#'impartial' my arse
ladymazzy · 2 years
There's a discussion happening about the rights and wrongs of Lineker referring to the Nazis in The Tweet. I do think it's more than fair to point out how fucked up it is that 'the Nazis' are so often brought up as an abstract 'Big Bad' with little to no sense of what actually made them so bad (the genocidal antisemitic, anti-roma, anti-lgbtq, all-round eugenicist white supremacism).
Yet, at the same time it is factually correct that the tory rhetoric surrounding immigrants and asylum seekers is grossly dehumanising and in this way reminiscent of the Nazi's antisemitic propaganda in the 1920s & 30s (even though the targets of that propaganda were citizens rather than would-be immigrants to Germany. Baddiel really needs to pull his fatuous head out of his arse...). And, in the spirit of the Holocaust Remembrance exhortation to 'never forget', it is important to point out when contemporary policies and rhetoric drift towards the kind that existed in Germany in the 1930s - precisely because it is so fucking dangerous
If you don't put the 'never forget' fully into practice, the Holocaust is grave danger of becoming frozen in aspic; divorced from the lived experiences of people today and future generations, as well those directly impacted at the time
That said... it is *also* true that UK (and US) immigration policy at the time was rabidly antisemitic. When German and Austrian Jews were trying seek asylum from the increasing hostility and terror, the UK was quick to say 'you ain't coming here'. The Daily Fail was (as ever) quick to side with Europe's fascists. Doors were actively closed on them by the British.
In the same spirit, pretty much every European colonial-settler state from the Americas to Australia had some kind of explicitly white supremacist immigration policy (eg: White Australia , and South American 'blanqueamiento' polices prohibiting non-European immigration to countries like Brazil and Argentina following the abolition of slavery).
The irony is that the same people criticising Lineker for invoking 1930s Germany in his tweet are by and large the same people who criticise anti-racist historians who seek to decolonise curricula and present a broader, more nuanced understanding of British history. They're the same ones that spend every other day pearl clutching about the so-called 'woke agenda' if someone so much as says 'the Transatlantic Slave Trade was fundamental to British industrialisation as it provided both the raw materials and finances necessary to power it'
If the majority of the British population had a better understanding of British history - its long history of antisemitism, and its pivotal role in creating the antisemitic, white supremacist, eugenicist, imperialist values that informed the Hitler's worldview - they would realise that it's not even necessary to invoke 'the Nazis' when discussing a Big Bad. The call has always been coming from inside the house
The UK was (and is - alongside its children-in-imperialism, the USA, Canada & Australia) a Big Bad for millions around the globe for centuries. From the Transatlantic Slave Trade, to the Opium Wars, Irish Famine and Bengal Famine, Millions have died or been displaced, languages and cultures all but annihilated, people dehumanised, economies battered all in the name of the European white-supremacist capitalist hegemony that is distinctly anglocentric
Sure, there have been many Big Bads throughout history, and the UK's own spectacular track record doesn't absolve any of them. But it's about time that people were able to refer to British policies and colonial activities. I mean, we don't have to look back far given that the Windrush scandal is still in full effect; people who should not have been deported are *currently* dying destitute because of this country's racist immigration policies
The UK is indeed *not* innocent, and, as Sivanandan said; 'we are here because you were there'
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pepsi-maxwell · 1 year
happy birthday to me!! premier league cmjf that is going NOWHERE. this is IT. just a snippet that will not be continued EVER
cut for length, sfw, ~870 words
» Stop chatting shit about my pass rate, you talentless hack. Just because you're not on the field anymore and your jealous
Punk looks at his phone. Looks at the timestamp on the message; 1:06am, and the time on his phone, 5:52am, and then wonders how the fuck Friedman got his phone number to send him this directly.
He recites an internal mantra about professionalism, impartiality, and conducting himself well in any work done outside of the TV studio, and then ignores all of it in favour of composing a reply.
« Don't think I won't block you here as well as twitter. You're on a team, not a one-man show, and I know your coaches have told you about this
He hits send and almost immediately regrets it because the kid does have coaches to teach him this, and he isn’t one of them. His current job is to give post-match analysis on a fucking football highlights show, be a pundit playing off a couple others, not to have every word he says about City’s, admittedly, top centre-forward be dissected by the man himself.
The universal symbol of a furiously typed response appears, and Punk cuts him off with a quick message of his own.
« Go to sleep, Max
Hopes the use of his first name might actually encourage it, but instead, five minutes later, his phone vibrates.
» Fuck OFF, Takeshita wasn't in position to receive and we would of gifted it to Zayn if I passed it which I'm sure you would be THRILLED [1/2]
» about, you're biases for your old team are showing yet again you old dickhead!!! [2/2]
He presses his hand to his face, rubbing at his closed eyelids because he isn’t getting into an argument with City’s fastest rising star at arse-o’clock in the fucking morning, but apparently, he is.
…Well, if he’s going to get into it, he can at least do it caffeinated.
He pushes himself out of bed, tests his weight on his bad knee, the same way he does every morning. Larry stirs, hopping off the bed, probably in hopes of a walk, and Punk looks out of the window at the sheets of rain pouring from a sky that would be slate-grey if the sun were up. Thinks, maybe not this morning, bud.
He makes for the kitchen. Scoops out some ground coffee, tamps it down in the portafilter before mounting it in the machine, checking the water in the back, and pressing the button.
By the time he’s done all that there are another 3 texts in his inbox.
» Just because you were one of the greats before your decrepid body have out on you, don't think you know how the game has evolved in the last [1/3]
» seven years, I'm the past present and future of this fucking sport I don't need to pass you daft twat I just need to score goals and I've [2/3]
» scored more than you in less games, more goals + more possession + less games means I am BETTER THAN YOU. [3/3]
Punk rolls his eyes. It’s a good thing he’s a quality player. If it weren’t for his nightmarish attitude at times, he could be truly great.
Punk thinks he’d have done well in the game back in the nineties. A throwback to the old days of booting the ball down the field, rather than the more technical back and forth of the modern game.
The lax attitude to rules and on-pitch violence wouldn’t hurt, either.
« Record for number of yellow cards in a season too. Maybe you should try harder to not have your gorgeous fouls observed
He hits send and immediately realises his autocorrect mistake.
« Horrendous**. You could have shattered Garcia's knee, it was a disgusting tackle, and I see you didn't comment on me saying that on motd
Too late.
» "Gorgeous" lmao your such a fucking creep. Bet you get off on watching your own old tackles you freak
Another eye roll. This conversation is going nowhere, and as much as he wants to insinuate that Friedman has definitely got off watching Punk’s old matches, because he’s also seen those interviews, Punk’s poster on his wall, favourite player growing up and all that, those aren’t the sort of messages he wants to have to answer to on his next Match of the Day appearance. These are damning enough as they are.
« Stopping this here. Go to sleep.
He gets a 🖕 in response, but nothing else. Breathes a sigh of relief. Grabs his coffee and sits down at the kitchen counter, sipping at it, watching the rain belt at the patio doors.
His phone vibrates again on the table and he thinks, what now, before he sees it’s an email this time, and his heart jumps in his chest.
Skim-reads the whole thing, and then reads it again, in detail.
We look forward to you joining the team.
As a coach.
For Manchester City.
He isn’t thinking about Friedman. He isn’t thinking about Friedman at all, and he certainly isn’t thinking of the lessons he can teach him on actually being part of a team.
Isn’t thinking of having to deal with the little shit in person on a daily basis.
... it definitely beats Match of the Day, though.
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Hello! If you're still accepting matchup requests, may I ask for a Bungo Stray Dogs/My Hero Academia matchup?
Pronouns: she/her- but I will answer to anything, idgaf
Sexuality: Bisexual-if you're hot, I'd hit it, no discrimination here
Zodiac/MBTI: Aquarius/ENTP
Appearance: 5'6", overweight, shoulder length brown hair and bangs but also wear a bun on top of my head a lot, pale w/ freckles, ears like fricken dumbo, I swear
Personality: Pretty logic based but I enjoy theoretical conversations. I've been told I'm outgoing and friendly, which I find amusing because I am very cynical and sarcastic. I'm a bit of an arse if I enjoy a person. Gentle ribbing is how I show love. I'm not great with emotion and I find myself faking most of them, but it is something I'm working on. Oh yeah, I talk a lot, probably too much as you can see.
Likes: Neuroscience, Video Games, horror movies, crime podcasts, unicorns, anime(obviously), theoretical discussion, talking about religion and politics
Dislikes: Black and white thinking, extreme views, mushrooms, olives (except when they're stuffed with pimento), inefficient rules/procedures, romance movies, aye-ayes
Hobbies: Cooking/Baking, Reading research papers, taking dumb online quizzes, making puns, singing(not well), playing with animals
Currently work in engineering, but I hate mechanical things. Lol
Side Note: I always fall for villains, I can't help it. Good guys are usually written as though they have the moral high ground, but there's always room for some healthy shades of gray. However, I don't hate good guys either. Everyone has good and bad traits at the end of the day. You just pick whose bs you're willing to deal with. Lol Also, thank you for taking the time to do all of this! You're the bomb.com!! Sorry that I ramble so much! Have a lovely day!
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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You and Chuuya are a formidable pair with the combined force of your sarcasm. But your friendliness balances out his stand-offish nature.
He’s also not great with emotions so you can work on that together. Because you both know you struggle with emotions, you’re able to be more patient with each other.
As a result of this as well, there’s probably a lot of gentle ribbing in your relationship. Others may think it’s a strange relationship. But it works for the two of you and that’s all that matters.
He would love listening to crime podcasts. He finds them interesting (as long as he doesn’t hear any of his own crimes in there…).
Your puns exhaust Chuuya so much. But he’s never going to tell you to stop. Your puns are the highlight of his day. He just has a reputation to uphold.
Speaking of his reputation, he has sworn you to secrecy but he knows all the best places around town to see animals Whether they’re stray cats, dogs in pet shops, or pigeons in parks, he has an innate knowledge of where to go to find animals.
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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Todoroki loves baking with you. Cooking not so much but if you ask him to join you in the kitchen making a fresh batch of cookies, he’s grabbing an apron and getting out all the ingredients you need.
Another one who loves crime podcasts! He would love to listen to the same podcast as you throughout the day and then talk about it that night.
I think Todoroki is impartial to horror movies. He’ll watch them and enjoy them but it’s not something he’ll seek out.
Surprisingly good at not getting freaked out while watching them. If anything, he’s more likely to fall asleep during a horror movie than jump off the couch at every jumpscare.
Much like Chuuya, Todoroki is not great with emotions so he knows how you feel most of the time. He’s not good at faking emotions though so any emotions he does express are genuine.
Secretly loves your sarcasm and cynical nature. He thinks it balances out your friendliness nicely. It makes you more interesting.
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honestly sometimes yall just gotta go with your gut feelings instead of jumping through hoops to comfort yourself and other tkkrs about situations you don't like. jk reacted the way he did cause to him the notion of him and tae living together made no sense. his expression was pretty transparent. accept that and move on
Why should I 'accept it and move on'?
How about you accept that I have an opinion that is different yours and not comment about it because you feel the need to make this a teaching point.
You clearly don't accept what was actually said and translated by impartial OT7 ARMY and what HYBE did in there translation. That's fine, I don't come your spaces telling what to believe and how to behave. I expect the same of others who come to my blog.
Now, next time you feel the urge read one of my posts (because you're clearly either following me or actively are looking at my blog because the tags on posts are very minimal) just RESIST the urge to post an ask that clearly is mean to provoke... or I'll block your arse, and yes, I can do that even if you're an anon.
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morganaspendragonss · 23 days
impartial bbc my arse
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accio-samulet · 3 years
unplanned valentine — adrian pucey x fem!reader
Summar: One way or another, Y/N seems to always spend Valentine’s Day with Adrian Pucey.
Warnings: none I believe
Notes: reader uses she/her pronouns, no other physical traits mentioned I think? kinda implied that the reader is Slytherin, but never actually stated
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: i have such mixed feelings about this fic, i like it at times but don’t at others?? i just really wanted another adrian valentine’s day fic so here we go! (tbh i’m thinking about revisiting this concept when i have more time and write out each year yk?)
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February 14th.
Valentine’s Day.
Everyone had different feelings about it. Most people either hated or loved it. It was filled with overly affectionate couples, cheap boxes of chocolate, more roses and bouquets than you could imagine. The Great Hall was even decorated for the occasion. Petals and hearts floating in the sky, shining various shades of pink and red upon the room. The house elves had even gone as far as making some of the food heart-shaped.
Y/N smiled at the gesture as she started to prepare her breakfast for the day. Y/N was impartial about the particular day in February. It���s not like she looked forward to the day. She never had a valentine herself, unless you count the next door neighbor from when she was 8, but there was no reason to hate the day either. It was simply there, like any other day.
“Any special plans for today?” a voice before her spoke. Y/N looked up and saw her roommate and friend, Melanie. She sat down against from Y/N and began to prep her own plate.
“You already know the answer to that, Mel. I’ve never had plans,” she answered. Melanie rolled her eyes and let out a laugh.
“I don’t understand how you can be so right, but so wrong at the same time.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you were right about how I already knew the answer before I even asked, but your actual answer was far from the truth,” she exclaimed. Y/N titled in her head in confusion.
“Oh, come on, Y/N! You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Melanie said in disbelief.
“Sorry, but don’t have the faintest idea,” Y/N said, shaking her head.
“You’re ridiculous! You always say you never have plans, but somehow, one way or another, you end up doing something with Adrian Pucey,” her roommate explained. Now, it was Y/N’s turn to laugh.
“That’s a total lie! Last year, I was in the library all night cramming for the History of Magic exam. I remember because you left me to study all by myself!” she argued.
“No, I left you because Adrian was already in our usual spot and you decided to go join him instead of finding another table. I did not want to be a third wheel. And the year before that, you helped him practice for the upcoming quidditch match because all his teammates were busy, you know because it’s Valentine’s Day! It’s happened every year since you’ve been friends with him,” Melanie explained. Y/N thought about it for a second.
She met Adrian back in second year, but surely there was no way it happened every year, right? Second year, she had to stay behind after classes and brew a potion all evening with her partner, which happened to be Adrian. Third year, she had to planned to hang out with a group of their friends, but everyone cancelled, except Adrian. Fourth year, she had detention... with Adrian (they were caught out past curfew). Fifth year, quidditch with Adrian. Sixth year, studying with Adrian. Y/N eyes widened in shock as she realized.
“Oh Merlin, I’ve spent every Valentine’s Day with Adrian Pucey,” she mumbled. Melanie looked back at her in triumph and smirked. “O-okay, just because I somehow end up hanging out with him does not mean that’s going to happen this year or that it even means something for that matter. Like you said, we’re just friends!” Y/N argued back.
“Friends my arse! Anyone with a brain can see you two like each other. One of these days, you two will finally realize it and then stop pretending you don’t,” Melanie retorted back. 
“I have no clue what you’re talking about, Mel” she lied, not being able to look her friend in the eyes as she spoke.
“Fine, pretend all you want. But mark my words, one way or another you’ll end up hanging out with Adrian today,” she declared. Y/N opened her mouth to say something, but closed it, deciding to leave the subject alone. Soon enough, Adrian walked into Great Hall and sat down next to her. Y/N greeted him with a smile and then looked over at Melanie, who was clearly smirking at the two. 
Y/N sat near the Black Lake, enjoying the oddly warm weather. It seemed like everywhere she went in the castle, there were couples celebrating the day. Despite a few of them being outside like her, she managed to find a spot away from them and any reminders of the holiday. She found herself getting more annoyed as the day went on, but she wasn’t sure exactly why. She knew it had some idea with what happened at breakfast, but it didn’t explain why it bothered her. The holiday had never bothered her in the past.
She took deep breath, allowing the fresh air to fill her body. The sounds of the lake and forest helped her relax. She drew her focus back to the book in front of her. She sighed, realizing she had been mindlessly reading the past few pages and not actually retaining any of the information. Y/N closed the book and threw it to the side out of frustration. She laid down on her back, closing her eyes in attempt to calm down.
“Merlin, I would hate to see what that book ever did to you,” a deep voice spoke. Y/N opened her eyes and saw Adrian standing above her. She couldn’t help but smile at his presence.
“Hi Adrian. Sorry, it’s just been a rough day,” she exclaimed. He gave her a knowing look.
“I’m sorry, love. I was actually hoping I could come sit with you, but I get it if you just want some alone time,” he said, his voice filled with concern. 
“No, you’re fine! I always enjoy your company,” she replied. She sat up and moved to make room for him. He blushed at the comment before sitting down next to her, their legs barely brushing against each other. “Hopefully your day has been better than mine?”
“Unfortunately not, but now you’re here and the day’s not over yet,” he hinted at. Y/N smiled at his words.
“Who knows? Maybe I’ll actually make your day worst and you’ll never wish to see me again,” she joked.
“I highly doubt that,” he said, laughing at her wild thoughts. 
“I’ll take that as a challenge then!” she replied cheerfully. “Let’s see, what annoys Adrian Pucey the most?” She pretended to think, but knew exactly what she was going to do. Before he could react, Y/N reached over and messed up his hair. 
“Oi, stop it!” He tried to swat her hands away, but she was determined. Adrian took her by surprise and started to tickle the girl.
“H-hey! That’s n-not fair, s-stop it,” she attempted to say through laughter. She tried to escape from his grip, but he was too strong. 
“Take it back and I’ll stop,” he said, giving her a break. Y/N didn’t reply straight way, deciding to mess with him some more, but he wasn’t going to let go either. He went to tickle her again.
“F-fine, I take it back!” she cried out. He stopped, but didn’t let go of the girl beneath him. Y/N looked up at the boy above her and time seemed to stop. He was close, but neither of them were brave enough to close the distance.
“Hey Adrian, can I ask you something?” Y/N whispered, suddenly feeling courageous.
“Of course, sweetheart,” he replied, still not moving away from his position. Y/N blushed at the nickname he always seemed to call her. It was either that or “love”, but almost never her actual name.
“Have you ever noticed that we always seem to spend Valentine’s Day together?” she asked, barely above a whisper. The boy in front of her gave a shy smile.
“I may have noticed,” he said, not giving her the whole truth.
“Did you make it that way on purpose?”
“I may have,” he whispered. He never thought he would admit it out loud, but he always looked forward to doing something with Y/N on this day, whether she knew it or not.
Y/N saw his eyes glance down to her lips and back up to her eyes. Both of them knew what they were thinking, but afraid to finally make the move. Adrian seemed to move closer, their lips almost touching. Having waited long enough, Y/N took a chance and closed the gap between them with a soft kiss. She felt his hand touch the side of her head, bringing her closer to him. She smiled into the kiss, realizing what was actually happening. Adrian gave another small kiss before resting his forehead against her head.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, love.”
Y/N finally parted ways with Adrian (after almost getting another detention for being out past curfew, they lost track of time) and made her way back to her dorm. When she walked in, Melanie was already on her bed waiting for her to return.
“Sooo, how was hanging out with Adrian?” she asked knowingly.  Y/N was too shy to admit she was right and blushed at the question.
“Oh, shut up!” she mumbled in response. Melanie smirked at her friend’s answer.
“I knew it! Tell me everything.”
taglist: @limerenze​ ♡
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ninhaoma-ya · 2 years
Chapter 1052 — New morning
If the official translation doesn’t have it as “new dawn”, I’ll be sad. Although maybe there’s a difference in the Japanese as well and Oda chose ‘morning’ for a reason? We’ll have to wait and see, as with many other things in life as well.
But SUCH A BRILLIANT CHAPTER! Loved every single page and panel!
Serious spoiler warnings!
I do always tag with "spoiler" but in case that glitched: Go and read the chapter, then you can come back.
We’ll see if I can keep this to my customary one post or if I have to go multiposting for the first time.
To save space: the cover story keeps on delivering. Controversial take: I like Cesar Clown and the potential of him re-teaming with Judge under the Germa flag is.. something.
The Gorosei in da house!
Three things:
1. I haven’t noticed those tripartite logo/symbol/thingies up between the arches. Symbolising the balance between the three powers?
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2. How are you going to bring Nico Robin anywhere? You couldn’t even catch her with two agents in the middle of a battle, where her focus is scattered? Does this mean they still have agents inside the country? Or are you just bluffing, nameless CP0? Which leads to number…
3. …is it an agent calling, having secured Robin? Or is it someone completely different?
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Rest in peace, Hawkins.
Drake doesn’t appear to have long left either.
This is a very peculiar chapter and a great example of Oda’s storytelling skills. He manages to weave plot progression, hope and sorrow through every page. I really hope they publish a collectors edition or something of One Piece when it’s done. All the original books, no omnibus monstrosities and with all the correct names (I physically hurt when I see ‘Zolo’) as well as explanations of all the culture-specific things that the d’ablations do such a great job of explaining. I’d buy that in a heartbeat and then I could read this chapter as it is intended to be read, just to see how Oda does the mood shifts from one spread to the other.
Because after the jubilation in the capital (and the nod to the importance of <cough> impartial information and critical thinking skills in schoolchildren, Oda goes on to break your heart in the most beautiful way possible.
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Rest in peace, Izo and Ashura.
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And may the remaining scabbards find some peace without you.
I do hope that “something could happen to our heroes” doesn’t foreshadow anything happening to, to take a completely random example, Robin.
Deaths-in-story, not counting flashbacks, this arc:
Big Mom*
*Until Oda shows something different, I will believe being dropped I a pool of magma will kill you
I’m still a bit uncertain that this is what Oda meant with “they’ll have to learn to cope with loss/war has a price”. Although that’s a lot of deaths (with Oda standards) there’s no-one particularly close to the Straw Hats. We’ll have to wait and see how (/if) he brings that back somehow, especially with Kin’emons comment regarding something happening to their saviours…
But to happier tidings!
