#'comrade such-and-such: aren't you a communist'
multsicorn · 2 years
finally unlocked the communism book club in disco elysium after missing it on my first playthrough cause i got it double-scheduled with my encounter with THE PIGS
and when they got to the bit about increasing turnip yields with greater revolutionary fervor
(look i know it's a reference to lysenkoism but)
revolutionary fervor? or resentful energy? how about both?? *face looking out from over fingers pointed at each other* *that turn into finger guns bc lol ofc they do*
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txttletale · 9 months
bit of a random question, but - do you know of any good resources for communist/marxist-leninist theory that aren't text based, or at least not entirely text-based? i've been trying to read more theory but dyslexia + lack of free time is really kicking my ass in that endeavour, and most of the video/audio options i've been able to find are edutainment-focused Communism 101 lectures, which isn't really what i'm looking for
hope you are having your niceys time on the computer <3
the youtube channel 'socialism for all' makes free audiobooks of communist texts! i don't listen to audiobooks but many comrades have found it v. useful. audible socialism have also done a few.
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klett161 · 1 year
Tankies aren't Comrades
For context: I recently migrated to Tumblr and Im used to the State of Reddit where of course there where Tankie subs but it wasnt to hard too acually avoid them.
But Holy Fucking Fuck! The State of leftists Tags on this site is so fucking bad. Like you cant browse the Anticapitalist, communist or socialist Tags without seeing people praising the Soviets or China or just blatantly denying Genocides. Of course I am of the opinion that the left would be stronger If it wouldnt constantly start Infights over nothing. BUT defending Authoritarian regimes, denying Genocide, defending Imperialism(as long as it isnt USA), Warcrimes and the Overall supression of the working Class are under no circumstances part of leftist Values and we dont need these people to stand strong against the System.
If you still consider fighting side by side with these people I recommand you take a look at what happend to teh CNT-FAI during the Spanish civil war. Or the Anrchist/libertarian socialists that fought in the Russian Revolution. These people will stab you in the back or put you in to a Camp first chance they get.
If you are part of the LGBTQ community or Religious minority I recommand looking what is currently happenig to the Uyghurs in China or Russias war on the LGBTQ community.
Luckily most of these people are Keyboard warriors and dont engage with the real world.
But under any circumstances, TANKIES ARE NOT YOUR COMRADES!
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drdemonprince · 4 months
all the recent talk about not voting has me a bit worried, for lack of a better word.
on one hand, yes so much yes, stop throwing all your time and energy in the insatiable maw of electoral politics, 5/5, no notes.
but on the other hand, where does that time and energy go then? despite lots of talk about mutual aid it doesn't seem to progress much beyond the abstract (at least in the various leftist groups/communities/etc. in my neck of the woods). it's held up as an ideal and great big important thing, but when there's shit that needs doing, it's *crickets*.
maybe it's because so much mutual aid is care work and thus, and i very much disagree with even though i care not for the label, not real activism i guess? like, a while ago a disabled comrade had ran into housing issues because of their illness, so we rustled up some folks to help clean and unfuck their home. which, yet again, were the same (also disabled) people that always show for those things.
coming of four years and counting of pandemic, that's been a consistent pattern. at a time where mutual aid was so needed, such a vacuum left by a state that didn't and/or wanted to do shit, it still fell on the shoulders of disabled people to do all the actual work while the rest just talked about abstract shit. or, to name another thing, diy hrt initiative where it's just a bunch of poor ass trans people scrounging up money to pay for supplies for trans people who have fuck all access, while the rest debates in the abstract about a more better system or whether it's even something they need to concern themselves about.
and like, yes, not pissing away your energy pleading with assholes who don't give a fuck about you is good, but it should only be the start. it sometimes feels like the big plan is: 1) not vote, 2) ???, 3) glorious anarchism/communism/mutual-aidism. i'm not arguing that they need to have it all worked out, but with so much shit that needs doing in the here and now i get a little worried. because that's going to take real work, not talk, and they're not putting in any of it.
I mean, most people won't do (what gets viewed as) "real activism" either. They don't go to protests, smash windows, call jails to check on the status of incarcerated people, cut supply lines, or anything else. And they don't vote either.
