thebestcrew · 2 months
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Let's make a deal 🎙
What you'll get:
Full lineart and color with basic gradient shading.
Discount for multiple commissions
Full resolution image plus a sticker style transparent copy
A fun piece to show off to all your system friends and profile updates!
Payment has to be through Paypal
Message us through Tumblr for all communication and PayPal information
Introjects are fine
I'm comfortable drawing people, animals, mechs, monsters, whatever really. I don't back down from challenges.
Visual examples preferred. You may request modification once, after sketch completion.
I can create from written description, and you will get two chances to request modifications. One for the sketch, second for color.
Please provide the desired expression for the portrait
I don't care about syscourse stance, everyone is welcome to commission me as long as you don't make a big deal of it.
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unpopular opinion Jean and Renee are actually cute together
very uncommon opinion indeed but lowkey? i agree. first time reading i didn't really clock that they were heading towards a relationship and then i got swept into fandom based ships so it took me a minute to actually stop and consider Jean and Renee and once i did i was like wait that's actually??? kinda amazing. and since then i pay more attention to them when i reread. also I think that scene in trk? when Renee introduces herself and Jean kinda goes gaga is everything ajsjdjsjs and also the fact that they text each other all the time? always has me going what the HELL do those two talk about with each other
but anyways yes. there's barely anything of them in the books but i appreciate them for what there is and what there could be post tkm
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rennekin · 9 months
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I made this before I got top surgery months back because I thought it would be funny to meme on when I took my prescribed oxy... which I did not end up taking, because they gave me ketamine while I was under so I wouldn't have to LMAO
anyway, I found this again, and instead of letting this sit in my image folder I'm gonna unleash it upon the world, so, enjoy
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htodinth · 15 days
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I haven't had the capacity to maintain much of a presence online for years, though I'd really like to..! 🦊 But, I've managed to live a little, at least. I have some pretty pictures from my most recent boyfriend visit to share ✨🦊💦
I graduated university two years and a bit ago now, and I think I was planning to post about it in some way, but it left me so crumpled I couldn't muster the will to do it until the season had long passed... Moving out and out again has heaped heavy on top of that, too...
Hopefully I can get around to posting the little things I've made and done, and scrape together the effort to make more, too 🦊💖
When I get that far, you'll be able to find me and my stuff on foxy.gay (in addition to here and twitter horpfully) (it's currently just a bsky redirect, but i love to make website :3)
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flaame · 1 month
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“In Another Universe”
quick oc lore art! There’s a lot of lore to go over so I won’t here but if anyone’s interested in it then lmk and I’ll probably make a post sharing some of the story that this character’s apart of
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bonnieventure · 2 months
THIS or THAT pt. 36
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aslyfcx · 2 months
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ASLYFCX - a Zootopia canon character single-muse RP blog, Nick Wilde, with multiple verses
18+ only (NO MINORS PLEASE), 21 years of age, uses they/them pronouns, short paragraphs to multi-paragraphs sometimes novella, pinned by Ollie
Pinned post template made by noahsresources
guidelines // dossier // verses // credits // mains // memes // open starters // starter calls // primary promo // secondary promo //
Current Activity: Low activity on writing ; more active on olliesmultimuse & starrypcrtal Inbox: 5 Drafts: 38 Queue: 0 Last Updated: August 23rd, 2024
Important to know - I have about over 50+ roleplay blogs so sometimes if one of the muse(s) I’ve listed in my blogroll is very high, there is a very high possibility I will be on that blog. I will most likely use the queue to get through threads most of the time too as well.
tell me rp memes
prompts for sharing compliments and praise
aladdin sentence starters
I will add more later.
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dreamdropsystem · 2 months
hihi! 🦊 anon here, wanna let u know i made a blog to make it easier to interact maybe :3
also hope ur having a good day !
hey! followed!! - shane
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lesbxdyke · 3 months
Oops, daydreaming about my F/O giving me a hug instead of working~!
