#'but it's a baby' it's a parasite. it's a clump of cells. I don't care if it has a heartbeat. I don't care. I have friends-
mememan93 · 6 months
killing and biting and killing and biting
#I swear to god i want to die right now. I write for the opinion section of my school newspaper#and this guy comes in and goes 'i want to write a pro life article and an article on the republican abortion strategy'#and i jump in like “great and i'll write the pro choice one” WHY DID I SAY THAT#like yes im pro choice and yes im passionate about it. but now we're doing a pro con. i can't do that#i can't do that. i can't handle it because last time we did one of those both sides received death threats#and like everyone else there is pro choice except for that fucker but i'm the only ONLY afab person in the room.#which is bad enough as it is but they were just staring at me and i. i feel so humiliated#i want to back out but i can't just let the kid publish his piece without a rebuttal#abortion is a topic i'm passionate about. but also one i'm emotional about. guys a secret. my birth was scuffed. My mom was in so much pain#and was left with injuries that made her cancer treatment more difficult#and i just get so upset that my life and the life of every pregnant person means less to people than a clump of cells#'but it's a baby' it's a parasite. it's a clump of cells. I don't care if it has a heartbeat. I don't care. I have friends-#i have family. i have people that love me and i have things that I do that people rely on. I matter#'but what if the baby cures cancer' WHAT IF I DO. WHAT IF I DO.#I so want to back out i'm crying writing this but. I can't do it. i can't just let that fucker get his way.#he's also transphobic and homophobic btw. unsurprising but still.
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papirouge · 1 year
as someone who almost died as a minor giving birth after being raped I think u should care about the lives already here and not a clump of cells. most children conceived thru rape are abandoned or killed later on anyhow
Why are you guys acting like we had to pick a sidd between saving the life of women OR the baby?? What some sort of twisted oppression Olympics is that?? Why couldn't we fight for BOTH? This is precisely what prolifers are for.
First of all, we do care about saving pregnant women's life considering the fact that death in childbirth is ≤0.05% in developed countries.... It shows that a decent healthcare system is KEY in saving women's life during delivery - and that abortion isn't needed. COPE.
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The fearmongering around pregnancy kills is inversely proportionate to how it actually does IRL.
Unlike what pro abortionist liars say, no prolifer advocate for less medical help for women. And no, we aren't all Conservatives (I'm personally not) religious (secular/LGTB+ prolife organization are a thing) or males (most prolifers are female) so enough with the tHey hAte wOmeN shtick. We don't revel in women dying in childbirth struggling to get access to pregnancy care. Many of us are mom/have family and know how hard pregnancy & educating children is. You need to stop acting like only pro choicers knew what is was like to carry a baby and deliver it. That's precisely bc we know how hard pregnancy is that we consider women deserve better than a bandaid called abortion.
Abortion is the reason why pregnancy care is sooo behind in extra liberal spaces. By shoving abortion as the only solution for women hEaLthCaRe (because it's cheaper than an actual maternity leave + welfare) they never really bothered creating a decent alternative to help women who'd decide to keep their baby. How can abortion be a ✨choice✨ when the only alternative is sinking into helplessness & poverty? Damn, you guys totally understand it when it comes to prostitution but NEVER have the intellectual honesty to ponder that question when it comes to abortion 🤔
It baffles my mind how pro abortion applauded companies offering abortions instead of a decent maternity leave. You guys are the biggest useful idiots of capitalism while thinking you are soooo subversive 🙄 That's why you are making up false opposition in the form of the big bad traditional backwardish boogeyman to make you sound braver than you are lol There's no traditionalist conspiracy... Most of the planet never stopped valuing family over career or iNdepeNdencE (although there's a definite push for cultural liberalism - of which abortion culture is totally part of) It's just the pendulum naturally coming back after a decade of libfem koolaid.
You're doing exactly what the system wants from you. You're the equivalent of 'eyeliner so sharp it would slays patriarchy' kinda shit. Especially radfem who will scream that women aren't body part (and they're right) yet advocate for the very act of treating our body like such (against our biology most basic function such as fertility/procreation) - if not straight up vilifying its work ("a baby is a parasite"). Would it even occur to you that fetus aren't "body parts" to be disposed of?? You uterus is a "clump of cells" too, you might as well throw it to the trash 🤪
Oh and many of these "poor pregnant woman got arrested for abortion" have been debunked. You guys really need to get over these misleading sensational headlines seeking to demonize pro lifers (weird, I thought there was a back to traditionalism conspiracy 🤔 shouldn't mainstream media be on our side? 🤔). Those poor women either took drugs to kill their fetus or even killed them AFTER their birth (I'm sure there's a masterpost floating around debunking these stories).
