#'chuuya needs to be the short king he needs to be'
hi, I was wondering if I could possibly request some crack with chuuya and a reader who's the same height as him. whether the reader be a teen or adult doesn't matter, I just want to see dazai make fun of the two of them for being short.
When you are the same height as Chuuya
Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Short! Teen! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic Dazai Osamu
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Description: They heard your voice when they were in their world. They always wondered, how you looked like. Today, they will get into your world. Today, they finally will see you.
Warning: OOC, Platonic. English is my second language.
The moment has finally come. The day they were waiting for. Portal was ready. Just in a few moments, they will finally get to real world. They will finally see Their Guiding Light.
They knew few things about Their Guiding Light. Their name was [Y/N]. They were a teen and their parents were working abroad. They were getting checks from their parents every month. Their Guiding Light were looking after the house, doing chores, paying taxes, going to school and looking after themselves. There were adult relatives in the picture, but only when [Y/N] need a sigh on permission.
They knew what kind of person Their Guiding Light were. Today, they will finally learn, what Their Guiding Light look like.
Portal start working.
Bright light filled the room.
In the next moment, BSD Cast left their world and appeared in the real world. Right before Their Guiding Light.
When your phone's screen suddenly start glowing white, you got startled and fell down on the floor.
So, you met BSD Cast while sitting on the floor.
For the next few minutes you were blinking like an owl, while Fukuzawa Yukichi gave a whole speech about self-awareness, their gratitude and you being Their Guiding Light.
When he finished talking, everyone finally noticed, that you were still sitting on the floor. Chuuya chuckled, carefully picked you up and put you on back on your feet.
"Okay, let's have a proper introduction."
With Chuuya Nakahara standing near you, everyone saw, that you two were the same height.
Osamu Dazai was grateful to you. For been near him during the darkest moment of his life, for treating him like a human, for bringing Oda back. He spent hours thinking, what he will say to you, when you finally met face to face. But all these preparations were destroyed. The chance was too good to be true.
Dazai took a step forward and bend to your level.
"Where is the rest of you? Or will you and hat rack, over here, morph into a one big adult?"
And that's how you and Chuuya formed a brother-sister alliance against Dazai.
Dazai didn't stop with teasing you two.
You were having a chat with Kunikida, while Aya, Q, Elise, Katsumi, Kousuke, Sakura, Shinji and Yu were watching 'The Lion King' in the background. The first iconic scene with the rising sun has begun.
"So, to solve this math exercise I should do this, right?" you showed Kunikida your notes. Kunikida quickly scanned through them and nodded.
"Yes, very good. Now, try to solve it."
You two didn't pay attention to your surroundings and kids were too interested in a cartoon, that no one noticed Dazai, sneaking up to you.
The cartoon continued.
Rafiki raised Simba above his head.
The same moment, Dazai picked you up and raised you above the floor as high as he can.
Dazai started to sing-a-long.
"It's the circle of life. And it moves us all~"
Kids were having a hard time looking at you and Dazai on one side of the room and a TV screen with cartoon on it on the other side.
When the title screen finally appeared, Dazai put you down.
He ruffled your hair.
"Thanks for been a great Simba, [Y/N]!"
Before Kunikida and you can react, Dazai left the room.
You grumble and hide your face in your hands.
Kunikida looked at you with pity.
"If it makes things easier, he tried to do the same thing with Chuuya, back in the app."
You two heard the sounds of fighting and familiar 'Damn Blue Mackerel!'.
Kunikida adjusted his glasses.
"And that's exactly how it ended last time."
You were in a bad mood.
The cereal you planned to have for breakfast were put on the top of the shelf.
You could swear you heard Dazai's laughter. Despite the fact that Dazai left fifteen minutes ago to get groceries.
You were almost ready to go grab a chair, when you felt two gloved hands on your shoulders. You felt, that you became lighter and start slowly levitate towards the top of the shelf.
Dazai loved putting your stuff on the top of the shelves. But, you gave Dazai some credit, he never moved really important staff or fragile things out of your reach.
You quickly grabbed flakes.
Slowly, you were back on the ground.
And gloved hands never left.
Chuuya always keep contact with you when he was doing it.
You turned to Chuuya and smiled.
"Thank you, Chuuya."
Chuuya grinned in return.
"Don't mention, [Y/N]. You knew, that you can always ask me to help deal with vegatoid's pranks."
You let out a small laugh. You remembered, how one time Dazai walked on you and saw, how exactly you were getting back things he put on the top.
That day you heard joke about morphing in one adult six more times. And at least seven times, Dazai joked about you sitting on Chuuya's shoulders and wearing a coat, so you two can ride a roller coaster for adults when you visit an amusement park.
"Don't interfere, you pipsqueak! Or I will squish you like a grape!"
You got that message (and a few more threats) from your classmate. They were harassing younger students, and you promised to tell teachers, if they didn't stop.
That's why they start sending you threats. And mocking you about your height. You were in the middle of writing a letter to the teacher, explaining, what your classmate were doing, when Dazai snatched your phone.
You looked at him, expecting teasing and him holding your phone above your head, but, instead, Dazai was silent. He was reading messages your classmate sent you.
Chuuya was ready to grab your phone back, when Dazai almost shoved it in his face, forcing Chuuya to read the messages.
For a few moments, Dazai and Chuuya were quiet. Then Chuuya turned around and marched towards the front door. He was mumbling.
"I won't let anyone threat my sibling!"
Dazai returned your phone to you.
"No one dares to threat you, [Y/N]. Moreover..."
Dazai grinned and put his elbow on your head, using it as an armrest.
"You are my pipsqueak! I am the only one who is allowed to tease you!"
With that, Dazai followed after Chuuya.
You sighed.
Even if teachers couldn't do anything, the classmate won't ever forget their encounter with your two brothers.
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judasgot-it · 9 months
Just saw your post on what kind of lovers Dazai, Tecchou and Nikolai are and I want to know what kind of lover Chuuya is!!
DJFLJAFL I NEVER GET CHUUYA REQUESTS OMG (short king. he is such a good character I love him)
Headcannon: What kind of lover is he? (Chuuya, the short king himself mwah)
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After being screwed over by so many people he thought he could trust, he has a hard time giving his heart over. Especially when it comes to some of the most vulnerable parts of himself, since he still has soft spots for people who he hates - he needs to be reassured, and has no issue telling his lover "I love you" - it's the one thing he needs to hear as well.
I feel like despite appearing angry a lot, he's sensitive to a lot of things - he finds his relationships to be a top priority since they're all he has
So his lover is someone who he thinks about a lot, so much that he'd go out of his way for them
He communicates his feelings in not the best way though, since he tends to repress them too
This man will struggle to open up, not because he doesn't trust but because he feels like it becomes a burden. The whole childhood thing is a bit much for him.
Literally will listen to you rant about yours just fine but he can't talk about his for shit. He just brings it up randomly like "I was stabbed by my best friend in the gang once"
Does NOT elaborate
He loves to gossip though, and probably does bitch about some things - like Dazai. Whatever mundane drama goes on in his life he WILL tell his lover.
Needs to be told "I love you" and reassured that he won't be abandoned. Probably is a frequent texter and gives a little too many gifts. He has the money to spoil, and he will.
If he's given something back, he'll do it back threefold. He has a really big heart unfortunately, it's his downfall
Loyal in a clingy way tbh.
Gets sad if you don't cuddle him or kiss him when you see him come home or leave for work. or see him anytime really.
Unless he's in front of important people he's a stage 5 PDA guy
He'd probably leave his lover alone if they asked but I think he wants to be seen as a couple when he's around them, he doesn't want any sort of second-guessing
I blame all of this on his Taurus energy
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I need to tryout more Chuuya content cuz he seems like a loyal AF dude and I can't stand hoes (Dazai is said hoe. jk i love that hoe)
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originalaccountname · 4 months
if chuuya was raised by dr N, how do you think he would’ve changed?
What an interesting and difficult question
I'm assuming this is from a "what if Chuuya hadn't been taken out of the lab at all"? Where as professor N's project subject, N would have been his "guardian"?
