#''oh but it looks more cinematic'' if you want to watch a movie go watch a fucking movie
juney-blues · 7 months
can we stop putting motion blur in video games forever please
it never looks good, and all it ever really accomplishes is needlessly obfuscating the game state.
like who the fuck says "oh gee this game is great, but i wish every time i moved the camera it would become 10 times fucking harder to tell what the hell is even going on"
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miryum · 2 months
"The Stakeout"
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy's relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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“Did you leave the precinct last night?” Jason set a mug of coffee next to Y/n’s desk. 
“The internet’s out at my apartment. The neighbour I’m leeching off turned it off for a couple days to teach their kids a lesson and this is the only place I can watch Bluey.”
“The kids show?” Jason raised a brow. 
Tim gasped and raced to Y/n’s computer. “I love Bluey!”
“Of course,” Jason rolled his eyes.
“Don’t you dare scoff at the majesty that is Bluey!” Y/n pressed a dramatic hand to her chest. “Clearly, you haven’t seen its brilliance. Sit down, baby Jay. You’re gonna love this.”
Both Tim and Jason crowded around the screen. Y/n pressed the keyboard and the iconic intro music played. Tim hummed along and Jason stared longingly at his book.
He hardly registered when the unicorn came on screen. “Children,” Tim and Y/n murmured with the unicorn.
The unicorn was spoiling a book about a princess and shoes. Jason wasn’t really paying attention. He could be reviewing files or reading books or bothering Damian. All valuable uses of his time.
“Wait, did you quote John Mulaney?” Jason realised. 
“Baby Jay? Yeah.” Y/n shushed him, “now watch this cinematic masterpiece.” 
“It’s a goddamn kid show. Any adult that watches this voluntarily needs therapy.”
“Yeah, I thought that was obvious,” Tim peered at him. “You’ve known us for more than four years. You hadn’t deduced that already?” 
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“She calls herself The Queen of Crime,” Dick announced to the briefing room. “Or more well-known as Harley Quinn. She and her wife have broken into, set fire, exploded, and murdered more people and places than I can count.”
Y/n gasped. “Oh my gosh, gay crime queens? Do you think they would adopt me?”
“L/n, you would be an accomplice.” Tim frowned at his friend. 
“I would go to jail for my criminal moms.” 
“Anyway,” Dick rolled his eyes, a smile creeping at his mouth. “L/n and Todd will be staking out a place we’ve seen Quinn and Isley frequent. Cain will be their contact. Drake and Brown, I have another assignment for you that involves a murder.” 
“A murder?” Y/n whined. “No fair! How come I’m stuck with Todd and Steph gets a murder?” 
“I’m just better than you,” Stephanie shrugged. Y/n glowered at her. 
“I’m sure you’ll make the stakeout incredibly frustrating and boring,” Jason patted Y/n’s arm from his seat next to her. 
“Frustrating and boring: Title of your sex tape,” Y/n muttered, crossing her arms. “Dickie, you can’t expect me to live with Todd for three days! He won’t even do anything! He’ll just read and… I don’t know, what other nerdy things do you do?”
“Nerdy?” Jason shot back, “Says the person who references every TV show known to man!”
“Just so everyone knows,” Y/n raised a finger up. “The obsession this week is the Barbie movie.”
“Amen,” Steph clapped Y/n’s hand in a high-five. 
Cass fistbumped her. “Margot Robbie is a goddess amongst men.”
“Speaking of goddesses: Julie Andrews.” Y/n said. Steph hummed in agreement. “Princess Diaries marathon this weekend?”
“Y/n,” Dick interrupted. “You’ll be on a stakeout with Jason.”
“You think that will stop me?”
“No,” Dick admitted. “But... we‘re done. Everybody just go back to work.”
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“You remind me of the Hulk.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Jason looked away from the camera that was perched in the windowsill.
“You remind me of the Hulk,” Y/n repeated from her seat on a beanbag chair. She grabbed some goldfish and popped them in her mouth. The apartment where the stakeout was taking place was small and decrepit. When Y/n had first seen it, she’d said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t wanna get tetanus.” Jason had locked the door before she could escape. (“If you wanted me alone, Jay, you could’ve just asked.”)
“How so?” Jason fought the urge to roll his eyes before turning back to stare out the grime-covered window.
“Well, first off, you’re fricking huge, but also a nerd.”
“Yeah, but I’m not a destructive green monster.” 
“I don’t know what you do outside of work.” Y/n shrugged. “But seriously, my dude. You need to stop working out. You’re making the rest of us look bad.” She reached over and poked Jason in the bicep.
“Are you flirting with me?” Jason smirked.
Y/n huffed and said, “you wish, Todd.” Thankfully, the walkie talkie crackled to life. “Talk to me, Goose,” Y/n snickered into the walkie talkie. 
Cass replied, “Maverick, we’re getting intel that Quinn and Isley are headed your way.”
“Thanks, man. Iceman’s keeping a watchout.”
“Iceman?!” Jason scoffed. “What makes me Iceman?!”
“Because you’re all stoic and impassive and eventually, you fall in love with me,” Y/n explained.
“I don’t remember Iceman and Maverick’s romance,” Cass’s voice was staticy and Jason was surprised she was still listening. 
“Come on,” Y/n’s eyebrows rose incredulously. “We could all feel the tension.” Cass hummed in acquiescence.
“L/n,” Jason shushed. “They’re here.” Y/n immediately quieted and turned off the walkie talkie. She went to sit next to Jason, making sure the camera was effectively hidden behind a screen. Outside, the pair could see a large truck pull up to the warehouse across the street. Out jumped Harley Quinn, her pigtails bouncing as she whistled. She skipped around the semi-truck and opened the door for her wife, Pamela Isley. Isley gave Quinn a kiss on the cheek and Y/n let out an ‘aw!’ Jason rolled his eyes and said, “just because they’re lesbians doesn’t mean they’re cute. They’ve committed many crimes.” 
“Being lesbians automatically makes them adorable and exempts them from all their crimes.”
Jason shushed her again and started taking pictures, the camera softly clicking away. Quinn opened the back of the semi and Isley pulled open the doors of the warehouse. Cheerfully, Quinn stacked boxes for Isley to roll away on a dolly. 
“What’s in the boxes?” Y/n wondered. 
“Do you think we’d be here if I knew?” Y/n glared at Jason’s response. 
Minutes passed, silent only for the snaps of the camera. Quinn and Isley continued to unload the truck and by the way they were piling them in the front of the warehouse, Y/n guessed that they were either moving the boxes soon or the warehouse was already filled. It wasn’t long before Isley slammed the truck door shut and blew a kiss to her wife. Quinn waved dramatically as Isley started the truck, leaving Quinn behind to man the warehouse. 
“Are we good?” Y/n asked. “Did we get all the pictures? Can we return to civilization and its cleaning supplies?”
“The apartment isn't that bad,” Jason said. “And no, we have to wait to see what Quinn’s doing.” Y/n groaned loudly and flopped over on her beanbag. “I figured this would happen,” Jason began to dig around his bag. “So I came prepared.” He pulled out some paper and pens and threw them at Y/n. “Draw me a picture or write me a story.” 
Y/n frowned at him. “What do you think I am? Five?” Jason shot her a knowing look and she muttered, “yeah, okay. That’s a pretty good idea.” Y/n sat down on the ground, mumbling about blastomycosis and mold poisoning. Jason silently wondered how she knew so much about diseases. Sitting back on her beanbag, Y/n uncapped a pen and started drawing. Or writing. Jason wasn’t really sure. He was more preoccupied with the case. 
After fifteen minutes, (Jason had hoped it would distract her for longer,) Y/n proudly showed Jason her drawing. “I even wrote a story to go with it!” She presented another piece of paper, filled with her scribbly handwriting. 
“What’s it about?” Jason asked, eyes slowly turning away from the camera and towards Y/n. 
“It’s a tragic love story between a marshmallow and a cup of hot chocolate who can never be together because the hot chocolate would melt the marshmallow, but the marshmallow stayed with the hot chocolate, even though it was slowly dying, because it loved the hot chocolate.” Y/n taped her picture and story up on the wall.
“Shakespeare would be put to shame,” Jason said after a moment of processing. Y/n nodded along. “Romeo and Juliet, who?” 
Y/n gasped softly. “Oh my gosh, I think I love you.”
“I thought that was already established,” Cass’s voice came through the walkie talkie. 
Y/n quickly pressed the button. “You’re still there?” 
“L/n, this is an open police line.” Cass was rubbing her temples. “We need to be in constant contact with you.”
Jason snagged the walkie talkie away from Y/n and updated Cass. “Quinn’s still at the warehouse. L/n and I request to prolong our stay to keep tabs on her.” 
“Wait, we could still leave?!” 
“I’ll ask Wayne,” Cass said. “Stay sharp.” The line crackled and went silent. 
“Todd, why are we staying later than needed?” Y/n whined. “We could be back at the precinct right now.”
“Because this would be a big bust for us. If we shut down the Crime Queen’s operation, and maybe even catch one, that’d be a major operation off of the street.” He looked back at the detective. “Come on, Y/n. Think about it.” 
Y/n grumbled, but relented. “Fine.” She went back to scribbling on the paper, angrily huffing out profanities every now and then and asking Jason how to spell certain words. (“How the hell do you not know how to spell equipment?” “It’s a hard word!”)
“Cass, I’m transferring some pictures to you,” Jason spoke into the walkie talkie, sometime around ten fifteen at night. “I’m not seeing any activity right now, but I’ll keep you updated.”
“We’ll keep you updated,” Y/n corrected. “We’re a team, remember, Todd?” 
“You’re right,” Jason looked back at her. “I’m sorry. We’ll keep you updated.” He flipped off the walkie talkie and said, “if we’re a team, then do you want to take a turn at the camera?”
Y/n scrunched her nose. “Nah. I’ll just wait until you pass out from exhaustion to take my shift.”
“Thanks,” he said dryly. “Really helpful.” 
“I know.”
