#'no one cares about the character sheets or the test animation exercises'
soulofamy · 6 months
#misc#venting in the tags#my own impatience frustrates me so much honestly#like i want to do cool things like animate or write whole novels based on my original ideas or even get fanfics out for people to read#but the pace it takes in order for me to get there makes me so tempted to just give up#like i know that realistically if i wanted to animate i would need to have character charts and i would need to#have some test animation exercises in order to get the hang of the animation software and all that like theres a very logical process#but my brain doesnt want to do all that build up or go through the correct sequence of events it just wants to jump to the 'cool stuff'#and like it makes my motivation to do the things that i love so low because my brain isnt feeling the immediate gratification of#having the thing that i am making finished and ready for people to see#like i am sitting here literally just trying to finish up the amy character sheet and my brain is like 'maybe you should just give up' and#'no one cares about the character sheets or the test animation exercises'#i truly dont know how to cling onto motivation while being this impatient#i wish i wasnt impatient like this i wish i knew how to work up to big achievements instead of go for whatever is instantly gratifying#to be clear i am not giving up (yet) i am going to keep pushing through until i get to the part i really want to do#because if i dont make a soulcalibur animation then no one else will#but like jesus does doing the nongratifying parts make me feel like garbage and like im wasting my time
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wiccanarchived · 5 years
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BASICS . full name .  sally  elizabeth  mcknight pronunciation  .  sa  -  lee  ,  ih  -  liz  -  uh  -  beth  ,  mik  -  night nickname  .  thorn  ,  honey  (  father  )  ,  rosebud  (  mother  )  ,  sal  (  other  family  ,  occasionally  band mates  ) height  .  5'8" age  .  23 zodiac  .  sagittarius spoken  languages  .  english  ,  spanish  ,  french  (  self  taught  because  they're  some  of  the  most  commonly  used  languages  in  the  world  &  made  touring  easier  )  ,  novice  knowledge  of  welsh  . 
PHYSICAL  CHARACTERISTICS  . hair  color  . black  with  red  highlights  ,  lower  back  length  .  it's  naturally  wavy  &  tousled  but  usually  straightened eyes  . smokey  turquoise skin  tone  . white  ,  almost  quite  literally  aside  from  her  slight  pink  undertones  . doesn't  tan  in  any  way  shape  or  form  ,  only  burns body  type  .  classic  hourglass  .  full  bust  ,  slender  waist  ,  wide  hips accent  . none  in  particular  ,  perhaps  a  slight  bostonian  one  when  in  boston  as  it  rubs  off  from  the  locals  .  her  voice  is  more  often  than  not  stays  in  its  consistent  breathy  ,  warm  ,  &  sultry  tone  . dominant  hand  . right   posture  .  straight  &  reading  confidence  often  ,  though  when  nervous  can  slope  her  shoulders  &  fiddle  with  fingers   scars  . none  (  verse  dependent  ) tattoos  . thorns  &  roses  across  lower  back  ,  triple  goddess  symbol  on  inner  right  wrist  ,  horned  god  symbol  on  inner  left  wrist  (  additional  tattoos  verse  dependent  ) most  noticeable  feature  . her  mysterious  ,  bedroom  eyes  &  sweet  ,  dimpled  smile
CHILDHOOD  . place  of  birth  .  salem  ,  massachusetts hometown  . oakhaven birth  weight  . 5  pound  ,  5  ounces birth  height  . 8  inches  ,  3  cm manner  of  birth  .  born  at  william  griggs  hospital  on  december  1st  at  3am first  words  . "  no  !  "  (  because  it's  what  she  mostly  heard  followed  by  ' --  sally  ,  don't  play  with  that  !  '  ) siblings  . one  older  brother  ,  levi  mcknight parents  .  father  ,  arthur  mcknight  &  mother  ,  emily  mcknight parental  involvement  .  thorn's  parents  were  &  are  incredibly  involved  in  their  daughter's  life  .  not  to  an  unhealthy  measure  by  any  means  but  they're  supportive  endlessly  &  are  immeasurably  proud  of  their  daughter  .  thorn's  incredibly  protective  of  her  parents  ,  even  to  the  point  where  she  still  holds  a  mild  grudge  on  the  mayor  for  trying  to  pin  the  whole  witch's  ghost  scheme  on  her  father  .  there's  a  definite  softness  that  come  out  of  her  from  her  parents  ,  addressing  both  as  '  mommy  &  daddy  '  ,  her  mom  packing  lunches  for  her  when  she's  in  town  ,  helping  at  her  father's  pharmacy  &  mother's  vet  clinic  .  there's  a  very  clear  ,  very  loving  bond  among  them  
ADULT  LIFE  . occupation  . musician  (  lead  singer  /  guitarist  of  the  hex  girls  )  ,  entrepreneur  (  owner  eco-friendly  cosmetics  ,  skin  ,  &  hair  care  line  ,  '  midnight  forest  '  )  ,  editorial  &  runway  alternative  model  for  freak  beauty  modeling  agency  ,  student  at  salem  state  university current  residence  .  salem  ,  massachusetts  (  oakhaven  ) close  friends  .  kimberly  "  luna  "  moss  ,  muffy  "  dusk  "  st  .  james  ,  fred  jones  ,  daphne  blake  ,  velma  dinkley  ,  norville  "  shaggy  "  rogers  ,  scooby  -  doo relationship  status  . single  (  verse  dependent  ) financial  status  . millionaire  .  has  the  potential  to  be  wealthier  but  is  quite  generous  when  giving  to  charity  . driver's  license  . yes  ,  for  both  basic  automobile  &  commercial  (  personal  car  &  the  hex  bus  ) criminal  record  .  (  oh  boy  ... )  trespassing  ,  illegal  protest  ,  disturbing  the  peace  ,  resisting  arrest  ,  assaulting  a  police  officer  ,  &  arson  .  all  done  during  her  late  teens  -  freshman  year  at  uni  .  all  charges  aside  from  arson  were  done  out  of  protest  against  animal  testing  ,  fashion  industry  use  of  threatened  &  endangered  animals  ,  &  destruction  of  natural  resources  .  arson  was  accidental  . vices  .  ben  ravencroft's  past  works  before  his  mysterious  disappearance  ,  very  mild  jinxes  more  played  off  as  pranks  on  people  that  annoy  her  
SEX  &  ROMANCE  . sexual  orientation  .  bisexual romantic  orientation  .  biromantic preferred  emotional  role  .  switch preferred  sexual  role  .  switch   libido  .  very  healthy  .  she's  a  stressed  woman  &  it's  a  good  way  to  work  it  all  out  with  or  without  a  partner  .  although  it  can  be  swayed  come  the  time  of  year  ,  come  the  spring  /  summer  months  the  sun  is  at  its  all  time  high  ,  her  ruling  goddess  ,  the  mother  ,  is  at  her  sexual  peak  &  so  is  thorn  .  the  autumn  &  winter  months  tend  to  slow  her  down  though  since  she's  not  nearly  as  powerful  but  if  given  the  right  partner  with  enough  stamina  to  tap  into  she's  more  than  fine  .   turn  ons  .  adventurous  ,  intelligent  ,  romantic  ,  sense  of  humor  ,  a  take  -  charge  attitude  (  or  at  the  very  least  having  the  guts  to  stand  up  to  her  &  put  her  in  check  )  ,  soulful  eyes  ,  probably  the  ability  to  kick  her  ass  ,  any  kind  of  musical  talent turn  offs  .  uncommunicative  ,  selfish  ,  distant  ,  dishonesty  ,  close  -  minded  ,  a  quick  sense  of  over  familiarity  (  ex.  calling  her  ' sally  '  FAR  too  soon  ,  the  assumption  anyone  knows  her  only  based  on  media  depiction  ) love  language  .  when  in  a  serious  enough  relationship  she's  openly  physically  affectionate  to  the  point  where ��she  actually  won't  realize  she's  even  doing  it  .  reaching  out  to  hold  hand  /  arm  ,  playing  with  fingers  ,  with  hair  .  she's  not  particularly  shy  about  leaving  her  mark  behind  by  means  of  her  lipstick  along  lips  ,  cheeks  ,  forehead  if  the  time  feels  right  .  more  subtle  means  conveying  her  affection  usually  come  by  batting  lashes  &  /  or  a  soft  ,  dreamy  sort  of  look  in  her  eye  . relationship  tendencies  . she's  ...  had  it  rough  .  for  starters  she  never  had  a  real  love  interest  until  she  went  to  college  as  as  a  child  /  teenager  she  never  felt  comfortable  in  her  own  self  /  skin  enough  to  even  bother  .  &  at  the  time  no  one  was  exactly  beating  her  door  down  to  ask  her  out  as  she  was  deemed  '  the  weird  girl  who  talks  to  trees  .  '  come  college  when  she  fully  filled  out  things  went  fast  &  she  was  became  so  occupied  with  the  band  that  she  needed  someone  who  would  understand  she's  extremely  serious  about  where  she  wants  to  go  with  her  life  &  hadn't  managed  to  find  that  person  .  so  it  was  a  string  of  people  who  just  didn't  care  too  much  about  what  she  did  &  were  distant  but  able  to  catch  her  long  enough  to  fill  the  void  .  she  WANTS  someone  to  care  but  allows  her  her  freedoms  ,  trusts  &  respects  her