All the Chuuyas we know were pretty similar: the little boy in his village who tried to beat up an older kid because he insulted his parents, the famined kid who had the guts to call out to another kid to know if you could eat the thing he was holding, the relunctant "king" of the Sheep, the Flags' angry little guy, the Port Mafia's top fighter and executive, Dazai's partner. The main points that kept true through all that, even before and after the lab, were that Chuuya fights, Chuuya cares, and Chuuya has an attitude.
I think these are all part of his core personality and will keep true no matter what happens. If he stops displaying these traits, it's because he's hiding them, or he's broken.
If N was smart, he'd give Chuuya a noble goal to latch onto. Getting Chuuya on your side is more efficient than forcing him to cooperate, and in the context that Project Arahabaki's objective was to effectively create a human weapon to be deployed at will, it's a lot more sustainable to have that weapon be proactive.
Chuuya's main driving force has always been defending other people, so something along the lines of saying he could be a hero, a protector, that he could help make people safe with his powers, should be good. Of course, he has to care about the people he's defending for this to be effective, so that first. If N wanted to be his trusted guardian for easier handling, he would need to be the first person Chuuya cares about by being a decent enough "parent" (you bet he'd call himself Chuuya's father for "creating him") who seems to want what's good for Chuuya. If you help Chuuya, he'll bound himself to you forever, no matter what.
With all that, I think that a Chuuya whose nature was exploited for control by N (or whoever N puts him in the hands of) wouldn't be too different from Chuuya the Sheep King or Chuuya the PM executive, just with a lot more propaganda put in his head and maybe worse self-sacrificial tendancies. I don't think the lab would have been a one-and-done thing if he'd stayed under their "care", so I feel the frequent check up, test, etc., while not necessarily evil, paired with him being a glorified weapon, would be damaging in the long run by taking away his ability to say no. At that point, the only thing he has left is his choice to go all out, to be the first in line, and to not care what happens as long as he succeeded in protecting everyone in the end. He's been made to care, and he has nowhere else to go.
Basically, take Chuuya, but instead of "I do what I can to protect everyone", it's "I do what I'm told because I want to protect everyone". Maybe, one day, the Sheep and/or SB history will repeat themselves as Chuuya learns something or meets someone he shouldn't have, or questions his origins. You decide.
I'll leave you with this short one-shot by Musical_Fandom of a young Chuuya, who stayed in the lab, being handed to Fukuchi as a Hunting Dog candidate, because I think that Chuuya meeting Fukuchi at a formative age is a fantastic idea to explore in this context.
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chocsra · 10 months
"Playing with Balls are Not For The Weak (Pause on that.)"
15! basketball plyr! chuuya x gn! reader - HIGHSCHOOL AU, HEADCANONS + DRABBLES
a/n: as per request, thank you @sstarshroom my pookie ☺️, sincere apologies for the title its my toilet humor. next week will be dazai content im sorry my dear dazai fans
content: headcanons, drabbles, fluff, slowburn, pre-relationship,"in a world of boys, hes a gentleman", chuuya as them short hoopers, relationship of these two actually sucking at life, cheeky and smug chuuya, idiots in love, dumbass behaviour
as a classmate, chuuya would have a pretty big friendgroup but only really hang out with a few select people;
in class, he's quiet and focuses on school;
he's also naturally smart, a good 80s-90s student without much effort;
chuuya takes academics seriously but since he doesn't really have to work his ass off to study, he wouldn't be competitive in school, so sorry to all the academic rivals to lovers girlys
you know what he would take seriously though, sports.
and it's not even the serious shit, you could play dodgeball and he's sweating his ass off;
so certified hotshot of the school, short king energy, okay.
Your teacher tediously writes away on a few documents of paper, adjusting his glasses with the flick of his hand. "We have a few boxes from the food drive," he announces, catching the attention of your working classroom. "I need a strong person to carry them to the office, pleas-" a loud smack of a laptop closing can be heard, "MEMEME!!" the class goes silent, staring as your classmate, Chuuya Nakahara, happily voluneer to deliver a few boxes.
okay, okay, so as a classmate, people either think he's slightly irritating or alright, it's another story in gym class though, nobody likes him.
"Pass the ball- PASS THE BALL!" Chuuya yells, you couldn't lie; him wrapping a piece of red cloth around his head like some kind of warrior was sorta concerning? No, really concerning. The small boy leeches his arms out as defense, concentration written all over his face. You dribble the basketball a few times, about to pass it to him. "I said pass it!!" he shouts, rude. You furrow your brows in offense before harshly throwing the ball in his direction, aiming for his head.
Unfortunately, throwing basketballs at your own team player's forehead didn't result in an instant win. As you two sat on the bench, watching the current game along sidelines as Chuuya rubs his temple with an icepack, his red headband cloth resting atop of his knee, focussing intentively. When your team has been declared lost, he clenched the icepack in his hand and starts profusely running around the gym, mourning a gym class basketball game.
I mean, it's not like he's a terrible person though, you've seen the guy, he can be nice, he's got it in his system. Like one time in gym class, dodgeball specifcally.
"Ow! The fuck?" yet another dread of gym class was at your service, the heated air of dodgeballs flying left and right through the air overwhelmed you to say the least. And one of those balls just hit you right on the head, you pensively rub your temple, hearing a loud "You're out!!" from the opposing team.
Curse words roll off your tongue in embarrassment, about to do the walk of shame to the bench until a hand rests on your shoulder. "Hey," you twist your head around, seeing Chuuya approach you, as everyone else fights like their damn lives depended on it. "Did the ball hit your head?" he asks, the boy had short copper locks that framed his face pretty nicely, this time there wasn't a red cloth tied around his head.
"Yea," you quip, turning away from him, the hand on your shoulder lifts as you feel soft fingers brush away some of your hair from the side of your face. "Yeah, that's not allowed, you're still in the game, okay?" the redhead assures you as he casually takes a quick look at your temple. You nod releuctantly, as he pats your shoulder again a few times before smugly continuing the game. Since when did Chuuya Nakahara abide the rules?
You know, there seems to be a reaccuring pattern between you two. Everytime you're near each other, someone always get hit in the face with a ball.
But, there seemed to be more casual conversations, ones that didn't include violence with sports equipment.
As a friend, Chuuya was teasing, he always said no to what you asked him to do, but ends up doing it anyway.
"Can you hold my bag?" you ask, "No." the redhead says as he grabs your bag anyway
but as a friend, he came with more benefits. a trustable walking partner.
It's that time of the season, December, where snow engulfed every pathway you walked on. It was one of those days after school, walking home in the freezing cold; but today was unlucky, you were caught in a snow storm. And apparently, your friendgroup is nowhere to be found.
To be honest, walking alone is kind of scary, intimidating, terrifiying. You would run, but ice was everywhere, tripping in public wouldn't be any better than fear.
You saw a black jacket, red scarf, and a backpack with soccer keychains and a massive waterbottle. Most obvious feature, was the black gloves the figure wore. "Chuuya!" you call out, the boy almost immediately spins around, nodding to you as a greeting. "What's up?!" he flashes a cheeky smile, the redhead was pretty far away from you, and you weren't just interested in a simple 'hello'.
"Can you walk with me?" you ask, shoving your hands in your pockets from the cold. The redhead doesn't falter his smile, not hearing you as he had earphones on. "What?" he asks, communicating with you whilst walking backwards; some assholes just don't care about splitting your head open on ice.
"Can you walk with me?!" you repeat, the ginger stops in his tracks, muttering an "ohhh" as he speeds towards you. Again, some assholes just don't care about their life. And so, Chuuya doing a quick slip and drop onto the sidewalk, in a snowstorm, whilst running to you would be the outcome of this story.
You immediately start laughing your ass off, watching as any smugness on his face completely disapates. Accepting defeat in every form. "Fuck!" you cackle, slapping your knee. You attempt to skedaddle to him, still laughing before.. Slip. You fall onto him, your elbow piercing his ribs, the boy chokes out a cry of pain before you laid together on the ground in pure defeat. You know what passing by cars thought of when they saw you two? Two teenagers laying on the ground, 'X' style, in the middle of a fucking snowstorm.