We live in a highly individualistic, atomized society filled with people who have been conditioned into an abiding self-interested apathy, and everyone is overworked and broke as shit and juggling a bunch of disabilities while not having any experience with building genuine community and lacking most of the infrastructural and social tools to do so. The number of people who are avowed leftists is vanishingly small, and among them the people who actually walk the talk or have the education and community ties to even be able to is even smaller. Not disagreeing with your read of the situations you're dealing with here, just putting them within the broader context of many very similar problems that I see touch every single aspect of organizing today. even like the most tepid liberal get out the vote kind of organizing is plagued by this, and of course that is by design.
What gives me hope in the present moment is just how many people are completely fucking done with the prevailing system, and how many are refusing to play along with its rules. A lot of the people who aren't voting are not leftists. At least not yet. Just like many of the people who are quiet quitting and half-assing it at work or just vibing on unemployment for as long as they can are not communists. But they do know that the system is bunk and is failing them, and they are refusing to be compliant within it any longer. I believe that a lot of people's better natures do get inspired during a moment of collapse. I also think there is a profound rot at the heart of settler-colonial states that fills them with people who do not recognize themselves as having any responsibility to others. That's all the more reason for such an empire to fall.
I think you're right to worry for the future, though I don't think the reason to be worried is as simple as people not people caring about disabled folks, or any other group. I always wonder who the mythical abled people are who are abnegating their duty in such an understanding of the world. I sure haven't met any of them. I only meet people who are also disabled and don't realize it.
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meikuree · 4 months
stuff li aixue says
this is a quick compilation and translation of mandarin chinese segments in exordia, for reference purposes or just the discerning curious reader out there. quotes aren't limited to aixue, of course, but I wanted a catchy title.
I do have the memory of a single-celled organism and am not really skilled at combing through chapters for that one quote, so if I've missed something you're welcome to send it to me to be added.
spoilers ahead.
note: all mandarin chinese bits in Exordia are rendered solely in Hanyu Pinyin and not Hanzi, so I've done some guesswork for hanzi (in places where they're not immediately obvious) based on context.
Chaya's Protocol:
A woman in a red T-shirt trots right past her, headed toward the angel. She’s shooting video on her phone, chattering excitedly: “Jiào tā mén xiān yòng huā cài cauliflower hé xī lán huā tǒng pì yǎn bā, zhè cái suàn shì universality of fractal behavior de lì zǐ!”
=> 叫他们先用花菜 cauliflower 和西兰花捅屁眼吧, 这才算是 universality of fractal behavior 的例子!
ENG: right, tell them to shove some cauliflower and broccoli stalks up their ass then, that's a real example of the universality of fractal behavior!
note: ah, Aixue's memorable entrance. 捅 (lit. poke) 屁眼 (lit. butt) 吧 roughly means 'why don’t you stick it up your ass'. she's insulting the person she's talking about, presumably for saying something incorrect about universal fractality.
chapter 33:
Master Sergeant Zhang: Máo gān, zhè shì máo jiān. Wǒ mén xū yào jǐn jí kōng zhōng zhī yuán!
=> 矛杆、这是矛剑。我们需要紧急空中支援!
ENG: High Spear, this is Sharp Sword. We need urgent air support!
chapter 39:
Aixue: Wǒmen bìxū yào Pò fǔ chén zhōu… / Bù xíng! Wǒmen bìxū yào pò fǔ chén zhōu!
=> 我们必须要破釜沉舟... / 不行!我们必须要破釜沉舟
ENG: we need to fight to the very end... / no! we need to fight to the very end!
note: Aixue says 破釜沉舟, which is a four-word chengyu (idiom) that roughly means 'to pursue your last resort'; it literally means to sink one's entire fleet in an offensive, and figuratively refers to cutting off your own means of retreat i.e., to fight to the very death and leave yourself no choice.
and some trivia on other Chinese phrases:
lala (拉拉): Chinese slang for 'lesbian'. comes from lazi (拉子), from the novel Notes of a Crocodile by famous Taiwanese lesbian author Qiu Miaojin.