MISCELLANEOUS  . character's  theme  song  . i'm  a  hex  girl  (  obv  )  ,  witchy  woman -  eagles hobbies  to  pass  the  time  . reading  ,  exercising  (  yoga  ,  dance  ,  hiking  )  ,  journaling  ,  gardening  ,  listening  to  music left  or  right  brained  .  right  brain  with  left  brain  influences  .  right  obviously  leads  with  her  career  as  a  musician  having  to  be  creative  &  imaginative  ,  however  left  takes  influence  when  it  comes  to  her  professional  side  &  logical  thinking  to  solve  problems  in  a  manner  that  would  get  the  job  done  .  feeling  takes  much  influence  in  her  magick  ,  being  an  empath  &  having  deeply  rooted  emotions  ,  but  on  the  other  side  a  love  of  science  (  namely  biology  &  the  make   -  up  of  plants  ,  animals  ,  &  medicine  )  lean  left  brain  heavy  . fears  .  ghosts  ,  being  trapped  ,  inadequacy self  confidence  level  .  it's  HEAVILY  dependent  on  what  area  of  her  life  we're  talking  about  .  if  we're  speaking  music  ,  it's  a  solid  10  /  10  .  she  KNOWS  her  &  the  girls  are  damn  good  &  won't  be  told  otherwise  .  on  a  personal  level  it's  quite  poor  .  she  has  trust  issues  &  doesn't  doubt  that  aside  from  people  that've  been  there  for  a  long  time  ,  people  will  take  the  opportunity  to  do  her  dirty  .  while  she's  getting  better  on  the  magick  front  of  things  she  still  has  a  lot  to  work  through  because  aside  from  her  work  ,  her  confidence  does  need  a  lot  of  repair  ,  which  is  probably  why  she's  a  bit  of  a  workaholic  .  only  thing  she  feels  fully  comfortable  with   vulnerabilities  . her  family  (  the  girls  included  )  ,  her  large  heart  ,  insecurities  ,  &  stubbornness 
TAGGED  BY  :  @lxdrlappen TAGGING  :  @yunhuntress @baddeleyite @bloomshops @sclskinn  &  you   ♥
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lanamemories · 7 years
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Full Name: Lana Rose Jameson Meaning of Name: The Greek and American meaning is ‘light’, whereas the English meaning is ‘fair/good looking’. Nickname: None. Birth Date: June 18th, 1996. Astrological Sign and Details: Gemini. Common star sign traits are ‘quick-witted’, ‘expressive’ and ‘sociable’. Lana firmly believes that a person’s star sign speaks volumes about the content of their character and is always suspicious of anyone that she meets that’s a Taurus. Birth Place: Her mother went into labour backstage at the rock concert of one of the bands Lana’s father manages. She was born in New York Presbyterian.  Age: 21.
Nationality: American. Race: Caucasian. Hair Color: Auburn. Hair Style: Long and wavy.  Distinct Features of Face: Plump lips and thick eyebrows. Glasses or Contacts: None. Eye Color: Hazel. Skin Tone: She vacations a lot during summer, so she has a sun-kissed glow that lasts for a long while into winter. Scars or Distinguishing Marks: A heart shaped freckle on the inside of her right thigh, subtle freckles over the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Disabilities: None. Build or Body Type: Naturally slim, maintained by ballet. Height: 5″9′. Weight: i searched for so long n i can’t find bridgets weight anywhere bt... essentially she’s skinny Speech Patterns: Talks a mile a minute, especially when nervous. Laughs at everything and nothing. Uses a lot of filler words because she’s constantly thinking aloud so her sentence is never planned out before she says it. Tag Words: Says “like”, “totally”, “anyways” and “um” a lot.  Gestures: Almost always wildly flinging her hands around. Most of the time she finds any excuse to have some form of physical contact with the person she’s speaking to, e.g. playing with their hair, dusting lint from their shoulder. 
Mother: Victoria Jameson. Father: Richard Jameson. Mother’s Occupation: Former model, presently operating as a socialite and doing charity work. Father’s Occupation: CEO of Jameson Records. Family Finances: Wealthy. Birth Order: Caleb Jameson is the oldest, Lana the youngest. Brothers: One, Caleb Jameson. Sisters: None. Other Close Family: None particularly, save for a handful of cousins they see during holidays. Best Friend: Frankie Vigo. Other Friends: Teddy Lawrence, Ophelia Knox, Gabe Leitner, Imogen Bauer, Elias Elliot, A.J. Sullivan, Melody Forbes, Jude Hayward. Probably more that I’m missing. Lana’s quite a social butterfly. Enemies: None. Pets: None. Home Life During Childhood: Lana was often treated like she didn’t exist. She could go for days on end without her parents ever saying one word to her. She’d often have to sort out her own meals because they’d forget about her and she was so touch starved growing up, it’s likely that’s one of the main contributors towards her sex addiction today. One of her most vivid memories as a child was reaching to hold her mother’s hand when she got nervous crossing the road, only to have her slap her off her and turn her head the other way. What Did His, Her or Their Bedroom Look Like: An explosion of pink. Picture every teenage girls room from a chick flick in the early 00′s. Very Jennifer Check, posters everywhere, giant fluffy cushions, the works. Any Sports or Clubs: She used to be a cheerleader in high school and she’s always done ballet from being tiny.  Schooling: She went to high school further into the city (New York) and obviously is now enrolled at Lockwood to complete her diploma.  Favorite Subject: Growing up, she used to love art and also debate as well as dance. Now it’s probably just dance. Popular or Loner: Popular. Important Experiences or Events: Caleb shipping off to the army as well as Caleb being discharged on grounds of PTSD after his unit were attacked, seeing him losing his best friend right in front of him. He was never the same after that and therefore the one person that Lana actually thought she mattered to in the world was essentially gone. Health Problems: ADHD and sex addiction. Religion and beliefs: Atheist.
Bad Habits: Sleeping with people to avoid dealing with her feelings, biting her lip when she’s nervous, playing with her hair and generally fidgeting when people speak to her. Good Habits: Obsessively always keeping a pack of gum on her because she hates bad breath, sending good morning texts and practising her ballet. Best Characteristic: Her ability to start up a conversation with just about anyone. Worst Characteristic: Her inability to open up and have a serious conversation about her emotions. Worst Memory: Her mother finding out that she got blackout drunk and had a threesome with two of her father’s close associates. She didn’t seem to take into account the fact that it was vastly inappropriate for them to be talking to Lana in the way they had which lead to the encounter, or the fact that she was drunk when it happened. She told Lana she was disgusting and didn’t look at her in the face again after for three months. Best Memory: Having a childish bicker with Caleb at the park and throwing his whole loaf of bread into the duck pond in protest. When he was mad at her, she attempted to reach out and fish it back only to fall in, herself. She’d never seen him laugh that hard before and eventually she was joining in, too. It was the last time she can remember him smiling. Proud of: Nothing in particular. Embarrassed by: The fact that her parents don’t love her and she can’t work out why. Driving Style: Wild, anxious and erratic. Screams a lot, particularly when navigating busy junctions or highways. Strong Points: Exuberant, good-willed for the majority, quick-witted, sociable, charming, imaginative and resilient. Temperament: Ridiculously animated and sunshine bright, usually. Attitude: Same as above, except she can sometimes be unintentionally rude in the name of humour and not realise just how insensitive she’s being. Weakness: Her stubborn refusal to let anyone hear what she’s actually thinking in terms of serious matters. Considering she talks so much, it’s amazing just how little she actually says. Fears: Loneliness. Irrelevancy. The death of a loved one.  Phobias: Pigeons and blood. Secrets: Her sex addiction. Regrets: Letting Caleb sign up to the army without putting up more of a fight. Feels Vulnerable When: Someone asks her something personal about herself. Pet Peeves: Bad breath, poor sense of personal hygiene, making a commitment. Sexuality: Pan-sexual. Exercise Routine: She has a lot of ballet rehearsals and training weekly, so that along with a vigorous (to put it lightly) sex life keep her well in shape. Day or Night Person: Both. Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert.  Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist. 