You made it home safely, having to make your friend and classmate, Chuuya Nakahara, hot chocolate as an apology.
yeah, having chuuya as your friend can get pretty hefty, and violence is all that seems to be thrown at your friendship;
as a friend, you and chuuya didn't feel like friends sometimes, it was weird;
he constantly asked you to come to his games, in all honesty - you were too busy or just felt like staying home;
there was one day though, you did come to his game, out of pure curiousity
and when he saw your face, accompanied with a wave, the teenager knew; he was inlove.
he was really bad at showing it though
After enough convincing, you finally showed up to another one of Chuuya's games, you've already once; but apparently this one was really important.
You were actually concentrating, it was getting really heated, time was getting thiner, and the scores were relatively even.
The crowd roared as Chuuya took the ball, running through the court with a focussed but cheeky look on his face.
Just as he reached the net, he yelled out the loudest, unexpected sentence.
"[Y/N]! This one's for you!!"
The crowd's jaw drops in shock and anticipation, whoosh, he missed miserably.
damn, you guys really suck.
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gildeddlily · 1 year
I need more content about Chuuya. like, Soukoku is the bsd couple with more works on Ao3, the most loved of the whole fandom, there are over 20 thousand fanfictions. there are tons of edits and AMV about him on tiktok and youtube, tons of x reader and fanarts. but it's (almost) always the sweet and a little dumb Chuuya.
Chuuya who's in love with Dazai and is begging him not to leave, who's mad at him for leaving the fricking mafia and "abandoning him", who's crying about being the second choice for everyone (fuck that, especially the "kouyou chose kyouka over chuuya"- you're telling me she chose to protect a 14ys girl over a 22ys man who's a mafia executive? oh sorry she should have left the child alone my bad), who is constantly manipulated by Dazai and betrayed (and content like this is made by people who love Dazai but don't understand him one bit- like yeah he manipulated the Sheep into betraying Chuuya but the Sheep were fucking assholes who didn't deserve Chuuya, and Dazai treated him fucking better than them- don't let me get started ab them or I'll never stop), feminized Chuuya, short and skinny Chuuya who likes to be the little spoon cause Dazai is the big strong man, lonely Chuuya who doesn't have anyone and basically dumb Chuuya who doesn't understand Dazai and cries to his sleep ab him.
fuck no, and I've been reposting every post that talks ab this. we want more Stormbringer Chuuya, and we don't have him 'cause not everyone has access to the novel or wants to read it. but Stormbringer is my Bible and should be everyone's.
We want more 15 years old Chuuya who carried on his shoulder a whole organization, the same organization that treated him like a damned dog, who got betrayed by the people he was sacrificing himself for the moment he tried to do something for himself, who was tricked into joining the Port Mafia (an organization he hated), who's easily read and manipulated and is aware of it, who never gave up on his humanity and worked hard and became important and strong for his new organization in a year as a teenager, who was able to made Dazai survive, giving him some sort of will to live, after like days of knowing him.
We want constantly dehumanized 16 Chuuya that got tortured for hours, that found out about his terrible origins and past, who sacrificed fondamental information about himself to save Yokohama, that almost got himself killed protecting the same person who betrayed him and fought his "brother" in order to do so, that lose the friends he called family and the only chance he had to have a life outside the mafia. Desperate because of his family's death Chuuya, in his painful corrupted form Chuuya, putting his life in Dazai's hands Chuuya, the one who beated the King of Assassins Chuuya, the one who was able to destroy an entire organization with his partner Chuuya. Port Mafia Executive Chuuya, who became who he was because of himself and with Dazai's help, who was able to become stronger even without him. Chuuya who suffered because of Dazai's deflection but understood it.
22 Chuuya who met his ex-partner after four years, stronger than how Dazai remembered him and still able to surprise (Dazai's "how fast!" when Chuuya punched him was hilarious and empowering, especially after his "I know all your moves" talk- and no, we "heard" his thoughts, so it wasn't an act stop saying that he had predicted that too when chuuya's like one of the only ppl able to surprise him) one of the smartest people in their country, who made sure things didn't change between them and made said smart and manipulative man cry from laughing over his damned rich girl impression. Chuuya who is the best martial artist and probably strongest ability user (Q is a child, and his "fight" with Steinbeck said a lot about his strength- crazy yes, but Chuuya could still beat almost everyone even without his ability) in the mafia, who could probably smash a wall with and without For The Tainted Sorrow. The Chuuya who's able to survive in a world surrounded by geniuses who constantly try to manipulate him (Dazai's manipulation is different than Fyodor's shut up), and able to be one of the most influential man in Yokohama without being a freaking genius.
Chuuya who has one of the best character developments I've ever read. Chuuya who has about him a lot of information (more than anyone else, we know you love him Asagiri) (please don't love him the way you loved Odasaku) and still gets mischaracterized again and again. this is an infodump ab what Chuuya means to me.
send ao3 links ty
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sleepyghostuwu · 1 year
Hiiiiii I absolutely love ur fics🥺 and I'm glad that ur request is open. So if it isn't such a bother can I request for Dazai, Chuuya and Jouno or just any characters u want to add where their s/o was absent for 2 days straight then show up with the largest bruise under their thighs. Pain is a bitch I realized that now.
Yes this happen to me bc me and my 5'3 height fall off a chair while getting something from a cabinet and my cousin just casually laugh at me until we realize that I couldn't fucken move or properly sit for 2 days🥹
Hoiiii! I'm really glad to know that you love my fics hehe :D And oof- falling off a chair sounds painful- also glad to know that you're alright now :'0 and enjoy the fic :D
A pain in the butt (literally): Dazai, Chuuya and Jouno
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Get ready for him to dramatically lament about how he missed you for the past two days like the drama king he is-
Considering that your injury (probably) isn't as obvious while you're standing, it doesn't strike Dazai that you were quite badly injured until he heard your uneven footsteps and a loud grimace as you uncomfortably shifted in your usually comfy swivel chair.
His suspicions were confirmed when he spots what looked like a part of a very bad bruise behind one of your legs. Ouch.
He will make sure that you experience as little pain as humanly possible while your bruises heal, starting with investing in a chair cushion for you.
Will also sweep you up bridal style by surprise every now and then when he's slacking off and manages to see you getting up to go somewhere so he can carry you to your destination.
Having a difficult time getting off your seat to head to Uzumaki for lunch? He'll takeaway your favourite food from there and give it to you in no time.
Will also accompany you to eat lunch in the office so you won't feel lonely without him and vice versa :)
Overall, Dazai does whatever he thinks he's capable in to take care of you, a nice quality to look for in a partner :D
Just try your best not to injure yourself in such an unconventional manner again. He's very open to teasing you about it if it happens a little too regularly-
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Chuuya was very much concerned about your absence over the past few days, even more so because you didn't elaborate on your condition to him.
His usually annoyed demeanor masks that though, so be prepared to hear a harsher voice rather than a kind one when he asks you where you've been.
Don't take it personally though, he's just tired from work.
He's confounded at the predicament you've gotten yourself into two days prior, and definitely shocked when he saw the bruises you sustained at the back of your thighs.
Needless to say, his concern for you was now more evident.
After seeing you struggle to sit comfortably in your seat once, Chuuya decided that his gravity manipulation would help to keep your bruises the slightest bit off your seat.
Having trouble walking? It's bridal-style time! Your legs need it.
Will spoil you with your favourite food during mealtimes at work.
He's also willing to buy back lunch to eat with you in the office so you won't be lonely without him then :) Anything for his beloved, after all ;)
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Jouno sensed that something- no, someone- was missing in action. Judging by how he couldn't hear your pulse or breathing, he concluded that that someone happened to be you.
Was he concerned that you were gone and silent about it? Slightly. Was that concern visible? Not the slightest bit.
