#'just write it don't worry about accuracy' sure but my brain says no
catsafari25 · 1 year
The urge to lend my copy of Project Hail Mary to all my friends so they can also experience it vs my need to keep it as a reference for writing fic: fight
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eef-is-an-egg · 4 years
for your thing ab sending more crankiplier prompts to write instead of big fic (which is so fuhcking relatable)
one of them is a minor villain (like petty theft or smth) and gets hurt. other takes them in and cares for them and they're like?? i literally steal things why do u trust me
maybe?? I have more general but I don't want this to b really really lonk
listen i may have written a whole ass novel here so.... take some vampire eth (also im totally going to write something for that second prompt at some point thats such a cute idea)
“You sure about this?”
Mark nodded shakily, swallowing the lump that had appeared in his throat. Ethan looked up at the older man cautiously as he rolled Mark’s sleeve up to his elbow.
“Listen, it really is okay if you don’t want to do this,” Ethan said, holding Mark’s forearm carefully, as if Ethan would break his arm if he gripped it tighter. Which, admittedly, he might be able to do that. Mark didn’t know, and frankly, he didn’t want to find out.
“No, no, it- It’s fine, I’m not worried,” Mark lied. He was definitely worried, crazy worried, but this was Ethan. He wouldn’t hurt him on purpose, even if he was technically going to hurt him. It was just a little blood, he had plenty to spare. “I want this.”
“You look like you’re going to vomit,” Ethan noted, moving his hands down to hold Mark’s calloused hand. “I can find something else, if-”
“Ethan, I want this. You literally need this, and if I can’t give it to you, what sort of boyfriend am I?” Mark laughed nervously, trying to make light of the weird situation they were in together. This was weird. But he loved Ethan. So what’s a little blood?
"Yeah, yeah, but I don’t want you to feel obligated,” Ethan mumbled, looking down. Was Ethan really feeling guilty about this right now? Mark didn’t really know why, like he said, he needed it to live.
So instead of saying anything more, he just moved Ethan’s hands back to his arm and nodded enthusiastically as a confirmation. Ethan nodded back and looked down at Mark’s arm. He hesitated a moment, but lifted it up to his face, eyeing it hungrily. 
If Mark was honest with himself, it was always strange to see Ethan like this. He’d always just been this dorky dude who looked like he couldn’t hurt a fly, but when he was hungry, he was hungry. It was like he was in a whole other mindset - which, now that Mark thought about it, he probably was. 
But he still managed to be sweet and understanding and undeniably Ethan. That’s what Mark had to remember, that he was still Ethan. He’d always be Ethan, and that was what mattered. Mark was suddenly jolted out of his thoughts as Ethan planted soft and sweet kisses along his forearm. He rolled his eyes affectionately, a small blush dusting his cheeks. He wasn’t exactly expecting it to get sensual, but hey, this was Ethan after all. The sap.
Ethan flicked his eyes up at Mark again in the middle of a kiss, like he was asking permission for what he was about to do next. Mark looked knowingly into his eyes, hoping he got the gist.
Ethan did.
It felt... weird. Painful? Maybe painful wasn’t exactly the right word. The initial contact and breaking of skin stung, but it didn’t last. What was more prevalent was the pressure and the feeling of blood flowing out of his arm. It wasn’t necessarily anything new - he’d had IVs inserted into his arm before, but it was certainly different. The idea that there was a mouth on the other end didn’t help, especially the fact that it was Ethan’s mouth. But it felt strangely nice, like a hickey but not.
Oh my God. Ethan was literally sucking his blood. And Mark was sort of enjoying it. Did this make him a masochist? He wasn’t a masochist. Was he? His heart started to pump faster, his brain started to get fuzzy and he couldn’t make out his own thoughts. He was hoping this was because of blood loss. Blood loss sounded like a good excuse.
He suddenly shook his head vehemently, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding after Ethan detached from Mark’s arm.
“Sorry,” Ethan murmured, wiping his face off with his sleeve. “I got a little overzealous. Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Mark managed to breathe out after a few seconds. He looked down at his arm and saw two apparent holes in it. They weren’t actually that deep, and thank God there wasn’t any blood gushing out of them anymore, but it was still a weird sight to see. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“Okay, let’s- let’s get you patched up,” Ethan said, taking Mark’s hand.
