#'but then i guess we know there's blame to share and none of it seems to matter anymore'
aka-catnip · 1 year
jayce and viktor are so glinda and elphaba actually
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alinawritess · 4 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 ❀
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❀ pairing. Vinnie Hacker x fem!reader x Matt Sturniolo
❀ synopsis. Four years ago, Vinnie and you, were once deeply in love, but had to part ways as both your skyrocketing careers in Hollywood and LA strained your long-distance relationship. The breakup was heartbreaking, leaving Vinnie with unresolved feelings. Now, at a glamorous Hollywood party, he unexpectedly encounters you, his former flame, who is now with the charismatic YouTube star Matt Sturniolo. As old emotions resurface, their polite yet charged interaction hints at unresolved tension and nostalgia.
❀ word count. 3.2k
❀ warning(s). Heartbreak┆︎ Emotional Distress ┆︎ Long-Distance Relationship Challenges ┆︎ Regret┆︎ Unresolved Feelings ┆︎ Nostalgia┆︎ Emotional Vulnerability┆︎ No Use of Y/N.
❀ authors note. Was I high writing this? very much so! (who knew what 4 Advil pills can do to a girl) ┆︎ If there are any spelling mistakes- blame Grammarly, girly was supposed to fix them!
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Four Years Ago
Vinnie and you had been together for two wonderful years, just starting out in the influencer industry. Nobody really knew you two were dating; it was something private, a decision both of you had made. People and fans knew you were both seeing someone, but they just didn't know who. Your relationship felt like a perfect fit, filled with love and understanding.
Today, as you come through the apartment doors, exhaustion is written all over your face after a long day of practicing your lines for your upcoming movie. The filming is in Hollywood, and you haven't figured out how to tell your beloved partner that maybe you should take a break while you're filming. After all, he had his days where he seemed busy too. To say that your relationship was perfect would be a lie; recently, both of you had been busy with your hectic schedules, barely having time for one another.
As you walk through the door of your shared apartment, Vinnie looks up upon hearing it open.
"Hi, love," he greets you with a smile.
"Hi, Mr. Hacker," you say, playfully using a new nickname.
Vinnie chuckles. "That's a new nickname. Not really your style to be calling me by nicknames," he adds.
He walks up to you and gently wraps his arms around your sides, but you pull back slightly. "Do you hate it?" you tease lightly.
"I never said that," he says, planting a kiss on your forehead. "So, what's on your mind today, my love?" he asks, seeing your hands fidget and sensing your distracted thoughts. He truly knew how to read you like an open book, understanding your every emotion.
"We need to talk," you say, slipping from his embrace. Vinnie's teasing expression fades into worry and concern.
"A talk? Is something wrong, love?" he asks.
"I feel like we're not on the same page in life as we used to be," you say, your voice tinged with concern.
Vinnie's expression becomes gentler. He lifts his hand to gently caress your face. "Oh, love... What makes you think that?"
"You've been pretty distant with band things and photoshoots," you explain, "and I guess we only see each other once or twice a week. None of us have even brought it up; it's like we don't care that our schedules mess our relationship up and we don't even try to fix it or talk about it. Every time we do see each other, we just act like we're some perfect couple, like nothing's tearing us apart beneath the surface."
Vinnie takes a deep breath and nods, understanding what you mean. "You're right... I've been distracted with band stuff and photoshoots. I never meant to make you feel like I was neglecting you. I'm so sorry," he apologizes sincerely, his voice quiet and gentle.
"It's fine," you reassure him. "I'm not saying stop chasing your dreams. Go for it. But what if we took a break?"
"A break? You mean from the relationship?" Vinnie's voice is barely a whisper, his expression one of heartbreak.
"Yeah..." you hesitate. "You know, maybe try things, chase our dreams."
Vinnie stands frozen, his wide eyes looking at you with disbelief. He clearly wasn't prepared for this conversation.
"You... want us to break up?" he asks, his voice cracking.
"Kinda," you admit. "Maybe you'll finally be the model or singer you want to be. Maybe your band will finally hit the top 100 charts, maybe even number one. And maybe, just maybe, I can be on TV."
Vinnie's expression falls even more, and his eyes plead with you. "But what about us? What about what we have? We're good together, aren't we?"
"We are, but the truth is we've been so distant from each other. We barely have enough time for this relationship," you explain. "I'm going to be in Hollywood for a while for my upcoming movie, and you're going to be in LA. Is it truly going to work?"
Vinnie's jaw clenches tightly in disappointment, tears welling up in his eyes. "But... I love you," he whispers quietly, almost like he wanted you to hear him but not at all at the same time.
"I thought... you loved me like I loved you," he continues, and now tears roll down his face. "But I guess I was wrong... I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you..."
"Vinnie, it's not like that, you know it," you say softly, trying to comfort him.
"I really don't," he chokes out, shaking his head. "How can you just throw away everything we had? What's wrong with me that you don't love me anymore?" He lifts his palms to his face and scrubs away his tears, though they keep spilling out in endless waterfalls.
"I never said I don't love you," you clarify, "I just don't think I can do long distance."
"So... this means I'll never get to hold you again? Or touch you? Or kiss you? Or hear your laughter and jokes that make my day?" Vinnie's voice cracks as he struggles to hold back his tears.
"I don't know, Vinnie," you admit, tears welling up in your own eyes, "I don't know what the future holds. I know because of this movie role, I'm going to be away for a long time."
Vinnie nods slowly, his eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and acceptance. "Yeah... long distance is tough. I'm just scared of what happens if you... you know... find someone new while you're away?"
"If I come back and we both have the same feelings for one another, maybe we could be... maybe," you suggest tentatively.
He nods ever so slightly again. "I guess this is it then," he whispers, his voice cracking as he struggles to speak. "But... can we at least have one final kiss? To cherish this moment and keep it forever?"
"How about a hug? A kiss would feel too intimate, don't you think?" you suggest.
"Yeah... a hug," he chokes out. Vinnie steps forward and wraps his arms around you in a firm embrace. He buries his face in your hair, his whole body trembling as he fights away tears.
"I'm sorry," you say softly, tears streaming down your face.
"No, I'm the one who's sorry I wasn't what you needed," he whispers, his voice cracking once more. "I loved you so much, and I promise I always will. I hope you find everything you're looking for."
"I hope you do too," you whisper back.
He holds you tightly for a few more moments, the embrace feeling like a bittersweet mixture of love and pain.
Eventually, he releases you, his expression a mix of sadness and acceptance. "Goodbye, my love..."
"Bye, Vin," you say softly.
Vinnie slowly walks towards the door and opens it, pausing for a moment to look back at you one final time. His tear-filled eyes meet yours for a few seconds before he steps out the door, disappearing into the unknown.
Present Day
Four years had passed since you and Vinnie had gone your separate ways, but the memories of your time together still lingered like ghosts from the past. You found yourself at a lavish Hollywood party, surrounded by the elite and celebrities, trying to navigate through the crowd with Matt Sturniolo, your new boyfriend. Matt was introducing you to various people, his hand possessively on your back as you made your way through the crowd.
Amidst the glamorous chaos, you spotted a familiar face—the one you thought you'd never see again. Vinnie stood out among the Hollywood elite, his charismatic presence and undeniable good looks drawing attention wherever he went. He was surrounded by people, laughing at his jokes and eagerly listening to his stories. It was clear he was thriving in the industry.
As if sensing your gaze, Vinnie glanced up and briefly met your eyes. For a moment, time seemed to freeze as memories flooded your mind. But all too quickly, he tore his gaze away and continued chatting with his entourage, as if nothing had happened.
Matt brought you in front of Vinnie, and you had to muster all your strength to act as if this was your first time meeting. Your eyes locked onto Vinnie's, and you could see a flicker of recognition in his gaze, but he played along.
"Hey, nice to meet you," he said smoothly, offering a polite smile and extending his hand for a handshake.
You politely declined Vinnie's handshake, keeping your hand firmly clasped with Matt's as he introduced you as his girlfriend. Vinnie glanced at your intertwined hands, a subtle flicker of disappointment crossing his face before he quickly masked it with a neutral expression.
"Ah, got yourself a nice catch, Matt," Vinnie joked, his voice casual but his eyes betraying a hint of envy. He gave Matt's hand a firm shake before turning his attention to you. "Congratulations to you both."
As the conversation continued, Vinnie tried his best to maintain his composure, engaging in small talk with you both. But beneath the surface, he couldn't help but feel a pang of longing and regret. He had lost you, and now, seeing you happy with someone else hurt more than he had anticipated.
Matt turned to Vinnie and asked, "So, have you found yourself a special someone yet, Vinnie?"
Vinnie chuckled, his eyes twinkling with a hint of humor. "Oh, you know me, Matt, always the bachelor. Haven't found the right person to settle down with yet."
"Ever did?" Matt asked.
"Well, there was one person," Vinnie admitted, his voice quieter, the hint of a smile playing on his lips. "We had something special, but life took us down different paths. Sometimes, I wonder if what we had could've been something more."
"What happened?" Matt asked, as you looked away, clenching your hand tighter around Matt's.
"We both had dreams and aspirations," Vinnie explained, his expression tinged with a hint of sadness. "I was focused on my music career, and she wanted to pursue her dreams in Hollywood. We tried to make it work, but the distance and our conflicting schedules made it challenging. In the end, we had to make a choice to follow our own paths."
"So, did you find what you were searching for, and did you ever see her again?" Matt asked.
"After her, I've had a few relationships here and there, but none quite like ours," Vinnie mused. "As for her, our paths have crossed at a few parties or events over the years, but we've kept our distance. Maybe one day, fate will bring us back together."
"It was nice chatting with you both," Vinnie said, his tone laced with a hint of sorrow mixed with acceptance. "Enjoy the party."
Matt nodded in agreement, expressing his parting greetings as well, and gently led you away to find a quieter spot for that much-needed breather. As you walked away, Vinnie found himself lost in his thoughts, unable to shake off the bittersweet memories of what once was. He took a deep breath and pushed the past aside, plastering a smile on his face as he turned back to the party, trying to revel in the present instead.
The rest of the evening passed by in a blur for Vinnie, his mind preoccupied with the unexpected encounter. Seeing you with another man had stirred up a myriad of emotions within him, forcing him to confront the lingering feelings he still harbored deep down. He tried to engage in conversations and interactions, but his thoughts kept drifting back to you, the one who once loved him. As the party drew to a close, Vinnie felt a sense of relief mixed with a bittersweet tinge. He knew that seeing you tonight had only served to reopen old wounds. As he made his way out of the venue, he couldn't help but wonder if fate would ever bring the two of you together again.
Sitting on the steps in your black dress, you wondered what was taking Matt so long. He had told you to meet him outside, but he still hadn't appeared. You contemplated whether you should go back into the party and search for him, even though everyone appeared happy in front of you, things were going wrong inside their relationship. As you looked up from the steps, there he was, looking down at you—an old love.
"Hey," he greeted softly, his voice tinged with both warmth and hesitation. "Mind if I join you?"
"Go ahead," you replied, a hint of bitterness in your voice. "It's not like my boyfriend is anywhere, and it's not like the spot's reserved."
Vinnie let out a small chuckle at your remark, sensing the hint of bitterness in your words. He took a seat beside you on the steps, respectfully leaving a little space between you two as he gazed out at the cityscape before you.
"It's nice out here," he commented softly, before adding, "Not much of a party person, are you?"
"Never was, even with you," you replied, a wistful tone in your voice. "But neither were you."
Vinnie smiled softly, the corner of his lip curving up in a bittersweet smile. "You're right, I never was much of a party person," he admitted, his gaze distant as he reminisced about the past. "I guess some things never change. Neither of us was meant for the Hollywood spotlight."
"I don't know about you, but I look great on the big screen," you said, trying to inject some lightness into the conversation.
Vinnie chuckled and nodded, his eyes gleaming with pride and admiration. "No doubt about it," he agreed. "You shine bright like a star on the big screen. It suits you. I always knew you were destined for greatness."
"Even if it caused our relationship to end," you said quietly, your voice tinged with regret.
Vinnie's expression turned solemn as he nodded slowly. "Yeah, the industry can be demanding," he admitted. "It took a toll on our relationship, on both of us. We had different dreams, different paths. Sometimes, I wonder what would have been if we had chosen differently."
"Like normal people with ordinary jobs," you added, a wistful tone in your voice.