When you returned to work, Jouno's internal relief was short-lived upon noticing that you had difficulty walking properly with both legs and you struggled painfully with sitting on your seat.
You can see his confusion upon hearing that you bruised the back of your thighs from a fall. Clearly such a manner of injury didn't seem possible to him till now.
Nags at you for being so careless because the way you injured yourself was so absurd to him that he couldn't believe you out of all people would sustain such an injury.
Even so, he does his best to show more care towards you in your current state, be it checking up on you every now and then or buying you food when you need it. Just small kind gestures to express his love for you :)
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fyodors--ushanka · 3 months
NSFW Headcanons- Ranpo, Dazai, Chuuya, and Kunikida
WARNINGS: NSFW, Sexual themes, Kinks
Genre: Smut
Sex with him is random, it usually starts after during the intimate moments, cuddling, kissing, hugging, ect.
He would incorporate food during sex. Such as licking whipped cream off of you or eating strawberries off of your body.
Such a moaner.
He would definitely have a thing for small amounts of pain. That includes: Biting, scratching, and hair pulling.
He doesn't last too long after 2-4 rounds.
A pillow prince.
When he cums, he says something among the lines of: "Good, S'Good." "Oh my god," or "S-Shit.."
When you overstimulate him, his legs tremble and he lets out high pitched whines and whimpers.
He doesn't have much sexual stamina, but sex with him is enjoyable.
It's easy to reduce him to a moaning, crying, trembling mess.
He will tease you for attention instead of just telling you he wants sex because he is horny.
If he is the one that tops, he is an aftercare king.
"Are you alright?" "mhm.." "Hold on, let me clean you with a damp cloth."
After sex, he falls asleep with you.
He plans it and teases.
He'll wrap his arms around your waist and grind against you while kissing your neck.
He has a degradation kink.
Worships your body like a god, but plows you like one in bed.
He has light, airy moans.
He denies your orgasms, waiting for you to fall apart.
He is average in sexual stamina
Mumbles and groans things like: "Shit" "Feels S'Good inside of you."
Overstimulates you.
He is an aftercare god <3
Will run you a bath and help you out.
Treats you like a dog, but feels bad if you feel any discomfort because of him.
You guys are almost always going at it, like a couple of Rabbits during mating season.
He degrades you and then praises your body.
Rough, fast sex.
Biting/Hickey kink
He is shamelessly loud during sex.
Pain kink
Curses and groans as he fucks you
He lasts really long, so brace your holes, You are in for a trip.
Naturally, you get overstimulated and fuck drunk.
Feels bad if he accidentally hurts you.
Always takes care of you afterwards, running a bath and getting you food and water. Medicine too, if you need it.
Long kisses and deep thrusts.
Of course it isn't in his book of ideals, but it happens nonetheless.
This type of sex is slow and deep, making him reach seemingly evey crevice in your body.
His sex drive is normal
He really likes missionary position
Whispers sweet words in your ears as you spasm and reach your orgasm.
He doesn't really moan, but he groans quietly.
He makes sure to clean everything up and makes you food.
Sorry that Kunikidas part was short.
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universesweetheart · 1 year
Washed Up (Chuuya x Reader)
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Just look at him! So cute, I just wanna love him up!! 
Anygays Nice to meet y’all I’m Mars. I really hope you liked this and I am open to requests because I want to start posting on here. 
We basically wash his hair and pamper him because he’s best boy and he freaking deserves it! I love this short king so much, all the kisses to him. P.s we have the same height.
Bye now - Mars ♡
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Chuuya stares at your naked body with a flushed face, honestly when did he get so lucky. All the words you were saying lost to his ears until you snapped your fingers a couple of times.
“Where did you go?” You tease and offers him your hand, “Come on get out your clothes and in here” smiling sweetly at him.
You and Chuuya have been dating for almost a year now and it has been one hell of a ride. He was such an amazing lover, always so kind and caring and you felt the need to overcompensate to pay him back. He spent too much money on you. At this point you were convinced he just had a shopping addiction and was using you as an excuse.
You sat down in the bathtub, smiling as you remembered how he teased you for choosing the last pink bath bomb earlier.
Chuuya strips eagerly and steps into the bathtub and sits down between your legs, resting his back against your chest and allowing his head to fall onto your shoulders.
“Just let me stay like this for 5 seconds darling” he whispered and when your eyes fell upon his face, he had his eyes closed and a slight smile on his face.
The urge to kiss him was too strong to resist so that’s what you did, you kissed him on the tip of his nose. The action seemed to take Chuuya by surprise as his eyes shot open and stared at you.
“Giving into an impulsive thought, you didn’t even look that cute” You defended yourself and he laughed and sat up. “Oh please you know you love me”
“I will think about that and get back to you within 3 to 5 business days” You teased and wet his hair, applying some shampoo to your hands and rubbing them together, “Tell me if I’m being too rough” Applies the shampoo to his wet hair and massages his scalp gently.
He lets out a soft sigh and lowers himself again onto your chest, the back of his head smashing against your breast. “feels nice” he comments shutting his eyes and resting his hands on your legs.
“Don’t fall asleep on me now or else I’ll pull your hair”
“Don’t mind, like that” He smiled with his eyes stilled close basking in his little moment of victory.
You rolled your eyes even though he can’t see, “I can’t stand you”
“I’ll make you levitate then” he cuts back clearly liking this back to back banter the two of you are sharing right now.
“I’ll rub shampoo in your eyes” You whip, clearly enjoying this more than you’d like to admit. “Does it feel alright?” Still massaging his scalp, you gently stroke your fingers through his hair.
“Doin’ fine love”
Rinsing out the shampoo and adding conditioner to his hair you continue massaging it in. The silence in the room being comfortable and relaxing. If it wasn’t for his hands gently stroking your thighs you would have assumed he fell asleep.
“Like doing this for you” you comment as you wash out the conditioner, “want to pamper you a lot you work so hard” at this point you’re whispering. For why? You don’t know, your walls aren’t thin because surely one of your neighbors would have filed a noise complaint already with the way Chuuya have you some days or rather… some nights.
Chuuya only hums, clearly relaxed and enjoying this, you lean down and kisses his forehead, “when I adopt my pup I’m not spoiling you like this anymore” you can’t help but want to rile him up. His reactions are always so cute. You and Chuuya talked about getting a puppy together. You both thought it would be a good idea to have a little fluff ball running around the apartment.
“You’d neglect me over a dog? And here I thought you loved me” he says dramatically placing his palm over his chest.
“I do love you but I just know I’ll love my baby more” you giggle when he opens his eyes and looks up at you with a scowl on his face. “I’ll go down to the pet shop and tell them we’ve changed our minds.”
You stare at him with wide eyes, “You wouldn’t dare” Logically you know he wouldn’t. That man was smitten for you, he would never do something like that when he knows how happy it’ll make you.
“Promise to never ever ever stop pampering me?” he smiles sweetly like he wasn’t threatening to take away your, yet to be adopted, child.
“Now you’re just exploiting me” you turn your face away and whisper a small ‘fine’.
“Didn’t quite hear that, some water must have gotten into my ears” he chuckles, “I said fine you bastard” you bend down and kiss his lips feeling him smile against you before kissing you back, “Fine I will continue to spoil you rotten you big softie”
“I will drown you in this tub” Chuuya threatens.
“Love you too sweet cheeks” you bite his right cheek playfully.
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blue-little-angel · 11 months
hello!! i wanted to ask if u could do a lee!dazai x perhaps ler!chuuya?
maybe dazai is bothering him one day and since (as dazai said, he knows chuuya’s moves FAR too well) he dodges an attack and the short king accidentally touches his *side?* and finds out dazai’s ticklish c:
sorry it might be a bit too much… but anyways, i hope u have a TREMENDOUS day/night & dont overwork urself please!!! <3
haha sorry it took me so much time, I have some trouble keeping everything in check lately 🥹🫂
°•|Hope your day is as great as you are|•°
Fandom: Boungo stray dogs
Lee: Dazai Osamu
Ler: Chuuya Nakahara
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It was a sunny afternoon in Yokohama. Dazai was sprawled on the couch of the Ada's office, bored out of his mind as usual. When an idea struck him - why not go torment his favorite partner, Chuuya?
