#'im not playing in a final game where everyone tries to gang up on my character and kill me'.
gaberoothekangaroo · 2 years
so we started a short campaign and it had been going pretty decently. it was a newbie campaign. get the one common friend and the one new person more comfortable with playing. common friend had played with us before but in a different campaign and the dm was a turd and we all got burned
we start, we’ve been playing for like 3-4 months no issue. everyones having fun. theres some banter. theres relationships and bonds and growth between people. and sure theres some above table talk where we’re all good naturedly ribbing one another. no ones getting mad or pissy about some jabs or comments. like none of us are taking it that way. we’re all here to just have fun
we’re almost done with the campaign. last few sessions.
in game, during the night, the bad guy came to us all in our dreams and our dm pulled us into a different voice channel on discord and had a one on one with us. basically do you want to turn on your party and be evil. none of us are evil aligned and for the most part everyone has a good alignment. im pretty sure im the only neutral aligned character.
our new guy fails a saving throw and gets charmed. so now hes doing the bidding of the bad guy. not really a big deal cause if you damage that person and they make the save, theyre no longer charmed. ive been backseat dm the whole time so we can help everyone have more fun and not forget certain rules and that they can rush into situations and try new things if they want and im sitting back there with all my healing spells available to get them back in gear. and i damage the new guy so he can have a chance to get back in the game. he succeeds and is no longer charmed.
YET. he proceeds to continue to assault us. and then takes us down one by one while the dm is pulling their punches on the actual bad guy and npcs we were fighting.
new guy proceeds to stay ON MUTE messaging the dm what hes doing throughout the entire game (4+ hours). and even at the end when we’re all kinda discussing what to do next hes STILL on mute
come to find out that new guy and our friend i guess had some issues in a game they were playing an hour before? or something? and he got butthurt and was mad by some of the above table talk jabs and ribbing, none of which was particularly harmful cause most of it was focused on shitty dice rolls. like thats not something a person can control. you make a jab at it and everyone laughs and moves on cause it happens to everyone. literally 2 of our party members couldnt roll above a 10 half the time. like its just chance and probability and its not a persona slight. but apparently this guy took it that way
and now hes all butthurt that the campaign is over. my dm offered we could all come back at a different level and fight new guy and new guy promptly vetoed that. and is not understanding why everyones mad at him and sees that he hasnt done anything wrong
and its been almost a day and im STILL mad about it. like he was mad at our friend and took it out on the entire party. didnt just kill them and walk away. no he took the time to single us out while we were busy being swarmed by like 9 npcs. dude has also had the balls to gloat to our dm that he was such a badass taking out a whole party by himself when he really didnt because the dm was pulling punches and the party wasnt focused on attacking new guy.
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jvblood · 2 years
First Kiss
pairing: argyle x reader
word count: 2.2k
summary: playing spin the bottle truth or dare with you and your friend group and their partners
a/n: heyyyy : ) so I FINALLY AM ABLE TO POST THIS AND FEEL OOKAY ABOUT IT SO IM SORRY. this is a continuation of first encounter
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You and Argyle have been dating ever since you number. He took it upon himself to call you as soon as he got home and the two of you stayed on the phone for hours. Occasionally, you’d go over to him when he was working and talk as much as you could while you were in school. Speaking of school, that’s where you are with him right now. You two are in the library, helping him study, considering you were more academically inclined, when a reminder popped into your head.
“Me and the gang are planning on hanging out this
Friday,” You say as you drop your pencil to spark a little conversation between the two of you, “I was wondering if you’d like to join us?”
“Your friends?” Argyle asks, looking up from his book.
“Yeah, it’ll be us and the others. They’re bringing their boyfriends and girlfriends because we just want everyone to get along so you know.” You say as you bit your lip, hoping he’d say yes.
“I feel like your friends don’t really like me.” He says, scratching his neck a bit.
“Honestly, screw them. I just want you there.” You admit, reaching for his hand that was still on the table. Argyle couldn’t refuse especially when you look at him like that, he cracks and agrees that he’ll get the day off, promising that he’ll be there.
“It’s at my place, so don’t be late.” You smile as bright as possible and Argyle smiles as well, mirroring you and planning on how to tell his dad that he needs the day off.
Friday finally rolled around and Argyle is sitting in the van, contemplating on going inside. When he arrived he saw that your friend’s arrived in their own respective cars and realized that he was the last one to show up.
“Some boyfriend I am.” he mumbled to himself. As he was looking down at his lap, you saw that the van was outside and rushed to go get him. The others were with their own respective partners busy talking so they barely noticed you slip out. As Argyle rests his head on the car wheel, you knock on the window.
This caused him to jump and snap his head towards the window. There he sees you smile at him and wave. He finally felt relaxed and decided to get out of the car.
“I was starting to think you weren’t going to show up.” You joke.
“I’m sorry, I was just nervous.” He says as he wraps you into a tight hug.
“Come on, let’s head inside so we can start.” You peel off of him and hold his hand to guide him through the doors.
On the table was an array of foods to snack on and drinks to drown in. The group was sitting in the living room while Argyle and you made a pit stop at the snack table.
“Yo, get in here! We’re playing a game!” You hear Danny shout from the living room.
You roll your eyes and nod your head towards the living room, silently telling Argyle to follow you into the room. As the two of you entered the room, all of them smiled back at you.
“Everyone, Argyle. Argyle, Everyone!” You say, trying to introduce them to Argyle.
“We know who he is. Anyways, I’m Danny, this is my boyfriend, Sam.” He says pointing to the guy sitting next to him.
“I’m Chandler, this is my girlfriend, Amy.” He introduces, pointing to the girl sitting directly on his lap.
“I’m Janet, this is my girlfriend, Misty.” She says, pointing to the girl who’s resting her head on her lap.
Argyle tries to remember names and faces as much as possible. He’s replaying the introductions in his head, trying to not forget.
“Alright, now that’s over, sit down. We’re playing truth or dare.” Janet says.
“Let’s not do anything crazy that’ll end a relationship today, please.” Danny jokingly says. Deep down, he was not joking.
The two of you sat down as the six of them began to form a circle. Chandler places a bottle in the middle and claps at his ‘handiwork’.
“The rules are simple, folks; whomever spins the bottle gives a truth or dare to whomever it lands on! If the participant doesn’t do either truth or dare, then they must take a shot! Whomever it landed on, after successfully answering either truth or dare, spins next and whoever is wasted, by the end of the night,will be wearing the– dun dun dun– ‘I can’t handle my booze’ shirt and take a picture in it!” Chandler holds the said t-shirt and everyone ‘ooh’s and ‘aah’s at the clothing.
“Ah yes, public humiliation at its finest.” Janet says, rubbing her hands.
Everyone in the main friend group has been in that shirt once or twice. The last person to wear it was Danny, he was refusing to admit who was secretly dating at the time and so he wore the shirt and the picture is in a photo album with the others.
“Let’s do this.” You say confidently ready for whatever is thrown your way.
Chandler was the first to spin and it landed on Sam. He asks truth or dare and he requests for truth. He asks him what she found about Danny attractive, he said underneath his breath something about how Sam is crazy to like Danny. To which Danny hits Chandler on the shoulder. Sam answers and says it was because of how Danny was the only person that checked up on him when he was sick. You and Amy awed at the confession. Sam looked down at his hands and felt heat rush up to his face and Danny gave him a simple kiss on the cheek.
“Yeah, I think it’s physically impossible that Danny could ever be ‘sweet’, you sure it wasn’t some other guy?” Chandler suggests, not grasping onto the fact that his friend could ever be nice to anyone. This time it was Amy who gave Chandler a pinch, telling him to leave them alone.
“Hey, I don’t blame Chandler, he’s rude to us!” Janet says defending Chandler.
“That’s his boyfriend, babe, of course he’s gonna be nicer to him.” Missy says, patting Janet’s thigh. Janet and Chandler mutters out how ‘it’s unfair’ and how ‘yeah, whatever’.
“Why would I be nice to my friends?” Danny says.
It was Sam’s turn to spin the bottle and it landed on Argyle. Argyle felt nervous, but he thought to himself that he shouldn’t really because it was Misty who spun it. By the answer before, he assumed Sam might ask a simple truth or dare. She asks truth or dare and Argyle responds with dare. Everyone ‘ooh’d at his bravery and Misty began thinking.
“I dare you to call a random number and sing happy birthday.” Misty giggles.
“Babe, no offense, that is so lame.” Janet says. Argyle is a man of his word and picks up the phone. He knows a good person to call.
“Hello?” He hears Jonathan say on the phone. He begins to sing happy birthday and on the other side of the phone Jonathan already picked up on who he was. Argyle tried to mask his voice but you know, Jonathan could tell his friend’s voice from anywhere.
“Argyle, you’re an idiot.” Jonathan jokes and hangs the phone back up.
Finally, Argyle sits down and gets ready to spin the bottle. As the bottle spins, it lands on Janet. Before Argyle could even ask which one she wanted she chose dare.
“She never says no to a dare, so be wise about what to choose for her.” You say as your shoulder slumps at what might happen next.
“Hit me, Argyle. Do your worst.” She says, smirking.
“I dare you to go to a random pool and jump in.” Argyle says and she smirks getting up from her seat. Everyone gets up and follows her. She gets into the backyard and peaks over the fence to see if a neighbor has one. Luckily for her, one of them did. She hops the fence and jumps in. Everyone was cheering for her as she flipped in. She quickly rose from the pool and soon enough a light turned on. Everyone was telling her to get back quickly and luckily she got in time. Everyone ran inside the house before the neighbor came out. You all collectively were huffing out while you all tried to calm down.
“Hell yeah! That was amazing!” Janet says, trying to find the nearest towel. Everyone sits in the living room, waiting for Janet. Finally when she arrives dry, she takes her seat and spins the bottle.
The bottle lands on you and your eyes widened in fear. Janet is a wild card when it comes to truth or dare. Janet smirks as she waits for your choice.
“Is it true that you think about Tom Cruise when–”
“Dare!” You interrupt her. She smirks at the accidental confession.
“I dare you to kiss Argyle.” Argyle widened his eyes at the dare. You shyly remember the time when you spoke to Janet. Telling her how you were afraid to kiss him because you didn’t know when a good time would be. This was her way of saying ‘go for it’.
“I’ll do it if you do it.” Argyle says, reassuring you. You look at him and he smiles. You nod your head and lean in to give a quick peck.
“See, now was that so hard,” Janet says as she shrugs her shoulders “now spin.”
As the night finally comes to an end as Danny carries Sam back into his car. He was passed out in the ‘I can’t handle my booze’ shirt meanwhile, everyone was still sober. With that everyone and their respective partners left your house. Argyle stayed back to help clean up. For some reason he could feel that your whole vibe was off. Your shoulders were slumped and you’ve been moping ever since truth or dare.
“Hey, what’s up.” He says as he holds a trash bag, tossing all the trash in.
“It’s nothing.” You say as you wash dishes.
“Somethings up, dude. You can tell me.” He drops the bag and makes his way towards you. He wraps his arms around you. You melt into his touch and stop washing the dishes. As his grip on you loosens and is placed on either side of you on the sink, you turn to face him.
“I’m–it’s just,” You struggle to say the words even though you know what you want to say “, I’m a bit upset that our first kiss was a dare.” Your confession stuns Argyle a bit.
“I wanted it to be sweet and romantic but instead we got dared to do it instead.”
“Well, we always got time for more of them.” He says, watching your lips. You subconsciously licked your lips and you watched his eyes as you did so. He furrowed his eyebrows feeling butterflies in his stomach.
“Yeah?” You tease, slowly reaching in.
“Yeah.” He whispers, leaning in as well. The two of you meet in the middle and melt into the kiss. The two of you feel as if this was the kiss you’ve been waiting for forever.
He pulls back and looks at you. You exhale the breath you were holding in and look up at him, scrunching your eyebrows. He leans in for more, giving you small pecks onto your lips, hands roaming around your waist. The two of you unknowingly hoist you up onto one of the kitchen counters. He finally pulls back and basks in your glory. He whispers; “God, you are beautiful.”
He rushes back in for more and kisses along your neck. Nibbling and sucking on the skin, causing you to moan out a little bit. That little moan caused Argyle to want to hear more. He pulls back to breath and this gives you the opportunity to lift your shirt over your head.
You sit on the counter with your bra still on. He stares a bit too hard at your boobs and this causes you to look away. He moans out and—
“Yo!” the two of you hear a voice coming from the front door. You rush off the counter and fall straight to the floor. Argyle rushes off as well and ‘busies’ himself by ‘doing the dishes’.
“Oh hey, Argyle. Just forgot my wallet here.” Chandler says as he picks up his wallet from the couch. He watches Argyle ‘washing the dishes’, Argyle feels himself sweating underneath Chandler watch. You on the other hand, was latched onto Argyle’s leg, freaking out. Chandler looks to the side and smirks.
“Yo, meathead.” He calls out
“Yeah.” You say, covering your face.
“You missing a shirt or something?” Chandler teases. Argyle quickly walks to the shirt and tosses it to you on the floor. You grab the shirt and swiftly put it on. Soon after you put the shirt on, you jump onto your feet and give Chandler a shy smile and try to laugh to ease the awkward tension between the three of you all.
“You freaks.” Chandler huffs out as he shakes his head as he starts making his way to the door.
As soon as you two heard the door finally close, you dropped your head in shame while Argyle put his face into his hands. The two of you drop your shoulders in relief and look at each other.
“So…” Argyle trails on. Before he knows it, you’re back into him lips attached.
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
If you're still doing the song ask can you do Sherliam?
Yes, of course! Sorry it took me a while to get to this one lol but yessss
Song ask was make a 10 song playlist for a ship or character and since I think there's demand for this Im just gonna stick it in the actual sherliam tag!
Generally, it's a lot easier for me to do characters than ships but I have actually thought about this one a lot. I know a lot of the songs are pretty basic, but they work really well so stfu. I tried to put these in chronological order according to the storyline from when they first met to where things are now, but a lot of them would be simultaneous, so yeah lol
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Catch Me If You Can by Set It Off: I made an amv for this song as well with them, and I really cannot think of any song that fits them more than this one to be perectly honest. I mean. Catch me if you can. But seriously it is everything with how they interact with each other. They're having way too much fun with the game, they're playing with each other and leading each other on and both on opposite sides and completely in sync. Motherfuckers are basically canonical soulmates but hmm intellectually fighting each other is basically sex for them.
From The Gallows by IDK HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: As soon as I read ynm I knew this was exactly Liam to Sherlock. I think a lot of my ships fit this dynamic very well, but. Yeah. Mans is like yes we are enemies yes I'm deeply in love with you please judge me to be worth saving or not so if you don't think you can kill me and I'll be happy. Pretty straight forward there.
Masterpiece Theatre I by Marianas Trench: This one is Liam singing, and I think that altogether, the whole set of those three masterpiece theatre songs work for the whole series, both the anime and manga. But the first one especially. God, it works so well. It's all this incredibly guilt ridden person lamenting their great plan and how at the end they 100 percent plan to let it all be destroyed, including themself, over Yearning towards someone they're not supposed to be with and that they've been hiding a lot from. They've become all lies and fronts and they've had to ignore all their emotions for quite some time, and all they want to do is give it all up and cry into this person's arms even if it would go against everything they've worked for, even if it would kill them.
Collar Full by P!ATD: This one is pretty easy, I think both of them could be singing it at once. They're both awfully head over heels for each other and they've been pining for an ungodly amount of time that their natural state is just Yearning, but they know that if they ever got together it would be a chemical reaction that would destroy everything. All of the world is watching them and they have to hide it or die, they know if they were to be open about their secrets there would be nothing left between them to stop it from all falling apart, so they'll try to be together and try to pretend to be oblivious to why they can't. At this point though, it's been so long and all they've done is fall farther that they don't really care and they would rather collide and let the chaos happen just for the chance to embrace each other. AND "You've got a pocket full of reasons why you're here tonight, so baby tonight just be... the death of me" is LITERALLY JUST THE CANON
Hell by Dear Sherlock: I cannot believe how lucky i was to come across a song by a band called DEAR SHERLOCK? But yeah this one basically delves into Liam in the final problem, in his thoughts and in his letter. He's not in a good place at all, and he's sunk to his darkest, thinking himself to basically be the devil incarnate, and things are coming to their climax, shit's going to go down, and he's obsessed with trying to get Sherlock to kill him and end it all. Liam has been holding back all his emotions for a long time and they're all going off at once and he wants to expose all of them to Sherlock alone, leaving him vulnerable. Even though it's the thing he's always been most scared of, he craves it. He knows he's in love and he knows that's a problem but he'll do anything to die at Sherlock's hands at this point and he's convinced that Sherlock must hate him enough to do it but he'll confess everything anyway.