Music: Synth-pop and disco, mostly. She also loves early 2000′s classics, e.g. Britney, Robyn. She also selectively listens to classic rock records as a result of her father’s influence. Books: Lana isn’t particularly a huge reader, although she used to be obsessive over the Twilight books during her early teens. Magazines: Any trashy celebrity magazine, Lana loves to flip through. She’s a fiend for salacious gossip and anything that discusses the wild escapades of Lindsay Lohan. Foods: Lana eats anything and everything. She particularly loves Greek yogurt mixed in with honey, though, as well as any kind of candy. She has a big sweet tooth. Drinks: Again, she’s pretty flexible in this department. She really likes cherry cola, though. Animals: Lana’s a big dog person. She also has always had an affinity for sloths because she loves how slow they move and how long their arms are. Sports: Dance. Gymnastics, briefly, when she was younger, as well as cheer, but currently she only actively pursues dance, ballet in particular. Social Issues: She thinks Trump is ugly and is a big advocate for trans-sectional feminism. Favorite Saying: Country booooyyeee, ah luuuurve yew... Color: Red. Clothing: Seventies style, Penny Lane inspired jackets with fur fringed cuffs. Any kind of boldly coloured fur coat, actually. Glittery boots. Spaghetti strap mini’s. Shrunken cartoon t-shirts that wear like a crop. Anything flamboyant and colourful, Lana loves. She dresses a lot like Cher from Clueless, Rachel Green from the early Friends seasons and Brittany Murphy’s character in Uptown Girls. Jewelry: None in particular. Games: She used to always play Saints Row when she was younger. Websites: Twitter, Tumblr, Vine and PornHub. TV Shows: Girlboss and Sex in the City. Movies: Almost Famous, Heathers and Stand By Me. Greatest Want: To be the centre of someone’s world. Greatest Need: For somebody to show that they care.
Home: Currently lives in her sorority house. Household furnishings: Her room has lots of fluffy cushions, a hamburger on-the-cord phone like Ellen Page’s in Juno, a holographic vinyl record player from Urban Outfitters. She also has a whole bunch of fairy lights and a neon mood light. Lots of feather boa’s and strange costume pieces strewn around as well as scantily clad lingerie. Very aesthetically pleasing, very messy, very Tumblr. Favorite Possession: A stack of polaroids her and Frankie have amassed over their many wild adventures. Neighborhood: Rochester. Town or City Name: New York. Married Before: No. Significant Other Before: She’s had a whole string of exes, each one equally awful. Lana settles for pretty much anyone, as long as they pay her attention. She doesn’t really believe she deserves much more. Children: N/A. Relationship with Family: Strained. Her parents do their best never to talk to her. She does her best to keep in contact with Caleb, but he prefers to isolate himself and self destruct rather than seek her help. Car: None, although she keeps test driving a vintage Cadillac and has her eye on buying it, despite the impracticality of the purchase. Pets: None. Career: Student. Salary: N/A. Other Income: N/A. Dream Career: Professional ballet dancer. She dreams of performing as the black swan. Dream Life: One furnished with close friends and family, all of which actually value her presence. She wouldn’t have to struggle with a sex addiction in an ideal world, either. Sex could be something treasured and intimate, not something she feels a compulsion to tick off a list. Love Life: On the rocks with Teddy and battling a whole fistful of crushes on just about everyone she’s close to. In other words, a mess. Sexual Turn Ons: Assertiveness, teasing, exhibitionism. Sexual Turn Offs: Constantly asking if she’s enjoying herself, awkwardness, any amount of romance. Hobbies: Ballet, cruising Craigslist for sex ads with strangers, aimlessly tapping through Omegle chats, shopping, going to parties. Guilty Pleasure: She knows all of the words and choreography to the Hoedown Throwdown by Hannah Montana. Sports or Clubs: Ballet. Talents or Skills: Ballet, networking. Intelligence Level: While she isn’t particularly book smart, Lana is thoroughly creative and a great people person. 
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Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. See Additional Information › Veterinary Behavior Solutions Habitat Accessories Get to Know Us Diet & Weight Loss Previous Article Pets for Life That I-90 Closure Is Happening This Weekend How long is the course? • If you’re using a crate, you have these times covered. But if you’re against a crate for whatever reason and have chosen to exclusively use constant supervision or umbilical cord training, you will have to invest in an exercise pen or confine your puppy to a single room and use paper training. It’s true that in a small enough house, and with the door to the yard open all day, every day, most puppies will naturally empty themselves outdoors because this is the furthest point away from their nest or sleeping area. Location Example: New York, NY Maximum of 255 characters. Autocomplete available, press the down arrow to hear options ✔ ✘ How to toilet train your dog © Rebecca Newens When your pup is eating and spending a short period in their crate following a meal without any sign of distress, it’s time to start crating your pup for short periods while you’re at home. Call your dog over to the crate with a treat and an accompanying command – many use “kennel” or “kennel up” – and once your dog is inside, give them another treat, shut the door, and sit quietly with your pup for a few minutes before letting them out, giving them praise and another treat. From here, slowly add in minutes when you are away from the crate until your pup is comfortable with you being out of sight for 20-30 minutes. From here, you may begin leaving the house with your dog crated for short periods of time. When you notice your puppy sniffing a spot while turning circles around it — that means they have to go NOW. control the diet At 20 weeks old – every 3 hours. Trimming Scissors We’re here for you and your pet in 43 states.  Spay and neuter Fund for Animals REALTREE Supplies & Toys BE A TESTER/OBSERVER You cannot crate a puppy for this length of time, so you must have a back up plan. And that is to confine them to an exercise pen or a single small room with a papered area for them to potty. PERFORMING / VISUAL ARTS Plant Food & Fertilizers Private Puppy Training Pet Greens Already Registered? You’ll have a house-trained pup in no time… Supplies ARF has teamed up with Wagfield Academy to bring you online dog training video tutorials View training schedules & register for classes at your PetSmart store with our mobile app. Our Puppy Socials, Puppy Classes, and Puppy Day School daycare program go a long way toward helping with this rather large and important task. And we can teach you how to get the rest done while having some good fun. Make sure she is on a leash about 6 feet long. Submit Email Saturday CLOSED LitterLocker Supply Chain Transparency Other Ways to Give Compassion Pond Care Puppy 101: The ultimate guide to raising a puppy Hill’s® Prescription Diet® k/d® Canine Beef & Vegetable Stew deepen the bond between you and your dog How to Safely Walk Your Dog Call us! (212) 414-9597 | Send us a message Puppies have to learn a lot as they grow into adult dogs. This means that they’ll occasionally show bad behavior as they test limits and learn their boundaries. You’ll need to learn how to react to such bad behavior, as well as how to reward and foster good behavior. Taking the time to discipline your puppy will help your dog become a good canine citizen. See All Our Best-Selling Dog Books Chris Stein/Getty Images In this case, we established an indoor potty area that was used while we worked on rebuilding positive associations with his backyard environment. Getting the Behavior: Prompting and Premack Allow the dog to continue using the puppy pads while you establish a cue word that means it’s time for her to relieve herself, such as “Toilet” or “Get busy.” Once she is using the pad in response to a command, you can slowly move the pad, inch by inch, as the days go by, to a different location, while instructing her that this is where you want her to toilet with your command. Now, keep a pad on you and place it on the desired toilet spot outside. Give her cue words, and when she goes, make a huge fuss of her. Then scatter a small amount of soil or grass or whatever substrate is your choice onto the pad. Gradually remove the pad. Follow the instructions on the container, but repeat three times. (323) 730-5300 or 1-888-spcaLA1 Nutrition Nuggets Before you Begin Puppy Training Use a water spray bottle in severe cases. In cases where biting is exceptionally strong or persistent, keep a water spray bottle handy. Accompany your firm “NO!” with a squirt of water in puppy’s face to interrupt the behavior. Take care to set the nozzle to spray and not jet. You just want to startle the puppy, not harm him. Be aware that the puppy will associate the water spray with you, and this could make him wary of you at other times. by SmartAndFun75 Contact Us Now Andis I personally guarantee that you’ll find my program engaging, informative, and easy to understand. Give it a try for thirty days, and you’ll see that it will get you the results you want with your dog. If for some crazy reason you don’t like it, just let me know and I’ll give you a full refund. I’m so confident in Dog Training Genesis that I’m willing to take the risk for you and your dog. Video is unrelated to the product Bond With Your Rabbit Avoid verbal or physical reprimands. You should avoid this type of reprimand anyway, but especially during the first week. You don’t want the first thing your puppy learns to be: “My new human yells at me; I don’t understand why, and I’m scared.” That doesn’t mean that you must put up with naughty behavior like nipping. Interrupt and redirect instead. Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Page 1 of 1Start OverPage 1 of 1 Alex March 19, 2018 at 9:30 pm Last, but not least, clean up anywhere he has soiled inside, first with soap and water, then with an enzymatic cleaner such as Nature’s Miracle which breaks down the protein in the urine or feces, eliminating the scent which would attract the dog to return to the same place he has gone before. If you need to get a black light to find out where he has gone, do so. The light will illuminate spots where your dog has eliminated so you can see what you need to clean up. “The Academy of Canine Behavior’s owners do not condone the treatment of animals in our care as shown in a two-year old video recently released by a disgruntled former employee,” it stated. “The employees shown and heard in this video are no longer in our employ or have been reassigned.” Spain ES May 15, 2017 2:04 pm Dog Gift Packs FREE Behavior Helpline Vaccines Interrupt your puppy when you catch them in the act. Dog 101 | Dog Parenting & Ownership Information | Nylabone