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Jinbe seems to have overcome his apprehension regarding Yamato from last week!
And in less pleasant parts of the page…
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Aaaaand called it. The confusion regarding Momo’s actual age and physical age and behaviour is gaggified, as expected.
And continuing on the I told you so-train, next stop…
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I really have no idea how much clearer Oda, the author of this thing we all love and obsess over, can make it: THIS IS HOW THESE PEOPLE PRESENT. Accept it! Move on! It’s not a big deal.
And still they keep calling Yamato “she”. Well, some people are so far up their own arse that they can use their nose as a whistle.
Also, love Zoro and Sanji bickering in the background.
And just because the whole next spread is a pure unadulterated delight, I will share it all!
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Yamato, the guy, bathing with the guys! Momo, being a blushing 8-year old!
Kiku, the gal, bathing with the gals! Horselina, included in the family!
Usopp and Franky, being all handy and engineery and cool!
AND THE ALLIANCE’S REACTION TO GENERAL FRANKY! The vice-captains (and Bubblegum) being all impressed and starry-eyed! And Franky being very pleased with himself about that.
How does Oda manage these emotional U-turns? Sorrow and grief to relief to hilarity and joy with a few turns of the page?
I really want to know Apoo’s backstory with the numbers. Why are they so friendly?
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Bounties next week, bounties next week..
(Unless Oda is trolling and keeps them for after the month-long break)
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Ooo.. what’s classed as “unnecessary” by Akainu? Razing the country to the ground?
The ideas about the fifth admiral having a plant-based Devil Fruit seem to have been spot on. And how does that coat work, with the stem coming through it? Does it have a hole in the back?
I still say Kizaru’s entrance into the story is the coolest, but Ryokugyu’s is a nice one as well, well suited to the lighthearted tone of the chapter’s end. And the tension just keeps ramping up: who is this mystical fifth admiral, who we’ve only heard about (and seen one half-profile of) before, but who can clash with the mightiest? Is he there of his own will or did Akainu send him? What’s his goal?
Prediction time!
Next week:
- bounties revealed
- Kid and Law confirmed as emperors alongside Luffy
- Robin returns from having investigated the Poneglyphs
- party starts
- Ryokugyu’s presence revealed to the pirates OR them standing outside the banquet hall, not yet seen, but left as a cliffhanger for the break…
Great chapter! Plot progressing nicely and tidying up the lose ends, nice and clear statements from Oda regarding who people are. Art does leave a little something to be wished for, but it’s still cleaner and clearer than it was in the middle of the raid.
I give it a smile as wide as Horselina’s and a feeling of catharsis and the sweet relief of a good cry.
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army-author · 4 years
jungkook scenario | the alchemy of amor
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❝ jungkook is the arrogant son of the duke. you’re a humble alchemist just trying to make a living. unfortunately for you, jungkook seems to have taken a strange interest in you. when a dangerous wager involving a love potion spirals out of control, you find yourself flung into the deep end of emotion, and it becomes difficult to decipher genuine attraction from magical aftereffect... ❞
➝ prompt: i’m a witch who’s been experimenting with love-potion formulas, but there’s been a bit of a mix-up, and now the love-potion has somehow ended up in your hands, and you’re drinking it, and - no, please stop!
➝ pairing: jungkook x female reader
➝ genre: fluff, fantasy au, enemies to lovers
➝ requested by anon | 15.5k words
➝ warnings: profanity, mild injury, implied smut, some characters express misogynist sentiments
➝ author’s note: i hope you enjoy it! i had a lot of fun writing it. as you can see from the word count, i got a bit carried away. i can’t help it, i love enemies to lovers!
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Oh goddess above, please not this. Anything but this.
You are not wont to pray, but in circumstances such as this, with your life unravelling before you in tattered ribbons, your mind recalls the goddess you so often forget. Watching in horror, your supplications come thick and fast, as Jeon Jungkook downs the phial of rose-gold potion, and with it, swallows the hours of work you had invested into those shimmering contents.
Normally, you would not be so perturbed by the wasting of a potion, even one as rare as Impetus Amor. Ingredients can always be re-bought, potions can always be re-brewed. But something about Jungkook’s cocky expression as he sets down the vial, and raises a brow at you, overwhelms you with the heat of irrational fury.
“Mighty goddess above, what is wrong with you?” you spit venom more potent than your potions. “You know very well how long that took to brew!”
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders, “Tough.” He smacks his lips together, “Looks like the potion doesn’t work anyway. And on top of that, it tastes bad. Like dried roses and soap.”
How does he know what dried roses and soap taste like?
“It wasn’t intended for you,” you retort through gritted teeth.
You know that the potion does work. After all the work you invested - collecting rose-petals, gold shavings, and pegasus feathers, all to be brewed on a blue moon, and then carefully distilled – there was no way that the batch of Impetus Amor was unsuccessful. But every alchemist worth their gold knows that the finicky love potion takes a few minutes to take effect after ingestion.
Which means that in a few minutes Jeon Jungkook, the man you hate most, will involuntarily fall in love with you.
How could I let this happen? You cast your mind over the unfortunate events that had led you to this low point, while you stifle a scream.
✽ ✽ ✽
[Several days ago]
It starts when one of your customers steps into your potions shop, in the town of Sientha, with a peculiar order.
She wears a red hood that covers most of her face, and clutches a purse tightly in her gloved hand. Glancing furtively around the shop, she walks over to your counter, and slips a note between the demijohns and ampuls that crowd the area where you work.
Upon unfolding her note, your eyes widen. The note reads: ‘One vial of Impetus Amor’. You focus your eyes on the client, who keeps her head down. You can just make out shapely lips and a dainty chin below the lowered hood.
“I know it’s a difficult potion to make,” she says in a hushed tone, “But I’m willing to pay whatever you need for it.”
You study her intently. Below the cloak, you can see an expensive dress, and jewellery sparkling at her neck. It’s clear that she has the means to pay. In most circumstances, you would object to the use of Impetus Amor, but it is not your responsibility to tell your customers how to use your potions. You simply get on with brewing, and ask no questions. That’s how you make a living. This case wouldn’t be any different.
“Okay,” you say, “I must warn you that it will take quite a while to make, and most of the ingredients are quite rare, so the wait may be long.”
“I’m well aware of that.”
You nod, leaning against the counter, as you tally up how much the potion will cost in ingredients and labour. When you finally name your price, the woman is silent for a moment, contemplating, before she nods, and rummages in her purse. She takes out a small brown sack, heavy with coin, which she places in front of you. Counting up the money, you nod in satisfaction. “You’re in luck. There’s a blue moon soon, and the potion should be ready not long after. Roughly five weeks,” you advise, “Come by to collect it when you’re able.”
Satisfied, the woman leaves the shop, while you gape at the sack of coins on your counter top. You hadn’t had that much money to your name in a long time.
Impetus Amor – the potion is infamously difficult to create, but you’re ready for a challenge. Spinning around to the shelf of tomes behind you, you scour the tittles until you find the one you need. You pull the tome down from its shelf, holding your breath as a fog of dust descents around you. So it begins.
✽ ✽ ✽
The first mistake you make is accepting the request from the mysterious woman who came into your shop.
Your second mistake is letting Jungkook into your shop. Or letting Jungkook anywhere near you at all.
Jungkook is the only son of the duke of Braewyth, the duchy you reside in - a hobbyist alchemist and your tormentor in his spare time. When he had first barged into your potion shop, and declared that he wanted to learn the art of alchemy, you were led to the conclusion that he was a pretentious prick. This suspicion proved to be correct, as after a few lessons from you – out of the goodness of your heart, and the impossibility of saying ‘No’ to the heir of the duchy – Jungkook believed himself to be better than you with your fifteen years of experience. He was now convinced that the two of you were rivals, and you were convinced that he was a pain in the arse.
As you work on crushing down dried rose petals for your new project, Jungkook barges into your shop once more. He doesn’t seem to know of any other way to make an entrance into your tiny business. He leans over the counter, his eyes burning on your skin as you work.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Preparing ingredients for Impetus Amor.”
His nose wrinkles as he leans back on the counter, crossing his arms over his overcoat, embroidered with the emblem of the duchy, a snow white stag on a blue shield. “Ah, the potion of love,” he muses, “I’ve heard that one’s incredibly difficult to make.”
“I know,” you grimace, as you continue to grind rose petals to a fine red dust in your stone mortar. “What of it, Mr. Jeon?”
The duke’s son gives an impartial shrug. “I’m merely stating that it’s a laborious potion to perfect. I’m surprised you’re attempting it.”
You bite down on your cheek to stop yourself from speaking indecently to Braewyth’s heir. “My customers respect me, and know that I’ll carry out any requests with the utmost care,” you cut back with thinly veiled anger.
Jungkook leans back lazily, his elbow brushing dangerously close to a decanter filled with Verum Serum, a silver truth potion you’ve been working on. “Well then, my little apothecary, why don’t we make a wager?”
You raise an eyebrow, setting down your mortar, and waiting for him to continue.
“I’m willing to bet that you won’t be able to finish the potion,” Jungkook says, “In fact, if you finish it, and it works, I’ll pay you in gold.” He grins.
“And if I can’t?” you enquire. It’s an unlikely option, but you need to know what you are dealing with. You find it difficult to refuse the offer of money, especially if it’s a loss for Jungkook, but you’re wary of the consequences on the (very low) chance that you are unsuccessful.
“Don’t worry,” Jungkook raises a hand, “I know you can’t pay much gold.” Your cheeks heat up. “But if you lose, then I demand a kiss from you.”
Biting down a retort, you take a deep breath, and remind yourself that it is unacceptable to call the son of the duke a ‘Bastard’, no matter how much you want to. Instead, with your fists balling, you reply, “Very well, Mr. Jeon. But please be prepared to lose.”
His eyes glitter under your gaze, “Okay.”
You know that there is no way you can lose. Still, the very thought of admitting defeat and letting him kiss you has your blood boiling as it churns through your heart. You ought to show more respect to the son of the duke - to most a kiss from him would be an honour - but your find respect hard to muster when he does nothing but flirt with the ladies about the town of Sientha, strutting arrogantly down the streets with a different girl handing off his arm each night.
It’s Jungkook’s loss for certain. You’ll make sure of that.
✽ ✽ ✽
Despite your confidence, Jungkook does everything he can to get in your way.
The next morning you raise yourself early from your bed to head into the mountains in search of pegasus feathers. Jungkook catches you on your walk between your shop and the stables, with your satchel slung across your back, and a grenadine-coloured cloak covering your riding boots and trousers. He saunters across the cobbled street to greet you. “Look at you. Out and about. It’s not often I see you step out of the comforts of your shop.”
“Perhaps if you were up earlier, it wouldn’t be such an irregular occurrence for you,” you chide, as you make for the bridge to the east, leading out of Sientha, “I often go out in the morning to track down ingredients.”
“My apologies that I don’t know your schedule by heart, little alchemist,” Jungkook ripostes, keeping pace with you, short steps for his longer legs, “I’ll have you know that I have many duties that keep me in the Braewyth manor until later in the day.”
Uninterested, you reach the stables where your ebony mare waits, whickering in recognition when you reach her stall. You begin saddling up, annoyed by the presence of Jungkook behind you, which you try to ignore – but like a fly buzzing around an empty room, it gets too irritating too quickly. “Are you planning on following me around all day like a cur in heat?” you ask, and Jungkook smirks, clearly amused to have scratched at some deep seated vexation inside you.
“That’s no way to talk to me, little alchemist,” he reminds you, waggling a taunting finger.
You sigh, adjusting the bridle on your mare. “Please excuse me, my good sir,” you lace your voice with sarcasm, “It wan’t my intention to offend. I was simply surprised to see someone like you showing an interest in my humble activities.” You offer him a sickly sweet smile, before hoisting yourself up into your saddle.
Ignoring your mockery, Jungkook looks up at you from under your dark lashes, “Well, where are you headed today?”
You bite down on your instinctual reply, thinking better of telling him it’s none of his business. “I’m going to the mouth of the River Waye. It’s rumoured that a pegasus has nested there, and I need its feathers.”
“For the Impetus Amor?” Jungkook’s eyes gleam.
You bow your head in a nod.
“Excellent. I’d love to come with you,” Jungkook sates, “I’ve never seen a real pegasus.”
As you open your mouth, ready to deny him, he interrupts, “You offered to tutor me on alchemy after all. Ingredient collection is a vital part of the hobby.”
I never offered to tutor you, you simply thrust your cumbersome presence upon me. Before you can say any of this out loud, Jungkook is calling for one of the stable hands to saddle up one of their horses. “Mr. Jeon, need I remind you that this hobby is a source of income for some,” you’re left to respond, somewhat hopelessly, as Jungkook stares up at you in your saddle.
Your mare shifts restless, unsure why she’s still cooped in her stable.
“If it’s such a burden to earn a livelihood, then I’m sure you could find some kind husband who’d be more than happy to take care of you,” Jungkook responds, “With looks like yours, you’d never have to work another day in your life.”
Your blood boils in frustration. You bite down on your lip, watching in cold silence as the stable hand brings a chestnut stallion over to Jungkook, handing him the reins. Your horse senses your unease, and with a prick of your heels in her side, she’s all too happy to trot out of the stable and into the harsh sunshine of the winter morning.
Jungkook follows behind, his stallion’s horseshoes clacking on the cobblestones.
“I’ll have you know, Mr. Jeon,” you say, controlling your tone as best you can, “I’m perfectly content making a living for myself, and am in no need of a husband.”
“And what of it?” Jungkook spurs on his horse, overtaking you as you reach the bridge out of Sientha, where the town guards immediately part, recognising the duchy crest on Jungkook’s overcoat.
As you follow over the bridge, Jungkook casts a look over his shoulder at you, “You wish to spend your whole life brewing potions, and die an old maid?”
“I know of worse fates,” you say, “I would rather live as a lowly alchemist than the chattel of some rich cretin such as yourself.”
Jungkook falls into silence, face frosty, and you wonder if your pushed things too far.
As you continue down the road, the quality of the surface worsens, with more potholes appearing the further you travel from Sientha. Fallen mute, you and Jungkook pass fields, appearing empty after the harvests of autumn.
It’s a long way to the mouth of the River Waye, which lies in the valley between two mountains, Mount Cantre and Ayn Blanch. The two peaks rise above you in the distance. As you branch off the main road onto a dirt track, you allow your mare to break into a gallop, and Jungkook urges his horse on to keep up with yours. You cast a glance over to him as he keeps stride beside you, his jaw set and his brows furrowed over dark eyes. With your gaze fixed, you almost miss the shouting, until the ruckus is directly behind you. Snapping your neck around, you see a group of Braewyth soldiers approaching on horseback. You pull on your mare’s reigns, attempting to bring her to a halt, but the soldiers are already upon you, passing by on the narrow track. Your skittish mare rears as the soldiers rush past, and you find your view turned upside down. Thrown from the saddle, you land on your rear in a soft pile of moss. You’re lucky to have nothing but your pride bruised.
Jungkook brings his horse to a halt next to you, and leaps down from his saddle, catching your spooked mare’s reigns, before she makes to bolt. Soothing the black horse with hushed murmurs, Jungkook leads her to a nearby tree, where he ties the reigns to a low hanging branch. “Are you alright?” he turns his attention back to you.
You wince, and take his hand, allowing him to pull you up. “Yes, I’m okay. Just a little shaken.”
“Good.” His voice is gruff, “Those bloody soldiers. I wonder if they realise who they just overtook. I’ve a mind to report them to my father.”
“Don’t bother,” you dust down your cape, “Everyone knows the Braewyth soldiers are bloated with pride after the last success in war.”
Jungkook snorts. “That war was three years ago. Their only responsibility now is to protect the people of the duchy, and they can’t even do that!” He heaves a sigh, eyes cast to the sky, where the harsh sun shines down from an empty winter sky. “No matter, we’re wasting time here. If you’re sure you’re alright, then we should crack on.”
You walk over to untie your mare, who has now calmed down and is happily grazing on some grass by the side of the road. Hoisting yourself into your saddle, you edge her on with a soft nudge of your heels. Ahead of you, Jungkook has already mounted his ride, patting the neck of his stallion. You’re almost in a mind to apologise to Jungkook for calling him a “cretin” earlier, but you bite back the words, pride getting in the way.
You continue the journey in silence. The path is long, and as your altitude increases, the temperature plummets. Shivering, you pull your cloak closer around you. Your mare huffs out puffs of warm breath as she trots down the winding track, weaving between the smaller hills that spread towards the Braewyth mountains. Further ahead, Jungkook is hunched down in his saddle, looking cold, but staying stubbornly silent.
At last, you come to the edge of the valley, and begin to follow the track next to the shallow section of the River Waye. The banks are padded with moss, and you spot the sleek shining bodies of carp flickering in the crystalline water.
Slowing your mare, you slip off your mount, and tie her to a barren tree at the edge of the water. Ahead of you, Jungkook, having noticed you have stopped, dismounts as well. “Are we there?” he asks.
You nod, putting a finger to your lips. With a hushed voice, you respond: “Nearly. But we need to proceed on foot. Pegasus are incredibly skittish. We’ll be quieter without the horses.”
Passing Jungkook, you follow the winding path next to the Waye, stepping on the spongy moss to silence your footsteps. The two mountains rise up on either side of you – on the left, Ayn Blanche, its peak capped with snow, and on the right, Mount Cantre, sitting squat in Ayn Blanche’s shadow. The valley in between is adorned with scree; clumps of heather dot the otherwise drab landscape.
You slow to a stop when your sharp eyes catch sight of what you were hoping for – hoof prints and loose white hairs caught on a bramble. Leaning down, you pick up a strand of hair, running your fingers over it. Course and thick, there’s no denying it. The hair from a pegasus’ mane.
“There’s a pegasus somewhere around here,” you inform Jungkook in a hushed tone, pointing out the hoof prints to him.
Staying silent, oddly obedient, Jungkook nods, eyes scanning the area.
Carefully, you make your way along the trail of hoof prints. Ahead of you, you spot an opening on the steep flank of Ayn Blanche, a few meters from the base. It appears to be the perfect spot for a pegasus nest, tucked away from the wind that normally sweeps through the valley. Walking to the base, you search for a good foothold, and begin to hoist yourself up the craggy slope to the opening.
“Wait, what are you doing?” Jungkook breaks his unofficial vow of silence.
“Isn’t it obvious?” you huff, “I’m getting up to the pegasus’ nest.”
“Isn’t that dangerous work for… well...” Jungkook trails off. Probably for the best.
“I’ve climbed my fair share of rock faces,” you assure him, “Alchemy isn’t just about sitting daintily at a table stirring tiny beakers and keeping one’s hands soft and free of callouses.”
“But won’t the pegasus be angered if you enter its nest?” Jungkook worries from below.
As you stretch to reach for a rock that juts out above you, you grunt, “You know, Mr. Jeon, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were concerned for my wellbeing.”
You’re disappointed that you cannot look down to see the pout that is so evident in his voice as he retorts, “Well it wouldn’t look good if I were to go out with a young maiden, and return back with her maimed. People might talk.”
“People will always talk, regardless,” you say, pulling yourself up to the ledge at the front of the opening. “Don’t fear, Pegasus are only aggressive to those they deem to have a wicked soul. Which means I’ll be fine. But you might need to watch out.”
Before Jungkook can shoot back a reply, you turn your attention to the opening that houses the nest. The space is large, big enough for a pegasus. Peering in, you see that the nest is empty of any life, but the small cave is filled with exactly what you need – feathers caught on the rocky outcroppings. Pulling out a bottle from your satchel, you scoop up a few feathers, and preserved them in your glass. The feathers sparkle slightly in the sunshine that throws slanted rays into the cave. Satisfied with your find, you get ready to climb back down.
Just then, you hear a shout, and peer down to see Jungkook waving his hands at you from the bottom of the steep rock face. He gesticulates wildly, pointing downstream. You look in that direction, a spot the white shape of a pegasus, just before it plummets down with a splash into the Waye.
Quickly, you scramble down the rocks, and sprint to the river, where you see the water running red. An arrow is sticking from the flank of the pegasus, which raises its head above the water, straining to get up, before it flops down again. Horrified, you scan the area, trying to figure out where the arrow was fired from. It doesn’t take you long. Two poachers approach, a net swinging from their hands.
“Oi, get away from that creature,” one of them shouts upon spotting you.
“What are you going to do with it?” you ask, moving your body to block the pegasus.
“We’re going to make a fortune peddling off it’s body parts to alchemists,” the shorter of the two informs you, “Those occultists pay a hefty price for hair and feathers you know, not to mention a fresh heart, or a vial of blood.”
You grit your teeth, standing up straighter, “It’s a negative stereotype that alchemists use blood and hearts in their potions. And the hair and feathers are only useful if they’ve come from a living creature. You’re wasting your time if you think you’ll make money killing and harvesting this animal.”
The taller one laughs – an ugly sound that sends a shudder through you. “And what would you know about alchemy, wench? If I have questions about my cooking, or my laundry I’ll come to you.  So how about you keep your mouth shut on things you know nothing about?”
Stifling your rage, your bite back, “I’m not letting you near this creature. Not one step further.”
“Oh, well, aren’t you just a darling bloody saint. Protecting the innocent fauna of the land. I don’t remember asking for a sermon on the morality of killing dumb animals.” Your eye catches the movement of the taller man’s hand to the hilt of his sword. “Now, I would suggest you get out of the way, before I make you get out of the way.”
You size the two men up, and swallow. You have a small dagger on your hip, usually used for cutting plant shoots. Not much use against two swords. Still, you bring your hand to your hip in anticipation, unwilling to back down.
“I order you to stop!”
