#'go write those notes alder!'
apollosgiftofprophecy · 8 months
We did it!!!! Apollo won the poll and is officially prettier than Aphrodite!
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bonefall · 10 months
So, I'm writing an essay on the whole STATE of misogyny in WC for one of my university classes, and I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of things! No pressure of course, please feel free to say no!
A) Could I reference your good takes with appropriate harvard referencing and links back to your blog?
B) Are there any specific moments from the books that you think should be covered the most?
C) The end result will be a visual essay, so it's like those fun infographics people on Tumblr make on like ADHD and stuff, so when it's done, would you like to be tagged to read it?
(Sorry for anon, I'm nervous lmao, but if you'd be more comfortable I'll resend this off anon)
AAY good topic! You've got a lot to work with. Absolutely feel free to reference anything I've written, and tag me when you're done.
While you're here and about to write something so legitimate, I'm also going to recommend you check out Sunnyfall's video on gender in Warrior Cats. She breaks down the arcs into numbers, directly comparing the amount of lines mollies have to toms, and examining the archetypes women are usually allowed to be.
I think it's a must-have citation in a paper about WC misogyny.
...and, I think it's insightful to look at the WCRP Forum thread about the video. Note how the respondents immediately come into the thread to complain about how the video is too long so they didn't watch it, dismissing Sunnyfall as not being entertaining enough to hold their attention, even whining that she starts with statistics to prove her point, which I'm convinced she did exactly because they would have cried that she "had no evidence" if she didn't.
I am not a scholar, so I don't know how to document or prove that the books have an impact on the audience outside of anecdotes. But I think if you do write a section about fandom, it would be worth mentioning the in-universe and metatextual apologia for Ashfur and its reflection in the real world discourse, the authorial killing of Ferncloud because of fan complains, and the utter defensiveness against the discussion of misogyny you see outside of Tumblr.
You may also want to check out Cheek by Jowl, a collection of 8 essays about sexism in xenofiction by Ursula K. Le Guin. There's a very unique manifestation of authorial bias in animal fiction, having a lot to do with how the author views "the natural world," and it's worth understanding even though Warrior Cats are so heavily anthropomorphized.
So... Warrior Cats Misogyny
I think discussing individual instances can be helpful, but I'd implore you to keep in mind what's REALLY bad about WC's misogyny is framing and the bigger picture.
Bumble's death is shocking and insulting, but it's not just that she died. It's that the POV Gray Wing sees her as a fat, useless bitch who took his mate so she deserves to be dragged back to a domestic abuser, and he's right because the writers love him so much. It's that Bumble's torture and killing only factors into how it's going to hurt a man's reputation.
It's how Clear Sky hitting, emotionally manipulating, or killing the following women,
Bright Stream (pressured into leaving her home and family)
Storm (controlled her movements and yelled at her in public)
Misty (killed for land, children stolen)
Bumble (beaten unconscious, blamed nonsensically on a fox)
Alder (child abuse, hit when she refused to attack her brother)
Falling Feather (scratched on the face, subjected to public abuse and humiliation)
Tall Shadow (thrown into murderous crowd, attacked on-sight in heaven)
Rainswept Flower ("blacked out" in anger and murdered in cold blood)
Moth Flight (scratched on the face for saying denying medical treatment is mean, taken hostage in retaliation against mother for the death of his own child, which he caused)
Willow Tail (eyes gouged out for "stirring up trouble")
Is seen as totally understandable, forgivable, or not even questioned at all, when killing Gray Wing in an act of rage would have been "one step too far" with the ridiculous Star Line.
"Kill me and live with the memory, and then let the stars know it would only matter if a single one of your murder victims was a man."
It's the way that fathers who physically abuse their kids out of their ego (Clear Sky, Sandgorse, Crowfeather) aren't treated anywhere near the same level of narrative disgust and revulsion the series has for "bad moms", even if they're displaying symptoms of a post-partum mood disorder (depression, anxiety, and rage), an umbrella of mental illnesses 20% of all new mothers experience but are heavily stigmatized with (Sparkpelt, Palebird, Lizardstripe).
It's Crookedstar's Promise giving him two evil maternal figures in a single book, while bending over backwards to make every man in a position of power still look likeable in spite of the fact they're enabling Rainflower's abuse. Leader Hailstar is soso sorry that he has to change Stormkit's name for some reason, in spite of leaders being unaccountable dictators the other 99% of the time, and Deputy Shellheart functionally does nothing to stop his own son from being abused or even do much parenting before or after the fact.
It's the way men's parental struggles are seen sympathetically, and they don't have to "pay for it" like their female counterparts (Crookedstar's PPD vs Sparkpelt's PPD, how Daisy and Cinders are held responsible for Smoky and Whisper being deadbeats, Yellowfang's endless guilt for killing her son vs Onestar's purpose in life to kill his own), even to the point where a father doesn't have to have raised their kids at all to have a magical innate emotional connection to them (Tree's father Root, Tom the Wifebeater, Tigerstar and Hawkfrost).
It's less speaking lines and agency for female characters, being reduced to accessories in the lives of their mates and babies, women getting less diversity in their personalities, with even major ex-POV characters eventually becoming "sweet mom" tropes.
You could zoom in on any one of these examples and have an amoeba try to argue with you that "Oh THIS makes sense because X" or "Ah well my headcanon perfectly explains this thing" or "MY mother/girlfriend was abusive/toxic/neglectful and I've decided that you are personally attacking ME by having issues with how a character was written or utilized," but the beleaguered point,
That I keep trying to hammer in, over and over, across books worth of posts,
Is that these are trends. More than just a couple one-off examples. It's the fabric that has been woven over years, showing a lack of interest in, or even active prejudice of, women on behalf of the writers.
LONG STANDING trends, which have only gotten worse as the series progressed. From Yellowfang being harshly punished with a born evil son who ruins her life in TPB and the mistreatment of Squirrelpaw that begins in TNP, all the way up to the 7 Fridgenings of DOTC and Sparkpelt's PPD being a major character motivator for her son Nightheart.
So, I would stress that in your paper, and structure it less as "the Sparkpelt slide" and "the Yellowfang slide," and more as "The paternal vs maternal abuse" slide, and "the violence against women" slide. They're really big issues, there's tons of examples for each individual thing.
Anyway to leave off on a funny, look at this scene in Darkest Hour that I find unreasonably hilarious,
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"Everyone who matters to me; my truest friend, my sensible and loyal warrior, the wisest deputy I've ever known, and 2 women." -Firestar, glorious idiot
He can't even think of a single trait for either of them what the hell does "formidable pair" mean lmaooo, when I finished a reread about a year ago this line killed me on impact.
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clangenrising · 1 month
i know its probably big spoilers, but. it keeps bugging me that Aldertail's mate 'isn't born yet'. i mean, how old is Alder and will their mate be born into the clan she resides? will she be involved in their kithood/training?
clangen sure does love to do that and there was a way in the code to adjust the max age gap between mates but i myself never found it dvjfbs it's just the wording amd what might be behind it in terms of game that icks me
I understand your concerns but let me attempt lay your mind at ease.
First things first, I disallow romantic interactions between mentor apprentice pairs so you'll never see that in RisingClan. Secondly, I played this game years in advance so I can see who is going to end up with who and I can write their relationship appropriately from the start.
Now, here's the part that you may not love to hear, Aldertail is somewhere between 20 and 30 moons (i wasn't keeping track of ages as closely at this point in my notes) and her eventual mate won't be born for a good year or more. But here's the thing, cats don't care as much about ages when it come to those things.
I've anthropomorphized them, yes, and so I won't be portraying any romantic or sexual relationships between adults and juvenile cats, but once a cat is an adult the stigma around dating them kind of goes away in my setting. In the Clans, specifically, if a cat is warrior aged then they have the freedom to choose whichever mate they want.
So yes, Aldertail is going to be a good deal older than her eventual partner but I hope you will trust me to write that in a way that feels compelling and natural and to understand that there isn't anything wrong with the equivalent of a 24 year old falling in love with an older woman of their own volition.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Ooooo I love your au sm I'm pretty sure you can tell lmao
How far have you planned your story so far? (Like up to Oots or Avos) I've seen Alderbaby and Spark ik but how far have you written your au?
bro- BOTH of ur asks disappeared until I emptied my ask box and reloaded it.... Tumblr WHY???
I have pretty much fully planned The Prophecies Begin, every once and a while I add new things (which reminds me I need to update my summary post lol)
I pretty much have the new prophecy planned out and I have like half the summary written up, I just haven't finished it bec ADHD says no whenever I look at that doc T-T
I have a pretty good Idea for what I want to happen in Po3 and I really wish that I had the gumption to finish my TNP summary so I could start working on the Po3 one LOL
I have very little ideas for arcs after that, I have some basic thoughts on where I would want the plot to go for OotS but I haven't read past Po3 so I dont have many plans for those yet. I think I will wait until Im done planning out arcs 1-3 before I move on to other arcs!
I drew Spark and Alder bec I really like them and also bec I wanted to draw all of Crowfeather and Squirrelflight's children. But beyond them being CrowSquirrel kits I have no clue how I would change their plots heh
OH also I should note: Im not planning on writing an actual rewrite for the series, Im just throwing out my ideas, writing summaries and making designs and such! I dont have enough time to write a full fic or anything... plus Im not a very good writer :P
MAYBE one day I will actually write something... but that day is far far away from now and may never happen lol
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redwood-and-maple · 2 years
Ogham Meditations: The First Aicme
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I've been doing some meditations on each ogham fid, or letter, and I thought I'd post them here. The translations for each fid and their keyword come from Erynn Rowan Laurie's Ogam: Weaving Word Wisdom. Everything else is my own thought.
(Note, there's some inconsistencies in my writing, as I only wrote summaries of my meditations in my journal for Beith, Fern, and Sail, and Lus and Nin I didn't write down at all and had to redo. The fifteen letters after this one will be more consistent.)
Beith - B
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(bayth) Meaning: Birch Keyword: Purification
What are the benefits of cleanliness? It helps prevent you from getting sick, of course, but also it has great effects on the mind. Clear spaces help me think more easily, and I remember how eager I was to shower again when I couldn't for three weeks after top surgery!
Spiritual cleanliness is also helpful. Energetic residue can interfere with one's day. I know from first hand experience that not grounding properly before and after trance can leave me in a state very similar to sub drop. House spirits also like it when the house is clean!
However, I mostly associate purity with negative things. Sterile environments are very difficult and costly to maintain, and should in my opinion be reserved for those who need it most. Trying to cultivate a "pure" spiritual practice leads very quickly to folkism and white supremacy.
Like many things, it comes down to balance.
Lus - L
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(loosh) Meaning: Herb or Flame Keyword: Inspiration
Inspiration, from the herb or the flame. Awen. Imbas. Flow state. Making. It all feels so easy, then. Orange yellow flame. Fire in the head. Spirit above. Inspiration comes easily to me. I'm an ideas guy.
How does one seek inspiration? By experiencing. Each experience or piece of art is like striking flint. Eventually, there's a spark.
Experience. Take in the senses. Be in the world. Share art. Lower inhibitions where it's safe. Feel.
Life. The inner spark, the mysterious thing that took a soup of hydrocarbons and made it alive. Every cell has an inner fire, is burning fuel for energy.
Spark. Flame. Imbas. Inner drive. Life and consciousness. Creation is inspiration and thought made manifest. Feel. Spark. Plan. Make. Reflect. Water, fire, air, earth, water again.
Inspiration is the beginning. The call. We must all start somewhere.
Fern - F
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(fairn) Meaning: Alder Keyword: Protection
The protection of Fern is often necessary. Think of bundling up in the winter to protect from the cold, or sunscreen to protect from UV rays. People protect themselves from others by altering their behaviour based on who they're interacting with. This includes masking as neurodivergent people.
However, there are restrictions to having shields up at all times. Warm clothing restricts movement. In order to bond with people, there is some amount of vulnerability required. Having safe spaces where shields can be let down, like a warm house, are necessary.
Sail - S
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(sahl) Meaning: Willow Keyword: Flow
Going with the flow is not always helpful. Sometimes, resistance is necessary. I think about Nuada allowing for the tyranny of the Fomorians before the coming of Lugh. However, surviving is also resistance, sometimes! Perhaps sometimes people need to wait for the right moment to act. That discernment is often difficult.
And really, how good does it feel to stop trying to do what I think I should be doing and just be? To stop fighting my weaknesses and play to my strengths? Going with the flow of nature does and has felt so, so good.
Nin - N
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(nihn) Meaning: Letters or Support Keyword: Connection
Connection. Contract, written, oath given. First numbers and letters in human language were to make accounts for trade. The weaver's beam. We are social creatures. We need each other. We are stronger together. We give and take so many times that it cannot be accounted for. To trust is to not account.
Diplomacy. Marriage. Oath. Family, blood and fostered. Community. I help bring people together. I'm scared of rejection, but I crave connection. I want people to like me the way that I like people.
I want to share and spread joy, to facilitate in the spreading of joy.
A gay bar. Dagda's cauldron. Somewhere to gather. May none leave unsatisfied.
No one deserves to be left alone.
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fatedreamsend · 2 months
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The journal of Anise Greenleaf, Entries #10 and #11
[Side note from Anise's player: I started this as a writing experiment waaay back near the start of the campaign as a way to try to explore Anise's character a little and give her some backstory from before the started. I hand wrote it in an actual journal because I thought it would be fun. These are scans of the journal.]
Back to Entry #9
Transcription below the cut:
As usual, the Solstice and Yule and all the New Years' celebrations kept me very busy. Everyone at Sherwood is doing fine, of course. Even Grandpap! He looks much more healthy now. He asked about the shop of course, and he looked so cross when Uncle Heath told him about all the renovations! He said that he had intended to return once he had recovered, but now he never wants to set foot in there again. I trhink that was his way of reassuring me that I've nothing to worry about and that the place really is mine. He seemed impressed when I told him of the Einzbern potion. I may have lied about the number of failed attempts. He was also quitre surprised to learn of my budding friendship with Ignatius, and that he has a name.
The siblings are all quite keen to visit, Holly in particular. Mother told them they could once I was ready for them. We need to do some work to the guest flat first. Maybe I could have them visit one at a time, though? I have missed them dearly, but I am sure if all three were there, even with mother and Uncle there I would still be driven to madness. Fennel is really doubling down on her studies, I'm so proud. Erin is so tall now! And Holly is studying to become a druied, now! I am so excited for her.
It is a new year now. There is so much to do, in so little time! Soon I'll be starting seeds for the garden! I've been brewing some potions here and there, those with a long shelf life, mostly to practice. I hope I can live up to the Alder Greenleaf name.
Renovations are continuing to go smoothly. Now that the end is in sight, Uncle and the cousins are around less and less. It's weird, frankly, to be alone so much. In Sherwood I was almost never alone, even when I tried to be! It is certainly a change of pace. It has also been quite cold, of course, and so I've been spending time in the attic with books and with Ignatius. I've also been trying out some new recip[es. And not just potions, of course! I've been making candies and teas and all sorts of baked goods. I'm also trying my hand at brewing alcohol, but I can tell I've a long way to go with that. Not much else to report. Winter is like that, isn't it? After the holidays, it seems to stretch endlessly until spring.
On to Entries #12 and #13
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hanafubukki · 3 years
Summary: Society has deemed them villains, but you knew better. They were family to you.
Characters: William, Louis, Albert, Sebastian, Fred, Bond, and Reader.
Notes: I am really proud of this one. The feels really just bursted out of me when I was writing this. ☺️👏👏☺️
·      Society had deemed them villains.
·      Unfit for the light.
·      Defined by the views that others had pushed on them.
·      But you knew better.
·      You knew these men were not the villains that everyone knew them to be.
·      They had chosen to be viewed in a negative light because they believed that was the only way to break the class system.
·      They had chosen to be martyrs.
·      You knew better though.
·      You and a select few knew the truth.