Everything still felt a bit blurry as Ethan dragged him to their bathroom. His head felt like it was buzzing, but he simply sat on their toilet, waiting patiently as Ethan dug through their cupboards, looking for bandages. He didn’t know if the pit forming in his stomach was from anxiety, blood loss, or something else, but it definitely wasn’t pleasant. “Alright," Ethan chirped, straightening himself out and turning to face Mark, bandages in hand. “Hold your arm out, babe.”
Mark did as he said, albeit slightly delayed - his brain was still foggy. “You seem surprisingly chipper.”
“I was hungry,” Ethan explained as he started to wrap Mark’s wound. “It’s like the Snickers commercials say - ‘You’re-’”
“‘-not you when you’re hungry’, I know,” Mark cut the younger man off, a small smile appearing on his face. “God, you’re such a dork. Aren’t vampires supposed to be sexy or something?”
“Heeeey!” Ethan whined, pausing the wrapping as he looked at Mark with one of his ‘pity me’ faces. “You’re saying I’m not sexy? Wow, I’m hurt, Mark!”
“Okay, you’re a little sexy,” Mark rolled his eyes, the smile on his face only getting bigger. “But not, like, Edward Cullen levels of sexy.”
“Edward Cullen is not sexy,” Ethan giggled, continuing with the wrapping of Mark’s arm. “He’s not even an accurate representation of vampires!”
“It doesn’t matter if he’s not accurate! Accuracy and sexiness don’t relate to each other at all, Eth,” Mark added. “You’re just jealous.”
"Jealous?” Ethan scoffed, tightening the bandage (which in turn makes Mark wince) and tearing it off the roll, making sure the stray end of the bandage is tucked in neatly underneath the rest of it. “He’s a creep. I’m not jealous of shit.”
“Mm, you make a good point,” Mark hummed, looking down at his arm. The bandage was slightly pink in some spots, but overall it wasn’t looking too bad. “Maybe you are sexier than Edward Cullen...”
“You bet your ass I am,” Ethan grinned. “Anyway, enough about Twilight. How are you feeling? Was everything okay?”
“Fine, actually. A little lightheaded, but okay,” Mark replied, fidgeting with the new bandages on his arm. “And yes, everything was fine. It felt kind of strange, but you know I’d do anything for love, baby.”
He tacked on a cheesy wink which gets an eye-roll from the younger man.
“Was the kissing too much? I hadn’t exactly done this on another consenting human who was also my boyfriend, so...” Ethan mumbled, running his hand through his hair.
“Nah, I thought it was cute,” Mark smiled. “Made it feel a little less like you were eating me and more like you were making out with my arm.”
“Is that really any better though?” Ethan giggled, looking up at Mark with a grin on his face.
“Yes, it is. Trust me,” Mark reassured Ethan and gave him a grin back. “On another note, though - is this going to become a regular thing?”
“Not if you don’t want it to be,” Ethan said. “It’d definitely be helpful, but I can make do if you were too uncomfortable with tonight.”
“No, I mean- I think I’d be fine with it,” Mark stuttered, taking a quick glance at Ethan. His facial expression was soft and understanding, and Mark wanted to hug him right then and there. “I wasn’t uncomfortable, it was just... different. Not- not like, a bad different or anything.”
“Oh,” Ethan said simply. There was a hint of surprise to his voice, like he wasn’t expecting Mark to be so willing. “Did you like it or something?”
To his tragic demise, Mark’s whole face immediately flushed as soon as Ethan said that. Stupid blood. “I’m not going to deny it, but-”
“Christ, you absolute masochist,” Ethan laughed. Mark looked at him quickly and noticed that his cheeks were pink too. Was he embarrassed or weirded out or..?
“Shut up, I just like to see what my body can take, okay?” Mark insisted, covering his face with his hands. Even if Ethan wasn’t embarrassed, he sure was.
“Listen, bub, I’m not gonna judge you,” Ethan said, putting a reassuring hand on Mark’s shoulder. “I mean, it’s a win-win scenario, right? I get food, you get... some amount of enjoyment from it?”
“Please shut up,” Mark groaned.