Vinnie let out a deep sigh and nodded. "Sometimes I miss those simpler days," he confessed, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "Just the two of us, living life without the fame and the busy schedules. It was simpler, I guess. But who knows, maybe things happen for a reason."
"Maybe," you said softly, not entirely convinced. "Though I'm surprised there's no lovely woman by your side tonight."
Vinnie chuckled, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Oh, I could have any woman I wanted," he joked, feigning confidence. "But maybe I'm just waiting for the right one to come along. Someone who appreciates the real me, not just the celebrity persona."
"You mean the anime nerd behind all that mystery," you teased, a hint of a smile playing on your lips.
Vinnie's laughter filled the air, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "You always knew me too well, didn't you?" he said, a hint of warmth in his voice. "Yeah, the big secret no one knows is that I'm just a regular anime nerd underneath the glitz and glamor."
"Wouldn't that be what we would have been doing right now, four years ago? Fighting over either Attack on Titan or Sailor Moon?" you mused.
Vinnie grinned wider, his eyes lighting up as the nostalgia washed over him. "Yeah, those endless debates over which anime is the best," he mused. "You and your love for Sailor Moon, and me passionately defending Attack on Titan. It was always a tie between us, wasn't it?"
"I don’t know, feel like I won most of those rounds," you said with a playful challenge.
Vinnie chuckled softly, his eyes gleaming with playful mischief. "Maybe you won a few, but I still hold my ground that Attack on Titan is the superior anime," he quipped, a hint of a challenge in his voice. "I mean, come on, the story, the characters, the action – it's just unbeatable!"
"Come on, like you didn't drool over Captain Levi every time he was on the screen," Vinnie teased.
"Levi Ackerman, huh? Can't blame me there," you admitted, a playful shrug. "He's a hot badass, for sure. But let's be real, even he couldn't steal me away from you."
The light-hearted mood shifted suddenly as Matt's voice interjected, "Steal who from who?" cutting through the conversation like a gust of cold wind. Vinnie turned to face Matt, a flicker of surprise crossing his features.
"Baby, what took you so long?" you asked Matt, kissing him on the cheek as he pulled you closer to him.
Vinnie watched as you kissed Matt, a whirlwind of emotions stirring within him. He forced a strained smile, his eyes betraying a hint of jealousy and longing hidden beneath the surface.
"So, what were you talking about?" Matt asked.
"Just catching up with Vinnie. After all, we did work on that one music piece," you interjected.
"Yeah, just catching up on the old times," Vinnie managed to say, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside. He cleared his throat, attempting to divert the conversation away from the awkward tension. "So, how's the industry treating you, Matt? Any exciting projects coming up?"
Matt talked about his YouTube channel and the one he shared with his triplet brothers, Nick and Chris, who appeared behind him. Chris gave you a pat on the shoulder, commenting on how lit the party was, joking that you'd be his sister-in-law soon if you kept up your relationship with his brother.
Vinnie nodded intently, listening to Matt's excitement about his growing success on YouTube. He managed a polite, encouraging smile despite the gnawing feeling of jealousy brewing within him. As Matt's brothers appeared behind him, their presence created an even more convoluted atmosphere, with Chris's comment about you being his future sister-in-law making things even more awkward.
Matt turned his head to you and Chris as he heard his comment and whispered, "Maybe one day, my love," kissing your cheek. But all you could think of at that moment was Vinnie as he stared at you. Matt's comment brought back memories for both of you, as "my love" was Vinnie's favorite nickname for you.
You remembered the first time he called you that name, back in high school. The wind was blowing hard, and the flowers had bloomed even though it was the first day of spring. You were supposed to meet at the botanical gardens for your first official date. As you tried to find where he was, a soft, comforting voice said, "Hi," tapping your shoulder and causing you to turn around. Before any word could come out of your mouth, he picked a leaf that had gotten stuck in your hair and spoke gently, "I think something got stuck in your hair, love." That was the first time anyone had called you that, and at that time, you really believed he would be the only one calling you it. Snapping out of your thoughts, you smiled softly at Matt to reassure him. Vinnie interrupted the moment, reminding Matt they were in the middle of a conversation.
"That's great to hear, man. I hope your channel keeps growing. You've got a long road ahead of you," Vinnie responded, his voice neutral despite the emotional turmoil roiling inside him. He tried to focus on the conversation, asking questions and engaging in small talk, but his thoughts kept circling back to you, the one who once loved him. As the conversation continued, Vinnie began to feel increasingly out of place, his presence becoming more of a hindrance than anything.
His mind raced, weighing the options for escape. Glancing around, he subtly scanned for a way out. Seeing an opportunity, Vinnie excused himself abruptly, offering a hasty excuse about finding the restroom or chatting with his manager—anything to leave this awkwardly tense situation.
"Take care Vin," you say as Vinnie passes by you once again.
"Thanks, you too," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of unresolved emotion as he walked away, leaving you to grapple with the memories and emotions that had resurfaced.
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lastoneout · 7 months
I don't really know exactly why I'm posting this, I guess I just want to share my joy, but y'all...the nerve block worked. My migraine went down a little over the night so I was only at like a 1.5-2 but I swear to god the second they were done EVERY SINGLE PART of my head stopped hurting. The only pain I'm feeling rn is at the injection site and a smidge in my jaw, but that's not a huge deal bcs I know the steroids take a long time to do their thing and I usually have pain around the injection site when they do this in my back, plus I did already suspect something like 10% of my migraines aren't entirely due to my neck, but like...it worked. It fucking worked.
I've been living with chronic migraines my entire life, and in the last five years, they've gotten so bad that I can't work and have to cancel streams and hangouts with friends all the time. I have migraines more days than I don't and I've never been able to find out what my trigger is aside from not sleeping well and eating lays potato chips(rip I miss them so much) or gluten or being on my period?? and on some days I'm in so much pain I can't even feed myself or shower. 8-10 is the norm, they don't go lower on their own, they NEVER go away on their own, no matter how much time I spend lying in bed in the dark with icepacks on my face. My migraine rescue meds don't always work, or they work for a day and then it comes back, and I seem to be fucking Immune(tm) to Excedrin and ibuprofen. All that together has legit been ruining my entire life.
And I am not even a little ashamed to admit that once they were done and asked how I felt I broke down sobbing in the exam room because it WORKED. Instantly. Years of pain and agony and no help from my doctors, of blaming a medical condition that treatment hasn't fixed, telling me to limit screen time and lose weight, forcing me to try 50 different medications none of which help, of spending long nights in the ER hoping they can fix me even though it's typically a 50/50 chance....and now it's over. I don't have to do that anymore. They fixed it. They fixed it.
I'm crying right now as I write this. I never thought this was possible. Like I believed that it was my neck and my doctors agreed, but I was so worried that this would all be for nothing, I didn't think it would work, I know most disabled people dream of finding the One Thing that's causing all their problems even though most of us never do, but I guess luck decided to smile on me this day, this is what's causing my problems and it's treatable. It's over. I found the path out of this hell and it was the right one. I don't even know what to do, what to say. I'm so happy I can't even be happy, all I can do is cry because the hardest part is over.
There's still work to be done, but the path is clear. And honestly @ any gods that are listening, please grant this to my fellow disabled people. They deserve to feel this, we all do.
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Rewatching season 1 of Young Royals made me understand even more why it was so difficult for Simon to trust Wilhelm in season 2. 
Like Wilhelm in that scene above, I mainly had in mind Wilhelm’s denial of the video, which was a hard betrayal for Simon but something that Wilhelm objectively couldn’t have done differently at the time.
But i kinda had forgotten how Simon’s trust was sorely tested in season one, not just at the end with the video denial but throughout the whole season. Wilhelm is changing his mind repeatedly in the first season and this accumulation of alternation of hope and disappointment really does explain Simon’s exhaustion and his reluctance to trust Wilhelm in season 2. And it’s by making a tiny list of those moments that i realize how many of them there were.
In episodes 1 and 2, Wilhelm wants to spend time with Simon at school and outside, they hang out together at the party, in Bjärstad and go to Rosh’s football game, Wilhelm seems to have a truly great time with Simon and his friends. But then he asks Simon to delete his instagram story showing the nice moment they spent together.
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At the end of episode 2, Wilhelm is the one touching Simon’s thigh, he’s smiling when they intertwine their fingers. But then Simon kisses him and Wilhelm says ‘he’s not ... (like that)’.
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Wilhelm ends up holding back Simon and kisses him. But then in the beginning of episode 3, he asks Simon to forget about what happened.
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Later on during gym class, Wilhelm takes what he said back and asks Simon to spend the weekend with him at Hillerska, just the two of them, he even meets Simon’s mom. But then (ok his brother died in between but still, it’s from Simon’s perspective) Wilhelm asks Simon to delete all their texts and says ‘he can’t do this anymore’.
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In episode 4, Wilhelm calls Simon in the middle of the night, declares his love, Simon rescues him, they spend the night together, share their feelings and have sex. An intimate bond and a relationship of trust has been built between them. But then in episode 5, Wilhelm tells Simon he’s not sure he will have his back for the drug incident, that he might have to stick with the rich boys’ plan in order to protect himself.
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And finally in episode 6, they’re very supportive of each other after the video was leaked and Wilhelm tells Simon he won’t make a statement about it. But then he does and denies it, letting Simon alone in the scandal. 
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I love Wilhelm with all my heart and as viewers we know his inner struggles, all the pressure he's under, what he has to fight against to be with Simon, and that he indeed made a lot of brave decisions all along. But seeing it from Simon’s perspective, boy I’ll be tired and very unsure too. 
Each time, Wilhelm did end up being on Simon’s side, and season 1 ends with Wilhelm telling Simon he’s in love with him and showing it publicly by hugging him in front of the whole school. But all Wilhelm actions and decisions during the season did come with a moment of second guessing. And this is hard for Simon, to continuously feel that he’s not an obvious choice and with no assurance that he will be. And none of this is to put any blame on Wilhelm, he does his best but it doesn’t make it any less difficult to handle for Simon. 
Because Simon is also well aware that, even if Wilhelm do not want to be part of the world he was born in and is critical of it, he will always have a spot reserved for him in it and will always be encouraged to choose the royal life. He could at any point go back to it, deciding to stick to traditions, to erase everything he had lived with Simon. Their situations are not equal and Wilhelm needed to prove harder to Simon how serious he was about his feelings because of that. And that’s what Wilhelm did in season 2.
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mrspark7777777 · 2 months
i love how all the km blogs have been avoiding the behind the scenes "we all live alone" question like a parasite or smthing, bc none of you are are actually confident about anything, you just dont wanna leave your fantansies or open your mind a little to other options/facts/opinions. that is not called being insecure but a person who looks at all angles. you all just dont have anything to support your thoughts so just laugh and say okay its your opinion, i dont share it or ask someone else, or some other way of diverting the question labelling all as insecure. guess everything always works out for you or you usually get what you want, so you dont need to even look at other options or think from a broader perspective. also even if some people are insecure whats it to you, to answer each of thier questions. i was always firm in my belief that though they have some special friendship they arent dating bc of so many past inconsistencies, but i have always seen km blogs find the wierdest and farthest explanations for some things to suit thier purposes. bc come on a person you are intrested in or care about as much as you all think they do or jk does, and doesnt even know about all teh content or doesnt even know that jm's face music show performances ended, srsly?! my best friends boyfriend who studies at diff university, still knows more about her even when tehy are both extremely extremely busy. Even if Jm ever says he doesn't like men or he likes women, you all will still find a hidden meaning to it.like srsly someone had to admit it that majority of the km blogs dont have any idea or reasoning behidn ehat was said to suit thier purpose and will still cling to it, by diverting the other opinions as insceure jikookers, or that we have a diff opinion, but i have not even heard that so called diff opinion. bc you all dont have one
Jimin was basically living with pdogg when creating FACE. Which clearly means he was avoiding any distractions. His boyfriend looks like this ffs.
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Can we really blame the dude????
We are talking about a guy who was begging to go to Jimin's while he was half naked in bed
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Surely this explains why Jimin needed to stay away, no?
JK was going through Jimin withdrawals during FACE era. Like hard. So no, I personally wasn't surprised he didn't know when Jimin's promotions ended. Not if Jimin was keeping him in the dark.
As for Jimin saying we all live alone, why is this a big deal? He does live alone. Jikook haven't cohabited since 2020? When did they stop sharing cars? That's when they stopped exclusively living in the same house. So, Jimin lives alone, wbk. They completely laid low last year and kept any time they were spending together a secret. We now know it was coz they had applied to serve together but again, idk what u want us to say here when even we agree Jimin lives alone???
