#'and if you touch the edges of my fun new wall you get dizzied which may as well immediately kill you bc youll get comboed into oblivion'
jamesunderwater · 1 year
Hey there! Just recently found your blog and your work looks fab🤩🤩 just wondered if you’re still taking those smut prompts? If so could you do 19 with Jily pleaseeeeeee :))
Hello!! (': that is so sweet, thank you! This really made my day. And of course. I am always open to smut prompts, for the record. 😉
Send me Smut Prompts! 19: “sit on my face”
NSFW under the cut :P
“Hm?” He lifted his head from between her legs. She bit her lip at the sight of his glistening mouth, knowing it was her all over him.
“I want to try something…”
He lifted a brow, immediately intrigued. While he waited for her to continue, he moved a hand from her thigh and pressed the pad of his finger against her wet opening. “I’m listening.”
She blushed and chewed on her lip, rolling her eyes back at the feeling of his finger. Her blush was surprising–very little in the bedroom made Lily Evans red anymore. “I…” she breathed out, as he continued to press his finger slightly into her. “I thought…maybe a new position for your mouth…might be fun.”
This did sound fun. “And what position might that be, love?” He brought his mouth back to her clit, just lightly ghosting his tongue over it. She gasped, a hand grasping at the sheets on the mattress.
“What if…what if I–sat over you?” She opened her eyes now, glancing down to see his reaction.
Both of his eyebrows rose this time, and he’d paused with his mouth against her, looking her right in the eye. “Fuck yes.”
“Are you sure?” She asked nervously, sitting up so that she was propped on her elbows.
James was already rolling over onto the other side of the bed, positioned so that she’d have the wall for leverage should she need it. “Lily.”
“Sit on my face.”
With a grin, she moved onto her knees and crawled on top of him, one leg on either side of his chest. He moved his hands to her bare ass and urged her forward, so she obliged, despite feeling incredibly self-conscious. “Merlin, this is hot,” James mumbled as she positioned herself directly over his face.
Well, that did help with the self-consciousness a bit.
“Lean down just a bit…”
As soon as she did, she felt James’s tongue press inside of her, and Lily let out a long moan. He began pushing her hips back and forth against his mouth, flicking his tongue inside of her in fast strokes. There was something magnificently sexy about being on top of him like this–the power of it, really, and knowing he wanted her that much. Lily reached down and grasped onto some of his wayward locks, and James groaned against her.
“My–my clit…” was all she had to say for him to understand. He slid his tongue out of her and up to her clitoris, where she felt him rapidly sweeping it back and forth. She leaned up a bit so that the sensation against her was light, and James started moving his hands from her ass closer to the inside of her thighs, towards her pussy. She moaned at the feeling of it, the desperation to feel his fingers inside of her, the teasing of it all. He pressed his thumbs around her entrance without actually going in and she grumbled, “Fuck, James,” which only made his tongue move faster.
The exhilaration of it was going to her head. Dizzy, Lily leaned forward and pressed both hands against the wall. He was still refusing to touch her, and from the teasing alone she could feel herself getting close. Just a moment or two with his fingers inside of her, and she was sure to explode. “James, bugger all, touch me, goddamn it!”
She felt him chuckle beneath her and groaned, hating him. He was massaging just outside of her now, and her orgasm was hanging at the edge. Her breaths were coming in faster, and she’d begun moving her hips against his tongue involuntarily. He seemed to be waiting for her to be almost there to finally—
Without warning, James suddenly slammed two fingers deep inside of her, and Lily clenched around him. It took two pumps of his fingers in and out for all of her muscles to tense up and the orgasm to spill over her. “Oh my god!” she cried, pressing down into his mouth and hand with no reservation. She rolled against him wildly, crying out his name and fuck, fuck, yes, until finally the pulsing orgasm began to slow. Breaths coming in hard, Lily collapsed onto the other side of the bed, her shoulder touching James’s.
“S-sorry…if I…suffocated you…” she said between breaths. When she looked over, James had a huge grin on his face, and his eyes seemed dazed.
“Lily Evans…you can suffocate me like that whenever you want.”
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musherum · 2 years
final boss of reveangence... is a lot worse than i remembered
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inkskinned · 3 years
she trails one finger down my cheek, sighing. "I'm gonna miss you."
i roll my eyes, lying back against her uncolored bedspread, watching the room settle into the correct form. she always gets like this, right before an Assignment. she takes our Roles a little bit too seriously. my brain is already sloshing with the pacing of the Narrative - a little stilted, a little distant. I'd been in Close Third in the last one, and more poetic. her hands make shadow puppets on the bright pink walls; the room shifts and become covered in art; shifts and become covered in band posters. then back to pink.
she'd been my Best Friend Forever since kindergarten, usually. the oldest we'd ever met each other was in middle school, but that Assignment had been pretty bleak anyway, and she'd only been in-and-out of the picture. I'd barely seen her. i loved her, usually, from the moment i met her - she usually had done something Charming in some way, solidifying our bond for the Audience.
"you're gonna be fine," i tell her. "we'll be back here in no time."
she sighs and curls up next to me, turning so our noses almost touch. she smells familiar, like drying ink. then she smells like mint and mown grass. then she smells like herself, for a second, before she's back to peppermint. "well, you're gonna be fine," she says. "The Main Character always is."
"this again." i roll my eyes a second time. this Assignment feels like it is heavy in the eye-rolling. i had told her before: i'm jealous of her Role just like she's jealous of mine. the Best Friend Forever gets to be quirky, spunky, cute. she always has a personality like a firecracker - even if sometimes that firecracker had a harsh edge to it. in most Assignments, she'd run around, starting - or getting me out of - loads of trouble. she gets to have grand adventures without too much Character Development, which is always painful for me and kind of annoying. she is always Assigned cool interests and hobbies, whereas i can feel my singular Driving Interest crystalizing in my bloodstream. "i think this time i'm Interested in yearbook. Gag me." I mime choking, she wrinkles her little lopsided nose in a giggle.
"you just hate it from stuff that's leftover from your last Assignment, though." she looks up at the ceiling. "you'll be actually Interested soon. in this one i'm gonna have a secret thing about fashion magazines. now that is gag-me."
"remember when you were like, so -"
"like so into porcelain dolls?"
"and i was like, Interested in -"
"you were deep in the paint of effing biology." she wrinkles her nose again, like a little mouse, and i realize i love this new face, the way i love all of her faces. i like this tic she has. sometimes her tics are supposed-to-be-ugly; i love them every time anyway. she's my Best Friend Forever, I can't not love whatever she is. she bites her lip. "oh gosh. i'm already talking like the Assignment. that's quick."
"sounds Young Adult. I haven't been able to swear in, like, a millennia." i don't usually get to swear though, regardless of Audience, since swearing is a Best Friend Forever thing. although sometimes i would be Assigned to just-swear if it was a big-deal kind of moment, and those Assignments were fun. the words would pop out of my mouth like a soap bubble, big and afraid of themselves. and my Best Friend Forever would always look at me, shocked and awestruck.
i loved when she looked at me like that. it wasn't in every Assignment, but it was always so gratifying to be in her eye like that. to be seen, the way a Best Friend Forever sees you.
she takes my hand gently. she's usually a little bit bigger than me, but in this one, she's smaller than average. slim. we're probably going to have a Big Fight about jealousy - whenever she's slimmer, the Audience needs to know she's also Insecure about it. Usually it's the other way around - I'm slimmer, and Insecure that i don't have her curves. in those, she's always "better with boys." until, at least...
like she reads my mind, she sighs again. "I know. i just hate the part where you meet Him."
i'm not startled by how on-the-same-page (ha! maybe i'm Funny in this one) we are. she's my Forever person. the Him changes a lot, but she is a delicate constant. she knows me - even when i'm not-me. or not this me. whatever. "i mean, it might be different this time."
she sits up. i sit up too, disoriented by the strange violence of the action. she pushes the heel of her palm into her cheekbone. "it sucks, you know?"
i can tell by how she wrinkles her nose that she is understating it. i've known her Forever, after all.
nose wrinkle. "we're always the most dynamic and interesting part. you and i, and how we grow up together, and how we interact, and how we try to get over the same things. i know we have a lot of Big Fights, but we always end back up together at the end."
it's a sore subject. i betray her a lot for Him. i can't help it. "i know, but maybe this time - i mean, it's not always ..."
her eyes flash while she turns to me. "you just, like, get caught up in Him. every time. and i have to, like, watch you leave."
"i don't always leave." i feel pouty, suspicious that she is right. it is a Main Character thing to be Right in The End, not a Best Friend Forever thing. i don't always do it the Right Way, but I always end up back here, apologizing to her. she always ends up being okay with it, because i'm always Right.
"you do always leave. and it doesn't make any effing sense, because He never makes sense like we do, you know, like... you both are never - like, your Development with Him, is never like, actually...." she moves her hands around in the air as if trying to find the term, but gives up. "the Audience even thinks it."
I hold my breath at her blasphemy. "don't bring the Audience into -"
she grabs at the roots of her hair. "i'm right, though. you meet Him, and because you are a girl, and you are the Main Character, you love Him, and you forget about me." her hands drop to her lap and her thin shoulders pull forward as if she has been suddenly deflated. the anger all seeping out around her. she's usually not able to stay angry at me long - loving me is her Role.
the air feels heavy between us. thick of something unwritten. i don't know the rules of this one. in the space between Assignments, she can be a little wild. her Role doesn't sink her as deep into the Assignment - she has wiggle room where i don't.
i try to tease her, nudging her with my shoulder. "i didn't realize you had a jealous Assignment this time."
she looks up at me. biting the inside of her cheek. i can see her jaw working against the muscle. "i'm always jealous," she whispers.
"that's natural," i assure her. "it's a Best Friend Forever thing. I'm always jealous, too, just a little. you know that."
"it's because we actually see each other. because we actually know each other. because we're made for each other." she doesn't drop my eyes. her hands take mine again, warm and soft. again, that feeling that she is a familiar love - a long love, a deep love - comes sloshing up inside me. i was made to love her, and i was also made to betray her. in order for the Character Development to work, i have to love her hard, so it hurts when i choose Him. she has to love me hard, too. "it's..." she breathes deep, as if through a choke. i wonder how much longer before we'll be in the Assignment, and unable to talk like this. it can't be much longer at all. "it's just stupid. every time, you see Him, and for no reason, he's just better and you leave and -"
"you know i don't want to hurt you, though!" it's an old argument. i feel the pattern of it, glad to be back on script. "you know i never -"
"you just see Him, and it's like magic, and it doesn't mater that He makes no sense - "
"it's about growing up! it's about Character Development! it's not about you, you know that, i love you, i just always Love Him, and -"
"and i am jealous -" she grabs my face, desperate, her voice thick. the room around us starts to shift, and i can tell by how it is pulling itself together that it's solidifying into the Assignment. someone is writing us into a space. her words are garbled for a second, and i feel the hair on the back of my neck rise as she fights the Assignment.
"we're gonna be okay," i promise, "i'll love you the whole time, you know that, even if -"
when she kisses me, something happens in the pit of my stomach. i've been Kissed many times, by many Hims. it is sometimes electric, dizzying, powerful. it is sometimes cataclysmic. it is sometimes rushed, hurried, overwhelming - sometimes harsh, dominant. i have been Kissed until i saw stars, and Kissed perfect.
this is not that. i don't have words for this. i have no narrative. there is only her, and only me, and no story, her hands on my cheeks. i realize, in the seconds we have - she's crying.
then i am on her bed again, which is pink and purple patchwork, and she is across the room, lying on the floor, kicking her heels up while she reads a magazine lazily. we've known each other from preschool, when she punched someone for stealing my candy. we both got detention - who knew preschoolers could get detention - and we'd be inseparable ever since. she listens to loud music but loves fashion magazines; and i love her.
she's saying something, but my old phone pings, lying on top of the Yearbook editing i'm doing. i look down, frozen. she asks me something, but i can't hear her, staring at the notification on my screen. i don't even notice her getting up to investigate.
her hair tickles my cheek while she reads the phone over my shoulder.
she grins. "oh my gosh." she says. "you got invited to the party, holy guacamole. do you know who's gonna be there? baby, you need to go."
i know i need to. after all, after a little complaining, i am going to go. we will try on all her clothes first. and while i'm there, i'll be a Main Character, and not-quit-fit-in.
and while i'm there, i'm going meet Him. and it will be Magical. for some reason, there are tears pricking at the side of my eyes, even though i have no idea why. this story is funny, and light, and amusing.
she grabs my hand, and she is warm, and familiar, and i feel Insecure that she's so thin. i feel Insecure - and - something - a memory, or a -
"come on," she says, and, for a second, something in her eyes is deeply sad, and the time between us feels like fraying satin.
but then she breaks out into a grin. "i know just what to dress you in. i can't wait. you're gonna meet Him."
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Your Favorite — Part 3
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: As the summer comes to a close, Spencer and Y/N start feeling a shift in their relationship. Category: SMUT (18+) Content: Adults w/ age gap, thigh riding, exhibitionism, oral sex (male receiving), penetrative/unprotected sex, breeding kink, one line of daddy kink,  Word Count: 4.3k exactly, love how that turned out lol
NOTE: Thank you all for sticking with me through this long wait, I feel so bad for having to keep putting it off. But I’m very proud of where this ended up, and I’m so glad you’ve all been so excited about it! I had so much fun writing this story, so again, thank you very much for reading and indulging me in this weird fantasy lolol ❤ Love you guys! And, as always, thank you to the lovely Em ( @boldlyvoid ) for being my beta for this series! Your feedback and support has been a big help from the start, ILY
"I don't wanna hear a single word, understand?"
Not like I have a choice; As soon as the harsh whisper leaves Spencer's mouth, his hand is covering my own and my back is being pressed up against the wall of the storage closet.
But that's all he does. I wait for him to make a move, but instead he insists on being a tease.
"What? You've been trying to get my attention all night, and now that you have it, you're not gonna do anything with it?"
"I want you to do it for me," I mumble into his hand.
He shoves me harder into the wall and slots his knee in between my legs, spreading them apart and making me sigh.
"You wanted it so bad... So take it..."
Watching the amusement dance through his features as I grind down on his leg and whine into his mouth only excites me more, right next to the knowledge that downstairs the house is congested with people visiting to celebrate my mom's new promotion at work.
Needless to say, it doesn't take me very long to start feeling my stomach tense. My hips are wild as they roll over his leg, whines spewing from my mouth and into his hand. I look up into his eyes, doing my best to show him how much I could never grow tired of this, and he returns the favor by lifting his leg higher and giving me more friction.
In no time at all, I'm shuddering against him, feeling his hand press harder into my mouth to muffle the high-pitched whines that I can't help but expel.
"Nice and quick... Good girl..." Spencer muses, slowly peeling himself away from me. "You're really looking forward to being spoiled later, aren't you..."
The grin that spreads over my face is unwavering. "Definitely. Knowing Mom, she'll be passed out cold in like an hour."
I know I'm the one who brought her up, but it still stings a little when Spencer smiles fondly. "Yeah, she's a lightweight alright... You sure you can handle all this time without me until then?"
Despite the butterflies I get when he says it, mischievous and downright delectable, his hands reach out to grab my waist and pull me closer to him, I roll my eyes. "You underestimate me."
He studies my face for a moment, a pretty smile flashing before me in the dim light before he kisses my cheek. "Sure."
And when he leaves, I wait.
Minutes later, my skin still burns from his touch.
The moment my eyes open the next morning, it all comes back in flashes.
His lips are on my skin, travelling lower and lower...
His hands trail all over my body, featherlight in a way that leaves me with goosebumps.
His tongue starts slow, taking its time to taste me and savor every precious second.
His voice is like the sweetest prayer, whispering praises that leave my head dizzy and my heart pounding.
His lips languidly open and close around the most sensitive parts of my body, in tandem with that sweet, magnificent tongue as each action pulls sighs from the very depths of my soul.
His hands reach up and tangle with mine as he makes me come on his tongue, over and over again until I'm practically numb and the lull of sleep drags me under.
His hands now ghost over my bare skin, along my sides and down to my waist. I hum happily and push back against him when I feel it.
He's hard.
"How long before you think she wakes up?" he whispers in my ear.
"Not long... Maybe we... shouldn't risk i—"
The words fall off a cliff, never to be seen again when he slowly enters me, gripping my leg and forcing it over his own. "I'll be quick."
I can tell, though, that he doesn't want to be. It's present in the way he enters me, over and over with motions that feel rather stunted and definitely too rushed.
"Baby, no," I whine, reaching behind me to hold his hips still with one hand. "Fuck me slow... Don't rush..."
"But... Your mom..."
Spencer sighs, though not from exasperation. No, his breath is long and teeming with relief, hands gently roaming over the entirety of my body as his hips move slower. He's taking his time, relishing every second and feeling me gradually get more slick at his undoing.
His lips are on my neck, not providing marks to match the ones hidden on the inside of my thighs and my chest, but merely resting there. He kisses me in between gentle thrusts, letting out small whimpers of his own when I clench tightly around him.
This is different.
We've had slow morning sex before, but never like this. Somehow, I find myself drifting, like I'm being carried away by his current. There's nothing but me, Spencer, and our breathing... Our bodies, our air, our souls...
This is what I imagine making love feels like.
Which is why I barely notice when it slips from my mouth— Three words that should feel more daunting due to the weight they hold and the way they ultimately change everything. And yet, whispering “I love you,” in a nearly breathless string of syllables feels incredibly natural. It’s more sincere than anything I think I’ve ever told him, so much so that I don’t even think about what it will mean in the long-run. Instead I let it fall from my lips again and again without regret or consequence.
He doesn't stop, either. Spencer continues to fuck me softly, like it's all he knows how to do. In fact, my confession only seems to make him relax more.
And that's what finally pushes me over the edge.
His name escapes my mouth in a whisper that sounds more like a plea not to leave, and he holds me closer to him. Our bodies are flush together, my back resting perfectly against his chest as he takes a few final thrusts and empties himself inside of me.
If we stayed like that forever, I could die happy.
And actually, that wouldn't be far from the truth, given that if we did stay here forever, my mom would certainly find us and kill us.
The thought makes me sigh.
"You have to leave..."
"I know..."
Spencer pulls me closer, squeezing me tight and giving me a long, bold kiss on the jaw before he rips himself away and takes my heart with him.
Things are significantly different now.
After the morning I let slip that I love him, Spencer and I had been intimate once. We found ourselves alone while Mom was at the grocery store and instinctually came together.
It was quick, and it was fast and rough, and while it obviously felt good, something was off. But I knew it wasn't a physical problem. Like I said, it felt as good as any other time we'd been together, but it just wasn't right.
I hate it.
It hasn't even been a week since then, and I miss him. I miss our dynamic, and I miss the way I used to feel when he touched me.
So I stalk into the office and lean against the doorframe, watching Spencer as he goes through a large pile of paperwork. His hands and his eyes are moving at near light-speed, and the way he concentrates almost makes me feel bad for my intrusion—Honestly, I could have looked at him all damn day.
But there's a bigger plan in mind.
"What'cha up to?"
He looks up and greets me with a smile. "School starts in a few weeks. I'm just trying to get my coursework prepared."
"Oh... You... mind if I keep you company?"
"Not at all."
It's an innocent enough exchange, though I'm hoping I can change that. Mom doesn't get off work for another few hours, so it gives me ample time to do what I have planned.
I walk over and nudge his leg with my knee, and he lets me in. I climb on his lap, and after giving me a brief kiss on the cheek he returns to going through his paperwork.
My face turns and I nestle it into his neck. He hums softly when I kiss the skin under his jaw, once, and then twice, and then over and over in quick succession.
I can feel him smile. "What are you up to, princess?"
Hearing the nickname return in earnest makes me smile. I nip softly at his neck and run my tongue along it. "Mmm, trouble."
"Sounds like you," he mutters through a sultry sigh once I start going lower, kissing the top of his shoulder.
I slide my hands up the front of his chest and gently undo the top button, giving me access to more skin. "You love it when I make trouble..."
"Hmm, I'm not sure about that."