Achilles Come Down by Gang Of Youths: Surely, everyone knows this song, and it can be way overdone, but once again... it's them. Sherlock is desperately trying to convince Liam not to jump. Liam isn't listening.
Come With Me by Chxrlotte: I've actually made a sherliam amv to this song. I just happened to stumble across it and every single lyric fits perfectly into the storyline, especially in the anime. It's super soft and shippy yknow but this one is definitely Sherlock singing it- he doesn't care if they're supposed to be on opposite sides, he wants to make Liam happy even if the whole world is against it. He'll cross any line to reach him and he wants to always be there for him and even if he has to wait years and years he'll always forgive him and no matter what he believes they'll eventually reunite.
It's Alright by Mother Mother: Man, this song always gets me, but I think this really encompasses how good they can be for each other after it all goes down. They've both been incredibly reckless, self destructive, and kind of fucked up. They each have complimentary problems that make them feel like they're barely worth being alive. But because they love each other so much and they want the other to survive and be happy, neither of them is allowed to die, and they're going to live on together and they're going to heal each other and they're going to cry to each other and embrace each other and learn to live with themselves and get better and fix everything. God, they need it so much, and they need each other.
In Our Bedroom After The War by Stars: Again, I know this song is overdone, but just imagine this after the fall? Imagine this when they're both healing from the fall and learning to live with Billy in America? And like, it's a really tentative time, they're all still hurting so much and Sherlock has got to constantly worry if Liam is gonna throw himself off the fucking roof? But he hasn't yet and it looks less and less likely that he's gonna, so that's one good thing at least. They're able to settle down and try to calm their nerves and get away from the shit that's happened, and they cling to a very domestic routine, at once still so broken but healing and constantly reminded of just how much they have to be thankful for.
Laughter Lines by Bastille: I've always thought of this as a song for nezushi (from no. 6) because of the whole eventual reunion somewhere far down the line yearning but GOD they REALLY DID THAT IN THE ANIME and even kind of in the manga they have still been separate from each other a lot and on like, other ends of the goddamn planet. They spent a long time trying to be able to reach each other and get together, and they finally got to a good spot where they're able to accept it. Because so many things happened and there was a lot yet to be done, they had to leave each other for a long time with no way to contact each other, but they'll be waiting for the time when the other can finally come back and they're both healed enough to settle down. Cries real tears.
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moonbeamwritings · 4 years
totally unrelated to the prompts you just reblogged, but here it goes anyways. Just has a full blown panic attack where I couldn’t breathe, every part of my body started paralyzing and then I threw up. Is there any possibility of a bucci gang consoling the reader and helping them calm down? If you don’t want to write it o don’t feel comfortable doing it then just ignore this
hello dear! im so sorry for the wait, but i hope you’re feeling better! i can certainly give it a go! i’ve never really experienced something like this, so i tried to keep it a little vague just so i don’t misrepresent anything! thank you for sending in and i hope you enjoy!
Bucci Gang + Comforting Reader Post-Panic Attack
tw!!!: discussions of mental health issues and vague descriptions of the aftermath of a panic attack, allusions to vomiting
At this point, you didn’t really have any idea as to how long you had been resting against the side of the bathtub. You had disappeared into the bathroom what felt like ages ago, feeling nauseous and too shaky, anxiety clawing at your lungs.
As you came down from it all, your body seemed to be aiming to expel the horrible feeling creeping up your spine, leaving you hunched over the toilet, forehead warm and chest heaving. 
A few tears slipped down your cheeks as you took in the quiet lull of the bathroom, hearing muffled footsteps and voices moving around outside the door.
Soon enough, the silence was broken by a gentle knock on the door.
“Hey,” a soft voice spoke, “you alright?”
You cleared your throat, “Yeah, Bruno. I’m fine.”
He could tell by your tone of voice that you weren’t, but he didn’t want to push you too far. A beat of silence followed before he asked, “Can I come in?”
You pondered the question for a moment before letting out a quiet affirmative, telling him the door was already open.
He sunk down right next to you, eyes filled with concern, “Do you feel comfortable telling me what happened?”
You explained, in vague details, the last few minutes or so, heart still thrumming in the aftermath of your panic attack. He nodded along, listening attentively as you told him about the feeling and what happened as it finally went away all while offering you a kind, non-judgmental smile.
Bruno reached a tentative hand out to gently rub at your back, watching your face for any signs of discomfort. “The others are watching a movie. It’s only just started. Do you think that’ll help get your mind off of it?”
As soon as you nodded, Bruno was up on his feet to offer you a hand to help you up, leading you out into the living room to join the rest of your friends.
“You okay?” Fugo asked, immediately honing in on the displeasure on your face.
The movie was quickly paused as you, again, summed up your experience, this time with even less details. You really didn’t need to explain the whole thing to everyone in the group. You were happy, at the very least, that Bruno held more information than the others.
When you finally finished, the others were quiet, looking at you as if you were the only person in the room, clearly aiming to take in your every word, to make you feel heard.
Fugo was the first to break the silence, “I’m no stranger to moments like that myself, if you ever feel like that again I’d be more than happy to sit and work through it with you.”
The others, although maybe not entirely relating to the feelings you had, were eager to parrot Fugo’s sentiment.
“Yeah! We can play video games or listen to music or just hang out,” Narancia spewed, eyes growing excited at the thought of being able to be there for you in a time of need.
“Giorno could make you flowers! Right, Giorno?” Mista chimed in, leaning across to the other couch to smack at the younger boy’s shoulder.
“Of course,” Giorno replied, shooting you a warm smile.
Your tears began again, overcome by how sweet everyone was and how comfortable you felt.
“Thanks, guys.”
“Come on,” Narancia called, squishing Mista against the armrest as he scooched to give you room on the couch, “We just started a movie!”
Abbacchio stood with a grumble, announcing that he would go get you a glass of water before they got the movie started. Moments later he returned, slipping the glass into your hand with the most reassuring smile he could muster.
“Thanks, Abbacchio.”
With your water sorted, Narancia slung an arm around your shoulder.
As the movie played out in front of you, the rapid thrum of your heart was replaced with blossoming emotion, assured that your friends were there for you. No matter what.
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qingxintea · 3 years
➼ chongyun || hiraeth
tw: mention of knives (no violence), kidnapping, explosion _______
you angled your camera to catch your face and upper body correctly and adjusted your blinds for the correct lighting. you put thin pieces of yellow and pink paper over your lamp to give off a sunset lighting sort of aesthetic in your minimalist room. your tiny cacao tree sat in the corner of your room, setting some sort of simple beach vibe.
then, you began to stream.
you watched as majority of your followers came to view as you sat in your rolly gaming chair. the greetings came rushing in and you noticed two of your friends had came along too, xingqiu and chongyun.
"hey gang, it's kingexplosionmurder here with your weekly sunday stream," you smiled and watched as comments came in asking you to notice them. beginning to select randomly, you flicked a short strand of hair behind your ear. "you have been noticed, yourlocalsugardaddy," you blessed them. and you swore you chose randomly.
on the other side of the screen, chongyun's face slightly flushed before eating his popsicle again. yes, that was his username, selected by xingqiu after the guhua heir was somehow able to trick him into selecting so. the situation must've been that he accidentally consumed some jueyun chili's, that was also xingqiu's doing.
he watched you smile as you explained your schedule for this stream, when he noticed you suddenly began laughing. it sounded genuine, he wanted to believe it was genuine, but there was a trace of disappointment in it. he observed your face, noticing you were looking at the chat box. "i agree too, scarymoose."
scarymoose: this streamer's kinda dog shit ngl 😐
by instinct, his fingers grazed over the keyboard as he analyzed the tone. this kid wasn't joking around with himself, he was really out to bring you down. he exhaled, shaking his head, wondering how you would deal in the situation.
yourlocalsugardaddy: miss karen this isn't yelp 🙄
he wasn't content with that yet, things could've gone onto more serious matters, but he knew you liked to keep your chat clean and peaceful. you went to the farther extents to keep that from happening, agreeing with rude comments yourself as a said joke, but actually have it sometimes harming you.
so chongyun tried his best to keep you happy.
redrumreaper: yo moose chill 😳
he recognized his friend xingqiu also trying to calm the situation as you just laughed it off and attempted to continue, sooner enough just beginning to ignore all his comments. some other viewers came up to your defense but in all honesty, you wanted to move on.
"s-so, i found some silk flowers outside of wangshuu inn yesterday, aren't they pretty?" you took a tiny bouquet of the said silk flowers and presented it to your viewers, holding it next to your cheek. the pink tone of the flowers matched the color of your cheeks and made for a nice picture. chongyun would've screenshotted it, but he respected your privacy.
yourlocaldumba$$: yes they're so pretty we love you 😍
13lue13erry: yes ong ong 💕 thiccer than my granny
Straw13erry: don't bring madame ping into this 💀💀
colino: are you sure it's alright to take from someone's legally owned property ?? much less from their garden
Straw13erry: u mean ur neighbors don't harvest ur flowers every day? 🙄 privilege spoke 🤚
yourlocalsugardaddy: vv pretty 😳
redrumreaper: simp 💀
you slightly choked over on your side and xingqiu calling chongyun a simp, for you. quickly clearing your throat, you regained your composure. your viewers could see that your cheeks had been dusted with a darker shade now.
13lue13erry: 👀
Straw13erry: 👀
yourlocaldumba$$: 👀
redrumreaper: 👀
sireluck: 💀
bazinga: 👀
dandelionn: 👀
poetichoe: 👀
"okay- anyways," you pushed that aside, watching the chain of 👀's coming in. you weren't too sure at what they were referring to, but just assumed that they were interested in xingqiu exposing chongyun. but, there was no way chongyun really felt like that, right? it was just a friendly compliment from what you believed. "just a tiny flex but y'all guys, i am so cracked at apex, not gonna lie. for all the new followers out there," you randomly commented. 'and to change the subject.'
"actually, you know what? fuck the schedule, let's go to trolling little eight year old kids posting selfies on instagram. due to certain reasons i'm just not gonna be blurring their usernames out, but please don't spam these people, i don't wanna be cancelled 💗" you sweetly smiled as you pulled up instagram and started streaming on your phone.
of course your sus notifications ruined it 🤡🤡
because xingqiu took advantage of the situation, sending messages to your discord. nothing mentioning your romantic life because he knew better than that, but just trolling. 'HEY GANG. ITS ME, TONY, AND TODAY WE'RE GONNA SEE IF IM FASTER THAN THIS MOUSE TRAP.' 'TURNS OUT, I AM NOT FASTER THAN THIS MOUSE TRAP.' 'AN UPDATE, IT HURTS. ALRIGHT. BYE GUYS.' you tried hard to contain your laughter, but certain giggles came out in the end, giggles that made chongyun's heart flutter.
xingqiu just kept spamming without a stop, to the point that you accidentally clicked into the notification instead of someone's username on a selfie post. so now everyone could see your group chat with xingqiu, chongyun, and a few other viewers that were actually your other friends.
13lue13erry: oh no 🤡
Straw13erry: 🗿
yourlocaldumba$$: HAHAHAHA WE'RE EXPOSED 🤡👌
just water support boy 😔: image.png
oh my god he's sending chongyun catboy edits. you made this concerning noise, glad no one really seemed to know who chongyun really was on twitch. you went back to instagram, beginning to dm a random kid, ignoring the situation that had just happened.
chongyun choked, slight heat running to his cheeks. what the fuck was xingqiu doing- how did he even get those pictures? maybe it was that one time xingqiu forced him to go to a furry con, but how did he ever get the time to photograph these? he nervously fidgeted and played with his fingers.
13lue13erry: 🤡
Straw13erry: 🤡
yourlocaldumba$$: 🤡
redrumreaper: 🤡
<— oraoraoraor
kingexplosionmurder: chav check
oraoraoraor: what
kingexplosionmurder: chav: check 😹😹
oraoraoraor: bruh
oraoraoraor: who tf are you
kingexplosionmurder: hope you like baddies cause i'm bad at everything 💗
oraoraoraor: bruh ok i'm blocking
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
oraoraoraor: 😐
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
oraoraoraor: wtf
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
oraoraoraor: wait wait UR that one twitch streamer?
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
oraoraoraor: ig ur fans gonna be so disappointed in you
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
oraoraoraor: hahaha wtf i'm gonna post this and tag you
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
afterwards you sent a barrage of really cursed images and left the person on read when they tried to complain and get a reaction out of you. you chuckled, extremely satisfied with yourself. this is what your viewers followed you for. you went on hunting for another user, "GO Y/N GO" filling up your chat.
you were just about to dm this other kid until you heard a ring from your doorbell. "oh what the fuck, i didn't invite anyone. but you know what, i'll pull something up to entertain y'all guys while i'm afk." searching on youtube, you typed in 'banana fish ep. 1' and clicked on the longest video you saw. then you got up from your chair, making your way to the front door.
you didn't mute yourself before because you thought there was really no need to, and you underestimated your mic sensitivity. god did you wish that you could go back and time and do just that.
twisting the doorknob, you opened your door and was met with... a certain, someone.
someone that you recognized and has caused you so much pain, and it was all so fun and games before they had to come along. "bruh. aight what you here for fam?" you played it super chill, though you were really sick and tired of this person's shit.
"(y/n). we need to talk," her stern voice made you flinch as you just stared straight into her eyes. you simply nodded your head and crossed your arms, shifting your weight onto your right leg. "we're thinking of taking you back home."
your froze, your breath hitching as you just stood there, waiting for her to go on. clenching your fists and looking down, you stayed silent for a little moment and questioned, "...why?"
"well, you have a stable income source, right?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips. "you can finally be of use to us," she clasped her hands together, a bright smile on her face. your finger twitched, awaiting an explanation. "you're a streamer, yeah? so you can be a useful asset to our family name."
"...you only want me to come back so i can make you all seem... good?"
and here you thought, just for a second, that you would be accepted back into the place where you really belonged. your shoulders slumped, as small tears began to well up in your eyes. "and for our profitable gain of course, it would be a shame to not acquire that from you."
you composed yourself and looked up. "im afraid my profit can only cover for one person, and it would be myself that i focus to make a suitable and independent living out of. you've kicked me out ever since i've graduated from college and had me fend for myself, now inviting me back once i have a stable job?" you breathed, fiddling with the sleeves of your black hoodie.
"oh, not inviting, dear. taking."
confused by her words, you let your guard down as she suddenly pushed a warm cloth over your mouth as you let out a constrained scream. you tried to break free of her grasp, reaching for the switchblade in your pocket, but the drowsing chemicals from the cloth took control of you and you felt disoriented. "you... bitch..."
your head hit the floor.
