monster thing that tries to attack you all after managing to Grab the Magestone from the Dwarf mines. While everybody else is panicking over the following threat, You know just how to take care of it. Deuce summons another one of his Very famously known Cauldron Attacks, You immediately take action right after, Using those pretty Threads to hold the cauldron in place, giving you plenty of time to escape. Ace Talks about how amazing you were back there till this day, And you don't seem to mind, Although he should stop soon, Your not sure how much bigger your ego could possibly get.
Ace who shows up to your dorm at 3 am in the morning with one of riddle's collars on. Declaring that he's wants to live here at ramshackle with you, although he's a bit concerned on how quickly you answered the door, where you even sleep? Doesn't matter to him, He lives with you now. Grim asks him what's wrong and why does he want to live with you, and ace explains Everything that happened to him all because of a Strawberry tart, Unaware that your Mind is Stirring Something up, Ace is annoying in your opinion, But your Interested in him nonetheless, So you do him a favor that's better than Spending the night at your dorm. a loud thud Echoing through ramshackle, Grim stares in awe and the way Ace Touches his neck and doesn't feel the Collar's material, You Stare at his Happy reaction when he realizes your threads were strong enough to Break Riddle's spell off of him. Riddle definitely had a bone to pick with you that next day
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Deuce who actually isn't the first person to be infatuated in this relationship, believe it or not, it's actually you who takes a liking to him. Well it's more like a mutual interest. He's absolutely amazed by how strong you are for a simple prefect. And you love how dedicated and Strong-willed he is. Although it confuses him as well as Flusters him when you bring up him Making a perfect part of your family. Remind him that you don't mean it that way later.
Deuce that's a bit unnerved at how you don't blink as much as the average person should, especially when you stare at him for long periods of time, don't get him started on how you'll randomly cup his Face gently and Stare him in his eyes for long amounts of time, Sadly He cannot keep eye contact with you, without looking away and clearing his throat Atleast once. Especially after the dwarf's mine incident, When you witness the way The ink monster Hit Deuce and ace, causing them to Fly backwards, The way you seem to have favoritism towards him is embarrassing, but also cool knowing someone strong thinks so highly of him, what he ISN'T a big fan of is the way you'd Wrap your arm around his throat (possessively) while Threatening the students who demanded they and your team duel after grim spilled his Food onto one of they're uniforms, someone used a Water spell on deuce and did in fact NOT come out unscathed.
Deuce who has Noticed the Red marks that littered your skin, although he is used to seeing Marks, since he's from the Rose kingdom, The fact that no one knows where you've come from is what interest him the most, He'll ask you to 'Teach' him How you manage to summon those strings from your fingertips, and to his dismay you tell him that what you have is not magic, but a Natural Ability. He's immensely disappointed that your unable to do or teach magic, but he's glad your still willing to protect him in dangerous situations, And riddle's little collaring obsession, He's not exactly Satisfied with the way you and Riddle tend to go at it from time to time, or so he says as he Hides behind you whenever riddle points his Magic pen in Your direction. You? Enamoured? Definitely.
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Tags: @coco-goat-milk
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moonslittlestar · 9 months
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okay this is just taking the piss out of me... not the first two cards I pick being my boys 😂😂
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sanzu-sanzu-sanzu · 3 years
worship in the bedroom
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or Haruchiyo comes home
Sanzu Haruchiyo X Fem!Reader. .
. established relationship, domestic, mildly suggestive (like half-a-pepper spicy) .
In the morning, you hear the wind sing, bringing with it along the chill of the early hour that has you embracing your arms tighter in the soft wool cardigan that you wore. You stand at the foot of the front steps of your house, unmoving and cold as the dead, conscious of your freezing limbs but patient. Eager and yearning.
Haruchiyo would be here any minute now, he’d promised.
You watch as a tall figure emerges out of the surrounding forest, smile when you see your husband clearing out of the morning mist. He walks with leisure, his coat slung on one arm, the assured strides of a man over his own land, at ease and at home. Upon seeing you, though, he picks up his pace; from a safe distance, you catch the beginning of a frown.
“I—“ you begin, after a moment of pause out of sheer joy upon finally seeing him back, before your words are cut short with his chest now right by your face and his large coat slung around your body, pulling you closer.
“I couldn’t wait to see you,” you mumble into his shirt—in response to his whispered ‘Baby, it’s cold…’—when he presses your forehead to his lips. He kisses you for a long time, keeps you close by the collar of his coat, before he shifts both hands to cup your cheeks so he can capture your mouth—tenderly but with purpose, his want searing your skin but not enough to bruise. No, never to hurt.
Your husband.
When he lets you reclaim your space—the little that he allows in the moment between the two of you, forehead to forehead—you regain your breathing along. You close your eyes as he lets out a sigh, a sigh so tired you find your hands searching for the back of his neck.
