#''here's a life for mentoring'' like... uh ok?
bonefall · 2 years
Theres a cat called Silverhawk who trained Thistle, maybe he could give Tigerstar a life? IIRC Silverhawk died attacking a riverclan patrol so maybe his could be something along the lines of never backing down?
Also i think spottedleaf would make her. too involved yknow? Shes already sneaking out to help firestar and is (i think) a major part of the plot, while i DO like the whole curse thing it also makes scourge killing Tigerstar feel cheaper (rule of cool, tigerstar losing all 9 lives was cool as fuck because it meant the stakes were higher and firestar wasnt 9 lives safe anymore. It ruins the moment a bit by saying "yeah scourge just killed him normally it was the space cats who took his 9 lives").
Honestly my two cents i think badgerfang's in canon life was super dope. Tigerstar basically brushing off Badgerfang bc of how young he is and ignoring Badgerfang's blatant warning of "dont underestimate ur enemy", effectively dooming himself. Maybe not Badgerfang who gives the life, but i do think it could fit that someone, a half clan cat maybe? tries to give him a life but its brushed off completely bc Tigerstar refuses to believe that a half clan cat has anything of worth to say.
Silverhawk actually got backstory in TBC-- he tried to kill his leader because his son was deputy, and got them both killed in the process! He doesn't have a confirmed Clan yet, but I keep imagining it was RiverClan tbh.
The one who died on the RiverClan patrol was Thistleclaw himself. In my rewrite, that patrol is now the same one where Sunfish was murdered; Leopardfur killed Thistleclaw in revenge.
Anyway, I was a little worried about using Spotty too much. She's popular and I love writing for her so she does come up a ton. I didn't just pick her for no reason though-- she was actually very close with Tigerclaw when they were kids, and her death in the crossfire of a ShadowClan invasion is one of Tiger's few regrets.
He knows she plays tricks but underestimated her; and she gave him a curse instead of a blessing.
But no no, don't think for a minute I'd legitimately set it up like Scourge only killed Tigerstar regularly lmao. Nooo. It would still be the bloody, painful, suffering-nine-times unzippening that it was in canon, even if Spotty laid a curse on him. It would be more like... giving him an extra second's opening.
But if Spotty's not popular I'll do Leopardfoot's instead, telling him that he can still stop this. But he won't.
I generally don't like the "Reluctance Lives" that happen in canon because they backed themselves into a corner and decided that every ceremony MUST end with 9 lives. Every life being given is probably at least several more months of leadership-- a Spirit that does not want the Leader to live longer simply should not give one.
In spite of everything, his mom would still love him and want him to have another life.
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
burn your life down | chef luca x fem!reader | chapter eight
summary: you and luca pick up where you left off a week ago.
warnings: fluff, smut (18+ only), literally just p*rn FOR the plot. big note on consent: there is protected (then sort of) unprotected sex in this chapter. the biggest point i'd like to make here is that both characters consent to both kinds and have a very open and honest conversation about it which, if you take away anything from this chapter, it's PLEASE HAVE HONEST CONVERSATIONS WITH THE PEOPLE YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH FOR EVERYONE'S SAFETY. ok rant over.
word count: 4.9k
listen to: the official 'burn your life down' playlist
a/n: another busy week ahead of me so I wanted to get this out here ASAP, but most likely won't be able to get the following chapter out for a bit. obviously, we don't know what happens w/ marcus' mom, but in this world, she doesn't die opening night of The Bear.
on another note: you guys are seriously the best and leave the sweetest and most excited comments/reblogs. i seriously love it when you guys scream at me in gifs/memes/all caps. let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist.
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part seven | masterlist | part nine
“Yeah uh, everything’s been goin’ good. I think Carm’s still trying to deal with everything that happened since opening – I don’t know if you heard but – but… it’s been good,” Marcus says over his FaceTime call with his mentor. 
“No, I hadn’t. Eh, haven’t talked to him much since before you visited,” Luca answers, hesitant to ask about what happened during that first night. 
“Got locked in the fridge and kinda lost it but… he’s doin’ okay,” Marcus explains, summing up the events of The Bear’s friends and family night. 
“How are you doing? How’s your mum?” Luca asks, changing the subject from Carmen to his mentee. 
He’s had more contact with Marcus – knows more of what’s going on in Marcus’ life than Carmen’s for a bit now – and Luca wants to make sure he’s being a good friend to him, considering he’d heard about Marcus’ mom’s emergency the night of The Bear’s friends and family night. 
“She’s hangin’ on but… it’s not lookin’ great. It’s hard, man. I’m… doin’ the best I can,” Marcus admits, solemnly. 
“I can only imagine,” Luca empathizes, because he can’t bear the thought of losing his own mum. 
“But uh… anyways, what’s up? What’s new with you?” Marcus asks, his voice much more energetic from the prospect of changing the subject. 
“You sure you want to hear about me?” Luca hesitates cautiously. 
“Yeah, man,” Marcus agrees. Luca can hear something so sure in his voice, as if Marcus is in dire need of a distraction – to talk about anything but his sick mom. “Shit. I’d love to hear about someone else’s drama for once,”
Luca chuckles softly, his voice light as he replies, “No drama on my end. Though. Ehm… I met a girl. I actually kinda have you to thank for it, mate.” 
“What do you mean?” Marcus questions. 
“Well. All that talk about inspiration…” Luca says, thinking about how what he’s just makes sense. 
“... you know, about being open to things outside the kitchen…. After you left, it made me realize that it’d be a while since I’d taken my own advice. Got stuck on a menu, went out for inspiration, and, well you know what they say: the rest is history.”
He knows it’s not as simple as that, but it seems like Marcus needs a little good news right now. 
“Oh shit! How’s that going?” Marcus asks, his tone much lighter now. 
“I’m positively chuffed, mate,” Luca chuckles, unable to hide the i’m-very-much-enamored smile that spreads across his face.
“The fuck does that even mean, man?” Marcus teases with a laugh at the oh-so-posh-sounding expression. 
Luca laughs again before explaining, “It means I'm pretty damn smitten.” 
“Shit,” Marcus sighs. 
He can see it all over his face as he continues to see his mentor. 
“You’re a goner, man.”
Luca walks you home this Saturday evening after his regular dinner date at your restaurant. While you had a steady flow of business tonight, Mathilde and the rest of your kitchen staff made it a point to rally so that you could join him for a bit. It’s been a week since your unplanned sleepover with Luca (and your pleasantly surprising sexy morning after), and you haven’t stopped thinking about it. 
Haven’t stopped thinking about him:
The way he called you ‘love.’ The way he watched you fall apart with the most pleased look on his face. The way his fingers felt inside of you. 
“Luca,” you begin. 
The two of you stand across from one another, at a crossroads. The night could end here. You could say your goodbyes, give him a goodnight kiss, and go your separate ways, but that’s far from the option you’d prefer.
“Yes, love?” he asks you, as if he’s waiting for you to ask first.
There it is again. 
Your eyes flicker from the cobblestone streets then back up to him as you the words fall out of your mouth:
“Do you… wanna come up?” 
Something flashes across Luca’s face as he opens mouth to say something, pausing for a moment before answering, as if it’s an agreement to what you’re really asking, an ever-so confident,
You smile, take a breath, then grab his hand as you turn towards the door to your building. As Luca follows you, the only sound between the two of you are your footsteps as you make your way up the stairs. The tension between you is thick, the anticipation of what happens next palpable, that takes shape as a pregnant silence. Luca is more-than-patient as you unlock your door, welcoming him into your home once again, before locking your front door behind you. He’s busy removing his shoes as you giggle, taking yours off as well. 
Once both of you are barefoot, you reach for him, pulling him towards you so that he towers over you, your back pressed against the front door once again. 
“This feels… eerily familiar,” Luca jokes softly, so close to kissing you that it hurts. 
“Yeah,” you agree, under your breath. This is exactly where he had you a week ago, before you both decided not to do the thing you were about to do. “Think you might wanna… pick up where we left off? Now that neither of us are plastered?”
Luca waits a beat, leaning in and ghosting his lips over yours, causing you to gasp in response to his teasing. 
“Do you?” he asks, his voice steady.
He wants to know that you’re sure. Wants to know that you want this as much as him. That you haven’t stopped thinking about the other day when he watched you fall apart on his fingers and how it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. 
“Yes,” you answer, your voice unwavering. 
He swears under his breath before his mouth is on yours, kissing you so deeply that your head spins. You make a mental note to tell him later how absolutely perfect his lips are – how deliciously plump they are, how they feel perfect against yours, how talented they are. You kiss him back, allowing him to steal the air from your lungs as he does it, crowding you up against your front door. 
Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to you. You push your body against his, surprised at how steady his hands are, while yours feel so desperate, so frenzied, when he reaches for you. 
His hands are all over you, leaving confident, strong touches all over your body: pulling you in closer to him by your hips, stroking up and down your back, sliding underneath the hem of your shirt like he’s already done this with you a thousand times before. With his hands already underneath your shirt, exploring new territory, and his mouth leaving a trail of wet kisses down your neck, his name leaves your lips like something between a sigh and a moan. 
He hums in response, pulling back for a moment. Your heart skips as a beath, as blue eyes lock with yours in a heated, lust-filled standoff. 
“Come with me,” you whisper, causing Luca to move aside, letting you lead him towards your bedroom. 
On the way there, you flip a hallway light on so that you can at least see where you’re going. You feel his fingers tangle with yours as he grabs your hand, his heart pounding in his chest. As soon as you reach your bedroom, you sit him down on your neatly-made bed, before turning on a small, soft, golden lamp that feels like candlelight. 
It’s just enough – more of a nightlight than a lamp, really.
You approach him without a word, and Luca marvels at you. You’re a sight for sore eyes: your hair messy from the heated makeout against your front door, your lips kiss-swollen from the fact that he can barely keep his hands, let alone his mouth off of you, your pupils blow wide with desire for him and only him. You pull your shirt over your head as you climb on to his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck as you press a searing kiss to his lips. 
“My god,” he murmurs, his hands coming up to meet the newly exposed skin. You settle into his lap, pressing your hips against his, arching your back into him in response to each touch. “You are so incredibly beautiful.”
You giggle before thanking him.
“Yeah, and I know that you know you’re hot,” you tease him in between kisses, because the man must know what he looks like, right? Luca mutters something about how he wasn’t trying to solicit a compliment from you as he lays back on your bed, taking you with him.
His hands hungrily grab at exposed flesh: the sides of your back, your breasts, the straps of your bra, just to pull them down enough to think he’s going to take it off. Impatiently, you grind your hips against where a tent in his pants has begun to form, earning a moan from his lips as he bucks his hips up to meet your clothed core. 
“We should um-,” you start, already so turned on by the way Luca’s body moves against yours that you think you should bring this up sooner rather than later. “Things we should talk about….”
“Yes, my love?” Luca asks, grinding against you again. 
You moan in response, throwing your head back as you giggle, knowing that he’s teasing you – testing your patience. 
You settle down, just for a moment, both hands going to his well-toned chest. Luca’s hands still around your hips as you say:
“I have condoms. In my nightstand. And I’m also on the pill. I… just got back on it.” 
Just got back on it when you started seeing him – you know, just in case this became a thing. 
“I haven’t been tested since my yearly physical which was… almost a year ago… but I also haven’t exactly been having sex so,” you add, your eyes flickering away for just a moment before returning to Luca’s very blue ones. 
“That’s very sexy,” he smiles up at you, his hands softly stroking your hips. 
“What?” you ask with a giggle, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you shoot him a quizzical look. 
“This… very direct communication,” he replies with a smirk, grinding his hips back up into yours again. 
“Luca!” you squeal in response, catching yourself against him so that you don’t lose your balance. 
He grins before answering, “My last test was three months ago at my yearly physical. Clean bill of health.” He pauses before saying the next thing. 
“And I’m not seeing anyone else.”
You nod, leaning down to kiss him in understanding, “Okay.”
“Okay,” he replies, bringing you down once more for another passionate makeout. 