Soon enough he was in front of the feared Mafia's headquarters, ready to break through the intimidating place.
Dazai strolled into Chuuya's office without knocking. "Chuuuuyaaaa, entertain me!" he whined, draping himself over the smaller man's desk. Chuuya glared up at him irritably. "Get lost, you parasite. I'm busy, and you shouldn't even be here!"
But Dazai was not to be deterred so easily. He started poking and prodding at Chuuya, twisting a lock of his hair around his finger or poking his cheek. "Chiiibiii! Don't ignore me~ Play with me!" Chuuya finally snapped. "That's it, get out of here before I throw you out myself!"
He lunged at Dazai, flinging him off the desk and cocking his fist back for a punch. But the suicidal knew Chuuya's moves all too well - he dodged gracefully and landed neatly behind Chuuya's desk chair. Unfortunately Chuuya's momentum carried him too far, his flailing arm brushing against Dazai's side.
Dazai let out an un characteristic squeak and flinched away violently, stumbling over his feet. His sudden loss of balance had Chuuya staring in shock. Then a devious smirk spread over the red-head's face as realization dawned. "Why Dazai...are you...ticklish?"
The tallest opened his mouth to deny it but Chuuya was too quick, advancing on him with wiggling fingers poised. "No! Stay away from me you demon!" But Dazai was no match for Chuuya's speed and accuracy. Within moments he was collapsed on the floor, squirming and giggling helplessly under Chuuya's merciless tickling.
"Chuuuyaaaa ha-stop! I c-can't breathe!" Dazai choked out between peals of laughter. But the executive showed no signs of letting up, enjoying having found one of Dazai's rare weaknesses at last. It seemed the tables had well and truly turned - all thanks to an accidental brush and Dazai's ticklish secret being uncovered.
Chuuya continued his tickle assault on Dazai, who was curled up on the floor desperately trying to protect his vulnerable spots. "Please *haha* mercy!" Dazai begged, tears running down his cheeks from laughing so hard. But Chuuya was having far too much fun to stop just yet.
He redoubled his efforts, wriggling his fingers under Dazai's arms that proved to be an extra sensitive spot. Dazai shrieked, thrashing wildly in vain attempts to escape the onslaught. "You're e-evil Chuuya! No respect f-for your dear partnehhHEHrr !"
Chuuya simply laughed at Dazai's misery. "Consider this payback for all the times you've annoyed me, you pest!" Still he took some pity on his partner after a few more minutes, ceasing his tickling attack. Dazai lay there limp and panting, face flushed.
"You really are...too much fun to tease like this," Chuuya admitted with a grin. He offered Dazai a head pat, brushing his dark fluffy locks away from his face. "Next time I think I'll go for your neck, yeah that sounds like a great plan..."
And Chuuya didn't need anything more to make the lovely detective's blush deepen.
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underthetree845 · 5 months
Nakahara Chuuya birthday post- April 29th, 2024
EVERYONE SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY this man needs to know how loved he is (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
Nakahara Chuuya: slug, ESTP, port mafia executive, short king, wine and pork pie hat enthusiast, loves dogs, respects women.
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"The world is a cruel place, but that doesn't mean we should stop fighting for what's right."
-Nakahara Chuuya
*gives him a little kiss on the forehead*
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sensitiveheartless · 2 years
Ok so in my sick and weakened state I have been watching a very relaxed Breath of the Wild stream to chill, and just hear me out—I think a BOTW AU with Chuuya in the role of Link could be really fun (not that I need more active AUs but let me live, it’s a coping mechanism)
The two of them share some similarities as characters (both short, powerful, missing memories, and also most of their friends are dead)
And Chuuya is just such a melancholic character, I think the atmosphere of BOTW would work for him. I like the idea of him wandering through Hyrule and having all of these quite moments camping out in nature. (Interspersed with the chaos of fighting monsters and running from guardians, of course)
…and of course, then there’s the opportunity for Dazai to be in Zelda’s role. (A member of the royal family who can nullify the calamity as long as he’s paired up with Chuuya’s destructive abilities) Which a) has LOTS of angst potential, and b) has lots of potential for hilarity because, well—Link hears Zelda’s voice periodically throughout the game. Can you imagine what Dazai would do with the power to be a disembodied voice haunting Chuuya? He would pop in whenever he could just to snark at him and try and nudge Chuuya towards regaining his memories.
Dazai, waking Chuuya up in the shrine of resurrection: Chuuya! Chibi! Oh most loyal hound—! Oh, finally, it’s about time you woke up. See that slate over there? Go fetch!—if you can reach it from all the way down there, that is. Hurry it up, now, ah, Chuuya is so sluggish in the mornings! Time is of the essence, oh grand hero!
Chuuya: …I just woke up and I don’t know wtf is happening but I am suddenly full of rage
Dazai, when Chuuya gets thrown off a horse: *ephemeral snickering* Ah, how majestic. The kingdom is in such good hands. Ohhh, what a strong a kick to the stomach from your noble steed, you really went flying — that’s our chosen hero for you!
Chuuya: >:|
Dazai when Chuuya finds a new hat to wear: Oh for the love of Hylia not again. Are you telling me that even without any memories at all, you still have an utterly horrendous sense of style??
Chuuya: …You know, you really aren’t encouraging me to save you from that castle.
(Also Mori would get to be King Rhoam, who did admittedly have the best interests of the kingdom in mind but in the process did things that were not good for his kid’s mental health)
(Which means Chuuya would get to meet ghost-Mori on the Great Plateau, and Mori is the one to very roundaboutly start Chuuya on his journey to being able to fight the Calamity with Dazai, which kinda fits—but also the idea of Mori chopping wood and flying around on a paraglider in this part is really hilarious to me)
Oh, and last point: this way, Chuuya would get a SWORD >:D (lots of swords actually lolololol)
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
Hi! I just had this random thought because I have been simping over 16! Chuuya (it’s the ponytail) I know you’ve been asking for Flags request, but like, what if, and hear me out, the reader is a part of the flags before him and ends up being the one that brings Chu into the group or requests that Mori assigns him to it (I haven’t read Stormbringer, just seen spoilers which I don’t mind so I don’t know how Chuuya ends up with them) but when he finds the Flags all dead, the reader is also exposed to the deaths of the others since they didn’t show up in time for Verlaine to kill them as well and over the little time Chuuya had with the flags, he quickly fell in love with the reader and they end up being there for Chu whenever he needs it (since we all know being around Dazai, Verlaine, and Mori got exhausting after a while) so eventually the two fall for each other, but the reader ends up being killed during the Dragonhead Conflict by Shibusawa when they have off because their ability is a tad bit strong. It’s called the Core of Reality and it allows the reader to alter any aspect of reality they know about except death. Once someone dies, the reader can’t use their ability to revive them.
Idk why but I’m just feeling Chuuya angst today. If you don’t want to write this, go ahead and discard it. Your health and wellbeing comes first after all, especially during these times of illness and frigid cold.
My poor boy Chuuya... you're a genius for coming up with this idea.
The image does not belong to me. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: Death, blood, angst. Stormbringer and Dead Apple spoilers below. I tried my best with this songfic.
No time to die
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"And this is Nakahara Chuuya. From today onwards, he is now a member of the Flags."
You looked curiously at the boy standing behind Pianoman. He was of short stature, with ginger hair and blue eyes and a slightly temperamental look on his face. He looked to be around your age; if not, slightly older. You had approached him first.
“So you’re Nakahara Chuuya... I’m Y/N L/N. Welcome to our group!”
I should've known
I'd leave alone
A year had passed when Chuuya had joined the Flags. His easily-angered personality had made him the target of Albatross’s teases, yet he still managed to get along well with everybody. His temper had slightly put you off at the start, but over time, you came to see that he wasn’t that bad of a person you thought him to be.