Ethan just giggled, gave him a quick kiss on the top of his head and went over to the door of the bathroom. “Love you, Mark.”
Mark just groaned again in reply.
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honestsycrets · 4 years
[1/5] I'm the anon who was messaging Laketaj. If I might've offended other people, that wasn't my intention. I'm not good with social cues, any of the socials cues I have are worse on media because I don't know the ways a person could act or react to something (being autistic is really my way of not knowing cues). When creating original characters, I do prefer to make a diverse cast in some way - ethnicity, sexuality, disability - to the best of my ability. I know there were people of different
Comments below the cut.
[2/5] Ethnicities, cultures. Watching certain shows and movies could help to some extent for people. But depending on the era, I might not one who knows about specific eras away from shows. Like Vikings.. I know about the characters based on real people, but not really much else. Besides the occasional trivia. And in the show - and also history too - I've only seen certain cultures mentioned. We already know the European cultures, the Asian (Yidu), Middle Eastern. And I know that there was a lot
[3/5] Slaves, traders, merchants and many other occupations (for lack of another word) for people. For the Viking era.. I know there is most, if not all, cultures existed in that era. The only difference is that certain country, certain lands, didn't exist at the time (like America) so I would have to make sure to research countries that existed at those times before creating a character based on certain things about them though. The stories in historical eras would be completely different than
[4/5] more modern eras. I don't know why I keep repeating certain words. Anyway! So writing a modern verse would be different than writing a historical verse. But I wanted to write (at least) one Vikings story in their time. So I wanted to try being accurate to the best of my ability. But like I was mentioning before, I'm creating some characters based on people I know personally. One of those characters is based on someone I know who is half black, and the face claim for her is also half black.
[5/5] The face claim I'm using, her nationality is Swiss in real life so I might keep that. Wait.. Did Switzerland existed in that time? My brain is fried from overthinking at the moment. If I need to, I'll change those details for the character. We already know about the cultures that are apart of Asia, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cultures in Vikings. Maybe you could help me? Or maybe someone could help me? When it comes to ethnicities in historical eras, I'll still figuring things out.
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Don’t worry about offending anyone. My commentary was mostly on the Viking fiction in mainstream media and gross ass supremacists. In addition to looking up things on say, ancient encyclopedia: check out archaeology.org for their newest findings. They really have a lot of interesting new finds that might give you perspective on the fluidity of interaction and cultural contact. 
So black, half-black, whatever: you can swing this easily as the Moors that took over Spain in about the 8th century on through the Viking age. There were raids early in the 9th century as well, so there is a good basis there for your characters. 
Switzerland did not become a country until 1848. Before then it was apart of the German legacy. I’m going to respectfully say that I’m not sure what all your questions are but I’m sure there are people to help if you ask around. @youbloodymadgenius can probably clue you into some Swtiz history if that’s what you need. 
I wouldn’t think too deeply about ethnicity. From what I’ve learned about the Medieval time, it was more contingent on sects of religion and who tolerated who. If you’re looking into how Vikings would encounter other people; they were raiders and traders. They had contact with tons of different people from different backgrounds. It’s just a matter of considering what you want in your characters.
Don’t get too wrapped up in historical accuracy. It kills a writer’s soul. This past month I received an email for an author who has been trying to publish a book longer than I’ve been alive and looking to me for guidance. I’m sure anything you write will be great. Just put yourself out there. We learn by doing.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
"for those of you are are drinking the Kool Aide, you all believe that he shares his entire private life, because we see him all the time and constantly out and about." I can't get over how black and white she sees everything. Darren has to share every part of his life or share nothing. It's just not how things work for any celeb or even people we know irl. I don't know every single detail of my own friends lives and I don't need to, people are entitled to share/not share as much as they want.
Isn’t it incredible? She really has a very literal interprotation of words- several times a week I am still shocked by one of her revelations. That entire ask was pretty interesting.   
Anonymous asked:
It perplexes me that stans try and say we read too much in to D's friendships with people like AC, HS, etc and that they're only his PR friends when they do the same thing with the SKs and others. Just because D says RR and the SKs are his besties on social media doesn't make it true in the same way us believing in a friendship based on social media doesn't make that true. Funny how they use the same tactics as we do to prove their side but we're chastised for it!
