#🤔 Cal maybe?
The world will never get to see the goofy silly Lark/Terry "I Don't Dance" (from High School Musical) animatic that plays out in my head on loop. Tragic 😔.
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ahhrenata · 4 months
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foxykatie425 · 9 months
Ahsoka season 2 wishlist: I can see it now- Thrawn studying the Zeffo ruins on Dathomir! 😱
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Everyone is talking about Ashton having a full beard or not for their concert. Am I the only one who wanted to see Calum's curls in person? 😭😭😭 Like...why did you shave it before I had a chance to witness it 🥺🥺🥺🥺
A valid point!! Tragic because curly Cal would be a sight to behold. However, being in the presence of buzzcut Cal is... POWERFUL 👁️👄👁️
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apt502-if · 2 months
from my perspective the accent thing is less about passive aggressiveness and more just that most people whose first language isn't english don't like having an accent? like I've worked very hard to purge any traces of my mother tongue from any other languages i speak (including english), mostly because foreign accents get clowned on a lot
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These are interesting! That didn't even cross my mind. When I would speak my mother's native tongue to family and friends they'd point out my accent as a way to accommodate me that they're aware it's not my first language even if I am pretty fluent otherwise. When I wrote that line I wrote it as Cal trying to connect to MC in some kind of way 🤔 I'll keep that in mind! Maybe I'll change it and figure out some other way to show that :>
I suppose it's just one of those things that's simply a product of the perspective of the author writing it! hard to realize until it's pointed out like now :> if you were bothered by it then I apologize :>
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ball-of-butter · 5 months
red queen characters and their fav video games:
mare: grand theft auto 💀🙏 any gta game she can get her hands on but it started with the chinatown wars on ds
cal: missed out on a proper childhood so is treating his inner child to fnaf for the first time and idk… something something about the story being an overarching narrative about a brother trying to pick up the remnants of his family through his grief… he says he doesnt get the lore butbhe kinda does. also had a goat simulator phase for the same reasons but minus the angst
maven: i would like to say some really cool psychological game but this mf would probs love playing chess against a cpu the most 💀 silent hill takes second place though (he’s obsessed with the idea of a purgatory of one’s own making… hmm… i wonder why 🤔)
evangeline: mario cart (she eats anyone who even THINKS of playing as peach)
elane: some sort of dating sim methinks… maybe like those ikemen games (let her be y/n)
ptolemus: fortnite for the dances.
kilorn: also fortnite but he has one-sided beef with ptolemus on there who keeps trying to add him. he also has the toph skin and keeps wiping the floor with his ass (ptolemus has the miles morales skin)
cameron: the attack on titan vr game where the world’s best comedy is originated from
gisa: what remains of edith finch. cursed family narrative goes hard with these folk.
shade: hes a legend of zelda girlie.
diana: she genuinely doesn’t play any game besides minecraft because she gets forced it by other people. but i know she’d love red dead i just don’t think she could be convinced into playing it (tragic)
iris: virgo versus the zodiac would speak to her, i feel. she has a secret weird side that only indie games could tease out of her.
wren: star stable!!! secret horse girl lore.
thomas: resident evil 4 because depending what you headcanon him as hes either feening for leon or ada or both.
coriane: definition of stardew valley girlie. but considering what she went through maybe yume nikki would be a game she keeps close to her heart (someone check up on her).
elara: if the sims 4 existed in the red queen verse it could have saved a lot of lives. maybe even her own.
sara: she wipes everyone in super smash bros you best believe it.
julian: castlevania: symphony of the night… mm the grip it has on this nerd loser… do not even breathe the name alucard around him he will give you the entire dracula lore starting with le fanu’s carmilla.
dane: detroit become human. played markus’ storyline and bro suddenly was made to govern a democratic republic for the people by the people.
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dailymothanon · 1 year
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Cal got graffitied, bud can’t take no naps in peace at all smh… he’s most likely a pillow hugger sleeper, maybe even is one of those folks with so so many pillows nobody knows what they’re for but nobody has ever asked
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I honestly forget this so so much, but I forget that Alaskans (and maybe some Canadians idk) are the only ones that call snowmobiles “snowmachines” and honesty it feels weird for me to call them snowmobiles. Like, it feels formal somehow to me 🤔 very strange. I’m sure Alaska and Maine had discussed it and Alaska refuses to say it the other way
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tennessoui · 8 months
For the playmaker au, Anakin wanting a child that looks like obi-wan but no surrogate made me think about cal kestis. Because what if Obi-Wan found a tiny little red headed toddler with blue eyes in the park when he took the twins one afternoon and then just took him home.