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ghostlyouppy · 10 months
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*ੈ🌹༘⋆ Call me Puppy... *ੈ🌹༘⋆
• ⭕ • he . it . pup && ghost neos
• 🎖️ • xenofluix mxle, pomo gay arose
• ⭕ • chronic eepy boy syndrome
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• ⭕ • requests : ✓
• 🎖️ • taken anons : n/a
• ⭕ • THE STIM FAGS : @cicadasden @excitementintowords @timsstims
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pandapupremade · 2 years
New Years Fireworks
SHIP: Baptiste / Eira (self insert) (xe/xem/xyr pronouns)
WORDS: 2,406
WARNINGS: mention of alcohol, smoking, and sloppy writing because I rushed this so much to get it done by tonight
AUTHOR NOTE: i got it done with like 10 mins to go baeby <3
Reblogs okay and appreciated, but not at all required! Happy New Years 2023!!!!
It hadn't been a full year since Eira arrived in Rafta, but it actually felt a bit longer. Xe had shown up months and months before, not aware of how xyr life would end up. Xe had nothing. Xe had no connections, no family or friends or money...
...But now before xem was the Heroes' Guild hall, a place xe viewed as not only their place of employment, but xyr home. And what a busy home it was! People were bustling even more than usual around Rafta, though, thanks to New Years Eve being upon them all. Eira was having a hard time keeping up!
Everyone was helping out. For instance, Muktuk and Saffron had joined forces to create a giant ice sculpture of a slime, with Muktuk's artistic expertise and Saffron's way with ladders and supports while he worked. Another example was Roxanne helping decorate with Quinn - it seemed they were at a bit of odds, though, with what was actually a decoration and what was just disgusting shock humor.
That said, not everyone was busy out in the hall. Someone like Corsac was staying behind the scenes, teaching Mint further survival first aid in case the heroes got too rowdy that evening. Mint was all about first aid, but perhaps even she questioned using seaweed to tend to a wound...
Other notable supporters of the celebration included Luna (who promoted the event), Salt and Pepper (who brought in extra funds for the event, although they didn't exactly specify where those funds came from), and Xid (who was setting up her guitar for some BGM for the event).
Everyone was busy, either way - except for Eira. Xe didn't know where to start helping. Xe didn't know crafts and sculping, décor and first aid weren't xyr calling, and all those other things weren't much use to xem either. Still, xe chose to check in on everyone.
"Um...How's it going, Saffron?" Xe attempted, approaching her where she stood in front of the ice sculpture. It towered over, but was notably intimidating up close.
Saffron's goatish ear twitched, and she turned to Eira with a smile. "Hello Eira. It's great work, isn't it? I didn't think we had so much access to ice here in Rafta...I suppose I'm just used to the forest. Who knew there was an whole arctic region as well?"
Eira gave a small smile. "It really came out so nice."
"That it did." She hummed, then took a whiff of her pipe. "That said, Muktuk is insistent it can be improved more." She hummed. "I can't fault him without sounding a little hypocritical though, can I?"
"You do like to fix things..."
Saffron chuckled now. "I do. I won't deny that. Oh, but..." She glanced around a bit. "Have you seen Baptiste?"
It was natural Baptiste, as the spokesperson administrator type related to the guild's affairs, was also involved. But Eira couldn't tell you - or Saffron - where he was or what he was doing right now. Xe shook xyr head, and Saffron got the message. She sighed, and took another breath of her pipe.
"I see...Well, I'm sure he'll turn up. In the meantime, I've got to get to replacing some of the tables around this place..." She frowned. "Between Mint grinding down the edges for safety and Baptiste constantly cleaning the surfaces, the wood's been worn down."
"I'll leave you to that," Eira tilted xyr head. "I would offer my help, but..."
"I've got a bit of a record of being ...clumsy." Eira's tail curled around xem a bit, tapping xyr fingers together.
"Got two left paws?" Saffron gave another soft laugh. "I don't think that's so bad. But..." She smiled. "You might want to find Baptiste for us. He's got to be around here somewhere."
"Right, right. I'll do that then!" Eira's tail unwrapped, xyr ears perking up with determination. "Thank you, Saffron!"
"What are you thanking me for?"
"For giving me something to do!"
