#'which one is yours?' 'long black hair' 'your teenager?' 'my wife' ':I'
one-winged-dreams · 6 months
Piggybacking off of that 'imagine you and your f/o going through the tunnel of love' post, it really does feels some type of way having an f/o that's too much of a giant brick wall to get on carnival/theme park rides
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blackestnight · 5 months
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Nicknames: 'Hana-chan,' but attempt to use at your own risk.
Nameday: 31st sun of the 2nd astral moon (March 30th). ...I forgot her nameday again. Sorry miss Hagane.
Race: Au Ra Raen
Gender: Meh. She doesn't have strong enough feelings about her own gender identity to bother putting a label to it; most people default to 'she/her' pronouns when addressing her and she's fine with that, although she does object to being addressed as 'Lady ___' or other such courtesy titles—if someone must address her by a title, she prefers 'Ser.' Demigirl, if I were to ascribe modern language.
Orientation: Meh, with an added sprinkle of Not Your Damn Business if She's Not Trying to Fuck You. Her 'dating' history, sparse as it is, mostly consists of women, as does her metaphorical (and much more prodigious) little black book. She thinks of herself as not prone to romance, and a lot of her prior entanglements have been one-night stands or FWB arrangements. Romantic interest is much rarer for her than sexual attraction, and only tends to come after a long period of mutual trust and friendship. Again, using modern terminology, demi-romantic bisexual (with a slight lean towards women—her husband makes fun of her when she sees a giant, hot lady and her brain stops working).
Profession: Adventurer, goldsmith, part-time consultant with Garlond Ironworks (occasionally as an engineer, mostly as a sentient crash test dummy), nominally still the schoolmaster of Crown Gemworks.
Hair: Dark reddish-brown, very fine and straight. Usually featuring some amount of pink dye, a holdover from when she was a teenager and her mother dyed her hair for her; it's an unofficial Hagane family tradition/bonding ritual. These days she usually keeps it trimmed to about the length of her chin, but for most of her adulthood she wore it down to her lower back.
Eyes: Green (although historically people have been confused on this point). (Is the confusion mostly the result of my being color blind? Yes.) Her limbal rings are a very bright, pale blue, which throws people off and gives her a delightfully creepy glow-in-the-dark look.
Skin: Warm brown. She probably has an impressive farmer's tan.
Tattoos/Scars: Her most notable scars are on her right forearm (a strangely sigil-like pattern of lines and circles stretching from wrist to elbow that appear to be raised and warped veins, the result of voidsent intervention in her final fight against Zenos in Ultima Thule); her lower torso (a diagonal line from her hip to the bottom of her ribcage, also from Zenos during the assault on Rhaglr's Reach); the back of her right thigh (from a drunken misadventure on a roof in her early twenties); and of course her left horn, which was severed (again by Zenos, or rather Elidibus in Zenos's body in the Ghimlyt Dark) and replaced by a hardsilver prosthesis. While some people assume her iconic face paint is a tattoo, she actually doesn't have any because she's scared of needles. She will not admit to being scared of needles.
Parents: Shomi Hagane is the matriarch of the Hagane clan, a family of samurai who have been serving the lords of Doma almost since its founding. She was raised in Monzen in her family home, and remained there until shortly before the Garlean invasion of Doma, when she begged then-king Kaien for leave to take her wife and young children to the countryside, safely out of reach of the imperial forces. Kaien thanked her for her service and allowed her to flee, thus ending over three centuries of Hagane service to the Rijin line. Maki Sunwalker (née Urabito) is the oldest child of a merchant family from northern Yanxia, though she was disowned as a teenager when she left her family to study the ways of the shinobi in Shinobi-no-Sato. She worked actively as an assassin and spy in service to Doma until the invasion; after Doma's fall she officially retired to become a farmer, though her 'errands' would occasionally take her to Garlean strongholds for days at a time and leave her knives suspiciously bloody.
Siblings: Hanami is the second of five children and the oldest surviving Hagane child; her older brother Akinaga died in the failed uprising at Monzen. Her younger brother Haruki has long been considered her partner in crime and currently splits his time between adventuring and working with the guard of the Doman Enclave. Her two youngest siblings are twins, Itomi and Naonaka; both were conscripted into the Garlean army after the uprising and sent to Ala Mhigo, where Itomi was promoted to Decurion and Naonaka worked as a healer. After their return to Doma, Naonaka moved to the fishing hamlet of Isari and Itomi left for Kugane; neither are currently on speaking terms with Hanami, though Naonaka has made overtures toward his brother and mothers.
Grandparents: None worth mentioning. Shomi's parents were killed during the first failed Garlean invasion, when she was three years old; she was raised by the collective efforts of several other noble families in Monzen, including the Daito family (as a result Gosetsu sometimes jokes that he's Hanami's honorary grandfather). Maki's family disowned her as a teenager and she hasn't had contact with them in almost fifty years.
Others: Hanami has a nephew, Munehise, who is the light of her life. Mune's biological mother isn't in the picture, and Hanami helped Haruki raise him until she left for Eorzea; since her return to Yanxia during Stormblood she's less involved in his day-to-day life, since she's adventuring, but she's still solidly in the 'favorite auntie' slot. (Mune won't say it out loud—the one time he tried is the only time he's ever seen Hanami genuinely upset—but he thinks of her as more of a mother figure than his actual mom.)
She has a bevy of cousins, including Kotone and Honoka (c/o @windupnamazu) and, semi-reluctantly, a brother-in-law (A'dewah on loan from @fistsoflightning). (She loves A'dewah because Haruki loves him. This does not necessarily mean she likes him.) Hanami's moms are also serial adopters, so as soon as Ninira (@nuclearanomaly) and Estinien got within fifty feet of the Hagane household they were trapped.
Hanami inherited the adopting addiction, and legally she's Rielle's guardian (after a trial following the murder of Ystride de Caulignont). She also considers herself responsible for Ryne and Gaia, but in more of a hard-ass aunt way. She takes frequent trips to the First to continue their training as baby tanks.
She married Aymeric shortly before the start of Endwalker and has reached a tentative accord with his elderly cat, Mandragora, who recognizes a fellow grouchy predator when she sees one. Mandragora would take much more kindly to any half-elezen half-au ra kiddies, though...
Abilities: Master martialist, specializing in greatswords but having recently taken up polearms (specifically scythes). Practitioner of the dark arts as taught in the tradition of Ishgard's Dark Knights, and an (somewhat fumbling) initiate in voidsent summoning. Metalworking, with her most extensive training being in goldsmithing, though she takes on several other projects including quite a bit of engineering with the Ironworks. She was also raised on a farm and trained as a botanist, so her green thumb is nothing to sneeze at, though she mostly gardens for sustenance rather than for pleasure or aesthetics.
Hobbies: Hiking, sketching (mostly landscapes and technical drawing), riding her bikes, scaring the shit out of Ishgardian priests.
Most positive trait: Constancy. Hanami is loyal and unwavering—once she's named you an ally or chosen a course of action, that's set in stone. She says exactly what she means and does exactly what she says.
Worst negative trait: Stubbornness, perhaps as the natural flip-side of her positive trait. Her mind is near-impossible to change once it's been made up; she's reluctant to listen to arguments or accept help when she thinks she's better working on her own.
Colours: Black, red, green, blue. Mostly jewel tones.
Smells: Campfire smoke, river water, morning mist, blooming honeysuckle, hot metal, clean cotton.
Textures: Fresh sheets, cool grass, calloused hands, polished leather.
Drinks: Tea (hot), fruit juice (cold), the occasional tiny sip of whiskey.
Smokes: Occasionally, although she prefers fogweed to tobacco. She's been known to pass a joint around with some of the other Scions in their downtime.
Drinks: Not anymore. She drank recreationally through her young adulthood, and developed alcoholic tendencies shortly after Operation Archon, in response to the stress of the Doman refugees arriving in Mor Dhona. She very abruptly swore herself to sobriety midway through the Crystal Tower expedition; speculation says there was some kind of incident that prompted the change, although the only people who seem to have any idea of what happened are Cid Garlond and G'raha Tia, and neither of them are talking. Thancred has been her recovery buddy ever since.
Drugs: See above if you count fantasy weed as a drug? She does not tolerate soporifics well at all and actively avoids them, although rumors in Ul'dah say she has some sort of...history with the Alacran, who are infamous for peddling somnus. She used to dabble with various hallucinogens when she was younger but had given them up by the time she left Doma.
Mount Issuance: She has an ancient issuance for a Maelstrom chocobo rotting in a drawer somewhere, but she can't stand the smell of horsebirds so she never used it. She has a burgeoning collection of motorcycles courtesy of Garlond Ironworks, including a custom one-of-a-kind combat bike, and she probably also has a horse back in Yanxia but this game won't give us normal ass horse models. If she's not able to use her bikes or ride a horse or a falcon she prefers walking.
Been Arrested: Twice. They say you can still find pieces of her sword embedded in the wall of the Tribunal. Attempt at your own risk.
tagged by @gatheredfates!
tagging @aethernoise @kukurubean @nuclearanomaly @nophicas-ward and YOU!
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🌹💀Cold Heart🌹💀
A Ghost x Jade Modern Warfare II story
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Prologue : Hard Time
Inspired by Hard Time by Seinabo
“So… how much for a small bouquet of roses, Miss?” A teenager dressed in high school uniform stood in front of the displayed red colored flower of love, belonging to the Le Jardin floristry in London. His hands were tightly situated inside his trouser’s pockets, clearly shaking.
Jade smiled at the sight. His height was the same as hers, though she probably had a good decade on him. Immaculate hairstyle, not a single fold visible on his clothes, and blushing so hard his face was about to turn as red as her hair. The florist knew that this young boy’s most likely about to declare his love for his crush. 
“A small bouquet would cost 15 quid, but for you, young lad,” she patted the boy’s shoulder softly, “12’s enough.” 
The boy chimed in joy, “That’s great! I’ll take one, please.” 
“I’ll wrap it up in white paper and plastic, tied with a ribbon for finishing. Does that work?” An aggressive nod from him made her smile ear to ear. “One bouquet coming right up!” Walking to the back of the shop to gather her best roses, Jade started to collect and the five roses in her hands, arranging the best flowers for the boy to confess with. 
As she focused the task at hand, a ringtone of her phone interrupted her work. It was a different tune than her regular one, which could only mean one thing. When she fished out her device from her pocket, Jade immediately pressed the green icon upon seeing the name on the screen. 
Putting the phone between her ear and shoulder, she continued her work, “Hi, Kate.” 
“Hey, Jade. Always so cheerful.”
Jade could hear the smile from the CIA’s voice. Laswell had been a friend since her black agent days; a mentor figure of hers, leading her through lots of missions and assignments throughout the globe. Both women admired each other, and learned from each other a lot. If not for their affiliations, they’re sure they’d work together more. 
“Been a long time since I heard your voice, Kate. What's up? Bit busy right now.” She said as her hands arranged the flowers in her palm.
“Sorry to disturb your work, but I need you.”
“Oh? Do you have a funeral? Wedding? Flower for your wife, perhaps? Are you visiting London? The weather sucks this time of year, though.”
“No. I need you, Jade.” Kate’s voice turned serious. 
The emphasis on her codename told her what she needed to know, causing her to sigh on the phone, “…Laswell. Verdansk was my last assignment. You know I don't do this anymore–”
“Major Hassan Zyani of Iran is in possession of an American missile. We don't know where he got it from, or where the target is. What we know is that we eliminated his superior General Ghorbrani six months ago, and we think he wants retaliation.”
Laswell, always to the point. All that information though, caught Jade’s attention while she took out the white papers and transparent plastic around the roses. “…Continue.”
“We tried to apprehend him in Al Mazrah where we found the first missile, but he escaped and is now in Las Almas. We need your help to track him down, find the other missile, and dig up his plans with it.” the CIA continued.
“Las Almas? City of Souls, huh.” Taking the hanging ribbon from the wall, the florist started to wrap it around the base of the bouquet.
“Yes. Once you’re there, you will be united with Colonel Alejandro Vargas from the Mexican Special Forces. He's a local, so you'll get a lot of help from him. Sending the picture and files to you.”
Jade pulled the phone from her shoulder, looking at the images of the said soldier. “Oh, hello there.” Mexican Special Forces sounded cool as heck in her ears. He looked charming, she’d give him that. “Give me a few hours. I need to prepare my gears and contact MI6.”
“No need. I already notified MI6. You're free to go. Your wheels up in 3 hours.”
“And one more thing. Ghost and Soap will join you.”
Jade halted her handiwork at the name drop. “...Ghost and Soap?” 
“Yes. I believe you've acquainted yourselves in Verdansk. They're the ones who found the missile in Al Mazrah. They'll see things through.”
“...Huh.” She couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her mouth. 
“Any issues?” Laswell questioned from the other side.
“Not at all, Kate.” Jade tied the red ribbon on the front of the bouquet with finality. “Not at all.”
As the Brit finished her work, she took her handiwork into her arms, picking the phone from her shoulders. “Okay. I’ll be there."
“Sorry to disturb you again, Jade, but we could really use your help.” Laswell tried to explain herself, “You know I wouldn’t reach you if this wasn't a matter of emergency.” 
“No problem at all, Kate. How can I ever say no to you, right? Oh Mrs. CIA.” A laugh from the other side made her chuckle. Tapping the red button on the phone, the florist put both of her palms on the table, staring at the roses she prepared.
Twenty years of service - she thought she’s done with this life, move on, live like a regular adult. Have a job, make a friend or two, get some food, have a family–
Well, she’s not lucky on that part yet, living basically all her life doing the dirty assignments and killing everyone MI6 saw as a threat, guilty or innocent. There was never any room for romance. She’s an adopted daughter of a couple MI6 retired black agents, whom she devoted her life to fill their shoes for. Now, all she wanted was a normal life, but of course, Laswell thought that her skills could do more good; keep the world safe, protect the people she loved, and that the world still needed her. 
Jade scoffed before standing back up. She still had a boy in the front of her shop, waiting to confess to his crush. Sometimes she envied the people who come to her shop. They came in with events they want to celebrate, be it birthdays. weddings, anniversaries, funerals...
Love confessions. 
She couldn’t help the smile on her face. “At least I can help the young lad.” And so, Jade walked to the frontside of the shop with the roses, finding the boy sitting on a chair, playing what seemed to be a mobile shooting game as his thumbs rapidly moved across the screen.