And Cal just follows Obi-Wan around like a little duck 🥹
What would Anakin’s thoughts on that be? Lol
(I once saw a fic that had Cal’s name be Cal-Ket Kenobi 🤔)
i'm so down for including cal as one of the children The Worst Parents In The World end up adopting but i think it's way funnier if anakin comes back from a business trip with a baby. obi-wan got to choose a baby, it's anakin's turn!!! he can't trust obi-wan to do it right and pick a baby that looks like him, so he's just going to pick one up himself. and he's going to be smart enough to kill the parents immediately.
i can just imagine anakin sitting in a park with like. clovis. sipping on coffee as he ignores the other man's attempts to ingratiate himself into anakin's circle and he sees baby cal running around and laughing. maybe baby cal even chases a ball up to anakin's foot and the mom comes after him and is like 'oh im so sorry sir' and anakin is like 'oh no no need for any apologies'
and internally he's like...hm....its been a while since i surprised my beloved with a present....he's been pulling away a bit too.... (he hasn't) maybe another child will fix the situation (no situation to fix).....and anakin wants the baby this time, this baby looks just like obi-wan except he laughs still. look he even has dimples
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viviennevermillion · 11 months
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Consider: Elven Prince Bernard and Elven Knight Bethina / Betty (they're hard to sketch so excuse the oopsies).
I think after Disney didn't even manage to successfully nostalgia-bait me (and I'm someone who likes the Star Wars sequels and Season 5-8 of Winx Club so this really says something), we should have a medieval fantasy AU as a treat!
Ideas for what I might draw next / brainrot about:
Witch Sandra — like with a pointy hat and everything! Perhaps with Befana giving her advice but I don't think my skills are good enough to pull that off help
Alternative idea: Disney Princess Sandra who attracts little woodland creatures when she sings (her singing is awful for comic relief purposes and it still makes the finches flock to her)
Court Jester Cal "Do you think Riley will like me in this outfit?" Calvin
Noblewoman Riley
Court Jester Noel — in solidarity with Court Jester Cal
Royal Advisor Edie
Curtis as whatever the male version of a handmaiden is + handbook
Roy Enchantix! — like with big ass fae wings
Snow King Jack. Like, Elsa but shadier.
Mother Nature (we really need to give her a proper name. come on, this fandom is like 10 people, we can make it happen!) as a gorgeous nature spirit! Or maybe as a goddess? Both would work 🤔
What do we do with Scott? Do we just make him the king because the previous king died in his front yard? Can you imagine that?
I think Charlie would work as a knight
I know this isn't medieval but we can slap a Victorian dress onto Carol and have her beat someone up with a high heel but I'm not sure I can draw that 😂
Laura and Neil as regular citizens from some backwater village who don't believe in magic until Elven Prince Bernard plunders their fridge
Magnus Antas as like,,,, Tom Bombadil. A very evil, slightly more feral Tom Bombadil.
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imjulia-andilikecats · 7 months
You guys ever have those Red Queen moments, where you think it has symbolisim but really, it's just an added detail to that scene? (But deep down, you still think there is, just can't point a finger👉 as to why🤔)
Yes? No? Well I have one.
Remember the iconic moment in King's Cage where Maven removed his gloves🧤 with his teeth?
Later in the book while Mare was being rescued, she saw a fallen Scarlet Guard member and took her red bandana🚩, tied it around her wrist with her teeth.
Then in the Marecal chapter of King's Cage, when they were being intimate in the forest. Cal unlatched his flamemaker bracelet🔥 with his teeth.
My take, though please feel free to add, cause I'm just pulling this out of thin air:
Cal unlatching his flame bracelet in front of Mare would mean that he trust her enough to not have it around her, maybe he removed it as to not hurt Mare since he hadn't done it with anyone before, or simply showing us how familiar he is at his bracelet that he could easily remove it with his teeth, since it's a part of him. It might also be a foreshadowing of Cal abdicating his throne in War Storm.