I slide off his lap then, crouching between his legs and looking up at him with a smile. "Really?"
All he does is look down at me, his pupils growing bigger by the second. So I continue my venture, sliding my hands up the insides of his legs until I reach the belt. "So you don't love when I do this?"
Spencer sighs, helping me by lifting his hips a little and letting me slide down layers of fabric until his dick is right in front of me.
I don't waste any time, taking him in my hand and bringing him to my mouth. He's still not entirely hard yet, but I don't mind at all. In fact, I let out a happy sigh just before I press kiss after kiss along the entire length of him. From base to tip, I take my time kissing and licking along the salty skin and giving him my full attention. I pull back and admire him, I smile, I kiss and I lick and I squeeze him with my hand... And when he's finally nice and hard, I take the head of his cock in my mouth and suck gently.
I hum around him, sinking further down until he hits the back of my throat, and then I come back up and repeat. It's slow. Maybe torturous even, but really I don't mean it to be.
Thankfully Spencer seems to be happy with my speed and technique; His eyes are on the verge of closing and his chest is heaving slowly, fingers gently caressing the sides of my face as I go down on him.
It's this same slow, steadying pace we'd taken before, and it's exactly what we needed.
I can feel his touch on my face, burning into my skin and marking me for all eternity. Likewise, the thick, throbbing weight of his cock sliding over my tongue and down my throat feels just like home— Like it's right where we're meant to be.
Once again, we fit together perfectly.
This epiphany sets a fire deep in the pits of my stomach, and just like that our spark is back again.
I look up and catch his eye, and he lets me keep it, forcing himself to keep his eyelids open to watch me. My pace remains consistent and slow, and and he brings both of his hands under my chin. The way he holds my face is so gentle, so loving and sensual that I nearly burst with tears at the sentiment alone, and it doesn't take long for him to start letting go.
He stutters my name when he comes, still using the pads of his nimble fingers to caress my throat. I take in and swallow each rope of cum until it's gone, and even then I keep him in my mouth, gently bobbing my head up and down just for the sake of feeling him inside me somehow.
But then he lifts me off of him and his dick falls limp in his lap. I sigh and lean down, kissing it a few times before just resting my head in his lap as he strokes my hair.
"You're right," Spencer says after a few moments.
"About what?"
"I do love when you make trouble."
We laugh, and I lift my head to look up at him.
"I know... It's your favorite."
"That it is, princess."
I wish more than anything that this orientation would just end. My left foot is anxiously tapping the cool white tile of the floor as I wait to be next in line to grab my paperwork and get on my way— To home for what I'm sure will be a long weekend trying to find free minutes to steal with Spencer.
In another life it might have gotten tedious and painful sneaking around for so long, but I found it excited me. Sure, my feelings for Spencer were growing at an exponential rate, but ever since I visited him in our home office, we seemed to be getting back our groove— With an added flair I might add...
Each time we were together was more intense than the last. His hands got more possessive, his kisses got deeper and more passionate, and the way he looked at me?
I could swear I felt him falling just as deep as I was.
The smile it all brought to my face in that moment fell a little short when they called me next in line, and I fell into a joyful step forward to collect my things.
When I get home, though, things aren't as joyful.
The first thing I notice is that Spencer's car isn't in the driveway or even on the street. He's usually here on weekends, so I wonder if he's out for something, or even out with my mom on a lunch date or something.
I try not to think about that thought too much and step inside, hoping to at least enjoy the silence for a little while, lest they really are out together.
I think I'm out of the woods when I hear the television, a laugh track of some kind, but then it turns into the Friends theme blaring through the speakers, and my heart nearly falls into the pit of my stomach.
There's only one reason Mom would be watching Friends. She swears up and down that she hates it, but it always ends up on TV when there's one specific thing she's going through, because "Hearing them complain about their stupid problems make me feel better about my own!"
Her own problem being a breakup.
For a moment I wonder if maybe Spencer had told her about us. Or maybe she found something somehow that would give us away. I make my way slowly through the space until I reach the living room, my brain making up every possible horrendous outcome— Not even to prepare for the blow, because I know that absolutely nothing could prepare me for the wrath of my mother in any situation... I simply can't help myself from feeling guilty and heartbroken as my stomach churns and my heart beats so loud I can barely hear the TV anymore.
When I come into her view, Mom freezes and lets out a large breath of shaky air. The small tub of ice cream in her hands shakes just as much, and I can tell she's trying her hardest not to burst into tears.
I've never seen her this upset before. Normally it's just anger and annoyance, but this time she looks utterly broken.
"M—Mom?" I stutter, even though she probably can't even hear what I'm saying over the TV. I still don't know if she knows about my involvement with Spencer, but I feel like she'd be more angry with me than sad, so I figure it's safe to come closer.
The moment I take a step forward, she sets the ice cream on the floor and opens her arms to me, a choked sob forcing its way out. It almost makes me cry, just seeing her this heartbroken, and in an instant I'm running to her and snuggling into her side as she hugs me.
"What happened?" I will myself to ask, even though I still have no idea what it means for me. Maybe that's selfish, but if he's taking himself out of Mom's life, surely that has to mean he's removing himself from mine as well, right? And if he's just leaving without saying anything... God, that would ruin me, too.
Still, I wait to hear what Mom will say.
"He broke up with me," is all she says, through a long and tired sigh. She mutes the TV and then holds me tighter. I can feel that there's pure sadness controlling her every movement, and it crushes me.
"I don't know, he just... He said he didn't love me, and he wasn't feeling it anymore."
"That's all?"
"Uh huh... It was so sudden, too, like... I thought we were really getting along, and I just... I don't understand how he couldn't feel it... I felt all of it, and he just... He felt nothing. How could he feel nothing?"
I really don't know what to say anymore... It seems to me like Spencer really told her the truth and ended their relationship because he didn't feel anything for her anymore, but... I always knew he had to have felt something... I guess I just didn't realize someone could fall out of it so quickly.
The guilt overwhelms me then, when it dawns on me that I made him fall out of it so fast. I was there, taking up small moments of his time until, eventually, I'd taken up so much of it that it wasn't just his time I was stealing, but also his love. His fire, and his passion... Month by month, day by day, I was draining the love he had for my mom and distilling it to meet my own desires.
And now, here I am, in my mothers arms as she weeps over a man she truly loved, all because he and I were selfish and treasonous.
If Spencer decides he still wants to be with me after this, I really don't know if I could do it. Even after all this time... After all this trouble and guilt and glorious treason...
He could never really be mine.
I knew this day would come from the moment I met you. Of course, I didn't know how far my feelings would take me, but in the end I knew I would one day have to leave you and your mother behind.
Day by day my feelings for you grew stronger, and it wasn't until you told me you loved me that August Thirteenth that I realized I loved you, too. What we had was always dangerous, but by then my heart was focused solely on you, and I could feel your mother slipping from my grasp.
I pretended for as long as I could, but now you've taken up so much space in my brain that when Eve pulled me near, I almost sighed out your name instead. I knew then that no longer could I "keep up appearances," as I often like to tell you.
Maybe one day you and I can find our way back to each other, but for now, I think it's for the very best that we go our separate ways.
In my wildest dreams I will think of you fondly, and I can only hope that you might do the same.
Always Yours, Spencer
There are so many things I'm thinking about when I come home tonight.
One: I'm a little tipsy and completely fucked out, which reminds me of that night I came home in the exact same state, only to find my mom's old boyfriend, Spencer, unable to sleep and to stop staring at my bare legs. The memory brings a smile to my face.
Two: My feet fucking hurt and I want to get these goddamned shoes off.
Three: The ghost of Spencer's smile when he saw me for the first time in seven years burns in the back of my mind, right next to the ghost of his hands caressing my skin like it had been the first time.
Four: How am I going to spend the rest of the summer back in town knowing what it feels like to have fucked him at all without an ounce of guilt attached to it?
Five: Am I going to tell my mom that I slept with her ex-boyfriend tonight?
Six: Fuck, I'm hungry...
My heels come off as soon as I step through the door.
The light is on, and I can hear Mom laughing in the kitchen with Adam from far away, which brings a fond smile to my face. I'm glad that she's finally happy, with someone who doesn't make me want to fall to my knees, thank you very much.
And truthfully, if I hadn't ran into Spencer at all tonight, I'm not sure I ever would have thought about that whole situation again— It was fucked up, he ended up leaving both of us, and Mom was so deeply devastated after their breakup that I didn't have the heart to tell her I missed him too. I just buried it deep down and tried to move on right alongside her, eventually erasing his memory from my mind, body, and soul.
Well, almost.
There were days, obviously, where his letter hummed inside my pillowcase where he left it, whether I brought it to college or kept it at home, or it sat soundly in my new apartment. His words were always there, spilling into my dreams and dancing with me through our memories; tangled tongues and limbs, wild nights and passionate mornings...
I'd wake up feeling hot to the touch and missing him completely.
Thankfully those days were few and far in between, and for a while I'd stopped thinking of him altogether.
But of course, it turns out that Spencer Reid is in fact, pretty damn inevitable.
That bar downtown was packed, so it was a wonder I'd even ran into him of all people in the first place. What he was doing there I didn't know. And neither do I now, because from the moment we laid eyes on each other, it was this constant state of shell-shock and fire, nothing else. He asked briefly about Mom, I told him she'd been married for four years, and then he joked about how he was surprised I hadn't tried to steal him from her.
Naturally, with that ever so playful look in his eye practically taunting me, I played to his joke and responded with a sultry smile, "The only one I ever wanted to steal was you, Doctor..."
The rest wasn't exactly a blur, but all I'm going to say is that we spent the rest of our time together at his apartment, "catching up on lost time"... And as much as I'd grown out of the submissive role sexually over the years, I found myself crawling back, submitting to him like I'd done it a million times over. And, really, I might as well have.
It's like we'd never stopped.
That being said, I declined his offer to stay the night and told him to give me a call some time before I left to go back to Seattle. Though, not without giving him a thousand goodbye kisses that were rather counterproductive.
Thinking about it makes my cheeks burn hot, though thankfully it's summer, and Mom won't have to question it. Though, if she does, I suppose I could keep it short and sweet and tell her the truth at the very least: that I met up with an old friend who showed me a good time.
"Hey'a, Sweetpea," she greets with a bright wave. She and Adam are obviously a little tipsy, more than me by the looks of it, but I pay it no mind. "How was you're night?"
"Great! Went to a few bars downtown, met up with some friends..."
"Oh, good, well we're glad you got back safe."
I snag a bottle of water and an apple from the fridge, then turn back around to see Mom and Adam snuggled in, sharing a smile that would make even the happiest person on the planet sick to their stomach.
Oddly enough, it reminds me of back then, when she was with Spencer, happier than ever and completely oblivious to what was going on in her daughter's life.
The thought makes my stomach flutter, taking me back to earlier in the night when he had his hands tangled in my hair and his mouth attached to my skin, spewing filthy words and praises that had me begging for more...
"I missed you, princess," he whispers, holding himself deep inside me. His fingers brush the matted hair from my face, revealing more of my saccharine smile and eyes that swim with mischief.
"I missed you too," I whine, reaching out and grabbing handfuls of his ass, shoving him even farther inside me and wrapping my legs around him tighter. "...Daddy..."
Spencer loses all semblance of cool, pulling back and slamming into me with full force. I—
I blink away his memory, reminding myself of where I am and what I'm doing, finding Mom looking at me with a curious gleam in her eye.
"What are you thinking about?"
With a small smile, I nod in her direction. "Oh, uh... You'll never believe who I ran into tonight."
PERMANENT TAGLIST (tags not working are struck out):  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup @liveloudwriteloud @reidsconverse @la-vie-en-amour1 @edgycowboy666 @averyhotchner @centiaaa @lizziechaseee @coffeeandendlesswords @usuck @spenxerslut @ssacalumsg0lden @emilyprentisslittlewhore @takeyourleap-of-faith @reidyoulikeabook @spencerreid9 @b-a-utiful @jareauswifey @flipperpenguins @pansexualthing @donald4spiderman @awesomebooklover17​ @shemarmooresfedora @izraahh1 @bakugouswh0r3 @singularityjc @xoxospencerreid @thatsonezesty13 @big-galaxy-chaos @mggskneescrews @youabitchhhh @spencersjello @moonlight-2-6 @starrylang @foreveryoungxx3 @spencerreidscoffeecup @morganwilliams @emilyprsntiss @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @gubswh0re @mrsobrien888 @loveeee2134 @umbreonwolfy @ayla-1605
If you would like to be added to or removed from the taglist, feel free to message me or leave a comment and I’ll get on it right away!
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hi i saw your requests were open and i love your writing so i just had to submit something! could i request something with all three of the boys? maybe the boys didn’t let her cum the night before for no reason (just for their fun lol) and she’s annoyed with them the whole day and decides not to speak with them? the rest is up to u hehe
Don‘t pout
Thank you sm! And thank you for requesting :)
Yo this is filth🗣 but what else is new
Warning: 18+
You had been ignoring your doms all day, not even sparing them a look when they greeted you in the morning. The second Sirius sat down next to you in potions you went so far as to getting up and looking for a different group to work with.
“What the fuck was that little stunt?” He yelled at you when he caught you alone in the classromm.
“What do you mean?” You responded, raising your brow. “I didn’t do anything.”
You damn well knew what he meant, but you were too angry to care. 
“Oh so you wanna be a brat? Is that it?” Sirius raged, “Alright. You know I like to make you beg.”
“And apparently you like not letting me cum after edging me the whole night! Who does that!”
Sirius went silent at that, before he forcefully stood up from his chair and backed you against a wall. 
“You keep forgetting that we can do whatever we want sweetheart” His voice was low, dangerously so. That’s how you knew that he wasn’t playing around. “So if you know what’s good for you, you shut up and take it. Do you understand?”
You gulped, not wanting to anger him more. Without the other boys here he would have no one to ground him and your punishment would be really unpleasant. You might like pain, but not as much as James, which is why Sirius let his more extreme fantasies out on his friend, not you.
“Yes, Sir.” 
He sneered at you one last time before he pushed himself off the wall and left the classroom.
The was a tradition you and your boyfriends had for the past year. All of you would always fall asleep in one bed, every night. It was a way to show, that no matter what happend during the day, at night you would lay your differences aside and enjoy your close proximity.
But you were still pissed and not ready to blindly follow their rules. If you were to sleep in their dorm tonight, you would definitely lose your cool and explode, which is why you stayed in your room. It was already well passed midnight when you noticed that you had left your wand on the couch in the common room.
„Oh come on“ you whined quietly and pulled your hair in annoyance. „Fucking wand.“
Getting up as slow as possible you slipped out of the room and tip toed your way down to the couches. When you nearly reached them you heard low voices and you peaked around the corner.
You boyfriends were curled up around each other around the fireplace, conversing softly. You could faintly make out Remus‘ face and James‘ head resting on his shoulder. Sirius‘ back was facing you. Remus had something in his hand and was twirling it around. Your wand.
„Fucking shit“ you whispered and decided to just turn around and get it in the morning when you heard Remus speak.
„Get over here, I can smell you, you know.“
Your banged your head against the wall in anger for your carelessness. Of course Remus would know! Stepping away from the wall you squared your shoulders and held your head up high. Walking over to them you stopped a meter or so away and held out your hand.
„My wand, please.“
Wiggling your fingers impatiently you waited, growing angrier by the second when the boys only laughed at you.
„My wand, please.“ Remus mocked and gave you a smirk. „Is that all you have to say?“
„Remus, give me my fucking-“
Your voice cut off with a painful gasp as James pulled you down by your wrist, your knees banging on the floor. Letting go of your wrist he wrapped his hand around the back of your neck and pulled you closer, his nose touching yours.
„We haven‘t been around for one day and you already think that you can just do as you please?“
He squeezed harder, nails slightly digging in and you winced at the pinching sensation.
„That is not my name.“
You shut your mouth in irritation and glared back at him, not backing down.
„Oh so you wanna play? Sirius told us what happened today. Apparently you think that you can decide shit for yourself?“
You dug your hand in his wrist and seeing him wince with the pressure brought you immense satisfaction.
„I can do whatever I want, if my doms think it‘s okay to not let me cum even if I fucking deserved it, James!“
Damn, that felt good. Both of you were breathing heavy now, a full on staring contest between you two. The others were silent, watching the exchange with amusement.
„Did you hear her boys“ James sneered „she‘s mad that she couldn‘t cum. How unfortunate..“
He twisted his hand and you were forced to turn. Pulling his hand back he pressed you flush against his chest and pulled you on his lap, Remus taking your hands and restricting them in your lap.
„You wanna cum, huh? Alright then, let‘s make you cum.“ James hissed and Sirius pulled your bottoms off, spreading your legs wide.
„Oh look at your cunt“ Sirius cooed „all sore from last night. Your clit is still swollen, baby.“
Your legs twitched when he softly thumbed over your clit. Sirius pressed a kiss on the same spot, tongue peaking out to give you kitten licks over your slit.
You felt James‘ palm enclose around your throat and tilt your hand back. His calloused fingers wrapped tightly around the sides of your soft skin, pressing and cutting off your blood circulation lightly. You felt a faint dizziness and pushed your hips against Sirius‘ face.
„Please touch me“ you begged, voice a little hoarse „Please, I need you.“
Your eyes were trained on James‘ but your words were directed towards the boy who was currently teasing you by fucking you slowly with his fingers.
When Remus was sure that you wouldn‘t fight back he let go of your wrists and joined Sirius between your legs. James hooked his arms under your knees and pulled your legs up, your cunt lewdly on display. The sight alone made the two boys groan with yearning, to see you so open and wet.
„We‘re all gonna fuck you“ Sirius drawled, adding a third finger and Remus‘ lips locked around your clit, sucking soundly while he stared up at you. „One after the other, until there is nothing more that you can give.“
Remus‘ hands pulled James‘ pants down along with his underwear and his cock curled up towards your cunt, throbbing and eager to sink into your tight hole. Sirius took his fingers out and jerked James to lubricate him, pushing his cock inside this time. James stretched you open, the a burning sensation accompanied the fullness of your pussy and you opened your legs further.
James wrapped both arms around your knees and pulled them up, pounding you deeply. Remus sat on the couch and pulled your head back, silencing your moans by making you choke on him.
„Can‘t have you scream like a whore, can we?“ He laughed, albeit a little breathless by the way you were curling your tongue around his length. He shuddered when you moaned, the vibrations making him fucker deeper in your wet mouth.
Sirius only watched from the floor, jerking himself leisurely as he watched his two best friends fuck their girl silly. Sirius liked to be the last to fuck you, when you were so full of their cum, twitching and begging. When you barley had your voice and tried to crawl away.
You trembled in their arms, as you came for the first time, squeezing James so tight he had to readjust and hold you down to chase his own orgasm. Remus pinched your nose shut and fucked your open mouth, spit leaking out of the corner of your mouth as you cried out with overstimulation. Finally Remus pulled away, fisting the base to keep himself from coming yet.
„Ah fuck yes“ James groaned, latching his mouth on your bare shoulder to keep his voice down. He came, breathing heavy as his cock pulsed inside of you and his movements slowed until he pulled out. His head fell back with a satisfied sigh and he let Remus pick you up.
Remus bend you over the back of the couch, not wasting any time. He held your hands behind your back and pushed in with a strong thrust, his pace punishing.
„You dirty bitch I can feel James‘ cum inside of you. You like that? You like being filled with our cum?“
You were gasping for breath with every push of his hips, your walls clenching and fluttering around his unyielding cock. He didn‘t care if it was too much, you were forced to take him. You were forced to feel James‘ cum leak down your legs as Remus replaced it with his own.
„Yes“ you cried out „Want it! Please Sir!“
You heard the slap before you felt it, your lust hazy brain needing a few seconds to register the pain. James spanked you again and again and again, until your flesh flushed and you had clear imprints of his hand on your ass.
„So now we‘re Sir again?“ he hissed „Now that you get what you want?“
Remus stilled, going impossibly slow now. „Maybe I shouldn’t give you my cum...“ he said, grinning when he felt you push back.