Lets see, what else do you have an issue with? Inconsistencies? Nah, bro. Jikook have NEVER been inconsistent. Ever. Its the one thing they've got going. Its the biggest reason why we believe they're together. Consistency. So I've no clue what you're on about there
If Jimin ever says he has a girlfriend, I believe I speak for many Jkkrs when I say we will accept and support that. However, we shall not be blindsided, we will have picked up on the Jikook break up by then. So, this won't be happening any time soon 🤷🏽‍♀️
And yes, anon, of course we always get what we want. And we shall continue to get what we want. We don't predict, we just talk about what we expect Jikook to do or to have done because they are a couple. When those things come to fruition, then yeah, we end up getting what we wanted because of course we do. Couples are predictable. Jikook are a couple and so they do couple things. That's why is seems like we are always right.
We don't explore other options because we didn't come to the decision to support Jikook as a couple lightly. I personally looked and studied all of Jimin ships before concluding him and JK were it. So no, there is no more exploring. We believe what we believe and are quite comfortable with our decision. If you get frustrated that we refuse to be shaken, thats on you.
I think I have addressed all your concerns. Thanks for stopping by
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unhinged-summer-fun · 2 months
common grounds (oshamir) - chapter 2
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Pairing: Osha Aniseya x Qimir "The Stranger"
A/N: Dividers by @firefly-graphics
series masterlist
chapter 2: the anti-boyfriend
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“You what?”
“Keep your voice down!” Osha hissed at her sister. She didn’t like to come into the cafe on her days off, but she’d slept through the opportunity to talk to Mae this morning before she left. And this was a conversation that couldn’t wait. “Listen, who is he? He said he knew you!” Mae’s face couldn’t hide her thoughts, not from the one person who shared it. Osha knew she was about to lie, so she grabbed her wrist. “Don’t even try to wiggle out of this.”
“What happened to your wrist?!” she gasped, shifting the subject to her sister’s annoyance. 
“It—blame Huyang.” Osha pointed to the espresso machine in question. “Tell Yord to ease up on pulling shots; it’s not as sturdy as he thinks.”
“Yeah, I saw your note this morning.” Mae sighed. “But… he came in while you were working on it?”
Osha nodded but didn’t offer any other information—not about his little rescue, or how he held her arm so tenderly while he patched her up. “I guess I need to be better about locking the front.”
“Did the cameras catch him coming in?”
It was a complete left turn of a question, putting Osha on high alert. “What? I mean, probably. He wasn’t going to hurt me.”
Mae didn’t look like she believed that. “Don’t let him in next time.”
“Give me an actual reason, and maybe I will.”
“Can’t you just trust me?” Her voice came out stressed, not scared but also not at ease. Osha sighed, not wanting to concede.
“I do trust you, you know that. But the whole situation was strange, and I’d feel better if you just told me what you know.”
“Okay. I will. But not right now.” Mae’s voice dropped a little. “Not here.”
“I can’t tell if you’ve just been hiding a boyfriend or if I should be actually concerned.”
Mae laughed, but it sounded hollow and unconvincing. “He is not a boyfriend. He’s possibly the anti-boyfriend.”
Mae had none of the flustered attitude Osha remembered suffering from last night. It made her doubt herself for a moment. Was her spark of attraction to the stranger so outlandish? Best not to mention it.
“Okay, then. I’m off today and I know you’re closing, so you had better have a good story for me by dinner.” Osha adjusted the strap of her gym bag, pushing off the counter and toward the gym proper.
“No promises!” Mae called after her.
Temple Gym seemed rather empty, which wasn’t unusual for this time of day. Perhaps the recent conversation with the mysterious stranger drew Osha’s attention, but the low volume of people in classes and the rings seemed more noticeable today. It wasn’t like the gym was at risk of going out of business or anything, but each day, it looked like more teachers than students were in the training rooms.
“Keep your elbows in! Hands up!” The repeated thwack-thwack of gloves smacking training pads was as familiar to Osha’s ears as her sister’s voice. She recognized the trainer holding up the mats, Indara, and kept her head down as she strode past the ring. “Cutting it close, Osha!”
Damn it.
“Overslept, sorry!” She didn’t jog, as that would imply she wanted to run away from something, but she lengthened her strides a bit more to eat up the distance between this conversation and Training Room A.
Several students were there already, mid-warmup stretch. “Look who showed up,” Fillik teased from the floor. Osha resisted the urge to drop her bag on top of his head and got to work, taping her left ankle up as fast as possible.
“Do not let haste spoil your efforts,” a kind, but authoritative voice chided. Osha smiled sheepishly up at Sol and undid the last few passes of her wrap job. “Oftentimes,” he continued, “patience is the difference between injury and otherwise.”
“Yes, coach,” the room intoned. Osha’s face burned. Was she just unable to escape even a moment of chastisement today?
“Today, we will work on keeping your balance. Round one will be fifteen minutes of the following…” Osha fell into the usual routine of class, appreciating the burning in her lungs and thighs but forcing herself not to feel the pain in her ankle through some of the jump exercises. The injury was nearly six years old, but every time the weather was remotely bad, like clockwork, the usual ache would set in and twinge her gait a little.
I really need to get my car out of the shop.
“Mae—I mean Osha! Focus!”
A flash of irritation hit her like a gust of hot air. Sol was her dad and he couldn’t even tell them apart with any consistency.
How’d you know I wasn’t Mae when you walked in?
I just knew.
This random stranger, who knew Mae enough to recognize that Osha was not her, could tell them apart better than their dad.
She fueled that energy into her hips as she beat the heavy bag with laser-like focus. The impacts reverberated through her wrists, stinging the small burn with every hit. She lost herself in the trance of training, and it wasn’t exactly peace she found, but something more like clarity.
That was the difference between her and Mae; Osha could never find the serenity that came from repetition and effort. Whenever she got deep enough in training, she achieved something like a runner’s high that stayed with her most of the rest of the day. She felt as though she never had to cool down from it, or even stop. She’d never been pushed to the limits of her stamina, full of too much energy and determination to quit. It made her restless. The odd jobs Vernestra had her doing around the building were just enough to keep her from going out of her mind.
But she knew she had an example to set as the daughter of one of the best trainers in the gym. It’s why Indara still called her on her lateness even after six years out of competition, and why Sol was still so quick to offer critique in her footwork. Sol had a reputation to uphold, and Osha wouldn’t be the one to besmirch it.
“Are you alright?” Sol asked as she held a deep hamstring stretch in the cooldown. “Your wrist.”
“Oh, yeah. Old Huyang was giving me trouble last night. It’s nothing.”
“I’m sure it didn’t feel very nice striking the bag as hard as you did. May I see it?”
“Sol, c’mon, I’m fine.”
“Humor me.”
She undid the tape, revealing the angry line of shiny, pink skin across her wrist. “It won’t scar,” she assured Sol. He’d fretted so much after surgery on her Achilles, more concerned with the state of the scar than she was. Osha had let him, because it was something to pass her days in traction.
“Letting a burn breathe is important to prevent infection.” There was hardly a conversation with Sol where he didn’t attempt to impart some knowledge or wisdom.
“I’ll get it washed up before I go to lunch.”
On her way out of the gym, Mae stopped her.
“I can tell you more tonight, but really, steer clear of that guy if you see him again. He’s got anger issues a mile wide, and he’s… he’s a real butthead, Oshie. I don’t think he even knows how to make friends if his life depended on it. So… staying away from him is probably for the best. Please.”
“Well, it’s not like I was setting out to find him in the first place, so I think you can rest assured I won’t see him again. Besides, anybody my sister thinks is a real butthead doesn’t deserve my manners anyway.”
That assertion (and the espresso machine) lasted all of ten hours.
The text felt like a direct attack. Every time Yord did something wrong at the bar that needed Osha’s intervention, Jecki would send the same photo: Yord on his first day working at the shop, one hand in a thumbs-up and the other on a portafilter attached to an espresso machine on fire.
O: You’re joking
O: Please tell me you’re joking
J: I wish I were.
O: It’s been LESS THAN A DAY
J: To be fair, he wasn’t on shift for ten whole hours.
O: Nothing about this seems fair
O: I’ll be there at close
J: I owe you BIG! :)
Which led to here.
“YORD FANDAR!” Osha screamed at the espresso machine. It echoed through the empty cafe and the gym beyond. Not even the trainers stuck around after closing when the central heating was turned off for the night.
Giving in to temptation, Osha smacked her head against the espresso machine a few times. She’d been here a while. The fucking left group head had fused to the portafilter basket. Yord had been so violent with attaching the portafilter that the basket was now lodged in there, rendering half the damn machine inoperable since 4 p.m. when he decided to inform his shift manager of his fuckup. The clock on the register glared 21:33 in little red digits.
“These parts don’t—ngh!—actually—fucking—touch!” Osha squealed when she flew to the side, landing on her ass with the filter basket in her hands. The backflushed water from the machine gushed from the group head, left over from earlier that afternoon. She threw her hands in the air, laughing in victory. “Yeah!”
“That’s quite the technique you’ve got there.”
“Shit!” Osha flinched back, slapping her hand against one of the fridges below the counter. “You—?!”
Sure enough, the stranger stood on the other side of the counter. Looking up at him from the floor, he looked even more imposing than he’d been in her memory—that lasting image of the stranger silhouetted in the snow had grown into a certain kind of dark fantasy that she’d been unable to shake.
“Surprise?” he said, lips wrapping into a cocky sort of smirk that incensed her as much as it thrilled her. “Saw the lights were on again!”
She got to her feet, a determined scowl on her face. “Okay, I know for sure that I locked the door tonight, so how did you get in here?”
His hands went up. “Okay, I’ll admit, I heard you scream, saw you fall, and I freaked out a little. The lock isn’t broken, if that’s your concern. Are you alright, Osha?”
Shit, she must have hit her head or something, because her name never sounded better than when he said it.
Wait, no no no. Don’t be polite, remember he’s a butthead. 
“I’m fine. Do you want a coffee?”
NO!! That’s worse!
The stranger looked confused for half a moment but shrugged. “If you’re offering. I’ll even pay this time.”
Okay, this she could work with. “Yeah, okay. I just gotta—ugh, Yord.” She looked down and realized the puck of espresso had broken into a million gross wet pieces… all over her. “I will be right back, I need to change.”
“I’ll be here!”
Her bag was right near the door, and the locker room was clear across the gym… It couldn’t hurt. Osha stepped around a dividing wall between the gym and the cafe, stripping off her gross coffee-shirt the moment she could.
She heard rustling around the corner and poked her head back, new shirt clutched to her chest. “What are you doing?”
The stranger was in the cleaning supplies closet. “Paying ahead. I’ll clean up the mess.”
“Oh, you don’t have to—”
“Please.” His smile was so genuine and patient. “I don’t want you to stay late on my account. It’s a Friday.”
“I’m not missing much,” she said. Mae had sent a text saying she was going to dinner with some school friends across the bay, so her interrogation would have to wait another day.
Osha ducked back behind the wall to keep changing. But when she pressed her shoulders to the cold brick, she found she didn’t want to end this moment too quickly. “Have you worked in a cafe before?”
“Not exactly. I had a lot of part-time jobs in school. Food service was never something I committed to for long, though. Couldn’t stand coming home sticky. I prefer teaching and training.”
“So you’re a teacher?” Maybe Mae met him at one of her night classes…
“Oh, I’d like to be.”
“What do you want to teach?”
“I mean, teach what you know, right? For me that’s mostly fighting, but also sports science. Injury prevention and treatment.”
Osha’s heart plummeted. Once, she toyed with the idea of studying the same—in the blur of devastated angry months following her injury. To learn the why and the what if of her daily pain out of spite. But then her grief had spiraled into numb days of sorrow and half-assed physical therapy until she could force herself back into class workouts.
“That’s a great field for a fighter to be in.”
“I’m glad you agree, Osha.”
No words passed for a while, both of them just still and listening to one another with a wall between them. “Do you still fight?”
He laughs. “Sometimes.”
“Absolutely not.” The chill in his voice rivaled the chill in the gym. Osha shrugged on her other shirt and zipped up her jacket for good measure.
The stranger was just putting away the wet broom when she returned, rolling down the mats again after. How the hell had he mopped so fast?
“Oh, wow.” She blinked at the floor in surprise.