“You up all night again?,” he asks.
You chuckle at the tickle of his breath on your nose, the sensation of his fingertips that brush away your hair out of your face—more like his hair mixed with yours—just as much as at the sternness in his voice. Your other hand circles a reassuring grasp around his wrist.
“Not so much, I promise.”
“Liar.” The rumble of his voice electrifies something in you, from the pits of your core and straight to your fingertips, that had you palming one hand over his heart to steady the swaying you feel in your head. A gesture he welcomes, it seems, as he cups his own hand over yours.
“And you’re very cold,” still goes his chastising.
“I don’t mind.” I’m just happy you’re back.
“Well, I do,” he says, frowning still, as he pulls away to bring both your hands up in front of his mouth. “I’m sorry.” A kiss on the knuckles on your right hand. “Very sorry.” And another on the left that holds your wedding ring. “I hate it when you lose sleep, you know that.”
“You’re here now.”
“You think I might get my punishment for it?” Your heart melts at the mischief in his smile, eager and suggestive. A smile that takes the air out of your lungs. “Like in the bedroom?” he whispers, just as breathless. “Now?”
“Maybe.” You breathe out of your lungs and into his. “If you promise you’d never stay out so late again.”
And he laughs, playful and reassuring, as he brings a hand to curl on your chin, tip all your attention to the whirlpool of affection that swam in his eyes—eyes that only you know how to read, along with the notes of his heartbeat; eyes beneath lashes that only you could ever kiss goodnight. In the haven of your bedroom and in the safety of your dainty hands, in the quiet of your shared breathing.
“Whatever my wife says, I obey.”
He curls one long arm around your body, pulling you in a protective half-embrace as he walks you along—his hand instinctively finding its way to your stomach, drawing circles like a code. Against his chest, your head finds its sanctuary; around his hips, your arms their rightful place. You close your eyes at the warm press of his lips on the top of your head.
“Welcome home, Haruchiyo.”
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@sanzu-sanzu-sanzu 🕷
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stylesparker · 3 years
Congrats on 1k! I would like to request something if I may🕷
(Tasm) Peter finds there bestfriends journal, where he expects to find their crushes name or something, but instead finds that their friend that never curses just spills their mind onto the paper with no filter. He also finds them struggling with mental health. He feels hurt that they didn't confide in him. 🤎
thank you sweet anon, if this is coming from a personal place I hope you know that things will always get better, even if it doesn’t seem like it. and always always always check up on your friends, you never know if they may need it. I hope this can help a little bit🤎
Peter knows he shouldn’t. This is personal. But there’s that little voice in the back of his brain saying to go for it. It won’t be that bad, it’ll probably be her little rants or a crushes name. 
He hopes it’s not that.
She told him to let himself in, she’d be there soon, to make himself at home. He’s her best friend anyway, what’s he gonna do when she’s not home?
Read her very personal journal
He groans to himself. Before he can think twice, he picks up the journal, sliding his finger over the brown leather. Then he flips to the first random page, and at first glance is what he thought it would be, but as he reads, he realizes this is bad. He should not be doing this. But he can’t help himself and continues to read.
“Wow, she really has a mouth on her,” he chuckles to himself, reading over all her rants and confessions about people she doesn’t like and bad things that have happened over the past couple weeks. He smirks at the fact that even though she’s told him all of this, she definitely left out all the curse words she’s spilled out in this notebook. He flips to another page, scanning his eyes down the paper, but stopping when his eye catches something. 
I hate myself.
What? How could she possibly think that? His eyebrows scrunch in confusion, reading further down the page.
I can’t do this anymore. I don’t know why the medicine isn’t working. I don’t know how to go on like this.
He drops the journal onto her desk, rubbing his forehead with a sad look on his face. He closes it, setting it right back where it was, and he sits down on her bed, waiting for her to get home. All he can really think is why didn’t she tell him? Does she think he wouldn’t be able to help? Or maybe didn’t want his help... but why not? She’s helped him before so why wouldn’t she let him do the same? 
He hears the front door close shut, and he rubs his hands on his pants in anticipation. As soon as she walks through the door, he can see the sad smile she’s planted onto her face, and he wants to hit himself for not noticing it before. 
“Hey, Pete,” she says softly, sitting down next to him on the bed and leaning her head on his shoulder. He half smiles, leaning his head on hers and giving the top of her head a small kiss. 
“Hey, love. How was your day?” 
“Wasn’t all bad, how about you?” 
He’s quiet, only shrugs, and she can notice the faraway look on his face. She grabs his hand, giving it small squeeze before she makes him tilt his head up to look at her. 
“You alright?”
“Are you?” He asks, and she stiffens. 
“What makes you ask?”