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It was late the next morning and Y/n was sitting dutifully by the window, letting Jason snore on the beanbag. She had the movie Deadpool on in the background, occasionally quoting things alongside Wade Wilson. “A fourth wall break inside a fourth wall break! That’s like… sixteen walls,” she mumbled, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket she had stolen off of Jason. A loud honking lifted her from the edges of sleep and Y/n bolted upright, cursing. A sleek, black limo pulled in front of the warehouse and Y/n immediately radioed in to Cass. “Hey, Goose, we have a situation.” 
“What is it, Maverick?” Cass yawned, still following along with Y/n references.
“A black limo, licence plate…” Y/n took dozens of pictures. “PNGIN, just pulled into the lot. Sending evidence now.” She opened the precinct laptop Jason had packed and uploaded the photos. “I might need backup if an exchange is going down.” 
“Copy that,” Cass said. 
From the limo stepped a pudgy man in a three-piece suit with a large tophat. Y/n had to refrain herself from commenting on his appearance. “Jay, get up! Get up!” She kicked the beanbag chair and Jason awoke with a start, mumbling things about interrupting his sleep. “Oh my god, is that…” Y/n squinted through the camera lens, pressing the ‘talk’ button on the walkie talkie. “Cass! It’s Cobblepot! Cobblepot’s meeting up with Quinn!”
“-at?” It sounded like Cass said ‘what?’ but only clicked her button during the last half, surprise evident in her voice. “Lemme get Dick. And Wayne.” She added the Captain as if on second thought. 
After a tense minute where Y/n had to kick Jason again, Dick came on the radio. “L/n, report,” he commanded.
“Cobblepot’s meeting up with Quinn. I’ve sent the photos. I’m requesting a soft backup. Let me see what’s going on, but I want officers on hand. We could stop something big here, Sarge.”
“Copy that. You’ll get your officers. Where do you want them?”
“A half a block away,” she said. “And Dick? I need ‘em now. I don’t know what’s going on, but Quinn’s coming out to meet Cobblepot.”
Cass’s voice returned. “Y/n, Dick’s going to lead the officers himself. His ETA should be about ten minutes. Sit tight.”
“Will do, as soon as Todd WAKES UP!” Y/n kicked Jason in the shin, earning a loud “ow!”
“I’m up!” Jason shot up, rubbing sleep from his eyes. “What?”
“Fucking Cobblepot! You’re about to sleep through our bust! Bitch,” she clicked her tongue, ”wake up!”
“Cobblepot?” Jason said blearily. He raced the window, squinting down at the scene below. “Holy…”
“I know!” Y/n punched Jason on the shoulder excitedly. He flinched away from her, acting as if it had hurt. 
Y/n snapped pictures as Jason took over the computer, typing a report. Finally, after what seemed like ages, Cass said, “Backup’s here, just in case.”
“Thanks, Cain,” Jason said, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
“Quinn’s taking Cobblepot into the warehouse,” Y/n reported. “But I can’t see… do we have any footage of the interior?” 
“Would we be here if we had access inside?” Jason groaned. 
“Now I see why people avoid you in the morning,” Y/n grumbled back, shooting Jason a warning glare. She shoved a cereal box towards the man and Jason angrily shoved some food into his mouth. “Now you won’t be so fucking cranky,” she muttered.
“Stop fighting!” Cass demanded, “what do you see?”
“Nothing! Other than Cobblepot’s men standing ominously by his limo.” Y/n asked, “how come we don’t have limos? That would be so much cooler.”
Cobblepot stepped out of the warehouse, Quinn trailing behind him. He gestured to his men and a couple of them started loading boxes into the trunk of the limo. “We’ve got movement!” Y/n shouted into the walkie talkie. “If we’re going to arrest them, it’s gotta be now! We won’t get Isley, and she’ll probably break Quinn out of prison, but at least we’ll get Cobblepot.” 
“You’re just soft for your crime moms,” Jason exhaled sharply. 
Dick’s voice was hardly understandable through the radio, but Y/n and Jason watched from the window as Dick and his team surrounded Quinn and Cobblepot and his men. “I feel like we should help,” Jason mumbled.
“Do you have a zipline?” Y/n asked out of the blue.
“No… why?” Jason seemed hesitant to answer, concerned about the answer. 
“Dang it,” Y/n shook her head. “It would’ve been easy for us to join the fight if we could just zipline down there. It’d look so cool, too!” She mimed shooting down a zipline and fighting all the bad guys off. Jason chuckled. 
Dick eventually managed to apprehend Cobblepot and Quinn, the latter who threw a wink right to the window where Y/n and Jason sat. Y/n gasped and threw open the window, sticking her head out. “Hi!” she shouted down to the apprehended criminals. “Oh my gosh, you’re Harley Quinn! I’m a huge fan!”
“Hey!” Harley Quinn waved back before Dick handcuffed her. “Aren’t you just a sweetie pie?! Were you the one spying on us since Tuesday?” Her thick Brooklyn accent shouted up to the detectives.
“Yeah! That was me!” Y/n grinned. “I love you and your wife! Can you adopt me?”
“Oh, honey, we would love to!” Harley called. “But unfortunately, I may be going to jail.” She pouted sadly and then grinned hopefully. “Think you can do anything about that, sugar?”
Y/n frowned and said, “unfortunately, no I can’t, adopted mom. But, I can promise to turn the other cheek when my other adopted mom breaks you out.”
“Deal!” Harley winked again and said, “send me the adoption papers and I’ll sign anything.”
“I love you!” Y/n shouted as Dick shoved Quinn into the back of his police car, rolling his eyes. 
“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” Jason joined Y/n leaning on the windowsill, gazing over at her. 
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goldengleams · 4 months
another cinderella story | l. hughes
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summary: after your masquerade dance, you invite luke back to your house to watch a movie that’s right on theme. will he be your prince charming?
word count: 1.8k
author’s note: oh it’s just me being active and posting again!! so excited to be on break for the summer and finally have some free time! this was inspired by an experience i had with a friend and it was so fun to write, so please show some love by reblogginh or liking! leave some requests or messages in my inbox for fun! 🤍
You pulled your coat around your shoulders as the chilly winter air nipped at your exposed skin, making the climb out of the Uber and the walk to your house that much more dreadful. Your night at your sorority formal had been a blast. This year, there was a masquerade theme and you had gotten lucky enough that your formal was on a non-hockey weekend so that you could invite your close friend, Luke Hughes.
The two of you had had a fun night with your sorority sisters and a few of his teammates who had been invited. Before you left, the drinks had been flowing at your pregame, so you had felt extra loose on the dance floor with Luke as your date.
“Thank you, have a good night,” you said to the driver. Luke quickly climbed out of the car to join you and speedwalk inside.
“I think the cold just completely sobered me up,” you grumbled.
Luke laughed from behind you. “Yeah, you did go a little hard after we finished our bottle of champagne.” You let out a soft groan at the reminder that you and Luke had been handcuffed to each other earlier in the night to complete your champagne and shackles challenge.
“I only had a one dirty shirley but I knew that stupid bottle of champagne would fuck me up,” you said, laughing as you recalled your tipsy self earlier in the night.
“I thought you handled it well, you only tripped three times walking in,” Luke teased. It wasn’t your fault that your best friend had made everyone drink the champagne in a race.
“Well, you knew I wasn’t going to lose to Luca and Bella in the drinking game!”
You and Luke reached the front door of your sorority house and you scanned in. Unsurprisingly, the house was empty, the other girls still at the formal venue or planning to stay with their dates for the night.
You shrugged off your coat and Luke hung it up on the coat rack in the closet along with his own. He had been over to your sorority house many times to study and hang out with you, so he knew where just about everything was.
“I was gonna bring some popcorn and those chocolate covered pretzels upstairs,” You called from the kitchen. Luke came in a moment later, still looking handsome in his button down and dress pants. You wouldn’t admit to it, but your eyes did linger on the contour of his muscles that was evident through his shirt. “I still can’t believe you’ve never seen Another Cinderella Story!”
“Jack and Quinn weren’t exactly interested in Disney Channel at that age, so blame them next time you see them,” Luke laughed. “How does this relate again?”
You huffed out a breath. “It’s a cultural masterpiece because Selena Gomez’s character goes to a masquerade ball where she dances with the Joey Parker, who is the celebrity in the movie,” you explained while walking up the stairs. Luke followed behind you, intently listening to your words. It was hard to ignore his eyes as he focused on you. “And since we just went to the masquerade dance, it’s a must!”
“So she’s the one playing Cinderella?”
“Yeah and she’s a really good dancer but her evil stepmother, who is played by Jane Lynch, of course, won’t let her be with him. It’s cinematic, I swear Luke.”
Luke’s eyes followed your form as you walked up the stairs. Your dress clung to you in all the right spots and your heels you had worn had made your legs look even longer than usual. He tried not to watch as your hair flowed behind you, the new style making him want to stare at you all night.
“Alright, I’ll get this masterpiece of a film set up, so get the snacks ready!”
Luke took a seat on your futon and you quickly clicked on Disney Plus to turn on the movie. You had started to feel too overdressed in your outfit, so you grabbed a pair of pajama pants and a Michigan hockey t-shirt to change into.
“Nice shirt,” Luke said when you walked back into your room. His eyes had gone straight to your shirt and seeing your choice of attire made him smile.
“Don’t be flattered, it was the first one in my drawer,” you said, shrugging your shoulders. You quickly grabbed a hair tie to put your hair up in a bun in front of your mirror. You didn’t expect Luke to be watching you as you turned back to join him where he was sitting.
“You look nice,” he said softly. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“In my pajamas?”
“You always look pretty, Y/N.”
You wanted to question what he meant but he turned away and focused back on the television. Recently, you had started feeling like yours and Luke’s relationship was bordering on the “more than just friends” line. He had made it a point to see you as much as he could, which ended up being just about every day. Your friends in your house had started teasing you more and more about how oblivious you were to Luke’s flirting.
You settled in next to Luke and shivered a little, pulling the blanket he grabbed closer to you.
“Come here,” Luke said, opening his arms for you to slide closer to him. The snacks still separated you from the hockey player. You told yourself it was just for warmth, that your sorority house had been known to be drafty in the wintertime.
“You cold?” You teased.
“No, but I know you always are. Your hands are always freezing and you wear, like three layers of clothing everyday, Y/N,” Luke joked. You couldn’t believe Luke paid attention to you like that.
Was it normal to have butterflies for your best friend during a Disney Channel Original Movie?
