#'I just don't like him because of how he treated Mabel' Pacifica also treated Mabel like shit
astro-b-o-y-d · 7 months
I also said it before but I cannot find the post, but there's probably a very specific reason people are quicker to sympathize with Pacifica over Gideon and/or focus more on giving her redemption than him and it starts with an f and ends with a phobia 🫤
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gnomewithalaptop · 6 months
I am once again thinking about my Reverse Falls plot bunny where Canon!Dipper switches places with his Rev Falls counterpart
Just hear me out! Like -- the dynamics would be so good. Because in either universe, the twins know each other better than anybody else, right? They've known each other their entire lives! So they'd obviously realize something was up pretty quickly, but the way that goes down would vary wildly depending on the combo you've got going on
That's why I really want Canon!Dipper in the Reverse universe -- out of the two of them, I definitely think he could "fake it til you make it" a bit longer than Mabel, but I also think the potential dynamics between him and Rev!Pacifica and Rev!Gideon would be fascinating to see play out. Cause like, let's be real: that kid can hold some grudges, and he's pretty pessimistic when it comes to people and second chances (at least compared to Mabel). I can see him having a really hard time wrapping his head around the personality shifts and trusting Pacifica and Gideon with anything -- which would only make things harder, since they'd already be predisposed to hating his guts. But also, just the idea of Dipper trying to navigate a strange world where his family is full of manipulative bastards and the entire town seems terrified of him makes my inner ten-year-old extremely happy
And then the dynamics with Rev!Dipper and Canon!Mabel would be playing out in tandem with all of this. And the script is completely flipped from Canon!Dipper's, because Mabel doesn't go into this knowing something's wrong. She has to figure that out for herself from context cues, and like. I doubt "evil mirrorverse version of my brother" is going to be her first guess right off the bat. So you get extra wiggle room for Rev!Dipper to get situated as a quasi-antagonist and start screwing things up, and you get fun hijinks while Mabel and the gang make several very wrong choices about what's going on with Dipper
And like. Okay, so: I've always interpreted Reverse!Dipper as somebody who's very pragmatic -- he's very much an "ends justify the means" sort of guy. Don't get me wrong, he's not as vindictive as Canon!Gideon, but he also isn't particularly sentimental either. He's lived his whole life in "every man for himself" mode (with some small exceptions for his sister).
And then I think about combining that kind of mindset with Mabel's unstoppable wave of optimism and endless harebrained schemes where she tries to make things better for a person she doesn't even know that well. And I think about Reverse!Dipper being faced with this realization that his world is dark and cold and uncaring because that's how he relates to the world.
Let's be real: at the end of the day, both sets of twins love each other so fiercely. It's just that the Rev Falls kids have gotten caught up in all these manipulation games and power plays, and once you get caught up in that kind of cycle, it becomes harder and harder to get out again. So I can see this swap having a positive shift on both the Rev Falls kids -- taking them away from their lives and showing them that they don't have to interact with the world this way
I'm thinking about Canon!Dipper seeing the humanity in Rev!Mabel and talking to her straight the way he did to Pacifica in Northwest Mansion Mystery. I think about how she hasn't gotten to be a kid because of the Tent of Telepathy's whole Dance Mom schtick, and finally getting it impressed upon her that that isn't normal. I'm thinking about Canon!Mabel showing Rev!Dipper it's okay to trust people and let them in. That he doesn't have to treat the entire world like it's out to hurt him, doesn't need to strike first to make sure the other guy never gets a chance to
Anyway. This got so long but -- yeah. I yearn for the Gravity Falls Mirror Mirror episode that exists only in my mind
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whoslaurapalmer · 2 months
if ur still doing character asks: dipper pines!
oh yes absolutely!!! okay i was really hoping someone would ask me about gravity falls bc i can feel myself Entering Gravity Falls Mode
How I feel about this character: i love dipper i am picking him up and putting him in my pocket oh my god. local twelve year old (technically not a teen!) is fueled by pure determination and insecurity and he's so. baby..............dipper............................how serious he wants to be but how silly he's still capable of being because he's just twelve!!! he's just a kid!!!!!!!! and he's such a well-written kid. trying to grow up too fast so he can be respected because he's too young to be taken seriously, thinking he has to solve all the problems, acting like a kid and being scared.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: i see the appeal with pacifica but if i'm going to ship pacifica with anyone, actually, it's mabel, bc i think they have a more interesting connection. also reunion falls was the best au and that was what really sold me on them. ANYWAY THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT DIPPER
i don't think i really ship him with anyone? dipper's gotta get himself together a little more first.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: okay but pacifica here though. pacifica and dipper get to be the BEST secretly super petty friends, and i think the conversation they have about her parents in northwest mansion mystery is always really touching and they could be quietly understanding of each other. (even if that conversation was about pacifica's problems, point stands.)
hold on i've brought up my forbidden abandoned gravity falls/peaks sort of crossover au plans. but i have never, i think, brought up my gravity falls/x files crossover au plans, where pacifica and dipper were scully and mulder (it was still mabifica though) and i'm just still so enamored at the idea of them being these grumbly enemies to best friends and working with and defending each other as they learn about each other.
My unpopular opinion about this character: he's twelve............he's literally a kid making mistakes and trying to figure life out.........why it's 2024 and people still treat the kids and especially mabel like they should have known everything, should have done this or that better, acted unrealistically or something when they were seriously just acting like kids, makes me worry a little
also back in the day dipper got a lot of whump and that never sat right with me. whump doesn't sit right with me in the first place but the like, 2015 era of tumblr, somewhere around there, just really.......dug into it on this kid. escalating his very canon trauma that is totally enough to deal with to levels even beyond that
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: more sousaphone. i want more dipper the band kid. untapped opportunity for silliness
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presidentstalkeyes · 2 years
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Bit late to the punch, so I've got three to get through:
1: Now this is a toughie, I could make an argument for almost any character. I could say Mabel, for her idealism and ability to be sincere about literally everything; I could also say Wendy for just being the coolest, so cool that just by being around her you become more confident (and I might be biased because I cosplayed as her once :V).