“Hey.” Jade called to him, making the boy flinch and close whatever game he’s playing. As he stood up, he saw the red and white bouquet on her hands, his eyes instantly glimmered with awe.
The woman stretched her arms to give her handiwork to him and fished out little colorful plastics containing sweets from the jar on the counter. “Here’s your bag of roses, and here’s some candy. Sugar will raise your confidence to the max. Good luck, Mate.” Jade said as she gave the bouquet and the candies to him.
“Thanks, Miss. I owe you lots.” The boy grinned. 
“You’ll do well. Cease the moment!” Raising her fist in the air in front of her, he responded with a fistbump, before giving her the money and ran out of the florist, ready for his love declaration.
Looking at the clock on the wall, there’s still a few hours left until the shop closes, but considering the situation at hand, she walked to the door and flipped the hanged tag from 'open' to 'closed'.
Now, contacting her parents. Jade sighed as she scrolled her contacts list to find her father's number, because she knew how her parents felt about this. They wouldn't take this news well.
After a few beeps on the line, he picked up the call.
“Pa, Ma.” 
“Hi, Lottie Dear! What’s up? Is the shop going well?” Her father, Eli's gentle yet stern voice rang through the phone.
“We’re just a few hours from London. Is something the matter, Love?” A feminine voice joined, which could only belong to her mother. 
The two had been out of London for the week to pick up flowers from their private fields in Norfolk. Twenty years in business after their retirement – or, rather disappearances – from MI6, they thought having their own fields of flowers would be a great investment. Having their own farmers and land, it helped them with the continuity of their business. 
Hearing their delightful voices, Jade's almost sorry to deliver them the news. “Yeah. Laswell called me again.”
The silence on the line told her that her parents were contemplating between themselves. Their daughter promised them that 2019 was her last mission. Now that the elder couple heard the CIA's name again, Jade needed to tell them what's going on.
"What's the situation?" Her father inquired, heaviness filling his voice.
“This Iranian Major has an American-made missile in his possession. He’s currently hiding in Las Almas. This’ll take probably a month or so.” Jade explained to her parents. “I won’t be alone, though. There are others with me this time. Wheels up in 3 hours.” 
"Who will be with you?" Again, her father asked. This protective side of his had been a major character of his, even though Jade wouldn't complain about it at all.
Jade huffed, "Mexican Special Forces, and two operators of SAS, the ones I met three years ago back in Verdansk. There might be more, but that's all I know so far. Laswell will tell me more once I've packed my bags."
Silence lingered on the line, save for the faint sound of the car they're driving at the moment on the background. Jade knew that her parents were conversing without speaking, a trait she knew all too well.
Her mother, Gracie, clicked her tongue, "Do you really have to go?" Jade could hear reluctance in her voice. "You said you were done, Verdansk was your last assignment - you promised us, remember?"
Jade closed her eyes as she looked down at her arms, peppered with old scars from her days as a black agent, days she wanted to leave behind. However, as she reflected upon her phone call with Laswell earlier, it actually didn't take much for the CIA agent to convince her about joining in on this mission.
"And I'm sure I don't have to remind you about what happened 12 years ago, in Cuba." Eli said to her.
There's that.
One of the worst assignments that Jade had to take, and how it changed her life. A mission that even Laswell have no knowledge about.
"...Does it have to be you, Lottie Dear?"
That sentence from her mother made her stomach churn. She's her mother after all.
Jade couldn't say anything to that, other than the fact that Laswell wouldn't contact her in the first place if she had any other better name in mind. She didn't know too much about the mission yet to determine why Laswell had to call her, and saying the CIA's name once more wouldn't ease her parents' concern at the moment.
"...Yeah." she only mumbled lowly.
Silence still lingered. Either they would allow this, or she's going to have to go against her parents' wishes.
"It's a long time ago, more than a decade, Pa. I'm okay now, and I won't be alone, remember?" Jade said as her last attempt at reasoning with her parents. "I have some very strong and capable people covering my back, so don't be too worried, okay?"
Jade thought she had to do the latter, until her father spoke, “Alright, Love. Have a safe trip." Hearing her father's confirmation, Jade looked up straight in surprise. "Take your gears, it’s in my armory. The key’s in uhh…”
“In your Pa’s study. Lowest drawer. Take everything you need, including the ‘persuasion’ kits too, if you ever find yourself needing it.” Her mother’s voice interrupted. “Sharpen your blades, loosen your muscles, be vigilant, Dear.”
“And don’t worry about the shop. We’ll do fine.” Her father assured. 
Jade scoffed at her parents’ voice. They’re the best parents she could ever ask for. “I know, Pa. Ma.” 
“Good. Be careful, Lottie. We love you.” 
“I love you both, too. See you.” After hanging up the call, Jade huffed in relief. Step one was completed. Now she didn't have to go to the mission carrying a heavy heart with her.
'Ghost and Soap will join you.'
Laswell’s voice lingered in her mind. She knew the latter is the youngest SAS personnel with exceptional abilities and potential, but the former, though? 
He's a handful.
When they first met in Verdansk, the skull-faced SAS lieutenant was the most foul-mouthed man she’s ever met. Cursed like there’s no tomorrow and underestimated her to the point that she got her nickname, Midget. She’s not even that short! Jade’s just average UK woman’s height! Offended to the bone, she got back at him by calling Ghost Beanpole, even though she must admit, his physique was the furthest thing from a beanpole, but she’s nowhere near midget either (again, even though he’s got a good 1 foot on her). 
Anyway, their meeting was unpleasant, as there were divisions and distrust amongst the Armistice in Verdansk. Their rivalries started, going from the fact that they both work alone, specialize in stealth, and seem to have a close personal relationship with their blades. Ghost and her had been an acquaintance and no more, save for the bastard-calling part. 
Don’t get her wrong, Ghost was certainly not someone you’d want as an enemy. He would’ve been a great ally to fight alongside with, if and only if he’s a little bit more agreeable to the people around him. Jade wondered what else Ghost, Soap, and the new Mexican ally had in store for her in this mission.
But that’s for the future to think about. For now, she’s got a flight to catch. 
There's the prologue for "Cold Heart"! This series will be updated kinda irregularly (I will try regularly tho. Probably around once a week/two week).
Hope you enjoyed that and stay tuned!
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firsttimewriter92 · 1 year
Hello! I'd love to request a fic with the reader being Sirius's wife after they're at Hogwarts but before Lily and James' deaths, shortly after they get the news about the Longbottoms being tortured. The reader wants to have sex but Sirius initially hesitates because his wife clearly is trying to distract them from the news (doesn't have to be graphic smut!) Thanks!
Hi there, anon :) Thank you for the ask. I´ve been in a writing slump lately because I get into my own way, making everything to complicated, too detailed. But this seemed like something I could do and it was lots of fun! :D It brought me back to my lovely Sirius. Maybe now I can finally finish my series "Everything Black".
It doesn´t get too steamy but there are some dirty passages, I hope you like it. Otherwise it´s pure fluff and angst. Thanks again and I kope you all enjoy <3
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It hurts to look at you
words: 2.303
The moment the door closed behind Dumbledor´s swaying robes and a deafening silence covered the small kitchen in Godrics Hollow, two women and four men dissolved into either horrified sobs or heavy breathing, trying to control their own shock to the news.
Lilies flaming red hair covered one side of her face that was pressed into James´ neck. Little whispers of “No, no. Why them?” left her lips. James eyes were dull and unseeing as he stared at the bottle of elderflower wine on the table. One arm wrapped around his wife, his other hand covering the back of her head.
On the other side of the room, Peter sat on the table, covering his quivering lips with one hand. He was paler than usual and his knee had not stopped bobbing since Dumbledore brought the news of Franks´ and Alice´s horrific fate. He looked like the man standing behind him felt. Remus knew how to hide his emotions but this time he couldn’t quite manage. With wet eyes he held the look of one of his best friends across from him.
Holding you in his lap Sirius looked at Remus over your shoulder while you sobbed. His grey eyes reflected less sorrow than shock and all-consuming hatred. Of course he mourned the fate of his friends, the single tear that ran down his cheek proof enough. But it wasn´t enough to drown out the red hot edges that covered his vision. It wasn’t enough to stop whishing for another name, other relatives. He felt guilty. Guilty for sharing the blood with the person responsible for yet another tragedy. Yet another destroyed family, yet another two lives lost and so many more scarred.
He wrapped his arms closer around your waist and kissed your neck lovingly, trying to calm you down. You where whimpering right next to his ear, fear shaking your entire body while you clung to him like a life line. Again hate flared inside of him. How dare they!? How dare they inflict so much pain and strike terror into the one living being that made it all worth it for him?! He fought for many a reason these days. Most of them were present right now but you were his damn wife. His reason to breath and keep moving. The two of you had gotten married right after Lilly and James although you hadn’t been together for as long as they had.
Time and circumstance however made people fall in love quicker, more madly and desperately. That´s how it was for Sirius and you. You´d only gotten to know him in you last year at Hogwarts. For so long you had tried to avoid the boisterous teenager until he began noticing you. First, every time your house played Gryffindor and you hit a blutcher in his direction. He´d avoid them mostly, grinning at you wolfishly. Then he started noticing you in the hallway which you found incredibly annoying. He just couldn’t walk past you without some kind of comment. “Don´t swing at me, (y/l/n) we´re not on the pitch” “Hey,___ do you like sweets? There are some in our common room”.
One day he walked up to you, arms stretched out to the side as he proclaimed right smack in the middle of the courtyard “(Y/l/n), you are like the stars in the night sky, guiding me towards a brighter future!” You knew of course that he was fucking with you so you just turned to him and with an obvious fake smile, sweet as honey you said, “Sirius, my love. You are like the sun to me.” He looked shocked for a second, his grey eyes widening. “Hurts to look at ya.”
Sirius couldn’t remember the last time he´d laughed so hard. It was the moment he knew you were something special to him. He didn’t quite know that he´d fall arse over broomstick for you yet though. That happened later, in the order, under darker circumstances. Still, the gentle fondness he felt for you changed into a burning passion whenever he saw the bravery you showed despite your anxious demeanour. More than once he´d consoled your shaking form with a glass of fire whiskey the moment you got the message that everyone was safe at the end of the day. Seeing you battle through that and still be hilariously dry-humoured, incredibly kind and quite frankly a rock to him, his protective instincts kicked him the last bit of the way until he almost couldn’t stand not being in your presence.
And then one evening, he´d just come back from a mission that took way longer than it should have. He´d entered the Potters living room, heart beating out of his chest, worried about you. Within a second your body had slammed into his and without thinking twice about it he´d lifted your head with both palms and kissed you feverishly. And that was it. Eight months later you´d gotten married.
You lifted your head off of his shoulder and worriedly he looked up at you, both his hands stroking back your hair. Your eyes were bloodshot and puffy as you whispered with a raw voice. “Why?” Sirius had no answer and he hated himself for it. He shook his head slowly and stroked your cheeks. “I don’t know, my darling. I don’t know.” “They…They´re gone. Frank….Alice. Both…Oh Merlin, why like this!!??” Your forehead landed on his as fresh tears fell from your eyes and onto his skin. Sirius breathed heavily, stroking your sides slowly and soothingly.
“What…what happens to Neville now?” you heard Lilly ask. “He´s only a day older than Harry!” Again she started crying while James answered her. “I´m sure Frank´s mother has him now. He´s in good hands, Lils. Please don´t worry.”
“There´s going to be a hunt” Remus´ voice floated through the room. Everyone looked at him while trying to gather themselves again. “You´re right” Lilly said and wiped at her wet cheeks. The stoic look coming back into her eyes. “You´re right. There´s nothing…” she swallowed. “There´s nothing we can do for Frank or Alice anymore. What we can do, is go after… them.”
You admired Lilly for her rationality. She was right of course. You needed to snap out of it. There was work to be done. “But not tonight” Lilly said. “We need tonight for…” she lost her words and looked at her husband. Everyone got the hint and stood. Hugging your friends closer that usual you left the Potter´s house and stood outside for another moment. Sirius turned to Remus.
“You wanna crash on our couch again, mate? You´re welcome to” Sirius looked sternly at Remus, though he already knew what the answer would be. Remus gave a tight lipped smile, took a deep breath and shook his head. “Sorry, Pads. Not tonight. I´ll go see….my parents. I think.” Sirius nodded shortly and hugged his friend again. He whispered something you couldn’t make out to him and let go. Remus´ smile seemed more genuine this time around as he waved at you and disapparated.
“He´s not going to see his parents, is he?” you asked quietly and took Sirius´ hand. He was still staring at the spot were Remus disappeared. He sighed and shook his head. “He writes them occasionally but…it´s been ages since he saw them.” He squeezed your hand tightly. “He´s already on the hunt.”
Sirius looked down at you with a solemn look. “Let´s go home, yeah?” You nodded and braced yourself for disapparating.
Your feet hit the ground in front of your small flat. Without many words, Sirius and you got changed and ready for bed. You felt emotionally drained and yet, something inside you was boiling over. So after not being able to fall asleep, even with Sirius´ strong arms wrapped around you from behind you slightly stirred. “Sirius?” you whispered into the dark. “Hmm? What is it, my love?” he immediately answered. A small smile tucked at your lips. Huddling closer to him you kissed his forearm that was resting close to your face. “I love you more than words can say” you simply stated. You felt his chest stop moving for a second before you felt his lips on your shoulder. They moved slowly and gently over it and over your neck to your ear. Goosebumps erupted all over your body, heat creeping from your center up to your belly.
“You are my everything” Sirius´ deep voice penetrated your ear, vibrating through your every vein. “Love is not a strong enough word to describe what I feel for you, what you are to me, my darling.” Again you felt your eyes water. “I know, dove. You´re scared. I know” he whispered with a slight choked up voice. “We´re doing the right thing and it´s scary. Whatever happens, my love, please know that I´ll always be with you.”
“Please don’t talk like that” you whimpered and the tears fell silently. “It needs to be said,___. I´m sorry but please listen to me.” He kissed the shell of your ear. “Tomorrow is not promised. But as long as I have your love, I´ll fight until my last breath to return to you. Every day.”
You turned in his arms as quickly as you could and smashed your lips to his desperately. His arms pulled you in immediately. The kiss was not gentle or slow. Pure desperation guiding you in the way you grabbed at his ink black, luscious hair or how your tongue glided over his quicker than usual.