“Efficiency is an underutilized talent. Some people only see you rush, not caring that you did it all correctly.” His black hoodie still covered a lot of his body language, but the hunched curl of his shoulders must have been for her benefit. Most women didn’t want men looking over them, even if it was just good posture.
“So how do you fight, if you’re not boxing?”
“However I want,” he shrugged. “Capoeira. Jiu-jitsu. Kendo. Arnis. I’d rather be a jack of all trades than master of one. Traditional boxing is bogged down in a thousand little rules and pieces of etiquette that take the teeth out of what real fighting is. It’s just domesticated violence that forgot its history was built by lions.”
Osha back-flushed the machine a few times while he spoke, idly checking the dirty water. Then, she loaded a double into a new basket while she processed what he said. He didn’t seem bothered by her quiet demeanor. Sometimes silence was as important as its inverse in a conversation.
“And what would you say real fighting is, then?”
He waited until she looked him in the eye to say, “Bloodsong.”
“We are animals, with animal instincts that have been honed over thousands of years to make fire, build cities, have families. But there come times for each of us where primal instinct drives us—when your life is threatened; when what you want is at risk of being lost. Then, all the blood in your body comes singing through your ears in a mix of adrenaline and panic, and you know one truth: only the strongest survive—that is the bloodsong.
“To dull that edge with rules, to quiet that song with tradition, is to glaze over the jagged history of how we got here—to cities and families and fire. But respecting the razor’s edge of instinct, and teaching yourself to hear the song, those things are what set lions apart from house-cats.”
Osha couldn’t look away from the fire in his eyes, the seriousness in his tone. Tonight, he’d only put on the guise of the bumbling fool for a minute before dropping it in favor of… this. Was this his real self? His philosophies were the very opposite of what Osha had been taught.
“You don’t think it’s a privilege to be able to practice fighting as a sport?” she said, deflecting and putting together a cortado on impulse. The steamed milk would provide a literal smokescreen between them that she could hide behind.
“It’s more theatre than fighting.”
“It’s called a martial art for a reason.”
“A good point,” he allowed, nodding his head. The intensity of his look had softened a little, but the fire in his eyes blazed true. “But those are all just pretty words to soften a blow. I prefer not to pull my punches in any sense.”
Osha breathed out shakily as she worked through the sudden din of machinery. The stranger accepted his drink without picking up the thread of conversation, leaving her to ponder it. This is what I am, his silence declared. You should not try to change me.
“My sister all but called you an asshole when I asked who you were,” Osha said at long last, once the silence had soured.
He rotated his drink in his hand, considering it and smirking wider. “No she didn’t.”
“She did.”
“Your sister doesn’t swear.”
“Okay, she called you a ‘real butthead.’ That’s basically the same thing.”
He chuckled and took a sip. “Mm. Cortado?”
“Figured you wanted another two-shot deal, Mr. Power of Two.”
“It’s a good choice,” he says, inclining his head to her in thanks.
Osha quickly scrubbed down and reset the machine for the night before shutting it down. Before she rounded the bar, he handed her a ten. “I told you I’d pay.”
Rather than hemming and hawing her way around it, she took the bill and dropped it in the tip jar. He rolled his eyes a bit, but didn’t drop the smile.
“Where do you train?” Osha asked once they approached the door. It’s a familiar pose for them: standing in front of the shop door with nothing but streetlights on their faces.
“Wherever I want.”
“So shifty! What are you, like a vigilante gym rat?”
“I think your trainers would call me a brawler. They like to think there’s no place for NHB fighters.”
“No Holds Barred.” The term sent a frisson through her skin, that razor sharp thrill of danger he’d been talking about. Just the name was enough to excite. 
“Then how did you learn?”
“I had to, in order to survive.”
A few minutes later, he held the door for her and stood a few steps back as she locked up.
“Mae also told me to stay away from you. I wonder why.”
“Mae has her own reasons to dislike me. You should find some on your own.” It sounded like an invitation. She didn’t respond to it, just walking down the street in the direction of her apartment complex.
They crunched through the snow on the quiet street in silence. Several bars they passed had music thumping within, soft yellow glows bleeding out onto the sidewalks. “You’re not following me home, are you?” Osha asked, very aware of the bear spray in her bag.
“I live this way too. Why, are you following me home?” The goofy smile had returned, and Osha saw it for what it was: a mask. 
She shook her head and leaned on a pole as they waited for a crossing signal. She gently tried to stretch the pain out of her Achilles, but the cold limited her range of motion.
“Your ankle alright?”
“It’s just tight this time of year.”
“How are you resting it?”
“The usual way,” she sighed.
“How often do you do isometric exercises instead of just working on it in class?” She was startled by the question a little. It must have shown on her face, because he followed it up with, “I’m a sports scientist. If it helps, you can think of it as professional curiosity.”
That’s right. “Oh, um. Well I stopped PT after a year off crutches, and I was told class training, normal training is what’s best for me…”
“I mean no offense, but isn’t boxing how you got your injury in the first place?”
“Yeah, but—”
“That might be as effective as putting steel around a wooden pencil with broken lead inside.” The light turned green. 
“Then what do you recommend?” She was expecting him to say something like come train with me, come to my house, let me do it right for you, but she was proved wrong.
“Isometric exercises, building out full range of motion. I’m sure you still have your old PT records, follow those exercises about thirty minutes a day. Don’t worry about muscle tone or whatever. Take a few days off from classes and understand where your pain is. Numbing yourself to it only hides it when you’re trying to get rid of it.”
“Yeah. But that’s just my advice. Follow it, don’t. You’re not a client, I won’t be disappointed if you ignore it, Osha. I’m going this way, so…” he put a thumb over his shoulder. It gave her a choice: follow him and continue the conversation, whatever path it might lead down, or head home to where she’s safe.
As thrilling as the night would have been to go with him, she didn’t even know his name. And perhaps there was something wrong with her, because she didn’t ask for it. It preserved the mystery, the clandestine kind of air about them. She wanted more of it, to be sure, but breaking the ice too early would be unsatisfying.
“I’ll see you around.”
He looked delighted by her answer. “You can count on it.”
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
The Next Step. | Kim Doyoung (M)
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↳ Prologue: “We’ve been together for a long time. I think we should take the next step. Will you marry me?” + “Maybe…”
↳ The Summary: Doyoung and you have been dating for seven years and recently you gave your boyfriend a big talk about marriage. Doyoung suddenly goes on one knee and proposes to you.
↳ The Warnings: Proposing marriage. Fiancée Doyoung! Fem reader. CRACK. Wholesome fluff. Ahem spicy suggestive smut at he end. Nipple and boob play. Kissing. Marking. Teasing.
Recently EVERYONES getting married and you can’t shake the feeling off that god is giving you a sign that it’s your time to get proposed to. Everyday you’ve been speaking about marriage with your boyfriend hoping he takes small and quiet hints from your convos but you doubt he is listening. At this point you lost your anticipation because it’s been a week and a half and your sweet loving but easily distracted boyfriend has not gone on one knee for you.
You hate to break it to yourself but maybe you won’t be getting married anytime soon. Which, honestly is alright if he isn’t ready yet; but you really want to speed this thing up. You wish to be married to the love of your life. What if he doesn’t feel the same way? It might honestly kill you physical and mentally.
Now you’re walking side to side with Doyoung in the backyard watching your shared hyperactive puppy to run around and play with the both of you, you would be throwing the disk and waiting the dog to catch it. Doyoung on the other hand seemed rather distant and absent minded.
“Doyoung why don’t you throw that tennis ball to Rosie?” You question suddenly but instead your boyfriend lets out a soft chuckle brimming through the cold breeze despite it being sunny this early in the morning.
He clears his throat until he suddenly goes on one foot and your eyes widen at the sight, seriously right here? You drop your hands immediately and stare in absolute shock. Doyoung was on his knees holding out a small jewellery box with the most beautiful ring you could ever lay your eyes on— as his loving eyes stare at you waiting for you to answer or give some type of reaction. But you stood still and covered in nothing but shock.
You always told yourself you want to get proposed to. But why are you suddenly second guessing everything? You blame your anxiety, you couldn’t even move your legs and your mouth has seemingly lost its purpose to speak.
“We’ve been together for a long time. I think we should take the next step. Will you marry me?” Doyoung’s voice brings you back to reality as you stand fidgeting in your pockets of the jacket. Your voice coming out hoarse and timid.
“M-maybe.” You stammer without a thought. MAYBE? Did you just say maybe to your long term boyfriend to his question? Yes you did. You want to bury yourself six feet under with a coffin truly designed for you and your dumbass.
Doyoung looks at you with confusion. “Maybe?” He repeats back and you don’t reply turning around to focus on the dog. He stands up as he sighs, you just know he’s about to scold and give you the biggest lecture of your life. “Y/n what the hell. You’ve been hinting about marriage to me lately and when i finally propose to you, all I get is a maybe. What do you mean Maybe?”
“You caught me off guard! I need to have a think about this.” You reply back with a slightly raised tone as Doyoung looks at you questionably.
“I caught you off guard? Right okay not like you’ve been hinting to me to get on MY knee, Y/n and flash the ring at you.”
You frown slightly. “I need time.”
But all the man said to you was a nod. “Okay. Okay take all the time you need.” He reassures you as he rubs the back of his head.
That day you never want to relive it because the walk back home was so awkward and tense, none of you spoke to one another and Rosie, your shared dog was in the middle walking as if she were your child wondering why her parents have fought. On the way home when you get there it was rather a distant space between you two as well. Doyoung spent his day upstairs. You spent your day downstairs.
He didn’t approach you unless needed to be, which would be ‘I’m taking the shower’ or ‘I’m going out’ so you don’t have to worry and you would do the same such as ‘I’m cooking will this do?’ Or ‘Hey i’mma buy something from the shops you want anything?’ And that’s it.
Doyoung really wanted to talk to you. As much as embarrassed he was for having such a dull reaction from you, he would never regret proposing to you; he knows how you like to overthink things and that’s exactly what you’re doing here. There’s a reason why he hasn’t proposed earlier and that’s because you aren’t desperate for marriage but now the day has come you’re probably cherishing the last days of you and Doyoung’s relationship where you’re more free. But if he’s honest being married to you sounds like he’s already married to you. I mean, seven years dating you and no marriage? It kinda sounds like permanently married to you already. Nothing would change except the fact you’ll be taking his last name and you’ll eventually have kids with him.
He can’t lie though. He’s frustrated. He’s frustrated with you especially. He wants to marry you and be with you, but the ‘Maybe’ really annoyed him.
When it became night you were already in bed tucked in waiting for your boyfriend to come and sleep. Doyoung softly checks if the doors are locked and windows are shut. He makes sure the dog is sleeping with you guys on the bed, because he knows how much Rosie hates being alone in a dark and black room; coming inside the bedroom he closes the lights and walking in the darkness with only moonlight shining through the curtains a little he makes it inside the bed and tucks himself under the duvet and blanket you share with him. That night you couldn’t sleep and neither could Doyoung.
You stay wide awake staring at the ceiling and Doyoung doing the same. Your lips are dry and you subconsciously lick them as you ponder nervously about the proposal. You want to say yes. But how will you tell doyoung that now? You practically rejected him in the worst way possible and he must have all the confidence shattered. You wish for yourself to slap the past self you, because you could’ve said anything but what you said.
You’ve always been the unserious type so you slowly turn around to face Doyoung in which he was already staring back at you, laying on the side and watching you back. You flash him a playful smile suddenly.
“So…when do i get my ring?” You playfully lean closer to his face as Doyoung scoffs lightly at you trying to crack a joke to get rid of the heavy tension; it worked in your favour though. The tension was gone and Doyoung welcomed your joke, reaching his hand over caressing your cheek and brushing the soft silky hair behind your ears. You bite your bottom lip watching how beautiful your boyfriend was, truly you realise how lucky you are to have him.,
Doyoung teasingly adds. “Hmm, I dunno Y/n. I come with the ring.”
You smirk. “That’s the best part, you come with the ring.” As the gap closes he felt your soft lips caress the top and softly pull him into a loving kiss, feeling the way your cold hands print themselves on his jawline to pull him even closer to the deeper kiss, your body crawls on top of him and you can’t help yourself but get physically and mentally excited by how much your boyfriends hands were roaming to feel your. Doyoung would be reaching his hands down your back, tracing them with the ticklish feeling of his fingertips running down your spine, down to your waist the more the makeout increased, and then reaching to your round ass he groped it tight. You let out a soft squeak and a haunting giggle before going back to kiss him heavily, this time with more passion and less softly.