T / P: the Chinese counterpart to the butch/femme spectrum. T = tomboy, P = po ('wife') or also pretty girl, apparently.
tongzhi (同志): Huang Lim says this to Chaya. this is slang for homosexual in Chinese, but also means comrade (with historical communist associations), hence Huang Lim phrasing it as comrade first.
Li Aixue: aixue's name itself makes sense once you learn about her whole shtick with prajna, a fact that impresses me because Seth had already set her name into stone as early as the precursor short story for Exordia. just things that make you wonder if they'd planned everything out from the very beginning. anyway, Aixue sounds like 爱学, i.e., 'love for learning'. get it? there are many possible surnames with the hanyu pinyin Li, but my pet theory is that Li = 厉 (lit. 'powerful'), so that putting it all together into 厉爱学 means Aixue is an ultra nerd.
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queersatanic · 2 years
@QueerSatanic end-of-year legal defense fundraiser
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FINAL UPDATE: Thanks everyone for making this a success, and the donors who came together on New Year's Eve to reach our final goal
$5,025/5000 (1/1/23)
Since the trans pride satanic antifascism flag goal was met, all donors who gave $100 or more will have that as an option as well as the red and black satanic antifascism flag in anarcho-communist ("AnCom") colors; all who gave $200 or more will be able to get both.
For that and those who gave smaller amounts but want their stickers, please make sure we have a postal address for you: [email protected]
We hope you'll continue to donate in return for stickers, patches, and flags as we can make them available while The Satanic Temple's SLAPP suit against us stretches into another calendar.
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(If we have any flags left over, we'll see about making them available to other donors in the future, but we're not doing a very big batch at present.)
Previous post:
The Satanic Temple may have missed another deadline in their ongoing lawsuit against us, but they still made us spend quite a lot of money dealing with another round of their bullshit.
That means more fundraising, and more slap stickers (SLAPP stickers?) for everyone who wants to support us.
We also just got someone who has committed to matching all our donations up to the first $500.
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Update: Capital Area Satanists are now also matching all donations up thru the first $500, so we are at $2 (two dollars) matching for every $1 (one dollar) donated.
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Update: A third supporter is now also matching all donations up thru the first $500, so we are at $3 (two dollars) matching for every $1 (one dollar) donated.
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Update: A comrade at Facebook meme page Anarkitty matching all donations between $2,001 and $2,500!
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Update: And a pair of Baptists.
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Please help us maintain our ability to defend ourselves from a frivolous lawsuit by an abusive religious/business organization that has lasted for more than two and a half years.
In case that image is not clear, we're looking to raise at least $500 to roll out five more glossy sticker designs, 2x2" in size
How many you personally get mailed to you is dependent on how much you donate
=In return for donation (from within the USA)=
$5 = 5 stickers ($1 per sticker- 1 of each design)
$10 = 10 stickers ($1 per - 2 each)
$25 = 40 stickers ($0.62 per - 8 each)
$50 = 100 stickers ($0.50 per - 20 each)
$100 = 400 stickers ($0.25 per - 80 each)
(If you live outside of the USA, it's going to get a bit more complicated because we need to do more than break even; it's still possible, but maybe DM us about it if you want to do more than just donate?)
=Ways to donate=
PayPal @QueerSatanic: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/queersatanic
CashApp $QueerSatanic: https://cash.app/$QueerSatanic
GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/legal-fund-for-victims-of-satanic-temple1
You can use [email protected] to send addresses to us + proof of donation like a screenshot; but basically, just make sure you find some way to get your mail address to us.
For other merch and designs, check our Redbubble store:
The margins on this aren't great, but we don't have any extra labor to do, and if you're outside the USA, this may be the easiest way to physically get something in your hands.
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brainrotdotorg · 2 years
[Fc]1827.STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "But to be perfectly frank, I just don't see it happening."
[Fc]1486.ECHO MAKER - "Steban, a moment..." The young man's companion beckons him into a private conference.
[Fc]981.STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "What... really? You're saying... but there's no way... uh huh... yes, okay, I'm listening..."