With that, Eira left an amused Saffron to her work, and xe worked on finding the guildmaster...Who doubled as xyr boyfriend.
It wasn't too worrying a concept to have to search for Baptiste, it must be said. As the barkeep was a big part of the Heroes' Guild, Eira  knew he was just busy with all the preparations, and that he likely was planning something big and got distracted by whatever it was. Maybe it was fireworks...Eira's ears lowered a bit nervously at that thought, but then returned to their normal position. No matter what he was doing, xe was given a task. And xe would perform it well!
...As soon as xe found a lead to his whereabouts. For that, there was nothing to do but ask the other vendors and volunteers.
"Baptiste?" Xid looked up, the fingers of one hand strumming a few acoustic chords, the fingers on her other hand tuning the head of the guitar to perfect the melody. "No, sorry. Can't say I've seen him. Maybe he's practicing his poor ventriloquism act."
"You think?" Eira blinked. "At a time like this?" Xe didn't deny the act's quality, also.
"No, not really." Xid laughed, "I'm just joking. I don't know where he is. But good luck finding him, yeah? I think he ought to be on a leash sometimes, if I'm gonna be brutally honest..."
"A leash wouldn't do us any good," said the voice of Quinn, who was hunched over their clairvoyance orb as usual as they slowly approached. "Well, not unless it's one of those child ones."
"A child leash for Baptiste?" Eira giggled, but then paused. Xe paused a little longer. "...Actually, it...might not be such a bad idea. Oh, but - if you two haven't seen him -"
"He's out with Sylvia, I think." Quinn revealed, leaning on their floating orb.
"Yeah, come to think of it, I hadn't seen Sylvia here either." Xid glanced at Quinn. "...Wait, wait, can I borrow that sphere thing you have?"
"...What?" Quinn held it a bit protectively, pulling back. "What would you need it for? Don't get too close, you'll get glitter on it..."
"I don't use glitter in my stage productions!" Xid shook her head, "Anyway, I thought it might make a good disco ball."
"No way." Quinn scoffed, "That's as bad as the wardrobe demon suggesting we cut it into earrings."
Eira cleared xyr throat. "Um...I think you should both go back to your jobs." Xe was hoping to avoid altercation here. It did seem to settle them both down pretty easily.
Xid bit her pierced lip. "True that. I've only got a short time to write a song for this gig."
"Meh, I'm taking a break. Roxanne is fun, but she's so freakin' picky..." Quinn shrugged. "I don't see why we can't just throw some squid vine around and see how it plays out."
"Tentacles are a bit....much, Quinn." Eira shivered at the thought.
"It's vine, not tentacle."
"Even so...Uh. You said Baptiste was with Sylvia?"
"Last I saw, yeah. He told me not to tell anyone, though...Bragging about the end result being a surprise."
"He asked you to keep it a secret?" Xid raised an eyebrow. "Sounds kinda weird."
"Yeah. He's a weird guy. Still not sure what you see in him, Eira." Quinn grinned in a relaxed, knowing and smug way.
"But he asked you to keep it a secret, Quinn." Eira's tail puffed a little, as xe became a little offended. "You betrayed his trust!"
"Weren't you the one looking for him? I'd feel bad lying to you Eira, cause I don't dislike you. I can't care if Baptiste refuses to sell me his slime earnings...I know he'll come crawling back anyway." Quinn didn't seem malicious about this, but they did seem to have quite the racket going here. They waved their hand though. "Anyway, I never told you what exactly he was doing. Just that it's gonna be a surprise."
"Mh, well...Don't tell me anything else, okay?"
"I won't tell you...Not for free, anyway."
Eira calmed at that, giving an exhale of air xe didn't realize xe was holding in. Xyr fur smoothed out now, as well. "Thank you."
"I just hope his surprise is worth the fuss." Quinn shook their head.
"If not, I'll make up for it with some tunes." Xid gave a big smile, jumping to her feet with her guitar in hand. "Time to plug this baby in and test it out..."
"Time to leave, then." Quinn didn't wait for anyone to comment. They just walked off. It was just their style to enter and leave at their own pleasure...Or displeasure. That too.