„No please“ you gasped, tears already forming „Please I need it. Want it!“
„What do you want?“ Remus pressed, thrusting hard to encourage you.
„Ah“ you shrieked „Want cum! Want cum!“
„Where do you want cum?“ James kept pressing, spanking you again. The tears were flowing freely at this point, all shreds of dignity and pride flushed down the drain.
„My cunt! Want cum in my cunt, pleaseplease-“
Remus lost his control and positions his hands on the back of the couch next to your head, using the leverage to pound into you. In this position he put his entire body weight into one thrust, hitting your spot every time. You could only lay there, body taunt and eyes screwed shut.
And then James spanked you, the pain so intense and sharp that you came again, not a single sound escaping you. Remus came just after you, so much cum that it leaked out on its own, mixing with James‘ as it ran down your inner thighs.
Remus smeared the fluids on your skin, chuckling when you whined and pushed back against his hand.
„Want more“ you pleaded and made your way down to Sirius. „Please, one more!“
Sirius cooed and stroked his hand through your hair, pressing soft kisses along your sweaty hairline.
„On your back and spread those beautiful legs for me, baby.“
You grinned and laid down, spreading your legs. Sirius smiled proudly when he saw your eagerness and gently trailed your quivering cunt with the tip of his cock.
„Such a pretty pussy, so full already. Good girl, taking us so well..“ he moaned, breath hitching when he slipped inside easily.
„See how easy I got in? See how fucked out you are?“
You whimpered at the pain of being used so thoroughly, your body protesting against another orgasm. But you soldiered through the pain, making grabby hands at Sirius.
„Kiss, please“ you pleaded meekly, pouting your soft lips. Sirius shivered at the sight, letting himself being pulled down and kissed you soundly, sucking on your tongue and biting your lips.
„Fuck I can taste Remus on you lips, that‘s so fucking hot..“ He groaned.
You let him lick into your mouth and trace every inch of your teeth and lips. Remus and James appeared on either side of you, pulling and pinching your tits. They were messy about it, stuffing your mouth with their fingers when you got too loud and soon your chest was covered in bruises.
Sirius had his head thrown back as he succumbed to his orgasmic haze, biting his fist to keep in high pitched and hoarse moans. He came so hard that the world momentarily turned white at the edges of his vision and your back arched at the sight. Your eyes stayed glued on his body, the way his muscles clenched and the veins in his neck popped.
„Oh fuck“ he whined „oh fuck, yes..“ He groaned, watching you clench around nothing when he took his cock out, smearing his head on your clit. You convulsed slightly, still coming down from your high and closed your legs as your curled up.
„So full“ you whimpered, letting James pull you to his chest and carry you towards their dorm.
„I know baby, m’gonna clean you up and let you rest. Okay?“
You nodded in relief and slumped against him, watching from over his shoulder as Remus and Sirius stayed behind a little, softly making out.
Thank god, you don‘t think you could handle another round.
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yee-fxcking-haw · 4 years
Maybe like... Shinsou using you as a guinea pig for his quirk to see how much of your body he can actually control (mind controlling orgasms out of you surprising you both and just giving him such a power trip)? Idk-👉🏻👈🏻🥺👀♥️
A/N: THIS IS.... BRRRR. I *almost* went like, full sadist Hitoshi but I didn't know if that was your thing so I kept him a little a soft. I hope you like it!! I also took some liberties with his quirk's abilities lmao.
Pairing: Hitoshi Shinsou x FemReader (both 18+)
Warnings: Quirk use during sex, Mind control, mild mind reading, fingering, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms (?), creampie, slight Sir/Kitten terminology.
Word Count: 2,220
“Just relax, take a deep breath and let go.” Hitoshi’s deep, calming voice washes over you, soothing your buzzing nerves.
“Toshi- it feels so weird.” You sigh, trying to get used to the feeling of handing every bit of your bodily control over to your boyfriend.
“I know, it’s ok, you’re doing so well for me.” The reassurance and the praise goes right to your core, making you dizzy, making you want more.
Until tonight, in the safety of your bedroom, under the pretense of sexual experimentation. If it’s for science, it can’t be bad, right? At least, that’s how you convinced Hitoshi to get you laid up like this, panting and waiting for him to make the next move.
You lay still on your back, body bare and exposed to his lavender gaze, you watch as he stands beside you on the bed. His strong arms are crossed over his broad chest, his body clad in nothing but low hanging grey sweatpants that don’t hide an inch of his arousal.
He hasn’t taken your mind all at once like he usually does, he’s been training to make his quirk more selective to certain senses, so he can make it less obvious to his opponents when they’re under any control.
As of right now, you’re only physically void of control, leaving your mind cognisant and able to give feedback.
“I’m going to touch your mind now, Kitten, but I’ll do it slowly.” His voice has dropped slightly, less calming, more authoritative.
“Ok, I trust you.” You say as your skin grows hot with anticipation.
That’s all it takes, with your response, your mind grows cloudy. It’s the strangest feeling, almost like when you’re falling asleep and dream you’re being tossed from a boat. You feel the beginning of the jolt, but never the fall. You just hang there, helpless and reeling.
“Two taps if you can hear me.” His voice sounds like it’s being cast down a hallway, but right in your ear at the same time.
Apparently, you’ve given him your taps, because he tells you you’re a good girl, tells you that you’re listening so well.
“I’m going to touch you now.” He whispers, you watch his eyes trail down your body as he reaches out to ghost his fingers over the inside of your thigh.
You want to whine and squirm and ask him to move higher, but you’re frozen solid.
“I want you to make your thoughts as loud as you can, ok Kitten?” He instructs.
Of course, god he’s fucking brilliant. He’s probably never been able to gather any kind of feedback from anyone on the receiving end of his quirk. This is a perfect opportunity to learn exactly just how far his quirk extends. He’s powerful, you know this, and as time goes on you learn just how multifaceted his abilities are.
Could he possibly read your mind as well as control it?
“Yes Sir.” You lean into the words, feel them in your chest and cast them out to him.
His hand stills on your thigh as his body bristles.
“I felt that, It wasn’t audible, but I could feel it.” He smiles up at you, eyes lighting up with a wild glint.
“Ok, that’s a good direction. Let me try this.” He doesn’t offer you a single second to prepare for the feeling of his thumb tugging at the hood of your clit.
Normally, you let out pretty little moans for him, squeezing your thighs together before grabbing his wrist. Instead, the only thing you can feel is his finger teasing your sensitive bud.
It makes the sensation so much more concentrated. It extends down the nerves in your legs, firing up your spine as he applies more pressure.
“Talk to me, baby, let me hear you.” He’s said that to you several times in a sexual setting, but this time, it weighs in your chest, you don’t have an option, you’re sending words his way without even formulating them first.
“Lower please, more…” You feel your walls pulse when he does exactly that, hitting your clit in exactly the right spot.
Toshi knows your body, he’s worked it over countless times. He never leaves you unsatisfied, but an individual knows their own body better than anyone else, so of course it takes time for a partner to learn the sweet spots and the weak points.
This is so much more educational than just having him watch you masturbate so he can take stock of those sensitive areas, he’s literally inside your mind, listening to you, feeling it with you.
“Tell me more, tell me what you need.” He says, letting your eyes fall shut, you welcome the velvety darkness. It only allows you to lean further into the feeling of his thumb circling against you.
“Fingers… inside me… please, Toshi.”
You hear him groan, feel the bed dip, then feel the maddening sensation of two long fingers slipping into your dripping entrance.
Between the constant rubbing at your clit, the deprivation of your other senses, and now his digits crooking inside of you to rub against your spongy walls, you want to cry, thank him, egg him on. It almost hurts, it makes you ache.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” You forgot for a second that he’s wired into your senses now, he must have felt the inkling of sadness.
“Let me talk, I want you to hear me.” You let the pang in your chest ring out, pushing it up and out for him.
His fingers work with diligence as you feel your throat losen, a broken cry rips from your throat immediately, your back would arch if it weren’t glued to the bed.
“Oh that’s so much better.” He sighs, your eyes are still shut, which is probably for the best. You’re sure if you could see him you would come undone immediately.
Nerves fire off in your lower belly, gathering between your hip bones as he starts to move his fingers in and out at a slow, dedicated pace.
“Fuck- harder- Toshi, please.” You gasp as your walls start to tighten.
“God, I can still feel it baby.” His voice sounds strained and unsteady, and you want nothing more than to put your hands into his hair and pull.
You almost get the words out to tell him to move his thumb up and down on your clit instead of in circles, but he beats you to it. He feels it with you, jumping right to the new motion that turns your legs to jelly. What a demon you’ve unleashed. Now Hitoshi can feel what you want, and know exactly how to give it to you.
It all builds and builds and builds, all deep and hard and perfect.
“Hold it.” He snaps, just as you’re about to crest.
And you do, and you curse him for it.
You hang there, the feeling of the beginning of an orgams floods your core, but you never clench or throb, you simply ache.
“Oh Kitten, did you want to cum?” He sneers, voice full of arrogance.
“Please, fuck- fuck- fuck, Toshi please.” You fight with everything you have to break free, to cum as hard as you know you can under his control.
“Hold. It.” God you love it when he gets mean.
“Save it for my cock.”
You do, you stay there, fingers clinging to the edge of the cliff despite the pull of gravity under you. Your hips are ripped from the bed as you’re flipped over, when did his fingers leave your cunt? Did they? You can still feel them rubbing and thrusting, is it just his quirk?
Soon he has your face planted in the pillows, ass high in the air as you feel his hands slide up the backs of your thighs. So they did leave your core. The feeling is absolutely dizzying, like there’s four hands roaming your body as his quirk continues to caress your mind and lull it into beautiful submission.
“You’re fucking soaked.” You hear him breathe out before you feel the head of his thick length press to your entrance, the feeling of his fingers fade away like dust in the wind.
“Fuuuck.” He moans from somewhere deep in his chest as he presses into you, “So that’s what that feels like.” He chuckles as he rocks his hips forward.
You lay there sniffling, eyes drilled shut, only able to whimper and take it. You can’t grapple at the sheets, thrust back onto him like you want to. It’s driving you up the damn wall.
“You have a point.” He sighs as he settles into you all the way, his thick base stretching you out, you want to cum so badly, you feel it with every inch of your burning skin.
“You’re more fun to play with when you’re allowed to respond. “ Just like that, his palm cracks across your ass. Upon impact, his control breaks, leaving you with an over-exposed feeling, and all you can do is sob into the sheets when he pulls back only to plunge into you full force.
The feeling is purely electric, he doesn’t relent in the slightest. He sets a merciless pace instantly, his tip kisses your cervix as his silk skin massages your walls. He still doesn’t let you cum, though.
“Thoshi! Please! I wanna- please I wanna cum on your cock.” You beg without shame, tossing your head to the side so you can look back at him.
The sight rips the breath from your lungs. He’s covered in a light layer of sweat, wild hair sticking to his forehead as he rips you apart with a predatory gaze. His muscles contract beautifully as he thrusts into you, hands gripping your hips like you’re trying to run away.
“Do it- Shit- you’re so fucking tight.” His eyebrows knit together as your pussy starts to contract the second he gives you permission.
It’s all so hot, your skin, your insides, your mind. Your entire body aches and trembles and tightens. You cry and shake and thank him with a broken voice. He just keeps fucking, hips jack-hammering into you as you gush around him.
“Kitten- fucking hell- keep going- cum on this cock, cum on this fucking cock.” He finishes his sentence with a soft, shattered moan. His head is thrown back as he feels it out with you, memorizing the way you shiver when he angles up slightly, the way your thighs shake when he tells you how tight you feel.
It’s all so fucking gorgeous to him.
“One more- Give me one more, Kitten.” He groans into the air, the sound fills you with adoration.
One more? You’ve been cumming for what feels like forever, does it even count as one more when you haven’t even finished the first? Then it hits you like a truck, unexpected and final as your entire body is snatched up by ropes of pleasure as they capture every limb.
It’s a new, overwhelming, blinding feeling. It rocks your entire world, it’s all vibrant sparks as euphoria ricochets through you. You barely hear Hitoshi’s whines and moans, his consecutive, desperate “oh fucks”s as he buries himself inside you before cumming into your warm, pulsing walls. His hands claw at your hips as his abs tense, completely addicted to this newfound way of knowing your body.
You both stay there, crying for each other, squeezing each other, falling apart for each other as he pours his load into you.
After several long moments of your bodies quaking and pulsing, you finally settle slightly. His grip lessens as he lets your body fall to the bed, he collapses beside you, face to face and utterly spent.
You observe his beautiful, flushed state. Pink cheeks wet with sweat, droopy eyes and puffy lips. You lean forward and kiss him dearly, he melts against you, arms looping around your waist to pull you into his warm body. You pull apart reluctantly, panting and exhausted.
“Kitten, thank you, you were perfect, it all felt so perfect.” He breathes, nudging your nose with his.
“Toshi, thank you, I’ve never cum that hard in my life.” Your laugh is the light, breathy kind that only comes from being this spent.
“Darlin’, there’s no way I’m going to let you not cum that hard after learning that you can.” His low, rumbling voice sends a chill up your spine.
You reach your hand out to smooth his violet waves back off of his damp forehead, you look at him in awe, your brilliant, capable hero.
“You’re incredible.” You mumble, suddenly overwhelmed by the urge to rest.
He hushes you and pulls you into him, you settle against his chest with his arms around you.
“That’s all you.” With that, you let sleep take you, wrapped around Hitoshi as he whispers sweet praises into your ear.
You know he’s not through with you, and you’re sure as hell not through with him.
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mxpseudonym · 4 years
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Pairing: Michael x Fem!Reader
Summary: Michael is your father’s easy to tease business parter and you are one lucky bitch. In which Michael Gray is an ass man and a thigh man who gets lost in the wap.  
Length: 2153 words (allegedly)
Warnings: Spicy, Smut, Oral Sex, Michael is a little punk as usual 
A/N: Michael won the spicy scenario contest! This was v fun to write and honestly, we love a cocky yet generous lover on this blog. Shout out to all my thick thigh thirsty bishes. 
"Are those new?" Michael asked, only shifting his eyes from the documents he was signing for a moment. You lifted your leg, showing off your new french stockings to your father's business partner. Bringing Shelby Company Ltd documents to be signed by Michael Gray himself was the only errand of your father's that you volunteered to help with. The ever serious, young businessman was easy on the eyes and easy to rile up- your two favorite things. 
"They are, Mr. Gray. I'm surprised you noticed. I didn't think country boys cared about such things, even when they become handsome company men." 
You couldn't help it. Calling Michael a "country boy" was your favorite jab as it was the one where he gave you an annoyed glare, much like he was now. He ignored you, however, and returned your documents to their folder. 
"Of course, I noticed. And did you buy them yourself?" 
"I did. I buy all of my lingerie." 
You smiled cheekily as you stood. You headed towards the door, documents in hand, when Michael stopped you by gripping your wrist. You turned and felt your back hit the wall next to the door when he took a step closer. 
"Are you wearing it now?" 
Though you'd been hoping for this moment, you still felt the heat warm your cheeks at such a question. Micheal's hand reached up, his knuckles brushing against your stomach and dragging the fabric against your skin. "Is there more under this?" 
"Yes," you finally answered softly. 
"Can I see it? Please?" 
As Michael scrunched up the fabric of your beaded dress, you thought about how devious he sounded whenever he used polite words. You'd be better off if he'd just commanded it. Michael pulled your dress up until it was above you bralette, and you shifted under his gaze. He let out a soft grunt and reached up. 
Your breath hitched in anticipation, ready for his touch. Instead, you heard the click of the lock next to you. It wasn't necessary. You strategically came after hours, and the office was empty. If anything, it was a signal to you for what was about to come. 
"Hold this."
It took a moment before you realized he wanted you to stand here, back pressed against the wall of his office, holding your skirt by the hem, so a man you hadn't even had dinner with had his way with you. Who were you to disobey?
Michael kneeled before you, still eyeing you with a look of satisfaction and renewed hunger. He found your waist, caressing up to your ribs then down to grasp your fleshy backside covered in silky, lacey delicates. 
If his touch hadn't already set your face aflame, the eager moan that left you at the feeling of Michael's unforgiving groping would have done it. 
He swore under his breath before leaning in and pressing his lips against your stomach. His hands slid from your backside down to massage your thighs as he placed open-mouthed kisses against your tummy. Every so often, he'd bite down, quick to cover the teeth marks with a hot, soothing tongue before you could complain. 
You'd slept with a few people before, but this was a different kind of act. Were you always this sensitive? Or perhaps it was the way Michael seemed to be trying to consume. Your new stockings were a bit tight on the lining, and the garters pressed into the meat of your thigh as you were still getting used to adjusting the clasps. The combination made the pudge of your thighs spill over in a way you weren't sure about, but Michael couldn't get enough of. 
His nimble fingers played with the hems of your stockings, dipping under them almost absentmindedly before letting the material snap. His fingers slipped under the straps of your garter as well, teasing you further until he moved from your stomach, now littered in love bites, to lean down and bite at your thighs. You could feel the hot dampness of his tongue through your stockings for only a moment before he moved on. 
"Michael," you gasped loudly when he shamelessly pressed a kiss to your mound through the fabric. He paused. You thought you'd upset him, but after a moment, you felt a soft vibration against your hips. He was... laughing. 
Michael looked up at you through his eyelashes, and you almost gasped at how boyish he looked in that moment, the first time he'd looked straight into your eyes since moving down your body. 
"Y/n, you can take more, can't you? I even haven't done anything yet." 
There's a wicked smugness about his words that left you pouting. "Stop that." He gives the order seriously, and you take your bottom lip between your teeth instead. "Good girl."
Your fingers clenched around the hem that was now anchored at your bust. Everything Michael was saying went straight to your core. Though he was teasing, you hoped Michael was right about you being able to take more. 
His unspoken statement of "are you this wanton already" was apparent. He'd hardly started, and you were already trembling and so close to the edge. It wasn't your fault, you decided. He was the one who was as calculated as ever, even in the way he unclasped your garters to tug your shorts down your legs. 
"Can you multitask?" He asked, arrogant as ever. You nearly slammed your legs closed around his stupid face. However, he reached up and pulled down one of your hands, guiding it to hold up your leg by the back of your knee. Your back pressed harder against the wall as you adjusted to your new balancing act. 
Gingerly, Michael leaned forward and kissed your aching pussy, making your breath hitch. He leaned back and looked up at you, the glint of his lips apparent even before he slowly licked his lips. You said his name weakly, meaning to scold him for being vulgar. He pushed all of your words away, however.
"You're so wet."
He was leaning in again, and you could only tilt your head back in delight but also disbelief that this was even happening as Michael indulged. 
Indulgence was the perfect word for it. Michael wasn't one to rush, but he'd never waste time. His nosed skimmed the soft hair on your mound as he nudged your clit. Michael moaned when his tongue laved over the length of you. He was eating you well. He was eating you for fun. 
You hadn't thought about staying quiet due to your whereabouts, and you were glad for it seeing as you would have failed. Your cries filled the air of the office, making both of you even hotter. Michael dipped between your folds, prodding your entrance with a stiff tongue and making you a bit dizzy as the heat that had rushed to your face ran between your legs.
Michael, for a moment, took inventory of the situation without stopping his efforts. Maybe something was off if he had this good of a time, not that that would have hindered him. Your thighs were warm around him, you were positively trembling, and making you cum as a way to shut you up was becoming addictive. He can hardly keep up with your bucking hips as you cum from his tongue, circling your sensitive bud. As you panted, you could feel Michael's breath against your still twitching cunt as he spoke into it, almost to himself. 
"Mm, you taste sweet. Dripping too."
Though this wasn't planned, there was a natural flow to these things. Michael had fully expected to be inside of you by now. But you looked enticing in your lingerie, and your skin was so soft he couldn't help but kiss the inside of your thighs. And you were whining for more? He could feel himself bulging against his pants, and yet he couldn't stop himself from diving back in. He needed more. 
He fired you from the job of holding your leg up and threw it over his shoulder instead. Your hand clenched his hair, earning a deep groan from the man beneath you. Your hips rocked against his mouth, and he quickly matched your rhythm, never letting you escape from the pleasure you instinctively felt was too much. 