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how to potty train a dog
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); Blog Dog Health & Care How do I potty train my new dog when they are older? Make sure you know as much as possible about how your new dog has been trained before. This is important, as it is your way to know what to expect. For example, if they were trained on a potty pad, you can’t expect your new dog to suddenly start going out to pee. If you don’t know about their history, try crate training, but be patient. You are changing a habit, which can be hard but not impossible. It will just take more time, observation, rewards, praise and patience on your part. Even small breed puppies can cause damage. Do not ignore puppy biting when you have a small breed dog by thinking that it does not matter because they are small. Large or small, this behavior needs to be stopped early on. This will prevent even more serious biting later on. — Page last updated 13/06/2018 Don’t rush the process. Remember, you’re asking a lot of your dog. If you take it up a notch and he’s really struggling, go back to the previous stage. This comprehensive package gives your puppy the very best training. … Includes three group classes: Puppy Level 1, Puppy Level 2, one of our adult classes, a private lesson and AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy test. © Depositphotos.com / belchonock Formal dog training has traditionally been delayed until 6 months of age. Actually, this juvenile stage is a very poor time to start. The dog is learning from every experience and delaying training means missed opportunities for the dog to learn how you would like him to behave. During the juvenile stage, the dog is beginning to solidify adult behavioral patterns and progresses through fear periods. Behaviors learned in puppyhood may need to be changed. In addition, anything that has already been learned or trained incorrectly will need to be undone and re-taught. Puppies are capable of learning much from an early age. Advanced Dog Training Classes: These fun and challenging classes are for dogs who already have basic training skills. Out & About teaches training in real-life situations like malls and parks. If you use method one, and crate train your puppy, you will make rapid progress within three to four weeks. Swap Your Sessions Pit Bull Puppy Prep Cheat Sheet Luxury 1102 E Hwy 13 Puppy Training Schedule What is the best way to train and discipline your dog? Our Training Program Post a Reader Comment How to housetrain your dog or puppy If pup is peeing in the wrong place… you may be able to stop him. Move quickly towards him when he begins to pee and pick him up. Urgency is key here – you want to startle the pup just a little as you move towards them to pick them up, but you DO NOT want to scare the pup. You are redirecting your puppy to the right spot – not disciplining him. Immediately after picking him up, take him to the potty area and patiently wait. Most pups will finish there. Reward your pup with exuberance! Warning Silver Labs – The Facts About Silver Labrador Retrievers comments powered by Disqus Cat-sitter intended to stay only a few minutes before drowning in flooded Englewood basement, husband says Did you know there are five kinds of barking? Professor Donaldson examines the various reasons dogs bark and provides suggestions to train your dog out of this behavior. She also explains why this is one of the more frustrating areas to train, but by understanding the motivation for barking and applying consistent methods, you can more effectively and efficiently learn to work with ways to stop it. x You are already in the right place.  Puppies don’t naturally speak human and we are here to teach you with a combination of training and management. puppy crate training | aggressive puppy training puppy crate training | puppy training commands puppy crate training | how to crate train my puppy Legal | Sitemap
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cameron-ashurst22 · 6 years
Sketchbook Weekly Summaries and Page by Page Analysis
Ba1B weekly summaries- Sketchbook Weekly summaries / Page by Page reflection
Week 12 
Day 1 -sketchbook project
Today I had a workshop on the sketchbook project, this introduced me to the brief through a series of exercises to show examples of how I could fill a sketchbook.The main impetus of this lecture was to draw from life and then develop further using observations possibly turning a real person into a character or an animal into a character. The first exercise was to create drawings from a series of ink blots from the page , I liked this exercise due to the endless possibilities I could create through the way the shades of the colours were on the page.The next exercise was to create a four stage scene with a clear beginning, middle and end about the morning I had before arriving into university.The first scene was of me still dreaming and being prepared for the today , the next scene was me waking up in a panic and rushing to get ready and the final scene was me spilling milk all over the kitchen counter as I was rushing.This exercise shows how you can clearly derive stories from life and twist them to best fit an audience or outcome. The next exercise was to draw from memory a series of objects and animals the most important of this was the bear ads initially my bear looked quite cartoon like as I had no understanding of the form and anatomy of the bear itself. It was not until I watched and studied the motion of the bear I understood the anatomy of it and the further drawings of the bear became more and more refined for the final character I produced.I found that drawing the motion of the animal or object gives the best understanding of the animal or object itself as all angles are seen.This had more weight and value than that of a still image as you can only see what is present and not the inner workings or how muscles react and move with each other .For instance in the bears case its back legs were at first problematic as they are much larger than the front legs.
Week 13 
Day 1- sketchbook project
Today I had a workshop revolving around a trip to norwich castle to create some on sight observational sketches of some of the exhibits and the people within the castle itself. I found that instead of focusing on the individual aspects of each exhibit like one single bird I should look at the entire composition in relation to where I was standing. I was intrigued by the bird section of the museum as after watching videos of how parrots movie in the wild I had a theory of how although birds look differently they have the same anatomical structure. For this I drew multiple angles of a wide range of birds and distinguished they all have similar breast parts were the neck links the body to the head this was especially evident in the pelican and ostrich part of the exhibition.
Day 3- Sketchbook project 
Today I had feedback on my sketchbook so far I found that the best work in my sketchbook is the development from observational drawing to character. Robert said that I should continue doing this especially with the parrot design. Also I should look at using this for further character development so I decided to look at wolves as I feel like I could subvert preconceived views on what a wolf character should look like.
Page by Page reflection
Sketchbook analysis 
Pages 1-3
These pages of my sketchbook show observational drawing form the first week of the project brief. Two of the drawings were observational sketches of people when I was on the train home for Christmas. I used the initial pages to warm myself up for the sketchbook caring more about filling the page with quick sketches than more detailed studies. The first page is a quick sketch of an old man waiting for the train I feel like I captured the emotion the man was depicting through him waiting patiently, however the proportions of the figure are exaggerated as. I tried to turn the man into a cartoon characters. The second page of the sketchbook was the best sketches from the bear exercise which was completed in a workshop. The workshop focused on the movement if bears through watching a video of bears in the wild. The third page is a sketch of my friend Ben on the train it focuses heavily on the routines of his face and with the use of limited lines it creates a simplistic style however there is certain rigidity especially around the hands.
Pages 4-5 
These two pages focus on the wild birds of the outback in Australia. I watched a national geographic film on the birds of the outback and  decided for the first page to focus on the movement of the birds and quickly sketch how they move to fully understand the form.The later page shows more detailed sketches of the parrots. I found that the different breeds of birds had very similar features around their beaks as they split into two parts, an upper and lower part which has a glossy surface.
I used coloured pencil to show the wide array of colours of these birds however found it extremely difficult to judge what tone to use and shading technique to best display the feathers of the birds.
Pages 6-7
Pages 6 and 7 focus on Belgian artist Dzia uses geometric shapes and lines to create unique decisions of animals. Theses animal include Birds , foxes , octopi and rhinos.
Dzia uses a variety of different media in his works from stencils ,paint and sculptures to street art and graffiti. Dzia's murals are seen across wide ranges of European cities as he is well known in the urban art scene.
His work inspires me as by splitting the body parts of animals into geometric shapes but never truly distorting the form shows the careful selection and urge to show details of the animal itself.
 His use of colour also inspires me as it appears as a washed out palette most likely achieved by water colour however as it is spray paint the tones of the birds for instance are highlighted to greater effect giving larger visual impact making them stand out against the medium of the wall.