You glance towards the source of the voice. Jungkook is standing behind you with his rapier raised, his stance indicating years of training in fencing. With two calculated blows he could puncture the stomachs of both poachers. The two men blanche.
Nonetheless, the shorter of the two poachers blusters on, “Who the hell do you think you are?”
“I’m Jeon Jungkook, son of the duke of Braewyth. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you two gentlemen that pegasus are considered an endangered species, and it’s a criminal offence to poach them, punishable by a good flogging in Sientha square.”
The shorter poacher swallows, his hand wavering.
The taller of the two is only all the more incited. “I don’t give a fuck. You’re not a king. Not even a prince. Just some lesser noble with a silver spoon shoved up your arse. What are you going to do, report me? We’re out in the middle of fuck-knows where, and you’re outnumbered, two to one.” He raises his sword.
“Actually, it’s two against two,” you correct him, unsheathing your dagger.
“Well that seems fair then, doesn’t it,” Jungkook purrs, “Fine, I suppose I’ll just have to punish you myself, seeing as we’re in the middle of “fuck-knows where”, as you so eloquently put it.”
The shorter of the two gulps audibly, and then turns tail and begins running in the opposite direction, slipping over the mossy rocks by the Waye’s bank.
A wiser man would have retreated, but it appears that the taller poacher is somewhat lacking in cognitive ability. With a roar, he lunges at Jungkook, who easily pirouettes out of reach, leaving the lanky man to swipe at thin air. Growling, the man rights himself, and launches at Jungkook, but the duke’s son easily parries the blow with his blade, a metallic clang echoing in the valley. The poacher stumbles back, grimacing. Seeing that he has underestimated the “lesser noble”, the poacher makes a grab for you instead.
You attempt to duck out of the way, but slip on the wet rocks, and feel a clammy hand grab around your wrist, pulling you into the hard body of the poacher. Up close, he smells of onions and beer. You struggle against him, but upon feeling cold steel at your throat, you freeze.
“Not another move,” the poacher growls, “Or this wench gets it.”
You glance at Jungkook, who stands poised, with rapier raised. An expression of fear flashes across his face, like a fleeting cloud on a sunny day, passing so fast, you could convince yourself you imagined it.
The poacher’s plot could have worked out for him, had he not underestimated your strength.
As he leers at Jungkook, you grasp at the advantage of surprise. With a sudden twist, like a striking viper, your hand – still holding the dagger - snaps up, and strikes the man on the side of the head with the hard wooden hilt. The man crumples with a screech.
You leap away. At the exact same instant, Jungkook jumps forward. You turn to see the son of the duke standing over the poacher, his rapier raised to the tall man’s stubbly throat. The poacher whimpers, with one hand clutching his face where you struck him. A trickle of blood trails down the wrinkles of his face.
“Now listen carefully,” Jungkook says, his voice low and dangerous, “I could kill you right here. But I’m choosing to spare you. I would suggest you get off your sorry arse, get up, and run away. Take your possessions, your wife and children – if you have any – and flee this duchy. Because know that you are a wanted man while you remain in the borders of Braewyth. I know your face, and soon ever guard in our troops will know it too. The punishment for poaching endangered creatures is flogging. The punishment for an attempt on the heir of the duchy’s life is the gallows. There will not be mercy the second time. Do I make myself clear?”
The man nods, slowly and carefully, his throat strained below the point of Jungkook’s rapier.
Jungkook lifts the blade. “Go.”
The poacher does not need any more prodding. Scrambling to his feet, he flees, glancing behind him every so often, as if he is scared that Jungkook will change his mind and follow after him.
Jungkook breathes a sigh, sheathing his rapier. The sweat on his neck is the only indication that he was at all shaken by the encounter. Your return your dagger to the holster on your hip, and turn your attention to the pegasus which still lies in the shallow portion of the river, breathing heavily. You carefully walk over, and inspect the damage.
There’s one arrow lodged in its side, but from the other gashes on its white coat, it appears that several other arrows hit, but subsequently fell out, leaving the creature to bleed from multiple open wounds. The pegasus lets out a distressed whinny as you approach, and makes an attempt to get up. Its legs shake, and it collapses back with a splash, too weak to run away. It has already lost a lot of blood.
“Shh, it’s okay,” you murmur, “I’m not going to hurt you.” You know the creature can’t understand you, but you hope your tone is at least soothing. The pegasus thrashes in the shallow water, but realising it is too weak to move, it resolves itself to its fate, and lays its head down.
You crouch next to it, ignoring the cold water that soaks into your boots and riding trousers. Carefully, you pull a bottle from your satchel, and uncork it. You are thankful that you often carry first aid potions around. Wafting the bottle under the pegasus’ nose, you watch as it inhales the scent of your soothing potion and relaxes. With the creature sedated, you pull the arrow from the skin, and apply pressure to staunch the flow of blood that follows. Hunting in your satchel, you pull out a second potion, filled with healing balm. Pouring the thick green liquid onto your palms, you begin massaging it onto the pegasus’ open wounds. The smell of lavender and sage emanates from the balm, covering up the bitter metallic smell of blood.
Straightening up, you back away from the pegasus. The creature tentatively stands up, taking a few hesitant steps forward. Strengthened and emboldened, the pegasus canters forward with a whicker, its large wings ruffling as it takes flight.
“What did you give it?” Jungkook asks, watching the pegasus soar towards its nest.
“A simple Salutare Decoction,” you tell him, “Made to soothe and heal wounds, and-”
“And restore vitality. Yes, I know the one,” Jungkook interrupts, “I’ve never seen it used in practice.”
You flash him a cocky smile. “There’s no shame in admitting you’re impressed by my talents, Mr. Jeon.”
The heir of the duchy grimaces, “I’ll be impressed if you can actually make the Impetus Amor.”
“Oh, you of little faith. Are you allergic to admiring anyone who isn’t yourself?”
“Don’t get too arrogant, little alchemist.” Jungkook tramps back to his horse, his back a silhouette of irritation with shoulders hunched and head lowered. “Don’t forget who saved you from those poachers, you ungrateful wench.”
You snort,  walking back to your mare, “Some help you were when I had a blade held to my throat...”
“If you had been alone, you would have been slashed to ribbons,” Jungkook parries, hoisting himself into his saddle. With a dig of his heels, his stallion canters forward before you can get another word in.
By the time you’ve swung yourself into your saddle, Jungkook is far ahead, and you know there’s no way your mare can catch up with Jungkook’s brawny stallion.
Clucking at your ebony horse, you encourage her into a trot, muttering insults that Jungkook will never hear while you weave down the path back to Sientha.
✽ ✽ ✽
With the necessary ingredients, you’re finally able to start work on the Impetus Amor once you return to your shop. There’s no sign of Jungkook as you work throughout the rest of the day, and of that you are glad.
If you never see his cocky face again, it’ll be too soon for you. Yet, as you crush down thin sheets of gold into fine dust, his visage clouds your vision. Even as you watch the pegasus feathers steep in rose water, the shimmering sheen slowing leeching from the feather into the liquid, you cannot shake his sure smile and steadfast gaze from your clouded thoughts.
Dazed, you extract the feather from the liquid, leaving behind the opalescent rose water. The ingredients are ready. You simply have to wait. The next blue moon will be soon – a lucky coincidence.
Your luck is sure to run out eventually.
✽ ✽ ✽
On the night of the blue moon, once your shop is closed for the evening, you begin to prepare for the brewing of the potion. You start by getting your ingredients together, setting them up in a semicircle around your caldron. While you may have no control over your own life, you can easily command ingredients to do your bidding, controlling the brewing process and modifying as you go. The whole process is a soothing ritual for you.
At least it would be, if it weren’t for an irksome knocking coming from your door.
Sighing, you leave your ingredients by the caldron, and go to the door. You slide back the wooden latch, and outside you see -
He stands, illuminated in a halo from the lanterns outside.
You wrinkle your nose. “What do you want?”
“Is that any way to greet the heir of the duchy?”
Rolling your eyes, you open the door to him, “Mr. Jeon, what an honour to see you at the threshold of my humble shop. Please make yourself at home. Is that any better?”
“A little,” Jungkook steps inside your shop.
You’re already seething, and he hasn’t even been in your presence for more than a minute. “What are you doing here at this hour?”
“I needed your expertise on something,” Jungkook says, sauntering over to your counter, and leaning against it.
You snort. “I find it hard to believe you think anyone besides yourself has any expertise.”
“Your words sting, little alchemist,” his eyes drag across the supplies lined on the shelves of your shop, before finally coming to rest on you. “I came here for some advice. Yes, yes, take time to gloat if it makes you feel better.” He waves a dismissive hand.
The gloating wouldn’t feel so good with his dark eyes piercing yours. You swallow, and stay silent.
“I need a potion to help me stay awake,” Jungkook admits.
You raise your brows. “It’s not healthy to stay awake for long periods of time, Mr. Jeon.”
“Well of course. It’s a one-off, naturally,” he shrugs at your concerns, “I’m just a little tied up you see. I promised a lovely lady that I’d take her dancing this evening, but I also have a commitment to the duchy, and that means being in attendance at an early morning meeting tomorrow. I was quite hoping to spend some quality time with the lady tonight, if you understand my meaning.”
“Are you sure it’s not an aphrodisiac you’re after instead?” you quip.
Jungkook raises his brows in feigned surprise. “What do you take me for? Some kind of cad?”
“Are you not a cad?” You examine him skeptically, “I see you around town with a different lady each day. What conclusions am I supposed to draw?”
“Well, perhaps you’re not so wrong,” Jungkook grins, “Just don’t tell the ladies that.”
“Don’t worry. They’re all too posh to speak to me, let alone believe my accusations that Jeon Jungkook is a good for nothing bounder who only cares about the delicacies that hide beneath their petticoats and pantaloons.”
“Can you help with the potion or not?” Jungkook has grown bored of your jokes.
Stepping behind your counter, you begin to rummage around the shelves. “Luckily for you, Vigil Concoction only takes a few minutes to brew.” You grab a jar of rhodiola rosea, along with a fine iron powder, and the scales of a mermaid. Crushing the aquamarine scales to a fine dust, you mix the ingredients together with a drop of lime juice. Jungkook watches, fascinated, as you pour the ingredients into a clean caldron, and bring the concoction to a boil. The smell of brine mixed with lime cuts through the air.
Jungkook's eyes wander over to the ingredients set aside for the Impetus Amor. “I see you’re finally going to be brewing it tonight,” he nods at the ingredients.
“Yes, I was about to before you interrupted,” you say, stirring the Vigil Concoction.
“So if it’s brewed tonight, it should be ready in a few days, correct?”
You sigh, and affirm, “Correct.”
“Well, I suppose we’ll just have to wait until then to see if you were actually successful.”
You wince. You had been hoping that Jungkook would forget your wager. Instead of continuing that train of thought, you change the subject. “If you don’t mind me asking, why not cancel your plans with this maiden, and attend the meeting. Any lady would be more than willing to change her plans for you.”
Jungkook sighs, “Actually, meeting with her was my father’s idea.”
You pause stirring the concoction to eye Jungkook with curiosity. “I didn’t take the duke to be the type to encourage copulation with fair damsels.”
“Wether I have sexual relations with the women does not matter,” Jungkook blushes, “My father is insistent that I find a wife.”
You splutter, and his dark eyes flash.
“Did I say something that amused you?”
“No, sorry,” you focus your attention on the potion, “It’s simply difficult to imagine you settling down with a woman.”
“What can I say. Most of the women I meet are a bore. Perfectly satisfactory in the bedroom, but useless outside of it. I struggle to hold a conversation with any of them. I need a lady with more substance if I am to wed her, not just bed her.”
“It must be such a chore being forced to spend time with all those beautiful women,” you tease, decanting the potion into a vial and corking it. Handing it across the counter to Jungkook, you warn, “Wait until it cools down before you consume it.” Your hand brushes against his as he takes the vial.
“Listen,” his voice is quieter, and despite yourself, you find you are trapped in his gaze, “I do not want you to think less of me for this conversation. When I find the right lady, I’ll settle down. I won’t be a cad. I..” he trails off, pocketing the vial. “I… well. Thank you for your help.”
You nod, unsure how to interpret his words. Taking on a professional tone, you say, “The concoction will work for about twelve hours, and will keep you alert and sleepless in that time. Once the twelve hours are up, you may find yourself dozing off quickly, so do be mindful of that.”
“Thank you.” With that, Jungkook leaves your shop. You stand in your empty store, thrown off by the unexpected distraction he caused.
Shaking your head from your hazy thoughts, you get back to the business of brewing Impetus Amor. You sit down in front of the cauldron, with enough ingredients to make several batches. You carefully measure each ingredient out, pouring them into the caldron’s black maw, while the light from the blue moon shines in through the shop window. You murmur a few words as smoke begins to rise from the caldron. The words come from an ancient civilisation, now long dead. The accent is strange and heavy on your tongue. It is the words that are the most demanding part. One wrong inflection, one stutter, and the potion’s strength will wane, or even fade completely. You’ve practiced each phrase thoroughly, just to be safe. As you stir, the liquid in the potion changes from pale translucent to an opaque pearlescent pink. A success. Working quickly, you pour the mixture into an alembic to distill.
Now all that’s left to do is wait.
✽ ✽ ✽
The days pass quicker than you expect, with nothing much to note, apart from the weekend, when a young lady wanders into your shop with a tear stained face, asking for a potion to mend a broken heart. You could have sworn you had seen the lady with her arm strung through Jungkook’s the previous day. You do not comment as you hand her a bottle of Cor Integro.
At last, the Impetus Amor is ready, and right on cue, so is Jungkook. He walks into the shop as you are bottling the love potion.
“Is that it?” His eyes flash over the contents of the glass bottle.
You nod.
“May I?” He holds out a hand, and you hesitate, before relinquishing the bottle to him.
And so concludes the list of bad decisions you made concerning Impetus Amor.
He holds it up to the light, inspecting intently. “Well, it certainly looks convincing. But I suppose we won’t actually know if it works unless we test it.”
The bad feeling forming in your stomach has arrived too late to warn you. Jungkook is already pulling out the cork, and downing the contents of the bottle.
This is how you end up with Jungkook, the one man you cannot stand, drinking your love potion. The first person he looks at will be the one he falls for. He’s looking at you.
Oh goddess above, please not this. Anything but this.
“Mighty gods above, what is wrong with you? You know very well how long that took to brew!” Your attempt to restrain your tone is unsuccessful. Anger pours freely from your words.
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders, “Tough. Looks like the potion doesn’t even work anyway. And on top of that, it tasted bad. Like dried roses and soap.”
“It wasn’t intended for you,” you remind him. “In one hour, it will begin to take effect, and you will be reduced to a fawning dolt, drooling over my every move.”
“That will only happen if the potion actually works. Which it may not.” Jungkook cocks an eyebrow at you, so sure of himself it makes you want to scream. “I cannot have you selling snake oil to the people of Braewyth.”
You are physically trembling with anger. “That potion is incredibly expensive. You’ll have to pay for it.”
“Fret not, you’ll get your money… if it works.” He swivels around, and is about to make for the door, but you dash in from of him, blocking off his means of escape. “I won’t allow you to leave,” you say, “You’ll make a complete fool of yourself if you’re free to roam the streets under the influence of a love potion.”
Jungkook blinks – innocent – and then laughs, “Come now. It won’t be that bad.”
“Yes. Yes, it will be that bad,” you insist, “I’m keeping you here until I can cure you. The last thing we want is for you to cause a scandal.”
Jungkook’s Adam’s apple bobs, finally realising that you’re being serious. “What will the potion do to me?”
“You should have asked before you drank the potion.”
“Perhaps,” he concedes, “It might not work. We still don’t know.” His eyes are wide, like a deer that’s spotted a hunter with an arrow aimed at its heart. “What will it do?”
“It will make you fall in love with me,” you say, “Of course. On top of that, it will cause you great physical pain any time you are not close to me. It will make you desperate for physical contact.”
Jungkook swallows thickly. “Well… let’s… uh… hope you got it wrong then, hmm?”
You frown. “I’ve half a mind to throw you out into the street to make a complete fool of yourself, screaming your love for all bystanders to hear.”
“Surely you’ve got a cure,” Jungkook pleads.
You grit your teeth. “You can’t expect me to simply fix every problem with a magical potion, Mr. Jeon. Alchemy doesn’t always work like that.”
“I’m sorry!” Jungkook blurts, “There, I said it. I’m sorry! I know I’ve cocked up. And I know I take your abilities for granted. I underestimate you all the time. I’m sorry, alright? But you have had it out for me from the moment you met me. You hated me before you even knew me. I don’t know why, but I’m sorry for that too. Now can you please stop piling on the blame and help me?” He holds up his hands, plaintive, “Please. I can’t do this by myself.”
Your shoulders slump. You want to be angry. All you feel is pity.
“Aright, Jungkook,” you concede, “I’ll help you.”
“Thank you,” his voice is soft.
You set the sign on your shop door to ‘Closed’, and bolt it. Then, you move across to your shelf of books. You know that one of these tomes must contain an antidote for a love potion. It’s not something you’ve made before, and you cannot remember which volume it is in, but you know it must be there. You scan the indexes, the pile of rejected tomes towering taller as you search through each book for any help it may provide.
Meanwhile, Jungkook sits on a stool by the counter, fidgeting awkwardly. 
At last, in your copy of Payne and Nash’s Antidotes for Advanced Alchemy, you find a potion called Aphrodite’s Cure – an antidote for love potions and aphrodisiacs.
Your finger mechanically runs down the list, checking off each one.
Extract from a siren’s tongue
Sap from a cherry tree
Crushed topaz
You have all those items in your shop. If you believed in the goddess, you would be praising her now. Your finger stops, hovering over the brewing time, spelled out in black ink. Two hours.
“Well, Jungkook...” The duke’s son looks up at the sound of your voice. “I’ve found a cure I can brew, but it will take two hours.”
Jungkook’s hopeful expression falls. “Well, I suppose I can bear being in love with a pain in the arse like you for two hours. Even if you are… the most… the most... beautiful maiden I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He leaps up from his stool.
Your heart pounds, animalistic instincts telling you to run far away.
Still you remain frozen to the spot, while Jungkook makes his way around the counter to grab at you, pulling you close. Your chest presses against his, while his hands grip your waist.
“You’re gorgeous,” Jungkook murmurs, “Forgive me for not telling you earlier.”
Your curse silently, caught in Jungkook’s ardent gaze. Your potion had worked wonders... unfortunately. “Does this drivel normally work on the maidens you woo?” you ask, pushing him away.
He winces as you part. “Please, my dear, it hurts when you force us apart.”
You remember the side effect of Impetus Amor embodies itself as physical pain when a couple is not  close to one another. Despite your disdain for Jungkook, you feel a pang of pity for him. “Okay,’ you say, “You may stay near my side. But you can’t get in my way while I work on an antidote for you.”
“But I don’t want to be cured,” Jungkook retorts, “I’m in love with you, and it feels wonderful. I never realised how good it would feel to experience true love. You truly wish to part me from this happiness?”
“Yes. You asked for this. Remember that.”
Jungkook shakes his head. “My past self did not know what he was talking about. I wish to stay by your side, forever..”
“No matter what I do,” you say, “The effects will wear off in a week. I’m merely expediting the process to save you the embarrassment that will follow.”
Firmly, you move away from Jungkook, fetching a bottle of siren’s tongue extract from the top shelf behind your counter, before you dig out your crushed topaz and cherry tree sap from a cupboard. You sit down in front of your caldron and let Jungkook take a seat beside you. His hand comes to rest on your knee. You startle at his touch.
“You said I could stay close to you,” he says, “Sorry, is this too much?”
You shrug. “Do what you need to. Just don’t get in my way.” As you pour the potions into the caldron and begin stirring over a low flame, you try to ignore the heat in your body, shooting up from the spot on your leg where Jungkook’s palm rests. The ingredients begin to bubble in the caldron. You watch carefully, smelling the steam that rises, hoping to discern clues on the quality of the brew. When the scent of caramel begins to waft from the caldron, you remove it from the heat, and allow it to sit for a few minutes before you transfer it to a flask where if will sit for two hours, allowing the ingredients to cool and fully incorporate into Aphrodite’s Cure.
“Well, Jungkook, now we wait.”
He huffs, “I already told you, I don’t want to be cured.”
“Tough,” you tell him. “Eventually you will be, whether you like it or not. Then you’ll be on your own to deal with the shame that follows. I’m not helping you with that.”
He bristles. “I don’t find being in love with you shameful. Not at all. After all, you’re strong-willed, and intelligent, not to mention beautiful! You have more wit and personality than most other women I have wooed. If I were to be embarrassed at the idea of loving you, I ought to cringe at the idea of having bedded the other women.”
“Well, you shan’t be ‘bedding’ me,” you say, “You can’t get between my legs just by flashing me a favourable look.”
Jungkook’s face falls, “You wound me, my dear. You truly believe I only have carnal pleasures on my mind. Do not worry. I know you need respect and commitment before you would allow a man to  crawl between the sheets with you.”
You feel your cheeks burning with a blush. “Let me guess – you wish to be the man who will show me that respect and commitment, and will crawl between the sheets with me?”
“Listen,” Jungkook diverges from your pointed question, “I know I need time to prove myself to you. I haven’t shown you my best side while I’ve been around you. I can only ask that you forgive me, and let me show you how much better I can be.”
“I’m used to the way you treat me.” You move away from Jungkook, but he grabs onto you, hands desperate.
“Please don’t leave.”
“I’m not leaving. I just need to get on with work. You may have forced me to close my shop, but that doesn’t mean I can sit and twiddle my thumbs for two hours until you’re cured.”