While you still weren’t that big of a fan of his mood-swings (as you called them), with your calm and caring nature, you quickly managed to befriend Chuuya. You weren’t someone who set him off on purpose, and you never teased him; something that was refreshing for him. He was a lot calmer around you, something which the Flags noticed and definitely teased you two about, but Chuuya had always retorted that you two were ‘just friends’.
However, you didn’t mind at that time. There was almost no space for romance in the dangerous life of a mafioso; even friendships were dangerous. You were glad to have befriended the Jewel King, since he did prove himself to be quite loyal and trustworthy to you and the Flags, and he had saved your life quite a couple of times too.
But all good things come to an end eventually.
Just goes to show
That the blood you bleed is just the blood you owe
You didn’t know what you were doing. You had smelt the blood inside the pool hall; and instinct told you that it was not the blood of an enemy. Immediately, you used your ability to place you in front of the entrance, and you desperately slammed the door open, running in to see what had happened and if you could save anyone.
But it was too late.
Your throat hurt. A high-pitched scream resonated in the hall. A scream full of devastation and hopelessness, of one who had just lost everything yet who could’ve stopped it. A scream of pain, sorrow, darkness. Of a storm that had just been brewed.
It was only when Chuuya went into the hall and ran to your side did you realise that you were the one who was screaming.
We were a pair
But I saw you there
“Y/N. Stay back. It’s too risky if you come with me.” You bit your lip as you faced Chuuya defiantly, standing in front of him with your fists clenched.
“It’s risky either way if I go with you or stay! There’s no doubt I’m a target on Verlaine’s list, and he’s going to make it happen with or without your presence! Besides, my ability can actually help you-”
“I don’t care how powerful or useful your ability is! Just stay! The Mafia will protect you, and besides, it’s me that Verlaine wants. I was the one who caused all of these problems. And I have to be the one to solve them. The Flags were enough; I can’t let you or anybody else die because of me!” You frowned and stepped forward.
“Doesn’t mean that you can’t accept help from other people! Verlaine will simply murder everyone in the Mafia with no remorse to get to me, and you know how my ability is useless against death! Besides, we’re the Mafia. We have each others’ backs and we’ll make whoever hurt us pay tenfold!”
“...” You and Chuuya stood there, glaring at each other, neither side giving in.
It was a long time before Chuuya finally clicked his tongue.
“...Fine. You can come along. But don’t you dare cause any trouble or die on me. Because I’ll be the one to kill Verlaine.”
Too much to bear
It had been a few weeks since the King of Assassins incident.
You sat next to Chuuya in a bar. It was quiet; you two were the only customers there, and there was a comfortable yet agonising silence between you and Chuuya. You took a few sips from your drink, but Chuuya didn’t move at all.
“What’s wrong? You’ve been quite silent... is there something on your mind that’s bothering you?” Chuuya didn’t answer immediately. He stared forward at his drink, his eyes vacant, yet his expression was unreadable. You knew what he was thinking of.
His dry chuckle caught your attention.
“...It’s ironic, isn’t it?”
You blinked, yet you said nothing.
“Almost everything bad that happens in my life is all because of me. The Sheep betrayed me because of my arrogance and incompetent ability to be a good leader for them. My existence was the reason why the Flags were killed. It’s as if it’s my punishment; a cruel game to see how long I can last for before I’m gone as well.”
“...” You were silent for a while.
Chuuya felt something warm on his hand, and he looked at it to see your hand tenderly caressing his. His gaze went to your face, and he saw your eyes filled with care and... something else.
“... I won’t lie to you. Nearly everything bad that happened to you was somewhat because of you.” Chuuya’s expression was unreadable, yet he felt your fingers start to gently trace soothing circles on the back of his hand.
“That is how life is like. It’s how we choose to respond to it is what truly determines who we are. Whenever life knocks us down, we get back up again. No matter how painful the situation is, no matter how impossible it seems to bounce back, life finds a way. It hurts a lot; it always does, but it will get better in the end.” Your fingers delicately traced the small, dark spot on his wrist.
“But I’ll be here for you. I know it’s hard to promise that I’ll always be by your side since death is always around the corner... but I’ll never willingly leave you. And that’s a promise.”
The bar was silent for a while. You could tell that he was feeling much calmer; although he was still slightly vulnerable, your presence alone had soothed him. You continued tracing circles on the back of his hand, your gentle touch having no sign of ending.
It was in that moment that Chuuya felt something else spark within him.
Something that would eventually be called... ‘love’.
You were my life but life is far away from fair.
The Dragon’s Head Incident. The bloodiest 88 days in the history of Yokohama.
The Port Mafia suffered heavy losses; some because of rival groups and accidents, but most were because of the mysterious ability user named the ‘White Giraffe’. Whenever he struck, there was a thick fog, so thick that nothing can be seen through it. After it disappeared, everybody was dead.
And the White Giraffe himself would be gone alongside the fog.
It had grown to the point that the Boss, Mori Ougai, had no choice but to send one of his strongest subordinates to investigate and possibly end this whole blood-stained carnage.
And so you found yourself, face to face, with the ability user that was responsible for all of this.
In a battle that you had lost in the first place.
Was I stupid to love you?
Was I reckless to help?
Your ability, ‘The Core of Reality’, appeared and stepped in front of you. It tilted it’s head as it looked at you, and you knew nothing could help you prevent your fate. Nothing at all.
Was it obvious to everybody else?
“...H-hey! Y/N!!!”
Chuuya’s voice, tinged with raw emotion, alongside his hands that grabbed you and turned your body over, desperately trying to see any remainder of life in you. But it was too late. He knew it himself, yet he refused to think that you were dead.
“W-wake up! You’re fine! So just please wake up!”
That I’ve fallen for a lie
Your body, broken and torn in so many places that it was unrecognisable, yet Chuuya still recognised it as you. His shaking hands held you, clutching you to his chest, not wanting to let go. The ache in his heart was familiar, yet it was never as strong as before until this.
You were never on my side
Rage. That was all what Chuuya felt.
A deepening, bubbling feeling that made him desire the blood of the White Giraffe. He wanted to kill him; crush him with gravity in the most painful way possible. He didn’t care whether Mori would get angry or not, or if he would die because of his recklessness. Chuuya just needed to kill him; give the ability user the death that he deserved.
All for you.
Fool me once, fool me twice
Chuuya stood in front of your grave, a few flowers in his hand. It was a place where only the richest could afford; there was no speck of dust on your tombstone, or anything that looked the slightest bit out of place. His eyes cast over the words etched onto the cold stone, so familiar to him yet still so foreign at the same time.
Setting the flowers beside your headstone, he sat down like he always did every single time he visited you.
“... I haven’t visited you in a while. The roses I brought last week have just become to wilt. That’s probably the longest time I have been gone for.”
The flowers around your grave were always fresh; as if it was a vain attempt to bring some life somehow in this place tinged with the afterglow of death. They bloomed brightly before wilting a week later, as if they too had joined the unfortunate souls in the afterlife. Yet the ones around your grave were always joined by newer ones just as the old ones had nearly started wilting.
Are you death or paradise?
Chuuya started off by telling you about his day. How he managed to take down an enemy organisation alongside the Black Lizard, and how he finished his paperwork just on time so that Mori wouldn’t get mad. It was as if you were still there with him; your precious laughter and reassuring voice replying him in an imaginary conversation.
It’s when he recounts the memories together with you and the Flags which makes his voice have the slightest hint of a crack.
Now you’ll never see me cry
Rain started to pour down from the sky. It was only a light drizzle at first, so slight it was barely noticeable. Yet in a few minutes, it had turned into a storm; with heavy droplets pelting down on everything it landed on. Chuuya was soaked; yet he didn’t pay the rain much mind.
Liquid was flowing down Chuuya’s cheeks. Whether it was the rain, or tears, or both, he didn’t care. The only thing that he was aware of was the ache in his heart; the same old ache that never faded away since the day you left him.