New ideas come very easily to me, so my work is very spontaneous – I paint quickly and in-situ to make sure the original idea stays true to its form.” - Dzia - 
I feel like I can use this type in my work for future animations and artwork as by splitting the characters up into these geometric shapes I could use the lines of the shape to morph and bend the character in new ways. Furthermore , this style could be used for backgrounds of scenes and could be used as lines of focus to direct the viewer to the most important images or actions in the shot.
Page 7 uses the sketches of the outback birds and incorporates Dzia’s style in them this inspired me for future animations as the lines and geometric shapes could move and morph to either create backgrounds or enhance the characters aesthetic onscreen. 
I used acrylic paint to create similar colours to Dzia’s work but also maintained the same colours which are present in the national geographic video wild birds to show continuity within the sketchbook. I found that the first test worked better than the second piece as I incorporated fine-liner to create the geometric shapes instead of the black paint I used in the second design.By using fine-liner the line of the shapes was thiner and created more of a contrast on the page rather than the thicker lines in the second iteration.The thicker lines overpowered the simplicity o the design an detracted the viewer from the piece as the other colours become bare visible on the page. 
Pages 8-9 
These pages show the development from the looking at real life parrots in previous pages and converting them into cartoon characters. I decide to try different styles and form when generating the characters. I found that I wanted to portray a proud parrot with a messy hair styles as parrots are synonymous with repeating what humans say so I wanted to incorporate this personality in my design.I chose a proud stance and gave the appearance that the parrot was singing with wings spread wide. I looked at the film rio for inspiration in characters design due to this film being the only film that has portrayed animated parrots in a variety of stances and emotions.
I found  a character I was particularly fond of and decided to explore this parrot further by adding acrylic paint and distinguishing a clear colour palette for the character. I wanted the colour of this parrot to resemble the parrots from the Australian outback so went with a vivid green colour scheme , with yellow beak and red accents to draw the eye. I find that this design can be explored further with series of posing and emotions shown on a character design sheet which is explored later in the sketchbook.
Pages 10-11
These pages focus on mountain baboons as I watched another national geographic film and focus on both sides of the baboons personality.The baboons has two main personality traits the dominating territorial baboon and the family orientated baboon. I wanted to understand how the baboon moves so decided to draw images of how they stand and attack when they are territorial.This led me to look further into the movement of apes and ultimately Andy Serkis.
Page 12-13
Andy Serkis is an English actor and film director. Best know for roles as Gollum from the lord of the rings trilogy, king kong and Caesar from the planet of the apes. His work is mainly involves motion capture techniques and cg and for the roles he plays he studies a great deal of animal movements and their forms.
Serkis places large amounts of thought into the way his characters move for instance while playing the role of Caesar and kong he studied the movements of gorillas and other primates in the wild establishing a walk that is synonymous with the character.This also helped influence the movement of Gollum as with him being a highly corrupted figure who walks on all fours studying how a primate would move establishes the animalistic qualities that Gollum posses.
I feel that Serkis influences me in the way to look deeper into how the movements of the animals may help 
influence the future characters and walk cycles that I create. This broadens my thought process with developing characters because it establishes a grounding for how the muscles would move in the body of an animal for instance and would lead me to create a more realistic walk or movement cycle.
I also looked at Serkis’s role as Gollum and did a movement study on how he moves in the hobbit and the lord of the rings. Gollum has ape like movement as he walks on all fours and grovels and squabbles like an ape when they are angry and territorial especially like a baboon.
Page 14-19
These pages focus on the castle and museum trip and workshop with quick studies on exhibits and people within the museum. I tried for the majority of these pages to quickly draw the people moving within the exhibitions as well as making sure that perspective within the drawing is created.I also became fascinated with the bird exhibit and found that instead of focusing on the individual aspects of each exhibit like one single bird I should look at the entire composition in relation to where I was standing. I was intrigued by the bird section of the museum as after watching videos of how parrots movie in the wild I had a theory of how although birds look differently they have the same anatomical structure. For this I drew multiple angles of a wide range of birds and distinguished they all have similar breast parts were the neck links the body to the head this was especially evident in the pelican and ostrich part of the exhibition.
I also looked at the tiger and lion exhibition in the museum and focused on the teeth and facial features of these cats and found that there is a black lip which runs along the bottom of the gums. Tigers also have a different sized head to lions as there is more of a slope to the nose of the tiger the there is to the lion.
Page 20-21
This double page spread focuses on the paint doodle exercise were a series of watercolour paint is placed on a page and I have drawn a series of characters or doodle over the top using the shape of the paint when it has dried.I find this exercise to be ye opening to new character concepts and I found a new dinosaur character that I would like to explore further in future pages of the sketchbook.
Page 22-25
These pages spread focuses on Vince Okerman also known as the youtube illustrator and doodle artist Vexx uses colourful compositions of cartoon characters and objects blended with realistic observational drawings to draw the eye of his audience.
Vexx’s style uses comic markers and fine liners to enhance his unique style.There are no gaps in his work when creating the composition giving the effect of an explosion or cluster of his characters on the page.Each character seems to be reacting to one another and the environment around them with the wide array of facial expressions and actions taking place.
Vexx’s characters and doodles build up the rest of the form of the observational sketch. For instance with the tiger piece the characters build up the rest of the shape of the neck anyhow how there is a clear metamorphosis between the contrasting art styles.
 This has inspired the way I work through the use of colour and the actual art style he uses due to the simplicity of his doodles.This gives me inspiration through by having a character so smile It make them easier to animate as I struggle with consistency from frame to frame. This art style would also appeal greatly to children due to the bright and bold colours used with contrasts being created through the composition and placement of all the characters on the page.
I decided to create a series of doodles inspired by Vexx’s style I found this quite liberating as I was able to incorporate multiple elements into one drawing .I especially enjoyed the lion drawing as I had studied lions from the norwich museum trip. This trip then gave me the grounding to fully focus photographs of the Lions to fully develop their  form. The blend between pencil and fine-liner contradict each other but add a cohesive uniformity to the piece itself.This piece blends the natural life of a lion to the cartoon imagination this helped me understands how the boundary between life and imagination can be bridged both in animation and in art.
Pages 26-27 
The next page revisits the parrot character from the studies from the national geographic film and develops the character further as I received feedback from Robert to create another double page spread on the character. I heavily took inspiration from rio the film on this page trying to incorporate some of the posing from the film in my character . I found that my character would embrace the repeating tone a parrot and give the character a fun personality as he is outgoing and over the top.
Pages 28-32 
The next pages uses the study of Yellowstone’s wolves to develop a character revolving around the nature of the wolf. Initially I took the same approach as the parrot and baboon studies creating quick sketches around the movement and form of the wolves.The next pages adapts the structure of the wolves to incorporate larger eyes to give a cartoon style.I realised that I wanted my wolf to stand up and be sophisticated so I veered away from the traditional form of the wolf.As the character is sophisticated I gave the character a robe and a cigarette to emphasise an aristocratic nature of the wolf.
Personal sketchbook
These drawings are found in a separate sketchbook where I try to explore a variety of different characters concepts swell as recreating the styles of famous characters like the drawing of Hank from finding Dory. I tried to draw as much as possible so these drawings are completed after work was completed for the day and I had free time. I looked at a wide range of animals like lemurs, sloths and monkeys as I want to develop characters in that area. In addition I found myself wanting to come up with interesting concepts such as the robot on the rubber dingy this directly contrasts what a robot does as if he fell in the water he would short circuit.
The next pages are improvement pages revolving around figure drawing. I watched youtube videos to give me the poses and tried a series of quick sketches lasting one to two minutes and longer sketches which were five minutes. I tried a new medium when doing this as I used ink and a calligraphy pen as this eliminated the use of a rubber. I am trying to move away from using the rubber as I become fixated on the perfect drawing. By doing this I create an imperfect drawing but as each drawing is completed I will improve with practice. The last drawing was inspired by Ben Su a Pixar animator who uses figure drawing in all aspects of his work.