About an hour into the movie, lots of yelling at Jane Lynch, and one dance break later, you felt your eyelids start to droop. You sat up a little straighter, trying to stay awake to finish the movie with Luke but your night was catching up to you. You could feel him looking at you as you tried to stifle a yawn.
“We can save the rest of the movie for another day if you want,” Luke offered as he paused the movie.
You quickly shook your head. “I can’t leave you in suspense about what happens to Mary Santiago and Joey Parker, Luke. That would be a crime to DCOMs and to you.”
Luke pressed play once again, enjoying how excited you were about the movie and not wanting to miss spending any time with you. “You can rest your head on my shoulder if you want to, Y/N.”
You gave in, resting your head on Luke’s shoulder and cuddling up next to him. You weren’t sure what territory this put you into, since this seemed to be more intimate than anything you’d ever done before. You smelled Luke’s cologne as you moved closer, feeling his arm wrap around you as he welcomed your presence closer to him.
You knew you were a goner right then and there, because three minutes later, you were pressed against his shoulder letting out soft, steady breaths with your arm wrapped around Luke’s stomach. Luke didn’t notice you were asleep until a few minutes later, assuming you had just been watching the movie. He smiled at the sight of you curled up next to him and took in your facial features. After being friends for over a year, he had discovered so many things about you that made him want to be around you even more.
Luke let the movie run on, only half paying attention to what was happening. He had been excited when you asked him to be your date for the night, knowing that there were other guys, including a few of his teammates, who found you very attractive. He would have gone anywhere you had asked him, quite honestly, but the dance was fun and your post-dance plans of showing him one of your comfort movies only made his heart swell more. Even though dancing wasn’t his thing, he knew it was yours, and it made him excited just to see you happy.
Once the film was ending, he reached for the other blanket that was resting on the arm of the couch, not realizing that the remote was right there. The small black box clattered to the ground hit the side of the couch just right so that the sound went up, jerking you awake.
You were so surprised by the sound that you almost didn’t realize you had been asleep on Luke’s shoulder.
“Shit, I’m sorry!”
Luke quickly bent over to get the remote off the ground which gave you a minute to take in the song playing.
“Oh my god, did I fall asleep?” As a true DCOM fan, you knew that Selena Gomez’s song played at the end as the credits were rolling.
“Uh yeah, but not for long. You only missed her and Joey at the end,” Luke said. He placed the remote in between the two of you, since you had moved away from him in your haste to wake up.
“Gosh, I’m sorry Luke. I didn’t mean to,” you said, feeling embarrassed. You had spent the night trying to impress Luke and now you had probably drooled on his nice shirt.
“No, no don’t be. I was trying to cover you up with another blanket and I dropped it by accident.”
You both sat in an awkward silence before Luke cleared his throat.
“You’re cute when you sleep.” You rolled your eyes at his comment.
“I should’ve known my date was a stalker,” you teased.
“Thank you for inviting me, by the way. I had a really great time,” Luke said sincerely. You felt a flush on your cheeks.
“Even though I got a little too tipsy and fell asleep on you?” You questioned semi-seriously.
“Especially because you got tipsy and fell asleep on me,” Luke chuckled. “I’m glad you feel comfortable with me, Y/N.”
“Of course I feel comfortable with you, Luke. We’re friends.”
Luke quickly looked at you with a smirk on his face before huffing out a laugh and shaking his head. He wanted to say something, you knew all of his tells.
“What’s so funny?” You questioned.
“Nothing, I just wish we wouldn’t keep doing this song and dance. We’re worse than Mary and Joey, Y/N.”
Luke took your hand into his. “What do you mean Luke?”
Luke brought his hand to your cheek, the space between the two of you on the couch eliminated as he moved closer. His eyes dipped to your lips, silently asking you a question that you both already knew the answer to.
You nodded, leaning into his touch and pressing your lips against his. Cliche as it sounds, you felt like one of the girls in a Disney movie, kissing your Prince Charming.
Luke pulled away first to smile at you. “Took us long enough, huh? C’mere my Cinderella.”
You giggled and kissed him again, already planning your first anniversary and rewatching of Another Cinderella Story in your head.
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fae-renjun · 2 months
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ep. 11 — take a chance with me [𖦹 wc: 830+]
previous | masterlist | next — (listen to take a chance with me by niki for the ideal experience)
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“that’s it for today guys! all of you did a great job, i can’t wait for us to start shooting tomorrow!!” the rest of the cast said their goodbyes and shuffled out of the room. wonbin shot seunghan a knowing look just as taesan wiggled his eyebrows at you before both musicians left for uni band practice for the upcoming end of year concert, followed by yizhuo who said something about having to style the band. sungchan, shotaro and eunseok said their goodbyes and filed out as well, patting seunghan on the back as they did. sohee and anton walked up to seunghan, holding back laughs as they gave him a hushed pep talk. 
you were too distracted by your conversation with karina and leehan about scenes that might need to be changed to notice seunghan’s nervous glances towards you as his two younger friends left the room. as you finished your discussion with your friends and closed your binder with notes on the film, leehan looked over your head and at seunghan, giggling before leaving the room and dragging karina with him before she could say more than “have fun!”
you spun on your heel to face seunghan, “so.”
“where are we going?”
“oh! yeah sorry. um. we’re going to kwangya cafe first, and then, would you want to see a movie?” he said, rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness as he finished his question. you looked at him, holding back a smile, “seunghan i am literally directing a movie right now. do you think i don’t like watching them?”
“oh, yeah,” he laughed in embarrassment. “the local theatre is playing pride and prejudice for its anniversary i think. i remembered you talking about it and i’ve never seen it so i got us tickets.”
your whole face lit up and seunghan was relieved. 
you started talking about how much you loved the movie and how excited you were for him to see it as you packed up. he kept listening, asking questions and nodding his head. when you got to the cafe you cut off a short rant about cinematic techniques in romance so you could order, after which you said, “oh my god i’ve just been yapping about movies again. i’m so sorry.”
seunghan laughed and brushed it off, “don’t worry. it’s cute. i like listening to you.”
“oh. well. i wanna know more about you too though.”
so, the two of you delved into a conversation about his dance background, his love for pokémon, and any mutual interests the two of you shared. before you knew it the food and drinks were over and it was time for the film.
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in the darkness of the small movie theatre, your elbows bumped against one another on your shared armrest every time one of you reached for the popcorn bucket in between. you kept subtly glancing over, trying to gauge the boy’s reaction to all your favourite scenes, observing as much of his expression as possible with the light from the large screen in front of you. every time you reacted to a scene—giggling when lizzie rejected mr. collins or sighing as you watched darcy’s hand flex for the 127th time in your life—seunghan would look over and wonder why he’d never tried harder to talk to you before now. 
seunghan was anything but dry and boring. he launched into a mini-monologue about the movie as soon as the two of you exited the movie theatre, and you were grateful for it. You’d always felt like you were too much for people, you’d been told you talked too much and too fast about the things you loved and were too passionate about movies and making them to pay attention to real life. but you never felt like you were too much around seunghan. more and more each day you were hoping his presence in your life would become permanent, and that it wouldn’t end as soon as the short film was done. 
the sky darkened as the sun set while he walked you back to your apartment. when the conversation you had been having came to a lull, you said to him, “you don’t have to do this you know? walking me back to my apartment and all.”
“oh it’s no problem, it’s on the way to my apartment anyway.”
“and i just wanted to,” he finished. you hummed in response, not knowing how to reply. soon, you arrived and said your goodbyes to each other. but as you turned around to open your door and he turned to leave, you spun back towards him, “seunghan?”
“was this a date?” “only if you want it to be. see you tomorrow, future oscar winner,” he said with a grin, not giving you a chance to process his words and reply before leaving. The final part of his sentence only registered in your head as you walked into your apartment, the thought of it gracing your lips with a smile. 
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a/n: not that anyone cares but this takes place the same day as the tpwbib prologue :))
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© 2024 FAE-RENJUN. All Rights Reserved. Do not copy or steal any of my posts.
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spicedcinnamoncake · 1 year
'Do it already'
Pair: Fred Weasley x Reader
SUMMARY: He's a tease, and you're impatient.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: NSFW, penetrative sex, cussing, smacking (you smack him), teasing
Enjoy sluts :P
It was a cold night, you two were watching a movie on your laptop. He visited during the x-mas break, and was staying the night. That was only because your parents weren't home, obviously. They'd never let it slide if they knew of it.
The characters on the screen had had one of those moments, the cinematic moment where something in their heads click and they start passionately making out. Fred looked over at you, then back at the screen, grinning. His hand went up under your shirt, a finger tracing your chest.
'You know, we could always recreate some of the scenes in this movie' he whispered as the main heroine took her top off, throwing it over her shoulder. You smiled, picking up on what he was on about.
'Oh yeah? I'd be down for that' you whispered back, placing another hand at the base of his knee. He grinned as he leaned down to kiss you, sucking your lower lip as he undid his pants.
You leaned into it, one hand wriggling out of your shirt and the other closing the laptop. He took you onto his lap and squeezed your ass before moving his hands to your waist. You struggled out of your shirt, tossing it who knows where.
In an instant you two were naked, he was on top of you. He slid into you with ease, his cock already hard. You waited a moment, to adjust to him inside you before giving him the OK to start moving.
He fucked you slowly at first. 'I want to feel you, every single inch' he whispered, staring down at your face.
You two switched positions, you were on top. He loved it when you rode him. He was still very much in control, but he always got a full view of your body, your waist, chest, not to mention your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
You started to move back and forth, riding his cock until you felt you needed some extra assistance. 'Buck me'
He arched an eyebrow, a sly smile spread across his face. 'You need to ask nicely.'
You started to bounce impatiently, feeling an orgasm start to build up. All you needed was a little extra help from him and you'd be there.
'Do it please, I need it' you mumbled, still bouncing. Suddenly you felt his hands on your hips, they were firm and held you in place, you sat deep on him, feeling the length of him inside of you was driving you insane.
'No no, you're going to have to wait a bit' he smiled, rocking your hips back and for with his hands, in circular motions he moved your body around on his cock. Your face contorted in the sweet agony of sex, but you were so close to release, and he wouldn't let you have it.