Xid looked to Eira, then. "You wanna stay for a song or two?"
"Hm..." Eira frowned, considering it, before nodding. "I think a song wouldn't hurt..."
"It won't hurt a bit, I promise! As long as these amps are volumized well..."
Soon, Eira excused xemself due to a headache due to the amplifiers' unnecessary reverb, though the song itself was nice. Xe sat down at the bar counter despite nobody being there, and sighed... Xe could've gone for a smoothie or something, but Baptiste wasn't there to make anything.
What was this surprise Quinn mentioned he had, though? Eira swung xyr pawed feet in excitement (said feet not touching the ground very fully due to xyr shortness) as well as in anxiety. Sylvia was a friend, a potionmaker who was even newer to Rafta than Eira, but was very talented at her brewing...What could Baptiste be doing with her?
Eira would've gotten up, debating dropping in on other friends around, but instead xe was distracted by a gloved hand slipping a glass of colorful liquid xyr way. Eira blinked, and looked up to meet the eyes of a dark-pink haired young lady.
"I thought you looked a little thirsty." Sylvia smiled.
"How long have you been here?" Eira was surprised, eyes widened ever so slightly. "I though you were with - um...That is..." Xe flushed, looking away now.
"It's fine, Eira." Sylvia laughed, "I'm sure Quinn let it slip a little, right? Of course they did. Baptiste is outside. Why don't you go see him?"
"I...But -"
"It's fine, this isn't actually for human consumption I'm pretty sure." Sylvia took the drink back when she noticed Eira's gaze fall to it. "Baptiste made it, so..."
"Ah, uh...Say no more, then." Eira sighed... "He's getting better...I think...But...He's outside, you say?"
"He is. You need to get a coat, though, it's kinda chilly out there. The last thing you need is to start the year with catching a cold, I'd say."
"I'll be okay." Eira giggled, and slid off the barrel upon where xe sat. "Thank you, Sylvia." Xe thanked xyr friend, then moved to go outside.
...It was actually colder than Eira expected, but xe could still handle it; it came in handy being an arctic fox and all. Xe was just glad it wasn't windy, too. Xyr eyes settled on a man eventually though upon glancing around. His blue hair shined in the snowy atmosphere, his body bundled in warm clothes.
"Bappy?" Eira called out to him excitedly, beginning to approach him. However, before he could find himself turning around, Eira had reached him - xe didn't know xyr own speed sometimes.
Wrapping xyr arms around his torso and burying xyr face into his chest, Eira sighed with relief. "You're okay..."
Baptiste was surprised by the sudden embace, but didn't resist. He gave a chuckle that shook his shoulders, a feeling Eira felt being so close. "Hello to you as well, my rose!" He slipped his arms around xyr shoulders. "I am in fact here and okay...Truthfully, I'm here, and more than okay. I'm feeling spectacular."
"Mmh...Come inside with me, Bappy." Eira hadn't let go, and xyr mumble was against his fluffy coat.
"Oh, we should certainly go inside - you don't even have proper wardrobing for this weather, beloved." He rubbed xyr shoulders with his gloved hands, generating some heat for xem.
"I'm fine..." Eira held him tighter. "You're warm enough. Um...But ..." Xe finally pulled back a tad. "What have you been doing?"
"Hm?" Baptiste blinked. He seemed genuinely surprised. "...Quinn didn't let the secret out? I'm impressed."
"Um...They did a little, but...They only said you were out with Sylvia."
"Ahh. Well, my rose...I am thankful they did not spoil the surprise."
"What surprise?" Eira stepped closer again, and Baptiste replied by pushing xem back slightly and giving a soft huff of amusement. "Bappy, let me -"
"Inside, my rose. My rose, whom I wish not to wilt in this chill..."
But Eira puffed xyr cheeks and admitted defeat. Inside the two went, though Eira was hardly a few inches from him. Finally, Baptiste came to a stop and turned towards xem - a hardly necessary action, but regardless...
"Now then." He brushed some snow flakes off his hair, giving a shiver as they fell. "I have a delightful surprise for you."
Eira's ears lowered slightly. "You didn't set up fireworks, did you?"
