#'one free piano lesson with patience' or 'helping patience in the garden for a day'
the-blue-phantom · 4 years
Please activate your Farseer brain again and share some headcanons for Fitz and Burrich
Okay, I have no idea if you’re asking for my modern au specifically because that’s when I said my farseer brain was activated or if you meant headcanons for canon, but I’m going to bank on modern au so I hope that’s fine with you! I think at least a fair amount will be more generally applicable, though, just in case you aren’t.
I’m a big fan of Burrich and Fitz’s dynamic, especially because they do have a father/son relationship but there’s also tension there that gets in the way. But for my ideal dynamic with them there are two traits: 1. “Fitz, I love you deeply and you remind me a lot of myself. But I also hate myself and this will affect our relationship for years to come. 2. That joke that goes “Have you ever kissed a guy?” “Of course” He then failed to elaborate.
I’ll try and keep this relatively organized but it’ll bounce around. Assume its all for the modern au and if anything seems applicable to canon, it probably is.
At no point ever in raising Fitz does Burrich ever look up how to raise a kid
Chivalry: Burrich, children are are like animals, right? Burrich: yes, in a cosmic sense, but not completely Chivalry: well I trust you to raise my son
Burrich does the best he can but sir you should google things
Altho the idea of burrich at a parenting class is hilarious to me
Honestly, I am obsessed with his and Chivalry’s relationship
Fellas, is it gay to leave your girlfriend for a man, because you want to devote yourself fully to him and also you tear up when talking about what a great man he is
Anyway, Burrich is telling Fitz about Chivalry while looking through a photo album and its like “Fitz, your father knew me better than any man had before” *turns page* “And here’s us getting drunk at a party when we were 22″
In my modern au, Chivalry doesn’t die, but I don’t think him and Fitz would have much of a father/son relationship. Maybe more uncle/nephew
Now I’m remembering how Fitz called Patience his mom. Fitz and his mom, his dad (burrich) and his father (chivalry)
I do wonder what Fitz and Burrich’s relationship would be like if the Wit wasn’t there or if the stigma was gone. I wonder about that a lot.
Burrich is an old fashioned guy and by that I mean he has a flip phone he keeps in a belt holster and drives a shitty old pickup that could and should be replaced
He has a wallet filled with pictures of Fitz and also his animals
You know, I think Fitz should have had his hair braided at least once. I think Burrich would be good at braiding, if that isn’t already canon.
I think any gifts Burrich gives Fitz are highly practical. New coat, new shoes, new hat, here are some gloves and socks I knitted with wool I got from the sheep we raised
My personal belief that Burrich is very very handy with fabric crafts for a variety of reasons
lmao Burrich in a quilting circle. he wouldn’t, but its funny to picture
I think if Fitz had had a more normal childhood he’d have done those drawings and projects kids do of their families except its primarily Burrich and the animals
Fitz first got to drive a car at age 10 because they were doing fence maintenance in the pasture and Burrich plopped him in the front seat and said “listen, inch the truck forward when I tell you to” and you know it didn’t go terribly
this is the only reason fitz doesn’t end up in a ditch the first time he tries to drive
Fitz, trying to get his license: “So I need my birth certificate, can you give it to me” Burrich: “Sure its right--hold on” Fitz: “Did you lose it?” Burrich: “Let me call the main house” Fitz: “You lost it didn’t you” Burrich: “You didn’t come with one”
Burrich at parent teacher conferences or helping Fitz with homework is funny to me, too. *insert mr incrediblt math is math scene here*
Fitz in canon never has to explain his familial relations to anyone because everyone already knows who he is but in this au its like “Oh that’s my dad, who isn’t my biological dad, but my biological dad dipped when I was born because my mom--who isn’t my biological mom--was upset because he cheated on her and she was upset because she couldn’t have kids but she’s fine now and she’s my mom and they’re all back and then there’s my uncles--” and the person is like uh huh sure that all definitely makes sense
Burrich is hot, does that make him a dilf?