》●✿ time ● skip ✿●
thats all you heard when you awoke.
pure, unfiltered silence that overwhelmed you as you were completely lost. what was happening?
you tried turning to the other side of your childhood bed, the moon casting light shadows into your 'room'. there was a rope around your wrists you noticed, so you brought them up to your lips and starting gnawing on them until it broke apart. (guys we feral its not a furry instinct ok?/ ??  ?)
the material had irritated your skin, but you put that aside for now. escape- thats what you really needed to do. it was fairly dark, but you didn't have a good estimate of time. the analog clock was broken and set to a different time that displayed 11AM. you sat up, your fingers running along the frame of the window next to you.
for a moment, you stopped, thoughts rushing into your head. what if you could start a whole other life here where things could finally be peaceful, what if you didn't have to feel so isolated anymore, what if you could- ...
no. (y/n), get yourself together. what has happened will anyways stay there, and there is no healing scars. ...still, you couldn't shake off the feeling of missing this home so much when you had an amazing childhood, though full of fake actors who had manipulated you.
opening all the cabinets silently, you grabbed things that you assumed would come to your aid. a tiny backpack, which you then stuffed with other things around it. a first aid kit, a spare knife just in case, along with a clean oversized sweater and a couple dollar bills. all that, along with a compass.
you turned towards your window, stepping on your bed.
pushing open the sides of your window, your stepped on, the brown coldness of the frame coming in contact with your feet. you shivered just a little bit before stopping to think. what would you do once you were out of here? you barely knew your way here. and not to mention, your devices were still left at your other house, so there was no way of contact.
did your stream ever end? even if it did, had you muted yourself before leaving? no, you didn't, and you could remember in precise detail. someone out there, anyone, would be willing to help, right? you couldn't possibly be here forever, not when you're basically blown up all over your socials?
your friends, yes, your friends! xingqiu and chongyun were watching the stream and had made obvious interaction in doing so, and they'd be willing to protect you. if they just had a lead...
but... what lead was there? all they heard was the woman's voice and, that was probably it, wasn't it? only a voice with no other clear features that could identify her. it looked like you were doing this on your own.
you came in contact with the blades of grass tickling your feet and conveniently found a pair of sneakers outside. it definitely wasn't yours, and it smelled like the scent of your old room. most likely, it belonged to someone from inside your house, lavender and mint, but who inside there was in the age range to wear modern day sneakers..?
brushing that question aside, you unhesitatingly laced them on and they were just a bit too big, but you could manage.
you breathed, inhaling the freedom intertwined air, a much needed factor of bringing you back to your lost sense of happiness. then, the fear struck you once again, because you needed to improvise now. you needed to run, but which direction? you barely knew this place at all.
you dug around your pocket for the compass you had and it was pointing east. you remember that stepping out of your house was facing west, so you were going the right way... but who knows how messy the path was? it couldn't have been an exact pathway, but going directly ahead was your simplest option.
you heard a pair of footsteps coming from inside the house, probably a few seconds away to opening the door. you sucked in your breath and ran, ran as far as your legs could take you. your intimidating speed and played into your advantage, and taking one last look, you saw the lights on, before continuing.
a few minutes into it, you felt some elemental energy. it was a sense you learned to develop since you were young, giving you the upper hand in a variety of situations. you followed the trail of glowing lines, the air starting to get colder and colder. you shuddered, the crisp coldness nipping at your skin.
you sat below a tree, taking your backpack off your shoulder and took out the oversized sweater. you put it on over your black tee and light blue skinny jeans, its nostalgic aroma filling your sense of smell.
it was... warm.
it shouldn't be warm.
the warmth proved as a sign that someone had worn it before, but this size was from what you knew, too small to fit the woman you came across again, and you absolutely did not recall any other beings within the house. it was a small household.
suddenly, you remembered what she said.
we're thinking of taking you back home. you can finally be of use to us.
plural. you should've noticed it before and you shook your head, slightly disappointed in yourself. you didn't remember any other birth siblings. could it be the fact that during the time, they had, in a way, replaced you?
you sat up, then suddenly went drowsy. your eyelids were getting heavy as your back hit the same tree. ah, that clever bitch. you chuckled to yourself, but still unsatisfied how this was gonna end. reaching inside your pocket, you grabbed a bomb that a little kid gave you, and threw it as far as you could. it wasn't as far as you hoped, but it was exceptionally far considered your sleepy state.
in a few couple seconds or so, it was going to explode. you did that to divert the attention of her and slowly ran as far as you could. a few seconds in, you gave in, hoping that your efforts were enough. 》●✿ perspective ● shift ✿●
chongyun heard an explosion.
he raised his head in the direction smoke was coming from, and made a run for it, then stopping to think. no, you're smarter than this. he gathered his shit together and remembered that one day klee gave you a bomb. he deducted that you had used it as a diversion, and began to search around the area.
and finally, he came across your sleeping body. to ensure your living state, he crouched down and let two fingers travel across your neck, searching for a pulse, and was relieved when he found one, pulsing at a normal rate.
he then carried you on his back, picking up the pace since he deducted someone was out for you, would you need a distraction. he remembered some details of the woman, she had ended your stream with your sleeping form in her hands, a dirty smirk coming across her lips. she had dark hair with some natural highlights, but that was all he saw because the rest was concealed by a cloak.
a few minutes, maybe half an hour later, you began to stir. chongyun decided that he ventured far enough to liyue and slowed down for your comfort. he wanted you to get some well deserved rest. but slowly, you woke up, but only the tiniest movement was made. your eyes were still droopy and you wanted to return to sleep.
but the sight of pastel blue hair kept you from doing so.
you felt the familiar silk coming in contact with your arms as he kept on trudging forward at a more consistent and smooth pace. "..chongyun?" you muttered out weakly, earning a small smile from the male. he hummed in response, continuing forward.
your mind was cloudy, unable to interpret the language of the world. but softly, words effortlessly escaped your lips, "... did i do the right... thing?" blinking multiple times, you awaited his answer.
"yes, yes you did," his soft voice reached your ears, making you smile a bit. you nuzzled deeper into his shoulder, clinging onto him tighter, unwilling to let go.
"thank you," you whispered.
he chuckled a bit before responding, "anything for you."
bro ending is a little off because i'm wrote this at 2:53AM and so my brain has went ⬇️⬇️ also i'm just hungry
copy and pasted from my wattpad,, @ppeachtea_
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
Can I request for one of the chapter's they have another night at Garcia's and Spencer (who's real baked) declares his love for Y/N & she tells him she feels the same? Loving this series babe!
hi hun! thank u so much for the request and the feedback. it really does mean a lot :’) i’m so sorry to disappoint but i did already have something down for how they were gonna admit their feelings for one another (which is also the chapter im currently working on hehe) but i still wrote ur request (which i’m in love with btw)! just as a one shot, though. depending on how others respond to this, i just might change it (giving credit where it’s due obviously)! again, thank you so much and i apologize. i hope u still enjoy :) also sorry for how weird the paragraphs are, i used wattpad for the word count lol
Tumblr media
Request: YES/no
Category: fluff in an alternate chapter of nauseous
Couple: spencer/reader
CW: use of marijuana, but other than that it’s just fluff :)
Summary: it had been a couple of weeks since you and spencer were up at your cabin. since you guys got back, you hadn’t heard or seen much of him. when you go to garcia’s one night for a little get together, what will happen when spencer had a bit too much to smoke?
Word Count: 1609
Y/N! You're finally here!"
Garcia had invited everyone back to her apartment for another get together. It had been a couple of weeks since you took Spencer up to your cabin and after all the platonic kisses and the heavenly sex, you both hadn't reached out to each other once you got back home. That weekend left you questioning your relationship with him. Falling in love wasn't something you were used to. You never had that moment where you could just stand there, and look up at someone and think that this someone was your whole world. The one you never could get out of your head; the one where you wished for their arms around you with your head on their chest. Hearing their heart beat, the kind of beat that made you feel safe. You'd never felt these feelings before, until you met Spencer.
You walked in, giving hugs to everyone. You were shocked that Rossi and Hotch were there, and when you went to give them hugs, you apologized in advance for your behavior under the influence.
"As long as you don't show this kind of behavior at work, you don't have to worry about it." said Hotch.
"Yeah, don't worry about it kiddo," said Rossi, "you don't have to feel embarrassed around us. We're a family!"
You then saw Spencer on the couch, smoking on a blunt. You could tell he was close to being gone, as he and Morgan couldn't keep a poker face while playing. He looks up at you and smiles, but then that smile shrunk into that awkward white guy smile, looking back down at his cards.
"Hey." You said as you sat down next to him. Morgan reached over to Spencer, taking the blunt in his hand and putting up to his mouth.
"Hey." He whispers.
"How much has he had already?" you asked Morgan, looking over to him and using your thumb to point at Spencer as he passes the blunt to Garcia.
"He smoked two bowls before this blunt so...he's gonna be done for pretty soon."
"Damn," you laughed, "started the party without me, huh?"
Spencer just laughs at himself, still looking at his cards. Garcia passed the blunt to you. You took a few hits, letting the smoke fill your lungs. When you exhaled your final puff, you pass it to Emily, letting the wave of tingles fill your body, your eyes beginning to feel heavy.
You notice Emily pass the blunt over to Hotch and your jaw dropped when he took it from her fingers. After he takes a hit, he hands it over to Rossi, which made even everyone else in the room look at him them in shock.
"What?" asked Rossi, "Gideon and I smoked a lot in our day."
"And I had my fair share in college like anyone else."
We gathered ourselves before Jj finally said something. "It's just kind of hard to believe, seeing our boss and founder getting high."
"Well believe it!" Rossi joked before handing the blunt to her. Everyone giggled and chuckled before starting a new game of poker.
It had been about an hour and at this point everyone was slumped. You and Spencer ended up in Garcia's room with her, Emily, Jj, and Morgan, just sitting around and talking about your high epiphanies as you passed a joint around, while Hotch and Rossi stayed in the living room playing another round of poker. Everyone was pretty much gone. Hooded red eyes and coughing every so often. Garcia's giggled were contagious and it made everyone else laugh along with her.
Spencer let you lay your head down on his chest, which made that safe feeling even stronger than it did when you were at the cabin. You watched as he took the joint to his lips and inhaled. When he exhaled, he let the smoke hover in his mouth before blowing it all out. For some reason, you thought it was sexy when he smoked.
He passed the joint to you and you took more than one hit off of it. You wanted to forget this feeling you had for him because you felt like he didn't wouldn't want that. If he did, he would've tried harder. And quite frankly, it looked like he enjoyed your friends with benefits relationship more than something bigger.
As you inhaled, Spencer adjusted his position a bit, looking up to the stars that were still on her ceiling.
"Fuck, man," he says to Morgan, "I'm so in love with Y/N."
You almost choked on the smoke that was still in your throat. You thought your mind was playing tricks on you. This was a little random to be admitting feelings.
"What was that, pretty boy?" asked Morgan with a grin on his face.
Spencer didn't know why they were so shocked. But then realized what he had said just seconds ago. "Oh shit, did I say that out loud?"
"Yes you did, genius," said Garcia, "and I knEW IT!"
"Knew what?" I asked once my coughing attack calmed down.
"I knew that something more happened that night. I'm a pretty good cupid, aren't I?"
"Well I...I-I don't..." Spencer began stuttering. You couldn't hold in your giggles anymore and just burst out laughing.
"You can't take it back, boy genius." said Morgan.
"Hotch, Rossi! You both owe us five bucks each!" yelled Emily.
"Wha-you had a bet on us?"
"You bet your ass we did." said Jj.
You wanted to be mad at them, but how could you? You felt the same way about Spencer as he did for you. Maybe it was the amount of weed in your system, but you couldn't think of a reason to pretend to be mad at them. Then something came to mind.
"Hey, just because he said it, doesn't mean he speaks for me, too."
Spencer looked down at you with sad puppy eyes. "Does that mean you love me, too?"
You were quiet for a moment before taking the last hit of the joint, correctly inhaling and exhaling. You blowed the smoke into his face before putting the roach in the ashtray.
"Spence, I'm so in love with you. Just as much as your in love with me."
A smile grew on his face as he sat up, putting his arm around you. He cupped her face with his other hand and pulled your lips onto his. His actions showed that he didn't care about if the others saw. He couldn't care less of what Hotch or any of them would say. He probably forgot they were even there. In that moment as your fingers were tangled into his hair, you, too, felt like you two were the only ones in the room, like the whole world had stopped.
His lips were soft against yours, like comfortable pillows or fluffy clouds. Yours were always in rhythm with his. It was hard to break away until his tongue rubbed against your bottom lip, begging for entrance as you felt his hand leave your face and slowly move lower. You had to break away.
"Not the right time, Spence!" I giggled, trying to play off what just happened. I looked around the room. The rest of the gang never left, even Hotch and Rossi were standing in the door frame. They giggled at Spencer's actions as you both tried to fix yourselves.
"Well, I'm very happy for the both of you," said Hotch with a smile, "but we'll talk about this once this vacation is over. I won't be your boss right now."
"How could you? It's nice seeing two young lovebirds connecting like this." said Rossi.
"As long as I have you guys, and Spencer of course, work will never be a problem." I said, ruffling up his hair one more time.
You all ended up passing out at Garcia's (aside from Hotch and Rossi, as they had loved ones to go home to). You snuggled into Spencer's body on the couch, wrapping the blanket around you both. You both were too excited and happy to sleep. The feeling of someone feeling as much love for you as you did them was too much, but in a good way. The two of you started to make out again. You were going to let his tongue attack yours finally, before he spoke after each peck.
"I. Can't. Believe. You're. All. Mine." He whispered.
You smiled after the last peck before you both went back in, tongues going at it like swords. After a hot minute, you each broke away. Your head moved back to his chest, with his hand on top of yours as his other hand played with your hair.
"You want to hear something weird?" I asked.
"Sure," he said, "but nothing that comes out of your mouth is weird to me."
You smiled, playing with his fingers. "I always pictured a moment like this, even before you. Just...my head on someone's chest, hearing their heartbeat. It makes me feel safe. And with you specifically, I feel even safer than I thought I would."
Spencer kissed the top of your head in response. "God, even your mind is beautiful. How is that possible?"
"Says you, Mr.Smarty Pants. With the amount of classics you have stored in there, I'm sure it'd be like walking around a beautiful museum."
"I'm so happy I'm yours, angel."
I snuggled into him more, feeling my eyes getting heavier. "I'm happy I'm yours, too Spence."
"Goodnight, Y/N. I love you."
"I love you, too." I mumbled as we drifted off to sleep.
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yggdrasil-mith0s · 4 years
Another reason people probably didnt like Symphonia their first time but later loved it is because of the themes and undertones. Here is another essay that's going to be a very quick Symphonia walkthrough as a young child playing.
Here's a warning: I mention some stuff that happens in Symphonia. It will be mostly vague but there will be mention of death. There also might be some spoilers in here but nothing too serious, just some of the beginning story more than likely.
Let me begin by saying the box art looks pretty cool for the Gamecube but the front and back does look like a very, very young child's RPG. It seems like an RPG that was creates for super young children that havent hit there teens or are in the very first years of being a teen.
I'm about to give a quick walkthrough as if I am a very young kid playing Symphonia for the first time. This is to show why a lot of people had this as their first game in the series but didnt like it. Why a lot of people weren't the biggest fans until their second playthrough or when they gave it another chance and realized it is absolutely stunning. A top 10 game of all time across every platform created.
First off, there was a lot of adult themes and tones in Symphonia. Obviously, I dont mean nudity or sexually explicit material. I'm talking about the Desian Camps. The idea that millions of people are being captured, put to work, then put to death or letting them die. These type of adult themes.
The first time we played, we were young. We didnt get choked up or super sentimental about what was going on in video games. We didn't care so much about the parallels between real life and our video games. Usually, we just wanted something fun to play. I mentioned it earlier but the start of Symphonia looks super childish and like it's going to be a lighthearted adventure. You have a cast of kids (2 very young adults that added comedy and badassness). A majority of the beginning fights are snakes, birds, bunnies, and bears. The battle system is fun but also easy enough to get the hang of. You can honestly button mash with the occasional arte and not worry about combos . You didnt have to worry about combos at all, really, and just use artes when you wanted. Some of the artes were pretty cool looking and strong too which added more of a "wow, the combat system is cool. There's attacks and a bunch of power attacks you can use. You can also move around and dont have to wait like a turn base game." It's also possible to just button mash or use all your MP on Artes and really kick their ass.
Combining all of those elements together makes it seem more kid friendly than it really is. Playing through the start makes you feel like a 10 year old playing his first RPG with an age appropriate game since you control a bunch of kids. The fights are easy and usually bees or some weak animal. Nothing serious, really. The artes are cool and the more artes you learn, the cooler and more fun Lloyd gets. It's cool to play as Lloyd when you learn a new arte or two.
So far everything has been pretty lighthearted. This RPG is fun, the characters are pretty cool and can be funny. The dungeons aren't super confusing. It's just a fun game overall but nothing spectacular or crazy. Really the worst thing that has happened is "Desians bad. They destroy hometown over something stupid."