Chuuya slowly stood up. Casting one last glance at your headstone, he slowly turned around and left, his heavy footsteps making temporary indentations on the rain-soaked ground before they were covered up immediately. The flowers around your grave seemed to soak the rain in, doing their best to still bloom their brightest.
He would come back in a week or so. But Chuuya wouldn’t be able to join you anytime soon in the afterlife, no matter how much he missed you, or how much he longed for your touch. 
Because there’s just no time to die.
So uhhh... there’s no excuses as to why I took this long to finish this request ;-;
@circinuus @chuuyas-beloved @pianotross @nekokinax @xxelfmamaxx @yuugen-benni @lakeside-paradise @yukitomybeloved @catzlivedforbsd  @arisu-chan4646 @sariel626
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videogamelover99 · 2 years
What do you make of Chuuya’s insistence on waving away formality in regards to his name? Since the formal or polite way to address him for those younger and not well acquainted would be by his last name. But Chuuya has shown to not really care about formalities such as those.
Do you think on some level it’s related to his desire to prove himself as human. And how he tends to do that through his relationships with people around him. So by getting rid of that level of formality even if it still doesn’t wave away the fact that that person wouldn’t be close, gives him some feeling of grounding himself to people?
Well the official answer is "because real life Nakahara Chuuya used his first name".
Fun BSD answer is: Chuuya hates being seen as a figure of authority over others. He repeatedly shirks his title as "King of the Sheep", telling everyone he's just another kid with a power. He dislikes being put in a position above others/seen as having authority over others. He has subordinates but he treats them very casually, as seen in his interaction with Akutagawa in DA, his drinking with Hirotsu and Kajii (both being below him in rank), him referring to Akutagawa and Higuchi as "you guys" despite their formal/respectful way of greeting him at the end of SB, and the Onsen shorts.
He exercises his authority if he needs to but he completely disregards formalities when it comes to conversing with anyone below him in rank. Hence why he insists on everyone using his given name. It's a way to show he's on the same level as others.
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that-one-ao3-writer · 8 months
10 fics for International Fanworks Day
THESE ARE ALL ALMOST FROM THE SAME FANDOMS IM SO SORRY but they are very good I recommend.
Please consider going through the authors' other works as well.
1. Nothing hurts like the almost, almost, almost by communist_sasuke
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Summary: “Don’t use Corruption, Chuuya.” Dazai tried again. “Let’s just get out of here.”
(A mission goes wrong, and Dazai learns to hold on to the things he can't bear to lose. If only his revelation hadn't come a little too late.)
I KNOW I KNOW mind the MCD tag but it's so well written and the grief just hits best at 1 am.
2. Atsushi's Guide to Surviving in the Armed Detective Agency (and Being a Part of a Family) by FrogintheWindow
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Summary: Atsushi studies his coworkers in the hopes of understanding what exactly he’s a part of, and realizes that he’s joined a family, not an agency.
Basically a series of short stories where Atsushi writes about his experiences with the Armed Detective Agency (and the Port Mafia)
3. try again, try again, try again by absolutefuckery
Fandom: Heaven Official's Blessing
Summary: Feng Xin accidentally steals Mu Qing’s first kiss. Naturally, the only logical solution is to give him another one. And another. And another. And another. And—
4. Sleepwalking in shadows by oilux
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Summary: “Fushiguro Megumi,” Sukuna drawls. “You summoned—”
“Do you have two dicks?” 
It's all fun and games until you summon the King of Curses from your shadows.
5. and all the things unsaid, come sweetly to your lips by citruspromenade
Fandom: Heaven Official's Blessing
Summary: the Xian Le Trio reconciliation, through the (metaphorical) seasons.
6. pretty face, electric soul by khrys
Fandom: Heaven Official's Blessing
Summary: Feng Xin and Xie Lian are attempting to re-enter high society. Mu Qing helps, and Feng Xin realizes a few things along the way.
7. like, comments, share and subscribe by detectorist
Fandom: The Untamed / Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Summary: Lan Zhan runs a popular studytuber YouTube channel. Wei Ying decides to parody his videos. Things escalate from there.
8. A Broken Soul by raendown
Fandom: Naruto (dont judge I had a phase)
Summary: Kakashi was born with a counter just like everyone else. But his was different. His was broken.
9. Autonomy by beetlebee
Fandom: Naruto
Summary: "But this Not-Sensei soulmate guy could be anybody," Naruto whines.
Sasuke narrows his eyes. "No. He tried to act like Kakashi, use his techniques. He must be familiar with him already..."
"They could be childhood friends!" Sakura gasps.
"Sensei has friends?" Naruto asks, squinting at Obito.
"Or he's a stalker." Sasuke grips the kunai he still hasn't put away.
"I'm not a stalker," Obito lies, pushing away the kunai edging towards him.
(A soulmate bodyswap AU)
10. An Executive's Guide to Love, Jealousy & Everything in Between by mocarin
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Summary: Dazai Osamu is known for many things. Being the Port Mafia’s renowned strategist, a coldhearted executive, and ½ of infamous duo Double Black is just the shortlist. One thing he isn’t known for, however, is being capable of being in love. More specifically, in love with his hot headed slug of a partner of 3 years.
Or, Dazai attempts to navigate the complexities of love, with varying levels of success. Featuring his own special brand of flirting, an all too knowing audience, and poor, poor Tachihara who just wanted a friend but ended up on Dazai’s personal blacklist instead.
+1. Snapshots from different lives: It's a bittersweet symphony this life by Crepuscolaria
Fandom: Heaven Official's Blessing (I couldn't resist)
Summary: He didn’t even get to meet Mu Qing last time! And now they could grow together and have a lot of time! Of course he would run to him!
Not that he can explain this to his mom. She would just look at him with the same exasperated fondness she reserves him when he grumbles under his breath things like youths these days, or back in my day.
A brief glimpse to that one time FX found MQ and they were both kids and he actually managed to grow with him until old age.
Part 4 of Beyond Space and Time
(Might make pt. 2 idk)
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barlupiins · 1 year
The Lamb of God: Fyodor vs Jesus parallelism analysis
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With the new anime episode that has ran ahead of the official manga release, every BSD fan's timbers have been shivered upon Dazai's feign in the face of death once again, Chuuya's year-long vampirism turning out to be also an act (go theatre kid go), Fukuchi's death, and Fyodor's supposed "death." While the manga readers have been fed these cliffhangers every month and endured them through crazy twitter threads and coping mechanisms, anime watchers received this within a week…
Anyway. Everyone is talking about Fyodor's "death" scene, and I'm certain that 90% of people are convinced he is not dead yet, amplified furthermore through his recital of Jesus's final words before his death on the cross:
“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?”
This translates to “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”—God, why have you abandoned me?, this being said in the middle of the darkest hour of Jesus’ suffering when he had died on the cross (this will be elaborated even more later).
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It's evident that with this knowledge that our favourite rat man is not dead as he harbours many parallels to Jesus Christ; the crux of the Christian religion, who ultimately on the third day, Jesus rose again and "conquered" death by spilling his blood which is necessary for salvation. Death in Catholicism is the ultimate punishment of sin. If we were to link the context of sin from Christianity to Fyodor's perception of sin, this sin that Fyodor came to believe to be found within ability users.
In this analysis, I won’t draw any theories, as I am not a theory person, but through analysis and examination of the current sources in theology, I aim to perhaps solidify our current understanding of Fyodor’s character and his motivations. I also aim with this little analysis that Fyodor's death is indicative of something much larger than we have; a transcendence of body, mind, and soul, something similar to the Holy Trinity, which is the sole pillar of the Catholic faith. To do this, we would need to further inspect Jesus’ function within the Christian religion. 
Jesus Christ: The Religious Figure
Jesus died on the cross as a consequence of sin that he had not caused, but sin that was imposed upon him due to the external world riddled by sin. In the bible’s fashion, this is again also another fulfilment of the Old Testament, via Psalm 22, here, Jesus becoming the new King David—his crown being the crown of thorns, the cross being his throne (I love religious imagery so much ugh). Jesus' crucifixion is the enthronement of Jesus Christ to the "upside down" kingdom of God.