[Fc]437.EMPATHY - A note of real uncertainty in his voice.
passive check (requires approx. 2 in Empathy)
[Fc]1828.STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "Alright, gendarme." He turns back to you. "Comrade Ulixes and I have conferred about it, and we've come up with an alternative way for you to convince us of your commitment to the group."
[Fc]404.YOU - "What's that?"
[Fc]1284.STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - The young man gives his companion an uncertain glance. The companion nods his head vigorously.
[Fc]93.STEBAN, THE STUDENT COMMUNIST - "I want you... to hit me."
via fayde. decided to finally figure out the context of slapping steban and. wow. youre kidding. was anyone going to tell me that it was uli, a known sadist, who suggested this. hello?? fucking hello. the fact that drives me even more insane is that he says THIS
[Fc]135.ECHO MAKER - "It doesn't have to be a *hard* hit." He indicates his cheek. "Just enough to leave a mark."
jesus god. yeah you really are an open-minded little group aren't you. fucking christ
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cutecipher · 6 months
Never be ashamed of being a communist even if you aren't living in it, they make fun of revolutionaries all the time but look to your comrades in Cuba, China, the DPRK, and history, communism can win and communism does make life better for the people participating in it, keep going, for yourself, your loved ones and the world.
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The leading intellectual organ of Martinaise communism. Offers a radical Mazovian perspective on a range of contemporary issues. The cover features a stylised portrait of the late King Frissel with a pair of white antlers growing out of his head.
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - The front of this quarterly journal features a large, satirical portrait of the late King Frissel. From the sides of his head, a pair of white antlers spread to the corners of the cover.
Why Frissel?
Flip through the pages, see what catches your eye.
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - Because Frissel was incompetent, foolish, and cruel. In short, the embodiment of everything the communards wished to overthrow. It's *satire*, you see.
2. Flip through the pages, see what catches your eye.
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - To your disappointment, there aren't any full-colour pictures to direct your attention, just column after column of closely set text, interrupted occasionally by little doodles in black and white...
After riffling the pages with your thumb several times, you return to the table of contents...
The magazine is divided into several sections: 'International Developments', 'Kunst und Kultur', and 'Local Concerns'. Just inside the cover there's also an editor's note.
Read the editor's note.
I want to catch up on 'International Developments'.
What is 'Kunst und Kultur'?
Let's see what they mean by 'Local Concerns'.
[Put the magazine away.]
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - "Comrade, as you know, this journal takes its name from Mazov's immortal expression 'Du cristal à la fumée.' This was his way of describing the way the rigid, crystalline structures of capitalist ideology turn to smoke under communism..."
"But like the structures of capitalist ideology, we too are at risk of going 'à la fumée.' Unlike many publications which are content to spoonfeed their readers reassuring drivel, *La Fumée* is committed to telling the radical truth, even when that truth may drive away potential subscribers."
"So please, if you value our radical Mazovian perspective on contemporary politics, culture, and international affairs, please consider subscribing today.
Yours in struggle, The Editors."
(Whisper.) "Kim! I think this is a *communist* magazine."
Play it cool. Pretend everything's in order.
KIM KITSURAGI - "What do you expect? It was laying around the office of the Débardeurs' Union. They're probably *bankrolling* the thing."
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - You flip back to the front of the magazine. The table of contents unfolds before you.
2. I want to catch up on 'International Developments'.
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - This section includes a long, tedious critique of the latest round of free-trade negotiations between the EPIS nations and the Free State of Semenine.
You also skip over an article about heavy fuel oil smuggling along the Mesque-Messina border, something about bear wrestling in Samara, book riots in Yugo-Graad...
Face it, you really aren't interested in foreign affairs. You're not even sure where most of these countries are...
You flip back to the front of the magazine. The table of contents unfolds before you.
3. What is 'Kunst und Kultur'?
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - It takes a moment, but gradually it dawns on you that 'Kunst und Kultur' must mean 'Arts and Culture'...
As you leaf through this section, you come across several reviews of recent radio-plays, as well as a brief 'Artist Spotlight' featuring a local artist identified only as 'C.S.'