Luca is right. It’s an even bigger turn on, the open communication, and now that you’ve gotten that conversation out of the way, you’re ready to dive in head first to exactly where you hope this is going. Getting undressed is a sexy, dreamy blur. You’re practically tearing Luca’s shirt over his head, unable to hide the fact that your jaw is near-on the floor as you take it in the hard planes of his abdomen. He expertly removes your bra, and before you know it, he’s gotten you onto your back, and you’re kicking your pants off to the bottom of the bed. 
Luca pins both of your hands to the bed overhead with one of his hands – his fingers laced with some of yours as he holds them in place – while his other hand once again makes its way between your legs. You gasp in anticipation, unable to stop the confession that comes out of your mouth. 
“I haven’t stopped thinking about that. About you. All week,” you whisper, eager to have him touch you again. 
“That so?” Luca asks cockily, in between kisses. 
“Yes,” you gasp, squirming underneath your touch as two his fingers dance over your clothed core. 
From the wetness pooling between your legs up to your clit, the way he touches you sets off sparks all over your body. You pant, unable to think straight as Luca pulls your pantied aside, his fingertips meeting your wetness immediately. He moans in response to this discovery, his forehead pressed against yours, and you cry out when he finally gives you what you’ve been begging for, as he slips a finger into you. 
“Luca,” you sigh, like you’ve gotten the only thing that could remedy your restlessness as of late. 
Luca kisses you again, his tongue slipping into your mouth for a millionth time tonight as he begins sliding his finger in and out of you. 
“You’re so wet, love,” he coos, teasingly, into your mouth. “It’s too easy. The way my fingers slide in and out of you.” He pushes another finger into you, beginning to stretch you again at a deliciously slow pace. “You want me this much?”
And all you can do is moan, arch your back in response to the pleasure he brings you, his hand keeping both of yours above your head while he has you at his mercy. 
“So good,” you cry, as you breathe heavily. “So good. It feels-. Fuck.” 
He chuckles cruelly, breaking the kiss between you as he pulls his fingers from you. You whimper in response, impatiently, greedily. The man has you under a sexual spell and you could care less about anything else right now. 
“I already know how you feel about my fingers. Think I should give you my mouth too, hm?” he rasps, his question anything but rhetorical. 
Luca releases your hands that he’s pinned to the mattress, beginning to kiss down your jaw, your neck, your bare torso, pausing to take each of your nipples into his mouth, his tongue flickering across them like it’s a goddamn preview. 
“I need to hear you say it,” he commands, his voice quiet yet dominant. Luca pauses, his journey south, leaving hot, open mouthed kisses across your belly as he looks up at you with piercing blue eyes. 
“D’you want my mouth? Will you let me taste you?” 
“Please,” you’re too quick, too eager to respond when you’re looking down at him, looking down at the sight before you. 
Without hesitation, Luca tears your panties down your legs, impatiently tossing them behind him. He begins kissing the inside of your right thigh, alternating between soft kisses, and gentle love bites that have you squealing in delight. You let out soft moans in anticipation, sure that whatever happens next will bring you to an early grave. 
A hiss in pleasure escapes your lips as you feel the heat of his breath fan over you, but before your brain can even catch up, Luca’s licking a broad stripe up your core, parting you open for him and only him. 
You cry out, your head thrown back as he buries his face between your legs, tracing fierce abstract shapes over your clit. He moans against you, the vibrations too much as you surrender to him. He alternated between sucking and licking, and it’s not till he’s pushing two fingers back into you that your hands are grasping at the sheets, grabbing at the back of his head as your body writhes in pleasure. 
You can feel it, that spark so deep in your belly, the coil that winds itself so tightly that the only thing it can do to relieve any tension is to snap. 
“Luca. I’m gonna cum,” you beg him, a desperate whine in your voice. “Please don’t stop.” 
He doesn’t. It’s as if he couldn’t bear the thought of it – like he could never be cruel enough to deny you what you’re asking for when your voice sounds so sweet, so desperate, so on fire for him.
Using his fingers and his mouth in tandem, he’s relentless in bringing you to your climax, so determined to keep his name on your lips with every gasp, moan, and exhale.
And god, does he love the way it sounds: when you’re moaning it, when you’re begging him not to stop, when you make it sound like a symphony – like he’s just created a goddamn masterpiece. 
He’s left you breathless, and all you can do is breathe, allowing your brain to catch up with the pleasure your body has just experienced. Luca makes his way back up to you before pressing a searing kiss to your lips. You can taste yourself on his lips, and you have no intention of stopping now. 
You can feel the weight of him as he folds his body over yours. Curious hands begin to move as you become more and more interested in exploring Luca’s body. His muscles flex underneath your fingertips as a reminder of the sheer strength of the man above you. Luca groans as you cup him over his pants, before you begin to undo his pants.
“Do you… want to grab a condom?” he asks softly. 
You pause, your hands to meet his gaze with your own. 
“Uh.. yeah,” you reply. You had every intention of returning the favor, but perhaps that’s something you’ll save for tomorrow. “Let me just um….” 
You sit up, and Luca pulls back, kneeling on the bed as he finishes the job, undoing the button on his pants as you open your nightstand to grab a condom. You place the condom down on the bed next to you, before laying down, your legs spread enough so that Luca can settle between them as you watch him slide his pants and briefs down over his erection. 
Holy. Shit. 
The man’s an adonis. 
Well, you know you shouldn’t be surprised. 
He’s 6’ 3” for godssake. 
But as you see his cock standing tall, hard, precum leaking from the tip, you’re glad you’ve had quite the night of foreplay so far, especially since it’s been a while since you’ve taken a lover. Instead of hesitating, you sit up just for a moment so that you can pull him over you, pulling Luca down to you for a kiss. He’s quick to respond, using one tatted hand to cradle the back of your head, deepening the kiss as he lays over you once again. 
Your right hand makes it way between you, beginning to stroke him, earning a hiss of pleasure from Luca as you wrap your hand around his thick length. He bucks into your hand and you stroke up and down his erection a few times before guiding him towards you, allowing him to use your slick as lubricant as the two of you grind against each. 
You know you should do the responsible thing, but you can’t help wondering what it would feel like too. But there’s time for that. Another time for that… 
As if he’s read your mind, Luca grabs the condom next to you, before sitting up. He carefully rips open the foil packet before tossing it somewhere on the floor, giving both hands the freedom to slide the latex over his hard on. And then he’s back on you, folding his body over yours as you make room for him between your legs, pressing the gentlest kiss to your lips. 
“You sure you want to do this?” he asks, and you think you’ll melt with how damn considerate he is. 
“Yes, baby,” you whisper back, it being the first time you’ve called him that. “Yes.” 
With your ‘yes’ Luca reaches down, pressing his thick tip against your opening, then begins to push in. You both gasp at the contact as he holds your gaze, and you feel the slightest pinch as he stretches you open. Luca caresses the side of your face, watching you for any sign, any kind of reaction that you’d want to stop. He keeps his eyes on you, pushing deeper, and then deeper, till he bottoms out.
Leaning his forehead against yours as he pauses, he’s got to focus on not cumming right then and there. 
“Fuck. You feel so fucking good,” he exhales, letting the way you feel take over him. You’re all warm, wet, pulsing heat and it feels too fucking good. 
You give yourself a moment to adjust to his size, before beginning to give him a few experimental movements, grinding your hips where the two of you are connected. Without having to say a word, Luca understands, dragging his hard length out of you at an unbearably slow pace, before pushing back into you, eliciting moans from the both of you this time. 
“Do that again,” you murmur, your eyes fluttering close and you focus on the delicious drag of his cock. 
He does it again, this time thrusting a little bit harder into you, causing you to moan a little louder this time. His mouth is back on yours as he begins to set a rhythm, thrusting in and out of you while you meet his hips with yours, rocking against him at a pace that matches. It’s as if Luca’s begun to map out your body, wanting to memorize every little thing that makes you tick, that makes you scream, causes you to grasp at any grabbable surface – the sheets, his hair, his back. 
His mouth is back on yours, swallowing your moans as he continues to fuck you. You’ve settled into a rhythm that feels just right – something that you can get completely lost in. It could be minutes, hours, days that you’ve been here, chasing mutual pleasure, wrapped up in each other’s arms like you need it to breathe. The way he moves against you is strong, yet gentle as Luca makes love to you, whispering the filthiest things into your mouth, into your ears, the soft canvas of your skin, as if he’s engraving them in stone.
You take me so well. So fucking pretty like this. My beautiful girl. 
“Luca,” you gasp, as he gives you a particularly euphoric thrust. 
“Hm?” he hums in response. 
“Let me ride you,” you request, your eyelids heavy as he stays close to you. 
“Yeah?” he asks you, one expressive eyebrow raising up. 
“Yeah,” you nod. 
Luca kisses you deeply before pausing, pulling out of you and rolling over onto his back. He thinks he’s died and gone to heaven as he watches you climb on top of him, your disheveled sex hair and desire to fuck him seem to awaken something primal in him. As you hover over him, your knees framing his hips, you line yourself up with him before taking him once again. 
Luca groans, letting his hands trace gentle patterns up and down your body – his hands smooth over your ass and caress your breasts, as calloused fingertips drag across your stomach, your shoulders, your ribcage – as if he's writing a love letter against your skin. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he says, his voice low and gravelly. 
He moans, closing his eyes as you begin moving your hips over him, forward and back, beginning to ride him like you’d asked to earlier. Large hands make their way to your hips, as you continue your movements, this time leaning down to kiss him. Luca moans into your mouth as your tongues tangle together, your hips never ceasing their grind against him. 
It feels too good. 
You feel too good.
You break the kiss this time, placing your hands on Luca’s chest for leverage as you begin to speed up your pace, letting out a moan as you fuck yourself on your lover. Back arched, hair messy, and your head thrown back, you’re completely lost in the way that he feels inside of you. 
“Look at you,” Luca marvels, hands everywhere as you bring yourself closer to your second orgasm of the night. “My god, love.” 
And before you know it, Luca’s sitting up, sitting tall, wrapping one of his long arms around your torso while the other braces against the bed behind him. He’s thrusting his hips up into you, his hand moving to the small of your back to keep you in perfect harmony with him. The way he hits the back of you with each thrust, how deep he is, how good it feels has you so, so close for the second time tonight. You cry out in response to a particularly hard thrust as your body slumps, resting your forehead against Luca’s shoulder. 
You are no longer in control. It’s funny really – and sweet – that he let you think even for a second that you could be. But when he’s bouncing you up and down like this over his hard length, thrusts becoming more erratic, more chaotic, sloppier, you have no choice but to surrender to him. You hold onto his back and his shoulders for dear life as he fucks up into you and you can tell he’s close too. 
“God, you’re so good. You’re so fucking good at this,” you whine, all nerves, and explosive pleasure behind your admission. 
“I’m close. Baby, are you-?” Luca struggles to get out, the tension in his brow telling you everything you need to know. 
“Yes. Harder. Fuck. I’m gonna cum,” you sob, sure that your neighbors will send you the dirtiest or looks when you run into them in the hallway tomorrow. 
You cry out as his fingers return to your clit, rubbing hasty circles against you in an effort to take you there with him. All you can do is moan as you busy your mouth with leaving kisses and love bites against his shoulders and chest. 
It’s somehow too much and not enough all at once as your orgasm rips through you, your entire body contracting against his. You bite down on Luca’s shoulder, and you think the pain and pleasure combined is what gets him across the finish line as he fucks you through your climax. Before you can properly come down, it’s one, two, and then a third hard thrust up into you before he lets out a primal grunt, pressing your hips down hard against his. 
Luca stills inside of you, panting as the ripples of pleasure course through his body, his ears ringing from how hard he came. His eyes meet yours, and he chuckles, moving a piece of hair from your face before tucking it behind your ear. 
“Hi,” he smiles, watching you carefully. 
“How ya doin?” you ask him, teasingly. 
He shakes his head with a laugh before pulling you towards him so that he can kiss you once again. 
“I’m great,” he answers, in between kisses. 