You started to resist him, bouncing, begging, begging for him to start bucking you so that you could finally release all the pressure building up in your abdomen.
By now the pressure had spread. You felt it in your stomach, in your thighs, your ass, and your pussy was throbbing, aching to be released.
'I said...buck me...'
'Wait, almost'
You couldn't take it anymore. You reached out, and smacked him across the face. He looked at you, first in a state of shock, and then in a state of awe. 'Kinky'
'Do it already'
'Do what?' he asked, innocently enough. You leaned over, looked him dead in the eye. 'Buck me.'
You smacked him again. He smiled, loosening his grip on your waist ever so slightly. You started bouncing on him again, but this time you felt a gasp escape your lips as he started to buck his hips up, just enough for him to strike you where it felt good.
'Im almost there' you whined, sitting down hard on him every time he moved his hips up. 'almost, a little more,'
A moan left your lips has he hit it hard. 'Right there!'
He fucked you hard, striking your g-spot, you moaned in agony as you bounced on his throbbing cock, until you felt it.
All your muscles relaxed in sweet relief as an orgasm rippled through your body. You nearly screamed at how good it felt. You leaned over and kissed him on the mouth, before rolling over on your back, enjoying every single second.
When you finally recovered, you looked over at him, his face red. You blushed, hard. 'I'm, i'm sorry-'
He shushed you.
'Love, that was kinky as fuck. Didn't know you could be so dominant'
He grinned at you, kissing you on the forehead. 'Come on, let's get you cleaned up.'
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I know everyone's already said shit like this but that shot where Dick Knubbler kisses the production booth or whatever in AOTD? profound. I feel that scene in my heart and soul and also in all of my bones. It's so tender and sweet. This shot was just so overwhelming for me for some reason, when I think about it i get teary eyed. It just feels like it has so much emotion and stuff in it, i feel it all at once. it's like "oh he's the individual ever! that's dick knubbler!! i love him???? Yeah okay this rocks! This movie rocks!"
And then i get mad and i'm like "there's no god damn way i'm getting emotional over a character named DICK KNUBBLER??????"
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^^^^shots like these are going to put me in an early grave!
(A bit more below the cut here, but this is where spoilers for the plot are gonna be, so watch ur back if you haven't seen Army of the Doomstar yet)
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NOTHING could've fundamentally prepare me for how viscerally upset I would feel about him dying. When he first showed up in Dethwater, i was like "yeah, this guy's funny i guess. I like him" but holy shit? and he's not even my favorite metalocalypse character or anything, but this right here? oh it's so over for me. He's so??? why? I get so sad every time I remember these two shots. It's like he's treated with so much respect (aesthetically and writing wise i mean) because they know what they're about to do. Look at him, look at how he's changed. he's serious AND silly! He's got the weight of the world on his shoulders, he's gotta help Dethklok! He's such a real guy, y'know? That's Dick Knubbler! And the way that death is part of the show's gimmick like "haha this is funny look how brutal it is" and then for THIS to happen? and it isn't gory and it isn't funny. It's serene. It's sad. It's emotional, and cinematic and GORGEOUS! There's a kindness and a huge melancholy feeling over the whole scene. HE's so beautiful here, like you know your about to watch an ally fucking die so hard, and he's so chill about it. "this is bigger than me" sort of energy. and he loves Dethklok, and Dethklok loves him! that's why this scene fucking sucks so hard I want to throw up its so good.... idk clearly i'm feeling sappy right now. the long story short is i'm going to kill brendon small for his damages to my emotional state lol.
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
Time to fly!
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
How To Train Your Dragon:
The message was just nice. I have a lot of nostalgia for it. I used to be a huge dragon nerd as a kid and dragons just weren't that prevalent in media here, especially not as friendly figures. I still love HTTYD and it's sequels nowadays.
It was one of my favorite movies as a kid and one of the few movies I watched that wasn't a barbie movie, it's just really cool.
Best movie featuring dragons period. The pure wish fulfillment fantasy of having a highly intelligent fantasy creature companion that can fly and doesn’t mind being ridden like a horse, therefore also the best execution of the dragon rider trope in all of fiction. Extremely funny, adding to the comedy is the fact that only adults have Scottish accents and all the teens have an American accent. So good that even its tv show follow up was decent by extension. The bit where Hiccup is trying to earn Toothless' trust and they start to work together changed me on a fundamental level.
I LOVE IT SO MUCHSHJKBSKHGDK I have a bone dysplasia which causes some bones to be a little bit more hollow and whenever I would feel a pain in my top back, 8 year old me was like ''woah I'm growing wings its my time to fly like toothless'' lol and it was always a dream of mine to fly. Weirdly enough I could relate to toothless because the "not being able to fly but you should be" felt like an allegory to a lot of my life! It gave me hope when he WAS able to after the help of others + the care he always needed + that mechanic wing thing made me feel like with the right ''recipe'' could help me get better too. My favourite scene is the first flight!! I love the animation for it, it makes me feel like im flying through the clouds too! The soundtrack is amazing too, I still cry to the songs.
I could write an entire essay about how much I love this movie, it truly is one of the best films ever made to me. Utterly flawless on both a technical level and a story-telling level. Not to mention the score oh my GOD the score of this movie changed my life. There are too many scenes that are so impactful, but the Forbidden Friendship scene has to be one of the best. Test Drive too.
This is literally my favorite movie of all time. This movie got me through the worst times in my life. It’s about love and friendship and all that lovely goopy stuff and it’s also fucking gorgeous.
THE cinematic masterpiece of our generation. On god.
This movie is an absolute masterpiece, the animation is pretty, the score is perfect, the relationship between Toothless and Hiccup is so sweet, Toothless is absolutely adorable. Definitely one of DreamWork's best films.
It's a beautifully animated movie about an unconventional viking boy named Hiccup finding his place in a world where dragons and vikings are constantly at odds, and how he changes the world around him. The dragon designs are unique and beautiful, and the vikings are larger than life and match the exaggerated setting.
Who on Tumblr DOESN'T want a dragon best friend I ask you. I would kill to have what Hiccup & Toothless have.
It does a brilliant job balancing tropes in a way that subverts and plays into them. There is so much in it for both adults and kids, it doesn't look like other animated films, it feels more grounded and in that realism it becomes so beautiful. The friendship in the film feels very real despite one of the characters being unable to talk! Forbidden Friendship scene is, in my opinion, the greatest scene in the history of cinema. The music, the lighting, the cinematography, the pacing, the emotions, it is practically perfect in every way. I could go on but I think ya get it.
God this movie defined my childhood and it's still so good when I rewatch it now. I'm guessing you'll have had this submitted a good few times bc it goddamn deserves it but. Hiccup is so relatable and !! dragons !! big cute dragons whose animation models are based on cats!! based fr
I have many fond childhood memories of this movie and in particular I loved how my cousin would "talk" for Toothless (cousin was babysitting us when we first watched the movie). Another thing is The SCORE. The music is iconic and awe inspiring to this day. That first time when Hiccup and Toothless fly together and it Works and the score absolutely goes HARD, I loose my breath every time. It's great. Also have you seen Toothless he's an adorable dragon and a badass, what's not to love?
Makes me cry every time because Hiccup and Toothless are such good friends and they love each other and end up as two halves of a boy dragon soulmate sandwich also the music is extremely good who doesn’t like dragons anyway.
It's the story of a beautiful friendship forming between a boy who doesn't fit in and a dragon who is the last of his kind. It's so cute. And it shows positive representation of disability, Hiccup and Toothless become disabled in ways that meaningfully parallel each other. Hiccup makes a prosthetic tail fin! And Toothless is just so cute!
The sound track is amazing
Honestly everything is phenomenal. It has a good use of comedy and an excellent story and character development. There are also countless beautiful and awe-inspiring scenes supported by an amazing score.
It is a very emotional movie about an old man learning to still enjoy life even though his wife died.
Such a beautiful film about loss
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agentem · 11 months
Emily watches "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes"
This is a good adaptation of the book. But it's long. The book is split up into three parts and the movie is as well (there are title cards that tell us so). And there is a palpable sense that, when they get to the third act, it's like "oh fuck we have more movie still?
That's because the actual Games take place in the second act and that is more "cinematic". (Actually then spend longer on the Games than I think they did in the book. At least there is more about what Lucy Gray is actually doing and we see more of the Tributes. Some of the deaths are changed but it hits the emotional beats.)
If you liked the book, I'd recommend it. I'll be interested to see how people who didn't read the book feel about the third part. Because that is the part that is kind of rushed through. Not enough "action."
As I said earlier, I went to a "Panem Party" showing at Alamo Drafthouse. Only one lady dressed up for real and we got swag. A rose, a quill and a Capitol Academy. I thought that last was odd. I know they gave away mockingjay pins for the other movies but who wants a Capitol Academy pin? Does that mean I support the Hunger Games?
Anyway, I continue to be desperate to know what happened in the 11th Hunger Games. Gaul says the President has given her another year, implying that it was still "dying out" despite Snow's advancements during the 10th.
We know (from the Capitol Couture website, which may or may not be canon) that Mags Flannagan won the 11th Hunger Games and she was the first victor to go on a Victory Tour. We only know a little bit about Mags from Catching Fire though. I think the Victory Tour has to be punishment for something. Why do they make the victors go around a look at the families of people they may have killed?
They also say she is "small" in CF so even though she is from a traditionally competitive district (one with well-fed kids), I doubt she was an "odds" on favorite. Her skill is making a fish hook which isn't an advantage if they still compete in the old arena.
I have a headcanon that this is when Gaul starts to manipulate the arena more, and puts creatures hidden about. Possibly in pits--as Mags would only have an advantage in water. The ending of this film did not disuade me from that notion.
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emira-addams · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel - Odette x Velvette - Juliet and Juliet in Hell
Interlude: Blanket Bunkers and Bedroom Blunders
In the flickering light of the TV screen, Clara and Octavia squatted in their cozy fortress of blankets and pillows, which they had collected from all corners of the Carmine mansion with Rosie's help. The two best friends wore matching pyjamas, onesies made of fluffy fuchsia frotté fabric, each in the shape of Godzilla with teeth sewn onto the hood. Between them stood a half-empty bowl of popcorn, a treat from Rosie's kitchen.