Marble's scene is the only real adult sad part in the game so far. They kill Marble in a way that you kind of don't get crushed by emotions. They let you down pretty easy and you get Marble's ring for Genis so now she is always with you. Her death isn't too bad because she was old and it was just one old woman in the game. It's sad but not devastating. Also the Ranch. They use them as slaves. But tbh it doesn't really hit you that they resemble real world stuff and you dont see the parallels like you should. You just kind of write it off as shitty and Desians are evil and the bad guys. Surely you save everyone from the ranches and that's the point of the game. Kill Desians and save everyone.
You get to the dessert oasis where Colette crashed through the wall. Cute and funny. Oh, Lloyd and Genis get captured by bad Desians but the wanted posters were bad so it made it funny. Eventually, You escaped the bad, bad Desians and are back with your friends, yay!!! You go to the fire shrine, finally see more menacing enemies but they still arent that bad, and start your first puzzle dungeon! It's short but a lot of fun with a boss fight. It was a little tough but fun!! You beat the shrine, yay!!!
The serious Angel (Remiel) comes down again and talks to Colette and the gang. He gives her wings! She is becoming an angel. At this point you are thinking, "How cool. Colette is becoming an angel!!! She has wings now and can probably fly wherever she wanted to go! This game is really fun. It's not bad at all. The weapons and equipment aren't difficult and it's fun buying or finding stuff better than what you have and equipping the new stuff. The skits can be funny too and I get to know the characters better with the skits. This game is really cool, actually." It's time to speed this post up, though. I'll be going faster and doing more short versions/storytelling.
We sail across seas and bow we are at Palmacosta!!! Here's where things get a little weird and stuff too. So Palmacosta is cool. We look through town, only to find imposters. That's right. These fools are pretending to be me and my gang. Im the one with a cool group and shit. People wanna be me so bad!!! Lol.
By the way. General Dorr is also the Mayor of Palmacosta.
Imposters are rude and we meet mayor who seems cool till he tells us he thought the imposters were us and gave them a book we need. So....little me is like
"YOU DID WHAT!?" .... so we leave. Lol
We go to mountain gate, cant pass yet, learn Palmacosta is under attack by ... you guessed it... Desians. ,
*little me has eyes stretch wide open* But I was just there!!!! Sucks, I know.
So we head back and make it to Palmacosta. Remember the girl we saved from extreme questioning and customers that were badgering the girl since she was the store clerk/owner. Of course not. I never mentioned it. I saved her back then at the start of Palmacosta. Naturally they chose Chocolate, in some weird, sick revenge way for me making them look weak when they verbally attacked her. So Chocolate is about to hang and be killed. Some stuff happens and Lloyd ends up using his sword to save Chocolate. Boom. He is a hero. He saved someone from hanging....
Wait.... hanging? In kids game? Damn that's a little intense for a kids game but I guess you do save her. Carry on.....
So let's speak to the Mayor. He was conveniently gone while that was happening but meh. Coincidence right? Yeah. Yeah.
Talking to the General/Mayor we decide to go rescue everyone who has been kidnapped from Palmacosta. By the way there's a ranch for most cities that Desian's manage. So there is a Palmacosta Ranch and a bunch of people from Palmacosta are now held prisoners in the Ranch. Boo! But I digress.
Off to Palmacosta ranch!!! We finally reach it and... oh look... General Dorr"s personal Aide/Assistant. What's this? He is a traitor!? You've got to be kidding me! I trusted that dude!!! Maybe that will teach little me to be careful about who I hang out with. A pretty good life lesson for little me and nothing too serious. I'll handle that later though, and rescue the prisoners in the Palmacosta Ranch.
We save Chocolate but she would almost rather die than be saved by you. So you save her but not without a fight and learning some shocking stuff that little me is like "WHAAAA!!!???!??? NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY!!!!!!!! she still lives cause of you and you fight the leader of the Ranch and win that battle!!!
So yay!!! You won the battle and beat Palmacosta Ranch! Good job little you! You did awesome!!! The game has been really great, with a pretty light tone for the most part. Everything is bright, the enemies arent that bad at all, nothing truly fucked up has ha---"we're going to blow up the Ranch with people still in it" -Raine.
That's right.... "YOU'RE GONNA WHAT!?!?"
So yeah, we blow up Palmacosta Ranch. Desians were probably still inside along with a janitor named Chet that everyone forgot about lol. So bye bye Ranch!!!
"That got dark really fast and Raine is pretty ruthless but most people escaped. I guess I can kind of forgive that. This game is definitely darker than I thought but it could be worse. Most people escaped anyways I am sure. So it's not that bad." -me.
Back to Palmacosta to confront the traitor General Dorr!! Here we are! General Dorr and his daughter are standing suspiciously in the basement of the government building in Palmacosta. I'm sure he knows that he has been found out. I know he tried to sabotage the Chosen's journey. He has no exc--- OH NO! They got his wife with the Demon Seed, too!! Now she is a monster! No wonder he is a traitor. He is trying to get a potion which is the cure to save his wife. I kind of get it but that's pretty messed up. He is basically being held hostage. This game just got a little darker.... but it could be worse, I suppo----WHAT!? HIS DAUGHTER IS A DEMON! DID SHE JUST SAY SHE KILLED HIS DAUGHTER A LONG TIM AGO AND HE WAS TOO STUPID TO NOTICE!?"
She really just called him stupid and is acting like he is the biggest idiot for not knowing she killed his daughter!!! This whole time she has pretended to be his daughter. That means she probably went to her school, played with her friends, talked to her dad and played with him. She probably told him she loved him which is so messed up. She also knew there was no potion but continued to watch him and be ready to kill him if he tried to snitch about his wife. This got dark really fucking fast wtf!!! She is a complete demon stranger in a girls body pretending she loves her daddy, plays with friends, and does child things but is a demon the whole time. "I love you daddy says the demon pretending to be your daughter. That's really sick and twisted. Sad thing is little me is like "well that's weird. How did no one notice at all she was acting odd?
Maybe she didn't have any friends and her dad is to distracted about the medicine for his wife, he doesn't notice.
That's absolutely crazy and completely dark. Woah. This game is way way darker than it lead me to believe when I was young. That was pretty much my first reaction/playthrough when I was little. Symphonia is dark as fuck.
I played a little bit further to the next ranch my first playthrough but quit when I found out they were killing people like it was nothing. I was really little then, too, btw. I quit because it got really dark and kind of weird and complicated to fully grasp everything going on and the parallels to the real world. I always played RPGs relating it to real life and such. I have done that since my first RPG so with Symphonia I had to quit. It was too dark and weird when I first played it.
Once I came back and beat Symphonia I thought it was Brilliant. It was absolutely amazing and worth so much more praise. I loved it and still do. Even the dark side of things.
Turns out I am not the only one who did this. Play through, reach a dark part or part where you realize how dark it is, and then quit. I'm glad I picked it back up, though. It's almost a perfect game!!!
So yeah... here's a playthrough of little me and Symphonia. I was too little to be playing games with dark themes even if they were short or small. I say this because I was stupid small and really let my imagination run wild when I played games and read. I often make things 20 times worse so I really shouldn't have played Symphonia till later.
Anyways it's amazing. Nearly perfect.
Enjoy your games, everyone. If you arent currently doing so, find a Tales game to pick up and start playing!!! Tales of Arise or some other Tales game will be here before you know it so practice up!!! Play a Tales game!!!
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Oh you want characters huh~? Take your pick. Bendy the dancing demon, Alice Angel or Joey Drew?
JOKES ON YOU I’M DOING ALL OF THEM wiiiiiiiith some rules, because while i ADORE bendy and alice they dont really have much of a personality from the games and the TV show. i love them but i love them from the headcanons @cindersalad and i came up with yknow?? especially for alice :pensive:
SO THE RULE IS im using the canon gang from the games >:) starting with the gosh darn dancing demon because aaaaaaaa the first time i found him, especially in chapter 3? it was terrifying :^) he isnt much more than a elaborate jumpscare maybe, but i must say that seeing him behind a corner, even in that one boris sidegame? it’s genuinely unsettling sometimes. plus i love his design so much- BUT NOT AS MUCH AS I LOVE ALICE’S and im putting this one under read more bc i dont want it to be too long ansmdg
ok so. alice.
idk if im in the minority for this, the real unpopular opinion will come later with joey but. i love her so much??? “oh but shes a villain and tortures boris” yea i know thats what villains do. sammy tries to kill you for crying out loud.  she’s just. such a fun antagonist. maybe it’s just me but bad guys who are all about perfection and stuff are very good and fun if written correctly and she’s so delightfully evil and charismatic? plus her design is absolute bomb.
a lil sad she had to die in such an underwhelming way (not counting the theory where the sammy we meet in ch.5 is actually sammy mixed with her, which tbh i wholeheartedly support) but thats such a minor pet peeve and SUCH a great way to introduce allison instead. something-something-symbolism, you know? allison being the one “killing” alice/susie? thats gr8.  
      sidenote i dont see where people got the whole “oh susie is bad bc shes just a woman who hates another woman” thing, like. she was upset allison took her part but she commented about it only in ONE tape, her big deal is with joey (and henry)?  idk i know people cant understand but thats my two cents. she was just pretty fucking mad at joey and rightfully so.
SPEAKING OF WHICH. JOEY DREW. HAH. TIME TO GO WITH THE CONTROVERSY bc i remember when ch5 came out everyone and their dog found HIS appearence underwhelming. ngl at first i was a little upset he wasnt the ink demon, but i’m honestly so glad he isn’t? while i still love inkdemon!joey, canon joey is... great. he’s an antagonist without really being one. he’s not evil, he’s not a villain who’s actively trying to murder everyone and everything to achieve perfection or revenge.
he’s just... a man who made a big mistake. a man with a dream, that sounds so genuine and delightful in his tapes up until the very last one where he finally shows his frustration about how much his dream doesnt fulfill the expectations.  he’s just an old man filled with regrets and sadness, likely simply because he didn’t achieve what he always wanted, but perhaps especially because he knows what he left behind?
his empire, of course, but his friends too. henry didnt talk to him for 30 years and it’s pretty obvious the two were close, and so many people - employees, FRIENDS - died or ended up completely deranged because of his mistakes. seeing him as nothing but a frail sad man, with no joy in his voice? it hurts, but feels like the perfect ending for him.
a bad ending, a SAD ending. a just ending. he wanted everything, (unknowingly) played with and ruined others, and for that he’s left alone with his memories.
i have. lots of feelings for joey drew.
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hydrospanners · 4 years
fic masterlist: swtor
at the request of literally no one, i’ve created a masterlist of all my swtor fic. first is a chronological collection of all the swtor fic i’ve written in my “canon”. it’s broken up into snippets of time relative to the events of swtor. aus and gift fics are at the end. this is more for me than anything else, but if you have a bunch of time on your hands and want to read some fic--enjoy!!!
i am the most self-indulgent author known to man so there are numerous fics that don’t feature any canon characters in any significant way. i’m not sorry, but i did mark them with an asterisk for everyone’s edification. i also wrote actually vaguely descriptive descriptions instead of whatever bullshit i put in the descriptions on ao3. all links go to ao3 because tumblr was not designed for reading and it shows.
53 fics below the cut... what a trip, y’all.
backstory these fics are about things that happened before the opening of the class story. 
* a very velaran life day - snippets of different life days in the velaran family history. no canon characters in it yet, but maybe this christmas i’ll get to some fics that aren’t solely about my own ocs.
* the shape of things to come - the story about how rea finally joined the jedi at the ripe old age of sixteen.
* a dimming star - the first steps on rea’s jedi path. they aren’t fun ones, lads!
* necessary sacrifice - like three years down the timeline and still no canon characters! rea continues to struggle with this whole being a jedi thing, and it continues to struggle with her! this one features a haircut as a symbol of a turning point in the story.
bars and stripes - canon characters??? in my fic????? its more likely than you think. this is a shameless ripoff of an episode of m*a*s*h masquerading as doc backstory. does it have cameos and/or mentions of other healer companions? maybe!!!
prelude these are fics set during the prologue of the class stories, everything that happens between the start and completing the capital planet missions. 
* memories - rhese? do you finally get a say in all this??? this is the moment rhese and rea finally see each other for the first time since they were recruited to the jedi, set at the very start of the class story.
attachments - kira and rea talk about rhese. that’s it. that’s the fic.
act one all the stories set between killing tarnis and beginning preparations to capture the emperor (everything after coruscant ending and pubside balmorra starting). rip orgus. one day ill finish all those wips about how sad it was when he bit it. in the mean time, can i interest you in some gifsets?
lessons - now rea’s padawan, kira reflects on how bad rea is at teaching, though maybe without as much clarity as i just implied.
a tangled web - so stupid it’s basically crack, kira has to rescue rea from an embarrassing situation.
of flowers, failure, and the virtues of friendship - kira and rhese start to bond over the shared torment of having to be around rea. rivals to friends (one day i’ll write the “to lovers” part that comes after).
act two all the stories during the time when the knight is prepping for the assault on the emperor’s fortress and then assaulting it. everything between pubside balmorra starting and breaking free from the emperor’s fortress after that super successful plan to bring him in alive. great job jedi!
filling the table - is that shipfic????? the reason i started writing swtor fic in the first place??? this is rea being thirsty disguised as me sewing seeds for the eventual doc x rea romance. pazaak themed for some reason? (doc x rea)
when the wicked play - this is me being obsessed with the translation of video game violence to vaguely realistic circumstances posing as doc feeling some kind of way about rea murdering a whole bunch of dudes who wanted to hurt her but weren’t powerful enough. not primarily romantic but definitely some setup for their relationship.
night shift -  everything is doc x rea and nothing hurts. rea’s got work to do but who can work when there’s a horny mustachio’d doctor trying to persuade her back to bed??? it’s not love it’s just good sex!!!!! honest!!!!(doc x rea)
these nights never seem to go to plan - rea isn’t yearning for affection, she’s just too tired to get out of doc’s bed after so much boning. okay maybe this is about slightly more than good sex after all... doc x rea TENDERNESS.
somewhere we’ve not been before - this is the good shit lads!!!! doc x rea!!! first dates!!!! shenanigans!!!! honest to goodness falling in love between all that fucking that do!!!!!!!!!!!! (doc x rea)
no better taste - a sequel to the last fic featuring the morning after!!! some post-horniness introspection!! tenderness!!!!!! hints of yearning!!! god i miss the days before the mind control and the carbonite when the problems were normal things like commitment and abandonment issues. (doc x rea)
heart - rea sends doc a rocking “thanks for the great sex” gift!! rhese is disgusted by every part of it! this is comedy folks!!!! (doc x rea... i guess)
interruptions - rea takes a work call while she’s boning doc. that’s the whole fic. i think this was my first spicy fic?? i can’t remember. (doc x rea)
* where you go to rest your bones - sibling tenderness!!!! their relationship is super complicated, but rhese is reminded that underneath all the bullshit rea really does love him a lot.... it’s both sad and not sad at the same time. schroedinger’s sadness.
gifts - the crew tries to plan a gift for rea, but what do you get for the woman who’s banned from everything?? so dumb it’s basically crack and i’m not sorry for it.
crapshoot - the crew takes bets on what rea’s next Bad Idea TM will be. she shows them you can’t predict chaos. basically crack but i don’t care.
spoonful of sugar - vignettes about the jedi knight crew dealing with sickness. almost entirely comedy and/or fluff. doc x rea content is present and rhese x kira content is suggested.
a little eggstra - grocery shopping gone awry, based on an old tumblr text post. hella stupid, yet hella fun. doc x rea is in the background.
to break our bones for kindling - you thought we were just having good times??? you’re a fool. doc’s job is to heal people and rea’s job is to break them. sometimes they have work-related disagreements!!! be sad with me. doc x rea.
* when a problem comes along, you must whip it - i can only stop being stupid for so long, so here’s the story about how rea came to possess her lightwhip, the stupidest weapon known to man. these events do not go well for rhese.
things unsaid - a dumb doc x rea drabble about stupid shit rea says when she’s been mortally wounded. if doc were to just let her die, no one would blame him.