“Me too,” you agree as your lips curl into a smile against his. You press one more kiss to his lips before pulling back. As you climb off of his lap, allowing him to slip out of you, the two of you hit the mattress like you’ve just run a marathon. 
“Come here, love,” he says, encouraging you closer to him. 
More than happy to oblige, you curl up to his side, one of your legs wrapping around his as you lay on your side. You giggle, settling into the softness of moment, pressed up against the guy that just fucked your brains out. 
“What?” he asks, in regards to your laugh. 
“I just-,” you start, before giggling again. “That was really hot.”
Luca gives you a comforting squeeze, hugging you closer to him as you relax even further into his body. 
���Yeah it was,” he agrees, a grin spreading across his lips. 
He looks over at you to see that you’re on your way to being fast asleep. You’ve closed your eyes, so perfectly tucked underneath his arm as you rest against his body. Luca places a gentle kiss on top of your head as he grins to himself again. He’s not sure what to call it – this thing he’s feeling – because it’s too soon to call it anything, but whatever it is, he knows that his friend was right: 
He’s a goner. 
Luca doesn’t know what he did in a past life to deserve this, but as he watches you take him into your mouth, he knows he must’ve done something right. Your name escapes his lips like a prayer as you spend your morning going down on him, completely incapable of ignoring the hard-on you woke up to minutes ago.
You’d promptly pushed him onto his back before asking if you could. 
And who was he to say no?
“Shit,” he hisses, as your tongue runs over the head of his hard, leaking cock.
“Wait, just-. I don’t want to cum yet. I-,” Luca stammers out, using all of his self control not to cum in your mouth right then and there. “I want to fuck you again.” 
His words shoot straight to your core as you release him, climbing back over his body and letting him roll you onto your back. 
“Do you want me to grab a condom?” he asks you, nipping at your jaw as his fingers discover that you’re already ready for him. 
His words from last night echo in your head: 
And I’m not seeing anyone else. 
“No,” you say, immediately searching his face for some kind of negative reaction. “Is that okay?” 
He nods, one side of his mouth turns up into that crooked smile that makes your heart race. 
“Fuck,” he rasps, his head spinning as he lines himself up with your entrance, beginning to push in. 
“Of course it is, love.”
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
ok i got nothing else to do so here's a transcript of the whole trauma talk
philza stream july 22nd 3:26:06
Tallulah: if i think u were paranoid, he is even more. y'all need a break
Phil: i mean it's cuz we've like experienced some kind of loss with the eggs, right? so, we've had the nightmare, alright. Chayanne lost a life to neglect cuz of misscommunication. Tallulah, you lost a life to the code monster...
Phil: Like we've felt what it's like to have you guys dissappear from our grasp, right? you've like- you've dissapeared from this world briefly, and we know what it's like. Like i-i've personally know what it's like, for you guys to fucking dissapear entirely like, the nightmare happened and i thought that was it, i was like "fuck well, it's done" and i felt so empty, right?
Phil: I-I genuenly felt like i lost a hardcore world, like- the 5 year world that i lost? that's what it felt like, i was like fucking miserable. And then bad uh- lost dapper like- like in a weird glitch type thing, and that got reverted. But when it happened, you can hear it in his voice like, he was distraught like- theres like a bond that we share even if is playing block game, you know?
Phil: we're just hanging out like, i wanna protect you guys with everything i can. everything i have i wanna protect you with, you know? but... i understand that i can't protect you for everything, so i just try to protect you from that i can, so... (and ooc out-of-character, i think everyone watching is incredibly invested also -laughs-, we're in the same boat)
Tallulah: It's understandable, thanks for sharing how u feel with us i'll be more careful
Phil: that's okay, you- you- you're very careful already tallulah, it's chayanne that fucking dives head first into danger all the time. He's- he's a bit more reserved now, you can do that chayanne when like theres more people, its fine, cuz then we can look after you, we can back you up. But when its just me and you, or me, you and tallulah.... we gotta- we gotta stick together, alright? we've seen all kinds of strange things happen
Chayanne: i mean, gosh i'm bad with words!!!
Phil: yeah, its alright. im just gonna throw some blocks out of my inventory
Tallulah: i gotchu brother
Phil: awww -laughs- gotta back eachother up, back eachother up guys
Tallulah: you show more with ur actions chay, that's more than enough
Chayanne: i dont want to die, i wont die soon, i take everything you showed us seriously
Phil: (overlaps) guessing "super seriously", yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Phil: You know what i think makes it more stressful? Is that us players can't see your health, right? So like, we don't iknow how close you are to danger, we can't- you can't talk to us mid fight, alright? like, you talk to us throught signs and books and stuff but like, we have to go through body language alone to figure out how in danger you are... You can't tell us, you dont have like a button to press, you don't have- there's like nothing to indicate that you're extremely low on health or in peril, alright?
Phil: So it makes it more stressful for the players and the people watching cuz we dont know, so i have to just be super fucking careful... And just treat it like you're on like barely any heart all the time, just in case
Chayanne: Thank you so much for that, when the giant squid grabbed me i was shaking-
Phil: -laughs- Oh god
Tallulah: Thank you for being such a good mentor (and father figure) i can't promise i might not die, but i will fight if i have to-
Phil: Oh i absolutely believe you'll do your absolute best to survive tallulah
Chayanne: When the giant squid grabbed me i was shaking bc i thought that was the end of it
Phil: Yeah- that was terrifying yeah, it's so- it's so like stressful
Tallulah: -to still be here with you all. i promised my papa and i make that promise to you
Phil: Aww, thank you Tallulah, thank you.
Phil: I feel like there's enough counter-measures in place that- realistically um it shouldnt be- nothing bad would happen like- you souldn't lose a life but.. You know me, and I- you know how im- I just I know that multiple bad things can stack on top of eachother and cause a really bad thing to happen, so like we have to be just careful of that, you know? You can be prepared for anything but there's always gonna be ways that you'll be unprepared for something, alright Phil: so- as long as we just prepare as much as we can and just be extra safe and not put ourselves in unnecessary danger then.. These situations that could happen can't happen. The only thing we can't prevent against really, or we can prevent it a little bit- but we can't really prevent it is when the code monster decides to take the life from an egg cuz.. You've seen it first hand, it does not give up
Chayanne: So yeah, it's not a good feeling ;_;
Phil: Yeah... I'm glad you guys are in the same page
Tallulah: In conclusion: we need to go to tio Roier's therapy sessions
Phil: -laughs- Is Quackity paying for it, yeah? Quackity got that on lock, it's like and insurance- it's like a company insurance, like a benefit you have for working with the server. its like "okay so uhh, who needs to book a therapy session today" everyone raises their hand at the same time, good god. Yeah, we'll go to family therapy together, we'll work it out, we'll work it out
edit: minor spelling mistake </3
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lazaruspiss · 1 year
Ok I’m gonna shoot my question here while you are in a analysis red hood mode (??): what do you think about his mommy issues (and fandom’s making it a trope)?
ooooo oh ok ok. this ones touchy. while i dont think its that present in canon i do think its there and worth the however many fics there are about it. like obvi theres probably a lot of boring and/or bad takes about it but the concept itself isnt running contradictory to canon or anything. i reread aditf a bit for this and had some tangents ill put in another post, but back to mommy issues.
jason had very little parental presence in his life at all. dads in prison, moms sick, he has no one looking out for him. probably why he and bruce seem to have bonded fairly quickly and jason accepted him as a father figure faster than any of the others. jasons bar for what makes a decent parent was nonexistent bc hed never really had someone dedicated to taking care of him. (even damian was hesitant, bc bruce being his dad would create distance between him and dick bc dick would no longer be his mentor, and hed gotten a bit attached)
jason accepted bruce as a father, but still missed his parents. he loved and grieved for both of them and most likely missed the idea of having normal parents in general in addition to missing his parents themselves. his love for his mom is still there when he realizes shes his step-mom instead, but it's accompanied by the hope that he still has living family out there.
the fact that jason went on a mom hunt in the first place is already enough that im like, yeah, i see where the mommy issues talk comes from. but i think you can go a few different directions with it
so theres catherine todd, who we only really know as being sick and a substance user throughout jasons childhood up until her death. iirc she died while willis was either already dead or in prison and so theres a period of time where jason (10-12ish?) would be taking care of his mother alone. being your mother's caretaker when you're still in elementary school does not make for a normal relationship.
and sheila haywood was uh. an illegal surgeon of sorts who fled the country and started a new life. apparently had an existing connection to the joker when she lived in gotham. he knows who she is and he knows how to blackmail her. while sheila describes it to jason as an operation gone wrong, joker calls it an "illegal surgery that killed a teenage girl" and sheila didnt seem to dispute that. probably watered down a lot of details in her explanation to jason. (the combination of 'illegal' and 'teenage girl' feels like it could imply an abortion? but it's left vague) and THEN it turns out she was stealing money meant to be used to save starving refugees before the joker even showed up. she sure is something. she still tries to help jason after he helps her, but don't skip over the part where she helps him after he helps her. she is still a person, but she is a fundamentally selfish person in every way. her final words include her commenting on how jason was a good kid who loved his mother. ive seen people take her final moments as a show that she still loved him, but i don't see it. one of those "a person doing a fraction of a good thing doesnt absolve them of everything else" kind of deals.
in both cases jasons mother(s) were relying on him. he never had an opportunity to be cared for and treated like a child. i don't think jason would have specific "mommy issues" about either of them, i think that he'd have some heavy feelings about the concept of a mother itself. what's it like to have a mom? does he still have a chance to be cared for and nurtured? his childhood was over before he had even met batman. becoming robin and being murdered is just tripling the issues he would've already had about his childhood regardless.
this is starting to veer off topic but
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yes im finding a way to make this about Brothers in Blood. bite me. but even the first time i read this something that really stuck out is how jasons imaginary version of dick refers to him as a kid. dick doesnt really... do that. he did back when jason really was a kid, but this page says a lot about jasons self perception. he still wants to be taken care of, even if its not specifically "mommy issues" he definitely yearns for a chance to be treated like a kid again, after having rarely gotten that kind of care when he was a kid. (this page in particular is the first page of nightwing (1996) #121, which is one that i have a physical copy of <3)
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elizakai · 1 year
More IDOL AU thoughts.
Oops :) I just um, ok.
I’m a spitballer, analyst, conceptualizer, visionary 😞✨whatever the heck. i get so many ideas and have to entertain SOME of those ideas. Legitimate ones and illegitimate ones… this is just for fun don’t take me to seriously.🫠
Uh oh. You looked. What have you done.
There’s a level of intrigue when it comes to the twins (ik, Ik, again.)
BUT THINK about it. If we are assuming that this au tones down some of the more, erm. Mystical elements of these characters. (Like, being basically gods and such) (also it can’t be said yet how far this goes! Does error still have glitches? Is nightmare corrupted? Does ink have a soul? Do the twins sustain some sort of empathetic abilities? Is killers soul thing normal? Who knows!!!) they would have different origins!! The twins are probably the most in depth of a switch, considering their origins are the MOST bizarre💀
assuming they aren’t buddy buddy (which they could be, we won’t know till zuchiyeni spreads forth their hand into the abyss and reveals to us the flames of canon ✨) they may have had some sort of falling out…
so ahem
Is Nim their mother.
if an alternate version of Nim(their mother/creator in dreamtale) is, in fact, their mother, it can be assumed they have been adopted in some way :) maybe not depending on how you would view uh, monster coupling💀 but they aren’t visibly of split heritage, and she isn’t a skeleton. In Dreamtale, Nim never put the effort into KNOWING the twins. If that carried over, it could cause some really interesting dynamics. Is NIM associated with the music or entertainment industry? 👀 imagine a cold, uppity Nim. Maybe she isn’t horrible, maybe she is, but She’s got expectations, and is distant.
in this hypothetical, we could question what path the twins really wanted to live. Did they ORIGINALLY want fame? Or did they feel trapped. Did they have to learn to navigate their own way? Do both of them leave her? One? Neither? Does she die? (within this concept , again.)
if she isn’t at all associated, did the twins have dreams and aspirations of fame? Did they….at some point…have a career together??? How sad would that be.
