nocturnesmoon · 8 months
I had a dream about this and thought you'd like it 😭 It basically boils down into your current vampire!reader fics but instead of a vampire, reader was like. this spider hybrid thing?? I was v confused 🫡
Eight legged dreams
Monster AU Masterlist: TF141 x Spider-Hybrid!GN!Reader A/N: I really wanna know what kinda weird dreams you be having 😭 I don't know what the spider hybrid looked like in your dream, but I think I'd be terrified, anyways this is a bit short but enjoy.
-The 141 gets a new, unexpected addition to the team-
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Nobody is really surprised to find that people would end up experimenting with the concept of monsters. Ever since they recruited a few in the military, leash on tight, it was only a matter of time before some twisted minds picked up on the idea of creating monsters on their own.
The existence of mythical creatures has long been proven, though a lot are concealed and extinct, what if it would be possible to resurrect them, or create entirely new ones? The thought was quickly experimented with, the study of how monsters formed, made way for the ideas of monster hybrids that didn't exist naturally.
When the 141 was first assigned such a hybrid, they were sceptical. Promptly they thought they didn't need one, they did excellent work without the external help, but it quickly became a matter of not having a choice.
It didn't matter to the higher ups whether they used this hybrid on missions or not, the 141 was to record the movements of this hybrid, and at the end of the experiment they would each give an individual report of the experience.
If the hybrid became violent or disobedient, each one of them had full authority to eliminate them.
Simple right?
That's what they had all thought before they found out what a menace it could be. They had expected something simple, a wolf hybrid, or a reptile hybrid like they had heard about, but no what they got was arguably worse.
From the moment you stepped off the truck that brought you to them, they knew something was off. Sure, they hadn't been told what kind of hybrid you were, but this was unexpected even with that in mind.
Your entire physique didn't carry the same as a human would, fat, skin and muscle distribution was completely wrong compared to that of a normal human. You were adorned by another set of eyes right under your natural ones, just as well you had 2 extra sets of arms. It looked wrong on you, like you came from some eldritch abomination. They even wondered if it might hurt to have a form like that, but you seemed relaxed as can be.
Your form started to make a lot more sense when Price finally got his hands on your files, and care instructions. He wanted to chew your handlers out for not giving him the instructions sooner, but they left in a hurry like state, all too eager to get rid of you.
Apparently, you were a type of spider hybrid. It wasn't totally certain what your abilities were, there wasn't a whole lot of guidance from your previous handlers, and it only left Price all the more nervous.
Despite their apprehension about you, you were nice and accommodative. You listened to their orders and request and at first glance you seemed normal, not taking into account of how different you looked.
It didn't take long before they started finding out about your various quirks, showing more and more of yourself very quickly. You seemed to get attached to them a lot faster than they got warmed up to you.
Gaz was the first one to figure out that you had the ability to climb any surface and stick to it. It didn't really come as a surprise once he really thought about it, but the jump scare he got from it is one he isn't likely to forget.
He was just about to go to bed, changed into pyjamas and everything, lights turned off. Just as he was about to get under the covers he sees a glint in the corner of his bedroom ceiling, he slowly goes closer, finding it hard to see when his eyes aren't adjusted to the darkness. The second you get into view, his eyes widen a fraction, the real jump scare coming when you with a very menacing voice say, "Hello Kyle," he screams for you to get out, which you do with a pout. Days later he still doesn't know how you learned his real name, seemingly no one told you, you just found out.
Another thing they figured out quickly was your eating habits, they found you to be very picky about what you ingested. Most of the time you only ate meat in small quantities, and you always seemed to hoard it in your room, wrapped up in tiny cocoons for safe keeping. Seemingly you refused to eat anything other than meat, but despite being picky you were open to try a lot of things, normally ending up hating it, but you tried it.
It started to result in you biting everything, no matter what it would be. Sometimes it seemed like you didn't fully understand what was edible and what was not. Their biggest shock came from you starting to nibble on them. It became a fixation of yours, and despite them always swatting you away, you kept going at it. Price has too many bite marks shaped perfectly from your teeth.