He smirks darkly at you, tugging on the hem of your shirt and the waistband of your shorts. Pulling apart and demanding to you.
“Take them off. Now.”
You obey at his words as the shirt and shorts instantly come off and become scattered on the floor. Along with his own clothes joining them, you were left in panties and boxers, nothing else on. Doyoung didn’t hesitate to bring you to lay down as he goes on top of you kissing down your neck and your chest spreading them with red marks and edging you with the nipples, hearing a gasp from you felt rewarding and he can’t help but firming for more noises to come out of you.
You grip the pillows behind your bed as you bite your bottom lip watching the way your boyfriend’s mouth travels lower to your pelvic bone and right above your soaking pussy as his warm breathing hits the edge. He smirks looking up at you.
“You never answered my proposal question, actually.” He said suddenly and you widen your eyes. He was right. You didn’t give him an answer yet.
“So what will it be, Y/n. Yes or a maybe?” He stated seriously and you squeeze your thighs with a laugh of disbelief. Doyoung really knows how to get a hand on you and you wish he used that hand to pleasure you instead of taunting you with marriage right now— but you knew he was playing his cards right.
You let out a soft groan. “Seriously Doyoung.” And your boyfriend nods, quite serious about this. “I want to be with you even in marriage, of course I’m serious baby. Now will you answer me so i can fuck you quicker?” He tells you with a half lingering joke and you let out a snort.
“Ugh you’re unbelievable. Yes. Let’s get married Doyoung. I want to be with you too.”
He smiles at your answer, feeling happiness overwhelming as he pulled you into a sweet kiss. You return it softly but quickly break it, embracing him.
“And I’m sorry for such a terrible answer earlier, I shouldn’t of even second guessed in the first place.”
Doyoung let’s out a soft hum as he returns the embrace around your bare body, spreading a kiss on your shoulder and the crook of your neck. “Don’t worry about it love. I’m happy you were thinking this through. It’s what I love about you, always wanting to make the right decision.”
“It’s a big step in a relationship. So I’d rather have you think about it than completely reject me.” He tells you again and you can’t help but cheese at how understanding he was.
Both of you are ready for The Next Step.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu! REBLOG AND FOLLOW ME FOR MORE FICS IF YOU ENJOYED
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somethingthing · 2 years
House pickin’
Daryl Dixon x reader
Warnings: none more than implied smut towards that end, otherwise just sweet fluff
Word count: 1207
A/n: pov: Alexandria is great and everyone is happy because that’s what I need right now. Hope you like it <3
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The gate opened and the kids you had heard just a few minutes ago had gone quiet. They’d probably hurried back to their parents when they heard new people were coming. A knocked over trashcan moved and Daryl shot whatever caused it without hesitation.
He pulled up a possum from the ground, now with an arrow going right through it. “We brought dinner” he said, holding it up as if he was showing it off.
After you all had gotten in, the auditions started, just like Aaron had said. Rick had gone first “It’s a bit weird, sure, but I get them” you were sitting with Daryl on the front porch of one of the houses you had been offered “I mean it’s not that different from our questions”
“Guess not” he looked up from the possum that he was practically tearing a part “Still don’t trust em’”
“You don’t have to, and honestly? I don’t either, but they seem good, no?” You didn’t really know what you were trying to achieve, but seeing how life was inside the walls you had entered, made you want to believe that you could stay. Daryl just shrugged “Oh come on, you gotta have something to say about it”
He hummed “I do, but it ain’t what ya want to hear” he tugged at the animals insides “They’re weak, it will weaken us, they’ve already got our weapons” he was right, in all of it. It wasn’t what you you wanted to hear, they were weak and you would become it too if you let your guard down.
“Okey, fine, but if they let us stay, which I hope, we could help them” you watched how his hands worked “We could help them to not be weak, don’t you think that’s why they brought us in? They need people from the outside to survive, they know that”
Daryl looked like he was going to say something, but Rick came walking up the stairs. After talking to the rest of the group you all decided to stay in one house, both for safety, but also to show you weren’t that easy to split up.
Deanna came knocking in the evening, she was surprised to find all of you in the same place, but while she had you all there, she told you about jobs. Apparently she was figuring out job posts for all of you. Rick and Michonne she had already figured something out for, she couldn’t pin point Mr. Dixon, though.
When she had left you turned your head to look up at Daryl that you were leaning against “I don’t think I’ve ever heard something so formal about you, Mr. Dixon” you teased which earned a laugh from the others in the room and a disapproving huff from Daryl.
And so you slept, feeling surprisingly safe despite being surrounded by strangers. In the morning the auditions continued, and by the third night you all were approved to stay. Which was lucky, if one of you weren’t, no one would stay, or you’d take over the whole place which would just be unnecessary blood.
Daryl liked to be out, you didn’t blame him, that way he got to have his crossbow. He sat on the porch to the shared house again, so you joined him, again. It had started to get dark and the lights were gradually turning on around the town.
When you had made yourself comfortable beside him, you spoke “You know, Rick and some of us talked about sleeping in separate houses from now on” he lit a cigarette “So I was thinking…” you wiped your palms against your pants “That we could, maybe, move in to a house together?”
He stoped dead in his tracks and just let the cigarette burn for a moment, you nervously continued “You know, it feels unnecessary to take up two houses and besides it’s not like we haven’t shared a bed, we’ve done that qui…”
“Ya askin’ if I want to move in with ya?” He interrupted your rambling and turned to you.
You laughed and looked down at your hands “Yeah I guess I am” you didn’t know exactly why you were so nervous, but this was different, something you never thought would happen no matter how long you and Daryl had a relationship. A house? Together? You were lucky to just share a can of beans together most times.
“Which house?” He asked, making your head jerk up to look at him, surprised “Ya deaf? Which house?” He continued with a smirk.
“Um, Deanna showed me that one” you pointed at the house right across the street ”It looked really nice, plus it’s close to the others in our group, especially Rick” Daryl got up and tossed his cigarette.
“Come on then” he reached his hand out to you and you took it. When you’d gotten over the street and on to the porch, you bent down to pick up the key that had been left under the outside carpet for you. Unlocking the door, you didn’t get to do more than to open it slightly before you were scooped up off your feet.
“Daryl what are you doing?” You protested while still putting your arms around his neck for support.
“Carryin’ ya over the threshold or somethin’ like that” you just looked at him, stunned “What? Ain’t that a thing?”
“Well yeah, for married couples Daryl” his face reminded somewhat confused by the gesture he was trying to pull off “Married!” You emphasized.
His mouth twisted in to a grin “Well,” he started before pushing the door open and stepping inside with you in his arms “We ain’t married, but a weddin’ night seem like somethin’ I’d like” he was absolutely beaming.
“Oh you little…!” His lips came crashing down on yours and you reached your arm out to close the door without success.
“I got it” and so he closed it for you, still not putting you down. You knew he was strong, but not like this “Bedroom?” He asked for directions since you were to only one that had been in here before.
“Not a chance” you shook your head with a smile “You’re not touching that bed till you’ve had a shower, you hear that?” He put you down but still holding you close.
It earned a frustrated huff which you found absolutely adorable “You’re ruining it” he got out with as much of a serious voice he could manage.
“Ruining what? No one ever said wedding nights needed a bedroom?” You teased, letting your arms find their way around his neck again “The one upstairs is the best” you drew him in to a kiss “It’s the first door to the right”” you whispered.
His lips came crashing down on yours again as his hands found their way too your belt. You let your own hands roam over his clothes, pushing off his vest and leaving it on the stairs as you were leading him up to the bathroom.
“If this was the way to get you to shower, I would’ve asked you sooner” you giggled between the rough kisses. It earned a low raspy laugh from Daryl as he fumbled to get your clothes off. That was the last coherent sentence you got out in hours that evening.
Thank you for reading! <3 I’m going to be honest, I’m starting to get tired of always only having implied smut, but I still can’t figure out how to write full smut without cringing :’) But one day I’ll succeed
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Would I be the asshole if I tried to get back in touch with a friend who said he didn't want to talk to me anymore?
For a few years this guy was the closest friend I'd ever had. He moved to the city I lived in to study. We drifted apart slightly when I moved away, but stayed very close. I thought (and he claimed) that he told me everything, until at one point I found out from my family that he was dropping out of his degree and going back home due to a series of conflicts (with several disconnected people, including with my family, which was a conflict completely unrelated to me - he knew them separately from knowing me. I won't share the details of the argument for privacy reasons - I get that that might make it harder to judge but if I gave details someone who knows me irl might be able to guess and I'm a little paranoid about that. What I will say is that none of the conflicts were about anything extremely serious, and from an external perspective seem more like a buildup of pressure/unhappiness from him than anyone's fault). I was shocked he hadn't told me anything about this. He confirmed pretty much everything I'd heard when I asked him, and said he wanted us to stay friends as long as I didn't talk to the rest of my family about him or vice versa, but after the conversation where he said this, we didn't speak for months. After those months I reached out to him to return something I'd borrowed and he said that I didn't need to, and also that he'd prefer if I didn't keep talking to him because he associated me with a bad part of his life that he wanted to completely cut out all associations with. I was upset that he'd apparently changed his mind about us staying friends without saying anything, but accepted the decision. This was about three years ago, but I keep circling back to it. I've never made a friend as close again and really miss him. I've heard from other people that he's been doing well since, and it was a long time ago, so I imagine the negative emotional associations he has with me must have faded somewhat. I don't claim to have been a perfect friend but I'm pretty sure I wasn't a factor in the situation that caused all this since I wasn't even there at the time and no one reported that I'd been a factor. I keep wanting to message him to ask how things are now and, while I would accept us continuing to not be friends, I would like some closure on why he changed his mind about it without saying anything and whether there's anything he blames me for that he didn't tell me about. I know this would go against his request to not message him again, but the friendship ended so abruptly and confusingly that I have a hard time accepting it, and it's hard for me to imagine that his desire not to talk to me because of me being connected by association to a situation I had no participation in could last this long. If I tried to message him and he said he still didn't want to talk, I would definitely accept it this time. Would I be an asshole for sending the message?
What are these acronyms?
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shnargo · 1 year
i cannot write for the life of me and i blame it entirely on beta.character.ai.
but anyways, here's a blurb that i really liked in collaboration with chara.ai with an idea that is based entirely on @softlyspector 's little drabble here (i highly recommend it :))
pairings: din djarin x reader warnings: none ; female!reader, 3rd POV and reader is a Jedi! also i haven't seen anything star wars beyond a few episodes of the Mandalorian, so any terms and facts here are LIKELY incorrect. word count: 1969 a/n: character.ai has me in a chokehold, but i might share more of these blurbs if people like them.
"Have you ever kissed someone?" She blurts before she can filter the thought, but even as she registers her own question, no embarrassment rises up to her face whatsoever. She tends to be rather straightforward when she gets tired.
Din freezes, his face expressionless. 
He takes a long pause before looking away, back towards her as he faces the stars that streak by outside of the cockpit. He seems to need a few moments to consider his words. 
“Yes,” he says, “why?”
She shrugs, "Just curious I guess. I know 'the Way' doesn't allow you to take off your helmet just to anyone. Though now I'm wondering who the lucky person was." She grins mischievously.
His face tenses as she brings up ‘The Way,’ seemingly annoyed by the topic, he turns to look at her again with a frown that can be felt even through his helmet. 
“It’s not just a tradition, it’s a way of life. I was raised in a clan of Mandalorians, and my people have a very strong code of honor that I live by,” he says, his voice stern. 
He takes a deep breath and continues, “As for who I dated, it was someone I met when I was younger. We didn’t work out.”
She can hear the annoyance creep into his tone despite the voice modulator in his helmet, and she shrinks back ever so slightly. "Ah okay." Her answer's short, and it's obvious by her body language, apologetic.
He seems to soften as he sees the effect of his words. 
“It’s okay. It really is. I just… I take my honor seriously, and I take it personally when people belittle me for it,” he tells her, “I apologize if I sounded like I was yelling at you.”
Din’s shoulders relax, and his voice turns gentle as he continues, “You have the right to ask those questions. It’s just… a sensitive topic.”
She nods thoughtfully, "I didn't mean to come off as belittling, I was just genuinely curious." She explains, "But I'll be sure not to be so careless next time."