(maybe she isn’t their mother, maybe she’s someone they contracted under. Also YES she easily might not exist in this world I’m just having fun with potential parallels 🫠👏)
NOW. MY BRAIN DEMANDS TO CONSIDER THE OTHER DREAMTALE DEITIES. I could see Quetzalcoatl and Lanny being big in the music industry, which would be INTERESTING if those two and Nim were all affiliated with that life. It would make sense for them to still have the affiliation and possibly competition?
IT ALSO OPENS AGNST OPPORTUNITY. (And you know we love angst in this fandom.)
again, in dreamtale, let’s mention Lanny. Dreamtale is unfinished so keep in mind we don’t have 100% solid characterization, but the creator HAS discussed character personality and bias, and has carried the information to the making of the story so far.
Lanny …is implied to have…had a thing for her fellow guardian, Nim. Lanny hated Nightmare for what he did, for how he ruined everything with the corruption and destroying what’s left of Nim.
but she…also resented and despised Dream. Blaming them both for what happened, and with nightmare having gone rouge, all of that pressure then falls on dream. Dream, who had lived 6 years of life out of the hundreds he was trapped in stone.
She is, not sure how yet, the reason Dream was able to break free of stone, and she went on to mentor him. Train him. But she’s portrayed as being unnecessarily harsh and disdainful towards Dream. (IF WE INCLUDE Neil, yk the cat/ father figure/friend of dream, that would be interesting cause he really cares about dream and seemingly didn’t appreciate lanny’s treatment.)
(also I realize how deranged this sounds without context, there’s WAY to much of dreamtale lore to actually explain here so if you need more context go check out dreamtale lore💀I promise I’m not bs’ing, just criminally simplifying.)
ANYWAYS this is so unorganized. Adhd brain uh—
LANNY. Imagine Dream and Nightmare split ways for whatever reason. Dream signs a contract with this Lanny person. Lanny already knows who he is ofc, and he probably is familiar with her, as she knows their mother and probably has been keeping an eye on them. It would be interesting for Lanny to be a past ( or even current idk) contractor or something to Dream. I don’t imagine he’d have a lot of freedom in that space. She would have a lot of expectation too, and is rather unsympathetic and overworking. Maybe he pulls a t-swift and manages to escape that with the stars 😌 maybe not. Probably manipulative. Gaslighting even.
She could give “caring“ aunt energy.
“wouldn’t want to disappoint them, do you? Disappoint me? LOVELY! I knew you’d understand!”
IF DREAM GOES TO LANNY. What If Nightmare goes to Quetzalcoatl?
this seems odd. But hear me out. Quetzalcoatl is implied to be the one who ends up getting Nim killed in dreamtale. It’s complicated. Anyways, if he has it out for her, and Nightmare grows to resent his mother and/ or her way of doing things, a young nightmare going to the guy who “understands him” is interesting. It would give creepy uncle energy💀 but like. It also makes sense on some level because, again, in dreamtale, the person who attacks Nim and gets her killed is a human. The human is implied to have been a creation OF Quetzalcoatl. (Guardian of the life tree) said person gets killed and perished on the roots of the feelings tree. His um….consciousness is like. Absorbed into the negative side of the tree. (I am SO sorry if you haven’t read about this.) anyways. That GUYYYYYY. Yk nightmares corruption??? YEAH, THAT’S HIM!!! The voice that manipulates nightmare isn’t ‘just negativity’, dreamtale often highlights that negativity also has positive outcomes,just as positivity has negative outcomes, and that balance is important.. it was the GUY being involved that changed things :,) . I don’t think nightmare knows this actually? ANYWAYS NOT THE POINTTTTT. what I mean is. Quetzalcoatl manipulating nightmare makes sense, as he indirectly did so in dreamtale.
he could give vibes of the “cool” creepy uncle.
“They just don’t understand people like us, do they? They never will.”
I can imagine nightmare getting older and more self sufficient and being like F that. Especially as he makes his own friend (mtt trio? 🌸) and realizes he isn’t codependent. But maybe it changed him in a lot of ways.
maybe the twins were in a normal sort of family, and dreamt of life in the spotlight. Maybe one did and one didn’t. Maybe their entire family has more drama than “just them” does, and that complicated things for them. Maybe they’ve been trapped and manipulated and naive in this world too. And they had to grow up and find their way. Maybe those situations have affected them and their worldview. And…their relationship. maybe they weren’t little kids when they fell out, but young, unknowing adults who don’t know who they are and made messy mistakes that affected more then just themselves.
maybe Nightmare can’t stand being misunderstood, and seeing people taken advantage of. Maybe Nightmare needs to be heard, and he’s learned to translate this to music and such. Maybe Nightmare has an easier time being aloof and angry towards his family because it means his own feelings are valid. He enjoys the ability to connect with a lot of people, an audience, while being distanced. He can’t be hurt. He can flip off the people who have hurt him and make his OWN way. The ability to overcome people opinions of him, to prove his own worth to himself. His voice will be heard.
Maybe he want’s to be seen.
maybe Dream desperately needs to have a mask on, he’s not allowed to express himself openly. Maybe he’s confused and can only take on blame for things that have gone wrong. Maybe he feels indebted to this industry , or people around him. Maybe he enjoys the audience as individuals but feels isolated among them, undeserving. Maybe he’s guilty of the fame. Maybe he wants close connection. But people can only see him for the perfect image he puts foreword. Get too real, and people leave.
Maybe he fears being seen.
….ANYWAYS THATS ENOUGH FOR NOW. *snips off the list of concepts here*
Idol! Au belongs to @zucchiyeni
*runs away*
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cloudsandwichsoup · 2 years
Ok ok ok so I have this mp100 roleswap au that I’m not gonna do anything with (me when i lie /hj) but I wanna talk about it so here we go. Spoilers for mp100 ofc.
kageyama refers to mr. kageyama btw
mob —>teru
ritsu —>shou
reigen —>serizawa
dimple —>mogami
tome —>takenaka
musashi —>onigawara???
tsubomi —>emi
cast lol:
“master… you shouldn’t let others push you around.” suzuki (hanazawa) “teru” teruki is the main character in this au. he’s a normal middle school boy that just happens to be well liked by his classmates. He tries not to stand out too much despite this (think s1 ritsu) because he’s afraid of hurting people with his powers. He relies a lot on his abilities and is a little stuck up but he has a good heart and tries his best. unlike canon mob he’s quick to jump in head first into problems when people annoy him. He masks his true emotions with anger which causes a lot of trouble more often than not. he’s eager to learn new techniques and when he does exorcisms he’s not afraid to show off a little. only when things get desperate for his loved ones does he get serious. he cares a lot about fashion and his hair. (that’ll be important later lol)
“what’s important is staying true to yourself… just be kind, hanazawa.” serizawa katsuya is teru’s mentor. he’s a former shut in that in the later half of his life tried to get his life together. Now he’s a broke psychologist that situated his office in the cheapest place he could find. in the beginning of the story he’s very easy to walk all over because he lacks confidence but teru’s wit compensates for that… somewhat. he’s shy and a bit awkward but is ready to put his life on the line for teru. he’s become really attached to the kid almost considering him family. he tends to close himself off but has been trying his best to be as honest as possible with teru. serizawa is usually very calm and collected, being able to deal with clients with ease (he’s not as nervous when he’s in his element) but his temper is something to be feared when he finally loses his composure. he’s also a huge nerd lol. sarcasm is added to his vocabulary as teru rubs off on him.
“i’m proud of you teruki. you’re going to go far in life.” mogami keiji is a pessimistic spirit used to be a famous psychic in life. now in death he just wants to control people and bring the world to the state he wants it to be. he wants everyone to conform so he can easily punish those who deserve it. he doesn’t care if his methods are unethical but he starts to change his mind about the world once a certain esper beats him up. at first he attempts to manipulate teru into becoming his sympathizer so he could use him (mogami land) but it backfires. he ends up babysitting said esper instead and learning things from him. he realizes that not everyone is terrible and that goodness can come from unexpected places… even himself.
“you… consider me your rival!? uh, well… i’ll try not to wander too far then.” kageyama “mob” shigeo is teru’s closest friend. previously he was the accidental shadow leader from black vinegar. he usually doesn’t stand out among the crowd but had made an underground name for himself fighting other delinquents with his psychic powers. it started out as an accident but it ended up escalating from there. the black vinegar delinquents threatened him (they were going to hurt his brother) so they could use him as their pawn. he is a kind and gentle person at heart but eventually he fought others to vent out his frustrations of things the delinquents made him do and his complicated family situation. after teru shows him a better way to live (by beating him up) mob turns his life around. he becomes more like canon mob, awkward but determined. he becomes more popular at school with his softer disposition. teru looks up to him, his kind nature and his ability to transfer his emotions to others being inspiring. mob likes to hang out at serizawa’s office when he’s bored as an excuse to see teru his better father serizawa (mob is so in love with teru)
“just let me say sorry, idiot!” suzuki shou is teru’s younger brother. they aren’t related by blood but they’ve pretty much known each other their whole lives. they were close once but slowly drifted apart as teru stopped being open with what he was truly feeling. they were on good terms but things were a little tense. shou is hot headed but gentle as he was taught by his mother. he’s fairly popular at school for his outgoing nature as well as his art. (forced to join the student council by his father. he said it would “teach him how to be more responsible”) he didn’t gain any psychic powers until middle school so he was always jealous of his brother for having them and was extremely afraid of him losing control. He's different from canon ritsu in the way that he actually likes his brother’s mentor (but that might just be because serizawa is genuinely likable) he isn’t necessarily protective of his brother he just wanted to have a connection with him. post edgy arc they have more sibling banter.
“i’m reigen arataka, the greatest esper of the 21st century! of course I can deal with something as simple as psychology! haha…” reigen arataka is a former con artist that was down on his luck. after quitting his office job, he would go from failed business venture to failed business venture. eventually due to the stress of his parents telling him he was a failure and his run down business he awakens his psychic powers. since he couldn’t control them he started accidentally attacking innocent customers. he becomes a fake detective and takes on a mysterious and dangerous case to get away from others. one day as he’s investigating he gets attacked by a spirit. now scared and alone he was saved by kageyama who promised him a stable job and promised to teach him how to use his powers. he worked under kageyama, using a curse spray (mixed with salt for regular people) to distract his opponents. he never actually killed anyone… just put them to sleep. reigen never truly liked what he was doing but he’d do whatever he can to survive and prove to everyone that they were wrong about him. he fought teru and came to the conclusion that there was more to life than just surviving. he opted to ask (beg) serizawa for a job after he saves him. he works as a full time exorcist/secretary at serizawa’s office, handling the marketing and business sides of things.
“dad can’t get more embarrassing can he?” kageyama ritsu is mob’s younger brother and a “friend” of shou’s. he’s closest of the brothers to their father and has been the child who was expected to inherit the world after kageyama takes over. in reality he hates his father for what he has been doing and has been completely overwhelmed with balancing the wellbeing of his brother and planning the defeat of his father. he puts a lot of pressure on himself and doesn’t always feel like he can be his true self. he seems to have a little distain towards teru. shigeo and ritsu have a better relationship in this au because the accident had never happened but they are still a little closed off due to their current circumstances. ritsu is much less cruel (i guess??) than canon shou was in season 1 but he tends to exude a stressed and intimidating aura that scrares people off. he’s more present in the story since he and mob go to the same school and live alone together.
“at this rate i won’t have time today to work on my novel…” aikyo emi is teru’s “crush” and childhood friend. she gives in easily to peer pressure and goes along with the crowd in fear of being ostracized. she’s shy and lacks self confidence but she’s very passionate about writing. teru steps in to defend her one day when they were young and they became friends. they aren’t very close now but emi appreciates his company. everyone seems to have high expectations for her and teru but she isn’t interested. she just wishes she could be loved for who she is and not who people want her to be.
“tch, i’m sure telepaths exist… probably.” takenaka momozou is a normal student at salt middle. he’s the president of the dying tenis club. he’s passionate about espers (new), and tenis. he meets teru when he’s looking for a new recruit for his club after tome storms off. post the events of the mp100 he works part time at serizawa’s office and becomes like family to them. i have an idea for him but i can’t really put it into words so you get this for now.