The main feature, though, is a long essay titled 'TipTop Tournée: A Critical Mazovian Perspective'.
Read the profile of 'C.S.'
Just a moment, what is this 'TipTop Tournée'?
Sounds dull. (Return to the table of contents.)
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - This so-called 'Artist Spotlight' is really just a brief Q&A, made all the briefer by the subject's evident hostility to her interviewer.
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - That certainly *sounds* like a certain *delinquent youth* who likes to harass you from her balcony.
2. Just a moment, what is this 'TipTop Tournée'?
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - The actual article is surprisingly light on details, but after skimming a page or two you gather that it has *something* to do with motor carriage racing...
2. Alright, let's see what these communists have to say about TipTop.
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - You think you're settling in for a relaxing recap of the most recent season, maybe sprinkled with some nice anecdotes about a few of the more colourful drivers...
Instead you find yourself skimming a 10,000-word feature about all the politically *problematic* aspects of TipTop Tournée.
Wait, what's wrong with TipTop?
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - Where to even start? For one, there's the crass commercialism of its sponsorships. And then there's the practically *criminal* emphasis on deadly motor crashes...
Hang on, who wrote this stuff?
What's so bad about sponsorships?
What's wrong with a good motor crash? They just keep it interesting.
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - Oddly enough, this article has *two* bylines: Nasteb Encalada-Bernal and Exilus Bücher.
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - There's no way those are real names.
Wait, why aren't they real names?
CONCEPTUALIZATION - Have you ever met anyone named 'Exilus'? Come on, they're plainly pseudonyms.
2. What's so bad about sponsorships?
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - Under capitalism, the article says, every pursuit has its price. Every pleasure, even one as elemental as the joy of racing others around a track, is reduced to an advertising opportunity.
Thus the so-called *tournée* becomes a competition between increasingly meaningless brand signifiers: your discount laundry detergent racing against a pack of Astra cigarettes or even a Frittte...
Right, but then you get to see them *crash*.
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - And that, precisely, is what's problematic about it. Were it not for the promise of random, *spectacular* violence, audiences would quickly lose interest...
At the end of the day, it's the destruction of these 750,000-reál racers that you're *really* watching for.
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dresden-syndrome · 9 months
Your trademark is I think how you call fellow whumpers— comrades. It's such a nice and warm way to greet people, I love it. It's so sincere and never fails to make me smile.
And for editing the asks, use a web browser. It's şu frustrating that you also can't edit some of the older posts, too. I hope it gets fixed soon.
Thank you so much <3 I'll try editing on browser as well!
"Comrade" is not only a mandatory title used in EESU or real-life socialist/communist places. Although it adds to the tone and associates with politics, let's talk about this word's initial meaning as well.
What are the words to call the members of your circle? Friends, mutuals, fellow members, just to name a few. While "friends" is a great word, it also implies a closer, more precise thing. There are friends - community as a whole and friends - people in close friendship with each other. Becoming friends requires action. It requires a mutual desire for two or more people to care for each other in particular, along with trust and interest. Even becoming mutuals is, well, mutual - other person has to follow you as well.
A comrade doesn't need to be a friend or a mutual - it's a person who is a part of the same circle, enjoying its ideas, striving towards its growth. Are they not talking to you? Still a comrade. Aren't you following each other? Still comrades. Do you even know about each other's existence? Doesn't matter, you're comrades. There is no special requirement or agreement to be comrades. It doesn't have favorites. It doesn't gatekeep. It unites a community as a whole.
When I want to say something to the whump community, I say "comrades" - because no matter who you are or what your relationship to me is, we're all parts of our beloved little circle.
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esters-notepad · 5 months
One thing I like about using Johnny Cash songs for inspiration: it gives me an excuse to dig deep into very American cliches. Like this story. Communist infiltrations? Secret military bases? Brainwashed soldiers, thinking themselves patriotic, but only awaiting the right key word to start furthering the Red agenda? Yes, it's really cheesy. But it was fun to write!
Day nine @chrumblr-whumblr: mind control
Johnny Cash song: 25 minutes to go
Warning. 25 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
What? What did I...? Did I do that?