"Hmm...A trick question, that one." Baptiste reached to pet xyr ears. The scritch-scratching pressure, even though gloves, was enough to make Eira's tail wag and for xem to just generally relax. "I am aware you are startled by fireworks, so I didn't opt for them..."
"Then ...?"
"I opted for Sylvia's potion making ability, instead, and decided to see if she could help make an explosive concoction of similarity to a firework....Without the sound."
Eira blinked. "...Explosive...Concoction?"
"In simpler terms, we - and her uncle, too - invented a firework we can dowse Rafta's skies in quietly. No disruption to the neighbors, the sky, nor you, my rose..." He lifted his hand and took Eira's, kissing the top of xyr knuckles softly. "Thank you for your patience. I assure you, that tonight shall be a night to remember..."
Baptiste didn't need to wait for the night to fall, actually, for the day to be memorable - for Eira jumped into his arms then, and he swung xem around lovingly before dipping them into a kiss.
This was New Years for Baptiste and Eira in Rafta, and for the rest of the guild too, probably, as they were watching the happy couple indulge...Quinn would probably wish they got a room, but despite their gagging, they'd enjoy the peace and quiet of the "fireworks" as well.
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rennekin · 9 months
definitely an extremely good idea
Character bracket conducted through naming wolfquest pups after the characters and seeing who survives
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chiakiselfships · 1 year
College, crossover, and hurt/comfort <33
hiya, sorry took me so long. college already started, so I couldn't ask inbox fastly
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[COLLEGE] - What is your most developed/fleshed out AU?
I don't have most developed au <(゜ロ゜;)> I love making aus but my brain is chaotic sometimes
[CROSSOVER] - Take your f/o and s/i and put them in another fandom! What happens? What do their stories look like now? Any big design changes?
putting chiaki and atsushi are pretty rythm rainbow live(rainbow live are only pretty rhythm anime I watched so far) the changes is they will be not ability users in this au, atsushi is still probably kicked out from orphanage at young age instead of 18. Still abused mentally and physically by the caretakers from the caretakers, I was thinking he's adopted by fukusawa. atsushi was in a band with dazai, tanizaki, and kyouka :D
while chiaki's life in this au, she's not a dragon anymore. she's a normal girl instead. she dreams becoming a prism star, prism show is combination of singing, dancing, skating and fashion. atsushi met chiaki when she having her first debut at prism stone, I would say he fell in love at first sight when he first watches her first debut.
I drop a link, what prism show looks like if you are not familiar with it >-< { 💜 }
[HURT/COMFORT] - Free pass to gush about whichever AU version of your f/o you want, or multiple!
my favourite au is harvest moon/season of story, where I could have farm life with my f/o at countryside. where I attempt wooe them (so I could date/marry them), by giving their favourite foods or things that they like, talk to them so I could increase my farmer's relationship with them.
date them, then marry them; making them start living with me at the farm. probably have kids with them 🤭👀
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wanderingtheark · 2 years
people do realize that... adults can be victims of grooming too, right?
that the effects of grooming don't go away as soon as you turn 18 and it can still take years to overcome the mindset you were groomed into?
because the way that people act when we tell them that we're a victim, of many types of grooming, as an adult, I don't think as many believe it as they should
and even after we've cut off our groomers, and we are working to cut off those mindsets, we are continuing to be hurt by the mindsets they put us into
but as soon as you turn 18 it's as if... all the guilt and responsibility is shifted from the groomer onto you, like you should automatically know better just because you're an adult now
that's not how it works
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phantomofthecircus · 1 year
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💙 💖 🖤 . . . CHAOS? I CALL IT FUN!
( Links incomplete ! )
A image of fanart of the VTuber Kyo Kaneko with text saying "Squid" and "tumblr.com/phantomofthecircus", sorrounded by 2 borders of the flag for reclaiming the word "attention seeker".
Underneath the images there is text saying "Chaos?" In pink, then "I call it fun!" With the "fun" in a blue color. Below that, there is text saying "(Links incomplete!)"
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bonnieventure · 1 year
THIS or THAT pt. 17
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