“you’re never gonna get better like that ya dummy! better keep drawin’ or i’ll hit ya with a demon rush!” onigawara tenga is the leader of the art club. he isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty against the gangs but he tries to restrain himself when it comes to being a good example for his club. onigawara has a mixed reputation due to his temperament (that’s why no one joins the club lol) but he’s actually really sweet. he’s hotheaded and stubborn like teru so they clash at times. despite their disagreements he’s willing to dive headfirst into black vinegar to save teru only to find out it was due to a misunderstanding with musashi.
“why won’t you join me!? can’t you see you can become god with my help!” dimple is a powerful evil spirit with only one goal: becoming god. he’s generally more peaceful in nature using group hypnosis to force people to follow him. he’s selfish and rude and would do almost anything to reach his goal. he posseses an innocent girl mezato in hopes of scouting out someone that could help him gain more influence. also i was thinking that he creates this big cult and builds a theme park or something so it’s a literal “ekuboland” (mogamiland always sounded like a theme park to me) like the official merch lol. he’s not actually that bad and can change since he’s pretty much the same as canon dimple but i’m not sure how to go about that arc tbh.
general notes:
the some of the awakening lab kids are teru’s friends from the art club. they’re kinda divided into both the art club and tennis club.
edano is teru’s acquaintance from the tennis club (takes the place of inukawa but also some of onigawara i think)
musuashi and the body improvement club are the same i think. musashi specifically just gets roped up in the black vinegar drama on accident which causes the whole thing.
the former telepathy club is now part of the awakening lab… maybe?? tome would totally go there and become a member just to learn more about her powers (she replaces takenaka as the telepath)
tsubomi is still popular. she goes along with the dare her friends made her do but she’s upfront about it and teru could care less cause he isn’t interested. so ig they might think that the other is kinda snobby and the episode is them realizing that they’re kinda similar and can’t judge each other by appearances so they become besties.
toichiro is happily married and not a toxic dad (a bit overbearing but oh well) domestic toichiro for the win!!
the ultimate 5 are somehow swapped with some of the seventh division. some of the seventh division would be swapped within themselves??? maybe??? they’d all be besties with serizawa after tho fr!!
roshuuto and jodo could be swapped for the funnies. shinra is silly so idk who to swap him with…
oh yeah mezato is swapped with minori btw. minori is rich but goes to salt middle and is a jerk but teru isn’t having any of that so she’s chill. there’s no cult formed about teru, just minori getting proper character development like she deserves.
broccoli will probably be a tomato or a strawberry instead…
oh yeah also since i headcanon teru as gay uh maybe he realizes he doesn’t actually like emi that way and he was just gaslighting himself into thinking he liked her and he realizes that during the final arc along with other stuff about himself ofc. i’m sorry everything has to be gay with me i can’t make teru like women i’m sorry it just isn’t possible
Now the background info:
the incident that gets teru to repress himself is a little bit different. his bio parents were afraid of him and treated him terribly. the day of the incident they were yelling at him. shou, a neighbor and close friend saw this and ran in to defend him. his mother grabbed shou and threw teru to the floor allowing ???% to manifest itself. everyone is hurt and his parents take this opportunity to get rid of teru. The suzukis feel bad for teru and decide to adopt him (no one but shou knows teru he caused the incident) from then on teru lives with the suzukis and considers them his true family. he doesn’t quite remember what happened but does he know is that he can’t control his powers like he thought he could. he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt.
teru ends up at a psychiatric office, mistaking the it for a spiritual consultation office after seeing a rundown sign that hadn’t been replaced. serizawa, the psychologist that owns the small office, answered the door. teru, excited and eager to learn from a “professional”, completely ignored serizawa’s protests of not actually being an esper. he pretty much appoints himself as serizawa’s disciple. serizawa gives in and let’s him tag along after seeing his abilities and that the child genuinely needed help. he doesn’t tell teru he has powers but after he takes teru in but he doesn’t deny it either. he doesn’t want to lie so he just doesn’t say anything about it unless it’s to give advice. Though… he does add exorcisms to his line of work after teru joins to help train him. (he pays him appropriately.)
if you want me to talk about my thoughts of more of the cast/the plot let me know lol
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cassynite · 9 months
Ok, color me intrigued about the Daerrow pregnancy fic 👀
alsjfsklajs thank you so much for the ask, Ash!! I am going to put all of this under a cut since this will be touching on both pregnancy and abortion topics.
So this fic would detail how, about three years post-Crusade, Sparrow gets pregnant--it's an accident, they didn't plan for it. In fact, Daerrow have never even talked about having kids at this point, despite that being like a normal conversation to have when you're with someone. Sparrow assumes that 1) Daeran wouldn't want kids bc it would cramp his lifestyle and 2) Sparrow would fundamentally be a bad mother, despite secretly really wanting a child/to build a family.
The main crux of the fic focuses on two conflicts: whether or not Sparrow should terminate the pregnancy, and both Sparrow and Daeran learning secrets about their parents that force them to confront their own feelings on parenthood and their thoughts on if they want this, if it would be a good idea even if they did, and what being parents would look like for them. It also features a Big Fight since uh. Sparrow keeps the pregnancy from Daeran for longer than it's wise and he possibly doesn't learn about it from her.
I'm not going to lie, for the longest time it was going to end with her terminating because they weren't ready at that time--mainly because i wanted to subvert the accidental pregnancy trope, but honestly I do think they would eventually go through with it and have their daughter, Isori!
And here's a snippet I've written for early in the story:
"I want to try and find my family," Sparrow says into the dark. Next to her, Daeran makes a muffled noise of confusion into his pillow. "Is that what you have been ruminating on all night?" he asks, and of course he noticed she was distracted. "What do you mean?" Daeran knows the full story of her past, or as much as she knows herself of it--the sunny cliffs over the giant ocean that she once called home, and her brother who raised her and died. But those have always just been snippets in her mind, fragmented by the nightmare that her life became after the slavers took her. "I had parents, once," she says. "I think Crow used to talk about them, from time to time. They might be alive." "And you plan on going to Dehrukani to find some trace of them? What will that accomplish?" There's an edge in Daeran's voice, and Sparrow turns to look at the dim halo of his body. "Alkenstar, actually," Sparrow says. "My brother was mentored there, and it was the last place we ever saw our parents. I don't--it's not much to go on, but asking after an engineer who mentored a child prodigy with a toddler in tow twenty years ago should narrow things down. It could be an actual lead." Another pause, and finally Sparrow sees Daeran relax with a heavy sigh. "I will be frank: I don't think this is a good idea," he says. "Focusing on the past has never served anyone well. You're just going to dig up old wounds, and for what reason? Sparrow, what has brought this on?" Sparrow's throat tightens, the words choking her silent. I'm pregnant. I don't know what to do. There's a box with tea leaves that would solve this problem and I haven't taken it yet. I haven't told you because I don't know how you'll react. I don't even know how I want you to react. What did my mother think when she was pregnant with me? What if I could find her and ask? What if she has the answers I'm looking for?
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obitv · 2 years
villain william revenant au? did i hear anyone ask for a villiam/ashe au? no? well. you're getting it anyway
the first time you meet william wisp, you think there's a dead body on your couch.
a leap in logic for the average person, maybe, but when your dad... does a lot of work you don't want to think about, and then there's a pale, bloody, not moving boy getting blood on your favourite couch, you think you might be allowed make those leaps.
the screaming probably isn't as excusable though. not that you screamed THAT MUCH, ok, but. you did a little. and dropped your bowl of pasta that you ahd been planning to sit on that couch and eat. and that's how, surprise! you found out the corpse was actually a totally normal beat up kid who forgot to blink at you for a solid minute.
in his defence, you were also staring at him. you hadn't even realised mark had come home yet, and bringing random kids back with him was- definitely a new one. you keep getting stuck on the same though -- he's on my couch. your pasta is all over the floor and there's a stranger in your home but the most important part of this to you is that fucking couch and you can't get your mouth working enough to form words.
when you're standing there, eyes locked with this kid and pasta on the floor, that's when your dad finally comes in. obviously you screaming had startled him, because he looks a mix of frantic and pissed off like you've never seen from him. but when he slams the door open and you both snap your heads over to look at him, he just sighs and drags a hand down his face.
"fuck's sake... ashe, go back to your room. now."
it takes a few seconds for what he said to register with you. however, you've only been awake for 15 minutes and all 15 of those were spent trying to stay awake long enough to make the pasta you dropped, so even after the words sink in you're still just opening and closing your mouth without any sound by the time the boy speaks up.
"is this your fucking house?"
mark turns from lightly glaring at you to sending daggers at the boy. "you keep your fuckin' mouth shut, kid. ashe, go, now."
"no, hey! you can't just randonly bring me to some fucking house and not tell me? when you said you 'knew a place' i could stay until mal got back i figured you meant, like, a lair! a wave-cave! not a- are we in the fucking suburbs?"
"no, no, we ain't fuckin' doin' this right now! ashe, go to your room."
you watch this verbal tennis with a growing interest. you really, really want to ask what's going on, but- you haven't seen mark this pissed off in... a long time. and besides, if this kid is telling the truth, your dad offered to let him stay here, so. you'll get your chance to ask questions later.
you still need to go get breakfast, anyway.
a few hours later, when you're in the middle of throughly blasting your brain out with every speaker you own, your bedroom door creaks open. now that you're awake, and the blood's been cleaned off his face, you get a much better look at him.
and, because your life is a disaster, you realise that he's kinda cute. still dead-looking, even when hes walking, but there's... an appeal there.
you also think you might be finally losing your mind.
he goes to talk, then winces as he seems to register the music you still have on blast, whoch is when you also register the music and scramble to turn it down. and try not to blush. try really, really hard not to blush.
"hey, uh... hey. sorry for... scaring you earlier. and being in your house... wa- your dad didn't tell me anyone else lived here. or where here is. i- i'm william? william, that's me! you don't have to tell me your name or anything, but i. wanted to apologise. because i'll be staying here for a couple days, until my mentor is back. uh. yeah. sorry. again."
you do not know how you are supposed to respond to this. briefly, you wonder if you've watched any anime with this premise.
"uh. cool." and you give a thumbs up. you sit there, you stare this kid, william, who has probably been yelled at by your dad for the last few hours which you KNOW is terrifying, and, again, is cute, and you give him a thumbs up. and an attempt at a smile that feels a lot more like a grimace because you don't know how to be smooth to save your life. "i'm ashe, by the way. i'm not used to- having people over. or talking in general."
he nods, and smiles at you. just a small quirk of the lips really, but you count it as a win that you haven't immediately scared him off. "yeah. sick. i'll... go. now. nice to meet you, ashe."
it is unreasonably difficult to slow your heartbeat down again after he closes the door. you, ashe winters, are so fucked.
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i-mean-technically · 2 years
Bayverse History Rewrite!
So. Here it is, folks. Calling this a graveyard of stars from now on/
My cliff notes version of Bayverse History, but it makes sense (to me at least and things will get weird. Enjoy!
These uh. Turned out to not be all that cliff notey lmao
Ok so for this, we're gonna take it back. By like. A lot.
Starting with Grimlock and his Dinobots.
In AOE Optimus calls them legendary warriors, ancient, and all that. So, in this, that's what they are.
12 Billion Years Ago: The Dinobots are Sparked, living on Cybertron with the Predacons before The Fallen Megatronus slaughters them, casting Grimlock and his followers off Cybertron.
10 billion Years Ago: The Fallen has to contend with the Knights, followers of Prima who were created by the combined genius of Onyx and Alamgamus Prime to be one of Cybertron's "Great Protectors"
6 Billion Years Ago: The 13 Primes have fallen into ruin and death, leaving only The Fallen left on Cybertron to guide their people and the Age of Expansion begins, leading the the start of the Cybertronian Empire. Sentinel Prime (called something else before his Primacy) is Sparked.