While Maven, is a bit tricky, as maybe he just wants to show off what he can do with his teeth, cause he made a show of it to Mare or the simple gesture of him being polite, even infort of his prisoner. An odd behavior he carries throughout Mare's imprisonment. Such as making her wear expensive clothes, a nice room with a small window and having meals together. Then I googled what gloves symbolizes, as it embodies power, protection and nobility. Things Maven lost when Iris betrayed him.
While all three used their teeth, Mare Barrow is the only one of the three to tie the object to her, while both Calore brothers untethered themselves from it. As if she is embracing and taking on her role as a faceless member of the Scarlet Guard. Her desire for revenge reignited when she tied the red bandana around her wrist before wreaking havoc during her escape. Establishing her stubborn loyalty to her cause and her blood.
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sav-not-tav · 3 months
honestly, been thinking about rolan taking a deal from raphael for a while now. but in a scenario where tav is romanced and he and his siblings are saved. Love the idea of raph taking revenge on tav for stealing orphic hammer and getting in between tav & rolan. No idea what he'd offer tho hah.
I love this!
It would definitely be an interesting plot. Cal and Lia are safe, Rolan has Ramazith’s, he and Tav are happy and in love. What could Raphael offer to potentially get between them? The temptation would have to be great.
I could see it maybe if Cal and Lia hadn’t survived Moonrise (or died in some other manner) and Raphael offers to resurrect them (that might be reaching though, not sure we could find a way for Raphael to have that power)
Or perhaps if the Lorroakan thing went sideways, so Rolan has no apprenticeship and no home, but he offered Rolan another chance at a title/future. (But I still have a hard time seeing that one)
Maybe something else comes along, something post-canon that drives Rolan to take the deal 🤔
Idk! Getting between Tav and Rolan with all other storylines having gone the good route… that one would require some thinking! It’s definitely intriguing!
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I can’t and won’t stop laughing about the fact that due to sexual dysmorphism on Dathomir, in theory, they could have a baby boy that sprouts horns 😆 maybe even stripes. But with unmistakably red headed.
Greez: Cal, I hate to burst your bubble here but I’m not sure this kid is yours… 🤔
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Who's child is this??
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notoriousbeb · 11 months
Thanks for sharing!
My highlights from a reading from Nov. 11 on Travis and Taylor:
Someone may be a little reluctant when it comes to this relationship or find out they’ve been reckless or taken advantage of.
Taylor may try to cling to this relationship simply to save face.
There is something she hasn’t yet healed from, some unresolved issues from past relationships.
Taylor might be naive about the reality of the relationship.
The reader believes Travis knows he has options and he’s not fully in this relationship. He’s already doubting this connection or situation, maybe feeling they rushed into it.
They both have emotional baggage from past relationships that they haven’t healed from (don’t we all. LOL).
The reader implies there is at least an element of PR to the relationship. Because she pulled “contract” and “living separate lives.” Also, someone may be having to make a decision to stay or go that’s based around money.
“Sudden return,” “I need to see you,” “gone but not forgotten,” and “reconciliation with a sacred bond” popped up—the reader thinks perhaps a reconnection during Mercury in retrograde (mid December)? Maybe Joe, as he’s a Pisces.
But the reader also pulls up several other zodiac signs and speculates there just may be a lot of people involved, including their fans and the public.
Travis might be in some sort of mental prison or dealing with a situation that he’s overthinking and not sharing about.
Air signs popping up. Could be Travis (or others…).
Maybe a breakup or rumors of a breakup surrounding a breakup having to do with a Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer.
One or both of them may still be in love with someone else. And someone may have something going on on the side, but giving the other person the impression that this is long lasting.
Someone may feel someone is not all the way into this situation.
Some crazy cards in a row: “I plan on proposing,” “using other people for money,”and “we both know this is wrong.”
If not Joe coming back around, maybe a possibly engagement or marriage around Travis and Taylor, but if it’s the latter, it would only be if Taylor goes against her intuition and it would end in splitting up or divorce (eek).
Someone may be feeling overwhelmed by a commitment, or they will be.
Travis may be good at initiating things, but he runs when it gets too serious.
There’s something, someone, he knows he should let go, but he hasn’t.
Bonus: reader does not believe Travis mom likes Taylor (ouch) because she feels like it’s a puppy love energy and she doesn’t know Taylor’s motivation.