“But I want to sit here with you,” Jungkook whines. The potion doesn’t seem to have just struck him down with love, but also to have turned him into a pouty brat with the attitude of a spoiled toddler.
Give me strength. “Let me guess,” you say, “You want to hold me, and kiss me? Am I right?”
Jungkook’s face turns red. “You shame me my dear, for it seems you have been reading my thoughts. Forgive me, but how can I help but dream of such things, when you are so comely.”
You try not to roll your eyes. Men under the influence of Impetus Amor are intolerable.
You catch a hold of his hand, which is grabbing your right wrist, and wrench him off you. “Jungkook, I am refusing you for your own good.”
“I do not believe that to be true,” Jungkook says as you pry yourself from him, and begin to scour your shelves for any bottles that appear to be running low. The duke’s son follows you around like a lovesick puppy while you pull out a piece of parchment and begin walking along the shelves taking note of vials and containers that are running empty, so you can get fresh ingredients at the next opportunity. Your hands need to be busy. You feel hapless otherwise.
“I truly believe,” Jungkook pipes up behind you, “That even when this potion wears off, I will still be in love with you. I believe that I have been in love with you for a while.”
You snort a laugh, “You truly do amuse me, Jungkook.”
“Is it so hard to believe I could fall for you?”
You spin around to face Jungkook. He is much closer than you anticipated. A gasp breaks your lips.
“Listen, little alchemist,” his eyes bore into yours, as you step back, your spine pressing against the shelf behind you, “I’ve been trying to fight these feelings, for I know my father would not approve of a woman who is not noble-born, yet I still find myself drawn to you. I wander aimlessly to your shop, just to catch a glimpse of you, just to feel the warmth of your company. And you would scoff at this?”
Your mouth goes dry, tongue feeling heavy in your mouth. The words are difficult to get past your teeth. “You’re lying. It’s just the potion talking.”
“Why would I lie?” Jungkook’s eyes are troubled, “I’ve been falling slowly, ever since I met you. I tried to push off the feelings by treating you harshly. I tried to forget them in the arms of another lover. But still… I always find myself coming back to you.” He lifts a hand, fingers gentle against your cheek. You shiver at his touch. “It’s always you, little alchemist.”
Your lips curl in amusement. “You almost convinced me Jungkook. You speak so earnestly…” You take his hand in your own, pull it away from your face, and let it drop to his side.
His eyes cloud over. “Being unable to touch you, it hurts me physically, you know.”
“I know.” A shard of sympathy embeds in your chest. “It won’t last long though, I promise. I’ll cure you soon.”
“While we wait,” Jungkook’s eyes are dark, “Could you spare me one kiss? Just to ease the pain?”
“Jungkook,” your hand goes to his chest, rising up to rest on his shoulder, “The potion worked. You lost the wager. You were only to get a kiss if you won.”
“Please,” the word falls soft from his mouth.
You stand transfixed, stuck between your shelf of potions, and Jungkook’s body. His face is mere inches from your own. A dreadful curiosity sweeps over you, one that you know you should ignore. Yet, Jungkook is here before you, eyes urgent, and you are tired of fighting him.
“One kiss,” you murmur, “That’s all I’ll allow.”
His hands find purchase on your waist as he moves closer. Your eyelids flutter shut as his breath fans your cheeks, smelling of rose and gold dust. His lips are warm as they settle on your own, mapping out your mouth. You fall captive to the sensation, and suddenly, you understand the appeal that draws countless women to Jungkook’s side. He may be a pain in the arse, but he is wonderfully skilled when it comes to kissing.
Pressed against the shelf, you give in to the affections from a man you were sure you hated. You promise yourself, as his lips part from yours, that you will wipe this feeling from your memory. Yet, even as Jungkook draws back, the ghost of his warmth haunts you.
Lost for words, you blink in the dim light of your shop, suddenly too bright after the dark of closed eyelids. Jungkook leans back against the counter, eyes fixed on you. You struggle, unsure what to say. Instead of saying anything, you simply return to the chores you had assigned yourself, mechanically checking off ingredients on your piece of parchment.
At the counter, Jungkook is suspiciously silent. After a long pause, he finally asks, “What will happen to me when the effects of the potion are cured?”
You turn back to him. “You will forget most of this. It will all feel hazy, like a dream. And you’ll feel a little unwell. Headaches are normal after such strong potions take effect. Some people also suffer nausea, but that depends on one’s constitution. You’ll only suffer for an hour or so, then it should wear off.”
“That wasn’t what I meant,” Jungkook says gently.
You swallow, understanding, “Your feelings will depart. Whatever you are feeling for me now will be replaced with your genuine feelings, so you’ll go back to hating me I suspect.”
Jungkook’s face falls, “I don’t hate you.”
“Well then you’ll go back to mild indifference,” you say, turning back to your shelf to continue working, while Jungkook sits down at the counter, silent.
The hours drag on, with Jungkook’s eyes following your every move. Occasionally, he expresses a desire for physical contact to stop the pain. When he does so, you return to his side, and gently press your palm to his. The action seems to be enough for him.
At last, the hour glass has run through twice, and the potion is ready. You carefully decant it into a vial, and set it in front of Jungkook.
He catches your gaze, “I… I don’t want this.”
“Jungkook, please,” you press your hand to his one last time, “You need to. No matter what, the Impetus Amor will wear off. I’ll still be here when you’re cured.”
His face firms into an expression your don’t recognise, and with a resolute, swift motion, he tips the contents of the vial into his mouth in one go, swallowing with a groan. “You did not warn me that it would taste repulsive.”
“You were already reluctant to take it.”
Jungkook groans again, lowering his head so that his forehead rests on the wooden counter top, “By the goddess, I feel like death. Do you have a potion for a headache?”
“Not one caused by the after effects of Impetus Amor,” you say, “But I do have herbal tea.”
“Yes please.”
Glad to have a task to distract you, you busy yourself with boiling the water and fetching tea leaves.
From his spot at the counter, Jungkook moans, “I embarrassed myself greatly, didn’t I?”
Watching a pleasing golden red spread out from the tea leaves into the boiled water, you reply, “That depends on what you deem to be embarrassing.”
Jungkook grimaces as he lifts his head slightly, then, upon reconsideration, lowers his head again. The colour has drained from his face.
“I imagine you were acting the way you normally would around any fair lady you intended to woo. You were fine. Quite respectful, actually.”
“Please, I don’t wish to remember,” Jungkook moves his head so that his cheek now rests on the counter.
You pass a cup of fresh tea across to him, ‘That should make you feel a little better,” you say.
“I owe you a ‘thank you’,” Jungkook raises his head to blow on the steam rising from the tea cup, “And an apology as well, I fancy.”
You pause, not expecting to hear those words from him.
“I’ve been an arse,” Jungkook says.
“It’s not often you and I agree on something, Jungkook.”
He laughs wryly. “Well, I can’t deny it, can I? I wasted your time and energy today, and for that, I am sorry. From, Jeon Jungkook, son of the duke of Braewyth, to you, master alchemist and potions-brewer extraordinaire, as my equal, please accept my sincere apologies, and my humble gratitude.” He bows his head.
You are unsure how to react, throat tight. All you can muster is an insincere chuckle, and a feeble “No need to be so formal... If you really want to apologise you can give me the gold you promised since it would appear I won this wager.”
“Oh, right!” Jungkook digs in his pockets.
Suddenly, strangely, you feel unsure of yourself. “Listen, I was just joking. I don’t need the money. Really...”
“Nonsense,” Jungkook dumps a sack of coin on the table. “It’s yours, fair and square.” He grins at you and takes a sip of his tea. “This brew really seems to be helping.” As he downs the rest f the cup, you busy your hands with the bottles on your shelf, straightening them so they stand in a tidy row. Jungkook glances through the window of your shop, where the sky above the roofs of the town is turning gold with the setting of the sun. “I’d better head off,” he says, “My father arranged a ball for the eligible women of Braewyth to attend, and he’s hoping I’ll meet someone there. And by someone, I mean specifically Lady Antille from the province of Armestice.” He grimaces. “I’ve heard she’s a dreadful bore. Not to mention there’ll be lots of business men at the dance, hoping to make a good impression, and get funding from my father’s treasury. So overall, I have a very pleasant evening ahead of me.”
“Do you think you’ll ever find a woman you’re happy with?” you ask.
Jungkook wavers on the question, “I’m… not sure. I think I’m cursed by the fact that most noble women are not at all appealing to me.”
You shrug, “It’s all just a pantomime isn’t it? Performing the proper etiquette. Perhaps once the women have a chance to drop the pretence of politeness, you’ll get to know them for who they truly are, and you’ll realise they aren’t as bad as you think.”
“Perhaps,” he looks unconvinced, “But I doubt I’ll have the time for that. My father is hoping I’ll drop down to one knee and propose as soon as I lock eyes with the right woman.”
“Maybe Lady Antille will be the lucky one,” you say.
“The longer this goes on, the more I worry my father will simply pick a lady for me, and force me to marry.”
“I hope not.”
He nods, “Yes. So do I.” He turns for the door.
“Enjoy your evening, Jungkook.”
He pauses at the door, and turns back to look at you, with a gentle smile. “You’ve started calling me Jungkook instead of Mr. Jeon,” he notes.
“Oh, sorry,” your hand springs to your mouth, “Is it improper?”
“A little bit improper,” He smiles, “I like it.”
“Goodbye, Jungkook.”
“Goodbye...” He looks into your eyes, sunshine bathing him from the windows, and your name is soft on his lips. Not ‘little alchemist’. Not ‘wench’. Not ‘my dear’. Just your name. A warmth spreads from your stomach through the rest of your body.
You smile as he closes the door behind him, leaving you alone with the smell of herbal tea filling the shop.
✽ ✽ ✽
As darkness descends on your shop, the sun sinking lower, a lady enters. You recognise the red hood, lowered over her eyes and nose.
“Good evening,” you welcome her as you would all other customers.
Rather than greeting you, she simply asks, “Is the Impetus Amor ready?” Her tone is hushed, despite being the sole customer in your store.
Thankful that you had the foresight to create more than one batch of the potion, you fetch it from your cupboard and place the vial on the counter top in front of her. The potion shines, pearlescent in the fading sunshine.
The lady pushes back a blonde lock from her face, and her shapely lips smile below her hood. “Wonderful. Thank you.” She tales the vial, and places it into her purse. You notice her splendid gown beneath the folds of her red cloak. Only a rich lady could afford such a potion. And such expensive silk. You sigh, despite yourself.
The lady tosses another pouch of gold onto the counter top. “I trust that you will not tell anyone of this exchange.”
You pause, wondering what she means. “All my customer’s orders are confidential,” you assure her.
She nods, satisfied, and swivels on her heel, exiting the shop. As she leaves, she bumps into an older lady who is making her way into your shop. You recognise the older lady, Myrrh, who is one of your regulars. The younger lady’s red hood slips down as she passes Myrrh, revealing a head of golden curls.
“Oh, sorry dear,” Myrrh says.
The golden haired lady bows her head, quickly pulling up her hood again. “Think nothing of it.” With that, she slips into the darkening evening.
Myrrh approaches your counter, while you retrieve her order from the shelf behind you – Fons Iuventae, for aches and pains afflicting old joints. “Well, I never realised you got such fancy clientele in your store, dear,” Myrrh observes, as she counts out her silver coins for you.
You smile, “Her appearance here surprised me as much as it did you, Myrrh.”
The older lady chuckles, ‘Imagine! Lady Antille, in this shop! The store will be the talk of the town soon, I’m sure.”
“Lady Antille?”
Myrrh gives you a strange look as she hands her coins across to you. “You didn’t recognise the Lady of Armestice?”
You shake your head.
“Ah, well now you know,” Myrrh says, “Imagine, me bumping into her like that.” She takes her bottle of Fons Iuventae and heads for the door. You follow behind her, and flip over your store sign to ‘Closed’ once she leaves. The last dregs of sunlight seep through the window. With the shop shut for the night, you go and sit behind the counter, thoughts running at a thousand miles a minute. You know that you should not concern yourself with your customer’s potion usage. After all, you simply provide. You are not responsible for the actions that follow. Yet, you cannot help but have your suspicions.
Before you realise what you are doing, you pick up a vial of Aphrodite’s Cure from yoru counter. Your body leads you to the door, grabbing your satchel, and your cloak, pulling it around you before you step out onto the cobbled street. Your feet lead you to the stable, where you quickly saddle up your mare, and spur her into the dark of night.
The road that leads out of Sientha winds down towards the large mansion where the duke of Braewyth resides. Everyone in Braewyth is familiar with the sugar white house that stands tall, behind a maze of rose bushes. As you ride towards the mansion, rain begins to pelt down, stinging at your cheeks. You continue regardless, pressing your heels into your mare’s side, encouraging her on. You push her harder than you’ve pushed her before, hurtling down the road at a frantic gallop. The mare’s breathing is hard, foam flies from her mouth. Dirt flies from her hooves, kicking up the mud washed onto the road.
Ahead of you, past the sheets of rain, you spot the lights of the Braewyth mansion. Reigning in your mare, you stop her a few paces before the gate, and tie her by one of the trees. She’s breathing heavily, and you give her a reassuring pat before you make for the gates.
A guard, who was leaning lazily against the gate, stands to attention when you approach, raising his spear. “Halt.”
“Please,” you hold up your hands to him, showing that you are unarmed, “I wish to speak with Jeon Jungkook.”
The guard squints at you through the rain. “And who might you be?”
You hesitate. “I’m his alchemy tutor.” Technically not a lie.
“I wasn’t told you would be arriving,” the guard says, “Do you have an invitation to the ball that you can show me?” He sweeps a skeptical gaze over your trousers, flecked with mud, and your fur hood, soaked with rain.
“Please, it’s urgent,” you say.
In the gloom, you see the guard raise his eyebrows.
You wrack your brain, “I have a potion for Jeon Jungkook. He asked me to deliver it to him personally before the ball began.”
“He never told me of this plan.”
Just then, by the mercy of the universe – or perhaps the goddess – Jungkook appears at the other side of the gate.
“Ah, Mr. Jeon,” the guard smiles at you gleefully, hoping to have caught you in a lie, “Have you met this wench before?”
Jungkook walks up to the gate, “Of course. Let her in at once.”
The guard’s mouth hangs open for a slit second, before he quickly corrects his expression, and bows to the heir of Braewyth. “Yes. Right away!” He opens the gate, and scurries to get out of your way.
You hurry over the threshold, and begin walking with Jungkook towards the Braewyth mansion.
“What are you doing here?” Jungkook asks, once you are out of earshot of the guard.
“What about you?” you say, “Do you make it a habit to walk around the garden while it’s tipping it down with rain?”
“I needed some fresh air, and I heard a commotion from the gate,” Jungkook explains, “But I really think you’re the one who ought to be explaining yourself.”
“I...” you’re unsure where to begin, “Has Lady Antille arrived yet?”
“Not yet,” Jungkook says, “Now, will you please stop answering my question with more questions.”
“Sorry,” you swallow, suddenly realising how silly your reasoning will sound.
Jungkook waits, while you remain silent, walking down the path through the rose bushes.
You take a deep breath, “This may sound mad, but I have reason to believe that Lady Antille plans to use Impetus Amor on your tonight.”
Jungkook’s expression turns frosty. “You’re not jesting?”
You nod. “I could be wrong. But the lady who purchased Impetus Amor was Antille. I did not recognise her at first. I suppose it could merely be coincidence, and she is using it for someone else, but I wanted to warn you, just in case.”
Jungkook is grave. “I suppose it would make sense. After all, a marriage into the Braewyth duchy would be beneficial for the province of Armestice.  The province is too small to defend itself, so would be willing to seek the protection of a more powerful duchy.” He turns his eyes to you. “Will you be able to stay here with me tonight? I must be in attendance at the ball, and avoiding Lady Antille there is out of the question. If she does try anything, will you be ready to help me?”
You nod, “I have the cure in my satchel, just in case.”
Jungkook nods, taking your hand, and leading you up the marble steps to the mansion door. “Alright, if you’re staying, then you need to get changed.”
“Excuse me?”
“I do not mean to offend, but your trousers won’t be acceptable attire for the ball.”
You swallow as you step into the house. The hallways are greater – both wider and taller - than you had anticipated, with lush white carpets that your feet sink into. You wince at the mud trailed in by your boots.
“Whyn!” Jungkook calls, and a flushed looking maid appears on cue, bowing before him.
“Yes, Mr. Jeon?”
“Can you help my lady friend? She needs to be cleaned up, and needs more appropriate attire for the ball.”
“Of course, Mr. Jeon.”
Before you can even get a word in, you are being herded down the corridor by Whyn, who appears overly eager to do Jungkook’s bidding. You’re pushed into the bathroom, and the last you see of Jungkook is his smile as Whyn closes the door on him.
The bathroom is lavish, tiled with white marble. Ornate sculptures depicting gryphons stand at each corner of the room. Steps lead down to a pool of warm water, from which steam rises, smelling of lavendar. A statue of a stag stands proudly at the centre of the water, with a beautiful woman depicted standing beside him, naked. She holds an urn above the pool, and water pours from the urn into the large bath.
Without any warning, or any chance to protest, Whyn strips you down, and pushes you to the water’s edge. “Quickly, m’am,” she urges, “The ball will be starting soon.”
Grumbling, you step down into the water. However, it’s impossible to continue complaining as the warmth envelops you, easing all the aches in your body. You sink down with a sigh, dipping your head under, and letting your hair become fully soaked.
However relaxing the bathing experience is, you know you need to get back to Jungkook quickly, so after a quick once over with soap, you reluctantly leave the embrace of the sweet smelling water.
Whyn is ready and waiting with a warm towel. She starts drying you off, and you complain that you can dry yourself, but she shushes you stubbornly. “Please, ma’m, let me do my job!”
Once your hair and body are towelled dry, Whyn helps you into the ornate dress she has picked for you. You’ve never worn a dress this fancy before, and until this point, you never understood why ladies needed maids to help them get dressed. Now, as Whyn scurries around you, lacing up your corset, and adjusting your petticoat, you understand. The dress has so many buttons, clasps, and ribbons, that it would take an eternity to dress yourself.
The maid finally helps you pull back your hair, pinning it off your face, so it curls elegantly to frame your cheeks. She steps back to admire her handiwork, allowing you to take in your full reflection in the mirror beside the bath. It’s surprising what a maid’s touch can do. You barely recognise yourself. A regal lady stares back at you from the mirror in a shimmering sapphire-coloured dress, with golden stitching around the bodice, detailing embroidered roses.
“Is it alright, m’am?” Whyn asks, “If you don’t like it, I can find another dress.”
“No, thank you, Whyn,” you smile at her, “It’s perfect.”
The girl flushes and bows her head.
You find your original clothes folded neatly in the corner of the room. You rummage in your satchel, and find your vial of Aphrodite’s Cure, tucking it under your corset for safe-keeping. You turn back to Whyn. “I’m ready.”
The maid leads you out of the bathroom down a snaking maze of corridors, until you reach a set of grand mahogany doors. She pushes the doors open for you, and indicates that you should go in.
You whisper your thanks to her again, and then walk into the ballroom. Inside, the dancing has not yet started, and the room is filled with groups of people, conversing with one another. You spot Jungkook at the far corner, by a set of wide windows that look out onto the garden, which is illuminated by lanterns. You walk over, and a smile erupts on Jungkook’s face as soon as he spots you. He steps forward to greet you.
“Whyn has done a fine job,” he says, casting an admiring glance over you.
You feel you face heat up, unsure how to respond.
“If anyone asks,” Jungkook continues, in a low voice, linking his arm through yours and leading you along the ballroom floor, “You are my personal friend. You needn’t give any more information than that.”
You nod, glancing around nervously, “Has Antille arrived?”
“I haven’t seen her yet,” Jungkook says. “I truly hope your fears are unjustified. But if they’re true, I want you by my side, okay?”
“Don’t worry. I don’t plan on wandering off alone.” Looking around the room, you notice many of the people staring at you. “Why are they looking at us?”
“Well, you are walking arm in arm with the heir of Braewyth, who’s rumoured to be in the market for a wife. People are going to be gossiping about our betrothal as we speak.”
You blush at the thought, allowing Jungkook to lead you around the room, stopping every so often to speak with groups of important sounding people.
Every so often, the door will open and someone will announce the name of the eligible young lady who has entered. The lady will smile and curtsey, and then everyone will go on about their business.
You find yourself stuck in an arduous conversion with an old noble, named Lord Chaperlet, about the effects of increased wheat tax, when the doors to the ballroom open once more, and the announcer cries, “Presenting to you, the Lady of Armestice, the honourable Antille.”
You raise onto your tiptoes to catch a glance at the lady over the heads of the crowd that has gathered.
She’s wearing a gold dress that trails across the floor like spilled champagne , her hair curled perfectly around her face. Lord Chaperlet stops wittering on about wheat tax to stare at the young Lady. “Antille truly is a beauty, is she not?” He winks at Jungkook, who gives a diplomatic chuckle, and says, “Now, now, Lord Chaperlet, what would your wife say if she overheard you?”
The older man gives a hearty laugh. Jungkook’s arm remains interlocked with yours, and shows no sign of budging. You swallow your nerves as Lady Antille approaches.
The lady pauses momentarily upon seeing you by Jungkook’s side, and a flash of ice glazes her gaze before she corrects her expression to a polite smile, and makes her way forward.
“Jeon Jungkook,” she coos, “How are you? It’s a pleasure to meet you. You look as handsome as your portraits portray you.”
Jungkook gives a courteous smile, “I’m wonderful thank you.” He takes the hand she proffers him, kissing her fingers, as is the custom when greeting noble women. “And how are you?”
“Fantastic,” Antille smiles, “Although the coach journey here was frightful! The rain was atrocious. Hence my late arrival, you see.”