·      And you couldn’t help but be angry on their behalf, why must they be labeled in such a way?
·      These villains who just wanted to help those in need.
·      The Moriarty brothers had comforted you.
·      They saw the way you were affected and took care of you.
·      Louis made your favorite pastries and teas for you.
·      William bought a book from your favorite author and one for himself too, so you both can have a discussion about it.
·      Albert took you to your favorite store and proceeded to threaten to buy the whole thing until you picked one item out at least.
·      For all this love and care, you returned it a hundred-fold.
·      When it seemed that work was piling up for Louis, you would join him. Whether it was sending out messages, helping in the kitchen, or even forcing him to eat. Sometimes, when the day is particularly rough, you would not let him into the kitchen at all.  
·      Albert was difficult to crack sometimes, even worse than William if he really tried. It was when he had a slightly more extra drink than usual or when you saw slightly lowered shoulders than his usually perfect military stance that you knew. You would get him his favorite drink and you would be an ear he can talk as much as he wanted to. Sometimes, you would wake up extra early just to have his favorite breakfast ready to go before he left for work.
·      William was another tough nut to crack; he rarely showed any weakness if at all. You tried your best though. Especially during the times when he would crash after constantly planning, you would make sure you had a pillow and blanket ready for him. On late nights when he was busy planning, despite telling you not to stay up, you would keep him company. You would sit with him silently as he planned, so he would not ever feel alone. Sometimes, you would hold his hand or lay your head on his shoulder trying to provide him comfort and hoping that he would sleep soon.
·      It wasn’t only the Moriarty brothers you looked out for.
·      You would help Fred with his garden. When he looked a bit down, you would surprise him with a new flower or plant. The sparkle in his eyes was worth it.
·      Sebastian always acted tough, but you knew he could get ahead of himself. He would go overboard sometimes, and women would be after his head. You would step in and misdirect them away, giving him a lecture later in the day. On the days that his smirk seemed forced, you (with Louis’ permission of course) gave him a bottle of whiskey to drink. You would make him chocolates with liquor in it that he would then proceed to gloat to Albert about.
·      Bond was difficult for you to understand. You knew Bond’s background and what led him to his new disguise. You helped him by practicing lines with him when he had to act a certain part. You weren’t the best, but Bond appreciated your effort. No matter the facade he displayed, you could tell at times playing the role of Bond was difficult. Those times, you would be a shoulder to lean on and you would have your arms open for a hug. You would allow him to change back to Irene Alder for a few precious hours until she was ready to play the part again.  
·      While history might name them as villains, in your heart that would never be the case.
·      You would provide the support and love that they needed.
·      In return, they would love and cherish you.
I was really soft for these characters and this came to be. 🌸🌸
Some characters, I am wondering if I did them well; but I tried my best. 😊😊
I was feeling really soft for them.
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queenxxxsupreme · 2 years
If you feel comfortable, may I please request something where Netflix Coen brings his lady and her two kiddos to Kaer Mohren for the winter? Thank you so much for everything you've written so far <3
Also yes the did butcher Eskel and I was so disappointed.
A/N: I probably most likely completely butchered his character.... But I really really liked the idea and I really wanted to write for him! So I had to start somewhere! Someone who knows Coen better than me, please feel free to critique things!
Note: The name "Odie" in this fic is pronounced "Oh-dee" or at least that's how I pronounced it :)
The wind whipped around you, bringing with it a bitter chill that threatened to freeze you to the bones. 
“Are we almost there?” Your youngest whined. You could feel Edda shivering from the cold. 
“We’re nearly there.” Coen spoke from your left. He sat atop his buckskin mare named Alder with your eldest, Odette, riding with him. 
“Keep your nose covered, Odie.” You told your daughter, taking note of the way her scarf was falling from her face. 
You checked Edda’s scarf, adjusting it to make sure it would keep her warm. 
The young six-year-old looked over to her sister and to Coen. 
“Why doesn’t Coen have to cover his nose?” She huffed.
“I won’t freeze like you ladies will.” Coen told her.
Edda leaned back against your chest with a huff. She was growing tired of riding, and it was hard to be able to relax with the freezing temperatures.
“We’ve been traveling since morning, Coen.” You spoke quietly, turning your head so you could meet his gaze. “The girls are getting tired.
“I know, sunshine. I promise, we are almost there.”
Within less than an hour, the two horses were approaching a large stone structure mostly hidden into the side of a mountain. Snow covered the stone in a generous layer of white. 
Your eyes carefully glided along the structure, taking note of a few places where there seemed to be torches lit. 
The movement of something near a torch caught your attention. You gripped the reins tighter, searching the area above the wall for any more movement. 
“What is it, Y/N?” Coen asked you. He could hear your heart pick up pace just a little and the way your breathing changed ever so slightly.
You furrowed your brows, shaking your head softly. 
“I thought I saw something.”
“Where?” Edda sat up straight, pivoting her head back and forth as she searched for whatever you had seen. 
“On top of the wall over there.”
“Probably just someone keeping watch.” Coen explained. 
“There’s people where we’re going?” Odette looked over her shoulder to him. 
“Not many, but there are a few.”
Once inside the first set of walls to the School of the Wolf, Coen slipped down from his horse and walked her in the direction of the stables. 
You followed behind him. Your eyes flickered ahead of Coen, noticing a few horses in the stables that Coen was leading you to. 
There were four horses in total: a chestnut mare, a black bay gelding, a gray gelding, and a piebald mare. 
“Look at the horses, Edda!” Odette exclaimed.
“Whose horses are those, Coen?” Edda couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of the beautiful animals. 
“My brothers. Maybe tomorrow I can properly introduce you girls to them.” Coen tethered Alder to a hitching post inside the shelter. He then turned and lifted Odette off of Alder’s back. 
“Why not right now?” Edda frowned at him as he approached her to help her down as well. 
“Because I don’t think you want to freeze your toes off now, do you?” Coen placed Edda on her feet and then looked down at her for a moment before bringing his eyes to you. “Besides, I think momma’s tired.”
You smiled just a little as you tried to hide your yawn with your hand. 
Coen took your hands and let you slip down from your horse, Bee. 
“But Coen–!”
“Edda.” You cut her off. “It is late. We don’t need to be out here too much longer.”
“Come on, Edda.” Coen put his hand on her shoulder and ushered her in the direction of the main doors. 
“Are you sure it’s okay that we are here?” You spoke quietly as you walked alongside your witcher. 
The two girls walked just ahead of you. You kept your eyes on them until Coen’s hand found your arm. He stopped you from walking and made you turn to face him. 
“Stop worrying, sunshine.”
“I just don’t want to be unwelcomed.” You admitted. 
“Wherever I am, you are welcomed.” He leaned down to kiss your head. “I sent a raven to Vesemir before we left telling him what was happening. I am sure he’s told the others.”
You said nothing, turning your head to find your girls. 
“Y/N.” Coen turned your head back to him with gentle but cold fingers. “What has you scared?”
“I’m not scared.”
“Nice try. I can smell it on you, sunshine.”
You looked up at him, quiet for a few moments. 
“I just…. I’m nervous about meeting them. Your family. There’s so much that could go wrong. I just don’t want them to dislike us.”
“They won’t dislike you, because I love you.” He kissed your head once more. “Come on now. Let’s go before you freeze.”
Coen pushed the large and heavy wooden door to the keep open, then held it for your daughters and yourself. 
Edda and Odette both came to near immediate stops once they were inside of the keep. 
In the large room were multiple tables. Most of them were empty. 
A crowd of people sat at one of the tables, their loud chatter coming to a silence as the front door shut with a deep thud.
Silence filled the room. Your stomach churned with anxiety. You looked around from face to face. 
This was Coen’s family. 
“Fucking finally!” The man with curly red hair spoke first, his voice booming and echoing off of the high walls. The sound startled Odette and Edda, making them jump. “Thought you were gonna take until the next plague to fucking get here, Coen, you whoreson!”
“I planned to be here earlier, but I’m here now.” 
“And who have you brought with you?” The eldest appearing man with gray hair approached Coen. 
“Y/N of Brugge, and her girls, Odette and Edda.” Coen gestured to each of you as he said your names. 
The redhead smacked the dark haired man with scarring on his face in the shoulder, a look of disbelief crossing the former’s face. 
“That’s her, Eskel! That’s Sunshine!”
“You’re shittin’ me.” The dark haired one, Eskel, looked at you in disbelief, a smirk coming to his lips. “Good to finally put a face with all the stories, Little Miss Sunshine.” 
“Who the hell is ‘sunshine?’” The other dark haired man asked. He was dressed in clothes that were much brighter than the other men’s. 
“Don’t ask–,” Coen started, shaking his head but Geralt cut him off. 
“Sunshine is the only name Coen’s ever given to a woman he’s been sharing stories about for the last four years.”
“Welcome home, wolf.” The older man with gray hair said. “I’m glad you made it safely.”
“Didn’t expect such shit weather so early in the winter.” Coen shook his head. 
“Heard that this winter’s gonna be a nasty one.” Eskel told him. 
“Just what we fucking need.” Coen muttered. “I’ve brought Y/N and her two here ‘cause I didn’t want to leave them for the winter. Nilfgard is closing in, and I didn’t feel comfortable leaving them in Brugge for the winter.”
“We’ll need to work on a room for the children. I’m sure you all are tired from your travels.” The elder witcher smiled at you. 
“We are.” You nodded softly, placing your hand on Odette’s shoulder. “We appreciate your generosity greatly.”
“No need for any of that.” The witcher shook his head. “My apologies, but better introductions will be made in the morning. Your younguns should probably get to bed.”
“This way, Y/N.” Coen nodded for you to follow him.
You ushered the girls in his direction. 
“Coen, a moment please?” Geralt moved to walk with his brother. “If it would be alright with the girls’ mother, they could sleep in the room with Cirilla.”
Coen came to a stop, his eyes widening. 
“She’s here?”
Geralt shook his head, eyes closing for a moment. 
“It’s a long story. But the offer is there. She’s in a room by herself down the hall from Lambert.”
“I’ll let Y/N know. Thanks.”
You watched as the White Wolf returned to the table the witchers had previously been at. 
“I heard what Geralt said.” You spoke quietly to Coen as the girls walked just ahead of you both down the hall. “Who is Cirilla?”
He let out a sigh, his free hand coming to rub his face. One of his arms was linked with yours, elbows interlocked as he walked you through the halls of Kaer Morhen. 
“Geralt’s Child Surprise. Princess of Cintra.”
You turned your head sharply to look at Coen, brows furrowed. 
“The Princess? I-I thought she died in the sacking.”
“I thought so too. But I suppose not. Would you be okay with the girls staying in a separate room?”
You didn’t answer him immediately, your eyes finding the backs of your daughters’ heads. 
Coen followed your gaze. His hand came up to your arm. 
“You can say no, sunshine.”
You looked at him, guilt festering inside your stomach. 
“I-I just don’t want them away from me on the first night, Coen. It isn’t because of where we are. I just…. You know how Edda with her nightmares and I’d hate to bother someone with them.”
He pressed a kiss to the side of your head. He understood your concerns with Edda. The poor girl was plagued with terrible nightmares, so much so that often times she would crawl into bed with her sister or with you in hopes to keep them at bay. Sometimes the nightmares could cause her to get so vocal that everyone in the entire home could hear her and were awoken. 
Coen pushed the door to his room open and signed Igni into the hearth. 
“You gals can have my room for the night. It’s far cleaner than any of the uninhabited rooms.”
“This is clean?” Edda furrowed her brow as she looked around. Odette nudged her in the arm. 
“My apologies, my lady.” Coen smiled as he looked down at her. “This castle is hundreds of years old and until recently, has only ever had men living inside it. All of us are filthy.”
“I disagree with that statement.” Eskel commented as he walked by the doorway to go to his room. 
The two girls giggled. 
“Where will you stay for the night?” You asked Coen, taking note of the bed that would already be a very tight squeeze for you and the two girls. 
“I don’t know that I’m going to get much sleep tonight.” He admitted, moving to place his hand on your arm so he could lean in for a brief kiss. “First nights at the keep are always a bit…. Rowdy. I’ll make sure we keep it down.”
“Rowdy?” Odette repeated.
“Yes, rowdy. Sharing stories, recounting what’s happened since the last winter, telling jokes. Sometimes there’s fighting. There was once singing too.” Coen nodded his head. “But you three need your rest. 
“You do too.” You told him. 
He held your gaze for a few heartbeats, a smile coming to his lips. 
“I’m glad you’re here, you know?”
You returned the smile, your hand coming up to brush over Odette’s hair since she was closest to you. 
“I know. Have fun down there, Coen.”
“Always do, sunshine. Sleep tight, girls.” 
You watched as he left, closing the door behind himself.
“Come on, girls. Let’s get some sleep. This winter is going to be one for the books.”
Taglist: @samuraigrl89 @burningcoffeetimetravel @open--till--midnight @beautifulsweetschaos @gm_abbo @thefirelordm @here4thespice @many-fandoms-lover @one-eyed-captain-kinky @sparrowsparadise @bluscryn @blushingskywalker @buckysxgal @lady-of-glass-and-bone @super-calithehamm
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colorsunimaginable · 2 years
the spare // chapter twenty-five // death eater ! tom hiddleston x plus size ofc - voldemort wins au
story summary: While on a mission to avenge the death of her best friend, Ilvermorny graduate Melisa Alder finds herself in the middle of the fight to defeat Voldemort. Upon capture after the Dark Lord’s triumph, she’s being sold at an auction with other muggle borns and blood traitors. Her only hope is also her only bidder - the tall, dark, and handsome Thomus Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy’s younger half-brother. Is he just another Death Eater or is he hiding more than just his face beneath the mask? Will she realize her true potential to be one of the resistance’s greatest weapons?
*a Voldemort Wins AU with Tom Hiddleston cast as an OC x a plus size protagonist* *takes place in The Auction universe by Lovesbitca8*
words for this chapter: 5.2k warnings for this chapter: bullying, hints at sexual abuse, degradation of plus size POV character, drugging/lust potions
Notes: Hello everyone who's read so far! Thank you for keeping up with this every week. I'd much appreciate your thoughts! You can send an ask or even a message if you wanna talk about this. I'm writing this story because it's the exact kind of thing I'd want to read, so I'm always happy to gush and fangirl about it 😅 Much love 💕
Chapter Twenty-Five:
I spend the next 24 hours trying to convince myself that I was crazy.
Crazy enough to have imagined that whole conversation between myself and Thomus. He actually admitted to being possessive of me? Yeah, sure, the hints weren’t exactly subtle, but I just can’t figure out why. Still.
And I don’t think that I could ever admit this to him, but I’m definitely grateful for the new vinyl. Listening to the Dean Martin record makes me feel like I’m in the movie Return to Me. His voice is so sickly romantic that I can almost forget all the goddamn trauma I’ve been through the last couple of months – no, the last couple of years.
The dress I pick out is an emerald green double slit dress. The slits go up so high I have to find a matching pair of high waisted undies so if they did show, it’d look like part of the dress. The sleeves are roomy and sheer. The dress is borderline a size too big, but I’m okay with it. There’s just enough give in the places I need. Even though I’m wearing those platform sandals again, the hem of the dress still manages to find its way under my foot as I walk around my room, looking for the gold collar.
Thomus is waiting for me on the couch by the time I descend to the living room, lifting the skirt enough so I don’t trip. “Hey, do you remember what I did with that necklace?” I ask him.
He doesn’t look at me as he stands. His hand digs into his pocket before he pulls out the necklace. He sees the hand I hold out for it and pauses with his fingers on the clasp. His eyes jump to my face before dropping lower. They trail over my shoulders, the cleavage the deep neckline provides, and down further, staring.
“You alright there, Mr. Possessive?” I tease, raising an eyebrow.
His eyes snap back to my face and he scowls. “Don’t call me that. Turn around.”
I stifle a grin, turning and pulling my hair to the side. “Sure thing, Thomus.”