Warning. 24 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
My hands... they still look like my hands. Why did I turn the key for the self-destruct?
Warning. 23 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
Edwards is shaking my shoulder: "What the hell, Harvey? What was that?" I just shake my head, but my brain doesn't clear. "Come on, Harvey, turn it off!" Edwards shouts. Of course. Turn it off. How simple. Why didn't I think of that? Turn it off. Turn the key back. Why aren't my hands moving?
Warning. 22 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
Edwards swears loudly and pushes me away. Then, suddenly, a loud bang. Edwards lies on the floor in a growing puddle of blood. Carter has drawn his pistol. Carter shot Edwards? Why?
Warning. 21 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
Nothing makes sense any more. The control room is so empty. Where is everyone? Where is Captain Miller? Lieutenant Robertson? Where's the Colonel? Somebody come and save me! I... I don't think I can save myself. And it's definitely too late for Edwards.
Warning. 20 minutes until self-destruct. The self-destruct process can no longer be aborted. Please evacuate.
Somebody is coming down the corridor. Two technicians. Jordan and Brown. Carter shoots at them, and they shoot back. I should shoot Carter in the back, now that he's facing away from me. I should... Damn, my hands won't move again. What is wrong with me? And where is everybody? Out to lunch, or what?
Warning. 19 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
Jordan and Brown have fallen and aren't getting up. Carter holsters his pistol again and strolls towards me. "Well done, Comrade Harvey", he says. I'm not a Red! I... "Maybe I should introduce myself," Carter continues. " Major Mikhail Ivanovich Kartashov, of the GRU. Thank you for your assistance. I could not have done this alone. As a token of my government's gratitude, I won't shoot you." He whips a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and chains me to a pipe by the wall. "I'll even leave you the choice whether you shoot yourself, or wait for the base to explode." That's right. My pistol is still in its holster. I should draw it. I should shoot Carter. Kartashov. I should shoot him. Why don't I?
Warning. 18 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
I can't shoot him. I can't strike him. I can't even spit in his face. I curse him internally. He stands up and says: "I believe it's time to evacuate. Farewell, Comrade Harvey. You were the best candidate I ever worked with." Candidate? I've been brainwashed? That... that would explain things. That would explain a lot. Maybe everything. Carter...shov is gone. I need to get out, as well. I have to warn them that he isn't Michael Carter from Iowa, but Mikhail Kartashov from the USSR. I have to get my hand loose.
Warning. 13 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
It's hopeless. The pipe won't budge. I can't break the handcuffs. Maybe if I shoot my hand off... but no, I'd bleed out before I even got close to the evacuation shaft. I'm trapped down here. Can I pray, or did those damn Reds take that away from me, too? Dear Jesus, help! Please catch Kartashov. Please let him die when the base explodes, or let the others figure out he's an impostor, or something. Please don't let him hurt this country further.
Warning. 12 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
Please forgive me for what I've done. I didn't mean to... no, sorry. Help me take responsibility. My hands turned the key. Forgive me. Please take care of my wife after I'm gone. God, I'm cold! I don't really want to die. Please help me to meet death as a man.
Warning. 11 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
I wonder when the Reds got to me. I wasn't even in Korea. Did they... do they have brainwashing facilities here? In America? God help us! I never thought they could have infiltrated us that far. It's chilling to think of.
Warning. 10 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
This base is probably not the only one. This might be the start of a bigger offensive. Maybe even the start of World War Three. Everything going according to their plan, just like it did here. And I can't do anything about it. Jesus! You have to help us. Please stop those godless Communists from taking over the world!
Warning. 9 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
I have to get out of here. I have to warn them. About Kartashov. About all the rest. Somebody let me out! If I could at least reach the telephone... Maybe I could drag it closer, somehow? I have to get the word out!
Warning. 8 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
I can't. There's no way. Forget about it. It's hopeless. I guess the Reds win this round.
Warning. 5 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
As if anybody could get out of here in five minutes... Alice, my dear. I'm so sorry to leave you like this.