“Fashionably late, I would say,” Jungkook replies, and Antille giggles behind her white-gloved hand.
You are out of your depth, silently observing this display of courtly manners.
Antille finally glances your way, in the manner one might glance across at an old dog scratching its fleas in the corner. “And who is this?”
You swallow. You may look different in your gown, but you know she has recognised you from your potions store.
Jungkook answers in your silence. “This is my personal friend.” His arm is still slung through yours. His reassuring fingers squeeze you.
“Is that so?” Antille worries her crimson bottom lip with her teeth for a second, her gaze lingering on you, sizing you up.
It’s a relief when Whyn passes with a tray of glasses filled with champagne, moving between you and Antille. “Would you like a drink?” The maid keeps her head bowed.
Antille takes a glass, and hands it to Jungkook, before taking one for herself, “Might as well enjoy oneself.” She raises her glass to Jungkook.
Jungkook brings the glass to his lips. A flash of worry sparks in your head – the only reason you are here is to stop Jungkook from ingesting any potion. Yet, Antille seems happy to drink the champagne...
Instinctively, your fingers tighten around Jungkook’s arm.
A vague scent of rose water and crushed gold floats towards you.
Jungkook glances at you, confused, before understanding floods into his eyes.
Wracking your brain for a good excuse to leave, your hand springs to your neck, feigning surprise. “Oh, I’ve just noticed! My necklace is gone. I was wearing it when I arrived here, but now it’s gone.”
Jungkook picks up on your cue. “Perhaps it fell off in the hallway by the entrance when you took off your cloak. I’ll help you search.”
“I’m sure that won’t be necessary,” Antille chimes in. “Your friend can manage by herself. After all, everyone in this ballroom is here to speak with you personally, Jungkook. People might talk if you were to leave.”
Seeing Jungkook struggling, you begin sniffing, forcing your eyes to water. “The necklace belonged to my late mother. I can’t believe I was so careless...”
Jungkook hands you a handkerchief so you can dab at your fake tears, and before Antille can say anything else, he escorts you out of the room.
Once the doors of the the ballroom close behind you, you give up your act, following Jungkook down the twisting hallways.
“This is bad,” he mutters, “I should have been more careful. And after your warned me as well!” His hand is firm on your wrist, leading you up a set of stairs, before he slips into a room and quickly bolts the door shut behind him.
You find yourself in a lavish bathroom, this one different from the one you bathed in. Cherub angels are carved into the white frosting-coloured ceiling.
“You need to stay calm,” you tell Jungkook. “It’s going to be okay.”
Jungkook grimaces, “Don’t you understand? That glass came from Whyn’s tray. Antille must have specifically asked her to spike the glass that she would then give me.”
“Maybe Whyn didn’t know what it was,” you suggest.
“Even if she didn’t, a maid shouldn’t put anything into a drink they serve. She’ll loose her job. It’s a shame, I liked her.”
“That’s not the main issue right now,” you remind him, rummaging in the folds of your dress for the vial of Aphrodite’s Cure, “You need to take this.” You hold up the glass to him.
Jungkook smiles, “I’m glad you’re so reliable.”
“I do my best.”
Jungkook makes to take the vial from you, but you pull back, “Wait. You need to take the antidote after the potion actually kicks in.”
“How will  I know when that is?” Jungkook asks.
“Even if you don’t notice, I will,” you say, “You’ll start talking gibberish about how in love you are. And you’ll feel a sudden rush of emotion for the first person you looked at after you drank the potion… which was me, I think.”
“Right, of course. A rush of emotions.” He presses his lips together. “Perhaps, for the sake of clarity, I should confess something in that case...”
You furrow your brows. “What do you mean?”
“The trouble is,” Jungkook continues “I believe I have already developed feelings for you.”
When you open your mouth, he holds up a hand to stop you. “Before you say anything – no, the potion hasn’t kicked in yet. I’ve felt this way for a while. I just didn’t know how to deal with these feelings, so I’ve repressed them.”
Your heart rises in a flurry of childish giddiness. You don’t know where the feelings come from, but are surprised to find that you desperately hope he is telling the truth. “Perhaps we should wait until you take the antidote, and then we’ll talk about this...”
His eyes glaze over, strange and distant, “My dear, these feelings will remain unwavering, I promise.”
You press the potion into his hands. “Drink,” you command.
He nods, uncorking the vial, and tipping the contents into his mouth. “Goddess, that tastes vile,” he groans. He sucks a breath through his teeth. With his head lowered, he takes a few seconds to recover, before he murmurs, “Thank you.”
You remain silent, not sure what to say. Your mind is still racing over Jungkook’s earlier confession. He said it wasn’t the potion causing the words to fall from his mouth. Yet, you cannot be sure. A part of you is unexpectedly sad at the though that his profession of love was simply the potion speaking.
Somehow, despite your determination to hate him, you are surprised to find that you love him.
Jungkook raises his head, eyes fixed on yours, “Without you I would have made a complete fool of myself. Not to mention, I probably would have ended up betrothed to Antille, which...” he blows out a sigh. “Let’s not dwell on that. Thank you for all your help. I know I’ve treated you poorly in the past, but you’ve still helped me regardless. That’s the sign of a good person.”
You bite down on your cheek, “Jungkook?”
“What you said...” Once you start, the words keep spilling, “Before the potion kicked in. About being in love with me. Did you mean that?”
“Sorry, it was improper of me to simply dump that upon you all of a sudden,” Jungkook says, “I suppose I should have kept that to myself. I’ve tried to ignore these feelings, since my father would not approve of someone who is not noble-born. I tried to push the feelings away by treating you brusquely, by distracting myself with other women, but none of it worked.”
“So you mean?”
His gaze is inescapable, “I love you.”
Your breath catches in your throat.
Jungkook chuckles, but his tone is earnest, “Sorry, you look like a startled deer. I know it’s improper to confess without suitable courtship first, but our relationship has always been a little unconventional. Spending my time with you, I was fascinated by you. And that fascination turned into something I’ve never felt before. I’ve never been so open or honest with anyone else. You’ve seen the worst parts of me, and you’ve stuck around despite all that.” His cheeks colour, “I truly am just rambling now, please feel free to tell me to shut up.”
You’re still waiting for the part where Jungkook suddenly says, “It’s merely a jape!” His face is serious.
“Jungkook, I… I don’t know what to say...”
“Then don’t say anything, you don’t have to.”
“No, I want to, I just… the words evade me...” you bite your lip, “Your confession certainly came as a surprise, although not an unwelcome one...”
Jungkook’s eyes shine. 
“I’m very happy,” you say, “I would be lying if I said I do not have similar feelings for you. I never thought it would be okay to fall in love with a noble, so I never allowed myself the liberty of even thinking...” You hesitate, “Is it really okay for me to love you?”
Jungkook nods, “Nothing would make me happier.”
“But your father?”
“It’s okay. We’ll make it work. The tradition of nobles courting nobles is ver old-fashioned anyway. I never liked it. Eventually, my father will accept whom I choose. And I choose you.”
He takes your hand, delicately bringing your fingers to his lips. The action is so simple, so gentle – a far cry from the kiss you had shared earlier – yet it feels so strangely intimate with his eyes drinking you in, while his warm mouth caresses your skin.
His lips work their way up to your wrist, then your forearm, then your shoulder, then your cheek, then grazing the side of your mouth. You let him kiss you properly, melting into his warmth, while the carved cherubs smile down at you from above.
Parting, Jungkook sighs, “I wish I could enjoy this without the after effects of Impetus Amor... My head’s killing me...”
You smile, “Don’t worry. There’ll be time for all of this later. I’m not planning on leaving your side.” You hold his hand tight in your own. “For now, let’s go to the kitchen, and see if we can find some herbal tea for you.”
✽ ✽ ✽
After a cup of strong tea, Jungkook has perked up, ready to return to the ballroom. He holds your hand in his own as you make your way down to the main hallway. You can hear string instruments harmonising to a waltz from the ballroom. The dancing seems to have started in your absence.
“I hope you’ll dance with me tonight,” Jungkook says.
“Won’t people talk if they see us together?” you ask.
“Let them,” Jungkook says. “I’ll announce our relationship when you feel ready, and not a second before.”
You smile, “In that case, I’d love to dance with you.”
As you enter the ballroom, Antille glances over at the two of you and blanches. Jungkook lets go of your hand, and walks over to her, asking if she is willing to speak with him.
Antille looks around, as if considering her escape routes, but agrees to go with Jungkook – with obvious reluctance. Jungkook draws her to the edge of the room, away from the dancing couples that glide around the ballroom floor. Where the two of them stand, you can hear their conversation well, although they are tucked away from the rest of the ball guests.
“Antille,” Jungkook says, “I know what you have attempted to do.”
Antille glowers, “Attempted to do? What are you talking about?”
Jungkook continues, “I have enough proof to have you publicly disgraced, but I am willing to let you leave with your dignity intact, so long as you never set foot in this house again.”
“Threaten me all you want,” Antille hisses, “But know that you have made an enemy of Armestice today.”
Jungkook’s face twists into a frown, “That’s not a game you want to play, Lady Antille, believe me. The duchy of Braewyth is not one to be messed with.”
Antille is pale. Her eyes fall to you, and anger flashes vividly in her irises. “I thought I made it clear that my purchase was to be kept a secret.”
Jungkook steps closer to you, “Don’t, Antille,” he warns, “Your quarrel isn’t with her.”
The lady, visibly flustered, turns on her heel towards the door. You watch as she leaves the room.
Jungkook turns his attention to you. “Please don’t worry about her. I know what Armestice is capable of, and it isn’t much. Her threats are simply to stir up fear, but she won’t act on them.”
You smile as he threads his fingers through yours, “Now, would you do me the honour of dancing with me?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
You are aware of the eyes boring into you from all sides as you step onto the dance floor with Jungkook, but in that instant, you don’t care. Jungkook is beside you, his eyes on your face, and a smile on his lips.
For now, that’s enough.
✽ ✽ ✽
It’s a cold morning, but the early spring sunshine is shining stubbornly despite the chill as you walk back to your shop. You have a basket of fresh herbs in your hand, picked from the mountain side.
As you turn the corner onto your street, a smile breaks across your face, recognising a familiar figure standing by your door.
You run over to Jungkook, setting down your basket of herbs, so you can freely fling both arms around him.
He grins, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Good morning.”
You unlock the shop door, and let him enter. It’s still an hour until your shop will open for business.
“How has your morning been so far?” you ask Jungkook, throwing off your cloak, and hanging it by the door.
“Good,” Jungkook says, “The new maid prepared a wonderful breakfast. Eggs and bacon and fresh bread.”
“Sounds much better than the oatmeal I had,” you say.
“Once our relationship is officially made public, you can move into the mansion with me,” Jungkook says, “Then you can have all the eggs and bacon and fresh bread you want.”
You begin sorting the freshly picked herbs into piles on the counter, while Jungkook runs an eye over the potions you have sitting out from brewing last night.
“That will be nice,” you say, “Although I will miss this old shop.”
“I’m sure we can set up a room in the mansion where you can have a workshop to continue brewing potions. People would pay well for potions brewed by the heir of Braewyth’s wife.”
You blush at the word ‘wife’, a thrill travelling through you. 
Jungkook eyes some of your older equipment, “We can even get you some new tools. Some of these seem a little… rusty.”
“They’ve served me well, I’ll have you know.”
“Just a suggestion.” He sticks his tongue out at you.
You grin at him, “So what did you want from me this morning? We could continue your alchemy lessons… or...”
Jungkook moves around the counter to be by your side. His hands find  your waist, pulling you closer. “Well I had a few plans of my own.”
Your fingers curl through his charcoal hair. “I’m listening.”
Jungkook ducks his head down, his breath ghosting against your ear as he whispers his plan with words that make you blush scarlet. Desire pools inside you as his lips trace a path down your neck to your collar bone, “Don’t think you’re getting out of your alchemy lesson later.”
“Yes, m’am,” he grins, taking your hand in his own.
You let him lead you from your shop up the creaky stairs to your living quarters. You are happy to forget all responsibilities for the next hour, completely lost in Jungkook. You never believed a love potion could lead to true love – yet here you are, completely enveloped in Jungkook, overwhelmed by feeling. You don’t believe in the goddess but you thank her now, thank her that she decided to ruin your life by thrusting Jungkook into it.
The man you hated more than anything in the world has now become the man you love more than anything, and you couldn’t be happier for it.
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➝ author’s note: thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed it. 
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
“well maybe YOU should give your students more accessible sources for free! maybe YOU should be a better teacher!!!”
Wow, thank you, random tumblr person with whom I have never ever spoken or interacted before, and yet who seems to think that I should care deeply about your opinion and take your professional advice! I’m so glad that you suggested that! That idea has never occurred to me!
After all, it wasn’t as if I was discussing my experience from when I was teaching at a selective and prestigious university that provided every single student with login credentials that could get them into any source (print, online, journal, you name it) for free! It wasn’t as if we had long discussions in class about primary and secondary sources, how to think about historical writing, how to construct a good argument, how to evaluate material, how to deal with misinformation, and the fact that three-quarters of them think Game of Thrones is an authentic historical text! Nope. The problem here, when I was actually discussing the fact that Nazis and other alt-right revisionists see Wikipedia as a perfect place to disseminate their version of history due to its massive popularity, and the fact that you cannot assume it is more “accurate” for being crowd-sourced, is that I, personally, am a bad teacher. If I just went to my students’ dorms and logged onto their computers and did their homework and wrote their papers for them, this could all have been avoided. If I just spent yet more time patiently giving them the full guidelines for an assignment, and then still sometimes receiving essays written by someone who clearly just couldn’t be arsed to listen to a single word, this tragedy would have been averted.
Nope. The problem with having to be critical of ALL your sources and understanding Wikipedia’s strengths and weaknesses and looking out for bias and recognizing that it has an incredible power to shape perceptions, and that actual Nazis are likewise using this power and it is not necessarily a neutral or impartial resource -- that’s beside the point. If only I, personally, had given my students accessible sources. Which I told them multiple times where to find and which they all had logins to access whenever they pleased. For free. And of course, been a better teacher, because something something faculty evil academics are the enemy. Woe, oh woe, if only I had known that sooner.
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ginnympotter · 4 years
tbh this is audacious of me but you did ask for prompts and I loved what you wrote for my other jily lives! prompt so here I am asking for a sequel or another jily lives! one shot 🤠 if it's not a sequel i'd love to see harry with a sibling, especially a younger sister? I think it'd be fun to see his sister and parents tease him about ginny or his sister and ginny thick as thieves leaving him slightly irritated but mainly amused 😼 love your writing!!
i always hc that if james and lily lived harry would have younger sisters so you’ve come to the right place :) name is after james’s mom euphemia :) let’s pretend that in the last fic she was at a friend’s house or something. also i turned this into another harry birthday fic...leo season is drawing nearer i cannot be stopped. 
original Jily lives AU to which @blattgefluester is referring
“For the record, I have always firmly been Team Ginny.”
“And that’s why you’re my favorite, Mia,” Ginny told her as they hit the ground.
Harry rolled his eyes at his girlfriend. “She’s your favorite? Really? Then what am I?”
“A close second. Which is more than what I can say for your standing in this match.” Ginny flashed him a smile as she and Mia high-fived in their victory. 
Ron laughed as he threw his broom to the side and plopped down on the grass next to where Hermione, who was supposed to be playing ref but was really engrossed in a book, was sitting. “It’s nice seeing her team up with someone against you instead of me, for once,” he said to Harry as he stretched out.
“Oh, shut it,” Harry retorted, putting his Firebolt to the side. “She’s going after you, too. We both just lost.”
“Lighten up,” said Ginny, sliding up to Harry and wrapping an arm around his waist, lifting herself up on her toes to plant a brief kiss to the corner of his mouth. “At least you have us on your side for actual matches at school, otherwise you’d never lay your eyes on that silver Cup.”
“Need I remind you,” Harry began, putting his arm around her shoulders. “You are looking at the youngest Seeker in a century, who also happened to win the Cup in my third year, before you were on the team,” he looked pointedly at Ginny, before turning his attention to his little sister, “and a year before you were even at Hogwarts!”
“Merlin, you’re sounding like Dad,” Mia noted with a scoff, running a hand through her shoulder-length, jet black hair. Her facial features mostly resembled those of her mother, especially when they were sharp and narrowed at her brother in annoyance, but she got her father’s dark hair and hazel eyes. “And Mum thought she knocked the arrogance out of this bloodline!”
Harry scowled as they all laughed. “It was a mistake to allow you two to be teammates. You’re lucky I even let you on the team, Mia. I was accused of nepotism!”
“You’re lucky to have her,” Ginny came to her defense, pinching Harry’s side. “She was the only Beater who could fill Fred and George’s shoes, and you know it.”
Harry sighed playfully, having to give that to her. “Perhaps.”
Mia stuck out her tongue at her brother, then said, “Thanks, Ginny” as she beamed at her. “But seriously, it wasn’t just me who was Team Ginny for Harry’s romantic pursuits. Do you know how annoyed Dad was that Harry became a Seeker and I became a Beater? The audacity of his own genetics to not produce him another Chaser.”
“I’m sure he wasn’t annoyed,” Hermione said, closing her book. “He’s proud of the both of you.”
“To an extent,” Mia corrected her. “But Ginny graciously allowing Harry to date her-”
“Hey, she fancied me first!” Harry interjected proudly, pulling Ginny closer to his side. She looked up at him and smiled.
“-opens up the possibility for a Chaser to marry into the family, and then Dad will finally be able to have the pride and joy of which he’s always dreamed.”
Harry’s face turned bright red, but Ginny just snickered, unfazed. “Your Dad does have some good Chaser tips, I have to give him that.”
“Why thank you, young Weasley.” They all turned to see James Potter walking through the screen door into the yard, floating five cold bottles of butterbeer in front of him, flicking them lazily into each of their hands. “Lily and I were watching from the window while preparing lunch. Boys, that was utterly pathetic.”
“Be fair, Dad,” said Mia, taking a sip of her drink. “It’s not their fault they were so unevenly matched against us.”
“You have a point,” he agreed.
Harry groaned, lifting his arm off Ginny’s shoulders and using the back of his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead. “Whose side are you on, anyway?” 
“The winning side, of course,” James responded. “But I love all my children equally.”
Lily came out next, sending a platter of sandwiches towards the outdoor table. “Why don’t you lot eat before you bite each others’ heads off. And don’t worry, Ron, no corned beef.”
“You’re the best, Mrs. Potter,” Ron told her, jumping up and quickly perusing the sandwich selection. 
“Good way to refuel for the next time you get your arse kicked,” Ginny smirked at Harry as she strode towards the table, Harry following closely behind her.
“What if you did a Potter versus Weasley match?” James suggested, amused. “Unless you want in on this one, Hermione.”
“Oh, no, I’m fine,” Hermione insisted kindly. 
“What do you think, Harry?” asked Mia. “It pains me to turn on Ginny, but I think we could take them.”
Harry smiled at his sister. “They’ve got no chance.”
Ginny crossed her arms. “So you have no problem turning on me?”
“I would never turn on you,” Harry proclaimed, feigning innocence.
“We’ll see about that, big shots. Right, Ron?”
“Hm?” Ron mumbled as he took another large bite out of his turkey sandwich.
Hermione gave him a look of disgust as Ginny groaned, grabbing her own plate.
Lily came up next to them and sighed. “Hermione, why don’t you take a break from refereeing for this lot?”
“Oh, I don’t know...”
“Forrest Gump is going to be on telly in five minutes. We could watch inside with air conditioning.”
Hermione smiled, finally standing up. “Ooh, I love that film!”
“Grab a sandwich and come to the living room.”
Hermione obliged but Ron objected. “Hey, that’s our ref you’re taking!”
“I can ref,” James volunteered eagerly. 
“You’re not impartial,” Ron pointed out.
“Yeah, he’s partial in your favor,” Mia said begrudgingly, sitting down next to her father, leaning her head against his shoulder. “Didn’t we just tell you? He likes Ginny the best.”
James ruffled his daughter’s hair then tugged her to his side. “Oh, stop being ridiculous.”
“I get it from you.”
“Yes, yes, ridiculousness runs in this family,” Lily said impatiently, ushering Hermione into the cottage. “Sirius should be here in about fifteen minutes, so eat your lunch and once you finish, your actual impartial ref will have arrived. By the time Hermione and I are done watching the film it’ll be time to set up for the party, so you have until then, but maybe try finishing up a bit before so you can all shower.”
“Sounds good, Mum,” Harry told her, smiling. “Thanks for lunch.”
“Of course, my love,” she replied, walking over to him and kissing the top of his head. She turned around and entered the house with Hermione. 
As soon as the door closed, Harry turned excitedly to his father. “Is Sirius coming on the bike? Do you think Mum will finally let me ride it on my own? She always said when I turned 17...”
“You have my permission, but I don’t know if that really counts for much,” James said. “I’ll fight for you, though.”
Mia snorted next to him, jealousy written all over her face. “Anything for the birthday boy-”
“Excuse me,” Harry cut in. “Birthday man.”
Ron and Mia chortled, and he looked to Ginny for support. She looked him up and down and put a consoling hand on his shoulder as she said, “Eh. Debatable.”
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abrabloodycadabra · 3 years
You're an idiot. The blog said from the start that asks excluding good faith would not be published and the senders would be blocked. Furthermore the work they're using falls under the Fair Use law if you as an artist actually knew it. They said from almost the first post that the blog was not impartial so why are you acting butthurt when you posted aggressive asks completely ignoring what they'd said prior?