Damn, I sure was being brave after avoiding him for two weeks. The smile teasing my mouth dies when I feel his warm fingers and the cool metal touch my skin. He’s standing so close I’m sure that when I turn around, it’ll be too close. I try to keep my breathing even.
The moment his hands leave my skin, the choker tightens around my neck. It’s something I’m used to at this point. When I turn, I expect his eyes on me, but instead they’re focused on another golden chain he’s holding. Before I can realize what he’s doing, Thomus reaches up for the necklace and fiddles with the middle of it. I listen to the sound of metal attaching to metal and when he pulls his hand away, that additional chain is dangling down my chest. The other end of it is twisted around his fingers.
My widening eyes jump to his face. I gasp as he grasps where the chain and the collar meet at my neck. His grip is tight and when he pulls me towards him, I’m helpless to resist. My hands brace themselves against his forearms. He bends his head, bringing his face only a breath away from mine. His blue eyes are dark and his eyebrows are knitted together, bitter mouth curling.
“I want to make a few things clear,” he says, his voice low and threatening. My chest tightens, heaving against his. “If you ever pull another reckless stunt like that again, putting myself and my family in jeopardy, there will be consequences far more severe than taking an unpleasant walk down memory lane.” His eyes roam from mine to my mouth, taking his time on the way back. I feel when his chest expands with a deep breath. “Your shocking lack of propriety was an embarrassment and it will not be tolerated. From now on, I expect you to be obedient and submissive.” He tugs once on the decorative-turned-literal collar. “Do you understand me?”
Blood rushes to my face as I let his words soak in my mind. Had this been a few weeks ago, I’d have fought something like this tooth and nail. But… I did this. This is a natural consequence to my abuse of the “freedom” I’d sparingly been given. I only made things worse for myself. I close my eyes and turn my face down, swallowing around the dryness in my mouth as I nod.
He tugs on the collar again and states flatly, “I don't think I heard you. Do I need to repeat myself?”
“I understand.” I can’t bear to make my voice louder than a whisper.
“Good,” he says, stepping back, releasing the collar but still holding the leash. “Things should be… simpler tonight. We’re going to a dinner and then leaving.”
“Does that have something to do with what Draco wanted me for?” I ask, swallowing down my self-hatred for the moment and finally looking back up at him.
“Partly,” he says. He turns for the door and I follow as far as the leash will allow, which is only about four feet. I bunch as much of the dress’s skirt in my hands as we head for the gate. Somehow I still manage to tread on the fabric at least once.
“Why does Pansy have more of a choice than I do?” I ask. Thomus stops and turns so suddenly that I almost walk into him.
His eyes are narrow. “How long were you eavesdropping?”
“Long enough.” I wait for him to answer my first question but he doesn’t. He pushes my dress sleeve back to reveal the tattoo and soon enough we’re popping into the familiar Apparition point in Edinburgh.
“Who’s Pansy to Draco?” I ask as we begin to make our ascent.
He scans our surroundings, I’m assuming to making sure we’re alone before answering. “They dated while in school.”
“She’s his ex?” I ask, surprise turning my volume up. “Can you imagine being in the body of your ex-boyfriend’s new love interest? God, I’m cringing at the thought.”
Thomus gives a tight yank on my collar and I stumble forward. “Shut up,” he orders sharply. His pace picks up and I begin to stumble more. The dress really is just too long.
After repeatedly having to stop and pause for me to right myself, Thomus stops us. He leads me off the dimly lit path by the wrist. Before I know what’s happening, he’s waving his wand in front of me and my breath leaves me as I feel the fabric shrink over my skin. Instead of being comfortably loose it’s now too tight; the sleeves are no longer roomy and the skirt is shorter. The torso of the dress now clings to my curves and rolls. If the fit had been this snug initially, I would have immediately picked something else.
“Oh, no no no no no,” I say, panic clear in my voice. “Change it back!”
He ignores me and pulls me back onto the path by the chain. As we walk, I feel every dip of the fabric now showing off parts of me that I normally try so desperately to hide. Attention’s already going to be on me because of the last time I was here and now this stupid fucking collar. I don’t need to embarrass myself further by showing off things that really should be kept hidden.
I grab my him by the elbow, digging my heels into the dirt. “Please change it back.”
“And have you trip all the way up to the castle?” he sneers. “You look just fine.”
My fingers dig into his arm. “I’m too exposed now!” I whisper loudly, my face is hot with embarrassment and panic.
The lamp post on the path emits enough light to show his incredulous expression. “Since when have you been insecure about your body?”
“Since always!” I hiss, my eyes pleading with him. “I’m always comparing what I look like to everyone else. People are going to see me in this too-tight dress and laugh.”
“What is there to laugh about?” he asks, his eyes focused below my face. “You look –“
“Like a big fat erumpant in a dress!” I exclaim. “My tits are gonna fall out and I don’t even wanna think about how noticeable my fupa is righ –“
His attention snaps back to my face. “Your what?”
“My stomach!” I step back, waving my hand in reference to it.
He rolls his eyes and a contemptuous laugh slides out of his mouth. “I’m plenty aware of that part of you, I assure you.”
I can't stop the blush that blooms across my face and I bristle. I open my mouth to speak but a familiar voice comes up the path behind us. 
"Everything alright, uncle?" Draco's bright blond head appears out of the darkness. My eyes widen when I see who appears behind him up the narrow path. Whether instinctively or not, Thomus's arm snakes around my waist, his hand resting on my pronounced hip as we turn to his nephew and the girl now on his arm.
Hermione is an absolute vision. Her curls are perfectly shaped, each coil glossy and shining as they cascade around her shoulders. The makeup looks like it had been painted onto her face by a professional. Smokey eyes and bright red lipstick to match the polish on her nails. The black slip she wears hugs every single curve.
"We're fine," Thomus says, "Just dealing with a little wardrobe malfunction."
I’m almost convinced it’s actually Hermione until I see her expression. A perfectly arched brow as her gaze drops to assess my appearance, a smug smile tugging at her mouth. It’s a look I’ve gotten all my life from girls who assessed my worth based solely on what I look like. It quickly told me that no matter how nice or sincere I was in my attempt to make friends, they’d never want to be my friend. And yeah, I know I’m judging them just as much as they’re judging me, but my judgement isn’t based on appearances, it’s on how they treat me. Girls who give me that look treat me like dogshit.
The Hermione I know isn’t like that at all, and so this must be Pansy. I had limited interactions with her in the holding cell. She mostly kept to her corner.
“Shall we continue on, then?” Draco says.
Thomus moves us out of their way. “After you.”
We follow them the rest of the way up the hill to the castle. To my chagrin, I don’t trip anymore.
“Thomus,” I whisper his name once, my tone pleading.
��Enough!” he hisses back over his shoulder, and I’m given no choice but to drop the subject.
In the castle, it practically doesn’t matter that Thomus is leading me by a golden leash. The end of the chain fisted in his hand is the arm I have my hands wrapped around, keeping him close to me. We follow Draco’s blond head through the crowd towards the back door I’d seen him disappear into before.
We almost make it until someone claps Thomus on the back, shoving themselves right into our path. “Thomus!”
To my utter horror, it’s Avery. I keep my face turned and hidden behind Thomus’s shoulder as he greets him.
“We haven’t seen you since that unfortunate incident with my Lot in The Lounge,” Avery says. You’d think he’s asking about last week’s Quidditch game, based on his casual tone. “I assume your busy schedule has kept you away.”
“It has,” Thomus says, his voice every bit the polite gentleman he was raised to be. I keep my eyes on the floor, avoiding eye contact with anyone who might look my way. “If you’ll excuse us, we’re –“
“I’d been meaning to ask why you left in such a hurry the other week,” Avery cuts in, his tone also polite. “I was hoping you’d take the opportunity to give us a demonstration on discipline.”
My heart lurches in my chest and I have to remind myself to breathe, even if they were shallow.
“Discipline?” comes Thomus’s voice. “I’m not quite sure what you mean.”
Avery’s chuckle sounds a bit bewildered. “You don’t mean to tell me you’ve forgotten the part your own Lot played during that incident?”
“Of course not,” Thomus responds sharply. “I simply prefer to administer discipline in private, you understand.”
“Of course, of course…” Avery trails. I jump when two fingers run themselves down my arm. Turning my face out from behind Thomus’s shoulder, my eyes land on Avery, and I find his dark gaze lingering on me. “I’m merely interested in your methods. As you may have noticed, public humiliation is a favorite of mine.”
“Yes, it was rather difficult to look away from such a display,” Thomus agrees. “But I prefer something a little more intimate.” His voice had dropped a little at the end of his words and I look up to find his eyes on me as well. He smirks and turns back to Avery. “As I’m sure you can imagine.”
“Admittedly, I have a terrible imagination,” Avery says, looking at me as he speaks. “I’d love to hear details. Or, perhaps even a private lesson?” His sinister tone indicates his desire has nothing to do with attraction, but to see women brutalized. He looks back to Thomus, holding both his hands up, a playful smile on his face. “No touching, I promise. I wouldn’t want to interfere with your procedure. I merely just want to watch.”
I feel Thomus’s chest expand before he lets out a single breathy laugh. “I’m afraid you might be out of luck. I prefer to dish out punishments when they’re deserved. Our… session was quite thorough. I doubt Alder will need teaching again. At least for a while.”
Avery lets out a long, disappointed sigh. “Ah, what a shame. She reminds me of a girl I knew in my youth, you know.” He conjures a cigar and lights it with his wand. “More than a little plump with a whole lot of spirit.” He takes a couple puffs, letting the smoke cloud in front of us. I resist the urge to cough. “A majority of my teen years was spent breaking her, in more ways than one. I – Jugson! What’re you doing with that?”
While Avery’s attention was drawn elsewhere, we make our escape and continue on our intended path towards the back of the room. There’s a winding staircase and I’m forced to let Thomus get a view of my butt while making our ascent.
“About time,” says a boy at the top of the stairs, in front of a doorway. He pulls out his wand when we reach him. Thomus holds out his left hand, which bore an emerald ring on his pinky. The boy taps the end of his wand to the stone and the tip turns green. Then he turns to me, tapping his wand on my collar, and it emits a golden glow. I guess we pass whatever security check that is, and he steps aside to let us through.
“I thought you got lost, uncle,” says Draco from his seat at the far end of a long dinner table. Boys about Draco’s age sit in the rest of the spots, with girls dressed similarly to Hermione/Pansy standing behind their chairs against the wall.
“Got held up,” Thomus says, taking the only empty seat on Draco’s left. “How’s everyone this evening?”
“Much better now that you’re here!” replies Marcus Flint from the opposite end of the table. He flashes a wide grin, his head cocks as he eyes the chain leading from my neck to Thomus’s hand. “And what have we here?”
Thomus makes a show of putting the loop at the end of the chain onto a knob on the back of his chair. “Just taking the dog for a walk,” he says, a smile tugs his lips. The boys around the table laugh, but it’s not a punch to the gut as much as the fact that Thomus is the one who just said that. He doesn’t meet my eyes as he sits down.
Flint snaps his fingers, drawing my attention to him. He looks from me to the table. A quick look around the room tells me the girls are holding wine decanters similar to the one in front of Thomus. I reach around it to grab it and notice everyone else’s goblets are full, but Thomus’s isn’t. I fill his up before stepping back, decanter in hand.
“At least she’s smarter than she looks,” Flint chuckles. “Even if she does have a problem with impulse control.”
The boys snicker and before Flint can say anymore, Draco takes his goblet and lifts it.
“To the Dark Lord’s power. May he reign forevermore.”
Everyone follows suit and repeats the toast. Conversation around the table picks up, turning boisterous and simple. I can only assume everyone here was at Hogwarts together. The only other faces I recognize are Goyle and… and Montague. He sits to Flints left, the opposite position from where Thomus sits, his demeanor quiet. This is the first time I’ve seen him since… that. His face rattles the box in my mind, but otherwise I’m not feeling a particular rush of emotion. Good to know boxing up my memories about it was worth it.
My eyes wander to the girls around the room. There are only a few faces I know from the holding cell. Clearwater, Bones, and Mortensen.
A boy stands to begin carving a large roasted turkey in the middle of the table. Each girl takes turns approaching him to take a plate to their… escorts. When it’s my turn, Thomus makes a show of placing the end of the leash in my own hand before allowing me to walk around the table. I hear some of the boys talk as I wait for the plate, their gazes turned up to me. I try to keep my face blank and my eyes unfocused.
“She kind of reminds me of what we had for dinner last week –“
“You know, I think you’re right –“
“But she’s missing something isn’t she?”
One of them pulls out their wand and twirls it in my direction. I gasp as an apple is conjured into my mouth, my teeth sinking into it. They erupt in cruel laughter. I take the plate full of turkey the boy offers with one hand and pull the apple out of my mouth with the other, quickly chewing on the forced bite. Anger blooming through my chest, I slowly turn to the snickering boy with his wand still in his hand, and spit into his face.
“You fucking cunt -” The boy shoots to his feet, his wand pointed at me, as he wipes bits of chewed apple and saliva off of his face. Conversation pauses, tension hanging in the air as he glares at me.
“Alder!” Thomus bellows and our angry expressions meet from across the table. He snaps his fingers and I immediately return to him, placing the plate in front of him, the red apple rolling around on it. Just as I go to straighten, Thomus’s hand shoots out to tightly grip my jaw and turn my face to his. I avoid his eyes. “What did I tell you?” he hisses, then closer to my ear. “Do I need to take Avery up on his offer?”
My chest tightens and I quickly shake my head. I pull out of his grasp and put the metal loop back onto the knob on his chair, standing behind him.
“My apologies Bole,” Thomus says. He pulls out his wand and the mess on Bole’s face disappears.
“She ought to give up some head for that, Malfoy,” Bole says, sitting back down into his seat, glowering. “For free.”
Before Thomus can say anything, Draco snickers. “Get over it, Bole. You definitely deserved that one.”
I let out a deep exhale through my nose in relief as Bole huffs and conversation returns. A dark skinned boy to Draco’s right engages Thomus in conversation about Quidditch during his time at Hogwarts. I pick up that his name is Blaise.
I try to keep tabs on conversation as the meal goes on. Most of what I can hear is about Quidditch or they’re gossiping about people I don’t know. Several of the boys were already deep into their decanters, their Lots, Carrow or otherwise, made sure to keep their glasses full.
Eventually the boys start pulling the girls into their laps as they finished their main dish. The girls laugh with the boys, tolerating and some even enjoying their attention. The boys are so drunk and tipsy that they don’t mind when the girls begin to take food off of their plates and sip from their goblets. Even Pansy has taken a seat on Draco’s lap not without comments on how much more comfortable they seem tonight, compared to last week.
I’m the only one still standing. Thomus has not turned around or given any indication that he wants me in his lap like the other Lots. I’m not sure how comfortable I’d be there anyway.
“Are you excited about our festivities this evening, Thomus?” Marcus Flint calls over. He has his head cocked, a stupid little smirk on his face. “I hear you’ve finally decided to see what it’s like.”
My chest tightens again and I keep my eyes on the back of his head, anxiously waiting for his answer. They have to be talking about Flint’s potion.
“Indeed,” Thomus responds, his fingers drift up and down on his wine goblet. “Though I will admit I’m still reluctant to believe what they claim.”
Someone snickers, choking in an effort to swallow. His lot pats him on the back. “How can you not believe? You haven’t seen it with your own eyes how they go absolutely wild?”
“I’m afraid I haven’t,” Thomus says, his voice cool. “And I don’t doubt it performs splendidly. Allow me to rephrase, I’m reluctant to believe it’s better than the real thing.”
“The real thing?” Flint snorts. “They’re not fabricated.”
Thomus tilts his head. “So you’re telling me that Clearwater would react the same to your advances without the potion?”
Penelope’s face turns scarlet and Flint’s expression flashes into a bitter sneer. “Do you prefer your conquest unwilling, Thomus? There are several among our flock that would agree with you.”