5 Billion Years Ago: The Knights have become the Knights of Iacon lead by Quintessa, safe guarding the Entrance to the Spark, the only way to reach Primus. The Fallen has been exploding stars to harvest more Energon for his war machines, slowly expanding the Empire past their own galactic boarders.
4 Billion Years Ago: Our sun is formed, and its gravity pulls in the dead husk of a sleeping god, which over time forms Earth.
2 Billion Years Ago: The Fallen senses Unicron and chases down the signal, finding a new-star and a planet slowly forming life. He makes plans to return to harvest the star once it is settled, in an effort to kill Unicron.
1 Billion Years Ago: The Quintessons attack and the Cybertronian Empire collaspes. The Legendary Matrix of Leadership chooses Sentinel Prime to lead Cybertron, and the Caste System is implemented to keep order. Megatron is Sparked. In a last ditch effort to save Cybertron Sentinel casts out the Knights after making a deal with Quintessa, only for them to have been one step ahead and had stolen Quintessa's Staff, rendering the Quintesson Army useless.
900 Million Years Ago: Sentinel wins the Quintesson War and takes all the Cybertronians created by them into the masses. Any rebellion against the System is swiftly put down even as dissent rises.
800 Million Years Ago: The Matrix goes dormant. The Fallen has entered the Milky Way.
700 Million Years Ago: Megatron rises to power and dissent turns to rebellion on the few colonies Cybertron has managed to keep.
600 Million Years Ago: Sentinel crushes the rebellions and puts Megatron to work as a heavy laborer, and he eventually wins his freedom from that by becoming a gladiator.
500 Million Years Ago: Quintessa creates Lockdown to hunt for her staff and to collect her Knights for their betrayal. Orion Pax is Sparked.
400 Million Years Ago: Orion meets Megatron, and the Decepticons rise to fame.
300 Million Years Ago: War breaks out, and Sentinel struggles to maintain control. The Autobots are formed, rallying behind Ultra Magnus of the Elite Guard (a knock off Knights of Iacon) and Orion Pax, who has split from Megatron due to ideological differences.
250 Million Years Ago: Orion Pax becomes Optimus Prime, chosen by Primus to remove Sentinel from power, but who still remains a mentor to the young Prime.
200 Million Years Ago: Optimus makes the decision to send the Allspark into space in the hopes that Megatron would never get his hands on it.
150 Million Years Ago: Lockdown has captured the Dinobots and is hunting the Knights down one by one. Primus is dead. Cybertron is abandoned. The Fallen feels the death of his creator and goes even more mad, focusing on Unicron.
100 Million Years Ago: The Knights crash land on prehistoric Earth and fall into a deep stasis. Quintessa stops by and glasses part of the planet to start rebuilding her army to destroy Primus, not knowing that the planet itself is Unicron.
65 Million Years Ago: The Allspark lands on Earth, causing a mass extinction. It immediately starts influencing all life on the planet to become smarter, more resilient, and for humanity to be created early. Chaos and Creation coming together to form us.
20 Million Years Ago: The Fallen finds Earth and sets up the Harvester. He is betrayed and cast out, but not before he ends up nearly wiping out most of the intelligent life on the planet.
10 Million Years Ago: Megatron has found the Allspark, but crashes into the Arctic and is in stasis.
10,000 Years Ago: Humanity has made a comeback thanks to the Allspark and is spreading across the continents. An ancient culture (now extinct) worshiped the Allspark, and their descendants are known as being the best and brightest, star touched, crazy. The Autobots have found the planet the Allspark is on and are enroute.
1,000 Years Ago: The Knights are awakened by Merlin. The Cult of Unicron has its beginning. Autobots and Decepticons land on Earth and duke it out, then go into hiding, searching for the Harvester, bc Energon is scarce and they're close to starving.
100 Years Ago: The First Seven discover the Allspark and the Hoover Dam is Built around it.
I'll add more indepth shit when i'm not beating my head against a wall. And yes I made Cybertronians super long lived in this so what. Feel free to ask my any questions about this!
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epithet-beloved · 1 year
(Psst I don't have my age on my blog, but I can tell ya here if that's alright: I'm 18!)
Would it be alright to ask for like parental/familial stuff with California Slim?? I know the man is a living disaster but like. He means so much to me
No worries if you don't want to!! I hope you have a good day!!
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synopsis… headcanons about slim being a father figure to the reader
ft. california slim
tags… epithet erased spoilers, reader is like younger than slim but not SO young you know, protectiveness, smoking mention
word count… 498
a/n… oh my goshhhh FAMILIAL CONTENT!!! love that shit,,,,, thank you for the lovely request! do enjoy *bow bow* ✧ 🦝
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Ok now let’s make something clear: HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE’S DOING.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Slim didn’t have much of a fatherly figure himself, so the idea of being that person to someone terrifies him. He’s… out of practice, in his own words.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He spares you a glance, you smile back at him, and he’s immediately spiralling into questions about why you’d look up to him of all people?  Why would you latch onto him?  How is he going to ruin this?
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Listen, Ramsey or Jericho are the few who are good with kids! Or even Dixon – he’s a big brother! Hell, Slim would trust you better with Ryatt. 
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Not Alcatraz though. He wouldn’t let you be influenced by Al.
"Oh! Oh!" Al's voice rings out as he floats towards you and takes the sharp item away from you. "Don't do that, little 'un! You never know what will-" "Think you can throw that at the wall?" Slim interrupts to ask. Alcatraz falters.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 But no, you chose Slim.  You chose actual murderer California Slim.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Even if he has no confidence in his mentoring abilities, he does have that instinct– the same one that he thought died with his sister.  You sort of awakened it again.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He’s protective of you to a fault, glaring at and possibly even threatening anyone who he even slightly believes could do wrong to you.  Not on Slim’s watch.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Despite that, he’ll try all he can to separate you from his, uh, work life.  It can get messy.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If anyone else finds out about his affection for you?  Oh, oh, neither of you will forget it.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Ramsey will probably be the loudest, proclaiming himself your new uncle by default.
“What makes you an uncle?!”  Slim interjects. Ramsey smiles and says, “I’m the more likeable adult.” He gets punched soon after.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If Slim feels strongly for you, then Alcatraz also adores you by default.  He’s more like an anxious papa, constantly fretting over your wellbeing.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Slim insists he knows you can take care of yourself, but he’s not resistant to giving you a check-over, hands hovering over your body when something happens.  He would hate himself if something were to happen to you.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He makes it a point not to smoke around you too much.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Listen, this guy cares for you so much.  If something, anything, was to go wrong about this special thing you share, he’d… probably get worse.  Which is saying a lot for him.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You wouldn’t leave a guy all shook up now, would ya?  You’re a nice kid, you shouldn’t be doing dangerous things like that… 
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He sighs, and places his hat on your head, ruffling your hair as he does so.  The hat ends up falling over your eyes and he can’t help but chuckle.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 (He would slip up and call you a strange nickname, Starlet, at least once.  Probably in some sort of drunken or sleepless stupor.  Do something nice and don’t bring it up, for his sake more than yours.)
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i-ate-your-children · 6 months
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Have a au for your troubles
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The Dream:
Petra: main character
Soren: mentor
Jesse: girlfriend
Scene 1
Petra wakes up in an seemingly abandoned apartment building.
She saw her wings and tail were gone.
She see's she's in a bed a very dirty bed she cautiously gets out of it.
She see's a grimey post it note on a table in the next room she reads it aloud it says
"Consume food, bathe." Hm she grunts "Who says consume?" She asks to herself.
She gazes upon a gun "I wonder what that's for." she mutters.
She hears a knocking from a trapdoor two rooms down she goes to see whos knocking.
As she is going to the room she hears knocking from she comes across a washroom it has a bathtub that looks like it has red dye in it.
Petra inspects it further.
It was blood.
She kneeled down to further inspect it.
She thinks "Someone was in here with something" She also sees bones "The thing that was in here must have killed the person here" she muttered to herself.
"HELLO?" screamed a soft voice. Making Petra flinch. She remembered what she was doing she was searching for the room the voice was in so she stood up and kept searching.
She finally came to the trapdoor the voice came from Petra looks up and says "Hello I uh heard you scream."
The voice replied with "I'm sorry I just don't get many people that listen to me they usually ignore me"
"Well I must be the first" Petra chuckled "So uh" the voice started with "How are you all doing down there."
Petra was confused did the voice think there were more than one person here?
"Well it's just me down here" Petra replies "Wait but they told me that a lot of people were going to be there." "Did they get hurt?" "Did they go insane and kill themselves?" The voice said through tears.
The trapdoor closed with a slam the wailing faded into the distance.
Petra shrugged and went back to the room with the bed.
End of scene 1.
Scene 2.
Cut to Jesse and Soren talking about Petras dream.
"Well what I see at the moment is a some type of psychological horror type dream." Soren explained.
"So?!" Jesse started "Will she be okay?!" She Jeered
"Physically or mentally?" He asked.
"BOTH!" Jesse shouted
"Well physically yes but..." Soren explained.
"But what?" Jesse grated.
"BUT mentally no." Soren continued exasperatedly ready for what was to come.
"I knew it." Jesse grated.
"Hm that wasn't the reaction I expected but it's better." Soren remarked gruffly.
Jesse took a breath and asked "Alright how will she get out?"
"Well." Soren replied with a slight smile, "She either has too find a key then climb out of the trapdoor, or kill the monster that's there." Soren answered.
"Monster?" Jesse shuddered with her eyes widened.
"Well yes, there is a monster." Soren remarked but before Jesse could say a word "But if the monster manages to kill Petra it will not kill her in real life."
"Good, if you're lying I swear-" Jesse hissed.
"I'm not lying I specialize in this type of stuff." Soren replied before Jesse could continue.
"Now." Soren started "Please go of with your friends I need to to do this alone." Soren spoke calmly.
End of scene 2.
Scene 3 (it gets really gorey here)
It was the dead of night and Petra was still wide awake when she heard a sound of clattering in the distance.
She jolted up out of bed and went down the hall.
There she saw a monster it looked like it was drenched in acid most of it's skin gone it looked yellow and angry.
Petra swiftly ran away and before hiding under the bed she saw the gun again so she swiftly pick it up and hid under the bed.
The monster heard the commotion and went into the room she was in she shook in fear as the monster was approaching.
With the monster distracted this was her chance she swiftly went behind the monster shoting it in the head.
Before it could do anything it dropped dead Petra had won and before she knew it she woke up yo see everyone look at her in surprise.
Scene end.
Start scene 4
"Petra your ok!" Jesse exclaimed running to hug her.
"Yeah I I think so..." Petra said with a shaking voice.
Jesse looked concerned with her behavior "You ok? You look.... bad.... well mentally."
Petra's whole body was shaking and trembling she looked terrified.
"Hey hey do you need comfort?" Jesse looked more concerned than before.
"Mhm" is all that Petra could get out before starting to cry.
Jesse gave her a hug and comforted her all throughout the breakdown.
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The end or to be continued ;3
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sinecosinewheel · 1 year
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@galaxirin @bornetoblood
😭 i rly am the amelia guy huh (nm about it!)
- How I feel about this character
to start, she is my funny guy. in-game i think she's an awesome depiction of the healing church's state, the last vicar is powerless to do anything but pray, alone, clutching the medallion of her predecessor who all but set her up to fail. she's both a tragic figure, and the highest remaining member of the organization who doomed the town. in my hcs she is all of that, and she regularly mulches and beheads people, and she likes bugs. she is my funny guy!