People literally sent that blog asks BEGGING them to stay and keep up what they're doing now all of a sudden they should fuck off? You can't have it both ways and you are moronic for blaming the blog owner who is literally just doing what this fandom asked him to do past the initial 3 exposure posts. Not to mention when getting screenshots and doing a mandated report, it takes time. Outside of the online realm things don't happen fast like instant messages and they probably have a life outside of tending to this clusterfuck.
If you have a problem with the art theft, keep it about the art theft, don't attack the character of the blog owner since I don't really see you doing anything for the victims other than silencing their voices with your bitching. The most important things are the children in this situation and you can have beef with the blog owner but pay respects to the people's voices you deafen with your anger about a (legal) profile picture.
Brian or whatever your name is, sorry, don't remember, don't send me anon asks and unblock me already 💅
1. Good faith? I politely told him he stole the artwork without permission or crediting. Stealing = bad, so I told him about a bad thing? Believe me or not, I never sent an aggressive message, but it just proves there're many people insulted by that guy's actions.
And it's so convenient replying only to those messages where people kiss his arse. But if you just tell them "listen, your actions don't really make sense...", you are blocked immediately. That's so mature! True lawyers always act like this!
2. Fair Use? First time hearing about it. I googled it, turns out it's a USA thing, well, FYI, the world isn't USA only, and the author of the avatar was from Sweden, I guess. And I'm not American either, I don't need to know about your laws. Your laws are not my laws. Besides, I assume the info about this Fair Use stuff was published recently, after people said he was a thief. Oops, I guess someone's getting nervous and afraid to be exposed as well 🙊
Listen, the artist clearly said "NO", this is isn't about Fair Use. It's stealing.
3. PEOPLE ARE BEGGING TO KEEP IT BECAUSE THEY WANT DRAMA, NOTHING ELSE! Shit, it's clear. And what a wonderful coincidence - the new targets are the people who literally created this fandom, the pillars of it. Do you get what I mean? Y'all don't give a shit about children in here, you just want to cancel all the people who got some sort of, I dunno, authority in here?
And I repeat, internet is never safe for children. It's no use trying to protect everyone in here.
4. Oh my gosh, I attacked a person by saying they're hypocrite, I hope they are doing well, it's a really serious accusation! Not everyone can recover after that :(
I'm silencing the victims' voices with my bitching, plsss, I-
Listen. It's not about victims (if there any in this fandom) anymore. It's one person pulling the strings of their puppets who are craving for more drama, for a reason to be toxic, to hate, to attack. Oh, wait... No, I'm wrong! There are victims! The victims of hypocrisy and vanity. Y'all are victims. And you know who really is silenced? Those people who don't agree with him but they are too afraid to lose their reputation in fandom or feel vulnerable if they say it out loud. Because they'll immediately be attacked and accused of supporting criminals.
Why isn't he replying to the asks where his actions are questioned? Because it's no good faith? Please! Because they just show the contradiction in his actions and you may see he is not that pure and innocent either.
I thought this blog was created to defend "Jill" and show Ren's true nature. Well, the goal is reached. Ah, right, "people are begging them to stay". They need an official permission to hate someone certain:((( that's why this thing is still on, come on
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charlicpace · 4 years
Thoughts on politics?
- so nothing has solidified my political stance and view on the british government quite like the treatment of the pandemic. what an absolute fucking circus downing street is. the country is being run by an absolute fleshlight of a man, and the fact that there are people pitying him, praising him, and are still firmly up his arse, shows that it’s not the government vs. the people. this is the leadership y’all voted for, and i swear 90% of tory voters stand by their choices. nasty. - the ‘i don’t care about politics’ stance is always a big, flaming red flag to me. all that tells me is that they come from a place of such severe privilege that they’ve never had to care about politics, as their basic human rights have never been on the line, and they lack the basic human decency to care about others who may be less fortunate. it’s one thing to be impartial because ‘idk, it doesn’t really effect me’ and it’s another to take that and not care at all --- because they also don’t care about,,, anyone else either ? - the fact we left the eu is honestly such big-headed, ridiculous, british energy. like, the fact we had a really good thing and went ‘nah, we’re better than this’ is just,,,,,,,,, SO british.  - the whole popular vote thing in america confuses me. like, i totally get it, and it’s more about the states and stuff than individuals, but the fact that more people can vote for a presidential candidate but they don’t win is WILD. like, it does make sense. i get it. but w i l d. the whole seats in parliament thing over here, too. same vibes.  - i’m v much of the opinion that schools don’t educate us enough about politics on purpose. esp when private schools ( aka, the schools full of Rich People ) get a better political education, and leave the public schools behind to be clueless until we figure it out for ourselves. let’s only educate the upper classes shall we :~)  - to end: i definitely feel like you wanted me to reply with a six reference but i don’t like that line ajhbsbbs. the delivery by some actresses makes me vibe with it, but the fact it’s not like ESSENTIAL to make it obvious she’s be sarcastic or doesn’t mean it or whatever,,, nope. 
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‘All that’s best of dark and bright’ - a Draco x Hermione x Theo story - Chapter Four
For the 0.5 people following this story on here instead of Ao3...
Chapter One here: Tumblr | Ao3
Chapter Two here: Tumblr | Ao3
Chapter Three here: Tumblr | Ao3
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Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table that evening, still mulling over Malfoy’s behaviour in Charms.  
It had been her mention of the snatchers that had prompted his expression to darken and his body to fill with tension, and she still couldn’t shake the way that he’d turned quiet and openly vulnerable under Theo’s gentle touch. Over the years she’d known him at Hogwarts, Malfoy had always seemed to viscerally sharp and prickly, so volatile and yet so cold, that realising he was apparently an extremely tactile person somehow felt like she’d taken a bludger to the head. Yet again she saw a boy who’d been isolated by circumstance, and not by choice, and she resolved to put a little more effort into bridging the gaping canyon that still existed between them.  
At supper that evening, Ginny rather predictably talked the ears off everyone at their end of the table about the Holyhead Harpies and their latest nail-biter of a match against the Wimbourne Wasps. Apparently she and the rest of the Gryffindor team had been glued to the wireless all afternoon during their various free periods.  
“…and then when Helena Abbington swept in at the last minute and stopped a bludger from hitting Wilkins, she and Elcomb only pulled off a bloody Porskoff Ploy so well that the Wasps didn’t even see the quaffle drop until it was too late!” Ginny enthused around a final mouthful of goulash. “Seriously, we were all —” she caught sight of Hermione’s politely bored face midway through taking a swig of pumpkin juice to wash down the clog of goulash, and snorted so hard that juice actually came out of her nose. “I’m sorry, ‘Mione,” she laughed, and Hermione’s chest panged at the unexpected use of Ron’s nickname for her. “I’m so sorry. Oh crap, did I get you with juice?” She dug out her wand. “Oh Godric, I’m sorry - scourgify - but you should have seen your face!”  
“The complexities of quidditch manoeuvres have never failed to entertain me, Ginny,” she said flatly. “I’m sorry.” Dinners in the Weasley household had been interminable on nights when someone got going on the subject.  
“No, it’s totally fine. Just remind me to cancel your subscription to Seeker Weekly that I set up for your birthday.” At the words ‘your birthday’, her eyes went wide and she shrieked, “Oh my Gryffindor! Your birthday! It’s… It’s…”
“This Saturday,” she smiled sadly. Neither Ron nor Harry had mentioned coming down to see her, or meeting up in Hogsmeade, and she rather suspected that they might have forgotten. That stung more than she cared to admit.
From behind her, a male voice drawled, “It’s your birthday, Granger?” 
Ginny’s expression soured immediately and her gaze shifted to a spot behind Hermione as she snarled, “Piss off, Nott. And whatever you’re thinking of doing to spoil it… don’t.”
“Ginny!” Hermione exclaimed. “You’re Head Girl! You should be a little more impartial, don’t you think?”
“Not when it comes to my best friends,” she pouted. Her mistrust of anyone even tangentially associated with Voldemort’s supporters was widely known, and Theodore took a polite half-step back, palms up, dark blue eyes widely innocent. Ginny continued to glare at him, but she did at least let him speak.  
“I’m not putting in a last-minute, bulk order to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes,” he smiled carefully. “I promise. I was just surprised you hadn't mentioned it on our patrols, that’s all. Listen, while we’re on the subject, Granger, I came over to tell you I’m going to be a bit late tonight. Can I meet you at nine up on the third floor?”
Despite his usually abysmal time-keeping, Nott had surprisingly never been late to a patrol before, so she simply nodded. It wasn’t as if anything the students could throw at her would be more dangerous or daunting than everything she’d faced in the past three years. “Sure. Meet you by the painting of the drunk monks?”
Nott’s handsome, slightly wonky smile split wide and white across his face, drawing dimples in his cheeks that made her stomach flutter, and he inclined his head. “Perfect. Thanks, Granger.”
“You can call me Hermione, you know?” she said in a bit of a rush as he turned to leave, fighting another blush.
He paused and then turned to look over his shoulder at her. “Then I insist that you stop calling me ‘Nott’,” he said with a very slight bow of his head. One of the tighter curls at the front of his chestnut brown hair flopped further forewords onto his forehead. “Call me Theo. Never Theodore.” And he shuddered visibly, his freckles standing out a little more as his cheeks paled for just a moment.  
“Right,” she said and then, because she fancied trying it out, she added, “Theo.”  
With one further and final brightening of that already blinding smile, presumably at the sound of his name on her lips, he strode away without explanation as to why he was going to be late, and Hermione turned back to see Ginny with her jaw practically dangling on the table. Even Neville looked a little stunned, as if he still didn’t believe his eyes, even after their conversation earlier that very day.
“What?” she asked, the blush finally spilling across her cheeks, hot and tingling.
“Since when are you so… ‘chummy’ with the Slytherins?” she asked acerbically.  
She blinked. “I didn’t realise it was a crime to be on good terms with one’s peers,” she sniffed defensively as everyone’s eyes seemed to bore into her. God, it reminded her of the courtroom and Malfoy’s trial. “Besides, he’s actually halfway decent, believe it or not.”
Ginny looked like she’d swallowed a bubotuber whole. “Right,” she said. “Look… Hermione, I really don’t mean to be an arse about this, but… you do remember that he’s friends with Draco Malfoy, don’t you? You know, the boy who tried to kill Dumbledore and who let a bloody horde of Death Eaters into the castle who… you know, who ultimately helped to murder my brother…” Tears sparkled in her eyes as she glared at her.
Her heart went out to the younger girl, but she wasn’t about to back down either. “I’m aware of Malfoy’s history, Ginny, and of who we all lost,” she said, trying to keep her voice from rising and quavering. “I’m not… I’m not saying they’re perfect by any means, but… I’d like to give them a chance. Both of them. Theo was cleared of any involvement, and Malfoy was tried and released on probation, remember?”
Ginny’s eyes filled with tears and her lips trembled. “Tell that to Fred!” she hissed, standing from the table and storming away.  
Hermione took a deep breath and glanced around at the audience their little tussle had gathered amongst the Gryffindors. “What?” she snapped, pushing herself to her feet and disentangling her legs from the bench. “You heard McGonagall at the start of term. And we can’t keep treating everyone like criminals.” Her heart was racing, blood pounding in her ears. Why didn’t they understand? Why did they all think it was still ‘us’ and ‘them’? “We just can’t live like that!” she said shrilly, and she stalked from the hall in Ginny’s wake, tears blurring her vision.  
She’d always hated the fact that she wore her heart on her sleeve like this, emotions always boiling right up to the surface at a moment’s notice when she wished she could remain calm and collected instead of going off like a powder keg. It was something she’d always admired about the people who tended to be sorted into Slytherin and Ravenclaw. Then again, she’d almost been sorted into Ravenclaw, so perhaps it had nothing to do with houses at all and everything to do with her own inability to control her emotions. She’d have made a terrible occlumens.
As the arched entrance to the great hall approached, still in a bit of a blur, she crashed headlong into someone who also happened to be leaving the hall at the same time. A flash of white hair registered in her peripheral vision as Malfoy of all people steadied her with one pale and surprisingly strong hand. He then released her and stepped back.  
“Granger?” he asked in a low, softly-articulated purr, taking in the sheen to her eyes and the colour in her cheeks. He shot a glance back over his shoulder at the table where several astounded Gryffindors were still staring after her, and then turned his fierce, silver gaze back to her.  
“I’m sorry, Malfoy,” she hissed, desperate not to prolong the fuss. “I’m fine. Thank you.” And with that, she fled to Gryffindor tower to curl up with a book by the common room fire until it was time for her patrol. She didn’t see Ginny again, and later that evening when she nipped up to their dorm to grab her thicker cloak to ward off the castle’s wandering drafts, the drapes of Ginny’s four-poster were pointedly shut.  
The first half of her solo rounds passed without much incident and she found the solitude strangely grounding as she paced the empty halls. Ginny’s grief at the loss of her older brother was still so raw and close to the surface, and Hermione could certainly see how a friendship - however tentative - with a Slytherin like Theodore Nott would have been anathema to her. Ginny may have been fair and a good choice for a head of school, but when it came to blood ties, the Weasleys were a fiercely loyal family. Hermione had not been present when Molly Weasley had killed Bellatrix, but to hear any of them tell it, Molly had turned into something akin to an avenging banshee to defend her daughter from the deranged Death Eater.  
Near the library she found two first years sneaking about on a dare and deducted a cautionary five points from Hufflepuff to warn them off trying anything again, and moved on towards the third floor. She met Nearly Headless Nick and paused to chat with him at length on one of the few static staircases before spotting Mrs. Norris’ tail disappearing around a corner. The satisfaction she felt at not having to be afraid of that sight boosted her mood somewhat. She moved on through the castle like a stray draft, belonging and yet still disconnected; she knew the place inside out, and yet it still felt strange to her to be back here again after everything, with barely a blast or scorch mark on the stones to speak of what had happened scarcely four months earlier.
Just as she reached the third floor and rounded a corner, she paused. A feminine giggle echoed down the hall, followed by a quickly hushed groan.
Of all the things she found herself dealing with as a prefect - sleepwalking, sneaking about, dares into the Restricted Section - illicit encounters by moonlight were probably her least favourite. Everyone needed some kind of connection, some kind of… release… but rules were rules after all, and although Hogwarts was probably the safest place in the world once more, it still didn’t do to be wandering the halls at night.  
Inhaling deeply, she stepped out with the intention of interrupting them and sending them packing with twenty points from each house, when a warm, dry palm slid over her mouth from behind her. Before she could squeal or hex her assailant into the middle of last week, Theodore Nott shifted silently into her field of vision, with the finger of his other hand pressed against his smirking lips.  
“Theo,” she hissed like a disgruntled Crookshanks when he released her, and he grinned wider, dimples and all. “Merlin and Morgana! You scared me!”
With a very quiet, earthy chuckle that sent heat rushing right the way through her, he twitched his eyebrows down the corridor. “Who is it then?”
“As if I should know from one breathy little giggle!” she scoffed, still somehow keeping her voice down despite her indigence.  
He actually had extremely nice hands, she thought, trying not to look at them, and that then realisation made her cheeks flush and her heart flutter. While Malfoy had the hands of a potion master, steady and long-fingered, Theo had the hands of a scholar, all ink stained and slightly knuckly. She scolded herself for fixating on her classmates’ hands - now of all times - and rounded on him defensively.  
“Come on,” she said. “Now that you’re here, you might as well make yourself useful. And what were you doing — if I might ask — that was so much more important than your duties as a prefect?”
“Tutoring third years,” he said casually as he turned to face the length of the corridor. “Arithmancy. They’re terrible. An absolute disgrace to Slytherin. Now, come on, let’s have some fun. I reckon they’re behind that tapestry halfway down. You know, the one with that coat of arms and the randy unicorn.”
Theodore Nott tutored students?  
She froze, staring at him with a look of incredulous amusement on her face, trying to imagine him teaching. Actually, that didn’t help her situation at all and she quickly abandoned the image before it took hold. “It’s ‘rampant’, not ‘randy’,” she finally croaked, which only made him snicker softly. Of course he knew that. Flustered at having allowed herself to be goaded by him, she added, “So you’re familiar with that hiding place then, Nott? You’ve been caught there before, have you?”
“A gentleman never tells,” he said and strode off before she could stop gawping like a landed fish.  
He flicked his wand at the huge tapestry and it peeled slowly back like a theatre curtain to expose the two mortified fifth years entangled within the alcove. Mercifully they were mostly dressed, just a little rumpled, and she and Nott sent the pair on their way with only ten points from Ravenclaw and ten from Gryffindor. Hermione would never be able to look the girl in the face again.  
As the fifth years scuttled off like startled beetles, Theo turned to her and let the tapestry fall back into place. The ridiculousness of it caught up with them at the same time, and they both burst out laughing, the sound of it ringing on the cold stone of the corridor. It was a relief to laugh, she realised as her eyes watered and she felt giddy and light for the first time in weeks. She put her hand on the rough stonework of the wall beside the tapestry and let her body shake with it.  
“You’re telling me you’ve never been caught like that, Granger?” Theo said once his own laughter had died down. He still had those delicious dimples though, and his eyes glittered.  
Her face flushed hot and she remembered a few stolen kisses here and there, and once significantly more, with Viktor Krum.
Theo’s eyebrows expressed a very keen interest, and she began examining the needlework of the tapestry with sudden focus.  
“Well, well,” he said. “I’m not going to pry, but that’s a very interesting train of thought you’ve given me, Granger.”
“Oh?” she said archly, half turning to look back at him over her shoulder and daring him to continue that with flashing eyes, despite the colour in her cheeks.
“And who was it that you were caught sneaking about with then?”
Theo absolutely refused to say with whom he’d been caught, and in what state of undress, and by the time they reached the end of their patrol route, she’d stopped prodding at him for answers. He was a Slytherin after all, and did not divulge secrets willingly.  
“Any plans for your birthday, Granger?” he asked conversationally as they made their way back towards the grand staircase. She didn’t have to accompany him, but hadn’t felt like returning yet. “You’ll be nineteen, right?”
A stray draft tugged at her hair and she shivered. With a shrug and a nod, she said, “No plans really. I’ll see what happens and play it by ear.”
“When is it again?” he asked, pace slowing as his eyebrows drew together into a little frown.
“No plans with Potter and Weasley?” he asked and when she shrugged again, his expression soured just a fraction more.  
As they passed by a painting of a wizard, who looked remarkably like Charlie Weasley, wrangling a Hungarian Horntail, the dragon gave a shriek that made her jump. Theo chuckled softly and she felt her insides heat up all over again at the sound of it.  
“Slytherin and Gryffindor quidditch try outs are this Saturday,” he said, sounding a little regretful, though she couldn’t figure out why.  
“You don’t even play quidditch,” she scoffed, happy to have moved away from the topic of Harry and Ron.  
“Draco does. He’s going for seeker, remember?”
“Oh, of course. He’ll probably get it too - he’s apparently quite good.”
“Mm. Prodigious. You should see him now. He trains practically every morning.”
She thought about the lone flyer she’d seen and wondered if that had been Malfoy. It seemed likely, but she didn’t bring it up. “Ginny asked me to come along, but…” she grimaced. “It’s really not my thing.”
“Really?” Theo snorted sarcastically, turning to look at her from one step ahead. He was still taller than her by a long shot, even then. “I had no idea that you didn’t enjoy quidditch, Granger. It’s not as if you’ve ranted extensively and effusively about how ridiculous you think the whole game is on a number of our patrols this term…”
She punched him on the arm and he just laughed and skipped jauntily down the staircase as he headed back to the Slytherin Dungeons for the night.
“See you tomorrow, Granger,” was all he said as he left, waving jauntily over one shoulder without looking back.  
Hermione didn’t watch him go. Instead, she turned and glared at the Horntail in the painting as she passed, and then stumped back up to Gryffindor tower, feeling oddly conflicted. Patrols weren’t supposed to be this much fun. They were supposed to be sensible and practical, like books, but… then again, books could also be a lot of fun. It had been such a long time since she’d really allowed herself to even dream about anything so flippant as her interest in the opposite sex. Theo’s dimples kept drifting back into her thoughts, and even the silver eyes of Theo’s best friend. Once or twice, when they went soft and even gentle, she’d even thought Malfoy startlingly attractive. He still looked haunted and tired, but he had lost a lot of the hard, jagged edges recently.  
With thoughts of a pair of puzzling Slytherins filling her head, she fell into bed and, for the first time in months, it didn’t even cross her mind to think about setting unnecessary wards. Her head hit the pillow and she fell deeply asleep. 
Chapter Five
If you enjoyed, please reblog and share! I’m new to the fandom on here and appreciate all the help I can get!
writing masterlist | Ao3
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A fanfiction Short Story by la-topolina 
Rated for Teen Audiences
Warnings: Sexual Content
illecebrous: /I lI ‘se: brǝs/ adj. (archaic) tending to attract, enticing
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I'm at a party I don't wanna be at
“Buck up, Minerva, it’s only one night,” Albus said cheerfully as he handed her into the glittering carriage that awaited them at the Apparition Point in the apple grove at the edge of the Malfoy estate.
“If you’d told me accompanying you to the Malfoy New Year’s Eve Ball was one of the terms of my employment, I’d have reconsidered accepting the position,” Minerva replied tartly as she slid onto the fur-lined bench.
Albus climbed in after her and gave her an amused smile as he arranged the traveling rug over her lap. The faceted door swung shut, and the icy carriage began its smooth passage to the Manor itself. Minerva could see her breath hovering in front of her face, and she shivered in the thin finery of her dress robes. Carved of ice and charmed to opulence, the carriage was as beautiful as it was freezing—rather like the Malfoys themselves.
“Here and I had thought you found Abraxas at least tolerable,” Albus prodded. “You did well enough together as Head Boy and Girl.”
“Aye, Abraxas is no fool, I’ll give him that. But he’s a stick up his arse and he’s far too fond of Pureblood nonsense for my taste. And how could you think I’d be mates with anyone who flew on the Slytherin Quidditch team?”