Sirius didn’t mind at all. He knew that you needed this right now and he would be damned not to give you anything you so desperately needed. He did worry a little bit though. His fingers dug into your side to try and slow you down just a little bit. That proved to be rather difficult though as you just decided to slightly bite his bottom lip. He always went feral whenever you did that and right now his head was swimming with desire. He felt your leg moving right between his and with a grunt he felt your knee slightly bump his erection.
“Want you, Sirius” you panted against his lips. “Want you so much.” Your lips descended onto his throat as you climbed on top of him. And so, with a long and strained groan Sirius grabbed your hips in a vice like grip. “Hold on. Stop, darling” he whispered desperately. You didn’t react and started to grind onto him. “Shit! Dove, please. It´s not…stop. Stop, stop, stop.” He didn’t sound angry but worried as his voice got louder until you finally registered what he´d asked of you.
Pure fire was rushing through your veins and through a thick cloud of pent up lust you tried to focus on his face. His beautiful features shone through the haze as you zeroed in on his pale grey eyes. Your chest heaving you looked at him bewildered.
“What is it?” you asked cautiously. “Little dove, you know I´d never say no to being inside you and absolutely rock your shit but…We both know…we´re not in the right headspace right now. We just lost two dear friends and we´re scared.” Your stomach dropped dangerously low and a little bit of shame overcame you quickly. Still laying on his chest you lay your head right above his heart while he stroked your back soothingly. “Just let me hold you for tonight, my love. Let me tell you how precious you are, how much you mean to me. Let my words lull you to sleep, where I want you to be at peace. Knowing that I´ll have your back always. That I´ll be here. And in the morning when you wake up, I´ll make sure my name is the only thing you´ll be able to mutter.” Nodding, sniffling but grinning into his Tshirt you got comfortable at his side again, your ear never leaving the steady rhythm of his heart.
As promised, he whispered sweet, sweet nothings into your ear until your body grew heavy.
You didn’t even make it until the first rays of sunshine before Sirius appeared above you with pure fire in his eyes. No words needed to be spoken, you knew that look way too intensely. And so he made good on his promise as he sank into your warm and wet heat and made you whimper and sigh his name as he nibbled on your neck. His hips moving sensually and powerfully. The feeling of slick skin on skin, his scent enveloping you and words of pure love being exchanged, the both of you moved in tandem, bringing you closer and closer to the sweet relief you needed.
“Cum for me, darling. Please, my perfect girl. Hggnn, I´m right there...with you” he whispered as his eyes bore into yours. As his hips sped up and his lips closed carefully around your nipple, you gripped him hard as the blinding, hot white feeling made you arch your back and cling to him for dear life. His name yelled into the darkness, he bit down on your neck hard and muffled his own grunts and sighs. Before long, Sirius was laying on top of you, breathing as heavily as you, kissing the spot he bit, licking it a little and just marvelling in the feeling of having you in this way.
“I´ll always love you, Sirius. With every fibre of my being, I am yours” you whispered. You heard his satisfied sigh as his canines scraped against the underside of your jaw. He lifted his head to look you in the eyes. Stroking your face gently he said “Wherever I am, whatever happens to me. Know that you are my saving grace. I am yours before anything.” He kissed you slowly. “I´ll be with you always.”
I hope you all enjoyed this little fic, thank you for reading <3 As always I appreciate every like, reblog or comment. In order to get better in my writing though, I absolutely love getting comments or reblogs that let me know what you liked or disliked ;) Only this way I can make my writing better or more inclusive.
Thank you very much again and have a lovely day :)
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sweetvelaryon · 5 months
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warning: smut
Say Yes To Heaven Pt-1
[part 2 will be on Wattpad]
wattpad: @sxarletdevil
book: jaceluke
Luke stood outside the school building waiting for the bell to ring. he often got stares from parents which didn't bother him much anymore. the bell ring and the students were released. it took a couple minutes but his daughter, Rhaella came running down screaming, "MUÑA! MUÑA! MUÑA!"
"Oh!" he yelped as his five year old daughter crashed her little arms around him. he knelt down picked her up into a hug, "hi, baby! how's my little dragon?"
"muña! I made a friend! her name is Daenys!" Rhaella beamed in happiness.
Luke tightened his hold on his daughter as they passed by parents and their children. "that's good baby! how was school?"
"it was good," she replied and looked around, "where's dad?"
Lucerys tried to ignore the stab of pain his chest at her words, "he's busy, baby. at work."
Rhaella wrapped her arms around Luke's neck and hugged him tightly. Luke took the hug from her and softly smiled. "wanna get ice cream and go to the park?"
"yes, please," Rhaella answered.
he put her down on the ground and held her hand. the sun was shinning in New York and their was a brisk of cold air. Rhaella wore jeans, with a princess T-shirt and a red cardigan over her. her long silver hair was in extravagant braids (that Luke has to do every morning). Luke was in his black business suit with red bottom heels clicking on the concrete. Lucerys hadn't changed much from his teenage years. he was still short but the heels gave him the boost. his hair was consistently cut because he didn't want to follow his families old valyria traditions. only difference from before was he now had a figure after 12 hours of a difficult birth. Rhaella luckily was born healthy. hips and thighs that were constricted in the business pants, breast that shamefully still produced milk even now, a soft and pudgey stomach.
"alright baby, you wanna go buy ice cream by yourself or do you want me to go with you?" Lucerys asked her.
"I can do it," she beamed up at him. she took off her pink backpack and gave it to him. they switched as he handed her his debt card. the ice cream shop was right across the park so Luke was able to keep an eye on her.
he turned around seeing his older brother, Jacaerys. "hey, Jace," he smiled at him.
they both quickly hug, "how long has it been?"
"uh, like five, six years," Luke answered. it looked like Jace had been on a run, due to the joggers, T-shirt that clung to every muscle he had to showoff, and running shoes.
"yeah, yeah." he replied as he looked down at his feet, "hows Aemond?"
not this. come on.
"he's good. he's good. baela?" he asked back eyeing him up and down before settling to focus on his violet eyes.
he scoffed at the question, "she... I'll be honest she probably has a dick down her throat right now."
"dear Lord," Luke blurted out and tried to stifle the laughter threatening to escape.
"you can laugh. I'm the one who was too blind to see it," Jace told him.
"no, no, it's not funny. just the way you said it...I wasn't expecting that and especially not from your loyal wife Baela," Lucerys replied.
"yeah well how many times can you find boxers that aren't yours and letting your wife gaslight till it finally hits?" he said.
"muña, I didn't know which one you wanted so I got cookie and cream," Rhaella announced as she handed him a cup of ice cream.
"oh, thank you baby. Jace this is your niece Rhaella. Rhaella this is your uncle Jace," Luke introduced the pair.
jacaerys smiled fondly at the young girl and Rhaella blushed furiously. "do you want ice cream?" she asked him.
"no, Rhaella thank you." Jace smiled at her.
while Jace was focused on Rhaella, Luke took his time admiring every little feature of his brother. his curls tied into a bun, broad shoulders, light stubble on his face, and thick lashes. "muña, your staring," Rhaella giggled.
Lucerys cheeks flushed red as he quickly looked away, "baby go on to the slide."
Rhaella laughed as she ran off with her ice cream in hand and went to the swings. "she's precious. Aemond is a lucky man." Jace commented as they trailed behind Rhaella to a picnic table.
another stab.
"a beautiful daughter. a beautiful wife." he softly spoke. Lucerys could feel his cheeks burn with the comments and tried to ignore the intense stare his brother was giving him. "he really kept his word."
"Jace don't," Lucerys softly spoke as they got to the picnic table. his blue eyes looked at his brothers and their was no hiding the desire in both of them. even years later it was just as intoxicating as it was when they were teens.
"sorry," he said but he didn't mean. they sat in silence as they watched Rhaella swing slowly and eat her ice cream. twenty minutes had passed when she ran towards them, "uncle Jace can you push me on the swing?"
"may I?" he asked quietly to Luke.
Lucerys smiled and gave him a small nod. Rhaella wrapped her hand into jace's. it was crazy how much his hand made her look so tiny. Luke crossed one leg over the other as he watched Jace push Rhaella on the swing. the ice cream was long forgotten as Luke watched his brother. from the swing, to the jungle gym, to the slides, Jace didn't leave rhaella's side. the sun was beginning to set when Luke called it for the night.
"mommy, can Jace walk us home?" Rhaella asked.
"sweetie, Jace probably has things to do. we've already taken much of his time," Lucerys told her. her violet eyes welded with tears.
"actually, my schedule is cleared for the day. I don't mind either," Jace interjected.
I'm trying not to make a mistake Jace.
"okay, well, let's go," Luke said.
"piggy!" Rhaella screamed. Jace knelt down allowing the five years old to climb up on his back. the walk wasn't far but the definitely took their time to get there. when they did Rhaella was sound asleep and was clutching onto Jace for dear life. Luke unlocked his front door and put her backpack down before tearing her off jaces body.
"thanks Jace. for today." Lucerys thanked him.
"no problem. just don't keep Rhaella from me for too long. she's nice company," Jace replied with a softly smile as he stroked her blonde hair. Luke could feel his heart hammer against his chest at the words. desire burning in his belly as he felt Jace's hands brush over his.
"good night."
"good night, Luke."
it didn't take long to get Rhaella into bed and slowly undo her braids. he would have to wake up a bit earlier to bathe her before school.
"mommy," she softly groaned and grabbed his hand.
Lucerys softly spoke, "yes, my little dragon?"
"there's... there's a daddy-daughter dance this weekend. do you think Daddy can come?" she asked him with sleepy eyes.
"I'll ask him sweetling," he replied pressing a kiss to her temple. she smiled before closing her eyes and falling asleep. he took of her shoes and put them to the side. placing her large blanket on her and turning off the lamp, Luke descended downstairs. he sat down on the couch and pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Aemond's number.
"what Luke?" he answered aggressively.
"watch your tone." he snapped at his uncle-husband.
"what Luke?" Aemond asked again.
"there's a daddy-daughter dance this weekend. are you going to take Rhaella?" lucerys asked his dear husband.
"I can't. I'll be busy." he answered.
"you're a really shit fucking dad," lucerys spat on the phone.
"whatever Luke. I'm busy." the dial tone went through and lucerys nearly threw his phone at the wall.
fucking cunt.
he stood up from the table not wanting to eat dinner and just climb into bed. the next morning, he woke up early before his alarm. he decided to go ahead and get Rhaella ready for school. after her bath Rhaella sat on bathroom counter while lucerys pulled out hair ties, bows, hairbrushes, and other hair products.
"alright sweetling, what are we doing with your hair?" he asked.
"umm, can we do pigtails?" she asked, her violet eyes showed still much drowsiness.
"two pigtails coming up," lucerys replied.
"mommy, is daddy taking me to the dance?" she asked as Luke finished the left pigtail.
"oh, baby, I asked him and he's too busy," he told her. Rhaella looked away from the mirror to her small fingers, a pained and sad expression etched on her face. then her face lit up and gasped, "can uncle Jace take me! can you ask him? please! please, please, please, please, please mommy! ask Jace!"
lucerys softly laughed, "okay, okay. I'll ask Jace today."
Rhaella beamed in happiness as lucerys finished her other pigtail. "let's go eat," lucerys placed her down on the floor. after breakfast they drove down to the school.
"have a good day baby," Luke told her.
"bye muña! love you!" she screamed as she ran down to the school building.
"I love you!" lucerys yelled after.
lucerys arrived to Driftmark Enterprises and headed inside to his office. the blue suit and black YSL heels made him stand more than it should. Luke came from money but after his indecision years ago his mother cut him off. his grandfather, Corlys on the other hand loved him too much to just push him out of the family business. he would be the next CEO right after his father Laenor.
"claire, can you call Targaryen Industries and ask Jacaerys Targaryen to make a visit here?" lucerys told his assistant.
"right away, sir," she answered picking up her phone.
today would be a bit of a slower day but busy none the less. a soft knock and assistant poked her head in, "Jacaerys Targaryen is here to see you."
"let him in," he answered.
the door opened wider and a perfectly attired Jacaerys entered the office. the black suit and tie was much a harsher difference then the jogger and T-shirt from yesterday.
"everything alright?" Jace asked as he sat down in the leather seat in front of Luke's white desk.
"I have a favor to ask," lucerys spoke as he put up the remaining files for his upcoming project.
"what's up?"
Lucerys leaned back in his chair and crossed one leg over the other, "Rhaella has a daddy-daughter dance this weekend and due to unforeseen issues Aemond can not take her. she asked me to ask you if you wouldn't mind taking her?"
their was a moment of silence as Jacaerys's violet eyes studied his brother. "what color is her dress?"
"she chose a dark red," Luke answered with a sweet smile.
"she has good taste. no problem I'll take her," Jace replied, a warm feeling spreading in his chest.
"thank you, Jace. truly I deeply appreciate it," Lucerys replied.
"go ahead and pay my favor back with allowing me to take you and her to dinner tonight," Jace said.
lucerys softly laughed before glancing at what the day was. Wednesday. he nibbled on his bottom lip before looking back at his brother. jacaerys was doing everything in his will power to not grab his little brother and smoother him in kisses.
"alright. do you want us to meet you at the restaurant?" he asked.
"I'll pick you up," Jace answered.
"alright then. I'll see you tonight," Lucerys told him.
jacaerys gave him a small nod before heading out the door. lucerys found himself staring at the closed door longer than he should've been. he released a deep sigh before finishing up his work and going to pick up Rhaella from school.
"muña," Rhaella huffed as she got into the BMW.
"what's wrong baby?" Luke asked as her as he drove down the road.
"Daenys ignored me all day today. I didn't even do anything wrong to her. All she said was, "I don't want to talk to you." I don't know why," Rhaella spoke extremely sad and she started picking at skin around her nails.
"hey, hey, baby. don't do that. I have something that's gonna brighten your day up real quick," Luke quickly said.
her violet eyes lit up as she met his gaze in the rear view mirror, "uncle Jace wants to talk to you so we're are going to have dinner with him."
"yes! did you tell him about the dance, mommy?" she quickly asked.
"we'll see what he says at dinner," Luke teased his daughter. Rhaella was beyond happy as they arrived home and she rushed inside to bathe and change clothes. they both were dressed in casual jeans and sweaters. Luke had finished the rhaella's pigtails when the door bell rang and she dashed to the door.
"uncle Jace!" she squealed and reached her arms open for him.
"Rhaella!" he yelled in the same excitement and picked her up. Rhaella giggled as Jace started asking millions of questions about her day. the sound made Luke's heart yearn. how he wished he could home everyday to that sound.