Soap was sceptic about your appearance first, intrigued but sceptic. He quickly warmed up to it, however, when he realized how useful it could be to have 6 arms, or useful to him that you had them. He started using you as a sort of coat rack, getting you to hold things for him while he's working. If he was practising his skills at disarming a bomb, he'd get you to hold his tools, if he was writing reports, he'd get you to hold the next ones ready, so it all went smoother. He even got you to hold his art supplies for him whenever he wanted to draw in his downtime.
You didn't really mind it, wanting to follow him around anyway, and this way you would be useful to him. You even learnt a few things watching him work, and watching him paint was oddly relaxing. He didn't even mind when you asked him to explain what he was doing, he could get very passionate once you got him started.
Price and Ghost were more interested in your abilities in the field. You were fast, agile, and dexterous, with a patience that's unmatched. You even beat Ghost when it came to sitting still, he held the record to be the best sniper on the team, having the patience of a mountain, yet when it was put to the test, you managed to beat his time by a lot.
Price always keeps a close eye on you, not wanting to admit that he's slightly afraid of you. Even though over time they've got it documented what your abilities included, you keep surprising them. He once saw you playing with a cat, seemingly having a lot of fun, until the cat got annoyed and bit you. The cat managed to draw blood...it died from poison 10 minutes later. He's always been extra wary of you after that, making sure not to touch your wounds directly if you got injured in battle.
Once you start integrating yourself into their group, their acceptance of you becoming easier and easier to get, you also start some gift giving adventures. It was mostly Ghost at first, but occasionally you'd bring the rest things as well. The problem was that the things you brought him were...dead insects...dead animals...things that in your mind were excellent gifts because you were helping with keeping him fed, right?
He did really not view it like that, and when he found a dead rabbit, wrapped up nice and tight in a cocoon, placed neatly on his desk, he snapped at you. In the middle of his yelling you ran, to where they never found out, you became like a ghost, though the subtle hints that you were still around were there.
You kept out of sight for a few days, despite how much they tried to call you forth. Ghost always had this eerie feeling that when he turns you would be sitting creepily on the ceiling in the corner, but you're never in view. He even started feeling a little guilty for snapping at you, but he really did not like to dispose of dead animals every other day.
When you finally came back, it wasn't without a peace offering, and when you stood in front of him, holding out a little cocoon for him, he could only sigh. He accepted it reluctantly but found that there were no dead animals inside it, instead there were little trinkets that you had found. Mostly things he couldn't use, but there was one thing that stood out to him, a mask of his that he could've sworn he lost, yet you had somehow found it.
When he seemed a lot happier with this kind of gift, then you did too, your mood drastically improved, and you kept bringing him more. Though he still could find it to be an annoyance when it was a bunch of junk, it was better than dead insects, and when you looked so happy afterwards, who was he to complain.
Even if you were different, nearing the end of the experiment, none of them could deny that they had come to love your little quirks. Your presence had come to be expected around base, your helpful manner, your mischievous behaviour, adding something to their work life that they've come to quite enjoy.
And when you came running, half in tears, begging them to not send you back to your old handlers...well...it only took one glance between each other to have the quiet collective agreement, that they were going to do anything, to keep you right here with them.
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writingforstraykids · 7 months
Hi, just got to know about your tumbler 😉
Can you please make me 😎 anon?
Be aware, I'll be following your stories 24/7 (just kidding) haha 😄
Hiii sure thing! Hehe go wild hun🖤
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pr3st0n-the-cl0ne · 8 months
anyways so I ran out of pairs of sunglasses so now I'm improvising
Does the motion of putting on a 5th pair of sunglasses
Anyways I'm gonna go get a fanta at 7-11
Gets abducted by aliens
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jenny-from-the-bau · 6 months
one day I am going to get a jackalope tattoo because I love them and because that was one of my nicknames! Also I love mothman! sending you good vibes <3 :sunglasses smile emoji anon:
omg! yes! do it!! I have an alien tattoo planned! I just need to save up for it haha I would def get a mothman tattoo
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doctorcheeseburst · 10 months
Oh no i was asked whether tb ulcer shows inflammation in viva and i very confidently said no 🥲
I couldn't find the answer anywhere 😔
Thanks 😎
Ohhhh no ..it's alright....it happens..... Just make sure when you are a doctor, you are able to answer such questions...