* the things you do for love are gonna come back to you one by one - a bit of a character/relationship study about what rhese is willing to sacrifice for love of his sister, no matter how complicated things are between them. a second chapter about what rea sacrifices for rhese is in my wips and will be completed... .eventually. 
lovesick - doc x rea ship content. my interpretation of that one conversation where doc’s like “hey would your jedi powers tell me if im going crazy also do you love me? check yes or no. i will not elaborate.”
* the things we left behind - oh no lads.... we’re building up to the fortress shit.... our good times are over. rea does some underhanded shit to make sure her brother doesn’t go on this mission to capture the emperor cause the plan does not seem like a great one.
act three wow wasn’t act two fun??? so much silly nonsense and love. now get a drink assholes it’s Time To Be Sad. act three covers everything in the class stories after coming back from that super successful assault on the emperor’s fortress (great job jedi!) to finally stabbing the bastard in the dark fortress and hoping that gets the job done at last. (spoilers: it doesn’t!!!!!) aka stories from belsavis to the final assault on dromund kaas.
everything we left there - it’s trauma time!!! rea’s fucked up from the fortress and feeling the pressure (thanks for the prophecy scourge!!! love that!!!!) so she hurts people she cares about to protect them. it’s her signature move!
the only thing that’s real - rea continues to be fucked up from what happened on the fortress but hey... at least she isn’t fucked up alone??? sad doc x rea content.
into the jungle - the gang is on belsavis and no one is having a good time! since rea isn’t herself, doc tries to pick up the slack and reassure kira that it’ll all be okay! it goes about as well as you’d expect.
interlude now that i’m looking at it, there are some serious gaps in my fic coverage. anyway, sad hours are over, the emperor is (kind of but not really) dead and there may still be a war on but things are looking up! this covers everything between the emperor’s death and the beginning of kotfe, including forged alliances and the shadow of revan.
hands too hungry - doc finally takes rea on that honeymoon she didn’t really care about in the first place! tragically, rea is way too horny to be impressed by what an amazing vacation he planned for himself them. peak rea x doc content.
no kind of romantic - it’s doc and rea’s one year anniversary but they are both working on opposite sides of the galaxy. sad! it’s doc x rea fluff disguised as angst.
a little help from a friend - rea and theron are worst/best friends and i recycle romance tropes into annoying friendship ones. this is the least sexy sharing body heat fic you’ve ever (not?) read. bite me.
retirement - rea has some feelings about her very violent, stressful job and how it interferes with her husband doing things that actually help and heal. doc x rea content.
the dreaded kotfe content these are sad hours!!! this is everything from arcann’s invasion on, cause i’m not breaking it up by post-carbonite storyline you bastards. i don’t know why i’m being so hostile no one asked me to do this.
every doubt we had - after watching what may have been his sister’s death by exploding starship, rhese is having trouble sleeping. no one is more surprised than him when seeks out doc for comfort! doc & rhese brothers by marriage solidarity. carbonite angst...
love is a waiting game - rea’s been MIA for six months since the ship she was on bit it and her crew is finally making some changes. doc is sad about it. doc & rhese brothers by marriage solidarity again. doc x rea angst.
waiting - some time has passed and now rhese is the sad one again!!! grief is so funny isn’t it??? hahahaha haha hahahaha why is no one else laughing? doc & rhese brothers by marriage solidarity yet again.
the greatest distance - rea’s back baby!!!! oh but this isn’t a celebration. she’s taking a tour of her long lost ship now that all the people she loved aren’t in it. it’s a sad one, fellas. 
* when the stars are the only thing we share - rea tracks down some people from her past to help her track down her brother since he went missing while she was having a nap. no canon characters were used in the making of this fic.
leave her sleeping a little longer - rea has a dream and wakes up missing doc even more than she was before. sad hours. doc x rea angst.
take back what the kingdom stole - after theron pulls some Shenanigans (you know the ones) his friendship with rea is in peril. they both break character and actually talk shit out for once.
a wish your heart makes - rea dreams a dream. so does doc. it’s a wet one. this makes it sound lighthearted but actually it’s angst with a side of porn. doc x rea supreme spicy/sad content.
overserved - back to crack baby!! rea gets drunk and acts a fool based on a joke made in a discord server. this is the best shit i’ve ever written.
thrusting back into my skin i feel anew - the band is back together again and everything is fine!!!! just kidding -- actually people change a lot in six years and rea and doc are having some trouble fitting back into the marriage they had back then. doc x rea angst but with a hopeful ending!
non-canon fics i’ve written a couple of things with my dumb characters that are too stupid even for me to put into their canon story or are otherwise aus. these are them, listed in no particular order.
the lies we tell ourselves - a sadder (yet possibly more realistic) take on the ossus reunion and what follows. a bit experimental. doc x rea angst au.
archiban frodrick’s kennel - a romance au where doc is a vet and rea has a pet with a health issue, inspired by my own stupid dog whom i love very much. doc x rea. spiciness suggested but not detailed; sorry horndogs.
fallen - a fun au where rea’s shittiness as a teacher and everything being bad leads to kira falling to the dark side... its angst lads.
the new recruit - rusk’s squad adopts a kitten. that’s the fic.
cruel - ever wonder how things would have turned out if rea was never smuggled off eriadu and got plucked up by the sith?? no??? well i have and i wrote about it. the self-indulgence never ends.
fill my lungs with sweetness - a gift fic for @hoiist; flower-themed vignettes about doc expressing his love for hoiist’s knight, vii. this is some real soft shit, lads.
remember me, love - another gift fic for @hoiist; this time some ossus-flavored angst about doc seeing through vii’s eyes in his dreams. what he sees is not comforting!!! all aboard the angst train--choo choo!!
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my version of the d3 timeline
okay so with d3 being out, im going to say something
I thought the timeline would be different.
so here's mine
starts off with good to be bad, obvi
then the choosing of the kids
vks go get the kids
they pick up the four, but instead of the isle crowd being exited, they’re mad, they want to go to auradon too!!! they shouldn't have to wait around till another vk day (this is back when we all thought isle people would only be chosen annually) so the car speeds out of there, and the now just rejected crowd stands behind the car as it exits
queen of mean
Audrey grabs the scepter, a plan in mind, but because she is not maleficents blood, she falls into a deep sleep, and in a final bit of magic, makes the scepter and crown disappear from her grasp, and she teleports herself to her bed, making it seem like someone else spelled her
now its the mal ben talk, beast suggests closing the barrier for good, both mal and ben are against it, more ben than mal, but mal soon agrees, bens disappointed, but “understands” then he gets his phone call about the crown and scepter being stolen.
beast suggests uma, mal agrees, Ben = uma protection squad
mal tells evie, the exact same scene happens except with more, “kids who want to go back and see their bothers and sisters, or their parents, we’re just going to take that away from them?!”
mal asks evie “E, since when was any parent good on the isle”
“smee” “that's tight, he never did anything but he certainly never stopped anything” “dr facilier” “he was crap to Freddie, he really only likes Celia” “lefou” “again, never really did anything, but never stopped anything”
evie just sits there, trying to come up with an argument, “what about food, if no one goes in or out, what about the barges?” “the goblins grab that remember, no one actually goes in or out, they just reach across the barrier” evie just looks devastated, while there are a lot of bad parents on the isle, some of them are a lot better than others, like Anastasia, dizzy had said multiple times that she wanted to go back to see her auntie, the one who raised her. then the scene goes on like normal.
then the getting ready for janes party scene.
that's when mal gets a call from ben
“Audreys been spelled, her grandmas been trying to wake her up to no avail.”
mal rushes to head over to the dorms, she gets there, seeing Audrey motionless on her bed.
then either she or FG runs a diagnostics on Audrey, revealing that this was a curse of the scepter.
“the only thing more powerful than the scepter is Hades ember”
mal heads back to Evie's house, telling them all about what was going down, and they needed to go back to the isle for hades ember. mal is about to head inside to get changed when magic strikes her, spelling her into an old hag.
the scene goes on like the movie, but instead of Audrey being there, they think its uma behind all of this. 
cut to Audrey, Audrey is awake, and she has the scepter and crown, she releases her sleeping spell at janes party, jane goes underwater, she calls Ben, telling him about Audrey. 
ben tries to call mal, but she's on the isle, no cell phone service.
mal and gang head to the isle to grab the ember, Celia tagging along, they go to the arcade to get key, the tv plays the same scene, they still think its uma behind it all, then the same pirate stealing bikes scene.
mal tries to get the ember, but hades catches her doing so, and FYI, hades is NOT mals dad in this version, he asks what she wants, she says she needs it to break a spell, one song later (a hard rock version of do what you gotta do, with no daddy issues shit) hades only agrees to give it to mal IF, his son hadie comes off the isle next. mal “I can't do that” “well then~, I guess no ember for you” procedes to walk away, mal breaks, agreeing to his plan.
mal now has ember, but hades warns her only gods/demigods can use the ember, and she would need either him or another god to use it for her
“ill take my chances” “if it gets wet its game over”
cut to ben and Audrey scene. Audrey curses ben to beast mode. but does not turn FG into stone yet. 
the core four + Celia exit the isle, mal goes though her little blue up, but Celia bumps her arm, causing the ember to go flying through the air, right into umas grasp.
in the background, harry and gil are rejoicing.
“it can't get wet! give it back before it goes out!!”
“why? you won't be able to use it, either way, ~ only a god or demi-god can use it...and oh~ your not one, but...I am~”
mal is stubborn not wanting to team up with uma, evie rationalizes with her, “M shes right, we need a god to use the ember, and we have one right in front of us”
“but shes the one who cast the curse in the first place remember?” “mal shes offering an out right now, if we just go along with it she might back off”
uma cackles, but says one more thing “if you want my help....open the barrier for harry and gil”
jay growls but opens the barrier anyway, the boys don't even wait before jumping though.
uma cackles, releasing her transformation, mal yelps out a no, the ember was gonna get wet. 
uma reappears on the bridge, harry nearly tackles her, but he remains mostly calm, gil is just like a retriever tho.
the scene continues on like in the movie, with some exceptions.
“uma give me the ember, I need that to break a spell”
Carlos: “yeah one cast by you” 
confused uma is confused “what spell? I didn't cast any spell”
the core four are now stunned, “what? but you cursed Audrey to sleep with my mother's scepter-’
“hold it right there dragon breath, if I used the scepter...wouldnt I be asleep right now? cuz im not maleficents blood, only your mom or you can touch it remember?”
mals brain fizzles out, shit shes right
“but if you didn't do it” evie inquires, “who did?”
uma grins turning to her boys “this seems like a job for pirates!!!!” mal is just frustrated “uma give the ember to me, i need it”
uma just hums ‘well I might not give it back~ just to see what happens”
“uma it's not the time for games peoples lives are in danger!!!”
“guarantee me that every single villain kid that wants too, can get off the isle”
“I can't do that” “can't do that huh *holds it over the edge* well how bout now!!”
“deal!...deal”  *uma fake stumbles, harry still tries to catch her* 
the scene continues on like in the movie.
they arrive at the school, going to make their way to audreys dorm, but they find everyone asleep.
the scene continues on like in the movie, but dude doesn't talk. so they have no clue on who the culprit is. 
mal and the others head to audreys room, to use the ember to wake her up, only to find she's not there, they do a minor search tiring to find clues on who took Audrey, uma flops on audreys bed, finds her diary...and that how they find out. 
“Hey, guys...come look at this”
they gather around uma, who reads the last input Audrey put in her diary.
detailing her plan for becoming the queen of auradon, and taking it by any means necessary.
it clicks for harry and uma, but takes a second for the others to understand.
“guys” harry growls, like its obvious,(which it is) “yer princess is the one who cast the spell!”
“shes not like that!” “yeah Audrey wouldn't do something like this”
“oh really” uma hums, flipping though audreys diary “take a look at all this”
pages and pages of heartbreak and grief, rants about the pressure put on by her grandparents, how she never even got an apology from Ben OR Mal.
how shes a failure for not keeping her hold on ben, and how she wishes he had broken up with her like a normal person.
“it's obvious she snapped and took the crown and scepter”
‘We need to find ben” mal says, snatching the book from uma and tossing it on the bed, gil steals a glance, seeing that Audrey hung out at fairy cottage a lot, and stashes that info for later.
“and find FG too, we need the wand”
they all nod, following mal out and to the museum, evie calling fairy godmother.
as they arrive, they see FG trotting up the steps, 
“mal what in heavens-” shes turned to stone, the vks gasp, harry runs towards uma, as always trying to protect her.
the rush off, not wanting to get turned into stone.
they stop in front of the school dorms, breathing heavily, Carlos hears dude bark, and (referencing the fact that he can speak dog) asks dude if he knows where ben is, confused harry is confused “what are yeh doin’ pup?”
“I can speak dog” “okay then”
now for the scene Night falls, goes exactly like the movie. but instead of the dance break defeating the knights, its Mal, Uma, and Evie's combined magic that overheat audreys magic and cause it to fail. 
Evie tries the ice breaker, to no avail.
mal sends the boys to find ben, she and the girls follow Uma's plan to go back to audreys dorm to find out where she might be, then Gil brings up that he saw that Audrey likes to hang out at fairy cottage.
core four are surprised, uma and harry are not, their boy remembers things at the best of times.
the boy's forest scene is exactly the same. 
mal, evie, uma, and Celia just start to head to Evie's house, since they know where Audrey might already be.
then the Doug scene, now there is no one kiss, evie finds Doug, but because of her fast thinking, before uma can suggest true loves kiss, evie remembers that she has anti sleeping spell potions, uma is surprised, evie just goes, “my mom is a witch remember?”
Doug wakes up, uma is impressed, “alright im a little intimidated by you now”
“as you should be~”
witch evie is best evie
the boys encounter beast ben, the scene is not changed
back to the girls, mal thanks uma for suggesting audreys place, uma is defensive, mal feels guilt because ‘what the hell have I done to make uma this defensive around me’ 
later mal apologizes to uma about the shrimpy incident, uma does not forgive her
“Apology accepted, but you're not forgiven”
“i-i can accept that”
Audrey boards up the house and mal and uma work together, uma does NOT give mal the ember, she still doesn't trust her. not completely.
the boys arrive, uma reunites with her boys. the scene continues on as in the movie
now the dark forest scene. it continues on as in the movie, but when mal reveals she been lying the entire time, Celia takes the ember from uma, tossing it into the pot.
the scene continues on like in the movie
mal tries to beg uma to help, but she's done with mals shit, she doesn't want to be hurt anymore, harry leads her away.
final fight scene.
uma returns, picking up the dropped umber from the ground where mal dropped it. as soon as she picks it up, it ignites, sensing Umas demigod status. 
dragon mal in the sky pressing down on Audrey keeping her distracted, uma controls the water in the air and plants and sends it towards audreys, aided by the ember, she surrounds Audrey with water and puts pressure on the scepter, breaking it.
Audrey falls defeated.
the movie continues on like normal.
okay, so this is my version of the timeline. hope yall enjoyed!!!!
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metalchick19-blog · 5 years
The Bowers Gang: Ship #12 - Patrick Hockstetter
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Request: Heyy hows your day been I hope it’s been great🖤Can I ask for a ship? Im 5”6 I’m shy around new people i like reading I like chilling and just watching movies Like horror movies I’m a nice person I have social anxiety so it’s harder for me to interact with people at social events. I’m pretty quite unless I really know the person if it was my bestfriend I wouldn’t shut up I like wearing chains,rings bracelets and black shirts and just some jeans. Thank you so much your the sweetest💕
We all know why Patrick came for you 
Legit smelled your social anxiety from a mile away (all 5,280 feet of it), and followed the scent like a bloodhound from day one
Day one being your literal first day in 4th-period English together 
Watched you stutter and sweat your way through some introductory name-games, and that was it 
Hockstetter was locked and loaded
Wasn’t seated next to you the first day, but somehow sat next to you every day after that from then on
Where’s the kid who sat next to you originally?