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cebwrites · 2 years
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heart pirates!! ❤️🏴‍☠️ i’ve always wanted to draw all the goobers i’ve named and i finally had enough of a kick to do it!! 
this is a little different from my usual format and setup, but fuck it i’ll include a cursory introduction under the cut
maybe more general hcs later on if anyone would be interested in hearing any specifics? 🤔
Heart Pirates - Intro
Bepo and Law are the youngest Heart Pirates at 22, and 26, Shachi and Penguin are 27 and 28 respectively; everyone else is in their late-20s to mid-40s. Cal is early 20s but I don’t much consider him ‘canon’ a lot of the time
As far as we’ve seen from brief glimpses in the anime and manga, it looks like Fang could be the Heart’s helmsman - he’s grown to view Bepo quite fondly through their interactions since Bep is the resident navigator - Fang likes teasing his polar friend but will just as quickly come to Bepo’s aid and defense, battle axe at the ready
Ikakku is one of the Tang’s engineers and self-appointed mom friend of the crew - she’s never in one place for very long, running up and down to make sure everything’s in tip top shape at all times; if Law isn’t around, Ikakku insists that everything would fall apart if she wasn’t there to make everyone pick up their own slack She also refills her insomniac captain’s coffee frequently and uses that opportunity to act like an affectionately annoying older sibling
Although Bepo is usually the one people would assume is Law’s first mate, duties pertaining to it are split between him, Penguin, and Shachi -the three of them and Ikakku converge a lot because the responsibilities they assign themselves tend to overlap, but Penguin typically still likes to keep a modicum of decorum when the others start getting cheeky and even Ikakku can’t resist joining in on the fun
Hake handles finances and Hoki helps them organize their hellish workspace - they’re both haughty and catty by trade, but can be sweet when they need to be - Hake was also a tattoo artist prior to joining the crew and is responsible for a lot (but not all) of the crew’s in tat work
Additionally, every Heart Pirate with the exception of Bepo has their jolly roger inked somewhere on their body, along with more personal tattoos for specific members in particular
Bas and Laeno are the chefs responsible for feeding this big ol’ Heart Pirate family, Dorie helps around when things get too hectic 
Law can’t be the only doctor on board, right? (especially with how frequently they go AWOL) Marl and Gul are the ones who handle most medical things if their captain isn’t around, although Law makes sure that at least a little more than two thirds of his crew have basic first aid knowledge if push comes to shove
Marl also sneaks candies to Bepo if he’s been particularly brave during a scary procedure that day 
I’d like to think that Uni also has some medical expertise before meeting Law (what’s behind the scarf sir you hiding some Katakuri teefies, maybe fishman or other beastly traits perhaps??? 👀) Clione likes to help to the best of his abilities but he’s ends up getting in the way sometimes; he’s better off running things in the boiler rooms
I’m not entirely sure what Ani’s role would be yet, but honestly that could lean well to them helping Jean Bart get acclimated to the crew once he’s brought on board as someone who generally fades into the background a lot and would know how everything runs, she’s showing peepaw the ropes with (mostly) an unbiased lens
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"Hmmm, whilst it’s a fun idea, I personally don’t think it makes sense for where he is in the narrative."
Fair enough. 😊 Also, thank you for sharing your thoughts on it. I found it interesting; you definitely made several good and very compelling points.
I was imagining that Rolan would have to wait on the outside of Moonrise to receive the freed prisoners (Cal and Lia included) then guide said prisoners back to the inn while Tav and Co. did their thing on the inside. Though, I'm not sure if that would still allow for the character development that you described. 🤔
Ahh, that makes sense! Well, maybe it would, since he’d have to accept Tav and the gang doing the majority of the work still!
It was interesting to think about, thanks for the ask! :)
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spotsandsocks · 7 months
Hi Spotty 💕 anything you can tell us about Good Knight Sweet Prince part 2?? 😍
- @buddierights
You and Kels are definitely Cal’s biggest fans… Kels asked this too which I will answer next with a different tidbit.
We are mostly at the vibes part but here’s a sentence to consider
Life as an egg is more interesting than you’d expect
I’m thinking some part of it will be Cal’s awareness of his theft as this person will return to their lives to cause trouble and loss….
Chris will have made friends with his own little dragon Gwilith a bronze
Something bad is happening with dragons across the land and Ravi and Lavana come to ask for help… we may end up visiting them and meeting their dragons
Eddie may discover some skills he didn’t know were there… maybe 🤔
What do you think?
Thanks for asking 💕💜💕
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