In this way, Fyodor ‘died’ because of the success in the execution of Dazai’s plan. I don’t believe that Dazai is a parallel of Judas, as Judas was a follower of Jesus prior to his betrayal. Dazai was evidently never a follower of Fyodor—this more suiting Nikolai’s character. This however is perfect, as Nikolai was the catalyst for Fyodor’s death as he had initiated the escape game, which thus triggered Dazai to enact his plan of small things that converged into the death of Fyodor. 
Fyodor’s motivations and ideals are still very mysterious to the fandom, but we can gauge the best we can by observing the function of Jesus within Christianity. Jesus is dubbed by many titles—"The New Moses", "The Son of God", "The Son of Man", and "The King of The Jews." All of these names highlight a specific nuance in Jesus' role, and why he is so praised and worshipped upon in the Christian faith and its sub-branches. Jesus fulfils old scripture, in Christianity, the Old Testament. Jesus is a medium of God that had been delivered to earth to example the definite Word—which essentially is the ultimate desire of God and his vision of what he deems as the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. In short, before I go on a whole tangent, Jesus’ name, Emmanuel, translates to “God among us”—therefore, is the fulfilment of God’s promise to save the world from sin that had been threaded throughout the abundance of prophecies in the Old Testament (I can elaborate on this if anyone is interested as there are a few biblical technicalities as to what God is restoring the world to [which is the Garden of Eden, but what is the Garden of Eden, if that makes sense, you know?]!). Because again, as a consequence of original sin (note: ‘sin’ is a divergence from God–the lack of ‘good’) sin became virulent. 
With this brief religious education segment of Jesus’ role as a Messiah, we can thus gain perhaps a little context on Fyodor’s ideals and his motivations. 
Fyodor Dostoevsky and Jesus Christ
Fyodor’s ideals have been established earlier in the manga that his goal is to utilise the book in order to make a world without the sin of ability users. This ideal carries far too many religious context, and aligns with the mention of New Jerusalem in his ability’s namesake novel, Crime and Punishment.  
Now, of course, Fyodor is not actually Jesus. While this conclusion may be non-sequitur, there are various justifications which make this apparent, thus eradicating some crazy theory of Fyodor being the legitimate Jesus in BSD as…he’s Fyodor. But I will lay the bones out here anyway: Fyodor didn’t die on a cross lmao, the fact he is completely dressed up in contrast to Jesus who had been stripped off his humanity via clothes (which were donned upon humans in Genesis by Adam and Eve as a consequence of sin)...this can also be indicative of the fact that Fyodor himself is riddled with sin—this sin in his eyes being the fact he is an ability user. That is out of the way now. 
However, this also raises and further supports the links that people have been grappling with in terms of Fyodor's parallels with the themes discussed in the novel Crime and Punishment (C&P). To preface: Fyodor does not completely embody Raskolnikov, nor the entire narrative of C&P, but it does retain a few features within it. I don't claim to be the most intelligent about this novel, and I am still trying to arrive at my own conclusions and understand it. That will take time. This is what I know: putting Raskolnikov’s obsession over the story of Lazarus aside, it’s revealed that Raskolnikov believes in the new Jerusalem, which is a world that has been completely and ultimately fulfilled of God’s promises—which is to eradicate the world from sin. With the book, we can conclude that Fyodor is trying to reach this “New Jerusalem” due to his ideal to create a world without the sin of ability users. 
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Within this as well, we can gain some insight into Fyodor’s character and the possibility of his resurrection through Psalm 22. As aforementioned, I mentioned the link between Fyodor’s ‘final words’ and Jesus’ final word, with Jesus’ quotation of Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? being a direct reference to the first line of Psalm 22 in the darkest hour of his suffering. Therefore, Psalm 22 is exemplifies the entire experience of Jesus’ passion during the crucifixion as he died for his people whom he bore the sins of, the most profound expression of suffering and eventual declaration of faith within that suffering and grief. 
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(Psalm 22:19)
It wouldn’t be too divergent if we were to consider the possibility of Fyodor’s suffering through this lens. “My God, My God” exemplified Jesus’ relationship with God as his Son, thus making Fyodor’s recital of these lines serve as an amplification of Fyodor’s perspective and devout intimacy in his relationship with God. While I doubt Fyodor is feeling every visceral human emotion during his death—with the possibility that he is alive and made it out with a plan, this is a suffering he has experienced before, and currently—just not as saturated as he would in his ‘darkest moments’ which is in his mysterious/unrevealed past. Here, Fyodor, as Jesus had felt, is experiencing the withdrawal of God’s fellowship as well as God’s wrath towards humanity by utilising Jesus as a substitute—being impaled in the stomach, and crashing into the tower. 
This raises the inquiry of why ability users are considered as a sin. With the biblical context of sin, we can draw the conclusion that it’s the mere existence of ability users that Fyodor is referring to—this however also raises the inquiry of where do abilities come from. I have a processing meta-theory regarding the metaphysical nature of Bungou Stray Dogs, but I doubt that’s something that I can completely develop here, as it’s just a thought that I’d like to develop more by re-dabbling into the franchise once I have the time.
By examining the biblical undertones referenced through Fyodor's character, and examining said source material, we can perhaps gain some more insight into his motivations and perspective. I wouldn't say that it would reveal everything about his backstory, the true core of his ideals, but by beginning here, it's perhaps a solid first step towards understanding his character. If anyone wants an elaboration for anything I mentioned within this little analysis ramble, please let me know and I'd be happy to provide !!
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bnesszai · 3 months
If you were to ask Chuuya Nakahara what it felt like to be alive he’d say he couldn’t truly tell you. Well really, he’d pause and then scoff. He’d say, “where’s you get that question from? Feeling alive is like…it’s different for everyone.” Truth is, Chuuya wouldn’t think he knew the answer.
“You’re so annoyingly, irritatingly, abhorrently human. Do you know that? It’s fascinating and infuriating.”
“Okay thesaurus.” They were leaning against the railing of Chuuya’s balcony overlooking Yokohama. The blessed chill of the wind passed through his hair, his veins. Veins that for all he knew was wire, his skin the cable.
“I’m serious. You’re awful.” Chuuya was well aware Dazai did not develop the ability to express his feelings normally. This did not make it any less forgivable.
“You’re worse. Didn’t they call you “demon prodigy” or something? Edgy.” This earned a quiet snort from Dazai, they didn’t like that title too much either.
“King of Sheep.”
“I’m not a king.” The reply came out before he could bite his tongue, the taste of that memory resurfacing. When he first ran into the enigma that was Dazai. The scrawny bandaged teen boy that was dazai. The boy who let him be a boy too.
“…You’re not a sheep either.”
“What am I then?”
“Insufferable.” Chuuya playfully shoved them, holding tight onto his cigarette. They laughed and shoved him back.
“Have you looked in the mirror lately?”
“I have, and I look fabulous, thank you very much.~ And you? Or are you too short to see yourself in one?” It totally was a coincidence how Chuuya heard a loud, gratifying smack on Dazai’s arm.
“Oi, or I’ll push you off.~”
“Ahh! As long as you go down with me.” Dazai smirked, pressing a slight peck to Chuuya’s jaw. As if he could get away with it.
“You sound like you want me to let go.” This is how they talked. In between the lines, hidden code, secret words said silently and in looks. It always made sense with them. Everything except Dazai made sense.
“Well you don’t want my ability to kill you, do you? Someone so human and mortal can’t afford to die early. Besides, if you fall your body will be so tiny the cops won’t be able to find you.” There it was. The confirmation, and from the last person Chuuya wanted to hear it from too. But then again, what you need is not always what you want. He learned this the hard way.
So naturally, Chuuya had to throw Dazai off just as much. Point blank. Before they could add anything else he pulled them down by their bolo tie and kissed their eyes. To make them see themselves better. Their ears to hear how stupid they sound. Their mouth so they won’t degrade themselves as much.
“Who said I’m letting go?”
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