Clara's attention was glued to the action on the TV screen as she blindly grabbed a whole handful of popcorn from the bowl and stuffed it into her mouth. On the screen in Clara's dim room played a horror movie that she had recently found in the far corner of a cupboard in the living room while cleaning out their movie collection.
"This cinematic execution is more akin to a bad comedy than a good horror movie," Octavia scoffed snidely. She rolled her eyes in annoyance as the characters in the movie made a decision that would surely seal the end of their lives. "Yeah, great idea!" she grumbled, her voice filled with sarcasm, as the characters, stranded without a car and with cell phones without reception somewhere in the middle of nowhere, walked into the first abandoned house they could find. "What could possibly go wrong? Humans are so fucking stupid..."
"Why do they run up the stairs instead of to the door?" Clara complained, full of contempt for the cliché-dripping movie script, as the raging killer appeared on the screen with a roaring chainsaw and chased after the intruders.
Octavia's boos and hisses filled the room mockingly. "How are we ever going to get any sleep tonight from fear?"
"Oh, wow..." sneered Clara as the raging killer sliced one of the main characters in half with his chainsaw, blood and gore splattering across the screen in all directions. "Anyone who finds this seriously creepy has either big brain damage or has never watched Rosie cook." Clara suppressed a gag at the thought of Rosie's special diet.
Suddenly, a very strange noise interrupted Clara's mocking laughter and elicited a startled gasp from her. "What was that?" she wanted to know, distraught, while she could feel her pulse in her ears. Her heart raced in her chest.
"I thought you didn't think the movie was creepy." Octavia writhed in laughter on the ground. "I didn't expect you to be so easily spooked by a maniacal chainsaw murderer and some blood, you live with a cannibal after all," she teased her best friend, a wide grin curling her lips.
"I don't think that movie is creepy!" protested Clara, her face bright red. "Besides, for your fucking record, my Mom lives with a cannibal and I live with my Mom. So I can't really do much about the cannibal..."
"Oh, don't be so fucking coy, Clara, I've heard you call Rosie Mamá before!"
Suddenly, Clara and Octavia startled again as the very strange noise sounded again. The debate was forgotten as reality dawned on Clara. Velvette must have snuck into Odette's room and these moans-
Clara quickly shook her head to dispel the thought. She desperately tried not to let the associated images arise in her head. "Uhm..." She cleared her throat awkwardly as she felt another wave of embarrassment roll over her and her cheeks took on a darker hue. Her lips hastily formed an apology to her guest. "I'm so fucking sorry, Octavia, I didn't think... I mean, I thought we were having a peaceful sleepover together. I didn't realize that my sister... I didn't expect my sister... that she and Velvette...", Clara stammered. She couldn't really find the right words and cast her gaze to the floor in shame.
Octavia let out a light laugh. "Hey, don't worry," she reassured her best friend and put her hand on her shoulder with a sympathetic look. "Honestly, it's not your fault... and somehow in a weird way, this situation is pretty funny."
The night dragged on while the noises continued.
Furiously, Clara pressed her hands over her ears and desperately tried to block out the noises coming from her sister's room. "Kill me, please!" she begged her best friend as they laid together in their sleeping bags on the floor of Clara's room, staring holes at the ceiling.
"Velvette doesn't really have a quiet voice, to put it kindly..." Octavia commented dryly.
Clara wailed, a deep red flush of embarrassment still on her cheeks. "This has been going on for fucking hours..." she groaned. "Don't they need a break?"
Octavia waved her hand. "It's a full moon today. Just be glad that the sleepover party is at your place and not mine. You really don't want to have to listen to what my father and his boyfriend are up to tonight..."
Clara shivered as an icy chill ran down her spine and wrapped herself tighter in her sleeping bag.
"You know, I'm not sure what's supposed to be scarier..." Octavia turned onto her side. She looked at her best friend with wide eyes. "This ridiculous horror movie, or that I've become an unwilling listener and a witness to the sex life between your sister and Velvette..."
Clara chuckled, a slight smile forming on her lips. "Definitely the latter," she asserted, "at least we got to laugh about the movie together."
Clara was glad her mother wasn't home yet. Rosie certainly wouldn't rat Odette and Velvette out to her, but Clara would definitely complain to her sister the next morning about this late-night disturbance...
Chapter 08:
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nix-for-kix · 2 years
……..because I’m obsessed (I’m just gonna like info dump all the thoughts in my head so be prepared)
So one day Enid is going on a jog around campus and she sees this big ass snake on the side of the road on the brink of death and brought it to Wednesday and was crying and was like “fix her” and Wednesday was like “Like Taxidermy ?” And Enid was like “NO “ and then she’s like “fine my uncle taught me the joys of electroshock therapy” and fucking zaps the snake and that somehow works and they keep the snake and Enid names her fluffy and Wednesday absolutely hates the name but then Enid says something like “Her middle name can be Nero if you want” and Wednesday stops complaining about the name.
Wednesday and fluffy have very similar reactions to thing Enid says.
Enid: *crying over dog videos*
Fluffy and Wednesday: 😐
Fluffy Wednesday and Enid all go out to the woods whenever it’s a full moon and Enid and Fluffy play and shit and Wednesday watches (if thing finds a picture like the one below on Wednesday’s camera role then she’ll blackmail him into silence)
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One day Enid takes Fluffy to class with her because….
E: it’s her birthday
W: Enid you found her in the side of the road half dead there is no way you know her birthday
E: I do too
W: pray tell how
E: Ajax told me
W: Ajax ?
E: yeah I take fluffy to go on play dates with Ajax so she can socialize with other snakes :)
W: snakes are know to be solitary creatures ?
E: well fluffy likes them right girl
F: *slithers around*
E: see
W: …..ok fine but that still doesn’t explain how you know today is her birthday
E: Oh she told Ajax’s snakes who then told me
Ajax and Enid share snake care tips
Oh yeah forgot to mention that Fluffy is a full grown black and white ball point python so do with that what you will.
She escaped from a zoo near Jericho and since the mayor is freshly dead and the sheriff was a bit preoccupied with a certain Hyde incident a rouge snake was the last thing on his mind so Fluffy just kinda slithered over towards Nevermore and got fuckin bodied by a car
Thing and fluffy are besties
E: ah shoot i forgot something in class, Thing could you watch Fluffy for a bit
T: (thumbs up)
E: you’re the best
*fluffy and thing look at each other*
*Wednesday and Enid walk in seeing Thing riding Fluffy like a horse a tiny cowboy hat and bandana on the disembodied hand*
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So even though Wednesday will never outright admit it, Fluffy has definitely grown on her. Like she loves that snake.
E: Wednesday have you seen fluffy ? I cant find her anywhere and its time for her to go to the vet for a check up
W: *in bed under the covers* and what make you think I know where she is
*covers move slightly as a bit of fluffy's tail peeks out of the covers*
*enid and wednesday just stare at each other*
E: *pulls back the covers to reveal fluffy tightly coiled around wednesday* really ????
W (to fluffy): I told you she would find out
F: *sad slithers*
Fluffy is the homophobic dog meme
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Wednesday, Enid, Fluffy and Thing all watch movies together every Friday night after the Hyde incident it’s kind of a long-standing thing and very important to Enid. Wednesday acts like she could care less but if anything that she needs to do comes up on a Friday she reschedules or does it really fast to make at least some part of the movie night. Every week someone new gets to pick a movie so like Enid usually picks a romcoms, Wednesday always picks horror (the scream movies are her favorite) Thing picks silent movies, and Fluffy always picks Disney movies. One week it’s Fluffy’s turn to pick the movie but a new Scream movie had just came out and Wednesday really wanted to watch it so Wednesday bribed Fluffy
W: I realize it is your week to choose but might I interest you in this cinematic masterpiece
W: fine if you choose this movie I will personally find you a big juicy rat for you to eat from my collection
F: …
W: fine two
F: ….
W: you drive a hard bargain 3
F: *slithers approvingly*
W: pleasure doing business with you
Enid spends most of the movie curled into Wednesday’s side. (And while Wednesday did enjoy the scream franchise the werewolf practically sitting in her lap was a plus)
I am running out of space to write so imma reblog with some more
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aspiringwriter1111 · 10 months
Hallmark PSA
I know since it's coming on the holiday season, I'm going to start seeing a lot of Hallmark slander.
But here's a little known fact.
Hallmark is actually really really good.
Let me explain!
The movies people usually associate Hallmark with are the "old" ones (2020 and back). I bet after seeing how cliche and unhealthy they were, you didn't see a reason to watch them again after that, am I right??
But you knew them well enough to know they weren't worth your time and sanity.
Girl in a high stress job goes to small town, learns the meaning of Christmas, and then cheats on her also stressed out boyfriend back in the city with a hot cocoa making stubbly kind of rude lumberjack man then quits her job and moves to Vermont or something.
Yeah, they don't do those anymore.
At all.
I'm serious.
A part of it is that there was a purge. A year or two ago, there was a new Christmas movie company in town. All the actors that didn't like the forward direction Hallmark wanted to go in, left and joined GAC.
(Great American Family, or as I like to call it GACK. The movies are exclusively awful old Hallmark style, but Republican, badly decorated, very white, and also much worse.)
GAC took all the problems away from Hallmark, and made movies out of them. Hallmark, now cleansed, is pumping out cinematic greats that I WILL be rewatching every Christmas.
The whole of Hallmark was Recast, save for the best of the best fan favorites (Like Lacey Chaubert-)
They have plus sized actors now and people of color, cast as main characters on a regular basis.
Half of the movies aren't even romance centric anymore, instead focused on life, and moving forward, but when they are, they're really well done, and actually healthy.
If you know me (which you don't), then you'll know I hate unhealthy relationships. Especially when they're treated like they're okay. I will pick apart ANYTHING over toxicity in a relationship, wherever that might come from.
I used to hate Hallmark movies, because they were predictable, unrealistic, flawed, and toxic.
But now the characters talk with each other, and they don't get in the others space without permission. If there's an accident and it does happen, it's not used as a plot device to move the relationship along. It's not treated in a "OMG hot guy is literally right in my face!!! I've only known him two minutes and I hate him, I'm in love!!"