No one knows 
Primarily just stared at the side of your face and grinned like a mental patient for the first few days of knowing you (’cause he knew you could feel those piercing green eyes), but eventually started making off-handed comments about the class material to make you laugh
Which was totally just a ploy to get you comfortable (and you straight-up fell for it), but still
It worked like a charm, and Hockstetter went from being your freaky friend in the classroom to your high-key demented boyfriend in everyday life 
Takes you to every horror movie that hits the Derry main-street theater - no question
Never pays for it (because Hockstetter), but can usually find a way to sneak you guys in the back during previews 
... Even if it means creating a distraction to get you both in
Which he has done (once set fire to one of the wooden benches outside the theater just so you could see “Cujo”) and will continue to do as often as he sees fit
...The bench thing honestly wasn’t even necessary though
Just insisted it was the only way to see the movie (which it absolutely was not)
The legit master of convincing people you belong there even though he knows good and well you stole your seats from paying customers (”I’m tellin’ ya’ guy, ticket or no ticket, these are my fuckin’ seats... but my lap’s always open if you’re really that heated about it.” *Cringe-inducing Hockstetter smirk*) 
Cash isn’t necessary when you have Hockstetter-brand persuasion on your side; enjoy the free flick 
Always insists on coming to your house afterwards so he can “protect you” (”Oh, come on princess, at least let me walk you home - I’m thinkin’ of your best interests, here.” *Equally as cringe-inducing Hockstetter smirk)
We all know what that’s about; have fun being “defended” 
In general, loves fucking you 
Loves it
Gets insanely kinked-up over your shyness alone, and dominates you in every way possible; both pain and pleasure-wise 
Especially loves making you look up at him with your big, nervous eyes mid-fuck, and hearing you call him Daddy in your little uncertain voice (or sir, or master, etc... the list is extensive)
... But often brings your private kink into the real world, and expects you to call him names like that all day long in public - especially in front of the guys
Purely because he knows it’s nearly impossible for your soft-spoken mouth to say it in front of them, and he likes to see your internal struggle until it comes out (*Starts to hand you something, then stops* ”What do we say, princess?” *Lust-filled Hockstetter grin*)
“... Thank you...”
*Holds object just outside your reach; lust-filled Hockstetter grin continues*
Always leaves the guys visibly uncomfortable (both when he’s trying to make you say it, and when you finally do), but instant Hockstetter hard-on has begun because “good girl”
Either leaves you to fend for yourself at house parties, or calls all the attention over to you at once. No middle ground
Literally tipped over an entire keg of beer once and yelled, “Nice move there, baby doll” before sauntering off and leaving you to deal with the many (undeserved) teen-aged death-stares
... But Belch and Victor walked over to help you clean it up (not all heroes wear capes), so people cut the shit pretty fast when they noticed your Bowers Gang association
The embarrassment doesn’t stop there, though
Oh, no
Tries to get you to do “risque” things around the guys often, because 1.) he knows they all low-key want you, and 2.) he lives to see you tremble
Once dared you to do a strip-tease in front of all the guys while you were playing truth or dare
... And you kind of had to, because The Bowers Gang does not fuck around with that game
They way they play, if you don’t do a dare, the person that dared you gets to pick a punishment for you
... Which meant Patrick would be picking your punishment
So you stripped down in the most fearful, disjointed way possible and just went somewhere else in your head the whole time
The guys were both attracted to you, and sorry for you
Honestly left them all feeling kind of pissy with Hockstetter because it shook you up so intensely - even Henry wasn’t having his shit for the rest of the night
But straight-up led to the best sex of your life (because obedience deserves a reward) so yay (?)
Victor is hands-down your best friend in the group
Talk to each other often about the books you read, and tend to spend a lot of time together when Patrick isn’t hogging you (partly because you have history and lunch together at school)
Prepare yourself - cutest side-note ever coming up
Sometimes expresses genuine concern for you when it comes to your relationship with Patrick
Has just seen you put into a lot of uncomfortable situations at Hockstetter’s hands, and wants you to know you can count on him if you ever want out of that arrangement 
”If you ever feel like you need help one day,” *Dead-serious Victor gaze* “I’m just saying, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to tell me.”
“Just saying - the asshole doesn’t scare me.” *Icy stare into the distance*
Mostly just because you’re his friend, and he really likes you a lot - has always thought you deserved better 
*Cutest side-note ever ended*
Things aren’t all torment between you and Patrick, though
Definitely became more well-suited to one another as you started to open up within the relationship, and basically became the two most potent shit-talkers in Derry High School
Literally always muttering something to one another that sends you both into uncontrollable laughter, and everyone around you kind of hates you for it
...That’s just because they know you’re probably laughing at them, though
Hey - if they didn’t want to be laughed at, they shouldn’t have dressed the way they did, am I right?
Patrick jacked one of your rings the first time he ever came over to your house (it’s the one he wears on his pinkie)
Joked about how it was a promise ring, with a twist 
“It means you promise to let me bury myself in that pussy, princess.” *Totally unjustified lip-lick*
... Yeah. Your relationship is... something
Fuck it though - have a great time with your dysfunction
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minimenace · 5 years
Felix live thoughts:
i still don’t get why gabriel, who is known to wear his ring, is polishing both his and emilie’s rings
nathalie smiling at gabe aww
its been a year???
cat song from chat blanc
sitting together, bonding time??
gabriel: i need to tell adrien im hawk moth and its for the greater good - the greatest good id ever get - emilie’s ass
adrien: oh dad i know
gabe: wHAT??
adrien: yeah...you and nathalie  👀 im cool
not that adrien knows his mom is even alive smh
gabe, you can’t expect your son to be all hopeful when there’s nothing he knows of to be hopeful for
gabe: bitch get ready cousin you is coming
1 year since emilie ‘went for cigarettes’
adrien: healing  😌
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marinette’s first act as class president: class meeting!!!! (plus luka and kagami) we need to cure adrien of his depression
adrien is hallucinating his mom isn’t he
wait it’s his mom’s twin isn’t it
amelie and emilie huh
gabe is not “NO get out”
grouch kitten time!!!
felix getting hugged: bitch...fine ok
so felix and adrien’s favorite game as kids was Parent Confusion huh
gabe: how dare you shake my hand
felix: how dare you not shake my hand
so gabemilie wedding rings were from her family
emilie’s maiden name was NOT agreste...bitch no im DYING with this headcanon
felix whats to know what the FUCK is up with kyle gabriel
marinette...no...do not tell your crush you’re in love with him when you’re trying to console him about his missing mom
ok slightly better
bitch you’re still recording
is this gonna be another copycat where marinette tries to get the phone to delete the message
wait this is LITERALLY another copycat
“I’m really sorry I didn’t come to your dad’s funeral” OH BITCH NOW I GET WHY HE HATES YOU
explains why they’re wearing black
felix with bryce’s voice hits bad
he needs kousei arima...max mittelman...pLAGG
“you do everything your dad tells you to” “oh well yeah you know”
do do do do-dUUHN
adrien and felix used to challenge each other in chess...nerds
plagg: “you’re cousin is being sus BUT HE TOUCHED MY CHEESE THAT UNFORGIVABLE”
plagg: *points out adrien’s mother is* adrien: *gets sad* plagg: oh baby fuck im so sorry
felix i know adrien is complete dumbass but you cannot call him an idiot!!!
wait is felix gonna find out marinette is ladybug because she was recording for so long
probably not lol
felix fuck you im the only one allowed to make fun of nino’s dudebro accent
felix bby youre not building a good case for yourself by making fun of my babies
also bryce is trying to do a lower voice and he just sounds dudebro
wait is felix gonna rip chloe a new one
YES felix and chloe knew each other
the one time chloe is being genuinely nice for no discernable reason and felix is like “fucker”
well with the season finale we know it doesn’t matter
marinette time bitch lets see what happens im scared
ok thats mean
the writers are trying very hard to make me hate felix but joke’s on them, i’ll never hate anyone on this show
no joke i used to hate theo and call him a pedo and now i’m like “aww poor baby”
wait where is theo i havent seen him around
ok he deleted the videos so immmmmmmmmm hmmm
felix getting ready to cause havoc
ok luka is kind of a joke
*strums guitar* im supportive. this is my personality.
i cant really be mad about felix sending that mean message but adrien deserves to be a feral kitty
fel-ien: i renounce all my friends y’alllll SUCK
me: ...
calls out chloe specifically: NO THATS MEAN but true
marinette: there’s no way adrien can be mean he’s an absolute...aNGEL (how does that meme go)
i mean she has a point because he’d never call chloe out like tHAT
lila spying for gabe seems to be a good thing but im concerned about what gabe will be doing with this video
oh ok they knew it was felix
nathalie: so uh...sir...now’s a good time to um...akumatize some vulnerable kids...
gabe: ok amelie lets see how you feel about THIS akuma attack
gabe getting people to go chase down your “son” is still going to inevitably hurt your son
im fairly certain that max and kim know marinette is ladybug at this point 
*announcer voice* and in the confusion, reflekta, lady wifi, and princess fragrance were deakumatized because they couldn’t figure out who to be mad at
WHICH ONE OF YOU IS THE FAKE ADRIEN they all shout. “idk what do you think” says adrien 1 to adrien 2
adrien: *starts acting all mean*
punishers: IT MUST BE HIM
nathalie: STOP IT ADRIEN
punishers: wait who
adrien: muwahauwah i wonder who I could BE AJAHAHAHA
felix: bro why the fuck are you covering for me
nathalie get your grove on
felix: ha...no?
felix: oh well...KONO FELIX DA- LET’S FIGHT
istg if felix has his own miraculous
ladybug saves fel-ien
fel-ien: i love you
activates “smooch”
marinette: *has flashbacks to spook-drien* uhhh no
felix you’re being very menacing about this kiss
ok... i feel like marinette going “NO MEANS FUCKING NO” is a brownie points moment just the entire structure of the scene...also she has no reason to suspect adrien is not adrien, so the punching is just...intensely weird to me
this also feels like astruc trying to be like “FELIX IS THE OPPOSITE OF ADRIEN WHO IS A PERFECT GENTLEMAN AND RESPECTS WOMEN AND THEIR BOUNDARIES” when like um i dunno, adrien ALSO tries to kiss women (ladybug) without their consent but those moments are always treated as comedy so you’re not being very slick with this scene
side note; idk why when a male morally dark end character gets into a fight or something with a girl very one goes “THAT’S SEXIST”, like basically what you’re saying is “you can’t hit girls” which in itself IS sexist. everyone can be punched. don’t fucking hold back.
side note; you shouldn’t punch ANYONE
“You’re not Adrien, he would never be so pushy!” *looks at chat noir* uhhh....
i mean good deduction skills tho? i still think it’s pretty hastily and badly written
adrien is fucking OUTING his cousin lmao
i feel like there was pre-existing tension
felix: is actually ashamed for once
lb: great!!! now break the tablet felix: bitch this is some good fucking money i aint breaking it
felix and lila are the moth gang
hawk moth: why felix: uncle give me your fucking jewelry
felix: manipulate the situation...and profit
that has got to be the GREATEST defeat ever...truly lucky
felix looks like he thinks that he’s going to jail
adrien: dude wtf amelie: ...his dad- felix: no dude that was pretty fucked up, ill own up to it
“i hope to become a better person and see you again soon!” this was one concentrated bad incident but yeah ok
the tone is making me think this is supposed to be inauthentic and he doesn’t mean it but im hoping this isn’t the case.
but if it is genuine, it sounds like there’s a tacked on “learn to be better- from you” which like, yeah adrien is better than felix we get it but you don’t need to emphasis adrien as a model dude when he’s like tier 1 good guy. he’s decent. lmao.
wait felix has always been wearing a ring i didn’t notice
awww felix and gabriel made up.
what even happened between them to begin with.
adrien: aw sHIT CUZ WAIT gabe: nO DAVIC
adrien: if you need to talk in here felix: thanks
astruc: see he’s morally superior
did felix just gift adrien some expensive cheese lmao
felix: hey i feel bad, i replaced your cheese
adrien : *records message to thank everyone and says “i love you”* marinette: *obsessively plays back the “i love you”*
marinette: ill take what i can get
so felix really is a magician huh
i feel like him and jean duparc would get along
oh so there’s history behind the rings?
“where it belongs” everyone hates gabe huh. wuh happened
gabe why are you taking your wife’s ring
it’s like he needs that thing to function
the ring: why you so obsessed with me
is it like an anti-nathalie charm or something
gabe: bitch get it together yOU’RE MARRIED, YOU’RE WIFE IS DOWNSTAIRS
the beef is, probably like all things, related to the miraculous
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Wasn’t so hard was is?
So! The final ask for @madnessismylover, for Micah perhaps teaching you how to shoot or teaching you to play cards. My thought was, why not both? :D I know there isn't much teaching, but i thought this was cute.
Sad thing is that now im out of asks, so please request some!! I had a blast writing these and i want mooore! Lol
Reader is female, sorry gender neutral fans! I just see Micah as a ladies only kinda guy!
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"God dammit woman, this is an easy game!" Micah growled with a huff, he was seriously struggling trying to teach you how to play poker.
"This is not an easy game Micah! Blackjack, is an easy game, Five Finger Filet is an easy game, hell Russian freakin Roulette is an easy god damn game! This is a game of friggin torture the likes of which are only surpassed by actual torture!" Needless to say, you were most certainly NOT picking up this game very well.
No one's really sure as to why Micah took an interest in trying to teach you Poker, Uncle already tried and actually had to give up. Maybe Micah just wanted someone decent to play with, maybe he saw it as a challenge, maybe he liked you and wanted to try and show off by teaching you. No one could tell.
"Y/n this is a simply game," Micah started but you cut him off.
"No, simple would be shooting a man in the head from the next town over, this isn't simple." There were a few scatter chuckles from the gang members that was paying attention to you and Micah bickering like children. Micah actually started laughing, hard.
"Y/n, everyone knows you're the worst shot in camp. You wouldn't be able to hit the broad side of a barn with a shotgun." Micah chuckled with that damned smirk.
"I'll admit, I'm horrible with short to medium rage guns, but I get a rifle with a scope, and a bit of distance, I'll be taken down folks before they can even figure out where the shots are comin from." You gave Micah a wicked smirk of your own.
Micah raised a brow and contemplated your words for a moment, before his face slowly split by a grin.
"Prove it."
So that's how almost the entire gang decided to take a day off, nearly everyone was out in the heartlands hills, Arthur, John, and Charles were on a nearby plateau placing a couple empty bottles around for you to snipe at.
By this time the entire camp had placed a betting pool on if you were going to succeed or fail. Nearly everyone had bet that you were going to lose, the only ones who seemed to have any faith that you could do it consisted of Arthur, Hosea, Charles, and surprisingly of all, Sean.
You weren't fazed by so many people thinking you were bluffing, but you would show them.
"Say, Y/n, how about we make this a bit more interesting. Hm?" You raised a brow at him while waiting for Charles to come down and announce that the bottles were set.
"You mean like a bet?"
"You're reading my mind. How about an exchange of favors. If you lose this little challenge, you'll owe me a favor," at this Micah let his eyes roam over your curves, telling you exactly what kind of favor he was thinking, "and if you win, which I seriously doubt, I'll owe you a favor."
"You mean, I can ask you to do anything, and you'll do it?"
"Within reason of course. So, do we have a bet?" Micah stretched out his hand for a handshake.
"You got yourself a deal Mr. Bell." You chuckled and shook Micah's hand. Moments later Charles rode down to announce that four bottles were placed, Arthur and John stayed up there to be sure the bottle were broken. Just as you were about in position to scope out where the bottles were Sean called a quick halt to things. Before jogging up to you, squishing your face and planting a kiss on your forehead.
"A kiss to share my Irish luck!" Sean announced before scurrying back to his spot, causing several people to groan and roll their eyes. You giggled and blushed at the crazy bastard before getting into position and peering through the scope.
You quickly located all four bottles and took a shot for each, everyone watching through their binoculars. Once you shot the last bottle you gave a smirk as you watched Arthur and John come out to inspect, and lo and behold, all four bottles were broken.
You then spot something through your scope that made you grin like a maniac and mischievously giggle as you cocked the rifle again.
Everyone quickly peered at you then quickly looked back through their binoculars to see why you were taking aim again. Hosea was the first to see the bottle of beer that John was holding by the neck.