Montague shifts uncomfortably in his seat. No surprise there.
Thomus sighs heavily. “No, it’s not that at all. I simply believe it superfluous for my Lot. A good snog gets her all riled up.”  
Flint plasters a tight smile to his face. “We shall see what you think after tonight.”
Thomus lifts his goblet in his direction, nodding before taking a sip. Their conversation ends, while Draco, Thomus and Blaise begin a conversation on which potions professor was better: Slughorn or Snape. As they debate, my ears pick up on conversation from the boys to Thomus’s left.
“I bet you she’s so willing because no one ever bothered to snog her before.”
“I got some mates who only go after homely girls like her. They’re an easy shag. Practically let you do anything to ‘em.”
“Milly Bulstrode’s the same way. Remember that party during sixth year?”
“She got shared by Ravenclaw’s beaters in the library by the end of the night. Had both of them at the same time - one for both ends, you see.”
“That’s foul. Why would you put something like that in my head?”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see one of them nod to me and then they’re both looking at me over their shoulders. I grit my teeth to keep my face expressionless, pretending like I hadn’t just been listening to their conversation. “How you reckon he shags her without a potion himself?”
“Maybe he can’t find it under all that and just stuffs his cock wherever it’ll fit.”
“He’s not even let her on his lap. I bet she –“
“Warrington,” Montague says from across the table and the boys talking about me turn into a different conversation.
Without their eyes on me, I briefly close my own, fighting back the tears threatening to fall. My lips press tight together to keep from trembling. I fucking hate it here.
I’m so wrapped up in my self-deprecating thoughts that I don’t notice when Thomus takes the end of the lash off the chair. He pushes back his chair, angling it do he can still see the length of the table. He pulls on the leash, his left arm reaching for my hip, and I take the nonverbal cue to go to him. After putting the decanter on the table, I brace my right arm on the back of the chair and gingerly lower myself into his lap, making sure not to put too much of my weight onto his thighs. I face the table, one leg and thigh fully on him, the other partial, bracing the rest of my weight on my own foot. Feeling steady, I release the chair and drape my arm across the back of his shoulders.
 Being this close to him is giving me monkey brain. His scent is wafting up my nose, more powerful than the smell of their meal in the room. I’m hyperaware that my thighs are completely exposed up to my hip. I try to distract myself by counting the dark curls pushed back away from his face. My fingers itch to touch them.
“It boils down to preference in teaching styles –“
“You only liked Snape because he played favoritism –“
“No, he did not –“
“Is that all your weight?” Thomus asks, his eyes suddenly meeting mine as he glances at my way. I have a hard time deciphering his tone, unable to tell if he’s mocking me or being genuine. I lie and nod my head. He finishes the rest of his drink and runs his hand down my thigh that still has my foot braced on the floor. He must be able to feel the tension there because he sighs heavily.
“Liar,” he says before directly placing his hand on the side of my left leg, directly where my thigh and knee meet. He pulls, sliding me further up his legs, flush against his torso. I lose the load baring stance I had, my weight now fully on his lap. His arm is tightly wrapped around my waist and he casually pours himself more wine, as if this didn’t bother him at all.
I look down, needing to remind myself to breathe, and I take in how tight the dress is stretched over my stomach, everything far more pronounced now that I’m sitting. Even my cleavage looks ready to burst. Thomus had let the leash fall limply into my lap and the chain is nestled right in the crevice.
I clench the end of the chain tightly in my fist and my eyes drift to Draco and the girl in his lap. Hermione is so beautiful – Pansy’s confidence in her body only makes her more so. I wonder if Bellatrix was beautiful like that once. If that’s what lured Thomus in. At the thought my chest rises with a shuddering breath and I just want to die. I turn my face towards the window, trying to blink away tears and hopelessness.
“Have you eaten anything today?” he asks softly, his mouth still too close to my ear. I avoid his eyes, still blinking rapidly, as I shake my head.
He reaches out to his plate, retrieving a single green grape. I don’t realize what he’s doing until the grape grazes my lip and I jerk my head away slightly. I give him a tight-lipped polite smile and take the fruit from his fingers, then pop it into my own. My eyes flicker up to the table, spotting the exact moment a Carrow girl brings a grape to her lips. Her eyes linger on me briefly before she turns her attention back to the boy who’s lap she’s in.
Not alone.
When I don’t immediately grab another grape, Thomus brings one to my lips again. I give him another polite smile and push his hand down before taking the grape. He doesn’t need to encourage me to eat anymore as I slowly finish the grapes off of his plate.
“Alright, gentlemen,” Flint announces. Penelope slides off his lap and goes to a small table in the corner of the room. “I think we’ve been patient enough, don’t you think?”
A round of a agreements come from the boys and Penelope starts passing out shot glasses with a green potion in it. My heart pounds in my ears as my face gets hot. I focus on taking deep, even breaths to stave off the panic from my face. Penelope places on in front of us and unlike the rest of the Lots, I don’t immediately touch it grab it.
I look to Draco and Pansy, the whole reason she’s even here, is because of this. She knew what she was getting herself into. They’d prepared with an antidote. The boys’ eager, hungry eyes are on the fake Hermione as she takes the glass in her hands. It’s not going to be difficult, because Draco and Pansy dated, so I’m assuming being intimate with each other isn’t something they’re unfamiliar with.
But what is Thomus planning? Is he really going to make me take it? Draco had said I’d take the antidote beforehand, and that’s definitely not something I’d done before coming tonight. Am I going to lose my virginity in front of all these people?
Maybe the potion will strip away my inhibitions and anxiety about the whole thing. Maybe taking the potion for my first time will be a good thing. Maybe it’ll give me the confidence I’ve sorely been lacking tonight.
I watch - partly shocked, partly resigned - as Thomus plucks a hair off of his head and drops it into the potion. I can’t read his face, his mask is on. The rest of the boys do the same. I reach out for the glass, watching the liquid tremble as I bring it close to my mouth.
“Ready ladies?” Flint asks. The girls raise their glasses and silently toast each other before shooting down the potion. It still rests in my hand.
Thomus brings his lips to my ear. “Don’t worry,” he whispers, his breath hot. His hand not on my waist strokes my thigh. “Everything’s going to be alright.” Whether for show or genuine encouragement, I don’t know, he kisses my jaw.
He pulls back and when our eyes meet I take a another deep breath and bring the lust potion to my lips.
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my smart girl (remus lupin x reader)
blurb:  y/n is stressed and discouraged from a test. remus hates to see her cry, and hates even more how hard she is on herself. abundance of remus cuddles cause thats what i mf need. tw: tiny bit of anxiety + low self-esteem? FLUFF
a/n: decided to write a little remus blurb for comfort, cause i sure could use some rn:) this is in hogwarts, outside of the charmed!universe. if your house is not gryffindor, just pretend y/n has access to the gryffindor common room cause remus tells her all the passwords.
y/n gloomily trekked across the gryffindor common room, dragging her feet. finding her favourite squashy couch by the fireplace, she slumped onto it. dragging a throw onto her body, she covered herself and laid down. she squeezed her eyes shut, and let out a choked sob, tears that were brimming for the past hour spilling down her cheeks.
school was just so, extremely hard. 6th year of hogwarts was absolutely no joke and today was just one of those days where y/n knew she was bound to cry from. 4 classes almost back-to-back, with an evaluation in each of them. she had gone through her first one of the day okay, charms. she had a little doubt on one question, but figured it out in the end. second period was tough. a theoretical care of magical creatures quiz. even though it was all multiple choice, the questions were tricky. 
her mind hyper-fixated on a specific single question that she was sure she got wrong. there were terms the professor had only mentioned once, in passing during class, and she couldn’t remember ever seeing them in her textbook readings.
shuddering, head spiraling into the potential failing grades she may be receiving, she squeezed herself under the blanket. her eyes were shut, but she was too distressed to fall asleep.
from the portrait hole, clambered 3 tall boys, one louder than the next. remus walked inside the common room, carrying a bundle of books in his arm. 
“shh!” he hushed at james and sirius who walked in behind him. “y/n is napping,” he said as he spotted his girlfriend hidden underneath covers on a couch.
“sure, remus cares about noise now-“ sirius whispered.
“right, but when he and y/n are going at it in the common room at bloody 3 in the morning-“ james finished, earning himself a glaring look from the werewolf.
sirius and james settled themselves at a table, discarding their books to the side. james pulled out a diagram of a quidditch play as sirius opened the marauder’s map.
remus approached y/n, and kneeled down to plant a kiss on her forehead, which was the only part of her that was exposed from underneath the blanket. y/n groaned softly, squirming slightly. remus smiled gently at her, his lips curling upward, but quickly frowned when he noticed the couch had small wet stains underneath her face, from her tears.
“y/n love, is everything okay?” he inquired.
y/n opened her eyes to meet remus’ staring back at her in concern. more tears fell from her eyes as she pouted, shaking her head ‘no’.
“oh, puppy-“ remus cooed, dropping his books to the side. “oh baby, c’mere.” he got up from his squat and lifted the blanket to slide underneath it too.
y/n sat up and once remus sat down with his arms open to her, she sank into him comfortably. remus lifted her legs onto his lap and pulled her into his chest.
“is it your quizzes, hmm? know you got 4 of them today.” he hummed, burying his face into her hair. he felt her head nod and continued. “you finished two right, tell me what went wrong darling for you to be crying like this.”
y/n sighed, staring off into the fireplace.
“well i had charms first. that was okay, there was one question i had to double check with my notes after.”
“the one about which wand wood is best for non-verbal magic?” remus asked, remembering his own studying.
“yeah, i put willow at first but then switched my answer to alder last minute.”
“i think that’s right, good job button.” remus beamed, planting another kiss to y/n’s forehead.
y/n shook her head, grimacing.
“yeah but, then i had care of magical creatures and it went so bad. god, like i had absolutely no clue for this one question, like i didn’t know what to write at all, how fucking stupid-“
“hey, hey no, don’t start saying things like that.” remus said, lightly shaking the arm he had tightly wrapped around her. “it’s just one question love, how were the rest of them?”
“i don’t even know… i’m not sure about most of my answers. i think i got at least a small few right.”
“well, there we go! even though let’s say you only got 3 right, that’s still 3 right answers you came up with right?”
y/n turned to look at her boyfriend’s warm gaze.
“it’s not enough, i should’ve gotten them all.”
“hey, you’re going to stop that eh? or else, moony will get mad.”
y/n giggled a bit, nosing at remus’ soft skin on his neck.
“there she is.” his lips shaped into a smile. “my girl is so smart, and she’s going to do such big things, she can’t let the small things get to her, hmm?” he said, kissing her on the cheek, then on her temple, her forehead, then back on her cheek, the sheer volume of kisses she was receiving causing y/n to giggle again.
“who’s my girl, you’re my smart girl right?” remus pulled her even closer to him, their noses centimeters from each other’s.
y/n nodded, grinning into her boyfriend’s brown eyes.
“say it.” remus said, rubbing her thigh with his wide palm.
“i’m your girl.” y/n feebly gushed, burying her face into his neck.
“and you’re my smart and capable girl.” remus nodded.
“but, i can’t- i can’t even have proper lunch today because i haven’t even had time to review for history of magic after.”
“okay.. that’s three, what’s after history?”
“are you ready for that?”
“then you can bring your history of magic book to the lunch table or i can go get you a plate if you want to study here.” remus murmured softly.
“mhmm, okay. thank you, baby.” y/n exhaled, nodding against the soft material of remus’ sweater.
“it’s nothing, yeah?” remus peered down at her, relieved she was no longer in panic.
“i like your sweater.” y/n hummed, caressing her hand over remus’ chest and abdomen. under his wizards robes, remus liked to wear an array of soft, bookish sweaters, vests or cardigans.
remus leaned his head back on y/n’s, which was resting on his shoulder.
“thank you sweetheart.” 
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luckyfluf · 2 years
“i won't scream” | A C3 AU Short Story
Authors Note: I was in a very witchy mood today, so I decided to write a story to calm that urge. Scratch that itch. Douse that flame. (Heh-) In this AU, Imogen was seen as a witch in her town. She was sentenced to a trial… Will she survive? Read to find out! (This story is partially inspired by the song "Burn The Witch" by Shawn James. Highly suggest you check it out.)
Smoke. That was the first thing that drew her attention. Smoke and burning wood. Was it birch? Alder? Spruce? She didn't know… And honestly, she didn't care.
Smoke. She glared through the smoke at the crowd. There were people around her, she realized. Screaming people. Angry people. People who wanted her dead.
She glared through the smoke at her father.
The one who had started all of this.
“Imogen Temult,” her father spoke in that… grand voice of his. Too grand for someone of his status. “You are charged under the felony of witchcraft… How do you plead?”
Imogen knew what she was supposed to say. She knew what the people wanted to hear. But like hell she was going to give it to them. “Innocent,” she spat. “I am innocent and all of you know it!”
Her father, ever so withered in appearance, scoffed. The torch in his hands flickered and crackled. “Ever the fighter… It'll do you no good.”
“I never thought you'd do this to your own daughter…” Her tone was like ice, despite the flame nearly licking her cheek as he leaned in close.
“I never thought my daughter'd turn out to be a witch.” he spat.
He was the one who threw the first torch.
The kindling caught aflame instantly. It burned slow… smoke started to plume upward, and she tensed. She shut her eyes, feeling the urge to struggle. Through the stress… Her mind opened up.
She heard the townspeople's thoughts.
“To the Hells with her!”
“At last, the Temult family will be at peace!”
“Can't even look her own father in the eyes-”
"Burn her!"
"Burn the witch!"
The voices merged together, becoming a cacophony almost as loud as the flames that roared beneath her. It was a deafening chant of the mind…
And then she could hear it from their throats, coarse and rough, like the kindling that was burning away…
“Burn the witch! Burn the witch!”
Imogen kept her eyes shut, but they were beginning to sting. Each breath she took seemed to choke her. She started to cough. Her wrists had been shackled with iron. They had wanted her wrists to blister as she burned. Her father's idea…
She opened her eyes now, though it stung to see. She spotted him, just as stoic as before. To business. This was just an everyday thing for him…
The trial of his daughter.
The trial of a witch.
If she didn't already hate him, she probably would've broken down in tears. But, the thing he didn't know. She was her father's daughter; Stubborn and unmoving like the stake that held her. She would glare death at him. If she had been a witch, she probably would've summoned a curse to spite him, one that would sicken his blood until his heart would turn as black as it should be.
But Imogen Temult was not a witch.
Imogen Temult had never been a witch.
Imogen tore her gaze away. If she was going down in flames, she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing the pain in her eyes. Instead, she looked at the sky. Moments ago, it had been clear. Now it was blackened with smog.
No… That… That wasn't smog. Those were…
She focused, closing her eyes to see if she could hear something. She did. It sounded like an uneven heartbeat, thrumming at random intervals.
And where there was thunder, there was-
She felt her spark. Tiny volts of electricity, violet in color, zipped across her fingertips. It danced over her shackles, conducting easily. Her father had been a fool to choose iron…
When she opened her eyes, they glowed a light purple. She heard gasps of shock, saw the crowd take a few steps back. Saw her father raise a hand…
“She is shackled, she can't hurt anyone-”
As the flames licked at her ankles, her bonds broke. Brilliant violet energy released from her palm, shooting straight for her father.
The bastard had the forethought to dodge the attack.
Imogen tried again. The crowd at this point was in a panic, screaming, “The witch! She's free!”
Oh yes… She was free. But she didn't want anything to do with them. She looked onward at her panicking spectators. “I'm not the witch you perceive me as,” she said, her voice echoing against the distant storm. “I am but a townsperson, just like all of you. It is you who have accused me of heinous acts I've yet to commit!” She looked at the sky. It was red like blood… She could play this up. “Look at the sky above you, and witness the blood that stains it! The clouds show what you would have done by believing this foul lie!”
“It is you who are the liar!” Her father growled. “You should've listened! I told you to keep it hidden!”