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sumikaooba · 4 years
Dr. JKG Healthcare used to be arrested in a fraud action because of donation bad reviews according to Corona. Sabrina Arif Chowdhury. The Dhaka Metropolitan Detective Police (DB), the investigating company on the case, got necessary data by using interrogating him on pair rounds concerning remand. Although Sabrina has been called the president about JKG Healthcare out of the beginning, the investigating corporation says so much the facts touching her involvement into the fraud were located namely the convener regarding the organization. In the confessional announcement regarding the vile accused among the case, the name at the back of the fraud has been uttered. Speaking about Sabrina.DB officials say Dr. Chargesheet's intention remains issued against the accused together with Sabrina. Prosecutors utterance each and every anxiety desire remain committed in imitation of ensuring up to expectation Sabrina yet her accomplices are punished between the case.It is learned so a man or woman named Kamal Hossain filed the lawsuit together with Tejgaon Police Station over June 23 alleging so he had fond bogus record barring trying out the coronavirus sample. The suit used to be filed under Section 160/269/420/408/47/471/34 of the Penal Code. The maximum pain within multiple sections is seven years imprisonment.That's by what means legal professionals say if the allegations are proven. Sabrina should face above in accordance with seven years between prison. In this case, the legal professionals concerning the regimen are speakme touching attempting their best.Additional Public Prosecutor (APP) on the Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate's Court Hemayet Uddin Khan informed Hiron Jago News that Dr. Sabrina has been arrested so a fraud. He has put dense people of gamble through cheating. Played together with ethnic existence yet death. The most judgment for the litigation against him is seven years in prison. We pleasure hold a look at him in conformity with ensuring maximum punishment.Additional Commissioner concerning Dhaka Metropolitan Detective Police Abdul Baten said, the care concerning the litigation is no longer the president of JKG, however the convener. Dhaka Metropolitan Detective Police has received the involvement of Sabrina Chowdhury. Hopefully, we are able to give a charge sheet among its case soon. We hold no longer received any report regarding his function as the president regarding the organization. However, the demand bill was once determined to lie worried namely a convener.The plaintiff of the action Kamal Hossain said, "We went in imitation of JKG Healthcare and acquired cheated by checking the corona." So I submitted a lawsuit. I want the defective in imitation of stay punished. Dr. Sabrina then ignoble accused into the case bear played tricks concerning people's lives. They stay judged.Dr. That judgment into the litigation towards SabrinaSpeaking after lawyers, said. The case in opposition to Sabrina below Section 160/269/420/406/48/471/34 about the Penal Code carries a maximum judgment over seven years imprisonment. There are additionally more than a few vile punishments.Pursuant according to Section 160 of the Case, 'Fake Government Employee condition a Government varlet buys then buys certain creed within his personal honor or of the honor on an individual over and above yet jointly then including others between spite on his prison coercion no longer in conformity with purchase yet good buy because of somebody distinct property. Bargains for, however that shall keep punished along with lockup because a time period not much pair years and along with excellent or with both; And if the religion is purchased, it will remain confiscated. 'According to conformity with Article 279, 'A man or woman who knowingly and unknowingly commits a practice who may also spread a life-threatening disease may if he commits an act unlawfully yet negligently who may length a life-threatening disease, despite understanding and having reason in imitation of belief. However, the personal desire to stay punished including prison because of a term not more than 6 months yet with nice or including first-class yet including both.According to in imitation of piece 420, 'If a character fraudulently engages among fraud yet surrender regarding religion yet fraudulently engages any other character among the manufacture, alteration yet consumption concerning any part of the property, Or forcibly alters and destroys a quantity concerning the components who might also keep converted among valuable collateral, but the person shall stand punished with imprisonment because a term not exceeding seven years then with stiff action yet within collection including a fine. 'According to piece 407, "If a man or woman commits a guilty offense, she shall stand punished together with confinement because of a time period no longer more ternary years or along with confinement then including great and together with both."According to in accordance with portion 47, 'If a man or woman forges court archives and authentic registers, etc., a report which is referred to in imitation of stay a court docket report or intending then a record then intending promoted of a court over the law, and an exercise book concerning births, nonsecular ceremonies, marriages then burials on Christians or someone respectable A book maintained by an employe so a regimen worker yet a certificate or report held by a regimen man so his professional rank or a limit over legal professional in accordance with show up into a suit and to guide a birthday party or smoke some action into it, but the man or woman is seven. His choice remains punished including gaol for some term above in conformity with certain year, strong action or non-labor, or also including fine.According to in conformity with Section 471, "If a person fraudulently then dishonestly makes use of a file as like an actual document, understanding up to expectation the record is a solid report or she has a purpose in conformity with belief, he pleasure stand punished as if that cast the report himself." Dr. affright about fleeing always proviso Sabrina is granted bailAfter twain rounds of remand, Sabrina was once produced before the Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate's Court on July 20. Investigating officer DB Police Inspector Liaquat Ali submitted a record requesting that she remain kept among penitentiary till the taking care of the law is completed.The investigating officer concerning the action pronounced into the report, among the hobby concerning fair investigation yet righteousness till the taking care of the litigation is over. Sabrina wishes to stand stored between jail. Since his fame then tackle has not been verified, Dr. If Sabrina goes over bail, there is a risk of fleeing forever.In the report, the investigating officer concerning the lawsuit in addition mentioned, ‘While of remand, Sabrina used to be interrogated between detail touching the case beside era in imitation of time. He provided absolutely important facts involving the case, as is animal investigated. Sabrina then her buddies (many about whom are accused) fraudulently supplied nice and bad reviews of coronavirus using the names yet emblems about government agencies. Sabrina has been helping according to length the disease through damage and forget about on harmless people. She back after reaching a number of government job orders beside her mate Ariful Chowdhury's JKG Healthcare with the aid of exerting have an impact on at one-of-a-kind degrees concerning the fitness department. As a result, even is evidence that JKG Healthcare has recklessly harmed society and embezzled widespread sums regarding money.The report similarly states, ‘Dr. Sabrina, with the assist concerning her sordid collaborators, was assumption abroad anti-social or unfavorable things to do aimed at illegally profiting during the coronavirus epidemic. Dr. Sabrina's JKG Healthcare collects cash out of infected sufferers in specific parts concerning the country, which include Dhaka, yet embezzles huge sums on money together with thousands concerning fake certificates (negative/positive) besides checking out them. Besides, pretend reports regarding coronavirus were fond via JKG Healthcare before the demise on Bangladeshi nationals abroad, which was other standardized according to keep forged into exclusive countries. This has tarnished the picture of Bangladesh abroad. 'The accused Biplob Das, Mamunur Rashid, Humayun Kabir Himu, Tanjila Patwari, Ariful Chowdhury yet Saadi Chowdhury, whosoever were arrested into the case, healthy pretend certificates (negative/positive) concerning corona patients. Dr. It is realized up to expectation Sabrina JKG has embezzled big volume regarding cash along faux certificates using rule trademarks thru laptops yet mean gadgets saved in the workplace regarding Health Care. The accused Tanzila Patwari then Humayun Kabir Himu of their statements within their statements. Sabrina's honor was revealed then that definitely acknowledged up to expectation Sabrina was an active feature on the forgery. Dr. Sabrina pleasure keeps remanded among anxiety agreement critical after unraveling the actual secrets and techniques about the action afterward verifying the statistics mated during interrogation, ”the record said.Sabrina was added to the Tejgaon Divisional Sub-Police (DC) workplace at midday about July 12 because of questioning. After interrogation, the policeman arrested him of a lawsuit straight at Tejgaon cop station because of giving false files besides testing the coronavirus sample. He was once remanded because of ternary days of July 13 On July 17, DB was remanded for two more days. After a two-term remand, the court docket despatched him according to penitentiary concerning July 20.
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thornstocutyouwith · 6 years
Character Sheet  DnD: Claerwen
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“I am aware. That I am an asshole!! Just like you!”
    - Falling in Reverse, Just Like You
   General Information
Name: Claerwen Tancred Hailstrum Name Meaning:  Claerwen (Clear light) Tancred(Well Thought Advice) Hailstrum(Brute) Pronunciation: Cla-er-wen  T-ah-n-cred Hail-struhm Other Names: The Bard, Sexy, Hot Titles:  Our Bard, Hot Elf, Clarence’s ‘Friend’ (They aren’t friends, the people just include him as such because he’s been with the party, against his own will more or less)
Sex: Male Gender: Male Age: 100
Birth Date:  Unknown ( They haven’t really been a very elaborate D&D group, they are much more I WANT TO FIGHT and less. THE WORLD NEEDS TO HAVE SENSE OF REALISM, like a fucking calendar, at the very least. lol) Birth Place:  Feywilds, City/Kingdom in a Forest, somewhere, far, far, far away from where the story takes place.
Species: Elf Occupation: Bard, Archivist(Shhhh), Instrument Maker, Performer, Ninja (NINJA BARD!)
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous Astrological Sign: Aquarius (Not that it fucking matters? lol) Blood Type: B
Main Appearance: Elf ears, very pretty/Handsome, Well endowed ( apparently says the person that looked at his junk while he was meditating,11-12Inches. lol), Sandy blonde hair, Turquoise blue eyes, Hair length/Style(Shorter side for the moment, trying to grow it out, and kept in a ponytail for the most part), Brand between shoulder blades.