"Y/n no, please don't." Hosea begged.
"Do it, you have the luck of the Irish on your side!" Sean urged.
"You actually make that shot and I'll be impressed." Micah smirked.
Through the mix of 'do it' and 'please don't' you carefully took aim and waited for the most opportunistic to take the shot, and you did, resulting in John's face and neck being coated in the sticky liquid.
While you couldn't hear them you saw Arthur laughing his ass off and John most likely cursing you out. Several people behind you were laughing and other just shaking their heads.
Arthur and John came off the plateau and announced that you had broken all four bottles and the one bonus bottle that John was still pissed about.
With a hearty laugh everyone made their way back to camp so they could pay the victors of the bet their spoils.
It was after dinner when Micah approached you looking a bit sour that he lost what seemed like an easy bet.
"So you won, whats the favor I owe you?" Micah frowned and refused to look at you.
You had to think about that one, there was so many things you could have him do that could embarrass or humble him. But, there was one thing that you could ask that seemed rather beneficial to you.
"Teach me how to shoot."
"Wha?" Micah actually looked at you in surprise, clearly having expected a task that would humiliate him.
"Like i said, I'm absolutely horrid at rifles that don't have a scope and I'm even worse with pistols. So having you teach me would probably be the most productive use of our time. Besides, can't be any harder than trying to teach me poker." You laughed as Micah actually gave you a smile.
"Well i would hope not, you are hopeless at that game." Micah chuckled, for he saw another opportunity to try and impress you.
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nekoabi · 6 years
Fic Masterlist!
I finally made a post version of my masterlist, which allows it to be viewed on mobile! Everything is also available on my AO3, which is also NekoAbi. 
The Five Times Patton Smiled And The One Time It Didn’t Reach His Eyes - Angsty. Romantic Royality. Romantic Prinxiety. Implied NSFW. College AU. School AUri
Admitting It - Romantic Logicality. Kiss. Sleepy boys. Terrible Title Syndrome.
Stitches -  Hurt/Comfort. Platonic Moxiety. Patton tears.
Falling For You - MASTERLIST! Romantic Logicality. Romantic Prinxiety. Platonic LAMP. One-sided (for now). Implied NSFW dreams. Implied wet dream. Swearing. Logan and Roman being know-it-all lil pieces of shit. School AU.
Planning - Platonic LAMP. Fluffy shenanigans.
Snow - Platonic LAMP. Virgil enjoys the snow. Pain mention, Self-inflicted pain.
Calm - Platonic LAMP. Its a calm day and Virgil gets introspective. Food mention.
Library - MASTERLIST! MASTERLIST (Rewrite) Library AU. All pairings, a different pairing each chapter, ending with LAMP. Cute fluff. Falling in love in different ways. Logan, head librarian. Patton, hired work. Virgil, volunteer. Roman, volunteer.
Too Close For Comfort - Past Prinxiety. Crying, Break Up. Roman is processing a break up, maybe some music can help.
Royality vs. Analogical - Romantic Royality, Romantic Analogical. Food mention, kissing. Each relationship is different; some are loud, some are quiet.
Nerdy - MASTERLIST! Romantic Logince. High School AU. Logan’s always been a lone wolf, but recently someone’s just been playing on his mind.
Fragrance of Dark Coffee - Romantic Prinxiety. Angst. Major Character Death Prior To Events. Influenced by Ace Attorney.
On the Verge of a Heartbreak - MASTERLIST! Eventual Moxiety. Angst in later chapters. School AU.
His Last Chance - Prinxiety. Angst. Implied cheating, lots of sadness.
Prompt Fill Fic Collection - University AU. Most LAMP ships. A collection of 9 prompt fill fics.
Logan’s Birthday - Written for Logan’s Birthday 2018. Platonic LAMP. Food mention, happy crying.
Tea Break -  Patton finds Roman having some issues with homework. Platonic Royality. Food mention. School AU.
Hands - Soft Logince. Roman’s frustrated by something.
Of Princes and Potions - MASTERLIST! Pining Logince. Royal Fantasy AU. Sympathetic Deceit. Mentions of war and injury. Chapter 6 involves blood, swords, knives, injury and strong anxiety attack parallels.
Rain On Me/You’re Perfect/The Way You Held My Hand/Stupid Band - School AU. Virgil is new to the school, meets a cute boy, can’t handle it. Themes of personal isolation.Chapter 3 had allusion to self-harm and talk of injury. Based off of a songs from Emo the Musical.
If I Can’t Love Her - Based off of a song of the same name. Roceit. Sympathetic Deceit. Roman hears a new singing voice, and needs to find out who it is.
Perfect - Romantic Royality. Kissing, Playfighting. Roman and Patton begin by playfighting, end up doing something they didn’t expect.
My Hero - Romantic Moceit. Kidnapping, Gangs, Violence, Fighting. Patton is kidnapped, and all he wants is for his boyfriend to come and save him... but that would never happen... right?
Ultraviolet - Logince. Past Prinxiety. Swearing, alcohol mention, past FWB relationship. Roman’s crushing on a fellow teacher and his inner performer can really help with that.
Bad Day - Implied Romantic Mox. Panic attack. Virgil has a bad day, Patton knows how to help.
Animals Know Best - Logicality. Prinxiety. Soulmate AU. Everyone has a partner animal that chooses them which not only has traits of their soulmate, but will also lead them to their soulmate. Virgil doesn’t believe in it all too much, until he can’t help but admit it.
Insomnia - Remile. Insomnia talk, mention of sleep therapy, mention of smoking. Remy’s dealing with some really bad insomnia and he’s referred to a sleep specialist. Yet the most interesting thing is the receptionist who works there...
Torn Apart - Heavy Angst with a happy ending. Lots of violence; stabbing, cutting off limbs, strangulation, choking, head injuries. Wrath is an OC of mine, he’s an angry man. Virgil sets him off. It’s a bad time.
Lullaby for a Duke - Remus mention. Based off of Lullaby for a Princess, an MLP song and animation.
Ranking Up - MASTERLIST! Splatoon Sides. Deceit and Remus are involved. 
Lies - Virgil-centric. Angst. Unhappy Ending. Suicide, Alcohol, Dangerous Driving, Car Crash, Death, Suicide (both implied and described), Implied Abusive Deceit. Based off of Lies by McFly.
This Day Aria - Villain!Deceit. Based off of the same song from MLP:FiM.
It’s (Im)possible - Roceit. “What you just asked for is impossible” and “Fuckbuddies falling in love”.
I’m Fine! - School AU. Roman’s sent to the councillor’s office against his will. Sure, he may have mentioned something in drama, but he’s fine!
Headache - No AU. Thomas has a headache and it affects where the sides reside... and to Roman more than the others.
Paint Me - Royality. Human AU. Struggling artist Roman needs some inspiration and the stranger knocking at his door is just what he needs. Based off of Paint Me from Firebringer.
To Love a Remus - Demus. No AU. Remus is an idiot, but Deceit thinks he’s hot anyway. Blood and Injury mention. Birthday fic for @doces-e--tuga
Virgil the Small Purple Emo - Moxiety. Love Makes You Grow AU. Virgil was unloved at a young age and stopped growing. A chance meeting might change his life. Secret Santa for @midnightsdarkangel (also my first and probably last attempt at GT)
Battle Bonds - No AU. Thomas is on a Pokemon kick and its affecting his imagination more than he could... well... imagine.
Theatre Technicians are basically Vampires - Vampire/Human AU. They all live in one house, work at the same place and are vampires. Angst included about their pasts which include the following: attacks, blood, talk of death, injury, scarring and attempted suicide.
Recreating - MASTERLIST! No ships. No AU. Thomas liked to watch Disney movies. That fact was one of the least surprising things about him. He could sit down and watch almost any of the Disney movies and have a wonderful time. Sometimes, scenes from those movies got stuck in his head. He never thought anything of it. 
Love on the Fly Floor - Theatre AU. Prinxiety, Roman is crushing bad on one of the flymen for the show he’s on. When his birthday rolls around, the cast and crew give him a surprise.
While The Sides Are Away, Virgil Will Play - No AU. The sides have a day out and leave Virgil at home. They don’t expect to come home to him looking... like that.
How Not to Help Your Nerd Boyfriend Find a Swimsuit - Human AU. Intrulociet. Logan needs a swimsuit. His boyfriends want to help. They are no help. Birthday fic for @cloverlyanxious/ @maeofclubsandart
Pier Pressure - Human AU. Logince/Pining Moxiety. The four go to the lake to hang out, Roman’s mad that his brother and friend are so clearly into each other but not taking the hint.
The 5 Times Patton Tripped and the 1 Time He Fell (In Love) - Human AU. 5+1 fic. Moxiety. Patton falls a lot, has done since birth. Doesn’t mean everyone’s used to it.
Remus Kidnaps You - Idk AU... mix of canon and human, maybe? No Ship. Remus kidnaps you to play with your hair. That’s about it.
Oh My God, They Were Roommates - Human/College AU. Prinxiety. Virgil meets an old friend, gets a crush on him, walks into him basically naked, freaks out. Ends happy.
Heatwave - Sides-Are-English Human AU.  There’s a heatwave. All the roommates are shedding their usual clothing for something cooler, except one.
Explainable Coincidences - Human/Teen AU. The twins explore an abandoned hotel, but they didn’t expect others to be there too.
Don’t Think Twice - Human AU. Song Fic. Roceit. It’s the happiest day of their lives, yet they still reflect on where they started from.
Keeping It Quiet - Human/Influencer AU. Prinxiety. Virgil and Roman keep their relationship quiet on social media. Not silent, just quiet.
Don’t Drink And Livestream, Especially When You’re Famous - Human/Famous AU. Platonic Roceit. Being drunk, drinking, kissing. Janus tries to help his friend get over his ex.
A Simple Mistake With A Simple Solution - Human AU. Logince. Roman messes up, Logan’s pissed. Roman makes it easy.
Skipping Ahead A Few Steps - Human AU. Logicality. Patton brings a dog home, Logan’s baffled and confused.
Oh How The Tables Have Turned... - Royal AU. Roceit, background Intrulogical. Roman’s brother likes Roman’s retainer. Roman doesn’t think he likes his brother’s. He’s wrong.
Just Like In The Fairy Tales - Semi-Fantasy/Royal AU. Royality. Patton sneaks off to his favourite place to enjoy the view.
An Apple A Day... Hurts Like A Bitch - No AU. Platonic Sides. The 5 times Janus got apples thrown at him and the 1 time he threw one at everyone else.
TVFH Related Stories
Pocky Day - Written for Pocky Day 2018. Shenanigans with TVFH cast and the pocky game.
Coffee Break - Virgil returns to his room and finds Reggie having problems with homework. School AU.
House Party - Roman throws a house party after a show. Mention of drunken behaviour and alcohol.
Beach Trip -  It’s hot, the gang decide to go to the beach. The night before, shenanigans ensue. Sexual implications. Relia focused.
Type Found - Pokemon AU. Prompto finds a Pokemon in an imperial base, saves it and plot things happen. The boys have partner pokemon.
Hair Troubles - No AU. Ignis can’t get his hair right and it’s frustrating. Prompto steps in to help.
Prompto’s Bike - Pre-Roadtrip. OT4 Chocobros. Prompto has a motorbike. The other bros really like it.
Cor’s Cooking Lesson - Pre-Roadtrip. Cor finds young Ignis attempting to cook and helps out.
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i-am-not-anon · 5 years
Under the eye of an institution
part 5
Summary: Logan and Patton (both 16), the older students, are expected to look after two groups of freshmen in Watersouth boarding school for boys. Both of them despise the tradition of bullying that is subjected to the newcomers by older students. The two respectively get a student in their groups who is a little different from the ordinary crowd: Roman and Virgil (both 15).
Author’s note: Here we go again! Logan takes action to help Roman, while Patton is still trying to form any sort of connection between him and Virgil. Message me for getting into the taglist, please.
Triggers: Bullying, abuse, violence, violent punishments, panic attacks, self-deprecation, name-calling, i n s t i t u t i o n
Other parts here
Logan shook his head as Roman stood at the doorway of his room. ”I refuse to order you to lick anything. I assumed soccer is one of those outdoor games where shouting is allowed, even encouraged?” Logan put his pen down, turning on his chair to face the younger student.
Roman fidgeted with his hands behind his back.
”I guess I’m too loud for anyone’s standards, sir.”
”That sounds pretty self-deprecating, Roman.”
”Maybe it is,” the younger boy released his hands to gesture with them. ”I don’t understand what for I even am here in this school. I’m going to get kicked out soon anyway, sir,” he complained.
”That simply depends on how determined you are to learn to obey the rules,” Logan answered.
”Sir, you don’t understand,” Roman argued. ”I’ve tried so hard this whole time. Well, at least after I spoke up at the first assembly.” the boy sighed. ”I’m just more stupid than everyone else. I should just go home.”
Logan thought for a second. ”So you suppose you are different from other students here?”
Roman rolled his eyes. ”That’s literally what I said.”
Logan frowned. ”Watch your tone. Now, have you been diagnosed with any learning difficulties or such?”
”No, sir. Mom doesn’t trust the healthcare system, so actually I wouldn’t know if I have been diagnosed with something at some point.”
Logan rubbed his chin. ”Okay. I think it should be useful to carry out some psychological tests for you. I will be taking my time to research about those, and you will be coming back here tomorrow, at six past noon.”
”What kind of tests?” Roman’s eyebrows shot up.
Logan waited until Roman would realize what he had forgotten.
”Oh, sorry, what kind of tests, sir?”
”I will not carry out any tests that would humiliate or hurt you,” Logan answered. ”You are free to go. Maybe there is another game outside you could get invited to join? Aside from that, don’t forget to come by at six past midday tomorrow.”
”Yes sir,” Roman grinned and sprinted back to the hallway. Logan watched him go before turning back to his homework.
The next day Logan spent researching terms associated with learning difficulties and the ’symptoms’ Roman had been showing while attending the school. He chose a handful of internet questionnaires, all of which warned that they weren’t official and an individual should be diagnosed by their doctor before taking the matter too seriously. Logan decided, that as he wasn’t trying to diagnose Roman, only to help him to survive in the school environment those should be enough.
At 6 pm, Logan waited in his room for Roman. He believed the boy must remember his appointment, as he had reminded him every time the rascal had been sent to Logan for disrupting the class. However, time passed by and Logan frowned at the clock as it ticked 6.10, as it was the machine’s fault Roman didn’t show up on time. The older student sighed, turning to look through the window. There, on the yard, absorbed in some kind of role-play situation was the boy he was waiting for. Logan stood up, taking his coat from the hanger and headed downstairs.
”Roman Pears!”
Roman looked up from a crusade he had joined in. He huffed quietly, leaving his stick representing a sword on the ground, quickly waving at the other boys as he jogged to Logan.
”Yeah?”.. ”um, yeah, sir?”
”Where were you supposed to be fifteen minutes ago?” Logan looked at his watch for confirmation.
Roman looked rather puzzled for a second before he remembered the promise he had made yesterday.
”Oh, gosh, I’m sorry, sir.” he rubbed his hands together.
Logan didn’t answer, simply opening the door for his student. ”Let’s go.”
”I said the thing,” a boy stopped in front of the leader of Virgil’s new gang, Matthew. ”I called him ass. He got really mad,” he added, offering a weak grin.
Matthew smiled. ”I’m proud of you. What you got?”
”Kneeling,” the boy answered, rubbing his knees.
”I think it was worth it, don’t you?” Matthew suggested. ”Mr. Brass hates that name. We got power over him now. You got power.”
The other boy nodded seriously, lighting up to a smile. ”yeah.”
Matthew grinned, patting the boy’s back. ”That’s what I thought. Now go on with your free time.”
As the other boy jogged away, he was careful to not bend his legs too much. Virgil stared at him, deciding he was not going to ask what ’kneeling’ meant after all. Matthew turned over to the quiet boy.
”Look, Virgil. We are going to make it big. Mr. Brass will feel in his bones what it means to insult you.”
Virgil nodded quietly.