I think Fitz is one of those kids that would get super super into something for a few months and know all about it and so Burrich is like “is this about your transformers?” and Fitz is like NO i’m talking about power rangers they’re totally different
Fitz but he has modern day teen romance drama
Fitz: Burrich, Molly didn’t like my instagram post, does that mean she hates me? :((( Burrich: what’s instagram
Man this isn’t a headcanon or anything but I’m just thinking about how baller the witness stones thing was with galen. and the end of book 2? when burrich was begging for fitz to stay alive and then it switches to relief over him actually being alive? gets me man
I wonder how much more he would have gone up to bat for fitz if there wasn’t the whole royalty or politics thing. like he goes up to bat for fitz all the time and defends him but sometimes he has to be careful with politics. what would he have been like if he didn’t have those constraints
I could keep going, but its already getting long so I’m going to stop there. Hope this was what you wanted!
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moralesispunk · 3 years
Chapter Two - Under the moon
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Gif credit @padfootwantsatummyrub
Previous Chapter / Masterlist / Next Chapter
Summary: There is a softness underneath his armour and it draws you in closer every time you see a glimmer of it. 
Warnings: hint towards sexual activity but not explicit however this (along with the rest of my blog) will have 18+ content in later chapters
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: thank you so much for the patience for the second chapter! I have been so busy applying for grad jobs I didn’t get a chance to edit this until now
That smile. The tiniest flicker of a smile. It had been on your mind all night and all day.
His face had remained harsh, covered by a scowl since you had met him, but it had went soft for just a moment when his eyes met yours. If you blinked you would have missed it. The gentleness that reached his eyes as though accepting your thanks. Your mind had already been wandering to him throughout the day from the second you met him. There was something about him that you couldn’t put your finger on until you seen that smile. There was a softness underneath all that harshness that he was trying to keep hidden from the world and now you had seen a glimmer of it you wanted to see more.
Sneaking back to the castle the night before had been a lot easier with two of the King’s guards in tow. The knights that lined the moss covered castle walls did not bat an eye when they watched the three children of their King re-enter the castle through the main gates in the early hours of the morning. This was a lot easier than your usual scaling back over the wall and sneaking in through the kitchen.
The castle was in complete darkness when you got back, the candles that usually lined the halls having been blown out hours earlier. The only light that guided you through the halls was the bright moonlight that peered through the tall windows.
As Pero escorted you back to your chambers, the moon was the only light illuminating his face. The white light shone down on his nose and jaw, sharp like the sword that was bonded to his hip. It allowed for the flicked of softness that he was hiding behind layers of scowls and scars to break free, drawing you closer in once more.
You must have been staring at him, his lips curling into a smirk when his eyes met yours. You had ducked your head down, quickening your pace until you reached your chambers. The door had creaked loudly, echoing around the hall, as Maria slipped in quickly followed by yourself.
Holding the door by two hands to steady the creaking as you closed it, you caught Pero’s eyes for one final time that night.
“Sleep well, Princesa,” he whispered, causing your breath to catch in your throat.
You tried to form a reply but as quickly as the words came to your mind they disappeared that much quicker in the back of your throat. You cursed this man for making you fall short of words all day and offered him all you could in that moment – a short, shy nod goodnight before closing the door all the way. That night he haunted your dreams.
His soft smile turning into a tempting smirk. His hands that had been soft when they stopped you from falling becoming rougher… needier as they moved down your sides and legs and under your skirts. His mouth that had taunted you all day by forming words when yours couldn’t was now unable to do anything other than moan your name in that deep voice before attaching to your neck and leaving wet kisses down your skin.
You woke with a start, breathing heavily before your dream could take your mind much further.
The sun was already awake to the day, peeking through the curtains that were still drawn and fighting to keep it out. As your breathing finally began to slow, the heat still covered your cheeks and neck at the thought of your dream. If you closed your eyes you could feel his lips pressing against your neck as you sat up in the bed, soft and warm as though he was there behind you and waking you up with tender kisses.
As you swung your legs off the side of the bed, you were thankful to the cold floor that helped your body banish the flush of warmth from your body. You began to stretch, wriggling your back and arms trying to force the feel of his lips that were crawling up your skin away, when Maria opened the door and walked to the curtains.
“Good morning,” her voice sang.
“Morning,” you stood and walked to the basin to splash the cool water over your face, “you are awfully energetic this morning. No lasting effects of the ale?”
“The headache is worth it to have listened to William talk all night,” Maria blushed as she began to lay out your clothes for the day.
You began to tease but were quickly shushed and pulled towards your clothes. The tight corset and layers of skirts were a lot more constricting that then comfortable dress from the night before.