Alternative Appearances: 
Wardrobe: Studded Armor, What he wears under the armor, what else he wears
Accessories: Backpack full of stuff Musical Instruments: Violin Piercings:  Left ear Hygiene: Very well kept and clean Makeup: Maybe a little here or there, but not usually. At least when he’s not performing. Perfume / Cologne: Flowery Scent: Leaves or Grass, Bars, Rain Tattoos:
Diet: Fruits or fish mostly Exercise: Sometimes exercises Fitness: Yes Posture: Stands with purpose usually, straight backed. Though often enough, he relaxes and his body leans or slacks into a more comfortable and casual stance.
Abnormalities: n/a Aids:  n/a Allergies: n/a Diseases:  n/a Illnesses:  n/a Disorders:  n/a Broken Bones:  n/a Reason for Health:  Most likely childhood trauma, and further trauma’s after.
Accent / Dialect: Some what Snobbish, Aristocratic accent Voice: Tenor Laughter: Gentle Impediments: Sometimes stutters or gets his tongue tied
Languages: Common, Elvish, Orc, Draconic, Sylvian, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Personality: Honest, Offhand, Independent, Asocial, Daring, Egocentric, Aloof, Studious, Unceremonious, Calm, Reflective, Attractive, Persuasive, Free Thinking, Insightful, Introvert, Innovative, Perceptive, Future-focused, Curious, Logical, Imaginative, Crafty, Theoretical, Enthusiastic, Objective, Introspective, Impersonal, Inventive, Assertive, Flexible, Carefree, Gregarious, Intellectual, Entrepreneurial, Complex, Non-conforming, Fearless, Efficient, Exciting,
Outlook on Life: Mostly just wants to explore places, find out the history of places and things, and perhaps get some coin or prize while doing so. Philosophy / Motto:  To test the limits of pretty much everything you hold dear to you, lol. To learn all that he can.
Quirks: Mutterer, Awkward, Taps foot when he’s bored, Tinkering with things,
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Lyricism, Playing Instrument, Acting, Play writing, Music Composition, Games, Storytelling, Cooking, Adventuring,   Closet Hobbies: Sewing, Singing, Dancing, Voices ( for performances, duh), Drawing, Painting, Journalism, Puppetry,  Guilty Pleasures: Inciting Chaos among the group.
Habits: n/a Nervous Tics: Tugs on his ears, hums under his breath, goes quiet and becomes slightly more goofy. Soft Spots: Creatures, especially those he can make useful to him.
Most Prized Possession: His Violin of course, but generally things he’s earned himself since becoming free. Collections: 18 mole like creatures and 5 Ankheg Eggs,
Regrets: Nothing Secrets: Many Darkest Secret: He is a former(Kidnapped) House servant to a wealthy family. Pet Peeves: Currently not much, though he dislikes a certain dwarf for being annoying, and he’s not very fond of the Barbarian’s world wide notoriety, or the apparent vastness of the barbarian’s popularity anyway.
Phobias: N/a
Likes: Writing in his journal, playing his violin, singing, fruit, sunflower seeds, fish, learning new things, exploring the world, music, books, swimming, games, performing, looting, animals, quiet alone time, getting stuff for basically free, traveling, new things, Dislikes:  Helena pointing out that he is ‘the bard’ or ‘our bard’ as if he were more so property rather than someone they basically have kidnapped at this point, and hardly even think about paying him for his wonderful music, lol. Clarance’s fame. The Dwarf always getting drunk, and saying that his music sucks, the baby golden dragon trying to eat his properties and other comments made that Claerwen just hasn’t cared for. Being surrounded by mostly strangers, despite Helena saying he ‘knows them’, Claerwen has no idea who these people are, other than their names and their professions and slight inclinations.
Favorites: N/A Least Favorites: N/A
Ability: Mostly good, very good. As long as it’s not close up and the rolls are good, lol Position: Mostly defensive, but can be offensive, if the situation calls for it. Weapon: Throwing Spear ( Since he was kidnapped and lost his real weapons, and the group gave him it), Slingshot ( Kidnapped so the group gave him it), Element: Fire Martial Arts: He’s a Ninja, pfft. He’s got a foot in all of them, pretty much. Strengths: Stealth, Bardic stuff, Ninja stuff Weaknesses: Close combat(debatable, given the situation) Restrictions: Being weighted down,
   Home, Work, and Education
Abode: He doesn’t live anywhere, right now, technically, though he does have a rather large estate back in his home city.
Pets:  18 Vols and 5 Ankheg eggs, and soon a T-Rex Helena offered him as a bargaining chip for selling an adult Ankheg he wanted. Roommates: Technically, none. But seeing as they are all going to be sleeping in a cart, wouldn’t that make them roommates...
Sleep Patterns: [Self explanatory] Eating Habits: [Self explanatory]
Mother: Ceinwen, Half Moon Elf/ 23% Blood Elf/17% High Elf, 5% Cosmic Elf, 3% Tel-quessir 2% SilverBlood Elf, Father: Llywelyn, 16% Wood Elf/ 15% Star Elf/ 10% Draco-Elf/  9% Crystal Elf/  9% Dark Elf/ 8%Moon Elf/ 7% High Elf/  7% Grey Elf/ 6% Eladrin Elf, 5% Aquatic Elf/ 4%Wild Elf/ 4% Elf Guardians: Staff at his Estate home from childhood. Siblings: Older Brother: Neifion/ Older Sister: Briallen/ Older Brother: Eirwen Children: None Best Friend: None Close Friends: None Friends: Maybe Helena, a little bit, lol, Team: Helena, Artex, Hyna, Norah, Clarence, Some Necromancer, some Dwarf, some others he has no clue, lol Acquaintances: Helena Rivals:  No one Enemies: No one
First Love: None Love Interests: None Significant Other: None Sexual and Romantic Orientation(s): Bisexual/Grey-Romantic
(Optional; but generally, this is how they react to what they’re feeling)
Angry: Anxious: Conflicted: Criticized: Depressed: Embarrassed: Excited: Frightened: Guilty: Happy: Humiliated: Nervous: Offended: Praised: Rejected: Sad: Stressed: Thoughtful:
Claerwen was born into an Elven Family (Left ambiguous for several reasons) where he grew up until he reached childhood. Claerwen had grown to become curious and knowledgeable as a child. He often enjoyed his time away from others his own age to go explore his hunger for knowledge. Though this did not always leave him with much safety or supervision. His parents never quite figured out just how far their son would go in his quests for knowledge. It seemed that as long as he came home they had no reason to worry about his long and mysterious disappearances. And so he was allowed to continue with what they had surely must have thought was just a peculiar young elf growing up as he pleased.
That was until the day of the incident, the day he would never return home, at least not for a long time. Over the years Clearwen’s curiosity had grown perhaps slightly out of control as he had begun to venture out from the safety of their protected lands. Claerwen would take secret trips to go explore the places he would hear others( those who were assigned to leave the safety of their land )speak of treasures and other wonders outside of the barrier. It had been the fall season where he lived when Claerwen had heard the story of one cave just outside the safe zone. He had worked up the courage to go outside the zone.
So, the young elf child set out he spent the next few days preparing for his trip. Thinking that it would be easy and brief, he had packed up some of the essentials he would have needed, something to drink, something to snack on, perhaps some first aid just in case. But outside of the beasts that had roamed around their city, Claerwen had never heard many stories, if any of all, of any foreigners being found in close proximity, if at all, to their city. So he did not factor in any of those, they seemed the least likely to need thinking about.
At the beginning of his little adventure things had been going well, his curiosity had definitely been stroked. He kept himself alert through his trek to the cave that had supposedly been full of treasure. But eventually his childish nature had started to get the better of him and he began to drop his alertness in favor of goofing around. As he traveled, he came across a few threatening beasts that he had managed to get away from and kept working his way toward the cave.
Once at the cave, and with some hesitation, he began to poke his way into the cave. As he walked through it his initial nervous feelings about it had begun to dwindle, he started to feel much more safe than he had outside of the cave, with the creatures in the forest.  Enjoying himself over all as he made his way through the cave.
He would visit the caves every day then,  exploring them most of the day. But had unfortunately never came across anything of any special importance to him. It was for the most part, just a cave. Which had after sometime began to make Claerwen bored after several days. Weeks would pass though, Claerwen would keep going back to the cave, studying it and exploring it, mostly just wanting to find every dead end possible.  He was unaware that his unauthorized trips back and forth between his Kingdom and the caves outside of it, would trigger something horrible. But how was he to know what fate had in store for him.