It's more of an, "OMG I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that at all, im so sorry, I'm so sorry- *Immediately backs away*"
I can't even begin to explain how much better they are now.
To further prove my point, here are some gifs of Three Wise Men and a Baby, one of my favorite Christmas movies ever:
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Just listen to this one.
It's about three brothers, one of which is a firefighter (this is important). A baby gets dropped off at the fire station, with a note. The firefighters name is on it, asking him to look after the baby until Christmas.
This is not his baby.
This IS a joke throughout the entire film.
They have no idea who dropped him off.
So they end up taking care of him for a week, and seriously bonding with him. The make his first Christmas ornament with clay, they do a holiday photo dressed to the nines.
They talk about how hard it is to actually take care of a baby, and how hard it must have been for their mom doing it alone.
Talking about how their own dad left, and finally processing that trauma together.
Their mom confesses that if she didn't have support, she may have done what the babies mother did. How she must be going through such a rough patch, and building empathy for her.
All three of the brothers go on complete cathartic emotional journeys about it, and all the other issues in their life.
I can't do it justice.
It's called Three Wise Men and A Baby. I'm begging you please go watch it, you will NOT regret it.
I'm tearing up now just thinking about it oh my gOD-
The ending just sent it home for me, so I won't spoil anything.
Its amazing. I can't explain the whole thing, I seriously beg you please go watch it.
And, if you're more into comedy, I present to you Haul out The Holly:
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A Christmas comedy starring your very own Gretchen Weiners!! Abso-fucking-lutley HILARIOUS.
It's about a woman, just broken up with her boyfriend, and coaxed into going home for the holidays. Here's where it gets interesting.
Her parents are the head of the Christmas neighborhood watch, something that has plagued her since childhood. Her childhood friend has now taken over the position, as her parent ditch her for retirement on a beach someplace, and she's left stuck, having to decorate against her will.
She wants a nap. The neighbors want her to carve ice sculptures. And her nutcracker apparently isn't up to code.
Includes: Girlboss and male wife power duo (madly in love), insane chainsaw man with way too much time on his hands, the ML an anxious wreck, and many, many, MANY MORE.
Another recent movie was built around a woman who is an astronaut (She's mixed) who was about to finally go to space (The goal shes been working on her entire life) She got into a car accident and her eyesight was impaired. She's currently grieving the loss of her dream (like, actually grieving, she took three months off-).
Her company asks her if she wants to do an exhibit in the planetarium for Christmas, that she doesn't have to, but she can if she wants to take her minds off of things. She says yes, and ends up working with the planetarium director on an exhibit about the sun and it's connection to Christmas through how people used to celebrate with the sun (I don't remember exactly, but it was explained thoroughly, and i think pagan???)
She and him don't constantly argue, or be angry at each other. They cooperate. They show genuine interest in each other. It's actually adorable, and it's also not just about them.
She meets his daughter, who is a wheelchair user. She asks why the Female lead isn't in space if she's an astronaut, and the FL tell her it's because of her eyes. The daughter tells her it's okay, because she'll never be able to go to space either, even if she wants to, but she can still enjoy it from Earth.
I'm not even doing it justice.
By the end of the movie, the FLs eye problem doesn't heal. Nothing is miraculously solved. But the ML and the FL are now dating (After the best, slow paced, healthy, communicative, collaborative bonding freaking ever-) ALL OF THE CHARACTERS HAVE FULL BLOWN EMOTIONAL JOURNEYS THAT ACTUALLY MATTER.
There are soft bits, nothing is cliche, nothing is icky or gross.
It's healthy, it's cute, it's emotionally driven, I'm actually learning about things I didn't know before, and amazing.
And all the new ones are either like this or better than this. I could name over ten, but I can't even explain how good they are.
Some of the are still a little dark ages, but it's only every one out of six or seven.
Hallmark movies from 2022 and onwards are 5 star television, and you can't convince me otherwise.
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wolfieloveswade · 2 months
Deadpool Fixes Every Cinematic Universe(That He Wants To) aka Deadpool 4: Electric Boogaloo(My Deadpool Fanfic) by Me(Jimmy "Cobra" Ronan)
Disclaimer-enjoy the magic
Rating: PG-13
Couple: Logan and Wade
Movies that will be referenced: The Terminator, other Marvel Heroes and so on
Chapter One: The Kyle Reese To My Sarah Connor
*Logan walks into the bedroom, looking all hot and shirtless, he sits on the bed next to Wade, Wade dims the lights and tries to make the bedroom look like that hotel room where Sarah and Kyle were in in Terminator 1*
Wade: *trembling* God look at me *laughs nervously* I'm shaking....*sniffles* some great leader huh?...you must be so disappointed....
Logan: I'm not...
Wade: *presses record on his phone and starts filming himself and Logan* ....Logan?....what were the other versions of me like, in other universes?
Logan: good fighters *smirks*
Wade: no, not like that...I mean...was there anyone special? like a boy?
Logan: no...just you...*sighs deeply, lost in thought* Babypool Connor gave me a picture of you once...you looked so tense...I always wondered what you were thinking about in that moment...
Wade: *Logan trails on as Wade looks into the camera on his phone, he whispers to us the audience* Isn't Hugh just as sexy and talented as Michael Biehn? *snickers* God look at that body...God I'm lucky
Logan: Wade...stop breaking the forth wall and finish this scene with me
Wade: alright babe *pays full attention to Logan*
Logan: I came across time for you Wade...I Love you...I always have...
Wade: *tears up* Kyle *snorts, giggles* oops...Logan...
Logan: I shouldn't have said that
Wade: no, Logan, wait...
*The Love theme from Terminator 1 plays in the background, Wade grabs Logan and kisses him intensely, Logan kisses back, heavy, passionate kissing, soft moans, the record scratches and stops playing, loud abrupt noises outside*
Wade: oh God damn it! every time we try to recreate the Love scene something interrupts us!
Logan: it's okay bub *holds Wade's face and kisses him deeply* we have all the time in the world *smirks*
*loud banging and explosions and screaming outside*
Logan: Wade...what the hell is that?
Wade: you should go out and check you big sexy strong man you *giggles*
*Logan opens the door, it looks like a wasteland full of movie studio logos everywhere, this time it's not desert with Cassandra Nova, it's more like the streets of Detroit, Michigan, Terminator endoskeletons shooting at people, the real Kyle Reese shooting at them and the T-800 protecting him, Adult Edward Furlong arrives with a machine gun*
Wade: *gasps loudly* Mother of God!! John Connor??
*Christian Bale shows up looking like he did as John Connor from Terminator Salvation as well*
Logan: I think we just entered the Terminator franchise for real Wade
Arnold/T-800: *puts his hand out to Wade and Logan* come with me if you want to live, laugh and love
Wade: whoa, Uncle Bob does self help now?
Edward/JC: yeah he actually sells books now
T-800: I only shoot people now when they deserve it
Logan: *raises his eyebrow* I think I like this guy
Kyle Reese: whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, you guys can't go back into that hotel room!
Wade: why not?
Kyle: just trust me, these hotel rooms are cursed
Logan: where are we exactly? Wade...baby...what did you do?
Wade: I stuck us in a timeline generator
Edward: oh my God!! why would you do that?? we are so fucked right now Spiderman!!
Wade: what do you mean?
*Linda Hamilton shows up with a group of military men*
Linda: Wade Wilson, give me that time watch!
Logan: time watch? baby you said that was only a watch!
Wade: I may have lied a little
Logan: why would you do that?!
Wade: I wanted to take us on an adventure for our honeymoon sugar pie honey bunch
Arnold: give us the watch Paul Dead
Wade: no! I wanna play with Lana!*twists the watch on his wrist, a huge explosion goes off, everything turns white*
*pure silence, Wade wakes up in the middle of a beach, somewhere in California*
Wade: *looks around, panicking* Logan, baby...Wolfie!!
*Logan wakes up in another place without Wade, looks like a forest*
Logan: Wade...Wade?!!
Wade: *whimpers, sniffles* I take it all back Linda Hamilton, I don't like this!!...I want my husband back...ahh fuck...why do I do these things? first I fix my timeline and then I fuck it up because I wanna blend every other timeline *whimpers* Logan I'm sorry baby...I just wanted to play...I lost my Wolfie again...I wish, I wish upon a star, to not be a jackass so I could have my Wolfie back...aahh fuck!!
*kicks sand and screams, he falls to his knees and sobs, a picture falls out of his pocket*
Wade: *grabs the picture and looks at it, he and Logan are kissing on their wedding day, Logan's in a tux, Wade has a white wedding gown on top of his Deadpool suit, he touches the picture, he looks at us/the audience* I lost the Kyle Reese to my Sarah Connor...well...I'm gonna need all the help that I can get...and Logan, Baby, if you can somehow hear this...I pray to God you'll forgive me for fucking up our honeymoon...God I must be one of those donkeys from pleasure island...
*Baywatch theme starts playing, Wade turns to look*
Wade: oh my God...
*Pamela Anderson starts running down the beach in slow-motion, Wade gasps*
Wade: I used to have dreams like this!!... but not anymore Pammy, this Deadpool promised his Wolfie to go the monogamous route and I have to keep my mans happy
Pamela: hey you, Spiderman! who are you talking to?
Wade: the people reading this of course
Pamela: hey is that a time watch? those are illegal you know that?
Wade: yeah I kind of do stupid things sometimes...but hear me out, I have to get back home to my husband...only, there's a problem...
Pamela: you broke the space time continuoum?
Wade: kind of?
Pamela: oh fuck, Spiderman...
Wade: *wails loudly* I miss my husband!!
*Logan keeps going through the forest, he seems lost and stuck inside an endless forest, he stops walking*
Logan: fucking hell Logan!! *his voice echoes, he sniffles, he nods his head and sighs* we should've just stayed home for our honeymoon...but you always have to have crazy ideas don't you? ...that's what I love and hate about you...if you can hear me baby, I'm not mad at you...I love you...I know you can't help yourself...God did I marry a donkey from pleasure island?
*Logan notices in the distance is a 7-11*
Logan: oh God...a 7-11...our favorite place to make out in public
+ to be continued in Chapter 2+
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This was fun to write. Stolitz smut! Woo!