- All the people I ship romantically with this character
hmmm. melia x early retirement. jshdj fr I don't have any specific characters? maybeeee henriett? ok wait i like to think she's henryk's great grand niece or smth and theyre really on the nose w/ the names. ok divergence, my henriette hc is that she was rejected from the church hunters and inherited her old mans Old Hunter style duds nd started vigilante mushing beasts w/ her kirkhammer pro bono. so tool of the institution x bitter rogueish vigilante. plus u summon henriett for melias fight so putting down an old flame .... i have successfully talked myself around to this ship let's get it 🎉
- My non-romantic OTP for this character
she really could've used some guidance other than laurence in her life, so i like to think she would've found a mentor in maria, had maria lived long enough to meet her. rlly tho most people were scared shitless of her and/or intimidated by her status so she had no non-killing, non-laurence social outlets. i haven't arbitrarily picked and made up a backstory wholecloth for an npc hunter to be her dead friend yet but also them lmao 😭
- My unpopular opinion about this character
slamming my fists on the ground beating my head on the wall SHE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE, I QUOTE, 'THE SEXY DOG FROM OLIVER AND COMPANY'!!!!!!
ok that's a personal grievance but i stand by it. umm i wish she showed up again? not sure if that's unpopular but i don't think many people think of it. like maybe she could've showed up in the hunters nightmare...even as a gorpse.....or had more item descriptions ab her!! i want the bell ringing woman set!!!
- One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
hrmm i wish we could have gotten to see more of her in general!! the fight intro cutscene is fucking iconic but maybe she could've been an npc u can talk to... and then u have to fight her when u progress the night farther... n u could start her fight early like the dancer in ds3 by attacking her and get an alt intro cutscene....basically just any content of how the church worked, or what her role was before everything exploded i think
- My OTP
apparently amelia x henriett! news to me. real enemiesish to lovers opposing forces attract type shit here
- My crossover ship
ourgh. hmm maybe millicent elden ring or emerald herald ds2? maybe the ds2 miracles lady lmao melia would in her head b like my dads a much better grifter than her...shes silly i like her :) n the miracles lady is into muscles maybe. idk lmao it could be unhealthy, it could lead to melia unlearning some toxic shit bc the miracles lady is like a cartoonishly over exaggerated version of the people she was raised with, i don't even remember her name though x.x
- A headcanon fact
i stg this entire post has been a headcanon fact lol 💀 uhm uh oh lol we are ending on a sad one heehee. so u know how vicar amelia boss form is covered in bandages? after the school of mensis began kidnapping blood saints the healing blood of the healing church began to run dry, leading yharnam citizens to seek it from other sources, like certain prostitutes with special blood. seeing no other course and to uphold the legitimacy of the church's special blood, the vicar underwent the mysterious process of becoming a blood saint herself and all but bled herself dry to make up for the demand
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universeofmuses · 2 years
//sorry I missed this update on friday. Hope you all like it!
(A hazed, blurred, vision from the point of view of Dr. O)
"Hey Dr. O, wake up." Trent said looking down on him as Dr. O was starting to come to,
(Back to the omniscient view of the world)
As Dr. O become more aware of his surroundings,
"Trent . . .what happened? Where am I?" Dr. O asked,
"Well you were keeping the Tyrano-drones busy for principal Randall to get away to safety, then I showed up and saved you. Then she-"
"Then I showed up and you introduced us . . .sort of and then passed out when it sunk in that I was really in front of you." Kim said coming from behind the couch and cutting Trent off in mid sentence.
"Kim . . .what are you doing here?" Dr. O asked puzzled,
"Well I moved in to town a few days ago, when I noticed how the black ranger was fighting on a news report as the rangers defended the city. Tommy I thought you said that you retired from being a ranger after high school." Kim said sounding annoyed,
"So did I but this had plans of its own." Dr. O said as he lifted his dino gem up, and then noticed Kim looking at him disapprovingly,
"What? What do you want me to say? You know how it is, when the power calls; you have to answer." Dr. O said,
"I know Tommy, but we all hung it up years ago." Kim said,
"Trust me Kim I haven't forgotten that fact but like I said I perfectly content just supervising the team and pretty much being their Zordon." Dr. O defended,
"Zordon?" Trent asked puzzled,
"He was a mentor to us, someone we could turn to when things got hard." Dr. O responded,
"He was like a father to us." Kim finished,
"Well what happened to him? You guys speak so fondly of him but you guys don't talk about him very much." Trent asked,
"He died quite a few years ago, he sacrificed himself to purify the universe from the Alliance of Evil who at the time almost conquered the entire universe." Dr. O explained, as the last word was uttered he the whole room grew cold as a slight shiver went up Dr. O and Kim's spines, the room grew so quite the sound of a pin dropping would hurt because it was so loud.
"Dr. O? Ms. Hart? You guys ok?" Trent asked, finally breaking the silence,
"Call me Kim" Kim responded as she gave Trent a warm smile,
"Kim what are you doing here?" Dr. O asked
"I came to see if it was true, that you're the black ranger." Kim replied,
"Well I can add another color to my assortment." Dr. O replied,
"How have you been?" Kim asked,
"I've been good, what about you? Are you still with him" Dr. O spat back,
" . . . Tommy, there was no other guy per say . . ." Kim replied,
"Then why the letter?" Dr. O asked clearly hurt,
"I didn't want to ruin your life like I had ruined mine." Kim replied timidly,
"Uh maybe I should go, I'll see you tomorrow in class Dr. O bye." Trent said as he quickly sprinted through front door to give his mentor and ex some time alone to work things out,
"Trent wait!" Dr. O called out but it was too late the teen in white was gone,
"Kim what are you talking about, we would follow the other to the ends of the earth." Dr. O replied,
"Tommy do you remember the one time when you came down to celebrate our anniversary? When we had the best night of our lives?" Kim asked very timidly,
"Yeah . . . what about it?" Dr. O asked as a faint glow of what that day meant to him, but then thought about what she was getting at. Then he grew pale,
"Tommy I got pregnant." Kim said looking at the ground,
"What!?" Dr. O asked with mixed emotions of anger, fear, and pain,
"Tommy I know it was wrong for me to hide your child from you, but I had to. If anyone found out about your son and me we would be used as leverage to get you to destroy the rangers." Kim explained while fighting back tears,
"Kim, how could you do this?" Dr. O asked sounding very hurt
"I did it for you, I gave up my life for you." Kim said now crying at the reaction that she had foreseen Dr. O having.
"Kim I want to meet him, what's his name, I want to be apart of his life." Dr. O replied as he came to her and held her as he had done when they were in high school, which comforted her enough to stop crying,
"Kim, tell me all about him." Dr. O said,
"Well he's very much like his father." Kim said with a weak smile as she started to calm down,
(Mysterious Island Lair)
Zeltrax was pacing back and forth in the main lab very deep in thought,
"I owe my master so much, he gave me new life." Zeltrax thought,
"It should be me executing my master's plan to end the rangers lives, especially Dr. Thomas Oliver. It was because of him that I am now this soulless machine." At this last thought Zeltrax grabbed his sword and started to wildly swing it as if to hit an imaginary foe. After a few minuets of working out his frustration he came a startling realization
"I have to redeem myself in my master's eyes, and to do that I have to find a way to make Elsa fail, but I have to make sure that I don't get caught or allow Dr. Oliver to live." Zeltrax then noticed the device on the lab table in the corner and slowly made his way over to it,
"This is how I will make Elsa fail." Zeltrax thought as he started tinkering with the inner mechanics of the machine.
(Hayley's Cyberspace Café)
For a Monday the café was pretty dead for a lack of words, which left Hayley board to tears. There was just about absolutely nothing for her to do, then she saw Kira walk in and just about jumped with joy that she hade someone there to at least keep her company. Then she noticed the troubled look on the girl's face,
"Hey Kira, a penny for your thoughts?" Hayley asked as she came around the counter to hug the troubled girl,
"Well seeing as there isn't anyone around, it all started last night when I had a weird dream. I saw a dark room with computer consoles, a large blue tube at one end and a globe at the other; I saw a city that was being attacked by a monster, for sure it wasn't Reefside; then I saw Conner lying unconscious within an inch of his life at the mercy of a winged monkey in gold armor. And since then I haven't been able to shake the idea of losing Conner, or the feeling that something really big is about to go down." Kira finished,
"Well if it was someone else I would say, 'I think its time to cut back on the junk food' but the room you described is what Tommy told me was the first ranger's command center." Hayley finished,
"So what does this all mean?" Kira asked looking very confused,
"For the first time in my life, I really don't know; it could mean absolutely nothing, or it could mean everything. But one thing is for sure, the fact that your worried about Conner is a slight peek into your subconscious. Deep down you like him don't you?" Hayley said as she smiled at the last point she made,
"WHAT?!" Kira cried out as she blushed, because her thoughts had betrayed her,
"Kira, I graduated from MIT; I'm not stupid, I've watched you around him." Hayley said,
"That's crazy Hayley, what ever gave you that idea?" Kira asked with a chuckle trying to throw Hayley off,
"Ok well for one, for a dream that could mean absolutely nothing you're worried about never seeing him again." Hayley said with a smile as Kira blushed a deeper shade of red, "oh come on Hayley, he's my friend; wouldn't it be normal to feel something if I have a dream that shows him almost dead." Kira defended,
"Oh really, well in your dream what was he wearing?" Hayley asked still not fully convinced
"It was a red tank top, faded blue jeans, and his white search Nike tennis shoes." Kira said very sure of herself,
"Uhuh, I rest my case." Hayley said as she turned to go back around the counter,
"Look, I may not know all the details . . . yet but what I do know is your crazy about him and even though you don't want to admit it. Deep down in your heart you know he is the one for you." Hayley said looking deep into Kira's eyes as if she was looking deep into the young woman's very soul.
"Hayley thanks for you insight. You know that I value you insight about things like this." Kira said turning to Hayley who had resumed her position behind the counter to continue being board,
"I know Kira, is there anything else you need to get off your chest?" Hayley asked,
"No not at the moment, well I got to go its taco night and I don't want mom to freak out like she did the last time. Oh and Hayley this conversation never happened." Kira replied,
"What conversation this is the first time I've seen you today, take care of yourself and my door is always open to you." Haley said as Kira waked out the door. Not just two minuets later Conner walked in with the same expression on his face that Kira had when she first walked in,
"Um, a penny for your thoughts Conner?" Hayley asked as a sudden feeling déjà vu,
"Well since this place is dead, please don't laugh" Conner said,
"Why would I laugh Conner? If its serious I'm sure I can help you out." Hayley said sympathetically,
"Ok well it all started last night when I had a really weird dream, there were no images just feelings; of abandonment, helplessness, confusion, and intense pain. Then out of no where an image of Kira appeared lifeless on some sort of exam table in the middle of a room with computer consoles and a large blue tube with a floating head in it. And since then I cant shake this feeling of that I have to step up to be more a leader and make sure that no one on the team is taken or killed even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice. Do you have any idea what this could mean?" Conner finished as a cold shiver went up his spine,
"If it was anyone else I would say 'lay off the junk food' but the image you saw was what sounds like the rangers first command center." Hayley finished as she was playing out the same conversation she had moments ago with Kira but with Conner,
"So what does this all mean?" Conner asked,
"For the second time in my life and today I don't know; it could mean nothing or it could mean everything. But one thing is for sure your concern for Kira is a peek into your subconscious, deep down inside you like Kira." Hayley speculated,
"WHAT!" Conner yelled freaking out,
"Conner I graduated from MIT, I'm not stupid. I've seen you around her." Hayley said,
"Hayley, come on me, Kira what ever gave you that crazy idea, you're crazy." Conner said hoping that his charm would work on Hayley so she could drop the line of questioning,
"Well Conner for a dream that could mean absolutely nothing your worried about losing Kira." Hayley replied,
"Kira is like a little sister to me. Of course I care about her." Conner defended,
"Ok if that's the case that what was she wearing in her dream?" Hayley asked,
"A yellow tee shirt with a black fishnet shirt thing over it, her hair was in pig-tails, blue jeans, and black and yellow converse shoes." Conner answered triumphantly,
"Aha . . .got you, I rest my case." Hayley replied, as Conner cursed himself. His thoughts had betrayed him,
"Look Conner I may not know all the details . . .yet but what I do know is that your crazy about her, and deep down in your heart you know she is the one for you." Hayley said looking deep into the young man's eyes almost as if she was looking hard into his very soul.