"Ah, Micheal, please," you panted. A sudden pinch to your backside made you jump and look down at him with wide eyes. 
"I said hold it," he said, face glossy with you. You realized only then that you'd dropped your dress, and it was disrupting his progress. 
"S-sorry, Mr. Gray" 
"If you can't hold it, bite it for Christ's sake," he said, dismissive as ever. And yet, the was a glint in his eye from you saying his name that way made you realize it was a new command. Michael looked you over, your eyes teary from your dress now stuffed in your mouth like a gag and a muffled whimper coming from you when he hungrily licked his smirking lips.
Seeing you like this was more than he could ask for. Your cries were muffled but no longer held back. He looped an arm under your leg, keeping your hips still with a firm hand. The least he could do was release anything holding him back as well. 
You came again from his mouth alone, and yet you felt a stiff finger slide into you before you were even sure your waves of pleasure had subsided. Michael's tongue flattened against your bud, and your head fell back, eyes clenched shut. Having something to clench around was more than satisfying.
"Can I have you like this all the time, love?" Michael asked, watching your face as he added a second finger with ease. Your whimper at the initial feeling turned into a loud moan when he curled them inside of you. "Maybe not, though. You can barely keep it together. You should see yourself right now, y/n."
"Mm!" Even if you weren't gagged, you still would have had trouble calling his name. Every thought left your head. Only the chase of more releases and the sound of Michael's voice remained. 
"Can't help that you're addicting, y/n. I did want to have you over the couch or something, but that'll have to wait. I want to tire you out just like this. You're a tight little thing too. Squeezing the life out of me, just from a couple of fingers." 
He chuckled, and the familiar embarrassment that also made you more aroused shot through you. He pressed deep into you and massaged your walls, pushing you off the edge once again. He let you pull his hair with both hands, only groaning as his head tilted back from the force. 
Even like this, he didn't stop. Instead, he used the added wetness to add a finger. 
"Sorry, I'm greedy. Can I have one more, y/n? Just one more okay?" He said it so casually you'd think he was saying one more cigarette or one more pint. He pulled the dress from your mouth, revealing the ache in your jaw that you couldn't be bothered with yet. 
"I want to hear you." 
He pressed a hand against your stomach, holding the dress and your hips still as he leaned him and attacked your clit once more. The tightening coil in your lower belly was almost overwhelming now. 
"Oh god, too much, too deep," 
"Hm? You're not making sense, love," Michael said just as he began a steady pace of pressing the sweet spot deep in you. "It's too much?" You only responded with your eyes rolling back as you shivered. "You're this worked up from my fingers. How do you think you'll be when I actually get inside of you?" 
The thought itself made your walls flutter around him. Your body tensed and released as you cried out. Michael continued until you were calmed, merely whimpering. He freed you, and you slowly found yourself panting on your knees. 
Through hooded eyes, you watched Michael lick your cum from his fingers. How did this country boy end up this way? He pulled his handkerchief out and cleaned his hands, then his face. 
"Sorry, you didn't get a taste, love. Here." 
Michael let you slump forward into his arms, wrapping you in his warmth before kissing you. His tongue pressed past your lips before you could even think to stop it. As he intended, you could taste yourself all over him. 
Something stirred in you, but you were too spent at the moment to do much more than getting drunk off of this sinful kiss. Michael kissed you fervently until finally, they came soft and lazy. When he pulled away, he cupped your cheek. 
"That was good," you finally said. You leaned against Michael's chest and closed your eyes, allowing a small smile to grace your lips. "For a country boy." 
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I Taste Honey but I Haven’t Seen the Hive - Chapter Nine (finale!!)
Ao3,  Masterpost,   C.1   C.2   C.3   C.4   C.5   C.6   C.7   C.8
Relationships: queer-platonic intruality, background platonic dlampr
I did it!!! I fucking did it!!! It’s been done!!! The end!!
Warnings: cursing, food mention, (brief) alcohol mention, kissing, relationship negotiations, cuddling, So Much Sap.
Word count: 4,147
Everything in the Mindpalace was going well.
Patton repeated that sentence to himself like a mantra, a water-filled mason jar clutched between his hands as he leaned against the kitchen bar.
Everything in the Mindpalace was going well.
Months and months went by without anyone having any sort of falling out, aside from petty arguments and occasional disagreements. Patton was attending each meeting, Remus right beside him. Life went on without a hitch. 
Patton tried not to give Remus all the credit for everything good that had been happening. Logan, he knew, was working very hard to better himself and be more open. Janus was acclimating to his new surroundings more every day, and tentatively building new relationships while fixing up the old ones. Roman had been trying so hard, okay, and everyone could see the ways he hesitated less and less each time he went to speak. That’s not to speak of Virgil, who’d managed to slot his past and his present together into one big future, and not without considerable effort.
Patton could laud them all for that, for the peace that fell over the Mindpalace, but… 
Part of him knew he never would’ve noticed that peace if he was still locked in turmoil with himself. And all of him knew exactly who it was that pulled him out of that hole. 
Which isn’t to say it wasn’t an equal thing. He learned that a while in, that he was picking up Remus’ slack as much as Remus was picking up his. They functioned together, complimentary. 
Everything in the Mindpalace was going well. The aching etched across Patton’s skin had faded, the ice solidified over his skeleton had thawed, and he couldn’t remember ever feeling so content.
Everything in Patton’s Mindpalace was going well.
Morality grinned against the edge of his drink, fighting the urge to laugh. He wasn’t even drinking anything, and still there was this giddiness. But that was how he always got at parties, and why he preferred to not drink alcohol anyway- he didn’t need to get any more jelly-brained! 
Even if ‘party’ was a generous word for the gathering: It was just a family meeting gone awry, to be honest. No one had been in a working mood, not even Logan, and it was late in the evening already and the food was already there and. Well. Things morphed from there.
Remus was almost entirely glued to Patton’s side, despite how obviously he buzzed with energy. The simple fact that there was music, and food, and everyone enjoying themselves seemed to turn him up to 100- or, 110, since he usually operated with a staggering amount of energy either way.
But it was nice, hearing him talk, watching him flicker around excitedly. Patton, as was the case more and more these days, could hardly keep his eyes off him.
It wasn’t exactly like that was a problem. He doubted that a single side wasn’t aware of how completely and utterly entangled the both of them were with each other by that point, even if some of them still found it strange. They were… surprisingly supportive, of whatever kind of relationship the two of them had formed.
Friends, Patton reminded himself sternly, what else would it be? Patton had never wanted to date anyone, after all, and this wasn’t exactly an exception. It was just… 
Strange. It was strange, but so was Remus- and honestly, so was Patton- so maybe it made more sense that way. 
But just the same, things were smooth, and for once Patton wasn’t feeling too neurotic about it. He was half-sitting on the bar comfortably, swinging his leg, not chatting too much out of calmness more than anything. Remus was cross-legged on the counter as well, pressed up against him, buzzing and fidgeting but otherwise relaxed. Virgil leaned against the bookshelf crosswise, talking quietly with Remus. He only looked a little overwhelmed, and that was really unavoidable in any situation (Patton knew that if things were actually too much for him, Logan would already be taking care of it- it was like he had a sixth sense for that sort of thing). 
“-and anyway,” Virgil was saying, “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before, but I’m not about to tell Roman that, because-”
“You have to see his reaction!” Remus interrupted, grinning mischievously. 
“Right, duh- you can’t just, like, pass up an opportunity to show somebody that.”
“Misery loves company!”
“And that movie is miserable,” Virgil nodded to himself, and okay, Patton had no idea what they were talking about. 
He smiled at them anyway, though, because it was probably something to do with horror. Remus and Virgil could talk about horror for hours; it was a wonder there was ever a time they didn’t get along, honestly. 
But Patton knew that his brain was rolling around everywhere except for the present- and he always got all reminiscent and unfocused when he was this happy- so he shook himself, standing up. 
“I’m gonna check the oven, the food’s probably done by now!” and then, just to Remus: “I’ll be just a second, Mess.”
Remus smiled at him, let him go, and barely took a breath before he was talking again. (“So what’d he think? Did he scream at the end? That ending, I mean…”)
Patton slipped into the kitchen- which was barely another room, considering that wide open wall- but it was just a little quieter and a lot more pizza-roll-smelling than the living room. 
Which Patton did actually have to take out of the oven, but it just so happened that getting up and moving around also got his head out of the clouds. That, and the mindless actions of snack-prep let him tune in better to what was going on around him. (“That’s the thing, he went dead quiet as soon as the scene started. For a second I thought I broke him-” and then Remus was laughing, and Virgil was shushing him while also snickering.)
Patton slipped on an oven mitt, grabbed the tray, set it on top of the stove. More noise erupted behind him, (Logan and Roman arguing about something that obviously didn’t matter, getting about as heated as they usually did.) and he shook his head, pouring the snacks steadily into a dish. Patton then grabbed the bag and spread some uncooked rolls out on the now-unoccupied pan, and slipped it back into the oven for another batch. (Janus heckling the argument. Virgil joining in, needling them.)
Patton rolled his eyes fondly, going through the motions of getting some tea ready. Might as well try to calm the dizzy exuberance in his chest while he was up, if he could, and some nice chamomile wouldn’t hurt.
  (Remus wasn’t audibly teasing his brother with his snark-fueled companions, which was unlike him; to just sit there quietly.)
Patton rifled through the cabinets. Every mug was cracked or chipped or held together with glue and hope, and they sure had plenty of mugs. They kept conjuring new ones, but Patton wondered if that was doing them any good: all the mugs ended up in disarray eventually, so it was easier to just deal with the fissures as long as the cup was still, you know, vaguely functional. 
Patton grabbed his favorite- easily the most beaten and battered out of them all, with a thick line splitting up the little cat face painted into it, a large chip in one part of the rim that had been sculpted to look like a cat ear. Whatever he poured into it always tasted a little like the super-glue holding it together, but it was just too darn cute to get rid of!
Patton smiled to himself, and thankfully had set the fragile thing down before two lanky arms twined around his waist and scared him half to death. 
“Remus!” It didn’t sound scolding at all; Patton was laughing too much. 
Remus spun him around, looking immensely proud for startling him, and raised himself up to drape his arms over Patton’s shoulders.
“What’cha smiling about?” He asked, grinning wider than Patton was even capable of. Patton laughed again, softly this time, and leaned back against the countertop. 
“Mmm, you first.”
“Okay,” Remus squirmed, like he’d been hoping someone would ask- which was silly, considering that he was always smiling ear-to-ear. “You.”
Patton rolled his eyes, “Nuh-uh, I already asked-”
“No, you,” Remus poked him in the ribs, “You’re why.”
“Oh,” Patton melted, just a little. “Ohhh,” he pulled Remus into a proper hug, burying his face in the side’s hair, and the giddy feeling he’d been stuck with certainly wasn’t going away any time soon after that, “Aww, Mess!”
“Jesus, you’re so mushy. That line wasn’t even any good,” Remus cackled, like he had any right to be aloof when he was coiled all around Patton like he couldn’t help himself.
“You’re the one who said it, you big sap!” Patton playfully argued.
“Yeah, and you never answered my question!” 
Patton pulled back- although that stretched the term; he’d pushed himself up onto the counter, with Remus between his knees, essentially still touching. 
“I’m just in a good mood, that’s all. It’s a good night!” And it was, but Patton had to admit- “Maybe it has something to do with you, also.”
Remus smirked at him, leaning forward and planting his hands on either side of Patton’s legs. 
“It better. I’m a riot at parties!”
This is barely a party, Patton thought, you’re always a riot, but he didn’t say either thing. Just hummed, tapping his fingers on the laminate countertop, staring into the middle distance pleasantly. 
The rest of the sides were sprawled around the couch in the living room- which was mostly visible from the kitchen- and their argument was swiftly getting louder. Not a single one of them wasn’t laughing as much as he was shouting, though, so Patton decided to let them be. They were caught up having fun, and so was he, to be honest.
Remus was watching the others, too, but only in glances. He tossed a look over his shoulder every now and then, eyes darting around the room wildly, which was almost normal for him. Except that he looked so focused about it, scanning over them and then back to Patton with purpose, almost like he was… waiting for something. 
His claws were tapping on the counters, too, but it was a feverish beat. Patton covered Remus’ hand with his own, twining their fingers together and squeezing them comfortingly- and Remus’ eyes locked immediately back onto his. 
“Hi,” Patton said.
“Hey,” Remus said, “I love you.”
Patton went still. He blinked rapidly, and took a minute to remember how to think. The admission couldn’t have been surprising, of course they loved each other, but- it felt like it was the first time it had been said. It also didn’t feel like that was possible, because after all their time together how could they have skipped saying it, it was so obvious? They were so close, so blunt, Patton was pretty sure neither of them knew the meaning of the word ‘unspoken’. 
Oh, but either way, he should probably- “I love you, too!” 
Yeah, weird or not that they hadn’t done this before, that part was still pretty important.
But Remus hardly reacted at all, just a twitch in the corner of his lips- maybe-almost a smile, hypothetically. If anything, he was jittering even worse than before the reciprocation; Patton took his other hand just so he’d stop trembling, like a paranoid chihuahua, clutching that one the same as the first. 
“Hey, what’s wrong, Buddy?” Patton implored. Remus stared at him, through him, and his eyes were visibly sharpening like little red camera lenses. 
“Patton, Patton, Patton,” a wild mantra, “I must have the restraint of a saint, waiting this long to- to, I mean- Can I-” he took a breath, a set in his jaw showing just how much effort it took to pull his thoughts together. “I wanna do something. With you.”
Patton paused, and thought very carefully about that statement and everything that it could mean. There were… many possibilities. 
“Is it gonna hurt?” Was the question he eventually settled on, squeezing Remus’ hands. 
“Uhh, Probably not? If it does, then I’m definitely doing it wrong.”
“Okay, well-” Patton took a breath, met his friend’s eyes, and how was that as enticing as it was troubling? “Why don’t you?”
“...Can I?”
Remus looked about ready to shake out of his skin, so if whatever it was made him calm down, then Patton didn’t have any objections. Plus, hey, he was dense, but he wasn’t that dense. 
“Has that question ever stopped you before?” 
Something steeled in Remus’ expression, and he grinned. Patton grinned back, and that was when he knew without a doubt what was about to happen. 
Remus jolted forwards and kissed him, square on the lips. 
It was over as soon as it started, with Remus wrenching backwards and looking even more wild-eyed, before Patton had the time to really process it. If it was even actually a nice kiss, for example, was something that he could not honestly answer- only that it had happened, and now, here they were. But gosh, had it happened… 
Remus watched him closely, tensed up like a string. He looked unaccountably silly like that, or maybe it was just the giddiness, but Patton giggled either way, smiled, and ducked his head. He felt a flush in his face, and like his heart had filled up with something- warm and wild and not like anything he knew how to name.
And gradually, Remus relaxed from tension into confusion, a hesitant laugh escaping him. He tossed out a dozen sentence fragments, which Patton deciphered with ease.
“We’re-” aromantic, “We don’t-” do that, “I’ve never-” wanted to before.
“Doesn’t matter,” Patton said decisively, “I don’t care.”
Remus searched his expression for a moment, before breaking down into hazy laughter again. He looked gone.
“Fuck it- if you don’t care, I don’t care! Let’s- Let’s just-!”
His eyes were darting around again, looking back through the open wall- and the argument was still raging, no one was paying any attention to the kitchen. Patton pulled one of his hands out of Remus’ and did something very impulsive.
He grabbed Remus’ jaw, dragging the trait’s gaze back to him. 
“Don’t look at them,” he said, “Look at me.”
If it weren’t for the hush in his voice, the gentle-saccharine softness of it, the unmistakable Patton-ness of it, it would’ve sounded downright narcissistic. He could feel bad about that later, though, because as it stood the words made Remus send him a lovely little look, which made it very hard to be sorry about anything. 
“No complaints here,” Remus grabbed Patton’s wrist, making it very obvious that he wanted his hand to stay right where it was. “But that’s the only time you get to boss me around, so don’t get cozy telling me what to do.”
“Oh yeah?” Remus’ voice had been light, nothing like the way he used to talk about Patton’s bossiness. There was that obvious hint of sarcasm, like a little in-joke between them. Patton already knew what the punchline would be. “I bet I can prove you wrong.”
Remus’ eyes glinted excitedly, “Doubt it!”
“Kiss me again.”
Patton got the sense Remus couldn’t have cared less about being wrong, with how fast he launched into it. 
 It took three tries to turn the doorknob, and again, not a single alcoholic beverage had been had by either of them that night. It was just that they refused to stop holding hands or cracking up laughing long enough to get the stupid thing open. 
Patton shoved his way through first, kicking the door shut behind them and all but dragging Remus along. They were giggling senselessly, tripping all over each other and grinning at nothing and everything, before promptly collapsing onto the bed together. 
That was the moment when Patton registered the room as Remus’, which only made him grin wider, because it was so alive in there. The shadows in the wallpaper all coalesced and reached out to Patton, and the floor purred under his feet, rippling like the skin of some giant animal. It was all so creepy the first few times he’d slept there, but now it was just adorable; every part of Remus, down to his room, was so ecstatic to have him there that it tried to pull him in and hold him.
But he couldn’t very well cuddle a wall, so Patton turned his attention back to the side himself, giggling and pleasantly delirious. 
Remus was staring at him. Their hands were still clasped between them. 
“Hey,” he started.
“Hiii,” Patton answered.
And then, in unison:
  “What are we?” “C’mere and hold me.”
Patton blinked at him, and Remus laughed. 
“Compromise: I hold you while you tell me what this-” he held up their hands, “-makes us.” 
Yeah, that seemed fair.
Patton shuffled over, fitting his arms around Remus’ shoulders and weaving his fingers through the Duke’s hair, scratching at his scalp. Remus curled all around him in a way that had become perfectly familiar, resting his chin on Patton’s chest and staring up at him expectantly. 
(and Patton answering questions in a way that made sense was unlikely in most situations, but with this one? Oh boy).
“So, um, I love you,” he settled on eventually, working out a particularly dense knot of hair with his fingers. 
Remus snorted. “Yeah, you mentioned,” he tapped his claws against Patton’s sternum, seeming to turn things over in his head. “We’re friends?”
Patton thought about it. He frowned.
“We are, but… that doesn’t feel special enough. I wouldn’t-” he felt himself flush, “I know I’m touchy, but I wouldn’t do all this with just anybody. I wouldn’t do it with anybody but you.”
“Okay. Me neither. So, uh- boyfriendssss?” 
They winced in unison, Remus dragging the word out in a hiss.
“No,” Patton said.
“Yeah, that ain’t the one.”
“I mean, we don’t, um-”
“We aren’t exactly gonna fuck, you mean.”
Patton squeaked, inadvertently tugging too hard on a knot of hair. “I- first of all, you can date without- that, but second of all- mhm, that’s a definite no.” 
Remus scrunched up his nose, scratching where his scalp had been pulled.
“I know you can, but I meant, like…” 
He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut childishly. Patton patted him on the back sympathetically, equally as frustrated with Words and their lack of General Correctness at that moment as Remus clearly was. 
“Why’s everything so fucking complicated?” The trait whined, “I mean, feelings are your job, you’re smart! What’s- what’s-” Remus sat up suddenly, straddling Patton’s legs, grabbing one of the side’s hands and pressing it against his chest. The fabric of his sash was rough against Patton’s fingers, and beneath that, an irregular pattern of heartbeats, and beneath that, there were… there were definitely some feelings. “What is that, Pat?” His voice dipped low, that strained whispery sound that Patton just loved. “It’s gotta be something.”
Patton tried to focus, however hard that proved, and reached down inside to find a name for the sensation. The sensation that matched his own so well, and that gave him an odd little feedback loop of emotion that made everything sort of dizzy- trying to figure out other people’s emotions through his side ability always made him dizzy, despite the fact that he was apparently very good at it. 
“It sure is something,” Patton muttered, flushing brighter. It was so much, and if Patton was anybody else but himself, it would’ve been too much. But he wasn’t, and it wasn’t; he couldn’t get enough.