Pairing: Stolas x Blitzø
Word Count: ~1,900
Relevant Tags: Public Sex, Established Relationship, Fingering
AO3 Link
"Stolas and Blitzø are on a date at a movie theater. Unfortunatly.
Much to their shared chagrin, the movie is awful and extremely dull, so Blitzø decides to make things a bit more interesting for the two of them."
Please Silence All Cellphones
Stolas and Blitzø sat in a darkened movie theater, cozied up in one of the rows near the back. They were watching a period piece that Blitzø (reluctantly) agreed to attend. A period piece that Stolas (regrettably) picked out.
It had been, how to put this.... Incredibly Fucking Boring. And bad. Just...bad.
The plot was confusing yet contrived, the pacing terrible, the story full of plot holes, and the acting subpar at best.
Stolas was leaning propped up on his elbow, cheek resting against his palm, bored as all hell. He was very much considering suggesting that they leave when he felt a hand snake into his lap.
He picked his head up, turning to look at Blitzø, who was currently pointedly "watching" the movie.
Blitzø's fingers glided their way down the front of his pants, slipping between the prince's thighs.
Stolas's legs parted for him unthinkingly. He slid down in his seat, hips shifting so he was more or less sitting on his tailbone, allowing Blitzø's hand to reach its target.
Stopping near his tail, Blitzø wriggled his fingers into the fabric so he could rub and prod at his entrance through his pants. He kept at it until Stolas started fidgeting in the theater seats. He could feel the owl's eyes on him. He turned his head to look at him, a smirk on his face.
"You're not watching the movie. You're going to miss all the good parts."  Blitzø teased, voice quiet.
"I think we both know the best part of this movie is going to be the end credits." Stolas whispered back.
Blitzø snorted, amused.
"So you don't think this is a cinematic masterpiece?"
Playing on the screen was a wordless scene of people staring forlornly out into the distance that had gone on way too long.
Stolas just gave him a 'are you fucking kidding me' kind of look.
"Hey, you picked it." He shrugged with a grin.
Stolas just quietly groaned.
"Don't remind me."
Blitzø snickered, sliding his palm back up the front of his pants and up to his lower abdomen. He slipped his fingertips under the waistband of his pants and flicked open the button with his thumb.
"Blitzø. I really don't think this is a good idea." Stolas hissed in a whisper as the imp's hand slid lower, under his pants but above his underwear, his fingers rubbing against his cloaca, moisting the fabric of his panties. He tried to ignore the rising arousal Blitzø's touches were causing.
"Why not?" He whispered back.
"Because we're in public? In a movie theater? And you know I have a hard time keeping quiet."
"It's not like we haven't had sex in public before. And I do know. That's what makes it fun." He flashed him a devious little grin, pressing a digit teasingly into him, barely more than the tip, still over the thin fabric.
"That's different. There were walls between us. There's a difference between a bathroom or closet and a movie theatre with other people."
"Guess you're gonna have to try harder to keep quiet then." Blitzø replied nonchalantly.
He tucked his hand under Stolas's underwear and circled his entrance with a finger, coating it in his slick, before slowly pushing it inside of him, all the way to his last knuckle.
Stolas squirmed, biting down on his lower lip as the intrustion sent heat coursing through him.
"Sadist." He huffed.
"You say that like it's a bad thing, Mr. 'Oh Blitzy! Hit me harder! Hurt me more! I want you to leave a mark!'." Blitzø teasingly mocked, doing his impression of Stolas and batting his eyelashes up at him.
A demon from a few rows down shushed them, Blitzø's voice having gone a bit over a whisper.
Stolas shot him a look, at both the impression and the volume, and Blitzø just stuck his tongue out at him, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
Blitzø pumped his digit in and out of him, rubbing up against his slickened inner walls. He faced fully forward toward the screen, pretending to watch the film as he stroked and fucked him.
Stolas did the same, or at least attempted to. He tried to focus on the movie instead of the way Blitzø's finger moved inside of him.
The character on the screen was monologing. Monologing about...fuck knows what. It was so generic you could probably apply it to a multitude of different topics.
It was baffling how there were still people genuinely interested in watching this.
And it most definitely was not enough to distract Stolas from jolts of heat and pleasure Blitzø was sending through him. He felt him slip another finger inside of him and bit his tongue, trying to keep quiet.
Blitzø was moving his fingers in such a way that Stolas was not only finding it hard not to make a sound, but also to keep still in his seat. He looked over to the imp, whose eyes were back on him, and the licentious expression on his face certainly did not do Stolas any favors.
The prince clamped a hand around his mouth as little whimpers threatened to spill forth from it. He wasn't sure how good of a job he was doing at smothering the noises down. He was thankful there were no other demon's in their immediate vicinity.
Blitzø slipped his fingers out of Stolas and replaced his right hand with his left, turning his body towards his boyfriend. He draped his arm over the back of Stolas's seat and carded his fingers up through the feathers at the back of his head.
"Blitzø—" Stolas warned in a don't-you-dare kind of way, knowing exactly what he was up to.
It was a futile attempt however because just as soon as his name was out of his mouth, Blitzø grabbed a fistful of feathers and yanked his head back.
Stolas made a small strangled noise and pressed his hand back more firmly to his mouth, muffling a keen whine, his eyes screwing tightly shut.
Noticing Stolas had closed his eyes, Blitzø, in one smooth motion and with fingers still inside him, climbed up over the seat rest between them, landing himself in the prince's lap, the hand in his feathers moving to pull Stolas's hand from his beak, replacing it with his mouth.
The prince gasped into the shorter demon's open mouth, caught off guard, and Blitzø took that opportunity to readily shove his tongue into his mouth.
Stolas moaned quietly into the kiss, placing one hand on his cheek and the other around the back of one of his horns. Blitzø's hand movements were getting rougher, and, thereupon, Stolas's abilities to keep quiet were getting worse.
Breaking their kiss, Blitzø removed his fingers from his boyfriend, bringing them up to his lips and popping them into his mouth. He smiled at the taste of him and thoroughly coated his fingers in spit before slipping his hand back into his underwear.
"You should really wear a skirt next time." Blitzø suggested with a smirk, pressing two fingers back into Stolas and fluttering them. "It'd make fingering you much easier."
Stolas swallowed down a noise, hands dropping down to the seat rests.
"You are assuming there will be a next time."
"I mean, you said this was a bad idea but you haven't exactly stopped me." He kissed up Stolas's neck, to his ear, voice low and tantalizing. "Don't pretend that you're not getting off on this. It doesn't matter where we are or if there's people around. You just want that needy, dripping hole of yours stuffed. Even at the risk of getting caught."
The prince bit down on his lower lip. Blitzø wasn't necessarily wrong, but Stolas didn't want to give him the satisfaction.
"I don't have to dignify that with a response." He dodged.
"What's the matter, Pretty Bird?" He purred, tail swishing as he teased him. "Nothing you want to say to that?"
The prince felt another one of Blitzø's fingers join the others. A groan caught in his throat.
"I bet you'd let me fuck you right here." Blitzø nipped at his neck, shifting his hips so his hard-on was pressed against Stolas.
Stolas's hands gripped tightly around the arm rests of his seat, talons scraping the plastic.
"Bet if I told you to shove your pants down so I can shove my cock in your ass, you'd do it." He sped up the movement of his fingers, fucking into him faster.
Stolas wasn't so sure of that, but the mental images the Blitzø was painting were making him creep close to the edge. He bit down on his tongue, jaw clenched tight, as noises threatened to spill out. He was pretty sure his face was flushed purely from the effort of staying silent.
Blitzø could tell he was getting close. The prince's chest was rising and falling rapidly. His body was tensed as he fought to keep down any noises. He just needed a little push.
"Just imagine my big, thick cock ramming in that tight little cloaca, pumping you full of cum."
Stolas's thighs were shaking as he tried to remain composed. He was doing a pretty good job until Blitzø curled his fingers just right. And just like that, he was falling past the precipice, pleasure radiating out from his core.
A loud moan broke free, and, at the same time, the sound of an explosion sounded from the theatre speakers, pretty effectively drowning it out.
...When the fuck did this turn into a war movie?
Blitzø slapped his free hand over Stolas mouth as quickly as he could in attempt to muffle the rest of his moan. He felt Stolas squeeze and shudder around his fingers, hot fluid spilling down them and into his palm. Once he had come down, he let his hand drop from Stolas's face.
"Well that was awful convenient." Stolas huffed out, drooping forward and resting his chin on Blitzø's shoulder as he tried to catch his breath.
Blitzø carefully pulled his hand free, doing his best not to drip Stolas's climax on to either of them. He lifted his hand to his mouth, casually licking his palm and his fingers clean.
He turned around in Stolas's lap to turn and faced the screen, and Stolas adjusted his head to rest between his horns from behind, minding his spikes.
"The fuck is even happening in this movie?"
Stolas looked up at the screen.
Whatever battle was previously there was gone in favor of focusing on an extremely bland relationship between two characters with exactly zero chemistry.
It was painful to watch.
"Honestly, I could not care less." Stolas admitted.
Blitzø just laughed quietly.
"You wanna dip?"
"Very much so."
Blitzø slipped down from Stolas's lap, standing up and adjusting his still snug pants.
"Wanna go grab a bite?" Blitzø offered his hand out.
Stolas just gave him a mildly incredulous and amused look.
"I think we should maybe swing by the palace first. So I can get a change of clothes?" He looked down pointedly down at his crotch.
"Riiiight. Right. That's, uh, definitely a better plan."
Stolas smiled and fastened up his pants, taking Blitzø's hand in his own and lacing their fingers together.
"Come on, Blitzy. Let's get out of here."
"Fuckin' gladly."
The two of them walked hand in hand out of the movie theater.
"Maybe next time we should check the reviews of the movie before we go." Stolas suggested.
"I don't know..." Blitzø looked up at him with a mischievous smirk. "I had fun."
"You're incorrigible." Stolas chastised.
But he was smiling.
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desceros · 11 months
Oh I am so sorry for this but you reached into the trash pile and said “friend” so by the end of this you’re gonna be sick of me lol-
I got a request a little while ago that asked for the clothes bayverse likes to see “reader” in, not underthings or anything sexual, and it got me curious because I’m working on it right now- what your Amaranthine Donbon or Goldilocks Blue likes to see their reader wear? Comfy clothes? Dressed up?