Imogen looked at her father. If she could, she would've set him ablaze. “Let me leave here and there shall be no more blood to stain the sky.”
The square was silent. Distant thunder rumbled.
Imogen glared at her father. She meant it. She couldn't be more sincere in her words if she wanted to.
Her father didn't budge. “If your mother could see you now-”
“If my mother could see me now, this would've never happened!” Imogen snapped. “Let me go, Pop… Please.”
They seemed to be stuck that way for a spell. Each glaring into the others eyes. Eventually her dad tore his gaze off of hers. “Go,” he said, hoarsely. “Go, and never even think to come back here…”
Imogen would accept that. She faced the crowd. The townsfolk started to part, seeming to shrink away from her. She didn't look them in the eyes. She could already sense the tale they were crafting as she looked up at the scarlet sky.
Imogen Temult
"The witch that washed the sky red with blood..."
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crystalelemental · 3 years
Man, Leon getting alts really is paired with tremendous salt, isn’t it?  I don’t think I’ve seen the Pokemon Master reddit this abuzz with irritation...ever.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the guy’s biggest fan either, but he’s not bad.
But, that’s not why I’m writing.  I’m writing because naturally, this Leon salt gets translated to arguments about the best Champion, and boy oh boy, do I have opinions.  I literally always do.  So today, my focus is going to be on ranking all nine champions: Blue, Lance, Steven, Cynthia, Alder, Iris, Diantha, Kukui, and Leon.  Please note that Hau is not included, because technically the player is the first Champion of Alola in USUM, and he is the challenger to your title, making him not a Champion at any point, and also I didn’t feel like spending his entire entry dunking on him and USUM’s terrible character decisions.  This is based on my personal preference for each, but I’m of course talking at length about what I like or dislike about each.
“What about Wallace?”  I literally forgot about Wallace.  I’m writing this now as I’m basically ending the post and realizing oh fuck, Wallace was a champion in Emerald.  I haven’t played Emerald in ages, and actually...cannot remember what Wallace’s deal is.  So in the interest of giving him an approximate placement without being able to seriously talk about him...maybe in the same tier as the bottom 3?  That seems fair for now.
9) Lance Come at me.
For a lot of this list, I’ll likely be talking about what kind of person makes a good champion, and what aspects make them more or less interesting based on this concept of “The strongest trainer.”  And in a lot of cases, it’s a matter of dedication, training, or just pure talent.  For Lance, he’s the champion because dragon Pokemon are the biggest.  They’re the biggest strongest type, so he is the biggest strongest trainer.  It lacks anything truly interesting.  Not to mention, until his rematch fights in the remakes, Lance isn’t a Dragon trainer.  He’s a Flying trainer.  All his Pokemon are flying, but only half are dragon.
In Lance’s credit, I do like the little sequence with the Lake of Rage hideout, showing that Lance is willing to get intense in his approach to getting things done, and that he took time to beat Silver and offer some kind of guidance that stuck with the kid and started his turn-around.  But...it happens off-screen.  We don’t really see much of Lance’s interactions, we just hear about it off-screen.  He just...doesn’t do much.  And never felt like much of a threat in battle.  I don’t like the guy all that much.
8) Diantha And not doing much better is Diantha.  I admit, Masters is making me like her a lot more, but as a character, not a champion.  Diantha as champion is...an odd choice to me.  She shows up exactly once, and doesn’t really do anything from then on.  She just...is.  She outranks Lance solely for having a scene that establishes a character.  Her meeting with Lysandre early on, where she expresses that she not only isn’t bothered by change but actively seeks it to expand the roles she can play, is kinda nice.  It sets up the idea of an interesting character who, sadly, never comes back ever.  Like, you established a theater lady who likes playing roles, and then made an under-cover mission against Team Flare led by Dexio and Sina, man’s greatest sin aside from the Ultra Recon Squad.  The complete disregard for her potential is...staggering, frankly.
While I do like that she’s the type to have an interest outside of just battling, her career as an actress never really comes up.  This makes it...really hard to feel like she has anything substantial outside of her battling career, unlike others who get more screen time and are shown to have those outside interests.  Shame we didn’t get PokeStar Studios back.
7) Leon If it helps, we’re past the champions I dislike.
Yes, this shouldn’t be surprising, given my track record of “Gen 8 was bad.”  I stand by that Leon isn’t that interesting either.  The bulk of his character exists as “He’s the unbeatable champion!” and that’s...not really compelling.  It’s very similar to Lance, in that he’s just kinda...the best by default.  But unlike Lance, no one can shut up about it.  Which...sets the stage for something really interesting, actually.  Gen 8 had a lot of emphasis on a sort of “passing the torch,” having the older generations stepping down for the younger generation to rise up.  And Leon’s part of that, passing on the torch to the new champion in the protagonist.  But Leon...isn’t that old.  He’s like...young 20s, at oldest.  And he started his champion career around your age.  He’s someone who, from a very young age, had this incredible talent that got him elevated to this idolized status.  He’s not just the current champ, he’s the unbeatable champ, and this is something everyone not only acknowledges but enforces.  Having that kind of expectation placed on someone so young, it makes sense that the logical route Masters took with its winter event was that Leon is so engrossed in his work he neglects his connections.  That would happen when the entire region is insisting constantly that you’re their idol, and your sense of self-worth is tied to being that unbeatable champion.  But maintaining that places the kind of pressure that sucks the fun out of what used to be an enjoyable activity.  And that in mind, it creates some great concepts from his character acting in battle.  When you beat Leon, there’s an immediate sense of sorrow.  He lost.  His title as the undefeated champion, and all the sense of self-worth that was built into that, crumbled in that moment.  But almost immediately after, he’s thrilled for you, and calls it the greatest battle of his life, and goes on to continue battling and loving it.  Leon is someone who really is just in it for the fun of the sport, and only seems to push himself as champion due to expectation and what his sense of self was built by others to be.  There’s something really compelling in all that.
It’s just a shame they never really...do anything with it.  Like it’s never explored or discussed.  The idea that Leon overworks himself trying to be the champion he’s expected to be is never brought up in-game, and only explored in a single side event in a mobile gacha game.  And even that misses the mark by having him acknowledge that this may be true, but he’s aware and has a plan around it, and it’s just...continue doing what he’s doing but better though.  Which is stupid.  I don’t know why, but they seem to almost avoid giving him any flaws or complications beyond a very boring “is cartoonishly bad at directions,” and over-emphasize that he’s just super unbeatable.  It’s kinda stale, and misses a really good opportunity to create a memorable and fleshed out character.  But instead, it’s just...okay.  He’s fine, I guess.
Also, quick aside, because I know there’s discourse about it: the Champion was never responsible for solving the region’s problems.  The international police exist, and are constantly called on for Looker cameos.  Champions are just the toughest fight, and more a celebrity status than anything.  As a result, no, I do not give points for Leon “doing his job,” because that was never the champion’s role.  Moreover, his actions lose him points, because I am playing a video game, and his alleged “doing his job” removes the players involvement entirely, causing the main story to be something that happens off-screen and leaves us with a confusing mess.  It’s nice when the champ is involved, but the player needs to be the agent that solves it, or we’re just not playing an engaging game.
6) Kukui I have nothing against Kukui, but he’s not particularly interesting.  Like a lot of Gen 7 that wasn’t the Aether family, he’s very one-note.  It’s a good note!  He’s lively and passionate and a ton of fun, and pretty involved as a professor in his field research, among other things.  But he never gets much in the way of complexity, and that...that’s fine.  He’s around, he’s a fun guy, and not everyone needs to be the most developed, three-dimensional character.  I just wish we got a bit more with him.
His positives are really just being around enough to have fun dialogue with other characters.  Olivia asking if he’s allergic to shirts is the constant example my wife gives of really enjoying the interactions in Alola.  He has presence, and is generally pretty cool.  He’s also the first time a professor was the champion of a region, and finally one-ups Oak as a battle professor.  I also admittedly really like his team.  Taking the starter you’re weak to, having Lycanroc be his main, he just has some cool stuff going on.  The downside of Kukui, beyond the noted lack of depth or intrigue, is...Kanto.
Alola was the first and only attempt to shake up the whole gym challenge formula.  There were trials now, and those were very different until you realized there are still eight of them around different types culminating in a major battle but forget that!  It was something different.  Worse, but different.  And it opened up the possibility of not really knowing where this all ended.  And then...island 3 happens, and Kukui tells you he’s just...establishing a Pokemon League.  Because Kanto had a league!  Did you know about Kanto?  The Kanto trainers are super tough, and his goal is to emulate them by creating a league like theirs, right here in Alola!  Even if the Grand Trails were basically identical in function, this shift away from at least a regional feel to the standard we’ve had for decades felt regressive, and having it entirely be because of his undying love and admiration for Kanto is just more Gen 1 dick-sucking on the series’ part.  It’s lame and it’s stupid and that’s why he’s not top 5.
5) Iris As a character, I love Iris.  I think she’s a ton of fun, and I love the energetic kids.  I also appreciate that she’s a bit more the Dragon trainer than Lance, and has some fun and memorable stuff to her battle.  Frankly, I know my wife thinks sprite art isn’t great and prefers that they went 3D, but the background in Iris’ champion battle is gorgeous and nothing has looked so visually good since.  Also her outfit is 10/10, and per Masters’ extended lore, Drayden got that outfit for her, so like...that’s a thing.  I also really like her becoming the champion.  Similar to Gen 8, it’s a bit of “passing the torch” to the younger generation.  Drayden’s a big source of this, talking about the potential of the youth, and Alder’s whole thing is often giving advice to young challengers to help them along.  The theme is a little flimsy though, so it’s...really not doing too much.
I think Iris’ biggest flaws, to a degree, are just being mostly absent in BW2.  We know her from before, but it’s been a few years, and a lot of what was interesting in BW2 was seeing how people had changed as a result of the previous game’s events and the time between.  Iris doesn’t get that.  Her development was “is champion now.”  Which doesn’t exactly go too far.  It’s not an inherent negative to have her development be about becoming a stronger trainer, but it makes her feel very lacking in comparison.  But by virtue of her established character in BW1, we have more of a personality, it just would’ve been nice to do more with that.
4) Alder We are officially in “I love this one” territory.  These four are close, but then Iris was close to this one.  Discrepancies aren’t all that wide in the top 5.
Points in favor: Alder is fascinating.  He’s an older trainer who is essentially retired, after the loss of his partner Pokemon.  He wanders the land kinda just...living his life and finding himself.  The idea that he left being an active champion due to a traumatic loss of a Pokemon friend is already pretty strong, but when Team Plasma starts to make gains, and it’s clear they’re aiming to destroy the connections many people have to their Pokemon, Alder comes back to take a stand against N.  He tries, and ultimately, fails, handing that responsibility to the player.  This is a great way to establish the champion as being involved and doing something, but still giving the player agency and participation in the central conflict.  Have them be involved, but not the one to resolve the problem.  Absolutely love it.  And through all of the events leading to this point, Alder’s MO seems to be passing out life advice to the younger generation.  Not just for battling, but for life.  His advice is what turns Cheren away from this sense of “I must be the best and strongest” to something more freeing that culminates in Cheren becoming a Gym Leader.  And unlike Lance, we see that discussion, we get to feel the weight and impact of Alder’s words.  While BW2 barely plays with his character at all, BW1 presents such a strong picture that he really does stand out.
But in spite of all that...I just never liked him that much.  I know, that’s such a weird thing to say after all that, but it’s true.  He doesn’t have anything I would really categorize as a serious fault in his writing.  If anything, he’s probably the character I’d understand the most if someone said that he was their favorite.  But he just...never quite resonated with me.  Is that bad?  I feel like that’s bad.  It’s a bad reason to rate him under the others, but it’s my favorites ranking so we’re all just gonna deal with this now.
3) Blue This is the same general profile as Alder.  Absolutely fantastic, but just never quite hit the mark for me.
My wife told me about a character analysis she read that was spot-on, talking about Blue overall.  In his initial iteration, he’s a brat, who is skilled enough to always stay ahead of you at every turn, until by the end, you show up and beat him after his literal five minutes of fame.  His high and mighty attitude takes a blow, and by GSC we see him more subdued.  Still arrogant (”Johto trainers must not be that tough!”), but more...contemplative?  Like he’s talking about the devastation of a sudden volcanic eruption in pretty serious terms, and it’s like okay I guess that’s happening, wasn’t ready for that.  Masters even continues his development; the recent villain arc for Kanto has Blue acting very much the leader of the League, giving out orders and planning a method of attack against the new Team Rocket.  Blue is a character constantly developing and becoming more engaging with each iteration.
I think my hangup with Blue compared to Alder is that, barring Masters, the games never quite gave me what I’d want.  Like yes, there’s a clear character there with a ton going on, and you can really see some stuff if you dig into his personality and what goes on.  Like, the fact that Oak...kinda treats the player with better regard than his own grandson, and is overly harsh about why Blue lost despite him not really doing anything particularly bad beyond over-focusing on winning.  There’s a ton to dig into with Blue.  But like with Alder, it just never hit me the right way, and I...cannot fully explain why.  Because just like Alder, I’d get it if someone said he was their favorite.  You’re right and your opinions are valid.
2) Steven Fucking love this rock nerd.
Steven Stone is not nearly as complex as the last two, and if anything misses out on top billing because I do get his faults.  He is the son of the president of Devon Corp.  He is a literal rich kid, whose entire existence is being able to go around doing whatever he wants, and is also stupid good at battling.  I’ve heard him described as “a boring Mr Perfect,” and that may not be too far off.  It’s not quite as in-your-face as Leon’s constant “He’s the unbeatable champ,” but it’s not as though Steven presents with any serious flaws as a character.
But!  Flaws are not inherently necessary to make a multi-dimensional character.  You just need them to be eccentric as hell, and oh my god is Steven eccentric.  Like okay, you are a very, very rich man, who has never had to seriously work a day in your life because of your father’s very successful tech business, and are the acknowledged best Pokemon trainer in the region.  With all of this fame, fortune, and success, what do you do?  Apparently the answer is fuck off to a cave to look for rocks.  Like, that’s it.  That’s his thing.  He wants to look for rocks.  When the plot happens, Steven’s there to be like “Woah, the hell happened here?” but ultimately doesn’t really have a plan.  Hell, he doesn’t even know about the major legends.  Wallace does.  His solution is to go see his boyfriend, who just happens to be the lorekeeper for the region, and hope he knows what the deal is.  And that’s hilarious.
I mentioned Alder and Blue just don’t click for me.  Steven clicks.  He clicks real good.  Like, I get this man.  If I had infinite money and could do whatever the hell I wanted, I too would find my equivalent of finding rocks in a cave.  Hell, in Emerald, he isn’t even the Champion, he’s just the hidden ultimate trainer in the world, who is again just in a cave looking for rocks, and oh fuck I just realized Wallace is a Champion and I didn’t even include him, fuck me.
Now that that’s fixed, I do really like Steven.  A lot.  Like all this potential to become a super successful business man, or do all these great things in his life, and all he cares about is finding cool rocks and then showing them to his boyfriend.  And Roxanne.  And really anyone who will listen, and probably some that won’t.
1) Cynthia I mean...yeah, we knew.  Look, I know this is a very common perception, but hopefully there’s at least something here that’s a bit distinct?
I do want to talk about her battle, which to me is the best designed in the series (in Platinum).  She is one of the few champions that is notably harder to beat than the Elite Four, has a spectacular and well-balanced team that presents with minimal weaknesses she cannot handle, and the general feel of her battle is one where you’re fighting an opponent who is incredibly on top of their shit.  No other fight in the series carries the same weight, and that absolutely factors in to her impact as the alleged best trainer of the region.