The sounds of the castle waking up to the day were now flowing through the window, carts being wheeled about and chatter of people walking through the garden. Walking towards the window, you let the sun warm your skin as you stepped barefoot onto the balcony. You closed your eyes, stretching out your arms and rolling your neck as the warmth covered your body.
The sound of your father’s voice caused you to open your eyes. Looking down, you found him walking towards a carriage followed by his guards. William and Pero were at the front, closely following your father with four more guards behind them.
Pero carried himself high, his broad shoulders holding his back straight as he walked behind your father. His eyes remained forward while the rest of the guards heads were turning to look out for threats even while in the castle grounds.
You walked closer to the balcony edge, leaning on it as your eyes continued to follow him. Before you could react, his head had turned and his eyes were now on you as he continued walking. For a moment you almost pushed yourself back. You almost cowered from his gaze by hiding behind the balcony but you stopped yourself. You gripped the balcony tighter and stepped forward so your body was now pressed against the stone. You held your back as straight as his, tilting your chin up gracefully… and you smirked. You smirked the same way he had done the to you the night before. The very same way that had kept him racing through your mind all night.
His scowl faltered for a moment, his eyebrows raising and breath catching, before he returned the smirk as his shoulders shook in a silent chuckle.
You held his gaze until he had to turn back around to walk into the carriage with your father, smiling to yourself as you turned back to your room.
The rest of the day went in quickly. You played piano and worked on your embroidery. You walked the gardens with Maria and listened to her talk about William. You managed to find a spare lamé and mask to sneak into your brother’s fencing lesson. Through all of this, your mind wandered back to Pero as you wandered what he was doing.
As you walked into the dining hall that evening, your eyes found him immediately. He was standing by the back wall next to William. His eyes moved from staring straight ahead and followed you as you walked around the room and to you chair.
You were too busy being focused on him that you hadn’t noticed your father introducing you to the guests for the evening, Lord and Lady McBride. You brothers were already greeting them when you finally managed to drag your eyes of Pero to say good evening.
The dinner was loud and full of conversation as the food and wine flowed. Your father and brothers spoke with Lord McBride about the hunt, one he had missed because they were traveling to visit their son who was in France for now. Lady McBride spoke to you about her son. He’s handsome, you know. Smart. Heir to his father’s land. You nodded politely trying at every opportunity to steer the conversation away from their oh so handsome and oh so smart son but no matter what you spoke about it always came back to him.
You could feel your patience wear thin and found yourself leaning back on your seat and trying to look anywhere other than Lady McBride. You finally looked back to Pero to find him already watching you.
He had clearly been listening to your conversation but you couldn’t quite make out his expression now. You had realised that while he usually wore a frown he wasn’t angry, he was just indifferent. This expression was harsher, his eyes were narrowed on you and hands gripped tightly into fists at his side, completely ignoring the way William was watching him.
You attention was caught when Lord McBride called your name.
“I think next time we return we will bring our son.”
The rest of the room silenced as they awaited your reply while you gulped from the wine glass in front of you.
“I’m sure he would like it here, he could join a hunt with my brothers,” you offered, turning your attention to the now very interesting table cloth.
“Or you could show him the gardens,” he raised an eyebrow towards you, “I heard that you were out drinking with some sailors last night. I think perhaps it’s time your father sets you up with a man to calm down those ways.”
You looked towards your father who was now staring out the window. You glared at him, hoping he could feel your eyes burning holes into his side, before turning back to the Lord with the widest smile you could manage.
“I wasn’t drinking with sailors, I was drinking near them,” you replied and heard your brothers chuckle while your father finally turned to look at you, “I was also drinking with my brothers and I don’t hear any propositions of setting them up with any of your daughters.”
“They are men,” the Lord’s laugh boomed, “it is time to calm your ways, Princess.”
“It is time for me to retire to my chambers,” you stood from the table, “goodnight,” you said sharply, curtseying slightly towards those left at the table.
As you walked towards the door you heard your father call for Pero, causing you to slow your pace slightly.
“Walk my daughter back to her room,” he waved and you waited by the door until you heard Pero’s steps follow.
While you had thought about him all day and your eyes always found their way back to him when you were in the same room, in this moment you didn’t want to look at him. Or more, you didn’t want him to look at you. Once you heard his steps close in on you, your feet began to carry you towards your room not looking back at him.