Abortion doesn't even stop rape. If anything, if facilitates its erasure (planned Parenthood allying with pimps to perform underage abortion under the radar) You guys are just moving the goal to appeal to emotionalism. Even if rape disappeared overnight you'd stil advocate for abortion so please, shut up about it. You are exhausting.
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zucca101 · 5 years
You keep hammering all the time how bans don't work when it comes to guns. But when it comes to women and their body suddenly bans are the best thing ever. I would find you a bigger hypocrite but I'm afraid I would need to time travel into the future and bring future you for that. Even Trump has said that he doesn't agree with the ban and here you are, bringing your religious bullshit about sex being sacred. Its only sacred to virgins like you that only want everyone to be as miserable as you.
I’d love to say that I kept my patience this long, but I cannot say that. I had moments of recklessness when I was younger, and experience tempered me and showed me to keep my pride tucked in the underoos.
And I can make a purely scientific argument against abortion, since, as you have demonstrated, a moral argument... namely an argument pleading for a life whose voice is unheard, who is denigrated to the role of ‘clump of cells’ in the grand discussion at best, and parasite at worst, is not an argument that will work.
So here goes.
The purpose of sex is reproduction. To swap genes, make a beautiful baby to continue the line and carry on the genes. The purpose of courtship rituals is to determine who is most worthy to mate with.
So now that we’re up to speed on that...
Sex feels great. There’s no denying that. Sex for its own sake is not just about the potential risk of creating a new life.
There is a certain hormone, nicknamed Oxy. You can probably figure out the rest. It’s a bonding hormone. A hormone that builds on itself between two people. When you have sex with someone, your neural-chemistry is being altered to situate itself as the potential mate of that one.
Sleep around and your body, and your mind, by proxy, finds it increasingly difficult to form meaningful bonds. It’s all there, black and white, clear as crystal in behavioral science.
See, we humans do a lot of things that feel good, but that we really shouldn’t do.
Smoke, drink alcohol, watch reality TV Shows, get Prince Albert piercings...
But unlike most of those things (Smoking of course notwithstanding, being second-hand and such) only effects the individual.
Becoming pregnant is something that brings an innocent, non-violent, third party into the fray, who did not ask to be here, but is here, because of YOU.
Because of what you chose to do.
Now before you tell me about the tired exceptions, those are exceptions I likely share. Most notably, the safety of the mother. And if a family is unprepared to care for a child born with special needs, as bad as the eugenics sentiment is, it’s a logical argument. And we’ve left morals and feelings at the door for this discussion, again, because of you.
Now, because of what the vast, overwhelming majority of you chose to do, there is a life here.
That zygote can only become a fetus, that fetus can only become a baby, that baby can only become an adult. There are absolutely no deviations.
If you don’t believe you can take care of it, you may surprise yourself and rise to the challenge.
But if not, then there are foster families eager to adopt unwanted children at a young age.
And again, leaving morals at the door, the infant product of a rape will resist the cervical prongs trying to cut it apart just as much as the product of consensual sex.
It is a life that does not want to die.
The only interpretation that one can draw from a fetus’ resistance to abortion is that it does not wish to be killed.
Since there is no other way of divining their wishes beyond observing body language through a mid-abortion sonogram, that is the sole logical conclusion to be drawn.
The sociopathic desire to indulge in unprotected sex and then destroy a life that you created is something that I confess is alien to me.
This isn’t like a ban on guns. Because guns are a right granted to us under the purview of self defense.
This isn’t like a ban of drugs. Because the recreational use of narcotics is not a protected right due to the endangerment to the common public good.
A ban on abortion-on-demand is permitting a right. The right to life.
Your body, your choice. Damned straight.
But we’re not talking about your body when we’re talking about an unwanted pregnancy.
If you absolutely must have sex, then do the sensible thing. Use a condom. Use a catcher’s mitt. Use contraceptives. Use the pill.
A ban on abortion is the enforcement of the inalienable right to life.
That is all it is.
And if you were brought up on ‘The Cider House Rules’, then do me a favor... pitch that garbage in the recycle bin. It’s shallow, naked propaganda.
Even all of that said... I don’t know if I agree on a unilateral ban.
But as the Gipper said...
‘Vote with your feet.’
And on a personal note, you’re goddamned straight I hold sex as sacred, and not as some kind of fucking game.
I’ve seen sexual recklessness destroy more lives than just the abortion involved, pizano.
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