“I just.. you just- you’ve been off lately, and- and I just want you to talk to me if you need anything. Don’t bottle things up okay?” Her eyes start to get teary, and she buries her head in his shoulder. His arms wrap around her quickly, one hand cradling the back of her head as she holds him tighter. He feels her head nod, and he hears her mumble a small thank you. He only hugs her tighter, and doesn’t let her go.
He’ll wait for her when she’s ready, and she knows she can count on him to be there.
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whumpinggrounds · 3 years
Liam (2) - 🍃🕷🌹🙉🌌🏊🪤
I am on my laptop so my progress cannot be lost quite so easily take that Tumblr ~
🍃: Do they enjoy being in nature? What is their favorite outdoor activity?
Liam does enjoy nature! He learns to appreciate it a lot more after Delilah locks him inside for a few months. His favorite is probably hiking – it combines being alone with accomplishing something, both of which Liam loves.
🕷: What is their biggest fear? Do they have any irrational/mundane fears?
His biggest fear is Delilah getting handsy. Next to that, everything looks small.
🌹: Do they like Valentine’s Day? Have they been confessed to before? Have they confessed to anyone before?
He’s happy to celebrate Valentine's Day if his significant other wants to! Two girls have confessed feelings to him, and one of them he ended up dating for three years. He’s never confessed feelings to anyone.
🙉: What is the worst thing your OC could hear from someone?
“If you really wanted to get away, why didn’t you fight back?”
🌌: What was the inspiration behind your OC? What was the first thing you decided about them?
Honestly, I was just intrigued by the big whumpee/little whumper dynamic! I think the first thing I decided was that Liam would look like and have the pedigree of a complete douche (tall, buff, hot white guy, college sports) but would actually be quiet, kind of shy, and a genuinely nice person.
🏊: Can they swim? Or are they afraid of water? How well do they swim? How do they feel about swimming in the ocean?
Liam can swim! He swims decently well, although he’s never swum competitively and finds it a super hard workout. He doesn’t mind swimming in the ocean but prefers freshwater – salt and sand are annoying.
🪤: What will always lure them into certain danger? A loved one in danger? A promise of something they’re always searching for?
He has an unfortunate tendency to overestimate his own abilities.
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latibulx · 3 years
For Gaeul
people - 💥 💤
food & drinks - 🍩
plants & nature - 🙊 🕷
objects - 🎭 💡 🖍️
weather - 🌪️ 🔥
hearts - ❤️ 💔
𝐎𝐂 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! ㅡ CLOSED ㅡ @nxvalunxsis
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Gaeul doesn't really have troubles with her emotions for she accepts them wholeheartedly as part of herself. However, it's true that when she gets nervous, she tends to ramble a lot and forgets to control what comes out of her mouth.
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
Gaeul rarely falls asleep easily for several reasons: she can be overthinking, she can still be half lost in the book she has been reading, she can be thinking about her past, and more recently she spends too much time looking at her baby, haha. But, being in Teddy's arms definitely helps her calm down and fall asleep.
food & drinks
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
raspberry anything! It's her favorite fruit and flavor, but she still hesitates when she's at the bakery because everything looks delicious and she definitely wants to try out new flavors. But, often raspberry flavored cakes and pastries win her over.
plants & nature
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
Books! Haha. Jokes aside, if she witnesses any kind of injustice, she'll speak out even if it means putting herself at risk. She often toes the line between being brave and being reckless but she thinks that if she wants to live in a better world, and for her daughter to grow up in a bette word, then she can't stay quiet when being in such situations.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Without a doubt, her biggest fear is to lose her family. She has struggled so much to get where she is now that it'd totally break her to lose Teddy and/or Ari. No irrational fear that I can think of right now, haha.
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what’s different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
Not really, Gaeul has always remained true to herself no matter who she is facing. She has always been passionate and open-minded and curious and easy to excite, pft. Too many people have been the unfortunate victims of her excited rambles.
💡 LIGHTBULB - is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it?
Well, now that she has a daughter, she needs to plan her life accordingly, but otherwise she just wings it. Every day is a new adventure for Gaeul!
🖍️ CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
If I had one advice to give her, it would be to fully trust those who care for her and to not worry about them leaving her.
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you’ve ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
I don't think I've changed her all that much from the first days I've written her. She's now older, more mature. And she has less tendency to take unnecessary risks, haha. But she did all of that herself! Otherwise she remains the same wonderful OC I've created.
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Well, her insecurities and the unexpected loss of her parents really led her to make some bad choices, such as leaving the man she loved and disappearing from the surface of Earth. However, Gaeul has never been self-destructive. She has always done her best to be who she needed to be for her own comfort and happiness. And being a mother now is only encouraging her to stay true to herself no matter what.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Words of affirmation, I think.
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
Disappear without an explanation.
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