She glances up at him again, "And if it makes you uncomfortable, I can stop asking those kinds of questions." She means it genuinely from a place of care.
He smiles, “It’s okay. You’re curious, and I shouldn’t take that as an attack. It’s just…how did your Jedi master respond to you dating, I mean, do the Jedi have rules about that sort of thing?” 
Din cocks his head to the side as if trying to understand how the Jedi’s rules would function when it comes to their members becoming romantically involved.
"Ah, yeah, there's a whole thing with Jedis too." She chuckles. "We're not allowed to marry, or get romantically involved with others. Strong emotions can be used as a weakness to the dark side." She pauses after that, before softly adding, "But uh, technically speaking, kissing is fine. Long as it's nothing serious."
Din looks thoughtful while she speaks, “So you’re saying there’s an approved degree of emotional involvement, so long as you don’t lose your focus on the light side of the force?”
"Yeah essentially, though all that stuff I mentioned is part of the old order. More traditional, so to speak." She shrugs, "Still what I was taught though."
Din nods, “I see. And those rules are still in effect for modern Jedi, yes?” 
He looks at her curiously, “What do you think of those old rules? Do you think they’re still necessary?” 
He seems genuinely curious to hear her perspective.
"Hm, yes and no." She pauses, glancing around shiftily, "Call me a hypocrite, but I think forcefully suppressing your emotions might just end up accomplishing the same bad thing." She whispers conspiratorially, but in a joking way.
Din is a little surprised by her answer, but he nods and smiles, “I totally agree. If anything, you should be encouraged to express your emotions, even if you’re a Jedi, right? Suppressing them completely just seems…unhealthy.” 
He shakes his head with a slight chuckle, “Then again, I’m not a Jedi, so what do I know?"
She looks curious again when he says that though, "Does that thought process apply the same to what you think of Mandalorian traditions?" She asks cautiously, "I'm asking out of curiosity." She clarifies.
Din is quiet for a moment, “I mean, some of our traditions are pretty…archaic, as you might say,” he replies, seeming to be picking his words carefully. 
“Like the rules regarding helmet removal. But other parts of the code are good, we’re supposed to value honor and duty, for example. Not just to ourselves, but to our clans and our people. I’d definitely say those parts are necessary.”
"Yeah, of course." She can't help but wonder.. "Can I ask who exactly you're allowed to show your face to though?"
Din sighs, “It’s complicated. Basically, it’s people that are closest to me. My family, so my parents and sisters, and my closest friends. My clan members, because they’re pretty much family, and of course Grogu. I can’t really show it to anyone else, though I might consider doing it for…a partner.” 
He stares down at the control board of the Crest, his face slightly red underneath the helmet, “That said, it’s not something I’d do casually.”
"That makes sense." She says with a nod. She interprets that reaction as maybe she's making him uncomfortable, so she decides not to push any further with the topic.
But as they sit in silence for a few minutes and she gets more sleepy, she can't keep herself from asking softly, "Hypothetically, could you take your helmet off around someone who has their eyes closed? Or who's blind?"
Din thinks for a second. 
“I think so. I’m a little shaky on how that part of the code works. My parents taught me never to remove it unless I’ve got a reason,” he answers truthfully and earnestly, trying to be helpful. 
Din laughs, “Now you’ve got me wondering,” he says with a smile, “Any particular reason why you’re asking?”
In her sleepy state, she almost admits the fact she's curious about the whole thing because the thought of kissing him has crossed her mind a few times before. But she bites her tongue before the words can escape her. She gives an unconvincing shrug and says, "Just wondering." instead.
Din isn’t stupid, he can see through that ‘just wondering’ a mile away. 
He turns to look at her, raising an eyebrow under his helmet, “You can say what’s on your mind, ya know? I wouldn’t care if you were curious about that,” his tone is reassuring as he gives her permission to ask.
She pauses to consider the offer. But really, she's scared of what might happen if he rejects her, since she really enjoys the current relationship they have now, not matter how ambiguously it lies on the scale of platonic to romantic. She just gives another shrug, pretending she's too tired by now.
Din sighs internally. Just say it, you idiot. He thinks.
Instead of pushing for an answer, he decides to try a different tactic. He turns back forward and says in a casual, casual manner, “Do you know the Mandalorian way of flirting?” 
He seems to have gone off on a tangent, as if it’s not an obvious lead-up, but he stares out the window of the Crest in the direction of the stars. “It’s called Jol’ey, you show your interest for someone by offering them your helmet.”
"Jol'ey?" She repeats the Mando'a term with a curious lilt in her tone. "How can you offer someone your helmet if you're not supposed to take it off though?" She can't help but ask.
Din chuckles, “Right, you caught me on that one, huh?” he says, looking at her again. 
“I’m not sure how exactly the practice started, but the meaning of it is basically you’re offering them a part of you, of your most private self, not just physically but spiritually. You’re making an important and very personal gesture to show them you care about them, deeply.”
She can't help but smile as well as she considers the idea, "I think that's actually kinda cute." It's an expression of love, but in a more meaningful and symbolic way, she thinks.
“Yeah,” his face softens under the helmet, and his voice turns almost soft at the edges for a moment, “it’s a very personal thing to do, so it’s not something Mandalorian do casually. Like I said, there are rules, and it’s a pretty serious thing to do. But I’d argue that there’s no stronger way for Mandalorian to express affection for someone.”
She nods a little, not exactly sure how to respond to that verbally other than a yeah or an okay. She is starting to wonder.. why did he bring that up all of a sudden though? And it becomes obvious by her expression.
The meaning of what Din just told her seems to be setting in, and at the same time she has a question on her mind. 
“Hypothetically, if I did offer you my helmet, would you accept?” Din’s voice is gentle as he asks her, “What do you think about that?”
She blinks a few times, letting the question settle for a moment. A beat of nerve racking silence passes between them and her expression morphs into shock at the implications he just explained to her.
"I think," she starts slowly with an ever softer voice than before, "..I would accept."
"Really?" Din asks, a smile creeping onto his face as he talks. 
He sets the Crest on autopilot, turning his seat to face her. 
In a whisper, and still speaking casually, he asks, "Would you want me to offer it to you?"
She's surprised as she sees him turn to her, and goes to do the same as red creeps up to her cheeks.
"Hypothetically," She continues with the term, though really it's more than just a 'hypothetical' and he knows that, "I would want that.. a lot." She almost whispers those last couple words.
Din laughs and says, "You can lose the hypotheticals now," he says playfully as he leans in. 
"I'd be happy to give you my helmet." He says the words plainly, as if he's just stating a fact, "But...do you know what it means to be a Mando'ade partner? It's...not just about romance."
Her cheeks redden further when he leans in, but she nods at his question.
"Is it the kind of thing that would break the old order's Jedi Code?" She says with a little smile, meaning the kind of attachment that would be 'dangerous' but incredibly deep and meaningful.
“Yeah, Jedi’s have rules about attachment, but in Mandalorian culture, attachment is basically the whole point. Attachment to your family, your clan, you’re friends, the land and culture. Attachment isn’t just tolerated, it’s encouraged, and there’s no greater attachment than being a Mando’ade.” 
He leans in closer and gives her one last choice, “You sure you want me to do that?”
Honestly, the very fact he's offering, makes it all the more touching. Her expression softens as she nods again.
"Sounds like you're proposing to me, Din." She says his name with gentle fondness, "Even so, I would say yes."
Din laughs. “Yeah, it is kinda like a marriage proposal in Mando culture. Except it’s more like a promise of complete devotion and care,” he says as he pulls his helmet off. 
He gives her another quick smile, his face reddened a bit as he gives her his helmet, “I’ve never done this for anyone else, so consider this my way of showing you what you’re worth to me. You mean a lot to me, and I want you to know it.”
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opinated-user · 9 months
Lily (and Ginger) commenting on how much she’s grown…
Growth? What growth?? She’s seems to be the exact same person she was before? Am I missing something?
Is it because she’s had a lot of shit thrown on her this year and she didn’t break down? Things like her sister calling her out on the fact she r**ped her, or YouTube videos made about her and how toxic she is?
Since enough people caught on on how awful she is, she gets more hate, but her “powering through it” and not taking accountability counts as growing?
Is she…a child? What part of anything that’s happened this year considered growth? Sounds more like regression to me.
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i don't know about you, but i don't really take the judgement of the fan that was groomed since they were 15 as unbiased objective fact about the person that groomed them in her 20s. let's remember for a second that none of us is LO's friend (thankfully) or are in close relationship with her, so it's possible that there are some sign of growth that we aren't privy to because of that. having said that... from what i have seen, LO has been willing to show and even the things that LO has slipped without fully intending to.... i don't see either what growth either of them is supposedly refering to. this year alone LO has doxxed an artist for copyrighting a video of MO after she used their fanart without permission, lied about having had cancer to try to distract people from child molestation coming from her real life sibling, to whome she quickly turned to accuse of being responsible for the CSA she suffered despite being a 6 year old child. she has lied about the sexual history of Brittany to pathetically include herself on it like a loser creep. she is currently enabling the rapist of Sunny because he dared to call her out for racism. she has ignored every warning possible about an actual child predator cozying up in her community that she knows includes vulnerable people. she is defending the rapist of Courtney just for a chance to prey on her niece and nephew.
she has taken zero responsibility for anything wrong she has ever done, including the plagiarism, and in fact she has double down to say that she "has never done a damn thing wrong my entire life."
if i was really needing to come out with something, then i guess at least she's not yelling insults to anons as frequently as she did before. but she should have never done that in the first place, and in that post i shared she still blames the people affected by her abusive violent behavior of being "stubborn" and not aknowledging her growth, and she never uttered the words "i shouldn't have done that, i'm sorry", so i'm not actually taking that as a sign of anything but LO being the same insecure, vindictive, spiteful, horrible person that i have known her as for years now.
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mdzsfan · 1 year
Lovers from the past part 2
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GIF by whovian-on-ice
"A-Xuan, where are you off to?" Y/N's voice carried a note of concern as she observed her husband, Jin Zixuan, making preparations with his sword. The room was infused with a sense of anticipation, a tension that mirrored the unspoken words that lingered between them.
He turned to face her, a soft smile curving upon his lips as he met her gaze. "Don't worry," he reassured her, his voice a gentle caress that held the warmth of their shared history, "I'll only be gone for a few hours." With a tenderness that mirrored his words, he leaned down and pressed a kiss upon her forehead, his lips a fleeting promise of his return.  (author: we all know that's not true hehe)
Their son, Jin Ling, nestled in the embrace of his mother's arms, gazed up at his father with curious eyes. His chubby fingers reached out, brushing against Jin Zixuan's cheek as if to echo his mother's sentiments. A fond smile played on Jin Zixuan's lips as he gently rubbed his son's head, a gesture that held the weight of fatherly love and a promise to return.
"But Jin Ling's one-month celebration is today," Y/N's voice held a note of gentle pleading, her eyes a mirror to the heartache that tugged at her. "It's important for you to be there, as a father to share in this milestone for our son." Her words were woven with the threads of tradition and the longing for familial unity.
Jin Zixuan's expression softened further, a mixture of understanding and conflict dancing within his eyes. He reached out, his fingers brushing against his son's tiny hand before he gently cupped Y/N's cheek, his touch an unspoken reassurance.
"I promise, Y/N," his voice was a solemn pledge, a promise etched into the very fabric of his being, "I will be there. I will not let this moment pass without sharing it with our son." With a final lingering kiss upon her lips, he reluctantly left the embrace of their chambers, the echo of his footsteps a testament to the weight of his responsibilities.
As Jin Zixuan departed, his footsteps echoing in the corridors of his thoughts, he found himself traversing the landscape of his memories. Each step seemed to unlock a vault of moments he had shared with Y/N, fragments of happiness and laughter that had once painted their lives with vibrant hues. In the midst of uncertainty, he held onto these recollections, as if they were the fragile threads that could weave a tapestry of hope against the looming shadows of the unknown.
The scenes of their past played out before his mind's eye, he found himself transported to a moment that seemed to encapsulate the essence of their shared journey.
The air was charged with a palpable tension as Jin Zixuan and Y/N faced each other, their words held a pregnant pause with the weight of unspoken emotions. The silence was as thick as the moonlit night, a canvas upon which their inner conflicts painted themselves.
"I know you still love A-Yao," Jin Zixuan's voice held a mixture of understanding and vulnerability, a confession that seemed to bridge the gap between their hearts. "But do not blame me," he continued, his words gentle yet firm, "I am strongly against this marriage as well."