"ready?" Jace asked him.
Lucerys looked up from the floor to Jace holding Rhaella in his arms. he was also in jeans and in an old football jersey he's kept for so long. it was the perfect sight for sore eyes. he softly smiled and shook his head. the trio got into jace's truck and drove to surprisingly, a random diner Rhaenyra used to take Luke and Jace to. Rhaella held Jace's hand as they entered the diner.
"they have the best milkshakes here, rhae. your gonna love it," Jace told the five year old.
"rhae?" Luke quietly asked.
"yeah, she needs a nickname. or should I call her ella? what do you call her?" Jace asked him as they sat down in a booth.
"he calls me baby, sweetling, little dragon, sweetie," Rhaella starts naming off the nicknames Luke uses, "you can call me whatever mommy calls me."
"is that okay with mommy?" Jace asked, the word mommy came off with darker tone that completely went over Rhaella's head, but not Luke. Lucerys was on the inside of the booth and Jace was beside him. Rhaella had the other side to herself. Lucerys stared at Jace and he didn't break contact either.
"yes, that's fine with mommy," Luke played along.
he can see jace's pupils dilate at his answer. he gave a small nod to tell Rhaella about the dance because he hadn't told her yet. "oh, Rhaella, will you let me take you to the daughter dance?" Jace asked her.
her violet eyes lit up and a toothy smile on her lips, "yes! yes! please! I'm wearing a red dress and you have to match!"
"I cross my heart, I will match you," he immediately answers.
Rhaella smiled and told Lucerys what she wanted to eat. after burgers, fries, and a hot dog (for Jace) they ordered three milkshakes.
"vanilla for the little dragon, chocolate for uncle Jace, and strawberry for mommy," Jace spoke as he passed the milkshakes to the correct person. again Lucerys simply eyed him for a second and he did the same. Jace picked up his cherry and ate still not breaking eye contact with lovely brother.
"why do you keep staring at each other?" Rhaella asked not even looking at them.
"no reason, love," Luke answered and sipped his milkshake.
after dinner it was still early so they stopped by the park again. this time Lucerys was very involved with playing with his daughter and brother. Rhaella tired out quickly and fell asleep in jace's arms as they walked to their house. it was comfortable silence around the brothers as they got home. Jace carefully passed the five year old to Luke's arms. Lucerys held her tightly and took her to bed. when he came back down Jace was holding a family picture in hand. all of a sudden the comfortable silence was replaced with dark tension.
"aemond's a lucky a guy," he repeated the words from the day before.
"Jace not now," Lucerys said taking the picture from him and putting it back. Jace grabbed his arms and pulled him close.
"where is your husband? why won't he take Rhaella to the dance?" he asked in a low tone.
"jacaerys, you wouldn't understand," Lucerys whispered as he tried to get out of his brothers grip.
"I can. talk to me Luke." he said again.
Lucerys shook his head and managed to slip out of his hold and go into the kitchen. jacaerys quickly lifted Luke up on the island counter and came between his legs.
"no, Jace. this can't happen again," Lucerys told him as he now got a better look at his brother from the lighting.
"I won't do anything you don't want me to. Lucerys, I need you back in my life. even if it's including Rhaella. I can't take her to a daddy-daughter dance and not never see her again. I need to see you more often then in just your office. please, please Lucerys," Jace begged as he pulled his flushed to his and his big hands ran up and down his thighs.
it's had been months without touching himself and Lucerys felt himself going feral at the touches. he was so close to where he needed him but it wasn't enough.
"eat me out. I'll think about it." he spat out.
Jace didn't waste time undoing Luke's jeans and pulling them off. he leaned down and immediately latched onto his clit. loud slurping echoed in the hallow kitchen as Jace took his fill. Lucerys did his best to not moan so loud in fear of waking up his daughter upstairs.
"just like that Jace," Lucerys moaned as he curled his hand into his curls and tugged. jace groaned in response sending vibrations into Luke. jacaerys inserted two fingers into the clenching pussy in front of him and curled them at perfect pace to the soft spot inside.
Lucerys felt months of pent up tension and anger finally escaping as he melted into pure ecstacy. "just like that baby. fuck yes. good boy." Luke moaned.
jacaerys wasn't going to last and Luke wasn't even touching him. the words of praises were enough after years of being separated from his little brother. Lucerys arche his back off the island and his orgasm rippled through him. jace put his hand on Luke's mouth as obscene moans escaped him. Jace took his time cleaning Lucerys up with his tongue and his cock was painfully hard at this time. when he was done he pulled Luke to sit up and smashed their lips together. it was messy and sloppy but that's how they liked it.
"let me take care of you," Luke whispered. Jace could barley speak because he just wanted Luke's taste everywhere on his mouth. he helped his brother down from the counter and half naked he got down on his knees. he unbuckled jace's jeans and pulled them down.
"you might want to hold onto the counter," Luke told him as he grabbed his cock in his hand.
Lucerys immediately deep throated jace's cock. it had been a while since he had done anything sexual. aemond was always busy and never had time to even visit. when he did it a rare occasion. Jace tossed his head back, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the counter.
God he's bigger then when were teens.
Luke pulled away from his throbbing cock and took his balls into his mouth. the sensation was new to jacaerys since it's been a while for him too.
"fuck Luke," Jace groaned as Luke let his balls go with wet pop and went back to sucking. his cheeks hollowed out and his glossy blue eyes looked up at his brother with Innocence that wasn't there anymore. Jace came quick with the eye contact and Lucerys swallowed every salty-sweet drop.
Jace helped him up on shakey legs and cupped his face before kissing him again. "was that enough time for you to think of I can see you again?" Jace asked him breathlessly.
Lucerys softly giggled, "yeah, that was enough time."
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melonminnie · 2 years
Becoming the villains family x reader but what if Tristan never managed to find you? ( version 2)
-I don’t know if this is considered part five tbh I’m just really bored and need to pump out fics before I start school I forgot what age Lloyd was when he killed the count but they 18 n 14 here!
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Even after searching through the entire empire, Tristan still couldn’t find the 10 year olds sister, he had promised her that he would find her, hell he even went to count Cortez’s house but he denied that she was there.
The male didn’t have the guts to tell aria he wasn’t able to find her, when he finally did say it, the look of disappointment quickly washed over her face.
Fourteen year old aria tried convincing Lloyd to find her sister, she believed strongly that nothing had happened to her, everyone was able to tell how hopefully she was that you’d end up fine, she wanted you to end up fine.
Of course aria never gave up the little hope she had for you, she even decorated an entire room for you, each year she’d change it to fit your age, Lloyd was maybe going crazy that his wife was so hopeful over a possibly dead family member.
“Aria shouldn’t you-”, “no I’m never ever giving up on her” she interrupted him, “she’s my only family member” she added Starring at the newly decorated room, this was the millionth time.
Aria was now four years older, which means she was eight teen, she held onto Lloyd sleeve, “Can you please just once.. can you try finding her” she whispered her eyes darting to the floor.
The black haired boy sighed, “fine”he lifted her chin, “but this is the last time I’m taking her for dead if I don’t find her this time”
And so he travelled to the counts house, Lloyd had agreed for one reason, that was to kill the count while he was at it.
When arriving to said destination, Lloyd quickly got rid of any person he had found troublesome or annoying, to quickly get things done with.
He quickly did a quick search of the house, did once, then twice, then thrice.
he didn’t find a single person who fitted the description given to him,Not in the kitchen nor the maids room, surely he couldn’t have sold you off?.
Lloyd wasn’t able to find traces of children clothes nor food, even teenage ones, nor was he able to find birth certificates, or any sightings of you.
it was like you simply didn’t exist.
As much as Lloyd wanted to give up, he couldn’t, he couldn’t go back and explain to aria what she had heard of a hundred of times threw out the years.
And as he was lost in his thoughts, he’d heard a sound of something falling, it couldn’t be mistaken, he’d surely killed anyone in this place.
did a maid manage to escape?, perhaps a knight?.
Lloyd slowly drew out his sword and starting walking in the direction of the sound, inching closely towards it.
The boy sighed in relief when he came across a pink haired girl, maybe around 13years old?,Nonetheless she looked young.
The room was filled with silence, clearly from her expression, she didn’t expect him to still be here.
She’d thought he’d long been gone.
The two somehow came to a mutual agreement in the silence that she is arias young sister.
He quickly helped her from her crawling position, her arms were very thin, he though to himself.
“Do you even eat?” He mumbled to himself.
The abrupt question slightly made name freak out, sense well, she doesn’t even know who he is.
“Does soup count?”she clearly had a bad thing with eye contact sense she looked terrified.
Lloyd somehow felt familiar with this situation, as if he’d faced this before.
“No that’s liquid” he sighed as he held onto her arm, walking her out.
The silence between the two was uncomfortable.
Once they both settled inside the carriage, it became even more awkward.
Any question Lloyd would ask, was met with silence.
He soon got the hint that she was somewhat terrified of the older boy.
Truthfully, Lloyd didn’t expect to find her.
But luck was on Arias side today.
“Sorry I’m bad with conversations” the girl voiced out, “I can tell” The black haired man replied.
Soon after the pair arrived at the valentine mansion, getting passed the barrier.
Aria was waiting patiently for at least Lloyd, of course with you!.
She soon saw the familiar carriage driving to the entrance, she took it as Lloyd arriving so she quickly ran down to greet him.
Lloyd had gotten out of the carriage by the time aria had arrived.
Arias heart was beating fast, so fast, because of the hope he’d found her younger sister.
When the two saw each other, Aria smiled slightly before mouthing to him.
‘Did you find her?’ That’s what Lloyd was able to make out.
To tell the truth, the black haired boys heart was beating fast for a different reason.
“The only thing I was able to find was your sisters corpse” he said, The conversation he had shared with what he thought was her sister, was just an illusion.
She’d been dead for a while, considering that he found her bones and not her flesh.
The pinkette began tearing up. ‘Did you at least find her corpse?”
“It’s in the carriage” he replied.
It was probably tearing aria apart, to find her younger sisters corpse, which looked like she’d been dead for a very long time, Aria felt guilty.
And she probably would for the rest of her life, knowing that if someone had at least given them a hint.
You wouldn’t have died, you body wouldn’t have been found in this scenario.
The universe was against her younger sisters happiness in this life.
So the girl could hope.
That if other lives or versions of her do exist, you would live with her, and that they would’ve been able to find you earlier , Tristan would bring you back with only scratch’s, and then she’d make the entire world know of your name.
Only then would she ask you one question, “are you happy?”
If so stay happy, because in this life you weren’t able to have that
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This is shit I’m sorry🫶🫶🫶
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kingedmundsroyalmurder · 10 months
Addendum to the chapter 1 post that I thought of later:
“Not this afternoon—haven’t got time. I must mosey up to the North End to see a man who has got a lovely throat. Nobody can find out what is the matter. He has puzzled all the doctors. He has puzzled me, but I’ll find out what is wrong with him if he’ll only live long enough.” This is Eric's best friend, a well known doctor, cosplaying as, like, 1900s Dr. House. No concern for the patient's well being, just a Mystery that must be solved. No wonder Eric has such a low opinion of doctors!
(Sidenote: those of you who Anne, what is Gilbert like as a doctor? Because TBC didn't have a great opinion of them, and this book is not shaping up to be too complimentary either. Did LMM just have a fairly poor opinion of doctors in general that colors her work?)
On to chapter two, and we meet an actually sympathetic character! Larry West seems like a lovely young man, and I hope he recovers fully and that he and Agnes Campion are blissfully happy together. Unlike either Eric or David, Larry actually seems to care about the people under his charge, i.e. his students. I already want him to be our protagonist instead.
"The former looked more like a benevolent old clergyman or philanthropist than the keen, shrewd, somewhat hard, although just and honest, man of business that he really was." Kilmeny of the Orchard, sponsored by the Better Business Bureau! There is absolutely an interesting thread to tease out across LMM's life and work that connects Eric Marshall to Barney Snaith, but I want to read more of this book before I make further commentary on that. But it does appear that Maud's opinions on rags-to-riches businessmen, uh, Evolved over the years.
Actually never mind, I'm gonna girl who's only ever read The Blue Castle this book a tiny bit more. Compare:
"And then those girls were as pretty as pinks, now weren’t they? Agnes was the finest-looking of the lot in my opinion. I hope it’s true that you’re courting her, Eric?”
“Prettiest girl in Montreal,” said Dr. Redfern. “Oh, she was a looker, all right. Eh? Gold hair—shiny as silk—great, big, soft, black eyes—skin like milk and roses. Don’t wonder Bernie fell for her. And brains as well. She wasn’t a bit of fluff. B. A. from McGill. A thoroughbred, too. One of the best families."
Women aren't really people, they are trophies and objects to be collected and revered. Barney grows out of this mentality through his travels. Eric... well it remains to be seen about Eric, doesn't it?
"Perhaps I am. When a man has had a mother like mine his standard of womanly sweetness is apt to be pitched pretty high." So we're getting the standards by which Eric judges a future wife and the role she will be expected to play. He wants a society hostess, a woman who can step seamlessly into his mother's shoes. He wants her to be sweet and serene and, presumably, beautiful and delicate like his mother in her portrait. David and Mr. Marshall both basically want him to marry Ethel Taverse -- beautiful, well brought up, good lineage, of the Right Sort. Eric... honestly Eric has such fantasy standards for a woman that in a different book the resolution would be that he realizes that he's gay. He's doing that doesn't-realize-they're-queer-yet thing of, "it's not that I don't like [expected other gender], it's just that I haven't found anyone yet with [vague laundry list of impossible qualities]." I know that doesn't always translate into queerness, but it's an experience that definitely rings true to my baby ace teenage years before I had the words or knowledge to accurately describe my experiences.
"In all likelihood the worst thing that will happen to you over there will be that some misguided woman will put you to sleep in a spare room bed. And if that does happen may the Lord have mercy on your soul!” Go to PEI, but don't consort with the locals! The Wrong Kind of Woman might tempt you! This book is a great primer on how classism and eugenics go hand in hand, isn't it?
So our plot has been set up for us. Eric, a young man in possession of a good fortune, is off to Prince Edward Island, where he will soon find himself in want of a woman to be his wife. She will either be a commoner, whom his family and friends think isn't good enough for him but whom he loves and will stand up for, or she will be a secret aristocrat, whom he will pluck out of her shabby surroundings and return to her birthright in high society. I want this book to go with option a, because it's more interesting, but from what I know of it it veers closer to option b instead.