Obviously there’s more to it than that, though.  I mentioned Steven’s flaw as kind of being a “Mr Perfect,” who comes from money and is just good at everything.  Cynthia gets a bit of the “just good at everything,” but implicitly she’s a bit more self-made, having basically none of the advantages Steven had as the son of a tech billionaire.  But much like Steven, her response to having fame and fortune is self-interested.  She travels everywhere learning about regional mythology.  Cynthia has the most appearances outside her home region of any champion, and canonically travels the world researching mythology.  She’s heavily invested in her particular area of interest, and is constantly pursuing it.  It’s a bit more interesting than just “The rock guy.”
But there’s another component I love, and it’s oddly something Cynthia sometimes gets shit for.  “Just go live by yourself.”  Cynthia gets called out as fairly harsh and no-nonsense with Cyrus, which...justifiable given he did very much just try to erase reality.  But Cynthia just gives off this vibe of saying whatever she wants; she’s incredibly direct.  Even in Masters, she’ll just tell Caitlin that she considers her a rival and cares a lot about her, or talk about how sure all her Pokemon are great but Garchomp’s her obvious ace.  It’s just...small comments that seem to suggest not just a bluntness, but a slight lack of social graces.  You’re not supposed to pick a favorite in your team.  You’re not supposed to fluster your girlfriend in front of her butler.  But Cynthia will.  Cynthia ain’t care.  She’s polite and friendly, but she’ll tell you exactly what’s on her mind, and she won’t pull any punches if she’s tired of your shit.  That’s great.  I really like that.
I think what makes Cynthia is just...good character feel.  Like she’s not as broadly fascinating a character study as Alder or even Blue, but it’s the smaller things that make her stand out.  The love of research, the blunt attitude, the fact that her house is apparently a disaster so she prefers hanging out in Caitlin’s house where presumably Darach has to clean up after her.  It’s small stuff that fleshes out someone who feels like a person, and I really enjoy that.
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lauravinces · 2 years
Talder Fic: A Different Story
Chapter 4
Tally did not know that every time Alder left The Hague or went out on official business the cadets were given more freedom, which meant days off.
Tally also didn't know that it would mean being alone.
Abigail had gone off to fight and prove that she was better than any cadet in her year and Raelle, who she had hoped most to keep her company, had been chasing her necro girlfriend and as she told her, while waiting, she had touched a weird, slimy, magical wall that she had assumed Izadora wanted to test her on.
Tally would go to the library to check out the books she'd already read or check out the whole history of the general.... Again.
The only thing of note was that her mother had sent her an amulet of protection. The rather short letter said it had belonged to her Aunt Susan, Tally would wear it proudly.
She thought about writing her a letter, but decided to call her mother instead.
"Hello?" She answered on the other end.
" Hello, Mom. "
" Tally, did you get the amulet? "
" Yes mom, thank you, it means a lot to me. "
" Well, I don't believe in those things, you know? If it keeps you from getting killed ahead of schedule.... But considering how much good it did your aunt... I doubt it."
" Mom, please, I don't want to fight," Tally pleads, "I miss you and I'm glad to hear your voice...".
She hear a breath on the other side.
" The only thing that would make me happy would be if you said you were going to leave the army and come home. Tell me daughter, are you going to give me that joy? "
" You know I can't do that," replied Tally.
" Then there is nothing more to talk about."
Her mother hung up without even saying goodbye and Tally felt very lonely, more lonely than when she was at home with her mother. She looked around and there was no one there, she asked herself a question she never thought she would ask herself.
Was she really right to answer the call?
Would the Army really be her new family?
She looked around again and found the same thing.
Later that day Tally found herself looking out the window, she thought about how Alder was doing, how the Biddies were doing and if she had killed any of them by now.
It must be nice to always have company, even if it's from adorable little old ladies with the mentality of 20 years old.
Raelle came through the door a little shaken and Tally looked at her.
" Are you all right? "
" I've given Izadora the slip, those women are.... Scary."
" Next time don't stick your finger in places it doesn't belong," she said with a half smile.
" Scylla wasn't complaining about that when...."
" Rae! Please!"
Raelle laughed and although Tally was smiling, the smile, although sincere, did not reach her eyes.
" Hey Tal, what's wrong?"
" Nothing, Rae "
" Don't give me that, you're my sister, I don't mean the unit, and I can see you're not your usual happy Tal, tell me about it."
" I don't know if I made a mistake coming to the army."
" But I... I don't understand, didn't you say that being here was what your heart felt you should do? "
" What if I was wrong? You know I wasn't obligated to come... But I came..."
" For Alder. "
" You didn't come for Alder, okay she's... My hero and I admire her so much, but I came because I wanted to be someone, we've been here a few months and I'm still just Tally."
" You're not just Tally, Abigail and I.... I know we have been scattered, but if we are still here it's because of you, only because of you " Raelle smiled " you are the heart of the unit, the three of us are united because of you and if you weren't here? Abs and I would be empty."
" Thank you Rae," said Tally with tears in her eyes, "you are the best."
" So says Scylla"
" Rae," she exclaimed with a laugh.
Knock on the door and Raelle hid under Abigail's bed.
When Tally opened the door a very agitated Izadora appeared.
" Craven! Have you seen Collar?"
" No ma'am, is it urgent? "
" Confidential, continue Craven"
Tally closed the door and Raelle came out from under the bed.
" I owe you one," said the blonde.
" Don't tell me any more about your sexual activities and we'll call it even."
The door opened and Abigail appeared
" Sexual activities," asked the brunette.
" From Rae and Scylla," answered Tally.
Abigail made a disgusted face.
" I still don't understand your necrophilia, rat hair."
Raelle rolled her eyes.
" Tally, maybe you should find someone," said the blonde with a smile.
" Yes, someone to change that black mark for a more colorful one."
" I'm not interested in sex, girls, I want to fall in love," answered Tally.
" If you keep waiting for Alder.... You might die first," said Abigail.
Rae laughed and Tally just rolled her eyes in resignation.
" Well, there is still a long way to go, but the Beltane exists for a reason."
" The what? " asked Raelle
" There's a long way to go... First we try to take down Anacostia and get out in one piece."
" About that girls... I have information," said Tally smiling.
Sergeant Quatermain was angry, she was angry with Raelle, she was angry with Abigail and worst of all she was very angry with Tally because she was the first person who knocked her down.
She knocked her down in the dirtiest but most effective way, hitting her weak spot.
When the class was over, she picked Tally up and carried her away from her unit and away from prying ears.
" Tell me who it was " it wasn't a question
" Sergeant?"
" Who told you my weak spot? I'm going to find out sooner or later, and if I hear from someone else that they told you, I'm going to make your basic training hell. Tell me, cadet, who told you?"
" I hope you understand, sergeant, that I can't tell you," said Tally fearfully.
" She scares you more than I do " it wasn't a question either " tell me, Tally Craven, all information has a price...."
"Shit" thought Tally "Who will kill me first?"
" It was her... I'll find out what your price was..... But congratulations, cadet, good job. Whenever your opponent has a weak point, attack it."
Anacostia released her and left, her sisters approached with a worried look on their faces.
" Shit Tal, are you ok?" asked Raelle.
" She suspended us?" asked Abigail.
Tally and Raelle looked at their unitmate.
" Fuck, everyone has priorities," said Abigail.
Tally sighed.
" Yes, I'm fine, on the contrary he congratulated us but I think all the officers in this base are crazy."
Anacostia Quatermain stormed into the General's office.
The Biddies hissed at once.
" Is this a good way to enter?" said Alder.
" I don't care."
" I suggest you rethink that answer," said the General, standing up.
" Can you explain to me why on earth you are telling Tally Craven my weak point?"
Alder smiled
" Did she get it?"
" Yes, and not only her, but Collar and Bellweather too."
" I've been telling you for years to cover that point, but why would you listen to me? I'm just your foster mother, so from now on you might take my advice more seriously."
" What did she give you in return?"
Alder did not answer
" Well," Anacostia began, "I won't tell you that I approve of sex with cadets, but sex once a year wouldn't be good for you either."
"See, sex," Maya spoke through the link.
" I didn't sleep with Tally Craven," Alder bristled slightly.
" Then?" insisted Anacostia.
" Chocolat" Alder muttered.
" I'm sorry...what?"
" Chocolat, it was the first thing she offered me and the Biddies were fine with it, so.... "
" So you told a cadet the weak point of your only daughter," finished Anacostia.
" If you say it like that, you make me sound like a horrible mother, besides, the last time I took it you were still little...."
" Well, you know what? I'll take your chocolat for my trouble, I'm glad you're back, mother," she said as she headed for the exit, closing the door behind her.
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junoscrybeofshadows · 3 years
A Gardener's Home (Alder's Backstory pt3)
(The third and final part to Alder's backstory) Parts one can be found here: part 1 Part two can be found here: part 2 (Reader discretion is advised)
(At last we reach our happy conclusion on Alder's backstory. This final part is a lot more light hearted than the last chapter. Writing this story took a bit out of me as I wanted to make sure I got the story across without going into too much detail as there were several sensitive topics in Part 2. Still Thank you all for reading, and with that let's bring this tale to a happy conclusion ^^ --Misty)
It took time for me to get back on my feet, and even longer for my arm to heal. I was only able to visit the doctor briefly before having to flee from town..as that..Man sent his guards to find me and bring me back. I was fortunate that most of those guards sided with me; some even aided in helping me flee. My brother did all he could to help as well but there was only so much that he could do to help me, he gave me money to help me leave comfortably for a few months but beyond that he couldn’t do much. Still that little bit went a long way.
For the next few months after that day I traveled from town to town selling herbs i found while traveling acting as a makeshift herbalist of shorts. I started going by my new name; I got myself new clothes that felt right, and to my surprise a great deal of people were kind to me..I even met some who were just like me. I soon began to make a name for myself; I was known as “The wandering healer” for many years. Traveling from town to town, helping and nursing folks who were down on their luck never asking for a dime from any of his patients. Sometimes I exchanged my remedies for food, sometime shelter, or a ride to the next tow over if the folks were traveling but not once did I ask for a single piece of silver though many did offer it haha!.. That was when I met the Trapper and Trader… those two were as close knit back then as they are now. They offered me a place in their traveling pack and I took the offer as traveling on the road became lonely after my previous employer passed away. Edith was her name, she was a kind old woman who worked in the same field as me..she hired me for a time in exchange for a steady pay and help in my research in botany…I miss her..
It wasn’t long before traveling became a bit of a burden after that. I did not mind it of course! I was finally able to see the world and do things that I never could as Alyssum Vinegard. But over time I began to long for a place to call home..a place where I could finally settle down and rest my aging bones. I wanted to retired but I had to find a place to rest..I thought about settling down in a quaint little town I visited..when I spotted the most peculiar plant. A small cluster of flowers with blue and purple petals and navy colored leaves growing in the shade of a tree. I had never seen flowers like them before so i had stopped to study them. And then..well you know what came next Mi’lady. You appeared from no where staring at me with a amused and curious stare, and a presence that startled the ever living daylights out of me haha! You asked me who I was and I explained
“My name is Alder Ma’am.”
And you introduced yourself. I must admit that was the first time in my life I ever met a Scrybe before, let alone one that was so kind. We talked about those flowers for almost an hour..and I wrote down every single note that I could before ya asked to look through my journal. Looking over each and every page you soon smiled and said.
“Mr Alder..How would you feel about having a place where you could study a variety of plants the world has never seen before?”
“What do you mean Ma’am?”
“Well you see as a Scrybe I have my own domain that I rule over, and mine is full of vast gardens full flora and fauna from every season growing naturally without any disturbance beyond the common frost of course. But I myself have barely anytime to tend to them and I have been looking for someone who might be able to do in my place.”
“And you believe I can do so?”
“Mhm.. I see that you have gone through a lot Mr. Alder.. You have traveled a great deal.. I can imagine you wish for someplace to rest. I would like to offer you that place Mr Alder. A place that you can finally rest and study plants as much as you wish. You would be free to leave whenever you wish and if you so choose you may decline my offer. But if you’d like, I’d like to offer you a place in my realm..What do you say Mr Alder?”
“And you said yes,” Juno hums softly from her spot beneath the trees, the glass box still in her hands sealed and still untouched.
“Indeed..” Alder mutters solemnly a faint smile forming beneath his beard his. Calloused fingers lightly tap against the head of his cane, gripping onto the cold metal tightly as he shuffles to the scrybe. Each of his steps possess a minor limp but they were enough to carrying him to her side. “ May I?”
Juno only nods her head. Stepping away from the tree she holds the box out to the gardener her fingers quickly undo the latch on the boxes front before pulling the lid open. The necklace that resides inside it is carefully taken by a pair of shaky hands, its ribbon dangles between their finger tips as its raised higher and higher till it could be pulled over his head. The necklace was just large enough to slip over his head, without being unlatched, its bottle charm rest comfretably over his collarbone lightly tinking against his chest with every movement.
“It’s perfect,” He mutters softly.
“Of course it is..and so are you Alder..no matter those…those fools from that old town think otherwise.”
“Aye, I am not perfect Juno, I’m simply me.”
“And that is a wonderful thing.”
“Haha indeed.”
A glass box is quickly discarded vanishing into the shadows like a puff of smoke gone from sight; as the two shadows embraced beneath the trees. The hug was warm and comforting and welcoming, just like it was all those years ago when he first set foot on the hollow grounds of the shadow realm. Kind, and caring, just like the Scrybe that lead him there all those years ago. And although a small part of him wonders if he deserves such kindness there was one thing that was for certain.
“Come Eira should be finished setting up tea right about now. Lets not keep her and Bernard waiting, Shall we?”
“..Haha! Of course, Lead the way Mi’Lady!”
He finally found a place that he could call home
The End
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missfiggy · 3 years
I've been having so much fun with #thediscourse and thinking about how James Potter is absolutely from Devon that I may have been inspired to sit down and write my HC for Potter manor (which has another name in my HC) instead of doing actual work and stuff.
@clare-with-no-i and @thequibblah y'all are inspiring, brilliant, talented writers and it's. so. dang. distracting!
Click below for LONG hc ramble.
A residence at Hartscombe was first mentioned in the Domesday book as belonging to the feudal barony of the Lynleighs of Devon. Following the Norman Conquest, the lands were seized and the heiress of the Lynleigh barony was married to Nicolas de Ferrers who came over to England with William the Conqueror. The house stayed with the de Ferrers, eventually shortened to Ferrers for generations. They developed a reputation for being a great family and very important to the growth of the villages surrounding their estate. They were generous to their tenants and always condescended to join the town fair at Hartscombe celebrating the berry harvest every summer.
Unfortunately, at the end of the Elizabethan era, the Ferrers encountered a problem most dreaded among England’s most illustrious families: they lacked a male heir. Morgana Ferrers, beloved wife to Charlus, died in childbirth, leaving being the heiress of the great Ferrers’s estate and land holdings. Further complicating matters, Mariah was no normal child. On her eleventh birthday, a wizened old man knocked on the door of Hartscombe Hall. After a lengthy conversation with Charlus, the old man whisked Mariah off to a mysterious school in Scotland. While it was most shocking for a girl to be educated, let alone educated at a public school, the townsfolk were used to Charlus’s indulgence of Mariah’s whims. While at school, she met a young man named Ralston Potter, with whom she quickly became besotted. They were wed after graduation and possession of Hartscombe Hall passed into the Potter line.
The townspeople of Hartscombe noted a marked change in the relationship between themselves and the new landowner. Ralston and Mariah were perfectly amiable and certainly kept rents at a fair rate. The family withdrew from the general social intercourse of the town. They no longer presided over the berry festival, and even let go several of the domestic staffers who’d overseen the house for ages.
With every generation, the distance between the Potters and the people of Hartscombe grew, as did the rumors about the Potter family. The townsfolk became accustomed to hearing odd whizzes and bangs coming from Hartscombe Hall at all hours of the day. There was a rumor during the Georgian era, that a local boy wandered into the family’s vegetable patch and received a nip from the dog. The boy maintained he was bitten by a cabbage not a dog, but no one with any sense gave that story credence. Still, people started avoiding the grounds of Hartscombe Hall. Those that did wander in tended to end up on the other side of Exmoor with no memory of how they got there. During the celebrations of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, a local sot named Wilbur swore he saw great plumes of purple smoke coming from Hartscombe Hall as he left The Stagshead Arms, the town pub. Naturally, people attributed this to too much liquid celebration of Wilbur’s part.