“A fair point, but you scored so many points on him, I thought it might mitigate the sin of his being in the wrong house.”
All this talk of Quidditch was making her shoulder ache with the ghost of the hex that had ended her career. “I don’t recall you ever being fond of Slytherins. Why bother buttering me up to them now?”
“Whatever I may or may not think of Slytherin House, as Headmaster I strive to show impartiality.”
“Ha! I’ll believe that when I see it.”
He heaved a stricken sigh, but his sparkling eyes betrayed him. “Must I remind you that you are representing Hogwarts tonight? Please endeavor to be on your best behavior. I should be sorry to regret my choice of Transfiguration professor so quickly.”
“You’ll never regret my being a professor, but you might well regret my being at this party.”
“Minerva.” A note of censure gave a sharp edge to her name, and she relented.
“For goodness’ sake, Albus, I know how to behave. I’ll be dull as dishwater tonight.”
Don’t think I fit in at this party
The first and only time that Minerva had ever been to Malfoy Manor had been for a tedious summer party commemorating graduation. She’d been unfashionably punctual, and Abraxas had been saddled with the task of entertaining her. In spite of her nerves and his reserve, she had been impressed by the grandeur of the estate; even if it did feel  more like mausoleum than a home.
With this memory forming her expectation, it was no surprise that she gasped as Albus led her into the sumptuous ballroom. The marble tomb had been transformed, coaxed to life with hues of purple, rose, and gold; lit by a swath of floating candles and fairy dust. The middle of the room was dominated by a whirl of determined dancers, hard at work to the music of the unseen orchestra. Artfully draped groups of colorful cushions sat in discrete niches, languidly inviting the guests to rest and feast upon the delicacies that crowded every available surface, and seemed endless in number and kind. A fragrant smoke swirled through the air, giving a pleasant haze to the entire room, and Minerva was on the road to giddiness even before the first bubbling glass of champagne appeared. 
She gripped the coupe with the clammy fingers of one hand, and Albus’s arm with the other as he led her around the room with an artless confidence that she doubted she would ever possess. Without knowing quite how it happened, she found herself seated on an embroidered pouf, balancing a plate of rich temptations on her knees, attempting to follow the rapid witticisms that Albus exchanged with the imposing group of witches and wizards that Minerva recognized as making up most of the Hogwarts Board of Governors. 
“Do I understand correctly that you are the youngest teacher Hogwarts has ever employed?” asked Arcturus Black, peering through his pince-nez at her with his beady black eyes.
She hastily swallowed a mouthful of caviar and crème fraîche. “I believe so, sir.”
“And we were lucky to catch her before she disappeared into the wide world in search of fame and fortune,” Albus said warmly. 
Arcturus was unimpressed. “Yes, yes, Albus, you’ve been quite bull-headed in your support of the young lady. But I will not scruple to remind you that we will be watching her closely.”
Minerva’s chin went up at that. “The young lady will do her best not do disappoint you, I’m sure,” she said sharply.
Irma Crabbe, a pinched-face woman with a voice like treacle decided to make her opinion known. “Miss McGonagall, do remind me, who were your parents? I must have been at school with them, but I can’t seem to bring their faces to mind.”
“My mother is Isabol Ross,” Minerva replied stoutly. “You’ll remember her, she was captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. Slytherin never won a match against her when she was playing.”
“Ah, of course, and what a spirited girl she was. And your father?”
“The Right Reverend Robert McGonagall.”
“How strange, I don’t remember him at all.”
“You wouldn’t. He’s a Muggle.”
“Ah, I do remember now. My condolences.”
Minerva opened her mouth with the intention of informing Irma Crabbe exactly where she could shove her condolences, but Abraxas Malfoy intercepted the insult.
“Minerva, all this talk of business is boring me to death. Be a sport and do me the honor of standing up with me before they get on to budgets and fundraising,” he said, uncoiling himself from his cushion and tossing aside his jeweled hookah. Immaculately groomed, he was every inch the jaded atheling, suffering from a terminal bout of ennui.
Much as she wished to let her tongue fly, Albus’s warning glance and Abraxas’s waiting hand convinced her to curb it. A house elf appeared to whisk away her dishes, and soon she was following Abraxas to the top of a set of dancers, relieved to be free from the barbs of the Blacks. For a time her mind and body were fully occupied with the minding of her turns and her pas de basques. The Highland Reel invaded her bones, and she almost forgot that she was in the middle of a gaggle of Pureblood snobs until the dance required her to skip across the set and partner briefly with Cygnus Black.
“How spry you are, Minerva,” he said, his breath smelling unpleasantly medicinal. “After that blow Orion dealt you I’m surprised you can still dance at all.”
“Orion’s cheating might have grounded me, but I can beat either of you, any time, anywhere,” she spat back.
“Temper, temper. Watch this one, Abraxas, she bites!” Cygnus chortled.
“Then I’ll thank you to refrain from stirring her up,” Abraxas replied, smoothly retrieving her from Cygnus and returning her to the top of the set.
Fortunately for Cygnus, the dance had progressed to the point that she was not forced to bear his company much longer. In another round, Abraxas was leading her down the line, and she had nothing to do but admire his execution of the Highland Schottische, and then stand opposite him while they waited for the other dancers to supplant them. 
Now that she had the chance to really look at her partner, it was apparent that the years following their graduation had been kind to him. His lanky frame had filled out into a sinewy muscularity that suited him far too well. For all his exertions, neither his robes nor his white-blond hair were ruffled, while Minerva could feel a lock of her own unruly red curls slip free of its coif. She brushed it back and saw his eyes track her movement like a snake tracking its prey. Her stomach flipped and she pulled her irritation at Cygnus and the other Purebloods around her as armor against the disconcerting sensation.
“Cygnus Black is a worm,” she said in a tone that dared the Malfoy prince to argue.
Abraxas shrugged. “Everyone knows that. And his brother is lower still.”
“How can you stand them?”
“Even a worm has its uses.”
“Such as taking out rivals by cheating?”
The dance demanded they join hands, and he gripped hers with a firmness that startled her as they strathspeyed back to the top.
“If I’d had any idea what Orion was planning, I never would have let him fly that day,” Abraxas said in a low rumble.
“That’s easy for you to say now,” she shot back under her breath.
“Do you happen to remember how Orion was unable to sit for weeks after that stunt?”
“Aye, I do. Someone hexed the bugger, and it served him right.”
“I quite agree, which is why I ensured that it happened.”
The dance asserted its rule over them again, and she digested this revelation for the remainder of it. When the music ended, the set broke apart, its members leaving in groups of twos and fours in search of sustenance. 
Abraxas offered her his arm, asking, “Are you hungry? May I take you in to dinner?”
She was too confused by the thoughts tumbling through her head and the sensations pricking her skin to be hungry, but she was in the act of putting her hand on his arm to accept his invitation when the opportunity was snatched from her.
“Communing with the natives, Abraxas?” Hera Bulstrode quipped, slipping her hand into the crook of his arm and claiming him like a piece of luggage. She was small and neat, unlike her country cousins; her robes were of the latest fashion and highest quality; she dripped jewelry and disdain. “I had no idea you were so nimble.”
“Yes, I expected that a Reel would tire your delicate disposition,” Abraxas replied dryly. “Darling, you remember Minerva McGonagall.”
“I do. How nice to see you,” she said, baring her teeth in a sharp little smile. She held her hand out limply, flashing a ring shining with the Malfoy crest in Minerva’s face.
Minerva gave it a proper squeeze and replied, “You’re looking fine, Hera. How are you otherwise?”
“Busy, busy. Planning the wedding of the century does take its toll.”
“I can imagine.”
“Can you? Will we be seeing you jumping the broom soon as well?”
“No, I doubt it.”
“What a shame.”
Abraxas looked ashamed of his intended’s rudeness. “Minerva has taken the Transfiguration position at Hogwarts.”
“Have you?” Hera seemed to find this a fine joke. “How droll. Abraxas, I’m famished. I’m sorry to separate you and your little friend, but do take me in to dinner before I faint dead away.”
“Of course. Thank you for the dance, Minerva.”
Abraxas gave her a short bow and Hera shot her a look of high triumph. Minerva pursed her lips in response, but she felt more angry with herself than anyone else. What was she doing making an idiot of herself with Abraxas Malfoy of all people? And why hadn’t he bothered to tell her he was engaged?
And when had he gotten so bloody handsome?
She shut her eyes, overwhelmed by the heat and the noise and the smell of the room. Dinner was out of the question, and she retreated to the quiet of a deserted hallway to breathe.
I’m addicted to the thrill
Minerva had never been one to sulk, and when Albus came to collect her for the fireworks, he found her keeping old Belvina Black company by the fire in the library. A spitfire from her youth, Belvina’s bawdy tales had all but driven Abraxas and his coterie from Minerva’s mind. She half wanted to stay inside, if only for the pleasure of hearing whatever blue thing Belvina might say next, but the older woman insisted that she was going to bed and Minerva would be better served by watching the show outside.
Her escort abandoned her on the threshold though. A house elf bearing a message from Mr Norris, the Hogwarts groundskeeper, could be neither ignored nor postponed. Before she knew how he’d done it, Albus had excused himself and charged her with not only viewing the lights, but reporting to him about their beauty in detail the next morning. Disgruntled, she stalked out through the veranda onto the snow-covered lawn, taking a spot as far away from the crowd—and, unfortunately, the pockets of warming charms—as she could. 
But as the music drifted out into the night, and the charmed fireworks lit up the heavens, Minerva grudgingly allowed the beauty of the night to soothe her growling temper. Before long she was absorbed by the display, delighted to be alive and witnessing such brilliance.
“Aren’t you cold, huddling in this corner by yourself?” Abraxas emerged from the darkness, and Minerva jumped at the sound of his voice.
“No, not at all. And the air is fresher here.”
“That, at least, is true.” 
What on earth was he doing here? Didn’t he have a fiancée somewhere to mind? “I suppose congratulations are in order,” she said pointedly. “You didn’t mention that you were engaged.”
“It’s a recent development,” he replied with all the enthusiasm of a flobberworm.
“I expect you’ll be very happy.”
He snorted. “She’s a Bulstrode and I’m a Malfoy. We’ll rub along well enough.”
“What a thrilling endorsement of the matrimonial state.”
“I’m the only son. It’s a duty, nothing more.”
“How depressing. Where is  your keeper now?”
“Hera? Holding court with her ladies-in-waiting. She’s well aware that the fireworks are but a prelude to the dunking and the bacchanal.”
“And she’s missing it? A laugh a minute she is.”
“She has her pleasures and I have mine.”
Heat rose in her cheeks and she leveled a glare at him. “I’m not your pleasure, Abraxas.”
He returned her glare, unperturbed. “I never said you were.”
The fireworks and the music faded, and the crowd dispersed, some to the house, and some further out into the Malfoy wilderness. She should have gone in, rather than stand there, crossing swords with the spoiled Malfoy heir. Except that he’d grown out of the role of the pampered boy and into a role that she didn’t understand yet. Her anger smoothed into something that might have been pity, and she decided to stay where she was and continue the game.
“What’s this dunking you mentioned?” she asked.
“The New Year’s dunking? Aren’t you from the Highlands? How can you not have heard of it?”
“You don’t mean…you’re going ice swimming? You?”
“I am. I go every year. Have you really never done it?” His eyes were bright with a life she’d rarely seen in them, making him look young and open; and dangerously handsome.
“No. Never. Father didn’t approve of such things.”
He clucked his tongue. “Father’s not here. Will you come?”
“I don’t think I should. I am here representing the school after all, and I’m on thin ice with the Board already.”
“Hang the Board, they haven’t the balls to do it. If you’re worried about being seen, we can wait here until the rest of the dunkers have taken their turn and are heading back to the house. They won’t stay in long this time of year.”
“You aren’t…afraid are you?”
Those were the magic words. “Certainly not! I’ll do it.”
Her courage stumbled when she was standing face to face with the frozen lake. Clouds heavy with snow obscured the sky, and a light wind was sending a chill through her robes. The ice had been cleared in a neat square close to the dock, and the midnight blue water that showed through seemed bottomless and vast. Lanterns lined the edge of the natural enclosure, and though she knew there were scores of people yet wandering about the Manor, Minerva felt that she and Abraxas were alone, lost in a fairy world together. 
She gave a startled gasp of protest when her companion began to undress, slinking out of his dress robes and undershirt to stand before her in trousers, boots, and nothing besides. He laughed at her maidenly airs and she felt her face go red to the roots of her hair. 
“You’d best do the same. You don’t need all that lot weighing you down,” he teased as he pulled off his boots. “Or are you afraid, Gryffindor?”
“I’m not afraid of anything, Slytherin,” she shot back, flicking off her own robes and reveling in satisfaction when he sucked in his breath and averted his eyes.
“Leave those,” he ordered in a harsh voice when she started to remove her sensible woolen socks. “You don’t want your feet freezing to the dock when we come out.”
She did as he said, and put her hands on her hips, facing him with her shoulders back and her chin up; well aware that her figure was completely exposed. The hem of her chemise fluttered in the breeze and the cold night air raised gooseflesh on her skin. Abraxas feasted his eyes on her at this silent challenge; she was half goddess, half forbidden fruit under his scrutiny. 
At last he tore his eyes away and plunged into the water with an elegant dive. His face wore that open smile when he resurfaced, his hair gleaming and dripping in the lantern light.
“Don’t keep me waiting girl! It’s no night for a long swim.”
“Don’t call me girl, Abraxas!”
She was after him in a trice, and Crivvens she was surely going to die! She hit the water and the air rushed out of her as though she’d been kicked. Parts of her went numb that she hadn’t known she had until she stopped feeling them. Some animalistic instinct urged her legs to kicking and her arms to moving, clawing her way back to the surface to breathe. Abraxas was there waiting for her, laughing at her shock. She sucked in the frigid air—air that felt sweet and warm compared to the water she was treading. Her body screamed in protest, but Lord, she felt so very alive; it was better than the first time she’d flown on a broom.
He circled her like a merman—or a shark—and for an instant she thought he was going to touch her. 
“You’re turning blue,” he said through chattering teeth. “Come on, before you go under and I have to haul you out.”
“I could stay in all night,” she retorted, and followed him back to the dock.
Snow was falling by the time they were both out of the water, and she felt deliciously limp, lying there on the dock, watching the flakes land on her nose. He was all business, drying them both with a charm and hauling her to her feet that he might wrap her cloak around her shoulders.
“Up Minerva, no sleeping here,” he chided, slipping his arm around her waist to steady her.
He had no right to feel so good. “I’ll sleep where ever I like.”
Her feet stuck to the snow, and she was glad now that she’d kept on her socks, even if they did resemble dead jellyfish clinging to her ankles. The wind kicked up, causing her teeth to chatter and her vision to blur with tears. 
“I think I need to sit down,” she murmured wearily.
“A few steps more, and then you may,” he said sternly.
She leaned against him shamelessly, stumbling over the snow, and when her legs were wobblier than hasty pudding, they came upon a snug stone hut. He guided her to the bed in the corner of the single room, and she could see his wand flashing in the darkness as he lit the fire and set warming charms in the corners of the small space. If his hands were rough when he wrapped the blankets around her and coaxed her to lie down, she did not complain. Her body was screaming again as the heat assaulted it, and breathing was a laborious act of will. But soon she relaxed into the bed; and it was a heavy and wonderful thing to have a body. Her eyes closed, and she drifted into the netherworld between wakefulness and sleep.
I can deal with the bad nights
She came to with a start; wide awake and shivering so hard that her teeth clacked together. The fire still burned high, and the blankets were still warm, but she was cold to the marrow. And where was she? She’d been at Malfoy Manor, gone outside for the fireworks, gone ice swimming with Abraxas…
Good Heavens, where was the man? 
She rolled off the bed and landed on the floor with an inelegant thump. Her companion was huddled on the stones, wrapped in a blanket, and her clatter woke him from his slumber. He was on his feet in an instant, wand drawn, clad only in his trousers, his blond hair untidy from sleep. When he saw they were still alone, his stance relaxed, and he put his wand back on the table by the wall while she scrambled to her feet.
“What is it Minerva?” he asked, his back to her and his voice cold.
“Have you gone and caught cold? I thought you were made of hardier material.”
“I’ve not caught cold,” she countered. “I only feel cold.”
“Do you?”
“Yes! And after that dunking I should think it no surprise.”
He turned to her and his expression was unfathomable. The cottage was silent save for the cracking of the fire, and the cracking of whatever it was sparking between them.
“I should go back,” she said lamely.
“I don’t think that’s wise. You’ve already got a chill and the weather hasn’t let up. Best to wait for morning.”
“With you?” She winced at the way her voice climbed at the end of the second word.
“I’ve no intention of freezing to death.” He ran his eyes over her and she felt naked as a jaybird, in spite of the blanket and her chemise. “Don’t worry, I’ve no intention of defiling you either. Lie down and I’ll cast you a fresh warming charm.”
Ever since she’d been a child, there had been times when Minerva felt the impulse to do something very wrong. Her father would say that a little devil had got hold of her when she’d pull up the flowers or climb up on the roof of the barn. And though she’d always meekly say her prayers and promise to do better, it was nearly impossible to resist when it came round with its red-hot pokers, as it did now.
She licked her lips, saw his nostrils flare, and felt her power. “What if I don’t want a warming charm?”
He cursed under his breath and she advanced on him, letting the blanket slip through her fingers to the floor. His hands were clenched in fists at his sides, but he didn’t stop her when she put hers on his bare chest, or when she ran them over his cool skin to his face and his hair. His heart pounded under her fingers, echoing the careening beat of her own, and she leaned up to capture his parted lips. 
Suddenly his hands came to life, catching hers by the wrists and halting their exploration. He kissed her palms with burning lips, then pressed them together, trapping them between his own.
“Lie down, Minerva,” he implored; a man shaken to the core.
Spellbound, she did as he begged, not sure what he was going to do, not sure what she even wanted him to do. He sat beside her, and tenderly turned her towards the wall, letting his hand run the length of her from shoulder to hip. Then he lowered himself onto the bed, and curved his body around hers. A wordless accio brought the blankets to them; and when all was settled he twined their fingers together, and buried his face in her hair.
“Go to sleep,” he whispered hoarsely. 
He held her that way all night, perched on the edge of the abyss; the most exquisite torture she would ever experience, before or since.
Life’s a game but it’s not fair
She woke to a fully dressed Abraxas and a hot breakfast. Stiff and formal as he’d ever been, he averted his eyes while she dressed and talked smoothly of nothing while they ate. Anger and embarrassment gnawed at her heart as he draped her cloak around her shoulders and led her out to the Apparition Point. A forlorn birdsong echoed across the deserted grounds, and the grey sky offered no glimpse of the morning sun. She stubbornly refused his arm as they tromped through the unbroken snow, and she turned aside his attempts at meaningless conversation.
“I must thank you for a delightful evening,” he said when they reached the apple grove.
“Indeed,” she replied frostily. “Thank you for inviting me.”
He hesitated, then added quietly, “Minerva, you’re the finest woman I’ve ever met.”
The anger and shame that had been building all morning exploded. “I don’t know what you’re about, Abraxas, but you’ve got a lot of nerve saying such things to me! Especially when you’re shuffling me off like some kind of two-knut hussy.”
“Two-knut hussy? You’re worth more than the lot of them combined. I was trying to spare you more of their sneering.”
“If you think that, why do you stay here?”
Her question unmasked him, and he stood before her with his desires and his anguish brazenly on display. “Because I love this land more than life itself. I could no more leave it than I could give up my magic or my name.”
“Well,” she said more gently, “you’ve no business acting the way you did when you’re bound to marry another woman.”
“Do you think I’m unaware of that?” he shot back, and they were at it again.
“I don’t pretend to understand how that Slytherin mind of yours works.”
“I would end things with Hera in a heartbeat if I thought I might have you instead.”
“I doubt that would be a wise idea.”
Why indeed? “Could you honestly see me as lady of the manor? I’d burn the place down within a fortnight.”
“I’m sure you would.” He laughed bitterly, and caught her hands with his. “I wish that things could be different.”
Her heart was cracking, breaking over the loss of something she hadn’t even known she wanted. But she hadn’t been willing to live in a muggle cage for Dougal McGregor, and she wasn’t willing to live in a magical one for Abraxas Malfoy. She checked her tears, and mustered a smile as she said what she believed would be their only goodbye.
“No sense wishing for the moon, Abraxas. But think of me from time to time, will you?”
“That, I promise you.”
He loosened his hold on her hands, and she slid them away, savoring the touch of his fingers to the last. The apple trees reached out to her, offering shelter and space to collect herself, that she might depart without fear of splinching or worse. He leaned heavily against one of the wide trunks, watching her as she gathered her thoughts and her magic. 
A solitary fruit, covered with frost, clung stubbornly to one of the frozen branches. Its red hue shone all the more brilliantly for its loneliness; and her fingers itched to pluck it, though she knew that fruit this late would be sour.
She turned away and left it hanging—there, in the bleak world, alone.
End Notes:
This story is the result of my combining three very interesting—and disparate—challenges over on HPFT. For the New Year, New You Challenge; we were given two songs, one from 2009 and one from 2019 to build our story around, and we were asked to have the MC of the story try something new for the first time (I chose ice swimming). I was given Run This Town by Jay-Z and I Don’t Care by Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber. The section headings are taken from the song lyrics thus:
I'm at a party I don't wanna be at;
Don’t think I fit in at this party; and
I can deal with the bad nights are from I Don’t Care
I’m addicted to the thrill; and
Life’s a game, but it’s not fair are from Run This Town
For a bonus point, we could also be assigned a random MC, and I was given Minerva McGonagall.