“I didn’t know you cared about this,” Patton let his hand fall, smiling bemusedly up at Remus, “A label, I mean. I always thought you’d be the one saying they were stupid. Not that there’s, you know, anything wrong with it either way.”
Remus rolled off of Patton, flopping down beside him again. He pressed up against Patton’s shoulder, chewing his lip in concentration. 
“I care about stuff. Stuff like you, and this is about you, so. Don’t blame me for worrying about it now, you’re the one who infected me with feelings in the first place.”
“I don’t blame you,” Patton said, and he was absolutely grinning at that. Remus narrowed his eyes. Patton stifled a laugh.
“What? What is it?”
“It’s just- You sounded exactly like Virgil,” Patton giggled, shaking his head fondly, “‘Infected with feelings’, gosh, that’s so silly.”
Remus blinked at him, before his face split with a smile. “Yeah, I thought you’d like that one.”
Patton hummed. And then, he leaned over just enough to kiss Remus’ forehead, just because he could. 
Remus caught him by the jaw and pulled him in for a proper kiss, which he happily reciprocated. That kicked off a nice five minute break from the conversation at hand, as Patton took the time to appreciate the feeling, noting the reverent gentleness that Remus always touched him with was just as present as ever- and yes, for the record, it wasn’t a great olfactory experience, but softness of him more than made up for it. 
“So,” Patton started, once they’d finally parted. “I think I know what we can do.”
Remus stared at him, looking distinctly dazed. “What? Make out some more?”
Patton smacked him (lightly) on the arm, smiling despite himself. 
“No- well, maybe- but I meant about us.”
“Right, right.” 
Patton sat up straighter (haha), leaning back against the headboard and bringing Remus up with him. He tipped his head to one side in thought, then to the other (which was mirrored, adorably, by the Duke).
“We can make it simple if we just, y’know, cut out the middleman,” Patton took Remus’ hand again, tangling their fingers together. “So, I don’t have to be your friend, or your boyfriend… What if I’m just yours?”
Remus always had a very intense stare to him, but Patton had never felt quite as pinned to the spot by those laser-sharp reds than he did in that moment. 
“Oh,” purred Remus, “Ooh, I like that.”
Patton smiled sheepishly at him, running his thumb along the Duke’s knuckles. “So- yes?”
“Yes, absolutely,” Remus leaned over him, fixing his free arm around Patton’s neck possessively. “You’ll be mine, and I’ll be yours. Sounds like a plan to me.” 
Patton laughed, almost overfull with giddiness at just how eager Remus managed to sound about that. It- it felt good, to be something that someone got so excited over. To be wanted. 
To want, too, wasn’t as foreign a concept to Patton. But he was wanting now, and it was worlds different than before. Because he was actually getting the source of that yearning, this time, and of course that only made the feelings stronger, and-
Thinking about it made him tired. Deliriously happy, of course, but absolutely exhausted. For once, he was almost completely devoid of the urge to psychoanalyze himself; he was happy, in love, and loved. Patton could count on one hand the number of times he’d had all three of those things in his life at once, and he didn’t want to waste this one. 
He tugged Remus into his lap. Remus was incapable of sitting still at all, but he hardly minded. Remus squirmed around, drummed his fingers against Patton’s back, buried his face in Patton’s shoulder (and, completely shamelessly, smelled him). It was so him, to not be settled at all even in such a contented moment. Endearing in every way.
And he started chattering, at some point, because of course he did. At first he was talking about them, but that topic didn’t stick around for long before he was jumping around all over the place with his words. 
Remus ranted for two reasons: one, he was frustrated, needy for attention. Two, he was too excited not to talk, and there was so much going on that he couldn’t shut up for a second to even breathe. Patton was intimately familiar with telling the difference between the two, and, sorting that occasion into the later category, he wrapped Remus up in his arms and waited patiently for the trait to tire himself out. He didn’t mind that either. 
Eventually, though, Remus did. 
Eventually, it wasn’t night so much as it was morning, and Patton was tired and warm and half-asleep already, and Remus was laying contentedly on his chest while the rambling steadily became faint mumbling.
Eventually, they were sleeping, just like any other night together. 
And the last thing Patton had in mind, as he flitted in and out of awakeness, was the dim realization that he’d forgotten how it felt to be cold. 
the end <3
Taglist: @donnieluvsthings @shrimp-crockpot @glitter-skeleton-uwu @intruxiety @thefivecalls @gayformlessblob @did-he-just-hiss-at-me
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ladywinterwitch · 5 years
On Va Voir
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger! Reader
Summary: During a mission you unexpectedly find a new kink: Steve speaking french.
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex (wrap it tf up), oral sex (f receiving), fingering, language kink (?), a bit of a dom fight between the reader and Steve, 18 + so if you’re under that age you shouldn’t be reading this. You’ve been warned.
Word Count: 3205 
A/n: Just rewatched for the 34868 time  the winter soldier and I’ve never noticed before HOW MUCH of a turn on is Steve speaking french. So yeah, enjoy a bit of smutty Rogers. Also, this is pretty much no plot and total filth.
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                                                  (Gif not mine)
You were on a mission with Steve, Natasha, Sam and Bucky. You had been paired with Bucky, while Sam was with Nat and Steve was alone, although you were constantly in contact with your auricular. -We’re inside the ship, front. What’s your position?- Bucky says with a gun in each hand. You followed behind him, with two guns of your own. -We’re in the control room. Working on the informations.- Sam responds. -Steve?- Bucky tries.
-I’m on the roof. And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. How long have you got?- he asks. -Like, ten minutes, at least. This computer’s older than both of you.- Natasha responds and you can feel the smirk on her voice. You press your lips tightly to not chuckle, Bucky notices and shakes his head.
-Ah, very funny Romanoff.- the blonde sasses back.
-She got you there, oldies.- Sam commented. Bucky grunted with a ‘shut up’. After a few moments you realize that there’s no one in your area, so you lower your guns.
-We should come to you, Steve. We got nothing to do here anyways.- you say, looking at your partner that was still, but didn’t completely put off his guard. -Don’t worry doll, I got it.- but then you hear a gun shot, and glare at Bucky with wide eyes. He looks at you and starts to run. -We’re coming, pal, hold on.- he speaks while running. You both get out to the open and then come up the stairs to the roof.
When you arrive, you see a couple of men already on the ground, and Steve facing another alone. They are one in front of the other and he’s talking. You don’t hear what he says, but you hear Steve response. He drops the shield at his side and then removes his helmet, his hair a little messy. He has the slightest smirk on his face while he speaks. -On va voir.- you hear from the speaker. 'Lets see’. And in that moment something in your stomach shifts. You can’t really place what or why, but you just know that you feel a little too hot in your leather catsuit all of a sudden.
The two start to fight, but it doesn’t take long for the avenger to take him down. You glance at Bucky, who’s just leaning againts the door, with his arms crossed, guns slipped into the belt at his sides. A little knowing smirk playing on his lips. -Jerk.- he says amused. You turn around and see Steve that kicks his shield, making it jump back to his wrist. -Okay guys we have everything. We’ll meet at the quinjet.- Sam says. You clear your throat and look away. -Copy that.- you croak. - You all go back to the avengers tower safely and Tony decides to throw a party. Why? Cause he’s Tony. He didn’t really need a valid reason. So here you were, the day after, finding yourself in front of your full lenght mirror, in your matching blue lacy lingerie, fixing your wavy loose hair and your red lipstick. Normally at this time, especially after a mission, you would’ve all been lazy somewhere, but obviously your teammate couldn’t wait one more day to give you a wild night. Missions usually had as a consequence jet lag, a few bruises to heal, business to take care of and stuff to analyze, so it wasn’t exactly the perfect timing, but fortunately you were able to sleep like a baby the night prior. A particualr help came, indirectly, from Steve which helped your love-me session to end quickly and kick you out to sleep.
You should’ve felt ashamed for that, but honestly you were pretty sure you were not the only one in the world to get off at the thought of the broad and handsome Captain America. The only small detail was that you were his teammate and friend. You had a huge crush on him, but you feel more like a friend vibe from him and that’s okay. It sure avoids problems at work.
You couldn’t stop thinking about that phrase that Steve said in french the day before. It turned you on to no end. You didn’t know why, but the way he said it, with that smugness, his hair all messy and shit. It was just so sexy to you. In any case, the crush was your dirty little secret. Well, not exactly, considering that both Bucky and Natasha had figured out by themselves and Wanda just happened to be reading your mind in the wrong moment. But you trusted them, even if them teasing you about it whenever they had the occasion was beyond embarassing.
You slid into your tight, red bodycon . It was plain, above the knee and had a low cut sweetheart neckline. It was strapless and it hugged your body perfectly. It wasn’t much in your style, but you felt bold that night, also you may or may not wanted to find someone to get laid.
You gave yourself one last look before going down with the elevator. Your black heels were already starting to bother you. You weren’t really a type for parties, but you did it just for the team. And a good drink, yeah. You arrived at the floor and when you stepped out you saw that there were a lot of people, but it wasn’t Tony’s worst. You looked around and saw Sam, Rhodie, Clint and Natasha at the bar, Wanda, Vision, Thor and Maria at the couches, Tony and Pepper talking with a couple of people, and then in a corner near the big window wall, Steve and Bucky.
They were both handsome. Bucky was wearing a grey shirt and Steve a deep blue one. They both had the first few buttons undone and were holding a beer and laughing. The blonde turned his head and saw you. His smile dropped and his gaze wandered on your body, from head to toe. You looked away, kinda embarrassed that you had been caught looking, but a few moments later the two man came to you.
-Y/n! You look great.- Bucky greeted you with a hug. You laughed and hugged him back. -Doesn’t she, Stevie?- he said in a slyly. The captain didn’t took his gaze away from you. -She always does.- he responds with a low tone that made you heat up. -Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself.- you motioned at the two in front of you.
-Hey doll, care for a drink? We could go to the bar and -the brunette started, but Steve stepped closer. -Sam wants to talk to you, I’ll accompany her.- he says with a small smile. You smiled back and Bucky frowned. -Since when that bird man wants to breathe my same air?- Steve shoot at him a glare and he raised his eyebrows.
-Ooh, yeah, about the.. Uhm.. The mission…- he tries to save himself. Steve relaxes and Bucky starts to walk away. -Alright, catch up with you guys later.- he gives you a thumbs up. Steve looks at you and offers his arm. -Shall we get that drink?- he smirks making you melt. You smile widely and take his offer. -We very much shall.-
You soon were joined by the rest of the group and were having fun at the bar. You noticed that Steve never took his gaze off you, but you weren’t certain, considering the amount of alcohol that you ingested. You felt a little claustrophobic at one point so you excused yourself getting up. -Want me to come with you?- Nat asked. You shook your head. -I’m fine babe, just need a little air.- you walked between the people reaching the big balcony.
You went closer to the glass barrier and propped your elbows on the edge, looking at New York City by night. You closed your eyes, breathing deep. -Did you really drank that much?- you open your eyes suddenly, turning back to the voice. Steve was just a few feet away, hands in his pants’ pockets. He was looking at you with a little smile. You mirrored his expression, turning back to the view. The glass door was closed and you were alone.
-Not really. I’m just a little dizzy, and I needed some fresh air, that’s all.- you responded. There were some moments of silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable though. You felt him getting closeer to you, almost too close. So close that you could feel his breath on your neck. -You look so beautiful tonight..- he whispered raising one hand and resting it on your hip. Your breath hitched.
-Maybe it’s the alcohol, even though we both know I can’t really get drunk, or maybe its the way Bucky flirted before, or the way you looked so flustered yesterday on the mission..- he started to caress your waist gently. You were slowly melting under his touch, his hand so warm in stark contrast with the chilly air. You had goosbumps. -But I just can’t ignore how I feel anymore.- he turned you to face him slowly. You locked eyes. -I’ve never wanted someone so bad in my life, and I think that you want me, too.- he paused. You didn’t know what to say. You were completely taken aback by his confession.
-But if I’m wrong, I’m gonna step back right now and I’m gonna stay away.- he continued, with a little of uncertainty. You widened your eyes, laying your hand on his chest. -No- you said quickly. -I do. I want you. God, I want you so bad.- in that moment he grabbed your cheeks with his hands and started to kiss you. It was hungry, fast and messy. You almost didn’t even realize that he placed you against the wall, away from the view of the people. You grabbed his hair with one hand and his shirt in the other.
-I wanna fuck you right now, I don’t care if everyone sees, the team, the other people.- he said kissing your neck. -Steve.. Please- you moaned. He looked at you with the best bedroom eyes he could give. -Please what, baby?- he cooed.
-I need you, please. Let’s.. Let’s go to the bedroom, please I can’t take it anymore- he nodded and you quickly went inside, careful to not be seen by the team you reached the elevator and pressed to your private floor.
You had to keep your cool because you weren’t alone, but when you arrived you ran like teenagers, giggling towards his room. He opened the door and then slammed it shut. You pushed him on the bed and he let himself fall, resting on his elbows while he watches you like you were his prey. What he didn’t know was that joke’s on him.
You stood right in front of him, a smirk playing on your lips, an equally predatory gaze in your eyes. You reached to your side, unzipping the red dress slowly, letting it pool around your heels. You stepped out of the dress, bending to pick it up and in the meantime giving Steve a perfect view of your ass. -Fuck baby girl, blue is definitely your color.- he groaned. You chuckled straddling his lap. His warm hands were on your body in no time, pulling you flush against him kissing you. It wasn’t sweet, at all. It was full of passion, all teeth and tongue and soft bites.
At some point he reached behind your back to unclasp your blue lacy bra, then tossing the garment in some part of the room. He didn’t lose time and quickly attacked one of your breasts with his mouth, while he touched the other with his hand.
-Eager, captain?- you let out a noise that was a mixture between a moan and a laugh. He released your nipple from his mouth locking eyes.
-Excuse me if I can’t resist my urge to worship the goddess in front, oh well actually, on me.- he said smugly making you laugh. You gave him a push on the chest to make him lay down.
-Sweet talker.- you tease him, trailing his neck and jawline with wet kisses. He chuckles a little, his hands travelling on your sides, back and ass.
-What? You think I’m just, saying it? It’s true, y/n. You are stunning.- he says sincerly, making you look at him for a second. You smile and place a sweet kiss on his lips.
-Well, thank you.- you respond and you’re caught off guard when he grabs you by the hips and flips your position, so now he was hovering you. You gasped for the surprise.
-And now I’m gonna show exactly how much I want you.- he smirked and started to pepper your belly and hip bones with open mouthed kisses, and at the same time he slipped off your panties, letting them fall on the ground. And now you were stark naked and totally at his mercy. You moaned and with all the strenght you could find you stopped him. He gave you a confused look.
-First, I think you’re not playing fairly there, captain. Then, I’m gonna tell you exactly what I want. Strip.- you order and he licks his lips, his cerulean, and now glassy, eyes were eating you up. He got up, standing on his knees, and started to unbutton his blue shirt, while you took care of his belt and zip. He took off his pants and boxers in one move.
-Happy now?- he asked amused, resuming his work with his mouth, this time he started from your ankle, going up as he went. You peeked at his hard lenght, tip already glistening with precum and angry red.
-Can say so.- you murmured, laying on your back and enjoying the show of Steve between your legs. Your breath started to hitch when he got closer to your center, but as the teasing bastard that he his, he stopped.
-C'mon Steve, baby, I need you.- you say, throwing out of the window yor dignity. -What do you need? Tell me sweetheart.- he murmurs against your thigh, looking at you. -I’d quite like you to speak French between my legs, captain.- you smirk, biting your lip. His expression was priceless.
-Fuck yes- he groaned spreading your legsmore in front of him. He then smiled mischievously. -Alors c'est ce qui vous a tous énervé hier, uh?- So that’s what got you all flustered yesterday, uh?, his tone was a mixture of teasing and realization. He licked a long stripe from your entrance up to your clit anthat made you almost scream, instead you opted for grabbing his blonde hair with one hand and the snow-white like sheets.
-Can’t really blame me. With your cute messy hair, showing off like that..- you responded mewling, your eyes closed and your head leaned back. He chucked sending vibrations trough your whole body. You clenched instinctively. -Yeah, 'cause I’m good at what I do doesn’t mean that I was showing off, chéri.- a particularly harsh suck on your bundle of nerves got your back arching off the bed and moaning loudly -Steve- 
-Tu aimes ça, chérie?- You like that baby? you moaned when you heard him speak French again.
-Yes, God, Steve right there- you answer struggling to not grind onto his face. He adds two fingers and that knocks the air out of your lungs.
-Tu es si doux. Si mouillé, est-ce tout pour moi, chérie? Mmh cette jolie petite chatte, tout à moi pour jouer- You’re so sweet. So wet, is it all for me baby? This pretty little pussy, all mine to play with. He kept talking in between licks and open mouthed kisses on your clit, his long and thick fingers pumping directrly on your sweet spot.
-Fuck. I..I can’t take it anymore, please..- you pulled his hair slightly and he growled, the vibrations went straight to your core and you felt the coil in your belly tighten. You started to gasp. -You’re close aren’t you? Come on baby, I’ve got you, let go honey- he hummed, back to english, speeding up a little his fingers. With that you came. Hard. You screamed his name arching your back of the bed, the sheets out of place because of your pulling.
He rode you thorough your orgasm, and when he felt you calm down a bit he extracted his fingers, licking them clean. You could’ve cum again just by watching him. But instead, you rose up and pulled him to you, kissing him. You hummed when you felt your taste on his tongue. Your hand reached out to stroke his cock, now even harder than before. He choked out a moan on your mouth. -Baby girl I need to be inside you- you nodded and he replaced your hand with his, stroking his cock a few times, he lined himself with your entrance and entered you with a sharp thrust that took both your breaths away.
-Fuck y/n, baby, you feel so good around me- he hid his face in your neck and you circled his shoulders with your arms. -Please move- you gasped and he complied, starting to move faster. After a while he took your leg putting it on his hip, reaching a deeper spot inside you.
-Oh, Fuck. Yeah, right..ah, right there baby.-you gasped, your nails scratching his strong shoulders. You started to feel his breath getting erratic.
-So beautiful- he murmured in your ear and you felt yourself melt a bit more. -Baby ’m gonna come, I’m so close. Are you with me?- you said kissing him on the lips, the cheek, the jaw.
-Right behind you, love.- the pet name made your heart flutter, but you soon forgot about it when he stated to pick up pace again, then adding his fingers on your clit, and that was it. You orgasmed for the second time that night and he followed a few thrusts later with a loud moan and your name spilling from his plump lips. He ride out both of your releases and then planted his forehead against yours.
-It’s okay, baby.- you murmured scratching the nape of his neck lightly, while he calmed his breath, making him hum approvingly. You looked at his parted lips and closed eyes, his blissed out expression making you smile. A few seconds later he opened his blue pools, smiling back quite shyly. -Hi.- you said softly. -Hi sweetheart.- he responded fondly, caressing your cheek. You stayed there for a while.
Then he got up and cleaned you both with a warm and damp wash cloth, bringing it back to the bathroom then he came back to bed with you. -I don’t really wanna deal with the team tomorrow.- you said with your head on his chest. Your fingers tracing imaginary patterns on his torso, him petting your hair delicately. -Me neither. But even if we don’t say anything they’re gonna find out anyway. We kind of disappeared and never came back.- he chuckled and you laughed with him. -Let’s just enjoy this, for now.- you responded. -Yeah. Everything else can wait.- he kissed your head.
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Thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated ;)
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countessmorgasson · 4 years
Shh! This is a Library~
Spicy Lucio x MC! Lucio didn’t follow m/c to the library for a good read...
Male MC
(Based on Lucio’s route, 🍋 warning)
Even with your nose buried in a book, you can feel Lucio pouting at you.
“If you want to go off while I’m doing this it’s fine,” you say. “I’ll be reading for a while, dear.”
You only hear a groan in response. You break your focus to see Lucio sprawled out across one of the tables, stray books scattered around him. He has a particularly heavy book in his hand, but something tells you he’s not interested in reading it. 