But after thinking about it, I'm gonna have to say... Pacifica.
Why? Odd choice, yes. I'm probably the only one who picked her. Admittedly I'm heavily influenced by the fandom interpretation of her character as well. I guess I just really appreciate how the show gave her some actual depth when it totally didn't have to, and honestly I can weirdly relate a lot to an awkward privileged girl who's constantly checking her behaviour, worried about slipping back into old habits and wondering if anyone else notices or even cares. She also makes a good foil for Gideon, and perfectly demonstrates how it's nurture, not nature, that defines a person. ...Okay, and I might just gravitate towards the Alpha B*tch characters. :V
2: This one's a toss-up between the page where Dip & Mab trick Soos into thinking they're from the future (and literally the day before they run into Blendin, to boot) and COMPY THE COMPSOGNATHUS. Stan had a good pet that understood him! The entire run-up to Ford's portal test was also pretty creepy and helped paint his whole character as a glory hound, very different from how he was in the show.
3: Another odd choice, buuuut... Rumble McSkirmish and GifFany. Possibly because I'm more into sci-fi than fantasy, and so their technological origins speak to me, but also because of that, they imply a lot about Gravity Falls' weirdness, how it can even affect modern technology rather than going with the 'magic and technology don't mix' cop-out. GifFany's also pretty terrifying on a conceptual level. I mean, most creepy-ass stalkers can't approach you literally anywhere where there's a screen or turn your home appliances against you.
It helps that their respective episodes are some of my favourites, Fight Fighters because I'm fighting game trash and so were the writers given how many references they stuffed in there, and Soos and the Real Girl because Soos wasn't treated as a comical butt-monkey and actually found someone who genuinely likes him. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
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dipper, Mabel and pacifica for the fall ask
(link to fall asks)
1. who is excited about fall? who hates that summer is ending? pacifica likes fall. I think that both of the pines twins hate that summer is ending, regardless of how old they get. 2. who loves shopping for school supplies? the pines twins both LOVE school supply shopping. 3. who likes driving up to the mountains to see the fall colors? dipper and pacifica do, and pacifica makes dipper take a bunch of photos of her every time they go up. mabel finds it boring, and usually chooses to skip. 4. who insists on dressing up for halloween every year? do they also insist on trick-or-treating? we know that this is mabel. she trick-or-treats until junior year of high school, and dipper joins her every year. eventually, their halloween tradition changes from going trick-or-treating to spending the holiday together doing something spooky and fun, like a corn maze or halloween party or a spontaneous road trip to gravity falls. mabel has a costume every year regardless. 5. who loves haunted houses? who hates them? pacifica likes going to haunted houses to judge how bad the costumes are and to prove how hard it is for things to scare her. the pines twins don't mind haunted houses, but after their summers in gravity falls, the experience doesn't really elicit more than a shrug from them. 6. who loves pumpkin spice everything? who despises it? mabel likes to think she loves pumpkin spice everything, but realizes that it's not that impressive every single year. pacifica actually likes pumpkin stuff, and dipper is ambivalent. 7. who leads the trip to the pumpkin patch? who’s the best at carving? pacifica invites the twins to a pumpkin patch that her family owns. mabel is the best at carving and decorating. 8. whose favorite holiday is thanksgiving? who hosts it? who cooks? no one's favorite holiday is thanksgiving, but mabel enjoys it the most. they all spend thanksgiving dinner with their respective families, but pacifica invites mabel over on black friday to eat leftovers and start shopping for holiday gifts online. dipper sometimes tags along. 9. who drags the other/s to a horror movie? who watches behind their hands the whole time? who remains unaffected? dipper drags the others to a horror movies, either because he thinks it's really stupid and cheesy or because he has a suspicion that the monsters in it are real. there's no in-between. pacifica is unaffected and debates dipper when he think the movie is hiding something. horror movies amuse mabel for the most part, and hearing the other two bicker is the cherry on top. 10. who suggests going to a corn maze? who makes it out first? who has to be rescued? when they're a little older, mabel suggests the activity and makes it out first. dipper and pacifica bet each other $10 that they make it out first, but the systems that they both try to find an exit just has them crossing paths and trash talking each other (read: flirting) over and over again. the guy running the maze comes in to get them out, but they're both too stubborn and he leaves them be. they eventually make it out at dawn by working together. mabel teases them for a week about how long it took them and tries to find out if the maze drove either one to finally confess their feelings for the other. 11. who can be found by a fire 24/7? pacifica - she's determined to stay as comfortable as possible as it gets colder. 12. who breaks out the christmas decorations way too early? MABEL. 13. who is the most affected by daylight savings time? who is the least? pacifica is most affected by daylight savings time, since her extracurricular schedule is bonkers. she gets totally thrown off of her rhythm. dipper is, surprisingly, the least affected. he's so used to staying up so late or through the night that the extra hour does nothing to him. 14. who wears sweaters? who wears hoodies? i'm gonna veer on the side of canon for this one. mabel wears sweaters and dipper wears hoodies. pacifica can mostly be found in fashionable trench or pea coats, unless she's forgotten to bring one. in that case, she (begrudgingly) borrows a sweater or
hoodie from one of the twins. (strangely, she takes her own time returning them...) 15. who’s the first to catch a cold? dipper. he sneezes like a kitten.
it’s sleepover saturday!
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