Y/N's gaze was averted, her fingers tracing patterns on her robes as if they held the answers to the complexities that enveloped them. Her voice, when it finally emerged, was a reflection of the truth that had been buried beneath layers of tradition and obligation. "It seems as though none of us wanted this marriage," she stated plainly, her words a raw acknowledgment of their shared plight, "as it was arranged by our parents."
A pang of sympathy tugged at Jin Zixuan's heart as he observed her struggle to meet his gaze. The words that followed were a testament to the strength that lay within her, a strength that was willing to accept the circumstances they had been thrust into. "I guess the best thing for us," her voice held a quiet resolution, a resolution that carried the promise of finding harmony amidst discord, "is to try to get along instead of living a life of misery."
And as the night deepened, casting its shroud over their conversation, Jin Zixuan found himself taking a step towards the door, his heart heavy with the weight of both their history and the uncertainty of their future. It was in that moment, as he began to turn away, that her voice reached his ears once more, a whisper that seemed to linger in the stillness of the room.
"But I will never love you," her words were a crystalline declaration, a truth that hung between them like a delicate thread. "A-Yao is my only love."
The echo of those words seemed to reverberate in the chambers of his heart, a reminder of the complexity of emotions that bound them together. He carried her truth with him as he stepped into the corridor, the memory of her voice an imprint upon his soul.
However, life had a way of defying expectations, and the unfolding days revealed a truth that Y/N could not have foreseen. As time drew her closer to Jin Zixuan, a shift occurred within her heart, the tides of her emotions ebbing away from the shores of her feelings for Jin Guangyao. It was a transformation that took her by surprise, a realization that brought with it a sense of guilt, for she had once promised her heart to another.
The bond that she had believed to be love began to unravel like the delicate threads of a tapestry, leaving behind a tangled mixture of confusion and understanding. The more she spent time with Jin Zixuan, the more she found her feelings for him deepening, overshadowing the emotions she had once harbored for his elder brother. It was a bittersweet revelation, a recognition that her heart was not bound by promises made in haste.
She wrestled with her own emotions, grappling with the weight of her shifting affections. Had her feelings for Jin Guangyao been nothing more than a mirage, a connection born out of shared experiences and mutual understanding? The notion tugged at her, a mixture of relief and uncertainty intertwined.
One evening, as the moon cast its soft glow upon the world outside, Y/N found herself in the presence of Jin Zixuan. The words she had longed to speak swirled within her, carried by a courage that was fueled by the truth she had come to acknowledge.
"A-Xuan," her voice held a quiet earnestness, her gaze meeting his as if searching for the answers that lay within his eyes, "I love you, and I hope you feel the same way." Her words were a vulnerable admission, a confession that bared the depths of her heart. "If you don't, that's fine," she continued, her tone a blend of acceptance and hope, "we can remain friends, and perhaps time will bring clarity to our paths."
Before she could finish her sentence, he moved closer, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the whirlwind of emotions that surrounded them. His lips met hers in a tender kiss, a kiss that spoke of unspoken emotions and a shared understanding that transcended words.
"I..." he began, his voice a soft whisper as their lips parted, the weight of his emotions mirrored in his gaze. "I like you too."
In that moment, as the moon continued its journey across the sky, Y/N felt the weight of uncertainty lift from her heart. The bond that had once tied her to Jin Guangyao had transformed, evolving into a connection that resonated with the truth of her feelings. And as they stood there, two souls on the precipice of a new chapter, they found solace in the understanding that sometimes, the heart could find its way even when promises had been broken.
As the time slipped away, the anticipation that had surrounded Jin Ling's one-month anniversary began to mix with an undercurrent of worry. The sun cast its golden hues across the landscape, painting a picturesque scene outside the gathering, yet within the heart of the celebration, there was an undeniable absence, a void that was carved by Jin Zixuan's missing presence.
Despite his absence, the celebration pressed on. The grandparents, uncles, aunts, and sect leaders had all gathered, their smiles and laughter a testament to their shared joy. Among them, Y/N stood, her eyes occasionally flickering towards the entrance as if hoping to catch a glimpse of her husband's arrival.
"A-Y/N," the voice of Madam Jin cut through the hum of conversation, drawing Y/N's attention. She turned to face her mother-in-law, her lips curving into a respectful smile as she prepared to greet her.
But Madam Jin's words carried a note of understanding, a hint of sympathy that resonated with Y/N's own unspoken thoughts. "It's Jin Ling's one-month anniversary," she continued, her voice soft and gentle, "no need for formalities."
Y/N's smile grew warmer, a reflection of her appreciation for the maternal understanding that Madam Jin extended. "Of course," she replied, a soft nod accompanying her words, as if they were both acknowledging the complexities that lay beneath the surface.
"But where is Jin Zixuan?" Madam Jin's voice held a tinge of concern, a concern that echoed the worry in Y/N's heart.
"He assured me that he would be here," Y/N's voice held a mixture of hope and unease, her gaze briefly averting from Madam Jin's knowing eyes. "There were matters that demanded his attention," she continued, her words chosen with care to shield Jin Zixuan from any potential judgment.
Madam Jin's expression shifted slightly, the frustration evident in her furrowed brows. "It's his son's one-month anniversary," she mused, her voice carrying a note of incredulity, "surely those matters could have waited."
Y/N's lips curved into a sympathetic smile, her gaze now focused on the other guests who had gathered to celebrate this milestone. "Of course," she agreed softly, her words a reflection of her understanding of the intricate balance between duty and familial commitments.
Amidst the mingling guests, a servant entered the hall, a hesitant expression etched upon their face. Their arrival was accompanied by a heaviness that seemed to settle over the room, casting a shadow over the festive atmosphere.
Y/N's heart quickened as the servant approached, and before words could be spoken, she already felt the gravity of what they carried. The news that fell from the servant's lips was like a thunderclap, jolting the celebration into stunned silence.
"Jin Zixuan was killed by The ghost general"
The words hung in the air like a lament, their impact rippling through the room. Shock reverberated through Y/N's veins, her thoughts frozen as if time itself had momentarily halted. The joy of celebration was abruptly eclipsed by the weight of tragedy, leaving Y/N standing amidst a sea of stunned faces, grappling with the sudden and profound loss that had shattered their world.
In that instant, the once joyous occasion was transformed into a gathering of mourning, a communal space where grief converged with the echoes of happiness that once filled the air. Y/N's heart ached as the realization settled upon her, Jin Zixuan, the man she had once loved and the father of her child, was now forever absent, leaving behind a void that could never be filled.
The news had struck Y/N like a physical blow, the words reverberating through her being as if they were echoing in an empty chamber. A feeling of nausea surged within her, an overwhelming sensation that threatened to consume her. She needed to see for herself, to confirm that it wasn't a cruel trick played by fate.
She ran, her feet carrying her outside and towards their chambers, her heart pounding in her chest as if trying to break free from the confines of her ribcage. Each step felt like a desperate plea to the universe, a yearning to wake up from the nightmare that had swallowed her reality. Her mind raced, torn between hope and despair, the memories of their happiness juxtaposed against the stark reality of loss.
As she entered the chambers that had once held their shared dreams and laughter, she was met with the cold reality that seemed to seep into her bones. The room felt both familiar and foreign, a place where their love had once flourished, now transformed into a realm of absence and ache.
And then, as if echoing the cruel irony of her thoughts, Y/N's eyes fluttered open. The transition from the dream world to her waking reality was disorienting, her senses adjusting to the soft light that filtered through the room.
Her heart raced as she took in her surroundings, her breath hitching as the remnants of her dream lingered like the tendrils of a fading fog. She was in her chambers, just as she had been in her dream. But the weight of the loss was no longer a mere illusion—it was her grim reality.
Her gaze shifted, and there, by her side, was Jin Guangyao. The sight of him was both comforting and perplexing, his presence a lifeline amidst the storm of her emotions.
"A-Yao," her voice was barely more than a whisper, a fragile thread that carried the weight of her grief, "is he really gone?"
His response was silence, an unspoken acknowledgment of the truth that hung in the air like a heavy shroud. And in that silence, Y/N felt her heart shatter anew, the pain of her loss threatening to engulf her.
Jin Guangyao's arms enveloped her, a gesture of comfort that she instinctively leaned into. Her tears flowed freely, a river of sorrow that seemed to have no end. She wept for the life they had shared, for the dreams that had been shattered, and for the future that had been stolen away.
In her anguish, Y/N didn't notice the slight smirk that graced Jin Guangyao's lips. His embrace was warm, his presence a balm to her wounded soul. As she sought solace in his arms, unaware of the hidden currents of his intentions, she was vulnerable to the comfort he offered, a comfort that was layered with his own agenda.
And so, Y/N wept in his embrace, her tears a testament to the depth of her sorrow. Little did she know, her pain was both a genuine expression of her loss and a pawn in a larger scheme, a scheme that Jin Guangyao had meticulously orchestrated.
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vbecker10 · 17 days
Hi... I deleted the post this response was attached to cause I just wanted to respond more generally I guess, not just to one message I got.
(sorry this is long, I've been thinking about this for a few days and I'm just getting more confused as this goes on)
I'm honestly so disappointed that this bullying crap is going on here. This is supposed to be where we go when life gets too bullshitty. I'm so tired of seeing screenshots of anons spewing hate, this is such garbage behavior.
I've been trying to stay out of all of this as much as possible lately for a few reasons and none of them are cause I condone bullying. I think it's really fucked up that it's happening and I feel really bad for everyone involved who's been attacked. I wish tumblr could actually just remove the people causing the issues permanently but it seems like that's not happening.
I'm really finding it hard to keep all of the different stories I've been hearing straight. I don't know a lot of the blogs being discussed and I told someone yesterday my brain is really bad with connections so I don't always realize if it's an alt account. I've followed people for months without realizing I was talking to the same person on an alt and main account at the same time.
I've gotten a few messages and asks lately that either don't add up or blame different blogs for things. I'm truthfully worried I'm going to believe the wrong person or talk to the wrong blog and it's stressing me out a bit. I hate picking sides especially when I feel like I can't even keep track of who's side the story is coming from (again, that's me cause my brain won't store all this info).
I feel like I need a literal map that lays everyone out cause I can't track all of this.
I also got a message from someone saying I told another blog I've been bullied on here and that's absolutely not true. I'm not sure where they got that from, it was from another blog I don't think I've talked to.
Just to recap.... I'm not defending anyone for anything, I'm just confused and trying to make sure I understand what's going on cause I'm getting conflicting info. I also don't want to share anything I've gotten cause I don't want to add fuel to any fires.
I just want to sit here in my quiet corner, writing, reading and doing some rps.
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bestworstcase · 1 year
Salem said the Hound was "an experiment", but she never specified for what. Maybe it's her attempt at Ascension...?
the purpose of an experiment is to substantiate or refute a hypothesis, yeah? the hound exists in answer to a question. something salem didn’t know, but knew enough about to make what seems to have been a pretty good guess. she says she’s “pleased with the results [so far],” meaning the hound is evidently an at least partial success.
salem also spends quite a lot of V8 attempting to fill gaps in the information she has—throughout most of the volume her top priority is gaining access to the lamp’s knowledge. capturing the staff seems to be a secondary concern. thus, the hound belongs to a narrative arc which tilts on the fulcrum of questions salem wants answered.
so… what most interests me about the hound is the unknown hypothesis. what didn’t salem know? what was she trying to learn?
here’s some things to chew on:
#1: the audience knows something that disproves (or at least casts into serious doubt) ruby’s conclusion.
she thinks salem has been making hounds out of silver-eyed people for a decade or more, starting with summer. this cannot be true, because the hound is very new. salem isn’t experimenting ten+ years ago, she’s experimenting NOW.