There’s Only One Bed Challenge asked us to use the one bed trope in a story. This is the first time I’ve written that trope--and I adore it.
For the Happier Holidays Challenge, we were asked to incorporate a holiday that occurs in December or January and its traditions into a story. In addition to the usual New Year’s Eve party, fireworks, and disappointment in love; I added the polar plunge or Loony Dunk. In the UK this often happens on Christmas Day or Boxing Day; in Scotland it happens on New Year’s Day.
Many many thanks to Chemical_Pixie for sharing her ice swimming experiences with me! And also many thanks to Mr Z for beta-ing this story.
atheling: an anglo-saxon prince
pas de basque: place-keeping dance step
Highland Schottische and strathspey: traveling dance steps
The final line in the story is inspired by the Thomas Moore Poem, The Last Rose of Summer.
15 notes · View notes
The Perfect Blend - Chapter 4
Characters: Tenth Doctor (aka James Noble); Rose Tyler; Clara Oswald; Amy Pond; Jeanne Poisson; Donna Noble; Sylvia Noble; Wilfred Mott; Mickey Smith; Martha Jones; Clyde Langer
Tags: Human AU; fake relationship AU; coffee shop AU; stalkerish!Reinette; hurt/comfort; angst; romance; fluff; Christmas; New Year; New Year’s kiss
Story Summary:
Trying to escape from an predatory ex-girlfriend who will not accept their break-up, James Noble (aka The Doctor) finds himself in a coffee shop where he meets a barista (aka Rose Tyler) who makes him the perfect cup of tea and lends a sympathetic ear to his tale of woe.
Chapter Summary: In which Mickey feels the need to connect the dots…
Chapter Notes: You’d think, with all this time in social isolation, I’d be more productive! Alas…
Hugs and kisses to the brilliant @rose--nebula and mrsbertucci for looking over this chapter. They kindly did this days ago, and I kept forgetting to post! Oops! LOL
Anyway, hope you enjoy. <3
Read also at: AO3; Tsp (when approved); FF
James felt cold panic clutch at his throat, stealing his breath. Here it was, late afternoon on New Year’s Eve, and he had yet to secure a date for the gala. He’d had no time to continue his quest today, as he’d spent the entire day at the University, setting up his fireworks display and tinkering with the holographic projectors. Then he’d rushed home to change into his (unlucky) tuxedo. Not that he believed in such superstitious nonsense, but he couldn’t help but notice, nothing good ever came of him wearing that blasted black suit.
On his return trip to the Uni for another quick systems check before guests started to arrive, he’d walked by Pete’s Coffee Dimension and, despite running late, had been drawn inside. He’d been tempted by the thought of a nice, fortifying cup of something hot, maybe even the “best cuppa in London”, and in the back of his mind, had been thinking maybe the pretty barista he had met there on his last visit would be there this time too. He’d been hoping to bask in her quiet compassion, even for just a few minutes before his life turned completely to hell.
But the barista hadn’t been there, sadly, just some bloke, who was pleasant enough, James supposed. He’d told James the barista’s name was Rose (a beautiful name that suited her perfectly!) and had just disappeared behind the counter to prepare him a cuppa, spouting some cryptic, vague assurances that he had the answer to all of James’ problems.
James was not reassured. He ran his hands through his hair and down his face. His heart was thrashing out of his chest. Blimey, he needed that cuppa… If he could only get it down his anxiety-tight throat.
Jeanne would be at the gala tonight, on his arm or not. She had her own ticket, he knew. And she would be relentless (proper predatory-level relentless) when she saw he’d come alone.
Despite his many varied (and increasingly desperate) attempts to do so, he hadn’t been able to find anyone who was suitable (or willing) to be his plus-one for tonight. He couldn’t ask his work colleagues. Most of them were considerably older than he and happily married, and he honestly didn’t think for a minute he’d be able to pull off a convincing act of love with any of those few who didn’t have prior attachments. He’d made some hesitant requests of the students and junior scientists he knew from various labs throughout the Science department, but they either all had plans for the evening (quite right, too!) or had just told him in no uncertain terms that they didn’t want to get involved in his dating debacle (also… quite right, too!)
There had been one graduate student whom he’d been hopeful about. She worked in the lab next to his and was sweet and smart, and he had always gotten along quite well with her. He also knew her to be unattached and, while not the sort to party, thought she would enjoy a festive evening at the gala. But Petronella Osgood had nearly passed out from an anxiety-induced asthma attack the moment he proposed his ruse, and James had spent the evening in the A&E with her as she recovered from the trauma. He decided right then, he wouldn’t press the matter with her any further. He didn’t wish to cause her any more stress, and upon further consideration, decided he would rather suffer the horrors of Jeanne on his own, than subject the poor girl to a potential confrontation with the French woman and her nasty temperament.  
With his options rapidly dwindling, he’d even considered paying for an escort, but after some frantic research, he’d discovered that even the semi-reputable ones were ridiculously pricey, and while he would have had no trouble financially, it was a bloody waste of money. Surely Jeanne had already cost him enough. Besides, quite frankly, the idea of using an escort was… weeell… repugnant.
As a last-ditch measure, he’d called on his friend, Jack Harkness, a pan-sexual playboy, and a true friend, through and through. He’d expected Jack to be more than happy to help him stage a fake coming-out, announcing he was gay. Afterall, Jack had been trying to get into James’ pants for years, though not in any serious way. He was a tease, but he understood that James considered him to be a friend only… no benefits of a sexual nature attached. But, as it turned out, Jack had picked this festive season to finally set aside his lecherous ways and settle down. He’d announced to James that he had a new boyfriend, Ianto Jones, with whom he was “exclusive” and had lots of “plans for private New Year celebrations.”  
And now… James was out of time. Doomed. And he was spending his last precious moments of a Jeanne-free life, hiding in a coffee shop, like the coward he was, desperate for a cuppa and a glimpse of an absentee barista.
He heaved a great, sad sigh, and taking off his glasses, allowed his head to sink into his hands, despair overcoming him.
 “Rose! Rose!” Mickey hissed at her through the pass-through.
Rose rolled her eyes at Martha (who giggled in response) and sighed. “Honestly, Micks, can I not leave you alone for five minutes without something going wrong?” she teased as she approached the opening to the coffee bar. “What’s up?”
“Well, I might not bother to tell you now, since you’re being like that.��
“C’mon, Micks…”
“Oh, alright. I have a customer who’d like one of your cups of tea. Wanna put the kettle on?”
“That’s it? That’s what you wanted to tell me?”
“Yup. You know I don’t have the knack you have for making a good cuppa.”
“He’s not wrong,” Martha piped up from behind Rose.
“Oi,” Mickey protested, “I can make a decent cuppa, but as long as Rose is here… Besides, we don’t want the place to get a bad rep from my one substandard cups of tea. Oh, and yeah, it’s for here, so put it in one of the china cups and bring it out when it’s ready, yeah?”
“Bossy!” Rose chided with a grin.
“Someone needs to take charge, otherwise the two of you would be frittering away the time, blathering on about who-knows-what.”
“The nerve! I’ll have you know we’ve completely cleaned the storage room and done inventory, while you’ve made a couple of espresso shots and wiped down a few tables.” Rose turned to Martha. “Are you seriously planning to marry this one?”
Martha’s eyes gleamed. “For better or for worse, that’s what I hear. I guess this is the worse.”
Mickey grumbled at them. “Just hurry and get out here with that cuppa, yeah.” Then he turned and stomped away, out of Rose’s line of sight.
 Five minutes later, Rose rushed out from the kitchen, with a hot teapot of Darjeeling, a couple of complimentary biscotti, and a china cup and saucer on a tray. She paused briefly to pick up the milk from the fridge, then raised her head and stepped out from behind the service counter. She stopped short at the sight before her.
It was him. The Doctor.
She twisted around to look behind her, taking in Mickey’s cheeky grin. “I’m gonna kill you,” she mouthed, her cheeks burning.
“Go on,” her friend mouthed back, gesturing her out into the seating area with a sweeping motion of his hands. Martha stepped up behind him and Rose sighed as she watched the young woman’s eyes light up when Mickey whispered to her who the customer was. She clapped her hands silently together, bounced on her toes, and motioned to Rose in no uncertain terms to move her arse out there and deliver the tea.
Shaking her head at her friends, Rose turned back to the seating area and, taking a deep, fortifying breath, she moved toward the Doctor’s table.
He was sat there with his head in his hands, looking miserable, his gorgeous fringe spilling through his fingers. He was wearing a tuxedo, so she assumed he had somewhere to be tonight and couldn’t help but wonder why he was here instead. Unless it had something to do with that ex-girlfriend of his…
But that wasn’t Rose’s business. He had ordered a cuppa, and she would deliver it to him. That was her job. Nothing more to it than that.
Then why, she wondered, was her heart throbbing somewhere in the region of her throat? Why was her mouth as dry as ash and her palms hot and sweaty? Why did she feel that faint, fluttering hope rising in her chest again, the one she’d felt every time the bell over the door had rung over the last few days? The difference was, this time, the source of that hope was actually sitting right in front of her, waiting for her to deliver him a cuppa.
She fought back her giddiness. I have to remain impartial, she told herself. She’d probably find out he wasn’t as wonderful as her memory (and imagination) had made him seem. He’d probably turn out to be a right arse. And maybe that would be for the best. After all, despite her protests to the contrary, she knew Clara was right: she’d been mooning about him since his first visit, prior to Christmas. She needed to get on with her life, and not spend her time fantasising over men she wasn’t nearly accomplished enough to date. Yes, surely, he was a truly horrible person.
With that fortifying thought in mind, she stepped up to his table.
 James’ head shot up out of his hands when he heard the soft sound of a throat clearing hesitantly. He’d been so lost in his troubles, he’d not noticed anyone approaching his table. His bleary eyes struggled to make out the source of the sound: a haze of pink and yellow. He picked up his glasses and snapped them onto his face.
Instantly, a most welcome sight came into focus before him. The pretty barista… Rose… was standing before him, cheeks flushed the colour of her namesake, and holding a tray that held what he knew was certain to be the best cuppa in London. His troubles seemed to instantly recede in her presence. (Of course, he warned himself, they hadn’t actually receded, just been put on the backburner of his brain for a blessed few minutes.)
“Hello.” She offered him a shy smile and flushed a deeper shade of red.
He waggled his fingers at her. “Hello.”
“Hello…” she bit her bottom lip endearingly, “…Doctor.”
“That’s me!”
She nodded her head rapidly, fervently agreeing with this statement.
“Is that my tea?”
“Oh, blimey! Yeah… course…” With shaking hands, she unloaded the contents of the tray onto the table. “Would you like me to pour?”
He nodded this time, his usually non-stop gob failing him.
She set his cup in front of him and, lifting the little teapot, poured out his tea with a practiced flair, allowing a few bubbles to form on the surface. “For good luck…” she murmured, as she set the pot down.
“I’m sorry… what?”
“Oh… the bubbles… in your cup… they’re supposed to predict good fortune or some such rot. Generally, financially, but if they cling to the side of the cup… erm… like these ones…” her voice dropped to nearly subaudible levels and she averted her eyes from his, “…they foretell romance.”
She picked at the little knit cozy covering the pot. “Erm, yeah… each bubble represents a… well… a kiss.”
He beamed at her, covering her fidgeting hand with his. It was warm and soft, and fit perfectly under his. “Thank-you… Rose? Right?”
She met his gaze with wide, wondering eyes and nodded again, a bashful smile tugging at one corner of her mouth. “Erm… yeah. Rose. Rose Tyler.”
“Rooooose Tyyyyler.” He rolled the words in his mouth, enjoying the sound and feel of them. “Weeeell, thank-you, Rose Tyler. Not that I believe in superstitions and portents, but I am prepared to suspend my disbelief for tonight. I am more than willing to entertain the possibility that you have changed my fortune with your expert tea pouring. Maybe tonight won’t be the disaster I thought it was going to be, after all.”
“That’s the spirit!” Rose cheered.
“Would you join me?” He reflexively squeezed her hand. “For a cuppa, that is?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d… I’d like that. I’m sure I can find an extra cup around here somewhere. Coffee shop and all, yeah.”
 Mickey rocked from one foot to the other, his frustration building with each passing minute. “What are they on about?” he grumbled, gesturing at Rose and the Doctor. “Look at them! Look!”
Martha arched her brow at him. “Yeah, I see them.”
“What the hell is he waiting for, then? They’re obviously into each other. He’s holding her hand and they’re makin’ eyes at each other. It’s sickening, really. So why the hell doesn’t he just ask her out to that gala of his? Urrrrgh!”
“I think he may need a little help with that.”
“What? Why? She’s beautiful and available and–”
“Yeah, but from his point of view, she’s at work. And who knows what else is going on in his head. Maybe he just needs another little nudge.”
“Blimey, he needs more than a nudge. He needs someone to connect the bloody dots.”
“Off you go then, Mickey-Matchmaker. Go connect those dots.”
“Me? Why me? Don’t you think this might require a woman’s touch?”
“Look, this was your idea…”
Mickey glowered at his fiancée.
“Not that I think it’s a bad idea. Like you said, they’re obviously… attracted.”
“Attracted? They’re practically undressing each other with their eyes!”
“Right. All I’m saying is you need to go out and finish the job.”
“What about you? You just gonna stand here whilst I make a fool of myself?”
Martha flashed him a cheeky grin. “Yeah, something like that. Consider it moral support.”
“Pffft, moral support, my arse.” He scowled. “Well, since you’re obviously gonna leave me high and dry… here goes!” He took a step out toward the table where Rose and the Doctor were lost in each other’s gazes but pulled up short at Martha’s next words.
“Oh, and by the way, for my part, I already contacted Amy.” She arched a smug brow.
“She can’t wait to help out. Champing at the bit, she is!” Then Martha added in a stage-whisper, “So Rose will have no excuses. Don’t let her worm her way out of this.”
 James sat staring blankly at the bloke (Rickey?), a piece of biscotti half-way to his mouth. His brain had surged into overdrive, processing information and probabilities, but it seemed to have forgotten it was connected to his gob, which opened and closed uselessly. He looked over at Rose who gawped back at him with an expression that probably mirrored his own.
He had to admit, the bloke’s plan had merit. He could see himself falling for this girl. If he was being honest, he was already teetering at the edge. He’d just never considered asking a total stranger to accompany him to the gala (apart from his fleeting research into escorts), and he wasn’t entirely sure Rose was even vaguely interested. For one thing, it was all very last minute, the epitome of last minute; frankly, if he could define last minute, this would be it. Secondly, weeell, while she obviously didn’t have any plans to celebrate the New Year, she had plans… working-type plans, plans that were obviously very important to her. And much more important than his stupid University Gala. And, C, no three… thirdly, why the hell would she even want to go out with him? He thought he’d felt some attraction between them, but she didn’t know anything about him… zip, zilch, nada, nought! He could be an axe-murderer for all she knew, a rapist, a–
His rambling thoughts screeched to a halt as he saw her expression morphing from shock and bewilderment to…
“What the actual fuck, Mickey?” she hissed at the young man who stood before them with a proud grin on his face. Her face was now fiery with embarrassment and anger. “How dare you?”
James tugged on his ear and watched, helpless, as Rickey’s grin collapsed. “But it’s perfect, babe, don’t you see?” James had to give the man credit. He’d never be able to face the wrath this bloke was facing, despite having survived Donna (and Aunt Sylvia) for many years. “He needs a date. You need to get a life. Simple.” Rickey (the idiot) ploughed on, clearly oblivious or indifferent to the immediate threat to his existence.
“Oh, I need to get a life, do I?” Rose snarled. “What is all of this, then?” She gestured around the shop. “Seems to me I have a life. A perfectly good life, thank-you very much. I don’t need you–”
“Yeah? Well, me and Martha, we think you do. Babe, you never see beyond these four walls, except to go upstairs–”
“To my home!”
“Home then. My point is, you never leave this building, except to pick up things for the shop.”
“This is my dream…”
“Look, Rickey…” James interjected, shooting a glance at Rose, who was glaring at her friend with pursed lips.
“It’s Mickey!” Mickey snapped.
“Right, sorry… Mickey then… Look, mate, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, and I certainly wouldn’t say no to having Rose on my arm at the Gala this evening, but–”
Rose swept around to face him, the fire in her eyes dying out and a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth. “You wouldn’t?”
James ran his hand through his hair again (he must look a mess…) “Weeell, no… no, of course not… I’d be honoured… Would you like to come?”
“Well, yeah…”
“Would you, though?”
“I just thought because you don’t really know me…”
“Yeah, I thought because you don’t really know me… and I just… I just work in a shop; you might not want me to…”
“Oh, I’d love you to come,” he gushed.
James sensed, rather than saw Mickey backing slowly away. His attention was riveted on the beautiful, blushing woman sitting before him. She beamed at him, her tongue touching the corner of her mouth. “Okay.”
He beamed in return, but his smile quickly dropped away, doubts racing back to the front of his mind. “But you… I mean, you don’t know the first thing about me….” He glanced down at the remains of his biscotti, pushing the crumbs around with a restless finger.
Rose’s hand closed over his, stopping his fidgeting. “I know a little… and,” she fixed him in her warm gaze, “I’d like to know more… But, oh God… oh no! I don’t have anything to wear. Certainly nothing that would do for an event like this one!”
“All taken care of,” a young woman James hadn’t noticed before piped up from the service counter. “Amy is more than happy to lend you something. It’s all arranged.”
“But, Martha…”
“No excuses!” Mickey added. “You’re going! You deserve to get out and enjoy yourself.”
Rose turned her nervous smile back to James and shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I’m going, then. That is if you’d still like me to come.”
James felt his spirits soar. For the first time in weeks he didn’t feel like he was plunging head-first into the depths of despair. Maybe his tux wasn’t such a portent of doom, after all. “Oh, yes!” He swept to his feet and offered her his hand. “It’s a date!”
“Yeah…” she chirped, standing and lacing her fingers with his, “…I guess it is!”
“Oh, yes!” he repeated. “Allons-y, Rose Tyler.”
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army-author · 4 years
(fic alert) jungkook scenario | the alchemy of amor
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➝ COMING 24/02/2021 20:00 GMT 
❝ jungkook is the arrogant son of the duke. you’re a humble alchemist just trying to make a living. unfortunately for you, jungkook seems to have taken a strange interest in you. when a dangerous wager involving a love potion spirals out of control, you find yourself flung into the deep end of emotion, and it becomes difficult to decipher genuine attraction from magical aftereffect... ❞
➝ pairing: jungkook x reader
➝ genre: fluff, fantasy au, enemies to lovers
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The first mistake you make is accepting the request from the mysterious woman who came into your shop.
Your second mistake is letting Jungkook into your shop. Or letting Jungkook anywhere near you at all.
Jungkook is the only son of the duke of Braewyth, the duchy you reside in - a hobbyist alchemist and your tormentor in his spare time. When he had first barged into your potion shop, and declared that he wanted to learn the art of alchemy, you were led to the conclusion that he was a pretentious prick. This suspicion proved to be correct, as after a few lessons from you – out of the goodness of your heart, and the impossibility of saying ‘No’ to the heir of the duchy – Jungkook believed himself to be better than you with your fifteen years of experience. He was now convinced that the two of you were rivals, and you were convinced that he was a pain in the arse.
As you work on crushing down dried rose petals for your new project, Jungkook barges into your shop once more. He doesn’t seem to know of any other way to make an entrance into your tiny business. He leans over the counter, his eyes burning on your skin as you work.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Preparing ingredients for Impetus Amor.”
His nose wrinkles as he leans back on the counter, crossing his arms over his overcoat, embroidered with the emblem of the duchy, a snow white stag on a blue shield. “Ah, the potion of love,” he muses, “I’ve heard that one’s incredibly difficult to make.”
“I know,” you grimace, as you continue to grind rose petals to a fine red dust in your stone mortar. “What of it, Mr. Jeon?”
The duke’s son gives an impartial shrug. “I’m merely stating that it’s a laborious potion to perfect. I’m surprised you’re attempting it.”
You bite down on your cheek to stop yourself from speaking indecently to Braewyth’s heir. “My customers respect me, and know that I’ll carry out any requests with the utmost care,” you cut back with thinly veiled anger.
Jungkook leans back lazily, his elbow brushing dangerously close to a decanter filled with Verum Serum, a silver truth potion you’ve been working on. “Well then, my little apothecary, why don’t we make a wager?”
You raise an eyebrow, setting down your mortar, and waiting for him to continue.
“I’m willing to bet that you won’t be able to finish the potion,” Jungkook says, “In fact, if you finish it, and it works, I’ll pay you in gold.” He grins.
“And if I can’t?” you enquire. It’s an unlikely option, but you need to know what you are dealing with. You find it difficult to refuse the offer of money, especially if it’s a loss for Jungkook, but you’re wary of the consequences on the (very low) chance that you are unsuccessful.
“Don’t worry,” Jungkook raises a hand, “I know you can’t pay much gold.” Your cheeks heat up. “But if you lose, then I demand a kiss from you.”
Biting down a retort, you take a deep breath, and remind yourself that it is unacceptable to call the son of the duke a ‘Bastard’, no matter how much you want to. Instead, with your fists balling, you reply, “Very well, Mr. Jeon. But please be prepared to lose.”
His eyes glitter under your gaze, “Okay.”
You know that there is no way you can lose. Still, the very thought of admitting defeat and letting him kiss you has your blood boiling as it churns through your heart. You ought to show more respect to the son of the duke - to most a kiss from him would be an honour - but your find respect hard to muster when he does nothing but flirt with the ladies about the town of Sientha, strutting arrogantly down the streets with a different girl handing off his arm each night.
It’s Jungkook’s loss for certain. You’ll make sure of that.
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