(What he needs is an Anne Shirley to whack him upside the head with a slate and tell him to stop being such a jerk, but I'm not holding out hope.)
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Ok, it is the last day of September, leaves are turning yellow slowly but surely. Imagine someone coming to Riot and then this dialogue happens.
"Wow, cant imagine, the summer is really over."
"Yeah, me too. I`ll be missing it."
"Well, because despite everything, it was actually... fun."
My question is, who is Riot talking to, and why would she describe this summer as 'fun'? What is her most wholesome memory from this summer? What made her smile, what would she retell to her friends?
[Disclaimer: extended Spanish dialogue would be written between <>]
''Are you ready, sweetheart?''
Christine Vega nodded slowly, her eyes still drinking the view of the sea beyond the cliff where she was standing. The cool breeze gently rustled her blonde hair, but she was so absorbed in the sights that in that moment, she didn't care.
Colonel Alan Cameron, of the Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland, retired, smiled fondly and crossed his arms, leaning against the jeep.
Each day that passed, his granddaughter looked more and more like her mother. From the looks down to the stern attitude which she adopted in life. Hard on herself. Selfless towards others. Now at 18 years old, she was all grown up.
Colonel Cameron looked back at the country house behind them, now closed and dark, devoid of life. The cattle had been sold to the neighbours, the family heirlooms that were important had been either stashed or packed in the luggage that filled the trunk and backseats of the jeep.
The only thing left was to say goodbye.
''I can't believe Summer is already over'' He commented, turning his head to watch his granddaughter again. She was still there, hands in the pockets of her jeans, staring into the ocean.
''Yeah. I'll miss it''
''Why?'' Calmly, he approached her to stand by her side, with his arms still crossed.
''Despite everything, I had fun, grandad'' Christine looked up at him with a smile, but the Colonel couldn't be fooled that easily, as weak as he was for his little girl.
Last year had been absolutely awful, for the two of them.
First, his wife had passed of a sudden, unexpected illness. Then, a mere month later, during the school year, his son in law's parents, Christine's other set of grandparents, passed away within a week of each other. Her abuelo for complications with a chronic illness, her abuela supposedly of a broken heart.
Christine's parents couldn't even come back from their job in Africa in time for the funerals, and everything fell on her shoulders. The Colonel was about to retire, and still had to sell his house, and thus the teenager stayed home, being taken care of by the neighbours, who would be now in charge of watching over the house while she moved to UK to study.
Because she had been accepted into Cambridge to study History. The Colonel was so proud of her he could burst any time.
''Which was your favourite part, sweetheart?''
Christine hesitated, leaning against her grandfather's body to rest her head against his shoulder.
''That I forgot everything and we just had fun travelling around'' She murmured, remembering the two month long road trip they had just finished, visiting as much of the country as they could. ''I won't ever forget it''
''<¡Christina!>'' An older woman's voice called her from behind them, and grandfather and granddaughter turned to face one of the neighbours, a woman that had been her abuela's best friend.
''<Adela... I'll miss you>'' Christine hugged the teary frail woman as delicately as she could, while Adela kissed her cheek repeatedly.
''<This is your home, don't ever forget about that. Ah if Luisa and Antonio could see you they would be so proud>'' The old woman sniffled. ''<You're going abroad to study! Like your dad!>''
''<I'll come back as often as I can to see all of you>'' Christine assured tenderly, unable to pry away from the woman's clutches, so her grandfather came to the rescue.
''We should get going, sweetheart''
The teary old woman still had to be convinced by the rest of her family, all of which came out to see them off and hug Christine for the last time in a long time.
When she finally could get into the jeep her own eyes were teary. Colonel Cameron looked at her with a knowing smile, and brushed her cheek with his knuckles.
''Cheer up, sweetie. It's not everyday that you get to go on a road trip with your old grandpa''
''We just arrived from one!'' Christine laughed, waving at her neighbours as the jeep made its way to the road. ''But I'm going to enjoy this one too''
''The freedom before drowning in books, innit?''
''I could always enlist like you'' She smiled widely, knowing full well that was something her grandpa would have liked, but he shook his head, laughing.
''And your parents would kill me for that''
As if they cared, Christine thought, looking out of the window, mentally saying good bye to the rolling hills and the green forests, to the cliffs and the sea.
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roanofarcc · 1 year
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summary: steve harrington x oc
when another product of Hawkins National Laboratory escaped a long-survived nightmare alongside her sister, she crashed into one unsuspecting teenage boy and dragged him deeper into the dark mysteries that made up their hometown.
word count. 2.8k
warnings: cannon typical violence, child abuse, horror, gore, and depictions of mental illness. parts of this story were written pre-season 4 release. cannon divergence.
notes: we're almost at the end of season 1! the story only gets better from here, so stay tuned! and thank you for your lovely feedback and for reading my little story <3
previous chapter ← → next chapter
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The sun began to rise over Hawkins, casting rays of gold and light blue across the town. Most of its residents were still asleep inside their homes, unaware of what had occurred only hours before. 
Sunshine’s head rested against the cool passenger-side window of Chief Hopper’s car as they pulled into a driveway of a quaint house. 
The one-story home was covered in cream-colored siding and the yard was covered in leaves from a couple of tall, old trees that were scattered throughout the front. A couple of lights were on inside, unlike their distant neighbors. 
Hopper put the car in park and picked up his hat that he’d rested on the dash before he turned to the anxious teen. “I’ll go talk to them first, okay?” 
Sunshine nodded but said nothing. Hopper couldn’t blame her after the night they all had. To her, her parents were strangers. He only hoped that wouldn’t be the case for long. The Torres were good people, with the same kind of unwavering hope that Joyce held. Even though ten whole years had passed and there was an empty grave with their daughter’s name on it in the town cemetery, Hopper knew that there was a small part of that family that wouldn’t give up hope until a body was found. Their daughter would not be handed back underneath a white sheet, but rather with a beating heart. 
When he reached the door, Hopper knocked and waited a moment before it was swung open. A well-dressed and wide-awake Mr. Torres stood before him with his jet-black hair combed back and cut short, and his complexion still tanned from the summer months. Hopper didn’t miss the sudden flash of irritation that flickered across Mr. Torres’s face at the sight of him. 
“Mornin’ Chief,” he greeted with a small nod of his head. There was no cheery smile on his face like he once had held when he and Jim would meet at the bar on the weekends to catch the game. It felt like a lifetime ago, when they both had their little girls, and the world was a lot brighter. 
Mrs. Torres padded up behind her husband, blurry-eyed and dressed in her pajamas. “What’s going on?” she asked, folding her arms over her chest. 
“Walter, Mary-Jane,” Jim greeted. “I’m sorry to come by so early.” 
“What is this about, Jim?” Walter had no patience, not anymore. He’d become quiet, a little bitter even, but his wife kept him in line enough to be civil with the people of his hometown. 
Jim cleared his throat and tried to figure out the right way to break the news to the family that they had been right all along, and no one believed them. He needed to finish bringing lost kids home that night, which had turned into the morning before his very eyes. 
“The other day, Mary-Jane, you came into the station and swore you saw a girl that looked like what you thought Danielle would look like now-” 
She cut him off with a quick shake of her head; the rollers on her head threatened to fall out with how quickly she moved. “If you came here just to tell me I was wrong, you can save it. I know that I…I’m crazy, right?” Her husband sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged him off angrily. “I’m just as crazy as Joyce Byers. We’re a couple of mothers off their rockers, right?” 
“Will Byers was found last night, alive,” Jim said. 
The news would break later that night to the rest of Hawkins, but if any residents outside of the group who had suffered through the night together deserved to know, it was the Torres family. 
The couple’s expression changed instantly at the unexpected news. Their eyes widened and any irritation they held melted away. “What?” Walter muttered in disbelief. “How is that possible? I thought that state trooper found his body in the quarry?” 
“It was a different boy, some out-of-towner, not Will,” he lied. The situation was anything but easy to explain. He’d have to tip-toe around it for the rest of his life, probably. 
Mary-Jane held one hand over her heart and took in the news like a mother who had dreamed of such an outcome for herself. She felt for Joyce Byers, that much was clear on her face. 
“Oh, my,” she gasped. “Is he okay?” 
Jim nodded. “He will be.” 
“You came here to tell us that?” Walter asked, confused. 
“No, actually.” Jim looked between the couple, two people who had experienced something too similar to what he had. His daughter, Sara, would never come home, but at least he knew how she died. It didn’t make it any less painful, but he couldn’t imagine not knowing what happened or where she was. The Torres family was left in the dark for so long, holding onto what everyone else believed was false hope, but it wasn’t. 
“Will Byers wasn’t the only kid we found last night.” 
Walter asked, “What do you mean?” 
“You were right,” Jim said to Mary-Jane. “You were right, and I should have believed you. I should have believed both you and Joyce a lot sooner than I did.” 
Growing more impatient, Mary-Jane narrowed her eyes. “What are you talking about?” 
In the cold, early November morning air, Jim Hopper delivered the news that the couple had prayed for the past ten agonizing years. 
“We found Danielle. She’s alive.” 
The parents stood in shock as the words worked their way through the years and years of hopelessness they faced when it came to finding their daughter. It struck Mary-Jane first; her legs nearly buckled underneath her. Walter caught his wife’s arm as he stared at Jim with a glazed-over expression that started to form into tears.
A sob came from Mary-Jane, only this time it wasn’t of pain, it was of relief. 
Walter blinked back his tears and glanced toward Jim’s truck in the driveway, where a shadowy figure of a girl sat in the front seat. 
“I-Is that her?” Walter asked, his voice barely above a whisper. A part of him didn’t seem to believe that he was being told the truth. 
Jim followed their gaze and waved at Danielle to get out. 
She still looked like hell, but the oldest Wheeler kid gave her a change of clothes before they left the hospital and a nurse cleaned up a couple of the wounds she acquired over the past week. 
Silence stretched between the merging parties until Danielle reached them. Her moves were hesitant and unsure, while Walter and Mary-Jane waited with baited breaths. 
Tears fell freely from Mary-Jane’s eyes as she took a step toward Danielle. “It’s really you?” she asked, chin trembling. 
Danielle said nothing; instead, she glanced at Jim, who nodded in reassurance. 
Jim didn’t know how to explain, mother’s intuition maybe, but the moment Danielle met Mary-Jane’s eyes there was all the confirmation she needed that the girl before them was her daughter. She let out a shuttered breath and smiled. “It is you.” 
Closing the space between them, Mary-Jane cupped her daughter’s face in her hands and brushed her thumb against the bruises splattered across Danielle’s skin. 
The teen’s lips twitch upwards in the faintest smile as she whispered, “Hi.” That broke both parents. They both fell into a fit of tears as they gathered their daughter up in their arms and held onto her tightly, fearing she’d slip away from them all over again; they weren’t going to let that happen. 
All three members of the Torres family stood together on the front porch, bathed in the warm glow of the rising sun. A broken family had their missing piece returned. 
Little Ellie Torres found her way home, and the town was gifted a very bitter-sweet ending to a brand-new day.  
Everything across Hawkins was covered in powdery white snow. It decorated rooftops and windowsills and blanketed yards of homes ready for the holiday season. Strings of colorful lights and festive snowmen with carrot noses provided a sense of warmth during the cold Indiana winter. 
Sunshine was tucked snugly inside a brand-new winter coat that was the color of the poinsettias people all around town purchased for the holidays. A matching hat rested on top of her head and gloves covered her hands as she knocked on the front door of the Wheeler’s house. Cars were lined up in the driveway and loud chatter echoed from inside. 
The door was opened by Mrs. Wheeler, who looked awfully cheery in a red and green outfit and matching makeup. 
“Oh, Danielle, what a pleasant surprise!” She stepped aside, making room between the door frame before she ushered Sunshine inside. “Come in before you freeze to death out there.” 
The home smelt like fresh cookies and music played from somewhere toward the back of the house. Mrs. Wheeler closed the door before she shouted, “Nancy, come here!” 
Sunshine slipped off her winter gear in time for Nancy to arrive at the entryway with Steve at her side. 
A bright smile formed on Nancy’s lips. “You made it!” She rushed forward and drew Sunshine in for a quick hug. 
“I did, and I have gifts,” she replied, excitedly. 
Sunshine had no memory of celebrating the holidays before the Lab, so she was treating the Christmas of ‘83 as her first. 
She and Mary-Jane spent a whole day picking out thoughtful holiday cards for Sunshine’s newfound friends. They each were complete with a handwritten note, in Mary-Jane’s handwriting but Sunshine’s words. 
It was her way of thanking them for everything they had done for her, for giving her a second chance. Of course, she knew it wasn’t exactly an adequate form of thanks, but it was the best she had at the moment. They showed her more kindness than she was sure she could ever repay, but she wouldn’t stop trying to. 
After handing Nancy and Steve their cards, Nancy nudged Steve’s arm as she said, “We got you something too.” 
He hurried off to the living room to fetch it and came back with a gift bag. 
“Open it!” Nancy instructed, clapping her hands together excitedly. 
Sunshine dug through the red and green tissue paper until felt the item and pulled it out. A yellow coffee mug stared back at her, with little white flowers drawn all around it; she loved it. 
“There’s something else too, inside the mug,” Steve said. 
Peering inside, Sunshine caught sight of a golden chain. On the end of the necklace chain was a beautiful pendant of the sun, golden and glittering in the light of the Wheeler’s entryway. 
She smiled brightly, admiring the gift like it was the greatest thing she’d ever received. It was a process for her, to realize that good people did nice things for each other. There were no motives or hidden agendas; Sunshine’s friends gave her a gift, a wonderfully thoughtful gift and that was that. 
“Thank you,” she said, unsure of what else to say to show her appreciation. 
“It’s a Christmas gift mixed with a ‘thank you for saving our asses’ gift.” 
Nancy playfully rolled her eyes but nodded, nonetheless. “Do you really like it? Because we weren’t sure. If you don’t-” 
Sunshine cut her off. “I love it. I really do. Thank you.” 
The brunette sighed in relief before gasping out, “Oh! The boys, they have something for you too that they were pretty excited about. I’ll go grab them.” 
She left Steve and Sunshine alone and disappeared behind one of the doors in the hall. 
A beat passed between the two before Steve broke it. “How are you holdin’ up?” he asked, keeping his voice light but the question still held weight.