#2: why now?
the nature of an experiment is that it begins with an idea of what might happen. that salem is doing this NOW isn’t, cannot be arbitrary—something gave her the idea. it is unlikely that “something” happened over a decade ago and she’s only just now getting around to it; salem is patient, but she does not waste time. doesn’t it make more sense to suppose that some recent event revealed a gap in her knowledge that she is now attempting to close? something like, oh, i don’t know—
#3: everybody knows that silver eyes only work on grimm…
…and cinder, that one time.
the question of why ruby’s first glare mutilated cinder is a textual mystery—in the sense that none of the heroic characters know the answer, and it��s inexplicable by the common in-universe theory of how this kind of magic works. the general assumption in the wider fandom is that the grimm beetle is to blame and salem knows it, but ruby hits cinder with a second fully-fledged glare at the end of V7 and cinder walks away completely unscathed. while grimmness may be a causal factor it seems not to be the only one.
we also don’t know exactly what happened in between the fall of beacon and cinder’s next appearance months at the top of V4—we don’t get to see how salem reacted, we only know the broad strokes of what information got reported back to her, and we don’t know anything about the circumstances surrounding the grimm arm being grown or grafted.
aside from a couple relevant details which i expect to be explored later (chiefly, to what extent cinder chose the arm) this is not information that we need to know—but i think it IS worth keeping in mind that we don’t know it, because it means we don’t know the extent of salem’s knowledge.
and that question—how much does salem know, and is her understanding accurate?—is key.
salem states that becoming the maiden is what made cinder vulnerable to the silver glare, and loosely implies that it’s a vulnerability cinder can defend. this is generally interpreted as a manipulative lie, but… we don’t know a lot about silver eyes, what we do know is mainly folklore, and cinder seems to be developing a resistance to the glare, which is a strong point of evidence in salem’s favor.
anyway, the point being: silver eyes are supposed to only work on grimm, but ruby’s glare maimed cinder. the lion’s share of salem’s screen time in V4-5 involves cinder’s recovery—salem provides an explanation, devotes months training cinder to achieve basic control over the grimm arm, and handles cinder’s feelings about the order to leave ruby alive. this is the focal point of salem’s character during this leg of the story.
then cinder falls from grace and salem is blindsided by the news that ozpin reincarnated way faster than anticipated, and… salem sort of recedes into the distant background of the narrative. we barely see her in V6. she’s not in V7 at all until the very end. we know she spends this time churning out an army, but That’s It—and then she turns up in atlas with the hound.
you see the dots i’m connecting here? salem’s path through the narrative goes like like: heavy involvement with cinder’s recovery after the glare and grimm arm -> months of radio silence -> kicks in the door with an experimental silver-eyed grimm in tow. why now? what gave her the idea? what hypothesis is she testing?
the explanation that makes the most sense to me is that salem doesn’t fully understand why the glare maimed cinder. i think she might know (or suspect) some things that give her a solid general sense of what happened and why, but she’s still in uncharted territory and she’s trying to figure it out. i think the things she tells cinder in V4-5 are theories—and the hound was meant to test those theories, evidently successfully.
which tracks with what we see play out in V6-7; maria’s silver eyes theory is inadequate to explain cinder, salem appears to be wrong about the maidens being vulnerable to the glare but broadly correct about cinder’s vulnerability being a consequence of something other than grimmness.
#4: death and resurrection
by this point it seems… pretty evident that silver eyes are connected to death in a more-than-symbolic way. there’s the flashbacks ruby experiences of pyrrha’s last words in V4. there’s the glare taking the hand cinder killed pyrrha with and the eye that didn’t get the maiden-eye-flames until she killed amber. and there’s ruby returning from her (symbolic) death being heralded by an explosion of white light, in contrast with the white-gold we see when the herbalist is reborn. and of course there’s the white void that people from remnant pass through when they die. and silver eyes themselves derive from ozma + resurrected humankind.
whether or not salem knows of ascension, i’m positive that she made this connection after the fall of beacon.
i think that’s probably why the question of whether cinder killed ozpin is a point of contention: cinder says she killed three people. the glare maimed her twice over, taking the parts of her that physically or spiritually touched two of her victims at the moment of death. if that isn’t coincidental, it leaves ozpin unaccounted for.
and i think that’s probably the line of reasoning salem followed to get to “it’s because of the maiden’s power.” she’s drawing a connection between the glare and the maiden power through the death required to inherit the magic. hence, also, the implicit association salem draws between “be patient about the maidens” and “be careful of ruby’s eyes” in V5.
so i figure that salem developed the hound to test that connection. its core is a silver-eyed faunus who should be very dead but isn’t. the… general assumption is that salem accomplished this by dipping the guy in a grimm pool, but… silver eyes are vanishingly rare! where did she find him! which is why i’m more inclined to think that he didn’t have them when salem found him, and part of the experiment involved turning his eyes silver, possibly by killing and reviving him.
(that or she straight up personified a grimm somehow. or borrowed one of summer’s eyes.)
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jotunvali02 · 2 months
Playing Ace Attorney, Rise from the Ashes, part 5
My baby's heart is broken and betrayed again! NO! NO! NO!!😭😭😭😭
Hmm, this case is actually a mix of ALL of the cases until now.
Woohoo! Fee-Fee has flashes of empathy! Just like thunder! "You were 14. That's understandable. You've been through much."
Yeah, I wonder how it looked like for a 9 YEAR-OLD CHILD whose FATHER was killed to testify of it!! Especially with two adult fuckers who must have LOUDLY and violently blamed HIM during the whole trial!!!
But strangely, THAT fact is never mentionned and apparently no one gives a shit about orphan little boys accused of killing their own father!! But an older girl who was correctly treated and accused of nothing and who CLEARLY lived less brutal shit compared to baby Edgey, all the shits given!
Has Phoenix' "empathy pack" opened only now or is it a sexist, misogynistic writing from Takumi (whose from a country where it's still "women are fragile little things" and "men are insensitive, burly warriors")? I guess this is internalized shit but that's what pisses me off most.
Men, and all the more, little underage boys can have traumas and fragilities too!
"Edgeworth!?" Oooh, did I hear a skip in your heart, Feenie??💓
How the fuck do you get promoted from detective to Chief Prosecutor??…. Ooooh.
Bitch you have that MUCH compassion for Ema (granted, she deserves it), somene you've been knowing for 3 days, but NONE of it for my baby Edgeworth you've been OBSESSED with for 15 years, who lived way worse shit and for way longer??
OR… did the trial of my baby switched on the empathy light bulb in you, Fee-Fee?💡
"Attorneys and prsecutors can't share evidence." BITCH, you're not prosecutor anymore, you're an ATTORNEY's client!! And you HAVE GIVEN Phoenix evidence yourself!
Bitch, no real prosecutors are in their 20's, stop the bullshit.
So the person who forged evidence was a detective, not a prosecutor. And she's the only detective who became a prosecutor.
So why the FUCK are you all badmouthing ALL prosecutors for the doings of ONE who wasn't even prosecutor back then?? And while one of YOUR team was a prosecutor??
Your grudges don't make any sense! You're just brainless and stupid! (as you half imply it btw) and that's just pure and sheer racism!
"I've learnt Edgey is not my enemy." Woohoo, happy to learnt it, you fuck. NOT!
Why the fuck is there an ORGAN?? Time to play some Bach! Wait. Is that office a CHURCH??
"Hm, sOmethIng iS wRoNg with ThiS pIctUre But I dOn'T Know wHat thO…"
Uuuuuuugh!!! I don't know... the big SWORD on the award or that vase that STRANGELY looks like the SL-9 evidence???
"Have you seen Mr Edgeworth?"😭 Daddy! "Are they really so many ppl who hate him?" Shut up. Shut up!! 😭
Daddy always worrying about his baby Edgey… 😭
"There's nothing wrong with Mr Edgeworth!"
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"Looks like Mr Edgeworth is writing something!" 😭😭😭😭 NOOOOOOO!!
"Wh? What are you doing here??" Preventing you from killing yourself, sweet baby!!
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"He quickly threw that paper on the floor." AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!! 💔💔💔💔💔💔
Stop saying you're ok, when you're clearly not, baby! Can I caress your soft hair to soothe you??
"Always trying to hide his real feelings." Bitch, you have NO idea of his real feelings!
"Unlike some people I don't have all day." Shut up. I swear to God, shut up!
Just cry in Fee-Fee arms!!😭
Why isn't there a "Hug Edgeworth" option????
"Seems all you do is worry about me."💗
We ALL do, baby!!😭
"There's no excuse for what I've done." Baby, again, and again, it WASN'T YOUR FAULT!!!
"Tell me why! WHY has it all come to this?" 😭😭😭😭
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"You know it wouldn't hurt of you put it somewhere on a shelf."
YES IT WOULD!!! You absolute insensitive dumbass!!!!
"That has no meaning to me anymore." 😭😭😭😭 NOO!! NOO!!
"Distract Mr Edgeworth!" "Uh… hey Edgeworth! I love you! Let's have a child!"
OMG. OMG it's not THAT letter…. ooofff!
"I'm tired, Wright." So he DID tell him!
"I feel as if something inside me has died."😭😭😭
"The path I've walked hasn't been a just one. I can't forgive myself for what I've done."
"and no one else should forgive me either."
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Why isn't Phoenix BAWLING HIS EYES OUT at that??
Clearly, he HASN'T succeeded in "saving" Edgeworth and he has obvious evidence here, in front of him!!
"Forgiving myself is somthing I cannot do." Will you shut up??
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"Hey, would you care for roasted beef?" I'm a vegan, fucking BITCH! And I won't talk with a racist bitch who hurts and blames my baby who's so much more righteous, more caring, way more selfless and way more worthy of love and respect than you!
Phoenix: "Fuck the taxes that pay the rich!" Gumshoe: "Burglar the rich!"
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Aaand my laptop CRASHED without warning after 1 hour and a half of unsaved gaming!!!!
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anarchyrpbook · 6 months
FALLOUT (TV SERIES, 2024): Episode Six Part 2 Feel free to edit the sentences, places, pronouns, etc, as you need. NSFW TW: Mentions of sex, drugs, violence
“Sorry you couldn’t make it to the party the other night, [name]. Guess you had one of your meetings, huh?”
“We watched people die together up north fighting against all that horseshit.”
“[My wife] works there. You really think [name] is the devil?”
“Do you know what ‘fiduciary responsibility’ means?”
“No, I have no fucking idea.”
“You played him with grace, and with dignity. It was a great role for you.”
“I guess everything’s a conspiracy, right?”
“Come on, man, you sound like you’re in a cult.”
“And you’re sitting here defending a system that’s ready to set the world on fire, [name]. Maybe you’re the one in the cult.” 
“You should come to a meeting.”
“It’s going to be hard on [pronoun], that’s all.”
“That’s just, uhm, that’s the policy.”
“That’s not really the question, is it?”
“I think that’s a relatively trivial concern, given the prerequisite conditions of us living in a nuclear fallout shelter.”
“That is a new rule. Someone decided that, and didn’t share it with fucking anyone.”
“I mean, what else do you have in store for us?”
“So, the bomb falls and you want to know about your wardrobe.”
“No, I want to know about my freedom.”
“I didn’t go to war, defending that freedom, so that I could live in a cellar under the boot heel of [name].”
“And while you were away at war, I stayed home. I was checking the mail every day. I was waiting by the phone every night. And every night I was driving myself crazy imagining the worst.”
“And no, none of this is ideal.”
“You don’t get it, that is the best we can possibly hope for.”
“I’m sorry. I know you always try to do the right thing, that’s what I love about you.”
“We don’t talk about that. Geez, what is the matter with you?”
“Hey, where do you guys get your power from?”
“I see you found our fusion core.”
“Some people who come here have a hard time adjusting to finally feeling safe.”
“All the things you’ve had to do to survive still fresh in your mind.”
“Trust doesn’t come easily to those of us with a guilty conscience.”
“How about you sleep in a room of your own tonight. Have a hot shower. Nothing wrong with a little bit of comfort.”
“You boys know who you just brought in?”
“This sumbitch right here used to be the best bounty hunter to ever shoot a man in the ass.”
“Kids these days don’t know their goddamn history.”
“Aw, come on, [name], we old friends, ain’t we?”
“I don’t know what keeps you going.”
“Maybe, you’re still looking for [pronoun].”
“Well, [name], I can confidently cross one reason off that list for you. I sure as hell ain’t still alive so that I can have unintelligent conversations with dipshits like yourself.”
“Mind your fucking mouth.”
“Now, that bitch is dangerous.”
“Well, when it comes to leadership these days, dangerous is what they call a prerequisite.”
“Somebody’s got to step up and bring some order around here.”
“Guilty as charged.”
“Oh, I must have killed nine or ten people.”
“Do you want to make my cock explode now?”
“I know this must all seem really nice compared to the-the shoot show that’s up there. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to go back on our deal and - and just be somewhere that is good and safe. But this isn’t it.”
“They gave me a robe. And slippers.”
“These people are hiding something from us, I’m going to prove it okay? I’m not leaving without you.”
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