For some reason, you didn’t want him to see you like this. The angry tears were already threatening to spill over as you thought about everyone back in the dining hall. Your father who glared at you for defending yourself, the Lord who looked down at you like a small child who needed to be told what to do, your brothers who never faced the same scrutiny as you and not because they would never be Kings but because they were men. But you were mostly thinking about the Lady and how much you did not want to end up like her. She was married to the Lord young and gave him many children but there was no love in their marriage. He went to whorehouses and paid the women there more attention than his wife. She was resigned to living her life in his shadow and in whatever way pleased her husband. It was everything you did not want but were threatened with the second you were born as the eldest child and only daughter of a King.
You hadn’t realised the tears were now spilling down your face until a hand gently grasped your wrist and pulled you to a stop. Pero kept his grip tight but not painful as he guided you out of the hallway and to a nearby balcony. He let your wrist go as soon as the fresh air entered your lungs but the warmth stayed, wrapping around your skin. As you gripped onto the wall, letting your tears out until your breathing finally calmed, he stood by your side and looked out over the land. His hand that was resting on the wall was only just touching the side of yours, the feel of his skin setting the fire that ran through your body. He said nothing, he let you cry and shake your head, until you stood straight again and sighed.
He gently grasped your arm, turning you to face him.
His face was once again lit by only the moon. The rest of the balcony seemed dark, unable to make out the flowers and moss that ran up the wall but able to make out every line and scar on Pero’s face as though the moon knew in this moment that all you needed to see was him.
He waited until you had fully turned to face him before his hand moved up your arm and reached for your face.
You could hear the gears turning in his head as the only sound coming from either of you were heavy breaths. As you searched his eyes, waiting for one of you to say something, his hand wiped the marks of tears from your face.
“You are to beautiful to let your cheeks be stained by tears because of a foolish Lord. You should not care what he thinks,” he said simply.
You nodded, your head leaning in to his touch before you could stop yourself. His thumb began to stroke your cheek gently, no longer wiping tears away and instead leaving his touch on your skin.
“What do you think?” His movements stopped at your words, his eyes moving back and forth between yours for a moment, “Of me? What do you think of me?”
“Because I care- I want to know what you think,” you whispered.
“I think… there is more to you than meets the eye,” his shocked face turned into a smirk as he said so.
You nodded, your hand now reaching up to cover his on your cheek before you spoke, “I think I would like you to get to know more.”
“Me? Why?” his hand dropped back to his side and the cold air now pricked at your cheek.
“I- I don’t know. I think there is a softness that you are hiding Pero, underneath that handsome frown.”
“Handsome?” he tried to steady his breathing by teasing you but could not ignore the way his chest warmed as he stared into your eyes.
You nodded, sure of yourself and unwavering as you told him again.
“Are you sure you would not rather let a Lord get to know you more?”
“No,” you said simply, standing straighter and walk back towards the hallway to your chamber.
Pero’s mind could not reach his body for a moment. He was stuck in place as he watched you walk back into the hallway, already walking towards your chambers before his feet began to move. The short walk to your room was quiet but as you reached your door you turned to face him once more.
“Tomorrow is the day I go to the orphanage and read to the children. Tell my father I requested that you be the one to walk me… if you do wish to get to know me as I you.”
He stopped, looking down at you and nodding slowly.
“I will walk you.”
You smiled, curtseying before turning to open your door.
Pero had never been on the receiving end of a curtsey before and he couldn’t hide his shocked face as you did so. He was a guard, had been a mercenary before that. No woman or Lady, let alone a Princess, had ever shown him such reverence.
“Goodnight, Pero,” you smiled, taking in the look on his face as you moved to close the door behind you.
It was now Pero’s turn to be quiet, unable to form the words as he nodded goodnight, waiting until you were safely in your room before turning away.
Permanent tag // @phoenixhalliwell @asta-lily @hb8301 @princess76179 @sarahjkl82-blog @spideysimpossiblegirl @blackmarketmummy @bison-writes @dihra-vesa​
Pero tag // @bonktime @justpedropascal @coldlilheart @shadowolf993 @stylelovechild @frostsoldier @idreamofboobear @artsymaddie @ajeff855 @strangelittlenobody @elegantduckturtle @roxypeanut @shedobeclownin @itstheanxietyforme @raphaelaisabella​ @qwtyy
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