All the best Doc 😎
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patrothestupid · 15 days
But then, The patro drama was revealed to all. They had secretly been eating a potatoes crisp all this time. and had'ent enough decency to share with their allies.
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That's how I ended in the hospital at my anniverssary last year 😎
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sukunas-wife · 9 months
This is the inspo 😗
Ahhh it’s so cute 😭😭
From the start Yuji always slept with his parents refused to leave the bed as a baby he cried all night one time. Like shrieking, gasping for air, red faced and shaking from how hard he’s screaming. Of course you went to save him max 2 hours in
And you refused to ever send him back to his nursery, Sukuna agreed telling the maid who tried to take him “damn it let the brat stay with us if I lose another damn night of sleep I’m leveling the city starting with your family and building my shrine over the city.”
Another ask coming up 🤭
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With more footage of Team Sonic together, maybe we can recreate the opening animation of Sonic Mania using scenes from Movies 2 & 3
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Oooh! That sounds lovely as well! I bet we could recreate the Sonic Mania opening.
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apollos-boyfriend · 7 days
"Mom, why does Icarus get both T & E?" /ref Like that old American comic about two moms or sausages (can't remember).
Based on your answers to other asks it's because you have too much gender swag
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eggyolkguzzler · 6 days
hello Alex :)
ive stolen Sam & Sebastian, would you mind it if i steal you too? i promise you im a very cool guy that never ever bullied and tortured Sam, im very rich and married to a clown for tax benefits.
I... Did not understand any of what you just said. Are you okay?
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Well. I heard "Sam and Sebastian" and "you too," soooo, I'm interested.
Yeah okay. Sure. Let's go.
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nocturnesmoon · 9 months
Awh you don't have to worry luv you were on anon 😭
I assume this is 😎Anon :))
I am very intrigued by your idea of a spider hybrid reader, and I'll get to it as soon as I can!! I might branch out the monster AU to general hybrids as well, instead of just classical monsters like vampires and werewolves as I've done so far. I know a few other creators are already doing this whole hybrid thing, but I think it could still be fun.
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tteokdoroki · 7 months
Could I be the 😎 anon if you do that on your blog, please? <3 Does jock! Yuuji enjoy banging his darling in the locker room before or after big games?
of course you can!!! :3 i now dub thee 😎 anon hehe !!
i think he’d prefer it afterwards simply because you would go feral for how sweaty he is after? like imagine being pressed up against the showers in the changing rooms trying to keep quiet while yuuji stuffs you full of his cock :( hoping his teammates don’t hear !! and he’s moaning, groaning in your ear asking you if you saw him win for you <333
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samsammysamson · 14 days
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SCREAMS, CRIES, DIES LAUGHING, HELP;;;;;;; (unfinished but i am on cloud nine my friends are so funny making things based on the dude) @clowniicat
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lemonhemlock · 2 months
The way that people refer to Aegon and Aemond as Criston's sons makes my heart break. Would it really have been so bad if the show was more explicit in the text of allowing Criston to be the surrogate father to Alicent's kids rather than just shoving this "jilted and violent brute" characterization in the audience's faces? Hell, Sandor kind of got the pseudo-dad treatment with Arya and he's also a piece of shit!
yeah, this stuff is kept vague and in the subtext, but it would be so much more interesting if they committed to the bit. let him cook!!! man of the house energy. aegon and aemond ARE his kids and they ARE going to behave or else no supper!! then back to his lovely wife the queen for more slaps and wall seggs
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Wait, you’re in Alberta? I thought you were in like Moose Jaw or Saskatoon or some place like that
Yeah, we’re in Alberta right now! Dave was born on the family farm in SK though, you might have seen some of those posts
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dark-sundrop · 1 month
No- when I said suck balls I did not mean sex 😭
- beat up dark sun anon
Oh so I’m not gay-
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