Warning. 4 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
I have to get out! Cut me loose! Damn handcuffs! Damn pipe! Damn that Kartashov!
Warning. 3 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
I'll never see Alice's face again. Or the sky. Or the mountains. I'll die down here. It's really happening. I'll be dead soon.
Warning. 2 minutes until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
I guess it's for the best. I did betray the whole base, after all. Even if I'd somehow gotten out, they would have condemned me to death for what I did.
Warning. 1 minute until self-destruct. Please evacuate.
I wonder if I'll see the explosion coming, like in the movies? Or if it just... ends? I wish things had been different. Jesus, forgive me. Jesus, help me. Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy
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txttletale · 1 year
do you have any advice for how a disabled person can help? i'm bedbound most days and the closest org is 2 hours both way from me, and i really want to do what i can to help my community and communists, but i'm unsure of what i can do in my situation. thank you
if you're able to get into contact with that org in any way (e.g. phone, email, even through social media) -- there is a lot of very valuable work that can be done from a bed with a laptop. orgs need people to take meeting minutes, to do research, to write up statements and keep track of administrative details, to pass messages between people on the ground who aren't carrying phones, to vet potential members, etc. any org worth their salt should also be willing to offer transport help to their disabled comrades even if it is v. scuffed in the form of A Guy Picking You Up In His Shitty Car. obviously i can't speak for any specific orgs in your area but you absolutely do not need to be physically active or abled to contribute vital labour to a revolutionary organisation (and that's to say nothing of the value that simply having a disabled perspective can contribute to communist orgs' often v. v. unfortunately lacking understanding of disablity politics)
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curly-fried · 2 years
People on the internet are like "communists are always talking about revolution while doing nothing irl 11!!!111!!!!!!!!". Like just bc people aren't posting about going to protests or organizing local actions doesn't mean they're not doing it. Posting about this stuff can bring you and comrades in danger so that's also a factor why communists usually don't post about the things they're up to irl.
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doodle-doodie-doo · 2 years
Paul, Tord, and patryck headcanon (Tords backstory/red army headcanon as well)
I wanna write a bit about Tords lore and backstory and how I think Paul and Pat are his parents yet at the same time they aren't, they have a odd relationship. I often find myself thinking about Tord, Paul, and Patrycks relationship because it's really unlike anything else and it's so cool. Basically, Tord does have his own parents, but his mom is a Succubus, one day Tords dad got so drunk he had sex with a random woman he didn't even know was a demon, this is why Tord is a demon hybrid (though, he isn't part succubus, Tori is, this explains why Tori is the way she is,) This is the reason why Tord is so rotten and destructive, Tords mom doesn't care about him, either does his dad, Tord was basically an un-planned pregnancy, One day, when Tord was extremely young, Tords actual parents drop him off at battle ground. Paul and patryck (married btw) see a "helpless" child and go to him to try and protect him, I kid you not, instead of Tord acting scared like any normal child would, he picks up a gun and starts shooting the non-communist, hes laughing in joy, having the best time of his life, Paul and Patryck are beyond stunned, like that, Paul and Patrycks Red Leader army gets stripped away from them, everyone (besides Paul and Pat) agrees that Tord is now the new leader of the Red army, That's right, these trained soldiers who have trained all of their lives and have fought countless battles, the ones who are the well-deserved LEADERS of the red army got outdone by a little kid. This is were the odd relationship starts, Paul and Patryck call Tord boss, leader, and such, yet, in a way, they are like his guiders, his parents, his teacher, I know half of this fandom thinks that Paul and Pat are nothing more than his comrades, and others believe that Paul and Patryck raised Tord, but I'm a bit of the in-between, the both. Also being semi-raised on battle grounds also explains Tords roughness, (I also imagine Tord stays with his parents at times until he got old enough to live with the boys, now some months hes living with the boys, and others hes in the army.) Hes rougher with the kids at school, in public, and in general. He doesn't mean it though, but Paul and Pat are also great at disciplining Tord, Paul and Pat are...well...you know...commie war leaders, so they expect Tord to act like a solider, yet, they aren't abusive to Tord either, if anything, I think Paul and patryck make great parents/leaders/guiders Not even communist war leaders can handle a child like Tord,
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girderednerve · 2 years
