#šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ nyeheheheheheā€¦.
latinokaeya-moving Ā· 2 years
i have transcribed all nine (!) of kaeyaā€™s letters to diluc that we can read in the hidden strifes event + the two replies diluc sent back that are hidden in the mysterious box on the favonius hq roof. just. you know. for fun.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting I
To D:
A storm is brewing within the Knights of Favonius. Varkaā€™s inner circle is preparing to investigate Eroch and his henchmen, and itā€™s looking increasingly likely that Eroch is about to get unseated from that high horse of his.
You might not be too pleased to see this letter of mine, but I mean to get this news to you as soon as possible.
You donā€™t have to reply.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting II
To D:
Even I was a little surprised to hear that youā€™d decided to leave on a trip. Jean wanted to write and try to dissuade you, but I advised her against it.
As for Varka, I donā€™t think he knows that about this. Otherwise, heā€™d have probably sat you down for a talk.
If youā€™d like to leave, do it now. The less people know, the less goodbyes youā€™ll have to say. Leave at night, too, so things wonā€™t be too saddening.
Take care.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting III
To D:
Some slightly bad news. Eroch wonā€™t be quite so difficult to bring down after all. The Grand Masterā€™s order to investigate has certainly dealt him a major blow, but I wouldnā€™t call the problem ā€œpulled up by the rootsā€ yet.
The matterā€™s been handed over to Jeanā€™s jurisdiction. Sheā€™ll take care of this, I believe. Eroch is an obstacle in her path, in any case.
Just sit tight and wait for the good news.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting IV
To D:
Recently, a group of businessmen returned to Mondstadt. Word is that the reason for their return is a downturn in business.
According to my observations, their employees are regulars at Angelā€™s Share. These people can also be found in the more dangerous parts of the wilds around the city.
Now, a few of them were a little careless and even dropped some of the pages of their notes on the ground. I took the liberty of returning these sheets to the Angelā€™s Share. You know, out of the goodness of my heart.
I think they might have something to do with you, seeing as how they were there. I also noticed that their notes were written in code. Information brokers, perhaps? Or some kind of secret organization?
Whatever the case, it took quite a lot of effort to see those blurred words with only one eye, you know? Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll keep this a secret.
Letter Addressed to ā€œKā€ I
To K:
Message received. Thank you.
Also, I suggest that you stop mentioning eyes in your letters. Donā€™t think that I donā€™t know that your right eye wasnā€™t blinded.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting V
To D:
I didnā€™t try to hide it from you on purpose, you know. But I suppose you found out all the same, huh?
I mean, not everyone who wears an eyepatch must be blind, right? Donā€™t people also wear an eyepatch if they have a scar over their right eye?
The long-awaited good news is finally here.
Now, Iā€™m going to bring a glass of wine when I go to watch Eroch pack his things and leave on his last day (good riddance, by the way). That should be fun, eh?
I know youā€™re not the type to do that sort of thing, but I am, so allow me.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting VI
To D:
Oh, my! No sooner did you get back than a mysterious character started popping up.
I hear heā€™s called the Darknight Hero. He has repeatedly fought off Treasure Hoarders and monsters in the Mondstadt area - and heā€™s even attacked Abyss Order strongholds.
So far, it seems like he is on Mondstadtā€™s side, but the Knights of Favonius could never permit the existence of a vigilante.
I get the feeling that the two of you would get along nicely. Why donā€™t you find an opportunity to get to know him and give him some safe advice? You know, just so he doesnā€™t get caught by the Knights?
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting VII
To D:
Per standard procedure, the Knights of Favonius needs to take a statement from all relevant parties.
Recently, the Knights of Favonius have received reports from a number of eye-witnesses claiming to have seen the Darknight Hero in the vicinity of the Dawn Winery. The Grand Master has assigned the Cavalry Company to this mission. As such, I will be paying you a visit in three days.
He seems to think that our relationship can be improved if we are forced to talk in person.
Donā€™t worry, though. My lips are sealed. This will be nothing more than a formality. Anyway, three daysā€™ notice should be enough for you, I presume?
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting VIII
To D:
The appearance of the Darknight Hero has indeed bought the Knights of Favonius some valuable time during the Abyss Orderā€™s last attack.
This helped Jean convince the Knights of Favonius to stop focusing on trying to stop him. This will decrease the limits on the Darknight Heroā€™s actions, but this doesnā€™t mean that his situation will necessarily improve.
Objects with too honed an edge tend to be damaged more easily. You, Iā€™m sure, are aware of the great dangers that come with acting alone.
That said, I would advise against such a course of action.
A Letter in Beautiful Handwriting IX
To D:
I heard that Dawn Winery did not suffer any damage. Likewise, the Knights of Favonius only sustained minor injuries, and will recover quickly.
However, an employee of a local merchant has gone missing, and their last known location just so happens to align with the Abyss Orderā€™s area of activity.
The Knights have dispatched people to go to the rescue.
Do be aware that the Abyss Order has become more dangerous as of late, even going so far as to organize multi-pronged offensives.
Perhaps the Darknight Hero and the Knights of Favonius should team up. That might guarantee that things will go off without a hitch, hmm?
Letter Addressed to ā€œKā€ II
To K:
Thanks for the letter.
Cooperating with the Knights has objective pros and cons, like two sides of a coin. Iā€™m sure you understand that better than I do.
No need to worry about my safety. Self-preservation is easy. Striving towards my goal is hard. Take better care of yourself instead.
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