"Thanks for letting me talk this out with you Hayley, you're the smartest person I know. Even though I'm still confused about the dream I feel like something was done." Conner said,
"No problem Conner, you know my door is always open for you." Hayley responded,
"Well I'd better get going it's getting late and I have a lot of homework to do. Hayley this conversation never happened ok." Conner said as he headed toward the door,
"What conversation Conner this is the first time I've seen you today." Hayley said,
"Conner think about what I said, the sooner you tell Kira about your hidden feelings the better off you both will be. Good night." Hayley said as she saw Conner out so she could lock up for the night.
"They're nice kids but what they don't know is that they share a lot in common." Hayley said to herself.
Next Time of Paradox
(Dr. O's house)
"Kim I want to meet him, get to know him." Dr. O said,
"Tommy you've already met him." Kim replied looking up into his eyes,
"Where? When? How?" Dr. O asked, as the phone rang.
(Split screen Kira's room left, Conner's room right)
Both are sitting in the same exact position on their respective beds with a serious look on their face, thinking about their conversation with Hayley, they both come to the starling realization.
"Hayley may be right but I can't face it just yet." They both said in unison.
(Hayley's place)
Hayley is on the phone with someone asking if she can come over and run some simulations a main computer,
"Thanks Tommy I know it's a bad time but this could be the only warning we get." Hayley said,
"A warning that I'm praying is wrong." She replied at his question.
(close up on Hale's worried expression, then fade to black)
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
prompt 57! :]
"Yeah, sure... wait." Ian puzzled, turning his head to look at his student. "Avert your eyes!"
Nikki looked confused by his request, but obliged her mentor, covering her gaze with the palm of her hand. "Why? What is it?" She worried, fearing the potential consequences of staring at the glowing gemstone.
"Hang on... okay. Let me see your eyes." He asked. Ian had scooped up the crystal, stuffing it into a small leather pouch and sealing it inside. He now inspected the pupils and irises of the young girl, searching for any aberration in their appearance. The slightest twinkle or speck of turquoise could spell doom for her. "You're alright. You're good. Jadwiga's ghost, you scared me for a second there!"
Nikki blinked profusely. "What... what was it?"
"It's best you don't know for now." Ian's words reflected his first warning to her: the life of a magician is often steeped in dangerous knowledge and maddening secrets that would only bring danger and woe. "Just... whatever you do, do not look at anything for too long. Especially if you think it's pretty."
"Okay... what happened here, anyway?" She asked, looking at their strange surroundings. The pair stood upon the steep bank of a hill, secluded in a clearing in the woods. The pale silver of a waning gibbous moon hung in the inky night sky, bearing down on them as they investigated. Ian was hunched, clawing up a chunk of the earth with the use of a dagger, taken from within the unknown bounds of his red cloak. "What is that?"
The dirt did not separate from the hill as easily as it should've. Ian pulled on the dark grass, lifting a mass of earth that exuded a slick and slimy substance, dripping from it slowly like a foul saliva. Almost immediately, an overpowering stench issued from the fresh hole, invading Ian's nostrils with putrid notes of rot and filth. The half-demon gagged, pinching his nose to shut out the horrible smell. "Ugh, disgusting! What creature took a sh- uh, went to the toilet in this grass?" Ian thought aloud, correcting himself when he remembered that Nikki was still with him. "Whatever it is, it stinks. And with that crystal in the dirt, something unnatural's definitely going on here!"
Nikki shivered, feeling the chill of the night upon her exposed forearms. She made a gesture with her palms, sighing as the bright purple glow washed over her skin, accompanied by a calming aura of heat. "Hey, Ian? How long are we gonna be out here? I have school in the morning!"
Ian turned to answer, but was cut off by an unholy sound. It sounded vaguely similar to the squeal of a common farm swine, but somehow... wrong. It was so loud, the pair of wizards had to cover their ears to buffer against the shrill, splitting noise. Its pitch wavered in an unnatural manner, rising and falling much faster than should be possible for the vocal instruments of an animal to accomplish. The awful din shook the dark trees, their leaves rattling violently in the night.
Before she knew what was going on, Ian had carried them both back through a portal and closed it behind them. "Ok, not fighting the pig monster! Not on a school night!" Ian declaring, sighing in relief once he knew they were both back in his townhouse. He walked over to the nearest, dropping the sample of foul dirt in a bowl. "Alright... about time you went home, isn't it, lass?"
Ian looked her over. "D'you wanna try and do it on your own this time?"
Nikki turned, stretching her arms in front of her. She closed her eyes and tensed, encouraging the yellow light that covered her arms. Slowly, and with much effort, she began motioning one arm in a circular motion, gritting her teeth as she tried to conjure the image of her bedroom in her head. Sparks blinked into the air, a rudimentary portal flickering in and out. Eventually, an image shimmers in front of her.
"Okay, that appears to be... yep, that's the Mojave Desert. You're getting closer!"
"Oh, yeah! By this time next month, you'll have it nailed down!"
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starstruckspinning · 3 months
Ya know, maybe I should’ve done some sort of intro thing before? Idk
So first off, sorry guys but I’m not telling you my name or anything even remotely similar. Stranger danger and allat. But I CAN tell you all of my blogs and my stories!!!
(Btw you can prob just call me whatever you want, unless I ask you not to use a certain name or whatever)
Main: appleofstrife
Music (originally songwriting, but now it’s more of a Fall Out Boy fan page, I won’t be apologizing): let-me-lyric
Writing (ok this one’s obvious): starstruckspinning
Pride (aroace and aspec adjacent stuff mostly): Aegonautical
Those are all the relevant ones, but if more pop up I’ll just add them later.
SO! The reason we’re really here! The WRITING part!!! I love writing, it’s my passion, but legit I’ve only been able to function as a Greek mythology writer so far, so if that’s not your jam we might have to part ways 😔.
I technically have an ffn account, a Wattpad account (we don’t talk about that), and an ao3 account, but the ao3 one is the only one that matters. My username is 0TheGuillotineQueen0 but I’ll also add the link to my profile after my actual works.
Alright time to get into it! Links to the stories and quick summaries. This will probably be edited later as I delve further into fanfiction or just writing in general!
[Golden] Clouds With Gray Lining: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55796554
Percy Jackson fanfiction, female Percy time travel AU. Description as follows:
““You know,” Percy speaks suddenly, “I never got to finish my last quest.”
Percy and her mentor discuss the general concept of time and pop culture from years in the future. Well, Percy does. Circe is confused.”
The Rule of Immortals: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55890544/chapters/141920503
In the same universe as the last one. Angsty 5+1 things:
“Demigods should know, better than any mortal, what the gods are like. Though they may masquerade as human more often than not, there are certain things to know about them. Rules, in a sense. And Perseus Jackson is not through with learning all of them.
Also known as: 5 times that Percy learned an unspoken rule about the gods, and 1 time she already knew it.”
Original Work:
God(dess)-Core: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43664197/chapters/109796443
Discontinued story about feminism and Greek goddesses in a modern world:
“Hera is done being scared of storms.
Gaia is sick of sleeping in solitude.
Nyx is, was, decently happy.
Amphitrite doesn’t get it.
Aphrodite is just trying to talk.
Eris is fighting to stay alive, while surrounded by immortals.
When feminism strikes the world, Zeus would rather strike it down. Hera is not a fan of this sentiment. In a way, Gaia is.”
Branching Trees: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44191366/chapters/111125767
Series of character studies about the primordials, and their relationships with themselves and one another:
”They were born from Chaos.”
Branching Trees: Of The Earth: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48584197/chapters/122550472
The sequel to Branching Trees, idk. It doesn’t even need a description. NEXT!
Phoenix: Razing Sun: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52817872/chapters/133595092
Oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH, it’s my BABY!!!! This story might be my pride and joy of all time, though I suppose none of you have experienced For Power yet. Perhaps one day.
ANYWAYS, I think this is the start of my real descent into studies on immortality and just all that. I hope if you choose to read any of my stories that you choose this one or A Face In The Clay. Or Branching Trees because I put so much time into her. I’m ngl, literally any positive interaction with my original work actually makes my day, if not my month, because I put so much love into everything. No hate if ur just here to read fanfic tho, it’s not like I didn’t try with RoI. It’s not the same though, try as I might.
So uh. Description time?:
““I hunger for death and I cry out for life,” crooned the firebird, mournfully.
“Both of these shall be your eternity, if only you keep a likeness of me in your flames,” said the sun, but his smile hid something darker that day.
He made her a goddess, and the people made her a queen. But they were perfectly willing to make her a martyr in half the time.”
Misery Is Blind (she is the furthest thing from it): https://archiveofourown.org/works/56225953
A character study of Eris (and her relationship with Hemera) that I wrote for the Greek Mythos project here on Tumblr. I shall not be tagging them here so that they don’t have to read all this, but you should ABSOLUTELY join if you like to write Greek myths!:
“Strife, Chaos, Misery. Cruelty. It is targeted. Eris is not blind, and she does not intend to pretend that she is.
Featuring Eris’ response to the infamous wedding, and the one person who is there for her.”
A Face In the Clay: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56128798/chapters/142574152
I want you to meet my third, but never least favorite, baby. Well. All my stories are my babies, but some have a more special place in my heart, on account of the extra time I have to put into them. If nothing else, I’m about to update this one so maybe that’s an incentive if you try it and you like it?:
“Aphrodite comes in the dead of night. It does not help.
Or maybe it does. Maybe it changes something, in the smallest way.
Perhaps, if luck holds out, the butterfly shall beat her wings once more. Perhaps another life can be saved, in a very different way.”
So. Um. That’s all eight of my stories so far. Other than the completed one(s) and the one that I said is discontinued, these are all technically still open for me to add to them. Please check them out, or come chat with me on my other blogs!
Also, lowkey if you have a Greek myth retelling or simply story idea that you don’t wanna write yourself, you can let me know and maybe I can try to figure something out for you?
Congrats if you read this far, I love you very much, promise 🩷🩷🩷
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kaziaxd · 2 years
i'm late but for the character ask game, gex, 5, 9, 34
thank you for the ask <3
5. how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
I think after living in the sewers with a deranged kobold tribe for like 8 years Gex has lost all his fashion sense because it just Would Not Matter. He also has far too many other things to care about that he just does not care at all about how he dresses as long as it keeps him warm (he is - well, was cold blooded. now he's kinda magic blooded I guess?). I think when he was a kobold the only clothes that would really fit him would be like. child halfling/gnome clothes, so that's what he wore. Scavenged from op shops most likely.
9. Favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
thinking about this I'm going to seperate this by stages of his life because they all have slightly different answers.
0-38 = gnome pre-apprenticeship. This is when he was living with his parents who were very wealthy and could afford to have expensive taste. I think here he was quite a picky and particular eater. I think his favourite food at this point would be some kind of deep fried street food, because the few times that he would be allowed out on an expedition and be able to have the street food would mean that that taste would forever taste of freedom to him.
38-55 = gnome apprenticeship. Living with his mentor who had very little/no time for him meant that he had to either rely on the leftovers of the magically conjured concoctions that Matilda made (which he Did Not Like the taste of) or try and make his own food. This was his toast and noodle phase.
55-58ish = kobold pre sewers phase. I would imagine that having your race changed would uh change your perception of food and how it tastes to you? a lot of previous safe foods would now taste so Wrong that they would become spoiled. but also, a lot of previously bad food would now taste fine! probably eating a lot of meat in this phase.
58ish-70 = kobold during and post sewers/most of campaign. um when you live in magically irradiated sewers there is not a lot of food that one would consider normal. Gex had to learn to just eat whatever was there. During this phase he just lost all his fussiness out of necessity. there was also definitely cannibalism at this phase of life. Look living in sewers just does that to you ok?
the now = previous few sessions of campaign post ritual dragony form. um he can't eat food anymore. he has component bag tea and that's basically it? now he can smell magic though so that's nice.
34. how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
hmmm. So recently Gex has had some. big changes. I think if asked; "small and quick. not very noticeable - well, a bit more now, I guess. I'm smart enough to be Balthazar's apprentice (still don't know how I managed that). I'm not very good at. talking? with people." and if pressed, would admit "I'm a coward. I'm so afraid all the time. and I, uh, don't deal well with temptation."
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