Nonnie, the stans are desperate right now. 
I love how she always claims were are shaking in our shoes because we know she’s right-it’s so childish. I think that was the argument strategy I used with my younger sister when I was in middle school. Abby projects her own anguish by claiming “they are desperate”. Except I'm have never said #Iamveryupset over something in Darren’s life, I don’t hate 2019, and I don’t come up with derogatory names to bully his friends and disparage his wedding and the show he created. 
One of them spent hours researching each person we posted about to tell us where said individual was on the day of the horror film  Hours, her post is laughable, because she needs to feel better about the fact that she too knows that the guest list was off. 
It’s hilarious that she believes I spent hours searching for where each person was on February 16. First of all, I mentioned that my fairy godmother sent me those links and second of all, they were from Instagram so not hard to find. 
Not to mention she completely discounted that D&M were ecaged for over one year, 
Then she lays on some classic Abby logic- they were engaged for a year so their “friends” (as defined by Abby) should have known to get the day off. Of course they should have because that is what she did for her friends’ wedding. I’m sure that those who wanted to be were there. But some times work gets in the way (Why are we taking about this 7 months later?).
and most people who wanted to be there would have been there, not one of the excuses she names to me was something that had to happen.
Wow...the people who paid to see the live performances and the costars and crew who worked those show would disagree. Alan, Lena, and Laura all had live shows that weekend soooooo not exactly the same as Abby getting a coworker to cover her at a conference while she was in a wedding last weekend. But more importantly, isn’t this an argument in my favor? I agree, everyone who wanted to be there would have been hence those people You believe are his real friends- that I'm arguing are coworkers- weren’t there (X) (X) (Xk)
I have gotten countless anons saying D is “private” and we don’t know who he hangs out with.  Not true, if you believe in the marriage, he is not private”
 FACT: Each and every time I debunk a cc trope, I methodically lay out the proof and provide evidence showing why and how ccers are wrong. I include links, dates, photos and quotes- all which can be double checked for accuracy.  There is nothing fun about making up facts- it’s only fun if I can prove I’m right. Here you are “taking me down” with some sweet cc proof (X) Take note- they are all gifs. 
I get it, you believe Darren’s closest friends are his former coworkers because those are the people you’ve seen with him in so many photos on social media. Those are the people he said such nice things about while promoting the project but of course, that is what you do when you are drumming up publicly for a show. While I have no doubt he likes those people and they are friendly acquaintances- friends even- they aren’t his closest friends. If the only time he is with those people are when they are working or promoting a project-that is a pretty good hint that they are not his ride-or-die friends.  You have to look for consistency-are they hanging out while working on a project or have thy been friend for 16 years?  The people he has literally called “one of my best friends” are also the people he travels with (Vegas, Palm Springs, overseas, Ann Arbor, NY), they attended each other’s weddings and performed at each other’s ceremonies. They are the people he takes to shows in and around LA. see various music and theater shows in and around LA, Do they mention Mia on social media? All of Darren’s close friends have a friendship with MIa. 
If you really want to have a clue about what is going on in Darren’s private life, you have to look a little deeper. You have to listen to what he says in his interviews-even if there isn’t a gif-worthy moment to manipulate. You ignore the audio and print interviews- even those where he divulged a lot -because they can’t be altered- there is no video to crop, slow-down, and make into an emotional gif. 
Another telltale sign -does he talk about the friends in relation to his future? He calls writing a show with TheStarKid “the most fun thing to do”. Taking in all of the evidence, it is clear to me that the people at his wedding were the people he considers his closest friends.   He hired Nick Lang and John and Jennifer for Royalties because he likes them.  
Fact, they can’t have their cake and eat it too. If you accept that m/iarren is real, they you must accept that D has lied repeatedly about privacy being precious.  I feel like i went to JLB’s wedding. I felt like i went to MS & BH’s wedding.  And like I was on the great family honeymoon in the Philippines. And both European trips.    I see that he has been with the creepster and his “not gf” repeatedly over the past few months.  And I lived the sham mockery we have so much footage.