“M/c,” he whines. “This place is so boring. Why do you think I’m never in here?”
“Because you have the attention span of a rodent?”
Lucio’s mouth hangs open for a second. It’s enough to distract you from your book as you chuckle at your own joke. You make up for the comment with an apologetic kiss, but you only hear a muffled “hmmph.”
“Did I hit a nerve?”
“..No.” Lucio’s pout flips almost instantly, into your favorite devilish smile. He raises his eyebrows. “I’ll prove you wrong.”
“Oh really?”
“Of course! I’ll sure show you. I can keep my focus.” 
You almost didn’t notice the shameless wink he threw your way before you picked your book back up. 
It really was a compelling read, you had to admit. Usually with Lucio around you were never able to keep your eyes off anything but him- but this book was damn good. At this point, you figured Lucio would be used to you spending your free time among all these books. After all, someone had to appreciate them.
Maybe it was the book’s fault that you didn’t even see him slip from your eyesight. 
At first, you figured he finally went off to entertain himself somewhere else- but the teasing grip on your inner thighs nearly has you flinging the book out of your hands. 
You hear a sultry chuckle beneath you- and to your amusement you realize where Lucio’s directed his attention to. He’s crouched under the table you sat at, on his knees at your lap. He’s got that blushing smirk on his face...
“Let me show you, m/c.” he teases. “I’m perfectly capable of giving you my undivided attention.”
You don’t know whether to laugh or blush. Lucio was always adventurous with your hookups, but... in the library? It’s not like the room was exclusive to you- Nadia was also an avid reader. She could show up any moment if she wanted to... not to mention, Julian’s stuff was on the desk over. What if he stopped by to pick up some notes? 
Yes, all logic pointed to it being a bad idea. Part of you couldn’t just let go of your inhibitions like that- you’d never forgive yourself if anybody caught you red handed. 
And yet...
You’re still looking down at Lucio, who’s surprisingly patient in waiting for your response. He’s nearly bright red, biting his lip up at you. His hand is still stroking your thigh through your trousers, gently... and goosebumps are already broken out over your skin...
What’s the harm in a little fun?
“You really don’t want me to finish my book, is that it?”
“Oh, I want you to finish alright.” Lucio bats his eyelashes at you, still expecting your response. 
Why are you so frozen? Was it his touch? Is it the fear in the back of your mind- or was that anticipation?
You glance at the door to your right. No one’s stopped by for hours...
“If we get caught, you’re taking the blame.” 
Lucio scrambles to lift around your clothing. You scoot closer, picking up your book- you know, just in case. It seemed smart enough to have something to hide your face with... 
Warm lips brush against your lower stomach as Lucio gently lifts your tunic upwards. He moans at the taste of your skin, as if he were the one receiving all the pleasure. Your stomach caves in at the sweet sound of his voice. 
You’re nearly sweating already, terrified of getting caught- and letting yourself give into the pleasure. 
“You’re so hot... and already so hard for me.” Lucio talks through kisses, which are now being planted on your inner thighs. “It’s easy to focus on someone so handsome.” 
“You’re loud,” you blush. “We are in a library.”
“You’re in my library. I can be as loud as I want.”
Your eyebrows shoot up at his tone. When did he get so assertive? Not that you’re complaining... what a turn- on. He’s making it easier and easier to forget about the threat of being caught...
Your book slides out of your hands and onto the table when Lucio takes you into his mouth. You moan simultaneously, but you’re the one nearly arching your back and pushing yourself deeper down his throat...  
He’s got a hard grip on your thigh with his gauntlet, golden claws pinching your skin just enough to tease. His other hand is wrapped around you tightly, as if the feel of his tongue across your skin wasn’t enough to make you nearly burst. 
Leaning back in your seat, you find your hand in Lucio’s hair, gently easing him down on you deeper- inducing another moan on his end. 
Your heart’s racing. You lean back and shut your eyes- just for a moment.  No one’s around... it’s just you and him... you can relax. Give in.  Let the pleasure take over...
“I told you,” Lucio’s teasing voice is interrupted by occasional kisses on your thighs, but you only shudder. You weren’t done yet... why is he slowing down?
There’s a new look in his eyes now, as he tilts his chin upwards to look at you. He’s blushing red, lips slightly parted. What’s he waiting for, exactly..?
“I hope you’ve got a few tricks on your sleeve.” His eyes dart to your right, and then you realize it.
Someone’s unlocking the door!
You scramble to scoot back into your seat and pick up your book, but Lucio doesn’t seem to be done with you yet. Oh no. Oh no, no no...
In a fit of panic and embarrassment you muster up some magic at your fingertips- casting an illusion over the entire table. Whoever walks through would only see a stack of books where Lucio would be. It looks stupid, but what was the alternative?
Gods know how long your magic will last though... 
“I didn’t realize you were in here, m/c! Sorry if I interrupted your reading. That door’s always been so damn heavy...”
Julian Devorak strolls into the library so casually. 
“No worries,” you manage to sputter out. You feel fingers brush against your thighs, but Lucio’s got you entirely in his mouth right now.
The doctor heads straight for his desk. Of course he would. Of course someone had to come in now, of all times. 
You’re watching Julian’s every move, silently begging for him to just grab something and rush out. He’s obviously looking for something, based on the way he stares at his desk. He’s muttering to himself, sorting through a mess of papers and books. 
Why is he here? Not just the library, but the palace at all. His office may be here, but he hadn’t used it that often.
You’re so frustrated by the interruption you somehow almost forget about your little secret.
...That little secret begins to work with his hands again- in all the places that make you moan. You bite down on your lip, nearly drawing blood to stay silent. You reach to tug at Lucio’s hair, looking down when you’re sure Julian’s back is turned.
Don’t you dare make me come- not when he’s in here.
Lucio had to have known what you were thinking- and naturally, he’d do everything in his power to defy it. With a wink, he begins to suck harder- and you shut your eyes again, desperate to hold it in. 
Heat waves ripple through your body, and you’re finding it harder and harder to control your breathing. Even the slightest part in your lips would lead to a moan- and you just can’t. Not now...
Damn it Julian, leave!
“Are you looking for something?” Your voice is nearly an octave higher when you blurt out the words. Julian’s obviously still rummaging through his desk, but you bury your face in your book again, your cheeks burning red enough for anyone to take notice. 
“Mmm...”  As if you couldn’t be more horrified, Lucio’s moaning echoes within the walls.  You could laugh. Part of you wants to, but you’re so fucking close.
Not yet, not yet, not yet...
“You okay over there, my friend?” Julian approaches you with a handful of papers in his hand. 
Oh thank the gods! He got what he was looking for. Go! Get out of here... please...
“I’m...”  You can’t even speak. You just nod and rest your head against your open book, ready to admit defeat. 
It feels too good. It always just sneaks up on you like that, doesn’t it? Especially when you’ve been so worried and embarrassed... you barely had time to savor the sensation.
You’re teetering on the edge, using all of your strength to control your breaths...
“Must be a hell of a story you’re reading,” Julian’s hidden smile makes your heart leap into your chest. “I gotta run. I don’t really want to run into the count. I’m surprised he’s not... here with you. Talk to you later.”
He’s barely closed the door behind him when you come.
It’s like your entire body became aware of the situation, and the moment you let yourself relax in the slightest- all the tension leaves from your body. 
“Ah- Lucio!”
You’re both moaning now- oblivious to the room around you once again as you grab hold of Lucio’s hair and tug. Despite a surprised groan, he doesn’t stop until you’re nearly begging for mercy, back arched once again and your fingers too tense to hold your grip on his hair. 
Your head tilts back as you face the ceiling, dizzy from the wave of euphoria. 
“Well?” A hearty, confident chuckle cuts through the haze. “What do you have to say to that?”
Lucio rises and plants a kiss on your forehead after admiring your expression. For a moment you wonder how you must look. Red as hell, most likely, and desperate to catch your breath... not to mention your pants are still undone.
There’s no way someone could look at you and think you were just enjoying a good book.
“You proved me wrong.” You play into his attitude- he’s definitely earned it, after all. Lucio puffs up his chest, but his hair is so disheveled it makes you giggle.
“Can you believe Jules walked in on that? I thought we’d actually get caught.”
Now the embarrassment comes back to you tenfold. 
“Do you think he noticed anything?”  You both seem to know the answer to that.
“Jules?” Lucio scoffs, but his smile wavers. “Nah! ...yeah- no. Definitely not.”
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etjwrites · 3 years
OC Backstory - Emotion Edition | Week 5: Free/Courage
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Week 0: Introduction || Week 1: Fear || Week 2: Joy || Week 3: Disgust || Week 4: Sadness || Week 5: Anger ||
Is it over already? This was so much fun! I really enjoyed participating and reading everyone's pieces. Thanks to our wonderful hosts @cirianne and @kosmosian-quills  for putting this on! These prompts filled my mind with layers upon LAYERS of backstory, and really helped me flesh out Brom as a character. Afallon is so much better because of it! 
You probably stumbled upon something between the last prompts, that moved you. An idea that didn’t really match the prompt. A backstory character that deserved exploring. A question that stayed unanswered. For this week, I encourage you to look for these questions and explore them, write on them, and tell me about it!
In keeping with the theme of this event, I chose yet another emotion, the story behind which I'm excited to share with y'all! Brom is about 14 here. (I started writing this and it wouldn't stop. Help.) @yourocsbackstory​
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“These paths look treacherous,” Brom said, glancing nervously back at the way they'd come. He and Prentice had been traversing the numerous twists and turns of Hyphantria's revered caverns for quite a while, looking for all the secret entrances. Each time they explored the maze-like tunnels, they went a little farther, a little deeper.
Prentice waved a hand dismissively. “I've a sure foot.” He tapped the top of his boots with his walking staff. “Furthermore, how often have we quested here? These caves are as familiar as mine own hands.”
“We left familiar behind two chambers ago,” Brom reminded his friend. “I'm actively adding to our map as we progress.”
“If on the map, 'tis familiar,�� Prentice rejoined. “No matter how new the path may be.” He patted the crystal-studded wall to his left. “In fact, I almost feel at home.”
“The whispering,” Brom said, unease, twisting in his chest. “It's stopped.”
Prentice quirked his head, listening. “Why so it has,” he said, brows knitting together before sheer panic stamped itself onto his features. “Brom, run!” He turned and dashed back through the tunnel, Brom following, the both of them slipping and sliding and cutting themselves against the sharp-edged walls.
Beneath their feet, the earth started to rumble, and dread seized Brom's heart. Would they die down here in the bowels of Hyphantria, ground into dust by the ceiling collapsing upon them? He pushed faster, past Prentice, towards the sparkling glimmer that marked one of the other large chambers whose tunnels would lead them back to the surface.
A sharp cry made him whip around and jerk to a stop. Prentice had fallen, struggling to regain his feet amidst the wobbling, unstable ground. A stalactite shook loose and crashed to the ground just where his head would have been, had he not managed to roll away in time.
Brom staggered towards him, hand outstretched, when the earth shook mightily.
Prentice flung himself at Brom.
Too late.
With a great, groaning sigh, the floor gave way, and Prentice tumbled deep into the newly formed crevasse.
“Prentice!” Brom screamed, dropping to his hands and knees, swaying with the sudden shuddering of cavern. He called his name again, peering desperately into the dark. But while the softly glowing crystal shards that lined the Shalott caves could well enough light the paths and tunnels they'd been exploring, their gentle luminescence was unable to penetrate the deep, yawning blackness that fell away in front of him.
He called again and again, but there was no answer. Either his friend had fallen so far he could not hear him, or he been knocked insensible upon landing. Neither scenario was desirable, and Brom squeezed his abruptly burning eyes shut, refusing to consider the possibility that Prentice might be gone.
No. He had to be alive. Had to be alright.
Ominous rumbles filled the sharp-toothed cavern, more stalactites falling during a particularly vicious quake.
The wisest thing to do would be to run, to flee to the next chamber and worm his way through one of the escape tunnels until he could see the sky once more.
But Brom couldn't leave Prentice here to die. He would be the worst kind of coward if he did that. His first and only friend in all of Hyphantria, who risked all manner of danger to sneak him across the boarder on occasions such as these, and showed him many of the wonders his mother's country had to offer. Brom would save him. Or die trying.
“Give me strength,” he prayed. He thrust trembling hands into his pack, withdrawing his climbing rope.  He kept up the silent prayers. He felt so utterly alone, the jarring earthquake shaking and horribly distorting the natural light of the caves so he could barely walk. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” he breathed, reciting the verses over and over even as his hands shook so much he could barely fasten the clips in place.
Brom tugged hard on the rope once he had tied it off, looping it around for added strength. He looped his climbing pick around his hands, aware he could lose a limb if it snagged in the wrong place, at the wrong time, yet horribly afraid to lose his means of retreat. With one of the picks he struck the vibrating wall, breaking off some crystals, which he tied about his arms.
“Prentice!” he called once more, and again received no answer. “Please be alive,” Brom prayed. “I need a miracle right now.”
Then he turned around, and—clinging to the ropes—lowered himself into the black abyss.
Brom descended for long minutes, the crystals lashed about him providing the faintest light. He steadily climbed deeper, the glow from the ceiling above diminishing until it felt like a distant memory.
This far down it was cold. The quake continued to rage, and Brom grew ever aware of a powerful thirst that made dizzy. But he dared not let go of the rope, not even to slake his needs.
His feet touched ground. He'd reached a small ledge.
Brom relaxed for half a moment, and then a terrible jolt flung him off its crumbling edge. He hit the other side of the crevasse hard, the breath knocking out of him and leaving him gasping as the rope tied around his middle yanked him to a stop. He hung there, dangling in the air, fingers barely able to brush either side.
Thankfully his picks had stayed attached, so he struck out with them, painfully aware that he'd run out of rope, and yet hadn't found Prentice. Brom gulped. He would have to climb up again and unloop the rope.
Ascending seemed to take twice as long, and Brom's arms were shaking when he reached the top. Everything was cast in an eerie blue and white glow, and Brom could feel that time was running out. If he didn't find Prentice soon, the falling stalactites might well block their path home.
Once he had the rope unfurled to its full length, Brom ventured once more into the place that had swallowed his friend. He passed the spot where he'd had to stop before and kept going, deeper, and deeper, the chill of the abyss freezing him to his bones.
And there!
Prentice's walking stick was wedged into a narrow part of the crevasse, two bloodied hands clinging to it.
Brom started crying.
One of Prentice's hands slipped, and he swore at Brom. “I didn't hold on this long for you to lose heart at the finish!” His voice was horse, likely from screaming. The shock had hit each of them in different ways it seemed.  
Ignoring his friend's harsh words, words that were driven by the terror in Prentice's eyes, Brom rappelled down closer. He gathered up the slack in the rope and looped it around Prentice's waist, securing it using a knot his father had once taught him.
“You can let go,” he said, testing the rope to make sure it still held fast.
“I confess, I cannot,” Prentice said, shaking his head minutely. His clothes were torn to shreds, like he'd scraped against the walls the whole way down until his stick had caught, and he had cuts and freshly-formed bruises adorning his entire body. One of his eyes was swollen shut, a jagged cut bisecting it that stretched from his cheek to his temple.
“One hand at a time,” Brom said, getting his hand under Prentice's and shifting it from the stick to his shoulder. He did the same with the other, and the next instant Prentice was clinging to him, limpet-tight.
A massive shudder rocked the cave at that moment, and the gap widened, Prentice's stick dislodging and spinning away into the darkness.
If I had been but a moment later, Brom thought, unable to repress the full-body shiver that twitched through him. He slid one of his picks into Prentice's hand, slipping the loop over his wrist twice.
“You must help me climb, I have not the the strength to lift us both.”
“Aye, 'tis time that I cease clutching you like a babe,” Prentice said, the words meant to be joking. The fine tremour in his voice spoiled the effect.
They struck out together, Prentice and Brom, inching their way up until they reached the cavern floor. Mercifully, the distressing bucking had stopped, and they lay on the rubble-strewn ground until they caught their breath.
“Thank Heaven,” Brom uttered aloud, and Prentice nodded solemnly along.
“You saved my life, Brom,” he said.
They rose to their feet and began the arduous, limping walk back to the escape tunnels.
“I owe you a great debt. I should never have placed you in this position. I . . . I almost killed you. I would not have begrudged you had you fled and left me behind.”
“I wanted to,” Brom admitted, shame flushing his skin. “At first. I was so afraid.”
“But you did not.” Prentice paused for a moment and clapped Brom on the shoulder before they resumed their trek. “I really thought I would die. I screamed and screamed, but you didn't answer. Or I couldn't hear a response amidst the earth's pain. The longer I held on, the more I began to wonder if I were mad for simply not accepting my fate. I had myself near about convinced that I should just let go.”
“Then I saw you, descending into the pit like the Archangel Michael himself. You could have died rescuing me. You looked as terrified as I felt. But still you threw yourself into the unknown. For me. In the greater world, we are yet seen as boys, but Brom—I tell you truly—you are the bravest man I've ever known.”
They turned a corner, and the bright sun greeted them.
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Additional thanks to everybody who has read and commented on my work for this event. Y'all rock!
Tag Crew: @adie-dee @writtendevastation @catharticallysarcastic @francestroublr @crystallized-ink
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Sailor.”
Decided to take a break from the main story-line. I want to go back to working with krill for a while, allowing him to experience different kinds of people and situations, so if you have any ideas, I am open, though weather or not I will get to them is another matter entirely. 
Te chopper blades whirled overhead so deafeningly loud that Krill couldn’t hear himself think. Leave it up to the humans to create a piece of technology that got them into the air by attaching a giant fan to the top of it, or giant spinning blades of death. It actually offended him that they didn’t use some kind of hover-craft, which he was sure they had. However, Commander Vir had said that the Navy didn’t have a whole lot of “funding” anymore so their technology tended to be older than dirt.
Krill didn’t think anything would be older than dirt, but stopped short of correcting the human when he realized it was probably just some sort of saying. But now, here he was trapped inside this loud, metal container, feeling the wind buffet them back and forth as Commander Vir adjusted the pedals.
Krill had no idea that the Commander could even fly a helicopter, be here it was. 
The guy could probably fly a cardboard box if it had a big enough engine.
Beside him sat the Navy pilot surprisingly eager to learn from the more experienced man, and the two kept a light string of conversation over the headsets. The second guy was on lend from the Naval office as an assistant of sorts. The commander seemed confused, but apparently it was common for higher ranking officers to have subordinates to lick their boots and hand them things.
Commander vir hadn’t gotten that memo.
The original pilot pointed out the front and the helicopter tilted just slightly.
Krill lifted up a bit to look out the front window, but was mostly blinded by sunlight as it reflected off water.
Commander Vir flew the helicopter in low aiming for the helicopter pad on the back end of the ship.
He managed to maintain a hover just above  the circle surprised when, “It’s moving!”
“Yes sir, we are on water.”
“Its not supposed to be moving.” he said to himself trying to determine the best way to let down.
“Just get her in close commander than drop her when she comes back up.” The pilot instructed, pleased that they could teach something to a superior officer, though the way the man talked it was hard to remember all those fancy ribbons on his dress grey.
He was a pretty good listener too, and didn’t back down from a fight, lowering himself towards the deck and then timing it just so it placed when the ship swung back up.
It was a minute movement, but still could have thrown anyone off.
As soon as they touched down and the commander cut the engines, Krill could feel the light rocking.
He, and the others stepped out onto deck. 
Krill stopped in his tracks eyes staring out at a scene he had only seen through the small windows of the ship. A vast and unending horizon of water on all sides. Tiny white capped waves rolled up and down as the massive steel ship bobbed below him. He turned in a wide circle, staring off at the vast horizons and stretches of water so wide.
They were the only ones here, nothing else in sight.
He grew a bit dizzy.
“Good morning Commander.”
Krill turned to watch as the ships XO (executive officer walked forward to greet the man with a firm handshake. He was surprised at the youth of the commander, he was older than a good portion of his men, but younger than a lot fo them too. The Captain was in his early forties, this man almost young enough to  be his son.