After everything she’d been through, that they all had been through, she was recovering slowly. The town had gone back to somewhat normal, but there was still a buzz in the air about the return of herself and Will. Gossip spread like wildfire and people in the street couldn’t help but stare at a teenage version of the little girl that had once occupied every milk carton in town. 
The group itself was still shaken up, but they all tried to ease back into some semblance of normalcy; however, Sunshine didn’t remember what “normal” looked like. She was still trying to figure it all out while coping with the loss of her sister. 
“I’m okay,” she answered with a small sigh. 
It wasn’t a lie, she was okay. Some days were a lot better than others. There were days when she felt excited to be a part of the world again, to learn how to function like every other teenager in America. There were other days when she felt inconsolable.
On those days, she couldn’t get out of bed or speak to her parents. Her limbs felt too heavy, and her heart felt ripped clean from her chest. When she slept, oftentimes her dreams were plagued with all of the horrors she’s witnessed. 
It was give and take; she lived day to day. 
“It’s just weird, I guess,” she continued. “All of this. It’s new, but it’s good. I think it’ll get better.” 
Steve smiled softly. “Yeah, it will.” 
“Sunshine!” Her name was yelled by a series of voices that raced down the hall toward her. Four boys gathered around with infectious joy. 
Dustin flashed her a toothless grin and exclaimed, “You’re here!” 
“I am,” she chuckled, soaking up their energy. She held out the cards she made for each of the boys. “These are for all of you.” 
They snatched them from her grasp, all trying to talk over one another until Mike pushed himself to the front of the group. He held out a wrapped box to her. “This is from all of us.” 
Sunshine peeled back the glittering wrapping paper to reveal a walkie-talkie almost identical to the one all of the boys carried inside the box, and underneath that was a piece of paper. On it was a drawing of a girl with short black hair and a blue dress. She was surrounded by rays of yellow light that stemmed from her outstretched hands. 
“We talked and thought it was only right to make you an official party member since, um, since we…” Mike trailed off, the words catching in his throat as his attention suddenly shifted to his shoes. 
Lucas patted his friend on the shoulder gently and finished Mike’s thought. “We wanted to make you a party member too since we made El one.” 
Sunshine’s heart seized up at the mention of her sister, but she tried to not let it show on her face. She knew that all of the boys hurt too, especially Mike. He had bonded with El the most in her short time hiding out in his basement. 
The sadness in the sound of her name coming off any of their lips was something noted by everyone, but a subject none of them wanted to talk about. The loss was still fresh a month later, and Sunshine knew that Eleven’s death would squeeze itself into the same spot in her heart her other losses lived. She’d remain there forever with Ivy, Nine, Ten, and the other kids she had lived with inside the Lab. 
“That’s your character, the sorcerer. The Sun Sorcerer, to be exact. Because of your superpowers,” Dustin explained. “Will drew it.” 
The smallest of the four boys blushed slightly and pointed to the walkie-talkie. “And the super-comm is in case of ‘code-red’ emergencies or if you just wanna talk. It’ll probably only reach Mike and Lucas. Dustin and I are almost out of range, so the connection’s spotty.” 
“We can teach you the lingo too!” Lucas added.
Sunshine placed her thoughtful gifts back inside the gift box before she looked around at the group of kids that reminded her so much of the kids she once looked after back inside the Lab. The same protectiveness she had over them- that she learned from Ivy- she began to have over the party. Sunshine wanted to keep them safe from the bad men and monsters of the world; she never wanted another child to be hurt because of the Lab. More than anything, she wanted to keep them from meeting the same fate all of those children did. She didn’t want to let them down. 
“Thank you, all of you, so much,” Sunshine said. 
Her thank you extended far beyond the holiday gifts, and by the look on all of their faces, they knew that. 
“Merry Christmas Sunshine,” Dustin said with a smile, and she returned it. 
All of Hawkins was merry and bright, with only the ghost of grief lingering in the shadows. The monster was slain, and the bad men were gone. They all believed the worst of it was behind them, but things were never as they appeared to be inside the small town, and the group’s trouble was far from over.
Tagged: @sattlersquarry @lovefrom-theother-side
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Hi Arwen :D I hope you're still doing the oc ask. If not feel free to ignore :)
GET TO KNOW THE OC ASKS: 2 for Arenwe the Fair, 5 for Val, 15 for Kynwyn, and 16 for Juno. And the relationship ask: 4 and 24 for Neht and his old friends (either Voryn, Ayem, Seht, or Vehk.)
Don't need to answer all of them of course ^_^
ofc im still doing it !!! i will answer oc asks when i can, i LOOOOVE questions abt my ocs 🩷🩷🩷
2. Is your OC a loner or a social butterfly? Are they satisfied with how they come across to other people?
A. Arenwe is particularly shy in social situations, he’d much prefer that he fade into the background- but it’s particularly hard to do, as a banished psijic who’s ALSO close with nobility and royalty… not to mention he’s also somewhat socially unaware, living on the island for about 200 years. He likely doesn’t THINK about how he comes across to others…
5. Does your OC have a signature weapon and/or attack? How long did they train to master it?
A. surprisingly enough, Valiel is an incredibly powerful magic user. I say magic user, because he never got the chance to become a proper mage. His primary weapon is his immensely powerful fire magic, which relies entirely on his emotional state. During Kvatch, he was so incredibly stressed out by the situation, in one fell swoop his panic cause a wide spread explosion that wiped out the Daedra within the small spot of Oblivion. Of course he pairs this with a blades katana he’s…okay at using, since he’s the only one who knows how to dismantle Oblivion gates, the Blades INSISTED he be trained properly for combat.
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
A. Most of Whiterun holds memories for Kynwyn, most of all because she’s never really been anywhere else- she’s a teenager who hasn’t much experienced the world, of course. Though… the time she ran from home, managed to get passed Riverwood, and stumble upon the destruction of Helgen and the great black beast soaring overhead, meeting her gaze for a second. That place held… a mix of feelings.
16. How does your OC make money? Do they have a respectible profession or work a series of odd jobs? Are they a criminal? Or do they get creative in the pursuit of coin?
A. Juno is primarily a mercenary after Coldharbour, mostly doing menial work, plundering dungeons, helping towns build and rebuild. She’s lost faith in Dibella, with Molag Bal wanting petty revenge for getting his ass handed to him and the…large list of daedric princes that Juno finds herself pissing off its best to not stay in one place for too long in regards to profession…
4. How would they describe each other if asked? Physically? In personality?
A. i’ll do Nerevar all together because he’s be pretty brief…
Neht: Voryn’s got hair and eyes. He’s nice to look at, not so nice to talk to. Ayem’s like fire in hair and personality, Seht’s…uh…there, doesn’t talk much. Vehk’s clever.
translated as: Voryn’s handsome, Ayem’s strong, Seht doesn’t like me and Vehk gives me decent advice.
the others, primarily Vivec and Voryn would likely describe Nerevar is more of a… flavourful way? Vivec being a poet and Voryn being…Voryn. Ayem would describe Nerevar’s worth as a king, as a general, what he can give to her people. and Sil…Sil doesn’t like Nerevar, so all you could likely expect from him is a scrunched nose and a ‘he’s alright.’
24. How do these two interact with each other in public versus in private?
I KNOW IT WAS ONLY MEANT FOR TWO CHARACTERS, so I’ll pick… Nerevar and Ayem.
Of course Nerevar and Almalexia are king and queen, it’s only right that outwardly they show a united front, stronger together. Behind closed doors they’re! alright, I think they’re pretty decent friends- they weren’t particularly close as husband and wife, not after a while. Generally they agree on many things and get along best they can, for sake of the realm most of all- that’s their duty and Almalexia and Nerevar want to fulfill their duty to their people as best as they possibly can.
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smolcuriouskitten · 6 months
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"Denton! Come hither, we must finish dinner!" Amara called for her son, waiting by their cottage door. It was another night her son didnt come running fast enough, teenagers will be teenagers after all. "Dont be dizzy dear, hes out with those...ruffians." Diminicus responds, gently pulling her back inside and shutting the door. "He will join when he can. The years are catching up to him, you must remember he isnt our kid anymore." He reassures and she looks over at him confused.
"But why must he be so daft? Not consider our feelings? Its always such selfish nature with him, imagine how his wife will feel if he can stop moving about so freely for one!" She fusses and Diminicus shushes her with a kiss to the forehead. "Gives us more time for solitude. You must remember with him not being home...We have much more time for each other." He teases and just like that, Denton was an afterthought in both of his parents mind.
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"Such a dolt! Waving his riches in front of us as if we are just as crow as he!" A kid yells at Denton, making him roll his eyes and wave him off. "You consider cleanliness to be a sign of wealth? How your parents must be proud of you for not going to the creek to wash. Take a gob of soap and a rag the next time you depart your home." Denton responds, annoyed at being considered an outcast.
The year was 1644 and Denton just turned 21. It was a year after the English Civil war and he had to stay with his parents for a bit to get back onto his feet. He disliked it though, having departed their home when he was 18 for war. The experience was traumatic and caused him to grow a phobia of being filthy. Even if he wasnt alive for the plague, he would be damned if he was going to be a casualty in it. Gods, people lived as if living in filth and squalor was a normal occurance.
Looking at his pocket watch, he curses and heads home to greet his family for dinner. He was bickering with his mates for too long and lost track of time. Passing by a creek, he notices a body face down in the water. This would be a normal occurance except for the clothes they was wearing. They didnt look to be of a material he recognized, his mother being a seamstress so he had some knowledge of fabric.
They were wearing silk. He never seen silk before, no one within his town had it and traveling was still limited due to the world. What the hell is going on? He rushes over. "Are you okay?!" He calls with no response, which causes a silent curse from him as he had to get wet to retrieve them. He hated getting dirty but this was a good reason even if he can already hear his mothers scoldings.
He didnt want to risk not saving a life and living with that for the rest of his days. He drops his things and dives in to save them, grabbing them, swimming them back to dry land, which he could feel their chest still moving. "I got you...I got you. Come on stay with me." He began to do heart compressions, giving them mouth to mouth. In that moment he didnt care who seen him, even if it was looked down at the time to do such a thing with a man.
Wait...This isnt a man. Long hair, breasts, feminine features. A woman. A strange woman wearing a silk dress but he was too focused on reviving them, gender didnt matter. After a few minutes, he stopped upon the person sitting up and spitting water out. A wheeze left their mouth as they laid back on the ground. Denton looked down at them, out of breath himself. "If I didnt know any better, I would think you were trying to steal my lungs in order to save your hide." He teases, patting his chest.
"Did....Did I die and go to heaven?" The person asks, sitting up holding their head. At that moment, Denton realized what the person was. It was a woman. A beautiful one at that. Hair black, curls all throughout, covering her back like the finest fabric. Her skin was the color of the sunset, her skin seeming to absorb the light effortlessly. Her eyes were just as brown as a cocoa bean and lips the size of a small saucer. He looked at her with a flustered gaze and chuckles shyly. "If you died, that means I failed the job of saving you." He responds, sputtering over his words.
The woman looked over at him, smiling at his flustered nature. "You are quite charming. Whats my hero's name?" She responds, Denton finding it difficult to even piece a sentence together. God, he thought he had crushes before but she gave them a run for their money. Without a word, he covers her with his jacket, helping her off the ground. "Well...since I get my hero's name...My name is Renia. I hope your kindness extends further than covering me in your jacket. I am a bit famished.." She comments, which he nods, still not looking at her. He doesnt even know if he could.
"Denton is...is my name. I can lead you to my home, apologies for not having anything dry to give you. We need to get you in front of a fire." He keeps his gaze anywhere other than at this woman. Nothing he could help, female attention wasnt something he got very often on account of his long hair and deep voice. It either scared someone when he had his back turned to them or his voice echoing along the small walls of rooms made people rumble with fear.
"Pleasure to meet you Denton. May I be straight with you for a moment?" Renia asks and stops, making Denton stop with her. He was still looking over her head, refusing to make eye contact. "Yes?" He responds and Renia reaches up to take the hat from his head and put it on hers. "I'm not of this world. I would hate for us to be burned at the stake for....other worldly features." She teases and he looks at her as if she has 4 eyes.
"Eh?" He asks, confused then she lifts up the hat which exposes the cat ears on her head which he freezes and looks at her with eyes as big as saucers. "I come in peace. My ship just crashed here. Keep this between us, I will give this back before I return home." She winks in response, starting to walk ahead of him, leaving him behind with his jaw to the floor. Leave it to you Denton, you always get the weird situations.
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A thick layer of smoke filled the air as they were closer to his home. Denton tried to keep conversation but as soon as he looked over at her, he was stuttering and stumbling over his words. It seemed as if her eyes sparkled when he looked at her, putting her deeper under his spell. He pauses when they get closer to his home, looking over the horizon. "What in the gods..?" Denton interrupts Renia midsentence, not quite spotting his home yet.
"What is it?"
"My home." He responds breathlessly, sprinting ahead, which Renia quickly follows behind him, getting that feeling in the pit of her stomach. Oh no. "MOTHER! FATHER! Oh gods!" He sees his home engulfed in flames and immediately drops to his knees.
Renia scrambles to look around the rubble, wanting to find some resemblance of life. Then a flaming bottle was thrown over in their direction and Renia screams, quickly hopping on top of Denton, covering him in a protective bubble. "WHAT IS THIS?! WHAT ARE YOU-?!" He screams until the bottle explodes, raining flames above them. They went untouched, the flames dissipating as soon as they sat on the purple protective bubble.
Denton looked stunned but looked at Renia with admiration. "I suppose you arent of this world. We...We need to get put of here." He calms down, picking Renia up and sprinting to safety. The clambering noise of horses and yelling began to fill the air, Denton's legs carrying them to an area out of sight and he delicately places Renia on the ground. They waited for the noises of horses and yelling to subside, Denton clutching his heart with a groan. "My parents...My family...Those mealey-mouthed bastards!" He sobs, Renia sitting up and looking around. "I must have landed in Liverpool..." She mumbles, gently clutching his fist.
"Denton." She gently calls and he looks over at her, both of her hands holding his face. "You saved my life...I want...I want to give you something. Something that will help you get revenge and much more of this world. Do you wish to have it?" She asks, Denton crumbling in her hands, tears running down to her hands. "I want to kill all of them...All of them who caused me this pain. They deserve to pay." He sobs and Renia nods.
"Your wish...is granted." She mused, kissing his forehead. His fate was sealed after that day. Immortality was his from that day on.