At the end of Victoria’s reign though, the Potters had all but decamped from Hartscombe Hall. There were rumor’s that Henry received a political appointment though no one could figure out exactly what position, since he certainly wasn’t an MP. Like most great families, the attractions of London proved too tempting, and the Potters only returned for very brief stays during the holidays. When it was rumored that the last Potter heir, Fleamont and his wife Euphemia were in their fifties with no heir, the town expected that the great house would be sold to the national trust or be turned into a private hotel. These things were happening all across Devon, and it would be only natural that such a change might come to Hartscombe too.
Only it did not.
In the late 1950s, Fleamont and Euphemia took up permanent residence at Hartscombe Hall. They hired all manner of local tradespeople to upgrade the house with “every modern accommodation”. Plumbers, electricians, bricklayers, stonecutters, carpenters, and builders were brought in from the town and several neighboring villages. This marked the first time most of the townsfolk had ever seen the building up close. They thought it every bit as impressive as its storied reputation supposed it to be.
The long, curved drive that leads to the estate runs up from a stream at the base of the valley and serpentines up a large hill. Finally, the dense oakwoods surrounding the drive give way to a grassy clearing where the house stands. Constructed of roughhewn, grey stone, the sprawling manor claimed three floors and ten fireplaces whose chimneys rose over thirteen gabled roofs. The grounds are simply and tastefully landscaped. Flower and vegetable gardens are tucked around the sides of the estate, out of sight of the house’s facade. The front of the house opens onto a rectangular gravel drive that was outlined by grey stone bricks. These are rumored to be the footprint of the medieval great hall that gave the estate its name.
The house looks out onto open parkland extending beyond the formal gardens. The manicured lawn gave way to wild grasses that beamed golden in the sunset. Green alder trees sprung up from this yellow sea, bounded into large plots by verdant hedges. In the distance, where the two slopes of a neighboring valley met was covered by a stubby woodland. Following the east side of the valley up, exposed rocks jutted out from the hillside. To the west of the house, the land fell steeply off into a ravine cut by two converging rivers. The tradesmen never liked to explore these areas. If they wandered too far from the house or the main drive, they found themselves very easily confused in the dense woods.
Some townsfolk found it odd that the house had yet to be wired with electricity. Others found great amusement recounting the story of Fleamont being utterly dumbfounded when a builder wheeled a refrigerator into the refurbished kitchen (“You’da thought ‘ee’d never seen one in ‘is life!”). Though the more generous in town attributed these oddities to the nature of the aristocracy. Really fine people after all could afford chefs and never actually step foot in a kitchen.
Hartscombe flourished under the influx of money from the refurbishments. Though the townsfolk did not want to look a gift horse in the mouth, several people wondered aloud whether the Potters were really back for good. Such talk stopped in the fall of 1959 when Euphemia rolled out her grand designs for a new nursery. The Potter’s were expecting a baby.
Fleamont remembrance of Hartscombe from his own childhood, as he relayed to the workers building the nursery, were of traipsing through wild moors and ancient forests. He clambered up great oak trees and watched the massive red deer graze. The unrestrained beauty of the long, golden grasses flowing over the rolling hills, meeting up with dark forests and tumbling waterfalls were the perfect situation in which to raise a child, encourage an active imagination, and build a healthy constitution. Though raised in the city, Fleamont was at heart a son of the country, and he could not wait to raise his son there.
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
David Willows MK 2
A/N: Just an updated version of David’s profile, complete with a few changes and a more in-depth description of certain characteristics. Hope you guys enjoy and if you’d like your MC to be friends with him, message me and let’s chat about it.
Some more things to note:
-Merula is not the mole.
-I’m using the female version of Rowan as David’s best friend because to hell with game restrictions. Also, she survives, at least... David’s Rowan does.
-Drastic alteration to the Quidditch storyline. Skye is in David’s year and a Gryffindor. Orion, Murphy and Erika are two years above David and are in Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin respectively. Also including Andre and Charlie while introducing Oliver Wood and Lee Jordan.
-It goes without saying but spoilers for my ideas. Some are kept deliberately vague and some aren’t covered entirely more so because I intend to write about it someday. Let me know what you guys think of those that are given though. 
General Information
Name: David Owen Willows (Formerly David Owen Hall, changed to mother’s maiden name in 1982).
Gender: Male
Age: 11-18 (1984-91), 19-25 (1992-98)
DOB: 30/03/1973
Species: Human
Blood status: Half-blood
Sexuality: Straight
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: White-British 
Nationality: English (maternal side of family is Irish, paternal grandmother is Scottish, paternal grandfather and father are English).
Residence: Liverpool/ Lancaster (during his Hogwarts years and depending upon who he’s staying with).
Wimborne (during his career as a pro Quidditch player)
Hogsmeade (final place of residence after becoming Charms professor)
Myers Briggs Personality Type: ENFP, The Campaigner
Character summary: Though he may come across as stand-offish at first, David Willows is a friend as loyal as he is bull-headed. A student of Erika Rath, he became known as Hound on the Quidditch pitch for his relentless pursuit of opposing players. A skill in duelling and the muggle martial art of muay thai (also a pair of knuckledusters) ensures David is a formidable opponent with or without magic.
Aggressive: While he tries to reign in his anger, David is known to have a short temper when it comes to certain taunts. Chief amongst them, comparing him to Jacob. In his early years he was even willing to physically fight much older students despite the clear difference in both size and strength.
Aloof: For all of his first year and a good portion of his second year, David isn’t the one to initiate a friendship (except for Chiara but that was when there was no one else to really talk to while spending a night in the Hospital Wing due to the Devil’s Snare incident). However, while undergoing his first time as a quidditch player, he’s taught by Penny how to be a bit more social at pre and post-match parties.
Artistic: David was taught by his mother Rue to draw in greyscale sketches, something he improves on during his time throughout Hogwarts. In the midst of Jacob’s disappearance, his parent’s divorce and especially the stress that comes at Hogwarts, drawing provided an escape for him. His favourite things to draw are people and creatures.
Competitive: This aspect of David tends to come out the most when it comes to sport. With Erika as his mentor, he nurtures a healthy sense of competition as well as a determination to best the other houses and put Hufflepuff on top when it comes to quidditch.
Courageous: Largely as a result of his loyalty, David is willing to throw himself headlong into danger. The Sorting Hat didn’t nearly put him in Gryffindor for no reason.
Determined: When David sets his mind to a goal, he wants to accomplish it to the best of his abilities. In the case of finding Jacob however, it led to a sort of tunnel-vision, one that was finally broken when Chauncy and Philip succumb to injuries sustained under the sleepwalking curse.
Empathetic: Throughout his years at Hogwarts, David starts to empathise with people in his life. Even in the case of Merula, he sees how lonely she must really be and tries to reach out to her on numerous occasions. If he doesn’t fully understand it, he’d like you to share your feelings with him, at your own behest of course.
Loyal: In spite of a prickly exterior at first, once you win David’s loyalty, he’ll return it ten-fold. The type of friend who would take a bullet for you.  
Snarky: David has a sharp tongue, preferably he tries to shut down an argument with his wits. Only going for duelling when he feels it necessary. That being said, he isn’t shy about getting petty in a verbal spar, for example his response to Merula when first being taunted about Jacob supposedly teaming up with Voldemort: “At least that’s just a rumour, can’t say the same about your parents.”
Stubborn: A self-described ‘stubborn git’, David is quite notorious for not budging from his position once he thinks he has all the facts he needs. If he’s being especially difficult, just get Merula.
Face Claim: Dave Franco (as an adult at least).
Tumblr media
Voice Claim: Paul McCartney.
Game appearance: 
Tumblr media
Physique: Athletic, broad shouldered and fairly bulky as a result of weight training with Erika.
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Hair style: Chin-length (1st-2nd year), crew cut (3rd-4th year), short but long enough to slick back (5th year-present).
Eye colour: Dark brown.
Height: 5′11″ (as of 6th year)
Weight: Approx 80kg (when fully grown)
Scarring: A few small ones sustained during duels and the occasional mishap in quidditch, mostly on his upper body with a few on his legs. Sustains a burn scar on the left side of his waist during the battle with R.
Body modifications: Get’s the phrase “You’ll never walk alone.” tattooed on his right bicep at eighteen. Later gets a ram skull tattoo on his upper back just between the shoulder blades at age twenty. Finally, gets a shepherd crook just below the ram skull tattoo at age twenty-one.
Inventory: His wand, a pair of knuckledusters, a sketchbook, a pencil case containing stationary.
Fashion: He trusts Andre’s advice on what looks good on him though knows what works for him and what doesn’t. Partly influenced by his musical tastes (mainly punk, and rock and roll), has a love of leather jackets and slightly ripped jeans.
Background/ History:
-David was born in Liverpool, living in the suburb of Allerton. One of his favourite things to do was play football with Jacob and his dad.
-His mum would teach him to draw, most often on rainy days.
-Close to both of his parents as a result but it all changed when Jacob disappeared. He knew Jacob and his parents had arguments after being expelled but hadn’t heard any of it on account of the use of a muffling charm. Furthermore, Rue and Matthew were driven apart, Matthew blaming Jacob’s change in attitude and eventual disappearance on magic in its entirety.
-Sometime after Jacob disappeared and when the general shitshow stirred up by the Daily Prophet had died down, it was settled that Rue and Matthew would divorce. Given that David would go to Hogwarts as well, they thought it would be best for David to take Willows as his surname, hopefully not being recognised as Jacob Hall’s brother.
-This was fruitless, Rita Skeeter caught wind of the proceedings and sensationalised them, exposing the name change in the process. The stress and grief caused both parents to distance themselves from David in some way. Rue threw herself into work and became even more strict with David’s freedom while Matthew just left.
-David however, was fighting his own battles, it became known at his muggle school about Jacob going missing as well as his parents divorcing. This caused him to become quite reclusive from his classmates and would lash out at anyone who said a bad word towards him, especially if it concerned his family drama. He lost any friends he did have and refused to make any more.
During Hogwarts
-Year 1: He first meets Rowan, even being introduced to her younger brother, Alder (basically male Rowan). 
David, Rowan, Tonks, Diego, Chiara and Penny first begin to form what becomes known as the Hufflesquad. 
Also befriends Ben and Charlie.
Angelica Cole takes him under her wing despite not being in the same house and even shows David a group of trolls she’s been tending to in preparation for her apprenticeship in training security trolls.
Meets the Booths during the Christmas break and despite a rocky start, begins to develop a positive relationship with them even coming to an understanding with his dad.
During one of his expeditions with Angelica, he’s confronted by Needle, an acromantula that previously belonged to Jacob. 
Finally stands up to his mum properly, resulting in him staying with the Booths for the summer in Lancaster.
-Year 2: David meets those who are involved in the Quidditch scene at Hogwarts, including Erika Rath, who he briefly develops a crush on until he’s let down gently at the end of Year 2.
He duels Merula for a second time, winning once more, which makes her cry albeit in private. This then results in having his first encounter with Barnaby Lee, who confronts David about upsetting Merula. David tries to get past but Barnaby wraps his hands around David’s throat. Not actually choking him mind, more to get his attention. David panics as it reminds him of the Devil’s Snare that wrapped around his throat and lashes out at Barnaby.
David puts Barnaby in the hospital wing, much to the anger of Liz Tuttle.
The last Quidditch match for the House Cup between Hufflepuff and Slytherin is interrupted by the spread of the cursed ice. Ultimately resulting in Gryffindor’s victory in the cup for that year. 
Rue comes back, mentioning how Corey Hayden (David’s American cousin in this AU) would like to transfer to Hogwarts.
Year 3: Amelia comes to Hogwarts as a first year and gets sorted into Hufflepuff. Similarly, Alder starts at Hogwarts and is sorted into Ravenclaw. 
Amelia brings Dusty, her cat, along with her. However, Dusty goes missing shortly after arriving at the castle.
Later, in a COMC class, Barnaby mentions that he found a cat matching Dusty’s description. Initially, David is very suspicious to the extent of threatening Barnaby if he harmed Dusty in any way. Barnaby refutes this and returns Dusty to him unharmed, causing David to apologise for both for the accusation and the events that happened last year. Eventually, he even befriends Barnaby.
In a similar vein, when tending to some of his creatures on the reserve, he bumps into Liz and winds up introducing her to Needle. The two get a friendship going, David admiring Liz’s passion for creatures and Liz appreciating David for not finding her weird when she rambles about animals. To the extent that they go out on a few dates.
Close to the end of the year, he rants at Merula. Effectively asking the question of why she seems to hate him. Yet despite the rant he closes off with how he understands Merula, he’s been that lonely kid lashing out at the world and it’s not fun. Despite her reluctance to admit it, Merula knows David is right.
He gets the chance to verbally unload on Rita Skeeter for the articles she wrote about his family when she comes to the school looking to interview an interesting student. Later, several of his friends plus Merula of all people step in to put Skeeter in her place when she successfully provokes him into a fit of rage to make him look bad. The situation is eventually diffused by McGonagall.
Year 4: 
Corey officially transfers to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny after exchanging letters with David throughout third year.
Though David wasn’t particularly close to them, Chauncy and Philip (two of his dormmates alongside Diego) succumb to injuries sustained when they were attacked by a red cap under the Sleepwalking curse. When he learns the truth of what attacked them, David slays the creature.
David starts to realise he has a crush on Merula after assisting her in casting Expecto Patronum. Later in the year, he takes her out on a date to Hogsmeade, gets her a songbook for Christmas and even takes her out to the Celestial Ball.
Merula’s parents are freed from Azkaban by R, her mother even meeting Merula in secret throughout the year. During one of their meet-ups, she has a hunch Merula is starting to develop a crush on David (something which is true but not something she would admit it at the time). 
In order to eliminate this apparent threat to her family’s blood purity, she asks Merula to bring him to her in the Forbidden Forest under the guise of allowing the two of them to join R like she has. Instead, she subdues David with Petrificus Totalus, attempting to convince Merula to leave him, that David isn’t worth it.
Merula sides with David even though it pains her initially. David stays with her over the summer, where they try to figure out... whatever the hell their relationship is at the moment.
Year 5: Throughout this year he dates Merula in secret until Valentine’s Day. It’s here that she confesses she’s ready to have their relationship out in the open.
One of the most major event for David is Rakepick’s betrayal, he had actually grown fond of her as a mentor. Being stabbed in the back wasn’t a good thing for him.
The second is Jacob leaving immediately after David finds him. It’s hurtful and David becomes a bit reclusive for a while. Finally, he’s comforted by Bill, Orion and Erika, the older sibling figures in his life.
Year 6: Jacob returns, under the watchful eye of Alastor Moody, acting as the DADA  teacher for that year. Naturally, there’s tension between the brothers, which eventually resolves.
Jacob does join David for the Christmas break, where he gets along well with the Booths and reunites with his parents.
As well as this, R attempts to come after Amelia, resulting in the death of Alder Khanna. As well as being a devastating loss, it causes a rough patch in David and Rowan’s relationship when in her grief she winds up shouting “I wish I’d never met you, David Willows!” She only realises what she just said when the words leave her mouth but regardless, it causes a fracture within David’s larger circle of friends.
Eventually, the time comes for when David, Jacob and their allies take on the vaults like they had always dreamed of. Together, they face off against the guardian of the Sunken vault, an Ammit (based on the creature of Ancient Egyptian Mythology). Eventually the beast is defeated and they claim the treasure of the vaults, what seems to be the base of a necklace.
In a celebration at the Three Broomsticks, R attacks and murders Jacob. This sends David spiralling into grief, hitting his truly lowest point. He worked so hard, he rebuilt his family at home and forged a new one at Hogwarts, all the while hoping Jacob would be able to join them. And what was it all for? Nothing.