“A pleasure captain.” At his back the Lieutenant stood stiffly waiting to be used for some reason or another.
“I heard you were coming, to what do we owe the pleasure.”
Commander Vir glanced out at the sloshing waves with some unease, “I wanted to come down to observe the operation of your ship, Captain. I am afraid to say that current UNSC protocols are still being made, and I thought Navy and UNSC vessels are similar enough I might due to take some lessons from the way things are run.”
The man smiled, “Well, sir generally the brass doesn’t sail. In the Navy you would have a cushy job somewhere on land behind a desk.”
“String me up when that day comes.”
“You and I feel the same way then. The sea is my life, Been sailing since I was a kid, and I couldn’t imagine what I’d do without her.
Commander Vir nodded, “its flying for me.”
Krill glanced around the ship, watching as men and women worked on objects that he did not know, wearing uniforms he did not recognize. They were led down onto the deck, and Commander Vir stumbled a few times, unsteady on the moving platform.
The captain grinned, easily riding the gentle rocking motion as if they weren’t moving, “Someone has yet to get their sea legs.”
Commander Vir gripped the railing, “Fun fact. I’ve never actually been on a boat, at least not larger than a canoe.
Behind him, Krill simply tried floating to avoid having to move, but found the boat deck moving below him, and a gentle sea breeze pushing him back. In panic he set down on the deck again.
“Seems strange, someone who pilots a ship,”
“No such thing as space legs.” The commander commented gingerly letting go of the railing. We have gravity mats that make it just like earth, and there is no wind or water to make us move. Steadier than riding in a car, and once the acceleration is done there is no way to know you are even moving.
The man shook his head, “Can’t imagine wanting to fly in space, being trapped inside a tin can that, if it malfunctions my eyeballs would be sucked out of their sockets.”
“Actually that doesn’t happen. You would freeze first, while your blood boiled off anyway.”
The man gave him a look, “You’re insane.”
“I’m insane! At least its better than drowning, or being eaten by sharks.”
The captain waved a hand, “I can’t remember the last time someone in the navy actually drowned.”
Commander vir eyed the edge of the ship nervously.
“Anyway, Commander, I am glad we could be of service, truth be told us sailors arent needed all that much anymore now that wars tend to take place in space and off world. Most of the stuff we do includes tracking down pirates and saving dumbass civilians who don’t know what a red sky at morning means.”
Commander Vir stared at hi blankly.
The man frowned, “You don’t know do you.”
“Can’t say I do.”
“Red sky at morning sailors take warning. Meaning there’s going to be bad weather?”
He shrugged, “Why not just use radar for that.”
“The man looked almost offended, “Thousands of years of accumulated knowledge, and you just want to use radar?” 
Krill watched in silence keeping notes in one of his cortical hemispheres as he listened. It was strange, by all rights these two men should have been similar in a lot of ways. When it came right down to it  a UNSC vessel and a Navy one were pretty much the same and included a lot of the same sort of things on board. Even the two men were similar in their almost rabid love of the place they worked. One and knew more about the ocean than krill thought there was no know, while the Commander had a handle on space that no other man in the history of humanity ever had.
To krill’s surprise it turned out there was some actual sill to floating on a large body of water. The man talked about the currents, and the weather patterns, and the way the ship liked to ride them. 
Space vs ocean, and neither man seemed to understand why the other would want to go anywhere near the other’s domain.
The Navy captain also seemed to be having a right old time watching commander vir stumble into things as he adjusted to his “sea legs.”
Krill had no idea what that meant, but he kind of doubted it was what it sounded like. The saying made hi think the human was going to spontaneously grow new legs for walking on the ship, but the more likely explanation seemed that the human body would get used to the constant moving, so the person would no longer have trouble when walking.
Krill didn’t really need sea legs, though he marveled at how the humans could seem to work so normally on a rolling surface when their balance was already unbelievable.
Around the ship, the regular Navy men were more than a bit tickled to see a member of the brass (UNSC or otherwise) wobble about like a ‘drunken’ sailor. Mostly it was funny and partially it made them feel superior to someone who would usually have that edge over them.
Eventually the Commander go the hang of it and accompanied the Captain to the bridge and around the ship to see how things worked taking occasional notes, but eventually ordering the Lt. to do it for him as, “Your fidgeting is making me nervous, so have something to do.”
Krill got stared at, a lot, but that was pretty normal for him, and, on one occasion, a call went out from one of the men on deck, and an entire group of them rushed over to one side, pointing at the water. The captain led them over just in time to watch in awe as a massive creature breached the surface of the water. Krill stepped back as the massive shape slowly tilted backwards and water erupted around it.
The captain turned to look at the commander with a smug expression, “Guess you didn't get to see that in space.”
He was a little less pleased to see the commander smirking at him, “Perhaps not…” he let it trail off there, though his grin was rather telling.
“What! You’re not telling e there are space wales.”
“I am not at liberty to discuss that, captain.”
Krill wasn’t entirely sure if their teasing was friendly or if their rivalry was something more than that.
Either way the captain did get the last laugh, as sitting inside the ship the commander didn’t touch his food head resting back against the wall, eyes closed. As a doctor, krill couldn’t help but notice the parlor that had fallen over his face. He was about to ask the commander if he was feeling ok when the captain strolled up, his turn to look smug and took a seat, “Don’t worry, a lot of people get seasick their first time. But I’m sure that’s not a problem in space.”
“Cosmic hysteria is worse.” The commander muttered.
“A bit green about the gills there. Do you want e to get you a bag.”
The commander frowned, but didn’t open his eyes.
“I thought you were a fighter pilot, shouldn’t you be immune to motion sickness.”
The human was teasing him, but commander Vir felt to sick to respond. He was very much determined to keep his lunch down, but knew that was going to be a losing battle. 
He could hear the sailors laughing as he bolted upright and sprinted to the edge of the deck mouth salivating so badly he was sure he was going to drip on his uniform.
Nothing was funnier to the crew than a member of the brass who couldn’t hold in his lunch on a ship.
Krill personally found a couple of things interesting, number one being the ardent glee that the other humans experienced upon watching the suffering of another. It seemed to be a common theme in humans, enjoying watching someone in power over you get what they deserve It seemed to make underlings feel superior in some way where they normally wouldn't. Through their ribbing was generally light-hearted and nothing worse beyond that.
Second being the human’s strange ability to become sick because of unpredictable rocking motions. He had never seen an alien with that issue, though, upon looking into it with the crew physician, he learned that humans, while having the best sense of kinesthetic awareness out of most of the species, that had to do with the placement of liquid inside the ear canal that moved with the movement of the head.
Constant movement that was in contradiction to the movement of the eyes, or caused the sloshing to become confused inside the ears could cause a reaction in the brain that simulated poisoning.
You see one of the first signs of neurotoxin is dizziness and the body responds with nausea. When movement causes the fluid in the ears to become jumbled and confused, the rain interprets this in the same way and responds with nausea.
Quite fascinating, and Krill couldn’t help feel his own sense of satisfaction knowing he couldnt get seasick.
Although he was ore than happy to get off this moving metal tube of death.
Leave it to humans to figure out a way to make metal float and then decide to spend days at a time on it.
Humans who loved large bodies of water were insane.
Though most humans were insane he supposed 
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Hello! Can I get an S/O that’s tall (not like super tall but like 5’9, 5’8, maybe even taller) and she’s really insecure of her height with Tsukishima, Atsumu and Kuroo. It can go into NSFW
Hi! 🥰 You may! I’m 5’4 but one of my best friends in high school was 5’11 and she was always insecure about her height even though she was stunning so this felt relatable and I want every tall girl to read this!!. Let’s just say reader is 5’10” to be safe. Why not!
Also, I only wrote for Atsumu and Kuroo here because the writings are relatively long and I want to get to all suggestions. If you still want a Tsukki version in the future just request again okay? xo
Atsumu | Kuroo x Reader Who is Insecure about being Tall
After a long chase and his relentless pining you had finally agreed to be this boy’s girlfriend last week
The first thing he wanted to do was show you off
The two of you were getting ready for Atsumu’s College Formal Athletic Banquet, where his volleyball team were the guests of honour
As it usually goes in relationships, the blonde boy was ready way before you
but it wasn’t like you two were late so he wasn’t complaining
He also wasn’t complaining because that meant he could watch you put on your finishing touches
As much as he loved when you were makeup-less and natural more, there was something sexy about the way you applied your lipstick and the way you ran your hands along your long torso to straighten the dress you had on to your hearts content
He was leaning against his bedroom door frame silently gawking at your beauty
He admired your long legs that peaked out under the double slits of your dress because they looked like like they went on for days
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In his head, he thanked every God and Deity out there for making him the lucky son of gun who gets to call you his date
Man, the guys are going to be so jealous, he thinks as you sit down, stretching your legs out in front of you to apply lotion on your legs individually
Mesmerized, Atsumu licks his lips. get your bf girl he’s about to pounce
He kinda wished your dress was shorter like the drool-over-me dress you wore when he first saw you at the club with your friends
That night you were the tallest girl in the club which meant you commanded all of the attention on the dance floor. Atsumu can recall perfectly how thirsty he felt which had nothing to do with the fact that he hadn’t visited the bar yet watching you—this beautiful, tall Goddess of a woman confidently striding past her admirers too low to even get your attention.
He told his friends that they better not dare hit on you and when they protested he shot them a menacing glare so intense they immediately stfu
Back in the present, he also wished your dress was shorter so that your God-Tier legs weren’t playing a sultry peek-a-boo game with him all night that he was sure to lose
You’re tempting him
But on second thought, he remembered how other guys looked at your legs that night at the club and thought otherwise
Atsumu’s eyes recovered from their glaze over as you stand back up and fix your hair one last time before you spot him in the mirror and smirk.
“I’m ready.” You say simply.
Atsumu cleared his throat and pushed himself up into a standing position, ready to compliment you until your face turned red.
“You look—wait you’re not ready. What about your shoes?”
You peered down at your feet in simple nude flats. You sighed.
“Atsumu......I changed my mind.”
Atsumu raised an eyebrow at you disapprovingly.
He asked you if you wanted him to call your best friend Mariah, who always forced you to wear heels. She did this at the club the night you met your incredible boyfriend and has held it over you ever since.
Atsumu walked to the corner of his room where you had set down the box of gorgeous high heels that you were planning on wearing tonight if your insecurities didn’t get the better of you.
Looking like a prince, he walked back over to you with an intense expression. You couldn’t look away from his eyes. He backed you up until the back of your thighs hit his chair and you sat down.
Your boyfriend stared down at you.
Still maintaining eye contact, he slowly took a knee in front of you in his expensive suit to run a hand down your long legs
“If my coach wasn’t making us go to this thing tonight, I would have you screaming my name right now with these fucking remarkable legs wrapped around my ears, baby girl.” He took off your flats gently and replaced them with your heels.
Is this Cinderella or whattt? How could he be so romantic and so utterly seductive at the same time?! Your breath shortened at his words
“I’m still debating it.” Atsumu stated before groaning as he caressed your perfect legs in the new shoes. “Do not rob me of the rare opportunity to see them look even better in heels.”
You shivered at the chilling undertone in his deep voice. It was the same voice he used when he was inside you, talking you through your release. He spoke again.
“If you do, there will be consequences.”
“You were bullied.... for being tall?”
Asked your boyfriend Kuroo for the third time since this conversation about your biggest insecurity had started.
The two of you were lounging in the pool in your backyard. He was in the water, his chiseled arms folded in front of him as he propped his upper body on the edge of the pool. You sat your bum on the edge beside him, only allowing your feet a dip in the water.
You nodded for the billionth time
The boy looked perplexed
“But, you’re so beautiful...? And I thought it was a good thing to be tall.”
He was always praised for it his whole life so he took a lot of pride in being shy of 6’2.
You calmly explained to him that anyone can get bullied and you definitely didn’t look this way before puberty. That you stood out like a sore thumb, all the boys avoided you -and that it’s a good thing to be tall when you’re a male. That the trend was always how cute “fun sized” girls were and not how cute your 5’10” frame was. You explained to him that it was the same way girls dismissed short guys and fawned over the ones that looked like him.
“I see.” Your freakishly good looking boyfriend pushed his wet bangs back and out of his face. “I guess I never really thought a girls attraction was dependent on her height. I mean, you do know that guys only like the fun sized girl because it made them feel better about themselves, in terms of feeling able to protect the girl and stuff. It had everything to do with how it makes the guy feel, not how valuable the girl was.”
You nod slowly because you never thought of it like that. Still, you were not sold on why you should drop your insecurities when they were very relevant
“And.... Kenma is considered pretty short, right?” He shrugged, thinking about his best friend. “Girls confessed to him just as much as they did to me, if not more...”
You tried to find a good comeback to that but you couldn’t.
“You look like a freaking Victoria’s Secret Model, Y/N. You wouldn’t if you were short. When you wear lingerie for me or this bikini.......” His eyes visibly darkened as he drank in your body. “To be fair you look better than any model. By far.” Halting himself from checking you out he lifted his eyes back up to yours before he started humping the pool wall. “All guys liked Victoria’s Secret models at that age when you were being bullied, and if any of them were to say that they wouldn’t sell their right arm and jump at the opportunity to date one of them, no matter how tall the model was, then they were fucking lying. We actually really love tall girls they’re just intimidating. Boys talk but everyone was probably just jealous of you. I mean, you’re my girlfriend and I still feel like bowing every time you walk into a room, you just command attention. I can kiss you without leaning down much which is the bessst, and our bodies match up flawlessly in bed. I love it. Height is power, babe. If you were with another guy and I saw you I would be sooooooooo salty because how did he get the confidence to approach someone that looks like you??? That’s why I had to ask for your number when we met. I would be kicking myself if I didn’t. Not only are tall girls hot and you could be a Victoria’s Secret model, but YOU are a dream come true for me.”
You shut your mouth completely. Your boyfriend always knew how to make you feel better and he didn’t even know it.
“Thanks, babe.... I love you.” You smiled at him suggestively and lifted your sunglasses to rest on top of your head. You pulled your legs out of the water and swung them to the side in order to stand up and walk over to the beach chair.
Kuroo couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched you literally look like a front-page super model in real-time. Your legs were so long and sexy. He wanted to leave hickeys on every inch of them.
“Hey, speaking of Victoria’s Secret... that reminds me.... I have a few more sets I’ve been dying to show you.”
You wrapped a towel around your body and looked back over at your boyfriend whose eyes were so dark it made you slightly dizzy.
“You always know how to make me feel better..” You cooed at him, pretending his gaze wasn’t making you wet. “Let me return the favour.” You daringly turned your back to him and tugged on the two strings that unravelled your bikini top.
Kuroo gulped.
Before you walked back inside your house, you carefully lobbed the bikini top over to your boyfriend who caught it in the air with perfect athleticism.
Frozen with lust, Kuroo stared at your retreating figure. You were so tall which he was sooo happy for because that meant you had more skin to worship for hours on end. He craved you.
“Fuck me, Y/N.” Your now horny boyfriend cursed as he thought about what you looked like under that towel, dressed only in a thong bikini bottom. “You are so gonna get it.”
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Partner in Crime
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Request:  Um hello..... sad anon here with another fluff request for OG Eobard, but can it be platonic fluff? As in platonic snuggles and hugs and jokes? With a genderless reader? Please?
Pairing: Eobard Thawne x Gender neutral!Reader 
Word count. 1.5k
Warnings: Poisoning, sickness, vomiting, hurt/comfort
Summary: After being attacked and injected with a deadly serum, your best friend who just so happens to be the Reverse Flash comes to your rescue and nurses you back to health.
The moment the dart pierced your neck you knew something was wrong. It made your entire body feel fuzzy and the room spin. Shooting a blast of energy at one of the men surrounding you, it missed, searing the wall way to their left instead. You tried again, but only managed a weak sizzle of yellow light. It was starting to hurt. It felt like your blood was boiling in your veins. You had to get out. There was no way you could fight. One foot tripped over the other, knees hitting the ground hard as you fell. You vomited onto the concrete, arms trembling with the effort to keep yourself from collapsing. 
"Disgusting," a man muttered, boots appearing at the edge of your vision.
"Guess there's still a few kinks they need to work out," someone said from behind. Someone else grabbed your wrists, jerking them behind you to place the meta-cuffs on. 
"They gonna make it?" A third asked. 
"Dunno. Let's get them back to the Doc and see."
You were yanked unceremoniously to your feet, the dizziness only getting worse as the room tumbled around you. The death grip on your bicep was the only thing keeping you upright. You were trapped. Whoever these people were, wherever they’d come from, there was nothing now stopping them from doing whatever they wanted to you.
They started dragging you away, ignoring your feeble protests. Through blurred vision, you could just make out a black van.
A streak of bright red blinded you. There were yells, gunshots, the hands holding you fell away. You dropped to the ground, head pounding and fighting back the wave of nausea. 
It was over as soon as it started, and everything fell silent. Your eyes were closed when a figure knelt beside you, fingers touching your arm. You flinched away. You’d never flinched from anyone before.
“It’s me,” a distorted voice said. You knew that voice.
Managing to peel your eyes open again, you looked up at a blurred figure with two red eyes. 
“Don’t talk,” he said, making quick work of the cuffs before taking you into his arms. He took off at lightning speed, keeping you close to his chest as he ran, zigzagging through the traffic and streets. Usually, you would’ve watched, fascinated by how he saw the world, but tonight you looked away, hiding your face against a yellow-clad shoulder.
He came to a stop suddenly and you were lowered onto a solid surface. “Gideon, run a full diagnosis. Find out what they did.”
“Right away, Professor Thawne.”
You were back home then, the place way in the outskirts of the City that you and he used as a base. It was one small relief even if it still felt like your heart was going to burst from your chest with how fast it was pounding. 
The lights above your head dimmed, and you opened your eyes to see Eobard standing over you, sans cowl. You licked your lips and swallowed, mouth parched, and foul-tasting. "Eo...what...what did they…"
"We're working on it. I need you to stay calm in the meantime, panicking will only make things worse."
You nodded, but despite what he said, you couldn't stop the fear bubbling inside. You hadn't been scared since you'd first gotten your powers years ago when you'd been left alone with abilities you could barely control and hunted by people who wanted you for them. 
"Breathe," Eobard said, hand resting firmly on your shoulder, glancing down at you before looking back up at the readings Gideon was posting on the screen over your head. "Your temperature is spiking. I'm going to help you out of your top layers, alright?" 
"Yeah." It was more a case of Eobard doing the hard work of both carefully manoeuvring you and peeling off the outer layers of your suit since you weren't capable of doing much more than stifling pained whispers. The cool air of the room felt good on your heated skin. 
"I'm going to have Gideon give you something to help you sleep. When you wake up you'll be better, I promise."
You weren't a fan of the idea, but you weren't able to come up with a coherent thought against it either. Eobard moved to step away. You grabbed his wrist. "Don't…don't leave...please."
"I'm not going anywhere." Eo freed himself from your weak grasp and held the hand instead. "I'm going take care of you, I always do, don't I?" 
"You do."
"Exactly. Trust me." With his free hand, Eobard brushed away the stray tear that had slipped free. He spoke to Gideon, what he said, you didn't really hear, but soon you felt the sleepiness start to take over and everything slipped into darkness. 
You came to slowly, the drowsiness fading away just to leave you feeling groggy and disoriented. The first thing you noticed was that you felt better. Far from your old self, but significantly more human. The second thing was that you seemed to be in your own bed, which at least suggested you were through the worst. The third thing seemed the most surprising. 
Eobard was sitting in an armchair next to you, reading through something on a pad at what appeared to be a regular pace. You'd been hurt before, and though he'd always taken care of you, he'd never sat at your bedside, usually too busy speeding around tying up loose ends or plotting his next move. For him to be here now…he'd been worried. 
"Hey, zoomy," you said, voice still a little hoarse as you shifted in the bed. 
Eobard looked up, immediately setting aside the pad. "Hey. How are you feeling?" 
"Better than the last time I was awake."
"Good. The serum they injected you with is still in your system, it's going to take a few days to clear up completely, but you'll be fine."
You nodded. "What was it?" 