(starts beating my head against the wall) “He’s private so we don’t know who he hangs out with” except we can see with our own two eyes who he is with. Do you imagine that he stays home so he can hang with Edgar, Jane, Alan and Elvis privately? Oh wait, I know they  all have invisibility cloaks. For the 9000th time, “being private” means he doesn’t share his intimate life secrets. All celebs have to give up some level of privacy. Darren keeps mentioning it to explain why he doesn’t post on social media more- it’s something he thinks? worries? about a lot. He isn’t telling us he’s private because he thinks it’s our responsibly to worry about it. 
He is actually private-compare him to Kylie Jenner or Gigi Gorgeous who share everything. He does however leave his house and we can sometimes see who he’s with. The only person in your list of “friends” that we know he spent appreciate time with when they weren’t working together is Ricky Martin. He has spent personal- non-working time- with StarKids, Ricky, Ben, and Ashley . 
(still beating head against the wall) You didn’t “almost go to” any of thoseweddings. You saw a few short videos and some photos because you stalked all of the people who were invited to those weddings. Darren had NO control over any wedding outside of his own and he clearly wasn’t worried about his privacy at his friend’s weddings and that isn’t something for you to worry about. Darren is an adult and he is making choices in his life.  You let him handle his own life- you will be way less anxious.  
 If they insist the people we see are real friendships like SK, they can’t then go the opposite way and say he is hiding his very private friendship with JC, AL, BF, and PA.  It doesn’t work that way.  If you accept what they repeatedly show us, weekly, often daily, then you accept D is an attention whore. Plain and simple.
(hitting my head against the wall EVEN HARDER) I can absolutely accept that Darren feels like privacy is precious AND also feels very comfortable that what he shares about his life AND is happy about his life choses.  I do not believe that he is hiding his relationship with Jennifer, Ben kor Pamela, and whomever else your initials represent (my brain hurts from all the hitting). Darren’s personal life is private and there is no doubt he has relationships with people we don’t see- they might also be Mia’s friends. Or he knew he was hiring Jennifer for the show and invited her. There are lots of solutions to the equation-it isn’t my job or yours to solve it. Your need for everything to be “all” or “nothing” is what is tripping you up here. It absolute can go both ways.  He sees Ricky, Ashley, StarKids and Ben more often because they are friends who and out, they have a lot in common and enjoy seeing time together because they are at the same stage of life. Pamela and Jennifer can be special to Darren even if they aren’t people he spends a lot of time in public with. People can be very special even if we see them very rarely. Relationships aren’t predicated on spending time together. But the fact is WE DO SEE his friendship with StarKids, Ricky, Ashley and Ben and we know they are good friends because he’s told us so. We have verbal confirmation and we have seen physical evidence.  With Jennifer, Ben and Pamela, we have not seen evidence of a friendship besides the wedding but they were at the wedding and it isn’t our responsibly to figure out who each person is friends with  and how special that friend is. The message is that that person meant enough that they invited them to the wedding.  As for you list of “friends” Alan, Elvis, Jane, Ricky, Edgar etc, we saw a ton of interaction while they were promoting their projects but then it stopped. They also weren’t at the wedding which leads me to believe that they are friends but they aren’t al that close that they would fly to NOLA for a wedding.   
It is Darren’s responsibility to decided how much he wants to share and to know whether he is sharing too much with his fans. It Is NOT my responsibility -as a fan- to make sure he is comfortable or to determine what he means by   “private”.
I don’t agree with you that “If Miarren is real then we must accept that Darren is lying repeatedly about the privacy thing”. What I will agree with is that you constantly misconstrue what he means the says he is private. I also believe that as a general rule, those of us who grew up before social media have a much more restricted definition of “private” than those who were younger when it became popular. So what you think is “private”, younger people  willingly share. 
What I don’t understand is that you claim over and over that everything out of Darren’s mouth is a lie. You claim he isn’t straight, he is with Chris or married to Chris, he is not married to Mia, his wedding was a sham, and that he doesn’t own or even like TSGs, that he doesn’t live with Mia in the home he show off as his home, and that he lies during interviews because he team forces him to interviews 
Sp the question is what lie are you willing to accept?  Because either D is lying about his sexuality or he is lying about his desire to keep his private life private and off of SM.  
 My question to you is “what lies are you willing to accept?”   
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