One night after he had returned home from his lasted trek through the woods he created his father at dinner who pointed out that he had a leave stuck in his hair. As his family ate his mother had started to ask him where he was going, and that she heard rumors about his leaving the safety of their kingdom from the locals. Which Claerwen obviously told her weren’t true. He didn’t know if his parents had believed him or not. But they said nothing else as his siblings had begun to talk about their own lives, soon Claerwen joined in talking of the things he had learned and what he wished to do when he was older.
As his mother came in to say goodnight to him she walked over, placing a kiss on his forehead before making a face at him as she looked around. It was easy to tell that Claerwen was her child, of course he was also his fathers. But Claerwen didn’t have the dark black hair his father had, he didn’t have the same eye color, or many features. Sleepily he watched as she got up making sure he was secure, then looked around, as if there was some hidden danger that might have been waiting just inside the closet on the other side of the room or just outside the window. It was perhaps nothing more than just a motherly thing to do. Little did she know, that the danger was real, and very close.
Later on that night, others, outsiders, began to infiltrate the kingdom, silently picking their way through guards and others still awake. Snatching up the vulnerable and defenseless children they came across. Some elves were murdered, others only knocked unconscious, depending on what they did to the intruder, and the intruders own inclinations.
Being at an estate Claerwen’s family had been one of those that were the safest in the city. But even still, Claerwen and his family had know clue what had been heading their way. As it would later be clear that those who were invading the city had done their research, had planned almost to an exact T one what they would be doing, and how they would be doing it in a sufficient manner. The alarms in the city had not been going off, no one knew what was going on in the dwellings next door, much less their own homes, until it was too late. In no time the invaders had made their way toward Claerwen’s Family’s Estate. He had still been resting in his bed as a shadowy figure crept through the window to his room, and quietly made their way toward him.
Claerwen had been a heavy sleeper as a child, so by the time he heard anything, the slightest creak as the intruders weight neared the side of his bed, it had been too late. They had snatched the small elf boy up into their arms, pulling him from his bed as he tried futilely to escape the intruders grasp, digging his fingernails into their arms and trying to bite them, only to be carried away like a useless ragdoll. Being carried out into the hallway by the male who had captured him
It had been in those moments that he could make out the noise of someone fighting from another room. He could also hear distant voices shouting and other noises from the city around them, which had been waking up and been aware of the threat that had come to their kingdom. Claerwen took that moment  as the intruder paused, apparently taking notice of the severity of the moment, that he screamed out toward where the fighting was going on.  Following that the agonized gasp of someone who had just been cut down could be heard. Quickly followed by the door the intruder and Claerwen had been in front of, jerking open, violently.
In the doorway had stood Claerwen’s mother, and she did not look at all very happy about her child being in the hands of some stranger. Her clothes had been splattered in quite a bit of blood. Blood had dripped from the sword she was hold. As she made a stance to attack, the blood was flicked onto the floor and wall before she charged forward, shouting for the intruder to let her son go. She had been about to strike when an arrow, show with great precision struck her, sending Claerwen’s mother to the ground. Looking over then Claerwen watched as the other intruder made their way over and told their friend to get out with the child as they had to start clearing out of the area. Before Clearwen could hear anything more, however, things had begun to go fuzzy for him and he blacked out.
The next thing Claerwen remembers is waking up in a cart that had been full of other kidnapped elf children and for the next hour the invaders had managed to keep the cart hidden and anyone who got close to it that wasn’t part of the foreign invaders was brutally killed by those who had stayed behind to guard the cart. After all, they were going to make a lot of money of their prisoners. After that night, Claerwen of course did not see his family again. It took more than an hour for the intruders to finally relent and retreat from the city entirely, gathering up a few more children. Which took about an hour at most. Once it seemed they were ready to leave the prisoners had been given something to put them to sleep through most of the trip they would be taking.That way they wouldn’t know their way back home if they ever escaped. And so they could easily be recaptured.
They had traveled over many, many, many days then. Getting farther and farther from him and from being saved. A full month had gone by before the prisoners would come to realize what they were captured for, to be sold in auctions at a black market. Some children did not make the trip, but Claerwen had. After watching countless others be sold off to wealthy households it was soon to be Claerwen’s turn as well. He was sold far more quickly than any of his other counterparts. As Claerwen had a better pedigree than most of those other children had. He was clearly one of the only children that had been taken from what was clearly a wealthy family. And had been worth a lot more than most other family buy that day could even afford.
Once he had been sold the children were branded with images that, if anything happened to the family’s property, they could easily identify it. Claerwen had been branded just like the others, between his shoulder blades and sent to live with the family that had purchased him.
Over then ext few decades of Claerwen’s life he had been taught the ways of a bard, or at least his already adept musical ability had been improved upon then, during his years of servitude to the family that bought him. Being surrounded by books as well, Claerwen was able to continue to feed his appetite for knowledge, when allowed the chance to, during breaks and such things like that when he was not expressly needed other than for something pretty to look at. However, despite all of this Claerwen was regularly beaten and abused while under the care of the family that bought him. Originally because of his defiance, and after that was apparently beaten from him, just because they had felt like it.
On one fateful day, however, decades after being bought at the black market, Claerwen and the young master had been out riding on their horse. Claerwen had been made to walk beside him, or keep up with whatever they were doing at the time, on foot. While he walked behind the teenager, tired from the last five hours of having to chase the teen around on their horse or be yelled at and smacked with their riding crop. Which he had just then, been hit with across his left arm, that he was trying to tend to as well as continue to keep up with the young master ( This is a person SOMEONE keeps telling me Claerwen was horrible to, by the way, lol).
As they had continued on, despite the obvious build up of storm clouds, a crack of lightning shot down from the sky close by which had ended up scaring the holy hell out of the Master’s horse, sending it into a fit. It bucked before taking off toward some trees. Claerwen, for one, not being able to really do anything, had just watched, and secondly, didn’t want to do anything anyway, to help the young master’s horse from bucking. He was more about preserving himself at that moment in time. Rather than risk getting fucking kicked by a horse in the head, or the chest, or anywhere else.
So the horse sped off, right for the trees and the young masters head managed to catch a low hanging tree branch as the horse dashed under it. The masters head snapped back in an ugly way before their body fell from the horse into a heap just under the tree branch. The horse then took off into the woods nearby neighing loudly. Claerwen had stared in apathy at the far off heap of surely dead teenage boy in the distance before turning and, upon realizing there was literally nothing he could to about it, he took off.
Clearwen had taken that moment of absolutely no one else being there to break free of his servitude and try and find his family, finally, after all the years being held captive, being watched and unable to leave, the lightning had given him this rare opportunity and Claerwen took it.  Even as the rain began to pour down from the darkened skies he continued to trek through the mud and cold, trying to get as far away as he possibly could from those horrible people and start his own life, like he should have. As a one hundred year old, this was the year when in his home city he would be considered an adult, he would have been going through the Rites. But instead, for him, and many of the other kidnapped elven children from that night, would be passed over. Perhaps this was fates way of saying to him that this would be his Rite to adulthood.
Either way Claerwen knew he wouldn’t stop moving until he was completely free to live his life, to be himself, finally. Taking only the things he had been wearing and had on him at that time, a violin included, he had managed to start forging a path toward at least having a better life than the one of servitude that had been waiting for him. He managed to work and get things for himself in the years that fallowed his escape and in time put all but the memories of his time as a slave behind him. It was during his years of freedom that he also happened to be asked to join a clan of local ninja’s in one of the places he had traveled to, in order to earn money by playing violin. At that time he did not entirely take the clan up on their offer, but told them that he would come back when he was ready to learn. They happily accepted this and told them they would be waiting for him.
Some time later Claerwen eventually did take the ninja clan up on that offer, and has been learning to be a ninja when he has the time to.
Earliest Memory: [Self explanatory] Fondest Memory: [Self explanatory] Worst Memory: [Self explanatory]
Not a Virgin
Skilled in Sex (lol)
Can become emotionally cold because of his past
Choloric-Phlegmatic Blend
Chaotic Neutral(Alt Neutral)
Enneagram: 7/7w8, The Enthusiast, The Challenger
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor/ House Blends: Ravendor
Ilvermorny: Horned Serpent
Aura: Green
Patronous: Hawk or Swan
Divergency: Dauntless, Candor, Erudite
Prefers Dogs over Cats
Likes the color Red
Dislikes the color Yellow
Natural Disaster: Earthquake
Favorite Color is Blue
Elements(Extra): Steel, Light, Thunder, Dark
Balanced Brain
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