"From what I've found out they're a new black-ops group looking to experiment on metas. The serum was a test to find a new way to debilitate us."
"We have to stop them."
"We will, once you're better. I won't risk you getting hurt again so soon." Eobard stood as he spoke, hand resting against your forehead. "You should get some more sleep."
You grabbed his hand as he pulled it away. “Stay, please. I don’t want to be alone. Not yet.” You believed him when he said you’d be fine, yet still, the fear of certain death clung on. 
Eo nodded, almost looking relieved that you asked. He sat next to you on the bed, swinging his legs up and resting back against the headboard. With some squirming and a little extra help from him, soon you were resting against his shoulder, blankets wrapped around you both. It was comforting, having him so close to you, arm wrapped securely around your waist. It felt safe. It was safe. He was your best friend, the man who’d found you all those years ago and taught you how to use the incredible gifts you’d been given, the man who’d been by your side through thick and thin and always had your back. There was no one you loved or trusted more. Of course, you were safe. There was no safer.
There was still something you didn’t get, however. “How were you able to come and get me? I thought you were meant to be away until the end of the month.”
“I was. Gideon pushed through a red alert when your suit vitals went off the charts suddenly.”
“So you dropped everything you were doing?”
“Of course. My partner in crime needed help. That will always be more important.”
“Thank you.”
“You’d do the same for me.”
“In a heartbeat.”
You closed your eyes and let yourself lean against him more. The moment had been too sentimental for both of you. Even though you always knew, it was rare for either one of you to admit just how much you cared for the other. Maybe that was the reason a few minutes into the silence that had fallen, Eobard brought up a memory from your past. A time when you’d only just started working together. The plan had derailed almost immediately, but it had still caused such gloriously random chaos. It had been so many years you’d nearly forgotten about it, but remembering everything in amazing detail with again with Eo…it had you both in stitches.
You carried it on, bringing up another fun adventure you’d shared. And so it continued; talking and reminiscing and laughing so hard it made your stomach hurt. It was a better cure than anything Gideon could’ve made.  
By the time you stopped the lingering fear had long faded, and though the effects of the serum still lingered, you felt a world better. 
A world better, yet very tired.
You muffled a yawn against your hand. Naturally, Eo caught it. 
“Sleep. You need to get your strength back, and I need you in top form so we can make the ones that hurt you pay for their crimes.”
He was right, and after all the laughter, you felt exhausted. “Stay until I fall asleep? You’re a comfy pillow.”
Eobard laughed. “Only for you. Never tell anyone what you just said though.”
“Your comfy pillow status is safe with me,” you mumbled, already half asleep.
Drifting off into a far more peaceful slumber, you knew how lucky you were. You couldn’t ask for a better partner in crime.
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toloveawarlord · 4 years
The Little Vampire (Ch. 2)
You can find my masterlist in my bio!
Characters: Nell, Levi, & Satan
Tagging: @plumpblueberry​ @starry-starry-night24​ @gay-noodle-clan​
A/N: Day 3 of the 12 Days of OCmas! He is already so attached to his little vampire. Who should she meet next? 
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Being summoned had turned into a complicated, scheduled event. Levi began to enjoy his trips to visit the girl, bringing her snacks and playing board games. She intently listened to his ramblings about Ruri-chan without judgement or teasing. He honestly had more fun with her than anyone else.
He looked forward to visiting, despite being confined to an empty bedroom.
Except today was different.
It was late, but he was up watching a new anime that was finally available in the Devildom when he was tugged through the void and into the human world. They weren’t scheduled to meet again until the end of the week. “Nell? What’s this abo-” His words trailing off.
The room was empty, and the circle at his feet poorly drawn as if done in a hurry. He’d never come without her being here, and never had the door been left open. The demon wasn’t sure that she left the room at all. Nell never told him about her life here, only asking that he keep her company and play games with her.
“L-Levi!” A shout from somewhere else in the house. Her voice shrill and desperate, hoarse like she’d been yelling for hours.
The layout of the house unknown to him, but the stench of humans drew him down the staircase. There were more than he’d expected, and all quite surprised at his sudden presence. As for Levi, his mouth gaped at the scene before him.
“Levi! Help me!” Nell cried out from where she was held down on the coffee table, a human on either side of her writhing body. A makeshift beheading block. She managed to get an arm out, helplessly reaching towards him.
The large human with the axe stuck his foot against her head, his boot cutting into her pale skin and drawing blood. “Stop squalling, you monster.” His hate-filled eyes turned to Levi. “This doesn’t concern demons so move along!”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Levi spat out, demonic power erupting from his body. His transformation enough to send fear rattling through the pathetic human’s fragile forms. Golden irises were overflowing with absolute rage. His voice inhumanly deep and commanding. “That little vampire belongs to me.”
Although the leader tried to be strong, his limbs betrayed him, trembling like leaves in the presence of someone so powerful. “What does a demon want with a-” No words could form with his back against the wall, gaze unable to look away from the demon towering above him. The man completely paralyzed.
Levi’s head tilted to the side, assessing his prey with muted interest. Humans were so weak, and yet they pretended to be at the top of the food chain. “It won’t matter to you. You hurt someone important to me.” His tail slithered up to the man’s throat, wrapping gingerly around it....
With one squeeze, his head popped off, splatting against the floor.
The others scattered but none were able to escape. Angering a demon, even one without his strength was a death sentence. No one did so and lived to talk about it.
“Nell?” Levi regained control of himself, scratching his bloodstained cheek awkwardly. He found the vampire quivering in the corner of the room, violet eyes sweeping over the mess. A wave of guilt flooded over him. He must have frightened her so much with his anger.
He glanced around, finding her stuffed dinosaur under the coffee table, likely from when she’d dropped when they were throwing her around. He knelt down in front of her, reaching out and offering the stuffed animal to her. “I’m sorry- oof-”
The girl threw herself into his arms, the force knocking him over. Her cheek rubbed against his chest as she sniffled but smiled. “I knew you’d save me!” A mixture of emotions bubbled over. Nell was crying out of happiness and relief. “If you hadn’t come... they’d of--they’d of- hic.” The fear of almost dying turned into a sobbing mess. She tried to wipe them away with the backs of her hands.
Levi patted his hand against the top of her head. “It’s alright. You don’t have to worry about them anymore.” Mostly because he’d killed them, but he had another reason. He produced a golden band from his pocket. “Check this out. I had my brother help me get it. It’ll let you come back to the Devildom with me. It’s like a super rare item!”
At first it was too big to fit around her dainty wrist, but it shrunk in size once it touched her skin. “Woah. You’re giving me a rare item? Like...” Her brows furrowed as she dug through her memory. “Like the Silver Lion sword in that dungeon game we played?”
“Yeah! Just like that! And it’s all yours! I mean... if you want to come with me.”
Her small arms locked around his neck. “Yes! I wanna go now. Can we go now? Before the others come and lock me up again.”
More humans? Levi cast a glance around at the carnage. He didn’t have the energy to face any more of them. Better to abandon this game than continue to fight. He’d gotten his prize anyways.
Nell nearly fell when they were transported back to his bedroom. She spun on the ball of her foot, throwing her hands up. “That was so cool! It was like poof and we were here!” Her spinning only stopped when she got dizzy, teetering around as she laughed.
Levi collapsed into his gaming chair, all his energy drained. Traveling between the two realms was a big enough strain, but also using so much demonic power only made the demon exhausted. With his elbow propped up on the arm, he rested his chin on his palm.
“Is this where you sleep?” Nell pushed her hands against the edge of the tub to see it better but slipped and fell headfirst into the pile of pillows. Her legs kicked in the air before she flipped upright.
“It’s weird, isn’t it?” Levi asked, nervously turning his gaze to find Henry in the large aquarium. Only normies slept in beds. His tub was the perfect size, and he could cuddle his Ruri-chan body pillow without any issues.
The girl hummed, brushed her white hair out of her face. “No, it makes sense.” She grinned at his surprised expression. “Besides, it’s comfy. Can I sleep here, too? I’m really tiny so we can both fit.”
“S-sure.” He hadn’t thought this far ahead. The situation had turned out to be more dire than he’d realized, but even without it, the demon didn’t have anything in place for her once they’d arrived here. Levi racked his brain for his next move while the girl continually dove into the pillows and then popped up on the other side of the tub and repeated.
The only thing he did know was that Lucifer couldn’t find out she was here.
“I see the item worked for you.”
Nell slipped back under the pillows, peeking out between them to spy on the new demon in the room. His green eyes flickered to where she hid but quickly moved to Levi. Which one was he? She’d heard about all of them.
“Although, I’m not sure that keeping a human as a pet is a good idea.”
“I’m not a human!” The girl sprung up, haphazardly knocking the pillows out of the tub and onto the floor. Her index fingers tapped against her two large canines. “I’m a vampire. See? Fangs!”
Levi rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not sure what I’m going to do next, but think you can keep her a secret? If Lucifer finds out, he’ll punish me for sure.” His shoulders dropped in dejection. And who knows what he’d do to Nell. “Nell, this is my brother Satan.”
“Oh, the one that likes books and is a cat.”
“A cat?” Satan blinked at her in confusion. He wasn’t not like a cat, although he didn’t think that would be a bad thing. She certainly didn’t say it as a negative, so it was possible that it was meant as a compliment.
The vampire climbed out of the tub and approached the fourth born brother who was deep in serious thought. Her hand tugged on his sleeve, violet eyes that of puppy’s. “Please don’t tell the bossy one I’m here. I want to stay with Levi.” Her gaze fell away, distracted by the mountain of games and toys around her. “If I have to go back, the humans will kill me.”
Satan chuckled at her reference to the eldest as the bossy one. “Your secret is safe with me.” He ruffled her hair and smiled softly. She was quite cute, and it would be entertaining to see how long Levi could keep her hidden.
“Nell, no!” Levi chastised. His tail wrapped around her waist, hauling the girl away from his brother. Her fangs grazed against Satan’s wrist but didn’t actually sink in. He held her in the air, sighing. “You can’t bite him. Actually, you can’t bite anyone. No biting.”
Her index fingers poked together as she gave Satan a sheepish expression. “I’m sorry.”
“Levi, you do know you have to feed her, right? Vampires survive on blood, and if she’s willing to bite a demon, then she must be starving,” Satan said, observing the two with curiosity. He’d never seen Levi so invested in something 3-D.
“I know. I’ll figure something out.” He set her down but didn’t release his tail’s grip. Procuring human blood in the Devildom would be difficult. And if he bought it online in bulk, Lucifer was sure to notice. Levi gritted his teeth and rolled up his sleeve. “For now, you can drink from me. Just be quick.” His head turned away, not wanting to see his own blood.
Nell stared at his bare skin, tongue gliding across her teeth. She hadn’t properly drunk in a while, and it was oh so tempting. “Are you sure? I can control myself... maybe.” She would do her best to abstain.
“Yes. I’m sure. It’ll be like in that one episode where Ruri-chan’s best friend was turned into a vampire and needed blood so Ruri-chan sacrificed herself for them to not suffer! A true inspiration!”
Her soft giggle drew his attention back to her. “You’re so funny, Levi. I bet Ruri-chan would be super proud of you.”
Tears welled in his eyes. If that were true, he could die a happy demon. “Alright, let’s do this! Ahh- ouch!” Levi whined as her fangs pierced his skin. It was nothing at all in Ruri-chan! It stung and burned. He clenched his fist and bit his lip. He would not back down.
But damn did it hurt!
Nell drank enough to feel full and then collapsed forward onto his lap with a happy sigh. “You have nice blood,” she whispered, eyelids too heavy to stay open. With a full tummy and the adrenaline of the day wearing off, the little vampire fell promptly asleep.
“I’ll do some research on where you can purchase blood. In the meantime, be sure to keep her in here where none of the others will find her,” Satan said. Once Mammon or Asmo got a hold of a secret, the entire house would know about it in a matter of minutes.
“Thanks, Satan. I owe you,” Levi said, reaching a hesitant head out to pet her white hair. She was kind of like a pet, like Henry, but more hands on. He lifted her up and climbed into his tub with her. She’d been right, they both could fit in here comfortably. For the first night ever, he didn’t need his Ruri-chan pillow.
But keeping her a secret would turn out to be much harder than he’d imagined.
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trrriple-rrr · 4 years
Greg Lestrade/Female Reader - Drabble
This drabble is for the lovely @atoffandhisbobby​ who used some serious detective skills during the posting of the advent calender stories to find out which “new” fictional character stole my heart and soul this year. Here’s your reward! I hope you love the story. It was so much fun to write. Thank you for the great prompt!
@atoffandhisbobby​ asked: Yay, I'm glad I got it! I really miss Lestrade, so maybe a story where he has a hot quickie with the reader at a NYE party? Happy holidays!
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“Thanks.” You smile at him as he holds the door open for you to step into the pub. The usual sound of chatter, laughter and drunken shouts is even louder than usual. There’s also loud music coming from the speaker, its bass and low tones thrumming through the floor and straight into your blood-
You gasp when you feel his hand land in the small of your back as he gently leads you further into the room. His warm breath brushes against your temple and you just let him take the lead. Friendly faces and warm smiles greet you when people see you and recognize him in the dim lights of the pub.
He waves, nods and smiles and keeps pushing his way over to the bar. He shakes hands with people there, introduces you to the few new faces you haven’t seen before. The place is filled with his colleagues and friends and it feels special that you belong to this group of people now. The ones he trusts. The ones he loves.
He ordered you a drink and offers to take your jacket. You smile brightly at him and take off your jacket quickly so you get a chance to watch him take of his.
You really enjoy seeing his arm muscles stretch and bulge, the fabric of his coat stretching over his broad shoulders, revealing a dark blue shirt that’s clinging to the lines of his upper body, leading down into a nice pair of grey slacks that emphasize his beautiful behind.
He raises his eyebrow as he catches your eye and shots you a quick wink before he disappears to find a safe place for your winter coats.
You sip your drink and enjoy the atmosphere of the pub and of this evening. Everyone seems to be buzzing with energy and excitement… ready to have this year end. Ready to begin a new one with all the new possibilities and chances it will bring.
You see him make his way through the crowd, back to your side, to his drink. He leans over and captures your lips in a lingering soft kiss before his hands close around the pint glass in front of him. He smells like fresh air and tastes like happiness.
You smile against his lips and watch him take a drink. It’s still early in the night but you already know what you want to do when you’ll go home with him and start a new year with him. And you think he feels the same when he leans into you instead of the sturdy bar, when his hand lands on your knee, his thumb drawing circles there that make you shiver, when he leans closer to whisper something into your ear, his lips brushing against your sensitive skin…
But for now you’re just happy to be here. To celebrate with him. To party. To listen to music, drink and laugh…
* Three hours later you don’t know what to do with yourself. People around you are getting steadily drunker. There’s dancing and even louder laughing. There’s good food and even more drinks. And there’s him. He’s standing even closer now. His hands on your hips, his lips brushing against your neck every once in a while when he thinks no one is looking your way.
He keeps moving around. His chest pressed against your back. His breath tickling against your nape. He’s in front of you, his smile bright, his eyes shining with joy and lust. His lips shining, licking drops of beer off them.
And he’s at your side. Always. You’re surrounded by his warmth, his scent, the sound of his voice.
“Greg…” You whisper his name and he tilts his head. Squeezes your hand. You know that he knows exactly what he is doing to you. He can see it reflected back in your eyes, your reddened cheeks and the quick pulse he can feel against his fingertips and lips.
You let your fingers intertwine with his and squeeze his hand, pull him even closer.
Ten minutes till midnight.
People around you become louder, giddier. Get their glasses empty to get a refill before the countdown.
“Please…” Your voice doesn’t hide how needy you feel. How much you want him. You don’t have to spell it out. He squeezes your fingers back. Looks at his phone. Bites his lip, which only makes you want him even more.
You raise your eyebrow and kiss him. Quick. Hard. Lick across his bottom lip. His surprised moan swallowed by the music.
You pull away from him. Go straight to the restrooms. Either he’ll follow you and you’ll get what you want or he won’t…and you’d at least get the chance to take a deep breath and to calm down.
Because this has never happened to you before. Just with him. And you love it.
The door closes behind you. You leave the stall unlocked. The tip of your shoe poking out. You take a deep breath. A second one. Your heart jumps up into your throat when the heavy wooden door creaks open again. Falls close. You hear heavy steps. Hear deep breathing. Then the stall is pulled open and you take a step back. Smile brightly at him. Grab his shirt and pull him into your arms.
He curses and kicks the door shut behind him. Has half the mind to lock the stall before he wraps his arms around you, pulls you against his body.
Your lips meet.
Hot. Quick.
You open your lips for him. His tongue curls around yours. He kisses you deeply, makes your tows curl. He tastes like beer and snacks and pure heat. You press yourself against him, your hands sliding over his back, pulling the shirt from his trousers. You want to feel his skin against yours.
He hisses when your hands slide under his shirt. Your fingernails scratch his back lightly. Across his sides. His hands slide over your arms, your breasts, your thighs. The stall wall is cold and hard against your back as he pushes you against it. But he is so warm. So alive.
He nips on your bottom lip and grabs your thigh, hoists it up to his hips.
“Want you.” He gasps and dives back in to kiss you. You moan against his lips and move your hips against his. You can feel his hardness, his lust.
It’s making you dizzy as you push back against him, stumble over to the next wall in the small cubicle. Your whole body is thrumming with want. You want too much. Want to taste and feel and lose yourself.
He gasps. His fingers slide through your hair. He presses his forehead against yours. Takes a deep breath.
“Sit down.” You murmur and push your hands against his shoulders. He sits on the toilet and laughs breathlessly. His lips are wet and swollen, his eyes blown wide and dark. He looks gorgeous.
Your trembling fingers open his trousers push them out of the way. His fingers get tangled in your clothes. You hiss and moan into the fumbling touches anyway. Because you get his trousers off, his pants next. And you see his cock. Hard. Springing free. Into your hands. Heat and lust. Against your skin, pooling between your legs.
He grins and lets out a happy sound when he gets your clothes out of the way too and pulls you closer, his arm wrapped around your waist. Strong.
You lean into the touch and spread your legs, reach down, don’t waste any time. You hold his hard cock in your hands as you line it up to your entrance, let it breach you. Coat the tip in your wetness. Let him feel how much you want it. Want him.
His eyes slip close, his head falls back. Your lips find the sensitive spot on his neck. His groan mixes with your moan as you sink down on his length. Feel his cock spread you open, fill you. All the way.
You sit on his lap. He gasps into your mouth. He holds your hips. His touch is hot. You share his breath before you kiss him. Start to rock your hips. He takes it. Let’s you take over. Let’s you chase and find your pleasure. On his cock, on his tongue, on his skin, in his arms.
His thighs are trembling. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, whisper his name, try to bury your lustful noises against his neck. You move faster. The last few hours are catching up with you. Your desire is making your blood boil.
You move up and down his cock. Hold his gaze. See the wonder in his eyes. Feel the need in his tight grip. He pushes up into you. Hits the spot. Your eyes roll back. And he chuckles. Breathless. Happy. You move faster. Harder. And he’s right there with you. Gives you what you need. What you’re craving.
Voices outside the door are getting louder. Shouting. Yelling. Happy cheers.
He murmurs your name, pulls you closer. “Please. Come… come for me.” He hisses, hanging onto the edge. You roll your hips and he starts to shudder. And you let yourself feel. Let yourself fall. You come. He’s holding you close. You clench around him. His cock pressed deep inside of you, sending out lustful jolts through your entire body till there is only him and blissful white noise left inside of your thoughts, your skin prickling with pleasure and heat, with him shivering through his own orgasm in your arms, his face pressed against your shoulder, his release hot inside of you…
He curses. Laughs. Wipes his forehead. He looks carefree and happy. You kiss him. Taste him. Hold him inside of you just a little while longer.
Outside you can hear the fireworks exploding. See their colourful lights through the tiny window in your stall.
They have nothing on what you just felt.
“Happy New Year, Greg.” You murmur and feel a shudder run through you when he tightens his hold on you, pulls you even closer and looks at you.
“Happy New Year, love.”
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