Contrary to his assumptions of being able to go on with his homework, Logan had to keep eye on Roman the whole time he was filling the questionnaires. The younger boy kept going back to staring at nothing, his pen tapping on the table as he was lost in thought. Once Logan even had to order him to sit back down.
”But I want to see the whole field,” the boy complained, and Logan had to turn his table around so Roman could focus on the questions instead of the soccer game outside. Finally, after one and a half hours, Roman was done. He slapped the pen on the table, standing up in a hurry.
”I’m done, sir! Can I go now?”
Logan stood up. ”Not yet. Let me see if you finished everything.” He took the papers, looking at them individually and checking every question. He put three pages back on the table. ”Look at those again. You missed some exercises,” he ordered.
Roman flopped down on the chair, scanning over the pages. ”But I don’t know what this means!”
Logan looked at the paper, and explained what ’tactless’ meant, as well as suggested Roman to fill in the other missing parts despite the student’s complain about ’too much text’ on the question. Finally Logan let him go, and he sprinted out of the room despite Logan shouting after him about running being prohibited inside.
Logan rubbed his temples. Analyzing Roman’s answers would have to wait for another day, he still had his homework to deal with.
Patton walked around the schoolyard, taking his students to a talking-to one by one. He really wanted to work together with his students and get to know them. Some of his group members already considered him a safe person to tell about their worries, and Patton felt a sense of pride and happiness about that.
”Virgil! Come talk with me for a moment, please,” Patton shouted. He had observed the shy boy had gotten a group of students to hang with, and he was very glad about that.
Virgil walked to Patton, his heart pounding. Had his tutor heard about the way Matthew had decided to bully Mr. Brass? And how he had basically accepted it? Or something else, had he been doing bad at classes? The cheers and apologetic glances from his gang members didn’t help his stress at all. Virgil was shaking lightly as he stood before Patton.
”Y-y-y-yes, ssss-ir,” he answered, looking at the ground.
”Hey, kiddo, I’m not going to hurt you,” Patton reassured. ”You have done nothing wrong.” his tone was calm and accepting. ”Let’s sit down, shall we?”
Virgil followed Patton to one of the benches and they sat down.
”I’m going from student to student to simply have a little chat about how you are feeling and how has the school year started for you,” Patton began. ”I see you have gotten a few friends, which sounds really great.”
Virgil tried to stop shaking but he couldn’t help it. Had Patton asked him something? Was he supposed to answer? ”Y-y-yes, sir,” he tried.
Patton smiled softly. ”That’s good. How are you doing otherwise?”
Virgil wasn’t going to tell how often he had been laughed at for his stuttering, or how he felt his heart was going to rip out of his chest every time a teacher asked him something. ”We-well, sir.”
”Very good. Have you have been laughed at of bullied by anybody?” Patton’s tone was as soft as before, but he had leaned slightly forward to see Virgil’s facial expressions better.
”N-n-no sir,” Virgil answered, just a little too hastily. Great. Awesome. You ruined everything again, Virgil. He knows about all the bullying now, and he will confront them, and you’ll get bullied even worse. You will have to move schools again.
Patton rubbed his hands together. ”I’m assigned as your tutor to help you. You can choose to tell me what you want, but remember I only want the best for you.” Patton wanted to hug the poor boy, but thought twice about it since the kid seemed like he would jump from the tiniest noise, so a hug would make him fly at least to the moon or further than that.
”That was all. I hope you can settle in and find the daily routine comforting after you’ve gotten used to it, Virgil. I’m rooting for you,” Patton gave Virgil a thumbs-up before standing back up. ”I assume you would like to join your friends now.”
”Thank you, sir,” Virgil breathed and stood up. He walked back to the group, trying to breathe normally again.
Taglist: @daring-elm @creativity-killed-thekitten @heck-im-lost @uwillbeefoundtonight @gabe-killed-me-with-ace-cream @just-another-rainbowblog @buddypallady @aromanticandaromatic @marshmallow-the-panda
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jackrackhams · 6 years
twdg take us back thoughts (forgive me if any of this is out of order, i’m doing this from memory)
-the game took 10 minutes to download and those were a wild ten minutes i’ll tell you that -right off the bat i was worried clem was gonna get bit -i tried to shoot lilly at first, then i saw it didn’t work and wished her well. that’s just my s1 lilly fan’s final breaths of air right there -LOUIS SAVED MY LIFE THANK YOU I’M SORRY ABOUT YOUR TONGUE -god louis’s little smile though oOF -VI I LOVE YOU -THE OTHER KIDS ARE ALIVE -vIOLET INITIATED KISS!!!! (adding a read more bc this got LONG)
-uhhhh i’m pretty sure i’m not the only one who was left with some post-ep3 lilly vibes with minnie. like fuck u for expecting some kinda redemption arc with any character we are going to make them go Batshit the next episode -like i really thought we’d be able to help her or something when she was fighting off those walkers. i mean i get she was totally brainwashed but c’mon man. she’s a kid. but fuk that ig -walker james man. i sorta justified not going back and killing lilly last ep by saying this was what james would’ve wanted (also it’s my playthrough i do what i want), and now that i know what happens if you do save him uhhhhhhh.... i’m glad i made the choices i did tbh! it’s what james would’ve wanted. -i spent so long in that cave looking for “something to light on fire” -i decided to trust aj. i figured a) that could possibly save my life (it didn’t lol), b) it would make him feel good about himself, and c) i’ve taught him pretty well up to now so i trust him. -MEETING UP WITH VIOLET AND OUR LITTLE FAMILY HUG WOW CAN I JUST SAY THAT SHIT’S THE GOOD SHIT -i low key wish i’d named the school castle violet, but i figured it was more important to give her the choice. texas two squad, gang gang -fighting minnie on the bridge i was thinking ‘ok minnie’s gonna get a lot of shit for this lol’ -speaking of Bridge Scene, that shit was INTENSE if nothing else -like SHIT -when minnie cut me, i thought ‘oh fuuck, something’s gonna bite that’ -i also thought ‘hey clem’s gonna have a big leg scar to match her big arm scar’ but i was wrong about that lmao -i’ve never been more stressed that someone was gonna bite me than in this ep lmao -i also thought the scene from the trailer where you try to grab aj’s hand was gonna be here on the bridge, not on the rocks -oof when tenn died i was upset, but i feel more secure in that than if it were violet who died. only because that was tenn’s choice, and tenn was another person, like james, who had seemed to make peace with the walkers in a way. plus he died with his sister, which seemed to be what they both wanted at the time. that’s not so say that i wish i could’ve saved him without killing vi (or louis), but i do feel satisfied with what i got here (rip tennessee, you were a cool kid) -and then vi jumps over a fence ok bye violet -climbing up the rocks, i knew this was when it was gonna happen. but still. i cried lol -when i uncovered the bite, i was reminded of the s2 game mechanics. oof -as soon as she was bitten i said ‘you have an axe! cut it off now! do it!’ and when they didn’t i died -the next bit was reminiscent of lee making his way to the marsh house in s1 -actually, clem’s limp reminded me of a new day when lee got into that car crash lol -and when clem and aj were closing the doors to the barn and clem said to get something to block the door, i was expecting her to continue and say something like ‘something strong and sturdy’ like lee said when they were blocking off the pharmacy in s1 bc that scene gave me strong pharmacy vibes -and then strong jewelry shop vibes bc why tf not -playing as aj. that was rough. he’s FAST tho oml -that was when i went ‘ok so clem is dying for real’ and cried a lil bit more cuz you know me -switching between clem and aj. DUDE that got me so emotional -also aj using clem’s trick (that used to be jane’s trick). GO KIDDO -seeing clem looking more and more dead fuckt me up (like how did she get from that to the end of the ep i don’t get it. like even if it was because she waited shorter to cut it off or because it was her leg rather than her arm or what. it doesn’t matter because by the time lee looked like THAT his arm was (determinantly) long gone. but hey, not gonna analyze it too much lol i’m just glad my girl clem’s alive) -okay when clem was talking to aj that also got me crying -and when i told aj to leave clem, i was thinking ‘okay, maybe she’ll link up with james. or tenn, but like hopefully not minnie at this point. and lEE maybe she’ll find lee. or luke. or her parents-’ -and then he picks up that ax and i was like ‘woa ok did you just kill her??’ -and then the flashback. lemme be real and say i thought that was the afterlife or something, and that those floaty specks were Afterlife Dust -but then i remembered ‘oh right the ranch’ -lemme just say i didn’t think the ranch was gonna look like that lol -not 100 percent on what was going on at the ranch tbh -like who were those people and why did we kill all of them? one would assume that clem would first try to get aj back peacefully -oh wait they were at war right -also i really liked the design of like all of those people -and the LAVA GUY HOLY SHIT -obviously i mercy killed him -also wait, was clem with the people they were fighting? i couldn’t tell -ALSO also, was. was that eddie? from 400 days? checking the wiki real quick -yea i think that was him. rip eddie you didn’t deserve That. i mean i was happy he was back nd then we were just forced to kill him oof sorry man -felt bad about killing that woman also, but hey, she had aj in a tiny locker, so i didn’t feel super bad about it after finding him -also lemme just say -little kid aj?? -SUPER CUTE OML -he’s like the perfect mix of anf aj’s face and tfs aj’s face. kudos to whoever designed little aj -also when clem was talking with him in the car. i felt like it was sort of unrealistic little kid talk, but not so much that it distracted from anything going on -never go alone god rule number one had me crying -and then we’re aj fishing! -i didn’t catch any fish as aj lol -also i LOVE how they changed the dialogue options for aj to be a lot more childlike if that makes sense? like fuck yeah that was a really nice call -ROSIE IM SO GLAD YOU’RE OK -i didn’t scratch out the v+m heart because it’s history, and it’s not mine to scratch out. same reason i didn’t make clem spit on marlon’s grave -CLEM’S HAT GET IT -GET IT GET IT -OH GOOD GIRL ROSIE YOU’RE A GOD -oh a walker -oH THAT’S A TENN WALKER SHIT -well i’m not gonna kill him Again -also i don’t want the other kids to have to see him -i was so glad when i got the option to throw the rock -he learned from james what a good boy -RUBY HI -god ruby’s the best lmao -my thoughts when they’re talking about the hat ‘...aj hasn’t put it on... they haven’t talked about clem in the past tense.... is she.... possibly.... not dead?’ -lmao and when the next scene started, the trees + sky reminded me of the st john’s dairy and i wondered if we had another lee dream or afterlife or something but nope -is this take us back?? -hOLY SHIT IT’S TAKE US BACK!!! -okay and walking home, seeing everyone. god i was so sjfsakjfa there -like when i saw aasim run up to ruby i was all !!! and when they held hands i was all !!!!!!!!! yknow?? and then when i saw omar and WILLY and then on the gate there was VIOLET (i was so glad she was ok lmao the last thing i wanted for my girl was an offscreen death) god that was so good with the music i was crying a little again -need to make another bullet to stress how happy i am for ruby and aasim. like i would’ve been happy either way but they were portrayed as such a cute couple in the few seconds we got of them, so like. consider me a fan now i guess -i was worried for louis at first cuz i didn’t see him -i thought maybe this was the end of the game because we closed the gate and stuff and i was thinking ‘oh, like closing the story’ but NOPE -sup omar. up and cooking again i see -lmao my sleep-deprived brain found it hilarious that we just put the empty bucket down next to him -uhh what came next the graves or clem?? i forget -WAIT IT WAS THE GRAVES BECAUSE THE TIRE SWING WHICH IS SO CUTE AHH -well tenn’s grave made me :( but then CLEM -so glad my hunch that she was alive was right lmao -but also i thought that was determinant it was a lot less satisfying when you realize that no matter what she lives -i mean i get why they did it like that, they didn’t want anyone feeling left with the “bad ending”, their thing is that their games are tailored to how you play and there IS no bad ending but still. a little variation on that front would’ve made it a lil more satisfying -also where did they get those crutches -i love talking as aj. so much. -he’s just a funky lil guy! -that convo with clem on the steps, when she asked if she did a good job... like FUCK YEAH you did a good job, I’M YOU, you think i’m not happy with how i raised me?? -aj saying ‘are you crazy’ when clem asked that made me smile -okay i know ppl have been saying this. but. siblings aasim and willy rule. -and then the meal!! -i was super hoping for a card game but what we good was good. not great, but good. also, card game as aj would probably not be quite as fun. or it’d be very fun. honestly, it’d probably just be a different kind of fun. -when we panned over the table i saw a flash of louis and i went all ‘louis!!’ in my head -louis’s little note sadfasf that was so cute -and honestly everything about louis in this scene i love you louis -actually, just this whole scene was cute. willy and omar were adorable, and then ruby, and willy asking for seconds, and everyone just being Soft in general like. yall deserve this happiness -vi and clem talking Strategy dude sign me up -i love how clem trusts aj now. and i trust aj too tbh, a lot more than i did initially. i think i taught him pretty well. -violet and aj duo let’s go -slightly worried abt that caravan that was mentioned, but hey. the game left off on a high note, so NOTHING BAD CAN HAPPEN TO THEM EVER. YOU HEAR THAT?? -vIOLET INITIATED KISS PART TWO!!!!!! CHEEK KISS EDITION!!!!!!!! IM SOFT!!!!!!!!!! -okay that hallway with the snb team’s names all over the walls?? dude oof. they worked so hard it made me so happy to see their mark on texas two -haha texas two -ANYWAY -obviously i looked at all the collectibles i had, AND pet rosie, because i knew that when i ran out of things to do, the game would be over, and who wants that? -aj: *places human skull* *looks at animal skull* wow clem really likes skulls -kiddo i hate to break it to you but -seems like you’re taking after her in that regard -good girl rosie -lmao aj and his magic powers -it’s like louis in a box -hanging up james’ walker mask made me :(( -he is watching over you aj. and he would like that -ok guys i am BEGGING you. if you haven’t already, PLEASE repeatedly click disco broccoli until you can’t anymore. it’s great. -and then i finally had to put down the hat -”thank you for playing” GOD THANK YOU FOR HAVING ME -I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS SERIES IS OVER -I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M SAYING GOODBYE TO CLEM -i mean i still have my louis route BUT IT’S NOT THE SAME AS A FRESH EPISODE YKNOW?? OKAY FINAL THOUGHTS: -FIRST OFF I JUST FOUND OUT VI CAN GO BLIND -honestly im in favor of that i rly like blind violet au and now it’s not au -rip her eye honestly -new tag to match my rip louis’ tongue -also i left violet feeling loved FUCK yea i did i love violet -OKAY ACTUAL THOUGHTS -looking at this episode afterwards, is it just me or is it a little... lacking? like, a little off? i mean obviously it’s good in the moment, super intense, but there were just a few things that make me feel like it’s the weakest of the season -also lmao i guess fuck minnie james and lilly, their storylines all felt kinda like a middle finger to their fans if that makes sense -but holy shit was that minnie stuff haunting. like HOLY SHIT -also, for a game that’s been focused a lot around clem’s interactions with the other characters, there was a lot... less of that in this episode. no card game, barely any interaction with anyone other than louis/violet, tenn, minnie, aj, and james. and two of those people are fighting you. one of them is even determinant. i was just expecting a little more on that front, because this season’s been really good with that sorta thing -also i would’ve loved a little more time with violet/louis. but that’s just a personal thing and not necessarily a problem lol -again, i feel like it would’ve been a little more satisfying for clem to survive if there were an option where she didn’t. but again again, i totally get why they didn’t go that route -in that vein, i’d really enjoy a little more time with the person who wasn’t on the bridge with you. i miss my boy louis :( -idk there’s just something a little off about this episode. -that’s not to say i didn’t love it (because i TOTALLY did just look at all that stuff above haha) -like i know i didn’t love the minnie part, but like i said, that shit was INTENSE -i can sorta see why they went that route -and i can’t speak for living!james but walker!james was oddly peaceful to see. like, there was a feeling of ‘this is what he would’ve wanted’ -and okay i loved the violet initiated kisses. so much. -also ruby and aasim that was pretty cute -and obviously im happy clem isn’t dead that’s always great -OH and i loved the scene with the snb team’s names on the walls. like that was so good. -finally, the end scene was so satisfying. it ended the series the right way. with clem’s hat :p
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