Also are those in the same universe? I just saw a mention of “aprils roomate” in Donnie’s story and the thought that they’re “connected” made me go ooooooo~
i said friend-shaped i MEANT friend-shaped there is no tiring, only an event horizon that slowly draws us to the heat death of the turtleverse
ohh i love this, fascinating question! i think amaranthine!donnie loves seeing his insert-chan in as little clothing as you feel comfortable getting away with. short shorts, halter tops, that kind of thing. he likes being able to look over at you while you're reading and see all the places where he's been, almost like he can play a little movie of the previous night in his head and follow each mark like it's a script, and he really likes thinking about other people looking at you and knowing that you belong to someone, that you're off-limits, that he's watching over you. also he really, really hates long sleeves, or chunky bracelets, or anything else that covers up the turtle tattoo. if you come around wearing something with long sleeves, oops!! something got spilled on it ha ha ha!! luckily there's a (short-sleeved) shirt right here for you!!!!! bonus points if your shoulders are a little exposed so he can come up behind you and sneak in a little bite mark before you leave
as for goldilocks!leo, i think he really, really, really likes it when his insert-chan wears his clothes. the way they drape off your shoulder, or how you have to hitch his shorts up to your hips, how you eventually give up and have to steal one of his belts and even then it keeps sliding loose, showing tantalizing glimpses of skin... all while highlighting how much smaller you are, hoo boy. he worries that you work too hard, so he likes it when you dress down because it means you're relaxed for a change. he likes you casual, comfy, and all his.
as for connected, nope! but what i *do* love doing is putting easter eggs in my fics for the others i've already written. so like, someone looking like they got hit by a garbage truck, or donnie wanting to watch a jellyfish documentary, that kind of thing. it's more of a... uh... desceros cinematic universe LMFAO
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goldennika · 6 months
Initial Thoughts on TXT's Minisode 3: Tomorrow
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Overall I think this album sounded the most sonically cohesive from their entire discography so far! I haven't read the articles about the album yet but it seems like they've deviated a bit from their usual approach of exploring different genres in a single album and kinda stuck to more of a band sound this time around?
Sure, they experiment with layers and singing styles but I’ve really felt (and liked!) the band influence across the different tracks!
The way the music builds in each track is delightful albeit seems a wee predictable. I am a sucker for a good guitar and bassline though so this album suited my tastes
Currently (and surprisingly) my favorite track upon first listen would probably be Deja Vu (Anemoia Remix)! I honestly wished the remix ver would have been the title track instead 🥺
The original ver is probably more palatable for general population though and lends itself better to their type of choreography than the Anemoia remix would so I understand why the title track is so.
My favorite track off this album would likely change after I’ve read through the lyric translations and give the album a few more listens.
If I’m being honest, I think this album would be more of a slow burn type of in terms of how quickly it grows on me, compared to their earlier releases (particularly Temptation and Freefall).
I’ve genuinely enjoyed these tracks! But I can’t say that I loved the album and I think a factor in my tempered response to Minisode 3 is just how short they all are!! 😩
The entire (mini) album’s duration is just 17 minutes for 7 tracks!! It felt like just as I was getting into the groove and spirit of the track, it just… ends 🥲 IMO, these shorter track durations may end up hurting them in the long run as they sacrifice the listening experience for convenience of streaming 😔
That said, it makes Deja Vu an impressive feat that it has such a cinematic and immersive feel, and done in less than 3 minutes!
In any case, I will be listening to these tracks more and am looking forward to catch their performances throughout this comeback!
If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading and i’d love to hear your thoughts too!
If you want to see my raw thoughts for each track, you can find them below the cut!
Track 1: I'll See You There Tomorrow
yes lower register TXT let's gooooo
sounds like a video game bg music? haha
ooh when the music built up it got funky
ugh love me a good bassline
this is kinda cute???
am digging the old school vibe to this
*head bops*
ok this is rly growing on me
the layers to the music is just 😩
Track 2: --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .--  (Tomorrrow)
uhm yeah
that's a morse code alright....
Track 3: Deja Vu
ok technically not a first listen since i've watched the MV already but here we go anyway!!
the high pitched warpy sound at the start -- i like it
this feels like R&B-ish?
their verses seem almost spoken than sung
different from how they usually are
the little music break after the first chorus, mhmm
that clarity was delicious
this song feels so... ambient? if that makes sense
like there's a distant thunderstorm almost?
and the sirens blaring??
and they did that with a 2:51 duration ??
Track 4: Miracle (A miracle happens at every moment that you and I are together)
really liking the piano
ooh the build up of the instrumentals
leaked image of me listening to this track
oooh it got rock band-y
oh this would be AMAZING to hear live!!
ugh the harmonizing in the second verse/pre-chorus YES 😩
looooove the energy on this one
they are killing the instrumentals on this album
wow ok i loved that one
Track 5: The Killa (I Belong to You)
sexy start okayyyy
is this Spanish guitar?
the finger plucking(?) style 😩
oh this range and style suits Soobin so well??
mhmmm the adlibssss
i swear those harmonies will be the death of me
the guitarrrrrrrrr 😩
Track 6: Quarter Life
istg the instrumentals are so good here
band txt is one of my fave genres
*head bops*
the build up is delicious
oh i'll bet kai enjoyed this one haha
whoever thought of putting the maknaes together for this track is a genius
another great song to hear live
claiming this as Beomgyu's song bc wow
Track 7: Deja Vu (Anemoia Remix)
ugh i can't resist a good bassline
wtf i swear we were robbed that this is just a remix and not the original song 😭
THE ADLIBS!!!!!!!!!
pls let this listing be an April Fools joke and this is actual the title track 🥹
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mrsmarlasinger · 4 months
OH. I forgot to tell a story that I have already told everyone in my physical vicinity! The drama of it all.
So my on-and-off childhood sweetheart from age...like...eleven to twenty-something—okay, scratch that. We met for the first time when we were toddlers. So let's call him my on-and-off childhood sweetheart of basically twenty years. My first kiss, first love, so on and so forth.
You get the gist. I don't have to explain this to you.
Well, in August 2023, he pleads for me to take him back and asks something along the lines of "What would it take?"
Keep in mind, this is a return missionary of the Polite, Inoffensive Young Mormon Boy™ genre. My parents wanted desperately for me to marry him. (Sorry, Mom and Dad! It was never gonna work!)
This dude is a cishet who won't TECHNICALLY misgender your partner, but will refer to them exclusively by name to avoid using any pronouns whatsoever. He's a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps Republican. You wanna know how Roe v. Wade got overturned? Lol. Lmao, even.
Me? I'm a pierced, kinky, polyamorous, weed-smoking, whiskey-loving, goreno-watching, foul-mouthed, slutty-attired, dyke-sex-having
Sin central. Remember when "hellmaxxing" was a word? I quaff fucking cough medicine to get high. Sometimes. Doesn't matter. Anyway.
So he and I are incompatible, natch, but that was so not even relevant. Because in August 2023, I WAS LITERALLY A YEAR INTO A LESBIAN RELATIONSHIP.
"What would it take?" Bro, I hadn't dated a man in nearly half a decade! I still haven't! In fact, I am currently in a relationship with a lesbian!
What do you mean, dude.
What do you MEAN.
So I tell this boy he'd have to leave the Mormon church. Don't get me wrong, that wasn't a challenge or an ultimatum—I think he's having a great time being Mormon! Didn't work for me, but shit, man, it's working for him!
And okay, fine, do I think he gives bi-guy-with-internalized-homophobia vibes (I've dated one, I would know) and should at least give bisexuality the good ol' college try? Yes, but it's not up to me!
I just meant that, ultimately, it was the Church which drove such a divide between us. I don't believe in it—I can't believe—and neither of us would be happy compromising our beliefs for the other. And even if I compromised mine for him, I'd still be haunted by the hurt of everything he said to me when I left. All the judgment he spewed in the guise of humor.
So that's what I said.
In that moment, he looked at me with his big, sad brown eyes, and I think we understood each other perfectly.
And god, it was sad. I did use to think he and I would end up married. For ten years I thought that. Hell, everyone told us we would.
But...ohmygod. What a movie moment. For bitches who live their lives like cosplay (I'm bitches), that is like one of the top five wish fulfillment moments you could experience in your interpersonal relationships.
Honestly. Honestly. I can't stress enough that a man BEGGED FOR ME TO TAKE HIM BACK, and then I TURNED HIM DOWN.
I'm sorry but like...that's crazy. That's glamor.
So anyway, he goes off into the starry dark (yeah, and of COURSE it happened on the front porch at night. Me on the very edge of the porch step, him on the ground—vaguely Romeo and Juliet-esque. Like...the poetry. You cannot get more cinematic than that). I watch him leave, then go inside.
The next time I hear from this man, I'm drinking wine on my gay partner's couch (gay) (we are gay) (lesbians), and this man invites me to his wedding...reception. Cuz of course, I couldn't get into his temple wedding even if I wanted to.
And yes, I cried over the lame-ass cishet boy! The death of childhood sweetheartdom does, in fact, require a mourning period.
N e wayz, here's the kicker: in true Mormon fashion, the timeline from him getting rejected by The Great Love Of His Life (blushes cutely 🤭) to getting engaged was...FIVE MONTHS! Yes, folks, my nosy ass did the math!
Timeline from the big rejection to his upcoming wedding reception (in Pride month, of ALL months for straight marriage 😒🙄😤)?
🥁🥁🥁🥁...Ten months, folks!
Well, Jesus, man, I didn't want you to rebound with a marriage! Bit sick, innit? Not to inflate my already-ballooned ego, but Lord help us both, you were crushed that night on the porch! Don't saddle your poor fiancée with that baggage, mmkay?
Anyway. That's my tale. I'm genuinely happy for them (provided the marriage works well for both), and I am going to his reception in a couple weeks, though I don't expect we'll keep in contact afterward.
(She seems lovely, btw, can't wait to meet her. Here's hoping they enter the Utah Mormon swinger circle; I'm not opposed to a road trip. Kidding, obviously, and I know that that's a distasteful joke. But, like, if THEY were down—)
Moral of the story: I Am That Bitch 🌝🌝
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