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insomniac-jay · 2 years
Trying His Best (& Patience)
Takashi Mitsuya is known for his patience, especially with his fellow Toman members. However, he doesn't know how much he has left when it comes time to meet his daughter's boyfriend.
Relationships: Takashi Mitsuya/Momoka Oshiro (OC), Keisuke Baji/Chifuyu Matsuno, Takuya Mitsuya/Kazue Baji
Additional Tags: Based on an ask from @peachyblkdemonslayer, Baji is a MENACE, Momoka is trying to hold her husband together
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Mitsuya felt a soft grip on his hand as he made his way towards Baji and Chifuyu's house with his wife Momoka and their daughter Takuya. Tonight was a special night, especially for their teenaged daughter.
"How are you feeling, Takashi?" Momoka whispered.
"Just fine, Mo," Mitsuya replied. Baji and Chifuyu were friends after all, so he was sure the night wouldn't be too bad. As long he had his wife and daughter there, of course.
Takuya excitedly knocked on the door then waited for only a few seconds. The door then opened to reveal a boy around her hair with curly black hair and brown eyes.
"Kazue!" Takuya wrapped him in a tight hug to which Kazue gladly accepted. "I'm so happy to see you again."
"Me too, Takuya." Kazue smiled back at her. He then took her hand and placed a soft kiss to it, like he was a fairytale prince. "Please come inside."
Takuya and her parents were greeted by the smell of food cooking as they walked into the Baji residence-- not that they minded. Kazue then took this opportunity to introduce himself to her parents.
"My name is Kazue, but I'm sure you already knew that," he said. "I'm Takuya's...boyfriend."
Momoka giggled when he blushed at that last part. It reminded her of when she took Mitsuya to meet her own parents. "Hello, Kazue. I'm Momoka, Takuya's mother. And this is her father, Takashi."
Mitsuya simply threw a hand up before sitting down on the couch. Just as he did, Chifuyu came rushing out of the kitchen.
"I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed. "I had to get one last thing done!"
"It's fine," Momoka said. "Kazue's already introduced himself."
Takuya stood up and bowed as she introduced herself to Chifuyu. "My name is Takuya. I'm Kazue's girlfriend."
"It's nice to meet you, Takuya," Chifuyu replied. "My husband Keisuke should be joining us-"
Just then, an angry voice ripped through the air. "No, I said I wanted custom glass for the windows! Do I have to say it in Spanish for you?! Vidrio personalizado! God!"
Mitsuya and Chifuyu both let out a deep sigh as everyone knew exactly who it was.
Baji walked out from the back hall and into the living room with the phone close to his ear. "It's a fucking pet shop, damn it!" When he noticed that he and his husband had guests, he quickly cleared his throat and lowered his voice.
"We'll talk about this tomorrow." Baji hung up then turned his attention. "Well, well, well, look who we have here."
"Hello, Baji." Mitsuya tried to sound enthusiastic. "I guess you know the news, huh?"
"Of course! My son is dating your daughter!" Baji sat down on the other couch then crossed his legs. "But I think we should the "crucial conversation" with her."
Takuya looked towards her parents in confusion while Momoka held Mitsuya's hand.
"Crucial conversation?" She tilted her head.
"Yes, Baji, we've had that talk with her," Mitsuya sighed again. Just when he thought that his old friend grew out of terrorizing him and Momoka, he reverts back to his old ways.
"Oh no not that one, I meant the other one." Baji smirked as he saw the expression on Chifuyu's face change from neutral to embarrassed in under a second.
Mitsuya's grip on Momoka's hand tightened. He was so glad to have his wife here to calm him because if he didn't, he would've either left with a major headache or gone to jail for manslaughter.
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happymeishappylife · 2 years
Books I’ve Read in 2022 - Part 3
21. Sole Survivor by Dean Koontz
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One of Koontz’s typical suspenseful thrillers, leads a broken down father on a hair raising adventure as he tries to figure out why a mysterious woman is taking photographs of his wife’s and daughters’ gravesite when they died in a deadly plan crash a year ago. His exploration of it, using his journalist background, leads him around the southwest, meeting others connected to the victims or the investigation of the crash and a secret government agency that has been tried to be covered up for a long time. Plus it tries to bring this man closure while he also realizes he’s been running for his life.
22. The Clockmaker’s Daughter by Kate Morton
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A really beautiful and fascinating story about how one house and the unfortunate circumstances that happen in it in the 1800s leads to connections of people who visit and unknowingly become connected to each other. Following the perspectives of a woman trying desperately to connect to her dead mother right before her wedding, we see how her search of a house from her childhood stories unravels the mysteries of it including the background story of Birdie, the now resident ghost of the house. It was cool to see the different stories all throughout history and while the past is tragic, it is also comforting to see it from a ghost’s perspective.
23. The Bride Wore Black Leather by Simon R. Green (Novel #12 of the Nightside Series)
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And at long last, I’ve come to the end of the Nightside and the adventures of John Taylor. It was fun though and I very much enjoyed the series exploring the dark and haunted land underneath Proper London. The action in in the novel is great, especially as John Taylor feels suddenly alone like he did in the first novel, but I’ll admit, since this is the Nightside we’re talking about, I felt a little let down by the whole ‘Oh and all my friends were on my side the whole time, just lying to me, in order to stop the threat and save the Nightside’. Like it felt a little bit too happy. Still it was also fun to see it come full circle with Cathy being the one helping John throughout when he only came back to the Nightside on a case to save her.
24. Hollow Earth by John and Carole E. Barrowman
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What if your imagination could bring things to life? Well in this novel, two preteen twins learn that not only are they a part of a secret order of artists that can bring drawings to life, but that they are caught of in a mix of danger and scandal as their powers keep growing because their parents should have never had relations in the first place. The pacing is set right as the beginning as Matt and Emily Calder escape London with their mom and travel to a remote island in Scotland to meet their grandfather and better train their powers. But the threat is still there when their grandfather gets hurt and their mom disappears. While this book solved some problems it definitely sets up for a series, so I’ll be curious to see where it goes.
25. Days of Blood and Fire by Katherine Kerr (Book #7 of the Deverry Novels)
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Picking up right where the last novel left off, we get to see Jill in full sorceress mode as she works to protect the Dunn of the future mother to the unborn/reborn form of Evandar’s daughter, a danger made more real as her mysterious figure of a mother threatens the real world. I really enjoyed this novel, except for the constant need to have Rhodry constantly have sex and fall in love with every woman that he meets which is very annoying, but truthfully right when I was ready to keep going the book ended. I mean come on! We just met a dragon!
26. The Stationary Shop by Marjan Kamali
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This is such a touching novel even if it is so tragically heartbreaking. It tells the tale of Roya and Bahman as they fall in love as teenagers in Tehran right before the 1950s coup that overthrows the Prime Minister. Torn apart by a cruel and twisted plot that involves the backstory of Bahman’s mother and the owner of the stationery shop where the two meet, they go on to live different lives, married to other people, only to discover when its too late the truth about their past. Its hard, but loving and makes you appreciate the chances you should take to stay with the people you care about as well as understanding that influences outside your control lead your life in different directions, but not all bad ones.
27. The Dresden Files: Side Jobs by Jim Butcher
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A collection of side stories written in between the other Dresden Novels, you get to see not only more of our favorite characters in between the fallout of the other novels, but also get perspectives we never see in the books. One of those is Thomas as he works in the mysteries of Harry to protect and help vanquish a war that no one knows about. It was nice seeing not only how Thomas operates day to day, but also how much he cares for his brother. I also loved the last story through the eyes of Karrin Murphy. While I still don’t like the idea of her and Harry ending up together as the novels and other stories suggest they will, it was nice to see how much she could handle herself without Dresden. I also appreciated that Jim put in his very first small excerpt he wrote to pitch this series because its a reminder to all writers that we all start from somewhere and just because people say no at the time, doesn’t mean the idea is bad or that we can���t grow our skills.
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envihellbender · 2 years
18 + Sandman
"don't say that I didn't warn you."
Characters: The Corinthian, Skylar (OC)
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It wasn’t as if this was the first handsome man Skylar had brought back to his small flat just outside of the city, but for some reason the stranger filled him with more anxiety than the rest of them combined. Skylar was sat with him on his threadbare, secondhand sofa with a cheap bottle of rum on the old coffee table. The man introduced himself as the Corinthian, which Skylar took as a pseudonym. His instincts said that the man he’d picked up was probably trying to cover his tracks due to having a partner, maybe a wife. For some reason this didn’t bother him. The Corinthian’s blonde hair was slightly lighter than Skylar’s, and significantly neater. His style of dress was a little conservative for Skylar’s tastes who sat next to him in a black mesh long sleeved shirt, his chest tattoos shining through, and his loose torn jeans. Normally, The Corinthian wouldn’t be his sort of choice in partner, but something about him charmed Skylar to the point where he felt like a giddy teenage boy again. Even the words the Corinthian said as he invited him inside felt like something only a handsome muscle bound character from a romance story would say: You might regret getting so close to me. It felt like a cheesy pick up line to Skylar, but it still made his throat grow dry. Now here they were, having almost finished the bottle of rum and there was no regret on Skylar’s part as of yet.
“You know Skylar,” The Corinthian hummed, pouring more rum into the young man’s drink, throwing off the Coca Cola ratio slightly. “You’re hardly the sort of guy I’d have expected to run into in a place like Club Sanity.”
“Well, I- erm,” Skylar blushed as he picked up his glass - the ice burning his finger tips as he sipped from the cup causing the rum to do the same to his throat. “I guess it’s not my usual sort of scene.”
“It must be my lucky night since I got to run into you,’ The Corinthian replied. He took a large gulp of his own drink, Skylar couldn’t keep his eyes off of The Corinthian’s mouth as he spoke. Droplets of rum stuck to his lips, and Skylar wanted nothing more than to attempt to lick them clean before his own were bitten by those sharp teeth. “So where is your sort of scene? Where could I normally find you?”
“I guess I’m not- I’m not a clubbing kind of guy. I erm- I’m not boring. I like parties and stuff. Gigs. That sort of thing.”
“Trust me, I don’t pick up boring guys. I just can’t want to see your perspective,” The Corinthian smirked.
“Maybe I could take you some time,” Skylar said excitedly taking a large gulp of his drink and coughing as he did so.
“Bit too strong for you?” The Corinthian asked as he moved closer towards Skylar. He felt his chest tighten and his throat close as he felt The Corinthian’s breath against his face. “Maybe this will help.” Before Skylar could reply there were two soft, rough lips pressing into his. One hand was on his thigh whilst the other reached for his hair, tangling his long fingers in his untidy blonde hair. Eventually, the Corinthian let go, but not before sucking on Skylar’s bottom lip and gently biting the skin. All Skylar could do was stare and sway slightly, disorientated and desperate to be kissed again. His surrounding were blurred and distant, was it the alcohol or his companion?
“D-do you want to come to the- to my- my bedroom?” Skylar gasped, he felt the Corinthian’s hands trail up his thigh and grope at his crotch. His dark blue eyes darkened with lust and he almost felt his body curl in on itself in desperation.
“Are you sure? Don’t you remember what I said earlier?” The Corinthian said, Skylar giggled and his grin didn’t waver. The Corinthian’s face was a little too serious even though he still had that charming smile.
“Absolutely,” Skylar said, leaning in for another kiss.
“Don’t say that I didn’t warn you,” The Corinthian said, his lips less than an inch from Skylar’s.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Accepted | F.H
Paring: Five Hargreeves X Wife!Reader
Summary: Five craves nothing more than to be accepted and loved by his siblings. That doesn’t appear to happen when he time travels back to 2019 after disappearing for seventeen years.
Five had never seen anyone so beautiful before. Even in the apocalypse, she was gorgeous. He knew it wasn’t because they were the only ones left either. She had his heart from the moment they accidentally ended up in the apocalypse together.
Y/n was a normal girl, an ordinary girl. She had no powers, completely powerless. It just so happens she was walking down the sidewalk and brushed shoulders with Five, which brought her with him.
He couldn’t be mad at her. It wasn’t her fault that they had brushed shoulders. He should’ve been more careful. Y/n was a shy and skittish girl. Not very talkative. It took her a week to use her voice after being thrown into the end of the world.
Despite Five’s commonly inpatient nature, he was extremely patient with her. She was all he had now, and he felt completely comfortable with her. It took a year for her to open up to him, to trust him finally.
She told him all about school and what it was like while Five listened intently. He loved listening to her talk about normal kid activities, things he never got to participate in. Y/n promised him once they got back to save the world, no matter how old, they’d do those things together.
The girl had a certain aura around her that just made him smile. After five years, they were inseparable. Five couldn’t imagine life without her. He couldn’t fathom how he lived without her. He could tell her anything and didn’t fear of being judged.
He had been strong for so long, but not he didn’t have to be anymore. He could let loose and be himself, whether it was being playful, cheerful, upset, or angry. He could be him, and that’s all that mattered to him.
At the age of twenty, they decided to date, knowing it’d be a risk but a risk well taken because Five proposed at the age of twenty-five. Obviously, getting married wasn’t really an option. Nevertheless, he always thought of her as Y/n Hargreeves. His pride and joy.
At the age of forty-one, they were both taken into the commission– a job they both loathed. However, in order to get back to their time, it had to be done. Every night after a mission or a long day, Five would snuggle up Y/n’s chest and sob.
It became a daily routine for the next four and a half years. Every night Five would cry. He missed everything and hated everything. He regretted not listening. He hated the killing. He missed his siblings. Y/n would sit and listen while rubbing his back.
She thought for sure that his siblings missed him. Oh, how wrong she was. She found that out when they returned back to their timeline. Both lovers had fallen to the ground back in their thirteen-year-old bodies.
“ Does anyone else see Little Number Five and a little girl, or is that just me? “ A male queried as five people peered at the two.
Y/n and Five both got up from the ground looking down at their attire. Their clothes were ten times too big for them now. Five appeared to look just as young as he did forty-five years ago, and so did Y/n. Five couldn’t help but smile at her gorgeous appearance that he hadn’t seen in years. She was beautiful at all ages, but he was particularly fond of her teenage form, as was she of him.
“ Shit. “ Five muttered as he walked past them, and Y/n followed.
Five led her into the Hargreeves manor. It was a huge house, one that consisted of too many bedrooms and bathrooms for one person. He held her hand tight, and he stood at the end of the table. At the same time, his siblings piled around the table.
“ What’s the date? The exact date. “ Five’s voice was stern as he began making food, “ The 24th. “ A brunette female responded.