Before the school year is up... he snaps his wand and runs away from Hogwarts. Not to Liverpool, not to Lancaster, just anywhere but there. It will keep his friends and family safe or so he reasons. Deep down though, he thinks it’s cowardly.
During this time, he finds his way to Glasgow and starts sleeping rough on the streets all the while battling with grief, anger and self loathing. This goes on for two months before Moody tracks him down, apparating him to a secluded area of the Scottish countryside, kicks his arse and talks him down. Taking him to Grimmauld Place afterwards with the intention of formulating a plan to take the fight to R. 
Where he finds most of his remaining friends waiting for him. At first he staunchly refuses their help, feeling he’s already put enough people in danger. Yet they refuse to leave.
This is actually the moment where the Circle of Khanna is formed, this time named for Alder. Reconciling with Rowan after a serious heart-to-heart.
Year 7: ...Let’s just say R is going to regret setting David Willows on the warpath.
R’s destruction becomes widely regarded news, however David allows Moody to take the credit for it. Frankly, by this point he’s sick of any attachment to the Cabal and just wants to play Quidditch.
He’s able to pass his NEWTS and win the Quidditch cup for Hufflepuff one last time, resulting in him being offered the position as beater on the Wimborne Wasps.
David and Merula work things out, moving in together. Though it’s odd with David still keeping at his Quidditch training and Merula now working for Gringotts as a curse-breaker. After winning the British and Irish League for the Wasps in 1993, he proposes to Merula which she accepts.
In 1994, they have a wedding in the summer time with Rowan being David’s best woman. They did plan on having kids until Cedric’s murder at the hands of Voldemort. With Quidditch cancelled and Merula being affiliated to Gringotts, both are approached to work for the Order. 
Though initially very hesitant, David agrees. Eliminating Death Eaters, rescuing their hostages and even fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts.
He returns to the Quidditch scene when it starts up again in 1999, helping the Wasps win the cup three more times. 1999 is also the year in which Merula and David have their first kid, Robin. After the latest victory in 2002 he discovers Merula is pregnant again, and his retirement from Quidditch is looming on the horizon. He’s convinced by Judith Harris (@judediangelo75) to teach for a few weeks over the summer at KC’s (@kc-needs-coffee) quidditch summer camp.  It’s here that he develops a love for teaching. Getting in touch with professor Flitwick to work as his assistant before becoming the Charms professor. 
In early 2003, he welcomes his son Nicholas into the world.
Matthew Hall (father): 
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Face Claim: Ben Miller
A stern but fair man and CIMA-qualified accountant originally from Yorkshire, Matthew met David’s biological mother Rue when he was on a business trip to Dublin in 1956. Encountering her in a quiet pub being told “I’ve dealt with a real dragon today” when he asked if she was okay on account of how tired she looked. Matthew took it as a joke but Rue was being entirely serious. They struck up a friendship and began dating, eventually getting married in 1961 and having Jacob in 1964. 
initially, he was fascinated by the existence of the wizarding world but soon came to fear it after Jacob’s disappearance. Divorcing Rue afterwards and cutting off contact from David aside from agreeing to send child maintenance. However, after being chewed out by his girlfriend Lyra, he all but begs David to come visit him in Lancaster over Christmas in 1984. 
The reason being that Amelia’s magical abilities finally began to manifest, which became a cause of conflict between David and Matthew, largely from David thinking that was the only reason he was invited. Eventually, they come to an understanding and try to work on improving their relationship.
Rue Willows (mother): 
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Face Claim: Fiona O’Carroll
A dragonologist from Dublin in the employ of the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau. Though she was strict, she was generally attentive towards David, being the one who taught him to draw.
After Jacob’s disappearance however, she became very withdrawn and austere. It was her way of opting for a ‘tough love’ approach, thinking she had been too soft and in her misguidance tried to control David’s life. Even then, she still grieved, frequently getting into arguments with David about his behaviour at school, bringing up Jacob when David tried to make her proud of him and other such things. 
During the start of the summer break between first and second year, David finally stands up to her properly. The words that get through to her are the following, “That stranger’s name is Lyra and she’s been a better mum to me in the weeks I’ve known her than you have for me in years.” and “I love you too mum... but I don’t know if I like you anymore.”
She does a lot of soul searching after that, staying with relatives in America for a year before coming back and promising to do better with her and David’s relationship.
Lyra Booth (nee Robinson) (step-mother):
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Face Claim: Ruth Wilson
A muggle and CIMA-qualified accountant originally from London, left widowed in 1980 after her first husband, Peter died in a car accident. She met Matthew when working at an accounting firm in Lancaster shortly after his divorce from Rue. After a couple months of knowing each other, the two began dating, Lyra introduced him to her children, who he hit it off well with.
She knew he had a son who he sent child maintenance to but it wasn’t revealed until Amelia accidentally made a plant pot explode in a fit of frustration that Lyra learned the truth. Consequently... she blew up at Matthew for as good as abandoning as his son. Insisting on inviting him around for Christmas.
While David was prickly when he first came around, he eventually warmed up to her and the rest of the Booths, being a positive maternal influence on him.
Jacob Hall (brother) (deceased):
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Face Claim: Tom Holland
David’s only biological sibling, a gifted though trouble-making student, first became interested in the cursed vaults during his first year when he was informed about the legend by seventh year Patricia Rakepick. In his sixth year, he stood up for fellow Gryffindor Angelica Cole when she was being bullied (at the time she was a first year).
His investigation into the vaults would put him into conflict with the mysterious cult known as R. A conflict that would put his family in danger and even cost him his life.
Alex Booth (step-brother):
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Face Claim: Jody Latham
The eldest of the Booth siblings, Alex is a highly protective big brother and was worried upon realising his little sister was going to be part of a world none of them had any knowledge about. He tried to make David feel welcome despite the younger boy’s hostility.
When David attempted to run away during his first stay with the Booths, Alex caught him in the act and made a deal, get past him and he wouldn’t tell anyone he’d left. Though David was tenacious, Alex stopped him every time even pointing out the flaws in David’s technique if he tried to physically fight Alex. After David finally gave up, Alex didn’t breathe a word of his run away attempt to anyone. David would take up Alex’s offer to teach him muay thai during his first visit.
Sarah Booth (step-sister):
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Face Claim: Emilia Clarke
The middle child of the Booth siblings and also the least welcoming, Sarah was most vocally against Amelia being part of the wizarding world. She treated David coldly at first, going on a grouse hunting trip with her friends the day after he arrived to stay with them for Christmas.
However, at some point, she caught him reading an old copy of a Shooting Times magazine and after some persuasion by Alex, took David clay pigeon shooting. Becoming quite impressed, and even a little endeared from how quickly he picked up shooting.
Amelia Booth (step-sister):
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Face Claim: Maisie Williams
A muggleborn witch and the youngest of the Booth siblings, Amelia was surprised to realise she possessed magical abilities. Though was even more shocked to learn Matthew already knew about it.
When she was five years old, she was involved in the car accident that killed her father. Resulting in her being scarred with a gash on the right side of her forehead, a similar one on her left cheek and a larger one that cuts across from shoulder to her chest. Though she repressed the memory, she did indeed see her father die, thus Thestrals are visible to her. Another thing the accident did was give her motorphobia, though can tolerate it as long as she’s A) In control of the vehicle and B) It’s not motorised.
However, she does have a love of cycling, she was taught to do so by her dad before he died. Similarly, gymnastics helped her get some of her confidence back after the accident and still keeps up with it. A love of plants and animals prompts her to excel in Herbology and Potions, then later COMC.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Affiliations: The Circle of Khanna, The Wimborne Wasps, The Order of the Phoenix, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Professions: Beater for the Wimborne Wasps (1991-95)
Agent of the Order of the Phoenix (1995 - 98)
Resumes position as beater for the Wasps (1999-2003)
Charms Assistant Teacher (2003 - 05)
Charms Teacher (2005 - present)
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: E
Charms: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: A
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Muggle Studies: O
Hufflepuff Beater (1985 - 91)
Hufflepuff Captain (after Orion graduates) (1989 - 91)
Extra Curricular:
Duelling Club (Becomes known as one of the best duellers in Hogwarts)
Art Club
Football Club (Founder)
Apparition Class (in 1991)
Favourite Professors:
Professor Sprout, his head of house and someone he feels he can go to if he needs advice. One of several people who warned him about being careful with Patricia Rakepick.
Professor Mcgonagall, his Transfiguration teacher and head of Jacob’s house when he was at Hogwarts. Though they disagree entirely on him tackling the vaults, he always pays attention in her lessons as while she’s often stern she can be a great teacher.
Professor Flitwick, as his Charms teacher, David always found Flitwick to be respectable. David especially respects Flitwick for teaching him Expelliarmus, even after he was honest in what he intended to do with it (i.e. use it in a duel against Merula). Also came for Flitwick’s help in developing Cometa.
Least Favourite Professors:
Professor Binns: Finds his droning entirely too boring and really only passed History of Magic thanks to Rowan.
Every other professor he’s either neutral on (Snape and Trelwany) or he likes but aren’t his favourites (Kettleburn).
Best Canon friends:
Rowan Khanna
Diego Caplan
Nymphadora Tonks
Penny Haywood
Chiara Lobosca
(David plus the above five make up the original members of the Hufflesquad)
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Erika Rath
Orion Amari
Badeea Ali
Barnaby Lee
Liz Tuttle
Love interest:
Erika Rath (crush)
Nymphadora Tonks (first kiss)
Liz Tuttle (dated briefly in third year but broke things off fairly amicably when they realised they were developing crushes on other people).
Merula Snyde (began dating in fourth year, later marries David in 1994)
Best MC friends:
Judith Harris (@judediangelo75): The closest of his MC friends, David and Judith first get acquainted by being pushed into friendship... somewhat subtly by Penny Haywood. Both of them catch on when Penny mentions they should try out for the Quidditch team. Both of them still go for it, bonding over a shared love of martial arts and proving they have the potential to be fearsome beaters.
Throughout their time at Hogwarts, David and Judith would demonstrate a fierce loyalty to each other, being as close as siblings. David even becoming godfather to her children, Bakari and Kendrick.
Cato Reese (@catohphm): David was first introduced to Cato by Penny. The two find themselves sharing very similar values, having a great love their friends and absolute ruthlessness towards their enemies.
Like anyone involved in the Quidditch scene at Hogwarts, David has a bit of a rivalry with him. Tending to trash talk him (though with no real weight behind it), Cato understands that David doesn’t mean it.
Katriona Cassiopea (KC) (@kc-needs-coffee): The two of them are sports fanatics, they could talk to each other for hours about Quidditch. While David definitely knows more about footy, he’s eager to learn about any sport, such as baseball which KC is highly knowledgeable about.
KC would be one of the first to jump at the football matches David organises during his time at Hogwarts. 
Lizzie Jameson (@lifeofkaze​): Like David, Lizzie is an avid fan of LFC. Even meeting up at some point with their respective partners to watch a footy match at Anfield, where Liverpool were playing. 
On the quidditch pitch, Lizzie is a chaser and knows she can count on David to keep the bludgers off her back.
If any of your MCs would want to be friends with David, let me know!
Merula Snyde (For most of his time at Hogwarts).
During Quidditch: Erika Rath, Skye Parkin, Andre Egwu, Charlie Weasley, Angelica Cole, Oliver Wood, Cato Reese and Katriona Cassiopea.
R (including Patricia Rakepick, Fenrir Greyback and Peter Pettigrew).
The Snyde family (minus Merula)
Death Eaters
Magical Abilities
1st Wand: Blackthorn, unicorn hair core, ten and a quarter inches, slightly springy and flexible. Snaps it in half shortly just before the end of sixth year, citing, “What kind of warrior can’t even protect his own brother?”
Blackthorn, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation, in my view very well-merited, of being best suited to a warrior.
Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard. Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may ‘die’ and need replacing.
2nd Wand: English Oak, Dragon Heartstring core, twelve and a half inches, unbending.
A wand for the good times and bad, this is a friend as loyal as the wizard who deserves it. Wands of English Oak demand partners of strength, courage and fidelity. Obtained from Garrick Ollivander while being accompanied by Alastor Moody.
As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon  wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.  
Animagus form: A ram, specifically of a Dalesbred Sheep. Rams symbolise determination, initiative and leadership, factors that are put to the test more than once during his time at Hogwarts.
Misc magical abilities: Legilimens, Rue informs him of potentially inheriting her legilimens ability between third year and fourth year when he tells her of his delve into the Vault of Fear. David prefers not using it on people, rather using it to see through the eyes of animals as his great grandfather Reuben used to do.
Occlumency: Snape, at Dumbledore’s behest begins teaching David the art of Occlumency in fifth year.
Non-verbal magic: David began learning the non-verbal use of magic in fifth year thanks to professor Flitwick. Becoming highly skilled in it by his seventh year.
Spell creation: Assists in the creation of Stella Cascadia alongside Badeea Ali. Given how dangerous the vaults could be, he begins to work on another spell inspired by Stella Cascadia alongside several of his friends, Cometa, the comet jinx.
Boggart Form: Initially, Jacob as a death eater after hearing about the rumours of him taking Voldemort’s side.
From year four onwards, himself as a dark wizard as he worries about the path the vaults will set him on.
Riddikulus Form: Death eater Jacob’s mask turns into a pie that promptly splats him in the face.
Later, his dark wizard self in the uniform of Everton Football Club with a blue clown nose and wig to match. Since he’s a Liverpool Football Club supporter, seeing himself in one his rival team’s colours as a clown is hilarious to him.
Amortentia (what do they smell like?): A sea breeze and heather.
Amortentia (what do they smell?): Freshly mown grass and clear air after a rainfall.
Patronus: African wild dog, a symbol of his loyalty and relentless pursuit of his goals.
Patronus memory: -Attending the LFC vs Nottingham Forest semi final match of the Football League Cup at Anfield on the 12th February 1980 with his dad and Jacob. They drew 1-1 and LFC didn’t get through to the final but David was still happy to be there with both them.
Mirror of Erised: Jacob being back, alongside all of his friends and family. All of them are safe and well.
Specialised/ favourite spells: 
Cometa, a spell that David creates in sixth year with the help of Badeea Ali, Rowan Khanna, Merula Snyde, Diego Caplan and professor Flitwick. Inspired by Stella Cascadia, and using some principles from the Ice Jinx, the spell initially creates cricket ball-sized pieces of ice that explode into a mist when they impact against something. This makes it especially useful for blinding or disorienting a target. Later they develop the more-powerful Cometa Maxima in seventh year. Its main limitations are maintaining eye contact directed at the target (as is the case for all jinxes) and its general range is quite short (about twenty five feet) due to the “comet” (really a mix of ice, dust and gases) disintegrating quite quickly.
Protego Diabolica, A spell taught to him by Felix Rosier in sixth year, nothing says “Get away from my friends!” Like a massive wall of blue flame that incinerates enemies and leaves allies unharmed.
Expelliarmus, the Disarming charm taught to David by Professor Flitwick in first year is one of his go-to spells when duelling.
Protego, learned in order to protect himself from spells and other projectiles.
Healing spells: Largely taught to him by Chiara throughout their time at Hogwarts, healing spells have come in handy more than once when he needs to preserve his own or his friend’s lives.
Expecto Patronum, though niche, a spell that can get rid of a dementor is nothing to scoff at. Plus it’s a sentimental reminder of his friendship with Tonks.
Incendio, good as a fire-starter and a duelling spell, also reminds him of a time when Merula stood up to Rita Skeeter for him by burning her camera.
Misc Information
-David is a huge supporter of Liverpool Football Club (LFC), so much so one of his casuals is a club uniform.
-As well as Needle, David has other creatures on the reserve, Lucky (Knarl), Clop (Porlock), Bonita (fairy), Mori (thestral), and Chen (Chinese fireball).
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