well i am at my first professional library conference & i have to say: yeah, i don't know about these, i'm not convinced that we should have them. maybe conferences would be more useful if i were more of a networker. people have said some incredibly inane stuff, most of these presentations are useless, and i can't see why we all needed to descend on a luxury hotel to have these conversations in person with no masks to ruin the friendly ambiance
someone was presenting on the importance of libraries given the proliferation of disinformation and mentioned the 'don't say gay' law. someone raised their hand & objected stridently on the grounds that that is not the bill's title and is a misleading description of what the bill does ("you're spreading misinformation right now!"). two other librarians agreed. someone objected that including the 'don't say gay' designation is reasonable, because that is how most people know of it. they also got pushback from the same group. the presenter apologized for including that epithet in the presentation. what is the point, what is the point, of talking about misinformation if we won't talk about its origins or intentions? what is the point? "the bill doesn't literally say you aren't allowed to say the word 'gay', so this is misinformation"? okay, deborah, for ten dollars what was the johns committee? for another five, please define "chilling effect." and then fucking apologize to me, lmao
the main takeaway from the presentation was that librarians a) need more training & administrative support and b) must retain their neutrality so that patrons will trust us. like sure the first one is true, when isn't it true, but the second one is pure absurdity. librarians' neutrality won't protect them from a revanchist right, and it won't protect their patrons from information silos; it's furthermore unclear why 'neutrality' or 'objectivity' seems so desirable, rather than flatly impossible. i am an openly queer library worker! there is no neutrality for me! there is no neutrality for my colleagues of color, or at least none which will be earnestly accepted by the book banners we seek to placate. it's pointless defeatism. we need a better way for talking about professional ethics.
in a different panel i was in—which did, for the record, contain interesting information—an audience member decided to start a general argument about whether or not librarians ought to fill in forms, applications, &c for patrons. my general belief is that we shouldn't: there are obvious concerns about liability if library staff make a mistake, but there are also questions about privacy and agency (generally, we want to help empower people to do things themselves). also, i mean, there are only so many of us; if we are spending seventy-five minutes doing secretarial work for one patron, then we are ignoring many other people who also need our help. anyway we had a big argument about that, which concluded with the don't-do-forms crowd thinking that the do-forms crowd are impractical fools and the do-forms crowd thinking that the don't-do-forms folks are heartless, or near enough
no one pointed out the actual problem, which is that libraries are being used as a sad little bandaid on a woefully inadequate social support system. i am like, being such a fucking liberal here, too! like genuinely i tried really hard to not even be like, a raving leftist at this conference. i was like "there will not be any audible communists here. i must adjust my expectations & Be Reasonable." and yet! and yet! even with that! you still have a group of people who chose to go into public service, who care deeply about their impoverished patrons, and still apparently cannot conceive of any solution more radical than 'hiring a social worker who will be in the library three days a week.' like, my comrades! my fellow travelers! can we not even see our way to advocating for these patrons' needs in a public forum? we can't even say something desperately edgy like 'we need affordable housing'? we must deal with these problems as though they come from nowhere, implicate nobody, & have nothing to do with one another? what sort of professional expertise is this, deliberate obtuseness?
anyway it's been frustrating is what i'm saying
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nofashinpunk · 3 years
okay so the thing is about Marxists (take my opinion here with a pinch of salt, bc I've only really hung out with one group of Marxists - the guys with the newspaper and the meetings) the thing about Marxists is that they never seem to do anything
like they show up at protests and strikes and they sell their newspaper and they recruit
"well what are you recruiting for?"
"for The Revolution, obviously."
"well, when's the revolution?"
"whenever we've recruited enough people"
fantastic! what are you doing in the meantime?? sitting around reading the communist manifesto. what are you doing for the people around you? what are you actually achieving with your weekly meetings and your newspapers? Where's the mutual aid? Where's the community outreach?
you literally aren't even helping people who are already members of your group organise things like rent strikes and organising is literally all you do?
they call everyone comrade tho and that's satisfyingly gender neutral.
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