“ Of what? “ Five asked, annoyed, “ March. “ She replied again.
“ Good. “ Five said, opening the loaf of bread.
“ Are you gonna introduce us to your lady friend? “ The male from earlier questioned, and Y/n took refuge behind Five.
Five sighed as he pulled her next to him, letting his arm rest upon her waist, “ This, is Y/n Hargreeves. “
“ Hargreeves? Is she dad’s biological child, or was there another child we didn’t know about? “ The big male quizzed, and Five smirked, looking up at his siblings, “ Or perhaps the most obvious conclusion, but you guys aren’t smart enough to see what’s right in front of you. “ Five insulted, which made Y/n lightly hit him.
“ She’s my wife. “ The boy summarized, kissing her cheek, “ Wife?! You guys are thirteen. “ A woman in a blue shirt interjected.
“ Ignore that. What just happened outside? “ A large male queried as Five continued to make his food, “ It’s been 17 years. “
Five scoffed, “ It’s been a lot longer than that. “
Gently Five removed his arm from Y/n’s waist, and spatial jumped behind Luther to grab something. Y/n was hesitant but took a seat on the counter as her husband's siblings stared her down
“ I haven’t missed that. “ The big male murmured, “ Where’d you go? “ Questioned a male in all black.
“ The future. It’s shit, by the way. “ Five replied as he spatial jumped from getting his marshmallows and back to the front of the table, “ Called it! “ The skinny male exclaimed
“ I should’ve listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing. “ The teen began as he looks through the fridge, “ Jumping through time is a toss of the dice. “
The boy looked up from what he was doing and took his sibling's appearances in, the ones he missed dearly but saw all dead. If you were Y/n, you could see his green eyes glass over. But if you were the Hargreeves siblings, you saw a heartless and cold teenage boy.
“ Nice dress. “ He complimented, “ Oh, well, danke! “ The skinny male exclaimed.
“ Wait, how did you get back? “ Asked the anxious brunette, “ In the end, I had to project our consciousnesses forward into a suspended quantum state version of ourselves that exists across every possible instance of time. “ Five answered.
“ That makes no sense. “ Blurted the black-wearing male, “ Well, it would if you were smarter. “ Five smirked.
“ Five, stop. They’re trying to understand. You probably sound insane. “ Y/n spoke up for the first time since coming back, “ Oh, I like her. “ The skinny male chuckled.
“ I’m Klaus. “ He introduced, “ Pleasure. “ Y/n greeted with a smile.
The strong male looked baffled, “ How long were you two there? “
Y/n sighed, “ Forty-Five years. Give or take. “ Five answered, “ So what are you saying? That you two are 58? “ He questioned again.
“ Our consciences are 58, apparently our bodies are 13 again. “ The teen boy answered, “ Wait, how does that even work? “ Questioned the brunette again.
“ He got the equations wrong. Meaning his math was off, bringing us back into the same bodies we left in. “ Y/n softly explained as Five ate his food.
“ Guess I missed the funeral. “ Five said as he picked up a newspaper on the table, “ How’d you even know about that? “ Asked the large male.
“ What part of the future do you not understand? “ Five barked, “ Heart failure, huh? “
“ Yeah/No. “ Contradicting answers.
“ Nice to see nothings changed. “ Five said, clicking his tongue, walking away.
“ Uh, that’s it? That’s all you have to say? “ Questioned the curly-haired woman asked the boy who was walking away.
“ What else is there to say? It’s the circle of life. “ Five said now out of the room and into the rest of the mansion.
“ Well, that was interesting. “ The big male concluded.
Y/n sighed, “ I’m sorry for him. The past few years for him haven’t been the greatest. Just know he cares about you guys. “
“ I’m Vanya. “ Smiled the anxious brunette, “ And that’s Allison, Luther, and Diego. Klaus interjected earlier. “ Vanya introduced, pointing at each member.
“ Nice to meet you all. I’m going to go find Five. “ Y/n smiled as she walked away.
It took a couple of minutes, but she eventually found what seemed to be like their bedrooms. Only one door was shut, so she knocked hesitantly on it. Sniffles were heard on the other side.
“ Five, it’s me. “ Her voice was serene and quiet, “ Come in. “ His voice was muffled through the door.
Her hand turned the door handle, and she walked inside. Gently she shut the bedroom door and locked it, knowing he hated people seeing him vulnerable. Y/n turned to see him sitting on his bed with his elbows resting on his knees, hands on his face crying.
She knelt in front of him, taking his hands into her own, “ They don’t care. “ Were the first words muttered from his mouth, “ They do care. They’re just confused. “ Y/n replied.
He shook his head and sat on the floor in her embrace, sobbing, “ It’s going to be okay, Five. I’m right here. I’ll always be right here. “ Y/n reassured as she ran her hands through his hair.
She felt a gentle kiss being laid on her shoulder, knowing it was his way of acknowledging what she said. After minutes passed, he had stopped crying and instead fell asleep, right in his lover's arms where he was always accepted.
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sunsets for somebody else
Daphne runs into her long lost husband arguing with another man in the grocery store. Things start to take a turn when she realizes they're married.
The bottle of bleach drops from Daphne’s hand into her cart, landing with a sloshing thud as she takes in the scene in front of her, frozen in her tracks. Emmanuel is standing right in front of her, arguing with another man about cleaning supplies.
Wearing a beige trench coat for some inexplicable reason—it’s almost 90 degrees outside—Emmanuel listens to a man who’s explaining in minute detail how to clean an oven. They’re both wearing wedding rings, and Daphne’s heart swells for a moment before she realizes it’s a different ring from the one she gave Emmanuel all those years ago.
“Dean, I don’t think this is safe for Jack. This is going to create noxious fumes,” Emmanuel says, squinting at the ingredients of the cleaner apparently-Dean had thrust at him.
Dean pinches the bridge of his nose, and Daphne squeezes the handle of her shopping cart harder, feeling faint. It’s not every day you come across your long lost husband at the Stop N’ Shop.
“I think the kid can take some fumes,” Dean says, plucking the bottle out of Emmanuel’s hands and putting it in the cart. “We wouldn’t even have to worry about this if someone didn’t let the pizza fall onto the bottom of the oven.”
“The directions said to put it directly on the middle rack!” Emmanuel protests, and Dean rubs a hand down Emmanuel’s back in a familiar way that makes Daphne’s stomach roil.
She’s not jealous, she’s not. She was just helping Emmanuel when she found him, after all. Their marriage was simply one of…convenience for Emmanuel. It’s not like he had a birth certificate with him, or a social security number. What did Daphne get out of all this? Well. Daphne looks at his cheek bones wistfully, her gaze dipping down to his strong forearms his trench coat is rolled up to reveal.
Dean rolls his eyes fondly, and then he tugs Emmanuel into his side, kissing him on the temple. Daphne jerks her stare away for a moment before returning it, noticing now that their wedding rings match.
“Emmanuel?” she chokes out, against her better judgment.
For a long second, she doesn’t think Emmanuel heard her, but he turns around. “Daphne?”
Daphne nods, her words forsaking her. She doesn’t miss the way Dean clutches possessively at Emmanuel’s hip.
“I…thought you were dead,” she finally says. “I filed a missing person report.”
Dean squints at her, before something like recognition passes over her face, and now that she thinks about it, Daphne recognizes him, too. He’s the one who showed up right before everything went to shit. Horror stories of Stockholm syndrome flash through her mind.
“Emmanuel, are you…happy?” she settles on.
Emmanuel gives her a smile, leaning harder into Dean. “I am.”
“Good. That’s. Good,” she says, a strangled look on her face, she’s sure. “Would you want to catch up some time?” she asks before she fully registers what’s coming out of her mouth.
Emmanuel gives her a warm smile. “I’d love that.”
As they set up a time to get coffee, Daphne tries to ignore the glare Dean levels at her throughout the whole conversation. He insists that their meeting be tomorrow, since apparently they won’t be in the area for long. Daphne tries to ignore the warning bells in her mind that tell her she’s about to get murdered and takes solace in the fact that at least they’re meeting in a public place.
Besides, even if Emmanuel’s husband is a serial killer, surely Emmanuel won’t let him murder her, right?
The next day, Daphne hems and haws as she debates what to wear. Whatever this is, it’s the exact opposite of a date, anyway. She knocks on the door of her foster child, Alex, to wake them up before she goes into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup. Really, she’s just doing it for herself. She’s allowed to want to look nice!
When she finally deems herself as ready as she’s going to get, she goes back to Alex’s room to make sure they’re actually up. To her pleasant surprise, they’re sitting on the edge of their bed putting on their socks and almost ready. “Excited for school today?” she asks.
Alex makes a face at her. “Never,” they say, but their voice at least has the edge of a smile to it.
They’ve come a long way since they were first placed with her, and even though Daphne knows she shouldn’t be getting overly attached, she can’t help it. She walks down the steps and into the kitchen, deliberating for a moment on breakfast before putting frozen waffles into the toaster. If she’s about to get murdered while Alex is at school, she can at least make sure the last thing she made for them wasn’t cereal.
Alex tromps down the steps, dragging their bookbag behind them, and Daphne hides her smile behind her glass of orange juice. Alex lights up at the sight of the waffles, disturbingly easy to please, as always. They inhale them, as teenagers do, before putting their dishes in the sink. Daphne cracks open her laptop as they wait for the bus, attempting to get some of her work done for the day since she’ll be taking a break later for the coffee. She really hopes her boss doesn’t try and call her while she’s out.
Or, maybe she does. She’s not sure she’s prepared for the level of awkwardness that she’s about to go through, but maybe it won’t be as bad as she thinks. She really wants to know what Emmanuel has been up to for all of this time. She’s still…embarrassingly hung up on him, and it would be nice to get some closure.
The bus pulling up in front of the house jerks her out of her thoughts, and she gives Alex a wave before they race off to get on. She watches them settle into a seat with one of their friends, and smiles at the fact that they even have friends now.
In the end, Daphne doesn’t manage to get much work done before she clambers into her car and drives to the coffee shop they agreed on. She doesn’t really think she needs caffeine with the way her leg is bouncing already.
Emmanuel and Dean are already there when she walks in, Emmanuel with a cup of black coffee he’s dumping sugar packets into and Dean with something with whipped cream and chocolate syrup drizzled on top. She gives them a tentative wave before ordering hot chocolate for herself, settling herself delicately in the seat across from them.
“So,” Dean says. “You were Cas’s wife?”
She squints. “Cas?”
Emmanuel speaks up. “After I regained my memories, I remembered that was my name.”
“Oh.” Smiling weakly, she tries to reconcile that. “You have them all back now?”
Emman—Cas nods.
“Just forgot about me, though?” she tries to ask lightly, but it comes out a little garbled.
“You took advantage of him!” Dean explodes from the other side of the table, making Daphne flinch. “Who the fuck finds someone naked with no memories and marries them?”
“Dean,” Cas chastises, his arm shifting like he’s putting his hand on Dean’s thigh under the table.
“I was helping him,” Daphne says hotly. “Would you have just wanted me to leave him there?”
Cutting Dean off before he can say anything else, Cas looks at Daphne and smiles in a way that makes her heart flutter. “I’m very grateful. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I’m sorry I didn’t reach out to let you know I was alright.”
Dean crosses his arms over his chest and leans back in his chair, taking a sip of his sugar monstrosity. He comes away with a whipped cream mustache, and it’s hard not to laugh as he wipes it away in total seriousness.
“So,” Daphne says. “You two have a kid? Jack?”
Scowling, which seems to be Dean’s automatic reflex, he exchanges a glance with Cas before softening. “Yeah, we have a kid. He’s four.”
Daphne thinks maybe Dean should have been a little bit more concerned about the fumes of cleaning chemicals if they have a four year old, but she keeps her judgments to herself. Cas beams. “He’s very bright.”
Returning the smile tentatively, Daphne asks, “How long have you two been married?”
“It’s almost our one year anniversary,” Dean says gruffly.
Daphne tries not to let it affect her, even if that’s more time than she ever got with Cas. “Practically newly weds, then!”
“It’s been an adventure; that’s certain,” Cas says, smiling serenely even as Dean elbows his ribs. “Tell us about you, Daphne. What have you been doing?”
Daphne shrugs a shoulder. “Oh, not too much.” Mourning the man I pulled out of the woods and saved and married, she doesn’t say. She knows Emmanuel never felt the same way about her that she did him. “I got approved to be a foster parent, so I’ve had a few kids come through.”
“Helping people has always been your calling,” Cas says softly.
Daphne takes a few minutes to gush about Alex, and her previous kids before them, before she notices Dean’s not actively glaring at her anymore.
“That’s…nice,” he begrudges when she finishes.
“What do you do, Dean?”
Looking like he just dropped something on his foot, he stammers before he hastily says, “I work construction.”
Daphne squints at him. She has the feeling he’s lying to her, but she has no idea why he would be.
“And what about you, Cas?”
“Oh, I mostly just take care of Jack.”
“You’re a stay at home dad?” she asks, the thought making her stomach twist into knots and heat rise to her face.
“Of a sorts,” Cas agrees.
God, they’re making it impossible to carry on a conversation with them. Daphne keeps a smile pasted to her face. “What do you two do for fun?”
“I’m convinced Dean thinks fun is superfluous,” Cas confides, even as Dean splutters at him. “But I like to drag him to thrift stores with me. Dean likes to bake, also.”
“I work on cars, too,” Dean says, and Daphne can feel his desperation to maintain his facade.
She tries not to quirk a smile at his discomfort. They chat for a while longer, Dean getting increasingly dodgy about the questions she asks before she finally excuses herself to go to the bathroom. She shuts the door behind her and looks down at the dank floor. Is she getting what she wanted out of this? She has no idea what she even imagined happening when she asked to catch up. Emmanuel running away with her? Maybe in her wildest fantasies. Taking a deep breath to ground herself, she looks in the mirror and checks her makeup, rubbing at her under eye circles before walking back out of the bathroom.
Cas is at the counter ordering another drink, for Dean, by the sound of the sugar content, and she walks over to him. Hesitating before she bites the bullet, she asks, “You’re not…like, being held against your will, right? That Dean seems,” she pauses, “interesting.”
Cas laughs warmly, putting a hand over Daphne’s. “No, nothing like that. This is a choice of my own free will, believe it or not. Dean is much more caring than he lets on.”
Well, Daphne’s not sure she believes it, but. At least he’s happy, and in the end, that’s all she’s ever wanted for him.
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